Austrian Army Corps of Engineers. III

(Miliz) 27,000 Type View

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53,000 people (2014)


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Participation in

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Marks of Excellence

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Commanders Acting commander Notable commanders

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History of the Austrian Armed Forces

The Austrian army was directly involved in almost all major European military conflicts of the modern era. Between and the Austrian semi-regular army was called "Volkswehr". She fought against Yugoslav army units occupying parts of Carinthia.

In January 2013, a plebiscite was held in Austria on the issue of switching from compulsory conscription to a professional army. Voters favored maintaining universal conscription by a large margin (60%).

At the moment, Austria has a small but well-trained and equipped army.

Composition of the armed forces

Number of military personnel: about 53,000 people (including 12 thousand conscripts)

Mobilization resources: about 1,550,000 people

Military budget, $: 3,209,000,000

Ground troops

The number of ground forces of the Austrian Armed Forces is about 21,700 people.

By the beginning of 2013, it is planned to reduce the number of armored vehicles from 1147 to 389 units. Over time, some Leopard tanks will also be decommissioned and sold.

Air Force


Generals and officers

Categories Generals Senior officers Junior officers
For field uniform 50px 50px 50px 50px 50px 50px 50px 50px 50px 50px 50px
Austrian rank General Generalleutnant Generalmajor Brigadier Oberst Oberstleutnant Major Hauptmann Oberleutnant Leutnant Fahnrich
Colonel General Lieutenant General Major General No Colonel Lieutenant colonel Major Captain Senior Lieutenant Lieutenant Ensign

Sergeants and soldiers

Categories Sub-officers Sergeants Soldiers
For field uniform 50px 50px 50px 50px 50px 50px 50px 50px 50px 50px
Austrian rank Vizeleutnant Offiziersstellvertreter Oberstabswachtmeister Stabswachtmeister Oberwachtmeister Wachtmeister Zugsführer Korporal Gefreiter Rekrut
No No No Sergeant Major Senior
Sergeant No Jr
Corporal Private

1. Many units of the Austrian army maintain the traditions and continuity of the imperial Austro-Hungarian army.

2. Until 2006, the Austrian army included the Danube Flotilla, which traditionally belonged to the engineering units of the ground forces.

3. In 2011, plans were announced for a large-scale reduction in the fleet of armored vehicles in order to reduce costs. Upon completion of decommissioning, the number of combat vehicles will decrease from 1147 to 389 units.

4. Despite its small size, the Austrian army has a large number of original samples of military equipment of its own production. The most famous are the Glock pistols, the SSG69 sniper rifle, the Steyr AUG assault rifle and other small arms from the Steyr Mannlicher company (adopted, in particular, by the Russian airborne special forces), the Cuirassier light tanks, the Ulan infantry fighting vehicle, and the Pandur armored personnel carrier. These samples are not only used by the national armed forces, but are also actively exported.

5. One of the most famous people of our time who served in the Austrian army is Arnold Schwarzenegger, who served in tank units in 1965, during his service he managed to serve 2 months in a military prison for AWOL and drowning a tank in a river.

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  • (German)

An excerpt characterizing the Austrian Armed Forces

I saw how much she loved her kind, wise grandfather... And for a short moment my soul felt very empty and sad. It was as if a deep, incurable melancholy had returned to her again...
“I also had a very unusual grandfather...” I suddenly whispered very quietly.
But the bitterness immediately squeezed my throat in a familiar way, and I could no longer continue.
– Did you love him very much? – the girl asked sympathetically.
I just nodded in response, internally indignant at myself for such an “unforgivable” weakness...
- Who was your grandfather, girl? – the old man asked affectionately. - I don't see him.
– I don’t know who he was... And I never knew. But I think that you don’t see him because after death he came to live in me... And, probably, that’s precisely why I can do what I do... Although I can, of course, still very little. ..
- No, girl, he just helped you “open up.” And you and your essence do everything. You have a great gift, honey.
– What is this Gift worth if I know almost nothing about it?! – I exclaimed bitterly. – If you couldn’t even save your friends today?!
I plopped down on the fluffy seat in frustration, not even noticing its “sparkling” beauty, completely angry with myself for my helplessness, and suddenly I felt my eyes sparkle treacherously... But I couldn’t cry in the presence of these amazing, courageous people. for which I didn’t want to!.. Therefore, in order to somehow concentrate, I began to mentally “grind” grains of unexpectedly received information, in order, again, to hide them carefully in my memory, without losing a single important word, without missing out some smart idea...
– How did your friends die? – asked the witch girl.
Stella showed the picture.
“They might not have died...” the old man sadly shook his head. - There was no need for that.
- How is it that it didn’t happen?! – disheveled Stella immediately jumped up indignantly. – They saved other good people! They had no choice!
– Forgive me, little one, but THERE IS ALWAYS A CHOICE. It is only important to be able to choose correctly... Look - and the elder showed what Stella showed him a minute ago.
“Your warrior friend tried to fight evil here just as he fought it on Earth. But this is a different life, and the laws in it are completely different. Just like other weapons... Only you two did it right. And your friends were wrong. They could live for a long time... Of course, every person has the right of free choice, and everyone has the right to decide how to use their life. But this is when he knows how he could act, knows all the possible ways. But your friends didn't know. Therefore, they made a mistake and paid the highest price. But they had beautiful and pure souls, so be proud of them. Only now no one will ever be able to return them...
Stella and I were completely upset, and apparently in order to somehow “cheer us up,” Anna said:
– Do you want me to try to call my mother so you can talk to her? I think you would be interested.
I was immediately fired up by a new opportunity to find out what I wanted!.. Apparently Anna managed to completely see through me, since this really was the only way that could make me forget everything else for a while. My curiosity, as the witch girl rightly said, was my strength, but also my greatest weakness at the same time...
“Do you think she will come?..” I asked with hope for the impossible.
– We won’t know until we try, right? Nobody will punish you for this,” Anna answered, smiling at the effect produced.
She closed her eyes, and from her thin sparkling figure a blue thread pulsating with gold stretched somewhere into the unknown. We waited with bated breath, afraid to move, lest we accidentally startle something... Several seconds passed - nothing happened. I was about to open my mouth to say that apparently nothing would work out today, when suddenly I saw a tall transparent entity slowly approaching us along the blue channel. As she approached, the channel seemed to “fold up” behind her back, and the essence itself became more and more dense, becoming similar to all of us. Finally, everything around her had completely collapsed, and now a woman of absolutely incredible beauty stood before us!.. She was clearly once earthly, but at the same time, there was something about her that made her no longer one of us... already different - distant... And not because I knew that after her death she “went” to other worlds. She was just different.
- Hello, my dears! – touching her heart with her right hand, the beauty greeted affectionately.
Anna was beaming. And her grandfather, approaching us, fixed his wet eyes on the stranger’s face, as if trying to “imprint” her amazing image into his memory, without missing a single smallest detail, as if he was afraid that he was seeing her for the last time... He kept looked and looked, without stopping, and, it seemed, did not even breathe... And the beauty, unable to bear it any longer, rushed into his warm embrace, and, like a small child, she froze, absorbing the wonderful peace and goodness pouring from his loving , a tormented soul...
“Well, what are you doing, dear... What are you doing, dear...,” the old man whispered, cradling the stranger in his big warm arms.
And the woman stood there, hiding her face on his chest, childishly seeking protection and peace, forgetting about everyone else, and enjoying the moment that belonged only to the two of them...
“Is this your mother?” Stella whispered in shock. - Why is she like that?..
-You mean so beautiful? – Anna asked proudly.
– Beautiful, of course, but that’s not what I’m talking about... She’s different.
The reality was different. She was, as it were, woven from a shimmering fog, which either sprayed, making her completely transparent, then became denser, and then her perfect body became almost physically dense.
Her shiny, night-black hair fell in soft waves almost to her feet and, just like her body, it either thickened or dispersed into a sparkling mist. Yellow, like a lynx, the huge eyes of the stranger glowed with amber light, shimmering with thousands of unfamiliar golden shades and were deep and impenetrable, like eternity... On her clear, high forehead, a pulsating energy star, as yellow as her unusual eyes, glowed with gold. . The air around the woman fluttered with golden sparks, and it seemed that just a little more, and her light body would fly to a height unattainable to us, like an amazing golden bird... She really was unusually beautiful with some kind of unprecedented, bewitching, unearthly beauty.
“Hello, kids,” the stranger calmly greeted us, turning to us. And already turning to Anna, she added: “What made you call me, dear?” Did something happen?
Anna, smiling, affectionately hugged her mother by the shoulders and, pointing at us, quietly whispered:
“I thought they needed to meet you.” You could help them in ways that I can't. I think they're worth it. But forgive me if I was wrong... - and already turning to us, she joyfully added: - Here, dears, is my mother! Her name is Isidora. She was the most powerful Vidunya during that terrible time that we just talked about.
(She had an amazing name - From-and-to-Ra.... Emerging from light and knowledge, eternity and beauty, and always striving to achieve more... But I understood this only now. And then I was simply shocked by his extraordinary sound - it was free, joyful and proud, golden and fiery, like a bright rising Sun.)
Smiling thoughtfully, Isidora peered very carefully into our excited faces, and for some reason I suddenly really wanted to please her... There was no special reason for this, except that the story of this wonderful woman interested me wildly, and I really wanted to know what no matter what it takes to find out. But I didn’t know their customs, I didn’t know how long they hadn’t seen each other, so I decided for myself to remain silent for now. But, apparently not wanting to torment me for long, Isidora herself started the conversation...
- What did you want to know, kids?

The starting point for the creation of the Austrian army can be considered the date of formation of the state itself. In 976, Leopold I became Margrave of the Eastern March, who founded the Babenberg dynasty in Austria. In 996, the old German name Ostarrichi was first mentioned, from which the modern name Austria (German: Osterreich) was derived. Under the successors of Leopold I, a gradual strengthening of the state began, increasing its independence and authority among the principalities of the empire, as well as the development of the army.

The Austrian army participated in almost all major wars in Western Europe from the founding of the state until the second half of the 20th century. During this time, she experienced many high-profile victories and no less high-profile defeats. The Russian army played an important role in the latter.

Currently, according to the Constitution, the President of Austria is the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces. In reality, the real control of the army is in the hands of the Chancellor and the Ministry of National Defence. The Chancellor also heads the National Defense Council, which includes the Vice-Chancellor, the Minister of Defense, a representative of the Ministry of National Defense, the Inspector General, and a parliamentary representative. The Minister of Defense, acting jointly with the Minister of the Interior, coordinates the activities of four committees of the National Defense Council: the Military Committee, the Economic, Civil and Psychological Defense Committee. The Inspector General serves as a military adviser to the Secretary of Defense and heads the General Staff, which is responsible for planning operations. In addition, the army commander exercises direct control of the army (Bundeser) in peacetime and war. According to Article 79 of the Constitution of the Republic of Austria, the Bundeser is entrusted with the military defense of the country. In addition, in accordance with legislative acts, the Austrian army is charged with protecting the constitutional institutions of the state, the democratic freedoms of citizens, maintaining order within the country's borders and assisting in the elimination of natural disasters. The Ministry of National Defense consists of four departments:

1st department - legal issues and legislative activities;

2nd department - personnel and disciplinary issues, conscription;

3rd department - management of military detachments, training centers, this also includes departments G-1...G-5 responsible for the combat readiness of the Air Force;

4th department - acquisition of weapons, deployment and supply of troops.

The Austrian armed forces consist exclusively of ground forces. The Air Force is considered an integral part of them. In 1993, the number of armed forces was 52 thousand people, of which 20 to 30 thousand were conscripts, called up for a period of six to eight months. In 1993, 46 thousand people served in army units. (of which 19.5 thousand are conscripts). In the Air Force - 6 thousand.

According to the doctrine for the defense of Austrian territory defined before 1993, the country’s army was divided into three components:

Standing fighting forces (Bereitschaftstruppe), including the Air Force;

Mobile police (Mobile Landwehr), consolidated into eight mechanized brigades, deployed in the event of martial law in places where the enemy is likely to attack;

Standing militia forces (Raumgebundene Landwehr), consisting of twenty-six infantry regiments guarding the assigned territories.

At the army level, headquarters, special forces and an artillery corps operated. One corps headquarters was located in Graz (eastern lands) and Salzburg (western lands). They were entrusted with command and control of troops in the entrusted territories. Each corps included artillery, anti-tank, air defense units, an engineer battalion and a transport regiment. There are training regiments in each of the nine provinces. If mobilization were announced, police detachments would be deployed at their base.

In peacetime, the ground forces number about 15 thousand professional military personnel. Conscripts are added to their number. The ground forces are consolidated into a mechanized division consisting of three armored infantry brigades. Each brigade consists of three infantry brigades and a self-propelled artillery battalion. Two brigades are equipped with self-propelled artillery units. The division headquarters is located in Baden (near Vienna), the brigade headquarters are located in the northeast of Austria.

The new structure of the ground forces, which came into force in 1995, replaces the previous system of organization of the Austrian army corps. The headquarters of the corps is located in Baden; the corps itself covers the two northeastern provinces of Austria: Upper and Lower Austria. The corps includes three mechanized brigades stationed near Baden. The mobile militia forces were reduced from eight to six brigades, as was the total number of personnel - the fully mobilized Austrian army was reduced from 200 to 120 thousand people, and the permanent fighting forces were reduced from 15 to 10 thousand people. The time for mobilization and deployment of units was reduced to one hour (for example, on the border with Slovenia). The core of each brigade is fully equipped, and conscripts will be trained in police units deployed in each province. In the final stage of training, conscripts will be transferred to permanent combat forces.

Currently, the Austrian army is undergoing a reorganization. After its completion in 2010, the armed forces will have 21,000 officials, 21,000 officers and
24,000 militia soldiers24,000 soldiers.In addition to these, employees of the Ministry of Defense and Sports, of further agencies, academies and schools contribute to a total troop strength of 55,000, including a pool of experts drawn from militia. And, in addition to them, employees of the Ministry of Defense, military institutions, academies and schools. This would bring the total number of troops to 55,000.

As a member of the UN, Austria contributes to joint international efforts to maintain peace. Since 1960, more than 70,000 Austrian troops have taken part in more than 50 international peacekeeping and humanitarian missions. Since the end of the Cold War the number of missions has been growing rapidly.


The main armament of the Austrian army is 169 American-made M-60 tanks. At the end of the 1980s. The Austrian company Steyr-Daimler-Puch was tasked with modernizing the M-60. New engines, fire extinguishing systems, gun stabilization, and laser guidance systems were installed. At the end of the 1960s. The light French tank SK-105 was adopted for service; its purpose was to fight enemy tanks. The main armored personnel carrier of the Austrian army is the Saurer 4K-4E/F, supplied by Steyr-Daimler-Puch to other countries. Modern artillery weapons - fifty-four 155 mm. howitzers, American made. In addition to them, it is additionally planned to purchase 24 more howitzers of this caliber. Except 155 mm. howitzers in service with Austria are 105 mm. guns, multiple launch rocket systems of 130 mm caliber. Czech production. The Austrian government purchased 200 Centurion tanks from the Netherlands, and later 155 mm tanks were installed on them. guns. The basis of air defense is 40 mm. self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, radar detection systems equipped with 35 mm. guns, and 20 mm. anti-aircraft guns. Hand-held small arms consist mainly of Steyr Aug assault rifles and its modifications, Glock pistols, Heckler & Koch MP5 submachine guns and its modifications.

The first aircraft of the Austrian Air Force were the Yak-11 and Yak-18, received from the USSR. Currently, Austria has one of the smallest air forces in Europe, performing purely defensive missions. For a long time, the only combat aircraft in its arsenal were Saab 35 Draken interceptors. Currently, they have been replaced by modern multi-role Typhoon fighters. Austria is the first international customer for the EF-2000 fighters. The fighters are armed with short-range IRIS-T air-to-air guided missiles developed by Diehl BGT Defense and a 27-mm Mauser BK-27 cannon. Due to the doctrine adopted by the Austrian government in December 2001, the EF-2000 Typhoon purchased by Austria is equipped only with weapons to combat air targets. The fighters also did not receive the EuroDASS on-board personal protection system.

Standard equipment for an Austrian Army infantryman

Equipment of an infantryman of the Austrian Army:

1 - 1 Feldrucksack - field backpack, 1 pc.;
2 - 1 Feldschlafsack - field sleeping bag, 1 pc.;
3 - 1 Spaten mit Tasche - entrenching tool (shovel) with a cover, 1 pc.;
4 - 1 Rollmatte - sleeping mat, 1 pc.;
5 - 1 Kampfgeschirr - combat equipment (ammunition, suspenders), 1 pc.;
6 - 1 Feldsack mit aufgeschnalltem Stahlhelm, Innenhelm und Tarnenetz (mit Kampfhelmuberzug) - field backpack with attached steel helmet, fiber liner and camouflage cover (helmet covering), 1 pc.;
7 - 1 Paar leichte Feldschuhe mit Schuhstreckern - light boots, 1 pair;
8 - 1 Paar schwere Feldschuhe mit Schuhstreckern - heavy boots, 1 pair;
9 - 2 Unterhosen und 3 Unterleibchen - long johns, 2 pcs. and panties, 3 pcs.;
10 - 4 Paar Wollsocken - wool socks, 4 pairs;
11 - 1 Paar Uberfaustlinge - mittens, 1 pair;
12 - 1 Paar Feldfaustlinge - gloves, 1 pair;
13 - 2 Feldhosen - field trousers, 2 pairs;
14 - 2 Feldhemden - field shirts, 2 pcs.;
15 - 2 Feldblusen - field blouses, 2 pcs.;
16 - 1 Compakt Ration - dry ration, 1 pc.;
17 - 1 Handfeuerwaffe inkl. Reinigungsgerat - weapons with cleaning accessories, 1 pc.;
18 - 1 Butterdose - butter dish, 1 piece;
19 - 1 Essgeschirr - bowl (pot), 1 pc.;
20 - 1 Einmannkocher (mit Esbit) - dry alcohol burner, 1 pc.;
21 - 2 Feldjacken - field jacket, 2 pcs.;
22 - 1 Uberhose - overalls, 1 piece;
23 - 1 Trainingsjacke mit Trainingshose - sports jacket and pants, 1 set;
24 - 1 Pluschkappe - winter headdress, 1 pc.;
25 - 1 Mehrzweckplane - universal awning (raincoat tent) - 1 pc.;
26 - 1 Sporthose - sports shorts, 1 pc.;
27 - 1 Paar Sportschuhe - sports shoes, 1 pair;
28 - 2 Handtucher - towels, 2 pcs.;
29 - 1 Barett bzw. Fliegermutze braungrau - beret or cap, 1 pc.;
30 - 1 Wollmutze - woolen hat, 1 pc.;
31 - 1 Wehrdienstausweis/Erkennungsmarke - soldier's book and badge, 1 pc.;
32 - Waschzeug, Putzzeug - toiletry case, washing accessories;
33 - 2 Halstucher - neckerchief, scarf, 2 pcs.;
34 - 2 Feldkappen - field cappie, 2 pcs.;
35 - 1 leichte Feldjacke - light field jacket, 1 pc.;
36 - 1 GWD Tragtasche - cargo bag, 1 pc.;
37 - 1 Feldpullover - field sweater, 1 pc.;
38 - 1 Splitterschutzweste (nur bei bestimmten Ausbildungsvorhaben und bei Bedarf) - anti-fragmentation vest (used only by combat units and only when necessary);
39 - 1 Regenhose - storm (waterproof) trousers, 1 piece;
40 - 1 Unterziehhaube - balaclava (balaclava mask), 1 piece;
41 - 1 Dreieckstuch - headscarf (triangular dressing scarf) - 1 pc;
42 - 1 Leibbinde - corset made of dog hair - 1 piece;
43 - 1 ABC-Schutzanzug leicht - light OZK, 1 piece;;
44 - 2 Verbandspackchen - individual package, 2 pcs.

ABOUT The general change in the military-political situation in Europe, caused by the influx of uncontrolled flows of migrants, the increase in terrorist attacks and the civil war on the territory of Ukraine, forced the leadership of the Republic of Austria to change approaches to issues of defense and military development. As a result, the Austrian armed forces began a new stage in their history.

For the period from the reunification of Germany until 2015. Austria's defense policy has been characterized by a steady decline in the military budget from an initial 0.99 percent of GDP to 0.55 in 2016, or two billion euros less than any of its peers. He assumed the post of Minister of Defense and Sports of the country at the beginning of 2016. Hans Peter DOSKOSIL demanded a review of national security issues. The Austrian Armed Forces initiated a course of reorganization.

Austrian Minister of Defense and Sports Hans Peter DOSKOZIL

The transition to a new organizational structure officially started in October 2016, and already on January 1, 2017. It was announced that the main measures for the reorganization of troops had been completed. At the solemn ceremony on this occasion, H. DOSKOTSIL stated: “We recognized the challenges of the future! Military defense is indeed our main task and we cannot ignore security issues such as terrorism, migration and the development of cyber technologies.”

Austrian Armed Forces - purpose and composition

The declared goal of reforming the Austrian Armed Forces is to increase their readiness to respond to emerging crisis situations at home or abroad. For this reason, the former infantry and mechanized units of the ground forces received a unique specialization according to newly defined tasks. The military command and control bodies were reorganized and units subordinate to them were redeployed throughout the country (). The combat readiness of troops and the rapid use of forces are guaranteed by relying on contract servicemen.

According to the new approach, the Austrian armed forces are designed to perform the following tasks:

  • military defense of the country;
  • armed protection of residents and institutions;
  • providing assistance to authorities and the population in case of natural disasters and accidents;
  • providing assistance abroad as part of participation in international organizations.

Structurally, the Austrian Armed Forces consist of ground forces ( Landstreetcraft), air force ( Luftstreitkräfte) and rapid reaction forces ( Spezialeinsatzkräfte).

The total number of personnel is determined at 47 thousand people, of which: 14 thousand people. – soldiers of the Austrian army 8 thousand people. - civil servants and 25 thousand people - police personnel ( Miliz-Soldaten).

Higher military command

According to the new structure, the general leadership of the Austrian Armed Forces is carried out by the General Staff. He is responsible for operational planning and combat employment of subordinate forces and assets. Chief of the General Staff – Lieutenant General Othmar COMMENDA.

Formed in 2007 in Graz, the Armed Forces Control Command (Streitkrafteführungskommando) was disbanded. Instead, the following were formed: the command of the ground forces (Kommando Landstreitkräfte), the command of the air force (Kommando Luftstreitkrafte), the logistics command (Kommando Logistik), as well as the command of communications, information and cyber defense (Kommando Führungsunterstützung & Cyber ​​Defense).

Austrian Land Forces

The Austrian ground forces are the basis of the combat potential of the country's armed forces. Crisis response forces are subordinated to the Ground Forces Command ( Krisenreaktionskräfte), territorial forces, or military-territorial commands ( Militärkommanden), as well as college (school) SV ( Heerestruppenschule) and operational bases abroad. The commander of the Austrian Army is Lieutenant General Franz REIßNER.

The crisis response force includes:

  • Rapid Response Command ( Kommando Schnelle Einsätze,K.S.E.), Mautern;
  • mountain command ( Kommando Gebirgskampf), Innsbruck;
  • 4 “heavy” motorized infantry brigade (MPBR), Hörsching;
  • 7 “light” infantry brigade (pbr), Klagenfurt.

The Rapid Reaction Command (RRC) was formed on the basis of the former 3rd Mechanized Brigade. The CBI is designed to ensure the combat readiness of subordinate forces for operations at home and abroad and specializes in combat operations in urban areas. Command tasks:

  • protection from terrorist threats;
  • ensuring security and order after a terrorist attack, when security forces have not yet identified the source of the threat;
  • strengthening, if necessary, military police units.

The 6th Mountain Brigade specializes in conducting operations in the mountains at medium and high altitudes. The brigade command is responsible for coordinating the mountain training of mobile units of the Austrian armed forces. It is also responsible for the work of the European Center for Mountain Military Training ( europäischen Zentrums für Gebirgskampf).

Mountain units of the Austrian Armed Forces

The 4th infantry brigade combines all mechanized units of the ground forces. The brigade is designed to organize the defense of the country by conventional means and strengthen the operations of the armed forces in the country and abroad.

Units of the 7th PBR specialize in stabilization operations abroad. They can be used to support rapid reaction forces. The brigade's training and equipment allows it to conduct airborne operations.

Military personnel of the 7th brigade

Territorial defense units

The territorial forces of the new organization include nine military-territorial commands ( Militärkommando). Each territorial command is assigned one infantry battalion and one militia infantry battalion ( Jägerbataillon der Miliz). Attached battalions are formed by conscripts and work closely with regional authorities. Military-territorial commands are responsible for maintaining local infrastructure in operational and combat readiness, and also serve as the basis for the formation of police units ( Miliz).

During the reorganization, the Austrian armed forces for the first time in the last 38 years, in the interests of strengthening territorial defense, formed five new infantry battalions. Of these, 1pb (Burgenland), 7pb (Carinthia) and 15 pb (Upper Austria) are new divisions. On the basis of the former 3rd anti-aircraft division (Salzburg) and 26th infantry battalion (Tamsweg), the 8th anti-aircraft battalion (Salzburg) was formed. The basis for the creation of 6 infantry battalions were the former 6th headquarters battalion (Innsbruck) and 23 infantry battalions (Landeck).

Other components of the Austrian Armed Forces

The "Air" part of the former Graz Armed Forces Command has been transformed into a new separate Air Force command. Subordinate to him:

  • Air Support Command, Hörsching;
  • airspace control command, Salzburg;
  • school of pilots and air defense troops, Langelebarn.

The Air Force Commander is Brigadier Karl GRUBER.

The logistics command includes: six centers for logistics support of the armed forces ( Heereslogistikzentren), four health centers ( Sanitätszentren), clothing control ( Heeresbekleidungsanstalt), three arsenals ( Heeresmunitionsanstalten), 1 support regiment ( Versorgungsregiment 1), military dog ​​breeding center ( Militärhundezentrum), ten military sports centers.

The activities of the rear command are implemented in the area of ​​those core competencies: logistics support for the armed forces, military medicine and sports development.

The Communications, Information and Cyber ​​Defense Command is the center of competence of the Austrian Armed Forces in the areas of military command and control system organization, information and communication technologies, as well as military geoinformation.

The command is responsible for organizing the communication system and information support for military command and control bodies. The command carries out the tasks facing it on the territory of the country and abroad, in normal and emergency conditions.

Results and prospects

The course towards the development of national armed forces initiated by H. Doskocil received the support of the Federal Chancellor of Austria and various parliamentary parties. As a result of the efforts of the minister, the country's defense budget in 2016. received an additional 246 million euros to the planned 2.318 billion euros. In the period up to 2020 the total amount of additional funding for defense spending could be, according to various sources, from 1.305 to 1.7 billion euros.

According to experts, since the start of the reforms, the Austrian armed forces have already felt visible results. In particular, as of the beginning of 2017, for the first time in many years, all the main units of the Austrian army were equipped. At the end of 2016 About 3,800 military personnel entered service on a contract basis, and about 1,400 positions previously vacated due to military retirement were filled. According to publications, the command of the Austrian Armed Forces expressed confidence in the possibility of annually attracting about 300 contract military personnel.

New Austrian Defense Minister Mario KUNASEK

In conclusion, it should be noted that after the elections in Austria in December 2017, the new Chancellor from the Austrian People's Party, Sebastian KURZ, was sworn in. The newly elected head of state changed the names of a number of ministries and appointed new key ministers. As a result of the start of its activities, the former Austrian Ministry of Defense and Sports became the Ministry of Defense. Former soldier Mario KUNASEK has been appointed to the post of head of the department.

Based on materials from the magazine "Europäische Sicherheit &Technik"

www. bundesheer. at


The army is recruited by conscription, to which, with few exceptions, all Austrian subjects are subject upon reaching the age of twenty. The annual contingent is 80,000 - 85,000. But you can pay off the concept. The service life in the active forces is eight, in the reserve is two years. The latter does not gather in peacetime. The short duration of service in the reserve is a weak point of the Austrian organization, although it should be noted that the role of the reserve is generally played by leave pay from those on active service more than by the so-called reserve itself.

Every infantry and cavalry regiment is constantly recruited in a certain district of the same province; only special types of weapons are recruited from all parts of the empire, and the fleet is from the coastal provinces. As a result, the Austrian army is an amalgam of regiments recruited from a mass whose parts are not only not connected by common interests, but are hostile to each other, and especially to the dominant German tribe. This makes it extremely difficult to command an army and complicates its bringing into martial law: active regiments are never located in the provinces from which they are recruited, because placing them in their homeland or nearby is considered dangerous; It is considered no less dangerous to give regiments officers of a non-alien nationality, as a result of which there cannot be much in common between commanders and subordinates, since only command words are understandable to both sides. In such a situation, there is, of course, no point in thinking about, for example, means of development such as literacy.

Thus, it is completed with:

Infantry regiments Jaeger battalions Cavalry regiments
by the Germans 8 10 3
Slavs 24 17 25
Hungarians 23 1 12
Italians 8 2 «
Moldo-Vlachs 7 2 1
80 32 41

In addition, the Military Frontier and the Tyrol are subject to special provisions. The entire male population of the Military Frontier capable of bearing arms is considered in service starting at the age of 20; The border guard has no property and uses the land only as long as he is in service. Moreover, he does not have the right to engage in any craft, neither the soldier nor the officer have the right to buy land. In wartime, the border guards consist of 14 regiments and 1 separate battalion. The Border Guards represent the only foreign infantry branch in Austria that has officers from their compatriots.

Tyrol and Vorarlberg comprise only one regular unit - the imperial rifle regiment, consisting of 6 battalions. In case of war, a special militia is formed for local defense, consisting of drafts: 1) rifle companies - 6200 people, 2) volunteer companies,

3) Landsturm.

The active army has the following composition:

1) Infantry. 80 regiments, consisting of 4 battalions and one reserve cadre each; from the latter, in wartime, two companies of the fifth battalion are formed, assigned to serve in the fortresses. Six-company battalions. 38 Jaeger battalions also consist of six companies, including the Imperial Jaeger Regiment. Each battalion has a cadre to form one reserve company for the duration of the war.

Granichary - 8 regiments of four battalions;

3 regiments of three battalions, with the addition of a separate division (2 companies); 3 regiments of three battalions.

The fourth battalions, where all are four companies, and the others are six companies.

Line infantry is armed with rifled rifles with triangular bayonets, and light infantry with rifled rifles with double-edged bayonets; The whole thing is built in two ranks.

Cavalry. 12 cuirassier regiments of five squadrons; 2 dragoons, 14 hussars, 13 lancers of six squadrons. In wartime, the fifth squadrons in heavy and sixth squadrons in light regiments are separated from the regiments and form reserve units for the formation of recruits and dressage horses.

Artillery. 12 regiments of ten batteries: 9 of them have 6 four-pound and 2 eight-pound foot batteries, 2 four-pound horse batteries of eight guns; one park, four fortress companies and one missile battery. The remaining three regiments represent the difference that they have 1 four-pound, 4 eight-pound foot and 5 horse batteries.

In peacetime, there is only one serf company and one reserve company for training recruits.

All Austrian field artillery is armed with copper rifled guns, muzzle loaded.

Corps of Engineers. Two engineering regiments, four battalions each, four companies strong. With martial law, one reserve company is formed for each battalion. There are six pioneer battalions of four companies.

Sanitary companies numbering 10, for picking up the wounded and setting up dressing stations.

6) Transport squadrons, number 24.

Austria began military preparations in early March: the first step was to strengthen the troops located in Bohemia and Galicia, call up the leavers of these units and order the preparation of five armored frigates in the Adriatic Sea. Newspapers were strictly forbidden to print anything about these preparations.

In mid-April, according to the old style, the following order was issued:

On bringing to martial law the regiments occupying the Venetian region, as well as those recruited from it. Their fourth battalions were also attached to the first of these regiments to occupy the fortresses of the quadrangle.

On the mobilization of active battalions in the border regiments, which were supposed to occupy Dalmatia and strengthen the garrisons of Italian fortresses.

On taking all measures to speed up the collection of vacation pay in those recruitment areas where this has not yet been done.

4) On the purchase of horses for cavalry, artillery, and convoys.

The order to bring the entire army on a military footing followed soon after these orders.

In view of the possible speedy departure of the existing regiments to Bohemia and Italy, local brigades from the fourth battalions were formed in Vienna, Linz, Grez, Lemberg and other large cities; in the month of May, in the recruiting areas, first the fifth and then the sixth battalions were formed from reserve divisions, which were staffed partly with reservists, partly with volunteers.

Only after completing the staffing of these units was it allowed to form volunteer rifle corps in Vienna, Styria, Bohemia and Hungary and a cavalry legion in Galicia.

At the beginning of June, a second recruitment was announced throughout the empire, excluding provinces with special rights, and a five new Jaeger battalions.

The shortage of doctors prompted the government, at the very beginning of armament, to invite free practitioners to serve, canceling their preliminary three-month test and assigning 200 guilders to senior and 100 junior doctors as a reward, not counting the raise money.

To ensure food supply for the army, contracts were concluded in May for the supply of supplies to Bohemia and Italy.

To care for the wounded, the War Ministry ordered the establishment of hospitals on the main railway lines, on navigable rivers, away from large cities, in noble castles and government buildings. Many hospitals were entrusted to the care of civilian doctors, city societies and private individuals.

The population responded to this call more sympathetically than could be expected from the apathy to which it was led in Austria by internal politics. What they would not have done, perhaps out of sheer affection for their own government, they were ready to do out of hatred for the Prussians. The middle class was inspired by anger at the instigators of the war, which threatened to undermine its already precarious well-being. The nobility was also ready to make some sacrifices, because Prussian tendencies towards the unification of Germany threatened to undermine the Austrian order, thanks to which this nobility had prospered very, very much, despite the misfortunes of the people. These fears resulted in the fact that not only in German, but also in other provinces, the developed part of the population was quite favorably disposed before the war. But there could not be any special inner strength in such a mood, which was revealed by the extreme modesty of the donations made to the army.

There was not even that slight agitation against the Italians that the Prussians had caused: many among the Austrian subjects even found it very natural that they would want to free their brothers from foreign rule.

The regular strength of the Austrian army before the war was as follows:

80 infantry regiments - 240 battalions... 253,000 people

80 fourth battalions - 80 battalions... 80,000

43 Jaeger battalions (including newly formed ones) ... 46,000

14 border regiments - 42 battalions... 42,000

12 heavy cavalry regiments - 48 squadrons ... 32,000

29 regiments of line cavalry - 145 squadrons ... 32,000

12 artillery regiments - 120 batteries, 960 guns... 43,000

2 engineering regiments - 8 battalions... 7000

6 pioneer battalions - 6 battalions ... 6000

10 sanitary companies... 2000

24 convoy squadrons ... 24,000

Tyrolean militia... 6000

Volunteer corps… 12,000

Total: 558,000

Reserve troops:

80 fifth and 80 sixth battalions... 160,000

41 squadron... 7000

8 engineering companies... 1000

Total: 163,000

It should be noted, however, that the difference between the regular and available numbers, judging by rumors, was very large. Unfortunately, I could not collect much positive data regarding the Austrian army.

All active troops, with the exception of 19 batteries and most of the fourth battalions, became part of the Italian and Bohemian armies, except for one division sent to the allied corps and the troops defending Dalmatia.

With the distribution of these forces among the armies, two new corps had to be formed, which indicates the uselessness of the corps organization in peacetime.

The Northern Army, entrusted to Feldzeichmeister Bepedek, consisted of seven corps and five cavalry divisions.

The corps consisted of: 1) four brigades (the division into divisions was abolished after the Italian campaign), each consisting of two infantry regiments, a Jaeger battalion, and a battery

4-pounder, squadron and engineer company.

2) From an artillery reserve of 6 batteries, with a squadron as permanent cover.

Pioneer battalion and four engineering companies.

One sanitary company.

Two field hospitals.

Telegraph office.

The Third Corps represented the difference that it was a force of five brigades, of which one consisted of only five battalions: a regiment of border guards and two fourth battalions.

The first light cavalry division consisted of three, the second - of two brigades; three reserve ones - each of two.

In total, the northern army represented a force of 199 battalions, 163 squadrons, 648 guns, 6 pioneer battalions, 12 engineering and 5 sanitary companies.

These forces should also include the Saxon army, remarkable both for its excellent spirit and for the fact that of the small German armies, only it was ready on time. In spirit and education of the officers, it stands quite close to the Prussian army, which was revealed in action: despite the fact that the Saxon army was in all cases against the northern mass of Prussian forces, it did not submit to the needle panic, fought excellently everywhere, and even after the Königgrätz pogrom retreated in much greater order than the Austrian corps, which stood in reserve and took very little part in the battle. The Saxon army represented a corps with a force of 20 battalions, 16 squadrons, 58 guns, consisting of two infantry divisions, one cavalry and an artillery reserve. Two squadrons were assigned to each infantry division.

The artillery consisted half of Prussian rifled guns and half of howitzers. Two batteries were assigned to the infantry divisions and one battery to the cavalry; the remaining five batteries constituted the artillery reserve.

From the book of the Special Services of the Russian Empire [Unique encyclopedia] author Kolpakidi Alexander Ivanovich

in Bosnia (under the Austrian occupation army) Nikolai Vasilievich Kaulbars - colonel - baron - 1878–1879 Assistant military attachés Nikolai Mikhailovich Potapov - lieutenant colonel - 06/18/1901-06/10/1903 Zankevich Mikhail Ippolitovich - lieutenant colonel - 11/25/1903-9 .01. 1905 Marine

From the book The Rise of Stalin. Defense of Tsaritsyn author Goncharov Vladislav Lvovich

70. Combat strength of the 10th Red Army by December 15, 1918 The table does not include data on the combat strength of the Alyabyev and Rud armored trains. These data are as follows: armored trains - 8, armored vehicles - 7, machine guns - 135, guns - 36, fighters -

From the book Unknown Stalingrad. How history is distorted [= Myths and truth about Stalingrad] author Isaev Alexey Valerievich

72. Orders to the command of the 10th Army to assist the troops of the 9th Army in the offensive On December 94 and 565, 1918. We accepted your first plan. The 9th Army is bleeding and has almost completed its task, while the 10th [Army] remains passive, which is inexplicable and poses

From the book Cossacks in 1812 author Shishov Alexey Vasilievich

Appendix 1 Composition of weapons of the infantry divisions of the 6th Army at the beginning of the Battle of Stalingrad 2 - 47 mm Pak

From the book Vyazemskaya disaster of 1941 author Lopukhovsky Lev Nikolaevich

Chapter three. From Maloyaroslavets to Krasny. Cossack vanguard of the Main Russian Army. Old Smolensk road. The extermination of the Grand Army of Emperor Bonaparte by “steppe wasps.” At the height of the Tarutino battle, that is, on the afternoon of September 6, to the commander-in-chief of the Russian army

From the book Vienna, 1683 author Podhorodetsky Leszek


From the book Captured in Battle. Trophies of the Russian army in the First World War author Oleynikov Alexey Vladimirovich

TO HELP THE AUSTRIAN CAPITAL Jan III received news of the Turkish campaign against Vienna on July 16 in Wilanova, two days after the approach of Kara Mustafa's army to the capital of the empire. News also reached the royal palace about the flight of Leopold I and his wife Maria Eleonora to Linz, as well as the

From the book The Great War on the Caucasian Front. 1914-1917 author Maslovsky Evgeniy Vasilievich

1. PRISONERS OF WAR OF THE AUSTRIAN, GERMAN AND TURKISH ARMIES ON THE RUSSIAN FRONT IN THE CONTEXT OF COMBAT LOSSES OF THE ARMIES OF THE GERMAN BLOCK Prisoners of enemy soldiers and officers are an indicator of success, and a large number of them - and disorganization of units and formations of enemy troops. Especially

From the book The Austro-Prussian War. 1866 author Dragomirov Mikhail Ivanovich

Appendix No. 7. DETAILED COMPOSITION AND LOCATION OF THE CAUCASIAN ARMY ON THE DAY OF WAR DECLARATION ON OCTOBER 20, 1914. Commander-in-Chief of the Caucasian Separate Army - Adjutant General of the Cavalry, Count Vorontsov-Dashkov. Assistant to the Commander-in-Chief for Military Affairs -

From the author's book

Appendix No. 9. COMPOSITION OF THE ACTING CAUCASIAN ARMY AT THE BEGINNING OF DECEMBER 1914 1 Caucasian Arm. Corps: 39 infantry division 16 baht. 48 Or.20 Inf. division 16 baht. 48 regiment 1 Kuban formation, brigade 6 battalions. 2 Kuban formation, brigade 6 battalions 1 Caucasus. dept. horn art. div 12 op.1 Caucasian mort. div 12 gaub.1

From the author's book

Appendix No. 12. COMPOSITION AND GROUPING OF THE CAUCASIAN ACTING ARMY BY SEPTEMBER 1, 1915 1) Primorsky detachment and Mikhailovskaya fortress. 1 Kuban plastun, battalion ... 1 bat. 19 Turkestan regiment ... 3 bat. 15, 17 and 18 baht. 3 Kuban formation, brigades... 3 battalions 3 and 4 departments 25 border guards.

From the author's book

Appendix No. 15. NUMBER COMPOSITION OF THE CAUCASIAN ACTING ARMY AS OF SEPTEMBER 1, 1915 People Horses Bayonet Sabers 1 Caucasian Corps 59 t. 25 t. 331/2 t. 6 t. 2 Turkestan Corps 60 t. 23 t. 33 t. 3 t. 4 Caucasian Corps 54 t. 20 t. 30 t. 7 t. Azerbaijani-Van detachment 19 t. 10 t. 81/2 t. 6

From the author's book

Appendix No. 16. COMPOSITION AND GROUPING OF THE CAUCASIAN ARMY BY DECEMBER 20, 1915 (Before the start of the Battle of Azankey)1) Primorsky detachment and Mikhailovskaya fortress.1 Kuban Plastun battalion ... 1 battalion. 19 Turkestan regiment ... 4 battalions. 15 and 17 Kuban plast. battalions... 2 baht.5

From the author's book

Appendix No. 18. COMPOSITION OF THE 3rd TURKISH ARMY BY SEPTEMBER 1, 1915, compiled according to the intelligence department of the Headquarters of the Caucasian Army for the specified time.9 Turkish Corps: 17th Division: 49th, 50th and 51st Infantry. regiments ... 9 battalion 28th division: 82nd, 83rd and 84th infantry. regiments ... 9 battalion 29th division: 85th, 86th and 87th

From the author's book

Appendix No. 22. COMMAND COMPOSITION OF THE CAUCASIAN ACTING ARMY AROUND JANUARY 1, 1917 Caucasian Arm. Corps. Corps Commander Gen.-L. Kalitin, Chief of Staff, General. SwallowCaucasian Arm. Corps. Corps Commander Gen.-L. de Witt. Chief of Staff of General. Mdivani.Caucasian Arm.

From the author's book

CURRENT POSITION OF OTHER UNITS OF THE PRUSSIAN AND AUSTRIAN ARMY Only one significant change occurred in the Austrian disposition: the II Corps, on the 27th, arrived in Opoczno and, therefore, could take part in the action the next day. The 1st Guards Division arrived at

3.3k (27 per week)

The Austrian Armed Forces are under the control of the Ministry of Defense and Sports of the Republic of Austria. They consist of ground forces and air forces, and their the total number is only 40,500 people.

The Austrian armed forces do not have a traditional three-service structure, but a slightly different structure. The Department of Defense has two types of commands - the unified support command and the armed forces command.

Austria is one of the few European countries that have retained a conscript army. And although the issue of abandoning conscription and switching to a contract army was put to a referendum in 2013, 60% of Austrians decided to leave everything as before. However, military service there lasts only six months.

History of the Austrian Army

Austria was once a very warlike country and participated in most of the major continental wars that took place in modern times. In 1918-1921 The semi-regular Austrian army Volkswehr fought in Carinthia against units of the Yugoslav army.

When in 1938 Germany pulled off the Anschluss of Austria, then all 6 divisions of the latter joined Hitler’s Wehrmacht, in which they had to go through the entire war. They made a special contribution to the activities of specific mountain infantry (jaeger) formations.

In 1955 As a supplement to gaining independence, Austria was forced to accept permanent neutrality, which was enshrined in the country's constitution. From that moment on, the Austrian army served only to protect its own neutrality.

In recent decades, Austrian troops have been put on heightened combat readiness several times when tensions increased in neighboring countries: in Hungary (1956) , Czechoslovakia (1968) , Yugoslavia (1991) , but she never got to the point of direct participation in armed clashes. First after World War II, in 1975 In the Austrian army, the 1st motorized infantry division was formed, which included 3 motorized infantry brigades, anti-aircraft and engineering divisions and a communications battalion. In 1987 The Austrian army had the largest structure, including 7 brigades, 14 headquarters formations, 158 battalions, 34 regiments and about a thousand small units. When the Cold War ended, the Austrian military began helping border guards control the influx of illegal migrants crossing the country's borders. The Balkan War increased the restrictions on the Austrian army imposed in 1955 state contract.

After 1960 year, the Austrian army began to be used in UN missions, and after 1995 year in Kosovo, in the NATO Partnership for Peace program.

At present The Austrian army is very compact, but it is well equipped and trained. The size of the Austrian army in recent years has been about 53 thousand people, of which 12 thousand people are doing military service. The country as a whole has mobilization resources of 1.55 million people.

Ground troops

They consist of four brigades: the 3rd, 6th and 7th are infantry, and the 4th is mechanized. The composition and purpose of all teams differ.

Air Force

The Airspace Control Command is responsible for the country's air defense. It has an air control squadron located in Zeltweg. Air support command includes helicopter units, as well as transport and training aircraft.

  • Many Austrian military units preserve the continuity and traditions established by the imperial army Austro-Hungarian period.
  • In the Austrian army Even before 2006, the Danube flotilla existed, which, according to tradition, was ranked among the engineering units of the ground forces.
  • The crisis also reached the Austrian army, which in 2011 announced large-scale plans to reduce the number of armored vehicles in order to save money. It was planned to reduce combat units by approximately three times.
  • Despite its compactness, The Austrian army has in its arsenal many types of weapons of its own production. Among small arms we can mention Steyr AUG assault rifles, SSG 69 sniper rifles, Glock pistols and other products of the famous company “Steyr Mannlicher”. Russian airborne special forces also use similar weapons. The Austrians also make the Cuirassier light tanks, the Pandur armored personnel carrier, and the Ulan infantry fighting vehicle, and they not only enter service with their own army, but are also exported.
  • The most famous soldier of the modern Austrian army was Arnold Schwarzenegger, who served in a tank unit in 1965. During his service, he managed to distinguish himself - he sank a tank in the river and served a couple of months in the guardhouse for being AWOL.