Curious facts about space that will be of interest to both adults and children. Space and earth

All children are interested in things that, due to their age, are still unknown to them. The theme of space is one of my favorites. Sometimes, “trickle-down” questions confuse parents. I would like to answer, but simple words is not enough, because what excites a small inquisitive mind also excites the minds of the best scientists around the world. What should I do? Where can we find the “correct” and accessible explanations for complex phenomena? IN CORRECT books! We introduce you to a cosmic selection that will certainly help you find answers to “cosmic” questions.

Studying space is interesting at any age. Stories about the Universe help children feel part of huge world, broaden your horizons and show creativity. For adults, knowledge about space teaches them to think globally and makes them think about ecology and responsibility for our planet. Books about space are interesting to read together to discuss, find answers to questions, fantasize and dream. Welcome to an exciting intergalactic adventure through the pages of children's books!

1. V.I. Tsvetkov “Starry sky. Galaxies, constellations, meteorites"

The popular scientific and practical encyclopedia will tell young readers about the ancient science of astronomy, teach them how to “read” a star map, and introduce them to the names of the brightest stars.

Readers will learn where to look for the “heart of a lion” and “Veronica’s hair,” what the “great summer triangle” is, what connects the word “vacation” and the most bright star in the sky - Sirius. Where are observatories built and why the room where the telescope is located cannot be heated, how Stonehenge helps you find out the cardinal directions, where is the best place to observe the stars and much more.

Hard cover, high-quality printing, many photographs and drawings, diagrams. The text is adapted for children to read independently school age, the information can be trusted, because The reviewer was Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor.

2. Encyclopedia for the curious “Why and Why”.

This book has a section on time and seasons. Important concepts are explained clearly and in accessible words. The book is intended for reading by adults to children, it can be used for preschoolers.

Why does the sun rise and set? Why is it dark at night? What's happened leap year and why do we need a calendar? What time is it in space?

The great advantages are high-quality illustrations, good paper and binding.

3. O. I. Sumatokhina “Space. 3D encyclopedia"

What invisible secrets does the cosmos hide?

The encyclopedia will help young children discover the Universe, meet famous astronauts, understand how a telescope works and what space stations are needed for.

3D imaging technology (glasses) will help bring the unknown closer.

In the book a large number of photographs, text is presented in small blocks.

4. Great children's encyclopedia
Translation from English by T. Pokidaeva

Any quick question from a child’s lips will not sound scary, because this encyclopedia has everything to answer what the Universe and the Milky Way are, how many stars are in the sky and why they twinkle, which stars can explode and whether the Sun will die. Part of the book is dedicated to space.

The book is not overloaded with texts that are difficult for a child to understand; the illustrations are bright and clearly demonstrate phenomena that can be difficult to explain in accessible language.

5. Encyclopedia “Astronomy and Space”

Ninety-six pages full of amazing space facts and beautiful illustrations. The encyclopedia “Astronomy and Space” will bring readers closer to solving eternal questions and will allow them to learn a lot of new things about our universe and the study of planets by mankind. The manual will be relevant for children of senior preschool and school age.

6. Space. Complete encyclopedia

Storehouse useful information! Even adults will find new facts for themselves.

7. Space and earth. A unique illustrated encyclopedia for children

With the help of this book, children will make an exciting journey to different parts of the world on our planet; They will visit the mountains, walk through cities and plains, and even fly into space! By reading the book "Space and Earth", they will learn how to observe the night sky, use binoculars and a telescope, and how an astrological observatory works. Tips from experienced travelers will help you learn to read maps and build routes, navigate the terrain, use a compass and notice the clues of nature. Suitable for children of primary school age.

8. G. N. Elkin “For children about space and astronauts”

The book introduces you to the wonderful world of space. Written in accessible language and well illustrated. It will be useful for children, their parents and teachers working with children.

The young reader will learn what stars and black holes are, where comets and asteroids come from, what cosmic dust is made of, what galaxies and constellations are, what the planets and their satellites are called, how the solar system works, who invented rockets, spacecraft and how they work cosmodromes. The author talks about astronauts and their heroic profession, who was the first to fly into space and how people visited the Moon.

9. Martin Root “Cosmos” (Clever Publishing, 2016)

This book will be understandable and interesting even for children 3-4 years old; it may well become the first encyclopedia about space in your children's library. Author in accessible form talks about the planets of the solar system, the Sun, the Moon, stars and galaxies.

You can play with the book: the pages have opening flaps that little explorers love to look under. By opening such a valve, children will see what is inside the spacesuit, how the rocket works, and what the Earth is made of.

10. Efrem Levitan “For kids about stars and planets” (“Rosman”)

This book is a bestseller that has collected great amount rave reviews, its author is Efim Devitan, a famous popularizer of astronomy. Perfect for children aged 4 years and older to explore space for the first time.

This astronomical tale tells kids about the Universe in an accessible and fun way. Visual illustrations and simple experiments help parents explain complex phenomena using simple examples.

11. Trilogy by Efrem Levitan “Fairytale Universe” (“Meshcheryakov Publishing House”)

The trilogy includes the books: “Secrets of Our Sun”, “The Kingdom of the Sun”, “The World in which the Stars Live”.

The main characters are the author's own children - Alka and Sveta, as well as the gnomes Knopkin and Nedouchkin. Every evening, dad tells the children fairy tales about space, about how our Universe works, about the Sun, the Moon, what gravity is, what planets solar system exist. Difficult for children's understanding The material is presented in an accessible and engaging manner. The experiments that dad conducts with children on the pages of books can be repeated at home with the child.

12. Dominic Walliman, Ben Newman
“Professor Astrocat and his adventures in space” (“MYTH”, 2016)

The main character of the book, Professor Astrocat, shares his knowledge, observations and discoveries with readers. The book is illustrated with humor and is equally interesting to read for both children and adults.

It turns out that Astrocat really existed and was even really preparing to go into space, but... escaped at the last moment! The prototype for the hero of the book was Felix the cat. Instead of Felix, the cat Felicette flew into space, but the story is not about her at all...

The authors of the book turned out to be a very funny story. There are also funny astro mice, so that the cat doesn’t get bored wandering around the expanses of space alone. Comic book style design is a good technique. Some of the information is presented on behalf of the characters in the book; periodically they exchange funny remarks.

Very detailed and visual illustrations, as well as infographics, help ensure that information is easily perceived and remembered quickly. The relationship between the sizes of the planets in the solar system, for example, is illustrated with the help of various fruits: if Jupiter were the size of a watermelon, then Uranus would be an apple, Venus would be a grape, and Mercury would be a peppercorn.

Having such a book in your home library is simply a blessing!

13. E. Kachur “Fascinating astronomy”

A beautiful, bright and educational book from a series of encyclopedias with Chevostik. Together with the inquisitive hero, little readers will go to the observatory to see planets, stars, comets and much more through the telescope.

Why does the Moon sometimes look like a sickle, and sometimes even round? How to distinguish a planet from a star? What is a light year and why is one Earth year equal to four Mercury years? Which planet is the smallest and which is the largest? Do stars appear during the day? Why is the comet tailed? What is orbit and satellite, meteors and eclipse? You will find answers to these and other questions in the book. Simple texts, cute illustrations, detailed diagrams and experiments will help readers fall in love with space.

14. “A Tale of Happiness” from

You can order an interesting personalized fairy tale for your child through the service

Dear readers! Tell us in the comments what books about space you have in your home library, what you like to read and what you would like to purchase in the future.

Are your children still one of that rare breed of kids who want to become not travel bloggers, beauty makers and merchandisers, but astronauts? Congratulations! IN present time interest in space is no longer so strong, but there are still guys who look at the sky with curiosity and anticipation of a miracle. It is for them that we have put together our cosmically large selection of everything, everything, everything on the theme of space.

And also for those parents who want to captivate their restless children with this topic. Or it’s simply interesting and educational to celebrate Cosmonautics Day. Three, two, one, “Let's go!”

Where to go: 9 interesting sites

Let's start with the fact that you can visit space and its surroundings without leaving your home and without making almost any effort. There are a huge number of incredibly interesting space sites, many of which are interactive.

For those who are a little older and have been in love with space for a long time and for a long time, we suggest trying to watch two popular science series. The first of them is "Cosmos: Space and Time". This is a series of documentary 40-minute videos about the world of space, the possibilities of interplanetary travel and observations of space processes. A lot of money, effort and time were invested in the project, so it looks simply amazing.

Let children's first acquaintance with space be interesting and fabulous. The book contains a map of the starry sky and amazing illustrations by Vitaly Statsinsky. Two cycles of poems, “Star Carousel” and “Cosmic Street,” will teach kids about the constellations easily and cheerfully.

Another book for the littlest space explorers. Non-standard illustrations that will help children learn the Russian alphabet. Interesting vocabulary and amazing facts about space and life in orbit.

The main character of the book is Mashenka, an unusual girl. She is friends with the Moon and the stars, has visited the Sun and traveled throughout the solar system! Which she is happy to tell you about. The book is interactive - you can cut out the planets in it and stick them in the right places to check whether the kids remember their order correctly.

With the help of this book, children will be able to sculpt an entire solar system out of plasticine; instructions are included! We also sculpt UFOs, aliens, satellites, a lunar rover and, in general, space, aka plasticine!

Fun and simple, this book tells the life story of the great scientist Tsiolkovsky, who invented a rocket that opened the way to the stars for people. Very Interesting Facts, explanation of all complex words and amazing illustrations by Olga Gromova will win the hearts of little space lovers.

And, finally, a book for older children (from 12 years old). The unexpected side of ordinary things, an explanation of complex scientific discoveries in simple language(nose mathematical formulas in the margins) and a real immersion in the world of space.

Where to go: 6 space places in Moscow

And for those who live in Moscow, there are also many great places where you can go to see or listen to something on the topic of space. Almost everywhere some exciting and interesting events are planned for Cosmonautics Day.

Here children are welcome: the large and small star halls, the Sky Park, an observatory, the interactive museum “Lunarium”, the Urania Museum and a 4D cinema. IN game form Children will be told about the structure of the Universe and complex cosmic phenomena.

Another planetarium is located on Vorobyovy Gory. We admire cosmic beauties and unique globes of Mars, Earth and Moon. And here you can stroke the cold side of a real meteorite, see a collection of minerals from Mars and listen to the most interesting lectures on the most cosmic topics.

8 exhibition halls, more than 93,000 exhibits, lectures, excursions and a lot of interesting things. Unique simulators for astronauts, a mini Mission Control Center and 5D virtual travel.

On April 12, the observing season at the observatory opens. So this weekend you can observe the Sun, Moon and Venus through a huge mirror-lens telescope. 841 times magnification! The stars are closer than they seem.

Full size model space station future on Mars. Here you can control a model of the Mars rover, view the Martian landscapes, take interesting master classes and play in the scenery of the space station. And in Space Academy center you can learn everything about the most modern professions.

For those who are ready to leave the capital for a while, it is best to go to Star City. Here children can see special simulators for astronauts, try space food, walk around an 18-meter centrifuge and find out answers to all your questions.

Good luck in exploring the vast expanses of space!

Even more interesting things in our group in

Almost all children are interested in space. Someone is just a short time, while learning about how the world works. And some - seriously and for a long time, dreaming of one day flying to the Moon or even further, repeating Gagarin’s feat or discovering a new star.

In any case, the child will be interested in learning about what is hiding behind the clouds. About the Moon, about the Sun and the stars, oh spaceships and rockets, about Gagarin and Korolev. Fortunately, there are many books that will help children, schoolchildren, and even adults discover the Universe. Here are a few excerpts from them:

1. Moon

The Moon is a satellite of the Earth. Astronomers call it that because it is constantly near the Earth. It revolves around our planet and cannot get away from it, because the Earth attracts the Moon to itself. Both the Moon and the Earth - celestial bodies, but the Moon is much smaller than the Earth. The Earth is a planet, and the Moon is its satellite.

Illustration from the book “Fascinating Astronomy”

2. Month

The moon itself does not shine. The glow of the Moon that we see at night is the light of the Sun reflected by the Moon. On different nights, the Sun illuminates the Earth's satellite in different ways.

The Earth, and with it the Moon, revolve around the Sun. If you take a ball and shine a flashlight on it in the dark, then on one side it will appear round because the light of the flashlight falls directly on it. On the other hand, the ball will be dark because it is between us and the light source. And if someone looks at the ball from the side, he will see only part of its surface illuminated.

The flashlight is like the Sun, and the ball is the Moon. And we from Earth look at the Moon on different nights from different points of view. If the light of the Sun falls directly on the Moon, it appears to us as a complete circle. And when the light of the Sun falls on the Moon from the side, we see a month in the sky.

Illustration from the book “Fascinating Astronomy”

3. New moon and full moon

It happens that the moon is not visible in the sky at all. Then we say that the new moon has arrived. It happens every 29 days. On the night following the new moon, a narrow crescent moon appears in the sky, or, as it is also called, a month. Then the crescent begins to grow and gradually turns into a full circle, the moon - the full moon comes.

Then the moon shrinks again, “falls”, until it again turns into a month, and then the month disappears from the sky - the next new moon will come.

Illustration from the book “Fascinating Astronomy”

4. Moon jump

Want to know how far you could jump if you were on the moon? Go out into the yard with chalk and a tape measure. Jump as far as you can, mark your result with chalk and measure the length of your jump with a tape measure. Now measure six more similar segments from your mark. That's what your moonsaults would be like! And all because there is less gravity on the Moon. You will be in the jump longer and will be able to place space record. Although, of course, the spacesuit will interfere with your jumping.

Illustration from the book “Fascinating Astronomy”

5. Universe

The only thing we know for sure about our Universe is that it is very, very large. The universe began about 13.7 billion years ago with the Big Bang. Its reason remains one of the most important mysteries of science to this day!

Time passed. The universe expanded in all directions and finally began to take shape. Tiny particles were born from the vortexes of energy. After hundreds of thousands of years, they merged and turned into atoms - the “bricks” that make up everything that we see. At the same time, light appeared and began to move freely in space. But it took hundreds of millions more years before the atoms coalesced into huge clouds from which the first generation of stars was born. As these stars separated into groups to form galaxies, the Universe began to resemble what we see now when we look at the night sky. Now the Universe continues to grow and gets bigger every day!

6. A star is born

Do you think that stars are only visible at night? But no! Our Sun is also a star, but we see it during the day. The Sun is not much different from other stars, it’s just that the other stars are much further from the Earth and therefore seem so small to us.

Stars form from clouds of hydrogen gas left behind big bang or after explosions of other, older stars. Gradually, the force of gravity combines the hydrogen gas into clumps, where it begins to rotate and heat up. This continues until the gas becomes dense and hot enough for the nuclei of the hydrogen atoms to fuse. As a result of this thermonuclear reaction, a flash of light occurs and a star is born.

Illustration from the book “Professor Astrocat and His Journey into Space”

7. Yuri Gagarin

Gagarin was a fighter pilot in the Arctic, then he was selected from hundreds of other military pilots to join the cosmonaut corps. Yuri was an excellent student and was ideal in height, weight and physical fitness. On April 12, 1961, after the famous 108 minutes of flight in space, Gagarin became one of the most famous people in the world.

Illustration from the book “Cosmos”

8. Solar system

The solar system is a very busy place. Eight planets, including our Earth, revolve around the Sun in elliptical (slightly elongated circular) orbits. Another seven are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Venus, Mars and Mercury. The revolution of each planet lasts differently, from 88 days to 165 years.

Such a distant and endlessly attractive space! Not every adult fully understands the fullness of this concept, let alone children. Let's try to tell children about space as clearly and interestingly as possible. If we succeed, perhaps the child will not just become interested in astronomy for a while, but will truly love it and be able to accomplish some grandiose things in the future scientific discovery. When telling your child about space, imagine how, as an adult, he will remember your story with a smile on his face. What should you tell your child about space and, most importantly, how?

Space has attracted and continues to attract the views and thoughts of man of all times and peoples. After all, there are so many secrets, so many inexplicable and amazing discoveries and opportunities. Yes, and we - the humanity of planet Earth - although small, are still a particle of the cosmos - this boundless and alluring space.

Just the main thing

What can you tell us about space? First of all, learn to observe! If you look at the sky in different time day, we will see the sun, moon and stars. What is it? All these are space objects. The vast universe consists of billions of cosmic objects. Our planet Earth is also a space object; it is part of the solar system.

solar system

The system has this name because its center is the Sun, around which 8 planets move: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus. The path they take around the Sun is called an orbit.

Planet Earth

The only planet on which this moment there is life - this is our Earth. The main difference between the Earth and other planets is the presence of water - the source of life and the atmosphere, thanks to which the Earth has the air that we breathe.

Other planets of the solar system

The rest of the planets are no less interesting and alluring. The largest planet is the mighty Jupiter. And Saturn is famous for its giant rings, visible to us from Earth. Mars is the first planet to attract the attention of man back in the Ancient Egypt. Because of its fiery red color, ancient people associated Mars with the god of war. The planet Venus is the only one that has a “female” name. She received it thanks to her brightness. In ancient times it was considered the brightest planet.

I wish you space discoveries in life!


Hi all!

A very interesting collection of facts about space for children.

Where did the Universe come from?

The universe is so big that we don't even know if it has boundaries. It arose about 13.7 billion years ago when the Big Bang occurred. At that moment, everything appeared: the matter from which stars and planets are made, the forces of interaction between particles of matter, even time and space were born in the process of the Big Bang. People cannot yet explain why this happened.

Time passed. The universe expanded in all directions and finally began to take shape. Tiny particles were born from the vortexes of energy. After hundreds of thousands of years, they merged and turned into atoms - the “bricks” that make up everything we see. At the same time, light appeared and began to move freely in space.

solar system

There are eight planets in our solar system, and they all revolve around the sun in the same direction. The gravitational force of the huge Sun holds the planets like an invisible rope, preventing them from breaking free and flying into space. The first four planets - if you count in order from the Sun - consist of rocks and are located quite close to the star. They are called planets terrestrial group. You can walk on the solid surface of these planets. The other four planets are composed entirely of gases. If you stand on their surface, you can fall through and fly right through the entire planet. These four gas giants are much more planets terrestrial group, and they are located very far from each other.

It has long been believed that the outermost planet in our solar system is Pluto, which lies beyond Neptune in a region called the Kuiper belt. But not so long ago, scientists decided that Pluto still cannot be considered a planet, because in the Kuiper belt there are other celestial bodies of the same size and even larger (for example, Eris, a planetoid discovered in 2005).

If the Earth were a cherry tomato, what size would the other planets be? If we were holding the Earth - a cherry tomato - in our hands, then the Sun would be at a distance of 500 meters from us and would have a diameter of only 4.5 meters.

Milky Way

All the stars that are visible to us from Earth are part of large groups- galaxies that look like giant cosmic whirlpools. Our galaxy is called the Milky Way, or simply the Galaxy, and is shaped like a fireworks spinner. There are so many stars in it that a person cannot count in his entire life. Our Galaxy is constantly rotating, but very slowly: it takes as much as 225 million years to complete a revolution. You can see the Milky Way with your own eyes. To do this, you need to go out into nature, away from city lights, and look at the sky. There will be a milky white streak of light visible. This is the Milky Way.

First walk on the moon

On July 21, 1969, astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first humans to walk on the Moon. They wore spacesuits, the multilayer coating of which protected them from cold and cosmic radiation, and air tanks that allowed them to breathe in vacuum conditions. The suits were personal, and you could walk in them for up to 115 hours. On Earth, wearing such spacesuits is very difficult, but on the Moon they are almost weightless.

Sun and Earth

Every day we see the Sun moving across the sky, but this is an optical illusion. In fact, the Sun stands still, and the Earth rotates around it and around its own axis. In one day, the Earth makes a complete revolution around its axis, exposing different sides to the Sun. That is why it seems to us that the Sun rises and sets. It's like spinning around a bright lamp: it seems that it appears and then disappears.