Test - spermogram: proper preparation for the delivery of biological material. MAR test: the only method to detect immunological infertility

Mar test - what it is, every man should know. This study allows us to determine infertility associated with problems immune system. The results of the tests make it possible to identify germ cells in men, the structure and mobility of which are normal, but they are not capable of fertilizing.

Medical indications for prescribing the test

At normal operation Immunity antibodies attack foreign cells. If the norm is violated, then the body's agents are attacked by proteins. This phenomenon is also typical for sperm. Male germ cells with a broken barrier do not participate in fertilization. This may be associated with the development of infectious diseases and various injuries. To identify and determine the number of such cells, you will need to take a mar test.

A spermogram is carried out in case of infertility, during pregnancy planning, when artificial insemination and to test fertility in men. The MAR test is not performed if there are no dead sperm in the spermogram and a complete absence or low number of sperm in the ejaculate.

In such cases, it is recommended to make an appointment with an andrologist. The MAR test is performed upon completion of the course of therapy. The considered method and spermogram are the main ones mandatory research which are carried out when infertility is suspected. The attending physician will tell you where to take such tests.

Using a spermogram, a specialist will determine the following indicators:

  • quantity and in sample;
  • properties of the sample under study.

If it shows that all the results are normal, but there is no pregnancy, then specialists will investigate immunological indicators sperm. The Mar test, unlike a spermogram, more deeply examines the ability of sperm to fertilize. Using this technique, the doctor calculates the percentage of sperm covered with complex proteins. This is due to the fact that in male body Antibodies are produced that attack sperm (since the immune system perceives them as foreign bodies).

Rules for conducting research

When performing a spermogram, the presence of such antibodies is considered normal. Due to their low activity, the likelihood of pregnancy decreases. The MAR test helps solve this problem. Doctors highlight following reasons why the male body attacks its own cells:

To carry out the test, sperm must be mixed alternately with serum and solution. As a result of the reaction, sperm with proteins begin to attach to the balls. Decoding the result consists of counting the number of sperm associated with and not associated with antibodies.

The obtained data is compared with each other. If 50% of sperm are covered with antisperm antibodies, then the chances of paternity are low. If such antibodies cover more than 51% of sperm, then paternity is impossible. If the test result is negative, then it is recommended to use IVF.

A MAR test may be prescribed if a spermogram reveals signs of clumped sperm. This testing can be:

  • direct (testing seminal fluid);
  • indirect (study of blood plasma).

A woman's cervical mucus is checked using direct testing. The doctor assesses the degree of sperm binding in it. An indirect technique allows you to test blood plasma. Experts recommend the first method laboratory diagnostics. The resulting percentage is compared with the norm. The result indicates a possible immune factor for infertility. In the spermogram, sperm associated with antibodies are presented as normal. However, their actual activity is below normal. To get a reliable result (positive or negative), it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • 2-3 days before the mar-test you must give up alcohol;
  • a few days before the procedure, it is recommended to give up sex, smoking and taking medications;
  • Do not overheat in a bathhouse or sauna;
  • spicy and fatty foods are excluded from food;
  • Stress and physical overload should be avoided;
  • 7-8 hours of sleep is required.

Laboratory diagnostics

Simultaneously with the mar-test. The patient donates the ejaculate to detect antisperm antibodies in the sample. Sperm must be donated once. For each method, specialists use one sample. To donate blood to detect antisperm antibodies, no preparation is required. This study is called an enzyme immunoassay.

To decipher and describe the MAP test, you will need the help of a qualified specialist. If the result is negative, then the couple can have children. If the result is positive, then the man is infertile. Data decoding is carried out taking into account the location of antibody fixation. If the result is negative, the woman has a high probability of becoming pregnant.

A positive result in men indicates the presence of disturbances in the structure of most sperm. The lower the negative percentage, the better for the patient. Doctors believe that the Mar test rate should not exceed 10%.

With autoimmune infertility, the male body prevents fertilization by producing antibodies to its sperm. If such antibodies are produced in the female body, then a diagnosis is made - immune infertility. In this case, the following treatment is carried out:

  • immunosuppressive technique - taking corticosteroids (in a small dose); the course of treatment lasts 2-3 months;
  • nonspecific desensitization - technique antihistamines(Tavegil, Loratadine);
  • use of immunostimulating drugs.

In what cases are spermograms and MAP tests prescribed? These studies are necessary in order to identify any male problems reproductive system. A spermogram is a single final document in which the doctor combines all the results. The MAP test and spermogram help to identify even those diseases that occur latently.

This analysis is the most informative for determining various pathologies.

In most cases simple analysis– spermogram – sometimes enough to “sort out the ejaculate.” But in some cases it is necessary to carry out additional research(MAP test), since sometimes good spermogram indicators do not fit in with the real state of affairs - a woman never becomes pregnant.

Mixed agglutination reactions, literally mixed agglutination reaction, better known in a wide circle as MAR-test. A major difference from all other studies is that a positive result is considered very bad.

The MAP test is the main way to determine the factor of infertility from the point of view of the immune system. If a spermogram simply assesses the qualitative and quantitative composition of seminal fluid or indicates infectious or viral problems in men, then the MAP test is associated with ACAT.

A spermogram and MAR test is a study of male seminal fluid, where the doctor determines the normal amount of sperm as a percentage of all male reproductive gametes present. But here, “normal” are considered those sperm that are covered with AST and should not participate in the fertilization of the egg (unlike the spermogram).

The study is carried out in the following cases:

  • the effect of infectious and viral factors on male fertility;
  • infertility in men;
  • preparation for ICSI, IVF or insemination;
  • agglutination of male reproductive gametes;
  • planning the birth of a child, etc.

What is the essence of the study

A spermogram (and MAR test) allows you to diagnose any type of decreased seminal fluid fertility in a man. A correctly interpreted spermogram by an andrologist allows one to establish the real picture of the occurrence of infertility in a man, make a diagnosis and give a prognosis for the likelihood of natural conception.

The analysis is primarily necessary to identify male infertility and determine its type.

Method criteria and main indicators of the MAR test spermogram:

  • mobility of “tadpoles”;
  • morphological composition of sperm, their analysis;
  • division into classes of sperm taking into account their motility;
  • viability of “tadpoles”;
  • MAP test, determination of the immune properties of ejaculate, eliminating the possibility immune infertility;
  • acidity and volume;
  • leukocytes and microflora;
  • liquefaction time, viscosity and type of sperm.

In general, the criteria for assessing spermograms are divided into two categories: characteristics of the “live ones” themselves and the ejaculate. Currently, more and more attention is being paid to immune infertility in men, for which a MAP test is performed.

Important! The cause of immune infertility is the action of antisperm antibodies on sperm, this has been clinically proven. Produced in the epididymis and testicles, ASATs “press” on the sperm, provoking the formation of an antisperm membrane, which greatly inhibits the “live ones”.

Indications for use of the method

The MAP test is prescribed when the reason for the child’s absence has not been established after various studies. Class G ASATs are considered normal on a spermogram, but in fact they are not capable of fertilization. MAR-test helps to accurately determine the number of “rejected tadpoles”.


  • agglutination, aggregation;
  • long-term infertility of a couple with all other positive results;
  • low sperm motility and viability;
  • preparation for IVF.

In most cases, the test is prescribed if a couple cannot conceive a child, and no deviations were noticed on the part of the woman.

The reasons why ASAT appears and the body begins an attack on its own cells:

  • violation of the natural barrier between blood vessels and seminiferous tubules;
  • MPS pathologies;
  • infectious factors, STDs;
  • other causes of unclear etiology.

Recently, data have been confirmed that promiscuous sexual intercourse, even with the use of a condom, causes the production of ACAT; any foreign protein is perceived by the man’s body as a potential threat.

The rules for preparing for a spermogram and a MAR test are almost identical. The ejaculate is obtained by masturbation in a laboratory (best), the results are usually ready within the next day.

Decoding the results

MAR-test 100% indicates a low probability of pregnancy naturally. Doctors usually advise a couple to undergo the IVF-ICSI procedure.

Only a specialist can reliably and correctly evaluate the results of the analysis. If the MAR test is positive and 50% of active sperm coated with ACAT are present, then immunological infertility in the man is confirmed. The norm is up to 10%, up to 50% - the analysis is considered negative.

Thus, a spermogram and MAR-test make it possible to identify the number of normal “little ones” and diagnose male infertility and allows the doctor to prescribe and carry out precise treatment.

When the immune system is functioning properly, antibodies usually only attack foreign cells. But sometimes the norm is violated, and special proteins attack agents of the body’s own. This also happens with sperm. Those male reproductive cells that have a broken barrier that protected them from recognition by antibodies are excluded from the process of conception. This can happen due to infectious diseases, cystic transformations, or injuries.

MAP test is laboratory analysis, which determines the percentage of sperm that lack the ability to fertilize due to being covered (ASAT).

The MAP test is the main way to determine immune-related infertility. Thanks to this study, it is possible to find out the placement of ASAT on the sperm (head, neck or tail), that is, to identify male germ cells that retain mobility and normal structure, but are deprived of the ability to fertilize.

Carrying out the procedure

A MAP test in men should be done if signs of clumped sperm have been detected using a spermogram. Such a test can be direct (seminal fluid is checked) or indirect (blood plasma is analyzed). The first option is preferable.

During the test, a sperm sample is mixed with red blood cells or latex particles coated with human antibodies (class IgA, IgG). IgG antiserum is then added to the resulting mixture. The injected particles stick together with spermatozoa coated with ACAT. The percentage of associations obtained will indicate the likelihood of an immune factor infertility.

The MAP test cannot be done if the sperm count is low or absent.

In women, a direct test is used to check the cervical mucus (the degree of sperm binding in it is assessed), and an indirect test to check the blood plasma.

The MAP test allows you to find out what the spermogram does not show. In the latter analysis, antibody-bound sperm appear to be normal, although their actual activity is much lower.

Rules for taking the test

A few days before donating blood, you should not drink alcohol. A few days before donating sperm you should:

  • abstain from sexual intercourse;
  • stop smoking, drinking alcohol, and taking medications;
  • do not overheat in a sauna or bath;
  • exclude fatty and spicy foods;
  • avoid physical overload and stress;
  • improve sleep.

Sperm (ejaculate) is donated to identify antisperm antibodies in it. A spermogram is performed simultaneously with the MAP test, so sperm is donated once and in one way for two tests, since in both cases one portion of ejaculate is used.

Donating blood to detect antisperm antibodies does not require preparation. This blood test is called the ELISA method (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay).

Decoding the MAP test

The decoding and description of the MAP test should be carried out by qualified specialist. Decoding the MAP test is based on reverse rule: A good indicator is a negative result, and a bad indicator is a positive one. When deciphering this analysis, the attachment sites of antisperm antibodies are taken into account. The most unfavorable place for their fixation is the head of the male reproductive cell.

If the test is negative, then there is a fairly high chance of pregnancy, since the seminal fluid retains free sperm capable of fertilization.

A positive interpretation of the test indicates a violation of the structure of more than half of the sperm, which indicates the likelihood of immunological infertility in the man. The higher the percentage of the test result, the further its norm and the less chance of paternity.

Decryption results

The MAP test has negative indicator, if its result is less than 50% (the lower it is, the better). When the patient receives an answer that the test result is negative, this means that everything is in order with the fertilization function. Even if the test reveals sperm with an antisperm coating, their percentage is not higher than the indicated 50%. We can assume that this indicator is the norm.

In medicine, the norm for the content of sperm with an antisperm coating is up to 10%. The result “MAP test is normal” means that no antibodies were detected in the sperm or their percentage does not exceed the specified one.

A positive result of the MAP test is recorded if there are more than 50% of motile sperm with antisperm antibodies (a sign of probability). If the MAP test is positive in an infertile marriage, it is difficult to change anything. In the case of autoimmune infertility, the man’s body prevents fertilization by producing antibodies to its own sperm. If such antibodies are produced female body, use the term immune infertility.

The result obtained is 100% indicating that natural pregnancy for a couple is almost impossible. Today, a positive test response serves as an indication for ICSI. In case of such a result, it is recommended to resort to artificial insemination.

According to research, 30–50% of the causes of infertility are due to the male factor, while about 20% are associated with immune changes. A high-quality spermogram with a MAP test will help to obtain a holistic picture of the disease.

What is a spermogram and MAR test?

Spermogram with MAR-test (Semen test and MAR-test) is a full-fledged study that allows you to identify the percentage of active sperm in biological fluid. The test has been adopted by the international diagnostic standard ACAT and is widely used in modern reproductive medicine.

Sometimes the average person may call the study “smart” or “mart test”, but this is incorrect and is due to the peculiarities of the sound of the foreign abbreviation MAR.

Using MAP testing, you can identify an autoimmune factor in infertility. This means that the treating specialist can obtain a complete picture of the disease, as a result of which a full course of treatment is prescribed.

A spermogram can only be obtained in a specialized clinic that uses latest methods diagnostics: this way the patient can be 100% confident in the accuracy of the data.

Advantages and disadvantages

To determine what advantages and disadvantages the procedure has, you can look at the table.

In order for the examination to be as complete and accurate as possible, it is important to contact a reproductive specialist who has extensive experience working with patients. MAP testing may also be indicated for a woman.

Indications for spermogram with MAP test

The main indications for the procedure include:

  • Male infertility, the cause of which remains unclear.
  • Injuries to the genital organs, as well as previous operations.
  • The presence of agglutination (gluing) of sperm.
  • Transferred infectious diseases, including STDs.
  • Preparing for IVF.

Preparation for pregnancy may also be an indication: if a man is responsible about the issue of family planning, such testing will be necessary.


Despite its versatility, there are some contraindications:

  • A large number of sedentary spermatozoa.
  • If the man did not follow the doctor’s recommendations before the procedure (drank alcohol, nicotine, fatty foods, etc.).
  • In the presence of certain diseases (azoospermia, necrozoospermia, cryptozoospermia).

Experts also note that the test can be false positive if a man has suffered vascular diseases.

Preparing for analysis

To prepare for the test, a man must follow the doctor's recommendations. The main ones include:

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  • Abstain from sexual intercourse for 2 – 3 days.
  • Stop smoking, fatty foods and drinking alcohol 7 days before the event.
  • Refusal to visit a bathhouse or sauna 7 days before the event.

Also, a week before visiting the laboratory, a man should completely stop taking medications, especially antibiotics.

Execution method and stages

The MAP test is based on counting male germ cells coated with immune beads. Due to the fact that sperm are in a kind of “shell”, the process of fertilization remains impossible.

The laboratory uses an analyzer and a test system. After the patient has submitted the material, an in-depth analysis is carried out. It is important for a man to remember that the container must be completely sterile.

After receiving the analysis, the doctor helps the patient decipher the result and chooses tactics to combat infertility if the data is unsatisfactory.

What can and cannot be done after

After testing, the patient can return to their normal lifestyle. However, if the result is unsatisfactory, it is recommended not only to start treatment, but also to reconsider your lifestyle.

Decoding: norms and deviations

Example of sperm analysis data

A doctor will help you fully decipher the test, but you can understand how high quality the sperm is on your own:

  • Up to 10 - a negative result, that is, seminal fluid and male reproductive cells are of adequate quality.
  • From 10 to 40 - a questionable result; additional examination may be required.
  • More than 40 - a positive result, the germ cells are covered with immune beads, and do not allow conceiving a child.

It is also important to consult with your attending physician, who will tell you what indicators are optimal for an individual patient.

Nowadays, more and more couples are faced with the difficulty of conceiving a baby. Not always like this intimate problem associated with a woman. It also happens that a man experiences difficulties conceiving.

To diagnose reproductive pathologies that can lead to the impossibility of natural conception, specific studies are required. One of them is the mar test.

What it is?

To assess male fertility (ability to fertilize), several types of studies are required. They are prescribed by an andrologist or urologist after extensive clinical examination men.

During this routine diagnostic procedure the doctor identifies external signs various pathologies of the genital organs. If during the examination the doctor suspects some kind of disease, then he will prescribe laboratory tests for the man.

Spermogram and MAR test are the most common and frequently prescribed types of examinations. In most cases, only the first research method is sufficient.

Using this analysis, the doctor can determine how mobile and active male reproductive cells are, as well as determine the number of leukocytes in the ejaculate. This examination helps the specialist obtain overview information about the state of men's health.

However, in some cases this may not be enough. In this situation, the doctor will prescribe a MAR test for the man. In fact this study is immunological. It is necessary to determine whether an immune factor is present in the development of infertility.

The abbreviation of the test gives us an idea of ​​the essence of the study. The full name of this study in English is Mix antiglobulin reaction. Russian-speaking specialists call it a mixed antiglobulin reaction.

The essence of the study is define percentage in the sperm of spermocytes associated with immunoglobulins of classes A and G (igA, igG), and also determine antisperm antibodies.

There are 2 options for this study. The most commonly used method is the direct method. In this case, the percentage of male germ cells is determined, which is associated with immunoglobulins A and G. The indirect diagnostic method also evaluates the relationship between the percentage of sperm, but with the titer of antisperm antibodies.

It is important to note that this study is an international standard. It is successfully used by specialists around the world. This method is necessary for all couples who really want to become parents.

It is very important to understand the difference between this method and a spermogram. This analysis allows you to assess the ability to fertilize even in active sperm.

In the case of a spermogram, they will be marked as healthy or normal. Using the mar test, you can evaluate their suitability or unsuitability for fusion with an egg. This study reveals more "hidden" causes of infertility.

This diagnostic method became possible thanks to the use of mixed agglutination reactions. It is this method that allows us to identify immunological disorders at the level of spermatogenesis.

In what cases is it indicated?

Conduct this examination It makes no sense to absolutely all men. In medicine, for all research there are certain medical indications, including for mar-test.

This laboratory test is prescribed when:

  • planned conception of a child, when both members of the couple are preparing for this event;
  • presence of infertility;
  • during planned training before in vitro fertilization (IVF, ICSI or insemination);
  • a pathological condition when sperm begin to stick strongly to each other;
  • consequences of infectious pathologies of the reproductive organs.

What does it show?

This analysis reveals the immunological variant of infertility. In the development of this pathological condition special culprits protein substances– antisperm antibodies. By interacting with sperm, they have a negative effect on them. This leads to male cells cannot perform all the functions assigned to them by nature.

It is important to note where antisperm antibodies are formed. Class A immunoglobulins are synthesized in the male epididymis and testicles. IgG comes from the systemic circulation. They not only “attack” sperm, but also lead to the formation of a special anti-sperm membrane around them.

Scientists have determined in which cases the number of antisperm antibodies increases. This can lead to various injuries and damage to the external inguinal organs.

It often happens that during an examination and history taking, the doctor determines that such an episode occurred in childhood. However, for quite a long time nothing bothered the man. For many years he did not even know that he had such a problem.

Also, various infectious diseases can lead to an increase in the level of antisperm antibodies in the blood. And not only the genitals. Diseases urinary organs are one of possible reasons development this state. This feature is largely due to the anatomical proximity of the organs.

Surgical operations spent on the scrotum, can also cause an increase in antisperm antibodies in a man’s blood. In this case, the development of pathology is caused by traumatic injury anatomical boundary between blood vessels and seminiferous tubules.

The “attack” of antisperm antibodies on sperm is facilitated by various disruptions in the functioning of the immune system. The reasons described above lead to such situations. This process Doctors also attribute it to the fact that the blood-testis barrier (the boundary between blood vessels and testicular tissue) is broken.

In what cases is it not carried out?

As with any research method, there are contraindications for the MAR test. So, this analysis is not carried out if there is practically no complete absence male reproductive cells.

Also, this study is not performed if the sperm count is too low and insufficient in order to fully carry out their calculation.

In this situation, it is almost impossible for the laboratory assistant to study the necessary parameters. In this case, the MAR test will simply be uninformative.

How is it carried out?

The choice of methodology largely depends on how the research will be conducted - direct or indirect. In the first situation, sperm is required directly for the study. To perform the second type of analysis, you will need blood serum.

According to statistics, the direct method of research is used in medical practice somewhat more often. The results of such laboratory tests are more accurate and reliable. However, experts still recommend performing both tests. In this situation, the doctor receives all the information he needs about the properties of spermocytes and the state of the immune system.

Usually, this method diagnosis is combined with a spermogram.

To conduct the study, you will need ejaculate. The man collects it through masturbation. There is no need to donate sperm separately for spermogram and mar test. Given a sufficient amount of material, this should be sufficient for both studies.

Before donating sperm for testing, a man should prepare. A couple of days before the examination Do not come into contact with any chemical or toxic substances.

A week before the delivery of the biomaterial, sexual abstinence is prescribed. To a greater extent, this is required so that the husband’s subsequently collected ejaculate does not contain his wife’s vaginal secretion.

2-3 days before going to the laboratory, the consumption of any alcohol-containing drinks is limited. Smoking the day before the test should also be limited. If such a restriction is too severe for a man, then he should not smoke for at least 6-8 hours before donating sperm.

Under the influence of nicotine and alcohol, the studied parameters in the spermogram and the result of the mar-study may change.

Also very It is important to notify your doctor in advance about any medicines the man accepts. Yes, when long-term use hormonal drugs The results of the analyzes performed may be subject to change. If a man has been taking such medications or anabolic steroids for 6-8 months or more, he should definitely consult with his doctor before submitting the material for research.

Also two days before the examination should not actively engage in sports. Intense exercise in the gym can lead to changes hormonal levels. This may contribute to the fact that the results of the study will be unreliable.

If a man is receiving treatment for some diseases of the urinary system, then it is better for him to reschedule this study to a later date. For getting reliable results analysis, doctors advise, if possible, to avoid taking any medications.

It is better to do this at least 8-10 days before submitting the biomaterial.

The turnaround time for analysis may vary. This largely depends on the material and technical base of the laboratory, as well as its workload.

Some medical institutions give out the results of the tests performed the very next day after the delivery of the biomaterial. In others, the readiness of the result, as a rule, is 2-3 days. If rechecking of the analysis is required, it should be repeat test in 2-3 weeks.

Normal indicators

The conditional norm is a condition that doctors call “normozoospermia”. This diagnosis is made after a spermogram.

To establish this condition, it is necessary that the sperm contain 60-150 million male germ cells. At the same time, at least 70% must be active and viable. Doctors most often detect this condition in men under 35 years of age. Unfortunately, the older a man gets, the higher his risk of developing various disorders.

Normal indicators Spermograms are not yet a 100% guarantee of conceiving a baby. The MAR test helps clarify this probability.

If its indicators do not reveal various pathologies, then in such a situation male fertility is usually high.

How are the results deciphered?

The doctor must decipher the results of the analysis. It is quite difficult to do this on your own. Doctors often use special tables, which allow them to determine the normal limits of the studied parameters. This helps the doctor make the correct diagnosis and select the necessary treatment tactics.

The analysis is deciphered in the laboratory by how many antisperm antibodies surround the male reproductive cells. This sign is assessed using a microscope.

If the laboratory technician sees balls in the field of view being studied, this indicates the combination of antisperm antibodies with the sperm. After their visual determination, a quantitative calculation is made. After which normal, active sperm. After this, the percentage of healthy and damaged cells is calculated mathematically. In the future, it is this clinical indicator that will be used by the doctor to establish a diagnosis.

A qualitative analysis also requires that the laboratory technician take into account exactly where antisperm antibodies attach to sperm. Such an attachment can be in the area of ​​the head, body or tail.

How larger area contact, the higher the degree of damage, and the more unfavorable the prognosis for the development of this pathology.

Most a good option the result obtained is negative. It means that the man is healthy and has no signs of immunological infertility. It is important to remember that the parameters of the norm in this situation are very conditional. That is, this suggests that there are no problems with immunological infertility alone. However, even in this situation, this is not a 100% guarantee of conception.

If the test result is negative, this indicates that the sperm contains quite a lot of active and, most importantly, sperm capable of fertilizing eggs. The more healthy male reproductive cells, the higher the male fertility rates.

If after the study a positive result is obtained, then this is a sign that there is serious problems. Typically, such a conclusion is made when more than 50% of sperm are “defective” in their ability to fertilize.

The result obtained is indicated as a percentage. Thus, The higher the percentage, the lower the couple’s ability to naturally fertilize.

Positive analysis is the appearance of 25-50% of male germ cells that are bound by antisperm antibodies. Negative result- this is a situation when the analysis reveals up to 10-25% of such immune complexes. For example, if there is only 0-3% damaged sperm in the sperm, then a man should not worry about this. This indicator is considered the norm.

Moreover, the indicators must be assessed separately for each class of immunoglobulins. Normally, for both IgG and IgA, the number of sperm bound by antisperm antibodies will be from 1 to 10%. In some cases, their complete absence occurs. In such a situation, the result of the analysis will be zero.

Increased level class A immunoglobulins (above 40%) indicates that the blood-testis barrier is broken. After it recovers, the igA levels gradually return to normal. This usually takes about a year.

The results of the studies carried out in the majority of men examined are, as a rule, weakly positive or negative. However, it also happens that 100% of damaged sperm are found in the submitted sample. In this case, unfortunately, the probability of conceiving a child tends to zero.

In this situation, they can help the couple become parents modern techniques artificial insemination. In addition, treatment must be carried out.

What should I do?

When positive result analysis, it is very important to immediately consult a doctor. It is important to establish the cause that influenced the development of this pathology. For this, the doctor will definitely prescribe additional methods research.

If the cause of the condition is the consequences of previous operations, you should seek advice from the urologist operating on it. In some situations, additional surgical methods correcting any violations that have arisen.

Required condition additional diagnostics is testing for sexually transmitted diseases. It often happens that a man is not checked for the presence of such infections. Many of them quickly turn into chronic form. In this case, it is impossible to achieve a positive result without treating the underlying disease.

All men over 40 years of age should be sure to monitor their prostate health. To do this, you need to visit a urologist at least once a year. During a clinical examination, the doctor will be able to identify enlargements or neoplasms in the organ.

If, based on the results of the mar-test, a man has been diagnosed with immunological infertility, then he should immediately prepare for the fact that treatment for this condition can be quite lengthy.

The complex of therapy includes: medications, and physiotherapeutic techniques. It is also necessary to make individual recommendations on correcting the daily routine, and select the necessary diet.

For more information about what a MAR test is, see below.