Those important moments may be left behind. Important points to know about childhood asthma

October is the time of the most widespread publications in the press of materials dedicated to the fight against breast cancer. In our country, the All-Ukrainian Day against Breast Cancer will be celebrated on October 20, and the World Health Organization (WHO) highlights whole month– October, – to maximize awareness of the dangers of breast cancer and opportunities for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of this disease. Considering the topic of the OncoPortal, materials about breast cancer appear on our website much more often, however, it is in October that we place greater emphasis on the topic of one of the most “female” types of cancer. An example of this is today's post. So, here are the 10 most important things to know about mammography.

1. Mammography can save your life

Early detection of breast cancer reduces the risk of death from the disease by 25-30% or more. From the age of 40, women should undergo regular mammograms (once a year), or if there is increased risk development of breast cancer, then at an even earlier age.

2. Don't be afraid

Mammography is quick procedure(takes about 20 minutes), during which most women experience minimal discomfort. The procedure is safe: mammography provides only a small amount radiation exposure. And to relieve your anxiety while waiting for your mammogram results, try going to a cancer center that will give you the results right away.

3. Get the best diagnostic quality you can afford

If you have dense breasts or are under the age of 50, try a digital mammogram. Digital mammography is recorded on a computer so the doctor can zoom in on individual areas to look at them in more detail.

4. Bring your previous mammograms/results with you.

If you have had a mammogram before, make sure your past results are available to whoever will be viewing your current result.

5. Be loyal

If you have already found a medical center where you are satisfied with the quality of mammography, try to undergo mammography screening there in subsequent years, then the results of your mammography may be comparable to the results of previous years.

6. Find out if your practice has automated detection

Automated detection is one of the tools that helps the radiologist find problem areas that require additional attention.

7. Don't use deodorant or antiperspirant before your mammogram.

You should not apply deodorant or antiperspirant to the armpit area, as it may appear on the image and thus affect the diagnostic result.

8. Mammography is the most accurate means of detecting breast cancer

However, mammography can still miss about 20% malignant tumors breasts that are simply not visible with this technique. Other important tools such as breast self-diagnosis, clinical examination mammary glands, ultrasound and MRI, can and should be used as additional tools, but an equivalent method to mammography early diagnosis Breast cancer does not exist today.

9. An unusual result requires further testing and does NOT ALWAYS mean you have breast cancer.

Statistically, about 10% of women (1 in 10) who have a mammogram will need additional research. Only 8-10% of these women will require a biopsy, and about 80% of the biopsy results will not be cancer. It's normal to worry about what you need additional diagnostics, but try to calm down and not assume the worst until you have enough information.

10. Women should get a mammogram once a year starting at age 40.

If you have an increased risk of developing breast cancer (for example, because you have a family history of breast or ovarian cancer), you should have regular mammography screening starting at an early age. early age– at least 30 years old. But your mammologist will tell you more precisely about how often and at what age you need to undergo mammography. Why not book a consultation now?


Films are one of my most inspiring sources. In difficult moments, motivational films remind me to be stronger.

In this article, I have selected 25 inspiring movie quotes that will teach you the most valuable life lessons.

1. Be determined. Instead of intending to try something, just do it.

Do the deed, or don't do it at all. There is no room for trying. – Master Yoda, Star Wars.

2. Learn to let go and see clearly where you want to go next.

Love cannot be found where it does not exist, and it cannot be hidden where it exists. —David Schwimmer, “Make Kiss.”

3. Past experiences are valuable lessons, learn from them.

Oh yes, the past can hurt. But you can either escape from it or learn a lesson from it. – Rafiki, “The Lion King.”

4. Just be yourself because you are unique and you will see - you will shine.

Why do you try so hard to fit in if you were born to stand out? - “What does a girl want”

5. Life is too short to miss anything, try to live slower.

Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop to look around once, you'll miss it. - Ferris, Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

6. You must love yourself and take care of yourself, because, first of all, this is your life.

You can't live your life for others. You have to do what's right for you, even if it hurts those you love. - "Diary of member".

7. Everyone has a choice. You can choose yours own way in life.

We are who we choose to be. - Green Goblin, Spiderman.

8. You deserve what you want when you work hard for it. No one has the right to take this from you.

Don't let anyone even make you feel unworthy of what you want. – Heath Ledger, “10 Things I Hate About You.”

9. There is no perfect time for anything, do it now or you will regret it later.

I don't regret what I did, I regret what I didn't do. - "Empire" store.

10. You don't have to hide just because you're afraid of what others will think of you. You have a choice to live your life.

Showing ourselves as we really are is not an is our choice. – Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

11. Just keep moving, you can do it one day.

Run Forest run! - "Forrest Gump".

12. The least expected things happen at the most inopportune times in life.

My mom always said, “Life is like a box.” chocolates, you never know which one you'll get." - "Forrest Gump".

13. Never give up in pursuit of your dream, fight for it as hard as you can.

Never let anyone tell you that you are incapable of something, not even me. OK? This is your dream, you must protect it. When people can't do something themselves, they want to tell you that you can't do it either. If you want something, go and get it. – Chris Gardner, The Pursuit of Happyness.

14. Don't get stuck in your own little world because life's proposition is to explore and gain experience.

See the world, come to dangerous things, see what is behind the walls, get closer, find each other and feel. This is what life offers. – “ Incredible Life Walter Mitty."

15. Stop trying to please everyone, because it's impossible. Do what you are comfortable doing.

You can't live your life pleasing others. The choice should be yours. – The White Queen, Alice in Wonderland.

16. Believe in yourself. Your confidence will open your path to happiness and success.

After a while, you will learn to ignore what people call you and just believe in who you are. - “Shrek.”

17. On the path to your goals and dreams, you will definitely encounter many difficulties, just hang in there!

If you're going to try, go all the way. Otherwise, you shouldn't even start. This may mean that you will lose your girlfriend, wife, relatives, job. And perhaps your mind. You may have to fast for three or four days. Perhaps you will freeze on a bench in the park. You might end up in jail. You might be ridiculed. You might be bullied and ignored. Ignoring is a gift. Everything else is a test of your endurance. How badly you want to achieve it. And you will do this, despite the worst odds for yourself. And it will be better than anything you can imagine. – Henry Chinaski, Factotum.

18. Make every moment count, enjoy your life and don’t waste it.

We all have to decide what to do with the time given to us. - "Lord of the rings, Brotherhood of the ring"

19. The small things you do today will probably bear huge fruits in the future.

What matters is what you do right now. - “Black Hawk Down.”

20. Don’t take missed opportunities as something bad, you never know what life is trying to teach you.

Our lives are defined by opportunities, even those we miss. – “ Misterious story Benjamin Button"

21. Achieving greatness is all about how much effort you put in all the time.

Great men were not born great, they became great. – Mario Puzo, “The Godfather.”

22. Instead of looking for happiness, live in the moment and this is where happiness exists.

I still believe in heaven. But at least now I know that this is not a place that you can find, because it is not where you are going. It's how you feel in that moment when you are part of something, and if you find that moment, it lasts forever. - "Beach".

23. If you are looking for someone who will complete you, then you will never have harmony within you when you are alone.

Only when you achieve harmony within yourself will you find true connection with others. - "Before dawn".

24. Always keep hope. Be optimistic.

I know what I have to do now, I have to keep breathing because the sun will rise tomorrow. Who knows what the wave might bring? - “Outcast.”

25. Before you do anything, understand for yourself why you need it. The goal is important reason support what you will do.

To find something, anything, the great truth about lost glasses, you first have to believe that you will have some kind of advantage in it. - “All the king’s men.”

Do you have quotes from films that have truly inspired you? Share them!

People with autism tend to have a more difficult time experiencing face-to-face communication. This is because their perception of the world is significantly different from how the average “neurotypical” person sees the world. What should you remember when communicating with an autistic person? Here are ten important points that will help you better understand a person with autism.

Children's writer Michael Rosenne is one of those who are used to leaving a problem without a solution. Rosen asked Alice Rowe - a British author who writes about autism - about how autistic people see the world and how their perception of the world differs from the "neurotypical".

Alice Rowe lives with Asperger's syndrome herself. According to her, we all must understand that each of us has our own picture of the world, which differs from how another person sees the world. And everyone has their own unique experience of communicating with the world. If we keep this in mind, Rowe says, we can understand each other better.

Alice Rowe told Michael Rosen about ten ways autistic people perceive the world during communication.

According to the World Health Organization, one in 160 children worldwide is born with autism spectrum disorder. In the UK, the percentage of children with autism among newborns is higher than the world average: one in a hundred babies is diagnosed with the disorder.


Autism spectrum disorder affects the way a person sees, hears, feels and interacts with the world and people. A person with autism may find it more difficult to talk to others and recognize signs of communication. In such situations they experience great anxiety.

Many people with autism spectrum disorder find it difficult to perceive speech when background noise is present.

U different people autism manifests itself in different ways. For some, the manifestations of separation may be much more noticeable than for others. Some people with autism can be very loud and outgoing, while others can be quiet and distant. Some of them prefer to communicate using gestures and signs.

Although many autistic people experience similar communication difficulties, the impact of these differences on their lives can be very different.

Autistic people may have difficulty understanding other people's speech in a background of noise.

A “neurotypical” person (that is, someone who does not have an autism spectrum disorder) may be able to concentrate on what they are saying in this moment special person, because his brain is able to cut off all sounds and noises that are not related to the conversation.

But many people with autism are unable to filter out sound and are unable to separate background noise from speech. In this case, several sound streams at once - street noise, music, conversations of passers-by - simultaneously compete for their attention.

It may be difficult to hear what a person is saying challenging task for autistic person. He needs much more effort to concentrate on speaking, and most likely he will have to ask the interlocutor to repeat what was said.

Autistic people may not pick up on cues and signals that other people easily understand

People with autism may not be able to pick up on nuances such as tone of speech and facial expressions. They also have difficulty understanding how these nuances change the meaning of what is being said.


As a result, people with autism are more likely to take words literally. They have difficulty understanding sarcasm, irony, metaphors, or wordplay.

But don't think that anyone with autism is incapable of understanding the nuances of conversation. Many autistic people are able to learn to read and decipher such nonverbal cues, but it is often quite difficult for them.

Context helps understanding

Sometimes it is difficult for a person with autism to understand true meaning what others are talking about if they lack information to understand the context. Therefore, it is very important when talking with a person with autism spectrum disorder to provide the most complete context for understanding the situation.

Alice gives an example. If you suddenly saw a blackbird on a Brighton beach and exclaimed, “Wow, look at that bird!”, then your interlocutor with autism will most likely not understand what exactly you mean. But if you add: “It’s so strange to see a blackbird by the sea,” then it will be much easier for him.

It is difficult for a person with autism to know when it is appropriate to talk to others

People with autism tend to have more difficulty “reading” certain signs in human behavior, understanding gestures and facial expressions, so it is more difficult for them to decide when to start a conversation and when it is better not to do so.

If you speak first, invite the person with autism into the discussion, and ask direct questions, you will help them decide to talk.

People with autism may speak slowly and monotonously

For many people with autism, conversation requires long and careful thought.

They may speak very slowly and monotonously, may stutter, emphasize unexpected words, or go into, as it seems to us, unnecessary details.


Since such a conversation usually seems strange to a “neurotypical” person, the autistic interlocutor may be distracted from the conversation, stop listening, or stop trying to understand what is being said to him.

Therefore, it is very important not to rush a person with autism and listen carefully to your interlocutor.

Ease of communication may be apparent

Many people with high-functioning autism can easily imitate casual interactions. However, while we think they are enjoying the conversation, they are actually busy with incredibly difficult work.

Sometimes they'd rather text or send email- for people with autism, this is often a less stressful form of communication than face-to-face conversation.

People with autism sometimes express emotions in unexpected ways

People with autism may express their emotions in a way that is unusual for “neurotypical” people or react to certain events in very unexpected ways because their perception of what is happening is quite different from the generally accepted one.

For example, Alice recalls that when she got an excellent mark in her exam and entered the university, everyone thought that she would be happy. But instead of joy, the girl felt anxiety, because entering university meant for her that her whole life and her usual daily routine would change.

We agree that feminine hygiene is a very uncomfortable topic of conversation (even during a visit to the gynecologist). But ignoring this issue can lead to much more serious consequences than the blush of embarrassment on your face. It’s unlikely that you attended lectures on “How to clean your vagina” at school, and who knows how far you have advanced in your knowledge about female body ever since then. And this despite the fact that proper cleansing of this delicate and sensitive part of the body is of paramount importance for women's health!

Everyone knows how to keep their hair, face and other parts of the body clean, but when it comes to hygiene intimate places, most women behave very ignorantly. Should I use it for THIS? certain products? What should you do to properly clean this area? Why do people act as if this is one of life's great mysteries?

Down with unnecessary secrets! Right now we will try to give you the answer to three important questions:

1. Why do you NEED to wash yourself?

2. How to wash yourself CORRECTLY?

3. How NOT to wash your face?

Question 1: Why do you NEED to wash yourself?

The genital area is very delicate and vulnerable. The uterine cavity is sterile. If viruses or pathogens enter it, they begin to multiply unhindered, causing inflammatory processes and women's diseases.

Gynecologists believe that washing is a mandatory hygienic procedure, but it must always be performed in compliance with certain rules.

Question 2: How to wash yourself CORRECTLY?

You should know that you only need to wash the INSIDE in extreme cases. The vagina cleans itself very well on its own. If you upset the delicate pH balance, it will make it a breeding ground for hostile bacteria. Typically, the vagina has a low pH because it is designed to prevent the growth of unwanted bacteria that can cause vaginal infections.

What you absolutely NEED to do when washing is to wash your labia with very mild soap or detergent. However, the most recommended hygiene product for such washing, gynecologists consider it simple baby soap colorless and odorless. Yes, it's boring, but it's safe! After showering, be sure to dry your external genitalia to remove any excess moisture from the folds, which can lead to a yeast infection. And don't forget to allocate for this hygiene procedure a separate towel, which should always be clean and dry!

Question 3: How NOT to wash your face?

Remember that no matter how you describe your funds intimate hygiene big cosmetic companies, you don't need to wash the inside of your vagina unless absolutely necessary. Store-bought intimate hygiene products (as well as douching) can not only disrupt the internal pH, but also dry out natural lubrication. It has been clinically proven that changing the pH of the vagina promotes the rapid growth of all types of bacteria. We readily believe that the packaging looks very beautiful, but please put the bottle back on the shelf!

Ultimately, you shouldn't think too much about cleansing this part of your body. In truth, taking care of the natural functions of your body has long become a business, and buying expensive cosmetic products most often results in unnecessary and completely unnecessary financial expenses. Better buy yourself a delicious lunch or get a manicure with this money, because your vagina will take care of itself!

It is very important to give yourself fully to the current moment, and not wait for the next one to come. You need to be completely immersed and enjoy what is happening at the present moment.

Mountains of bills are growing before your eyes, and you have no idea how you will pay them. Your mother has Alzheimer's, and caring for her sucks the life out of you. You begin to doubt that anyone even cares about you. But it is at this moment that your heart beats, you breathe, you are not hungry and you have a roof over your head. Under all circumstances, desires and requirements, everything is fine with you. At that moment when you are preparing dinner, or buying groceries at the store, or driving to work, or reading the mail - stop and in the very moment in which you are, remind your consciousness: right now everything is fine with me.

After some time and a certain number of repetitions, the habit of being in the present and calming the mind will actually change neural connections in your brain - this is a special process called neuroplasticity - and this will become your norm.

Life always happens now.

Take a break from your thoughts more often - get carried away by the moment...

And no matter what happens to us TOMORROW...

We have TODAY and NOW in stock! ツ

You are where your thoughts are.
Make sure your thoughts are where you want to be.

And this moment is only yours!
Make it the way you really want!

Live every moment because it cannot be repeated. Appreciate it while it lasts, before it flashes by and disappears forever. Live here and now, appreciate the ordinary minutes of life.

The time for happiness is now.

There are people who think that somewhere is better than here...
There are people who think that it once was or will be better than now...
But there are people who feel good here and now, while others are thinking! :)

If I am not able to happily wash the dishes, if I want to get them over with quickly so I can go have a cup of tea, then I will also be unable to happily drink the tea itself. With a cup in my hands, I will think about what to do next, and the taste and aroma of tea, along with the pleasure of drinking it, will be forgotten. I will always be languishing in the future and will never be able to live in the present moment...

Thich Nhat Hanh

There are moments in which a person does not think about anything, does not reflect, does not evaluate, but there are not many of them. We call these moments happy. This is the moment when you completely remain where your body is, stay here. This is a feeling of happiness, a state of love, peace.

We are always looking forward to something: weekends, vacations, vacations. We dream of this day after day, overwhelmed with books and work, making plans and thinking about what we could do if we had free time now. And we want this. Unfortunately, this is another “if only” that you definitely need to get rid of in your life. When they come long-awaited days freedom - desires and plans to do something disappear, and if there is strength to do something, it is definitely not to the same extent and not with such zeal as we imagined it when we were busy. When there is a lot of something, we stop noticing and appreciating it. And over time it’s better not to joke. Friendship with him already costs us dearly. You need to try to allocate more time for your desires, appreciate it, use it wisely. Find your favorite activities and places, create your own days and evenings, and more good things will happen...

The mind came up with the idea of ​​dividing life into past, present and future, but this division is completely artificial. The past and future are thought forms, an illusion, a mental abstraction. You can remember the past only in this Moment. The event that you remember happened at this Moment, and you also remember it at this Moment. The future, when it comes, comes in this Moment. So the only thing that is real, the only thing that is always there, is the present Moment.

Eckhart Tolle "What Silence Says"

Now - good time to forgive...

Now is a good time to love yourself...

Now is a good time to allow yourself to live easier...

Life is here and now, not tomorrow and then.

What you did a minute ago or yesterday

or within the last six months,

or the last sixteen years,

or the last fifty years -

does not mean anything.

What really matters is

what are you doing right now.

There is something great in every minute. For example, happiness...

Live in the present day, every day, as if it might end at sunset.

Many people wait all week for Friday, the whole month of the holiday, the whole year of summer, and all their lives for happiness. But you need to rejoice in every day and enjoy every moment.


I find heaven in every place, I see good in every situation, love in every person.

In fact, all you need to do is fully accept this moment. Then you are at peace with the here and now and at peace with yourself. Eckhart Tolle

The past is gone, the future has not yet arrived. Only this moment remains - pure, saturated with energy. Live it!

Life always happens now.

Remind yourself often that the purpose of life is not to accomplish everything you set out to do, but to enjoy every step you take. life path, is to fill life with love. Richard Carlson

Sometimes currently impossible to accept, unpleasant or terrible. It is what it is. Observe how the mind creates labels and how they are distributed, how continuous dwelling in judgment creates pain and makes you unhappy. By tracking the mechanisms of the mind, you move away from the stereotype of resistance and, thereby, allow the present moment to be. This state gives you the opportunity to feel the taste of inner freedom from external circumstances, the taste of a state of true inner peace. Then just watch what happens, and if necessary or possible, act.Accept first, act later. Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you chose it. Always work with him, not against him. Make him your friend and ally, not your enemy. It will magically transform your entire life.

Eckhart Tolle

- What we are going to do?

- Enjoy the moment.

This moment is what is most important.

A moment is only a moment - a person seems so unimportant about the moment that he misses it, but only in this is his whole life, only in the moment of the present can he make the effort that takes the kingdom of God both inside and outside of us. Lev Tolstoy


When your attention is transferred to the present moment, this is readiness. It is as if you are emerging from a dream - a dream consisting of thoughts, from the past and the future. So clear, so simple. There is absolutely no room for creating problems. Only the present moment - as such. Eckhart Tolle

Just stop, stop searching. Everything you have been looking for is in front of you, you just have to reach out and take what was meant for you from birth. Just stop looking and enjoy what you have. Wherever you are, whatever you do, whoever you are with, just listen, observe, look closely, learn. Just live.Live as if you had just been born and saw everything that surrounds you!The happiness of life lies in the present moment, in the ability to live now and feel, hear, see, breathe every moment... Every moment - Live.

If you want to live a happy life, love everyday little things.
The glow of clouds, the rustle of leaves, the chirping of a flock of sparrows, the faces of passers-by - find pleasure in all these everyday little things.

Akutagawa Ryunosuke

The world will present itself to you exactly as you imagine it to yourself.

You constantly adjust your life to your own ideas about it.

What you believe strongly enough is what you will see in your life. And in no case is it the other way around. In essence, the daily hell in which you live is nothing more than the result of your stubborn belief that here and now is not heaven at all.

Chuck Hillig

You sit and sit for yourself; you go - and go yourself.
The main thing is not to fuss in vain.

You are the garden of Joy, you don't need anyone to be happy. You dwell in the Garden of Joy, but remembering the old things, you become sad. This Joy, this Moment will destroy both the mind and suffering, since this Moment is precisely Happiness. So don't go back to past moments that bring suffering. Papaji

The greatest miracle is to simply be!

I'm interested in delight. I am interested in absolute merging with the cosmos at the everyday level. If I kiss, then I am not there at that moment. If I sing a song, I am not there at that moment. This is what interests me. I look where there are least distractions. Where there are the fewest bunnies around. I don't want to waste my energy. If we again take the analogy with a kiss, there are people who kiss and think - I still need to call this today, do this, this and this. But it's not interesting. If I'm doing something, I want to be all there. I have come to the point of view that I want undiluted happiness.

Boris Grebenshchikov

To learn to live now, you need to let go of everything that happened yesterday.

The present moment is the field on which the game of life takes place. And it cannot happen anywhere else. The secret of the ability to live, the secret of success and happiness can be expressed in three words: Unity with Life. Unity with life is unity with what is Now. Once you realize this, you will understand that it is not you who live your life, but life that lives you. Life is a dancer and you are the dance. Eckhart Tolle

The best way to take care of the future is

Eternity pulsates in every breath...

He who understands life is in no hurry. Stop...

Feel the taste of every moment!


The universe is being recreated moment by moment. Therefore, in reality there is no past, there is only a memory of the past. Blink your eye and the world you see did not exist when you closed it. Therefore, the only possible state of mind is surprise. The only possible state of the heart is delight. The skies you see now are ones you have never seen before. Now is the perfect moment. Be happy with it.

Terry Pratchett "Time Thief"


When you stop delving into what has already happened...

And worry about what hasn't happened yet...

Then you will be able to feel the Joy of Life.

Stay in the present. You can't change anything in the past, and the future will never come to you exactly as you imagined or expected to see it. Dan Millman.

The great science of living happily is to live in the present.

Don't be afraid of what will happen tomorrow. Love yours today, love it with any, unwanted, bad. And then it will respond to you with love, just as someone whom no one wants to see or accept anymore responds with love, and suddenly there is someone who accepts him completely.

You are too preoccupied with what was and what will be... The sages say: the past is forgotten, the future is closed, the present is given. That's why they call him real.

Don't let the clock and calendar obscure the fact that every second of life is a miracle and a mystery.

Forget the past, it brings sorrows, do not think about the future, it brings worries, live in the present, because this is the only way to be happy.

Do not anger the cruel firmament with prayer,

Don't call your disappeared friends back.

Forget yesterday, don’t think about tomorrow:

Today you live - live today.

Omar Khayyam

People would suffer much less if they did not so diligently develop the power of imagination, if they did not endlessly remember past troubles, but lived in the harmless present.

Only by stopping to grieve about the past and worry about the future can I enjoy what is happening now.

Yesterday is already history.
Tomorrow is a mystery.
And today is a gift, accept it.

This is how the Little Engine from Romashkovo reasoned: stop, look around, listen, otherwise you may be late for life...

As I breathe in, I calm my body and mind.
As I exhale, I smile.
Being in the present moment, I know that this moment is amazing!

Yesterday is history.

Tomorrow is a mystery.

Today's is a gift!

One day, from the window of his house, from where he could see the market square, Rabbi Nachman noticed one of his students. He was in a hurry to get somewhere.

Did you have time to look at the sky this morning? - Rabbi Nachman asked him.

No, rabbi, I didn't have time.

Believe me, in fifty years everything you see here will disappear. There will be a different fair here - with different horses, with different carts, and the people will be different too. I won't be here anymore, and neither will you. What is so important here that you don’t have time to look at the sky?...

The world is beautiful, perfect, and endlessly interesting. You just need to realize life in the moment Here and Now. And she will open all her doors to you. Yes, be open with your heart!

The ego keeps you waiting: tomorrow, when you succeed, you can rejoice. And today, of course, you must suffer, you must sacrifice. Tomorrow simply means something that never happens. This is postponing life until later. This is a great strategy to keep you captive to suffering. The ego cannot rejoice in the present. It is not capable of existing in the present; it dwells only in the future or in the past, which do not exist. The past no longer exists, the future does not yet exist; both are non-existent things. In the present, pure moment, you will not find the ego in yourself - only silent joy and pure silent emptiness.

OSHO ---

Never go back to the past. It kills your present. Memories are meaningless, they only take away your precious time. Stories don't repeat, people don't change. Never wait for anyone, don’t stand still. Those who need it will catch up. Do not look back. All hopes and dreams are just illusions, don’t let them take over you.

Remember! Never, under any circumstances, give up. And always love, you cannot live without love, but love this present, the past cannot be returned, and the future may not begin.

Sometimes we say how good it used to be, how we miss those times. In the future, we will say the same about what is happening now. Appreciate the present.

If you always look back, you won't be able to see what lies ahead...

M/f "Ratatouille" ---

Close your eyes and you will see. Stop listening and you will hear. Stay alone with your heart - and you will realize...

Use every moment so that you don’t repent later and regret that you missed your youth.

Paulo Coelho ---

Try, at least in a small way, not to bring your mind.
Look at the world - just look.
Don't say "like" or "dislike". Don't say anything.
Don't say words, just watch.
The mind will feel uncomfortable.
The mind would like to say something.
You simply say to the mind:
“Be quiet, let me see, I’ll just watch”...

Stretching out their hands to the stars, people often forget about the flowers under their feet.

D. Benthem ---

Life is the way it is seen. It's magical enough that you don't need to invent anything else.

—— Bernard Werber —-

There are three traps that steal joy and peace: regret about the past, anxiety about the future, and ungratefulness for the present.

Do you want to be happy man- don’t rummage through your memory.

Accept reality as it is.
Appreciate everything that comes into your life.
Enjoy it while it lasts.
Let go when the time is right.

I was inspired by the words of Chogyam Trungpa, a Tibetan meditation master, who was once asked how he managed, fleeing from the Chinese invasion, to cross the Himalayas with his disciples, having almost no preparation or provisions, not knowing the path and outcome of his risky undertaking. His answer was short: “Alternately moving your legs.”

Jorge Bucay

Happiness is available to everyone, and is available right now.
We just need to stop and look carefully at the treasures that already surround us.

There are people who think that somewhere is better than here.
There are people who think that once upon a time it was (will be) better than it is now.
There are people who feel good here and now, while others think.

How you live every day is how your whole life goes. How easy it is to give in to the idea that one day does not solve anything, since we have many more similar days ahead of us. But a wonderful life is nothing more than a sequence of wonderful, well-lived days, coming in succession, like pearls strung on a thread in a beautiful necklace. Every day is valuable in its own way. The past is left behind and the future is just a figment of the imagination, so today is all you own. So use this day wisely.

Life is “now”. This is not “tomorrow” and not “yesterday”. One is unknown, the other does not exist.

Peace and serenity can only exist in the present moment. If you really want to be in peace and harmony, you must be in peace and harmony right now.

Your whole life flies by in just one moment.
In these moments, all of you...

Live in a world without ideas about what will happen next. Whether you are a winner or a loser, it doesn't matter. Death will take everything away. Whether you win or lose is immaterial. The only thing that matters, and always has, is how you play the game. Did you enjoy it? - the game itself... - and then every moment becomes a moment of joy.


Walking on water is not a miracle.
A miracle is to walk on the Earth and feel truly alive right now.
And smile!

Most of us live at such a frantic pace that real silence and stillness sometimes become something alien and uncomfortable. Most people, hearing my words, will say that they do not have time to sit and look at a flower. They will tell you that they don’t have time to just enjoy the laughter of their children or run barefoot in the rain. They will say that they are too busy for such activities. They don't even have friends, because friends also take time...

Robin Sharma ---


Ask yourself: “Am I experiencing joy, peace and ease in what I am doing now?”

If not, it means that time obscures the present moment, and life is perceived as a heavy burden or a struggle. If there is no joy, no peace, no ease in what you are doing, then this does not necessarily mean that you should change what you are doing.

All you have to do is change HOW you do it.

"HOW" is always more important than "WHAT".

See if you have the opportunity to pay even more, and much more, attention to the DOING ITSELF than to the RESULT that you want to achieve through this doing. Direct all your attention to what THIS MOMENT gives you. At the same time, this will mean that you fully accept what is, because you cannot give something your full attention and at the same time resist it.

As soon as you begin to honor and respect the present moment, then all existing discontent dissipates and the need for struggle disappears, and life begins to flow joyfully and calmly. No reality can be a threat to you.

If yesterday was lost due to some mistake, then do not lose today by remembering this...

No matter how long your path may be, there is never more to it than: one step, one breath, one moment - Now.

Eckhart Tolle ---

Don't spoil what you have by wanting what you don't have; remember that once you only hoped to get what you have now.

Be deeply aware that the present moment is all you have. Believe in him and make him beautiful.

There is no point in looking for a place where you will feel good. It makes sense to learn how to create this well anywhere.

We waste, let the best moments slip through our fingers, as if we had God knows how many of them in stock. We usually think about tomorrow, about next year, while we need to grab with both hands the overflowing cup that life itself holds out, unbidden, with its usual generosity - and drink and drink until the cup passes into others. hands. Nature does not like to treat and offer for a long time. Alexander Ivanovich Herzen

There comes a time in everyone's life when you need to understand that the old is no more. It was there in the past, but now it has collapsed completely and irrevocably. This is how we learn to let go of time.

Only very few people live for today. Most are preparing to live later.

Be in the moment. Bring your total awareness into this moment. Don't let the past interfere, don't let the future come in. The past is no more, it is dead. Die to the past at every moment, whatever the past may be, heaven or hell. Whatever it is, die to him, and be fresh and young, and be born again in this moment.A person appears to be in the present, but this is only an appearance. Man lives in the past. It passes through the present, but remains rooted in the past.The past is gone - why cling to it? You can't do anything with it; you can't go back, you can't remake it - why cling to it? This is not a treasure. And if you cling to the past and think that it is a treasure, of course your mind will want to experience it again and again in the future. Osho

This moment contains the seed of the greatest truth. This is the truth you wanted to remember. But as soon as this moment arrived, you immediately began to formulate thoughts about it. Instead of being in the moment, you stood on the sidelines and judged it. Then you reacted. This means you acted as you have done before.

Approaching each moment as if it were clean slate, without any prior thought about it, you can create yourself as you are, and not repeat yourself as you once were.

Life is a process of creation, and you continue to live as if it were a process of repetition!

Neil Donald Walsh

Everything we perceive during our lives is “in the moment.” Things exist only for a moment, only we do not dare or do not want to consider them in this way.

—— Rinpoche Dzongsar Khyentse ——

Does the sun shine on me today so that I can think about yesterday?
Friedrich Schiller

Many people wait all week for Friday, the whole month of the holiday, the whole year of summer, and the whole life of happiness... But you need to rejoice in every day and enjoy every moment.