Cystic formation in the head. Reading strengthens neural connections

Carrying out the treatment of a brain cyst without surgery is difficult and long. It depends on the accurate diagnosis of pathological formation, the level of its development, localization and degree. A cyst can be detected in adults and children, regardless of age and gender. Therefore, it is worth considering exactly how the pathology is detected, how to cure it if an operation is not performed.

For appointment proper treatment, a brain cyst should be diagnosed. To do this, use various methods of examination, which are:

  • Ultrasound procedure;

Such methods make it possible to identify a cyst, which is a kind of bubble filled with a liquid mass. The formation depends on the localization of how it will manifest itself. Most often, the pathology has an asymptomatic form.

Treat cystic pathology medications is possible only if it does not progress and does not threaten the life and health of the patient. In other cases, apply surgical intervention.

For a resolving effect on the cyst, Longidaza is used, as well as Karipain. They allow you to eliminate adhesions of the meninges.

With the appearance of an infectious, as well as an autoimmune process, it is first necessary to find all these inflammatory foci in the body and eliminate them. For the correct choice of anti-infective treatment, as well as the use of immunomodulators, it is necessary to conduct blood tests to determine the type of infection, as well as the immune status.

If a brain cyst provoked circulatory disorders, then the concentration of cholesterol in the blood will also need to be reduced. In addition, it is necessary to restore blood pressure. The course of treatment will consist of using several types of drugs together, such as Nootropics and Antioxidants.

Treatment with folk remedies

When the brain cyst does not increase in size and does not manifest itself in any way, then an operation is not required, as well as a serious drug treatment. You can use folk remedies. This therapy is based on home use. different types decoctions and infusions.

For cooking, you should use the following recipes:

  • Take 1 tbsp. l. yeast to be mixed in 3 liters warm water, and then add 40 g of elecampane. Leave the mixture for several days in a dark place so that it can stand. Use this remedy you need 4 times a day for half a cup for 3 weeks;
  • Juice must be squeezed from fresh burdocks. 15 g of it should be consumed in the morning and also in the evening before bedtime. The course of admission is several months;
  • You can also use oil solution hemlock, which will need to be instilled into the nose. To make it, you need to mix 50g of seeds with 0.5 liters olive oil and leave to infuse for 21 days. After that, the mixture must be filtered and 3 times every day it is necessary to instill the nose with 2 drops of such a remedy.

Herbal preparations

Also a brain cyst in mild form can be cured if you use funds in the form of herbal preparations:

  • It is necessary to take motherwort grass, wild rose, as well as herbs such as meadowsweet and swamp cudweed. All of them must be mixed in the same proportions, then pour half a liter of boiling water and wrapped the bottle, leave it overnight. On average, you need to drink about two glasses of such a liquid per day, which can be divided into 4 servings. The total treatment time is 40 days;
  • As remedy fruits can be used Japanese Sophora. To do this, you need to take them 100 g, mix with the same amount of sweet clover flowers, as well as meadow geranium grass. All this must be mixed and taking 30 g of such a dry mixture, brew them in 400 g of water. Leave to infuse for about 5 hours, then strain the infusion using gauze and take one glass before meals;
  • Another recipe for infusion is to take hawthorn, celandine, motherwort, mix them with May nettle and mountain ash in equal sizes. After that, pour half a liter of boiling water and let it brew. For use, the resulting remedy is divided by 5 daily intake 100 g;
  • You can also use a drink made with five herbs, which will need to be consumed within 14 days. It includes sage, lemon balm, plantain, as well as rowan berries and valerian grass. Mix everything into a single mixture, then pour boiling water, let it brew. You can add some other herbs, but within reason.

It is also worth using a decoction made from chamomile and rose hips for drinking. It will have a tonic effect on the patient's body. And with such a pathology, it is worth completely abandoning coffee.

Herbs for decoctions that lower blood pressure can be purchased at any pharmacy. These plants include asparagus, elderberry, violet, and even horsetail. It is recommended to use these products several times a week. This will normalize the pressure.

It is important that each stage of any type of treatment takes place strictly under the supervision of a doctor. This is due to the fact that the cyst is an unpredictable formation, which is why it needs to be monitored regularly.

A cyst is a pathological cavity located in the cerebral tissues of the brain. Cysts can be different in size, origin, localization, content composition, histological features and a number of other characteristics. All this determines the clinical prognosis of these formations. Some of them are absolutely safe for humans, do not manifest themselves clinically and do not reduce the patient's quality of life. As a rule, they are congenital in nature and are detected as a diagnostic finding during neuroimaging performed for other indications. However, there are cysts, the presence of which is the cause of severe neurological symptoms that require immediate medical attention.


Cystic formations can be acquired and congenital. The first are consequences cerebral diseases. They are predominantly strokes, craniocerebral injuries, neuroinfections, tumors. A congenital cyst is formed at the stage prenatal development. Most often, the reason for this lies in hypoxia, trauma, toxic-metabolic processes and infections suffered by the mother during pregnancy.

Depending on the mechanism of development, cystic growths can be:

AT clinical practice under cerebral cysts mainly understand lacunar and arachnoid formations, which should be distinguished from each other.

Lacunar cysts

Lacunar cysts are most often localized in the subcortical ganglia, the brain stem (namely, in the pons), hemispheres and in the cerebellum. They arise as a result of the organization pathological changes(zones of ischemia, hemorrhage, inflammation, traumatic lesions).

It is believed that significant role changes in cerebral blood flow play a role in the formation of lacunae. It is in the region of stenotic or atherosclerotic deep arteries of the brain that the majority of lacunar formations are located. In addition, there are concomitant reactions that accompany the formation of lacunar changes in the nervous tissue - edema and perivascular encephalolysis (destruction of the brain tissue around the cerebral vessels).

Due to the nature of the formation of lacunar cysts of the brain in adults are much more common than in children.

Arachnoid cysts

The arachnoid cyst is a formation, the walls of which are the arachnoid membrane or its individual sheets, inside which is the cerebrospinal fluid. This difference allows us to classify this type of cavities as extracerebral. By localization, arachnoid cysts can be hemispheric and mid-basal.

As a rule, arachnoid formations have a long asymptomatic period and may not manifest clinically throughout life. However, large cysts compress the substance of the brain, form focal manifestations of the disease and often become the causes of a person's disability.

Most arachnoid cystic changes are congenital in origin. But there are also acquired forms (most often after neuroinfections and injuries).

The most common but harmless arachnoid formations are cysts of the intermediate velum and septum pellucidum, as well as retrocerebellar cysts.

Clinical picture

Clinical manifestations will depend on the number of cystic growths, their size and location. Single formations of small volume, as a rule, do not cause the development of a neurological deficit, while multiple cavities and their significant size lead to the formation of focal neurological syndromes.

To non-specific neurological manifestations pathological cavities of the brain include:

  • headaches and dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting not associated with eating;
  • fast fatigue;
  • distraction of attention;
  • psychosomatic syndrome;
  • delayed psychomotor development in a child;
  • violations of the cycle of sleep and wakefulness;
  • epileptic paroxysms;
  • hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome.

In children of the first year of life, cysts of considerable size can be suspected during a visual examination of the head. The child may have local bony deformities of the cranial vault.

Cerebral symptoms appear, as a rule, earlier than focal ones and may vary in severity. In the future, motor and sensory disorders, coordination disorders, and craniocerebral innervation join.

focal syndromes

Focal neurological syndromes directly depend on the localization of the cyst. squeezing nervous tissue, volumetric education can disrupt the functions for which this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe brain is responsible.

Frontal lobe cysts appear:

  • weakness and awkwardness in the limbs;
  • neuro-ophthalmic signs;
  • mental changes;
  • violations of coordination of movements;
  • speech disorders;
  • cramps in the limbs.

Cystic formation of the parietal lobe gives:

  • decreased sensitivity;
  • violations purposeful action(apraxia);
  • violations of right-left orientation;
  • confusion about own body(autopagnosia);
  • pathology of reading and counting;
  • abnormal sensations on the skin (burning sensation, tingling, crawling, and so on).

Localization of cavities in the temporal lobe can provoke:

  • impaired perception of sounds and addressed speech;
  • vestibular disorders;
  • vegetative crises;
  • visual disturbances;
  • psychosensory seizures (auditory, gustatory and olfactory hallucinations).

Cystic growths in the occipital lobe form:

  • violation of visual perception;
  • loss of visual fields;
  • visual seizures (metamorphopsia, macro- and micropsia).

Brainstem cysts, in addition to violations of sensitivity and movements, cause the presence of:

  • oculomotor disorders;
  • vestibular insufficiency;
  • weakness of facial muscles;
  • swallowing disorders;
  • dysarthria;
  • coordination disorders.

Cystic changes in the subcortical nuclei are manifested by parkinsonism (slowness of movement, trembling of the limbs, unsteadiness when walking) or, on the contrary, various hyperkinesias (involuntary violent movements). Cerebellar formations provoke the development of coordination disorders.

Cerebral cysts internal secretion cause neuroendocrine and circadian disorders. Also, for a pituitary cyst of considerable size, loss of external visual fields (bitemporal hemianopsia) is characteristic.


Identification of cerebral cysts can present a number of difficulties. This is primarily due to the long latent period, during which the cyst in the brain does not manifest itself clinically. If cystic changes in the brain are suspected, the patient needs to be examined by a neurologist, ophthalmologist, neurosurgeon, and, if necessary, a geneticist. Specialists determine the required amount of instrumental diagnostic methods.

In standards diagnostic measures includes:

  • neuroimaging - computed or magnetic resonance imaging (in doubtful cases with contrast enhancement);
  • neurosonography in children;
  • electroencephalography;
  • ophthalmoscopy.

Often with lacunar cysts, it is required additional research cerebral arteries - ultrasound dopplerography vessels of the head and neck.

staging clinical diagnosis is based on a comparison of clinical, neuroimaging and neurophysiological data.

Treatment Methods

Treatment of cysts can occur both conservatively and surgically. The tactics of patient management is determined collectively and depends on clinical manifestations diseases and features of the cyst itself.

Drug therapy is symptomatic and is aimed at eliminating the underlying clinical symptoms- headache, dizziness, muscle spasticity, epileptic seizures. Lacunar cerebral cyst requires the appointment of vasoactive drugs, neuroprotectors, antioxidants.

Indications for surgical treatment brain cysts are:

  • severe hypertension syndrome;
  • increase in neurological deficit;
  • large formations that deform neighboring lobes of the brain;
  • progressive increase in the pathological cavity;
  • pronounced deformation of the cerebrospinal fluid.

Operative treatment is postponed if contraindications are identified. These include decompensation of vital functions and the presence of active inflammatory process.

The main methods of neurosurgical care are microsurgery, endoscopic operations, CSF shunting interventions. A combination of these methods is possible.


A cyst is not always a sentence for a patient. Many formations absolutely do not change the daily activity of a person and go unnoticed throughout life. However, any even the most insignificant in size, "harmless" in localization and clinically silent cystic growths require dynamic observation. Unfavorable external and internal changes able to provoke the growth of the cavity, its transformation into malignant neoplasm, accession of septic inflammation.

There are cysts, medical intervention in which is a prerequisite for further full life patient. Timely detection of pathology with the involvement of doctors of various specialties, competent assessment of the patient's condition and right choice tactics of its management are the basis for a favorable outcome of the disease.

This is a fairly common pathology that requires high-quality treatment. A cyst can form anywhere in the brain. Small cysts do not manifest themselves in any way, and large ones can cause various unpleasant symptoms. Large cystic formations require surgical intervention.

A brain cyst is a volumetric formation inside the skull, which is filled with fluid. In many cases it has undercurrent without obvious signs pathology and enlargement. Typically, such a cyst is small in size.

If the formation has a large volume, then the intracranial space is limited, as a result, its brain structures are compressed.You can find a cyst at any age. The vesicular capsule is located in any area of ​​the brain, but is most often localized in the arachnoid middle shell.Various factors can provoke the formation of a cyst. Dead tissue cells that fill with fluid lead to the appearance of a cyst in the brain.

Taking into account the location and etiology of the formation, the cystic cavity can have several forms.

The main types of brain cysts:

  1. Arachnoid cyst. It is located between the shells. Cerebrospinal fluid accumulates there and gradually destroys the brain. The inner shell is split into several layers. As a result, a small "pocket" is formed, which is filled with liquid. It is benign and long time be asymptomatic.
  2. Retrocerebellar cyst. Cystic formation is located in the part of the brain where the death of gray matter cells occurred. To prevent the destruction of the brain, it is necessary to determine the causes that provoked the defeat of the gray matter. It usually occurs against the background of strokes, brain injuries, encephalitis, etc. The progression of the process becomes the cause of brain destruction.
  3. Subarachnoid cyst. This kind is hard to find. It is possible to diagnose only after carrying out or. Most often it is congenital. Convulsions are a typical symptom.
  4. Pineal cyst. Appears in pineal gland where the two hemispheres meet. This gland is directly related to endocrine system. It develops as a result of a helminthic disease - echinococcosis, obstruction of the excretory duct.
  5. Pineal cyst. A benign neoplasm that affects the pineal gland. Formed extremely rarely. It can lead to the development of diseases such as encephalitis, hydrocephalus, impaired metabolic processes and coordination of movements.
  6. . This type education occurs at the stage of intrauterine development. This does not indicate genetic abnormalities. A cyst can form with excessive production of cerebrospinal fluid by the choroid plexus. Such a cyst does not degenerate into a tumor form, is not predisposed to growth. It is usually diagnosed before the 20th week of pregnancy and can resolve on its own. Rarely, there are cases when a newborn is diagnosed with a cyst. choroid plexus.
  7. Porencephalic cyst. It can form in any area at the site of dead tissue of the brain substance. This is one of the dangerous types of brain cysts, which can lead to serious complications.
  8. Colloidal cyst. The cavity is filled with a jelly-like fluid and consists of endodermal cells. The place of localization is the third ventricle of the brain. The formation of a cyst is associated with hereditary mutations and does not threaten human health.

Only after establishing the cause of the formation of a cyst, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Why does a cyst form?

Cysts can be congenital or acquired. Primary cysts are formed in newborns with birth trauma, prematurity, fetal pathology, intrauterine infection.

Causes of secondary or acquired cysts, i.e. acquired as a result of past diseases are:

  • Inflammatory and infectious diseases
  • brain injury
  • Meningitis
  • Failure cerebral circulation
  • Operations performed in the cranial cavity
  • Degenerative changes in the brain

Under the influence of the above factors, a bubble with liquid is formed. It replaces damaged cells. It should be noted that cyst growth will continue if negative factors continue to influence. This may be an inflammatory reaction in the brain, an increase in pressure in the cystic cavity, after a stroke, sclerosis, complications after a concussion.

Small cysts may not disturb for a long time and they are detected only during an occasional examination.

Symptoms depend on the location of the cyst in the brain, as well as the cause of its formation. Symptoms do not appear clearly, however, with an increase in the size of the cyst, the following signs may be observed:

  • Frequent
  • Dizziness
  • Intermittent loss of consciousness
  • Noise in ears
  • Nausea
  • Vomit
  • Violation of the sensitivity of the skin
  • Seizures
  • fainting

There may also be visual impairment, impaired coordination, numbness of the limbs. Usually, such signs appear if the formation begins to progress. Such symptoms are observed when the cyst is located in the cerebellum.

In infants, the pathology of the brain can be indicated by signs such as a pulsating fontanel, regurgitation with a fountain, lethargy of the limbs.If the above symptoms are observed, then you need to visit a doctor who will prescribe necessary examination. Do not miss this without attention, otherwise the pathology can lead to very serious consequences.

Danger of a brain cyst

At correct staging diagnosis and prescription effective treatment surgical intervention will not need.

Possible complications that may occur with untimely treatment:

  1. Vestibular disorder.
  2. Lag in the development of children.
  3. Hearing loss.
  4. development of hydrocephalus.

There may also be speech and sensory disturbances, paralysis of the limbs, seizures, involuntary.

A retrocerebellar cyst can lead to cell death, resulting in a high risk of a malignant tumor.In more severe cases it is possible fatal outcome when paralysis of the respiratory or vascular center occurs. In most cases, this is observed if the cyst is located in the brain stem.

Diagnosis of pathology

Neurologist to determine the presence abdominal education may according to clinical symptoms, as well as after comprehensive examination.

To diagnose a cystic cavity in the brain, the following instrumental methods are prescribed:

  1. Doppler scanning of the vessels of the head
  2. Echoencephalography

MRI and CT are one of the modern methods examinations, thanks to which it is possible to accurately determine the cystic formation and distinguish it from a tumor. For this purpose, a contrast is introduced. In addition, it is possible to identify the location, shape and size of the cyst.

Doppler study allows you to detect vasoconstriction and determine the ischemic zones where the cyst has formed. With a lack of blood supply, the medulla is affected.

More information about the brain cyst can be found in the video:

The examination should be comprehensive and include, an electrocardiogram, an assessment, etc. Analyzes allow you to detect an increase in the level and. These causes affect the blockage of blood vessels, therefore, they can also provoke the formation of a cyst.

If a neuroinfection is suspected, multiple sclerosis is indicated for testing for autoimmune diseases and infections.Evaluation of blood pressure is also very important in diagnosing a brain cyst. Frequent pressure surges can cause a stroke or intracerebral hemorrhage, and this provokes the formation of a cyst.The method of treatment is selected taking into account the cause that provoked the appearance of cystic formation.

Treatment Methods

When diagnosing a pathology, but its asymptomatic course, treatment is not carried out, however, it is constantly necessary to be observed by a neurologist. The doctor may prescribe medication.

Conservative therapy is aimed at eliminating the root cause of the disease.

  • Nootropic drugs are prescribed from the drugs: Piracetam, Nootropil, etc. These drugs help to normalize blood supply in the brain tissues.
  • When diagnosing an arachnoid cyst, absorbable drugs are used to eliminate it: Karipain, Longidase.
  • If the pathology is provoked by an autoimmune disease or infection, then the foci are eliminated infectious process, take drugs that reduce autoimmune aggression and restore the immune system.
  • In violation of cerebral circulation, drugs are used to normalize cholesterol levels, blood pressure and prevent blood clotting. The duration of taking the drugs is about 3 months. In this case, the course is repeated 2 times a year.

If medical treatment fails positive results, then the operation is performed.

Surgical intervention

If the symptoms increase, increase in size, then this direct reading to surgical method treatment.

You can remove a cyst in one of three ways:

  1. Shunting. This method involves the removal of fluid through a drainage tube. The doctor makes a hole in the skull and inserts a tube through it. One end of the tube is displayed in the shell of the brain and the other - in. This method is marked high risk infection and development of complications. The withdrawal of the shunt is prohibited in the area of ​​the peritoneum or in another area in the presence of an infectious process in it. With infectious lesions of the ventricles, brain, bloodstream, as well as heart defects, shunting is contraindicated.
  2. Skull trepanation. The procedure is carried out as follows: a section of the skin is cut and a part of the skull bone is removed. Thanks to this, you can get access to the shell and tissues of the brain. The neurosurgeon removes the cyst. After that, the wounds are sutured and drained. Further, if necessary, a plastic surgery of the skull is performed using titanium plates.
  3. Endoscopy. safe way removal of cystic formation. A puncture is made in the skull and an endoscope with a built-in camera is inserted. Penetrating into the intracerebral cavity, the neurosurgeon removes fluid from the cyst. The walls will gradually begin to dissolve on their own. The surgeon observes the progress of the operation on the monitor.Endoscopic method has no contraindications. The only drawback of this operation is that it can not be performed for all forms of cystic formation.

The brain is a fairly complex structure, the work of which is subject to the entire body. It is subject to numerous pathological processes. The most common ailment is considered to be brain cysts. These formations are of benign etiology. They may appear as small child as well as an elderly person. This is very dangerous phenomenon, which requires competent therapy. Otherwise, the likelihood of complications increases.

A brain cyst can be described as a capsule with a liquid secretion inside. The neoplasm is localized in its different parts, but mainly in the cobweb covering of the cortex of the cerebral hemispheres. This area is characterized a high degree traumatization and development of inflammatory reactions.

The mechanism of occurrence of the pathological process is quite simple. Doctors associate him with various diseases, injuries and other influences that contribute to the formation of areas with dead cells. There is always fluid between the temporal and parietal regions of the brain. In case of appearance anomalous zones this secret seeks to replace the dead elements. When the volume of accumulated fluid reaches a certain norm, a cavity is formed. This is the brain cyst.

Most often, it does not carry potential threat for human health. Many people live with such formations and are not even aware of their presence. Pathologies that tend to grow require a slightly different attitude. You cannot leave them unattended. Gradually increasing in size, such a cyst can compress the surrounding tissues and elements. As a result, a person develops appropriate symptoms that require competent treatment.

What happens if such a brain cyst begins to grow in size? Further development neoplasms are observed only under the influence negative factors. Among them special attention deserve the following: inflammatory reactions, increased cerebral pressure, impaired blood circulation, multiple sclerosis, autoimmune ailments.

Clinical picture

Symptoms of a brain cyst and its treatment - these two issues require separate consideration. However, first you need to familiarize yourself with the example clinical picture pathological process.

The sizes of neoplasms vary in a fairly wide range. Small cysts are not accompanied by health problems. They are usually detected incidentally, most often during examination of the brain by MRI or CT. Larger formations lead to compression over time internal structures. As a result, there are characteristic symptoms. Their list is very extensive, since the symptoms of the disease may vary depending on the localization of the problem. Among the most common symptoms are the following:

  • noticeable deterioration in visual acuity and hearing quality;
  • convulsive twitching in the muscles;
  • severe headaches that do not disappear after medication;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • emotional instability;
  • memory loss;
  • frequent fainting;
  • causeless nausea/vomiting.

The clinical picture of the disorder is largely determined by the localization of the neoplasm and the pressure exerted on adjacent areas. Each part of the brain is responsible for a specific set of functions in the body. When pressure is created at the site of the cyst, ischemia develops.

For example, if a neoplasm is localized near the cerebellum, it begins to gradually impair its functions. Gradually, the patient's work worsens vestibular apparatus. When pressure is applied to the hypothalamus, metabolic processes in the body. A person may lose the feeling of hunger or satiety, thirst. The same thing happens with other parts of the brain. In some cases, their functions stop partially, and in others - almost completely. The lack of competent therapy can lead to serious consequences, up to paralysis and dementia.

Varieties of violation

Treatment of a brain cyst is largely determined by its shape. In total, several varieties of neoplasms are distinguished, each of which has certain characteristics.

  1. Arachnoid cyst. Education is localized mainly between the arachnoid membranes of the brain. Most often, the pathological process is detected in males, and in childhood and adolescence. It can be worn as congenital (occurs against the background of a violation embryonic development), and acquired (is a consequence of inflammatory diseases) character.
  2. A colloid cyst occurs at the stage of embryonic development of the fetus, when the central nervous system is formed. Most often, its presence in the body is not accompanied by a pronounced clinical picture. Sometimes a cyst entails a violation of the flow of cerebrospinal fluid. This, in turn, is dangerous hydrocephalus and death.
  3. Dermoid/epidermoid cyst. Pathology develops in the first days of the birth of the fetus. Therefore, hair and fatty elements are often found in its composition. This form of the disease is characterized by rapid growth, subject to surgical removal.
  4. Pineal cyst. In case of untimely diagnosis of the disorder, the likelihood of developing hydrocephalus, metabolic disorders, and vision problems increases.

Regardless of the type of pathological process, it cannot be neglected.

Diagnostic methods

Treatment of a brain cyst is prescribed only after a comprehensive examination of the patient's body. Usually resort to the help of MRI or CT. Through these procedures, it is possible to consider the contours of the neoplasm, determine its specific localization, and also trace the dynamics of development.

Cysts should not be associated with cancer. Very rarely they carry a malignant nature. During CT or MRI, a contrast agent is additionally injected into the cavity. With its help, a specialist determines the degree of malignancy of the cyst. Often this kind pathology responds well to therapy if the patient seeks medical help in a timely manner.

To warn fast growth problems, it is necessary to identify the root cause of its occurrence. For this purpose, the following diagnostic measures are prescribed for the patient:

  1. Doppler study (allows you to assess the quality of blood flow in the brain).
  2. Blood test for blood clotting and cholesterol levels. These indicators most often cause blockage of blood vessels, as a result, the development of a brain cyst.
  3. Definition of blood pressure. During the whole day, the computer records all the indications of the patient. In the case of sudden pressure surges, we can talk about a high probability of a stroke.
  4. Blood test for autoimmune and infectious pathologies. This survey required for suspected multiple sclerosis.

Based on the results of the examination, the study of the patient's history and complaints, the doctor prescribes therapy. Also at the reception, he can tell you how dangerous a brain cyst is, if you neglect its growth.

Features of the therapy

Treatment of a neoplasm is selected taking into account its type. For example, a small cyst does not require specific therapy. Such patients are even taken into the army.

A medium-sized neoplasm can most often be eliminated with the help of medication. How to treat a brain cyst in this case? Usage medicines it is advisable to eliminate the root cause of the pathological process. For example, to get rid of adhesions, "Karipain" or "Longidaza" is recommended. To normalize blood circulation, doctors resort to drugs to lower cholesterol and blood pressure.

It is possible to provide various elements of the brain with glucose and oxygen through nootropics (Pantogam, Picamilon). To make cells more receptive to intracranial pressure various antioxidants are used. If autoimmune or infectious diseases are detected, antibiotics and antiviral drugs are prescribed. In every specific case the dosage and duration of taking the tablets is determined by the doctor.

It should be noted that the treatment folk remedies with a cyst of the brain is not welcome traditional medicine. With the help of decoctions and lotions, you can not only harm your own body, but also enhance the growth of the neoplasm.

The need for surgical intervention

When there is a rapid growth and increase in the size of the neoplasm, doctors usually suggest surgery to excise it. Removal of a brain cyst is possible in the following ways:

  • Shunting. During surgery, a specialist installs a drain. With the help of a special tube, subsequently from the body of the cyst will be removed excess fluid. Gradually, the walls of the formation begin to subside and overgrow. It is worth noting that this method is not completely safe, because there is a risk of infection.
  • Endoscopy. This method of intervention is most often used in adults. During the operation, the doctor makes several punctures, through which he performs surgical procedures. The endoscopic method is considered the least traumatic, but it has a number of contraindications. It is not recommended to use it for patients with impaired vision.
  • Skull trepanation. This operation is very efficient. During its implementation, there is still a risk of additional brain injury.

The causes of brain cysts in children and adults are largely similar. That is why similar options for influencing the problem are used. However, surgical intervention is resorted to only in cases where the pathology really progresses, there is a danger for the development of the crumbs.

Thanks to a timely and high-quality operation, it is possible to prevent most negative consequences. A brain cyst is often accompanied mental disorders and developmental problems, visual impairment. After the intervention, provided that the patient has no complications, he is usually discharged after 4 days. Further, he must necessarily undergo preventive examinations in order to recognize and eliminate relapse in a timely manner.


A cyst in the brain is a rather serious pathology. However, after its identification, you should not immediately put an end to your own life. If education does not progress and is characterized small size even treatment is not required. Otherwise modern medicine offers several options for therapy at once, starting with drug exposure and ending with a serious surgical intervention. Which option from the proposed ones to choose, the specialist should decide.

What is a cyst anyway? And why are they talking about her so much? This neoplasm can suddenly appear in any organ or tissue. Usually there is nothing to worry about, since this is not cancer, but just a capsule. But a cyst found in the brain is a serious diagnosis. After all, the brain cavity is limited, there is only enough space in the skull for necessary structures- cells of the brain, arachnoid membrane and cerebrospinal fluid (cerebrospinal fluid).

A cyst differs from cancer in that it appears as a result of abnormal physiological processes or hormonal problems. But cancer is already more serious formations that grow uncontrollably and according to completely different principles.

Brain cyst. Dimensions. Risks

According to the medical dictionary, a cyst is a benign formation, a cavity filled with fluid. And there are pseudocysts - they are distinguished by the absence of their own shell and legs.

The formation is usually not detected for a long time, until it grows so much that it presses down on the adjacent areas of the brain. While the cyst is small, a person does not feel it.

The sizes of the cyst are different. It can be only a few millimeters in diameter, or it can grow up to several centimeters. Small sacs with liquid are observed by a specialist. Surgeons don't touch them, because brain surgery is too dangerous. To affect such a finely organized substance as the brain is to expose the life and health of the patient to excessive risk. Therefore, doctors do not take on such responsibility.

Reasons for the formation of cysts

The cause of the appearance of a brain cyst should be identified by the doctor after a detailed interview of the patient to compile a medical history, and after receiving the examination data.

In most cases, a cyst is formed in the case of:

  • getting a brain injury;
  • infectious disease;
  • transferred hemorrhagic stroke;
  • violations of liquor circulation;
  • high blood pressure;
  • in children, the cause may be those infections that a woman had during the gestation period. Such infections include herpetic, toxoplasmosis and rubella.

This bubble in the brain does not appear out of nowhere. Great importance has liquor circulation. That is, the constant renewal of intracranial special fluid. If there are abnormal processes in the brain, and the pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid begins to exceed normal cranial pressure, then the fluid has nowhere else to go in the brain. And it forms a cyst.

Another cause of brain cysts, which is little studied, but also occurs, is autoimmune processes. That is, the aggression of leukocytes against the body's own cells.

MRI of the brain gives a very accurate picture. Any vascular formations, arachnoid cysts of the brain with a size of 3 millimeters or more - the doctor will immediately see all these anomalies. But the cause may remain unknown, especially if a person turned to the doctor only when he was already exhausted by headaches and various attacks lasting several years.

Brain cyst. Symptoms

Like any disease, cystic formations are detected by a number of symptoms that the doctor compares with the test data. A person himself can analyze his condition and, by a number of signs, suspect a problem. But the diagnosis is still made exclusively by a neurologist.

Symptoms that indicate the presence of a cyst include:

  • frequent severe cephalgia (headaches);
  • periodic cramps of the limbs;
  • noise in the head;
  • sleep disorders;
  • vomit;
  • problems with coordination;
  • temporary visual dysfunctions are also possible.

When the vial of liquid grows, the person begins to have severe epileptic attacks, in the morning the patient often finds traces of blood from the nose. Sometimes there are hallucinations and thought disorders. From headaches and exhaustion, a person simply loses consciousness.

In such cases, you should immediately contact the MRI diagnostic center and go to the doctor with the scan data.

Consequences and threat to health

As we said, small cysts do not lead to any adverse outcomes. But those formations that grow uncontrollably due to anomalies in the brain soon appear and pose a threat.

What is the harm of a brain cyst? The consequences for such patients are difficult to predict. This is in many cases hydrocephalus, compression of the brain, paresis, circulatory disorders. Often there are problems with sleep and with the psyche. If this is a child who is just developing, he will have some difficulties, and possibly defects in development.

Types of cysts

There are 2 main types of education. The first type is a cyst in the deep layers of the brain, directly in the gray matter or in the ventricles - retrocerebellar. The second type is arachnoid, which is located above the gray matter in the area of ​​​​the arachnoid membrane. Since the arachnoid membrane does not affect the vital important departments brain, it is not so dangerous.

Another neoplasm is known - the brain. They are more typical for newly born children. But they are not dangerous.

Porencephalic cyst - is formed as a result of atherosclerotic changes and appears already at the age of 55-65 years. Acquired and congenital cysts are also separated in the clinic. The size of the brain cyst in children and adolescents is determined using MRI.

Arachnoid cyst

Arachnoid cyst of the brain occurs in unknown reasons in men more often than in women. Its capsule always contains cerebrospinal fluid. Cerebral arachnoid cyst leads to various violations functioning of our main controller - the brain.

Basically, education overtakes someone who has had one of the following infections affecting the central nervous system:

  • meningitis;
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • arachnoiditis;
  • chicken pox with complications.

There may be problems with vision or hearing. A person suddenly has nervous disorders haunted by fears. The patient is disturbed by numbness or cramps of the limbs.

There are several varieties of such a cyst:

  • convexital cyst;
  • basilar;
  • cyst of the posterior cranial fossa.

According to statistics, the last named cyst is the most common. Its invariable signs include neuralgia or paralysis. facial nerve, and severe pain in the back of the head. Sometimes the patient may see hallucinations. And this should alert.

Spinal arachnoid cyst - one that is localized in spinal cord. And there is such a subspecies as an optochiasmal arachnoid cyst. With it, the visual area gradually narrows and the person eventually loses his sight completely.

Cyst in newborns

Education is possible already at the stage of intrauterine development due to various pathogenic factors that attack the mother's body. It is important to take tests on time in order to know in advance about the problem. Sometimes such formations resolve themselves in the fetus. This should happen by 20-30 weeks. It happens that education itself goes away a few months after birth. But all this time it is important to keep the child under supervision. In general, a lot of children are born with a cyst, but this should not panic the mother.

A brain cyst in a child often has favorable prognosis. If the cyst is dermoid, that is, congenital, and is located in the deep layers of the brain (near the ventricles, in the body of the epiphysis or pituitary gland), and the child suffers from many seizures, then the operation is inevitable.

To diagnose such a formation in an infant, a conventional ultrasound is performed. It is completely painless and effective. But on an MRI, you need to lie still, which is difficult to achieve from a baby.

You can treat a child only with those drugs that are indicated by a doctor. It is impossible to allow amateur activity and the use of any folk methods.

retrocerebellar formation. Peculiarities

Importance has the location and size of the retrocerebellar cyst of the brain. It is also important to start treatment as soon as possible. In addition to the inflammatory process due to infection, the cause of this cyst may be a stroke or already carried out on the brain surgery which gave rise to complications. Such cavities, if they rapidly develop and fill with fluid, need to be shunted. However, when the cysts are located very close to the ventricles of the brain, they are still not touched.

Retrocerebellar cyst of the brain is quite rare. Owing to the fact that pathological processes continue to develop and brain cells die off, a person’s headaches are very severe.

Such a patient is forbidden to be nervous, go outside in extreme heat and walk for a long time. Doctors also do not allow to sit for a long time near electronic gadgets, watching TV. You can not strain, and in general the life of the patient becomes unbearable. But the risk of mortality in a growing retrocerebellar deep cyst is high, so these restrictions are fully justified.

In such cases the only way combating the problem is the removal of brain cysts.

It is better immediately when a headache appears, which neither analgesics nor rest can remove, to come for a consultation with a doctor and find out the causes of such symptoms.

Cysts in other parts of the brain

There are many departments in the brain, and a cyst can form in any of them. According to the symptoms, an experienced doctor often predicts exactly where it is located. For example, a cerebellar cyst makes itself felt by a violation of coordination of movements. It becomes difficult for a person to walk due to the fact that he often loses his sense of balance. This is usually not a health hazard. But headaches and balance problems clearly interfere with the patient.

Drowsiness and decreased visual acuity are inherent in the cyst of the pineal gland - a gland that is responsible for the production of the sleep hormone. It is formed when, when the passage of the gland is blocked, the hormone melatonin produced cannot be released. Then a sac filled with this hormone appears, which gradually grows.

Cyst pineal gland brain or pineal gland is very rare. And while it is small, the patient will not feel any manifestations for years. But having reached a large size, the cyst interferes with the work of the gland and disrupts the brain due to the very increased cranial pressure. Of course, a lack of melatonin will lead to mood swings, depression or some other mental disorder.

Based on these signs, it can be suspected that the cause of the condition is in the area of ​​the epiphysis. So, there is either a tumor or a cyst of the pineal gland of the brain.

The vascular plexus cyst in medicine is considered separately. This species is found mainly in newborns. The child acquires education in the brain either during childbirth, when assistance to the woman in labor is unskilled, or due to infections.

As you can see, brain cysts are very diverse. Symptoms usually point the doctor to its exact location.

Can a cyst be reborn into a malignant formation?

Usually cysts are not dangerous. Therefore, in medicine they are called benign formations. As we found out, they arise for a number of reasons. Most often it is an infection that affects the brain tissue.

Encephalitis and arachnoiditis in our time are perfectly treated with injections and medicines. Upon learning of the disease, you should immediately go to the clinic. As long as the inflammation continues, and the patient does not take any steps to diagnose and treat, the formation will gradually grow.

But she cannot be reborn into cancer. Only in exceptional cases when the brain tissues are already too affected by concomitant disorders and it is impossible to stop the destruction, such deplorable consequences occur. Statistics say that only 0.01% cystic formations still degenerate into malignant.

But if we accept radical measures and start treatment, the growth of education stops. When the cause was definitely an injury, for example, after an accident, then perhaps the cyst will not grow.


It is archival if a benign neoplasm is suspected to undergo a whole range of studies. All procedures are needed to understand if there is real danger appearance of new cysts. What would you recommend to go through?

  • A consultation with a cardiologist is required. It is necessary to understand whether there are heart defects or not.
  • Detect vascular abnormalities. Angiography is being performed.
  • Pressure is being monitored.
  • A blood test that gives an answer to the question of whether there is autoimmune disease, which can cause abnormalities in the brain.
  • Blood cholesterol test.

The whole complex of studies will make it possible to judge the general forecast for the future. Perhaps the situation is quite acceptable and the treatment will not be delayed.

The specialist needs to make sure that the pain is really due to a cyst, and not a tumor or pseudotumor. To do this, you need to do an MRI examination. This is the first procedure when we are talking about neurological diseases and cephalgia.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) - absolutely safe procedure. The device receives brain radiation. And where the tissues are denser, there will be darker areas in the image. This is education. An MRI of the brain (a cyst is still dangerous for children) is done both for very small children and for allergy sufferers who cannot tolerate the introduction of contrast agents.

Quality treatment

What is the treatment for a cyst? Of course, it is necessary to determine the reason. If it lies in autoimmune processes, then perhaps this will happen again. With the treatment of education caused by viruses or a purulent infection that has penetrated the brain due to inflammation of the middle ear, antibiotics, which must be prescribed by a doctor, will cope.

Circulatory and cardiac disorders are treated with special drugs and diet. Be sure to need pills to help restore normal blood pressure. In many people, in old age, the blood thickens and therefore blood clots are possible. Proper nutrition It is designed to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood and normalize the density of the blood. Sometimes this helps to restore blood circulation in the brain, but if not, you have to resort to surgery.

Some types of formations a priori need to be operated on, for example, a retrocerebellar cyst of the brain. But it can be removed only if there are no contraindications to the operation.


So, we found out everything about the brain cyst. What is dangerous, and what are the symptoms of its development - all this information is important to someone who heard the word "cyst" in the diagnosis. However, in most cases the situation develops safely and surgical intervention is indicated only in cases of uncontrolled and constant growth.

For the timely detection of cysts, an MRI of the brain is done. A cyst that has not yet grown and caused significant tissue damage may stop growing when adequate treatment is prescribed.