A very tasty chocolate sponge cake recipe. Chocolate sponge cake: a simple recipe that always works! Chocolate sponge cake and cake cream recipe with photo

A simple chocolate sponge cake is always fluffy, moist and very spongy. It is prepared easily and quickly. Soda is poured into sour kefir. Liquid ingredients are mixed with bulk ingredients, sizzled kefir is added and everything is baked at 200 degrees for 40 minutes. And you don’t need to worry whether the eggs are well beaten or not, as in the classic version. will come out tall and airy.

The whole secret is in the correct sequence of actions and knowledge of the nuances. We’ll tell you everything in detail today in the comments and with photos.

Subtleties of a simple chocolate sponge cake recipe

  1. Only the highest grade flour must be sifted. This procedure removes possible debris and saturates the mass with air.
  2. Soda is used, which is poured into kefir or sour cream, yogurt or biphytate. The product must be acidic and old to trigger the carbon dioxide reaction in the liquid base. Making a delicious and simple chocolate sponge cake with it will be a successful preparation for assembling or cakes. And there will be a place to dispose of expired kefir/sour cream/yogurt.


  • There is no need to replace baking soda with baking powder so as not to lose the fluffiness of the cake.
  • You cannot extinguish soda with vinegar. During the process of these grandmother's manipulations, all carbon dioxide evaporates even before it gets into the dough.
  1. All components should be at room temperature.
  2. Buy store-bought eggs: they are less fatty. They do not need to be beaten with a mixer, separating them into whites and yolks. They are introduced by beating together with sugar with a whisk or mixer. You can double the volume. But this is not important.
  3. The cocoa must be sifted so that there are no lumps in a simple chocolate sponge cake.
  4. If desired, instead of cocoa, you can add chocolate melted in a water bath (100 g per serving). The result will be a richer taste - ideal for chocoholics.
  5. The amount of sugar can be adjusted to your taste, but for the first time it is better to do it strictly according to the recipe.

Preparing the mold for a fluffy and simple chocolate sponge cake

Optimally - a split form with a special coating. Diameter – up to 25 cm. The larger the diameter, the thinner the cake will be. To get a tall sponge cake in a wide shape, you need to at least double the amount of ingredients.

The baking dish is greased with vegetable oil. If you want to use butter, then you need to dust the bottom and sides with flour. This method of preparing a uniform is called a French shirt.

A very tasty and simple chocolate sponge cake recipe with step-by-step photos

Our cake is made with kefir and cocoa. As an alternative, sour cream, yogurt or bifitate are suitable. The main condition is that fermented milk products should not be of the first freshness, but should be as sour as possible. The sponge cake then comes out mega-porous and tall. And it always works for everyone, even with no experience.

A delicious chocolate sponge cake with a very simple recipe will be a highlight not only at a holiday, you can treat yourself and your family to it on any day. This dessert is prepared in 1.5-2 hours and is considered quite light. There are no hard to find ingredients present here. Of course, sometimes it’s easier to go to the store and buy a delicacy, but if you prepare it with your own hands and invested soul, it will be much tastier. And it’s always nice to receive praise from family members.

Chocolate sponge cake


  • egg - 4 pieces;
  • sugar – 1 glass;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • soda – ½ teaspoon;
  • cocoa powder - 3 tablespoons.

For impregnation:

  • boiled water – 200 grams;
  • sugar – 2 tablespoons;
  • lemon – 1 piece.

For cream:

  • butter – 200 grams;
  • vanilla sugar – 1 sachet;
  • lemon zest;
  • condensed milk - 1 can.


Break 4 eggs into a cup and beat them well with a mixer or whisk, add salt, baking soda, sugar, cocoa powder and mix well again using the same tools.

Slowly and portionwise add 1 cup of flour and continue beating the biscuit dough.

Grease the mold with a small piece of butter and pour the batter into it and place it in the oven to bake at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes.

To prepare the impregnation, you need to pour sugar into hot boiled water and pour in the juice of 1 lemon. Mix everything thoroughly and pour over the finished, cooled cakes. How many cakes you will have depends only on your preferences; one cake can be cut into 2 – 4 pieces.

Next is the cream preparation stage. Remove the zest from the squeezed lemon. Mix the slightly melted butter with vanilla sugar, zest and condensed milk. Condensed milk should be poured gradually in portions and mixed using a mixer.

Place the soaked sponge cakes one at a time on a plate. Grease the first cake with cream and add your favorite fruit. We perform such manipulations with each layer. Apply cream to the top.

You can decorate with fondant, but this is only optional. It's easy to prepare. Heat 50 grams of butter, 1 tablespoon of condensed milk, 50-70 grams of water in the microwave or on gas, add 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder and mix well.

The consistency should be approximately like thick sour cream. Decorate the top of the cake with hot fudge. You can’t wait for it to cool down; when it’s cold, it will harden.

Chocolate sponge cake is a very tasty and simple recipe with condensed milk cream

This is a fairly simple step-by-step recipe with photos of a very tasty chocolate sponge cake. The cream and impregnation can be used in other recipes. For example, as in the following recipe.

For the biscuit:

  • flour – 180 grams;
  • cocoa powder – 40 grams;
  • egg - 4 pieces;
  • sugar – 220 grams;
  • vanilla sugar – 2 teaspoons;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • butter – 70 grams.

For impregnation:

  • sugar – 100 grams;
  • water – 100 milliliters;
  • rum – 20 milliliters.

For cream:

  • condensed milk – 200 grams;
  • cocoa powder – 30-40 grams;
  • cream with at least 35% fat content - 500 milliliters.

Chocolate glaze:

  • cream of any fat content - 250 milliliters;
  • chocolate – 250 grams.


  1. Sift the flour through a sieve and add cocoa powder to it.
  2. Break the eggs into a separate cup and add 4 yolks. Add sugar and whisk or use a mixer to beat the mixture.
  3. Place the sugar-egg mixture in a water bath and stirring until it reaches a temperature of 43 degrees.
  4. Remove the mixture from the gas and beat with a mixer at highest speed until it cools completely. The mass should increase at least 3 times.
  5. Add vanilla sugar and a pinch of salt while whipping the mixture with a mixer.
  6. Gradually whisk the flour and cocoa mixture into the egg mixture in about three additions. It is advisable to do this with a silicone spatula; you need to stir from bottom to top from the edges to the middle and in one direction.
  7. Put a little of the resulting mass in a separate bowl and add melted butter there. You can melt it either in a water bath or in the microwave. Mix thoroughly with a whisk and pour back into the main part of the biscuit dough. Mix everything well again.
  8. Place the dough in a small springform pan with a diameter of approximately 26 centimeters. It is advisable to cover the bottom with parchment paper and grease with oil.
  9. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees and place the biscuit dough there. It will take about half an hour to prepare. Check readiness with a toothpick or wooden stick. There should be no dough residue on it.
  10. Remove the slightly cooled sponge cake from the mold, remove the parchment paper and let it rest for 5-6 hours.
  11. To prepare the impregnation, you need to pour water into a saucepan and pour sugar into it. Stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved. Bring the mixture to a boil and then remove from heat. Let the sugar syrup cool to 40 degrees and add rum and stir.
  12. After the sponge cake has rested, if necessary, cut off the top in order to level it and cut the cake into 3 parts.
  13. To prepare the cream, mix condensed milk and cocoa powder in a mixer bowl. Pour the cold cream into the bowl and continue beating at high speed until the cream is fluffy and fluffy.
  14. The next stage is assembling the chocolate sponge cake according to this recipe with video. To do this, you need to lay out one cake and soak it evenly with 1/3 of the syrup. After that, put the same amount of cream on top and smooth it out. Place the second cake on top and do the same steps as with the first. Place the third cake layer, smooth side up, soak and brush the top and sides with the remaining cream. Place the cake in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. This is necessary so that it is well soaked and cooled.
  15. While the cake is cooling and soaking, you need to prepare the chocolate glaze. Pour cream of any fat content into the pan and bring almost to a boil.
  16. Chop or break the chocolate into smaller pieces and pour cream over it. Let sit and melt the chocolate a little, about 1 minute. Mix well with a spatula until smooth. It should turn out shiny. This mixture is also called ganache.
  17. Leave the ganache to cool; it should remain liquid even when cold, so it needs to be stirred periodically.
  18. It is advisable that before you start pouring chocolate glaze over the cake, you need to transfer it to a wire rack, which is placed over a cup or bowl so that excess ganache drips there. Pour the glaze into the middle of the cake and use a spatula, preferably a thin metal one, to smooth it over the entire surface. Then send the cake back to the refrigerator to cool.
  19. The remaining glaze can also be cooled in the refrigerator and beaten in a mixer, and then placed in a pastry bag and decorated with ganache. Remove the cake from the refrigerator one hour before serving.

This recipe is of course more complicated than the first, but despite the fact that they are both made according to the recipe in the photo with a chocolate sponge cake base, they are both very tasty.

Chocolate sponge cake is a completely independent product: it has a presentable appearance both as a whole and in cross-section. Tall, porous, with a soft copper tint, impeccable in taste. Sprinkle with a handful of powdered sugar and serve! And you can’t even look for a better base for a complex cake. Regular biscuits are kept for a day before cutting into cakes for better ripening. This one is ready to soak in no time. Change the buttercream to sour cream, custard, protein, coat with citrus or berry curd, collect in a pile, cover with crumbs, coconut flakes, decorate with fruits, marzipan figures and serve after half an hour.

Cooking time: 60 minutes / Number of servings: 8 / Mold with a diameter of 22 cm


  • wheat flour 100 g
  • eggs 4 pcs.
  • sugar 150 g
  • dark chocolate 100 g
  • butter 100 g
  • baking powder 10 g
  • salt 2 g


    We carry out several processes in parallel - we immediately stock up on bowls, 5 of them will be needed. Place the separated egg whites and yolks in two bowls. Remove the eggs (large ones) from the refrigerator in advance and keep them at room temperature for about an hour.

    Beat the egg whites with a mixer for about 3-4 minutes - it all depends on the power of your unit. We stop after achieving airy and stable peaks. In the third container, heat a bar of dark (!) chocolate in a water bath or in a microwave oven. Let me remind you that chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa beans is important - this time do not take cocoa powder, even very good one. In another bowl, grind soft, pliable butter and granulated sugar - we work with a fork or whisk, you can use a food processor to knead the dough.

    Having combined sugar and butter until crumbly, pour in the viscous warm chocolate, continue kneading and bring the mixture to an even color.

    We return to the yolks - add one egg yolk to the chocolate and already sweet butter. Mix thoroughly each time until smooth.

    In the last plate, mix a little salt to enhance the taste, sifted wheat flour and only the highest grade, as well as a portion of baking powder. If you want to add vanilla flavor, add a teaspoon of vanilla sugar at this stage. Add the dry ingredients in two or three steps - at first the chocolate dough will become quite thick and the spoon/whisk/spatula will be difficult to turn.

    Finally, we transfer the protein foam in parts. Like the yolks, stir each time until completely combined. At the last stage of kneading, the dough with chocolate is noticeably moistened and turns from thick to fluffy, stretchy, and creamy.

    For convenience and for the sake of the ideal edge of the future product, we line a heat-resistant mold with a diameter of 22 cm with sheets of baking paper. We do not lubricate with any fat. Fill with sticky dough, level the surface and place in a preheated oven. Bake homemade chocolate sponge cake for about 30 minutes at 180 degrees. Do not open the door for the first 20 minutes - the sponge cake will fall off or swell unevenly!

    After half an hour, we check the crumb by piercing it with a long splinter. If there are no wet clots, remove them. Many cooks cool the biscuits without removing them from the dish, turning them upside down and placing them at a certain height above the countertop. I have a different way. Directly in the form, in the starting position, we throw it on the table (for a soft landing we spread a towel) from a height of about 50 cm. You can do it a couple of times. We shake the tall and porous cake and do not allow it to shrink. Then take it out and cool it. Carefully tear off the parchment from the cold sponge cake and turn it upside down.

    Fluffy, with a bright aroma of chocolate, the sponge cake is beautiful and tasty on its own - just add a little powder or choose a complex decoration. See what sweets you have on hand. Jam, condensed milk, ice cream, nuts and fresh berries are suitable here.

If the occasion arises, we build a full-fledged cake. Cut into three layers, grease with sweet and sour impregnation, delicate cream, and decorate impromptu. Enjoy your tea!

Recipes for making cakes at home with photos

chocolate sponge cake

50 minutes

280 kcal

5 /5 (2 )

Chocolate sponge cake with a delicate layer of airy buttercream is always a welcome treat for those gathered at the festive table. I remember that as a child I simply dreamed of a piece of this, but my grandmother baked it only for the New Year, since the ingredients used were considered scarce then. Today, in every refrigerator you can find everything you need.

Despite this, few beginners in cooking take on making such a cake, because it is considered to be quite complicated. But in vain! Today I will present you a simple family recipe for chocolate sponge cake: you will learn in detail how to make the perfect dough for a delicious cake, as well as a delicious cream that holds its shape perfectly.

Kitchen tools

In order to speed up the preparation of the cake and get an excellent result, it is very important to prepare in advance the kitchen utensils and utensils that you will need during the process:

  • a round cake pan (preferably with a non-stick coating) with a diameter of 23 cm;
  • three or four spacious bowls with a volume of 300 ml;
  • small saucepan;
  • medium sieve;
  • several teaspoons and tablespoons;
  • cotton towels;
  • metal whisk;
  • long knife;
  • cutting board.

In addition, you will definitely need a mixer or food processor with a special attachment to quickly mix the dough and cream components.





How to choose the right ingredients

Beginners may find the following information helpful regarding choosing the right ingredients for chocolate sponge cake.

  • Be sure to buy cream with a fat content of at least 35%, otherwise the cream may not thicken and leak while the cake is proofing.
  • You can use boiled condensed milk, but it is better to prepare it yourself by boiling the can in boiling water for about an hour.
  • Chocolate can be either bitter or milky - it all depends on your personal preferences. At the same time, do not take chocolate with extraneous fillings: nuts, raisins or dried apricots.
  • Instead of rum, you can choose another alcohol: liqueur or cognac. However, do not use vodka or beer under any circumstances: these products will give the cakes an unpleasant taste.

Cooking sequence




Assembling the cake

How to decorate a sponge cake

This treat is wonderful first of all because you can decorate it after proofing, before serving. For those who don’t want to bother too much with decorations, I offer my recipe for an excellent glaze.


  • 250 g chocolate;
  • 250 ml cream.


Chocolate sponge cake: recipe video

The video below shows the complete process of making a delicious and beautiful cake with buttercream.

Easy Chocolate Sponge Cake - Grandma Emma's Recipe

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How to make Simple Chocolate Sponge Cake - recipe and tips from Grandma Emma. Sponge cakes are very tender and tasty. Sponge cake is always a welcome dessert. We bring you a recipe for a Simple Chocolate Sponge Cake. Grandma Emma shares a Video Recipe for a Simple Chocolate Sponge Cake - watch the detailed step-by-step recipe and ask questions → https://www.videoculinary.ru/recipe/retsept-prostoj-biskvitnyj-tort/
Flour - 180 grams
Cocoa powder - 40 grams
Butter - 70 grams
Eggs - 4 pieces
Yolks - 4 pieces
Sugar - 220 grams
Salt - a pinch
Vanilla sugar - 2 teaspoons

Chocolate cream:
Cream, fat content of at least 35% - 500 milliliters
Condensed milk - 200 grams
Cocoa powder - 30 grams

Chocolate glaze:
Chocolate – 250 grams
Cream - 250 milliliters

Soaking syrup:
Sugar - 100 grams
Water - 100 milliliters
Rum - 20 milliliters
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How can you diversify a standard recipe?

If you wish, you can add some additional components to the dough and cream to improve the taste and aroma of the finished cake.

  • It is possible to add lemon essence or juice to the biscuit - this will appeal to those who cannot tolerate vanillin and its taste.
  • The dough can be varied with ground nuts, such as walnuts or almonds. However, try to sear them in a frying pan before chopping.
  • It is absolutely not necessary to stop at this particular type of filler; you can always use any other.
  • What else can you soak a sponge cake to make it juicy? In addition to sugar impregnation, you can use sweet syrups (cherry, raspberry), as well as regular coffee without sugar.
  • Gently fold the flour into the dough using a spatula. Under no circumstances use a mixer for this purpose: the dough will settle too much and the cake will turn out less fluffy.
  • For those who cannot devote enough time to making treats, here is a quick and simple recipe.
  • The cream should be very cold, only take it out of the refrigerator when you are going to use it.
  • Many people ask the question: how to bake sponge cake layers so that they do not burn in a particular oven? You can easily check the readiness of the cake with a wooden skewer or toothpick: pierce the baked dough with it and immediately pull it out. If the stick remains dry, then the dough is baked and the biscuit can be removed from the oven.
  • Experiment in the kitchen more often - this is the only way you can gain the culinary experience necessary for making complex cakes. For example, take on this inimitably delicious recipe, suitable even for beginners. In addition, bake the most beautiful one, which is ideal for a children's party.

Chocolate sponge cake is an excellent treat that is loved by both adults and children. Maybe one of the readers knows how to improve the proposed recipe for the treat, or constantly uses other components to prepare it? Share your finds in the comments, let's discuss sponge cake inside and out! Bon appetit to everyone and always successful experiments in the culinary field!

Greetings, dear friends! Based on your numerous requests here on the Home Restaurant website and on social networks, I gathered my thoughts and prepared for you a step-by-step master class on how to make a classic chocolate sponge cake.

I like this recipe, first of all, for its clear proportions, as well as the absence of excess fats such as chocolate, butter (as in the Sacher Torte) or vegetable oil (as in the Red Velvet Cake).

The chocolate sponge cake turns out fluffy and goes well with any cream. To make the finished cake juicy, you can additionally soak the sponge cake with sugar syrup with cocoa and cognac, but this is not at all necessary. The sponge cake according to the recipe below is perfectly soaked in cream, you just need to let it stand in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

My version is prepared without using soda or baking powder. In order for the chocolate sponge cake to delight you with its taste, it is important to follow the technology and proportions of the recipe, as well as a few little secrets, which will be discussed below.

Required Ingredients

  • 5 eggs
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 cup flour
  • 2 tbsp. cocoa

* Glass 250 ml.


  • shape 26-28 cm.
  • vegetable oil for greasing the mold

Technology: step by step

We prepare in advance the dishes in which we will prepare our biscuit. We will need two deep plates in which it will be convenient to work with the mixer.

Carefully separate the whites from the yolks. The dishes in which we will beat the whites must be dry and fat-free, otherwise the magic in the form of fluffy baked goods will not work. For convenience, you can separate the yolks from the whites over a separate plate, in case the yolk suddenly spreads, it can be put aside without spoiling everything else.

Add a pinch of salt to the whites and beat with a mixer into a fluffy foam. It should look something like my photo.

Next, add half the sugar to the whites and continue beating until stiff peaks form. The whites will become firm and white. At this stage it already becomes clear: it will turn out to be a biscuit or not. If the whipped whites are liquid and dripping from the mixer whisk, then something was done wrong (yolk, water got in, or the dishes were not degreased). But don’t rush to get upset, just add ½ tsp. baking powder, and the biscuit is saved!

Add the remaining sugar to the yolks.

And beat until the sugar is completely dissolved. The yolk mass will lighten and become thick.

The secret of a fluffy sponge cake

Next, measure out one glass of flour, and remove two tablespoons of flour directly from the glass. Instead of flour, add two tablespoons of cocoa to the glass. The fact is that, in fact, cocoa is also flour, and if this is not done, it will turn out that we will add excess flour to our chocolate sponge cake, and the finished sponge cake will not be so fluffy and airy. Mix flour and cocoa with a whisk in a deep plate.

Gently mix the egg whites and yolks using a whisk or spatula. I do not recommend using a mixer, because... there is a high probability of overworking the biscuit dough, and most likely the baking will not work. If you don’t have a whisk or spatula, stir with a spoon.

Continue stirring with a whisk until the chocolate biscuit dough is completely homogeneous.

Preparing the baking dish

Grease the bottom of the baking dish with vegetable oil and sprinkle with flour. Excess flour should be shaken off. I deliberately did not grease the sides of the mold, and left it as is, so that the chocolate sponge cake would “grab” on the sides and turn out even.

Transfer the chocolate biscuit dough to the prepared baking dish and place in the preheated oven.

How to bake a sponge cake in the oven

If you are cooking for the first time, you will probably ask me at what temperature to bake a biscuit in the oven? I answer: in the case of biscuit dough, extremes are not needed, the golden mean is 170-180 degrees. Bake for 30-40 minutes.

Grill position in the middle. No convection or other blowing functions. Do not forget that you cannot open the oven for the first 25 minutes, otherwise the sponge cake will rise. For convenience, turn on the oven light to monitor the process.

We check the readiness of our chocolate sponge cake with a wooden toothpick or skewer. If the toothpick is dry and the biscuit is browned on top, then the baking is ready. You cannot immediately remove the pan from the oven, because the baked goods may fall. Turn off the oven, open the door halfway, and leave until the oven cools completely.