How to treat acute bronchitis in children with antibiotics and folk remedies - symptoms and signs. How to treat bronchitis in children at home with folk remedies Drinking based on medicinal herbs

The child coughs - the alarm “rings” in the mother’s chest. With bronchitis, the child coughs especially hard, causing parents to literally panic. Meanwhile, the signs and symptoms of bronchitis in a child are not yet a verdict on his health. We will tell you in detail how to adequately treat bronchitis in children, avoiding complications.

Darkening in the sternum, clearly visible on the X-ray, is an obvious "hint" of bronchitis in a child.

What kind of "beast" is this - bronchitis

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchi, which are part of the airways and are the tubular branches of the trachea necessary to connect it to the lungs. For physicians who are not devoid of romance, the appearance of the bronchi resembles trees with branched crowns, which are securely attached to the trachea at the base of the trunk, and the tops of the branches “dig into” the delicate tissue of the lungs.

At the junction with the trachea, the bronchi are essentially two massive hollow tubes, the deeper into the lungs, the more shallow and branched the structure becomes at the bronchi. We need this organ so that the air that we inhale safely reaches the lungs.

It is no secret that in the air, no matter how clean it is, there are always all kinds of viruses, bacteria and allergens. Which with every breath rush into our body.

At any point along the way, they can “attach” to the mucous tissue, “settle” there, “take root” and begin to multiply, thereby causing an inflammatory process. If this happens in the upper respiratory tract (nasopharynx, larynx), we get diseases such as laryngitis, sinusitis, or for example or.

And it also happens that hostile viruses, microbes or allergens penetrate deeper - into the lower respiratory tract - that is, into the bronchi and the lungs themselves. In this case, inflammation usually has such frightening names as bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.

We repeat: the "branches" of the bronchi in structure resemble a kind of hollow tubes. When inflammation occurs in them (to be more precise, it occurs on the mucous membrane of the inner surface of the bronchi), then this “tube”, through which air should normally flow freely into the lungs, swells strongly (which means it narrows!).

In addition, in response to inflammation, an increased amount of mucus begins to form on the inner surface of the bronchi. To rid itself of a possible blockage, the bronchi (through contraction of the outer muscular layer) begin to produce a kind of spasm. Doctors are able to listen to this phenomenon with a stethoscope. They usually refer to such contractions in the bronchi as "bronchospasm".

The first thing a pediatrician does when a child is suspected of having bronchitis is to listen to his lungs.

So three things: swelling of the bronchi, increased production of sputum in the bronchi and bronchospasm give reason to physicians, including pediatricians, to make a diagnosis - "bronchitis". Alas, only one, but the most expressive, symptom is available to parents at home - it is really difficult for the baby to breathe. And especially when trying to take a deep breath.

Why is bronchitis dangerous for children?

Since the patency of the airways is greatly reduced with bronchitis, this disease is primarily dangerous because it worsens the ventilation of the lungs in a child. Less oxygen enters the lungs - which means that less oxygen penetrates into the blood. As a result - temporarily all organs and tissues of the body receive less vital oxygen.

In addition, it is bronchitis that is the most favorable condition for the development of pneumonia - that is, inflammation of the lungs. It happens something like this: due to temporary obstruction of the bronchi, the lungs are poorly ventilated. However, viruses and bacteria still penetrate there. Having settled on the area of ​​the inner surface of the lungs, which is temporarily deprived of ventilation, the "treacherous guests" begin to multiply instantly. The inflammatory process caused by this activity is pneumonia. Alas, in children, pneumonia is one of the most common complications of bronchitis, especially with improper treatment.

By itself, bronchitis is a serious and dangerous disease, which even adults sometimes “surrender” with difficulty. Children also suffer from bronchitis even more - because sputum clots accumulate deep in the bronchi, and babies are almost deprived of the opportunity to get rid of them on their own.

The fact is that the human body can remove mucus from the respiratory tract only with the help of the so-called respiratory muscles, which are still poorly developed in children under 6-7 years old. Simply put, children can cough even at the age of one and a half, but they can cough up effectively only when their respiratory muscles get stronger - that is, at about the age of 6-7 years.

This explains the fact that most respiratory diseases, including bronchitis, are more severe and more difficult in children than in adults.

Bronchitis: symptoms in children

The most common and obvious symptoms of bronchitis in children are:

  • high temperature, fever;
  • Labored and "noisy" breathing;
  • Rapid and not deep breathing;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • General weakness;
  • Drowsiness;

All of the listed symptoms of bronchitis in children are related to the most common form of the disease - bronchitis caused by viruses. But in fairness, it is also worth mentioning the symptoms of bacterial bronchitis, which is much more difficult than its viral counterpart.

Bacterial inflammation of the bronchi (no more than 1% of all cases of bronchitis) is different:

  • Extremely serious condition of the child (often with loss of consciousness);
  • intense heat;
  • Signs of intoxication (possible vomiting, headache, nervous disorders, etc.);
  • The absence of a runny nose against the background of extremely difficult breathing (wheezing, coughing, etc.).

Even the slightest suspicion of bacterial inflammation of the bronchi requires immediate hospitalization of the child.

If the doctor has difficulty in diagnosing bronchitis in a child, then simply a clinical blood test will definitely dispel all doubts.

Causes of bronchitis in children

In the vast majority of cases, bronchitis in children occurs against the background and is caused by the activity of viruses. There is a whole group of viruses that most often “take root” on the bronchial mucosa. It is believed that, for example, influenza viruses especially "like" to multiply precisely on the inner surface of the bronchi, provoking the development of bronchitis. This means that your child may well get sick with bronchitis, just by contacting another baby with SARS.

It is important to understand that the occurrence of bronchitis in a child is not directly related to factors such as:

  • Hypothermia (you can catch bronchitis even while sitting by a hot fireplace, if at the same time your interlocutor is a carrier, for example, of the influenza virus);
  • Precedent disease of bronchitis in the past (in contrast, for example, whether the child had bronchitis once or not yet - does not play any role);
  • Nasal congestion, inability to carry out nasal breathing (viruses will enter the bronchi through the nose or through the mouth - it does not matter);

There is a very common myth: they say that bronchitis can develop when the inflammation that began in the nose, in the trachea or in the larynx, "falls" lower. That is, bronchitis, in the eyes of the inhabitants, is often a continuation of laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, etc. In fact, if inflammation has arisen on the mucous membrane, say, of the nose or larynx, then it cannot move to any other areas.

How to treat bronchitis in children

Antibiotics are useless! No matter what parent you ask, every second believes that the treatment of bronchitis in children is necessarily associated with a course of antibiotics. In fact, antibiotics, even the most modern and effective, in 99% of cases of bronchitis are completely useless. Because, as we have mentioned more than once, bronchitis - in 99 cases out of 100 - is a viral disease! And therefore, any antimicrobial drugs in the fight against it are completely helpless. Why, then, do doctors themselves often prescribe antibiotics for bronchitis in a child?

The fact is that most physicians seek to prevent the occurrence of childhood pneumonia in this way - we have already mentioned that against the background of bronchitis, inflammation of the lungs (which, unlike bronchitis, occurs due to the activity of pathogenic bacteria, not viruses) is very likely. However, such preventive antibiotic therapy is not justified.

A popular children's doctor, Dr. E. O. Komarovsky: "Prescribing antibiotics for acute viral infections, including bronchitis, does not reduce, but rather increases the likelihood of complications"

So, bronchitis in a child cannot be treated with antibiotics. But how to carry out adequate treatment of bronchitis in children?

Step 1: Drink plenty of water. Drinking plenty of water thins the blood - this is a well-known fact. At the same time, many medical studies have proven that the density of blood and the degree of density of mucus on the mucous membranes are directly related. Therefore, the more liquid the child's blood, the less dried mucus accumulates in the respiratory tract, including in the bronchi.

Simply put: rather than puzzle over how to help the baby cough up excess sputum from the bronchi, just do not let it accumulate there and dry up to the walls. The more liquid the baby drinks, the easier it is for him to breathe.

Step 2: Use of antipyretics. If the child's temperature rises rapidly, and passes the mark of 38 ° C, he should be given an antipyretic.

Step 3: Humid and cool climate in the room where the child lives. The drier and hotter the air that the baby breathes, the more mucus is formed in his respiratory tract, and the faster it shrinks into dangerous clots. In order to prevent sputum from accumulating in the bronchi, it is enough to change the climate in the children's room - ideally, the humidity should reach 65-70%, and the temperature should not exceed 21 ° C.

Step 4: Special massage. With bronchitis in children, mucus accumulates in the bronchi, which partially dries up, literally “sticking” to the walls of the respiratory tract. If the baby is not able to cough it up on his own, he can be helped with a special massage:

  1. Lay the child on your lap (face down) so that his butt is just above his head. Such an inclination to the floor is necessary in order to use the force of attraction - it will also contribute to the removal of sputum from the bronchi.
  2. Then, with your fingertips, gently but firmly tap him on the back in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades. The movements of your fingers should be slightly "raking" - as if you are trying to dig a small hole in the ground with your hand. Perform these "raking movements" strictly in one direction - "row" from the lower back to the head.
  3. Then abruptly put the child on your lap and ask to cough.
  4. These manipulations can be repeated 2-3 times in a row.

Please note that in no case should massage be carried out while it is hot. And also it is not recommended to do it for those children who cannot yet cough “on command”.

Step 5: Go for a walk. It is obvious that with an acute form of bronchitis, no one takes children outside for walks. And not because fresh air and sunlight are harmful to a sick child - on the contrary, they are extremely necessary for him. It’s just that in the presence of heat (high temperature) and general poor health, it’s really not easy for him to walk. But if you can organize a “half-walk” for the baby without leaving home (dress warmly and let him sit / lie down on the balcony or on the veranda) - this will only benefit his respiratory system. Indeed, in order to reduce the activity of viruses in it, fresh air is needed, banal ventilation of the lungs is necessary. Which naturally occurs during a walk in the fresh air.

Doctors allow bronchitis in children to be treated at home with strict adherence to the prescribed drug therapy. The disease is successfully treated. Along with drugs, the treatment of bronchitis with folk remedies gives a good effect. They help in the fight against the disease: they remove cough, remove sputum, destroy bacteria, increase immunity, and contribute to a speedy recovery.

bronchitis in a child

It must be remembered that infants and children under two years of age are treated only in a hospital. Older children are allowed to be treated at home, provided that there are no complications, elevated body temperature, and the child feels satisfactory. Treatment of bronchitis in childhood requires special attention from parents and strict adherence to all doctor's prescriptions. A decrease in bronchial patency with simultaneous respiratory failure in children can develop rapidly and lead to sad consequences.

The effectiveness of traditional medicine for bronchitis

Folk remedies help strengthen children's immunity

The pediatrician prescribes appropriate therapy, taking into account the severity of the disease and the stage of bronchitis. With the consent of the doctor and to speed up the healing process, it is possible to connect alternative methods of treatment. Treatment of bronchitis in children with folk remedies is most effective at the first symptoms of the disease or at the chronic stage.

Substances of plant and animal origin used for folk recipes for bronchitis have healing properties:

  • increase the body's defenses;
  • stop the inflammatory process;
  • produce a productive cough with sputum discharge;
  • have fewer side effects than synthetic drugs.

Varieties of funds

You can treat bronchitis at home with a variety of means, such as:

herbal infusion
  • herbal infusions and fees;
  • honey and garlic preparations;
  • oil-honey compresses;
  • juice therapy;
  • rubbing;
  • inhalation;
  • massage.

Before you start using any of the listed methods, you need to be sure that the child is not allergic to the components that make up folk recipes.

Home inhalations

Inhalation of vapors of medicinal herbs or essential oils in the fight against bronchitis is considered an effective remedy. This procedure successfully helps the child fight a debilitating cough, promotes sputum discharge.

It is necessary to carry out inhalation to the child with extreme caution, following the rules, so as not to aggravate the situation:

Inhalation at home
  • start the procedures after eating, after waiting 1.5-2 hours;
  • when inhaling steam, hold your breath;
  • conduct sessions no more than 5 times a day;
  • within an hour after the completion of the manipulations, you need to convince the child not to talk. With young children, the process of silence can be organized as one of the game forms (communicate with eyes, gestures, facial expressions) or come up with an interesting reward for silence.

Inhalations with coniferous extracts are especially effective for a child with bronchitis. Oak and birch leaves, sage, chamomile, wormwood also have anti-inflammatory properties. Of these, chest fees are usually made up.

Among the folk remedies for children, you can use the following inhalations:

  • pairs of boiled potatoes "in uniform";
  • the simplest solution is 4 tsp. soda, 1 liter of hot water;
  • solution of 1 liter of water, 6 drops of iodine, 1 tsp. soda and a little balm "Asterisk", boil before use;
  • garlic porridge (you need to breathe over it);
  • dilute honey with water (temperature 40 ° C) in a ratio of 1: 5, inhale the steam.

Inhalation with a nebulizer

When treating children, it is allowed to do inhalations through a nebulizer. It is desirable to use non-carbonated and slightly alkaline mineral water for a nebulizer, for example, Borjomi, which has a unique chemical composition and healing properties, thereby reducing catarrhal phenomena.

Inhalation with bronchitis moisturizes the airways, thins the sputum, which facilitates its evacuation. Such inhalation is also good because it does not cause allergies at all, and therefore it is suitable even for newborns and pregnant women.


Bronchitis is dangerous for young patients in that stagnant mucus does not come out and interferes with ventilation of the lungs, which can lead to obstructive syndrome, the characteristic features of which are wheezing, shortness of breath.

Massage will help to quickly alleviate this condition, contributing to:

Massage techniques for bronchitis in a child
  • breathing stabilization;
  • increased blood circulation in the lungs;
  • facilitate the evacuation of mucus.

For bronchitis, the following types of massage are used:

  • drainage - with this method, the back is massaged, and the patient's head is tilted down and is below chest level. Includes a complex of patting and rubbing, thanks to which mucus is successfully removed;
  • vibrational - in a given rhythm, light taps on the back are made;
  • point - impact on specific parts of the body;
  • cupping - carried out with medical banks, which are moved along the massage lines of the back.

One session can combine several techniques at once. When conducting therapeutic massage at home, you must adhere to some rules:

Performing breast massage
  • any manipulations are performed with minimal pressure;
  • a small pillow should be used to give the child the desired position;
  • first, the chest is massaged, and then the back;
  • massage can be started 4-5 days after the onset of improvement.

If the patient is an infant under one year old, it is necessary to coordinate the procedure with a pediatrician and take into account possible contraindications (high temperature, complications).

Physical exercises

In inflammatory processes in the bronchi, physical exercises are effective. As soon as improvement occurs and the temperature subsides, you can start exercising for 3-4 days. And for kids, it’s better to put training in the form of a game. For example, one-year-olds will undoubtedly enjoy blowing soap bubbles or launching paper boats. Sending sailboats to sail, inflating their sails like the wind, the baby will be able to perform the simplest exercises.

Classes for children over one and a half to two years old may consist of the following exercises:

Cough exercise for kids
  • "Ball". The child lies on his back, hands on his stomach. The stomach is gradually inflated, exhaling, slowly blowing it off.
  • "Wave". Begin the exercise lying on your back, arms lie calmly along the body. On inspiration, the child takes his hands behind his head, trying to reach the floor, exhaling, hands back and says "Come-and-and-out."
  • "Grow Big". The kid stands straight, heels together. Raises hands up, spreading through the sides. While inhaling, you need to rise on your toes and stretch, saying "Uh-uh." As you exhale, return to the original position.

The list of exercises is prescribed by the doctor, but it is quite acceptable to carry them out at home. Such a simple complex in the treatment of bronchitis will only benefit the health of the child:

  • strengthen immunity;
  • increase the outflow of sputum;
  • restore drainage in the airways;
  • reduce inflammation in the bronchial region.

Effective Recipes

There are a great many traditional medicine remedies to alleviate the condition of a child suffering from bronchitis. For children, decoctions and infusions should not be bitter, it is advisable to make them sweet so that the child willingly accepts them.

The most popular folk recipes for cough relief in bronchitis:

Black radish with honey
  1. Bring milk (1 cup) to a boil with the addition of 1 tbsp. tablespoons of honey and ½ of a small onion, previously grated, drain. Drink warm in small sips.
  2. In a large black radish, cut a hole in the center, take out part of the pulp, fill the resulting space with honey. Cover with a lid from the cut top and leave for 12 hours. Take before meals.
  3. Boil potatoes in their skins, peel, puree, add chopped onion and garlic. Form a cake of arbitrary shape from the mass. Spread the child's chest with vegetable oil and apply a warm cake. Cover with a blanket and leave to lie for 30 minutes.

Recipes that help improve mucus discharge and increase sweating:

Ginger tea with cinnamon
  • grate the ginger root and pour boiling water in a ratio of 1:5, add honey and a pinch of cinnamon, leave for 10 minutes, strain, drink throughout the day;
  • raspberry leaves, coltsfoot, linden flowers pour boiling water (2 liters per 100 g of dry raw materials). Infuse for 15 minutes, strain, take warm;
  • Spread the patient's back and chest with badger fat, put him in bed, covered with a blanket. The child must sweat.

Treatment of bronchitis in children, including chronic forms, should be a whole range of measures, including drug treatment, physiotherapy and traditional medicine available at home. Despite the positive attitude of doctors and parents to traditional medicine, bronchitis in a child is not always possible to cure only with homemade recipes. Without proper parental control over the condition of the child during illness, the risk of developing serious complications is high.

It is necessary to choose the best way to treat bronchitis in children at home together with the doctor, since the disease requires complex and adequate therapy.

It is important to influence the root cause of inflammation, to prevent the development of complications.

This may require special medicines, folk remedies, as well as a number of other measures aimed at combating the pathological process.

At almost any age, a child can develop bronchitis, even infants are susceptible to this disease.

Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the bronchi can be formed both as the main pathology and as a complication in diseases of the respiratory organs or other systems.

Depending on the provoking factor, as well as the clinical picture, the treatment of bronchitis in children with medicines and folk remedies is chosen.

Bronchitis in children has the same classification as in adults. Distinguish acute form, chronic and recurrent. Each of them has characteristic features and involves special therapeutic measures.

More often, an acute form is diagnosed, which, in the absence of proper treatment, can turn into a recurrent one, as well as into one of the most dangerous - the chronic form.

If we consider the characteristic manifestations of bronchitis in children, then they include:

  • tearfulness, lethargy, refusal to eat or poor appetite;
  • cough. It may be dry, becoming wet over time, or productive when sputum is separated;
  • temperature rise. The indicator can reach up to 39 ° C, and with a strong cough, inflammation and higher;
  • respiratory failure, wheezing on auscultation;
  • sore throat, chest pain, runny nose.

Bronchitis in acute form has severe symptoms, but similar symptoms can be observed in other, no less dangerous diseases.

Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor first or call an ambulance if the child's health is rapidly deteriorating.

If timely and correct measures are taken, then it is quite possible to organize effective treatment of bronchitis in children without hospitalization, at home.

It is only important to accurately diagnose the pathology, determine what caused the inflammation (bacteria, virus, allergies, fungi), and only then take measures for treatment. For these purposes, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

If signs appear that resemble inflammation of the bronchi or other organs of the respiratory system, then the recommendations will be as follows:

  1. Call a doctor at home. If there is no high temperature, then you can visit the clinic on your own.
  2. The temperature cannot be sharply reduced, it is undesirable to do this up to 38 ° C if the baby feels relatively normal. It is not necessary to warm, to strive for the child to sweat, it can increase the temperature.
  3. Cough must be dealt with properly. For each type there are appropriate means: separately for dry and for sputum discharge. While there is no exact diagnosis, it is better to give a plentiful warm drink.
  4. Provide peace to the child, periodically ventilate the room.

It is necessary to create conditions for the treatment of bronchitis in children at home after making an accurate diagnosis, experiments with health are unacceptable. Taking medications not prescribed by a doctor can lead to a worsening of the condition, serious complications.

Treatment of bronchitis in children with drugs

Taking medication during treatment is almost always assumed, since it is necessary to eliminate the focus of inflammation, provoking agents. There are special remedies for bronchitis adapted for children.

If the child is over 12 years old, then preparations for adults may also be suitable, but with strict adherence to the dosage, if indicated in the instructions.

Inflammation of the respiratory system is provoked by various factors, and depending on this, the following can be prescribed:

  1. Antibiotics. If bacteria are the cause of bronchitis, then antibacterial agents are selected.
  2. Antiviral drugs. Pathology can develop as a result of a viral infection, then treatment involves taking antiviral agents.
  3. Anti-inflammatory drugs. They help to alleviate the condition at high temperatures, partially relieve swelling.
  4. Medications, the action of which is aimed at softening the cough, thinning or diverting sputum.

The treatment regimen may vary depending on the type of disease, its severity and related disorders in the body.

Home inhalations

The use of inhalations is one of the most effective ways to treat respiratory diseases at home, including bronchitis in children.

The impact is directly on the respiratory tract, which makes it possible to alleviate the condition, effectively fight the infection.

Alternative treatment of bronchitis in children or adults involves the use of decoctions, infusions from natural ingredients for inhalation.

Inhalations based on medications are also practiced, for example, saline or drugs based on ambroxol. For these purposes, a nebulizer is used.

If we consider alternative treatment with the use of inhalations, then the following remedies are used for bronchitis in children:

  1. A solution of soda and salt.
  2. Decoction of potatoes with peel. You can also add salt, chamomile.
  3. Infusion of chamomile, herbal collection for cough. Well, if there is sage, calendula.
  4. Coniferous inhalation. It can be a decoction of spruce needles, pine or cedar. It will be useful to inhale the vapors of essential oils dissolved in hot water. It is important to observe the dosage so as not to cause allergies.

Massage for bronchitis in a child

It is difficult to treat bronchitis at home in babies, as children cannot quickly get rid of sputum. Since mucus lingers in the bronchi, the elimination of pathogens is slower.

Massage helps to stimulate this process, the main thing is to do it correctly.

There are several massage techniques that you can use on your own or use the services of a specialist.

Drainage massage can be carefully done on your own, for this the child fits in such a way that the head is slightly lower than the body.

You need to massage the back area in the projection of the lungs, movements - circular or light pats. The procedure contributes to a better discharge of sputum.

The impact can be point, but for this you need to know the location of biologically active zones. Gives results vibration method and can massage.

Physical exercises

Moderate physical activity can treat bronchitis in children, and a doctor can tell you how to do it right.

There is also an option to use sources on the Internet, which demonstrate the main exercises that contribute to recovery from respiratory diseases.

Physical exercises are allowed to be carried out with a stable positive dynamics. The child should not have fever, weakness, pain and other signs of an acute form of the disease.

Folk remedies for bronchitis in children

There are various remedies for treating bronchitis that do not cause disgust in children. This is important for small patients, who in some cases find it difficult to give medicine. Among the most common are:

  1. Badger fat or bear fat. A product recommended as an effective remedy for many respiratory diseases. Taken with milk, you can also make sweet balls by melting the fat and adding some natural chocolate.
  2. Beekeeping products. This is not only honey, but also propolis, perga. Honey is often used to treat children, as this product is useful, pleasant to the taste. The classic recipe is to dissolve in warm milk, you can add onion juice. Effective and radish with honey. The middle of the vegetable is cut out, honey is put inside and infused. A mixture of propolis and butter also gives a good result if taken 3 times a day.
  3. Herbal infusions. The pharmacy sells ready-made fees, you can also combine the ingredients yourself, only herbs for bronchitis, especially for the treatment of young children, should be chosen carefully. There is a risk of developing allergic reactions.
  4. Infusion of ginger, cinnamon and honey. The crushed root is mixed with honey and other ingredients, infused for 10-15 minutes. The product is prepared before use.
  5. Coniferous decoction. Folk remedies based on needles for bronchitis in children are prepared on spruce or cedar needles. You can add a little sugar or honey to the broth.

Despite the effectiveness of treatment with natural products, herbs and other non-drug methods, one should not forget that the disease requires complex therapy.

For example, the treatment of obstructive bronchitis in children only with traditional medicine prescriptions is considered dangerous, since there is a high risk of complications in the form of bronchial edema and respiratory failure.

Prevention of bronchitis in a child

It is impossible to completely prevent the development of childhood bronchitis. But you can significantly reduce the likelihood of the disease with the help of the following preventive measures:

  • strengthening immunity, including through hardening, proper nutrition, physical activity;
  • exclusion of hypothermia;
  • treatment until complete recovery from acute respiratory viral infections or acute respiratory infections, since bronchitis often develops as a complication of a cold, a viral infection;
  • frequent walks, systematic airing of the room;
  • regular cleaning, washing toys.

If there are already signs of bronchitis in a child, then self-medication is not necessary. Pathology can be triggered by various factors, and only a doctor can recognize them, as well as make an accurate diagnosis.

He must decide which treatment to prescribe: antibiotics, viral, anti-allergic or other medications.

We must not forget that traditional medicine is more auxiliary, so you should not rely on it completely.

This is especially true for the health of children, in whom neglected bronchitis can lead to complications and irreversible consequences.

He could catch a cold, catch a viral infection. And it could also be. How to identify this disease by symptoms? How to treat bronchitis in children and when to see a doctor to prevent complications? We will deal with all these questions in the article.

What is bronchitis and how does it manifest itself in children?

Already one word "bronchitis" scares parents. Simply put, bronchitis is the bronchi. Most often, bronchitis can appear due to a cold or during the cold season, when the child is weakened. It is worth noting that with proper treatment, the disease goes away without a trace and does not cause complications. Bronchitis can be acute or chronic. Fortunately, the latter type of disease in children is rare.

The primary symptoms of bronchitis are similar to those of the common cold. This is a runny nose and a dry, hysterical cough. The baby may appear, the body temperature rises. Please note that the child may begin to complain of pain behind the sternum. You need to pay attention to whether the baby has shortness of breath, wheezing, heart palpitations. After a few days, the cough becomes wet, sputum production can be observed. Exactly sputum determines the type of bronchitis. If the sputum is transparent, then this is an acute form, and if with purulent content, then a chronic form of bronchitis.

As a rule, acute bronchitis occurs within 3-4 days. If the treatment is correct and timely, then after 10 days recovery occurs. If treatment is not carried out, then there is a high probability that bronchitis will become chronic.

Therefore, at the first symptoms it is very important to consult a doctor. You cannot self-medicate. After all, only a qualified specialist can understand the symptoms of the disease and prescribe the correct treatment.

How to treat bronchitis in a child?

Treatment of a child can be carried out at home, but only in consultation with the doctor. If suddenly there is a threat that bronchitis becomes chronic, the child has a fever, then hospitalization required. This is especially true for babies under 1 year old, whose respiratory organs are not yet fully functioning.

In the treatment of bronchitis in some cases doctor may prescribe. They should be taken in strict accordance with the instructions and recommendations of the doctor.

Video treatment of bronchitis in children

If the form of bronchitis is not complicated, then the child needs bed rest, warm drink, antipyretics. It is important not to limit the amount of warm drink. After the temperature returns to normal, in addition to drug treatment, you can add folk remedies. This can be done only after consultation with the doctor.

With bronchitis, the child will help:

  • Herbal or soda inhalations;
  • Mustard plasters. To prevent mustard plasters for babies, they must be put through a cloth or diaper. For children over 3 years old, mustard plasters can be placed without fabric, but they need to be turned upside down;

IMPORTANT! It is strictly forbidden to impose mustard plasters on the heart area.

  • warm baths;
  • Rubbing the chest or soles of the feet. Rubbing is usually done at night. If this is the chest area, then you need to wear a T-shirt or jacket. If the soles of the feet are rubbed, then it is imperative to wear socks.

Also, in the treatment of bronchitis, physiotherapy procedures can be prescribed. It is very important for recovery and quality nutrition.

As statistics show, bronchitis is a disease of children of primary and preschool age. To prevent the child from getting sick, prevention is necessary. Therefore, parents should follow these guidelines:

  • Timely treatment of any colds. The child should not have prolonged runny nose, since it is a chronic runny nose that can provoke the occurrence of diseases of the respiratory system;
  • The child should not be supercooled;
  • The room in which the child is located must be well ventilated. In no case should you smoke in it;
  • The child should receive a healthy and nutritious diet,;
  • It is necessary to teach the child to lead a healthy lifestyle and harden. Physical education is important.

Compliance with these simple conditions will help your baby be healthy and not get sick!

Attention! The use of any medicines and dietary supplements, as well as the use of any medical methods, is possible only with the permission of a doctor.

How to treat bronchitis in children at home is an urgent issue, since this disease is one of the most common pathologies of the human respiratory system, which occurs in all age groups.

If bronchitis is suspected in a child, treatment may require, in addition to physical diagnosis, a laboratory study of blood, sputum, X-ray diagnostics, and bronchoscopy.

How to treat bronchitis in children at home

Treatment of bronchitis is usually carried out at home, and only if the disease is severe and / or with complications - in a hospital. Medicines should be given to a child only after consulting a doctor.

It is strictly forbidden to take any antitussives on your own - in some cases they can cause serious harm.

The purpose of certain medications for children depends on the cause of the disease and the clinical signs present. Antibacterial drugs are used only if the causative agent of bronchitis is bacteria (or when a secondary bacterial infection is attached).

To facilitate the discharge of sputum, the child may be prescribed expectorant, mucolytic drugs. It is strictly forbidden to take any antitussives on your own - in some cases they can cause serious harm.

With prolonged bronchitis, children can undergo drainage, vibration, acupressure, cupping massage, as well as therapeutic massage with honey. Massage is recommended to be done in the morning before breakfast.

The therapeutic effect of mustard plasters in bronchitis is disputed by experts, in any case, they should not be used in children under 5 years of age.

It is recommended to adhere to the bed and abundant drinking regimen, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the room in which the patient is located, and carry out wet cleaning in it daily.

Of the physiotherapeutic procedures for bronchitis in children, electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, ultraviolet irradiation can be used. Physiotherapy is indicated at the stage of recovery, only after the acute process subsides.

How to treat bronchitis and cough in children at home with folk remedies

The main treatment of bronchitis can be supplemented with folk remedies with the permission of the doctor.

Mixtures for ingestion based on honey are widely used. So, you can prepare products from honey and freshly squeezed juice from vegetables (beets, carrots), viburnum, radish juice, freshly prepared applesauce mixed with honey has immunostimulating properties. Often with bronchitis, children are given boiled milk with the addition of sage and honey.

It is believed that black radish juice with honey will help to quickly cure bronchitis in a child. Prepare it as follows: wash the black radish thoroughly with a brush, but do not peel. Cut off the top, gently make a recess with a knife, put a teaspoon of honey in it, close the top. After some time, honey will mix with the secreted radish juice, it is taken 2 tablespoons before meals and at bedtime.

Decoctions of sage, peppermint, linden, ginger, elderberry, violet, as well as breast collection are popular. Children with bronchitis are advised to drink tea with raspberries (dried, mashed with sugar or raspberry jam), after which they should put on woolen socks and a warm sweater. It is useful to use figs boiled in milk, as well as warm whey. Cabbage juice and lingonberries have an expectorant effect.

You can prepare a remedy from peppermint (3 teaspoons) and wheatgrass (5 teaspoons), which are poured into 600 ml of water, brought to a boil and allowed to cool. The finished product is filtered and drunk 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals.

The therapeutic effect of mustard plasters in bronchitis is disputed by experts, in any case, they should not be used in children under 5 years of age.

With bronchitis and cough in children, you can use a remedy made from onions and garlic. To do this, chop 1 small onion and 3 cloves of garlic, add 1 glass of milk to the mixture, bring to a boil and cook until the garlic and onions soften. After that, the product is removed from the fire, allowed to cool and filtered. Honey can be added to the mixture. Means take 0.5 tablespoon every hour throughout the day.

Effective remedy based on propolis. To prepare it, 50 g of pre-frozen propolis is grated, 300 g of melted butter is added, the mixture is kept in a water bath for 20 minutes, allowed to cool, filtered through 2 layers of gauze and consumed in a teaspoon with warmed milk 30 minutes before meals .

According to the parents of pediatric patients, a prolonged cough with bronchitis can be eliminated with the help of 1 part of crushed aloe leaves, melted pork and badger fat (1 part each), 2 parts of honey and 1 part of chocolate. All ingredients are put in a saucepan, heated to a temperature of 35-40 ° C, mixing thoroughly. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. In chronic bronchitis, the remedy is used for prevention in spring and autumn.

You can treat bronchitis and cough with an infusion of licorice root and pine buds. The ingredients are mixed in a ratio of 1: 1, after which a tablespoon of the resulting mixture is poured into a glass of water, brought to a boil and left to cool. Take an infusion of 2 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals.

With bronchitis, compresses from grated horseradish or boiled potatoes help, in which you can add a few drops of iodine, olive, linseed or sunflower oil.

You can use a compress on the chest of honey, dry mustard and flour, mixed in equal parts.

Treatment of bronchitis is usually carried out at home, and only if the disease is severe and / or with complications - in a hospital.

In addition, you can lubricate the child's chest with honey, lay a cloth soaked in vodka on top (vodka should be diluted with water in a ratio of 3: 1). It is convenient to put the compress at night, firmly fixing it on the body.

Causes and risk factors for developing bronchitis in children

Bronchitis is an inflammatory disease of the bronchial mucosa.

There are primary and secondary bronchitis. In primary bronchitis, the pathological process begins to develop directly in the bronchi. With secondary bronchitis, the disease occurs against the background of another pathology (flu, heart disease, chronic diseases of the respiratory system, etc.). Usually, inflammation begins in the nasopharynx, and then goes to the bronchi, i.e. often bronchitis is a complication of an acute respiratory infection.

In addition, bronchitis is divided into acute and chronic. Acute bronchitis usually has an infectious (viral, rarely bacterial) etiology. Bronchitis caused by microscopic fungi is rare, it develops in children with significantly weakened immunity - in premature babies, as well as in weakened babies who have been treated with antibiotics for a long time.

The chronic form of bronchitis develops with improper therapy (or lack of treatment) of the acute form as a result of a long stay of an infectious agent in the respiratory tract.

Risk factors for developing bronchitis in children include exposure to the body of adverse environmental factors, frequent stress, hypothermia, prolonged exposure to damp and / or dusty rooms, inhalation of tobacco smoke, dust, allergens, chemicals, lack of oxygen in the inhaled air, surgical operations.

Hot steam inhalations are not recommended for children; aerosol inhalers can be used, as well as inhalations with a nebulizer.

Signs of bronchitis in children

In acute bronchitis, children experience sore throat, discharge from the nasal cavity, headache, cough (dry at the beginning of the disease and then wet), fever (usually up to 37.5-38 ° C), lethargy, loss of appetite. In the absence of complications and with the right treatment, recovery usually occurs in 1.5-2 weeks.

Chronic bronchitis is accompanied by violations of the secretory, protective and cleansing functions of the bronchi, has a long course. In this case, the body temperature, as a rule, does not rise, or rises slightly during exacerbations. Exacerbations of chronic bronchitis usually develop in winter and in the off-season.

According to the type of inflammatory process and the nature of sputum, bronchitis is divided into the following forms:

  • catarrhal - with increased production of mucus in the bronchi;
  • mucopurulent - with the release of mucopurulent sputum;
  • purulent - the production of purulent sputum is characteristic;
  • fibrinous - very thick sputum due to increased release of fibrin;
  • hemorrhagic - there is an admixture of blood in the sputum due to hemorrhage in the bronchial mucosa.

When obstruction of the bronchi of small caliber, patients complain of shortness of breath.

On a functional basis, bronchitis is classified into non-obstructive and obstructive. With non-obstructive (simple) bronchitis, increased secretion of mucus in the bronchi of medium and large caliber is observed. The main symptom of non-obstructive bronchitis is a chest cough with a large amount of sputum. With obstructive bronchitis, the child has shortness of breath, hoarse wheezing, and increasing weakness. At the initial stage of the disease, the changes are reversible, with the progression of the pathological process, qualitative changes in the bronchi can occur, which, in the absence of treatment, become irreversible.

The chronic form of bronchitis develops with improper therapy of the acute form as a result of a long stay of an infectious agent in the respiratory tract.

Against the background of bronchitis in children, especially in the case of improper treatment of the disease, pneumonia, emphysema, bronchial asthma, heart pathologies, etc. can develop.


In order to prevent the development of bronchitis in children, it is recommended to vaccinate against influenza, balanced nutrition, strengthen immunity, regular exercise, personal hygiene, teaching children to breathe only through the nose, avoiding physical and mental overload, timely treatment of acute respiratory diseases.


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