Class hour on how to create comfort in the family. Class hour "secrets of a happy family"

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Explanatory note

The class hour is held with the aim of creating a culture of communication between children and parents, strengthening tolerance and solidarity in the families of students.

Classroom goals:

  • show the meaning of family, home warmth;
  • to form in students an idea of ​​a family as people who love each other and care about each other;
  • to cultivate respect for relatives, pride in one’s family, a desire to take care of loved ones;
  • develop a positive attitude and respect for the families of classmates;
  • improve family creativity and cooperation between family and school;
  • continue to work on uniting the class team;
  • develop speech and reasoning skills.

Equipment: presentation, children's drawings about the family, family photographs and heirlooms.

Progress of the class hour

1. Organizational moment

A recording of the song “Parental Home” performed by L. Leshchenko is playing.

2. Report the topic of the class hour

Teacher: Read the topic of our class hour (slide 1). What do you think we will talk about? How do you understand the expression “home”?

Children express their thoughts and feelings.

Teacher: Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary says (slide 2) that the HIRE is a device for starting and maintaining a fire. Primitive man valued the hearth most of all (slide 2). It was around the hearth that people began to build walls, a roof - in a word, to build a house. The family gathered around the fireplace, from which warmth emanated. In the modern world, the hearth has been replaced by batteries, but the expression “native hearth” remains.

What is family?

Children express their opinions.

Teacher: Each of us has our own family, a parental home, where we are expected, remembered and forgiven for everything. It is in the family that we learn love, responsibility, care and respect. And wherever we were, we always remembered about our family, about people close to us: parents, sisters and brothers, grandparents. A family is just like a small Universe; creating a good family is often more difficult than, say, writing a book or making a discovery.

A family is adults and children who live together (slide 3). It's great if it's big. However, the family can be small: for example, mother and son. But if they love each other, are attentive and caring, then this is a good, real family.

Now, let's take a look at one family.

A student's story about his family (slide 4).

Teacher: Pay attention to our exhibition of drawings dedicated to your family.

Teacher: Let's hold a small competition “Finish the proverb” (Task No. 1: work in pairs). Proverbs are divided into two parts, connect the parts correctly (slide 5).

Teacher: How many proverbs have we collected? Why do you think “seven”? The word “family” contains the number 7 (slide 6).

The number 7 is unusual, it is a magic number:

  • 7 - colors of the rainbow
  • 7 - wonders of the world
  • 7 - notes of the scale

A student reads Zoltan Zelk’s poem “What a Good Evening.”

What a good evening!
How good it is to be together!
Dad is dozing with the newspaper,
Mom is preparing dinner.

Steam in a saucepan under the roof
Whistles a song
And the moth is transparent
It circles under a bright lamp.

My eyes closed...
I wish I could open them wider
It would be surprising to look
Yes, I'm too lazy to open them.

The whole world has disappeared.
Only mom
In the middle of the world.
And I, already asleep,
On mom's lap.

Teacher: Would you like to live in such a family? Why? (Task No. 2. Let’s “throw out” the words that prevent the family from being prosperous: comfort, tranquility, health, love, goodness, purity, happiness, friendship, harmony, rudeness, quarrel, hatred, illness, enmity, peace, order.)

Teacher: Here is another family (children act out a skit).

A sketch about a daughter

Characters: mother, father, grandmother, daughter.

Daughter! Daughter!
Do me a favor!
Feed your brother
Butter cookies!

Mom, I'm tired of dealing with my brother,
I want to ride on the swings in the park!

Daughter! Darling!
Clean up your apartment!
On your table for a long time
Mountains of garbage and dust!

If you really need it, clean it yourself!
I’ve already been solving a difficult problem for three hours!

Granddaughter, dear!
We're going to the dacha.
Without you at the dacha
Our kitten is crying.

I don’t want to go to the dacha! I'm tired of everything!
After all, I don’t know how to weed, and the raspberries are not ripe.

All together (except for the girl): What should we do with the girl, tell us, maybe she needs to be shown to the doctors?

Children express their opinions.

Teacher: Everyone in the family should have their own responsibilities (slide 7). Do you have your own responsibilities at home? Which?

Children talk about what responsibilities are assigned to them in the family.

Teacher: Let's play a fun game - “Distribution of responsibilities in the family.”

  • 1st row - mothers
  • 2nd row - dads
  • 3rd row - children

The teacher names the duties, if it is the mother’s duty, then the 1st row stands up - they stand up and immediately sit down, etc.

Questions for the game:

1) Prepare lunch.

2) Repair the iron.

3) Collect a briefcase.

4) Wash the dishes.

5) Take care of flowers.

6) Make the bed.

7) Clean the apartment.

8) Take a walk with your little brother or sister.

9) Do some shopping at the store.

10) Protect the warmth of your home.

Teacher: A person grows and thinks about the questions: “Who am I? Where am I from? What are my roots? For a long time, one of the traditions of the Russian people has been knowledge of their ancestors, their genealogy. (slide 8).

Now he will present to us his family tree, tell us about his pedigree, about relatives whom we can be proud of (student's story).

Teacher: When a person is born, he gets a name (slide 9). Our ancestors attached special meaning to the name. It was believed that it largely determines the future life of the child, his successes and failures, virtues and vices. That is why in the old days the name was given either according to church books in honor of a saint whose feast day was celebrated in the month the child was born, or in honor of one of the family members. Now, please raise your hands, those who were named after relatives.

Children tell which relative they were named after.

Teacher: Time is inexorable. A person is born, grows, matures, grows old and in due course passes away from life. And no one has yet managed to break this circle. The man leaves, but his children remain. Children have their own children, and those have their own. And if a person did not even make any discoveries, but simply lived his life with dignity, he deserves to be remembered by his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

Photos from a family album will help you remember the past and take a closer look at the present. Each photograph in it is a piece of life, an opportunity to go back in time (slide 10).

Teacher: Over the two years of our class family’s life, we have accumulated a lot of photographs and we will look at our class album at the end of our meeting.

Teacher: Of particular importance for each family are its customs and traditions (slide 11). For a long time, wonderful traditions have taken root in Russian families, which I propose to recall now (students read the material from the cards):

Gathering with the whole family at the parental home on holidays, as well as celebrating family holidays;

Everyone sing and play musical instruments together;

Invite guests and gather a feast;

Collect and store family photographs;

Store things that belonged to relatives as antiques and as a memory of family and friends.

Since ancient times, there was a tradition in Rus': representatives of one family were engaged in one type of activity, and thus dynasties of potters, military men, builders, teachers, etc. were born.

Teacher: And now I suggest we all listen to family traditions (student messages).

Teacher: Each of us has things, objects that are expensive (slide 12). Sometimes it happens that a person is no longer there, but his favorite thing remains and is carefully kept in the family. And some become heirlooms, passed down from generation to generation. Many brought items for our “Family Heirlooms” exhibition. And there are things made with love by the hands of our mothers, grandmothers, grandfathers or fathers. Such things create a special atmosphere, comfort, and warmth at home. Now the guys will take turns taking these things and talking about them.

Teacher: Do you guys know that families used to be big? In such families, everyone helped each other, the kids respected old age, and the old people felt sorry for the little ones. We have a mystery about such a large family. Dear guests, a question for you - try to count how many people there are in this family (slide 13).

I'll give you a task now
Listen, here's my family:
Grandfather, grandmother and brother.
We have order in the house, okay.
And cleanliness, why?
We have two mothers in our house,
Two dads, two sons,
Sister, daughter-in-law, daughter,
And the youngest is me,
What kind of family do we have?

(Answer: six people - brother and sister, their parents, grandparents).

Teacher: Imagine that you and I, our class, are one big family. How many family members are in our class?

The children answer.

Teacher: Let's build a house for our family (slide 14). Find synonyms for the word “house” (hut, apartment, dwelling).

In order for everyone in our home to feel good and warm, we need to formulate the laws of the family, and the words on the cards will help us with this. Take these cards and stick them on the board.

Children place “logs” on the board with the words written on them:

  • WARM
  • CARE
  • HELP
  • LOVE
  • JOY

Teacher: As a result, a “house” was built. The word “family” is written on the “roof”.

Let's build a cozy house for our family,
In it we will open the door wide for friends.
So that in that house everyone lives very friendly
Bricks of love, kindness and respect
We built it into the walls of the house.

Teacher: We built a house that is warm. Collect this warmth in your palms. Let there be a lot of it. Feel it. Share your warmth with each other and pass it on with a candle. Let's light up the family hearth of our class. (The students pass the burning candle to each other.)

Teacher (final word): Our meeting is coming to an end, we need to try to keep the light in our house from going out, so that you are proud of your family, take care of its honor, write down your family tree, looking at photographs of your relatives and friends. And then your family’s family tree will be forever green, with powerful roots and a lush crown. Then you will be constantly drawn to your home (slide 15).

May understanding and love always reign in your families!

Family is what we share among everyone,
A little bit of everything: tears and laughter,
Rise and fall, joy, sadness,
Friendship and quarrels, silence stamped.
Family is something that is always with you.
Let the seconds, weeks, years rush by,
But the walls are dear, your father’s house -
The heart will forever remain in it!

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 1 of Mikhailovka"

Class hour

"The warmth of the family hearth"

Prepared and carried out

class teacher

8 B class

Khudaykulova N.A.


Home should not be a place to stay, but a place to which we always return .

A. Monterlant

The purpose of the class hour : fostering a value-based attitude towards family; developing the desire to be a good family man in adulthood.


· promote formation of ideas about the life ideal of the family;

· revival of moral and ethical norms, values ​​and traditions of family life;

· development in the child of a normative perception of positive family values;

· nurturing a harmonious image of family in the child’s soul;

· establishing fruitful cooperation between the educational institution and the family.

Class progress

Teacher:Tell me, guys, is it true that all people want to be happy? If every person wants to be happy, then that means everyone dreams of the same thing? (No.) That is, people have different ideas about happiness. Now let's do a simple task. Number in order of decreasing importance those areas of a person’s life that can be associated with happiness.

Guys, show me your answers. Why is family often associated with happiness? Indeed, in the family we acquire an idea of ​​​​life, of morality, of ethics (What is good? What is bad? What is possible? What is not allowed?); we acquire economic skills; we take our first independent actions and receive their assessment; we learn to evaluate the actions of others and our own... Let's try to continue this list. (we get life; this is a place where we are loved, forgiven, cared for...)

Teacher:Yes, guys, family is very important for every person, but not only that, family is the basis of society, because society consists of families. And if moral guidelines are distorted, if family values ​​cease to be significant, then the whole society will become ill. Life is changing, and those values ​​that previously seemed unshakable, unfortunately, are subject to change. Look what can happen if we shift our priorities. Let’s assume that for every person, the first place will be not family and children, but career. After all, this is exactly what is happening now. Why then should a person start a family, children - all these are big obstacles to achieving the goal. Consequences: a decrease in the birth rate, rationalism replaces cordiality and mercy, love turns into partnerships. Why are we talking about this? You are children, and our future and the future of the country depends on you. And that’s why it’s so important to choose the right guidelines in life now.

1st presenter. What a family is is clear to everyone. Family is home. This is dad and mom, grandfather and grandmother... This is friendship and love, this is caring for each other. This is joy and sorrow, which are the same for everyone. These are habits and traditions.

2nd presenter. And it is also a support in all troubles and misfortunes. This is a fortress, behind whose walls only peace and love can reign. I will remind you of an old parable. It talks about an amazing house, beyond the threshold of which words of hostility and condemnation were never heard.

In one family, despite any troubles that fell upon it as if from a cornucopia, peace, love and harmony always reigned. Nobody got angry or swore. Word of this reached the cruel ruler of those places. “How do they manage to live without quarreling or offending each other?” - he was surprised and ordered the eldest man of that kind to come to the palace. The elder, having heard the ruler’s question, took a piece of paper and began to patiently write on it the same word - “understanding” - until he wrote it a hundred times.

“So this is what love and friendship grow from! Out of a desire to understand, and not to judge each other!” – the ruler was delighted and released the guest in peace.

1st presenter. What do you think, guys, did that old man from the parable never once want to rudely shout at his children, to harshly spank the spoiled people who broke a plate during a feast or accidentally knocked over a samovar? How simple it would be to just take it and let out the steam accumulated inside: “Don’t be naughty, don’t play around! Here you go, here you go!” But he never allowed himself a word spoken from a restless or angry heart. He was a well-mannered man. In my opinion, the main trait of his character is courage, because all his life he knew how to adhere to his chosen line of behavior. And also kindness and mercy... What else can be said about him with confidence? Of course, that he was a loving and patient father, grandfather, husband and neighbor.

2nd presenter. What keeps our family fortress afloat and prevents it from collapsing in this fragile world? What is the most difficult thing in family life? Of course, this is everyday, prosaic life, quarrels, conflicts. Life is especially hectic in the family when children, growing up, begin to believe that they have the right to their own word and their own action. "Difficult" age...

Teacher:Yes, it’s not easy for one person to live. And no matter what they say, family is the main wealth in life. Nowadays, families are small, often with one child at a time.

But I wonder which family has an easier time living in the world! (Children's answers)

Teacher:I completely agree with you. I think it’s easier for a family where they don’t lose heart, don’t lose heart, and enjoy life.

What do you think is necessary for there to be mutual understanding and trust in a family? (children's statements)

Teacher:And this is how I. Molchanova talks about it in the poem “Seven Rules”

1.What does my family mean to me? Of course - happiness and comfort at home,
Seven mandatory rules to keep, Only seven, but very, very important.

2. Firstly, this is the main thing - love. With all my heart and soul and mind.
Not just to let the blood boil with passion, but reverently and differently every day.

3. Second - children. What is a house without them? A desert without a well means you can’t get enough to drink.
And children are life, they are a spring, and the continuation of the family. Let it flow!

4. Then care. Only she will save the family hearth from the wind
Try to bring a smile to spring. I was always with you, and not somewhere else.

5. Fourth – patience. It will help you survive adversity, troubles...
And the sun will warm the window, which is frozen white with frost.

6. And fifth – responsibility and home. There is a weighty stone in the family foundation.
They will help protect love, protect the spiritual flame from the wind.

7. Sixth – respect. Only with him - You will gain success, general recognition
Always taking into account the opinions of others, You will teach them to take your own into account.

8. And finally, the seventh thing is cleanliness. Everywhere - in the house, in your soul and thoughts...
This is how I imagine my hearth, Where I am loved, where I am completely happy.

Training “Building a house”

1st presenter. What do you think a family is and what are its basic principles? Let's try to model a happy family by working in groups.

Assignment to groups: You have cards on your tables with the words: patience, hard work, love, mutual understanding, loyalty, kindness, children, responsibility, care, honesty, family traditions, friendship, forgiveness, understanding, duty, material wealth, respect, self-sacrifice, decency.

Let's build a house of happiness. What will you base it on, what is important for you and what is secondary? (children build, explaining along the way what lies at the heart of a good house)

Gradually we build the walls brick by brick, then we put on the roof - the roof of a good mood.

2nd presenter. So, we have built a “House of Happiness” with you. A person’s happiness in the family is the greatest moral value. Where, if not in the family, does a person get what he strives for at any age: the feeling of being needed by loved ones, the awareness that you are loved and loved, the belief that there is a place on earth where you are expected and loved.

Children read poetry:

Family is what we share among everyone

A little bit of everything, both tears and laughter,

Rise and fall, joy, sadness,

Friendship and quarrels, silence stamped.

Family is what is always with you

Let the seconds, weeks, years rush by,

But the walls, dear ones, your father’s house -

The heart will forever remain in it!

What could be more valuable than family?

The father's house greets me with warmth,

They are always waiting for you here with love,

And they send you off on your way with kindness!

Love it! And appreciate happiness!

It is born in a family

What could be more valuable than that?

On this fabulous land!

Teacher:Think of adjectives for the word HOME.

D: Reliable, beloved, beautiful, cozy, warm.

Teacher:Now come up with verbs.

D: Guards, protects, protects, warms, loves.

Teacher:The house is comfortable, and this is the most important thing.

1st presenter. Our home is our protection, our hearth, in which the flame of mutual understanding, kindness, and participation should always burn. But sometimes the flame in the hearth can be merciless and ashes remain from the former warmth and understanding. This happens when misunderstandings and misunderstandings between children and parents develop into hatred and even enmity. How to avoid this, how to make sure that the flame in the hearth of your home burns evenly and illuminates your whole life with its light?

Teacher:It is believed that only adults are responsible for family relationships, but this is not true. Children can do a lot to establish and maintain good and warm relationships in the family.

What can you do to improve your relationship with your parents?

The guys write down possible answers on the board. After completing the work, show the writing on the board and discuss their findings.

Students' answer options.

Show obedience;

Be their supporters;

Don't upset them;

Encourage them during times of difficulty;

Show humanity and concern to all family members;

Provide necessary help around the house;

Support them in all endeavors;

Express appreciation and gratitude;

Show understanding when parents make certain decisions;

Discuss with them your problems and joys, plans and goals;

Let them know where you are and with whom.

Teacher:“Now I will read to you the rules that exist in a certain family, say, the Petrovs. Listen to them and tell me what rules you, being adults and respected heads of your families, would not consider it possible to introduce into the everyday life of your family.

1. Parents supervise their children's school affairs.

2. Each family member has his own responsibilities.

3. Parents give their children a small amount of pocket money every week.

4. Children have the right to watch TV without restrictions.

5. When preparing for family holidays, each family member contributes as much as possible.

6. Parents are not required to know what their children do in their free time.

7. The older children help the younger ones and look after them in the absence of their parents.

Tell me what rules do you agree with? Which ones do you think are not true? Why?".

2nd presenter. “Every family celebrates holidays. Along with the traditional ones, that is, those that the whole country celebrates, each family has its own. Let’s play. Whoever is the last to name a family holiday is the winner.” (Birthday, wedding day, farewell to the army, housewarming, presentation of a school leaving certificate, first salary day, entering first grade, farewell to kindergarten, farewell to elementary school, buying a summer house, car, winning a competition...)

Teacher:Homework "Secret friend - my dear person."Instructions for students: Each of you has small pieces of paper on your desks. On each separate piece of paper, write the names of those members of your family who live directly with you: mom, dad, grandmother, brother Sasha, sister Katya, etc. Fold these pieces of paper, mix and choose one of them. The one whose name is written on the piece of paper will be the most important, dearest person for you for a whole week, your secret friend, to whom you will give your love, showing a variety of signs of attention. If you have a disagreement with this person, what should you do? What signs of attention can you show to the person most dear to you? (Say compliments, kind words, prepare his favorite salad, do household chores on your own initiative, behave well, be friendly, offer to rest, give a gift, carry out all assignments conscientiously, etc.) Do not tell anyone about this at home. In exactly a week you will reveal this secret to your loved ones. Ask them if they have noticed your expressions of affection.

To end the conversation, I would like to read a short poem:

2nd presenter.

What could be more valuable than family?

The father's house welcomes me with warmth.

They are always waiting for you here with love

And they send you on your way with kindness.

Father, mother and children together

Sitting at the festive table

And together they are not at all bored,

The five of them are interested.

1st presenter.

The baby is like a pet to the elders,

Parents are wiser in everything

Beloved dad - friend, breadwinner,

And mom is closest to everyone, dearest.

Love and appreciate happiness!

It is born in a family

What could be more valuable than that?

on this fabulous land.


1. Say in Latin “ family». (Surname.)

2.Now say “ family"in Italian. (Mafia.)

3.As you know, the Greek goddess Athena was the goddess of wisdom, and the owl was considered her bird. But the goddess Hera, the wife of Zeus, was considered the patroness families in general and motherhood in particular. Guess which bird was considered the “bird of Hera”?


4.As they say about those who divulge internal family troubles and quarrels?

(Wash dirty linen in public.)

5. Here is a Russian proverb: “Live for yourself- smolder, for families – ... (verb missing), but for the people- to shine." Name the missing verb.


6.According to legend, Russia is guarded by three sisters: Faith, Hope and Love and their mother. Name the mother of three sisters.

(Sophia, that is, Wisdom.)

7. The first, eldest child in the family is the first-born. What was the name of the third child in Rus'? family? And the last one?

(Tretyak, scratch.)

8. How does the Russian “fruit” proverb sound about someone who has inherited bad, unseemly behavior from father or mothers?

("Like father like son".)

9. What Russian toy is this quote from the encyclopedia about: “It personifies the idea of ​​strong families, prosperity, procreation, carries the idea of ​​unity”?

(About the nesting doll.)

10. At what age, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, can one enter into marriage without parental permission?

(From the age of eighteen.)

11. What is the name of a woman before her marriage?



13. In which Andersen fairy tale is the child’s right violated: “Children have the right to live with their parents, and no one is allowed to separate them”?

(“The Snow Queen.” From her grandmother’s house, the Snow Queen took little Kai to her ice palace.)

14. Name the most family geometric figure.

(Circle. Close family circle, in the family circle.)

15. Parental Instruction in one word is...


16. My father's child is not my brother. Who is this?

(My sister.)

17. What is the name of the home of a big, hard-working bee? families?

(Beehive, board.)

18. Which plant represents both native and adopted relative?


19. There is a letter family, in which, according to numerous verses, there are “thirty-three sisters.” What is this family?


20. In what month is International Day celebrated? families?

(Celebrated annually on May 15 since 1994. Proclaimed by the UN General Assembly.)

Attention! The site administration is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Note: This class hour is held together with parents.

Target: developing children's ideas about family and the ethics of family relationships.


  • Introducing students to spiritual values;
  • Awareness of the concepts: “family value”, “warmth”, “feeling of kinship”, “family atmosphere”, “mutual understanding”, “mutual assistance”, “mutual respect”;
  • Sociocultural adaptation of children through the formation and consolidation of communication skills
  • Team building;
  • Instilling in children a sense of love and pride for their family, respect for parents and the older generation;
  • Developing the ability to accurately and convincingly express one’s opinion and listen to others;
  • Unlocking the creative potential of children.

Visualization used: multimedia support, theme, house model, cards with tasks for groups, sheets for writing words, colored sheets for writing words.

Class progress

1. Introduction

Good afternoon, dear parents! Good afternoon dear guys! I am very happy about our new meeting. Happy first day to all of you, Happy Knowledge Day.

On the threshold of third grade, I would like to wish everyone PEACE IN YOURSELF AND IN THE WHOLE WORLD, THE JOY OF NEW DISCOVERIES AND NEW MEETINGS. Be healthy!!!

We have our first lesson.

Guys, to find out what we will talk about today, I propose to complete a small task. Game “Encrypted Word” To read it, you need to cross out the repeating letters.

What word did you come up with? (The resulting word is “family”).

Let's think, guys What does the word "family" mean?(The teacher listens to the children's opinions)

Famous teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “The family is the environment where a person should learn to do good.”

In the life of every family, an important event occurs that forces the husband and wife to treat each other more responsibly. -Watch the video carefully and you will find out what event are we talking about. (Video about the arrival of a child in the family, about the parents’ concerns about the child).

- What kind of event is this?(The appearance of a child in the family).

When a child is born into a family, parents have a new responsibility: caring for the little person.

- What does the word “duty” mean? These are certain actions that must be performed without any conditions.

Let's think, guys, how obligated are parents to take care of their children? (Parents should take care of their children’s health, education, etc.)

What responsibilities should children have in the family? (The teacher listens to the children’s opinions.)

Caring dad and mom, grandparents, a cozy home is the dream of any child.

- What kind of house can be called cozy?( The teacher listens to the children's opinions.)

Listen to the poem called "What is a home."

"What is a house"

The house, as everyone has known for a long time, -
This is not a wall, not a window,
These are not chairs with a table:
This is not a home.
Home is where you are ready
You come back again and again
Fierce, kind, gentle, evil,
Barely alive.
Home is where you will be understood
Where they hope and wait,
Where you will forget about the bad, -
This is your home.
(E. Kumenko)

2. Formulating a theme and purpose

A cozy home is a place where a friendly, happy family lives. There is a popular proverb: “Everyone is the creator of his own happiness.” Creator means builder.

Do you think you can be builders?

What will we build today?

Home of a happy family.

What do we need to find out for this?

What is our goal?

Let's try to find out what is necessary for a happy family. We will build a home where a family can find happiness. Every brick of our house is a valuable quality that underlies the happiness of the family.

3. Main part

1. Discovery of new information. Group work.

We choose a beautiful clearing to build a house for a happy family.

What parts does the house consist of?

Where does construction begin?

From laying the foundation.

What is built next?

How do they finish construction?

Who else is involved in home improvement? Does it make you feel cozy and beautiful?


(Division into groups.)

So, we divided into teams as desired. Which team will lay the foundation? Walls? The roof? Our designers prepared in advance. To build their part of the house, each team will need to complete its part of the work-tasks.

(The teacher gives the children their part of the assignments.)

Look carefully at the assignment sheets

Task “Foundation” (1 group)

Read and then watch carefully a fragment of the cartoon “Three from Prostokvashino”, where Uncle Fyodor writes a letter to his parents, going to the village with the cat Matroskin.

Think and complete the task.

Why did the boy quarrel with his parents and run away from home? (Mom did not allow him to keep animals at home).

Why do you think there was such a quarrel with his mother in Uncle Fyodor’s family? (The teacher listens to the children’s opinions.)

Write down a word that means something that did not happen between mom and Uncle Fyodor.


Task “Walls” (group 2)

Look carefully at the task sheet. Complete the tasks.

Write down a word that represents the general name of your actions.

(Mutual Aid)

Task “Roof” (3rd group)

Read the poem carefully.

You can't live in a family without respect
Where has the respect gone?

Everyone wants to prove something.

It was afraid of a scandal
And I was left to live on the street.
It's afraid to return to the house,

It doesn't like fights or quarrels.
Resentment, shouting and strife.

Then it will return home
And mom will smile again.
Grandma will go to the kitchen
And he will bake us a delicious cake.

Grandfather will play checkers with us,
And dad will take a walk with us,
Respect will return to the house,
And again peace will come to him.

(A. Lopatina, M. Skrebtsova)

Write down the main word of this poem, without which there can be no happy family.

(Mutual respect)

Task “Designers” (4th group)

This group is special; it received its task in advance: it prepared a performance for us. Getting ready for the performance.

2. Summarizing the information received, formulating conclusions.

Let's see what we got.
Discussion of group options.

1) Demonstration of the task.

We begin laying the foundation.

Why did the boy quarrel with his parents and run away from home? (Mom did not allow him to keep animals).

Why do you think there was such a quarrel with his mother in Uncle Fyodor’s family? What didn’t happen between son and mother?

There was no relationship between son and mother mutual understanding. How many of you know what this word means? In the dictionary this word means mutual understanding, agreement, i.e. the ability of people to come to an agreement with each other.

So, the first secret of a happy family is mutual understanding. We are installing the foundation for the house in the clearing.

In the cartoon, Uncle Fyodor, running away from his parents, finds an empty house in the village and lives happily in it with his cat and dog. In life, everything happens much sadder. When children deliberately run away from home, they become street children, begin begging, stealing, and wandering around train stations and dirty basements. Such children often start drinking alcohol, smoking, and eventually lose their health and forever lag behind their peers in mental development.

If a child runs away because he is being physically abused in the house, he must tell the class teacher about this; At school, the child will definitely receive help.

We continue to build a house for a happy family.

Quest "Walls"

Demonstration of the task.

Let's check what you got.

To provide children with the basic necessities and create comfort at home, parents go to work. After a hard day's work, moms and dads come home tired, so in the family, household chores should be distributed among everyone according to their strength.

There are difficult periods in the life of every person when he needs participation and advice. In such cases, loved ones should not remain indifferent to the misfortune of their loved ones; they try to help to the best of their ability.

Slide No. 9

So, the second secret of a happy family is mutual assistance, care of close relatives for each other.

We install the walls of the house.

Slide No. 10

3) -What word did the 3rd brigade come up with?

Demonstration of the task.

Listen carefully to the poem called “You can’t live in a family without respect.”

Slide No. 11

“You can’t live in a family without respect”

You can't live in a family without respect
Where has the respect gone?
For the whole day - not for a moment.
Everyone in the family is quarreling, screaming,
Everyone wants to prove something.

It was afraid of a scandal
And I was left to live on the street.
It's afraid to return to the house,
He is afraid to choke in tears.

It doesn't like fights or quarrels.
Resentment, shouting and strife.
We will ask everyone for forgiveness -
You can't be in a family without respect.

Then it will return home
And mom will smile again.
Grandma will go to the kitchen
And he will bake us a delicious cake.

Grandfather will play checkers with us,
And dad will take a walk with us,
Respect will return to the house,
And again peace will come to him.

(A. Lopatina, M. Skrebtsova)

Guys, what do you think about how parents should behave so that their children respect them?

How should children behave so that their parents respect them more?

A person can earn respect only by his deeds and behavior. It is easier to cultivate respect in a cultural environment, when in the family they do not shout at each other, do not swear, and often say “thank you” and “please”. And if they make any comments, they do so in a tactful manner so as not to offend.

Slide No. 12

- So, the third secret of a happy family is mutual respect. We are installing the last part of our house - the roof.

Our house is built, and we have discovered the secrets of a happy family.

4) 4 GROUP.

Since ancient times, people have decorated their homes and tried to make them cozy and make life pleasant. This is what our designers did. What else is needed to ensure that your home is always cozy and warm? How will you decorate our house so that the house is always cozy and warm?

Speech by the propaganda team (4 minutes)

1st student: Once! Two!

In chorus: Three! Four!

1st student:

Hey guys, step up!
No, probably not in the whole world
More fun, friendly guys!

2 student:

In our family...
We sing, we dance, we dance!

3rd student:

All activities are good...
Let's have fun from the heart! (stand in a semicircle)

4 student: Everyone, Everyone!

5 student: Good afternoon!

6 student: Hello,

7 student: The propaganda team of Designers welcomes you

1 student: Topic of our speech:

ALL:"My family is my castle"

2nd student:

We live and work under the motto:
“For Cause, Friendship, Honor - Ready!”

3rd student:

Family is the first, parental home.
The heart will forever remain in it!

4 student:

Family is help and wise speech.
And the family slogan

All - LOVE AND CARE! (Step forward onto a straight line.)

5 student: A family is created by 2 people, each of whom has his own “I”, his own individuality.

6 student: Dad is the head of the family!

7th student: Mom is the good sun of the family, light and warmth.

1 student: She carries great maternal love in her heart.

2 student: It is mom and dad who will protect their children, give them the right advice, and show them the right path in life.

3rd student: The family unites “I” into “WE”.

4 student:"MY" to "OUR"

5th student: Family - seven - Ya (point to yourself)

6 student: We all live, move, change in time and space.

7th student: Through our relatives, each of us has broad connections with the great family called the PEOPLE. (Hold hands and lift.)

1 student: OUR KIND - this is how this huge, reliable, courageous word stands for.

2nd student: The basis of the foundations is the parental home.

Show the letter "D".

3rd student: You know this letter well. In modern Russian it is simply called “de”, in Old Church Slavonic it is called “good”. And from the outside it looks like a house. Russian peasants called this letter “house”.

Show the letter "O".

4 student: The letter "O" looks like a circle, a round dance. People will hold hands and it will become a round dance. Friendly people who love each other join hands. This is us, our mom and dad, sisters and brothers, our family.

Show the letter "M".

5th student: The letter "M" looks like a fence. The house must be protected, the family must be protected. You can live peacefully behind the fence.

6 student: Now in the word “HOME” each letter is in its place, as well as each family member.

7th student: And this means that every family should have a home.

It’s not for nothing that they say, “My home is my fortress.” Therefore, take care and protect your homes.

1 student: Let's create a formula for family happiness together

2nd student: 1. The main thing in a family is love.

She forgives everything. There will be no grief and worries for those who know about this love.

3 student: 2. A family without children is not a family. So let the house be filled with cheerful children's laughter.

4 student: 3. What is important in a family is care. Caring for everyone around. And we accept care from mother’s kind hands

5th student: May there be peace and harmony in your family.

6th student: After all, a strong family is a priceless treasure!



The words LOVE, CHILDREN, CARE are hung, decorated in the form of beautiful windows.

In a family, everything goes on as usual: children are born, grow up, become parents, and then grandparents, great-grandparents. Caring for the younger and older generations in the family is called a sense of kinship. This is also a family value.

4. Final part

So, our house is built, and we have discovered the secrets of a happy family.

Guys, what general name can be given to all the words - the bricks of our home for a happy family? What makes a family united, strong, what makes family happiness? (Family Values)

Additional material

(Discuss the concepts of spiritual and material values ​​in the next lesson.)

- You know, but different people sometimes have different understandings of what family values ​​are.” Imagine this situation.

One day, a teacher asked me to write an essay on the topic: “The happiest day of your family.” Listen to what Vanya and Misha talked about in their works.

Essay by Ivan. On Sunday, our whole family was in the most expensive store in the city, where they bought me fashionable jeans and a SonyPlaystation console. Mom chose the latest model phone for herself, and dad bought leather covers for our car. Now we have the coolest car in the yard! Then we stopped for lunch at McDonald's. The day was great! Everyone was happy!

Michael's essay. One weekend, our whole family decided to visit our grandmother. She is always happy to see us, and we try not to upset her, we help her in everything. On this day we got together: we played, joked, looked at the family album, sang songs. And in the evening after a walk, we drank tea with our favorite apple pie, which my grandmother baked. How great it is when we are all together! This is real happiness!

What values ​​did Vanya talk about? What is most important in his family?

Such values material.

- What makes Misha's family happy?

- What are these values ​​called?

- Spiritual.

So what is more important for family happiness?

It’s good if the family is considered wealthy, but if there is no mutual understanding, love, trust between parents and children, there will be no real happiness. Therefore, remember that material wealth in the family should not become the main value.

5. Results

1. What was our goal?

(Build a house for a happy family.)

What is necessary for a happy family?

Let's remember, guys, what family values ​​are needed for a happy family?

(Mutual understanding, mutual assistance, mutual respect.)

Slide No. 14

2. What did you like most? What was difficult?

3. Is it possible to build a happy school life without the same family values? Without mutual understanding? Without mutual assistance? Without mutual respect?

Remember this. Respect each other.

Let's remember the Rules of School Life .

(Children get up from their seats and take turns telling their poems.)

Every person associates the concept of “happiness”, first of all, with family: happy is the one who is happy in his home. Therefore, I would like to wish everyone present at our class today family happiness! And forward to the future!

The song “My Family” is performed by Katya Ivanova and Yulia Kapirova.

Class hour: “My family is my wealth”, 7th grade

Goals: to promote the expansion of schoolchildren’s knowledge about the family, to determine the importance of the family in the life of every person.

Tasks: to form a value-based attitude towards the family, to cultivate respect for the moral experience of representatives of the older generation;develop the need to learn about your family history,promote the moral development of children; encourage them to analyze their own behavior to enrich their moral experience, to self-education,develop citizenship and patriotism.

Form: hour of communication.

Design: Write tasks for groups on the board (unfinished sentences):

Ideal parents are... Ideal children are... An ideal family is...

Class hour dedicated to discussing family values.

The relevance of this topic is due to the noticeable degradation of the family in modern society. The value foundations of the family are destroyed, the authority of parents is reduced, and the connection between generations is broken. Family is the basis of all foundations. You can be a professionally in demand person, but if there is no reliable support - a friendly family, the person, one might say, has not succeeded in life. The formation of concepts of family values ​​occurs from early childhood, and in adolescence, ideas about what a family should be are reinforced. It is important that these perceptions are positive.

Class progress

I. Opening remarks

Class teacher. Today's class hour is an hour of communication. This means that you and I will talk, argue, convince each other. Communication will be fruitful only if we are frank and trust each other. Then there will be both joy and benefit from communication. Look around you, smile at each other, tune in to a confidential conversation.


Guys, why do you think this particular topic was chosen for discussion?

Sample answers from children:

( Family - the most important thing in life. Their mood, success at work and even health depend on how people live in the family. A person who does not have a family is poorer than one who has a family.)

Family - these are not just relatives living nearby. These are close people who are united by feelings, interests, and attitudes to life.

We are growing together as a family

The basis of the foundations is the parental home.

All your roots are in the family circle,

And you come into life from family.

In the family circle we create life,

The basis of the foundations is the parental home

Every person, small and large, needs food and sleep, warmth and physical safety. But why, having all this, do many people, including children, very often suffer? Why does a child who has absolutely everything envy another child who is worse dressed and less fed?The answer is simple: It is not enough for a person to just satisfy his natural needs. Every person needs to be understood and recognized; to make him feel needed; so that, first of all, his relatives rejoice at his success; so that he can develop and realize his potential; so that thanks to all of the above, he learns to respect himself.

What makes a person, especially a small one, happy? First of all, he is happy that he has his own family, his own home. And wherever we are, we always remember him, he attracts us with his warmth.A home is not only a roof over your head, it is your family and the people closest to you: parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents.

What can a family give a child? What is her psychological strength? Home and parents play a decisive role in the development of the child’s psyche, which is charged with the currents of the highest human motives: the desire to give joy to oneself and loved ones, to share their sorrows, to help in hardships. Therefore, the power of love for your Home illuminates a truly happy childhood with a special light.

What is family? (students' answers)

I agree with your answers that family is the most important thing in life for a person, but all families are different, they differ in their habits, way of life, customs, atmosphere, traditions.

Traditions - this is something that is passed on from generation to generation. A person is born, grows, thinks:Who am I? Where am I from? Where are my roots?

Family tree.

For a long time, one of the traditions in Russian families has been the tradition of learning about their ancestors, compiling their pedigree, family tree. This tradition comes back to families. “Memory, a person cannot live without it. Plants and stones have memory, preserving the imprints of prehistoric animals. A person has a genealogical memory.Memory “It’s what connects us to our roots.”

And so you and I will try to compile our genealogies. Of course, we do not have 5000 historical names in them, as in the genealogy of A.S. Pushkin. Some people have 9, 12, 16 or more leaves on the tree.

“Look at the family album.”

Since 1829, when the French artist and designer Daguerre invented photography, the tradition of compiling and storing family albums has firmly entered our lives. Every family has photographs that leave lasting memories of dear people and events in family life.

This tradition is very important. It is not without reason that during the war or in other situations when people were forced to leave their homes, they took with them only the most valuable things, including photographs of dear people. “To remember what we were like, look at the family album,” one of the songs says.

The tradition of spending free time with the family.

There are other interesting traditions: how to spend free time, vacations, how to take care of elderly relatives.

Listen to the poetess's poemL. Suslova.

But a house filled with goods is not yet a home.

And even a chandelier over the table is not yet a home.

And on the window with a living flower - it’s not home yet.

And even from the teapot sideways it’s not home yet.

When the evening darkness deepens,

Then this truth is clear and simple -

That the house is filled from palms to windows

Your warmth.

What kind of heat are we talking about? What is this Truth that should be simple and understandable?

Of course, in your young hearts, the feeling that lies in the depths of everyone’s soul arises in childhood and grows stronger over the years - this is love for one’s Home. The birth of this love is a great mystery and requires reflection. Therefore, you can only touch it and prefer the path of leisurely reflection and questions. It’s a great thing when questions arise in the soul. And this is already the work of the Soul. How to create the Warmth of our Home? And this is most often helped by dinners with the family, spending free time with the whole family, trips, hikes, holidays that unite and unite all family members.

Family holidays.

Family traditions include the tradition of celebrating family holidays. What holidays are celebrated in your family?

Hospitality - this is also a good tradition (treating guests with prepared confectionery)

II. Interactive conversation on the topic “Egoism and altruism”

Class teacher. Many psychologists argue that the main enemy of the family, and indeed of human relationships in general, is now selfishness. What is egoism? And who are the egoists?

Sample answers from children:

This is when a person thinks only about himself and doesn’t care about others.

The one who believes: “After me, even a flood.”

The egoist believes that he is the navel of the earth, and the rest are nothing.

The egoist does not take anyone into account; he goes head-to-head towards his goal.

Class teacher. Your understanding is not far from the truth. In S. Ozhegov’s dictionary the word “egoism” is explained as follows (reads): “Egoism (from the Latin ego - I) is selfishness, preference for one’s own, personal interests over the interests of others, disregard for the interests of society and others.”

Egoist - This is a person who seeks only personal interest in everything. The main principle of an egoist: live for yourself. Do you think friendship and love between egoists is possible? Would you like to be friends with an egoist? And if not, why not?

Sample answers from children:

To be friends with an egoist means to become his slave.

Such people cannot be trusted: for the sake of their interests, they will step over you.

Selfish people don't need friends.

For the sake of a friend, sometimes you need to sacrifice your interests; an egoist is not capable of this.

You can be friends with an egoist if you completely abandon yourself.

Egoists can only be loved with blind love. But they still won’t appreciate it.

You can be friends and love only if you yourself are selfish.

Class teacher. Fortunately, we are surrounded only by egoists. There are people of a completely opposite type - altruists. Altruism is the antonym of selfishness. How does altruism manifest itself? How do altruists behave?

Sample answers from children:

Altruism - this is the other extreme. When a person does not think about himself at all, but only thinks about others.

This is a renunciation of one's own benefit, self-sacrifice.

Altruists are indifferent people; they don’t need anything.

These are people with disabilities, they don’t care about anything.

These are believers, monks, elders.

Altruists are gullible, kind, and do not know how to stand up for themselves.

They forgive everything and do not remember insults.

Class teacher. In S. Ozhegov’s dictionary, the word “altruism” has the following interpretation (reads): “Altruism (from the Latin alter - other) is the willingness to disinterestedly act for the benefit of others, regardless of one’s interests.”

Altruism - this is compassion and mercy towards other people, selfless service to them, readiness for self-denial for the sake of their good. The main principle of an altruist: live for others. Of course, we don’t come across altruists at every step, but each of us knows at least one altruist personally. Guess who it is? (priest, teacher, mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, etc.)

Of course, these are our parents. This is who really lives for others, that is, for us. They love us unselfishly and are ready to do anything for our good.

III. Problem situation “Ugly child”

Class teacher. Everyone knows Andersen's fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling". How we worried in childhood, reading about the trials that befell the unfortunate duckling, whom everyone despised. And how they rejoiced when the ugly duckling turned into a beautiful swan. Perhaps the same transformation occurs with ugly children? Listen to a short story by a psychologist, which I called “Ugly Child” (reads): “A mother came to see me with her 14-year-old son. Mom says worriedly:

I don’t even know what to do with him. He doesn’t listen to me, he doesn’t want to study. Only partying and entertainment on my mind. And when at home, you can’t drag him away from the TV by your ears, or he turns on his stupid music at full volume. But I put my whole soul into it. He grew up no worse than others, he was dressed, he had shoes, he had everything. She denied herself a lot... And he had one answer to everything: “You owe me everything, but I don’t owe you anything!” I can’t imagine how to live!”

This is the situation. Who is an altruist here and who is an egoist?

(Children answer.)

Do you agree with this woman's son that he owes her nothing?

Sample answers from children:

Of course, I must: she gave him life, took care of him - she didn’t get enough sleep at night, fed him, treated him.

When he was little, he was obliged, but now he has grown up and does not need maternal care.

Maybe he doesn’t need it, but he must be grateful.

I have to respect my mother and take care of her.

By law, the son is obliged to take care of his mother, but he is not an adult yet, so he does not owe her anything.

He is not an adult, but he is no longer a child, so he does not need his mother’s moral teachings. But mom can’t understand this.

Class teacher. Will this “ugly duckling” grow into a wonderful person?

Sample answers from children:

Maybe he will grow up, but he will have to endure a lot of grief.

When he has his own children, he will understand everything and ask his mother for forgiveness.

He will grow up, he’s just going through a transitional age.

He will grow up if he stops being selfish.

Class teacher.

But it seems to me that every person has a moral duty to their parents and to other people. Selfishness is a sign of an immature personality. If a boy does not understand this, he will never become an adult, and will remain an ugly child for the rest of his life.

IV. Educational situations

Class teacher. We live among people. When communicating, we follow certain rules. If we don’t know how to behave, the golden rule of communication comes to the rescue. Remember him? (Don't do to others what you don't want to do to yourself.)

In public, everyone tries to behave decently so as not to be branded as savages. But at home, many people relax and allow themselves to live without rules - no one will see anyway, but dad, mom, grandma - their people - will tolerate it. But the same laws of communication operate in the family, which means the same golden rule, which requires respect, tolerance, attention, care, mutual assistance... Now we will conduct tests and find out whether you follow the rules of communication in the family?

I invite the seven most cultured and confident guys to the board.

(Seven students go to the board and line up.) Each of you is given a situation. You need to quickly make a decision and answer how to act in this situation. If the class approves of your behavior, everyone will raise their hands and you will sit down. If no one raises their hand, you remain standing at the board. Any questions? Let's begin.

So, an ordinary winter evening. You have already done your homework, turned on the music and are ready to daydream while sitting in a soft chair. And then it began...

(The teacher reads the situation tasks, the children quickly give answers.)

1. “Son, take out the trash!” - Mom asked. (“Okay. I’ll take it out now.”)

2. Grandma looked in: “Come on, thread the needle - your eyes can’t see at all!” (“Okay. Let me thread it!”)

3. And then dad arrived in time with his orders: “Tomorrow you will go with your grandmother to the dacha and help weed the potatoes.” (“Okay. I’ll go!”)

4. Mom gave me another task: “New Year is coming, sign cards for all your relatives.” (“Okay. Let’s write!”)

5. “Do you want a dog? Go for a walk in the dark!” - Dad ordered. (“Okay. I’m on my way!”)

b. “Again, the glasses have disappeared somewhere. Look, grandson! - asked the grandmother. (“Okay. I’m going to look!”)

7. “Finally, turn off this wild music!!!” - everyone shouted in unison. (“Okay. Already turned it off!”)

(Or: who did not pass the test is an additional situation. So who should go for bread on a cold winter evening? The correct answer is “me.”)

Well now everything is in order! The scout school is complete.

V. Work in groups. Unfinished sentences

Class teacher. In all the proposed situations, the parents behaved impeccably. But parents are people too. They also often lose their temper, be rude and even fight. And then no child can stand it and will respond with rudeness. I suggest you work in groups.

The first group will draw up a portrait of ideal parents .

The second group will create the image of an ideal child.

The third group will create a portrait of an ideal family.

To complete the task, you just need to complete the sentences written on the board (points to the board, reads the sentences for each group):

Ideal parents are...

Ideal children are...

An ideal family is...

You have 3 minutes to complete the task.

(Music or metronome is turned on, children consider options for answers.)

Let's listen to what we got.

(The teacher gives the floor to children from the first, second, third groups.)

Sample answers from children:

First group: they don’t scold, they allow everything, they buy everything, they give money, they don’t force them to do anything, they are strict but fair, they respect children, they never shout, they don’t humiliate children, they teach them to work, they talk a lot, they fuss with children, etc.

Second group: they listen, obey, help with the housework, respect, feel sorry for their parents, study well, are independent, don’t snarl, don’t smoke, don’t drink, don’t swear, don’t steal, don’t make friends with bad boys and girls, etc.

Third group: friendly, hardworking, where everyone has everything, everyone respects each other, where there is mutual help, support, care, warmth and comfort, where you don’t want to leave, where everyone feels good, where everyone is altruistic, there are no egoists, etc.

Class teacher. Well, the word “ideal” denotes the highest goal of activity and aspirations. We will assume that you have set this goal for yourself.

Final word

Class teacher. Our communication is coming to an end. In conclusion, I want to give you advice: trust your parents, share your joys and sorrows with them, feel sorry for them, do not upset them in vain, help. And try not to be offended by them. After all, parents are the only people on earth who selflessly and unselfishly love you.

Commandments of family life:

1) “Give your parents joy”

2) “Show care and concern for close and distant relatives”

3) “Keep sacred the traditions of your family”

4) “Life is a road full of challenges. Be ready to pass them with honor"

5) “Family happiness depends on each family member”

Our class is also a family. And everything that happens in the classroom concerns and applies to each of you. And if something doesn’t work out for us, it doesn’t work out, then the whole class suffers. If we show our good side somewhere, receive certificates, win places, then the whole class wins. And I want you to worry and root for your class as one big family.

Summing up (reflection)

Class teacher. Was our conversation today useful? What are you thinking about? What did you decide?

Sample answers from children:

The conversation was useful, I thought about my behavior, I decided that I would no longer be selfish.

It was useful to know who the egoists are. I thought about myself. I don't know who I am yet.

I decided that I needed to fight my selfishness.

It was as if I saw myself from the outside. I realized that I am still far from ideal.

It's no use talking about ideal things. In real life, it's every man for himself.

The conversation is useful, but real life is far from ideal.

Creating a positive mood for the lesson.

Guys, we have gathered with you today to communicate. And communicating with you every day becomes more and more interesting, because every day you become more and more mature and you can already discuss the most serious and important issues with you.

Let's discuss this very important question today:

Without anything in this world

Can't adults and children survive?

Who will support you, friends?

Everyone knows this word.
Wouldn't change it for anything!
To the number “7” I will add “I”
What will happen?

Why can’t this word be exchanged for anything? Is it that expensive?

And what is its price?

But still, is there something valuable in this word?

What values ​​are we going to talk about today?

Do you know everything about the family?

What would you like to know about her?

Yes, “Family” is a strange word,

Although not foreign.

How did the word come about?

It's not clear to us at all.

Well, “I” - we understand,

Why are there seven of them?

No need to think and guess,

Two grandfathers

Two grandmothers

Plus dad, mom, me.

Folded? That makes seven people


What if there is a dog?

That makes eight “I”s?

Not if you have a dog

It comes out “Wow!” - family.

What do you mean by FAMILY?

Where can we find out the exact meaning of this word?

The meaning of the word “Family” according to Ozhegov (dictionary): “Family” is a group of close relatives living together.

-Family- these are people who do not always live together, but they never forget to take care of each other. And most importantly, they are relatives to each other.

No person enters the world alone, we enter it through family.

-Family- these are blood relatives - father and mother, grandfathers and grandmothers, brothers and sisters.

It is useful to know that the word “family” comes from the word “seed”. A small seed, lovingly planted in the ground, produces a strong sprout. Over time, first delicate flowers appear on it, and then good fruits.

When your parents started a family, it also resembled a small seed. It had to be nurtured with love: living in harmony and caring for each other.

The family grows stronger, and the seed turns into a strong sprout. The first flowers, sons and daughters, bloom on it. Now parents' main concern is that their children grow up to be good people. They spare no effort or time for this.

Family ties are silent strings,

Their dear hearts will hear their song.

The melody of the harmonious solar-lunar

They will fill each other to the end!

- What kind of families were there before?

Previously, families were large: several generations of relatives lived under one roof. The elders passed on their experience to the younger ones, the adults took care of those who could no longer work. They lived cheerfully and amicably. We find confirmation of this even in fairy tales, proverbs and sayings.

Let's try to compose these proverbs and sayings from individual words.

Away is good, but home is better.

A house without a mistress is an orphan.

There is no need for treasure when there is harmony in the family.

The richer you are, the happier you are.

When the family is together, the soul is in its place.

Now the family has become different, but its essence remains the same: raising children, caring for each other.

Do you guys think all families are the same?

Of course not.

All families are different. They are distinguished by their habits, way of life, customs, atmosphere and traditions.

Guys, how do you understand the word “tradition”?

Traditions- these are customs, habits, practical activities that are passed on from generation to generation.

What traditions do your families have?

Each group has a task: to choose all known family traditions on the table.


respect for elders, care for younger ones, love for neighbor

help and support FAMILY VALUES holidays introduction to work communication with loved ones joint recreation

work activity

Guys, it’s wonderful that your family life is so rich in traditions.

Is another family life possible?

Let's read another definition of the word FAMILY.

The meaning of the word “Family” according to Ozhegov: “Family” - A union of people united by common interests)

Where can people with common interests come together?

Where can you meet such a family?

What family are we talking about?

We are lucky, we have another family - this is our class.

Why can we be called family?

We spend a lot of time together, work, study, do useful things, have fun and relax, i.e. do we have what?...

And that means “our class”

And like in any family, we also need: warmth, respect, comfort... (mutual understanding, respect, love, trust, support)

We will also take care of each other and help each other.

How do you care for and help each other at home as a family?

So each of you has your own responsibilities?

- It’s the same in our classroom - no one will come for us and put things in order, no one can study for us, take care of each other.
- Each of us can contribute to making our school family warm and cozy. And for this, let's make rules and live by them.

Rules for family school life
We will:

  • Call each other by name.
  • Protect our friends if they are offended.
  • Help them in trouble.
  • Help them with their studies.

We will not:

  • Be rude to each other.
  • Use your fists.
  • Saying hurtful things to friends.

And year after year our family will become more friendly, stronger.

And your parents and I care that you grow up to be good people. And for this we make every effort.

With the love and patience of adults, agreement is achieved; continuous work - prosperity and well-being.

Remember the wise commandment: “Honor your father and mother, and it will be good for you, and you will live long.”


Family is happiness, love and luck,

Family means summer trips to the country,

Family is a holiday, family dates,

Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.

The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,

Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation.

Family is work, caring for each other,

Family means a lot of homework.

Family is important! Family is difficult!

But it is impossible to live happily without a family.

So, what is so valuable in a family?

We don't often talk about the values ​​that strengthen our family.

We acquire some values ​​of family life ourselves. Some are passed down to us from generation to generation.

And what family values ​​can be passed on?

Material: family property passed on by inheritance. This includes a house, household items, and jewelry.

Well, what values ​​are discussed in the cartoon “Barboskiny”, you will say after watching it.

What eternal values ​​did you see?

What conclusions can you draw about values?

Having all these values: cultural, spiritual, and material, what kind of family will it be?

Do you think you have a happy family? Why?

A happy family is a well from which values ​​for future adult life are drawn. This is where you guys will learn responsibility, respect, compassion, sincerity.

To make everyone in the family feel good, let's collect this well of happiness.

A family will be happy if it is ruled by...


Well done guys.

Were we able to answer all your questions today?

What is important for you today?

Do you need this acquired knowledge, what is it for?

Sinkwine is a “poem” consisting of five lines. In syncwine, a person expresses his attitude to the problem.

The order of writing a syncwine:

First line - one keyword (noun), which determines the content of syncwine.

Second line - two adjectives, characterizing this concept.

Third line - three verbs, showing the action of the concept.

Fourth line - short sentence, in which the author expresses his attitude. (proverb, saying)

Fifth line - one word, usually a noun through which a person expresses his feelings and associations associated with a given concept.

And in conclusion I would like to wish everyone:

Family joy

Happy faces!

I wish all families

Glow with love!

May families be cheerful

Children's laughter sounds

Kind and joyful

Holiday for everyone!

Love flourishes

Around the Earth!..

Peace to your home

And in every family!