What food in Passion Week. What can you eat in Holy Week before Easter

The last week of the Great Easter Lent is called Passion. This week got its name from the word “suffering”, “torment”.

What to eat on Holy Week

This is similarly described in the gospels of various saints. The events of Holy Week include the Last Supper, the Gethsemane Prayer, the betrayal of Judas, the Pharisees' trial of Jesus, the ascent to Golgotha, the execution, death, and subsequent Resurrection of our Savior.
Many believers do not know exactly what you can eat on Holy Week, what indulgences are allowed, and on what days especially strict restrictions must be observed. We offer you a similar description of the week for each day in two versions - for devout believers and for the laity.
This week, even those to whom the priest has given a blessing for relief during Lent due to illness or old age are advised not to eat meat and dairy foods and eggs.


Strict fasting prescribes not to eat anything on this day in the morning, but with sunset you can eat bread, porridge on water without adding oil, but with sugar or jam, vegetables stewed on water, tea or compote.
You can drink water throughout the day.
Lay people and those to whom a clergyman allows relief are allowed boiled food with the addition of sunflower oil, tea, coffee, compote or juices throughout the day. Porridges, soups, meatless gingerbread, everything is prepared without meat and dairy products.

In 2019, there will be an ordinary day of strict fasting. You can eat boiled food without adding sunflower oil, drink tea with sugar or jam.

Wednesday and at the usual time is considered a fast day, and in Holy Week it is especially strict. Devout believers should not eat boiled food, drink only water during the day, after sunset you can eat bread and tea or compote. You can sweeten, but do not add jam. From food in the evening they eat only raw, not subjected to heat treatment.
Lay people are allowed to eat boiled food, but without the use of sunflower oil. Lean soups, stewed or baked vegetables, baked goods made from unleavened dough. You can drink tea, coffee, juices, compotes and kissels, of course, without adding milk.

An ordinary day of strict fasting. You can eat boiled food without adding sunflower oil, drink tea with sugar or jam.
Lay people are allowed to cook in sunflower oil, but without the addition of dairy and meat products, as well as eggs.

The most terrible day in the history of Christianity on the eve of Easter. You can't eat anything at all. Even those who have received an indulgence in fasting in nutrition are advised to abstain from food as long as possible, preferably before sunset. You can only drink water. If there is no strength to eat nothing, then it is allowed to have a snack with a slice of bread with water or any fruit (vegetable).

It is advisable to refrain from boiled food as much as possible, especially for those who will participate in the Procession, and take communion at the Altar. You can have breakfast with bread and water or tea, and have a snack with vegetables for lunch.
Lay people can eat boiled food without the use of sunflower oil, eggs, dairy products and meat in its preparation. That's all you can eat on Holy Week during Lent.


Great. This is the most important holiday for Christians. Christ is Risen! All Christians rejoice and rejoice at the miraculous resurrection of our Savior. On this day, you can eat everything. Rich tables are laid, on which there must be cottage cheese Easter, Easter eggs and Easter cakes. Traditionally, horseradish, a piece of bacon and homemade sausage should be on the table.
Happy Easter to you!

In Holy Week or Week (April 22-27, 2019), the Orthodox Church is preparing to celebrate the greatest holiday - Easter, the day of the Resurrection of Christ. During these seven days, parishioners read the Gospel, the Bible, pray for the remission of human sins and, as it were, go through the martyrdom of Jesus Christ to Golgotha, who paid with his suffering, pain, and his life for the sins of mankind.

Of course, this week is considered one of the strictest. So, Holy Week, what you can eat by day, customs and rules of conduct on Holy Week - further. You already know the tradition has a clear framework.

On Holy Week they do not perform the sacraments of baptism, weddings, they do not commemorate the dead, they do not celebrate the days of the Great Martyrs, the Saints. The name "Passionate" - from the word "passion", "suffering". Holy Week in the common people is also called - Holy, Red, Great, Pure, Chervonnaya.

All days of Passion Week are called Great or Passion. On Holy Week, the flock holds a particularly strict Fast, scheduled by the Canon for days. And even those who did not observe the previous days of Fasting try to observe all the prescribed rules during Holy Week.

Food Rules for Holy Week

During Lent on Holy Week, food of animal origin is completely excluded from the diet, of course, except for honey.

It is important! It is impossible - jelly and dishes, which include gelatin. Gelatin is made from cartilage extracts.

Food should be taken only once a day, an exception is made for children, patients suffering from ailments that do not allow strict restrictions on food, as well as for the elderly. During the day, non-sweet teas, herbal infusions, and other sugar-free drinks are allowed.

Before eating any products, carefully read the composition and description. Eliminate all types of chewing gum, chocolate, sweets, chips, marshmallows, marshmallows, white bread and other products. Pay attention to what is important to be sure to prepare for the holiday.

On Holy Week (what you can eat on a daily basis), until the removal of the Shroud, Orthodox adhere to a raw food diet, that is, the products are not subjected to any type of heat treatment.

During Holy Week, it is believed that birds do not sing either. Strict abstinence not only in food, but also in the physical plane, the taming of the flesh, entertainment events should be ignored, profanity should not be used, and it is impossible to scold, judge and condemn at all. The whole week is devoted to prayers, reasoning and understanding of suffering, the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for the human race, the sinfulness of man and repentance.

Every day of Holy Week and its meaning

Great Monday

Perhaps the most difficult day of Lent. Believers switch to a one-time meal, a raw food diet, devout people, monks completely refrain from food on this day. Laity can eat bread, pickled, pickled, dried vegetables, mushrooms, fruits.

Drinks are cold only. Food is taken once, in the evening, after cleaning the house, yard. The Church commemorates the Old Testament Patriarch Joseph sold by his siblings and the curse of Jesus Christ on the sinful fig tree.

Maundy Tuesday

The day allows you to eat cooked meals without oil, also in one meal, in the evening. In the monastery, only raw vegetables and fruits are eaten, in limited quantities. There is a big wash on Tuesday. They remember the sermons of Christ in the Jerusalem Temple, his denunciations of the scribes and Pharisees.

Great Wednesday

On this day, dry eating continues, true believers abstain from food completely. All rubbish is removed from the house. Preparation of products for Easter begins. The Church remembers Judas and his betrayal. Great Wednesday is the day of confession, which is prepared in advance, it is on Great Wednesday that the Lord forgives all sins, conceivable and inconceivable. That is, those sins that you remember and those that you forgot about, or did not consider unknowingly a sin.

Maundy Thursday

On Thursday of Holy Week (what you can eat on a daily basis), it is permissible to take food twice, hot with the addition of vegetable oil, salads seasoned with oil, and you are also allowed to drink a glass of red wine. On Maundy Thursday, they finish cleaning. Rites are performed with the exorcism of evil spirits. From matins, a candle stub is brought into the house.

Small change is thrown into the water for washing windows and doors, so that the year will bring prosperity. On Thursday they paint eggs, bake Easter cakes, and celebrate Easter. They wash, it is believed that on this day the water washes away all sins and diseases. Dress only in clean or new clothes. Cleaning, bathing and other pre-Easter chores must be completed before sunrise. Remember on Pure Thursday about the Last Supper.

It is interesting! Salt for consecration is collected after bathing in a canvas or linen bag. They keep it all year and use it to protect the house from evil spirits. On Maundy Thursday, lost, expensive things can be found.

Good Friday

The day of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, the day of deep sorrow. Complete renunciation of food, only children, sick people and the elderly can eat a little after the evening service. Any housework is prohibited. On Good Friday, one should remember the torment and suffering of Christ, his sacrifice in the name of the human race.

Holy Saturday

Eggs, Easter cakes, Easter, salt and other products are consecrated. True believers continue to abstain from food. On Saturday of Holy Week (what can be eaten on a daily basis), it is permissible for the laity to consume bread, some vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, and honey in the evening. Preparations for the holiday, cooking continues. All preparations must be completed before going to the All-Night Service. Great advice about being.

Holy Sunday of Christ. Easter

The most important and bright day in Orthodoxy. Conversation begins with eggs. On this Great holiday, they have fun, walk. The dead are not commemorated, for this is the day of the triumph of life over death.

It is important! After abstaining from food, you should not eat everything at once and a lot. Gradually, little by little - you have the whole day ahead of you.

On Holy Pascha, the Holy Communion takes place in the Church. After communion, alms are given to the poor. During the entire Holy Week, one should tame the flesh, strengthen the Faith, the Spirit. After abstaining from food, carnal pleasures, time spent in prayer, understanding the sacrifice of Christ, his suffering, a person comes to Holy Pascha cleansed physically and spiritually.

The last week before Easter is the most difficult and strict compared to the rest of the days. This period is very important for Orthodox people, because we remember the last days of Jesus' life on earth and his sufferings. It is advisable to spend Holy Week in prayers that will help you better understand yourself.

In Holy Week, each person is spiritually cleansed. And this depends not only on abstinence in food, but also on the abandonment of all evil intentions. At this time, you can not settle cruelty in your heart, commit evil deeds and utter poisonous words. These are the same sins as gluttony, eating meat and drinking alcohol. Read what you can and cannot do before Easter.

The right diet for the week

Monday: the most difficult day of Holy Week. In addition to the fact that food can only be eaten once in 24 hours, it must be eaten raw. Therefore, for most of us it is difficult and unusual. Righteous people who firmly believe in God try to refuse food altogether on this day. For beginners, it is permissible to include flour products, in particular bread and vegetables, in the Monday diet. They can be consumed in any form: dried, fried and pickled. This day is also characterized by the use of fruits and mushrooms for food. In unlimited quantities, you can drink water, cool compotes and fruit drinks. It is important to know that you can eat only in the evening.
Tuesday: on Tuesday you can eat whatever you cook. However, remember that during Lent we exclude sweet, flour, meat, fish, dairy and eggs from the usual diet. It is permissible to eat vegetables and fruits on Tuesday, but only in limited quantities. Food should be taken, as on Monday, in the evening and only once a day. Wednesday: On this day, people remember Judas, who betrayed Christ. You should visit the church and repent of your sins. It is known that this is the best time to cleanse your soul. Dry food is served at the table, it is advisable to refuse food altogether, so that nothing interferes with cleansing the body and thoughts on this day.
Thursday: passes easier than the previous days, because from now on you can eat twice a day. Hot food, which was previously banned, and vegetable oil appear in the daily diet. Active preparations for Easter begin: people bake Easter cakes, paint eggs, and prepare treats for the festive table.
Thursday is characterized by various rituals to expel evil spirits and evil from the house. One of them is that when cleaning the home, you need to throw a handful of little things into a basin of water. This will attract prosperity and wealth in the future. Water on Maundy Thursday has magical powers, so you can bless the apartment and, after washing, rid yourself of diseases for a whole year.
Friday: is a time of mourning for Orthodox people. It was on the fifth day of the week that Jesus Christ was crucified. It is forbidden to consume any food, the exception applies only to infants and infirm people. Any household chores should be postponed. By doing something on this day, you show your disrespect for God. It is necessary to gain strength and try to endure this day, honoring Christ, who gave his life for our sins.
Saturday: There is only one day left before the holy day. On Saturday you can eat the same as on Thursday. The daily diet includes dishes such as: honey, bread, dry and raw fruits, vegetables. All day until the next morning, people must consecrate the food that they put on the table. The Church allows you to bring any food that you deem necessary to celebrate Easter. Before the end of the evening, you must prepare all the treats, as Easter services are held at night. Even on this day, parental Saturday: find out if it is possible to visit the cemetery.
Sunday: bright day of Easter. You can only eat what you have consecrated, if this is not done, then in the morning they still consecrate their products in the Temple, hurry up. Be sure to have eggs, bacon, cheese, sausage and Easter cakes on the table. You must taste these foods first, and then everything else that is from the treats. On Sunday, everyone should rejoice and celebrate the resurrection of the Son of God. On Easter, you need to visit the church for communion, and also learn about the traditions and folk signs of this Orthodox holiday.
Holy Week is very important for people: these days, a rethinking of life comes to many. During this time, a person is spiritually cleansed and meets Easter with pure and bright thoughts. It is imperative to keep all the commandments, pray and not denigrate yourself with sinful deeds and thoughts. It is known that if you repent on the Bright Resurrection of Christ with a pure heart and firm faith, then God will surely forgive you for everything.

Holy Week is the last and strictest week of Lent. During this period, it is important to observe all traditions and prohibitions in order to celebrate Easter correctly. In 2020, Holy Week begins on April 13, and Easter falls on April 19.

Passion Week for believing Christians is a special period, not only the most difficult for the body, but also the brightest for the soul. Translated from the Church Slavonic language, "passions" mean "trials and sufferings."

Passion Week is dedicated to events in the dying days of Christ's earthly life: the Last Supper, betrayal, suffering, crucifixion, burial and resurrection. The Holy Week before Easter is popularly called Red and Pure Week.

Benefits of fasting

The observance of the Orthodox fast gives a very great benefit to the human body. Some perceive it as a diet and suggest that it is only useful for people who are overweight. This is not true. This post is helpful for everyone. Lean food mainly consists of cereals, fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of fiber. Such food, like a universal cleaner, rids the body of toxins and toxins, normalizes weight and makes the body healthier. And one-day fasting is good for strengthening the body. Reducing the volume of the stomach during fasting reduces the need for food, especially since fasting food is very healthy and nutritious. Fasting is good for the sick and the healthy, the thin and the fat.

There is an opinion that Orthodox fasts are difficult to observe, many expect hunger pangs. This is not true. Those who try to fast are often surprised by the feeling of fullness without meat products. Nowadays, it is easy to prepare a lean meal with a variety thanks to a variety of recipes. Therefore, the question of what to eat on Holy Week does not cause a problem.

What to eat during Holy Week

All this week, a particularly strict fast is due for the sake of the Passion of Christ and for worthy preparation for the celebration of Easter. In the last 7 days of Lent, it is allowed to eat:

  • Vegetables and fruits in fresh, dried, dried or any other form
  • Mushrooms
  • Fish (only for the Annunciation, April 7)

It is forbidden to cook food, i.e. boil or fry them. Instead of thermally processed food, you need to eat raw vegetables and fruits. At the same time, dishes prepared from them should be without the addition of vegetable oil. Drinks also have their own restrictions: only teas and some infusions are allowed. Of course, alcohol is completely prohibited. On the days of Holy Week, one evening meal is allowed.

Of course, any organism, even with excellent health, needs to allow small indulgences. Orthodoxy provides for a number of exceptions in the second half of Holy Week: starting from Thursday inclusive, Christians are allowed to take hot vegetable food cooked without adding oil. During this period, two meals a day are provided, including a small amount of red wine to maintain the strength of the body.

But such exceptions will need to be left on the day of Good Friday, which involves a complete abstinence from food. According to Scripture, Christ was crucified on this day. Therefore, Good Friday is a difficult day not only physically due to the complete rejection of food, but also spiritually, when a true Christian deeply experiences this tragic and terrible event.

During Lent, it is allowed to eat fish only twice: on the Annunciation, April 7, and on Palm Sunday, exactly one week before Easter.

Great Monday

Cold food without oil (for example, sauerkraut with cranberries, salted mushrooms, bread). Any, including boiled vegetable food without oil, is allowed.

Maundy Tuesday

Cold food without oil (mushroom caviar without oil, fresh cabbage and carrot salad with lemon juice, prunes).

Great Wednesday

Cold food without oil (cucumber, tomato and onion salad, bananas with oranges, olives).

Maundy Thursday (Maundy Thursday)

Cold food without oil (daikon with carrots and lemon juice, nuts, apples). Any vegetable food with vegetable oil is allowed.

Good Friday (Good Friday)

According to popular tradition, on Good Friday it is advisable to refuse food altogether.

Good, or Good Friday - on this day, a particularly strict fast is observed in memory of the day when Christ was sentenced to death and made his way of the cross to Golgotha. Until the shroud is taken out in temples (until about 4 p.m.) - food is not accepted. After - only raw vegetable food without oil or complete abstinence from food.

Secrets of Lent: a glass of water before breakfast and pasta for dinner

Today marks the beginning of the strictest week of Lent - Holy Week. These days, before the celebration of Easter, believers are strictly forbidden to eat meat, eggs, milk and products based on it, fish and alcohol.

Meanwhile, strictness also has its own nuances. How should you eat during the last week of fasting? What are the best foods to combine these days with meals? And also how to get out of fasting without harming your health? - on the eve of Easter, the MK correspondent found out.

Pasta in tomato sauce

Holy Week is the last week before Easter - it began on April 14 and will end on April 20 - on Christ's Resurrection. This is the last, most strict (or "dark") week of Great Lent - it starts on Great Monday. It should be noted that the last Holy Week is distinguished by strictness in food. On the days of Holy Week, the Church prescribes a strict fast, excluding meat, dairy, egg and fish food. The monks, of course, keep a strict fast, sitting, as a rule, on these days only on bread and water. The laity is allowed to slightly diversify the range of products.

It must be remembered that fasting is not a diet. First of all, a person limits himself in pleasures, pays attention to his spirituality, - says Kirill Zebrin, a member of the National Guild of Chefs. - A restriction in food - only part of the post.

The most important thing, according to the chef, is not to overeat during fasting (even if you eat only plant-based foods). At the same time, you need to eat slowly, chewing food for a long time.

Cyril advises eating different foods during fasting.

In the morning before breakfast, you need to drink a glass of water with a few drops of lemon so that the intestines begin to work. For breakfast, you can cook oatmeal on the water with nuts and dried fruits. And drink green tea with honey, - he explains.

For lunch or dinner, the chef suggests preparing a fairly simple but tasty dish: pour dry pasta into a deep frying pan, add ice cream or fresh vegetables and dry herbs on top. Pour the resulting mixture with tomato juice and water (to just cover). Then add a little olive oil, bay leaf, salt and cook over medium heat for 15-20 minutes. By the way, pasta can be replaced with cereals, for example, buckwheat, and instead of olive oil, pour ordinary vegetable oil. It should also be very tasty.

Three eggs is the norm

Meanwhile, according to nutritionists, you need to leave the post very carefully. The body needs a certain adaptation period.

During fasting, we refuse food of animal origin, replacing it with plant foods, says nutritionist Elena Zlatinskaya. - And animal food requires the body to secrete special digestive enzymes that help digest it. During fasting, such enzymes are practically not released. Therefore, when a person abruptly begins to eat meat, smoked meats or some other fatty foods, and even in large quantities, the body may experience stress. And as a consequence - indigestion. Acute abdominal pain, constipation, and even acute pancreatitis may occur.

The first week after fasting, you can start with lighter animal products: boiled or steamed fish and chicken, cottage cheese, vegetables, vegetable soups, cereals. And also do not abuse alcohol, - Elena Zlatinskaya explains. - At first, it is also better not to drink milk, but to replace it with fermented milk products - for example, kefir and yogurt.

According to the expert, milk contains a lot of so-called milk sugar, which is quite difficult to digest in the body of an adult. Some people don't digest milk at all. Therefore, the stomach is worth saving.

It is also very important to eat properly when leaving the post. According to the nutritionist, you need to eat fractionally - 5-6 times a day in small portions. And of course, the last meal should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

In general, as it turns out, eggs are a rather heavy product.

The norm for eating eggs for an adult is three pieces a week, says Zlatinskaya. Why?

It turns out that the yolk itself is a very fatty product, it contains a lot of cholesterol. Egg white is digested faster, but, you see, none of us will specifically separate the whites from the yolks.

Of all the forms of cooking eggs, the best, according to the expert, is digested omelet. Worse - hard-boiled eggs and just fried in a pan. But the most problematic thing is absorbed in the body (who would have thought!) A raw egg.

Raw eggs contain the substance ovidine, which greatly complicates the process of digestion, the specialist explains. - During the preparation of the product, this substance is neutralized.

In general, nutritionists even advise making a diet for the entire Easter week - it will help the body gradually adapt to the digestive process in new conditions with a complete set of products.