What are the consequences after braces. Can they harm? Negative effects of wearing braces

For various disorders of the dentition, dentists use such a common method of treatment as braces for the purpose of correction. Their activity is based on influencing the position of the teeth and their movement in the direction necessary for the patient and the doctor. Many people know about the advantages of such systems, but not everyone knows about the consequences of braces. If you strictly follow all the recommendations of specialists, then you may not know about this aspect of dentistry, but knowledge of the information will not be superfluous, especially for those who hesitate in deciding whether to install a bracket system.

What are the risks associated with braces?

The process of correcting malocclusion is quite complex and time consuming. Since it involves the intervention in the human oral cavity with the help of foreign elements, the consequences of braces can be both positive and negative. The latter is practically excluded if the patient does not deviate from medical prescriptions and follows them exactly, but deviations from the norm are still possible if errors are made in this matter or due to certain features of the organism.

The most likely consequences of wearing braces can be the following:

  1. Change in the structure of tooth enamel, resulting from the impact exerted on it. This does not mean that the bracket system poses a threat to human health as a thing in itself, problems can arise as a result of poor-quality oral treatment on the eve of installation or with a weak immune system of the patient.
  2. Threat of caries, periodontitis or gingivitis. Such problems can occur if oral hygiene is not given due attention while wearing the system.
  3. Recurrence of crooked teeth. The occurrence of this problem becomes possible only if the system was removed earlier than the due date. If everything is done correctly and the result is fixed as expected with the help of retention devices, then there will be no difficulties in this matter.
  4. Allergy to certain types of metals. To avoid such a nuisance, manifested in the appearance of ulcers, difficulty breathing or the appearance of swelling, a preliminary examination will help, the purpose of which is precisely to prevent the occurrence of allergies.

As you can see, all problems of this kind arise for the most part as a result of the wrong approach to installing and wearing braces. If everything is done as it should be, then complications can be easily avoided.

Types of consequences

Any person who decides to install braces should be prepared for the fact that he will have to expect an acceptable result for a certain and rather long time period. In addition, during the indicated period, he will have to face some types of consequences of installing the system, among which are the following:

  • a feeling of a foreign body in the oral cavity, which disappears in a couple of weeks;
  • pain in the oral cavity, which is the result of the intervention of the dentist and also passing rather quickly;
  • damage to the mucosa, which is almost impossible to avoid;
  • complications with the process of eating, for example, restrictions on solid food that can damage the structure;
  • increased requirements for oral hygiene, since food residues can clog in the slots of the system;
  • some problems with diction caused by the peculiarities of installation and wearing of the structure;
  • an unnatural smile, which is a consequence of the volume of the structure;
  • the need to spend a lot of time on treatment;
  • the risk of various complications, for example, a violation of the integrity of the neurovascular bundle, gingival recession or root resorption;
  • change in the shape of the face due to the installation of the system, but this can be corrected with the help of special exercises.

It happens that the result after removing the braces does not suit patients, because it does not meet their expectations. For example, a side effect of treatment is teeth protruding forward, gaps appear between them, and so on. It is impossible to guarantee a 100% result even under the most favorable conditions, you should always keep this in mind when deciding on treatment with braces.

general information

Despite everything described above, the treatment of various types of dental anomalies with braces is a very popular and common phenomenon. By itself, this design is a system of locks connected together by an arc that are attached to the teeth, and thus they affect the movement of the teeth in a certain direction. In the vast majority of situations, patients are concerned about issues related to the beauty of their smile, as well as the alignment of the dentition, but often the factor of correct bite after the end of treatment remains on the sidelines of their interests. Meanwhile, this moment cannot be ignored, therefore, it is necessary to psychologically set yourself up for a long and painstaking treatment process, for certain restrictions in food, and, possibly, even in lifestyle. We must also not forget that the consequences of treatment with braces are individual in nature and that certain complications are possible, however, there are many ways in the arsenal of specialists to correct such troubles or at least to reduce their negative impact as effectively as possible.

Harm from braces

Perhaps the term "harm" in this case should be recognized as conditional and rather vague, since each person puts his own concept into this concept and ideas can differ radically. For example, after removing the system, many people complain that a change in the color of the enamel has occurred, but this trouble is corrected quickly, one month is enough to bring the tone of the enamel into a uniform look with the help of hygienic cleaning procedures. If the patient categorically does not like the picture with the color, it makes sense to consult a doctor regarding the teeth whitening procedure.

The beautiful half of humanity often pays attention to the fact that there has been a change in the face after the removal of braces, in particular, its oval. Not all experts agree with this opinion, but among patients there is a strong conviction that the changes have occurred. The problem is also corrected quite easily with the help of special gymnastic exercises, which, by the way, are also useful for the prevention of aging.

After braces, the teeth are crooked or there are gaps between them

From a purely theoretical standpoint, one should recognize the fact that the curvature of the teeth after wearing braces can occur in any patient. The reason is that braces forcibly hold the teeth in a certain position, but after the system is removed, they tend to return to their previous position. However, they, in fact, have nowhere to return, because not only the position of the teeth has changed, the bone tissue has been rebuilt, the ligaments, vessels and soft tissues have moved to a new place. As a result, the movement can theoretically occur in any direction, making the treatment absolutely useless, but in practice, such a sad picture can only occur if the patient ignores the doctor’s instructions and refuses to install the retainers necessary for the full and final consolidation of the effect.

A similar picture is associated with the theoretical possibility of the appearance of gaps between the teeth after removing the braces. The reasons for this rare phenomenon are the same as in the situation with the curvature of the teeth, so the need to install retention devices should not be subjected to even the slightest doubt.

Braces give me a headache

Headaches in patients may be a likely companion of the braces treatment procedure. They occur quite often and do not depend on the cost of the structure, even the most expensive system does not guarantee the patient that he will not get a headache. The explanation here is very simple - all the organs of the head are located very close to each other and the impact on the maxillofacial region instantly affects the state of other organs. If pain occurs, then it is not necessary to endure it, you should immediately seek the advice of specialists, and not only to the orthodontist, since the causes of pain may not only be associated with the installation of a bracket system.

Possible face changes

In the process of wearing braces, the most serious load is experienced by the bone tissue, which is very sensitive and this leads to certain changes in the human body. In particular, there is a transformation of the structure and shape of the bone tissue, and this brings to life a certain change in the shape of the face. We can say that this is the reaction of the human body to the processes occurring with it. You should not be afraid of such a transformation, if this process has occurred, then its scale is insignificant, moreover, this picture can be corrected quite quickly and painlessly.

Real changes in appearance in patients

It should not be assumed that the consequences of braces can only be negative, this emasculates the very essence of this design. Often, after wearing the system and removing it, patients noticed that absolutely positive changes had occurred in their appearance, for example, the second chin had disappeared. It is worth reconciling yourself with the idea that after removing the braces, the patient will change the shape of the face and the oval of the skull, respectively, his appearance will undergo some changes. You should not blame the bracket system for everything, especially since the source of such a transformation is not it, but the maxillofacial joint of a person. It is he who inevitably changes as a result of any changes in bite. It turns out that on one side of the scale the patient sees a really changed dentition of his mouth, which pleases him for reasons of aesthetics and beauty, but on the other he sees an elongated face, sunken cheeks, and this seems to him an unreasonably high price of wearing a bracket system. However, we should not forget that a beautiful smile and even teeth will remain in place and will not go anywhere, and external changes can be corrected with special gymnastic exercises, the main thing is to carry them out under the supervision of a specialist, because any such transformations can be purely individual.

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Bracket treatment is very popular for correcting various dental anomalies. It is known what braces are - a device in the form of locks attached to the teeth and interconnected by a special power arc, with the help of which the teeth move in the right direction.

However, details such as the consequences of malocclusion with braces are often left out of the patient's view.

Consequences of braces- this is something that you can never know if you carefully follow all the recommendations of your orthodontist. Perhaps the only noticeable consequence of braces for the patient will be straight teeth and a beautiful smile at the end of treatment.

But the question of what you will have to face when starting treatment with braces worries everyone.

Bite correction with braces takes a long time (sometimes up to three or four years), so the patient undoubtedly needs psychological preparation. Psychological preparation should include the realization that a beautiful smile requires patience and meticulous oral care during treatment.

It must be remembered that the consequences of braces for each organism are individual. But even in the event of a complication, there are always ways to effectively reduce its negative impact.

Types of consequences when wearing braces

Consequences of braces may be of the following nature:

  • Presence of a foreign object in the mouth

Of course, you will have to get used to this new sensation. However, this is a temporary effect that usually disappears within one to two weeks.

  • Pain in the area around the tooth

This pain should not be feared, as it is a sign of teeth moving into the correct position. Many patients may not be affected by this consequence at all, but in case of pain, you can take an anesthetic. Within one to two weeks, the pain usually disappears, but if this does not happen, it is necessary to consult a doctor for appropriate measures.

  • Mucosal rubbing

Irritation of the oral mucosa is associated with the complexity of the design of the braces, which is of sufficient size to initially cause some discomfort. Braces can rub the mucous membranes of the lips, cheeks, and the surface of the tongue. Eliminate the problem of chafing allows a special wax, which is applied to the surface of the braces, preventing the elements of the braces from rubbing against the oral mucosa. Subsequently, the wax itself falls off the braces.

  • Violation of diction

Violation of pronunciation is a frequent consequence after the installation of braces. The speech apparatus needs time to get used to the new operating conditions. Lingual braces (attached to the inside of the tooth) most strongly affect speech, because they are in close proximity to the speech organs. Vestibular (attached to the outer side of the tooth) braces affect diction less. As a rule, all violations disappear on their own, depending on how quickly you get used to the braces.

Frequent reading aloud, focusing on sounds that are difficult to pronounce, helps to significantly speed up the restoration of normal diction.

  • Dietary restrictions(Brace treatment does not require major dietary adjustments, but does require closer attention to your diet.)
  • It is necessary to limit the intake of solid foods that require significant biting power (nuts, carrots, etc.). Solid food should be cut into small pieces.
  • You should also minimize the consumption of viscous, sticky foods (sweets, toffee, some baked goods, etc.).
  • Do not drink too hot or cold drinks.
  • Do not overindulge in sweet foods.

Complicated consequences of braces

Such consequences appear, as a rule, due to the individual characteristics of the organism (for example, the state of immunity) or due to non-compliance with careful care.

Such consequences include:

  • Tooth enamel damage
  • Demineralization of tooth enamel
  • Destruction of the upper part of the roots of the teeth
  • The development of diseases such as caries, periodontitis, periodontitis, catarrhal gingivitis.

Complications in oral hygiene

Installing braces requires more careful oral care. You need to brush your teeth more often than usual - not 2 times a day, but after each meal. But for those who are used to maintaining the health of their teeth, this will not be difficult.

In order to make it easier to care for braces, there are various special products for braces care on the market - a special toothbrush with no bristles in the middle, a special brush, superflos.

The listed consequences of using braces can be avoided or their negative consequences mitigated if the doctor and the patient himself carefully monitor the teeth and follow all the rules and recommendations of treatment.

After correcting the bite and the incorrect position of the teeth, a joyful moment comes - the removal of braces from the teeth. This procedure is one of the final moments of treatment, but not the final one. After removing the system, a retention period should pass and the results of treatment should be strengthened.

How and how braces are removed - Stages

The procedure for removing braces is carried out by the attending orthodontist. Removing the system from the teeth has the following steps:

  1. Preparation for removal;
  2. Removal of braces;
  3. Restoration of the appearance of teeth;
  4. Retainer treatment.

Preparation includes making an appointment with a doctor and professional oral hygiene. The procedure for removing braces from the teeth is that each bracket is captured with special pliers and bitten off the surface of the tooth. Manipulation is carried out slowly, carefully separate the braces from the teeth.

While biting the braces, some discomfort is possible, associated with a slight pressure on the tooth. All braces, ligatures, orthodontic archwires and additional elements of the system are removed one by one. After the removal of the orthodontic structure, the appearance of the teeth is restored.

Very often particles of adhesive material may remain on the teeth, it is cleaned and polished with brushes. In the presence of pigmentation, teeth are polished. If chalky spots or caries have formed on the teeth, they are treated with remineralizing therapy or fillings. It should be noted that caries is formed very rarely with a low level of hygiene and poor dental care.

How long does it take to remove braces

Removing braces is a less time-consuming and not complicated procedure compared to installing a braces system. Manipulation lasts about 15-30 minutes. Restoration and treatment of teeth may be included in the procedure for removing the system or may be carried out at the next visit, as it requires additional doctor's time.

The procedure for removing an orthodontic structure from the inside is more complicated and takes 30-40 minutes. Access to lingual braces is a little more difficult and time consuming. This arrangement of braces has its advantages - the system is not noticeable, but for the doctor's work it is more time consuming. This explains the higher cost of hidden braces.

Does it hurt to remove braces?

Almost all patients are interested in the question: does it hurt to remove braces from the teeth? The answer is - it doesn't hurt. During manipulation, discomfort may occur, but not pain. This is due to the long and durable fixation of the braces. During the procedure, the doctor applies slight pressure to the tooth to separate the lock from the surface of the tooth. This is what the patient will feel.

Review (Igor, 20 years old): “I had my braces removed a week ago. I want to say that it doesn’t hurt to take it off, but it’s not very pleasant to clean my teeth from glue! Maybe it’s my enamel that is so sensitive, but it hurt. The orthodontist promised to restore the enamel But the main thing is that my teeth are even, now I wear a retainer."

Restoration and whitening of teeth

After removing the braces from the teeth, everyone expects to see a snow-white and beautiful smile. Unfortunately, very often after the treatment it is necessary to carry out additional procedures for the restoration or whitening of the teeth. After removing the system from the oral cavity, there may be small gaps between the teeth, darkening or changes in the enamel, stains, caries.

Restoration of teeth will help to solve the problem with the shortcomings of hard tissues. With its help, you can eliminate enamel defects, various spots, carious process, cracks, chips of enamel. This procedure is a filling of teeth with special materials in order to restore the aesthetic appearance of the tooth, color and anatomical shape.

Teeth whitening is a very popular dental procedure that will make your teeth several shades lighter. Whitening has many contraindications: gum disease, caries, tooth sensitivity, gum recession, enamel chips and cracks, hyperesthesia, wedge-shaped defects. It should be noted that wearing braces will not darken the teeth and the procedure is not mandatory. You need to know that after whitening once, you will need to repeat the procedure every six months.

The topic of the safety of teeth whitening remains controversial in dentistry, each doctor has his own opinion. Even the safest drugs produce some damage to the structure of the enamel, after which it is necessary to carry out a course of applications of mineral substances on the tooth enamel. If teeth are not restored with minerals, the enamel will be more fragile, quickly saturated with food pigments and change color.


When treating incorrect teeth with braces, it is necessary to strictly follow all the recommendations of the doctor and follow the stages of treatment. After removing the structure from the teeth, a retention period must pass to fix the results of treatment. The consequences of removing the system from the teeth can be a little scary, since everyone expects to see a Hollywood smile, and it needs a little more work on it.

Review (Ekaterina, 19 years old): “I now wear braces and I really look forward to when they are removed. I am very worried about how my teeth will look and so that the enamel does not deteriorate after treatment. The doctor said that it would not hurt to remove the braces and I already want to quickly. True, I still need to wear a retainer for some time, I plan to put the retainer on my teeth in the form of a wire, it does not need to be removed and it seems to be more effective.

Due to the long difficult access to some parts of the teeth, there may be violations in the form of: stains, glue residue, pigmentation, a gap. These effects are not common but are normal and can be corrected with dental treatment.

Why do teeth crooked after removing braces?

After the removal of the orthodontic system, a retention period of treatment must pass. If it was absent or was short, then the teeth can be twisted again. To prevent this, it is enough to follow all the recommendations of the attending physician.

The retention period is the period of time immediately after the removal of the braces, during which the orthodontist prescribes treatment to strengthen the achieved results. This period can vary in duration from several months to several years. People who have their teeth straightened in adulthood (after 40 years) are at risk of tooth separation, and splinting or wearing a retention device is recommended for them for the rest of their lives.

Once the braces are removed, the teeth are not affected by the pressure of the orthodontic structure, the teeth no longer need to be moved and they will tend to return to their original position.

What is put after braces on the teeth

Retention (strengthening the position) of the teeth is carried out in two ways:

  • With the help of retention caps;
  • With the help of ligatures.

Mouthguards are thin transparent plastic plates that are made individually. The device must be put on the teeth every night. It is necessary to follow the rules of hygiene, clean the cap and protect it from mechanical damage.

Fixation with ligatures is carried out at the dentist's office. With the help of special ligatures (wires), the teeth are fixed from the inner (lingual) side. This design is not removable and is permanently in the oral cavity, due to its small size it does not interfere with talking and eating. The ligature is fixed with a special dental material.

Another way to retain teeth is to make an orthodontic plate. Which must be worn for several hours a day or worn at night. The plate has some drawbacks, so most orthodontists fix their teeth with retainers.

white spots on teeth after braces

After removing the system from the teeth, white spots may be observed on the enamel - foci of demineralization of the enamel. Or in other words - the initial stage of caries. The reason for these manifestations can be different: poor access to the teeth and hygiene, there was no enamel supply from the oral fluid at the place where the bracket was fixed, the accumulation of microorganisms, food retention, the influence of dental materials.

Review (Alina, 28 years old): “I wore braces for 2 years and put on a cap for another 1.5 years. I had lingual braces on the lingual side. It was not pleasant to remove them, the doctor touched the gum a little and it was inflamed for another 3 days I put on a cap every night, sometimes it pressed a little. The doctor said that this means that the teeth can be crooked and it is necessary to use the cap. Once every few months I went to the orthodontist and after 1.5 years they were allowed not to wear the cap anymore. twisted and not shattered."

It should be noted that such manifestations are not frequent and the braces or the orthodontist are not to blame for this. This situation arises due to insufficient hygiene or individual characteristics - weak enamel. To eliminate white spots, there are several treatment methods:

  1. Remineralizing therapy;
  2. Grinding;
  3. Restoration.

Remtherapy is the treatment of choice. It consists in restoring the enamel structure by saturating the tooth with minerals. To do this, it is necessary to carry out 8-10 procedures for 15 minutes, during which applications of medicines are applied to the teeth.

Grinding of teeth can be carried out with small manifestations of caries. At the same time, the surface (white) layer of enamel is polished with special heads and finishers. Restoration of teeth is carried out with large and deep white spots. To do this, the removal of the enamel layer with the help of boron and the aesthetic restoration of the tooth with filling materials are carried out.

Damaged enamel after braces

After braces on the enamel, there can be various kinds of consequences of treatment, but all of them can be corrected with the help of dental procedures. To do this, they carry out: cleaning the teeth from glue, grinding, polishing, remineralizing therapy, fluoridation, whitening, filling and restoration.

With a noticeable deterioration in the condition of tooth enamel, it is recommended to undergo a course of vitamin and mineral therapy. To do this, you need to purchase a medicinal complex of necessary substances and drink it in a course of one month. Then you can take a break of 1-2 months and drink vitamins and minerals again. Such treatment should strengthen the hard tissues of the teeth and the body as a whole.

Dental care after braces

After removing the braces, most people retain the good habit of taking very good care of their teeth. For care, you need a toothbrush, paste, dental floss and mouthwash. You can brush your teeth as usual: twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. Floss should be used daily at bedtime to clean the interdental spaces.

Rinse aid should be used throughout the day and at bedtime. If there is a retainer on the inner surface of the teeth, it is necessary to pay attention to this area of ​​​​the teeth. The design is much smaller than braces, but is also a food retention point and requires careful maintenance.

Before installing the braces, I could not even imagine how many completely different troubles braces can cause! Naturally, orthodontists do not tell you about all the inconveniences that you will have to face. And not even because orthodontists are so insidious: it’s just that the consultation time is limited, it’s impossible to tell about everything, and besides, we are all different, everything happens individually.

"Braces don't hurt"

Actually, it hurts quite a lot. My orthodontist said that after the installation, the teeth will hurt for about a week. I was sick for a month and a half. No, not 24 hours a day, but always with meals. However, everyone is different. My friend's teeth hurt for only three days after the installation of braces.

I wrote about everything related to painful sensations in a separate small article: Do braces hurt?
No, it's not my teeth in the photo;) Mine, if you're interested, - .

Removing eights

Removal of impacted eights, unfortunately, is necessary. Why, I am writing in this article. It is usually impossible to remove all impacted eights at once, unless there are only two of them and they are on the same side. That is, you cannot anesthetize both sides of the jaw at once, you can anesthetize only on the right or left. Otherwise, problems may occur.

Removing impacted eights is a rather complicated operation. Not every dentist-surgeon will undertake to do it! Very important: friends, look for a good, experienced doctor!

You may be offered to do the operation under general anesthesia, then you will have to go to the hospital for several days. I refused, because I think that general anesthesia is an extra risk to life (which anesthesiologist will come across, how your heart will react, etc.). You can remove the eights under local anesthesia, then you won’t have to go to the hospital.

We are lucky that anesthesia exists! Even with local anesthesia, removing impacted figure eights, as it were ... does not hurt. But the sensations you will experience will be magical. The surgeon applies strong pressure and great effort. I don't think women can do this at all. Depending on how the tooth is positioned, both sawing of the tooth itself and sawing of the periosteum may be required. Feelings are terrible. The extraction of one tooth can last up to 50 minutes, but here everything is individual (the doctor can correct me). It happens that the figure eight, for example, clings to the roots of the seventh tooth with its roots. There are a lot of difficult situations with impacted eights!

Consequences of removing eights

The oval of the face is changing. I read on the Internet that many girls are delighted that the face looks thinner and the cheekbones are better defined. May be. But I didn't see anything good. I had a nice round face, it became thinner and narrower. But worst of all, the skin starts to sag. This, of course, is also age-related changes, but the removal of eights only enhances the "effect" - the "extra" skin sags slightly. I think many girls "over 25" also noticed this after removing the eights.

Brushing your teeth and getting food stuck

As soon as you put braces on, food starts to get stuck wherever possible. And when elastic chains are attached to the arcs, it gets even worse! Orthodontists rightly say that dental hygiene while wearing braces is extremely important! This is true. And "clean" teeth move better. In addition, on the Internet you can find photos of the consequences of poor hygiene. Looks disgusting.

The orthodontist says that you should brush your teeth after every meal and for at least 10 minutes. What concerns 10 minutes is sacred. That's how I did it. But brushing your teeth after every meal is basically unrealistic! In addition, brushing your teeth too often will not bring anything good either. I recommend brushing your teeth 2, and preferably 3 times a day, but no more than three times! Read more about brushing teeth with braces: brushes and brushes.

At first, I even tried not to go to cafe-restaurants due to the fact that food stuck in my teeth. Kill it. Don't deprive yourself of the joys of life! Just keep a toothpick with you at all times. And some water to rinse your mouth.

Chewing gum. On the forums they wrote that it gets stuck in the teeth. Maybe not critical, but I did not try while wearing braces. And now I'm out of the habit)

Consequences of frequent and prolonged brushing of teeth

Simple calculations show that toothpaste is in your mouth and on the skin of the lips-chin for about half an hour every day.

You are more likely to experience dry mouth after brushing your teeth. After getting braces, I always carried a small bottle of water with me. Drinking clean water is good. But there is a caveat: drinking a lot of water in the evening is undesirable, especially if you are prone to swelling. I often got out of the situation with a glass of cool dry white wine in the evening, when you can no longer drink a lot of water. I don’t know how much this is, but it seems to have helped me. There is another remedy, non-alcoholic;)) - succinic acid in tablets - cheap and useful from all sides.

Lips are also dry. Always carry a good lip balm or lip balm with you. I like, for example, the remedy from "Lash" "Lip Help". There are good products from Nivea, in particular, lip oil.

Often there is irritation on the skin of the chin. I have noticed that some toothpastes irritate the skin more than others. Exclude them. Immediately after brushing your teeth, smear the skin of the chin with cream if necessary.

No matter how carefully and often you brush, your teeth are still not so white.

Firstly, hard plaque still appears, no matter how carefully we clean our teeth with brushes and brushes! Especially in hard-to-reach places, for example, where braces are glued, at the base of the lock.

Secondly, the elastic chains, which are then worn under the arches, turn yellow over time during the month until they are replaced with new ones. My orthodontist said that curry colors these chains especially "bright". So I haven't eaten anything with curry in over two years. But red wine colors no more than some other products. In any case, no matter how hard you try, these chains still turn yellow, and visually the teeth seem less white. But when you have visited the orthodontist and the chains have been replaced, you again see a whiter smile.


Oh it's a song! I started wearing intermaxillary traction for the fourth or fifth month after the installation of the braces. And wore them until the removal of braces. If you don't already know, these are small round rubber bands made of very durable surgical latex that are put on the teeth to correct the bite (look at the photo above, it, if anything, increases).

Before the installation of braces, you probably made casts from the jaws. See how the upper and lower jaw fit into each other - like a glove. The upper and lower teeth form clear contacts that grind food. The teeth fit like pieces of a puzzle.

When a bracket system is installed on the teeth, all these contacts "fly off". Metal arcs "pull out" the teeth in an even row. After a few months, the orthodontist surrounds the braces with elastic chains - so that the teeth do not stretch too much under the action of the arches. The arches "spread" the teeth, the chains do not allow them to part too much.

And the intermaxillary traction then begins to form the bite and contacts between the teeth again. And after removing the braces, the contacts between the teeth no longer become as ideal as they used to be. I talked with my dentist-therapist (a doctor who puts fillings, roughly speaking): she said that if a person took braces, it’s almost not necessary to grind a new filling for a long time. Well, what to do, but the teeth are straight.

There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with pulls. The hooks they cling to, which are sometimes specially attached to the braces, can be tucked in so that they do not rub. And it looks like you can live. But it is SO annoying to wear traction!

There are many ways to carry traction. Rubber rings are different in size - a little more or a little less. They are worn on two teeth (upper and lower), on three teeth (triangle) or even on 4 teeth - there are many ways. Depending on the tasks, your orthodontist will determine them. Usually traction should be worn for at least 12 hours a day, for some - all 24 hours a day, in some cases - only at night. But in any case, it is always every day for many, many months!

Sorry for the intimate details - kissing with braces wearing rods is unrealistic. And, for example, instead of falling asleep peacefully ..., I had to get up and put on traction. It is difficult to describe how they got it then!

For the last six months of orthodontic treatment, I put one ring (one rod) on a whole bunch of teeth (at the top I hooked it to triples, at the bottom - to hooks attached to fours), and I coped only with the help of small tweezers. Many times I have torn the strongest surgical latex. You can imagine how unpleasant and painful it is when such an elastic band breaks and hits the lip.

Aesthetic concerns

In the section on removing eights, I already wrote that the oval of the face has changed and the excess skin just sagged slightly. That's not all.

When the bracket system was installed on the upper jaw, it seemed to me that my mouth stopped closing, or rather, my lips stopped closing. Only then the skin seemed to stretch a little. And after installation, I began to purse my lips to completely close my mouth. The habit persisted for quite some time.

I read that some even like the way they look in braces. "The lips began to look plumper!" - some girls are happy. I didn't like the way I looked in braces. The bottom of the face has changed. The lower lip, which is already quite plump and protrudes more than necessary, protruded even more with braces. Now, seeing my photos of recent years, I accurately and immediately determine whether I was wearing a bracket system at that moment. You can see it in the photo.

How long to wear braces

The term of wearing braces is a very burning issue) Therefore, I wrote a separate short article about how long you need to wear braces. All orthodontists say: "About a year and a half." In fact, it is impossible to calculate how long you will have to wear a bracket system. Orthodontists do not say that many people wear braces for more than two years, and sometimes even three.

So why did I write this long article about all the inconvenience that braces can cause ? If you thought that I want to warn you against wearing them, then you are mistaken. If it is necessary for some important aesthetic or medical reasons, it should be done. Then forewarned is forearmed! If there is no serious reason to wear braces, do not wear them! Before starting orthodontic treatment, consult with several doctors! And let there be not only orthodontists among them (it is still beneficial for them to put braces on you), but also a competent dentist-therapist. In a word, let there be a specialist among doctors whom you definitely trust!

And... be of good cheer!

Briefly summarizing:

  • My Review of Damon Ceramic Braces
  • To prevent teeth from moving back:

Is there life after braces? At the very beginning of the path (that is, orthodontic treatment), the answer to this question seems to be no. But the cherished hour is getting closer and closer, in which the shackles (that is, braces) will fall, and the world will see your even, dazzling smile. But will everything be so optimistic? Consider the typical fears that sometimes torment the owners of braces

Complications after braces

Complications after braces are possible and, like any complications, quite unpleasant. This may be a recession (that is, lowering) of the gums, a violation of the integrity of the neurovascular bundle, resorption of the roots, etc.

We will try to reassure you: firstly, although these are sad, but infrequent situations - for example, gum recession is observed only in 4% of patients, and this is the most common complication. Secondly, many problems are associated with excessive pressure on the teeth, that is, with an incorrectly calculated load of the bracket system. If you have chosen an experienced, professional doctor, then most likely you will not have such troubles. To be safe, you can take a panoramic picture every six months, which will show all the current changes.

Harm from braces

Harm is a word too strong and voluminous: everyone can understand something of their own by it. Here are the most common causes of frustration in those who remove braces. First of all, it is a change in the color of tooth enamel. In most cases, hygienic cleaning of the tooth cavity and patience help: about a month after removing the braces, the enamel tone evens out. You can also talk to your doctor about the feasibility of having a whitening procedure.

It happens that girls complain about a change in the shape of the face. Not all orthodontists agree that it is braces that make the face thin and seem to be longer. However, among patients such an opinion exists. Whatever the cause of the changes, special face gymnastics will help. By the way, it will also be a good prevention of aging.

Crooked teeth after braces

Curvature of teeth after braces can theoretically (!) happen to everyone, and here's why. The even bite that you have achieved, although it looks very natural, it really is not. And after you remove the braces that hold your teeth in the correct position, they will immediately try to return to their original places. But these very “former places” are no longer there: the bone tissue has been rebuilt, blood vessels, ligaments and soft tissues have moved ... So there is nowhere for the teeth to return. Therefore, they can simply move anywhere - and the result will be even more deplorable than it was before the installation of the orthodontic system.

But in fact, such a dull option for most patients is almost impossible. He is waiting for you only if you do not listen to your doctor and refuse to install retainers - special devices that can forever keep your teeth in the correct position.

Gap between teeth after braces

This is also theoretically (!) possible. The reasons are the same as in the case of crooked teeth. After braces, they try to return to their usual place, but it turns out to be occupied. As a result, the teeth stand up as they please and, as one of the consequences, a gap is formed between the teeth. The installation of retainers will help to avoid such a development of events.

Braces give me a headache

Headache, as well as, for example, muscle pain, can really become a companion of braces. In the head, everything is located quite close, and the impact on the structures in the maxillofacial region, namely the installation of even the most expensive bracket system, can affect other organs. Pain is always an SOS signal from the body. And you should not endure it, be sure to consult your orthodontist for advice. And also - to a neurologist: a headache can have many causes that have nothing to do with orthodontic treatment.

Expert opinion

“Orthodontic bite treatment for a beautiful smile is a complex process: any patient can understand this by how carefully the bracket system is installed, how often its elements have to be adjusted and how expensive it is. It is quite natural that some difficulties may arise - both directly during treatment and after the removal of the orthodontic appliance.

To everyone who decides to install it, I can advise, first of all, to approach the choice of the attending physician very carefully. Only the high professionalism of an orthodontist can provide you with an excellent result - a correct bite and a beautiful smile. Your teeth should not become a field for experiments by an unqualified specialist - let me remind you that you pay a lot of money for his work and trust him with your health and appearance!

In addition, be active and non-indifferent: if you have a question, ask your doctor, not a neighbor or a "more experienced" owner of the braces. And if you have found "your" orthodontist, then carefully follow all his recommendations - this will protect you from many problems.

Also keep in mind that your communication with your doctor will not end after the bite is corrected: you will have a very long (about twice as long as you wore braces) retention period - that is, retention of the result. Orthodontic appliances of this period are called retainers, they are easy to care for and almost invisible in the mouth. They will help you avoid disappointment and complications after removing the braces.”