Criticism of CVT teachings about Jesus. Criticism of CVT teachings about Jesus New Thought Worldview

At school I was taught to justify my solution to a problem. Here is my justification or proof of the correctness of the Christian solution to the cosmological problem. I may encounter certain difficulties when I try to reconcile Christian theology with certain particular conclusions that arise from the cosmological myth generated by science. But this does not prevent me from perceiving science in its entirety... On the other hand, accepting scientific cosmology, I am not able to fit into it not only Christianity, but also science itself as such... In a similar way, I distinguish sleep from wakefulness. While awake, I can to a certain extent explore and analyze my dreams. But I am unable to fit my waking experience into a nightmare. I recognize the waking world as more real because it includes the dream world; while the dream world is less real, since it does not include the waking world. That is why I am sure that by changing the scientific point of view to the theological one, I woke up from a dream. Christian theology includes science, art, morality and religiosity. None of these areas, not even science itself, fits into the scientific point of view. I confess Christianity just as I confess that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but also because, thanks to it, I see everything else.

Clive Lewis. From “Is Theology Poetic?” (Quoted in They Asked for a Paper - 1962 Geoffrey Bles, London, p. 211).

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JesusChurch Universal and Triumphant compared to the historical and biblical Jesus

Luke P. Wilson

Views of the Church Universal and Triumphant, led by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, fit the general definition "New Era Movement"(DNE). This

the movement is usually described as a broad cultural movement that carries

Western society non-Christian (i.e. non-biblical) philosophical and

religious ideas are predominantly of Eastern origin1. However

New era movement- and this is very important - never ignored

the central Person of Christianity.

eras are assigned to Jesus Christ (at least symbolically ) important place in

your worldview. Some of them even pass off their words as

modern supernatural revelations received from Him

Considering the dominant role of Christianity in the formation of Western

civilization, it is not surprising that the leaders of the New Age are trying to find some

connection between Jesus and your religious views. But for this they

it is necessary to introduce radical

changes. Old Testament ideas such as monotheism and the difference between the Creator and

creations, which are generally considered an integral part of Judaism of the first

century AD e., and in the context of which Christ lived and preached, are inferior

place for pantheism and monism, and sometimes for statements that Jesus preached

some secret knowledge (gnosis) not included in the New Testament.

3. However, Jesus is not only a religious symbol, but also a historical

personality, and the details of His life and teachings can be made with reasonable accuracy

establish from historical documents that have come down to us from ancient times (in

including the books of the New Testament). This circumstance forces

think about the true origin of the views that adherents of the New

eras attributed to Jesus, and to doubt whether these people have

there are sufficient reasons to believe that these ideas come from Him.

Is it worth talking about this seriously?

Yes, and there are two reasons for this:

first, the New Age Movement, especially the revelation of the “New Jesus”

era" has a significant impact on our society;

secondly, the revelations of the “New Age Jesus” are essentially ahistorical and often occult in nature, they differ sharply from the uniquely historical biblical creed and seriously distort the theology of Jesus and early Christian Churches

4.Among the most famous religious groups, professing worldview

New era and claiming to connect their teaching with Jesus, most fully

formulated the essence of the New Age ideas about His personality and teachings,

perhaps, Church Universal and Triumphant (hereinafter CVT). In this article we will examine the views of the CVT as a representative example of the New Age teaching about Jesus Christ. The main thesis of the article is that CVT attempts

demonstrate the historical connection between the historical Jesus and so

called "modern revelations of Jesus" insolvent .

First part of the article represents overview of history and doctrine CVT -

this will help you understand their unusual ideas.

(1) the source of information about Jesus;

teachings about (2) the personality of Jesus,

(3) His sermons and

(4) His death.

Then we will offer you criticism of the views of CVT and will pay special attention to the question of how this movement links its beliefs to the person of the historical Jesus.

In conclusion, we will draw some conclusions about the validity of CVT's claims in the light of these criticisms.

Origin and history Church Universal and Triumphant - CVT

Religious scholars believe that CVT has its roots in two occult

trends of the 19th century: "New Era" (especially its theosophical

direction) and “New Thinking”

5. The main role belonged to Theosophy.

Theosophy, in turn, arose on the basis of spiritualism in the 19th century. centuries and

formed into an independent movement after It was 1875

The Theosophical Society was created.

Spiritualists tried to substantiate - empirically

through and without connection with organized religion (i.e. historical

Christianity) - its main thesis, immortality of the soul.

Their starting point was ideas of Emmanuel Swedenborg(1688-1772). However, spiritualists

failed to create an intellectual basis capable of competing with

the growing influence of scientific rationalism (especially Darwinian theory

evolution), and by the 1870s the popularity of spiritualism began to wane.

Theosophy became a counter move by the intellectual elite of the spiritualist

movement that attempted to create such an intellectual basis.

6.Russian emigrant Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891) was in charge

ideologist and main driving force the process of transformation of spiritualism into

Theosophy. When she began attending seances at the Vermont Spiritualist Group

(on basis which later gave rise to the Theosophical Society), its level

contacts with the spiritual world grew rapidly from communication with the spirits of the deceased

relatives of group members before contacting such exotic and

cosmopolitan figures like the Kurdish Warrior and the Turbaned One


7. In addition, Blavatsky started talking about contacts no longer with

disembodied spirits of dead people, and with the mysterious ancient Brotherhood

Adepts - individuals who have developed supernatural powers

abilities through initiation into Gnostic mysteries rooted in

history of ancient civilizations, especially Egyptian. In his famous

essay " Isis Unveiled" she put forward an impressive eclectic

theory of comprehensive occult knowledge (gnosis), which in all ages and

in all civilizations had brotherhood of initiates. In Isis there was a man

depicted as an emanation descending from the Universal Divine Spirit in

matter; the doctrine of salvation set forth in this book was reduced to evolution,

returning a person to a higher spiritual level through knowledge

(gnosis) and communication with this secret brotherhood of adepts called

Ascended Masters or Mahatmas

8 .In 1879 Blavatsky moved to India, and her views soon became

in a fusion of Hindu and Buddhist philosophy with inherited theosophy

ideas of Western occultism

9. It was then that the idea was born what is the soul

evolves in an upward spiral over many lifetimes, and

the main driving force of this process is karma, the universal spiritual

cause and effect law. The teaching of the Ascended Masters was

modified accordingly to become the idea of ​​brotherhood

highly developed personalities who, through Gnostic initiation during

numerous reincarnations have reached superhuman positions and

abilities. Theosophy ranks among the Ascended Masters the great

religious leaders (including occult) known to us from the Bible and

stories: Melchizedek, Moses, Buddha, Zoroaster, Pythagoras, Jesus and the Count

de Saint-Germain. From time to time the Lords came to earth as

embodied teachers to teach people occult wisdom, and these

phenomena are explained based on the doctrine of astrological periods. All

great teachers have invariably declared the same thing; if they are visible

contradicted each other, it was only because their words were adapted to

appropriate historical and cultural environment, or because they

the true teachings were distorted. (The CVT creed portrays Jesus as one

from the Ascended Masters; He is often called the patron saint of the era of Pisces.) Created

Blavatsky's occult synthesis of Eastern and Western ideas was embodied in her

magnum opus " The Secret Doctrine" (1888), the true "bible" of theosophical

movement, which had an incomparable influence on the history of occultism.

Smaller but also Another significant contribution to the CVT creed was made by

American occult movement of the 19th century - "New Thought"" Home

The figure of this movement was the parapsychological healer Phineas Parkhurst Quimby

(1802-1866). Quimby became interested in practice mesmeric healing,

developed by the Austrian physician Franz Anton Mesmer (1733?-1815).

Mesmer noted that some patients put under hypnosis

trance-like state received physical healing. Pulling back

Mesmer's theory that these healings were performed by some secret energy,

called "animal magnetism", Quimby concluded that the mind

a person initially has a number of abilities that can be released

using hypnosis

10. Although Quimby did not found any organization, he

thoughts about the possibilities of the mind had a direct influence on Mary Baker Eddy and

Fillmore couple - founders of Christian Science (1879) and Christian

Unity Schools (1895). Within the framework of the "New Thought" were developed

specific techniques that supposedly allowed the use of creative

the potential of the mind to do good and prevent evil. « Counting the mind

crossing of spiritual and physical reality, Quimby's followers at

by means of oral declarations embodied in the physical world what the mind

considered it to be true"

11. This is where the main practice of CVT originates."decrees", T. e. verbal or mental repetition of “energy prayers” or mantras to counteract evil influences and achieve unity with God.

12.In the first half of the twentieth century several groups were created based on theosophy

overtly religious movements. One of the most notable was the movement

"Ascended Master I AM" created by Guy W. Ballard (1878-1939).

Ballard was familiar with theosophical literature and the doctrine of the Ascended Ones


13. In 1930 he took a trip to northern California,

Where there were rumors that on the slopes of Mount Shasta there is something

mystical brotherhood of the Lords. Ballard claimed that on this mountain he

Saint Germain, a prominent figure in 18th-century European occultism, appeared

(Comte de Saint-Germain)

14. Based on this event, Ballard created the doctrine

that after his incarnation in the 18th century, Saint Germain became an Ascended One

Lord and appeared on earth to begin " Seventh Golden Age

eternal Perfection I AM on earth." Ballard, his wife and son Donald

were appointed as the sole plenipotentiary representatives of Saint Germain

15."I AM Presence" which becomes the core concept of CVT, represents the individualized presence of divine life emanating from the (apparently) impersonal divine monad or "Central Sun"

16. (The term "I AM" used by Ballard and CVT, undoubtedly

borrowed from an Old Testament passage, in which God Himself talks about

To yourself[Exodus 3:14]; this is just one of many examples of use

biblical terms contrary to the context of the Bible.) In addition, Ballard added

to his teaching emphasis on civic virtues and national pride.

Throughout the 1930s this culturally adapted mixture of Theosophy and

civil religiosity has won many more followers than

ever succeeded in theosophical ideas

17. At one time, up to 7 thousand listeners gathered at Ballard’s lecture in Los Angeles

18.With the death of Guy Ballard in 1939, the Ascended Master I AM Presence movement split into several parts . Each of these newly formed groups developed its own ideas about hierarchy

Ascended Masters.

One of these groups was founded in 1958 by Mark Prophet - then it was called “Summit Lighthouse” (“Beacon on the Top”). "Prophet" claimed that he was performing mission entrusted to him from above, corresponding to the new era of truth of the Ascended Lords"

19. Heclaimed his rights to leadership , placed El Morya at the head of the hierarchy of the Ascended Masters and announced himself the only herald of his revelations.

20. After Prophet's death in 1973, his wife Elizabeth took over leadership duties. Now the organization he created is called the Church Universal and Triumphant.

Analysis of CVT's ideas about Jesus

Sources of knowledge about Jesus.

Current CVT leader Elizabeth Prophet and her

late husband Mark wrote several books.

Two of their works: “The Lost Years of Jesus” (1984) and the four-volume “Lost

teachings and sus "(The Lost Teachings of Jesus, 1986)

wider readership than others, and clearly written to prove

the connection between New Age teachings and the historical Jesus, therefore in this article

we will use them exactly.

IN In these books, the Prophets name four sources of knowledge about Jesus:

The Bible, selected works of the early Christians and Christian Gnostics,

legends about the journey of Ii Susa to India and(4) revelations of the Ascended Masters

22. At the same time, the second and third points look rather like an excuse

fourth than self-sufficient sources of information. But that's what we're talking about

Let's talk in the next part of the article.

The Prophets' Writings cite the Bible as an important source of knowledge about Jesus.

The fourth volume of The Lost Teachings of Jesus contains no less than 756 quotations from

Old Testament and 2,182 quotations from the New Testament

23 . However, CVT does not

attaches decisive importance to the information of the Bible and does not consider it infallible.

On the contrary, according to the Prophets, the Bible is missing the most important parts

teachings of Jesus Christ (esoteric, as opposed to exoteric):

...In fact, the Bible is silent about some of the most precious

facts concerning the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, the patriarchs and prophets,

and also about the core Truths necessary for the development of the soul...

24The second source of knowledge about Jesus is selected passages from the works of

works of Christian Gnostic literature:

Gospel of Thomas,

The Gospel of Philip, the so-called Secret Gospel of Mark and Pistis

Sophia. For example, in In the works of Origen we supposedly find confirmation that

what Jesus taught about reincarnation and karma

25 and the Gnostic writings supposedly confirm that Jesus preached a secret doctrine, that He remained on

earth for a few more years after His resurrection, and that He did not claim

to a unique relationship with God

26. The third source of information is legends about travel to India and some

other places of the Far East, supposedly undertaken by Jesus in his youth

(the so-called “lost years” or “years of silence”, covering the age

from 12 to 30 years old).

In 1894, Russian journalist Nikolai Notovich announced his discovery - ancient legend about the journey of Ii sus to India and Tibet, where

He allegedly studied Buddhist and Hindu scriptures. Notovich published

translation of the ancient text " Life of Saint Issa, Best of the Sons

human”, which he allegedly saw with his own eyes. The text contains

unusual teachings attributed to Ii sus. Present to the world a Tibetan manuscript

no one has ever tried the story of Jesus, but in the 20th century at least three

people independently traveled to Tibet, after

what they said in the press that they had verified the authenticity of the story

Notovich. One of these publications included a new translation of an ancient

legends about Issa. Both notorious translation inform the reader that

Jesus (Issa) left Israel at the age of 13 and went to India,

intending to become acquainted with the teachings of the Buddha. He preached the unity of all

religions and upon returning to Israel was killed - just not by instigation

Jews, but by the Romans themselves, who considered Him politically


27. We will definitely consider these statements in another part of the article.

The fourth and most important source of knowledge about Jesus for CVT is

modern revelations received from the Ascended Master himself. Books

The Prophets are replete with stories of personal revelations and conversations with the Ascended One

Lord Jesus, for example:

I remember one day in a conversation with Jesus we discussed the words “man is not

can see God and live." I said, "Jesus, I think

that this statement deprives us of all opportunities - after all, when a person

reaches a sufficient level of spiritual development to see God, he

dies". Jesus replied, “This statement is not complete.” He asked:

“Shall I give it to you?” I replied, “Yes, please.” Jesus delved into the chronicles

akash and extracted something from them that sent shivers down my spine.

chill. He said: "A man cannot see God and live

As a person"

28.Based on these modern revelations, the teachings of the CVT supposedly correct

numerous errors and omissions from the Bible.

CVT Teaching on the Person of Jesus. The doctrine of CVT is very different from

orthodox Christianity, therefore, analyzing their views on this or that

other issue it's better to start with what they don't believe in. Yes, to the question

"Who is Jesus?" First a negative answer is given: “ He is not a unique Son

God's." The orthodox doctrine of the person of Christ is unequivocal and

consistently denied:Churches have turned everything inside out. They consider Jesus Christ to be the only begotten

Son of God, not realizing that this is the matrix from which we are all created.

Christ is the Universal Reality from which we all originate

29The Christ Self is an expression of God's absolute love for all his children… IN

otherwise God would have had a favorite son, Jesus, and we, the rest of us,

would be deprived of their sovereign right to his kingdom

30.Not being the only Son of God, Jesus should not be the object


There's nothing wrong with Jesus, don't get me wrong. He is the greatest

Lord I've ever met, but he expects us all

we will play the same role... we will not living Christs, simply

worshiping Jesus...

31As CVT teaches, it is important to understand that behind the name “Jesus Christ” (they

prefer to say "Christ Jesus") is not worth the personality in which forever

two natures united, divine and human: "We love Jesus

with all our hearts, [but]… we know that between Jesus the man and Jesus

Christ makes a difference"

32. Jesus is a man whose human nature has been transformed into

Deity; Jesus realized his True Self, the individualized I AM

Presence, Light emanating from the Central Sun

33. He achieved it

unity through self-purification and application of secret knowledge throughout

many lives (one of His previous incarnations was King David)

34 ions are available to every person:

And this achievement on earth... was the goal of Jesus throughout the chain

incarnations, during which he used various aspects of the Law

initiatic Christ consciousness

35. Thus, Jesus is the great Example. He shows us how to

achieve self-improvement and gnostic initiation into the science of being

personal divinity and mastery superhuman healing forces,

which Jesus showed (“ You can become a Lord like Jesus or El

Moriah, or Saint Germain, each of you…»

36. From a transformation perspective

there was no nature in the way Jesus realized His Christ consciousness

nothing unique. Unique was the role He chose for Himself in

this particular astrological period; He was the teacher of the world, and He

was to be "as an avatar, as an example for the general

imitation throughout two thousand year old cycle of the era of Pisces to embody

land of Christ"

TsVT teaching about the message of Ii sus.

Studying the CVT’s ideas about the message of Ii sus,

again, it's better to start with what they don't believe in.

CVT rejects the orthodox Christian teaching that

Jesus showed us God in a unique way;

Jesus considered man's main problem to be sinfulness of the heart;

man is separated from God by the abyss of sin;

Jesus called Himself the Savior of mankind, who would solve the problem of human sin by offering Himself as an atoning sacrifice.

CVT claims that in fact Jesus brought two messages: one public and

intended for everyone (exoteric), and the second secret,

intended for initiates (esoteric)

38. The public message of Ii sus supposedly states that there is a holy Christ being in every person; The Kingdom of God is not outside, but within every person (Luke 17:21).

Jesus' words that the disciples should be the light of the world (Matt. 5:14),

should be understood as follows: “You are the light of the world. City [citadel of Christ consciousness],

placed on the mountain [of achievement], cannot hide" (brackets orig.)

From this, CVT concludes that through the healing of the man born blind (John 9) Jesus

revealed to people the truth about reincarnation and karma

40; and what was said about karma

also in the exoteric teaching of Paul, a disciple of Jesus and His apostle,

who expressed this spiritual law in Galatians 6:7: “What man

he who sows, he will also reap"

41. However, Jesus' real message was His

His own life example - the fact that He realized His True Self,

his Divinity, and lived in the light of this knowledge: “ Jesus came to show

example to us that every child of God has a Holy Self of Christ»

42.As CVT teaches, Jesus shared with people in personal conversations special occult

knowledge (gnosis) and taught them techniques for realizing personal Divinity.

The spirit of most people is not attuned to such teaching; That's why

Jesus spoke in parables reserving sacred knowledge for the inner circle


And he preached the word to them in many parables as long as they could

(Mark 4:33-34)

43.B The New Testament contains only hints of this secret knowledge, but he himself is there

No. This knowledge can also be called the "science of being"

44. The Apostle Paul is considered an example of a person dedicated to the risen Christ Jesus.

CVT teaching on the death of Jesus.

Does the death of Jesus have any special significance in terms of reconciling sinners with God? The CVT teaching categorically rejects this fundamental teaching of orthodoxy.

soteriology: “God does not require propitiation in the form of a human

sacrifices so that one soul undergoing crucifixion bears

to bear the burdens of another soul, which belong only to her.”

45. The CVT considers such an understanding of the death of Jesus humiliating and absurd:

They [orthodox Christians] tricked us into accepting our

idolatrous dogma about the uniqueness of the mission of Ii sus to force

us to cry and weep for His crucifixion

46. ​​In reality, the death of Jesus was rather an occult

crucifixion with the aim of changing the karma of the world. It is believed that Jesus as

Christ "shed his own Light to transform the sins of the whole world"

47. Thus, Jesus did not shed physical blood, but the glory of Christ, and this

the action had a spiritual meaning:

...Because his Body of Light, the universal Corpus Cristi, was broken into

pieces - like countless drops in a vast ocean - you can feel

The Person of Christ in His Own Being

48. For those living in the Age of Pisces, the death of Jesus, as well as His Person Christ, in

to some extent unique. And yet it does not give the final

deliverance and, at best, only contributes to salvation.

Criticism of CVT teachings about Jesus

New Testament and early Christian literature does not confirm that Jesus

preached secret knowledge.

According to Prophets and CVT, canonical

The New Testament is a distorted and incomplete version of the biography and

teachings of Ii sus. For example, the secret teaching that Jesus preached, or

accidentally, or due to malicious intent, was not included in the canonical New Testament. However

this esoteric knowledge can be recreated with the help of other available

sources at our disposal, including ancient Gnostic writings,

Tibetan myths and revelations of the Ascended Masters. The knowledge in question

speech is not just additional information that could

satisfy our curiosity or clarify some unclear points.

CVT calls it "vitally important" and "extremely edifying"

49. In other words, it is the core of the message of Jesus.

CVT bases its arguments on two assumptions:

(1) in The New Testament allegedly contains indications that Jesus preached some secret teaching;

(2) some extra-biblical evidence can be interpreted in favor of the hypothesis secret teaching that Jesus supposedly conveyed to the inner circle of His

followers. IN The Prophets found a number of details in the New Testament,

which, in their opinion, confirms that Jesus preached a secret doctrine.

For example, in the pre-Easter chapters of the Gospels there are often references to

about what Jesus taught, but the text of these teachings is missing. Here's a typical one

And Jesus went through all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching

Gospel of the Kingdom and healing every disease and every disease among people (Matt.


50. Since the Gospels do not always reproduce what Jesus said, Prophets

and CVT believe that many important teachings have been lost. But it's nothing more than

superficial assumption- primarily because it appeals to

lack of information. In addition, many biblical passages show

significant excerpts from Jesus' teachings about the "Gospel of the Kingdom" and

many other issues (eg Matthew 5-7; 13; 15:1-20; 16:1-20:17;

21:23-25:46; Mk. 4:1-33; 7:1-23; 8:31-38; 9:36-10:52; 12:1-13:37; OK.

6:17-49; 8:1-18; 9:57-10:37; 11:1-18:34; 19:11-27; 20:1-21:37; In. 3:1-12;

5:16-47; 6:26-59; 7:14-43; 8:12-59; 10:1-41; 13:7-20; 14:1-17:26).

what Jesus did in this or that situation (John 20:30-31); it would be unwise

make such demands on them. Since we don't have any specific

reasons to suspect the evangelists of concealing facts, we have every right

we can assume that they made up a representative sample for us

at least the most important exercises and key events

51. Assumption that

early Christian the community has lost or deliberately hidden the very essence of the message and sus, needs irrefutable evidence, and There is no such evidence in the books of the Prophets.

CVT also notes that the New Testament does not give any details about

Jesus' youth, the so-called "silent years" between

twelve and thirty years of age

52. Prophets support the popular New Age theory that Jesus spent these years in

India and Tibet, studying Hindu and Buddhist scriptures and practicing

getting acquainted with Eastern mystical traditions

53. It is this knowledge acquired in the East that they consider the basis of the notorious esoteric teaching of Isa and even finds biblical confirmation of this in Matthew. 24:27:

I am reminded of his [Jesus'] own timeless prophecy about

returning to Palestine after traveling through India and Tibet: “For, as

lightning comes from the east and is visible even to the west, so it will be

the coming of the Son of Man"

54. This interpretation of these words of Jesus has two serious flaws:

firstly, neither in the New Testament nor in any extra-biblical sources there is

convincing evidence that Jesus undertook such a journey (and

adopted eastern, pantheistic ideas about God);

secondly, this statement by Ii sus is part of a rather long speech on the topic

eschatology (Matt. 27:1-51 - thus, we are clearly talking about the future

the coming of Jesus “on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory” (v. 30).

As follows from the interpretation proposed by the CVT, since the Bible is silent

about the "lost years" of Jesus, our attempts to understand His life and message

are doomed to fail. But this argument is also an appeal to

lack of information and therefore unconvincing. It is clear that completeness and

the reliability of our knowledge about any section of history, including

the life of Jesus depends on the honesty of the chroniclers. However, we have no reason

suspect that such important facts of history as seventeen years

spent by Jesus in Indochina studying Hindu and Buddhist

scriptures, and His subsequent return to those professing monotheism

compatriots-Jews with the preaching of pantheistic religion, could be

expunged from the New Testament. Edgar J. Goodspeed noted that it is possible to

ten years of studying the Hebrew Bible headlong and not getting something like this

deep knowledge of this subject, such as Jesus showed. Assuming

that from the age of thirteen to thirty Jesus continually studied the writings of the East,

Where did such perfect knowledge of the Old Testament come from?

55 The public ministry of Jesus is practically the only topic discussed in

canonical Gospels, and the greatest attention is paid to the events

Holy Week - all this helps us understand what the evangelists saw

the true meaning of His life. CVT, for its part, cannot imagine

convincing evidence that those missing from the New Testament

details are important for understanding the message of Ii sus, or, more specifically,

that this missing information could support the Prophets' proposed

radical interpretation of His teachings.

Prophets quote and some other passages from the Synoptic Gospels and

epistles of Paul - in their opinion, these texts indicate that Jesus and

Paul had a kind of secret teaching intended only for the inner circle

dedicated. As an example, the Prophets are called Mk. 4:33-34 and 1 Cor.

56. Mark's text says:

And he preached the word to them in many parables as long as they could

hear. Without a parable he did not speak to them, but explained everything to his disciples in private.

(Mark 4:33-34).

On a superficial reading, this passage can indeed be interpreted as

in the sense that Jesus reserved the secret teaching for the inner circle

students, but there is a much better and simpler explanation.

A parallel passage in Luke's Gospel (8:1-15) clearly shows that

the notorious secret the teaching is fully expounded in the canonical Gospels and,

contrary to the statements of the Prophets, has nothing to do with the occult

knowledge. After listening to the parable of the sower (Luke 8:1-8; Mark 4:1-8), the disciples

asked Jesus for clarification:

His disciples asked Him: what does this parable mean? He said:

it has been given to you to know the secrets of the Kingdom of God, but to others in parables, so that they

seeing they do not see and hearing they do not understand. This is what this parable means... (Lk.


Intellectually and spiritually, Jesus' disciples were similarly incapable

understand His parable, like the entire crowd to whom He spoke this parable.

Their only difference was a stronger spiritual hunger, which prompted

the disciples stay and ask Jesus for an interpretation. Nothing (for

except for insufficient spiritual hunger), obviously did not interfere with others

listeners to stay and turn to Jesus for clarification. But what's more important

In all, the interpretation of Jesus is recorded in Luke. 8:9-15, available to any reader and

does not contain any occult knowledge.

Finally, the Prophets ignore the opinion of Jesus himself, who categorically

denied that he preached any secret doctrine. During interrogation at

Sanhedrin Jesus said:

I spoke clearly to the world; I always taught in the synagogue and in the temple, where I always

The Jews converged, and secretly said nothing. Why are you asking Me? ask

those who heard what I said to them; behold, they know what I said(John 18:20-21).

Jesus Himself refuted the speculation that He preached a secret doctrine, and about

This can be read in the canonical books of the New Testament.

The same is true with 1 Cor. 2:6-9. In this passage Paul

does mention " wisdom" which he preaches "between

perfect." But just a few verses below he explains what he has in

seemingly not intellectual, but moral maturity, which they cannot

boast of carnal babes in Christ, always quarreling and jealous

each other(1 Cor. 3:1-3). Like the notorious "secret teaching" of Jesus, the secrets

Paul is fully explained in his letters:

He who is able to establish you, according to evangelism mine and Jesus' preaching

Christ, by the revelation of the mystery, which has been kept silent from eternity,

but which is now revealed, and through the writings of the prophets, according to the commandment

eternal God, was proclaimed to all nations to subject them to faith... (Rom.


Paul's "secret" is not some elitist occult knowledge, but grace

God's in Christ, now revealed more fully. This knowledge is intended for

the widest public, and therefore is described in detail in publicly available

epistles of the apostle (see Eph. 3:4-6; 1 Tim. 3:16). Assumption about

existence of the lost teaching is erroneous and unnecessary, since they themselves

The New Testament Scriptures give a completely reasonable explanation of all the passages on

which CVT refers to.

Proving the need to supplement the New Testament Scriptures, CVT also

refers to a number of external evidences that Jesus preached today

lost secret teaching.

Prophets cite a number of passages from the patristic

works, from which, in their opinion, it follows that the resurrected Jesus continued

appear to students for almost twenty years. But careful

a study of these passages showsthat the root of the problem is misinterpretation.

For example, in the works of Irenaeus the Prophets find indications that after

resurrection Christ appeared to the disciples for another ten or twenty years - a period

“quite sufficient for the transmission of secret teachings”

57. In an excerpt from the essay “Against Heresies” (con. II century), in question, Irenaeus argues with

beliefs of the Gnostics, who apparently denied the reality of the physical

body of Jesus, and therefore tried to minimize the duration of His

earthly service. Seeking to refute views he considered dangerous


58 teaching, Irenaeus states that Jesus knew all the stages

human life - childhood, maturity and old age - so that it can be more fully

to become a representative of all humanity. It's based on words

Jews in I n. 8:57: “You are not yet fifty years old.” Irenaeus states that

Jesus' ministry, which He began at the age of thirty (Lk.

3:23), lasted not one year (as the Gnostics claimed), but much

longer. Otherwise, he writes, Jews would not have mentioned

age limit of fifty years. Admittedly, Irenaeus's reasoning

poorly reasoned, but it is still clear from them that, contrary to opinion

Profetov, says nothing about the long service of Ii sus after

Alexandrian, and supposedly indicating the existence of an internal

circle of disciples - James, John and Peter, - who were entrusted with secret

knowledge: “To James the Righteous, John and Peter the Lord after the Resurrection

conveyed the highest knowledge." However, in more reliable translations of the word "supreme"

no, but the context makes clear the meaning of the passage: “To James the Righteous, John and

The Lord passed on knowledge to Peter after the Resurrection, and they passed it on

the rest of the apostles, the rest of the apostles - seventy..."

59Once again, CVT creates a problem where a reasonable explanation lies in

surfaces. The notorious “secret knowledge” actually turns out to be

the ordinary Gospel, which was preached publicly.

Prophets also refer to the thesis, put forward by Elaine Pagels in the book

"The Gnostic Gospels". The essence of the thesis boils down to

that the New Testament canon was created artificially, and the Gnostic

accounts of the life of Jesus were unjustly excluded from it,

since the apostles did not want the political aspects of the prisoner

60. According to CVT, the Gnostic gospels prove that Jesus did not claim to be unique

relationship with God, but came to show how all people can

achieve godhood:

The Gnostic Gospel of Philip tells of a follower of Jesus,

who follows in His footsteps in everything, no longer as a Christian, but as

Christ. In the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas, Jesus says: “I am not yours.”

lord... He who drinks from my lips will become like me. Me too, I will

61. Meanwhile, CVT’s desire to use Pagel’s point of view as an argument in

benefit of the need to radically reconsider our ideas about

historical Jesus, clearly goes far beyond the limits of what is permissible,

unanimously established by New Testament scholars. Not so long ago

a group of scholars studying the Nag Hammadi manuscripts and belonging to

the most devoted connoisseurs of early Gnostic-Christian literature,

works like the Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of Philip do not put

question the basic features of the personality of Jesus as depicted in the canonical

New Testament. For example, the late James M. Robinson writes:

We can say with all certainty that the find (1945) and publication

significantly change our knowledge and ideas about historical


62.Helmut Koester from Harvard University, one of the most zealous

apologists for the early origin and importance of the Gospel of Thomas, are clearly not

intends to revise traditional ideas about the meaning of Jesus' teachings

based on Gnostic writings found at Nag Hammadi. Considering

several logias (sayings) from the Gospel of Thomas, which, in his opinion,

may turn out to be the original words of Jesus, not included in the canon, Koester

writes: “...these few, perhaps genuine, non-canonical words

Jesus adds little to our understanding of Jesus' message."

63. Other scholars are open to the idea that the Nag Hammadi manuscripts could add

our ideas about Jesus, drawn from the canonical New Testament,

in the sense of our understanding of Jesus Christ, with even greater skepticism. Bruce M.

Metzger, for example, writes:

If we take into account the dozens of gospels that have recently become available,

deeds, letters and apocalypses from the Nag Hammadi library, we are more confident

than ever before, we can say that not a single book or collection of books

the ancient Church cannot compare with the New Testament in terms of its degree

importance for the history and doctrine of Christianity. Confidence that

Our New Testament contains the best sources about the life of Jesus - the most

valuable knowledge that can be gained by studying the history of the canon

64. Regarding the more general idea that the early Church, forming

New Testament canon, did not use any objective criteria,

Metzger speaks out quite unequivocally. He says that judgment

scientists like Pagels and others who believe that the process is "random", in

as a result of which the Gnostic writings were excluded from the canon,

rely “not so much on careful historical reasoning as on

philosophical reflection"

65. Prophets consider that on the final process

formation of the New Testament canon in post-Konstantinova Churches are strong

influenced by politics, and it is argued that the very first list

The canonical books of the New Testament were compiled in 367 AD. e.

66 But this date

inaccurate, since it reflects only an official, conciliar decision, - between

those already in the 2nd century inspiration and the apostolicity of Paul's epistles and

the four Gospels were generally accepted. In The Cambridge History of the Bible (The

Cambridge History of the Bible) RobertM. Grant writes synoptic

Gospels that they “undoubtedly enjoyed wide recognition in

second century, but the competing gospels did not.”

67. Thus, Christians living in the shadow of the apostolic era already understood

that our New Testament Gospels have great historical and spiritual

value from the point of view of preservation of the message of Jesus than the Gnostic

works like the Gospel of Thomas. Speaking about the principles that

was guided by the early Church, recognizing the authenticity of the books included in

canon of the New Testament, and rejecting various Gnostic writings, on

which CVT refers to, Metzger comes to the following conclusion:

...despite purely human factors (confusio hominum),

acted in the creation, storage and collection of the books of the New Testament,

(providentia Dei)

68.And the inevitable conclusion: Prophets could not be found in the New Testament and

early Christian literature reliable confirmations their theories about what Jesus preached secret knowledge, not recorded in the New Testament.

Mythical stories and modern revelations are not trustworthy.

Although early Christian literature does not seem to provide

reasons to talk about a certain lost body of secret teachings, CVT

continues to insist that Jesus preached Gnostic secrets.

To restore this supposedly lost knowledge, they say, maybe two


(1) mythical Tibetan chronicles that tell of

young Jesus' journey to India and Tibet to study Buddhist And

Hindu scriptures, and

(2) modern revelations of the Ascended Master Jesus.

Under the cover of his book The Lost Years of Jesus Elizabeth Prophet collected

stories from four people who claim that during the visit

Buddhist monastery in the mountains of Tibet, they either heard from the monks about

ancient manuscripts telling about “St. Isse", which in ancient times

came to India from Israel, or studied them personally. The first to tell the world

about Tibetan Isse, was Russian journalist Nikolai Notovich , in 1894

wrote about his discovery in a book called “The Unknown Life of Jesus.”

Notovich claimed that while traveling in Tibet he heard stories

about the mysterious Saint Isse, which came to India from Israel in ancient times. He

decided to check what this legend is based on, and in the monastery Himis

discovered manuscripts narrating about the Saint Isse. Senior Lama of the Monastery

translator, made notes, which he later published. His book

includes a translation of the notorious story about Isse entitled "Life"

Saint Issy, the best of the sons of men"

69. Several years later Hindu by name With you Abhedananda read the book

Notovich and in 1922 allegedly went to a monastery Himis, to

verify the existence of manuscripts telling about Isse. In 1929

year Abhedananda published a report O his travel entitled

Kashmir O Tibbate. He claimed to have held ancient manuscripts in his hands, and

presented his own translation of the text included in his book

70.In 1925, a third person, the Russian artist Nicholas Roerich, reported that

I also went to a monastery Himis and became convinced of the veracity of the stories about Isse,

although he did not claim to have seen the manuscript. Roerich tells history his

meeting the legend of Isse in three books: “Altai - Himalayas”, “Heart

Asia" and "Himalayas"

71. Finally, Swedish Elisabeth Kaspari, now living in America and consisting V

state CVT, claims she visited the monastery Himis in 1939 Lamas

allegedly showed her ancient manuscripts and said: “These books say that

your Jesus was here"

72.Careful research shows that none of the four witnesses

was able to provide even a minimal amount of evidence to support his words


Firstly, we are not aware of any manuscript notorious

legends about Isse, and we have no copies, drawings or photographs that

could confirm that such a manuscript actually existed.

Secondly, in two so-called translations of the Tibetan manuscript about Isse

there are many internal contradictions that reveals them to be fake.

Third, in the stories of all four witnesses there is obvious contradictions And

inconsistencies, and this seriously undermines their credibility.

First we'll talk about testimony. Notovich. He admits that he doesn't

can present a manuscript that would confirm the authenticity of it

translation. While staying at the monastery Himis he had with him

camera. He does not directly write anywhere that he photographed the manuscript about Isse,

but casually mentions that the hired worker accidentally exposed the film with

photos taken on this trip

73. Notovich clearly understood what

huge its supposed discovery may have consequences, but not

took care to somehow confirm his discovery. It's difficult

explain. Internal contradictions in the notorious translation Notovich -

a common thing, and this fact also does not speak in his favor. The late Edgar

J. Goodspeed, New Testament scholar at the University of Chicago,

analyzes work Notovich in his book " Famous biblical

hoax" ( Famous Biblical Hoaxes). One of the most serious discrepancies

discovered Goodspeed in the certificate Notovich, is as follows:

according to Notovich, the manuscript was compiled from the words of an eyewitness of everything through

3-4 years after execution Issy, and by that time the students had allegedly already begun behind

evangelization peace. Even if we do not take into account the time that

it would take an eyewitness to return from Israel to India, this

dating contradicts New Testament chronology

74. Goodspeed also notes

what is the so called translation Notovich mistakenly applies a description to Jesus

John the Baptist (“The child grew and became strong in spirit, and was in

deserts until the day of his appearing to Israel" - Lk. 1:80). On this error and

a hypothesis has been built that Jesus was not in Israel during

proposed trip to India

75. In addition, the text Notovich shows striking similarities with his religious beliefs.

For example, it is curious that in the history of the Jew Notovich the only ones

the perpetrators of the execution of Jesus turn out to be the Romans, while the Jewish

religious leaders express full approval of His teachings and activities

76, which completely contradicts the New Testament and other sources of the 1st century. But,

perhaps the most serious argument against history Notovich put forward by prof.

J . Archibald Douglas from Agri in a magazine called "The Nineteenth Century"

(The Nineteenth Century) for June 1895 In 1895 yay Douglas visited

monastery Himis and talked about the book Notovich with senior lama. Because the

Notovich allegedly visited this monastery only eight years earlier, in 1887

year, the senior lama must have remembered him very well. According to Douglas,

Lama completely denied the story Notovich . « He firmly stated that

which essay similar to "Life" Issy“Not heard in Tibet”

77. When Douglas read the book to the lama Notovich, he exclaimed: “Lies, lies, lies, nothing but lies

78Certificate With you Abhedananda about the manuscript from the monastery Himis similar

replete with internal contradictions and inconsistencies. Although Abhedananda

claimed to have held an ancient manuscript in his hands and made his own

translation, he did not take a single photograph or make any effort,

to get a copy of it - despite the fact that such a difficult journey it is

undertaken solely to confirm the stories Notovich

79.Translation Abhedananda V some disagrees on fundamental points With

translation Notovich. For example, in the translation of the Jew Notovich Issa condemns

idolatry among Hindus and rejects Hindu

80; in the Hindu version With you Abhedananda there is not a word about this. C false

do not doubt the veracity of the stories Notovich And Abhedananda, if they

translations of the ancient document so clearly reflect their own

prejudices. Certificate Abhedanadas ends with a reference to the words

senior lama that the manuscript was compiled “after three or four

years" after "he [Jesus] left his body"

81, and this gives rise to the same chronological inconsistency.

Regarding Roerich's testimony, it is enough to simply say that he himself did not

saw the manuscript and retells the myth of the Saint Isse from other people's words. Roerich and his

wife were members of the Theosophical Society and therefore disinterested

prejudices when he spoke with astonishing disdain about

canonical Scriptures: “Hasn’t anyone else realized that this is so called

the apocrypha is essentially much more truthful than many officially

recognized documents"

82. Roerich's testimony can hardly be called weighty.

Words from the last witness, Elizabeth Kaspari, are also not very convincing.

In the monastery Himis Kaspari caught a glimpse of several books, and two lamas

told her: “These books say that your Jesus was here.”

83. No one read the books they saw to her or gave her any details. about their

content, and she could not verify the validity of the lamas’ statement.

About this story Kaspari I told it for the first time only many years ago later, becoming

full-time employee of CVT. Thus, it can hardly be considered

a disinterested witness.

Matching each with friend stories from all four witnesses, we come to

the inevitable conclusion that their value is low . Everything except Kaspari,

inform us that they have undertaken an arduous journey to Himis With the only one

the purpose of verifying the existence of the myth about Isse, but no one can

provide tangible evidence, and in evidence Notovich And

Abhedananda there are deep contradictions. It must be admitted that

existence of Tibetan manuscripts about Isse unlikely and cannot serve

the basis for revising our ideas about Jesus Christ.

CVT's unusual views of Jesus rest on three pillars:

evidence New Testament and early Christian authors that Jesus

secretly preached pantheistic monism and spoke about human ability

evolve to the divine level,

(2) mythical stories O So

called "lost years» Jesus in India, where he allegedly purchased these

beliefs, and finally

(3) on modern revelations of the Ascended Master

Jesus. However, we have already seen that the first two pillars do not deserve

trust. We have looked at the profound differences in the views of CVT and traditional

Christianity on the person, message and death of Jesus. Because two pillars

turned out to be unreliable, the only basis for the CVT's ideas about Jesus

New era remained modern revelations. How reliable is it


Besides that these modern revelations contradict scripture , There is

there are at least two more serious reasons to doubt their reliability as

sources of reliable information about Jesus:

Firstly, CVT revelations

contradict other New Age revelations purportedly from Jesus;

Secondly, many of the CVT revelations look far-fetched, and therefore even more


Here are just a few examples that support the first point.

Prophets report

us that Jesus went to India at the age of thirteen and apparently

returned to Palestine at the age of twenty-nine

84. But according to others

New Age revelations allegedly received from Jesus himself, He spent

"lost years" elsewhere. Annie Besant, very authoritative

personality who once headed the Theosophical society, assures that Jesus

spent all these years in Egypt

85. Book Urantia based on revelation

claims that before traveling to India, Jesus wandered around Mediterranean

86. J.Z. Knight says that Jesus went to the East in accompanied ii Joa Anna the Baptist

87, about which Prophets generally keep silent .

There are other discrepancies as well. Prophets call Jesus "Lord of the Age of Pisces" and

continually extol the virtues of astrology, while the Book Urantia

condemns astrology

88. How can these contradictory things be reconciled?

statements? Why should we believe CVT revelations more than others?

revelations of the New Era? It looks like us there is no reason to believe what a revelation

CVTs deserve more trust.

Revelations received by Mark and Elizabeth Prophet from the Ascended Masters, often seem completely contrived , which further undermines their credibility. Take for example the list of previous incarnations Prophetov. The history of Mark can be traced back to the Evangelist Mark, a companion of the Apostle Peter

89.Origen Alexandrian often praised in books Prophetov -

Mark considers him his embodiment

90. Elizabeth Prophet does not lag behind her husband - from the same revelation we learn that in one of her past lives she was a saint. Catherine of Siena

91. Elizabeth explains her childhood interest in Christian Science by the fact that Mary, the sister of Lazarus, who sat at the feet of Jesus, was a former incarnation of Mary Baker Eddy

92. It’s curious that all the revelations of the New Era Movement agree on only one thing - V

unanimous denial teachings of historical Christianity. Such a coincidence

cannot but surprise and alarm. Is it possible in light of these

circumstances not to suspect them of deception?


The notorious revelations of the New Age Jesus pose their adherents V

stalemate. To believe any of these revelations, a person

must understand that they are based on certain prerequisites -

the reality of the historical Jesus and His unique significance as

source of spiritual truth, hope and salvation.

But, as we found out in the process of studying the sources and essence of the CVT ideas about Jesus, these

revelations at their very core contradict what we know about Him from

reliable historical data . This problem cannot be solved by rejecting

New Testament, because we are interested in the historical personality of Jesus Christ, and

we have every reason to believe that it is Him we are talking about V New

Testament. To accept Jesus as He is described in the New Testament means

abandon Jesus CVT. To reject the New Testament is the same as

erase from history the person Jesus can be believed in. Thus,

How acceptance and rejection of the New Testament are the same destructive For

the image of Jesus created by the digital computer.

CVT Revelations Received from New Age Jesus is "Escape from


93 and escape from common sense. Escape from history because

They ignore historical data, replacing them subjective modern

experiences. Escape from common sense, because count them

reliable is possible only if you ignore this blatant


The Jesus that CVT preaches is “other”

(2 Core. 11:4), vol. e. false Jesus.

The concept " New Era" covers a wide range modern

quasi-religious groups. However, all these dissimilar groups

some identical features: monistic

idea of ​​the world; pantheistic, impersonal concept of God;

idea of ​​a person, imbued with ideas of karma and reincarnation ;

increased interest in parapsychology and paranormal phenomena

astrology and eastern mysticism. As James W. Sayre notes, Movement

new era adapts the pantheistic monism of the East to the peculiarities

cultural perception of the West, emphasizing the importance of the individual.

Eastern mystics say: “Atman is Brahman,” emphasizing on

higher metaphysical unity, while the Western New Era Movement

emphasizes the identity of the individual human mind with universal

Spirit , « Atman is Brahman "(The Universe Next Door, 2nd ed., Downers

Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 1988, pp. 166-168).

Among the modern publications, the following are of interest: A Course

in Miracles (Teachers Manual) (Tibron, CA: Foundation for Inner Peace,

1975), p. 56; J. Z. Knight, "Jesus Speaks" and "The Story of Jesus"

[ audio recordings], Vols. A #3, A #13, Copyright 1981, 1982 by J. Z. Knight,

Yelms, Washington; Benjamin Creme, The Reappearance of the Christ and

the Masters of Wisdom (Los Angeles: Tara Center, 1980), p. 14; Mark L.

and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Lost Teachings of Jesus, Vol. 1, pp.

34, 46, 111, Vol. 2, pp. 121, Vol. 3, pp. 14, 15, 55, 111, Vol. 4, p.

41; David Spangler, Revelation: The Birth of a New Age (San Francisco:

The Rainbow Bridge, 1976), pp. 16, 17, 20, 21, 46-52; The Urantia Book

(Chicago: The Urantia Foundation, 1955), pp. 1, 1341-1344. From the number

older works historically associated with the modern Movement new

era , you can note Annie Besant, Esoteric Christianity (Wheaton,

Illinois : Theosophical Publishing House, 1901, 1987), p. 87, And Levi H.

Dowling, The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ (Los Angeles: L. N. Fowler

and Co., 1907, 1930), pp. 10-11.

The New Age Movement in General and Frankly iya ii New era sus in particular

have a very strong influence on the religious beliefs of modern

society. In 1987, in the article “The Impossible: It’s Already Happening”

Catholic sociologist Andrew Greeley, National Research Council Fellow

of Public Opinion Research (NORC) at the University of Chicago, cited some

evidence that such a cultural shift is taking place. Greeley

noted that between 1973 and 1984 there was a significant increase in interest To

parapsychological and paranormal phenomena closely related to DNE. TO

for example, the number of Americans who believe in the possibility of communication With

deaths, during this period increased from 27 to 42 percent, and the survey

carried out Gallup Institute showed that almost a quarter

Americans believe in reincarnation(Noetic Sciences Review, No. 2, Spring

1987, pp. 7, 8). The sharp increase in sales of books about the New Age is also about

they say something. Fashionable autobiography of the actress Shirley McLane, wherein

she talks about her path to DNE, separated four millionth

circulation, and the total sales of books dedicated to the New Era behind last thing

decade of the 20th century grew by a thousand percent ( Lillie Wilson, « The Aging

of Aquarius", American Demographics, September 1988, p. 36).By

According to some estimates, the combined sales of the three most famous

New Age revelations - The Lost Teachings of Jesus, A Course in Miracles» and Books

Urantia- amounted to almost a million copies, with the last two books

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