Genferon suppositories for cytomegalovirus infection. How to treat cytomegalovirus infection

60000 , polysorbate 80 , citric acid , emulsifier T2 , sodium hydrocitrate , solid fat, purified water.

Release form

Candles are white or light yellow. They have a cylindrical shape, a pointed end, uniform in the longitudinal section, but the presence of air inclusions is allowed.

Produced in cardboard packs, inside one such pack there are 1 or 2 contour packs containing 5 suppositories.

pharmachologic effect

Genferon has an immunomodulatory, antiproliferative, antibacterial, antiviral, local anesthetic, regenerating effect.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The combined action of Genferon is due to the components in its composition, which have a local and systemic effect.

As part of Genferon is human recombinant interferon alfa-2b . It is synthesized by a genetically modified strain of the microorganism Escherichia coli.

Taurine normalizes metabolic processes in tissues, promotes their regeneration, interacts with free oxygen radicals, neutralizing them and protecting tissues from damage. Interferon is less prone to decay and retains its effect longer due to the presence of taurine.


Hypersensitivity to interferon or other substances that are part of the drug is a contraindication to its use. Treatment with the drug is unacceptable in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Genferon should also be used with caution in patients with exacerbations of diseases of the immune system.

Side effects

When treated with the drug at a dose of 10,000,000 IU per day or more, the possibility of developing the following side effects increases:

  • headache - from the side central nervous system;
  • leukopenia, thrombocytopenia - from the side hematopoietic systems;
  • systemic reactions (, increased sweating, increased fatigue, muscle and joint pain, loss of appetite).

Allergic reactions may occur: skin rash, itching. These symptoms are reversible and disappear within 72 hours after stopping the drug.

Instructions for candles Genferon

Instructions for the use of Genferon explains that the duration of the course of treatment, dosage and method of administration are determined by the attending physician and depend on the specific disease. Instructions for the use of suppositories Genferon and instructions for children's Genferon are almost identical to the proposed schemes for the use of the drug. However, the rectal or vaginal route of drug administration is not always suitable for children, therefore, in some cases, it is worth considering switching to Genferon analogues with other routes of administration (tablets, ointment, syrup).

The drug is used vaginally or rectally .

In the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system of an infectious-inflammatory nature in women, it is recommended to administer 1 suppository (500,000 IU or 1,000,000 IU, depending on the form of the disease) vaginally or rectally (depending on the form of the disease) 2 days a day for 10 days. With prolonged and chronic forms, it is possible to administer 1 suppository every other day. In this case, the course of treatment will be from 1 to 3 months.

The use of 1 suppository (500,000 IU) intravaginally in the morning and 1 suppository (1,000,000 IU) rectally in the evening simultaneously with the intravaginal use of antibacterial suppositories is justified in case of a serious infectious and inflammatory process during internal genital organs.

Treatment of diseases of the urogenital tract of an infectious-inflammatory nature in men is reduced to the following treatment regimen: 1 suppository is applied rectally (the dosage depends on the form of the disease) 2 times a day for 10 days.


To date, there are no data on cases of overdose with Genferon. If a large number of suppositories were accidentally administered at the same time, it is necessary to stop using the drug for a day. After the specified time, you can start using Genferon again according to the prescribed scheme.


And enhance the action of the components of Genferon. Benzocaine reduces bactericidal and bacteriostatic activity sulfonamides . non-narcotic often reinforce benzocaine .

Terms of sale

In Russia and Ukraine, Genferon can be bought at a pharmacy only by prescription.

Storage conditions

The drug must be stored in a dark place inaccessible to children in the temperature range of 2-8°C.

Best before date

special instructions

Genferon is most effective when used simultaneously with antimicrobial drugs.

There is no reliable data on the safety of using the drug during menstruation. Therefore, the drug should be used with caution during menstruation.

Analogues of Genferon

Coincidence in the ATX code of the 4th level:

It should be noted right away that the analogues presented in our pharmacies are often cheaper than Genferon itself, and in the overwhelming majority of cases, the affordable price of analogues is associated with their Ukrainian origin.

So, how can Genferon candles be replaced:

  • full analogues for the active substance and form of release - Vitaferon, Viferon-Feron, Pharmbiotek, Kipferon ;
  • analogues for the active substance - , Alfaron, Bioferon, Virogel, Introbion interferon alfa-2b, Interoferobion interferon alfa-2b, Laferon Farmbiotek, Realdiron and others.

Candles Genferon for children

For children, the instruction for the use of the drug does not impose an age limit on its use. However, antiviral suppositories for children under 7 years of age (including for infants) are best used at a dosage of 125,000 IU, and for children 7 years and older - at a dosage of 250,000 IU, which corresponds to the release form of the drug called Genferon Light.

Alcohol compatibility

There is no data on the effect of the combined use of alcohol and Genferon, however, a number of antibacterial drugs are often used in complex therapy, with which alcohol is incompatible. Therefore, it is recommended to stop drinking alcohol for the period of treatment with Genferon as part of multicomponent therapy.

With antibiotics

Genferon is more effective when used simultaneously with antibacterial drugs.

Candles Genferon during pregnancy

The instruction speaks of the need to correlate the benefits of treatment with the drug and the risk to the fetus if it is necessary to use Genferon. Although in most cases the use of the drug causes positive feedback during pregnancy.

In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy (13-40 weeks), the use is indicated as part of a multicomponent therapy chlamydia, genital herpes, ureaplasmosis, cytomegalovirus infection, mycoplasmosis, papillomavirus infection, bacvaginosis if there are symptoms of discomfort, itching and other sensations in the lower urinary tract.

Reviews about Genferon

In general, reviews about Genferon candles, which can be read on various forums, range from neutral to positive.

Many reviews and questions are caused by combination therapy (especially vaginal suppositories) of viral diseases of the genitourinary system in women: human papillomavirus (HPV), cytomegalovirus, herpes virus . Most often, patients report the effectiveness of treatment when doctors prescribe therapy using suppositories of 1,000,000 IU in the treatment of HPV.

There are frequent reports of periodic rises in temperature and a deterioration in well-being during the use of candles with " adults» dosages in children (not recommended by the instructions).

It should be noted that the issue of the correct use of the drug during pregnancy must be addressed directly with the attending physician.

The question of the comparative effectiveness of Genferon and its analogues is often raised, for example:

Which is better: Kipferon or Genferon?

And Genferon, which differs not only in composition but also in indications, is often prescribed in the complex therapy of diseases of the genitourinary system, while the opinion of patients tends to be more effective.

Which is better: Viferon or Genferon?

Objectively, one can note slight differences between Viferon and Genferon in the composition of the preparations (Viferon contains vitamin C, which protects interferon from rapid denaturation in the rectum), otherwise they are identical (indications and treatment regimens), and the opinions of the inhabitants are based more on the reviews of acquaintances and friends, than on the proven facts of the use of these drugs.

Genferon price

For Russia, the average price of Genferon candles of 1 million IU is 490 rubles, and candles of 500 thousand IU cost about 370 rubles. Depending on the region, there are also no significant differences in price, for example, in Moscow the price of Genferon 500,000 IU ranges from 340 to 380 rubles, and in Omsk - from 360 to 370 rubles.

Ukraine offers us higher prices for the corresponding drugs. How much does it cost to buy Genferon in a Ukrainian pharmacy? The purchase will cost about 2 times more than in Russia, and will amount to 1,000,000 IU for Genferon on average 190 hryvnia. The cost of candles with a dosage of 500,000 IU is close to 160 hryvnia.

Patients are not always satisfied with the rectal and vaginal routes of administration of the drug, and in some cases, suppositories can be replaced with tablets, ointments or injections of similar composition.

Cytomegalovirus - CMV treatment is a rather difficult task. As, in fact, all viral diseases caused by pathogens adapted to modern drugs.

Poses a potential threat to human health. The virus is one of the most common opportunistic pathogens. When exposed to certain factors, it is activated and causes a vivid clinical picture of cytomegaly. In some people, the virus is in an opportunistic state throughout life, not showing up at all, but causing impaired immune defenses.

Of particular danger is the disease for infants and young children, when the virus covers all organs or systems, leading to serious complications, up to the death of the patient. There are still no known effective drugs for the complete expulsion of the virus from the body. If you are infected with cytomegalovirus, drug treatment is carried out to achieve a long-term therapeutic remission in a chronic course and eliminate local manifestations of the infection.

What you need to know about the virus

Cytomegaly appears to be an infectious disease of viral etiology. In some sources, there is a different name - cytomegalovirus infection (in the abbreviation CMV).

Cytomegalovirus is a member of a large group of herpesviruses. The cells affected by the viral agent increase significantly in size, hence the name of the disease - cytomegaly (translated from Latin - "giant cell"). The disease is transmitted through sexual, domestic or blood transfusion routes. The most unfavorable is the transplacental route of transmission.

The symptom complex resembles the development of a persistent cold, which is accompanied by a runny nose, malaise and general weakness, pain in the articular structures, increased salivation due to inflammation of the salivary glands. Pathology rarely has vivid symptoms, mainly proceeding in the latent phase. With generalized forms of damage to the body by viral agents, drug treatment and antiviral drugs are prescribed. There is no alternative effective treatment.

Many people are carriers of cytomegalovirus infection without even knowing it. Only 30% of the viral disease has a chronic course, exacerbated by local symptoms in the form of a herpetic rash, as well as general malaise. Antibodies to cytomegalovirus exist in 13-15% of adolescents, 45-50% in adult patients. The viral agent is often activated after exposure to factors that reduce immunity.

Cytomegalovirus poses a great danger to persons who have undergone organ or bone marrow transplantation, who have congenital forms of the disease or HIV status. The condition is dangerous during pregnancy, leads to serious consequences for the fetus: anomalies in the development of internal organs or systems, deformities and physical disability, miscarriage. For this, a collegial decision of the attending pediatrician and other narrow specialists is necessary.

Cytomegalovirus - treatment

The feasibility of therapy is proportional to the severity of the course and the potential danger to the patient's body. After some diagnostic measures, the risks of a possible threat are determined, an assessment is made of the pathological process. With signs of generalization, drug correction is prescribed. With a short episode of virus activation and while maintaining the patient's normal state of health, no special treatment is carried out. With a burdened clinical history of the patient, the doctor monitors the general condition, controls the level of antigen in the blood as part of laboratory diagnostics.

Often a completely healthy person who has been ill with a virus without any consequences acquires strong immunity. The viral agent itself, at the same time, remains in the body forever, transforms into a conditionally pathogenic form. There is a chronization of the pathology with periods of short-term exacerbations, subject to a pronounced decrease in immune defense. The goals of drug correction of the disease are:

  • reducing the negative impact of the virus;
  • relief of existing symptoms;
  • ensuring stable remission in chronic disease.

Important! In humans, against the background of absolute health, the virus is asymptomatic, and the disease stops on its own. Many patients do not notice when the virus is activated and when its pathogenic activity is reduced.

The main indications for starting treatment

Unfortunately, cytomegalovirus is not treated completely. Medications can only strengthen local immunity and prevent new episodes of exacerbation. Therapy is prescribed in the following cases:

  • immunodeficiency diseases of any origin;
  • generalized spread of the viral agent;
  • preparation of organ transplantation, for chemotherapy in oncological diseases;
  • complicated clinical history of the patient (pathology of internal organs or system);
  • pregnancy of a woman (often the first trimester);
  • preparation for the treatment of encephalitis, meningeal infections.

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Ways of transmission of cytomegalovirus infection (CMV)

Before determining the treatment tactics, a differential diagnosis of cytomegalovirus infection with influenza conditions, SARS and other infectious diseases is carried out. It is the similarity of the symptoms of cytomegaly with the classic manifestations of the common cold and untimely or inadequate treatment that provokes the development of severe complications.

What funds can be assigned

So, during the examination, cytomegaloverus was diagnosed - drug treatment will be prescribed in most cases. Conservative and drug therapy are the only ways to correct the condition of patients with CMVI. Pharmaceutical forms are numerous: ointments (liniments) for external use, tablets for oral use, injections for intravenous administration, drops, suppositories.

To eliminate exacerbations of a viral disease, the following groups of drugs are prescribed:

  • symptomatic (pain relief, elimination of inflammatory foci, vasoconstriction in the nose, in the sclera);
  • antiviral (the main task is to suppress the pathogenic activity of the virus: Panavir, Cidofovir, Ganciclovir, Foscarnet);
  • drugs to eliminate complications (multiple groups and pharmacological forms);
  • immunomodulators (strengthening and restoration of the immune system, stimulation of the body's natural defenses: Viferon, Leukinferon, Neovir);
  • immunoglobulins (binding and removal of viral particles: Cytotect, Neocytotect).

Drugs for the treatment of cytomegalovirus are prescribed in a complex manner. Additionally, vitamin complexes with an enriched mineral composition are prescribed to restore the overall resistance to colds and other chronic pathologies that lead to a decrease in immunity. In systemic autoimmune diseases, as a rule, lifelong drug therapy is prescribed.

Important! With cytomegaly in men, a high therapeutic effect was proved by Ganciclovir, Foscarnet, Viferon, in women - Acyclovir, Cycloferon and Genferon.

Drug treatment has a number of disadvantages due to side effects. The toxicogenic effect is often expressed in dyspeptic disorders, decreased appetite, and the appearance of allergies. Iron deficiency anemia often develops.


To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, guanosine analogues are prescribed:

  • Virolex;
  • Acyclovir;
  • Zovirax.

The active substance quickly penetrates the cells of the virus, destroys their DNA. These drugs are characterized by high selectivity and low toxicogenic properties. The bioavailability of Acyclovir and its analogues varies from 15 to 30%, and with increasing doses it decreases by almost 2 times. Medicines based on guanosine penetrate into all cellular structures and tissues of the body, in rare cases causing nausea, local allergic manifestations, and headaches.

In addition to Acyclovir, its analogues are prescribed Ganciclovir and Foscarnet. All antiviral agents are often combined with immunomodulators.

Interferon inducers

Interferon inducers stimulate the secretion of interferons within the body. It is important to take them in the first days of an exacerbation of the infection, since on day 4-5 or later their use is practically useless. The disease is running, and the body is already producing its own interferon.

Inductors inhibit the development of CMV, are often well tolerated by the body, promote the synthesis of immunoglobulin G, natural interferons, interleukins. Known drugs containing interferon include Panavir. The drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, helps with severe pain, reduces the intensity of unpleasant symptoms.

Viferon also helps with viral activity, has a convenient form of suppositories for rectal administration, which is convenient in the treatment of children of any age. Of the interferon inducers, Cycloferon, Inosine-pranobex and its analogues Isoprinosine, Groprinosin are isolated. The latter drugs have a low degree of toxicity, suitable for the treatment of children and pregnant women.

Immunoglobulin preparations

Immunoglobulins are protein compounds in the human body and warm-blooded animals that transport antibodies to pathogenic agents during biochemical interaction. When exposed to CMV, a specific immunoglobulin Cytotect is prescribed, which contains antibodies to cytomegalovirus. Among other things, the composition of the drug includes antibodies to the herpes virus type 1.2, to the Epstein-Barr virus. Therapy with immunoglobulins is necessary to restore the general protective resources of the body to the penetration of viral agents.

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What is the avidity of antibodies to cytomegalovirus (CMV)

Another effective remedy for cytomegalovirus is Intraglobin (III generation), Octagam or Alphaglobin (IV generation). The latter types of drugs meet the most stringent requirements, suitable for patients with severe renal dysfunction (including pre-dialysis and dialysis period).

To achieve maximum therapeutic results, immunoglobulins are prescribed in the form of injections (Pentaglobin). Medicines in the form of injections directly affect the root of the problem, quickly eliminate the symptoms of a generalized manifestation of the disease. In addition, the chemical composition of new generation drugs is not disturbed before interacting with altered cells.

List of the most effective drugs

Despite the wide range of remedies for the relief of CMV symptoms, doctors always build individual therapeutic tactics. Before prescribing a specific medicine, it should be clarified which symptoms of the infection are present in a particular patient. This takes into account: the patient's clinical history, age, weight, general somatic status, complications and other factors that may interfere with proper treatment.

For therapy, the following popular means are used:

  • Foscarnet. Refers to antiviral drugs for the treatment of severe forms of pathology complicated by cytomegaly. It is prescribed for reduced immunity. The active substance destroys the pathogenic cell, breaks the biological chain of the virus, stops the reproduction of viral agents.
  • Ganciclovir. Antiviral agent for the treatment of cytomegalovirus with a complicated course (diseases of the kidneys, liver, respiratory organs, generalized inflammatory foci). It is widely used to prevent congenital infections, especially if the virus in the mother's body is in the phase of active reproduction. Release form tablets and crystalline powder.
  • Cytotec. Being an immunoglobulin, the drug is prescribed for the complex elimination of the infection. The tool compares favorably with low toxicity, the absence of specific and absolute contraindications. The drug is used to prevent large-scale damage by cytomegalovirus in various social groups. Among the side effects are back pain, hypotension, stiffness in the movement of the joints, dyspeptic disorders. If negative conditions appear, the medication is stopped and the doctor is consulted for an alternative prescription.
  • Neovir. Belongs to a large group of immunomodulators. Available in solution for injection. It is used for therapeutic correction and prevention of the disease in children or adults with autoimmune diseases, other pathologies, which during the period of exacerbation greatly reduce local immunity. The dosage is determined individually in each case.
  • Viferon. Widely used in pediatric practice. Available in the form of suppositories for rectal administration. It is used in the complex therapy of infectious diseases of any origin, complicated or simple in course. Effective for pneumonia, bronchitis, colds as a prevention of possible CMV. Among the side effects are allergic manifestations (itching in the perianal region, urticaria).
  • Bischofite. Anti-inflammatory agent for the prevention and treatment of cytomegaly, herpes infection. Available as a gel in a tube or a balm in a glass container. Can be used as a topical remedy for blisters, rashes and inflammation. When applied externally, it resembles the effect of using mineral water, healing mud.

Be sure to use vitamins and other tonics that stimulate the work of many internal structures of the body. The most necessary for viral infections include vitamins C and B9.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, has regenerative properties, restores cells that are involved in the inhibition of the activity of pathogenic agents. B vitamins are necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, support the normal function of the bone marrow, and are responsible for the resistance of the immune system to external or internal negative factors.

Timely diagnosis and detection of severe forms of infection will reduce the level of complications, prevent the generalization of the pathological process. When stopping an exacerbation with a medical method, it is important to take into account a number of important criteria, to conduct a differential diagnosis. Preventive measures during a woman's pregnancy, in young children, as well as the correct treatment tactics will save patients from unpleasant manifestations of cytomegalovirus for a long time.

Higher medical education, venereologist, candidate of medical sciences.

Before starting treatment for cytomegalovirus, it is necessary to accurately diagnose the disease and determine whether treatment for CMVI is necessary in your case. Since it is not always required, you need to be aware of it. In addition, it is not easy to diagnose the presence of cytomegalovirus infection and CMV is easily confused with other diseases. Below we will talk about how to cure cytomegalovirus and how it is treated, as well as in what cases it is necessary.

Cytomegalovirus infection should be treated only when the disease is an undeniable danger to the human body. Such cases are clearly identified only by a specialist, after visiting a sick clinic to diagnose the disease. If the body has symptoms of a generalized cytomegalovirus infection, then it is extremely important to contact the clinic. The treatment regimen for cytomegalovirus can only be drawn up after a personal examination of the patient.

A person who has been ill with cytomegalovirus and has had an infectious disease without any serious consequences acquires a fairly strong immunity. In the vast majority of cases, cytomegalovirus infection, having struck the human body, does not cause any symptoms. The virus itself in the body takes a sleep mode, remaining in a person forever. And it manifests itself, causing relapses, accompanied by all sorts of complications, only with a strong weakening of the immune system.

In all cases, the treatment of cytomegalovirus infection pursues the goal - to significantly mitigate the negative impact of a viral infection on the human body. Most often, after infection, a person with a sufficiently strong immune system easily endures the primary outbreak of an infectious disease, so there is no need for a person with cytomegalovirus to go to the hospital. In such people, after a short manifestation, the set of symptoms that have been created ceases without a trace. As a result, the disease mostly goes unnoticed.

When is cytomegalovirus treatment really necessary?

The specific circumstances under which the attending physician determines the course of treatment for cytomegalovirus infection in adults or in children include such manifestations as:

  • The presence of acquired or congenital immunodeficiency in a patient of any age.
  • Generalized stage - the widespread spread of the virus is accompanied by a very painful inflammatory process throughout the body or in a certain organ against the background of the presence of other infections that weaken the basic protective functions of the human body.
  • Complicated or exacerbated course of cytomegalovirus or preparation for treatment with allogeneic organ transplantation, pneumonia, encephalitis, oncological diseases - when using therapy that severely suppresses the immune system.
  • During the first trimester of pregnancy, immunocompromised women may develop primary cytomegalovirus, which can potentially cause extremely severe damage to the fetus, and may also cause miscarriage.

The generalized stage or symptomatic exacerbation of a cytomegalovirus infection is often characterized by the fact that most patients, and even sometimes some doctors, confuse this viral disease due to its similarity with the symptoms of influenza-like diseases or SARS. As well as other infectious diseases. Often this leads to erroneous treatment and a high risk of developing severe complications.

With absolutely accurate differential diagnosis, the treatment for cytomegalovirus will be prescribed to the patient as adequate as possible. And the medicines are prescribed for the right purpose.

Drugs and vitamins for the treatment of cytomegalovirus infection

Let's look at how to treat cytomegalovirus with drugs. The main medications for cytomegalovirus infection and their treatment are divided into several small groups:

  • Symptomatic remedies- provide relief, anesthetize, eliminate inflammation, constrict blood vessels (nasal drops, eye drops, painkillers, anti-inflammatory, folk remedies).
  • Antiviral drugs- inhibit the activity of the infection (Ganciclovir, Panavir, Cidofovir, Foscarnet).
  • Posyndromic drugs- restore damaged organs and tissues in case of complications (capsules, suppositories, tablets, injections, gels, ointments, drops).
  • Immunomodulators- strengthen and stimulate the immune system (Leukinferon, Roferon A, Neovir, Genferon, Viferon).
  • Immunoglobulins- bind and destroy viral particles (Neocytotect, Cytotect, Megalotect).
  • Vitamin and mineral complex- to support the immune system.

In men, cytomegalovirus is treated with antiviral drugs - Foscarnet, Ganciclovir, Viferon. And immunoglobulins - Cytotect, Megalotect.

In women, cytomegalovirus is treated with antiviral drugs - Acyclovir, Viferon, Genferon, Cycloferon.

List of drugs

  1. Foscarnet is an antiviral drug. Infectious cytomegalovirus is treated quite successfully with Foscarnet. It is used in severe cases of the disease and in complex forms of possible exacerbations that can be caused by other diseases. It is advisable to use this drug with a weakened immune system in a patient. When the drug enters the diseased cell, the elongation of the viral chain is disrupted, that is, the drug slows down, and then completely stops the active reproduction of the virus.
  2. Ganciclovir is an antiviral drug. The drug is one of the most effective, rather difficult in practical use. The remedy is prescribed during the course of the disease - cytomegalovirus infection, complicated by particularly severe organ pathologies, rather extensive inflammation. It is also used to prevent viral infection, congenital CMV infection. Release form - tablets and crystalline powder from the group of polar hydrophilic solvents. For ophthalmic gel or injection, the drug is available as a lyophilisate. The use of Ganciclovir is advisable in the treatment of cytomegalovirus - a herpes infection.
  3. Cytotect - immunoglobulin. For many patients, Cytotect seems to be one of the most optimal means for the treatment of cytomegaluvirus. The drug combines a fairly effective efficiency and an almost complete absence of general toxicity and relative contraindications. Prescribed for prophylaxis in patients with suppressed immune system drugs. Prevents mass manifestations of the disease after infection with CMVI. When applied, it can create: headaches; nausea and vomiting; chills and fever; joint pain and mild back pain; sometimes a decrease in blood pressure.
  4. Neovir is an immunostimulant. Solution for injection, used as an immunostimulating drug for the treatment and prevention of cytomegalovirus infection in people with immunodeficiency.
  5. Viferon is an immunomodulator. Candles with antiviral action. It is used for complications of infectious diseases, for primary inflammation, as well as for recurrence of cytomegalovirus infection of a localized form. The drug is applied rectally. When applied, it can cause an allergic reaction in the form of a skin rash.
  6. Bischofite is an anti-inflammatory drug. Produced in the form of a balm (gel) in a tube or in a glass container in the form of a brine. It is applied topically as therapeutic mud or mineral water.

List of vitamins

  1. C - Broad spectrum antioxidant. Stimulates the work of cells that eat bacteria and viruses in the blood. Increases the resistance of the human body to various infections through the resistance of cells to the penetration of infectious agents.
  2. B9 - for the powerful maintenance of the production factory (bone marrow) of the human body's immune system.

The general rules for the treatment of cytomegalovirus include hospitalization of the patient in cases where it is absolutely necessary. Since during the treatment period the patient appears to be a very active source of viral infection for others, the patient must significantly limit any contact with people. Ensure maximum peace of mind. Provide the best necessary microclimate conditions. Observe strict rules of personal hygiene. Use a therapeutic and preventive diet.

With strict adherence to these rules and all the recommendations of the attending physician, you can rely on a fairly quick and most effective way to get rid of the infection and prevent complications and relapses.

Treatment with folk remedies

If a person heard that people were treated for cytomegalovirus by home medicine, then this is an erroneous idea that, thanks to traditional medicine, it is possible to cope with such a difficult task. Treatment of such an infection and all sorts of complications should not occur on its own without the supervision of a specialist. But it is quite advisable to support the immune system with folk remedies.

According to statistics, about (at least) 80% of the world's population faces cytomegalovirus. The disease can be asymptomatic or, in its manifestations, be similar to the common cold, which is why they do not pay attention to it. A number of drugs have been developed for the treatment of cytomegalovirus infection, among which a special place is given to interferons. In particular, Genferon.

Genferon is an immunomodulator derived from human interferon. For the most effective therapy, it is recommended to use it in conjunction with other antiviral drugs and vitamins (A and C). The drug is available in the form of candles with a dosage of 250, 500 and 1000 thousand IU. The drug is recommended for the treatment of cytomegalovirus infection in men and women, including pregnant women. However, it should be noted that there is no clear treatment regimen for this infection.

Genferon in the treatment of cytomegalovirus is prescribed rectally for 10 days (standard treatment regimen). Pregnant women can use the drug if the gestational age has exceeded 12 weeks.

Genferon suppositories contain such active ingredients as recombinant human interferon alpha 2b, anestezin (benzocaine) and taurine. The complex effect of these drugs has an antibacterial, antiviral, immunomodulatory and local anesthetic effect. In this case, the drug is well absorbed when administered rectally (the level of bioavailability is at least 80%).

The positive effect of Genferon in cytomegalovirus is due to the fact that:

  • Increased cell-mediated reactions of the immune system;
  • The effectiveness of reactions from the immune system to the action of viruses and bacteria increases;
  • The production of antibodies by B-lymphocytes is enhanced;
  • The production of immunoglobulins is restored.

Thanks to the action of taurine, metabolic processes and tissue repair are enhanced. In the treatment of cytomegalovirus, it is better to use the drug rectally, because. in this form, it quickly and easily penetrates into cells, destroying viruses and restoring balance within the cell membrane. The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood occurs 5 hours after administration, the half-life is 12 hours. In this regard, Genferon with cytomegalovirus must be taken at intervals of 12 hours. With intravaginal use in pregnant women, the development of local allergic reactions in the form of a burning sensation is likely. With rectal use, headaches or muscle pains, joint pains, fever and chills, fatigue are possible.

If the patient has a tendency to allergic reactions and individual intolerance to the drug, Genferon cannot be used for treatment. In this case, the risk of exacerbation of autoimmune diseases is also high.