Shaggy giants - large dog breeds: name with photo and description. The largest dog in the world, who is it? The biggest dog in the world

Vladimir Putin was given a six-month-old puppy of the rare Taigan breed. The President of Kyrgyzstan Sooronbai Jeenbekov made a generous gift as a sign of respect to Vladimir Vladimirovich: puppies of this national aboriginal breed are usually given to the most honored guests of the country. The dog has already been given the nickname Sherkhan, and cynologists unanimously speak of Taigans as unique hunting dogs.

The breed has not yet been recognized by the International Cynological Federation, but it already has every chance of becoming a unique specimen in the Red Book, as it is on the verge of extinction. The breed is more than 12,000 years old, so these dogs have excellent health and are extremely resistant to heavy loads. One of the relatives of the Taigan is considered to be the Scottish deerhound - the Darkhound - one of the largest dogs in the world.

Deerhound (Scottish Deerhound)

The Deerhound is a rather thin dog (up to 45-46 kg), but thanks to their high height (from 71-76 cm), they deserve to bear the title of giants of the canine world. The advantage of the breed is its speed, which can compete with the speed of a deer. Due to this, deerhounds are used when hunting deer without weapons.

9 Largest Dog Breeds in the World


The name of the breed originates from the German city of Leonberg, on whose ancient coat of arms a lion was depicted. There is an opinion that the breed was bred precisely as a recognizable symbol of the city.

Several largest breeds had a hand in the creation of the Leonberger: St. Bernard, Newfoundland and Pyrenean Shepherd. The proud, handsome dogs that resulted from many years of crossbreeding not only became one of the largest breeds, but also earned a reputation as an excellent “family dog.” A calm and even gentle character, sociability and goodwill towards all family members are the distinctive qualities of the Leonberger. It is this breed that the Hollywood actor of Scandinavian origin Alexander Skarsgård adores.


This good-natured aristocrat came to Russia from the Canadian province of Newfoundland, bordering the waters of the Atlantic. It is not surprising that representatives of this breed are excellent swimmers. And not only that - on their native island, they were given the responsibility of pulling nets with fish out of the water, carrying heavy objects over fairly long distances, and even working as a nanny.

The quiet nature of the Newfoundland ensured that the dog would not capsize the boat. Some owners claim that Newfoundlands are able to determine which direction the coast is when the horizon is shrouded in fog.

The Newfoundland is a huge dog, but not record-breakingly large: the average height is 66-61 centimeters, weight is 54-68 kilograms. However, the largest Newfoundland known weighed 117 kilograms, and its length from tip of nose to tail was 182 centimeters.

Tibetan mastiff

In general, there are several varieties of mastiffs, and almost each of them deserves to be included in the top largest dogs. The Tibetan Mastiff is still shrouded in an aura of mystery, because it is one of the most ancient, rare and expensive breeds in the world.

The first mentions of this breed in literature date back to the 4th century BC. Aristotle admired the flexibility, strength and endurance of these dogs. In the old days, one Tibetan mastiff was exchanged for a pack of 20-25 greyhounds - their hunting skills were so highly valued! The “migration” of this breed to the New World is also surprising - in the second half of the 20th century, the Dalai Lama himself gave such a puppy to President Eisenhower.

"Planet of Dogs": Tibetan Mastiff

Nowadays, due to the mystery of this breed, many people far from cynology have the impression that the Tibetan mastiff is the largest dog in principle. But this is not so, and to be convinced of this, it is enough to visit the exhibition (if you are lucky, and this rare breed will be present at it). The weight of these dogs can vary from 60 to 80 kilos, height is about the same - from 60 to 77-78 centimeters (depending on gender).

Irish Wolfhound

One of the tallest dogs in the world, the Irish Wolfhound has a long history of greatness. Even four centuries BC, the Celts used them (more precisely, their ancestors, the Celtic greyhounds) for hunting. The outstanding size, strength and speed of Irish wolfhounds marked the beginning of mass demonstrative baiting of wild animals with their help. Unfortunately, this also led to a reduction in the breed's population to a critical level.

By the beginning of the 19th century, the breed had practically disappeared, and only thanks to an enthusiast named Richardson, who traveled the length and breadth of the British Crown Islands in search of an “old-type” female Irish Wolfhound, today we can enjoy these curly, muscular paws.

Pyrenean Mastiff

Although this breed is more than three thousand years old, the Pyrenean Mastiff was officially recognized only in 1946. According to experts, this breed was bred by the ancient Phoenicians - primarily as a shepherd and watchman. Males reach 80-81 centimeters in height, females - 72-75. The average weight fluctuates around 70 kilograms.

“Gentle giant” is what their owners call Pyrenean mastiffs. This dog is truly caninely affectionate and is very patient with the antics of the youngest members of the family, although it can often unintentionally knock a child down during play. At the same time, in the presence of strangers, the Pyrenean Mastiff always remains on guard. The dog understands perfectly well that one type of dog instills fear, so usually when communicating with strangers it limits itself to barking, but does not proceed to “combat” actions.

Saint Bernard

Saint Bernard is undoubtedly one of the strongest, bravest and kindest dogs. Male St. Bernards can grow up to 90 centimeters at the withers. The curious history of this breed is known to many. Back in the 9th century, monks living in a monastery hidden in the mountains of Switzerland brought Tibetan mastiffs from Asia. Over the years of crossbreeding with European breeds, they developed a faithful companion for dangerous mountain journeys.

The dog was distinguished by thick hair that saved it from frost and wind, an excellent sense of smell that allowed it to find people buried under an avalanche, easygoing behavior and excellent trainability.

One of the most famous pets of the Saint Bernard Monastery is Saint Bernard Barry, who at the beginning of the 19th century found a boy buried in the snow, warmed him with his tongue and carried him to the monastery on his back.

German dog

Great Danes, recognized giants of the canine world, do not even have an upper height limit in the breed standard: female Great Danes should not be lower than 72 centimeters, and boys - 82. The tallest dog in the world, the Great Dane George, which we will discuss, belonged to this breed a little lower.

A powerful, graceful body, nobility expressed in every movement, combined with innate delicacy make the Great Dane an excellent life partner for responsible, active people.

The pedigree of the Great Dane is so closely related to the pedigree of the English Mastiff that debate about which of these two breeds is larger continues to this day.

The largest dog breed in the world is the English Mastiff.

This ancient English breed has the status of the largest among the variety of canine species. The standards for this breed are as follows: males reach approximately 0.9 meters at the withers and weigh approximately 100-110 kilograms. However, the largest English mastiff, Hercules, grew to 94 centimeters and weighed as much as 155 kilograms.

English Mastiff trying to climb onto the sofa

Despite its awe-inspiring size, the English Mastiff has a good-natured disposition and is a wonderful companion.

The largest dog in Russia

The record holder for the largest among Russian dogs is the Alabai Bulldozer. His owner, Alexander Khudyakov, adored dogs for as long as he could remember. And the man always gave preference to large breeds: boxers, Rottweilers, shepherds. But the strongest affection became the Turkmen wolfhounds, also known as the Central Asian shepherd dogs - Alabais. Therefore, having moved to a private house in Mineralnye Vody, he immediately decided to try himself as a breeder of this breed.

The puppy, which went down in history as the largest Alabai, was born in December 2003. From the first glance at this kitten's massive chest, it was clear that the dog would grow up to be outstanding. By the way, he was called a Bulldozer for his resemblance to snow removal equipment - this is how the intensively and persistently puffing kid helped Alexander clear the paths of snow.

Legendary dog ​​bulldozer

By the age of five, Bulldozer, who daily ate five kilograms of clean meat and ten liters of porridge, reached a weight of 125 kilograms, and standing on his hind legs, he could easily put his front legs on the shoulder of even the tallest man. He was already a recognized star of dog fighting, the grand champion of Russia. Every day the owner had to walk him for six hours to keep Bulldozer in shape.

Unfortunately, Bulldozer died in February 2012. The cause was cited in the press as poisoning.

The largest dog in the world

Although Great Danes are not in first place in our ranking, the largest dog in the world still belonged to this noble breed.

For a long time, the blue Great Dane named George was considered the largest dog in the world. By the age of four, he reached 110 centimeters at the withers (213 on the hind legs) and weighed more than 111 kilograms.

Its owners, Dave and Christy Nasser, purchased the puppy in 2006 and could not even imagine that this baby (by Great Dane standards, of course) would grow into a real giant. By his first birthday, the dog had outgrown his master's bed and was moved to his own double mattress. The Nasser family spent approximately $250 on his monthly food - every month George ate approximately 50 kilograms of food.

Blue Great Dane George

In 2010, Giant George was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest dog in history, after which he was even invited to the Oprah Winfrey Show and presented with a certificate that officially confirmed the title of the largest dog in the world.

Unfortunately, due to the great weight, the Great Dane began to have health problems. Veterinarians strongly recommended that the owners put the dog on a special diet. But this did not help - in 2013, George passed away just a week before his eighth birthday. Shortly after George's death, a new record holder was announced: the Great Dane Zeus, who beat George by just one centimeter.

No matter how big dogs are, they are still far from the size and abilities of some birds. City dwellers are accustomed to seeing only a small part of the rich ornithological world, but on other continents you can find birds whose weight reaches 100 kilograms. How large can representatives of the animal world be among birds, read in our material.
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Do you know which dog breeds are the largest in the world? There is no universal height or weight at which a dog breed is officially classified as large, but some breeds that weigh more than 45 kg are considered giant. Some very large dog breeds are strong and heavy, while others are tall and lean. The heaviest dog ever recorded was a St. Bernard named Benedict, who weighed 166 kg! Despite their menacing body proportions, almost all large dog breeds are often kind, affectionate animals and make excellent family pets. If you're interested in owning a big dog, check out this list of the 25 largest dog breeds in the world.

25. Caucasian Shepherd

Popular in Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and the North Caucasus, Caucasian Shepherds are strong, muscular dogs. With females reaching approximately 70 centimeters at the withers and males 75 centimeters, these large dogs are definitely not indoor pets.

24. English Mastiff

The English Mastiff is one of the largest dog breeds in the world, especially in terms of body weight. The first mention of these large dogs dates back to the 6th century BC. e. During the Roman conquest of England, the mastiff's loyalty and strength impressed even Caesar. A typical male can weigh up to 115kg, but the heaviest English Mastiff ever recorded was a stunning 156kg dog named Zorba, and he remained the heaviest and tallest dog in the world throughout his life.

23. Newfoundland

Originally bred and used as a fishing dog, the Newfoundland is a huge, intelligent dog known for its excellent swimming ability. Newfoundlands are usually black, but brown, white or gray varieties are also found. Some Newfoundland males have been known to weigh over 90 kg, with the largest ever recorded weighing 120 kg.

22. Komondor

The Komondor, often referred to as a "mop dog", is a breed of powerful dog that was used to guard livestock and other property. Easily recognized by its distinctive long, rope-like coat, the Komondor originated in Hungary, where it was declared a national treasure and is now protected and protected from modification. Females reach a height of approximately 70 cm and weigh up to 50 kg, males are slightly larger - 80 cm tall and weighing up to 60 kg.

21. Deerhound

The Scottish Deerhound - or simply Deerhound - is a tall breed of hound bred for hunting red deer. Its antecedents were preserved by the Scots and Picts (tribal people living in modern Britain) and were used to aid in deer baiting. Males can reach 80 cm in height and weigh up to 50 kg. The height of females is usually approximately 70 cm, weight ranges from 35-43 kg.

20. Neapolitan Mastiff

The Neapolitan Mastiff is another popular large mastiff breed. Although not as gigantic as the English Mastiff, this dog's proportions are very impressive - males weigh 60-70 kg, females approximately 50-60 kg. The Neapolitan Mastiff is fearless and selflessly protects its home and family. They are extremely intelligent dogs with a tendency to be independent thinkers.

19. St. Bernard

Originally bred to rescue people in the mountains, the Saint Bernard is a giant dog breed popular in the Italian and Swiss Alps. Its proportions are enormous - dogs can reach 90 cm in height and weigh as much as 120 kg. The heaviest St. Bernard ever recorded was named Benedict and weighed an incredible 166 kg. Another St. Bernard, Barry, was known for saving between 40 and 100 human lives in the mountains.

18. Irish Wolfhound

Originally bred as military hounds, the Irish Wolfhound was used for hunting and guarding. The breed is very old; there are suggestions that they were brought to Ireland in 7000 BC. Reaching an average height of 86 cm, it is one of the tallest dog breeds. Their weight, however, is quite average: approximately 55 kg for males and 48 kg for females. Unlike many other breeds, Irish Wolfhounds have a high degree of personalization and are most often known for their personal quirks and individualism, but they are rarely stupid or aggressive.

17. Black Russian Terrier

The breed was developed in the USSR in the late 1940s and early 1950s for use in the armed forces as a service dog. The Black Russian Terrier is believed to be a cross between approximately 17 different breeds. Males reach 72-78 cm at the withers and weigh up to 60 kg, females are slightly smaller and lighter. The Black Russian Terrier is a calm, confident and brave dog. He is very smart and well adapted to learning. The average life expectancy is quite high - up to 14 years, and the breed itself is characterized by excellent health, but is sometimes susceptible to certain hereditary diseases, such as elbow or hip dysplasia.

16. Great Dane

The Great Dane is a breed known for its gigantic size. Their height often exceeds 76 cm, and on numerous occasions Great Danes have held the status of the tallest living dog in the world. For example, a Great Dane named Zeus (who died in September 2014 at the age of 5) reached 112 cm at the withers. They are very friendly to other dogs, pets and people they know. Their average lifespan is 6-8 years, but some Great Danes have been known to live 10 years or more.

15. Leonberger

The Leonberger, often called the "gentle lion", is a giant dog breed whose name comes from the city of Leonberg in Germany. In terms of body proportions, the average height of males reaches approximately 75 cm, and the weight ranges from 64-68 kg, while the height at the withers of females is usually 70 cm, and the weight is approximately 52 kg. The Leonberger is easily recognized thanks to its thick, water-resistant coat. These powerful dogs are usually very loyal, intelligent, playful and kind, making them ideal pets. Unfortunately, their average lifespan is approximately 7 years.

14. Tosa Inu

Originally bred in Tosa (formerly a Japanese region) as a fighting dog, the Tosa Inu is a rare, powerful breed of dog. These dogs vary significantly in size. The Japanese breed typically weighs between 36 and 61 kg, while non-Japanese breeders have focused on dogs that weigh between 60 and 100 kg and stand 82 cm at the withers. The breed is descended from the Shikoku Inu, a local dog that weighs approximately 25 kilograms. These dogs were crossed with large European dog breeds such as the Mastiff, St. Bernard, Great Dane, and Bull Terrier to produce a larger, stronger dog.

13. Bernese Mountain Dog

Originally used as a farm dog that accompanied shepherds in the Bernese region of Switzerland, the Bernese Mountain Dog is a large, heavy breed with a distinctive tri-color coat: a black and white chest and tan markings. The height at the withers is 64-70 cm, and the weight reaches 57 kg in males, while females are slightly smaller. The personalities of individual dogs may vary, but generally Mountain Dogs are calm, confident and obedient dogs that are friendly towards children as well as other pets.

12. Boerboel

Bred as a guard dog, the Boerboel is a large, robust dog breed native to South Africa. Their proportions are enormous - these dogs can reach more than 70 cm in height and weigh up to 100 kg. The Boerboel is a very obedient and intelligent dog with strong territorial instincts. They are loyal, especially friendly with children, and tend to be protective of their family and territory.

11. Anatolian Shepherd

The Anatolian Shepherd is a large dog breed that originated in Anatolia (Turkey) and was brought to America, where it was further developed. Perhaps the history of the breed goes back 6,000 years. The height of Anatolian Shepherds can exceed 80 cm, and their weight can reach 68 kg. However, their thick fur makes them look even larger than they actually are. The breed was bred to be independent and powerful to guard the owner's property without human assistance in large spaces, so training the dog as a puppy is essential. They often live 11 years, which is 3-4 years longer than the average lifespan of other breeds of their size.

10. Tibetan Mastiff

Originally bred by the nomadic peoples of Tibet, China, Nepal and Central Asia, the Tibetan Mastiff is an ancient breed of large, muscular dog with thick, usually dark fur. Its name is misleading - it is not a mastiff. A better name for the breed would be Tibetan Mountain Dog. Males can reach 83 cm in height and weigh between 45 and 72 kg, but larger individuals are quite common. As a herd guard in Tibet, the breed is able to withstand predators such as wolves and leopards.

9. Dogo Argentino

Bred in Argentina primarily for hunting, the Dogo Argentino is a huge, muscular dog with white, very short hair. Females can reach up to 76 cm in height and weigh more than 55 kg.

8. Greater Swiss Mountain Dog

The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog is another large dog breed that was developed in the Swiss Alps. The dog has a strong body and great physical strength, and is at the same time agile enough to perform the general farm duties for which it was originally used. Among all the Swiss Mountain Dogs, this breed is considered the oldest and largest: males often weigh more than 72 kg, and their height reaches almost 76 cm. The Greater Mountain Dog is a kind, intelligent and sociable dog, full of enthusiasm and tends to become strongly attached to people and children.

7. Bully Kutta

Also known as the Pakistani Mastiff, the Bully Kutta is a descendant of the nearly extinct Alan, an ancient dog breed that originated in what is now Pakistan. Bully cutta has a predominantly white color, however, there are brown ones with stripes, just brown and black individuals. These are very large dogs - usually approximately 90 cm in height and weighing up to 95 kg. The breed is obedient, friendly and highly trainable.

6. Dogue de Bordeaux

The Dogue de Bordeaux or French Dogue is one of the most ancient French dog breeds. This is a very strong and muscular dog that was bred to work in a variety of jobs, from pulling carts and carrying heavy loads to guarding flocks and even the castles of the European elite. The Dogue de Bordeaux is not as tall as some of the other breeds on this list, but it is large and strong, with males reaching weights of over 68 kg. One of the distinctive features of the breed is its wide, large head, which is considered the largest head in the canine world, in proportion to the rest of the body. Unfortunately, these dogs are susceptible to a huge number of diseases, and their average life expectancy is almost the shortest of all breeds, usually around 5-6 years.

5. Kangal

The Kangal is another livestock guardian and large dog breed that originated in Turkey. Size standards for the breed vary widely: for example, the American standard is a height of 76-81 cm and a weight of up to 66 kg for males, and a height of 71-76 cm with a weight of up to 54 kg for females. The dog is not as massive as similar breeds, making it faster and more agile than other larger dogs. Kangal can reach speeds of up to 50 km per hour. This is a calm, controlled, independent, strong and reliable dog that, when properly trained, is very friendly towards people, especially children.

4. Landseer

The Landseer is remarkably similar to the Newfoundland, and some kennel clubs even believe that the breed is simply a black and white version of them, but the International Federation of Kennel Clubs recognizes the Landseer as a separate breed. Not surprisingly, the body proportions are also very similar to those of the Newfoundland, with males reaching a height of 80 cm and weighing more than 80 kg. Landseer is known for his extraordinary kindness, gentleness and calmness. This large breed of dog loves to swim and is known to save drowning people. The Landseer is also faster and more responsive than the Newfoundland, making it easier to train.

3. Akbash

Native to western Turkey, the Akbash was bred to be a livestock guardian dog. This medium to large dog breed weighs between 34 and 64 kg and stands between 69 and 86 cm in height. The Akbash is leaner and taller than other Turkish livestock guard dog breeds. They have a smooth white coat, sometimes with small spots on the ears. In terms of personality, the Akbash tends to be calm but intelligent. Protecting his herd, he is distinguished by endurance and perseverance. Their lifespan is usually 10-11 years.

2. Cane Corso

Closely related to the Neapolitan Mastiff, the Cane Corso is another Italian breed that is highly regarded as an excellent hunter and herder. Quite muscular, but less massive than most other mastiff breeds. It is also slightly smaller than the Neapolitan Mastiff, reaching a height of approximately 70 cm at the withers and weighing 40-50 kg. The average lifespan of the breed is 10-12 years.

1. Kuvasz

The Kuvasz is the oldest Hungarian dog breed that was originally used to guard livestock. It is a large dog with a dense white coat that ranges from straight to wavy. It is not as muscular or large as the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, but is large enough and agile enough to help the shepherd protect the flock. The Kuvasz is a large and intelligent dog and is often characterized as having a good sense of humor.

The Tibetan Mastiff is one of the oldest breeds of the largest dogs. They served in monasteries as guards, and were also constant companions of the Himalayan nomads.

Tibetan mastiff

The height of a male reaches 81 cm, that of a female – 71 cm; weight up to 82 kg and 60 kg respectively.

Despite its frightening appearance, it is a very kind and obedient dog. But the most surprising feature of this breed is not its size. The Tibetan Mastiff is an incredibly (almost cat-like) clean dog.

An interesting fact is that representatives of this gorgeous breed are very reminiscent of lions. When their fur flutters in the wind, at a certain distance they can really be mistaken for forest kings.

It is this characteristic feature that makes the grin of the Tibetan Mastiff inspiring horror. Although, as we have already emphasized, these dogs themselves are not only very large, but also very kind.

By the way, the Tibetan mastiff named Hong Dong is the most expensive dog in the world. The Chinese tycoon paid 1.5 million euros for it.

  1. German dog

In addition to being one of the largest dogs, the Great Dane is also the tallest breed. Being quite slender, males grow to incredible sizes.

German dog. In the photo is the same Zeus

For example, a gigantic Great Dane from Michigan named Zeus had a height of 111.8 cm. When he rose on his hind legs, he then reached 2.2 m in height.

The minimum height for males is 80 cm (for females 72 cm), weight - up to 91 kg and 59 kg, respectively.

It should be noted here that some people believe that the largest dog in the world means the tallest. However, this term refers not only to the height of the animal, but also to its overall dimensions, as well as the ratio of height and weight.

That is why the Great Dane cannot be in first place in this ranking, although it really has no equal in height.

  1. Pyrenean Mastiff

The Pyrenean Mastiff is a Spanish breed that has long played the role of a shepherd's assistant. Very big dogs.

Pyrenean Mastiff

The height of males is up to 81 cm (females - up to 75 cm), with an average weight of 80 kg. At the same time, there are Pyrenean mastiffs weighing more than 100 kilograms.

Extremely intelligent dogs, which are, as a result, very reliable. It is due to these qualities that they are widely used as bodyguards.

  1. Saint Bernard

Saint Bernard is not yet the largest dog, but it is already one of the largest in the world. Comes from Italian and Swiss. Initially, this breed was bred exclusively for rescue purposes.

Saint Bernard

The average height of these wonderful large dogs is 80 cm, with a weight of more than 100 kilograms.

The Saint Bernard named Benedictine became famous as the heaviest dog in the world: she weighed 166.4 kg.

Another St. Bernard named Major F. went down in history as the longest dog in the world: 2 meters 69 centimeters.

Very calm, large and friendly breed.

  1. Spanish Mastiff

The name of the breed speaks for itself: this mastiff comes from. Used as a herding dog to protect herd animals from predators.

Spanish Mastiff

The average height of a male is 80-90 cm, weight up to 120 kg.

The biggest dog in the world

  1. English Mastiff

And finally, the largest dog in the world is the English Mastiff. This breed has ancient English roots. The average height of these giants is 90 cm, and their weight is 110 kg.

The champion in all respects for the largest dog was an English mastiff named Aikama Zorbo. He was listed in the Guinness Book of Records. His height was 94 centimeters and his weight was 155.58 kg.

English Mastiff (pictured by Aikama Zorbo)

It is difficult to say whether these mastiffs have the ability to breed, but the fact that they are aristocrats is for sure. Despite their gigantic size, they are very peaceful and have a balanced character.

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People make four-legged friends often without even thinking about what the dog’s character is, what he loves and why this or that breed was bred. The following is presented for informational purposes only. ten the largest and most powerful dogs.

The English Mastiff is characterized by:

  • powerful muscles;
  • sad eyes;
  • weight up to 86 kg;
  • height at the withers – 76 cm.
This heavyweight looks very proportionate and many dog ​​lovers choose the English Mastiff not only for protection, but also for children.

Despite its rather stern appearance, this largest and most powerful dog in the world loves its owners infinitely. She will never offend a child, but it is difficult for children to play with such a pet due to its excessive bulk.

Of course, this breed needs regular care and training.

Important! It’s difficult to call the English Mastiff the smartest and most flexible dog, but he will definitely learn the basic lessons.

This heavyweight eats a lot, but should not be overfed. Nutrition should be balanced and limited to 2-3 meals per day.

The birthplace of this giant is Extremadura(Spain).
Initially, Spanish mastiffs, like their ancestors, were used as livestock guards. Such dogs were presented special requirements: they had to be balanced so as not to scare away the cattle, confident and independent, because at night they had to guard the herd without a person.

In addition, they had to be strong and brave to protect against attacks on livestock.

And the Spanish mastiff combines all these qualities - they are able to herd a herd for several days in a row, even without food, and will not allow themselves to kill the livestock. Spanish Mastiff Growth– 77-90 cm, weight – 80-120 kg.

This noble heavyweight will become a wonderful friend for all family members and a devoted guard of the house and territory. It will be inconvenient to keep such a pet in an apartment, but in a private house he will feel comfortable in an enclosure.

– the heaviest among the largest and most powerful dog breeds. The usual weight of these giants is 75-90 kg. However, you can meet a St. Bernard weighing 120 kg.

Did you know? In 1978, a representative of this breed became a real record holder, moving a load of three tons to a distance of 4.5 meters. It took him 1.5 minutes to do this.

Distinctive features of St. Bernard representatives:

  • wise eyes;
  • friendliness;
  • stability of character;
  • playfulness.
Saint Bernards love winter very much - not a single dog misses the opportunity to play in the snow.
At a young age, St. Bernards are stubborn and refuse to follow commands or requests, which causes inconvenience to their owners.

In such cases, you should communicate more with your pet and give him time for quality rest, and spend more time with him outside.

If you and your family are discreet about snoring, drooling and fur, then such a dog will become your best and most loyal friend.

Important! They begin to train the St. Bernard from the time he appears in the house.

Representatives of this breed were given fourth place. They come from Aragon (Spain).
Initially, Asian traders used Pyrenean mastiffs in southwestern Europe as herders.

These heavyweights quite large– 77-81 cm at the withers. Average weight – 70-81 kg. Although, there are also representatives weighing 100 kg.

The nature Pyrenean Mastiffs– loyal, reliable pets who express their readiness to communicate with small children, which is why they are often entrusted with the role of a nanny. They understand perfectly well what is wanted from them, but may not follow commands if they do not recognize the person’s authority.

Pyrenean Mastiffs are prized for their intelligence and reliability. Today, thanks to their powers of observation, endurance and calmness, they are actively used as bodyguards and security guards. Like all large dogs, Pyrenean Mastiffs are best kept in a private home. If they are kept in an apartment, such pets need to be walked for a long time 2 or 3 times a day, giving a load to the muscles. In addition, Pyrenean mastiffs must often be taken out into nature, where they can frolic to their heart's content.

If you like large dog breeds, this beauty is what you need.
Great Danes were bred at the end of the 19th century in Germany. The height at the withers is 70 cm, although a record figure was recorded - above 1 meter. The weight of the Great Dane is 55-90 kg.

– an excellent guard who, if necessary, can become a devoted companion. They are infinitely devoted to their owner, are not prone to aggression and love children very much. They treat strangers with distrust.

Although Great Danes rarely bark, this does not stop them from guarding their territory.

Important! Such pets are suitable for those who already have some experience with dogs, since they can be wayward and stubborn. Early socialization is important for them.

Great Danes will require a fair amount of attention and some sacrifices from the owner. Therefore, those who do not have enough time are not recommended to have such a pet.

This breed is known to many by the mane around its head.
Initially, Tibetan mastiffs were used to protect temples. The largest heavyweight of this breed weighed 120 kg. Average weight Tibetan mastiff– 82 kg, height – 85 cm.

Unfortunately, this heavyweight is only available to people with high incomes (the price for a puppy is 2-10 thousand euros).

Did you know? According to legend, the Tibetan Mastiff is the oldest dog that belonged to the Buddha himself.

Thanks to their thick undercoat and luxurious coat, Tibetan mastiffs can easily withstand any weather, and their power and strength allow them to overcome long distances along rocky trails.

Distinctive features:

  • powerful bones and muscles;
  • endurance;
  • calm;
  • durability;
  • cleanliness;
  • restraint;
  • excellent health;
  • longevity (average 16 years).

Newfoundland ranks seventh place among the largest dogs. Initially, this popular breed today was used only in Canada as a labor force.
Newfoundlands may have light spots on their paws and chest. In post-Soviet territory, these dogs are called divers.

Did you know? Newfoundland dogs have webbed feet.

The standard weight for males is 70 kg with a height of 74 cm.

Newfoundland is a very affectionate dog, whose kindness can be compared to a Labrador. Representatives of this breed are friendly and treat all family members with warmth. Moreover, the Newfoundland is friendly not only to children, but also to strangers.
The character of these dogs fully corresponds to their purpose - saving people. They love water very much and tolerate any temperature well.

This breed was developed in the 17th century Africa. Its representatives have excellent security qualities.

– a powerful, hardy dog ​​with good plasticity and reaction. The height of such a dog– 64-70 cm, weight– 70-90 kg.
These dogs require constant care and attention: training, physical activity, affection. Most pets consider themselves family members and suffer without their owners. Moreover, without communication, they can become destructive.

Boerboels have a very developed protective instinct and are considered the best guards. With proper upbringing, pets are calm towards strangers, although they act aloof.

Without socialization, these dogs become aggressive and hypervigilant. Protecting their territory or their owner, Boerboels prefer to intimidate the victim, but are also ready to use force.
Such a pet will never allow harm to the owner or family member, and is always ready to give his life for them.

Anyone who is interested in large breeds of dogs and has looked at their photos with names is fascinated by the Moscow Watchdog. This heavyweight was bred in the 50s of the 20th century by hybridizing the St. Bernard, the Caucasian Shepherd and the Russian Pinto Hound.
The standard height of this heavyweight is 77-78 cm, weight is 45-60 kg.

Moscow watchmen– balanced, self-confident dogs. Among the family, Moscow watchdogs are affectionate and kind bears that children love to play with.

However, they have excellent security and guard qualities. These dogs are fearless and never back down.

The Moscow watchdog needs movement, although it can also be taught the manners of a city dweller. This dog never barks for no reason.

Important! The Moscow Watchdog should not be owned by older people, teenagers or those who are used to coddling animals. Without proper training, a dog will lose its best qualities and grow up to be cowardly or overly aggressive.

The owner of the Moscow watchdog should become for her real authority, to whom she will obey unquestioningly.

This breed was bred in Germany and named after the German city of Leonberg, whose mayor was fond of breeding and crossed the Landseer, St. Bernard and Pyrenean mountain dog.
Leonbergers have a calm character and temperament. Perfect for the role of a security guard.

Leonberger standard height– 70 cm, weight – 80 kg.

Thanks to its lush and long coat Leonberger looks simply huge. Although, despite their massiveness, these dogs are very dexterous.

Thanks to its easy-going nature, this dog can become an excellent nanny for children. In addition, they can serve as police officers and help rescue people from snow slides and water.

Of course, a large dog requires not only a lot of time, but also money. Anyone who is going to adopt such a pet must raise it correctly so that the dog becomes a reliable protector and not an uneducated danger to the family.

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Crossbreeding of large dogs by breeders allows them to produce ideal pets for guard and security service. There is no optimal scale for determining the largest dog, but there is an opinion that such an animal should weigh at least 45 kg. The height of the dog under such conditions is unimportant, because representatives of individual breeds are tall and thin, or, on the contrary, have a moderate height at the withers, but a strong build. The magazine "Big Rating" presents the category "the largest dogs in the world" in the TOP-11 ranking. It should be understood that in each breed there may be record holders whose parameters may go beyond the criteria of any ratings.

  • other names: alabai, wolfhound, asian, turkmen shepherd dog
  • height at withers: 70-75 cm – males, 65-70 cm – females
  • weight: 55-80 kg – males, 40-65 kg – females
  • Lifespan: 11-15 years

The Central Asian Shepherd is an ancient breed originating from Central Asia. It is quite problematic to describe representatives of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog breed, since these dogs are very different in appearance. Of the nearly 20 variations of this species, most are crossed with each other or even with other breeds. The only thing these dogs have in common is their massiveness. Thus, among representatives of the breed living in Asia, there are specimens weighing up to 90 kg. Outwardly, Asians are practically indistinguishable from other guard dogs, but their physique is lighter and more athletic. Pronounced sexual dimorphism makes it easy to distinguish a male from a female.

Despite the apparent clumsiness and slowness, Asians have an explosive temperament, excellent reactions and a muscular body. These dogs are aggressive exclusively “on duty”, smart, hardy, easy to care for, and loyal to puppies and children.

  • other names: Hungarian Shepherd
  • height at withers: 75-80 cm – males, 65-70 cm – females
  • weight: 50-60 kg – males, 40-50 kg – females

The Hungarian Shepherd is a shepherd and guard dog. Its unique type of wool allows it to easily camouflage itself in a sheep flock. It is difficult to discern a dog in this shepherd dog at first glance; it is an awkward, huge thing, reminiscent of a clump of coarse white wool or a sheep. Because of its dreadlock-like fur, the Komondor appears taller, larger and heavier than it actually is.

In the absence of a potential threat, the Hungarian Shepherd is absolutely calm and balanced, but if it suspects something is wrong and will not hesitate to attack the enemy. The Komondor's attacks are not like those of fighting dogs: it delivers such powerful head blows that the opponent's bones are broken. This is how these shepherds break the backs of wolves attacking sheep herds. Komondors are hardy, brave, intelligent and loyal to humans. And for those who were interested in the question “how does a dog see through such thick fur?” We answer: great!

  • other names: Irish greyhound, wolfdog
  • height at withers: 79-90 cm males, 71-80 cm females
  • weight: 55-60 kg males, 41-50 kg females

Wolfhounds are the national pride of Ireland and are surrounded by legends. The Irish Wolfhound was bred as a serious guard dog with a steely character. The dogs have a strong, muscular build and are distinguished by ease and swiftness of movement. At one time, Irish wolfhounds, in addition to fighting wolves, were also involved in deer hunting.

Current representatives of the breed are more characterized by a good-natured, calm disposition, shyness and some laziness than by severity and mercilessness. They are ready to lie on the sofa for days and expose the back for stroking. Although the Irish Wolfhound will not make the best watchdog, it will be ideal company for a morning run. Dogs love children and active games with them.

  • other names: Mastino Napoletano, Mastiff Neapolitano
  • height at withers: 67-75 cm – males, 60-68 cm – females
  • weight: 60-75 kg – males, 50-60 kg – females

These majestic dogs trace their pedigree back to ancient times. According to one legend, Mastinos were bred in the southern part of the Apennine Peninsula as guard dogs. According to another version, the Neapolitan mastiff is a descendant of Roman fighting dogs that fought with fighters and were used to bait animals. Dogs of the Mastino breed have a tightly built massive body with a wide chest, short legs and a large head. One sight of a powerful beast will discourage any villain from coveting other people's property.

Despite its impressive size, the modern Mastino Napoletano is a calm creature, infinitely devoted to its owner and loving his children. The dog, like his ancestor, is fearless, distrustful of strangers and terrible in anger. Training Neapolitan Mastiff puppies requires early socialization and does not require training to attack humans.

  • other names: leo, leon, “gentle lion”
  • height at withers: 72-80 cm – males, 65-75 cm – females
  • weight: 54-77 kg – males, 45-61 kg – females
  • Lifespan: 7-8 years

One of the most beautiful breeds, the Leonberger, was bred in Germany in 1840. The goal of the breeder, who crossed a Landseer, a long-haired St. Bernard and a Great Pyrenees dog, was to create a strong and powerful dog that would become a living embodiment of the lion depicted on the Leonberg city coat of arms. The result of the experiment was the appearance of a completely new dog of enormous size, weighing from 60 to 80 kg.

Leonbergers are active and intelligent, balanced and accommodating, obedient and friendly. They make excellent rescuers and children's playmates. Dogs are very attached to their owner and his family, they love, adore and obey them unquestioningly. At the same time, Leonbergs have first-class guard dog abilities.

  • other names: Caucasian Shepherd Dog, Caucasian Wolfhound
  • height at withers: 68-81 cm – males, 64-76 cm – females
  • weight: 50-90 kg – males, 45-76 kg – females
  • Lifespan: 10-12 years

The Caucasian Shepherd is one of the oldest dog breeds, as it was bred in the Caucasus to protect sheep flocks more than 2 thousand years ago. These dogs are, first and foremost, watchdogs. Caucasians have a very thick coat with a dense undercoat, which allows them to spend a lot of time in the cold. The dog has serious makings of a fighter, and given his size (height 70 cm, weight 85 kg) and distrustful attitude towards strangers, he easily turns into a huge furry monster.

Without respect for a dog, instilling in it the skills the owner needs is very problematic, since for centuries Caucasians have had the habit of analyzing the situation and making decisions independently at the genetic level. Caucasians are very smart and willful, so they require a strong hand and responsible training. Shepherd dogs are determined, courageous, resilient and adaptive.

  • other names: diver
  • height at withers: 69-75 cm – males, 63-68 cm – females
  • weight: 70-80 kg – males, 45-60 kg – females
  • Lifespan: 7-10 years

Huge dogs with long hair were originally used in Canada as labor for transporting goods, searching and rescuing people, including from water and fire. An interesting feature of these dogs is the presence of water-repellent fur and webbed paws. Together with a high level of intelligence and innate fearlessness, these factors allow dogs to still successfully work as rescuers.

The Newfoundland is a large and affectionate dog, cheerful and friendly. Dogs are not inclined to show aggression towards representatives of other breeds, animals, children and even strangers. But, although Newfoundlands cannot be watchdogs and bodyguards, they are ideal as a friend and companion dog.

  • other names: Saint Bernard's dog
  • height at withers: 70-90 cm – males, 65-80 cm – females
  • weight: 80-116 kg – males, 80-100 kg females
  • Lifespan: 8-10 years

There are several versions about the origin of the St. Bernard breed. According to the first, their genus comes from the dogs of Roman legionnaires - Dogues de Bordeaux, and the final standard of the breed was formed after crossing with Newfoundlands. The second version recognizes the Tibetan mastiffs as the ancestors of St. Bernards. What is known for certain is that the name of the dogs was given by the Alpine monastery of St. Bernard.

Saint Bernards are large, strong and hardy dogs, which, like their ancestors who lived at the monastery, are used to search for people, protect property and as a companion dog. Dogs can become a first-class children's nanny, protect the owner from attack, and pull a person out of fire or water. Saint Bernards are phlegmatic by nature, therefore they are not prone to mood swings, they are very accommodating, good-natured and love their owner.

  • other names: Tibetan dog, Tsang-hi, Do-hi
  • height at withers: 69-85 cm – males, 61-70 cm – females
  • weight: 60-85 kg – males, 41-60 kg – females
  • Lifespan: 14-16 years

The popularity of the descendants of Tibetan Great Danes continues unabated due to their first-class watchdog qualities. The impressive size of the shaggy beast and its low voice, which it delivers only at the right time, cause fear and apprehension even among the most seasoned burglars. At the same time, additional training for dogs is not required, since the sense of ownership and correct understanding of the zone of protected property is genetically inherent in the Tibetan mastiff.

These dogs perfectly divide people into “friends” and “strangers”, and this applies not only to members of the owner’s family, but also to other animals living in the protected area. However, it should be remembered that the Tibetan Mastiff is an intelligent dog, but with character, and if it does not agree to obey an order, then it should be persuaded and not punished.

English mastiff

  • other names: mastiff, big pug, Old English mastiff.
  • height at withers: from 75 cm – males, from 70 cm – females
  • weight: 75-160 kg – males, 70-140 kg – females
  • Lifespan: 6-10 years

Many people associate the appearance of English mastiffs with the arrival of Celtic tribes in England. The first data on purebred representatives of the current breed date back to the 15th century, when mentions of them appeared in the literature. Over time, the breed fell out of fashion and shredded, so to restore it, dog breeders resorted to crossing dogs with American and Alpine Mastiffs.

The English Mastiff is the heaviest breed with impressive size. This companion dog is an ideal pet, despite its enormous height and weight. Thanks to their strength, self-confidence and prudence, dogs are also indispensable as watchmen and bodyguards. The English Mastiff is infinitely loyal to his owner and his family, calmly treats people who do not commit hostile actions. But you should not forget about training, since without proper education it is problematic to control a furry giant.