Characteristics of a trainee from an enterprise sample. Characteristics of a student undergoing internship - sample and template

Characteristics of the student from the place of practicedescribes his professional training, theoretical knowledge, practical skills and business qualities that he demonstrated during educational, industrial or pre-graduate internship.

On conducting practical training and preparing a student’s characteristics from the place where it was completed

The conduct of practical training for students is regulated by the Regulations on the practice of students mastering basic professional educational programs of higher education (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 27, 2015 No. 1383. The purpose of the practice is to develop basic skills in professional activities, and if it comes about pre-graduation internship, then obtaining additional factual material for writing a thesis.

The practice must be supervised by two supervisors at once: one of the teachers of the educational institution and an employee of the organization that accepted the student for the internship. Together they create a practice schedule.

The functions of a representative of an educational institution are listed in clause 12 of the Regulations:

  • drawing up a practice plan;
  • development of individual practical tasks;
  • distribution of students among workplaces;
  • monitoring compliance with practice deadlines;
  • control of practice content;
  • methodological assistance to students;
  • evaluation of practice results.

Clause 13 of the Regulations describes the functions of the practice manager on the part of the enterprise. Organization employee:

  • coordinates individual practical tasks of students, content and results of practice;
  • provides students with jobs at the enterprise;
  • introduces trainees to labor protection requirements and fire safety rules;
  • explains to students the rules of labor activity;
  • provides safe working conditions from the point of view of sanitation and labor safety.

The law requires students to complete assignments in the internship program, comply with internal labor regulations, as well as labor protection and fire safety requirements.

The procedure for assessing results is not established by the Regulations and is regulated by local regulations of the educational organization. At the same time, in most cases, the head of the practice on the part of the enterprise is required to write a detailed description of the trainee.

Characteristics of the student’s work by location internship: sample, form

A sample character reference for a student is not established by law, so the document is written in any form. The practice manager should only remember that the document must be written in an official style, and the following information must be indicated in the description:

  • the name of the organization in which the student completed his internship;
  • organization address;
  • the name of the educational institution where the trainee is studying;
  • surname and initials of the student;
  • terms of internship;
  • type of practice;
  • responsibilities of the student during the internship period;
  • professional qualities of the student;
  • characteristics of the student demonstrated when communicating with the workforce;
  • practical skills mastered by the trainee;
  • the grade given to the student based on the results of the internship;

Feedback from the internship site.

During her internship, the student at the Kaleidoscope of Travel Foundation established herself as a competent and responsible worker. During the internship, she proved herself to be a capable, responsible, purposeful student.

Attitude to work:

In his work he is characterized as a strong-willed, assertive, purposeful employee, demanding of himself and others.

In the performance of their official duties. As a student, she is proactive, efficient and disciplined, and has good organizational skills.

She completes all tasks assigned to her in a timely and efficient manner.

In the educational process, she is distinguished by high efficiency and activity. She is characterized as a hardworking, sociable student.

She has developed the ability to study systematically and constantly. He is highly active in his work life. Conscientious performs any work to the end.

has many qualities that characterize her as an excellent specialist: honesty, responsibility, analytical mind, activity and perseverance, the ability to objectively assess the situation. For the period of study he has gratitude.

Has a deep understanding of issues related to both the main work and related areas of activity.

Has the necessary knowledge in his field.

He is well versed in the subject of his activity and has a high level of professional skills.

Practically implements his professional experience in the process of performing his functional duties.

The result of the work is always of the highest quality and, as a rule, does not require verification.

Spends much less time on work than planned.

Performs the required amount of work as tasks are received.

Actively expands the scope of its activities by developing new areas of work.

Works efficiently without supervision. Always completes production tasks on time.

Works conscientiously and meets deadlines. Subordinates personal interests to the interests of the company.

Expresses his thoughts clearly and clearly. Able to independently and competently draw up the necessary document.

Can clearly express his thoughts in written and oral form. Pays attention to critical comments addressed to him, takes them into account and draws constructive conclusions.

Adequately perceives criticism addressed to him and tries to correct shortcomings.

Strictly follows instructions and established work schedules. Does not allow work time to be used for non-work purposes.

Quickly and efficiently assimilates new information and easily masters new types of activities. Strives to acquire new knowledge and skills. Can master new activities, study and assimilate new information.

He always behaves correctly and strives to listen to his opponent. Has a rich set of tools for resolving conflicts. Shows flexibility in behavior, achieving mutually acceptable results.

Tries to avoid conflict situations. Looks for opportunities to constructively resolve conflict.

He never gets lost in a stressful situation, under a strict time limit he knows how to highlight the main thing and actively acts in accordance with the available opportunities.

Attitude to public life.

Takes direct part in the public life of the institute. He always carries out public assignments accurately and on time.

Personal qualities

Rich in ideas, energetic. Puts forward proposals for improving work and finds ways to practically implement ideas.

Periodically puts forward proposals for improving work. Supports new ideas and suggestions.

Always thinks rationally, is good at analyzing and drawing conclusions. Logical in her actions.

Possesses logical thinking and can analyze.

A person of high intelligence, she has well-developed logic. Treats colleagues kindly and correctly.

Calm, modest, she knows how to resolve conflicts, and is an attentive and sympathetic comrade.

She is purposeful and persistent in achieving her goal.

U. has a developed sense of responsibility; she is responsible for her own actions.

Personal qualities are ability to work, the ability to cope with a large volume of work, self-organization, decency, efficiency.

During her studies, she proved herself to be a well-mannered, responsible, purposeful student.

She is disciplined, hardworking, and takes her duties responsibly.

Relationship with the team.

She is characterized as one of the best students in the group. He occupies one of the leading positions in the team.

The nature. She is balanced, sociable, easily comes into contact with people, wins over her interlocutor with her versatile knowledge and good knowledge of psychology, and is correct in relationships. A team. is respected.

I rate her work as “excellent.”

Gene. Director of Kaleidoscope 16 LLC

Tsepikova M.V. __________________

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Every student at a pedagogical educational institution is faced with the task of undergoing practical training, and in order to be in good standing and have positive grades on the eve of the thesis, it is necessary to complete the practical training with dignity, confirming it with characteristics from the place of completion. We offer several options for characteristics for student trainees of various pedagogical profiles.

Who needs it and why?

The testimonial is issued to the student at the end of the internship and confirms its completion in a particular educational institution, and also describes the quality of the work done by the student: the administration indicates all the pros and cons of his activities and gives a mark. Then the student takes the reference to his university. The characteristics of the teaching practice trainee must reflect evidence that the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the educational institution were applied in work. Writing a reference for the class teacher requires special attention, since the student is faced with the task of organizing the class, maintaining documentation and educational activities.

Below are specific examples of filling out the document.

Primary classes

Characteristics of a student intern at a school who completed an internship in... (indicate the full name of the educational institution) in the primary grades, full name.

During the internship, the student showed himself to be a responsible teacher striving for self-development.

Despite such a short period of teaching activity, he showed the ability to organize the educational process in such a way that the entire class was involved in the work, including low-performing children, who subsequently improved their performance in subjects.

A series of consecutive lessons in mathematics, Russian language, literary reading, the surrounding world and labor training were planned and conducted. All plans were developed and approved at least three days before teaching.

The lessons were planned methodically correctly, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the students. The student masters teaching methods in primary school.

The student was especially good at planning and conducting lessons on literary reading and the surrounding world, as he noted a deep feeling for beauty and good knowledge about his homeland and nature. The student managed to become an example for his students, develop in them a desire to learn new things about their hometown, introducing elements of local history into each lesson.

He managed to help poorly motivated children express themselves in creative and intellectual activities, and contributed to improving the quality of knowledge in humanitarian subjects.

He provided great assistance to the class teacher in preparing gifted children for the city Olympiads in Russian language and mathematics, namely: he was involved in the selection of additional material and conducting classes.

By his example and through educational conversations, he tried to teach children order, work, and careful handling of textbooks and school supplies.

He has pedagogical tact and is polite towards colleagues and parents.

When working with children he was tolerant, patient and tactful. He repeatedly helped resolve conflict situations among children, managing to come to an agreement with them without losing respect from any of the students.

In addition to systematic work with the class, work was carried out with parents. Thus, the “Super Family” event was held, dedicated to Family Day, where the student trainee was the organizer and presenter and showed himself to be a creative and extraordinary person.

The planning and holding of the parent meeting had minor differences, since not everything that was planned was carried out. Due to my limited teaching experience, the ability to work with parents has not yet been developed at a sufficient level, but there is a great desire to work on my mistakes.

A trainee’s teaching activity during the internship can be assessed at “5” (excellent).

Summer school camp

Characteristics for a student of teaching practice in a summer school camp, full name.

An intern student at a pedagogical college underwent educational practice at the summer school health camp “Solnyshko” from June 1 to June 20.

During her teaching practice, the student proved herself not only as an executive and responsible teacher, but also as a creative, creative person.

She planned and carried out a number of entertainment events for children of primary school age.

During preparations for the opening of the camp, I was engaged in the design of squad corners, thinking through costumes, mottos and chants.

She perfectly prepared the event dedicated to the opening of the camp shift, managed to involve all the detachments, the organization was at a good level.

Conducted the station team game “Treasure Island”, where she showed creativity, artistry and a desire to work. She not only organized this event, but also fully prepared the design and equipment for all competitions, skillfully distributed roles and responsibilities, and demonstrated acting skills.

Along with the children, she took an active part in all events, managing to “ignite” the children’s audience, instantly receiving a return.

Love for children, respect for the teaching staff, and responsible attitude to filling out camp documentation are noted.

She managed to establish friendly relations with the children, without losing her authority among the students.

In reviews from parents and children about the camp shift, the student’s work was noted positively, with many thanks.

The school administration and the management of the summer school health camp believe that (F.I.O.) deserves the highest possible assessment of her practical activities, and gives her the mark “5” (excellent).

Class teacher practice

Characteristics of a student intern for practice at school, full name, full name, who stayed as a class teacher in secondary school No.... in the period from September 4 to October 5.

(F.I.O.) served as a class teacher of grade 5 “B”.

The student was faced with the tasks of observing the class, maintaining documentation and conducting educational work with the children's team.

During the internship period, I managed to show myself as a comprehensively developed teacher.

When filling out the documentation, namely the characteristics of the students, the social passport of the class, the intern’s high level of literacy, knowledge of scientific pedagogical terminology, attentiveness and accuracy were noted.

At the stage of observing the children's team, she was able to notice the main positive and negative aspects of the class and, after analyzing, correctly selected ways to solve problems.

Conducted a number of classroom hours and educational events that were aimed at uniting the children's team.

One of the memorable events was the “Autumn Ball” for students in grades 5-6. Helped the children of the class prepare at the highest level and win victories in the nominations “Best Autumn Reader” and “Mr. Autumn”.

The student has a high level of knowledge of information and communication technologies and uses them in her teaching activities.

Throughout the practice, diaries and the condition of textbooks were regularly checked, and children’s class attendance was monitored. She accustomed children to systematic duty in the classroom and school.

When conflict situations arose, the trainee managed to resolve them without offending anyone.

During her work, she managed to become a good mentor and an excellent friend for students who had just moved to middle management and were in a period of crisis.

She paid special attention to self-management skills in the classroom. Roles and responsibilities were clearly distributed among the guys, and she monitored their implementation.

The class teacher and school administration believes that F.I.O. did her job perfectly well and gives a mark of “5” for practical activities.

English language

Characteristics of a trainee in teaching practice at school as a foreign language teacher.

(F.I.O.) underwent practical training as an English teacher at secondary school No....

During his career, he proved himself to be a responsible, diligent student.

He systematically came for consultations with his mentor, full name, foreign language teacher and head of the methodological association at the school.

Successive lessons on the topics My family, My day, Weekend were planned methodically correctly. Each lesson had a clear and accessible explanation of the new material for the children. Systematically checked homework and tracked the growth of each student.

He was distinguished by his deep knowledge of the English language and foreign literature. He always found answers to the most intricate questions of his students and managed to attract children to study English.

Proficient in modern pedagogical technologies, such as critical thinking and problem-based learning.

During lessons I often used group work, which allowed many children to relax, become more active and fall in love with the English language.

Demonstrated fluency in information and communication technologies using an interactive whiteboard.

The main problem for (F.I.O.) was that it was difficult for him to maintain discipline at the proper level, and therefore some types of work did not give the expected result, since the students’ attention was not focused on the teacher. Thus, control on the At school topic showed that most of the class did not master the material.

The school administration believes that the student’s practice can be rated “4” (good).

Physical training

Characteristics of a student trainee of pedagogical practice as a physical education teacher. During his internship in a secondary school (student's full name) he showed high knowledge of program material, the ability to lead and manage a class.

From the first days of practice, he skillfully involved children in the educational process and managed to arouse interest in team sports games such as basketball, football, and pioneer ball. He organized the “Fun Starts” sports and entertainment event at the highest level for students in grades 3-4, receiving positive feedback from the school administration, children and parents.

During the lesson he often changed types of activities, which helped to attract the attention of children and maintain discipline. Competently applied the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice. Provided support to every student.

When preparing and conducting lessons, he took into account the advice of the teacher (full name, full name) received during consultations. Effectively used methods and techniques, as well as various forms of individual and collective activities of children.

The student demonstrated a conscientious attitude to work, punctuality, and creativity. I prepared carefully for my lessons. Actively used information technology. Extracurricular activities and competitions were planned and carried out taking into account age and individual characteristics.

The student distinguished himself with diligence and responsibility; all assigned tasks were completed in a timely manner and conscientiously.

Characteristics of a future Russian language teacher

The pedagogical characteristics of a school trainee as a philologist have some peculiarities, and therefore are required in this article as an example.

Characteristics of a student (full name, full name) who underwent teaching practice as a teacher of the Russian language and literary reading.

The following classes were assigned to her: 5 “a”, 5 “b”, 7 “b”, 7 “d”, where some classes had a mathematical bias, while others had a humanitarian bias, in order to try their hand at different children.

During the internship, the student showed a good level of knowledge in the subject and a high level of methodological training. She approached the lessons creatively, the lessons were new and interesting.

From the first lesson, the student endeared herself to students of all classes. Even the most inactive children worked with great interest in the lesson, since the tasks corresponded to their level of knowledge in the subject.

Preparation for the lessons was carried out systematically. Every day I brought various visual aids and printed cards with exciting tasks to class.

The material is presented to the students in an accessible manner; the children have well mastered the knowledge gained in the lessons.

The student demonstrated excellent knowledge in psychology and pedagogy. Both in theory and in practice, she took into account the individual and age characteristics of schoolchildren, and won the authority of students with her openness, humanity and love for her work.

The testimonial for the trainee was drawn up by teachers and the school administration, who decided that (full name) deserves the highest grade for completing teaching practice - “excellent”. The school administration offers to provide a place of work for this student upon completion of her studies.

Characteristics of a student who completed an internship in a preschool organization

Characteristics of a trainee teacher (F.I.O.), a student at a pedagogical college who completed an internship in a kindergarten...

During the internship (F.I.O.) she proved herself to be a competent student who mastered the basic methodological techniques. The work was carried out responsibly, efficiently, and always used additional and visual material when conducting demonstration lessons.

Over the entire period, (F.I.O.) showed the ability to plan not only educational and cognitive activities, but also distinguished herself in educational work.

She conducted numerous classes with children on moral education and patriotism, learned the national anthem, as well as state symbols.

(Full name) implements educational tasks in the process of children’s activities, knows how to organize children in various types of activities, attract their attention, activate cognitive activity, and arouse interest in it.

(Full name) conducts individual work with children at a high level. The student is proficient in information and communication technologies and skillfully applies them in her practice.

Knows and applies all standards of health-saving technologies.

She took part in all the creative events of the kindergarten, and also provided all possible assistance in decorating the hall for celebrations.

This profile for the trainee was drawn up by the school’s pedagogical council. Based on the results of teaching practice, the student can be rated “excellent”.

Educational practice

A sample description of a trainee conducting educational activities is presented below. A student trainee (full name) underwent educational practice at secondary school No.... in the period from... to...

Over the entire period, a lot of educational work was done, which covered several types of orientation: moral, patriotic, intellectual.

(F.I.O.) came to practice prepared in advance: the topics of class hours and in-school events, for which preparations were underway during September, were taken. She constantly kept in touch with the head teacher for educational work, as well as the class teachers of the primary classes of this educational institution, came for consultations, listened to recommendations and made the necessary amendments.

The first event held by the student was dedicated to Friendship Week at school. (F.I.O.) organized a “Mail of Friends”, students wrote letters to each other with wishes and offers to make friends. The idea was highly appreciated by the students.

She worked as a host for the “Miss Autumn” events for high school students and “Golden Time” for junior schoolchildren, demonstrating herself at the proper level.

The characteristics of the student intern at the school were drawn up and agreed upon by the school administration, which believes that (F.I.O.) deserves a high rating for his activities - “excellent”.

All students are different

Writing testimonials requires knowledge and experience. And sometimes even an experienced teacher asks for help.

If the practice is industrial, the characteristics of the trainee will differ from passive activity. The samples presented above are suitable for more active practice.

Not all characteristics will be completely suitable for the same student. The level of skills and abilities of one may differ radically from the abilities of another. When compiling documents, you can take into account the sample characteristics of a student intern presented above in order to understand by what criteria to evaluate the student.

The educational process of almost all educational institutions that train specialists for various branches of production and service is closely connected with enterprises and organizations that act as the main customers for young qualified personnel.

One of the forms of training in this case is the practical training of students at the enterprise, during which future specialists are given the opportunity not only to become familiar with the production cycle, but also in practice to independently perform a number of technological operations in the production cycle.

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The result of such work, as a rule, is a student intern who has undergone internship at the enterprise.

Writing rules

Since a student’s practical training at an enterprise is not just a formal, but a clearly regulated event with documented results of the work done. AND The student's reference must be drawn up in accordance with certain rules:

  • the characteristics are drawn up on the company’s letterhead;
  • The document contains all the details of the company:
  • full name of the enterprise;
  • mailing address;
  • email address;
  • Contact phone numbers;
  • the last name, first name and patronymic of the student-intern, educational institution, specialty, course of study are indicated;
  • must be indicated:
  • the position in which the student was trained;
  • successes achieved during training and shortcomings identified during the internship;
  • signatures are certified by a seal with the company logo.

Possible nuances when writing

Almost always, a highly qualified and professional production worker is appointed as the head of a production practice, but for whom, as a rule, it is quite difficult to write a normal description. In view of this, the simplest way to present the results of the work is by following the following plan:

  • the position in which the student interned;
  • theoretical knowledge of the trainee necessary for independent work, level, depth, quality of assimilation;
  • Practical skills;
  • compliance with safety and fire safety regulations;
  • description of the main functions in the production process performed by the student (here, it is recommended to use as a template the job responsibilities of the specialist whose functions were performed by the intern);
  • positive aspects and disadvantages identified during independent work.

An important point in writing a characteristic is the use of business communication language that excludes subjective value judgments.

Important! The characteristics are written for each trainee separately; this is a document that characterizes one person specifically!

Sample characteristics from the place of practice

LLC "Spetsstroy"


st. Builders 000

tel 000000000



3rd year student of the Industrial College, specialty “mechanical engineering technology” Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich

In the period from “__”______ to “__”______2016, 3rd year student Ivanov I.I. underwent industrial practice as a technologist in the tool shop of Spetsstroy LLC.

During the internship, the student, according to the internship plan, studied the main technological features of the tool shop, became familiar with the production process at the site, the organization of labor protection and the procedure for complying with safety and fire safety rules at the enterprise.

During the training process, I independently carried out operations on the selection, assessment and quality control of tools and spare parts of equipment, the procedure for preparing tools for transfer to other divisions of the association, the procedure for documenting the receipt, movement and write-off of material assets, filling out technical documentation.

Directly under the guidance of the internship supervisor and the workshop foreman, he independently carried out work on sharpening cutting tools, testing strength, and determining the technical condition of the tool.

There were no cases of violation of internal labor regulations and safety regulations during practice.

Director of Spetsstroy LLC (signature) Vasiliev A.P.

PE "Vesta"


st. Builders 000

tel 000000000


2nd year student of the Trade and Economic College, specialty "commodity science" Ivanova Irina Ivanovna

In the period from “__”______ to “__”______2016, 2nd year student Ivanova I.I. underwent practical training as a merchandiser at the Vesta private enterprise.

According to the tasks of the internship plan, Ivanova I.I. carried out all the main operations for the acceptance, accounting and delivery of goods by customers according to the assortment. During my work, I quickly mastered the basic operations associated with my job responsibilities and independently studied the basic software of the enterprise, the procedures and rules of document flow.

During her work, she demonstrated a fairly deep knowledge of accounting operations related to the work of a merchandiser.

She performed her assigned duties conscientiously; there were no violations of the company’s labor regulations during her internship.

Performed additional assignments and duties conscientiously. She was repeatedly involved as a freight forwarder to temporarily replace an absent employee.

When working independently as a salesperson-cashier, she demonstrated excellent business skills, knowledge of the range of goods, their consumer qualities and the characteristics of each product. Cash transactions are carried out correctly; no shortages or surpluses were identified when depositing cash at the enterprise's cash desk.

Based on the results of practice, the assessment of general preparedness as a specialist in the specialty is assessed as “excellent”, the overall assessment of the completion of tasks is “excellent”.

Internship supervisor (signature) Petrov S.P.

Director of the private enterprise "Vesta" (signature) Vasiliev A.P.


4th year student at the Institute of Transport and Communications, specialty “occupational safety” Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich

In the period from “__”______ to “__”______2016, 4th year student Ivanova I.I. underwent practical training as a labor protection engineer at the Central Mining and Processing Plant production association.

Ivanov I.I. During his practical training, he acted as a safety engineer in the transport department. During the internship, I was unable to master theoretical knowledge related to the job responsibilities of a safety engineer and the enterprise’s labor protection system.

The student’s theoretical knowledge in the specialty did not allow the management of the enterprise and the internship supervisor to admit I.I. Ivanov. to independent work.

During the internship, violations of internal labor regulations by Ivanov I.I. were repeatedly recorded. – he repeatedly arrived late for work, often in a state of intoxication; unauthorized departures and absences became a normal occurrence for him by the end of his internship.

Based on the results of the student’s work, the assessment of general preparedness as a specialist in the specialty is assessed as “unsatisfactory”, the overall assessment of the completion of tasks is assessed as “unsatisfactory”.

Internship supervisor (signature) Petrov S.P.

Director (signature) Vasiliev A.P.

The following must be indicated:

  • the position in which, according to the practice plan, the student was trained;
  • what basic technological operations were studied and mastered, in what processes the student himself directly participated;
  • compliance by the trainee with safety regulations and internal labor regulations at the enterprise;
  • successes achieved during training and shortcomings identified during the internship;
  • in conclusion, a grade is given for completing the production task and an overall grade based on the results of the practice;
  • If necessary, wishes and recommendations on the level of training are indicated.
  • the document is signed by the head of practice from the enterprise and certified by the signature of the head of the enterprise.