A conspiracy to cure a child’s bronchi. Prayer or conspiracy for bronchitis

In this article:

No one is immune from seasonal and other diseases, which can cause a painful cough.

A spell for a strong and painful cough will help to cope with the disease only if the performer of the magical ritual and the sick person himself strongly believe in the fulfillment of what he wants.

Otherwise, magic is powerless and cannot help.

Cough spells

“The lips of the servant of God (name of the sick person) open, try to help me. Let the Holy Spirit in, cast out cough and illness. Let it be so. Amen".

These spell words need to be pronounced during the daytime. A sick person, when hearing the words “The mouth of God’s servant (name)…” should open his mouth and not close it until the end of the conspiracy. At the end of the conspiracy, the performer must cross the mouth of the sick person 3 times.

“I, the servant of God (my name), will go out, crossing myself, sprinkling myself with holy water, into an open field, onto the steppe. In that clean field, the stone lies and is silent - it does not choke, does not cough, does not get unwell, does not get sick. So the servant of God (the name of the sick person) would not cough, cough or get sick, would always be full of strength and unharmed. Amen".

This conspiracy must be carried out in the evening. A faceted glass should be placed on the table in front of the sick person, filled with holy water and a smooth white stone should be placed.

When the performer of the conspiracy says the words:

“I, servant of God (name), will go out, crossing myself, sprinkling myself with holy water...” the person speaking must be baptized and sprinkle himself with holy water. With the words: “So the servant of God (the name of the sick person) would not cough, cough or be sick, he would always be full of strength...” the performer needs to take a white stone in his left hand and beat it on the sick person’s chest (where the sick person’s cough comes from) ) “Dawn come, and take the cough from the servant of God (the name of the sick person) and take it with you, wherever you want, bury it. My word is strong, you will never cut it down. Amen".

Spells for treating coughs and sore throats

The spell for a severe cough should be carried out in the morning. To do this, you need to heat the tip of the needle red-hot and throw it into a previously prepared glass of holy water. Repeat the same action with 6 more needles. Then you should speak water with needles:

“3 sisters - you are nursing devils, twigs and wheezes - I will leave you in 6 fiery arrows.

My first arrow will definitely pierce the devils' eyes.

My second arrow will pin their legs.

My third arrow will close the wheezing mouth.

My fourth arrow will tie the hands of the evil twigs.

My fifth arrow will pierce their hearts.

And my sixth and last arrow will drive the spirit out of them.”

After these words, you need to give 6 sips of the charmed water to a sick person to drink - this must be done very carefully so as not to get hurt or swallow a needle (if the performer wants to cure his child, then it is better to give him water from a wooden spoon).

Then the performer needs to go to a separate tree, stick 6 needles into its trunk, and water its roots with the remaining water, while saying the following words:

“What was not spilled, not given, not drunk, was buried from the 3 sisters, through a log and a stump, through holy water.”

If your cough is accompanied by a sore throat, the following plot will help:

“Demyan, Kasyan, aim your bow, and shoot the arrow into deep pain. Leave the painful illness from the throat of the servant of God (full name of the sick person). Where did the pain come from, go back and forth. Let my words be strong and molding. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

These magical words must be pronounced over holy water, which should then be given to a sick person to drink or gargle with.

To quickly get rid of a severe cough, you need to read the following words:

“The toad says to my daughter on a swamp hummock: “You are croaking here, my daughter, and there the servant of God (name of the patient) is coughing heavily. I will mix the cough, tree frog and sauerkraut, and free the servant of God (the full name of the sick person) from a strong, painful cough.” Amen".

This conspiracy will help not only overcome a cough, but also restore your voice if it is lost, as well as get rid of a sore throat.

“I, servant of God (name), will arise, blessing myself, and crossing myself, I will go out from the first door to the second, from the first gate to the second. I will go out into a wide open field and stand facing the morning and evening dawn. I will pray to them, I will bow to them, two sisters: the morning dawn Ulyana and the evening dawn Maremyana. Morning dawn Ulyana and evening dawn Maremyana, take away my choking and coughing and carry them far beyond the ocean-sea. Across the sea and ocean you will be warmly received and there is something cooked and baked for you. Amen".

To regain your voice after a long cough, you need to go outside on Maundy Thursday before sunrise, go away from people and so that no one can see or hear, shout 3 times in a drawn-out voice: “Morning dawn, give me a voice, and take away the voicelessness.”

Morning charm charm

“Lord save me, servant of God (your name), God protect me. On an oak throne, in a golden crown, sits the Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, nods her head and protects me, the servant of God (her name), from coughs and colds. Amen".

Conspiracies for chronic bronchitis

If you feel like you're always catching a cold and you need to stay in shape, then do the following.

Rub the candles with eucalyptus oil (from bottom to top). Light a red candle and quietly say: I call on the power of God from the depths of the Universe! My body will be filled with your strength, there will be no room for infection in it! Drive out, Lord, in your name, colds and bronchitis from my body!

Light an orange candle and say: I call upon the power from the depths of the Universe! Great rune, fill my body with vitality so that I recover from colds and bronchitis and do not receive any complications! Let it be so!

Take the red candle in your left hand and the orange one in your right. While squatting, move them around your chest (counterclockwise) for 15 minutes. Then leave the candles to burn out.

Every morning, preferably for three moons in a row, recite this spell over fresh water and take it on an empty stomach.

Just as the water is clean and fast in the Jordan River, so you are clean and tasty! Water is water, sister to the earth! You are for drinking and washing, you are also for rinsing illnesses and brushing! So wash away from me, the servant of God (your full name), all the ailments and touches, slander and slander! In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Let it be so! Amen! Amen! Amen!

In the evening, take 100 g of immortelle flowers, St. John's wort, chamomile, birch buds, strawberry and wild strawberry leaves. Grind all this thoroughly and pour boiling water at the rate of 1 tablespoon per glass of water. Let the mixture sit for 20 minutes. Strain and read the plot:

I am on my knees before the icon, praying to the Lord God for my healing. Illness and wound are not good for the body, human envy is not the business! Illness and misfortune, pass by, the groan is not mine! Bitter tears are not for my eyes, grief is not for my shoulders! Blood is not to the flesh, Lord God, forgive and save! Amen! Amen! Amen! Drink this mixture before bed, adding 1 teaspoon of linden honey.

Before you go to bed, place a nickel under your pillow. And then, between sunrise and noon, throw it at the intersection closest to your house and say: Paid! Return back and remain silent until sunset on the same day. Stolen nickels are more effective.

This plot is read on the waning moon after the sun sets on goose fat:

An old monk walked, holding a staff in his hand, in a hurry, tired, and began to feel out of breath. The staff fell to the ground and the monk stopped choking. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever, and forever and ever. Let it be so! Amen! Amen! Amen! Mix a teaspoon of enchanted goose fat with one or two drops of juniper or fir oil, rub your chest and back thoroughly. Afterwards, wrap yourself warmly and repeat the above plot three times or a multiple of three.

The same ointment can also be used for cracked heels, but instead of juniper oil, sea buckthorn oil should be added. Add essential oil to the ointment immediately before use.

In the evening of the same day, place pine cones (9 pieces) together with rose petals from 21 flowers in a clay pot, sprinkle with your urine. At midnight, take the pot to the crossroads of the country roads. Place it in the center, kneel down and say three times, turning inside the pot, your wish for recovery. After this, turn the pot upside down and leave. After seven days, you must return to this place and stick a hare bone into the ground. If it's on your way. If you happen to see a dead bird or animal, you should say: Bird in the sea, take your grief. This way you will secure your path.

Conspiracies for diseases of the nasopharynx and hearing impairment

Cases of bronchitis in children are very common today. That is why, for a complete recovery, you should take not only medications, but also use proven folk remedies - for example, a spell for bronchitis. Cough with this disease is characterized by a morning manifestation. It is worth remembering that conspiracies for bronchitis in children should be used as a supplement to treatment prescribed by your doctor.

If conventional medications are powerless to combat bronchitis in children, then folk methods with spells will help

It is known that conspiracies work well with traditional medicine, enhancing the effect of treatment for bronchitis. Let's look at the most effective traditional medicine:

  • Radish potion. We take radish, preferably a black root vegetable, its effect is greater. Three of it and squeeze out the juice from the resulting slurry. Take ten dessert spoons of honey and mix with the resulting radish juice. We hide the potion in a dark place and use it morning and evening before meals, casting a spell. This method will help get rid of cough.
  • Pork lard product. The method is quite specific, but effective, capable of relieving coughing attacks. The lard should be melted on the stove, then mixed with turpentine in the amount of one teaspoon per glass of melted lard. After the procedure has been completed, you should whisper a spell against bronchitis and drink the entire mixture before it has time to cool.
  • Garlic infusion. Take the radish root and chop it, adding it to the already chopped onion and garlic. Add milk to the resulting mixture and cook until half cooked, adding a spoonful of mint juice and honey, mix and bring until ready. The infusion should be cooled and, while reading the plot, take a spoonful every hour. It has been noticed that with this inflammation, the infusion helps effectively and quickly.
  • Egg treatment. Everyone has known about the eggnog drink since childhood, but few people know that it can help you get rid of this disease. Every morning before meals, you should beat egg yolks with sugar, casting spells against bronchitis.

It is worth noting that before self-medicating, you must consult a doctor and get his recommendations after diagnosing your health condition.
Folk methods with spells will help you recover when conventional medicines are powerless.

During the conspiracy, the patient must open his mouth slightly

The spell for the mouth should be practiced during the day. It is advised to carry out the ritual with an assistant; the patient should open his mouth slightly during the entire process. If you are performing a ritual with the help of an assistant, then he should stand in front of a patient with bronchitis and say the text of the conspiracy:

“On your lips, servant of God (name), there is a certain ailment that needs to be turned away from you. We will be there, your family, to help you cope with the disease. The Holy Spirit comes to you, let it come, we are waiting for it. Cough, fever, runny nose go away from your body, good health is restored. The Holy Father will help us. May everything come true. Amen".

After the incantation is pronounced, a patient with bronchitis should close his mouth and be baptized three times. This ritual should be done in case of severe coughing attacks.

Conspiracy on the lips

You should entrust his plot to your assistant. We carry out the readable plot against bronchitis in the daytime. We read a conspiracy over a sick person:

“On the lips of God’s servant (person’s name) everything is revealed, we try to help everyone. The Holy Spirit comes in on its own, we let it in ourselves. The whole cough, all the pus is expelled from the body, and the health of the other is only added. Holy Father, Son to help. It will only be the way it was said, my ritual works. Amen".

Before reading the text, the patient must open his mouth slightly. After reading, ask to cross yourself three times.

To cast a needle spell, you need to use a new needle

The needle spell sounds scary, but the ritual with needles is considered the most effective possible existing measure.
For the ritual you need to buy six sewing needles. For the ritual we use new needles to conduct such an effective session. The ritual also needs to be done early. For this action, you will also need blessed water, which should be prepared in advance. We take the first needle and hold it over the fire to make it red hot, and then immediately lower it into the water. We repeat this action with the remaining needles, leaving them at the bottom of the glass. All signs of illness will no longer bother you, the first needle will fall to the bottom of the glass and everything will begin to go away.
We take a glass with needles and read:

“My first arrow will definitely pierce the devils’ eyes. 3 sisters - you are breast-featured devils, twigworts and wheezes - I will leave you through 6 fiery arrows. My second arrow will pin their legs. My third arrow will close the wheezing mouth. My fourth arrow will tie the hands of the evil twigs. My fifth arrow will pierce their hearts. And my sixth and last arrow will drive the spirit out of them.”

After reading the text, a patient with bronchitis should drink exactly seven small sips from a glass with needles carefully, avoiding contact with them. All the needles then need to be collected in one bag and taken outside. We look for a young bush near your yard and stick needles into it. Carefully bring a glass of enchanted water to the same tree and pour out the water with the words:

“Three sisters, three devils are buried here. There are no more of them in others. As has been said, it will be so, but it cannot be any other way.”

This ritual, which helps in the treatment of bronchitis, will be your salvation in difficult situations.

Holy water spell

Holy water must be collected from the temple

According to the lunar calendar, during the waning moon, we go to the temple and fill a glass with holy water. Read the spell for this glass:

“I, the servant of God (my name), will go out, crossing myself, sprinkling myself with holy water, into an open field, onto the steppe. In that clean field, the stone lies and is silent - it does not choke, does not cough, does not get unwell, does not get sick. So the servant of God (the name of the sick person) would not cough, cough or get sick, would always be full of strength and unharmed. Amen".

We take a glass of enchanted water to the patient and give him to drink. It is believed that it is better not to talk about the ritual even to a sick person; then the disease will go away faster and will not return.
All these effective conspiracies can be read by both adults and children with bronchitis. But it is always worth remembering the principle of reasonableness, and before using conspiracies, you should consult your doctor and use them only as an addition to treatment for bronchitis.

Elijah the Prophet gallops across the sky in a golden chariot, blows a golden trumpet, but all living things are silent, and the servant of God (name)’s cough subsides, and does not interfere with listening to the golden trumpet. Amen.

Every morning, pour tap water into a simple cup, baptize three times with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,” slander and drink on an empty stomach to someone who is sick with tracheitis.

Conspiracy for bronchitis

On the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan, there is an oak tree, on that oak tree there is a golden branch, on that branch a black raven sits. That raven does not cough, does not puff, does not know sorrow. So let the servant of God (name) not cough, not fart, and not know sorrow. Amen.

Every morning, pour tap water into a simple cup, baptize three times with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,” speak and drink on an empty stomach to someone who is sick with bronchitis.

Conspiracy against tuberculosis

Consumption, consumption, consumption, go away from the servant of God (name), get unstuck, go down into the damp earth, so that no one knows you, does not know. Amen.

Every morning, pour tap water into a simple cup, baptize three times with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,” speak and drink on an empty stomach to someone who is sick with tuberculosis.

Asthma spell

On the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan, Jesus Christ himself digs a hole, buries the butt of the servant of God (name), so that the butt does not come to the horseman, nor to the foot, nor to the brownie, nor to the goblin, but from the servant of God (name) He ran seven miles and disappeared into the ground himself. Amen.

As soon as you feel an asthmatic attack approaching, immediately pour tap water into a glass, cross yourself three times with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,” say and drink.

Pneumonia conspiracy

Just as in the upper room of God there are no groans, no sighs, no misfortune, no sadness, so even in the lungs of God’s servant (name) there is no rot, no crap, no blood. No light. Amen.

Every morning, pour water from the tap into a simple cup, baptize three times with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,” slander and drink on an empty stomach to someone who has pneumonia.

Plot for an abscess in the lungs

Just as in the sea-ocean fire does not burn, does not burn, does not burn anyone, so let it not burn, does not burn, does not burn the lungs of the servant of God (name). Amen.

Every morning, pour tap water into a simple cup, baptize three times with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,” slander and drink on an empty stomach to someone who has an abscess in the lungs.

Pleurisy spell

On the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan, a birch grows, and that birch has golden bark, that bark does not tear, does not shrink, does not get sick, does not turn black. So let the pleura of the lungs of the servant of God not tear, not shrink, not get sick, and not turn black. Amen.

If you have pleurisy, then you need to drink a glass of water every morning, over which you need to read “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,” and then say it.

In case of a sudden attack of suffocation

Little noose, go outside the gate, find someone there, but not the soul of the servant of God (name), don’t grab him, quickly let him go. Amen.

During an attack of choking, pour tap water into a simple cup, cross yourself three times with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,” speak and immediately drink in small sips, crossing yourself after each sip.

After surgery on the respiratory system.

The wind carried away, the rain washed away, and the snow covered all the illnesses of the servant of God (name). What is washed away by the rain is forgotten. Amen.

If you have undergone surgery on the respiratory system, you need to pour tap water into a glass every morning, say “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” three times, then recite this spell and drink in small sips.

Bath plot for respiratory diseases

Attention! If you have respiratory diseases, you can go to the bathhouse only after recovery or during a period of remission!

In this case, it is best for you to prepare a birch or oak broom. While steaming the broom, say into the water:

Just as birch leaves and oak leaves come to life and straighten out in the warmth, so let my lungs (bronchial tubes) come to life and straighten out. Amen.

When you are steaming, say the following spell:

An oak broom, a birch broom, you drive out all the illness, dryness, aches from the body of God’s servant (name). Amen.

After you have steamed, pour cold water over yourself and say:

Wash away, water-sister, from the servant of God (name) all the illnesses and sorrows, to the blessed master Father Antipka and the blessed hostess Mother Anfisa for joy, and to the servant of God (name) for good health. Amen.

When leaving the bathhouse, be sure to thank the bathhouse owners for their hospitality and help.

Every person has suffered from a cold at least once in their life. Flu, sore throat, bronchitis - these names of diseases are familiar to everyone. An active lifestyle and constant busyness at work do not allow the disease to be completely cured. When a person was able to lower their body temperature, this does not mean that all the bacteria of the disease have gone away. In this case, a cough and runny nose always remain. If the remnants of the disease are not treated in time, bronchitis will develop into asthma. Therefore, for a complete recovery, you can not only take pills, but also carry out a conspiracy against bronchitis.

Also, conspiracies for the treatment of bronchitis work faster and better if they are carried out simultaneously with taking medications and herbal decoctions. In this case, the magic will intensify its work and the result can be seen in just a few days.

Spell for the mouth

“On your lips, servant of God (name), there is a certain ailment that needs to be turned away from you. We will be there, your family, to help you cope with the disease. The Holy Spirit comes to you, let it come, we are waiting for it. Cough, fever, runny nose disappear from your body, and good health is restored. The Holy Father will help us. Let everything be fulfilled Amen."

This is the text that the patient needs to read, but at the very beginning he must open his mouth and stand there until the ritual is completed. Then the patient with bronchitis is baptized three times. This plot helps a lot with severe coughs and bronchitis; you will get relief within 24 hours.

Ritual using a needle

To carry out such a ritual, you need to purchase new needles - seven pieces. It also needs to be done early in the morning. You need to prepare a glass of holy water in advance, and then heat the needle until red and throw it into the water. The remaining seven needles are made in the same way. Next they recite the following text over the holy water and needles:

“Three sons, three daughters, all relatives of a bad man. They constantly cough and wheeze, everything hurts and their body aches. We will now send them home for treatment. On their way they will meet seven hot arrows, and they will run to their home, and we will no longer be disturbed. The first needle will get into their eyes so that the asthma will leave me. The second needle will go into your legs. The third will shut their mouth. The fourth needle will prick your hand. The fifth arrow will penetrate their body. The sixth will reach the heart, and the seventh will drive away their spirit. Bronchial asthma, go away. My words are strong and strong, so let it be so.”

When the ritual is completely completed, the patient must drink the enchanted water, exactly seven sips. But be careful not to get hurt by the needles. Next, you need to go to a tree that grows near your house and poke all the needles into it, and water the roots with the remaining water and say the following words:

“Three sons and three daughters are buried in this place, they are gone forever. As all the words are spoken, so let everything be fulfilled. It shouldn’t be any other way.”

Conspiracy against illness using holy water

This spell for coughing with bronchitis should be done on the waning moon, namely on this day you should go to church and take holy water there. Then you need to read special words right on the street near the church. The text goes like this:

“The frog’s daughter was telling a story to her green mother. Speak, speak, my dear, but the servant of God (name) is suffering from a strong cough. I beg you to save me, to help me clear up my cough. Take away my illness, you’re a frog - you’re not afraid, but I can’t get sick. The cough is bad, it prevents me from sleeping and working normally. As much as I can, I ask, as soon as you take it, I will thank you and say thank you. My strong words are locked with a key.”

A glass of charmed water must be brought home and not spilled. Then it is given to the person who is sick to drink in small sips. It is not necessary to talk about the ritual itself, since the patient may refuse to take water. Also, if we don’t talk about performing the ritual, it will work even faster and better.

Ritual for severe colds for children

Just like for an adult, you can also use a spell for a child for a severe cough and bronchitis. If a person is sick with bronchitis, he can perform the ritual on his own, but if it is a child, then the plot is read by the mother or grandmother. Magic rituals for a child should not harm him or greatly frighten him. Therefore, mothers need to be careful during the ritual.

  1. You should not call spirits in front of your child or practice black magic.
  2. It is also forbidden to use drugs for a child, and if you still decide to prepare a decoction of herbs, make sure that it tastes and smells pleasant.
  3. There is a very simple and convenient way to cure a child; honey is used for this.

They put honey in a spoon, chant it and then give it to the child to drink along with water.


Rituals for the treatment of bronchitis can be performed by anyone who really wants to be cured. When conventional medicines no longer work, many turn to magic, since if the cough is not completely eliminated, it can develop into bronchial asthma. Therefore, it is better not to joke with your health, but to try treatment using magic.

The main thing is to believe in the conspiracies that you read, and they will definitely show the desired result. They will not cause harm to a person, but it’s worth a try, since perhaps this option will save your throat and bronchi. Treat yourself, your family and friends.