Medicinal reference book geotar. Furacilin - instructions for use Furacilin tablets instructions for use for children

Latin name: Furacilin
ATX code: D08AF01
Active substance: Nitrofural
Manufacturer: Tatkhimfarmpreparaty, Russia
Pharmacy leave condition: Without recipe

Furacilin is one of the antiprotozoal drugs with antibacterial properties, can be applied topically and topically.

Indications for use Furatsilina

Not everyone knows exactly how Furacilin is used, what helps. An available antibacterial agent can be prescribed for both adults and children. Each of the forms of the drug Furacilin is very convenient to use. It is recommended to use drugs externally in such cases:

  • Wound surfaces with suppuration
  • bedsores
  • Minor damage to the skin
  • Frostbite and burns of varying severity.

Local use of the drug is indicated for:

  • Acute tonsillitis
  • stomatitis
  • Blepharitis
  • gingivitis
  • Inflammatory process in the middle ear
  • Osteomyelitis
  • Infectious diseases of the urinary tract
  • conjunctivitis
  • Empyema of the pleura and paranasal sinuses.

Composition of Furacilin

Furacilin tablets contain 20 mg of the main active ingredient, represented by nitrofural, as well as 0.8 mg of another substance, which is sodium chloride.

Furacilin effervescent (Avexima) includes 20 mg of the main active ingredient. Additionally present:

  • Sodium carbonate and bicarbonate
  • Wine acid
  • macrogol
  • Sodium chloride.

The basis of the aqueous solution of Furacilin is nitrofural and saline in a ratio of 1:5000.

The alcohol solution of Furacilin, in addition to nitrofural, contains 70% ethanol, the proportions of these components are 1:1500.

The ointment consists of 0.002 g of nitrofural, as well as white paraffin.

Therapeutic properties of Furacilin

The active substance of this drug exhibits a pronounced antimicrobial effect.

Compared to other pharmaceutical drugs, it is characterized by a completely different principle of action. In contact with mucous membranes, the formation of highly reactive amino derivatives is observed, which lead to conformational changes within the proteins of pathogenic molecules. This results in the death of microbes.

Furacilin is active against gram-positive and gram-negative flora, including streptococci, salmonella, staphylococci, shigella.

The development of resistance to such a substance as nitrofural is slow, and generally does not reach maximum values. Along with this, the drug increases the activity of the reticuloendothelial system, and also enhances phagocytosis.

Release form

Price per tablet: from 60 to 110 rubles.

Tablets for the manufacture of a solution - Furacilin Avexima with a dosage of 20 mg are produced in packages. Each of them has 10 or 20 tab. (1 or 2 blisters) Furacelin Avexima, instructions.

Tablets intended for local use and oral administration with a dosage of 100 mg are available in packs of 12, 24 and 30 pcs.

The ointment, which is applied topically and externally, is packaged in jars, the volume of which is 25 g.

Furacilin solution 0.02% is produced in 100 ml glass bottles.

A solution of 0.067% is sold in bottles of 10 mg or 25 ml.

Furacilin tablets: instructions for use

The price of the ointment: from 35 to 82 rubles.

Not everyone knows how to use Furacilin, which helps. Along with this, information about whether it is possible to gargle with Furacilin is not at all known to everyone.

Of course, you can prepare a solution of Furacilin, as well as apply it to the throat (for rinsing) and treating damaged skin.

How to dilute Furacilin tablets

It is worth noting that Furacilin with angina is very effective, as it quickly eliminates the inflammatory process. Before you prepare a solution of Furacilin, you will need to grind one antibacterial tablet with a dosage of 20 mg. This powder must be poured with 100 ml of boiled water only. To increase the therapeutic effect of the ongoing treatment, add 2 teaspoons of a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution to the cooled solution. Rinsing with Furacilin for angina should be carried out at regular intervals of 4-6 p. throughout the day. The prepared solution of Furacilin for gargling can be used for a long time, it retains its antibacterial properties.

It must be remembered: Before diluting the antimicrobial tablet, you will first need to boil water, unboiled water is not used for this purpose.

Features of the use of Furacilin

Solution price: from 29 to 105 rubles.

In the treatment of acute bacterial dysentery, you should drink tablets four times a day, 1 tab. (best after meals) for 5-6 days. After a four-day break, you can start taking the medicine again.

A solution of Furacilin from tablets can be used to carry out the rinsing procedure for babies, it is recommended to carry it out under the strict supervision of an adult. Gargling with Furacilin for angina can be alternated with the procedure for irrigating the oral cavity with therapeutic aerosols (spray with anti-inflammatory action).

Furacilin for gargling can be used for a long time, you need to be treated until the observed symptoms disappear completely. Information on how to dilute Furacilin tablets, as well as how to make a solution from Furacilin Avexima correctly, should be provided by your doctor.

Furacilin solution for gargling can also be used for other purposes:

  • With osteomyelitis in the postoperative period (it is necessary to apply a bandage)
  • During the washing of the nasal sinuses, as well as the organs of the urinary system (an exposure lasting 20 minutes is carried out)
  • After the procedure for removing purulent contents in case of pleural empyema.

Use of alcohol, aqueous solution

This dosage form is indicated for the treatment of various types of otitis media. The solution is instilled into the ear canal (5-6 drops) after preliminary warming up in the palms. Such procedures should be carried out every day until complete recovery.
It is also recommended for adults with children to wash the mucous membrane of the conjunctival sac with an aqueous antibacterial solution.
External use for irrigation of wound surfaces can be carried out with both an aqueous and alcoholic antibacterial solution of Furacilin.

Ointment Furacilin: instructions for use

The use of ointment is recommended for the treatment of burns, as well as frostbite of varying severity, as well as wound surfaces. Applications can be applied to both adults and children. Duration of application - up to 3 days.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The use of this antibacterial agent is allowed for this group of patients.


You should not use an antibacterial agent in the following cases:

  • Tendency to bleed
  • The presence of allergic dermatoses
  • Excessive susceptibility to nitrofural.

Precautionary measures

It should be borne in mind that during the use of the drug, allergic reactions caused by sensitivity to the main component of the drug may develop.

Side effects

With prolonged use of the drug, inflammation of the skin, hyperemia can be observed. This is the main indication for the completion of ongoing therapy.

When taken orally, reactions from the gastrointestinal tract, allergies, dizziness can be diagnosed.


There is an increase in the observed adverse symptoms.

Storage conditions and shelf life

It is recommended to store each of the dosage forms of Furacilin at a temperature not exceeding 25 C. The shelf life of antibacterial tablets for external use is 5 years, oral tablets - 4 years, antibacterial ointment with an alcohol-based solution - 2 years.


Olainfarm, Latvia

Price from 116 to 367 rubles.

Furagin is a drug that has an antimicrobial effect. It should be used to eliminate the inflammatory process in the complex treatment of infectious diseases of the urinary system. The active substance of these tablets is furazidin.


  • Shows a wide range of antimicrobial activity
  • High efficiency
  • Used in pediatrics.


  • Contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation
  • May cause angioedema
  • Released by prescription.

In some diseases, it is necessary to use medicines not only for internal, but also for external purposes. For various problems with the throat, in particular, with, an excellent way to speed up recovery and alleviate the patient's condition is to use a drug called Furacilin.

This long-known and widely used external remedy consists of nitrofural (nitrofurazone) with additional additives of other beneficial substances. The drug prevents the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, thereby reducing their number and not allowing the disease to intensify, dissolves their protein coats and destroys the infection.

It is active against numerous pathogens, including a variety of bacteria, mainly staphylococci and streptococci, E. coli, dysentery pathogen, salmonella, clostridia (causative agents of botulism, tetanus and gas gangrene).

It is used to rinse the mouth and throat, helps to cope with diseases of the eyes and ears, heals wounds, cuts, scratches, burns and suppuration.

They can wash damage or make from the drug and lotion. Inside furatsilin is not used. This medicine is an adjuvant in the treatment of many diseases.

The product is available in the form used for the preparation of an aqueous solution, and a finished liquid alcohol preparation. 1 tablet contains 20 mg of nitrofural, it is convenient to use them for preparing a fresh solution, since it cannot be stored for more than a day. Tablets dissolve in hot water. For 200 ml of water or saline heated to 80 degrees, you need to take 2 tablets and mix them thoroughly until completely dissolved.

Indication for use

Furacilin - a drug for external use

Furacilin, indications for the use of which include only external use, has proven itself well in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • Scratches and superficial wounds - rinsing to speed up healing.
  • Purulent wounds, bedsores, ulcers - irrigation, washing and dressings, compresses.
  • Burns (second and third degree) - irrigation and compresses, lotions.
  • Osteomyelitis - treatment after surgery.
  • Blepharitis and conjunctivitis - treatment of the edge of the eyelids and eye rinsing.
  • - washing.
  • Gingivitis, stomatitis - mouthwash.
  • - irrigation of the tonsils and gargling.
  • Purulent pleurisy - the introduction of furatsilina after removal of pus.

It is used as part of the complex therapy of the disease as an additional, auxiliary agent and cannot replace the main treatment and the appointment of other drugs. An exception can only be washing small wounds with a remedy in order to prevent the ingress and development of infection. If suppuration and inflammation are already present, treatment should include several specialized remedies.

Dosage, application and preparation of the solution

Furacilin solution - method of preparation and use

Features of the use of Furacilin:

  • For angina, an aqueous solution of furatsilin is usually used. In acute conditions, it is recommended to rinse every half an hour until the patient feels relief.
  • Purulent wounds and burns are usually treated with an isotonic (saline) solution of the drug. This tool is used both for washing wounds and for applying lotions, as well as for baths.
  • If furacilin is administered into the body cavity, for example, in the treatment of pleurisy, then the solution can be exclusively water-based.
  • This tool has also proven itself as a preparation for the treatment of sutures after surgical intervention. For this purpose, the seam itself is washed with a solution, and then a compress is applied for it for up to 5 minutes.
  • In skin grafting, wet dressings can be used to prepare surfaces for the subsequent procedure and to improve tissue engraftment.

The standard is a 0.02% solution of the drug, that is, it requires the dissolution of 1 tablet in 100 g of liquid. More concentrated solutions are not recommended.

In most cases, Furacilin, the indications for which are extremely wide, is very well tolerated and does not have any side effects. However, with high sensitivity of the skin and mucous membranes, irritation, dryness and redness may occur. To avoid this, it is recommended to test for an allergic reaction before use. For her, a drop of the solution is applied to the skin of the fold of the arm and left for 5 minutes. If during this time there is no swelling, itching or redness, furatsilin can be used for treatment.

Today, the drug market is full of pharmacological agents of various forms and compositions. A special place among medicines is occupied by antimicrobial, antiseptic drugs, since the need for them is always great. Products in this group are used to treat a wide variety of diseases. Among these funds, it is necessary to note a simple in composition and properties, but at the same time a popular and effective drug furatsilin, which is sold on the drug market in a number of forms.

The composition and properties of the drug

The composition of all forms of preparations "Furacilin" has a common feature - the main active component of these drugs is called furatsilin. Also, depending on the form of the drug, excipients may be present in its composition, such as petroleum jelly in an ointment or alcohol in an infusion. These substances will enhance the effect of the main component, as well as give the drug the desired consistency and properties.

Furatsilin itself has a general antimicrobial effect, while the principle of action of the described drug differs from classical agents, which makes it possible to implement more effective therapy and prevention. The active substance acts directly on amino acid structures, disrupting protein synthesis in bacterial cells, which leads to their inhibition and the inability to multiply.

When characterizing the active ingredient, it should be noted that furatsilin, although included in the class of antimicrobial substances, is not an antibiotic. The specificity of this drug lies in the fact that the adaptation of pathogenic microorganisms to the substance is much slower than with antibiotic exposure. In this regard, the described remedy is used during prolonged therapy, more often as an auxiliary medicine.

Furacilin allows you to fight against most known gram-positive and negative bacteria, which include streptococci, salmonella, staphylococci, etc.

Release form Furacilin

As already mentioned, Furacilin is available in different forms, despite the fact that in all medicines furacilin is the active substance. Also, it should be noted that the described pharmacological product can be used as a topical preparation, which is applied externally, as well as taken orally, which is required for the implementation of the treatment process.

Thus, the drug in question can be implemented in the following forms:

solution with a 0.02 percent concentration, which is used as an external drug, produced in the amount of 200 and 400 milligrams; tablets, consisting of furacilin, which accounts for 0.02 grams, and sodium chloride. Tablets are used to obtain a solution for the purpose of local external treatment; ointment two percent, sold in tubes of 25 grams; paste, intended for outdoor use, which is produced in a kilogram volume; alcohol solution volume of 10 and 25 milliliters.

What is Furacilin used for: indications for use

As part of this article, it has already been mentioned that Furacilin is a unique drug that can be used to implement effective treatment for a large number of diseases. Within the framework of the paragraph described, it should be noted that the medicine is taken both inside and used as a local antiseptic. Thus, it is necessary to highlight a number of problems that would be an indication for the use of the drug in question.

The described product can be used for sore throat, rhinitis, and also for stomatitis, since the substance in question does not have a negative effect on the mucous membranes, but, on the contrary, implements effective disinfection. For this reason, furatsilin is the number one remedy for a runny nose and sore throat. This drug is also indicated for the treatment of more complex infectious diseases, such as sinusitis, acute tonsillitis, genitourinary infections, including cystitis. The medicine also helps with eye infections (conjunctivitis), intestinal infectious diseases, pathogenic conditions due to poisoning and infection of the body with bacteria.

It should not be forgotten that that Furacilin is primarily a local agent, which allows for the disinfection of wounds, abrasions and scratches. Suppuration and bedsores are also indications for treatment with a specific drug. The agent is also treated with damaged skin areas due to frostbite and burns of the 2nd and 3rd degree of severity.

Instructions for use of the drug Furacilin

Furacilin as a therapeutic agent is a popular product with a fairly simple composition and a pronounced therapeutic, disinfecting effect. It should be borne in mind that for medical procedures, the product is diluted and used for each specific ailment in different ways. So, for example, many do not know how to dilute furatsilin correctly, as a result of which the productivity of medical procedures suffers.

It should be recalled that the described medication can be used as a solution for washing, rinsing, and even for inhalation with a nebulizer. The main methods of carrying out therapeutic measures using the drug solution are discussed in more detail below.

How to prepare a nasal wash solution

The question of whether it is possible to rinse the nose with furatsilin worries many, and therefore it is time to give a completely unambiguous answer to it: yes, it is possible, but to calm down it is better to consult a specialist. For washing the nose, the solution is prepared according to the same principle as for gargling: dissolve one crushed tablet with a glass of water, cool and proceed with the procedure.

Further, the event is carried out according to the classical concept: the resulting furatsilin solution is drawn into a syringe without a large volume needle, after which it is injected under pressure into one of the nostrils. At this point, the patient should speak aloud "cuckoo" so that the composition does not get into the throat, while the liquid will come out of the other nostril. Thus, both nostrils are washed several times in one session.

How to dilute gargle tablets

There is nothing complicated in preparing a gargle for the throat, since this procedure will require only boiled water and Furacilin Avexima in tablet form. First of all, you need to crush one tablet, placing it between two spoons and crushing. In this form, the drug will dissolve much faster and more efficiently. Next, the resulting powder must be poured with hot, but not boiling water, after which the effervescent composition must be thoroughly mixed so that the rinse solution becomes completely homogeneous and does not contain crumbs.

Eye wash

Also, doctors often recommend using furacilin solution as an eye wash. Moreover, this drug can be used to care for the eyes of a newborn child, since it is completely harmless.

For the eyes, the solution also has a classic recipe: one crushed tablet in a glass of hot water. The cooled liquid is drawn into a syringe without a needle, after which, under a slight pressure, the medicine is poured into the mucous membrane of the eye. For those who cannot use a syringe, it is recommended to soak a cotton pad in the solution and walk it from the outer to the inner buzz of the eye.

How to use for sweaty feet

As you know, the cause of the unpleasant smell coming from the feet is bacteria that actively multiply in shoes due to excessive sweating and improper shoe care. In order to get rid of the problem, you will need to do foot baths for some time. To prepare them, you will need to dilute 2 tablets of furacilin in two liters of warm boiled water, after which you need to place your feet in the solution for 10 minutes. As part of this procedure, there is one feature: the feet cannot be wiped with a towel, they must be allowed to dry on their own.

Douches and baths in gynecology

As part of home douching, you can use either soda solution or furacilin solution. It is prepared from taking into account one teaspoon of soda or one tablet of furacilin per glass of warm water. To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, first douching is carried out using furacilin, and then with the help of chamomile (a tablespoon of herbs in a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes).

Treatment of pain in the gums and teeth

Rinsing the mouth with furatsilin solution helps to prevent caries and destroy pathogenic bacteria that accumulate in the mouth during the day.

It is necessary to rinse several times a day, when there is an opportunity for this, replacing the rinse aid with the described solution. To prepare it, you need to dissolve the furacilin tablet in a glass of water, after which the product is ready for use.

Use for acne

To care for problem skin, you should prepare a regenerating lotion for rubbing your face in the morning. To create a solution, you need to crush a tablet of furacilin and pour it with half a glass of water. A cotton pad is soaked in the resulting liquid and the skin is wiped - the procedure should be carried out only on clean, freshly washed covers.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Furacilin is a simple and completely safe drug that is often used as a substitute for many drugs during pregnancy and breastfeeding. If the mother is not allergic to this substance, then the product can be used as a treatment tool.


There is no actual harm from using the described drug, and therefore it can be used even for small children. As for contraindications, it is necessary to refrain from taking the medication inside if the kidneys are impaired, and as for external use, the composition should not be applied to the skin with allergic dermatosis.


Vika: When I was pregnant, I got a cold, and in order not to drink any drugs, I ate lemons and gargled with furatsilin - it helped better than antibiotics.

Kristina: Furacilin is still an old-fashioned method of treating viral diseases, and quite effective.

Ira: I was treated for stomatitis with a solution of furacilin. This tool quickly destroys all the muck and after one day of rinsing the situation has improved a lot - I recommend it to everyone, a very good tool.

Furacilin is a yellow substance, odorless, with a bitter taste. For gargling, it is available in tablets, powders, pharmacy solutions for external use.

Furacilin belongs to the group of antiseptics, exhibits a pronounced bactericidal effect, is a derivative of nitrofuran.

Furacilin, diluted with water, is used topically for gargling.

The therapeutic effect of furacilin

Furacilin is an antibacterial drug that acts against microorganisms that cause purulent-inflammatory diseases, and exhibits antifungal activity.

The drug inhibits the activity of staphylococci, streptococci, shigella, Escherichia, dysentery bacillus, clostridium, salmonella.

The use of furacilin causes the death of bacterial cells, enhances the activity of protective blood cells of phagocytes.

The drug is ineffective against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella, and some other types of hospital infections.

Addiction to furacilin practically does not develop, it is noted only in rare cases. The bactericidal properties of this effective gargle medicine are at their maximum within 40 minutes after the procedure.

To maintain a therapeutic effect in case of purulent sore throat, gargle with furatsilin every 30 minutes.

Indications and contraindications of furatsilina

Furacilin is used for gargling with sore throat, gingivitis, stomatitis, chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis.

The agent is not used for rinsing with allergies to furacilin and other nitrofuran derivatives.

Application features

Small children are not recommended to gargle with furacilin. Accidental ingestion of the solution when gargling can lead to nausea, vomiting, and an allergic reaction.

Furacilin solution is allowed for gargling during pregnancy, breastfeeding, you only need to be careful not to allow the solution to enter the stomach.

Application methods

For gargling, use a ready-made pharmacy solution or prepare it according to the instructions, crushing the yellow tablets of furacilin into powder and dissolving in water or saline.

Preparation of a solution of furacilin

Furacilin is poorly soluble in cold water, therefore, when diluting the powdered tablet, the water is heated to 100 ° C, sterilized for 30 minutes.

The solution is stirred until completely dissolved for 10 minutes, then filtered through a cotton pad or through gauze folded several times. It is necessary to filter the solution so that the remaining crystals do not get on the mucous membrane and do not cause irritation.

The prepared solution is consumed during the day, kept in glassware with dark glass, since the drug is destroyed by sunlight in the ultraviolet part of the spectrum.

Tightly closed solution can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days, heating it as needed. It is recommended to use a freshly prepared solution in a warm form at a temperature of +40 ° C.

How to gargle

With sore throat, before rinsing with furatsilin, the throat is treated with saline, soda or saline to clear it of mucus accumulation.

You can use mineral water without gas, as well as ordinary heated distilled or boiled water.

After cleansing the mucous membrane with sore throat, rinse the throat with furacilin for at least 5 minutes, repeating the procedure up to 6 times a day. On average, up to 500 ml of furacilin is consumed per day, according to reviews, this volume is quite enough for 5-6 gargles per day.

You can enhance the effect of the drug by adding a 3% aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide or alcohol tincture of calendula. The use of furacilin in combination with these drugs accelerates the recovery processes of the mucosa in angina, eliminates irritation, pain symptoms.

When used correctly, gargling with furacilin does not adversely affect the internal organs, is safe for the child, and does not cause harm in old age.

The advantages of furacilin for rinsing include its cost, the price for 10 tablets does not exceed 40 rubles. The shelf life of furacilin tablets is 5 years.

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Family doctor, nutritionist. Head of the branch in the medical network "Healthy Generation".

Instructions for the use of furacilin positions the agent as an antimicrobial external preparation of local action. The drug disinfects, stops purulent-inflammatory processes.

The drug is available in the form:

  • tablets;
  • ointments;
  • solution (water and alcohol);
  • powder;
  • spray.

The main active ingredient in the composition is nitrofural. 1 tablet contains 20 mg of the active ingredient and sodium chloride as an auxiliary part, 100 g of ointment - 200 mcg, in solution - 0.02%.

Furacilin - contraindications

  • individual acute intolerance and increased susceptibility to the components;
  • diagnosed allergic dermatosis;
  • acute allergic reactions to nitrofurans and their derivatives;
  • internal bleeding.

Taking medication during pregnancy and natural breastfeeding is only prescribed and under the supervision of a doctor.

The ready-made pharmacy solution is suitable for treating wounds and inhalations. To rinse your mouth, it is preferable to prepare the composition yourself:

  1. Grind 2 tablets of the drug into powder.
  2. Dissolve it in 1 cup of hot water until the liquid turns bright yellow.
  3. Strain the resulting composition. If small particles of the drug remain in the solution, they settle on the mucous membranes and cause irritation.
  4. Leave to cool to room temperature.

Gargle 5-6 times a day for the first 3 days and then three times a day until the symptoms of the disease disappear completely.

For each rinse use a volume of 200 ml. It is allowed to prepare the composition with a margin. The remaining liquid is stored in a dark, cold place in an airtight container.

Tablets of the drug alone, in their original form are not used. Before use, they are crushed into powder and diluted with water or alcohol (in the ratio of 1 tablet per 200 ml of liquid).
A tablet-based solution is used for topical treatment:

  • acute inflammation of the tonsils;
  • inflammatory processes on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity;
  • accompanied by swelling and redness of inflammation of the gums;
  • other pathological processes occurring in the glandular epithelium.

Use aqueous formulations based on the preparation for rinsing and washing at least 3 times a day with an interval of 3-4 hours.

Furacilin ointment is used externally for:

  • purulent inflammations;
  • burns II and III degree;
  • bedsores;
  • boils.

The composition is applied to the affected areas of the skin with a thin layer. The minimum number of uses per day is 2-3, if necessary, the procedure can be performed more often.

Among the side effects of the ointment are the occurrence of dermatitis and local allergic reactions, so it is recommended to consult a doctor before using it.

Spray Furacilin Vialine is used for oral hygiene. In addition to nitrofural, it contains excipients:

  • purified water;
  • thyme and dubrovnik extracts;
  • saline.

It acts as an analgesic and disinfectant, heals wounds, removes plaque and stops bleeding in the mouth.

It is used three times a day by irrigation of the mucous membranes after meals. It is not recommended to swallow the drug.

Effervescent tablets for external topical use are easier to dissolve in liquid. Used to restore skin damaged as a result of:

  • burns;
  • wounds with pus;
  • bedsores;
  • mechanical impact (wounds, scratches).

The resulting composition is also used for gargling, irrigating the eyes and ear passages with inflammation.

To prepare the product, 1-2 effervescent tablets are dipped into a glass of boiled water and waited until completely dissolved for 30-40 seconds. Rinsing and washing with a solution is carried out 3-4 times a day.

An aqueous solution of furacilin is a liquid analogue of nitrofural derivative tablets in combination with distilled water or saline. The ratio of parts is 1 to 5000.

Ready solution is used for:

  • gargling in the fight against sore throat;
  • washing the ears, eyes, nose during inflammatory processes;
  • treatment of scratches, festering and burn wounds.

The agent is used to irrigate the skin and apply wet dressings 2-3 times a day in the amount necessary to cover the entire area of ​​the wound. In the treatment of conjunctivitis, each eye is instilled with 2 drops 3-4 times a day. The dosage is similar for the treatment of boils in the ear canal, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses.
Inhalations with an antiseptic have a more pronounced therapeutic effect, since the medicine is evenly distributed over the mucosa. For inhalation, 5 ml of a ready-made pharmacy solution is used. Inhalations are carried out 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening. For children under 6 years old, the dose is reduced to 3 ml.
Inhalations with furacilin are indicated for:

  • runny nose;
  • dry and wet cough;
  • angina.

Alcohol solution Furacilin - instructions for use

The finished mixture based on 70% ethyl alcohol is used exclusively for lotions and washes. The solution is indicated for the treatment and prevention of:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • suppuration;
  • treatment of minor skin lesions.

Change wet dressings with an alcohol composition three times a day until the wound, scratch or abrasion is completely healed.
The use of the composition on the mucous membranes can lead to burns. Available in bottles of 10 and 25 ml, over-the-counter.

Adrenaline drops with furatsilin - instructions for use

Complex drops are a mixture of adrenaline, streptocide, diphenhydramine and furacilin.
The solution is indicated for the treatment of:

  • chronic nasal congestion;
  • runny nose;
  • swelling of the respiratory organs.

It has a vasoconstrictive, antimicrobial effect, is a histamine blocker, approved for children.
Instructions for use of furatsilin-adrenaline drops:

  • for adults, 2 drops are instilled into the nose three times in each sinus for 5-7 days;
  • children 1-2 drops several times a day, after cleaning the sinuses with a weak saline solution or sodium chloride. The duration of treatment is 4-5 days.

Infants do not instill the composition, but insert moistened cotton swabs into the sinuses for 1-2 minutes.

The finished powder is suitable for preparing 2 types of solutions:

  1. Water based isotonic solution.
  2. Alcohol-based ethanol.

In both cases, the ratio of nitrofural to the liquid part is 1 to 5000. So, you need 1/10 of a gram of the product per 0.5 l of liquid and 0.1 g of furacilin per 150 ml of ethyl 70% alcohol.
The resulting liquid is used to irrigate wounds and moisten dressings for dressings. The amount of funds depends on the nature of the pathological lesion.

Furacilin - instructions for use for adults

The tool is effective in complex treatment:

  • skin damage - abrasions, cracks, burns, scratches, cuts, bedsores;
  • dental diseases - stomatitis, gingivitis;
  • ENT diseases - otitis media, rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, sinusitis.

For adults, the dosage of the drug is 1-2 tablets per 200 ml of liquid. Exceeding these indicators will not harm health, but often leads to irritation of the mucous membranes and the occurrence of side effects.
In addition, furatsilin helps with excessive sweating of the feet. To do this, make compresses (2 tablets per 200 ml of liquid) for 7-15 minutes for 4-5 days.
Since the drug has a weak antimycotic effect, it is prescribed for douching with thrush. Composition for douching - dissolve 3 tablets of furacilin in 300 ml of warm boiled water. The solution relieves itching, burning, discomfort in the vagina, washes out the cheesy plaque and prevents its reappearance.
You can use the solution for rubbing the skin of the face with acne.

Furacilin for gargling for adults - instructions for use

Gargling in adults relieves the symptoms of sore throat and sore throat after 2 days of regular use:

  • rinses are carried out 4-5 times a day after meals for at least 5 minutes;
  • for one rinse you need 200 ml of liquid;
  • in the presence of plaque or pus, first gargle with saline or soda (a teaspoon in a glass of water).

Furacilin - instructions for use for children

Instructions for use of furacilin for children differ in dosage.
To prepare a tableted powder solution:

  1. Wash your hands with soap or wipe with antiseptic gel.
  2. Dissolve 1 tablet of the drug in 100 ml of pure water at a temperature of 45–55 degrees.
  3. Stir until the suspension particles are completely dissolved.
  4. Leave in a dark place for 5-7 minutes.
  5. Strain through a clean cheesecloth or thin cotton cloth.

Attention! For each manipulation in the treatment of a child, prepare a new composition.
Furacilin for the treatment of children is used in the following cases:

  • inflammatory processes in the organs of vision, hearing, respiration (rinsing with a ready-made solution, a composition of ordinary and effervescent tablets, powder, instillation with drops);
  • damage to the skin (washing scratches, wounds, abrasions, burns with a solution, treatment with a spray, ointment).

Furacilin - instructions for use for gargling children

Rinsing the mouth with furatsilin is carried out in children from 3 years old - at a younger age there is a risk of choking. Children's dosage - 2 tablets per 1 glass of water.
Gargle with acute tonsillitis and tonsillitis every hour in the first 2-3 days of illness and then 4-5 times a day for a week. Chronic and inflammatory processes do not need such intensive treatment - just 1 rinse every 3-4 hours is enough.

Furacilin - instructions for use for the eyes

Eye rinsing is carried out exclusively with a pharmaceutical sterile preparation or a fresh solution. Otherwise, re-infection is possible.
In acute conjunctivitis in children, lavage is preferable. With a cotton pad soaked in a solution of furacilin, carefully 1-2 times is carried out from the inner to the outer corner of the child's eye. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day.
For instillation - it is better tolerated by adults - use sterile pipettes or a medical pear. 1-2 drops of the composition are dripped into each eye bag.

A solution is used to wash the nose from bacteria.
The tool is effective with regular use: three times a day for 1 week, drip 1-2 drops into each sinus or inject with a medical pear.

Furacilin for ears - instructions for use

The composition for washing the ears is prepared according to the recipe - 2 tablets per 1 glass of water. In this way, otitis with pus and boils located in the ear canal are treated.
10 drops of a solution preheated to room temperature are applied to a cotton pad or ear stick, then injected into the external auditory canal. The product is suitable for both adults and children.

Furacilin avexima - instructions for use

Avexima is produced by a Russian manufacturing and pharmaceutical company. Release form - effervescent tablets.
Method of application and dosage:

  • acute tonsillitis (tonsillitis), stomatitis, gingivitis - gargle with a warm solution of 100 ml 2-3 times a day;
  • blepharitis, conjunctivitis - wash daily 2-3 times a day for treatment and 1 time for prevention;
  • seam treatment - washing the seam itself and applying a compress for 5-7 minutes;
  • otitis - instill 5-6 drops in each ear;
  • purulent wounds and burns - washing and applying lotions.

The solution is prepared immediately before use. One tablet is dissolved in 100 ml of distilled water at room temperature or in warm boiled water.
Washing is indicated for:

  • inflammation of the maxillary sinuses;
  • accumulation of pus in the pleural cavity;
  • inflammatory processes in bone tissue;
  • bladder and urinary tract infections.

Furacilin 20 - instructions for use

The marking "20" in the description of the drug means the amount of the active substance - nitrofural in 1 tablet in milligrams. Most often in pharmaceuticals, this dosage is found.

How to breed Furacilin

To prepare liquid furatsilin from tablet, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Take 2 tablets of the drug, crush with a rolling pin or with your hands.
  2. Pour 0.2 liters of boiling water.
  3. Stir the composition until the drug is completely dissolved.
  4. Cool liquid.
  5. Strain through cheesecloth.

The resulting solution is used for washing, rinsing, instillation only once. For the next procedure, a new mixture is prepared to avoid re-infection through the liquid.

The drug has analogues in composition - ointment for external use, spray, aqueous and alcoholic solution for rinsing, inhalation, irrigation.


The drug based on nitrofurantoin is available in tablet form, covered with an enteric coating. It is used internally for the treatment of pathological conditions and the prevention of infections in the urinary tract.
Adults take 2-3 tablets three times a day, the course of administration lasts 5-7 days. For children, the dosage is calculated as 1/10 of a tablet for every kilogram of weight, 3-4 times a day.
The drug is contraindicated in:

  • acute and chronic liver diseases;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • violation of blood protein synthesis;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the remedy.

The cost of 1 package of Furadonin 50 mg (20 tablets) in Russia is 112 rubles, in Ukraine - 50 hryvnias.


The drug is available in the form of capsules with powder (50 mg of furazidin each) for the subsequent preparation of a solution. It is used to eliminate infectious and inflammatory processes on the skin, in the female genital organs, mucous membranes and corneas of the eyes, for the treatment of burns and inflammation in the oral cavity.
It is forbidden to receive funds:

  • people with individual intolerance to the components of the drug and chronic renal failure;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • babies up to 12 months old.

To prepare the solution, the contents of 1-2 capsules are dissolved in 1 glass of water, filtered and poured into sterile glass vials. For the treatment of inflammatory processes, 2-3 drops are dripped into the eyes 5 times a day, the capsules themselves are taken orally 1-2 units, washed down with water, three times a day for 1-2 weeks.
The price of 30 capsules of the drug 50 mg in Russia is 250 rubles, in Ukraine - 80 hryvnias.


It has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity. The topical solution is available in bottles with a urological applicator, a spray nozzle for easy application.
Directions for use:

  • with tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, rinse (10-15 ml of solution) or irrigate (3-4 clicks) of the throat 3-4 times a day;
  • with stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis, rinse your mouth 3-4 times a day with 10-15 ml of the product;
  • for the prevention of postpartum infection, the vagina is irrigated 5-7 days before delivery;
  • in the complex treatment of urethritis and urethroprostatitis, 2-3 ml of the drug is injected into the urethra 1-2 times a day for 10 days;
  • wounds and burns are irrigated with a solution 2-3 times a day for 3-4 days.

The cost of Miramistin in pharmacies in Moscow is about 410 rubles, in Ukraine - about 66 hryvnias.

Furacilin, whose international name is nitrofural, is a greenish-yellow or yellow bitter powder. It is available in the form of aqueous or alcoholic solutions, tablets for their preparation (0.02) and oral administration (0.10), as well as ointments for external use.

This drug is widely used to treat diseases or skin lesions: bedsores and purulent wounds, severe burns, boils, small abrasions. With its solution, you can simply moisten or wash the wound surface, or you can apply a wet dressing with furatsilin on it for a while. The effect of the drug is enhanced by the use of furacilin ointment - for burns and frostbite, it is applied after using the solution.

Furacilin, the use of which depends on the diagnosis of the patient, is used for sinusitis: nasal sinuses are washed with an aqueous solution. With otitis media, 5-6 drops of its alcohol solution are instilled into the ear canals. Preliminarily, the liquid should be slightly warmed up (you can just warm the pipette in the palm of your hand). The furuncle of the external auditory canal is treated with furacilin ointment: it is applied three times a day. Patients with rhinitis are shown to wash their nose with furacilin. Angina is treated with warm furatsilin gargles, and the mouth is rinsed several times a day with this solution for inflammation of the gums and stomatitis. To prepare a rinse, take one tablet of furacilin (0.02) per 200 ml of warm water.

In the process and blepharitis (inflammation of the edge of the eyelids), furatsilin is also often used. Its application is carried out in the form of a solution with which the eyes are washed, and for blepharitis, in addition, a 0.02% ointment: it is supposed to lubricate the edges of the eyelids. You can also wash your eyes with decoctions of medicinal herbs, alternating them with furacilin, but you should not do this without consulting a doctor - especially if you have an allergic nature of these diseases. An aqueous solution of furacilin for washing the eyes with conjunctivitis and blepharitis should be stored in a cool, dark place.

Furacilin in the form of an aqueous solution is widely used in the treatment of patients after surgical interventions: they are washed with postoperative cavities. With empyema (suppuration) of the pleura, pus is first pumped out of the pleural cavity before washing.

Patients with acute bacterial dysentery can also be prescribed furatsilin. Its use in this case is internal: 0.1 g (this is the maximum single dose for adults) 4 times a day, 5-6 days. After that, they take a break for 3-4 days, then, if necessary, repeat the treatment again.

Thus, furatsilin, the use of which usually gives a good effect, can rightly be called a universal drug that helps cure many diseases, as well as accelerate boils and suppuration. It is not addictive and its action is usually effective regardless of the duration of treatment. However, strains of bacteria that are resistant to this drug already exist today.

The use of furacilin is contraindicated in case of its individual intolerance - in this case, it can provoke the appearance of dermatitis. When taking the drug orally during the treatment of dysentery, dizziness and nausea, vomiting, and allergic rashes can sometimes be noted. Furacilin is canceled and another antibacterial drug is prescribed instead, and antihistamines are also prescribed.

Despite possible side reactions, furatsilin is considered one of the most harmless drugs and is often prescribed to pregnant women. However, it should be used during pregnancy, like most medicines, with caution and only on the recommendation of a doctor, especially with a tendency to allergies, accompanied by rashes.