Klacid chlamydia course of treatment. The main antibiotics for chlamydia: drugs, description, action

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Features of the treatment of chlamydia.

  • The earlier it started chlamydia treatment, the more efficient it is.
  • It is imperative to examine all the sexual partners of the patient and, if chlamydia is detected, treat (even in the absence of symptoms).
  • With inadequate antibiotic therapy for chlamydia, the disease can go into a chronic stage with the formation of antibiotic-resistant L-forms.
  • There is no single treatment regimen for chlamydia. Antibiotic therapy is mandatory. And the use of immunomodulators, enzymes, hepatoprotectors and other drugs is considered individually.
  • Good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are essential for recovery. During the treatment period, it is not recommended to have sex, it is strictly forbidden to take alcohol. It is necessary to temporarily avoid spicy food. You should also refrain from excessive physical exertion.

In the treatment of chlamydia, 3 main groups of drugs are used.

  1. Antibiotics: tetracyclines, macrolides, fluoroquinolones.
  2. Immunomodulatory drugs.
  3. Preparations of systemic enzyme therapy.

1. Antibacterial drugs.
When prescribing antibiotics for chlamydia, the following circumstances must be considered:

To date, in the treatment of chlamydia, it is most rational to use 3 groups of antibiotics: tetracyclines, macrolides, fluoroquinolones.

a) Tetracyclines
Doxycycline (Vibramycin, Unidox Solutab). The first dose is 0.2 g, then for two weeks 2 times a day for 0.1 g. The course should be 2.5 - 4 g of the drug. Disadvantages: side effects are nausea and vomiting, rarely - a violation of the formation of bone tissue, defects in tooth enamel. The use of tetracyclines is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation and in children under 14 years of age. Unidox Solutab and vibramycin are better tolerated than doxycycline.

b) Macrolides.
Macrolides are the safest antibiotics. They have a minimum of side effects and good tolerance. All of them are active against pale treponema, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, gonococcus, which allows them to be used in mixed infections. The effectiveness of macrolides, according to experts, reaches 91-97%.

  • Erythromycin. Its efficiency is 85% - 95%. Disadvantages: pronounced dyspeptic disorders and the need for a 4-fold dose. Applied 500 mg 4 times a day for 2 weeks.
  • Vilprafen (josamycin). It is considered the most effective in most cases and the safest. With a fresh form of chlamydia - 500 mg 2 times a day for 2 weeks. In chronic - 500 mg 3 times a day for 4 weeks. The initial dose is a single dose of 1 g. Resistance to josamycin develops less frequently than to other antibiotics from the macrolide group.
  • Rovamycin (spiromycin). Assigned to 3 million units 3 times a day for 2 weeks.
  • Rulid (roxithromycin). Applied 150 mg 2 times a day for 2 weeks.
  • Macropen (midecamycin). It is prescribed 400 mg 3 times a day for 2 weeks.
  • Sumamed (azithromycin). Assign according to the scheme: the first day 1 g once, then 0.5 g - 7 days. The course is designed for taking 3 g of the drug. Recently resistance of a chlamydia to sumamed began to be noted. Therefore, you can replace it with Hemomycin, the active ingredient in which is also azithromycin.
  • Clacid (clarithromycin). Take 250 mg twice a day for 2-3 weeks.

During pregnancy, it is allowed to use erythromycin 500 mg 4 times a day for 2 weeks or rovamycin 3 million units 3 times a day for 2 weeks.

c) Fluoroquinolones.
They are less effective than macrolides and tetracyclines. However, they are active against gonococcus, mycoplasma, gardnerella. Contraindicated in pregnancy, as well as children under 14 years of age. They have a significant number of side effects.

  • Ofloxacin (zanotsin, tarivid) 200 mg after meals 2 times a day for 10 days.
  • Abactal (pefloxacin). Fresh and uncomplicated chlamydia - 400 mg twice a day for 1 week. Chronic form - 10-12 days.
  • Maxquin (Lomefloxacin). With a fresh uncomplicated form - 400 mg once a day for a week. In chronic - 400-600 mg / day, course 28 days.
  • Tsiprobay, tsiprolet, tsifran (ciprofloxacin). With fresh uncomplicated forms of chlamydia, the first dose is 500 mg, subsequent doses - 250 mg twice a day for 7 days. In chronic and complicated forms - 500 mg twice a day for 12 days.

2. Immunomodulating therapy.
With chlamydial infection, suppression and a change in the state of the immune system occur, which creates the basis for a chronic process. Therefore, during treatment, it is necessary to influence not only the pathogen itself, using antibiotics, but also to increase the body's resistance, strengthening the immune system. However, immunomodulators are not always used - in each case individually.

The following immunomodulators are used:

  • Immunomax. The recommended dose for adults is 100-200 U/m 1 time/day. The course of treatment is 6 injections on days 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10 of treatment.
  • Polyoxidonium. It is used to treat atypical forms of chlamydia in violation of the immunological status. Polyoxidonium increases the formation of antibodies and the body's immune resistance. It is used in a course of 10 injections of 6 mg every other day.
  • Erbisol. 2 injections per day: 2 ml in the morning at 8 o'clock and in the evening at 22 o'clock, the course is 20 days. It also protects the liver, being a hepatoprotector.

3. Systemic enzyme therapy.
Preparations for systemic enzyme therapy normalize the permeability of cell membranes in the foci of inflammation. Thus, higher concentrations of antibiotics penetrate into the cell at lower doses of their application. Strengthen the action of antibiotics, increasing their concentration in blood serum by 20-40%. They block mechanisms that trigger allergic (including medications) and autoimmune reactions, accelerate the elimination of toxins, and provide decongestant and analgesic effects.


  • Wobenzym. Assigned to 3 tab. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals with a glass of water, the course is 2-4 weeks.
  • Phlogenzym. Assigned to 2 tab. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals with a glass of water, the course is 2-4 weeks.

4. Hepatoprotectors.
The purpose of this group of drugs is due to the long-term use of antibiotics, which are metabolized in the liver, creating an increased load on it. Moreover, tetracyclines and fluoroquinolones are hepatotoxic and can cause liver damage. Preparations:

  • Essentiale - 2 caps. 2-3 times a day with meals, course 2-4 weeks
  • Karsil - 70 mg 3 times a day after meals, course 2-4 weeks
  • Legalon - 70 mg 3 times a day after meals, course 2-4 weeks

5. All other groups of drugs are used individually.
With developed dysbacteriosis - eubiotics Bifidumbacterin, Acylact, etc.
Vitamins and antioxidants may also be prescribed.

How to make sure you are cured?
The disappearance of the clinical manifestations of chlamydia after a course of treatment is not proof that the body has got rid of the pathogen. Sometimes the use of antibiotics leads only to local improvement. Therefore, a month after the completion of antibiotic therapy, it is necessary to conduct control tests. If chlamydia is not found, then repeated tests are carried out in a month. If after a month the tests for the presence of chlamydia are negative, only then it will be possible to talk about the effectiveness of the treatment.

The following laboratory tests are used:

  • ELISA for IgA - no IgA in recovery.
  • PCR - when recovering, PCR is negative.
  • All other methods of laboratory diagnostics are not informative.

The treatment of chlamydia is distinguished by its features:

  • dosages of antibiotics are quite high;
  • often several courses are prescribed with different drugs;
  • antibacterial therapy is combined with the use of immunomodulators;
  • antibiotics for chlamydia are prescribed in the acute phase of the course of the disease.

The pharmaceutical industry offers a wide range of antibacterial agents, however, it is not easy to choose a drug and calculate an adequate dosage. In each case, the doctor approaches the development of a treatment regimen individually. After all, chlamydial infection can be aggravated by other infectious processes, and the immunity of all patients is different.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that the drug does not work with repeated treatment of chlamydia - they adapt to its formula. If the patient has previously had an infection, it is necessary to select a different drug with the same effect, but with a different dosage formula.

In addition to taking capsules and injections, topical agents are used - suppositories, ointments and creams.

If it is not possible to defeat the infection with the selected treatment regimens, the patient is tested for a bacterial strain to find out the cause of drug resistance. It takes time and costs money. However, only after a laboratory study can a suitable drug be selected.

Treatment rules

Patients must understand that treatment with antibacterial agents involves strict adherence to certain rules, otherwise the effect will not be achieved. Bacteria behave like quite intelligent creatures and try to survive in any conditions, so only strict adherence to a verified dosage and medication regimen will help defeat the infection.

Follow instructions:

  • medicines are taken strictly at the appointed time;
  • after the symptoms disappear, antibiotics are continued for the time indicated by the doctor;
  • the course is prescribed to both sexual partners, even if one of them has no signs of infection;
  • before starting treatment, all necessary tests should be passed, on the basis of which a treatment regimen will be developed;
  • at the time of treatment, sexual activity is completely excluded.

Remember that neglecting one of the points of the instruction will entail unpredictable results.

The antibiotic treatment regimen for chlamydia in men and women is the same. The dosage of drugs is determined individually.

The scheme of the acute course of the disease involves three stages:

  • preparing the body for taking antibiotics with the help of immunomodulators and treating infected areas with Chlorhexidine;
  • the use of prescribed drugs - 7/10/14 days;
  • restoration of disturbed intestinal microflora, liver cells.

The chronic course changes the scheme of therapeutic procedures:

  1. The first stage involves the use of antibacterial agents together with immunomodulators, antioxidants and vitamin complexes.
  2. The second stage consists in the application of agents against fungi and enzymes.
  3. The third stage consists in taking liver-restoring drugs, as well as visiting a physiotherapy room.

Thus, the chronic stage is subject to a three-week exposure to drugs, the acute form is treated within two weeks. The duration is due to the destruction of chlamydia at all stages of development.

Description of drugs

Antibacterial drugs have either a wide spectrum of action, that is, they destroy bacteria throughout the body, or fight certain types of microorganisms. In the case of the treatment of chlamydia, drugs are needed that can destroy bacteria in intracellular structures. However, chlamydia is complicated by the addition of other forms of microorganisms, which together with it attack the human reproductive organs and cause severe inflammatory processes.

Therefore, doctors prescribe a set of drugs that can fight all types of manifestations of genital tract infections. For this, there are three large groups of medicines:

  1. tetracyclines;
  2. fluoroquinolones;
  3. macrolides.

Other medicines cannot have an adequate effect on these microorganisms, therefore, they do not differ in effectiveness. Incorrectly selected medicines will not only not have a positive effect on the course of healing, but can increase the activity of bacteria and their reproduction.


Tetracycline and, as its derivative, can overcome a fresh infection in the body, which has not yet had time to strengthen its position. Tetracycline preparations are prescribed for use at 400 mg x 4 times for a week or two. The drug doxycycline has a different scheme - 100 mg x 2 times a day.

Doxycycline is considered the most effective for chlamydia, however, it has strong side effects. These include a disorder of the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract, and the occurrence of thrush, stomatitis or glossitis. However, this applies to patients with severely weakened immune defenses.

Note! Preparations of the tetracycline group destroy the bone structure and tooth enamel. For children, these drugs are prescribed after eight years, they are contraindicated for pregnant women.

The next active antibiotic is Azithromycin. This drug also causes undesirable side effects associated with gastrointestinal upset, therefore, sensitivity testing should be carried out before use. If side effects increase, the doctor should be notified. In case of intolerance to the drug, the doctor will select a less effective, but safe for the body.

Unidox Solutab based on doxycycline monohydrate is best tolerated by patients, as it does not have a strong negative effect on the body. It is recommended for use in patients with gastric problems - it does not irritate the mucous membranes.


This group of drugs is not as toxic as tetracyclines, but no less effective. Medicines are well tolerated by patients and do not have a pronounced side effect.

Note! Macrolide antibiotics are the best treatment for chlamydia.

Among the macrolides, you can choose many drugs, for example, Sumamed, Erythromycin or Macropen. Erythromycin is taken according to the scheme 500 mg x 2 times or 250 mg x 4 times for seven days. However, this antibiotic is often poorly tolerated by patients, as it has a high degree of toxicity.

However, when applying the ointment, treatment should be completed to the end, otherwise the disturbed infection will develop more actively than during the initial infection.

Important! Antibiotics for chlamydia in men should not be combined with alcohol and spicy foods.

Patients are more often prescribed Rovamycin, which has a minimal toxic effect on the body and well relieves inflammation in the foci. Pregnant women can also take this antibiotic.

Sumamed is very effective in the fight against chlamydia, in addition, it also suppresses the activity of gonococci. Sumamed is also prescribed for gonorrhea. The active substance of the drug has the ability to accumulate in the affected foci, maintaining stability for up to five days. The treatment regimen involves taking the medicine one capsule of 500 mg for a week or 250 mg for two weeks. This is determined by the doctor.


Fluoroquinolones are used when the first two groups of antibiotics for chlamydia have not had an effect in the treatment. In this case, Ofloxacin is most often prescribed, which is used once a day for 400 mg or twice for 200 mg. The duration of admission is up to nine days. The drug Ciprofloxacin is also prescribed, but less often - most strains are resistant to this medicinal formula.

The drugs of this group are successfully used in the treatment of mixed infections and chronic infections. However, drugs should not be used to kill chlamydia in pregnant women and young children.


Since fungi often join chlamydia, antifungal drugs are also prescribed to patients. The activity of fungi is caused by an imbalance in the microflora in the body, since antibiotics destroy all bacteria indiscriminately. Fungi receive fertile ground for reproduction.

Among the antifungal agents, the following medicines have become widespread:

  • Trichopolum;
  • Metronidazole;
  • Fluconazole;
  • Natamycin;
  • other.


Usually, the drug Polyoxidonium is prescribed, which shows itself well in the treatment of genital infections. Erbisol, in addition to strengthening the immune system, has a beneficial effect on liver cells. Immunomodulators are administered intramuscularly. They may also prescribe drugs of the interferon group and enzymes.

The latter free the body from toxic substances produced by bacteria and strengthen the immune system. To support the liver, it is good to use Essentiale Forte or Karsil.


This group of drugs is prescribed to restore the disturbed intestinal microflora. Violation is caused by the use of potent drugs that destroy beneficial bacteria along with harmful ones. If you do not use probiotics, problems with digestion and intestines are inevitable. As a rule, the patient suffers from a stool disorder - diarrhea.

List of useful probiotics:

  • Lactobacterin;
  • Bifiform;
  • Bifidobacterin;
  • Linex;
  • Enterol;
  • Bifikol.

These drugs can not be used independently - only after the approval of the doctor. They contain live bacteria that help the proper processing of food.

Physiotherapy and baths

Antibiotics for chlamydia in women and men are supplemented with the appointment of physiotherapy and local therapy. Baths with Chlorhexidine relieve the condition and quickly relieve symptoms. Various disinfectants are also used for setting micro enemas.

Physiotherapy accelerates the recovery of the body. For this, electro- and laser phoresis, magnetotherapy, and a procedure using ultrasound are prescribed.

After the end of the therapeutic course, the patient must pass tests to ensure the effectiveness of the treatment. The analyzes include:

  • microflora test.

The most common sexually transmitted infection caused by the smallest microorganisms - chlamydia, is difficult to treat. In the vast majority of cases, its course is asymptomatic, patients come to the attention of a doctor already having an advanced form of the disease. The consequences of chlamydia are impressive. These are not only inflammatory processes of the genitourinary organs and, as a result, a violation of the reproductive function in both sexes, but also serious diseases of the eyes, joints, and lymph nodes. Antibiotics for chlamydia are prescribed to destroy the pathogen and eliminate the inflammatory process, as well as prevent dangerous complications. They must be taken in strict accordance with medical recommendations. The choice of drug depends on the form and stage of the disease.

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Indications for the use of antibiotics for chlamydia

Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary organs: non-gonococcal urethritis in both sexes; cervicitis, salpingitis, endometritis - in women, prostatitis and orchiepididymitis - in men, combined lesions of the urogenital organs, eyes and joints (Reiter's syndrome).

Antibiotics are given to individuals with positive laboratory results for chlamydia, their sexual partners, newborns from mothers with chlamydia.


Chlamydia are intracellular microorganisms, therefore, all drugs prescribed for their eradication have the ability to penetrate into the cell.

Semi-synthetic macrolide Azithromycin is the drug of choice in the treatment of chlamydia. This is due to several reasons, firstly, the ability to cure the infection with a single dose (it is easy to follow all the rules), and secondly, it is active against many combined infectious agents, in particular, ureaplasma and gonococci, although it is not a first-line drug in the treatment of gonorrhea . It has a bacteriostatic effect in therapeutic doses, like all representatives of this group, penetrating through the cell wall and binding to a fragmentary site of the bacterial ribosome, preventing the normal synthesis of its protein, inhibiting the transfer of peptides from the acceptor site to the donor site. In addition to bacteriostatic, antibiotics of this group have the ability to somewhat stimulate the immune system and suppress the activity of pro-inflammatory mediators.

Erythromycin- the first antibiotic of this class, is considered the most non-toxic, has a natural origin. Considered alternative, it is used in the treatment of pregnant women, adolescents and newborns. The spectrum of action is similar to the previous one, however, many microorganisms have already acquired resistance to this drug and its effectiveness is considered to be lower than that of later macrolides.

Josamycin, representative of the same class of antibiotics, has a natural origin and higher activity than the previous two. Unlike others, it practically does not inhibit the beneficial microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. Resistance to it develops less frequently than to other representatives of this group.

Of the macrolides in the treatment of chlamydia, alternative drugs can also be used Clarithromycin and Roxithromycin.

Tetracycline antibiotic Doxycycline it is also prescribed quite often for chlamydia. Since many pathogens have already developed resistance to this series of drugs, it is recommended for use in primary patients with uncomplicated disease. It has a pharmacological effect, inhibiting the production of proteins in bacterial cells, interfering with the process of transferring its genetic code. It has a wide range of activity, in particular against chlamydia and gonococci. Its disadvantage is also the widespread resistance of pathogens to tetracycline antibiotics.

Fluorinated quinolones are considered reserve drugs and are used in cases where the previous ones are not effective. They show a bactericidal effect - they inhibit the enzymatic activity of two microbial topoisomerases of the second type at once, which are necessary for the vital activity of bacteria - the process of realizing their genetic information (DNA biosynthesis). For the eradication of chlamydia, second-generation drugs can be prescribed. Norfloxacin, Ofloxacin or ciprofloxacin, also showing antigonococcal activity. Ureaplasma, in most cases, is insensitive to these drugs. If a mixed infection includes this pathogen, then apply Levofloxacin or Sparfloxacin, belonging to the third generation of this group of antibiotics.


Azithromycin it is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract with a good rate, since this drug is acid-resistant and has an affinity for fats. The highest plasma concentration is determined after a period of time from 2.5 to three hours. About 37% of the administered dose enters the bloodstream unchanged. Well distributed in all tissues. All antibiotics of this group are characterized by high tissue, rather than plasma, concentration, which is due to low affinity for proteins, as well as the ability to penetrate into the cells of pathogenic microorganisms and accumulate in lysosomes. Azithromycin is transported to the foci of infection by phagocyte cells, where it is released during their activity. A higher concentration of the drug in infected tissues compared to healthy ones is determined, comparable with the degree of inflammatory edema. The function of phagocyte cells is not disturbed. Therapeutic concentration of the drug remains in the localization of the inflammatory process for five to seven days from the moment of its last administration. It is this ability that allows you to take Azithromycin once or in short courses. Elimination from serum is long and two-stage, which explains its administration once a day.

Absorption rate Erythromycin in the digestive canal is determined by the characteristics of the patient's body. The highest plasma concentration is recorded two hours after taking the drug, binds to plasma albumin from 70 to 90% of the dose taken. The distribution occurs mainly in the tissues and body fluids, it is able to be absorbed by 30-65%. Low toxicity, crosses the placental barrier and is determined in breast milk.

It is cleaved in the liver, metabolic products are excreted almost completely with bile, a small part - unchanged through the urinary tract. Normally functioning kidneys ensure that half of the accepted dose of erythromycin is excreted within two hours after ingestion.

Josamycin almost completely absorbed from the digestive tract with good speed. Unlike other macrolides, its bioavailability does not depend on food intake. The highest serum concentration is determined after an hour, about 15% of the active substance taken is bound to plasma albumin. It is well distributed in tissues, crosses the placenta and is determined in breast milk. Broken down in the liver. Metabolites slowly leave the body through the biliary tract, less than 15% through the urinary organs.

Doxycycline it is absorbed quickly, regardless of the presence of food in the gastrointestinal tract, and its elimination is slow. Therapeutic concentration in blood serum is determined within 18 hours or more after ingestion, the relationship with plasma albumin is approximately 90%. The active substance is rapidly distributed in liquid substances and tissues of the body. Elimination occurs through the gastrointestinal tract (about 60%), with urine - the rest. The half-life is from 12 hours to a day.

Fluorinated quinolones well, quickly and ubiquitously distributed in tissues and organs of various systems, creating significant concentrations of the active substance. In addition to Norfloxacin, which is maximally concentrated in the intestines, urinary tract and prostate gland, where infection is more often localized in male patients.

The highest level of tissue saturation of various localizations is observed during therapy with Ofloxacin, Levofloxacin, Lomefloxacin, Sparfloxacin.

They have an average ability among antibiotics to penetrate through cell membranes into the cell.

The rate of biotransformation and elimination depends on the physicochemical properties of the active substance. In general, this group of drugs is characterized by rapid absorption and distribution. Pefloxacin is most actively metabolized, the least - Ofloxacin, Levofloxacin, the bioavailability of which is almost one hundred percent. The bioavailability of Ciprofloxacin is also high, at the level of 70-80%.

Fluctuations in the period of elimination of half the dose taken in fluorinated quinolones make up a wide time range from three to four hours for Norfloxacin to 18-20 hours for Sparfloxacin. Most of it is excreted through the urinary organs, and from three to 28% (depending on the drug) - through the intestines.

Renal dysfunction in a patient prolongs the half-life of all drugs in this group, especially ofloxacin and levofloxacin. In cases of severe renal dysfunction, dose adjustment of any fluorinated quinolone is required.

Antibiotics for chlamydia in men are prescribed individually depending on the form and stage of the disease, the location of the infection, the presence of complications and concomitant infections. When choosing a drug, the patient's tolerance to a certain group of antibacterial agents, the need to combine them with taking any other drugs if the patient has chronic diseases, and the sensitivity of infectious agents to certain drugs are also taken into account.

Doctors follow the same principles when they select antibiotics for chlamydia in women. A special category of patients are expectant mothers.

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Use of antibiotics for chlamydia during pregnancy

Doxycycline and antibiotics belonging to the group of fluoroquinolones are not prescribed for pregnant women.

An antibiotic of the tetracycline group Doxycycline can provoke abnormalities in the formation of bone tissue in the fetus.

Fluoroquinolones are classified as toxic antibiotics, however, there are no reliable data on the teratogenicity of these drugs. However, in studies on laboratory animals, their offspring developed arthropathies, in addition, there are reports of isolated cases of hydrocephalus, intracranial hypertension in newborns whose mothers took drugs of this group during gestation.

Macrolide antibiotics, although they penetrate the placental barrier, are considered non-teratogenic and low-toxic. Therefore, the drug for the treatment of chlamydia in pregnant women is selected from this group. The safest of them is Erythromycin, however, Vilprafen (Josamycin) and Spiramycin, natural sixteen-membered macrolides, are considered more effective. Azithromycin is prescribed only for health reasons. The effect of other drugs in this group on the fetus has been little studied, so they are not recommended for the treatment of pregnant women. Clarithromycin, according to some reports, can have a negative effect.


A common prohibition for all antibiotics is a known allergic reaction to the drug.

Fluoroquinolones and doxycycline are contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women.

Doxycycline is not prescribed for children from birth to the full seven years of age, as well as for patients with severe liver pathologies.

Fluorinated quinolones are not used in pediatrics and for the treatment of patients with congenital enzymatic deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, epileptics and persons with pathological changes in the tendons after a course of drugs in this group.

Second-line macrolide antibiotics (Clarithromycin, Midecamycin, Roxithromycin) are not used to treat expectant mothers and breastfeeding patients. Josamycin and Spiramycin, which can be used to treat chlamydia during pregnancy, are not prescribed during lactation.

The ban on the use of any macrolides are severe dysfunction of the liver and biliary tract.

Side effects of antibiotics for chlamydia

Antibiotics cause all sorts of allergic reactions, from itchy skin rashes and swelling to severe asthma and anaphylaxis.

The general actions of antibiotics include disorders of the digestive organs - dyspepsia, abdominal discomfort, lack of appetite, stomatitis, colitis, violation of the intestinal microflora, in addition, fluoroquinolones can still cause perforation and hemorrhage of the intestine, as well as various liver disorders, jaundice, moderate cholestasis. This is where the list of side effects of macrolide antibiotics ends.

Doxycillin and fluoroquinolones can cause changes in the blood count: a decrease in the level of red blood cells, platelets, neutrophils, hemoglobin; pancytopenia, eosinophilia; the use of the latter can cause pinpoint or larger hematomas, nosebleeds.

These drugs can provoke the development of superinfection, reinfection, fungal infections, the emergence of bacterial strains resistant to them, and photosensitivity phenomena.

Doxycillin causes permanent discoloration of tooth enamel.

Fluorinated quinolones have the longest list of side effects. In addition to those already mentioned, these drugs can cause:

  • metabolic and metabolic disorders;
  • mental disorders manifested in an overexcited state, insomnia and nightmares, paranoid and depressive disorders, phobias, disorientation in space, suicide attempts and others;
  • disorders of the central and peripheral nervous system;
  • visual disorders (photophobia, diplopia, conjunctivitis, nystagmus);
  • impaired hearing and coordination of movements;
  • violations of the heart up to its stop and cardiogenic shock, thrombosis of cerebral vessels;
  • disruption of the respiratory organs up to respiratory arrest;
  • pain in muscles, joints, tendons, damage and ruptures of their tissue, and during the first two days of taking the drug; muscle weakness;
  • all kinds of disorders of the urinary organs, candidiasis, the formation of kidney stones;
  • in patients with hereditary porphyria - exacerbation of the disease;
  • in addition - asthenic syndrome, back pain, hyperthermia, fever, weight loss, taste and smell perversions.

Dosage and administration

The most commonly prescribed course of antibiotics for chlamydia is:

a single dose of Azithromycin at a dosage of 1000 mg (two 500 mg tablets) one hour before a meal or a seven-day course of Doxycycline 100 mg (one capsule) every 12 hours, drinking plenty of water.

Second-line drugs are taken for a week:

Erythromycin - every six hours, 500 mg one hour before meals with plenty of water;

Josamycin - every eight hours, 750 mg;

Spiramycin - every eight hours, 3 million units;

Ofloxacin - every twelve hours, 300 mg;

Ciprofloxacin - every twelve hours, 500-750 mg in complicated cases.

Pregnant women are prescribed the usual treatment regimens with Erythromycin, Josamycin, Spiramycin.

During treatment, it is necessary to observe a sufficient water regime (at least 1.5 liters of water per day).

A course of treatment is required for both partners. In complicated cases, two antibiotics of different pharmacological groups can be used, for example, Azithromycin or Doxycycline in combination with Ciprofloxacin.

An indicator of the effectiveness of treatment is a negative result of the polymerase chain reaction of smears of the urogenital tract one and a half to two months after the end of treatment.

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Exceeding the dose of macrolides is manifested by symptoms of a digestive system disorder (diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, and sometimes vomiting).

An overdose of doxycycline or fluorinated quinolones manifests itself as a neurotoxic reaction - dizziness, nausea, vomiting, convulsions, loss of consciousness, headache.

Treatment: gastric lavage, activated charcoal.

Interactions with other drugs

This factor should definitely be taken into account in order to achieve maximum efficiency from drug treatment and neutralize the resulting negative effects.

Basically, mutual influence macrolide antibiotics with various drugs is associated with inhibition of the cytochrome P-450 system by these drugs. The ability to inhibit this system increases in the specified group of antibacterial agents in the following sequence: Spiramycin → Azithromycin → Roxithromycin → Josamycin → Erythromycin → Clarithromycin.

With appropriate intensity, representatives of this pharmacological class slow down biological transformation and increase the serum density of indirect anticoagulants, theophylline, finlepsin, valproates, disopyramide derivatives, ergot-based drugs, cyclosporine, respectively, increasing the likelihood of developing and the strength of side effects of these drugs. Therefore, it may be necessary to change the mode of their dosing.

It is undesirable to use macrolide antibiotics simultaneously (with the exception of Spiramycin) with fexofenadine, Cisapride, Astemizole, since this combination significantly increases the risk of severe arrhythmias caused by prolongation of the QT interval.

Antibiotics of this series improve the absorption of oral digoxin, as they reduce its inactivation in the intestine.

Antacids reduce the absorption of macrolide antibacterial agents in the digestive tract, in particular Azithromycin is susceptible to this effect.

The anti-tuberculosis antibiotic Rifampicin accelerates the process of biotransformation of macrolides by the liver and, accordingly, reduces their plasma concentration.

Drinking alcohol during treatment with any antibiotics is unacceptable, but it should be noted that Erythromycin, especially its intravenous injections, increase the risk of acute alcohol intoxication.

Suction Doxycycline reduce antacids and laxatives, which contain magnesium salts, antacids containing aluminum and calcium salts, medicinal and vitamin preparations containing iron, sodium bicarbonate, cholestyramine and colestipol, therefore, when they are combined, the intake is diluted in time, making the interval not less than three hours.

Since the drug disrupts intestinal microbiocenosis, thrombocytopenia, and a change in the dose of indirect anticoagulants is required.

Simultaneous administration with drugs of the penicillin and cephalosporin series, as well as others, the mechanism of action of which is based on a violation of the synthesis of the membrane of bacterial cells, is inappropriate, since it neutralizes the effect of the use of the latter.

Increases the risk of unwanted pregnancy in combination with the use of estrogen-containing contraceptives.

Substances that activate the microsomal oxidation process (ethyl alcohol, barbiturates, rifampicin, finlepsin, phenytoin, and others) increase the rate of Doxycycline breakdown and lower its serum concentration.

The combination with methoxyflurane is fraught with the risk of developing acute renal failure and even death of the patient.

Taking vitamin A during therapy with doxycycline can provoke an increase in intracranial pressure.

Simultaneous inclusion in the reception scheme fluorinated quinolones with medicines that contain bismuth, zinc, iron, magnesium ions are absorbed much worse due to the creation of non-absorbable chelate compounds with them.

Ciprofloxacin, Norfloxacin and Pefloxacin reduce the excretion of xanthine methyl derivatives (theobromine, paraxanthine, caffeine) and increase the likelihood of mutual toxic effects.

The neurotoxic effect of fluorinated quinolones increases when combined with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as nitroimidazole derivatives.

Not compatible with medicines based on nitrofuran.

Ciprofloxacin and Norfloxacin have the ability to disrupt the process of biotransformation in the liver of indirect anticoagulants, as a result of which the likelihood of blood thinning and hemorrhagic phenomena increases (it may be necessary to adjust the dose of the antithrombotic drug).

Fluoroquinolones are not prescribed in the same regimen with cardiac agents that increase the QT interval, due to the high likelihood of cardiac arrhythmias.

Combined use with glucocorticoid hormones is dangerous with a high probability of tendon injuries, in the high-risk group - elderly patients.

The appointment of Ciprofloxacin, Norfloxacin and Pefloxacin while taking drugs with the effect of alkalinization of urine (sodium bicarbonate, citrates, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors), the likelihood of the formation of stones and the nephrotoxic effect of such a combination of drugs increases.

Against the background of taking azlocillin or cimetidine, due to a decrease in tubular secretion, the rate of excretion of fluoroquinolone antibiotics from the body decreases and their plasma concentration increases.

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Information for patients

It is necessary to observe the storage conditions of the drug and the expiration date indicated on the package. In no case should you use medicines whose expiration date has expired or the appearance of the drug has changed (color, smell, etc.).

Currently, macrolides are positioned as the most effective antibiotics for chlamydia. They have the highest ability among other antibacterial drugs to penetrate into the cell and act on pathogens that have settled there. They are effective, microbes have not yet lost sensitivity to them. The low toxicity of macrolide antibiotics is also a positive factor in favor of their use. However, there is not and cannot be a single approach to all patients, since many factors influence the choice of treatment regimen - from individual tolerance to the degree of neglect of the disease and the patient's health status.

Treatment, as practice shows, is not always effective. And often the question arises why the symptoms of chlamydia do not go away after antibiotics? There are many reasons for this. First of all - the irresponsibility of the patient himself. Not everyone strictly follows medical prescriptions, observe the regimen of admission during the entire treatment course. They also withstand its duration and do not stop treatment without control tests.

In addition, both partners must be treated. Chlamydia can be infected countless times, especially if there is a source of infection nearby.

During the course of treatment, it is necessary to abstain from sex. If you took Azithromycin once, then you need to make sure in a week that you are cured. A follow-up examination is recommended after three months or later to ensure that the pathogen has been eradicated.

If the symptoms return again, you should definitely consult a doctor. Re-infection is fraught with serious complications.

Often the question arises: how to cure chlamydia without antibiotics? Official answer: eradication of chlamydia without antibiotics is not yet possible. Science does not stand still, however, such treatment is the task of the future. True, several options for the treatment of chlamydia with herbs and dietary supplements are described on the Internet. Trying alternative methods is not forbidden to anyone, you just need to take into account that by delaying the process, you risk complicating the course of the disease, and then it will be much more difficult to get rid of it.

To date, the problem of treating chlamydia for many doctors and patients presents great difficulties, since often after therapy with antimicrobial agents, after a certain time, this insidious disease again manifests itself.

The problem is that most patients have chronic urogenital chlamydia, the treatment of which is often ineffective.

What is the danger of chlamydia?

Chlamydia trachomatis (Chlamydia trachomatis) most often causes the following pathologies of the urogenital tract:

  • urethritis in men and women (over half of all non-gonococcal urethritis),
  • prostatitis and orchiepididymitis in men, cervicitis, salpingitis, endometritis,
  • often observed and combined lesions of organs (for example, urethritis, arthritis and conjunctivitis in the program of Reiter's syndrome).

At the same time, there is a rather lengthy list of laboratory methods for diagnosing chlamydia, although the most reliable methods today are methods of enzyme immunoassay with monoclonal antibodies (venous blood is used) and PCR diagnostics (usually scrapings of the endothelium of the urogenital tract).

In the treatment of chlamydial infection, as well as the attraction of other infectious processes, the tasks of eradicating the pathogen and getting rid of acute or chronic inflammation of the genitals and urinary tract, which reduces the quality of life, come first. The goal of reducing mortality from chlamydia, fortunately, is not in front of a urologist, gynecologist or venereologist, since dying from a chlamydial infection of the urogenital tract is very problematic.

An intermediate goal can be considered to be avoiding the chronicity of chlamydia, reducing the number of relapses of the chronic chlamydial process, as well as reducing the number of articular and ocular complications of urogenital chlamydia. We can also talk about the desire to reduce the number of complicated or miscarried pregnancies against the background of chlamydia and to avoid post-chlamydial infertility in both women and men.

The choice of drugs in the treatment of chlamydia

With an active inflammatory process, a whole range of medicines is required for a full course of treatment for chlamydia. The drugs used in the treatment regimens are selected by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient's body, the clinical symptoms of the disease, the severity of the inflammatory process and the results of all tests - immunograms, liver tests, complete blood count, urine cultures, PCR results, ELISA, and other laboratory data.

Today, treatment standards do not require the appointment of immunostimulants or immunomodulators in the treatment of even complicated chlamydia. Drugs of these groups, with the exception of serious cytotoxic drugs that have strict indications and are prescribed only after an immunogram has been performed, should not be used as drugs with unproven action. The shamanism of a large number of urologists, venereologists or gynecologists in this area is more often explained by bonuses from pharmaceutical representatives or an attempt to lengthen and increase the cost of treatment for patients in paid clinics and medical centers.

All information about drugs and treatment regimens is intended for familiarization. Treatment of chlamydia is prescribed only by a qualified doctor based on the results of the tests, taking into account the patient's history, concomitant diseases, etc.

Chlamydia eradication tactics

Eradication is essentially ridding the body of an infectious agent. Chlamydia is an intracellular resident that, in addition to its main form, can exist in the L-variant (vegetative), which is not capable of leaving the cell and reproduction without significant suppression of the host's immunity, escaping from the effects of antibacterial agents or phthisic effects (temperature increase). In the best way with chlamydia, preparations of three antibacterial groups are cut: tetracyclines, macrolides and fluoroquinolones.

It should be noted that before the start of therapy, sowing chlamydial cultures to determine sensitivity to antibiotics is not advisable, since studies conducted in 2000 on the basis of the Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology. D.O. Otta, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, St. Petersburg, Research Institute of Physical and Chemical Medicine of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, Institute of Clinical Bacteriology, Uppsala University, Sweden, showed that laboratory-resistant strains retained their sensitivity to antibiotics in the body of patients.

Antibiotics for chlamydia

Antimicrobial agents are the mainstay of the treatment regimen for chlamydia. And as a rule, in chronic chlamydia, treatment with drugs consists in the use of a combination of 2 antibiotics. The duration of the course of treatment, the individual dosage is determined by the attending physician, depending on the type of disease, the dynamics of the inflammatory process.

When choosing an antibiotic for chlamydia, laboratory data on determining the sensitivity of a pathogenic microorganism to a specific antibacterial drug are indispensable. Therefore, it is advisable to supplement the cultural methods of laboratory diagnostics with an antibiogram.

Name of the drug Chlamydia treatment regimen


Doxycycline (Unidox Solutab, Dorix, Vibramycin, Vibra-Tabs). The form of Solutab increases the bioavailability of the drug (that is, its penetration to the tissues) up to 93%.

0.1 twice a day for 7 days.


Erythromycin (Erythrocin) - allowed in pregnant and lactating women 500 mg 4 times a day after 6 hours, 7 days
Azithromycin (, Zitromax, Hemomycin) 500 mg 2 tab. once
Josamycin (Vilprafen) and Clarithromycin (Clarbact, Fromilid Uno) 750 mg 3 times a day after 8 hours 7 days
Spiramycin (Rovamycin) 3 million units after 8 hours 3 times a day, 7 days


Ofloxacin (Floksin, Zanotsin, Tarivid, Ofloksin) 300 mg twice a day after 12 hours, for 7 days
Levofloxacin (Tavanik, Glevo, Levostar, Flexid) 1 r / day after meals, 500 mg 1 time per day for 10-14 days, with complicated forms for more than 14 days.
Lomefloxacin (Lomflox) 400 mg/day for 10 days.
Sparfloxacin (Sparflo) 200 mg on the first day twice, on the second day 1 tablet
Ciprofloxacin (Cifran, cyprobay, cyprinol, cipro-bid) 2 r / day, 500 mg for a week
Norfloxacin (, norbactin) 2 r / day, 400 mg. within 7-10 days;

In practice, preference is given to:

  • 15-mer macrolides, i.e. Azithromycin
  • 16-membered macrolides, i.e. Josamycin,
  • but resistant forms of chlamydia, especially chronic ones, are treated with fluoroquinolones.

But this will be second-line therapy, since it is undesirable to prescribe fluoroquinolones right away, remembering that soon there will be nothing to treat tuberculosis. And fluoroquinolones are reserve preparations. And the commercial benefit should not obscure the eyes, and if you can treat with a macrolide, then you need to treat with a macrolide. In pregnant women, the approved drug today is Josamycin (Vilprafen), which is preferred by European standards.

  • Schemes: Azithromycin 500 mg 2 tab. once, Doxycycline 0.1 twice a day for 7 days.
  • Second row:
    • Erythromycin 500 mg 4 times a day after 6 hours 7 days
    • Ofloxacin 300 mg twice a day after 12 hours for 7 days
    • Roxithromycin 150 mg twice a day after 12 hours 7 days
    • Spiramycin 3 million units every 8 hours for 7 days
  • For pregnant:
    • Erythromycin 500 mg every 6 hours 4 times a day for 7 days
    • Josamycin 750 mg 3 times a day after 8 hours for 7 days, Spiramycin 3 million units after 8 hours 3 times a day for 7 days

Both partners are treated. However, tetracyclines can be used to treat acute uncomplicated urethritis or cervicitis in previously untreated patients. Chlamydia strains resistant to one of the tetracyclines are also resistant to other drugs in this group, that is, it makes no sense to change drugs one to another with inefficiency within the same group.

The criterion for cure will be a negative PCR scrapings of the urogenital tract 1.5-2 months after the end of therapy.


In order to prevent antibiotic-associated diarrhea and, after treatment for chlamydia, it is recommended to take probiotic preparations (see all with prices and composition).

We remind you once again that only the attending physician prescribes a course of therapy, self-diagnosis and self-treatment are not allowed, this can harm your health.

Before you start treating chlamydia in women and men with antibacterial drugs, let's look at what chlamydia is.

Chlamydia is very insidious - it can fall into "hibernation", the so-called L-form and be transmitted to cells during reproduction. The clinic and complications of chlamydial infection in women and men include:

  1. Salpingoophoritis (inflammation of the uterine appendages) and salpingitis (inflammation of the fallopian tubes). Such inflammation can lead to cysts and tubo-ovarian masses, which are treated only surgically; cause infertility and ectopic pregnancy.
  2. Colpitis (replenishment of the vaginal mucosa).
  3. Cervicitis (replenishment of the cervix), erosion of the cervix. The disease often increases the risk of cervical cancer.
  4. Endometritis (replenishment of the endometrium). Increases the risk of spontaneous abortion.
  5. Bartholinitis (flare up of the large gland of the vestibule). This inflammation leads to the formation of a Bartholin gland cyst and an abscess (opening of the cyst).
  6. Conjunctivitis with inclusions.
  7. Generalized chlamydia with damage to the respiratory system, heart, liver and gastrointestinal tract.
  8. Peritonitis.
  9. Arthritis.
  10. Damage to the skin and mucous membranes.
  11. Urethritis (damage to the urethra).
  12. Prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate).
  13. Epididymitis.

The choice of drugs in the treatment of chlamydia

For the treatment of urogenital chlamydia, a large list of antibacterial drugs is not needed. The selection of the right complex of drugs and an adequate treatment regimen will give a full-fledged result. All sexual partners are subject to mandatory examination and treatment. But before proceeding with treatment, it is necessary to know by what criteria the scheme is drawn up.

be careful

Among women: pain and inflammation of the ovaries. Fibroma, myoma, fibrocystic mastopathy, inflammation of the adrenal glands, bladder and kidneys develop. As well as heart disease and cancer.

Chlamydia is divided into two forms:

  1. Fresh (up to 2 months), i.e. active inflammatory process.
  2. Chronic (more than 2 months). Each form has its own treatment plan.

The treatment regimen also depends on the incubation period of chlamydia, which ranges from 5 to 30 days (average 21 days). For the entire period, up to 6 outbreaks of active reproduction of chlamydia occur. And so the duration of treatment should be an average of 21 days to cross all outbreaks.

Preparations for the treatment of chlamydia in women and men are selected exclusively by a doctor. Self-medication can lead not only with inefficiency, but also worsen the condition of the body. After a complete examination and testing (PCR, ELISA, bacterial culture for sensitivity, etc.), the doctor selects a scheme taking into account all the data and test results.

Dosages are selected individually. Treatment for women and treatment for men with chlamydia is about the same. How and how to treat chlamydia in women? What are the features of the treatment of chlamydia in women? Which medications and regimen will "work" best? Read the answer to this question below.

Antibacterial therapy

The main treatment regimen:

Alternative treatment regimen for chlamydia

  • Clarithromycin (clacid, fromilid) - refers to macrolides. 500 mg 2 times a day, 10-14 days (average 7 days).
  • Erythromycin (eracin) - refers to macrolides. 500 mg 4 times a day for 10 days.
  • Ofloxacin (Zanocin, Tarivid, Ofloxin) is a fluoroquinolone. 200-400 mg 2 times a day for 10-14 days, after meals (average 7 days).
  • Ciprofloxacin (tsifran, cyprinol, cyprobay, cyprobid) - refers to fluoroquinolones. It is prescribed in / in the drip of 500 mg 2 times a day, 7-14 days (mostly 7 days).

Local therapy

  • Tetracycline ointment - 1-3% 2 times a day for 10-20 days, tampons.
  • Erythromycin ointment - 1% 2 times a day for 10-20 days, tampons.
  • Dalacin (you can cream and suppositories) - 2% cream is prescribed 5 mg 1 time per day at night vaginally, suppositories - 1 vaginally at night.
  • Candles: Betadine, Hexicon, Lactagel, Vagilak, are also prescribed 1 at night in the vagina. In some cases, you can and rectally.

Preparations for the protection of the intestinal flora

  • Hilak - Forte - 30-40 ml 2-3 times a day for 14 days.
  • Lineks - 1-2 capsules 3 times a day, 10-14 days.
  • Normaze - 5-10 mg 3-5 r. in a day.
  • Dufalac - 5-10 mg 3-5 r. in a day.

Separately, enzymes should be distinguished - Wobenzym - 3 tab. 3 times a day, 14 days.

Immunomodulating therapy

  • Genferon, viferon - can be used in the form of suppositories vaginally or rectally.
  • Polyoxidonium is an anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory drug. It is used intravenously, in tablets and in the form of suppositories. It is more effective to administer 5-10 infusions intravenously every other day.

In addition, apply:

These drugs can also be used in the treatment of chlamydia in men.

What are probiotics for?

Probiotics protect and restore the intestinal microflora, as well as remove toxins from the body. Treatment with probiotic preparations during and after long-term use of potent antibiotics is mandatory. During antibiotic therapy, the intestinal flora suffers first. Antibiotics, entering the body, recognize and destroy foreign and harmful microbial cells.

From whom:

For the last few years I have felt very bad. Constant fatigue, insomnia, some kind of apathy, laziness, frequent headaches. I also had problems with digestion, bad breath in the morning.

And here is my story

All this began to accumulate and I realized that I was moving in some wrong direction. I began to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, but this did not affect my well-being. The doctors couldn't say much either. It seems like everything is normal, but I feel that my body is not healthy.

A couple of weeks later, I came across an article on the Internet. literally changed my life. I did everything as it is written there and after a few days, I felt significant improvements in my body. I began to get enough sleep much faster, the energy that I had in my youth appeared. The head no longer hurts, there was clarity in the mind, the brain began to work much better. Digestion has improved, despite the fact that I now eat haphazardly. I passed the tests and made sure that no one else lives in me!

When ruptured, these cells release strong toxins that attack the intestines, causing diarrhea and intestinal dysbiosis. From the rectum, dysbacteriosis can pass into the vagina, leading to a violation of the microflora of the vagina. In turn, dysbiosis in the vagina causes the activation of bacteria that lead to inflammation.

For chlamydial infection, the following probiotics are selected.

  1. Bificol - 5 doses 3 r. per day, 14-21 days, half an hour before meals.
  2. Lactobacterin - 5 doses 3 times a day, 14-21 days, half an hour before meals.
  3. Bifidobacterin - 5 doses 3 times a day, 14-21 days, half an hour before meals.
  4. Bifiform - 2-3 caps. per day up to 21 days.
  5. Acylact - 5 doses 2 times a day, 14-21 days, half an hour before meals.
  6. Baktisubtil - 1 capsule 2-3 times a day for 7-14 days, one hour before meals.

Popular drugs - rating of antibiotics

The treatment regimen for urogenital chlamydia is very extensive and there are a lot of drugs for treatment. You can endlessly enumerate the list of antibacterial drugs, but among them there are the most or least popular pills for chlamydia. Currently, macrolides are considered one of the most effective antibacterial drugs for the treatment of chlamydia, they are prescribed in the very first days of treatment. The treatment regimen consists of two (10 days each) or three (7 days each) antibacterial drugs of different series, which gives full effectiveness in the treatment.

  1. Josamycin and Macropen are macrolide agents of a new generation. A huge plus - they have the least number of side effects. It is prescribed 500 mg 3 times a day, 7-14 days (mostly 7 days).
  2. Azithromycin - takes second place. Assigned to 2 tables. 500 mg on the 1st day, then 500 mg 1 time per day for 2, 5, 7 days of treatment or 1 g 1 time per day for 1.7 days of treatment.
  3. Doxycycline - although it is considered one of the most polar drugs, it has a large number of side effects. Assigned to 200 mg 1st dose, then 100 mg 2-3 times a day, 7-14 days (mostly 7 days).
  4. Klacid is the most commonly prescribed by doctors, but the least popular drug. It is prescribed 250 mg 2-3 times a day, 7-14 days.
  5. Ceftriaxone is the least popular broad-spectrum antibiotic. It is prescribed 1 injection per day, 7-10 days
  6. Clarithromycin is a less popular drug. Assigned 500 mg 2 times a day, 7-14 days (mostly 7 days).
  7. Erythromycin is considered a highly effective treatment for chlamydia. It is prescribed 500 mg 4 times a day for 10 days.
  8. Rulid is a less popular drug. It is prescribed 150 mg 2 times a day for 2 weeks.

Concomitant medications: treatment regimen for chronic chlamydia

After an active defeat of the body by chlamydia, protective forces are lost, and the body becomes an easy prey for other infections and viruses, therefore, at this stage, treatment is needed that stimulates the protective function of the body. The treatment regimen is divided into three stages:

  1. Preparatory - immunostimulants, enzyme, baths are prescribed for 7 days.
  2. The main stage is complex therapy. Treatment lasts 14-21 days (See above).
  3. Rehabilitation is the recovery stage, drugs are prescribed to restore liver function, probiotics, physiotherapy. Treatment lasts 14 days.

Selection of drugs:

Complications and consequences of self-treatment

Many try to heal themselves by reading on the Internet or listening to neighbors or friends. The basis of treatment with a doctor is an individual approach to each patient. Self-medication not only reduces efficiency, but also leads to dangerous side effects: acute abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, stool disorders, pain in the heart area, tachycardia, increase or decrease in pressure, bleeding and anemia, a sharp deterioration in well-being, anaphylactic shock, impaired kidney and liver function, etc.

Self-treatment is dangerous with irreparable consequences, and in some cases even death. Before treatment, be sure to consult your doctor!

Chlamydia, of course, is bad and dangerous, but you should not treat it with a huge amount of medicines. A competent complex treatment regimen with antibiotics and antiviral drugs, selected by a doctor, can cure a chlamydial infection. Constant monitoring by the attending physician significantly increases the effectiveness of the treatment and increases the full recovery. To prevent relapse, both partners should be treated at the same time. You can treat chlamydia in men with the same remedies for chlamydia as in women. At the time of treatment, partners should avoid sexual intercourse, which further increases the effectiveness of the treatment.