Purulent balanoposthitis in boys. Balanoposthitis in a child: the clinical picture of the disease

Does the child show anxiety? Complains that it hurts to write? Do you notice he has a temperature and redness on the glans penis? Most likely, the boy has balanoposthitis. In this article, we will consider possible causes, forms. Let's talk about how to treat. In addition, you can see photos and videos on this issue.

Why disease occurs - a little anatomy and physiology

The structure of the penis in infants is somewhat different than in an adult male. The skin of the foreskin is fused with the head of the penis, therefore it is impossible to remove the head. In medicine, this phenomenon is called physiological phimosis. At the age of up to 1.5 years, this condition is not a pathology, but a protective property of the body.

Smegma accumulates under the skin. Its composition also differs from that of an adult male: epithelial cells predominate. If the development of the child is normal, then by 1.5 years the head is slightly exposed, the foreskin shifts, the smegma is washed out with urine. In some cases, the ability of the foreskin to expose the head appears at 5 and even 11 years. In this case, smegma, as a rule, is still displayed.

With the accumulation of smegma under the foreskin, a favorable environment is created for the development of microorganisms, including those causing balanitis (inflammation of the foreskin) and balanoposthitis (inflammation of the glans penis). There are several reasons that provoke the development of the disease:

  1. Failure to comply with hygiene rules.
  2. An attempt by parents to expose the head of the penis on their own leads to injury and inflammation.
  3. Retention in the cavities of urine and smegma.
  4. Injuries in older boys, for example, from improperly selected underwear.
  5. Synechia - adhesions on the glans penis, with the formation of "pockets".

In some cases, the parents are not at fault at all. For example, fungal balanoposthitis may occur in children after taking antibiotics. In this case, the immune system is suppressed, the body reduces resistance to infections, including fungal infections. Balanitis and balanoposthitis in children also occurs against the background of certain diseases:

  1. Contact dermatitis is an allergic reaction to personal hygiene products (shampoo, soap, diapers, and so on).
  2. Diabetes mellitus and accompanying obesity.
  3. Diseases of the genitourinary system - cystitis, pyelonephritis.
  4. Avitaminosis, hypothermia and so on.

Knowing all the possible causes, the parent can eliminate the most likely, thereby speeding up the treatment process.

What are the symptoms and signs seen in children

Balanoposthitis can occur in several forms, so the signs are different. The information below is given for the initial acquaintance of parents, a doctor can make a more accurate diagnosis after examination and anamnesis. In some cases, testing will be required.

Adhesive balanoposthitis

This form is most common in boys under the age of three. It is caused by synechia: as a result of the appearance of adhesions between the foreskin and the head of the penis, cavities arise in which inflammation is localized.

Typical symptoms:

  • the child is worried, crying;
  • if he can speak, he complains of pain when urinating;
  • inflammation appears on the foreskin;
  • in most cases, parents notice discharge and bleeding wounds.

If treatment is not started in a timely manner, the consequences are unpleasant: phimosis, squeezing of the urethral opening.

Acute and chronic balanoposthitis

This course of the disease occurs in boys of all ages, up to adolescence. The most striking sign is consonant with the name of the form - acute, cutting pain during urination.

Other symptoms are less pronounced, sometimes absent:

Read also: Cavernitis - detailed information about the pathology and its treatment

  • signs of inflammation on the penis in a baby;
  • the appearance of puffiness (more often in the chronic form);
  • temperature increase - 37-37.5 C.

The acute form can pass in 2-3 days, and there will be no consequences. But, if you do not identify the cause of balanoposthitis in a child, the disease returns and takes a chronic form.

Purulent balanoposthitis

Occurs if you do not start treatment of the chronic form of the disease. The most common symptoms:

  • severe pain in the penis when urinating or touching;
  • purulent discharge of a characteristic color and unpleasant odor;
  • high body temperature.

Purulent balanoposthitis is most dangerous for children's health. It is often the cause of serious diseases, such as phimosis. In some cases, surgery is required for treatment.

The disease is detected, what actions should parents take

The first question that arises in young mothers and fathers is which doctor to contact? The decision to seek help from a medical professional is smart. It is impossible to independently identify the cause and, even more so, to conduct an effective treatment. Moreover, it is likely to aggravate the course of balanoposthitis in a boy. For example, the use of certain ointments can provoke an allergic reaction.

Contact your local pediatrician. In most cases, a specialist will make a diagnosis without additional examination, based on the anamnesis and interviewing parents. If the pediatrician has doubts and there is an opportunity to get advice from another pediatric specialist, he will refer you to an appointment with a surgeon or urologist.

In addition to taking an anamnesis, tests may be required to make a diagnosis:

  1. Delivery of a general urine test for bacteriological culture.
  2. Examination of secretions from the preputial sac.
  3. ELISA and PCR diagnostics.
  4. Blood tests for glucose levels.
  5. Ultrasound of the urinary organs.

Most types of examinations for a child are painless, so parents should not worry. Do not be afraid to lose time: it is better to wait a little for the test results than to aggravate the disease.

The diagnosis is established - how to treat balanoposthitis in children

We remind you once again that the drugs and dosages indicated in this article serve to familiarize parents with the methods of treating balanoposthitis in children. In no case do not use the funds yourself, without the approval of doctors.

Baths for bathing or rinsing

A solution of potassium permanganate has an antiseptic effect. Used to bathe a sick baby. For small children, dilute a few grams of the powder so that the water has a slightly pink color. For convenience, simply bathe the child in water with the addition of a solution. If balanoposthitis has appeared in an older child, from 7 years old, it is allowed to keep the glans penis in solution for 5 minutes. The effectiveness of this method is disputed by many doctors. It was revealed that potassium permanganate dries the skin and leads to burns.

A good therapeutic effect is provided by furatsilin, which is sold in pharmacies in the form of a ready-made solution or in tablets. In the first case, preparatory work is not needed, in the second - take 2 tablets per glass of warm water. To treat balanoposthitis, the boy needs to slightly expose the head (if possible) and keep it in the solution for 10 minutes. Three procedures are required per day. Instead of furacilin, you can use chlorhexidine. Dosage and method of preparation are the same.

Baths based on chamomile decoction are the safest way. The substances that make up the plant have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects, kill pathogens and rarely cause side effects.

To make an infusion, take 2 tbsp. spoons of chamomile and a glass of hot water. Infuse in a water bath for 20 minutes, then cool to room temperature. Treatment is carried out, as in the case of furacilin, but 5-6 procedures per day are needed.

Tip: if chamomile is not at hand, it is acceptable to use sage or plantain

What ointments are prescribed for the treatment of balanoposthitis in children

At the initial stage of the development of the disease, it is usually enough to use baths. The doctor will prescribe ointments for balanoposthitis to the child if the course of the disease is more complicated, or the baths do not help. What ointments for treatment the doctor prescribes - you can see in the table.

Balanoposthitis - inflammation of the foreskin and head of the penis, often found in young children, mainly in infants. It is believed that most boys go through this ailment. It does not cause much harm, but brings a lot of anxiety in the form of itching, burning, problems with urination, swelling and rash.

The first is characterized by a bright manifestation of symptoms within 1-3 months. Chronic balanoposthitis is less pronounced, characteristic symptoms may appear a year after the onset of the disease.

The cause of balanoposthitis can be:

Often, swelling of the head interferes with the normal separation of urine.

With an exacerbation of the disease, the child's temperature rises, lymph nodes increase, general weakness, deterioration of sleep and appetite are observed.

A photo

This is how the symptoms of balanoposthitis look in the photo:

Which doctor should I contact?

Treatment of balanoposthitis in children: if you find the first alarming symptoms, you should contact your pediatrician. After examination, he may issue a referral to a pediatric urologist or surgeon. The last option is necessary for phimosis. In some cases, you may need to consult an allergist or dermatologist.

To determine the causative agents of postitis, the doctor takes a swab from under the foreskin. A microbiological study is carried out, after which a therapeutic regimen is determined. Is it possible to treat balanoposthitis at home? Self-medication is excluded, improperly selected drugs can harm the child.

Antibiotics are especially dangerous, which relieve inflammation, but can provoke the appearance of a fungus.

Another danger is the transition of fasting from an acute form to a chronic one, which is much worse treatable.

Hygiene rules: why are they important?

Treatment of balanoposthitis in a child should begin with hygiene.

One of the causes of acute childhood balanoposthitis is the accumulation of smegma under the foreskin.

Daily washing with warm water and neutral baby soap is necessary.

Flavored and brightly colored gels should not be used for intimate hygiene., which can provoke irritation of the skin and mucous membranes.

If the allergic nature of the disease is identified, special detergents are needed, which can be ordered at a pharmacy. It is impossible to move the foreskin sharply, the process can be very painful. Act gradually, freeing the head as much as possible.

Babies need diapers of the right size that do not compress the genitals. They are changed immediately after contamination, a dirty diaper turns into a compress that provokes the growth of bacteria.

It is advisable to use diapers only at night and during walks. At least once a day, the baby should be left completely undressed. Such air baths strengthen the immune system and prevent inflammation.

Children past infancy should take a shower or bath at least once a day. They need not too tight underwear made of elastic cotton jersey, which is changed daily.

Overheating of the genital area is unacceptable, it can provoke not only balanoposthitis, but also other unpleasant diseases.

How and how to treat balanoposthitis in children? Medicines and their use

How to treat balanoposthitis in a child? What will Dr. Komarovsky advise? A recognized authority in the field of pediatrics, recommends not to panic when you discover the first symptoms of balanoposthitis in a baby. A timely visit to the doctor guarantees a complete and fairly quick cure, and compliance with hygiene rules will help to avoid relapse. It is important to act gradually, not trying to deal with the problem in one day.

In case of inflammation, application to the head of the penis is recommended, combining an antibiotic with immunostimulating components. The application of the ointment is combined with a light massage, slightly pushing the foreskin, but without causing pain to the child. A small amount of the drug can be injected into the prepump (using a syringe without a needle).

Also according to Dr. Komarovsky, Miramistin will help in the treatment of balanoposthitis in children.

Water has a good antibacterial effect.

The liquid disinfects the skin, accelerates the healing of minor injuries, relieves burning and itching.

Gauze or bandage is wetted in the preparation and applied to the head of the penis. You can irrigate the affected areas with a syringe, allowing the skin to dry naturally. Processing is carried out 1-2 times a day after thorough washing.

Infectious inflammation can be treated with zinc ointment. It is applied in a thin layer on the damaged areas 1-2 times a day.

With identified candidal balanitis, ointments such as Fluconazole, Clotrimazole or Miconazole can be used. They are aimed specifically at the destruction of a fungal infection, with a bacterial form, the drugs are ineffective. It is better to apply them after a warm bath or thorough washing of the penis.

Maz is applied in a thin layer on the head and in the fold of the foreskin, it is not necessary to rub it. In order not to stain the laundry, the head of the penis is covered with a sterile gauze pad. Processing is carried out 2-3 times a day, the course is prescribed by a doctor.

If the cause of balanoposthitis is an allergic reaction, corticosteroid ointments are prescribed for treatment. The best option is Lokasolen. The drug relieves swelling and raw materials, soothes, eliminates the cause of inflammation. Use 1-2 times a day for 5-7 days.

Traditional medicine: will it help?

Are there remedies for the treatment of balanoposthitis at home? For treatment, you can use proven and safe home recipes. The best option is decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs, which are used for sitz baths, washings, compresses and douches.

Chamomile has an excellent antibacterial and soothing effect.

A handful of raw materials is poured with boiling water (1 l) and infused under the lid for half an hour.

After straining with warm infusion, the genitals of the child are washed.

The procedure is carried out 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening. The course of treatment depends on the condition of the baby, there are no side effects and contraindications for chamomile infusion.

Lotions can be made from concentrated infusion. A cotton swab or bandage folded in several layers is dipped in liquid and applied to the head of the penis for 3 minutes. Then the swab is wetted again and the procedure is repeated. You can make lotions 1-2 times a day for a week.

With minor erosions, swelling and itching, douching with a decoction of yarrow, nettle, calendula is useful. 1 st. a spoonful of crushed collection is poured into a glass of boiling water, heated for 5-7 minutes and infused for 25-30 minutes. After straining, the liquid is collected in a syringe. Moving the foreskin aside, the skin is abundantly irrigated with infusion, a small amount can be injected into the urethra. The procedure is carried out 1 time per day, preferably at bedtime. The course is 7-10 days.

Sedentary baths with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

In order not to burn the delicate baby skin, the crystals are first diluted in a small amount of liquid, and then poured into a basin of warm water and mixed thoroughly. The temperature should not be too high. During the procedure, you can slightly move the foreskin away from the head, warm water makes the process less painful. The bath lasts 7-10 minutes, it is especially useful to do it before going to bed.

Another option for baths involves the use of ready-made alcohol tinctures of eucalyptus or calendula. 100 ml of liquid is poured into a basin of warm water. The procedure lasts about 10 minutes, rinsing the skin after it is not necessary.

After the bath, you can use a baby cream without harsh fragrances. A small amount of the product is applied to the head of the penis and rubbed with light circular movements. A small amount of concentrated decoction of chamomile or calendula, which has a wound healing and soothing effect, can be added to the cream.

In the treatment of balanoposthitis in children, there are also pleasant sides.

Proper nutrition will help speed up recovery.

The child's diet includes freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices., homemade berry fruit drinks, low-fat dairy products.

These tasty and easy-to-make treats strengthen the immune system and improve the body's natural resistance to infection.

Useful video

For more information on how to treat inflammation of the foreskin in a child, see the video below:

Children's balanoposthitis is not a dangerous disease that requires timely treatment. Proper nutrition of the child and careful observance of basic hygiene rules will help prevent relapses.

- this is an inflammation that captures the glans penis and the inner sheet of the preputial sac (foreskin). Balanoposthitis in boys is characterized by itching and burning in the head, swelling and redness of the foreskin, difficulty urinating, purulent discharge from the preputial sac. Balanoposthitis in boys is diagnosed on the basis of external signs and laboratory data (KLA, OAM, results of bacteriological culture of the discharge, PCR, ELISA). Treatment of balanoposthitis in boys includes local baths with disinfectant solutions, washing the glans penis, removing smegma and secretions, using antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory ointments; in chronic balanoposthitis, circumcision is indicated.


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General information

Balanoposthitis in boys is an inflammatory process that occurs with the involvement of the glans penis and the inner layer of the foreskin. Balanoposthitis is diagnosed in about 6% of boys and in 11% of adult men who have not previously been circumcised. Inflammatory diseases of the glans penis (balanitis) and foreskin (posthitis) are most common in boys under 5 years of age and in men who are sexually active. Treatment of balanoposthitis in boys is a serious problem in pediatrics, pediatric urology and pediatric surgery. Prevention, timely and high-quality therapy of balanoposthitis in a child is the key to his reproductive and sexual health in the future.


The main cause of balanoposthitis in boys is the lack of proper hygienic care for the genitals. This leads to the accumulation under the foreskin of the secret of the prepuce glands - smegma, which serves as a favorable environment for the reproduction of microorganisms that cause inflammation.

The development of balanoposthitis in boys is facilitated by the so-called physiological phimosis, which occurs normally in children under 3-5 years old and makes hygiene care difficult due to the inability to completely expose the head when pulling the foreskin. Often, balanoposthitis in boys occurs when parents try to forcefully open the head on their own - in this case, various pathogens easily enter the preputial sac from the external environment. Violation of self-cleaning of the preputial sac can be facilitated by pronounced synechia of the foreskin. The most common causative agents of balanoposthitis in boys are streptococci, E. coli, staphylococci, Proteus, herpes virus, yeast fungi (candida).

However, in some cases, balanoposthitis in boys, on the contrary, may be due to overzealous hygiene and frequent washing of the glans penis with soap or other irritants. Allergic reactions (contact dermatitis) can result from the use of baby creams, linen with detergent residues, etc. Children's cosmetics and household chemicals can provoke not only balanoposthitis, but also inflammation of the buttocks and perineum in a child (the so-called diaper dermatitis ).

The development of balanoposthitis in babies can be facilitated by a rare change of diapers or their incorrect selection (using too large or too tight diapers). At an older age, balanoposthitis in boys can occur with constant trauma to the foreskin with tight panties, seams on underwear, etc. Endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus, obesity), urological diseases (cystitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis) can predispose to the appearance of balanoposthitis in boys ), hypothermia, beriberi.

Symptoms of balanoposthitis in boys

Balanoposthitis in boys often develops acutely. Usually, after going to the toilet, the child begins to complain of burning and itching in the area of ​​​​the glans penis, pain or difficulty urinating. Small children become restless and cry when urinating. Examination reveals redness and swelling of the head of the penis and foreskin; when the head is exposed under the foreskin, accumulated smegma is found, which has an unpleasant odor. With balanoposthitis in boys, there may be abundant cheesy or serous-purulent discharge from the preputial sac. A rash, cracks or diaper rash may be found on the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs. With further progression of balanoposthitis in boys, erosion and desquamation of the skin may occur.

In addition to local signs, with balanoposthitis in boys, general symptoms are expressed: malaise, lack of appetite, poor sleep, irritability. Often in children, the body temperature rises to 37-38 ° C, the inguinal lymph nodes increase. Due to the fact that the child is trying to delay urination because of his pain, the development of day and night enuresis is possible.

Symptoms of acute balanoposthitis in boys increase within 4-5 days; with self-opening of the preputial cavity and its cleaning from smegma, self-healing is possible. However, more often, in the absence of proper or proper treatment, acute balanoposthitis in boys transforms into chronic. Chronic inflammation is fraught with the formation of scars on the foreskin with the development of pathological phimosis and paraphimosis, chronic urethritis, deformity of the glans penis.


If you suspect balanoposthitis in a child, you should contact a pediatric surgeon, or better, a pediatric urologist for an individual solution to the problem. In most cases, the diagnosis of balanoposthitis in boys does not require special instrumental studies. The pediatrician receives the necessary information when analyzing complaints, examining the genitals of the child and performing a number of laboratory tests.

In the general analysis of urine in children with balanoposthitis, leukocytosis and bacteriuria are detected. To identify the pathogen, a bacteriological examination of urine is performed, as well as discharge from the preputial sac (if indicated, bacteriological culture for candidiasis). In some cases, to clarify the type of pathogen, PCR and ELISA diagnostics may be required.

To exclude concomitant diseases, the child may need to be examined by a pediatric endocrinologist, pediatric nephrologist, pediatric dermatologist, blood glucose determination, ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder, and other studies and consultations.

Treatment of balanoposthitis in boys

In most cases, with acute balanoposthitis in boys, local treatment is sufficient. It is recommended to carry out sitz baths with antiseptics (potassium permanganate, furatsilin) ​​or decoctions of herbs (chamomile, etc.). It is possible to carry out instillations of antiseptic solutions (chlorhexidine, miramistin, etc.) under the foreskin. After washing the glans penis, you should carefully pull back the foreskin, remove smegma and pathological secretions, put ointment (synthomycin liniment, with fungal balanoposthitis in boys - clotrimazole) into the preputial sac and return the foreskin to its normal position. If it is impossible to independently expose the head of the penis, the separation of the synechiae of the foreskin and the cleaning of the preputial sac is carried out by a pediatric surgeon or urologist.

NSAIDs such as ibuprofen can be used to reduce pain and swelling. In severe forms of balanoposthitis in boys, systemic administration of sulfonamides, antibiotics, and antifungal drugs may be required.

With chronic balanoposthitis in boys and the development of pathological phimosis, circumcision (circumcision) is indicated.


To prevent balanoposthitis in boys, it is enough to observe and accustom the child to daily hygienic care of the genitals. Young children need careful selection and frequent diaper changes, regular toileting of the genitals and perineal skin care, and the use of hypoallergenic hygiene products.

At an older age, useful everyday skills are a hygienic shower, removal of excess smegma, and a change of underwear. Important for the prevention of balanoposthitis in boys is the normalization of body weight, the treatment of concomitant diseases.

Almost every boy, sooner or later, develops an inflammatory-infectious process in the region of the head and foreskin of the penis. This disease is called. The disease can occur in acute (less than 3 months) and chronic (over 3 months). Boys get sick with this disease in 3 p. more often than adult men, so in children it is especially important to identify the symptoms of balanoposthitis in time and, with the help of a doctor, determine the correct treatment.

Causes of the disease

Improper use of diapers contributes to the development of balanoposthitis in children.

Various microorganisms (bacteria, viruses and fungi) can cause balanoposthitis under certain conditions:

  • violation of the rules of child care (irregular washing, the use of soap when washing);
  • the use of low-quality detergents for bathing and washing a child’s clothes;
  • improper use of disposable diapers (size mismatch, rare change of them);
  • tight panties rubbing the skin and the head of the penis, which contributes to the occurrence of microtraumas with their subsequent infection;
  • allergic dermatitis to powder or cream;
  • imperfect structure of the external genitalia in boys of preschool age: narrowed foreskin or physiological phimosis makes it difficult for the baby to carry out hygiene procedures; with the formation of adhesions between the two walls of the skin fold of the foreskin, stagnation of the secretion of special glands (smegma), dead skin cells occurs, and microorganisms that have fallen on them cause inflammation;
  • violent attempts to expose the head of the penis;
  • : high sugar in the urine - a breeding ground for microorganisms;
  • contributes to the violation and decrease in immunity, makes it difficult to maintain personal hygiene;
  • hypothermia and malnutrition of the child lead to and thereby facilitate the development of infection.


Balanoposthitis may be accompanied by difficulty urinating in a child.

There are the following types of balanoposthitis: simple, purulent, erosive, gangrenous.

The acute form of the disease, as a rule, begins suddenly, against the background of complete well-being. In the morning, the child has a burning sensation and itching in the foreskin (in older children, and in small ones - anxiety). The child cries when touching the penis and when urinating, sleep is disturbed, the temperature rises (sometimes to high numbers).

The general well-being of the child worsens, the lymph nodes in the groin area may increase. The foreskin is swollen and red, and urination may be difficult. Bright red eroded areas are formed with a weeping corolla along the periphery - the inflammation has passed into an erosive form. If further treatment is not carried out, then deep ulcerative-necrotic areas are formed on a bright red background. These ulcers indicate the transition of the disease to a gangrenous form, they are very painful, heal for a very long time.

Usually, treatment begins with local procedures: warm baths with a solution of furacilin (at the rate of 2 tablets per glass of water) or chamomile decoction (1 tablespoon of flowers pour 250 ml of boiling water) every 2 hours. The bath solution is poured into a jar and lowered inflamed organ. It is not necessary to move the foreskin away, this causes sharp pain in the boy.

drug for treatment

After the bath, you can apply a gauze napkin with Levomekol ointment - it has both antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Using a syringe without a needle, warmed ointment (about 1.5 g) can be carefully injected under the foreskin. You can in the same way fill in a solution of furacilin or chlorhexidine to clean and disinfect the cavity. At night, an ointment bandage is applied to the penis.

With severe weeping, the doctor may prescribe baths with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate, given its disinfectant effect and drying effect. Usually the result of treatment is obtained after 3-4 days.

In case of violation of the general condition of the child and fever, anti-inflammatory drugs are used. In case of a severe course of the disease, weakened children, or with the threat of the spread of infection, antibacterial drugs are prescribed for internal use or in the form of injections. With candidal balanoposthitis, Clotrimazole ointment and other antifungal drugs are used.

In the chronic form of the disease, the inflammatory process is practically untreatable. Usually, surgical treatment is performed outside the period of exacerbation under local (in young children - under general) anesthesia - circumcision of the foreskin. Surgical treatment gives an effect in 100% of cases.

Complications of acute balanoposthitis

If untreated, the disease can lead to such complications:

  • process timing;
  • the spread of the infection;
  • acute urinary retention;
  • development of phimosis;
  • gangrene of the penis;
  • deformation of the head of the penis;
  • malignant tumors of the genital organ.


  • Boys of preschool age should be washed every night (without soap), as well as after the act of defecation;
  • Infants change diapers in a timely manner and select them according to size;
  • Boys of school age, when washing themselves, should expose and wash the head of the organ with warm water;
  • Boys of all ages use a personal towel for intimate hygiene;
  • All boys (and men) should avoid wearing tight underwear.

Which doctor to contact

If you suspect the development of balanoposthitis, you can contact a pediatrician or immediately to a urologist. If necessary, an examination by a surgeon is scheduled. In addition, if the disease is associated with internal causes, a consultation with an endocrinologist, nutritionist, immunologist, allergist is prescribed.

In boys, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe foreskin and the head of the penis often becomes inflamed. This inflammation is called balanoposthitis. Infants are especially often sick, since the anatomy of a newborn differs from the structure of the genital organs of an adult. Balanoposthitis in a child appears due to insufficient or rare washing, infectious diseases, allergies, diabetes, overweight. The temperature rises, the head of the penis becomes red and swollen, the boy complains of painful urination.

Causes of balanoposthitis

Balanoposthitis in children is usually caused by bacteria. The causative agents of the inflammatory process are staphylococcal and streptococcal infections, herpes virus, fungal infection (candida) and other microorganisms. Bacteria multiply in the sac between the glans and foreskin. Surrounding tissues and skin become inflamed, so balanoposthitis begins. The allergic nature of the disease is also possible, in which case the allergen becomes the cause of inflammation.
The causes of inflammation are varied. The following factors can provoke the development of balanoposthitis:

  • Insufficient flushing. With insufficient hygiene, smegma and urine residues are not washed out from under the skin of the foreskin. In young children, smegma mostly consists not of foreskin secretions, but of dead epithelial cells. If these secretions are not washed out regularly, then an infection develops in the place of their accumulation, which leads to inflammation.
  • Diabetes mellitus and hormonal disorders are common causes of balanoposthitis. High sugar levels in the urine create a sweet environment in which bacteria grow rapidly.
  • Phimosis. In all babies, the head of the penis cannot be opened, it is covered by the foreskin (physiological phimosis). Closed areas of the head contribute to the accumulation of bacteria.
  • Adhesions (synechia) of the foreskin. This is an anatomical feature of all male newborns. As the boy gets older, the adhesions disappear on their own and do not require special treatment. However, synechia prevents complete cleansing of the head, which can lead to balanoposthitis.
  • Washing the boy too often with soap can also be a provoking factor. Soaps and other detergents can irritate the skin if used frequently. In such cases, allergic balanoposthitis is possible. Allergies are often caused by leftover detergents on diapers. A newborn boy comes into contact with such underwear with the genitals. So contact dermatitis can occur, and then allergic balanoposthitis. With allergies, redness and rashes are also observed on the skin around the genitals.
  • Inflammation sometimes leads to a rare change of diapers. In older boys, balanoposthitis can provoke prolonged wearing of tight shorts or swimming trunks, especially with coarse seams in front.
  • Overweight children are prone to balanoposthitis. With obesity, metabolism and immunity are disturbed, in addition, it is more difficult for a full child to maintain hygiene.
  • Boys suffering from chronic diseases of the genitourinary system often suffer from inflammation of the head and foreskin.
  • Vitamin deficiency and hypothermia also cause inflammatory diseases.

Washing the boy too often with soap

Balanoposthitis in the chest

Often balanoposthitis occurs in infants. This is due to the fusion of the head and foreskin.
This physiological feature in infants is considered the norm. In infants, the foreskin protects the head. It occurs in 96% of boys at birth. Usually, by the age of one and a half years, the head begins to be exposed. But for some children, this happens much later: at 6 years old, and sometimes at 10 years old. It is also not considered a pathological condition.
Usually smegma is washed out with urine. But it happens that the excretion of smegma is disturbed, and then conditions are created for the growth of bacteria and the occurrence of inflammation.
Sometimes parents try to expose the head of the baby's penis themselves in order to wash the boy. This is very harmful, so you can injure the genitals and cause infection.
In childhood, balanoposthitis is very common, so parents should know the symptoms and treatment of this disease.

Signs of children's balanoposthitis

First, the child develops balanitis (inflammation of the head), then the inflammation passes to the foreskin (fasting). When both inflammations occur simultaneously, this is called balanoposthitis.

How acute balanoposthitis manifests itself in children

Acute balanoposthitis in boys begins unexpectedly, without a latent period. In the evening, the state of health was normal, and in the morning signs of illness suddenly appear:

  • pain in the penis;
  • painful difficulty urinating;
  • hyperemia (redness) and swelling of the penis;
  • fetid discharge;
  • elevated temperature;
  • swollen lymph nodes in the groin;
  • feeling unwell.

In the photo of a sick child, you can see the swelling and redness characteristic of acute balanoposthitis.
While the disease proceeds in an acute form, it is not difficult to cure it with local remedies (baths, ointments) for two to three days. Reduces redness and swelling, improves general condition. In the early days, the disease is treated easily. But if the treatment was insufficient or absent, and signs of inflammation remain, then balanoposthitis becomes chronic over time.

How is purulent balanoposthitis manifested in children

Purulent balanoposthitis in a child is caused by an infection: streptococci, staphylococci or yeast. Clinical manifestations begin suddenly:

  • heat;
  • sharp pain and burning sensation in the urethra;
  • pus comes out of the penis in clots.

Purulent balanoposthitis is dangerous with complications. Sometimes the infectious process spreads upward, pyelocystitis and urethritis occur.

Symptoms of chronic balanoposthitis in boys

If the child does not receive treatment or therapy is insufficient, then the disease takes a chronic course after about 3 weeks. In this case, the following symptoms are observed:

  • Relieves itching in the genital area.
  • When urinating, pain and burning bothers. The pain is moderate, not as intense as in the acute form.
  • Puffiness and redness are reduced. The head is covered with plaque.
  • Body temperature is not elevated.
  • Allocations depart constantly.
  • Scars and phimosis are formed.
  • Inflammation can move to the urethra and cause urethritis.

Acute balanoposthitis in children is much more common than chronic. Usually, children under 10 years of age are more likely to get sick in an acute form, and adolescent boys have a chronic form of the disease. In a chronic course, balanoposthitis can last for months, periods of relief alternate with exacerbations.

Features of balanoposthitis in newborns

The baby cannot speak, and therefore it is sometimes difficult for parents to understand what is bothering him. But it is in newborns that balanoposthitis occurs very often because of their physiological characteristics. Parents should pay attention to the following manifestations:

  • the child becomes capricious, often cries;
  • the skin on the head of the penis looks reddened, sometimes becomes bluish;
  • swelling of the head is noticeable;
  • rashes and sores appear on the genitals;
  • diaper rash is noticeable in the skin folds (powders and creams do not help);
  • the child urinates frequently.

Possible complications of balanoposthitis

Launched balanoposthitis in boys becomes chronic, which can have serious consequences:

  • Phimosis may develop - a narrowing of the foreskin. And then there is paraphimosis. With this disease, the head is squeezed by the ring of the foreskin. Blueness and swelling appear. This condition requires immediate medical attention.
  • The infection can spread to other urinary organs and kidneys. This is especially true with a fungal infection.
  • A gangrenous form of the disease may develop, which in the future can lead to gangrene of the penis.
  • If you start the disease, then an ulcerative form of balanoposthitis may occur.
  • Untreated balanoposthitis can provoke the development of oncological diseases of the genital organs.
  • Running inflammation leads to curvature and deformation of the head of the penis.

Diagnosis of balanoposthitis in children

With severe symptoms of the disease, a pediatrician can make a diagnosis already during an external examination. If necessary, the doctor can refer the child to specialists - a urologist or surgeon. Additional tests may be needed:

  • urinalysis for culture tank;
  • urinalysis for leukocytes;
  • swab from under the foreskin;
  • Ultrasound of the genitourinary organs;
  • a blood test for sugar (if the cause of the disease is diabetes);
  • enzyme immunoassay for antibodies to infections.

Urine analysis for culture tank

These examinations are safe and painless for children. They help to accurately determine the cause of the disease and prescribe treatment.

Treatment methods for balanoposthitis in children

Treatment of balanoposthitis in children is carried out with medications - local (ointments, baths) and antibiotics. Most often, the disease responds well to treatment with local remedies. Ointments and baths do a good job with inflammation.

Antibiotics have to be used only when the disease is caused by staphylococci or streptococci. With the fungal nature of the disease, antibiotics of the penicillin series are contraindicated. Cephalosporin antibiotics will be required. There are also surgical methods of treatment, but they have to be resorted to very rarely.

Local treatments

  • Baths. For baths, disinfectant and anti-inflammatory solutions are used: a decoction of Chamomile or a solution of Furacilin, Chlorhexidine, Potassium Permanganate. Instead of Chamomile, you can use Sage or Plantain. To prepare a decoction of Chamomile, you need to take 2 tablespoons of the collection and pour them with a glass of boiling water, then put the decoction in a water bath and warm for 15 minutes. Cool the decoction before use. To prepare a solution of Furacilin, you need to take 2 tablets per glass of warm water. It is necessary to lower the head of the penis into the prepared solution for 10 minutes, after opening it as far as possible. Wash the inflamed area 5-6 times a day.
  • Ointments. If the baths do not help, then ointments are prescribed. In the treatment of balanoposthitis in children, the following ointments are used - Levomekol, Miramistin, Lokakorten, Baneotsin. Wash your child's genitals before applying the ointment. You can make a bath with one of the disinfectant solutions. Then an ointment should be put under the foreskin. If it is impossible to open the head, then the ointment should be applied to the bandage and bandaged. What kind of ointment to use - the doctor will tell you based on the symptoms and diagnostic results.

The use of internal medicines

If the use of baths and ointments does not improve the condition, or the disease is complex, medications are used. Antibacterial and antifungal therapy may be required:

  • Balanoposthitis is treated with antibiotics of the cephalosporin group. Apply drugs Cephalosin, Cefixin, Ceftriaxone. These drugs are able to act on a wide range of bacteria. If the disease is caused by a fungal infection, the antifungal agent Fluconazole is prescribed. The antimicrobial drug Furagin is also used.
  • For pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Ibuprofen are prescribed.
  • With balanoposthitis of allergic origin, antihistamines are used.
  • Antipyretics, vitamins and drugs to strengthen the immune system are used as symptomatic therapy.
  • If balanoposthitis is caused by endocrine diseases and obesity, then treatment of the underlying disease and diet are necessary.

Surgical treatments

Sometimes with balanoposthitis, a simple operation is required - circumcision of the foreskin. This surgical intervention completely eliminates complications and relapses of the disease. However, the operation is carried out in very rare cases. Usually there are enough conservative methods of treatment.
An operation is required only when the balanoposthitis is complicated by the narrowing of the foreskin - phimosis. And also surgical intervention may be required for a protracted chronic form of the disease, when drug therapy does not help. Usually, operations are easy and without consequences. For such an intervention, it is not required to go to the hospital, it is performed on an outpatient basis. The operation is not performed with severe inflammation, when the disease proceeds in an acute form. Circumcision prevents the risk of complications.

Prevention of balanoposthitis

To prevent the development of balanoposthitis in children, the following rules must be observed:

  • Boys of preschool age need daily washing with boiled clean water without soap.
  • Older boys need to be taught to daily hygiene of the genitals, while it is necessary to expose the head and wash out the smegma.
  • Underwear should be changed daily.
  • Newborn babies need to change diapers as they get dirty. It is also important to choose the right diaper size.
  • For the care of infants, hypoallergenic products should be used.
  • The boy should use only his own personal towel, never take other people's personal hygiene items.
  • It is necessary to avoid wearing too tight underwear. For children, it is better to wear underwear made from natural fabrics, without seams in the front.
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