Quotes on the topic “Smoke. Statuses about cigarettes Tobacco delays the growth of smoking youth

There are many stories about the origin of the hookah.It is known that he appeared in India. The first hookah was quite primitive: it was made from coconut shells. At that time, a hookah was a necessary part of a dinner party, and an offer to smoke was a sign of trust. Moreover, refusing a hookah meal was considered a serious insult. The hookahRussia team tried to find out what you didn't already know about the hookah.

Fact 1

Although the hookah is generally considered a traditional smoking device of India, Turkey and Egypt, most of the devices are made in China. It should be noted that Chinese manufacturers are in good competition with hookahs from America and Germany.

Fact 2

Hindus combined hashish with medicinal herbs and smoked the resulting content as an anesthetic.

Fact 3

The word “h oqqa” - hookah, according to the Pakistani dictionary means a pot in which oriental women kept their jewelry and incense.

Fact 4

In the caves of Ethiopia, scientists have found balls of clay, in which the remains of ash from hashish have been preserved. After conducting research, experts determined the approximate date of their appearance - the XIV century.

Fact 5

The most expensive hookah in the world costs 60 thousand dollars!

This was the price of the Desvall hookah made of ceramics and precious metals. The Swedish brand offers several product options at once: in gold, in chrome, with leather inserts, handmade glass, Swarovski stones.

Fact 6

The largest hookah is located in the USA, California.

More precisely, in Los Angeles at the Hollywood Hookah lounge bar. Its height reaches 5 meters, and its width is more than a meter!

Hollywood Hookah Lounge in Los Angeles

the biggest hookah

Fact 7

Because of the time required to smoke a bowl of hookah, in the 19th century, hookah smoking was mainly done by women. The men smoked cigarettes.

Fact 8

Hookahs are called differently. For example, in North America - "water pipe". In the Middle East - Shisha or Ardzhela. In South Africa they are known as Hubble Bubbly or Okka pipes. In the Maldives - Gudugudaa, and in Albania - Lulu or Lulavu.

Fact 9

Double Apple and Mint are two of the most popular shisha tobacco flavors in the world.

Fact 10

People are divided into three social groups: the poor, the middle class and the rich. In the old days, hookah tobaccos with fruit molasses (m`asel) were available only to the rich. Middle-class people could only afford plain black tobacco (jurak).

On a note:

The word "hookah" is used only in the CIS countries and Russia. It is borrowed from Pakistani and literally translates to "seething". In English, the hookah is called Hookah, in Turkish - Nargile. The Egyptians call the hookah Shisha.

When fatigue is forgotten
You lock yourself in your
Silent world, you don't know
That not one already - together.

Still do not see the face clearly
You still can't make out
But inhaling the passionate aroma
Consciousness reaches out to dream.

Smoke rings and gossip
Draw images and dreams
Where there is no anxiety, no excitement,
And only he and only you.

And you almost know each other
Like the taste of ripe wine
And silent languor
Each other gives you in full
Now remember everything as a moment!
What was it? As then
Pleasure was born in the smoke
And how did it all go and where?

And like an unknown force
We were pulled by two coals.
Love may have come
Under the whisper of sweet haze?

Maybe a dream, maybe true
That evening the dream came to life
And the hookah smoke with a kiss
Love caressed my lips

Tell me my friend... Have you seen how

In a clay hookah bud

Cherry melts tobacco

Smokes young and spicy

From the heat of ardent coals,

His embracing - so close

As in the night on the bed it's getting tighter

Closes the hips of an odalisque

On the loins of the young pasha;

And he, answering her passion,

All feelings are tender souls,

Love - in a hurry to give everything to her ...

So that everything, like smoke, dispelled by the wind? ..

But now, having passed the crucible of pipes

And passing fires and waters,

He became, touching any lips,

Free, smart and cold;

They saved the aroma -

Like a knife hiding in a sheath;

He is the delight of the Garden of Eden

And - death for the careless ...

Inhaling the smoke, look into the fire,

Where are you and I for edification

About something ghostly flicker

Fiery Ifrit broadcasts ...

And draw wisdom in contemplation.

© Alexander Babarykin, 2004

The smoke from the hookah flies into the sky,

And comes back to us.

Next to the moon, he hung the stars.

And rode the waves.

The east wind breaks with a viola.

The moon is hiding somewhere.

Rain pours black asphalt

In a tart glass of wine.

Often breathing is out of rhythm.

Gently intoxicates the hookah

And it turned out to be an open heart

Star written novel.

The shadow half-gaze invites me,

A daring scatter of eyebrows,

We fly away and sees us off,

Pair of night pigeons.

© Evgeny Kryukov, 2007

Smoke a hookah in a spacious hall.
In Persian silk to drown forever.
To understand the space hidden milkiness,
like shoots of large golden seeds.
Forget all nonsense and fuss in thoughtlessness,
that people so gracefully offered.
Understand the carelessness of snow-white lilies
in an old lulled pond...

Arabic songs are endless sound.
Do not pacify the dancing echo
and a drop of unpredictable laughter
so carefully slips out of your hands.
And descending into world peace,
the caliph will fill time with dreams for an hour,
and the Muslim month over the houses
the night will calm with poppy dew.

© Babchuk Vitaliy, 2009

The illusion of freedom and peace -
Four walls, pipe and tobacco.
Neighbors may think, "What is it?
Has it bent over? Did you hit it in any way? -
Four days without getting out in the apartment.

I see no cars, no faces of people;
In my beautiful smoky peaceful world
Mushrooms of awakened ideas are growing.

I think about what will happen to us.
I sweep away the shadows of vanity,
To see the threads of Fate in me,
And Rock behind the smoke you didn't notice.

Nadezhda Borodina, 2011

Just think about it, religion was able to convince people that there is an invisible man who lives in heaven, and watches what you do every day, every minute And the invisible man has a list of ten things that he did not want you to ever - either did! And if you do even one of these ten things, he has a special place.. full of fire, smoke, heat, suffering, pain, where he will send you.. to make you suffer! Burned! Choking! Shouted! And they cried! Forever and ever, until the end of time! . But he loves you!

I ask you not to disturb me
You are already a big boy.
There would be no smoke - if there were no fire,
Let everything end well

Without tantrums, reproaches, pity,
No disturbing night calls.
Well, feel me, please!
After all, there are not enough words,

Explain to you how sincere I am
Show you depth!
I can't be the only one for you
Everyone said your eyes

I don't have the courage
Ephemeral thread cutting
I ask you: do it yourself.
I'm afraid to love you

Soon there will be trees in hoarfrost,
It is unlikely that the winter will be gentle.
I beg you: let me go!
If you don't need me.

The boys left - overcoats on their shoulders,
The boys left - bravely sang songs,
The boys retreated on the dusty steppes,
The boys were dying, where - they themselves did not know

The boys ended up in terrible barracks,
Fierce dogs chased the boys,
The boys were killed for escaping on the spot.
The boys did not sell conscience and honor

The boys did not want to succumb to fear,
The boys rose on the whistle to attack,
In the black smoke of battles, not sloping armor,
The boys were leaving, squeezing their machine guns.

The boys have seen - brave soldiers -
Volga - at 41, Spree - at 45,
The boys showed for four years,
Who are the boys of our people.

Teach me to smoke nervously and aristocratically, squinting and breaking the curves of my fingers on leather armchairs and sofas, confuse silk curtains with smoke, and perhaps I can beautifully confess my love to you, in verses and insanely beautiful words, without spelling errors, but for now - thank you, but i want to fuck you right here on the floor

The devil has May holidays.
She locked her heart.
And feelings splits into molecules
And smokes thin sobranie and vogue.

And the devil seems to have found another lady
Nature, her mother is here no matter how you twist it
And again, as in a poem, about Tanechka:
The boy swam away - not to catch and not to save.

And the devil exhales smoke rings,
And adds some ice to the gin
And in the trash - confessions with hearts,
She's fed up with fairy tales

She-devil has May depression
And sweet tangerine does not save
And the devil? -To hell! Devil - demo - version.
She didn't like the blond cretin.

Wish me a good night.
No, you don't need to write anything
Behind the pattern of beautiful lines
We won't be with you.

And you don't need to like this without seeing
Dissolved in the monitor window,
In drug evil euphoria,
To nowhere, to no one, all the way.

Or over the shoulder, by chance,
Drinking tobacco smoke
Half sweet, half sad
But again, inevitably - by.

And you don't have to put on your jacket
And scratching the door with the keys,
Catching up with your minibus
Chariot to one loss.

Better secretly, intimately, silently,
Intoxicated with a happy look,
Wish me a good night
Falling asleep next to me.

He sat down next to her (he got a little bolder from the wine):
“Ah, tell me, why are you still alone?
You are sweet, interesting and not worse than others!
Where is your prince, princess? I know there are many

Who would consider it an honor - for you to hell and heaven;
And the merits - do not count, and tenderness - over the edge.
They wave their hands, shout to you: “Notice me!”
Why don't you share their fire?

You are as beautiful as a statue, but with marble beauty.
Barricades were built: “Don't come near! Don't touch!"
I understand that being a loner is quite to your liking,
But in your eyes, snowy, fire also burns!

Smoke menthol languidly blowing through thin fingers,
She answered singsongly, as if reading a verse:
“The fact is that only good boys fell in love with me.
Well, and I, my dear, only in bad ones.

It seemed the smoke of past events
disperse ... I will touch the door
and light will pour into my abode
on a holiday of boredom and loss.

loss? Just one loss.
You are just a fury, fire!
But I love you and do not believe
that you only touch the vixen.

You are a victim of feelings and you can hardly
wish you in the heat of war
so mercifully betrayed,
how ruthlessly gentle you are.

Oh, if our battles were silent
and the two of us ... but it hurts the eye
like an abusive noise in the midst of prayer
tear... and I pray for you.

It seemed the smoke of past events
no longer touches the eyes,
I would swim in my orbit ...
Why do I think about you?

Don't know. I just can't sleep
and the door to the past is open,
shuffled that cards, faces ...
Here you are at the feast of losses.

Giving herself to the planid
and in that ruthlessly gentle ...
Why hate each other
Are we doomed to love?

Oh, if our battles were silent,
but we are enemies and hurt the eye,
like an abusive noise in the midst of prayer,
tear and I pray for you.

What do we know about smoke?
Disperse system
From very small suspended particles.
He could be simple
But his whole problem
In the insane arbitrariness of borders.

Someone loves smoke
Fatherland and sweet
Someone likes the smoke from cigarettes,
And I sin others
Which is like a gift
And hovering over the barbecue for hundreds of years.

Not just smoke, but spirit -
Thick and aromatic
Cherry branches, solar vines,
When the fire went out
And stains glow in the coals.
Barbecue basics are known to all.

oozing fat,
Spices hitting the nose.
Everyone dreams - we'll sit nicely.
Running to the stall
You are right multiple times.
There must be a place for earthly joys.

Tobacco smoke…
Shoots at my temple
Former dreams.
Do something else
Chain mail does not give fate ... Weakness
I'm flooded with memories.
Oh, their damn nasty slush
Could give dreams and rouge!
Good spring gives me sparingly,
And her heart is left to blather like a toad!
Dreams all gathered in it, as in a dome ...
The soul is broken.
All that's left is the frame...
Your face has long been unexpected -
How tired of spicy seasoning!
I brew a potion for spring in a vat ...
Spring will pass, summer will come,
Former thoughts are almost gone...
A thoughtful autumn will come,
The affairs of the naughty will be abandoned ...
But so - only until spring ...

I like a cigarette on an empty stomach
To knock her off her feet,
Take a drag, toss a coin
And find out what fate wants.

Is it from dope, from the answer,
Start like a drunken speech
Tell, so that the poems of the poet,
How could I not save you?

To tremble through the body,
And a little prick in the chest,
Like black on a white wall
All the pain poured out from within.

All the words that were once silent
I try to write in poetry
So that later they read with the soul,
To convey feelings to you.

And it doesn't matter if you recognize the lines.
Yes, and the meaning is not to be found in them,
You can see our different roads
And there is no way to get away from them.

The leaves are flying. Brutal autumn.
Already in the past, cheerful laughter
Sometimes remembering ask:
-Is it going to snow?

Dance of white snowflakes in the sky
There is a snowdrift on your eyelashes,
The green light will put out the non-existence,
Laugh to the fullest.

In the past there will be a smile
And in response I will never say:
-I am getting married! unreality unsteady,
And not those years now ...

Hunting to smoke - ears swell. Thoughts swirl randomly in my head. Hands rummage through the parent's pockets in search of a cigarette or a cigarette butt.

Verna is a cigarette friend that poisons the atmosphere and causes a buzz.

Again I smoke, worrying, a cigarette. I look forward to good news in the cycle of everyday life.

On the sloping roof of a skyscraper, it is romantic to meet the dawn with a cigarette in your hand, enjoying the music, drinking fragrant coffee.

Best Status:
We try to fill the inner void with tobacco smoke, replenishing nicotine reserves, from time to time, smoking.

Cigarettes are instantly addictive. I tried nicotine and didn't feel any further cravings. I smoke occasionally - a couple of times a day. There is no habit. There is also no withdrawal. Borderline, probably.

If I stop drinking, I will save my liver, I will give up cigarettes, I will renew my lungs with oxygen, I will stop falling in love, I will save my nerves from overexertion. A righteous life will lead to a hospital bed.

Mom, I'll stay online - I'll pick up cigarettes. Do you smoke? Only when in jail! My heart began to flutter. Mom, there is a popular game on the Internet! Your technology will drive me to my grave!

My tender, quivering lips endure the gentle touch of only fragrant cigarettes.

An irresistible desire to put on a drape coat, to tie a fluffy mohair scarf around the neck. Sit on the shores of the Adriatic Sea, smoke a cigarette, washing down the tart aroma with an enveloping martini. The sea wind will develop hair, and thoughts will fly into space.

Only Russian boys and girls can smoke Parlament and Kent during the crisis, and light with matches.

You start smoking to prove that you are a man. Then you try to quit smoking to prove that you are a man ...

Now so much is written about the dangers of smoking that I firmly decided to stop reading.

I wrote your name on a cigarette, lit it to smoke and forget you, but ... I realized that I was breathing you ...

You start smoking to prove that you are a man. Then you try to quit smoking to prove you're a man

Cigarette and coffee, like painkillers. Soothing, but harmful to health.

Smoking is dangerous for people with equine health.

... Bunnies in a tram, a toad on a broomstick ... It seems to me that Chukovsky "sat" on hemp!

Personally, I don't smoke. Katya is 5 years old.

Be honest, do you smoke? Or at least have been? 🙂

A cigarette is a fickford cord with a light on one side and a fool on the other.

Cigarettes are the best pain reliever. Together with the smoke you exhale sadness ...

Mom asks “Daughter, do you smoke???” I “No, mom ... Well, your son definitely smokes ... I think that my cigarettes are disappearing from the pack” mom is shocked)))

Girls! Quit smoking! A cigarette does not make a girl beautiful!

I would even quit smoking so that my right hand is free for yours.

Schoolgirl, you know! Adults smoke not because they can, but because they started at your age.

I want to write something like *I love you* but remembering you, only one *for*b*l* comes to mind and I want to smoke, smoke a lot ...

Coffee is bad for the heart, cigarettes can cause lung cancer, alcohol depresses the liver. It would be great, really cool, if with one craving you would have cancer, with one drink of a cocktail you would die of cirrhosis in a couple of days. It was then that everyone would truly appreciate their life and health. In the meantime .. all this is impossible. I'll go smoke.

After all, it’s only with us, after the phrase “hello”, they say “give me a cigarette”.

A woman is like a cigarette, some advise you to quit, others ask you to inhale ...

If a woman quit smoking for the sake of a man, then she will never quit this man.

Silly! I smoke not for your evil! I just want you to stop me...

The ashes will smolder to the end. Cigarette smoke will disappear. The cigarette butt will fall on the wet asphalt. Only the thought of you is forever in my heart.

I wrote your name on a cigarette, not to smoke and quit... but just to breathe you.

Lighting another cigarette, drinking a glass of alcohol and turning on sad music. She continued to enjoy life ...

The last ray of light went out. The evening slipped away like slime. One friend is a cigarette, and you poison my life!

Comrade hashish, my grandmother is coming today, could you let me go an hour earlier?

If you think that smoking won't affect your girlfriend's voice, try brushing the ashes on the carpet.

Why does everyone start to be stupid at the very moment when I'm stoned ??

It's so fashionable now, beautiful girls smoke strong cigarettes and love weak boys

I give up drinking, smoking and swearing. I become an ideal ... but not for you.

Time does not heal, it only heals whiskey sitting by the window, a cigarette, hugs not with a loved one, walking down the street alone, and fashionable big glasses that after all that hide bruises under the eyes ...

Quitting smoking is not difficult...I personally have done it hundreds of times...

Do not smoke while riding a horse, just 1 gram of nicotine and you will go on foot!

“Now smoke and come back” updated 32 days ago! Think...maybe smoking really kills!

Everyone says that kissing a smoking girl, that licking an ashtray, but what's wrong with a smoking guy???

A cigarette is like a fickford cord with a light on one end and a fool on the other.

If you smoke a lot, you can completely burn your soul.

I began to suspect that I would not pass the exam when the teacher took my permission to retake, rolled up a bag from it and began to flick the ashes of his cigarette into it.

cigarette after cigarette ... liqueur after liqueur ... day after day ... the heart will become and it will all stop ... there is not much left ... just a drop ...

So, tomorrow, no matter what happens, in no case do not smoke!

I was so afraid of this moment when cigarettes will replace my lollipop.

Cigarettes, dearer than any ideals, when you were abandoned or betrayed ...

There was a cigarette butt, there was a kid became a jerk!

I'm smoking my last cigarette, but your call is still missing..

Help Desk Call: Help! my friend got high, got into the washing machine and left!!!

You are like a cigarette to me. I want to take it, I don’t want to take it, I smoke it to the end, and I throw it away. And you can also trample your foot on top so that the bitch does not smoke ...

Now the phrase “let me come into contact” sounds more often than “let me smoke”!

“He firmly believed that the serpent slipped Eve not an apple, but a glass of beer and a cigarette.” Stephen King. Smokers.

I owe my health and longevity to the fact that I never touched a cigarette, a glass, or a woman until I was ten.

You know ... my dream is to sit in your arms ... snow flakes outside the window ... Paris at night ... a cup of coffee and nicotine ...

A stoned atmosphere has the most favorable effect on improvisation.

and thoughts about him ... and I don’t want to live ... a cigarette in my hand ... I love ... but I’m silent ...

Sometimes from home to the subway - one favorite song, the most delicious cigarette and one smile that cannot leave your face, and from the subway to the house - just so as not to cry ...

Who are the people who want the status “smoking” to appear in infium queep?

Not worth it. While smoking, think about where to put the accent.

Strange, I thought you would be my companion. hmm .. Surprised .. SHE became my companion - a cigarette .. (((

I'm alone again! Smoking again, mom, again! And in response, silence, taken as a basis!

Audio drugs, electronic cigarettes… Looking forward to e-vodka.

Remember how before? just a little. cry to your mom and everything is fine. what now? just a little ... you smoke, drink and not * u not great ...

This morning I quit smoking… In the evening I realized that I didn’t finish smoking…

first cigarette… hair smelling of smoke… I thought like an adult, now I’m thinking how to quit…

I do not smoke! I just hold it so that it doesn’t fall, and I pull so that it doesn’t go out!

Every evening I breathe fresh cigarettes

The first kills morally, and the second physically. Choose!

I hurt myself with you ... believe me, it's much worse than smoking

I smoke once, I smoke twice, the cigarette doesn't smoke. I have one dream, that you would stop dreaming of me ...

it hurts... empty... lonely... and terribly want to smoke...

I want the honest taste of cigarettes to remain in my mouth. Your look is very dear to me. Your color is very important to me.

I bought an electronic cigarette, now I look like a robot, armed to the teeth with all sorts of fancy gadgets and other equipment, can I go on a diet and forget about biological reproduction?

She stands on the balcony and smokes apple-flavored cigarettes, disgusting to the point of nausea and tears. And you write that you won't live to see the evening.

- You promised not to smoke. - And you promised to love ...

I quit smoking. And drink. And in general, I start a new life. Let's smoke and let's get started.

My head is empty, but a cigarette is in my mouth.

I smoke again, and there is silence everywhere, I don’t need life without you, a night city, waiting for me without you ...

You know Dem, like SUDDENLY? That's what happened to me when I found out in the morning that the cigarettes had run out ...

Victor monitors his health, so for cigarettes and beer he moves exclusively by walking.

Why does each of your new contact status cost me half a pack of smoke in my lungs?

psychos are much more harmful than cigarettes ...

Instead of coffee - cognac, instead of chocolate - a cigarette. I keep killing myself with you.

A diary with thoughts, business cards, pictures, matches, Marlboro is light, a bad habit ...

There was such a strong wind that the cigarettes were turned out along with the teeth ...

Love is like a cigarette - na4al - you won't quit, but without it you'll break.

Boys do not Cry. they go out to smoke on the stairs.

Learn to be happy without alcohol, dream without drugs, communicate without the Internet, and be nervous without a cigarette.

Everyone believes that a cigarette poisons life and health, and no one says that it helps to calm down ... those who smoke will understand me, take a puff, look at a smoldering ember and understand that everything is still not so bad!

One cigarette for a couple of minutes, again I can't sleep without you.