How to quickly bring down the temperature at home. High temperature in an adult

An elevated temperature in a child is always a good reason for parental anxiety. And if we are talking about babies, then the excitement can turn into a real panic. In fact, fever and fever are fairly common symptoms of many diseases. Today we will tell you how to quickly and effectively cope with high body temperature in children of different ages.

Causes of fever in children

An increase in temperature occurs when a child's body is exposed to viruses, toxins or bacteria. Immune cells in response to the penetration of the “pest” secrete pyrogens - special substances that cause the body to heat up from the inside. This is provided by nature for a reason, because the immune system works much more efficiently when the temperature rises to 38 ° C. But if the temperature begins to rise to 39 ° C and above, there is a load on the cardiovascular, nervous and respiratory systems.

High temperature in children (from 37 ° C to 40 ° C) occurs with the following conditions of the body:

  • the development of a bacterial/viral infection;
  • eruption of milk teeth;
  • overheating;
  • heat stroke;
  • strong emotional experiences;
  • fright, prolonged stress.

Often a sudden onset of fever is the first symptom of a serious illness (meningitis, pneumonia, etc.). It may be accompanied by warning signs:

  • Lethargy, inactivity, sleepiness.
  • A rash appeared on the body of the crumbs in the form of blue “stars”, bruises.
  • The child has stopped urinating, or it has become very rare, the urine has become dark in color; the appearance of seizures.
  • Impaired breathing (too frequent or rare), too deep or, conversely, superficial.
  • From the mouth of the child smells of a specific smell (acetone).

If you notice the presence of one of the above items in your child, you should immediately call an ambulance.

On a note! Any fever in a child under 6 months of age should be reported to the doctor immediately.

What temperature should be brought down in a child?

A frequent question of young mothers: when can you bring down the temperature in children?

Pediatricians have established the following temperature limits, depending on which a decision is made to reduce the thermometer to optimal values:

  1. mild heat - from 37 ° C to 38.5 ° C;
  2. moderate fever - from 38.6 ° C to 39.4 ° C;
  3. high fever - from 39.5 ° C to 39.9 ° C;
  4. life-threatening fever - 40°C or more.

Doctors are not recommended to give antipyretic drugs up to 38 ° C if the child's health is stable. It is possible to bring down the temperature with such an indicator without medicines: wet compresses, light rubbing of the skin will come to the rescue. The child needs to provide coolness, plenty of fluids and rest.

Note! If the measures taken do not bring results, and the child's fever does not subside for two hours, then it is necessary to give a drug to relieve fever, prescribed by the local pediatrician. With a sharp increase in the thermometer readings or “jumps” in temperature from 38 ° C to 39.5 ° C, regardless of the age of the baby, immediately call an ambulance.

Don't Panic - Temperature in a Healthy Child

  • Sometimes a fever can be noticed in a baby who has barely been born. The thing is that in a newborn child, the mechanisms of thermoregulation are not fully formed, so the body temperature in the armpit can reach 37-37.5 ° C. In the evening, the temperature is usually higher than in the morning - this should be taken into account by new mothers.
  • Temperature above normal during teething is a common occurrence that worries parents. But higher than 37.5 ° C in this case, the fever does not grow, so to alleviate the child's condition, you can follow home methods: more liquid, less warm clothes and no diaper, at least for the duration of wakefulness. If there are signs of fever (as well as signs such as nausea, vomiting, unwillingness to drink) and the temperature rises, you need to see a doctor.
  • There are also situations when a healthy infant for no apparent reason begins to increase body temperature, and very significantly. This may be due to overheating (especially at low humidity in the room). This is possible when the mother diligently wraps up the baby and does not open the window in the children's room during the day. As a result, when changing a diaper, she finds a hot baby who is breathing heavily and on the thermometer divisions exceed 38 ° C.

Remember: the child should be dressed only 1 layer warmer than yourself! Do not focus on the cool palms and feet of the baby. If the crumbs have warm elbow and popliteal folds, as well as a back, it means that he is comfortable and does not freeze.

Let's go down: 4 steps to reduce the temperature without drugs

There is a special table of upper temperature norms for a person depending on age:

If the child has a fever, then the temperature should be reduced as soon as possible to 38.5 ° C (rectal - up to 39 ° C). What needs to be done for this:

  • Create in the room where the child is located, the optimal temperature regime. The room should be moderately warm (about 23°C), but at the same time with access to fresh air, well ventilated.
  • Pick the right clothes for your baby. If this is a child under one year old, then it is enough to put on a thin blouse or a slip. While the child has a high temperature, it is better to remove the diaper: it is easier to control whether the baby has urination. Also, diapers retain heat, which is the basis for a temporary cessation of their use while the baby has a temperature.
  • Put a cool compress from a cloth soaked in water on the child’s forehead, it is also worth wiping the baby with water at room temperature. The baby can be lowered into a bath with water corresponding to normal body temperature (37 ° C). This will help to safely bring down the fever with angina. Frequent rubbing helps to more easily endure the disease. But rubbing with alcohol or vinegar is not recommended for young children - the skin of babies is very delicate and thin, it is easy for substances to penetrate through it, and in addition to the high temperature, we run the risk of getting poisoned in addition.
  • Encourage your child to drink a lot and often. If the baby is breastfed, then provide him with round-the-clock access to the breast. Mother's milk is a storehouse of immune factors that will help you cope with a fever faster. If the baby is artificially fed or has already grown up, then offer him plain boiled water. It is imperative that you take at least a sip every 5-10 minutes to stay hydrated.

Important! To check if the child has enough fluid, consider his urination - a baby who drinks enough, urinates at least once every 3-4 hours with light urine. If a one-year-old baby refuses to take fluids, or is too weak to drink on his own, immediately consult a doctor.

How to bring down the temperature of a child: folk methods

At high temperatures, the main task of parents is to make sure that the child's body has the opportunity to lose heat. There are only two ways to do this:

  1. sweat evaporation;
  2. warming the inhaled air.

Folk methods that are distinguished by their simplicity, safety and the ability to resort to them in any situation will help relieve the fever and improve the health of the child.

Avoiding dehydration

If the baby has a temperature, and he refuses to drink even a little, then this is a direct path to dehydration, which can only be dealt with by droppers. In order not to bring to an extreme state, be sure to replenish the lack of fluid in the body of the crumbs.

What can be given to drink:

  • babies: mother's milk, boiled water;
  • from 1 year old: weak green tea, lime blossom decoction, chamomile decoction, dried fruit compote;
  • from 3 years old: tea with cranberries / viburnum / currants, uzvar, still mineral water, etc.

If the fever is combined with vomiting and the liquid does not linger in the body, then in order to maintain the water-salt balance, it is necessary to dilute the powder of Regidron medicine according to the instructions and drink the child in a teaspoon.

We provide coolness

If the child has a fever, then it is necessary to immediately rid him of clothing that traps heat, thereby overheating and intensifying the painful condition of the baby. At any time of the year, ventilate the room for at least 10 minutes, letting fresh air into the room where the child is resting. The flow of cool air has a beneficial effect on a small patient who has a fever. It can also be achieved in the summer by temporarily turning on the air conditioner or fan (without directing the flow towards the child!).

Wet wrap

Wrapping with a wet cloth helps well with strong heat, improving the child's condition in the very first minutes. You can use plain water for wrapping. To do this, moisten a soft towel or gauze in water at room temperature, carefully wrap it around the baby's torso. Then lay the child down, cover with a sheet and carry out the procedure for 10-15 minutes. After an hour, with a good reaction of the body, you can repeat the wrap. For the best effect, you can do a wrap with yarrow infusion - 4 tbsp. freshly cut leaves, pour 1.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, cool. It is necessary to use the healing composition during the day.

Important! This folk remedy can only be used if the child is on fire, he is very hot. If the crumb freezes, on the contrary, it means that he has experienced a vasospasm - in this case, the wrap cannot be carried out, but it is necessary to give an antipyretic.

Rubbing with vinegar

This is a long-standing way to reduce body temperature. It can only be used in children over 6 years old, and only with vinegar diluted with water 1:5. With a solution of one part vinegar and five parts water, you need to wipe the arms, legs, feet and palms of the child with a soft cloth. You can repeat the rubdown every 3 hours. If after the procedure there is irritation on the skin, do not resort to this method of relieving heat again.

Therapeutic enema

An enema works well to reduce fever and lowers the high temperature by at least 1 degree during the first hour after the procedure. It is carried out in children older than 1.5 years. Simple solution for therapeutic enema: 1 tsp. chamomile herbs are poured into 0.2 liters of boiling water and infused for an hour. Then the infusion is filtered through gauze and is ready for use. You can also use a saline solution for an enema, which is prepared quickly and is very effective: 2 tsp is taken for 0.3 liters of warm boiled water. fine extra salt and a few drops of fresh beetroot juice. Mix everything thoroughly, and the solution is ready.

Taking a bath

A cool bath will help when the thermometer rises higher and higher, and there are no medicines at hand. You need to fill the bath with warm water, but not hot - use a thermometer and control that the water is not higher than 37 ° C. Lower the child into the water and gently wash his body with a washcloth. Be careful, in hot weather, touching can be painful - in this case, just gently pour water on the child from a watering can. In 15 minutes of the bath, the body temperature will drop by at least a degree and the child will feel better. After the bath, just lightly blot the skin without wiping it dry - the evaporation of water will also additionally have a slight antipyretic effect. You can repeat the procedure up to 5 times a day.

You will also find popular tips for reducing high temperatures in the cheat sheet below.

Child's age At what point to bring down the temperature Folk remedies to alleviate the condition
1 to 12 monthsUp to a temperature of 38 ° C, do not beat down with medication, only with gentle home remedies. If the mark is exceeded, use the medicine as prescribed by the attending physician.Undress the child, remove the diaper, cover with a thin breathable diaper. Provide the baby with a sufficient amount of liquid (breast milk, warm boiled water, from 6 months - children's herbal tea). Ventilate the room where the baby is located for 10-15 minutes, place the child in another room for this time.
From 1.5 to 3 yearsWithin the acceptable range without the use of drugs - the temperature is from 37 ° C to 38.5 ° C. If the limit is reached and home remedies do not help, it is necessary to take measures to reduce the fever with the drug.At 1-2 years old, the baby is already able to drink on its own, so if the temperature is high, offer the child plenty to drink. Rosehip decoction is especially useful - it can be prepared in a thermos (3 tablespoons of berries pour 600 ml of boiling water) and given warm, slightly sweetened with honey. You can offer the baby to take a warm (not hot!) Bath - 20 minutes is enough to reduce body temperature by a degree.
From 3 years and olderThe temperature is above 38.5 ° C, the child is sleepy, lethargic, all “burns” and refuses to drink - it's time to call a doctor and give an antipyretic.Ventilate the children's room and humidify the air - dry air at a temperature is very difficult for a child to breathe. If you don't have a humidifier, hang towels soaked in water around your baby's crib. The child should have access to liquid - every 10 minutes you need to drink 3-5 tablespoons. water, fruit drink, tea or compote. Leave only light clothing (T-shirt, underwear) on the body. Limit the activity of the child, with a fever, bed rest and rest are important.

And now tips for lowering the temperature from a pediatrician. Watch video:

Antipyretic drugs: table by age

From the first days of life until adulthood, only a doctor can prescribe a medicine to a child. Therefore, the answers to the questions “how to bring down” and “how to bring down” the child’s temperature should be directed, first of all, to the pediatrician. Keep in mind that many of the medicines do not begin to act immediately, but after a certain period of time, which can take from 20 minutes to 1.5 hours.

  • Paracetamol the doctor prescribes to children in two forms of release: suspensions and suppositories. The suspension is more palatable, so most parents prefer it. The tool helps to reduce the temperature not to the normal value of 36.6 ° C, but by about 1-1.5 degrees. A single "portion" of paracetamol is 15 mg per kilogram of a child's weight. For example, if the baby weighs 4 kg, he needs to be given 60 mg of this drug.
  • Ibuprofen(the active agent in medicines such as Nurofen, etc.) refers to the “reserve” preparations. It is actively used by mothers of children after a year, but not by infants. It is undesirable to appoint children under 4 months. Also, pediatricians do not approve of the use of ibuprofen at the risk of dehydration, because this drug adversely affects the kidneys. For a single dose, you need to take 10 mg of ibuprofen per 1 kg of the child's weight.

On a note! The combination of ibuprofen and paracetamol in medicine is recognized as unsafe - drugs in practice have shown that they can enhance each other's side effects. If possible, adhere to drugs with the same active ingredient when treating a child, or take long breaks between taking different drugs (at least 6-8 hours).

  • Panadol well established itself as a remedy for fever with angina, group, ear pain (otitis media) and SARS. The suspension bottle is convenient to use, the medicine has a sweetish taste, so the kids take it calmly. The drug is used in children older than 3 months, before reaching this age - only as directed by a doctor.
  • Cefekon D- a drug that is produced in the form of suppositories, it is based on paracetamol. Candles are convenient to use during the child's sleep, as well as dehydration (nausea, vomiting, inability to take liquid and food). Cefecon D has not only an antipyretic effect, but also an analgesic and anti-inflammatory. The action of suppositories begins in the first 15 minutes, but it also passes just as quickly, so a single use of the drug may not be enough until the morning.
  • Drugs that should not be used to reduce the temperature in children: ketoprofen, nimesulide and other drugs from the NSAID group. Never give aspirin to your child as it can damage the brain and liver.
Child's age Paracetamol Nurofen Panadol Cefekon D
1 monthin suspension (120 mg / 5 ml) - 2 ml orally before meals, 3-4 times a day with an interval of 4-5 hours in the form of rectal suppositories - 1 suppository of 50 mg 2 times a day with an interval of 4-6 hours
4 months

5 months

6 months

in suspension (120 mg / 5 ml) - 2.5-5 ml orally before meals, 3-4 times a day with an interval of 4-5 hoursin suspension (100 ml) - 2.5 ml orally 3 times a day with an interval of 6-8 hoursin suspension (120 mg \ 5 ml) - 4 ml orally 3 times a dayin the form of rectal suppositories - 1 suppository of 100 mg 2 times a day with an interval of 4-6 hours
Seven months

8 months

9 months

10 months

11 months

12 months

in suspension (100 ml) - 2.5 ml orally 3-4 times a day with an interval of 6-8 hoursin suspension (120 mg \ 5 ml) - 5 ml orally 3 times a day
1 yearin suspension (120 mg / 5 ml) - 5-10 ml orally before meals, 3-4 times a day with an interval of 4-5 hoursin suspension (100 ml) - 5 ml orally 3 times a day with an interval of 6-8 hoursin suspension (120 mg \ 5 ml) - 7 ml orally 3 times a dayin the form of rectal suppositories - 1-2 suppositories of 100 mg 2-3 times a day with an interval of 4-6 hours
3 yearsin suspension (120 mg \ 5 ml) - 9 ml orally 3 times a day
5 yearsin suspension (100 ml) - 7.5 ml orally 3 times a day with an interval of 6-8 hoursin suspension (120 mg \ 5 ml) - 10 ml orally 3 times a dayin the form of rectal suppositories - 1 suppository of 250 mg 2-3 times a day with an interval of 4-6 hours
7 yearsin suspension (120 mg / 5 ml) - 10-20 ml orally before meals, 3-4 times a day with an interval of 4-5 hoursin suspension (100 ml) - 10-15 ml orally 3 times a day with an interval of 6-8 hoursin suspension (120 mg \ 5 ml) - 14 ml orally 3 times a day

Important! To lower the temperature to normal values, antipyretic drug therapy alone is not enough - it is necessary to combine them with safer means (rubbing, airing, drinking plenty of water).

Tips for parents: what to do if the child has a fever

Always be attentive to your baby's complaints about his well-being. Even if he mentioned that he was just hot, do not be too lazy to spend five minutes and look at the column on the thermometer. Treatment, started in a timely manner, will help to quickly identify the cause of the disease and prevent the development of the disease.

Before the list of tips, we recommend watching a short video on how to help a child with a temperature:

Don't drop the temperature early

If the temperature does not exceed 37.5 ° C, and the condition of the child is satisfactory, then do not rush to give the child medicines. Many pathogens die in the body at this temperature, this is a kind of immune defense, which is provided by nature itself.

Remember the rules of behavior in case of illness

Mothers will have to deal with temperatures more than once in infancy, so it’s worth taking note of all the recipes in advance so that they are at hand at the right time. After all, when the baby is sick, there is no time to waste precious time reading forums - it is much better if the cheat sheets are always in sight (you can print them out and leave them in the first aid kit).

Have fever medication in your first aid kit

Children's medicines for temperature, taking into account age, should always be in the first-aid kit just in case. Fever can come on suddenly, at any time of the day, and it's best to be prepared to help your child by giving an antipyretic if needed.

What should not be done?

  • Allowing a child to run, jump and exercise physical activity in every possible way at temperatures above 38.5 ° C - for a speedy recovery, the child's body needs peace and rest.
  • Wrap your baby in warm clothes, cover with a warm blanket - trying to ensure that the child sweats properly, you can achieve the opposite effect and provoke a new increase in temperature.
  • To measure the temperature by force - a new stress for a sick baby is useless. If the baby resists and is afraid of a thermometer, try to measure his temperature in half an hour. Sometimes children are afraid to measure the temperature rectally, in which case there is a reason to use a different method of measurement.

A high temperature in a small child is much more dangerous than a high temperature in adults - the immune system of babies is still being formed, and it cannot yet respond normally to any negative external influences. As for the high temperature in adults, things are somewhat different here. The mechanism of the work of the immunity of an adult is well-established, therefore it is able to control all the processes occurring in the body and “turn on” certain indicators of its state in accordance with the changes taking place in this body.

Why does it happen high temperature in an adult human? There are many reasons for this. The temperature can rise due to the presence of bacterial and viral infections in the body, allergies, inflammatory processes in tissues and joints, under the influence of natural hormones, with heart attacks, bleeding, and so on. In any case, a high temperature in itself is not some kind of disease, but serves as an indicator of the reaction of the immune system to some kind of disorder.

In general, doctors believe that an increase in body temperature is a favorable factor, indicating the body's ability to withstand the destructive effects of certain aggressive factors. High temperature kills many viruses and prevents them from fully multiplying and speeds up the process of interferon synthesis, which significantly strengthens our immunity. Thus, with the normal functioning of the immune system, a high temperature is an indicator of the good health potential of an adult. If there is clear evidence of a weakening of the immune system due to age, taking some drugs, operations, chemotherapy treatment and other things, an increase in temperature should already be considered as something out of the ordinary.

In other cases, a high temperature, the value of which barely exceeded 38º C, is not yet a reason for an urgent call to a doctor. It should be called when the body temperature rises above 39.5ºС. If it jumped to 41ºС, the help of doctors should be contacted without delay - at this level of temperature indicators, convulsions can begin. And after the mercury column on the thermometer scale has reached the critical figure of 42, irreversible damage to brain functions occurs very quickly, and the presence of doctors then already becomes a matter of life and death. However temperature in adults rarely reaches this level. In any case, this usually does not happen with infectious diseases.

How to bring down a high fever

Of course, it is quite difficult to endure high temperatures, however, as we have already found out, it should be brought down only in extreme cases. How to bring down a high temperature in the most affordable way? Before using all kinds of antipyretic drugs, you should try to cool down. First of all, you should drink as much liquid as possible - its amount in the body, with an increase in temperature, is significantly reduced, which causes dehydration. And dehydration, in turn, leads to a further increase in temperature. You can drink juices, mineral water, tea - anything you like, as long as it normalizes the water balance of the body as much as possible. Hot tea or fruit drink with honey, lemon, raspberries and currants is very good in this regard. If, after drinking it, perspiration appears on the forehead of a sick person, it means that the temperature has begun to fall.

However, this is not enough for the mercury column to not climb up again after some time. In this case, the patient, having completely undressed him, can be rubbed with vodka, alcohol or cologne and for some time after that not covered with a blanket and not dressed. He, of course, will freeze, but you should not be afraid of this. This method of lowering the temperature is very effective and completely safe - it has long been successfully used in many clinics.

Another good way to lower the temperature is an enema filled with a solution of antipyretic powder and half a glass of boiled water. This procedure is somewhat unpleasant, but it is the best and very quick way to reduce the high temperature when it lasts a very long time.

As for antipyretic drugs, their help should be addressed only in case of emergency. Their choice is now quite large, but the most popular and well-established are paracetamol, aspirin and ibuprofen. It is necessary to drink these pills carefully - they worsen blood clotting and in some cases can cause bleeding. In addition, aspirin should not be used by those who suffer from diseases of the digestive tract, as it irritates the mucous membrane and can exacerbate these diseases.

If the high temperature persists for three days above 38ºС and is not accompanied by cough, runny nose, sore throat and other pronounced symptoms of the disease, a thorough examination of specialists will be required. The reason for this situation may be pneumonia, pyelonephritis, or some other dangerous disease, which requires antibiotics to treat.

Olga Kocheva
Women's magazine JustLady

Many diseases are accompanied by fever. We will also consider how to bring down the temperature at home using folk remedies.

By bringing down the temperature, you “allow” the infection to spread throughout the body, create conditions for the development of complications and doom yourself to taking antibiotics.

Most diseases occur with an increase in body temperature. Often people have to provide first aid at a high temperature to their loved ones. Sometimes situations arise when decisions need to be made independently and quickly. Let's look at how to bring down the temperature of 38, 39 degrees in effective ways in a short time.

Before answering the question of how to bring down the elevated body temperature with folk remedies, let's figure out what it is and why the temperature occurs. Fever is a defense mechanism by which the body fights infection. Heating the human body up to 38.5 degrees is usually easily tolerated and does not pose a threat. In conditions of rising temperatures, the immune system produces antibodies against harmful microbes faster, the course of biochemical reactions accelerates, and some viruses die. However, if the temperature has risen to 39 degrees and above, this is already a fever, effective measures should be taken to avoid serious consequences.

Attention! Do not lower the temperature below 38 degrees unnecessarily. When the temperature rises to 39 degrees and above - start acting.

An urgent drop in temperature is required in the following cases:

  • in diseases of the heart, lungs, kidneys and neurological diseases,
  • if the patient suffers from a severe headache,
  • if there are chills and aching joints,
  • if a child is sick.

How to effectively bring down the heat

  • Observe bed rest - any load will force the organs to work in an enhanced mode, which can adversely affect health.
  • Drink more liquid, but in small portions. Give preference to mineral water without gas, compotes, berry juices, cranberry juice. An increase in temperature accelerates the evaporation of moisture and can cause dehydration. Drinking enough liquid helps to remove harmful products from the body.
  • Ensure that excess body heat is released. Don't wrap yourself up to avoid heatstroke. The optimum temperature in the room should be around 20-21 degrees. You can use a fan or air conditioning.
  • Wet wraps help to reduce the temperature due to the high heat transfer of the skin. Soak a cotton towel in cold water and apply to the body. When the fabric becomes warm, repeat the procedure again. Wraps will give the best effect if you add yarrow infusion to the water.
  • Rubbing with a solution of vinegar can be done every 2-3 hours. Take one spoon of vinegar (9%) and five spoons of water, mix, wipe the stomach, back, legs and arms.
  • Prepare a decoction of peppermint. Cool it, moisten cloths and apply them to the locations of large arteries: temples, sides of the neck, armpits, elbows, wrists, groin, popliteal fossae. Renew compresses every 10 minutes.
  • Take an antipyretic drug. Temperature medicines contain acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol, ibuprofen or analgin. These substances can be in the dosage form alone or in combination, so check the content of the drug before buying. Preference should be given to instant tablets and powders.
  • Has a safe effect on the body with minimal side effects paracetamol. Single dosage of paracetamol - 15 mg/kg. (1-2 tablets of 500 mg for an adult). Caution in its use should be shown to people with liver disease.
  • Ibuprofen can be used in children and pregnant women. Its dose is 10 mg / kg - this medicine is also effective and has a minimum of undesirable consequences. If you cannot bring down the temperature of 39 on your own, you should call a doctor or an ambulance. It is not worth increasing the dose recommended in the instructions, because each drug has side effects, especially with an overdose.
  • Suspensions have a good antipyretic effect. The substance in dissolved form is rapidly absorbed, therefore, its negative effect on the gastric mucosa is reduced.
  • Nausea and vomiting can sometimes accompany fever. In this case, oral medications will not work. To quickly relieve inflammation or reduce body temperature, indomethacin suppositories are used. One or two doses of an antipyretic are enough to normalize the temperature. A drug " Indomethacin"Produced in the form of rectal suppositories. The active substances of the drug act immediately

There are cases when the temperature must be brought down without using medications, such cases mainly occur in people who are contraindicated in antipyretics.

A sharp rise in temperature may not always be a reason to panic and call an ambulance, but when temperature 39 in an adult, what to do you won't understand right away. You can really call an ambulance, such indicators are a sufficient reason for the brigade to arrive and quickly enough.

How and why does the temperature rise?

The body reacts to any external influences and changes in the internal environment:

  • The thermoregulation center is located in the brain;
  • It is affected by prostaglandins synthesized from fatty acids;
  • The appearance of these substances indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the body;
  • The initial value of the normal temperature in the center of thermoregulation changes and the body throws all efforts to maintain an elevated temperature;
  • After the elimination of the pathological process in the body, the biochemical parameters of the blood return to normal, and the center in the brain sets the cherished 36.6 degrees.

One side, fever helps fight infection. All living organisms have a certain optimum, a small range of indicators within which these same organisms can exist.

For some pathogenic bacteria, a deviation from the optimal numbers by a few degrees is already deadly. There is only one problem - a person is also a living organism and the limits of blood temperature are strictly normalized. Overwhelming majority can't survive temperatures of 42 degrees Celsius.

How to bring down a high temperature at home?

If a person's temperature suddenly rises to critical levels, call an ambulance:

  1. She will arrive within the hour;
  2. The patient will be given a couple of injections in order to bring down the temperature;
  3. After that, they will offer to be hospitalized in a hospital;
  4. Most likely they will be taken to the nearest infectious diseases department, you need to be prepared for this;
  5. The medical institution will conduct all the necessary studies and make a final diagnosis;
  6. After completing the course of treatment, they will be discharged from the department and the sick leave will be closed.

It sounds quite simple, but it is not always possible to seek qualified help or spend a week on recovery. The position is not the most sound, but it has the right to exist.

If needed as soon as possible bring down the temperature, it is better to resort to medications:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs- a whole class of antipyretic tablets that can be bought at any pharmacy without a prescription;
  • Paracetamol refers to NSAIDs, the action is provided by inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins;
  • differs in that it is prescribed even to children. In terms of minimal side effects and contraindications, this is an ideal option;
  • Analgin- the most powerful and popular drug for lowering the temperature, which can only be obtained without a prescription.

Folk remedies to lower the temperature

If the patient is fundamentally against all this "chemistry", you can resort to folk remedies:

  1. Make the person drink as much as possible to restore water balance. When the temperature rises, the body loses water too quickly, and a decrease in water leads to an increase in temperature. A vicious circle that needs to be broken;
  2. Lower the temperature in the room to 20 degrees. This is quite enough for normal life, according to all hygienic standards. But at the same time, a heated case will give off heat much faster to a colder environment;
  3. If it is possible to humidify the air up to 60% - do it;
  4. Rubbing with cool water will help to have a reflex effect on superficial vessels;
  5. Alcoholic and vodka rubdowns and compresses are effective;
  6. If the patient is wrapped up, he should be “opened” and allowed to lie down in this state, even after rubbing. It may not be entirely pleasant due to the cold, but the temperature is guaranteed to drop.

How to bring down the temperature of 39 in a child?

With children, things are always more difficult. At elevated temperatures, there can be two completely different types of fever:

In parallel with this, they will also find out the cause of the disease in order to prescribe antiviral or antibacterial treatment.

The child has a red throat and fever

A high temperature indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the body. Most likely it is about infections. The presence of redness indicates that the inflammatory process is localized in the pharynx:

  • Given the high body temperature, it can even be the flu if the virus enters the body through the throat;
  • The problem may be in angina, which gives complications to all systems, including the cardiovascular;
  • No less formidable disease - scarlet fever, is not detected so often, but can cause a sad outcome.

If you see a red throat in a child, and at the same time he is accompanied by a high temperature, see a doctor as soon as possible. You should not try to help yourself, when infected with the same swine flu, pneumonia can develop within a day. Already 24 hours after the start, the baby will need artificial ventilation if things go a little wrong.

For small children, especially those with a high temperature, an ambulance will arrive immediately. In some regions, there are enough children's teams, but most likely an adult therapist or an ordinary paramedic will visit you. So do not refuse hospitalization, pediatricians in the infection know their job better.

How to deal with temperature?

When an adult has a high temperature, do not immediately panic:

  • See what's in your first aid kit. Suitable paracetamol, analgin or .
  • Find vinegar, vodka or alcohol in the kitchen. Dilute and make a compress or rub;
  • After this, the patient must leave it open even if he starts complaining about the cold;
  • Better indoors lower the temperature up to 20 degrees, and increase the humidity to 60%;
  • Don't forget about plentiful drink.

But it is best to immediately call specialists who will bring down the temperature and make a preliminary diagnosis.

After that, it will be necessary to take action, but before the ambulance arrives, it is better not to bring down the temperature on your own.

Video: what to do at a temperature of 39 for an adult?

In this video, doctor Elena Malykh will tell you how to bring down the temperature by 39 degrees for an adult (not a child), what means and medicines are the most effective:

The temperature of 39 degrees Celsius is called in medical science and practice febrile(febrile condition). Over 39 degrees is already a temperature pyretic(or high). In both cases, we are talking about a pathological condition that requires immediate correction.

Such a high value of the thermometer indicates the current pathogenic process of a certain nature. What should you know about the rise in temperature to such significant levels, should it be brought down, in what cases and how to bring down the temperature of 39? It should be looked into in more detail.

The febrile value on the thermometer, as already mentioned, is due to the development of the pathological process.

It can be of two types:

  • Infectious, caused by pathological pathogens.
  • Vegetative, due to disorders of the nervous system.

If we talk about the immediate causes of hyperthermia (temperature rise) to the level of febrile condition, there are a great many of them. Among the most common diseases:


It is an inflammation of the membranes of the brain. It develops rapidly with the formation of persistent hyperthermia (the level of body temperature rises to).

This is a rare disease these days. According to statistics, every 20,000 inhabitants of the planet had to deal with it.

The danger of meningitis lies, firstly, in the risk of developing shock due to high temperatures, and secondly, in the likelihood of developing focal neurological symptoms (including behavioral disorders, intelligence, etc.).

Febrile schizophrenia

In the practice of psychiatrists is extremely rare.

This is practically casuistry (isolated cases), but it is precisely this form of mental disorder that poses the greatest danger to patients with mental illness.

The disease begins with the formation of persistent convulsions, catatonic syndrome. Later, dyskinesia develops. Possible lethal outcome.

hypothalamic syndrome

The hypothalamus is a special brain structure involved in the thermoregulation of the body.

It is thanks to this organ that a person is able to endure temperature changes. However, in some cases, the hypothalamus does not begin to function as it should.

This may be due to the so-called. hypothalamic syndrome. This is an endocrine disease that occurs quite often.

The numbers on the thermometer can reach significant levels, even above 39 degrees.

Tumors of the pituitary and hypothalamus

In the first case, the organ is compressed and its functions are impaired; in the second, an invasively growing formation destroys the nuclei of the hypothalamus, leading to persistent hyperthermia.

Thyroid disorders

The thyroid gland is, in a way, the boiler of the body. If specific hormones are produced a lot - this leads to a persistent increase in body temperature.

Than it can be caused? Thyrotoxicosis, goiter, Hashimoto's thyroiditis (an autoimmune disease when the body takes its own thyroid cells as dangerous invaders and initiates a defensive reaction).

Acute laryngitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis

Inflammation of the upper respiratory tract caused by infectious agents, especially Staphylococcus aureus, often leads to an increase in body temperature to significant levels.


This is a dangerous and serious disease, often leading to death due to respiratory failure. You can read more about pneumonia.

Influenza, severe SARS

In the second case, we are talking about a generalizing diagnosis, which includes both influenza and other infectious diseases of viral origin. A disease familiar to everyone since childhood can cause significant hyperthermia.

Rarer causes include:

  • Diseases of childhood, carried into adulthood. Adults have a hard time. This includes chicken pox, measles, rubella, etc.
  • Oncopathology. As a rule, at stages 2-3, we can talk about minor fluctuations in numbers in the range , but if a lot of metastases are formed, febrile and even pyretic temperature is formed without fail. This is caused by poisoning the body with decay products or a direct lesion of the hypothalamus.
  • Rheumatism. A disease that occurs with fever. It occurs in people of any age and gender.
  • Infections of the genitourinary system. Urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, nephritis, glomerulonephritis. And this is not a complete list. We are talking about forms of the disease that are difficult. In all other cases, symptoms may be completely absent.

Taking certain drugs

First of all, neuroleptics. Antipsychotic drugs often cause neuroleptic malignant syndrome, which occurs with a febrile temperature.

  • Tuberculosis.
  • Heat/sunstroke.
  • Significant dehydration.
  • Blood poisoning.
  • Other infectious diseases (dysentery, cholera, etc.).

As you can see, the list of reasons is long. It is possible to understand the initial factors of hyperthermia only by the results of diagnostic measures.

Symptoms of hyperthermia

Symptoms of high body temperature, in general, are very characteristic. The clinical picture is dominated by manifestations of general intoxication of the body, among them:

  • Headache. Pressing, dominated by discomfort in the forehead.
  • Feeling of being pressed down to the ground. A characteristic feature is precisely the temperature above 39 degrees.
  • Weakness, feeling of "cottoniness" of the body.
  • Brokenness.
  • Fast fatiguability.

Symptoms such as nausea and vomiting are possible (depending on the individual characteristics of the patient's body).

Associated symptoms and differential diagnosis

Usually, these symptoms are not limited to everything.

The clinical picture also includes other manifestations that enable the doctor and the patient himself to conduct a differential diagnosis and distinguish one disease from another.

What are the accompanying manifestations and what do they say:

  • Psychiatric disorders, muscle rigidity, changes in the emotional-volitional background, restlessness. These are direct indications of either neuroleptic malignant syndrome or febrile schizophrenia. It is sometimes difficult to separate them.
  • intense headache, not passing even from special drugs, frequent mood swings, intellectual impairment. These symptoms suggest meningitis.
  • Feeling hot, sweating, bulging eyes(exophthalmos), changes in the texture of the neck, sexual dysfunction - thyrotoxicosis. Thyroid problems.
  • Sore throat, perspiration, minor respiratory disorders - an infectious lesion of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Pain behind the sternum, whistles and wheezing when breathing - pneumonia.
  • A history of an established oncological diagnosis. If, against the background of a malignant tumor, the temperature rises significantly, this is an unfavorable prognostic sign.
  • Joint pain, heart, joint swelling- rheumatoid arthritis or rheumatism.
  • Frequent urination, pain and cramps when emptying the bladder, back pain - pathology of the genitourinary system.
  • Disturbances of consciousness, lack of salivation, the occurrence of symptoms after prolonged exposure to the sun or in significant heat - dehydration or heat / sunstroke.
  • Intense vomiting, diarrhea, tenesmus (false urge to defecate) speak in favor of dysentery.

Despite the rather characteristic symptoms, it is not recommended to conduct a differential diagnosis on your own.

The above clinical signs are given for convenience in order to find out in time which specialist to contact.

Diagnosis of the primary source of pathology

It is not the temperature that needs to be diagnosed, but the initial factor that caused hyperthermia.

Diagnosis begins with the choice of a specialized specialist. In this case, an initial consultation with a therapist is recommended.

He will help determine the tactics of the examination and give the necessary directions.

There are a lot of specialists who help get rid of the temperature:

  • Nephrologist (for kidney pathologies).
  • Neurologist.
  • A neurosurgeon (in tandem with a neurologist treats CNS pathologies that have caused a rise in body temperature).
  • Infectionist.
  • Rheumatologist.
  • Oncologist etc.

It is extremely difficult to sort through the huge number of specialists on your own.

Diagnostics includes both a number of instrumental and a number of laboratory studies:

  1. Ultrasound (thyroid gland, abdominal cavity, organs of the genitourinary system).
  2. Psychiatric examination using special tests.
  3. Radiography (lungs, other organs).
  4. Visual assessment of organs (with ENT pathologies, etc.).
  5. Contrast radiography of the genitourinary system.
  6. Fluorography.
  7. MRI/CT studies. Allow to receive the most detailed images of the studied organs and structures. These methods play a huge role in the detection of organic lesions of the brain.

Laboratory methods are no less informative:

  • Complete blood count: gives a picture of inflammation (leukocytosis, high erythrocyte sedimentation rate).
  • Biochemistry of blood.
  • bacterial cultures.

In the complex of these methods, it is enough to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment.

Is it worth bringing down the temperature of 39 and above?

The temperature below 38.5 is impossible to bring down in most cases! This is a natural protective reaction of the body to a foreign agent.

However, if we are talking about vegetative causes of febrile condition, it is necessary to fight hyperthermia no matter how insignificant it is.

Experts are unanimous in their opinion:

With such a high degree of hyperthermia, changes begin in the cardiopulmonary system, convulsions.

The cardiovascular, as well as the respiratory systems, are not able to endure such a significant load.

The development of formidable complications is possible, which is why it is not only possible, but necessary, to bring down the temperature.

Moreover, this should be done starting with the numbers 38.6 and above.

Complications of febrile and pyretic body temperature

We have spoken above about formidable complications. What is it about?

  • Pulmonary disorders. Shortness of breath, suffocation.
  • Changes in consciousness, confusion.
  • Rigidity of the muscles of the neck, swallowing and respiratory muscles.
  • Coma.
  • Seizures.

Some of these complications are quite capable of leading to death, so it is vital to bring down the high temperature.

How to bring down the temperature of 39 at home

There are two groups of ways to eliminate the increase in body temperature. Medicines and folk remedies.

Each of these methods is used depending on the causes of subfibrillation and has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

In some cases, a combination of both treatments is possible.

Medical methods

In order to bring down the temperature of 39 at home, there are special groups of drugs. All medicines, one way or another, contain one of the following active ingredients:

  • Acetylsalicylic acid.
  • Paracetamol.
  • Ibuprofen.
  • Methizamol sodium.

Features of the use of medicines

Preparations based on "ibuprofen" have a rapid action and have a small number of side effects, so they are great for bringing down the temperature, both in adults and in children.

Trade names: Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Novigan.

Method of application: up to four times a day, depending on the effectiveness.

The maximum single dosage should not exceed 400 mg. These drugs, in addition to their main purpose, perfectly relieve pain and inflammation.

Preparations based on "paracetamol" are also effective at temperature, but have a hepatotoxic effect.(affect negatively on the liver), therefore, should not be used uncontrollably and in large dosages.

In addition, paracetamol often causes allergies.

Trade names: Paracetamol, Ibuklin, Coldrex, Rinza, Teraflu, Koldakt, Efferalgan, Panoksen. Method of administration - up to four times a day if necessary (4 tablets per day maximum).

Medications based on acetylsalicylic acid are recognized as extremely dangerous to take, since they negatively affect the functioning of the heart, digestive tract, and lungs. However, despite all the danger, they are effective.

Trade names: Aspirin, Citramon, Citropack, Askofen. It is necessary to take according to the instructions: up to three times a day (2-4 tablets per day), until a lasting effect is achieved.

Preparations based on "metizamol sodium" they have a weak antipyretic effect, but they cope well with pain with inflammation, therefore, at elevated temperatures, they should be drunk in combination with the above pharmaceuticals.

This includes: Baralgin, Analgin, Revalgin etc. It is not recommended to treat them on their own: there is a high risk of developing allergic reactions, in addition, such drugs contribute to blood thinning and increased vascular fragility.

Taking these medicines allows you to quickly bring down the temperature of 39-39.5 in an adult, since these medicines are equally effective for any numbers.

It is important to adhere to the correct dosage. It is best not to self-medicate and go for a consultation with a doctor.

Folk remedies

They cope well with fever and alternative methods of treatment. There are at least ten effective recipes that you can cook yourself at home.


It is not only useful, but also a pleasant remedy for fever. In order to bring down the temperature of 39 in an adult, it is advisable to take 50 grams of berries immediately after a meal or eat two tablespoons of jam.

Chamomile infusion

As a raw material, dry crushed pharmaceutical chamomile is used. A teaspoon of raw materials should be poured with a glass of boiling water.

Leave to infuse for 30 minutes, then sue and strain. The resulting remedy is to take 6-7 tablespoons every half hour.

Means from rubbed viburnum

Wipe viburnum berries with sugar, leave in a jar to infuse for several days. Take a tablespoon of the raw material obtained and pour it with a glass of hot water.

The remedy should be infused for 15 minutes, after which it must be filtered. Consume like tea.

Pureed currant remedy

It is prepared in a similar way as the previous remedy. With the only exception that you need to insist it for 20-25 minutes. Take as tea.


Raspberries, namely, perhaps the most famous remedy for temperature. This is the most affordable way of treatment. It is enough to take 2-3 tablespoons with tea and wrap yourself in a warm blanket to sweat. So the temperature problem will be solved.


Plain vinegar can be a great way to beat a high fever. In a 1:2 combination, a weak solution is mixed with water (so that there is no chemical burn, you should take 1 part vinegar and 2 parts water). Then the patient's body is lost with the resulting agent. This is an effective recipe.

Dried fruits

A decoction of their dried fruits allows you to quickly cope with hyperthermia. To prepare a decoction, you need to take a handful of raw materials, pour half a liter of boiling water over it, insist for 30 minutes. Take 3 times a day for a glass.

Linden blossom

To bring down the temperature, lime blossom tea is suitable. Take a handful of linden flowers. Pour half a liter of boiling water over them. Strain. Add a tablespoon of honey. Infuse for 30 minutes, then take a glass three times a day.


Works thanks to the content of a large amount of salicylic acid. To prepare, take a tablespoon of berries, pour them with a glass of boiling water. Steep for 30 minutes, then strain. Take 3 tablespoons 3 times a day. Can be consumed more as a tea.

A decoction of pearl barley

To prepare, take 100 grams of barley, pour it with water (liter) and boil for 20 minutes. You can add honey. Decoction to take half a glass three times a day.

All of these recipes are safe. However, if after taking folk remedies, be sure to call an ambulance.

What to drink at a high temperature?

Drink only pure water, as much as possible. It is acceptable to use cranberry and other fruit drinks. Decoctions from dried fruits.

Thus, the answer to the question of how to bring down the temperature of 39-39.5 in an adult involves several answers at once: medicinal and folk remedies will help in this difficult matter.

The temperature can rise for a variety of reasons. In any case, this is an extremely dangerous condition that requires correction.

You can quickly and effectively bring down the temperature with the help of medicinal and folk remedies.

I have a temperature. When and how to reduce the degree

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