If the husband has hepatitis C. Is it possible to get pregnant naturally if my husband has chronic hepatitis B

Many women ask the doctor: if the husband has hepatitis C, is it possible to give birth healthy child? Pregnancy planning is a responsible process that future parents should approach, taking into account the risks, hereditary diseases, existing viral infections. Examination before carrying out fertilization should be carried out not only by the wife, but also by the spouse. One of the common infections that affects men and women is hepatitis of various types.

Planning for pregnancy with hepatitis

If a husband is diagnosed with hepatitis C, is it possible to have children from him and is it dangerous for their health? The most common form is hepatitis C, which is unpleasant disease, which has the following features:

For many years, it can proceed without any symptoms and not manifest itself at all. Symptoms of the disease may be minor. It is impossible to recognize the active course of the disease. Analyzes show the presence of the virus, and not its effect on organs and systems. It happens that a patient is first diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver or a primary tumor of a malignant nature, and only then it turns out that the patient is suffering from hepatitis C.

Planning for pregnancy in the presence of hepatitis in both the mother and the father should not be postponed. It has been repeatedly proven that antibodies are not often transmitted to a child, so a newborn cannot potentially get sick.

At the same time, doctors note that chronic form hepatitis, received from parents, including from dad, develops in 10-11% of cases in infants. At the same time, doctors cannot accurately determine when infection occurs - during pregnancy or childbirth, or during household contacts between mother, father and child.

Factors that increase the risk of fetal infection

When a spouse has hepatitis C, is it possible to plan a pregnancy, is it possible to conceive and have healthy children? When dad is sick and mom is healthy, they should both go to see the doctor in women's consultation to be able to identify risks and possible problems if a woman wishes to become pregnant. It is the doctor who can allow or forbid a woman to give birth. He must explain to future parents the features of pregnancy if the father is sick.

Hepatitis C - not genetic disease so inherit it future child should not. You can apply other technologies of conception, for example, in vitro fertilization of a woman. This type reproduction is used if there is a high risk that hepatitis will be transmitted to the mother, and from her to the child. In this case, IVF will allow you to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby.

It is also important to remember that the infected seminal fluid of a man does not get into large quantities in female body. Therefore, infection has a minimal risk.

When a man has been ill with hepatitis C for a long time and the treatment does not bring a lasting effect, then IVF is prescribed. In other cases, you need to conceive naturally.

The risk of infection of the expectant mother and fetus is present if there are such conditions:

Husband has hepatitis long time, therefore, in a smear, analyzes show a large number of copies of the virus. The virus is present in semen and blood, including the period of development of the virus carrier. On the genitals various injuries mucous, for example, various cracks, scratches, erosion. AT male body there are a variety of sexual infections that can be pathogenic, bacterial, viral, fungal.

If there is at least one of specified conditions a gynecologist can forbid a woman to become pregnant naturally and suggest the use of an in vitro fertilization method. This is due to the fact that it is difficult to control or eliminate such conditions in men.

This potentially increases the risk of infection of a woman through direct sexual contact, as a result of which infection of the fetus can occur. Therefore, before having children, a gynecologist (for women) and a urologist (for men) are advised to consult with an infectious disease specialist, who helps to choose the most best option how to get pregnant safely.

Examination and threats for children

Diagnostic health tests, including testing for hepatitis, are standard for the father and mother of the unborn child.

First of all, it is worth visiting a gynecologist and a urologist to understand whether a particular couple can give birth to a child. The set of tests that parents must pass should include tests such as:

HIV testing; testing for hepatitis C and B; syphilis check; TORCH analysis to help detect herpes, cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis, rubella; detection of urogenital infections.

The future dad undergoes a special analysis by a urologist, who must conduct a spermogram. It helps to detect the peculiarity of sperm, its concentration, quantity, mobility and structure of spermatozoa. After that, they can be assigned additional tests concerning the examination of the prostate, the presence of inflammation in it.

Both parents take a blood test for sex hormones, the biochemical composition of the blood.
Only comprehensive examination will allow to determine what is the impact of male hepatitis, whether it is possible to infect the mother, and from her, respectively, the child.

Features of the IVF procedure for hepatitis C in the father

Not many parents decide to do IVF, given that the procedure is expensive and does not always give a 100% result. But this is a way out for a man and a woman who want to become parents, and the hepatitis virus is an obstacle to the birth of a baby. Women themselves infected with this disease, as well as those who fear the influence of their husband's hepatitis, decide on this method of reproduction. This allows you to protect yourself future mother, and the child from a vertical way of transmission of a viral infection.

At the same time, one cannot be 100% sure that the virus will not enter the body of a woman. The infection is present in the seminal fluid of men or in the follicles of women who carry the virus.

How to combine hepatitis C and IVF? During IVF, germ cells are necessarily washed to be then placed in a medium where fertilization will be carried out. When the cells are fertilized, they are transferred 2 times in stages to other media. The presence of virus is null at the third wash. IVF for hepatitis C in a woman allows you to protect both the future embryo from infection with the virus, and the mother who will bear the fetus.

Consistent washing of eggs and spermatozoa, their further cultivation significantly reduces the risk of transmission of hepatitis C at the genetic level.

If IVF is not performed for some reason, then the pregnancy is carried out naturally. In this case, the father must carefully follow all the recommendations of the doctor, undergo an annual course of treatment in order to reduce the risk of infection of children and spouses. Only after that it is possible to plan the conception, which then during the entire period of pregnancy will be controlled by several doctors.

Self-delivery at the risk of infection of the child with hepatitis is not practiced, doctors prescribe a caesarean section to exclude contact of the baby with the mother's dangerous environment.

Hepatitis C is an infectious viral disease with a hematogenous route of transmission, affecting the liver and, with progression, leading to liver failure and lethal outcome.

The virus affects young people more often. You can become infected with it through blood transfusion, tattooing, piercing and other manipulations associated with damage. skin.

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Elena Malysheva's method

Having carefully studied this method, we decided to offer it to your attention.

The most common mode of transmission is by injection narcotic substances. The possibility of getting the virus sexually is low, but it exists. The frequency of infection with the hepatitis C virus is the same among men and women.

Before young people suffering from this disease, sooner or later the question of procreation may arise. And each of them begins to wonder: is it possible to give birth with hepatitis C?

When planning a pregnancy, there are several factors to consider. The first of them is who in the family is infected with hepatitis C - a husband or wife.

Husband has hepatitis C

An infected husband does not pose a direct threat to the fetus. Hepatitis C is not hereditary disease and cannot be passed from father to child directly.

Sexual transmission is rare - about 4-5%. But when planning children, even this risk is considered high. In order to minimize the possibility of infection of the expectant mother, the husband must undergo a course of examination and treatment.

Mandatory analysis is a test for viral load in biological fluids husband. At high rates RNA infectious agent the man must undergo antiviral treatment. After that, the examination is repeated.

The presence of genital injuries and untreated sexual infections also increases the risk of infection for a woman. Therefore, before planning a pregnancy, a woman needs to undergo a thorough examination by a gynecologist.

A gynecologist and an infectious disease specialist should jointly decide on the possibility of conceiving a child in a natural way if the husband has hepatitis C, having previously assessed all the risks for the woman and the fetus.

But what about a family in which, after the husband’s treatment, there is a high probability of transmitting the virus to the future mother, and having children is cherished desire spouses?

In this case, doctors may advise resorting to artificial insemination procedures: IVF and ICSI, in order to avoid transmission of the infection from the husband.

Before proceeding with the IVF protocol, the husband and wife will have to obtain a certificate from the infectious disease specialist that the procedure can be carried out. You cannot get hepatitis C during IVF.

At cohabitation A hepatitis C-infected husband and future mother should take precautions: use barrier methods of contraception, do not use the same toothbrush, be careful with household injuries.

Hepatitis C in wife

On the reproductive function women are not affected by the hepatitis C virus. Therefore, in the absence of any other contraindications for health reasons, pregnancy is possible.

The virus itself is not able to affect the course of pregnancy. It is only necessary to control the level of hepatic transaminases, since impaired liver function can adversely affect the bearing and health of the unborn child. Other important issue for an infected woman is: is the virus capable of infecting children in utero?

Transplacental transmission of hepatitis C exists. Its probability directly depends on the viral load of the woman.

If antibodies to hepatitis C are found in the blood, but there is no pathogen RNA, then the probability of transmission is 0. With up to 2 million copies of the virus, the possibility of infection increases, but remains minimal. With an indicator of more than 2 million, the chance of infecting a child increases to 30%. In this case, the woman should undergo treatment aimed at reducing the amount of active virus in the blood.


Many of our readers for the treatment and cleansing of the liver actively use the well-known technique based on natural ingredients, opened by Elena Malysheva. We definitely recommend checking it out.

It should be noted that these indicators refer to a normal pregnancy. In the presence of complications, such as premature partial detachment of the placenta, the risk of infection in children increases several times.

It should be remembered that it is impossible to plan a pregnancy during antiviral treatment. You can conceive a child no earlier than six months after the end of interferon and ribavirin (the main drugs used to treat hepatitis C).

Hepatitis C and IVF procedure

Recently, due to the increase in the number of patients diagnosed with infertility, the IVF procedure (an egg is fertilized outside the woman's body, and a 3- or 5-day-old embryo is implanted in it) has become very popular. Is it possible to do IVF with hepatitis C in a husband or wife? How will this affect the health of children in the future?

An obstacle to obtaining permission for IVF can only be changes in the liver that have already begun: a significant increase in the level of transaminases, signs of liver failure.

The presence of hepatitis C in either the wife or the husband is not a contraindication for IVF. Ripe and selected eggs undergo a three-fold purification procedure. And the embryo is placed in a virus-free environment. There is no risk of infection for either the mother or the child during the IVF procedure itself.

Hepatitis C and childbirth

The possibility of infection of the fetus during childbirth exists, and it is higher than the risk of transplacental infection.

The virus can enter the child's blood if he has injuries and comes into contact with the mother's blood. This can happen with complicated births, most often when forceps are needed.

Obstetrician-gynecologists, in order to avoid infection of children from infected mothers, try to deliver such women by caesarean section in a planned manner. It is believed that the operation reduces the risk of infection of the child to a minimum. Although, according to some reports, the frequency of infection of the fetus during childbirth does not depend on the mode of delivery.

It is worth noting that childbirth, like any other stress, can worsen the course of hepatitis C in a woman. She needs more careful monitoring of her health in the postpartum period.

Advice from hepatologists

In 2012, there was a breakthrough in the treatment of hepatitis C. New antiviral drugs direct action, which with a probability of 97% completely relieve you of the disease. Since then, hepatitis C is officially considered to be completely curable disease in the medical community. AT Russian Federation and CIS countries, drugs are represented by the brands sofosbuvir, daclatasvir and ledipasvir. AT this moment There are a lot of fakes on the market. Medicines of good quality can only be purchased from companies that have licenses and relevant documentation.
Go to the website of the official supplier >>

After birth, antibodies to the hepatitis C virus are present in the baby's blood for a year and a half. Determine whether he contracted hepatitis C during pregnancy or childbirth, possibly after this period or when RNA of the virus is detected.

Pregnancy and comorbidities

Hepatitis C is often accompanied by other diseases. The most dangerous of them are HIV and cirrhosis of the liver. Availability concomitant diseases can significantly worsen the course of pregnancy and increase the risk of transmission of hepatitis C from mother to fetus.

As soon as a family with one or both HIV-infected spouses has a desire to have children, they should contact an infectious disease specialist for examination and a decision on the safety of the upcoming pregnancy and childbirth.

If the husband is infected with hepatitis C and HIV, and the woman is healthy, then they resort to methods artificial insemination or IVF. Before this, the husband's sperm undergoes a procedure of purification from seminal fluid.

If a woman is infected with two diseases, then she is tested for viral load, and according to the results of the analysis, she is prescribed treatment. Taking antiviral drugs is possible throughout pregnancy, which eliminates the increase in the concentration of the virus and reduces the risk of infection of the fetus.

Pregnancy with cirrhosis of the liver caused by hepatitis C is undesirable. The risk of miscarriage reaches 60-70%.

An increase in circulating blood volume leads to decompensation portal hypertension, which entails frequent profuse bleeding from dilated veins of the esophagus, which can be fatal in the second trimester.

Hypocoagulation due to liver failure leads to bleeding during childbirth and postpartum period in 80% of cases. A woman with advanced cirrhosis of the liver is not advised to become pregnant, and when pregnancy occurs from the second trimester, they are observed in a hospital.

Can or can't you give birth with hepatitis C? With proper planning of pregnancy, timely treatment of a husband or wife, fulfillment of all the recommendations of obstetrician-gynecologists and infectious disease specialists, there are no contraindications for bearing and giving birth to a child.

The risk of infection in children intrauterine development can be reduced to a minimum and does not exceed 2%. Pregnancy in the presence of concomitant diseases is risky and the decision on its possibility should be made in each case individually.

Do you still think that defeating Hepatitis C is impossible?

Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, victory in the fight against Hepatitis C is not on your side yet ...

And have you already taken toxic drugs that had a bunch of side effects? It is understandable, because ignoring the disease can lead to grave consequences. Fatigue, weight loss, nausea and vomiting, yellowish or grayish skin tone, bitter taste in the mouth, body and joint aches… Are all these symptoms familiar to you firsthand?

There is an effective cure for Hepatitis C. Follow the link and find out how Olga Sergeeva cured Hepatitis C...

Yakutina Svetlana

Project expert VseProPechen.ru

The hepatitis C virus became known as individual disease not so long ago. It was revealed only in 1988-1989. Prior to this, it was found that after careful examination donated blood for infectious hepatitis, 6-8% were diagnosed with hepatitis after her transfusion. After research and hepatitis C was identified with by parenteral route transmission.

"Affectionate Killer"

Hepatitis C due to its nature of the course, high risk infection, a long and often completely asymptomatic period, possible severe complications and negative forecasts received the nickname "affectionate killer".

For the treatment and cleansing of the LIVER, our readers successfully use

Elena Malysheva's method

Having carefully studied this method, we decided to offer it to your attention.

More than 10% of all who annually become infected and fall ill with its acute form, and about 30% of patients who have chronic low-grade hepatitis, cannot name exactly how and where they could become infected.

In the vast majority of cases, in order for infection to take place, contact with the blood of a patient or carrier of hepatitis C is necessary.

The risk of infection in other ways is much lower. However, this infection is transmitted through contact even with the minimum amount blood, "at the tip of a needle." For infection with the most frightening disease of our time - AIDS, such a minimum dose is not enough.

For a long time, this pathology does not manifest itself in anything. Mild symptoms of weakness, fatigue, discomfort in the right hypochondrium do not always attract attention. Yes, and they may not appear for years. And when hepatitis is already manifested by formed cirrhosis, then there is no chance to cure it. Only symptomatic treatment is carried out.

Therefore, most often the news of the illness of one of the spouses in the family is perceived as a bolt from the blue. The vast majority of all infectious hepatitis C, as well as B, is detected during preventive control in blood tests for hepatitis, or is already manifested by its complication - cirrhosis of the liver.

More than 70% of all acute infectious hepatitis C, imperceptibly for their carrier, are transformed into a chronic form of the course of the disease.

What to do if a husband has hepatitis? First of all, don't panic. Of course, there is a risk that he can infect other family members, especially his wife. However, this probability is not great. And subject to certain rules it can be minimized.

Therefore, if a husband or any other family member has become infected with hepatitis C, then very small restrictions will be required that will allow you not to change habitual flow family life.

It is useful to know that, despite the well-known information that the disease is transmitted precisely with blood, the virus is also detected in other biological fluids of the human body.

A certain amount of a dangerous virus is present in the patient's saliva, male sperm, lymph. Even if these liquids dry up, dangerous virions do not die, but remain for some time, but a maximum of 4 days.

Sexual and contact-household ways of infection

Even if hepatitis was found in a husband, and the titer of the virus received and multiplied in the blood is relatively high, even this does not mean one hundred percent infection from it during sexual intercourse.

First, the use of a condom reduces the likelihood of contracting this virus to zero. Secondly, even if the spouses do not want to adhere to this option of barrier contraception, infection is unlikely. Sexual intercourse without the use of a condom does not have to become a source of infection for a healthy partner.

Studies have shown that only 3-5% of unprotected intercourse leads to infection.

In order for infection to occur, contact with the patient's blood must be present. Even such a small number of sexually transmitted infections does not mean that hepatitis C is transmitted through the semen of a man.

A significant amount of the virus for infection is in the blood. That's why greater risk infection occurs when there is a violation of the integrity of the skin and mucous membrane of the genital organs.

Inflammatory processes of the vagina with small areas of ulceration, erosion with a violation of the integrity of the mucosa increase the risk of infection.

Microtrauma in the genitals, which can occur and go almost unnoticed as a result of friction, also increases the risk of infection. It has been proven that the absence of damage to the mucous and skin integuments excludes infection.


Many of our readers actively use the well-known method based on natural ingredients, discovered by Elena Malysheva, for the treatment and cleansing of the liver. We definitely recommend checking it out.

The likelihood of injury, especially microscopic, increases with aggressive species sexual intercourse.

The risk of infection increases if the sexual partner is not the only one.

Can a wife get infected by kissing her husband? Theoretically, yes. But the risk of infection with this type of hepatitis through saliva is practically reduced to zero. But again, great importance has a presence in the mouth various diseases with violation of the integrity of the mucosa, as well as open carious cavities of the teeth.

Studies have shown that the amount of virus in the saliva of a person with hepatitis C is too small. This amount of virus is also not enough to become a source of infection during communication.

Even if a person is sick for a long time and has a high titer of the virus in the blood. Thus, if the husband has hepatitis C in the family, infection during communication, hugs, and sneezing of the patient infectious hepatitis With a spouse excluded.

Is hepatitis C transmitted through household items? Partly. You can become infected when using the same personal hygiene items.

For example, nail scissors, tweezers, a toothbrush, shaving accessories, that is, those items that can potentially come into contact with blood. If everyone in the house has their own personal hygiene items, then the risk of infection from a sick family member household way unlikely.

The myths that you can become infected when using shared utensils are unfounded. Thus, it is impossible to get infected with the virus.

Advice from hepatologists

In 2012, there was a breakthrough in the treatment of hepatitis C. New direct-acting antiviral drugs were developed that have a 97% chance of completely curing you of the disease. Since then, hepatitis C has been officially considered a completely curable disease in the medical community. In the Russian Federation and CIS countries, drugs are represented by the brands sofosbuvir, daclatasvir and ledipasvir. At the moment, there are a lot of fakes on the market. Medicines of good quality can only be purchased from companies that have licenses and relevant documentation.
Go to the website of the official supplier >>

So, you cannot transmit the virus by shaking hands, hugging, eating from the same dish, and even drinking drinks from the same glass, using the same spoon as your husband, etc.

If a husband or any other family member is infected with hepatitis C in the family, then he should not isolate himself from his loved ones in any way. But he is advised to take some precautions:

He cannot become a donor, including for his loved ones (both blood and internal organs). He should not use household items of his loved ones that may come into contact with their blood, and must necessarily isolate from common use their personal hygiene items (scissors, razor, etc.). If a sick person has abrasions, wounds and other violations of the integrity of the skin, then he must cover them with a plaster, bandage and prevent blood from getting out. If dressings are done to him by relatives at home, then they must do this with rubber gloves.

All places that may be contaminated with the patient's blood in the house must be treated with a disinfectant. You can use a solution prepared from bleach diluted with water in a ratio of 1:100. It is convenient to use pharmacy disinfectants, which are sold ready-made in the assortment. They do not possess bad smell. You can use them in the form of an aerosol. Washing inactivates the virus for half an hour at a water temperature of more than 60 degrees. Boiling destroys the virus in just 2 minutes.


If the husband is sick with hepatitis, then it is advisable to give blood at least annually to family members to determine the virus in it.

Diagnosis of hepatitis C is based on the determination of antibodies to it in the blood. They are specific proteins that perform protective function and are formed when hepatitis C antigens appear in the body.

A positive response to infection will be reliable no earlier than six months after infection. To avoid false positive result blood must be checked by other methods.

For this purpose, the PCR method (polymerase chain reaction). With its help, it is possible to determine the RNA of the hepatitis C virus in the blood, which confirms its presence and the fact of reproduction in the patient's body.

A detailed biochemical blood test allows you to track changes in liver function indicators: bilirubin, liver enzymes. If there is even a small risk of contracting hepatitis, then such non-specific symptoms as mild nausea, weakness, fast fatiguability, loss of appetite should alert and cause examination for hepatitis C infection.

Virus carrying

Can you get sick with a virus in your body? It's possible. Proven to be strong the immune system quite capable of coping with ingested dangerous virus. Studies confirm that this occurs in 10-20% of cases of infection.

The virus can remain in the body, and the person will only be its carrier. As a rule, a person does not even suspect about it. Moreover, in this case, neither blood tests nor even a liver biopsy confirm infection.

After infection, the virus can be detected only after a few years, and all this time it can be in a "sleeping" state. The ideal solution to the problem would be vaccination against hepatitis C. However, today vaccination is not yet carried out.

If it happens that the husband has hepatitis C, then the wife can avoid contracting this infection by knowing exactly how this infection is transmitted, as well as making small changes in her usual way of life. Eliminating the risk of infection of children is also not difficult.

Do you still think that defeating Hepatitis C is impossible?

Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, victory in the fight against Hepatitis C is not on your side yet ...

And have you already taken toxic drugs that had a bunch of side effects? It is understandable, because ignoring the disease can lead to serious consequences. Fatigue, weight loss, nausea and vomiting, yellowish or grayish skin tone, bitter taste in the mouth, body and joint aches… Are all these symptoms familiar to you firsthand?

There is an effective cure for Hepatitis C. Follow the link and find out how Olga Sergeeva cured Hepatitis C...

Yakutina Svetlana

Project expert VseProPechen.ru

Many women ask the doctor: if the husband has hepatitis C, is it possible to give birth to a healthy child? Pregnancy planning is a responsible process that future parents should approach, taking into account the risks, hereditary diseases, and existing viral infections. Examination before carrying out fertilization should be carried out not only by the wife, but also by the spouse. One of the common infections that affects men and women is hepatitis of various types.

Planning for pregnancy with hepatitis

If a husband is diagnosed with hepatitis C, is it possible to have children from him and is it dangerous for their health? The most common form is hepatitis C, which is an unpleasant disease characterized by the following characteristic features:

  1. For many years, it can proceed without any symptoms and not manifest itself at all.
  2. Symptoms of the disease may be minor.
  3. It is impossible to recognize the active course of the disease.
  4. Analyzes show the presence of the virus, and not its effect on organs and systems. It happens that a patient is first diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver or a primary tumor of a malignant nature, and only then it turns out that the patient is suffering from hepatitis C.

Planning for pregnancy in the presence of hepatitis in both the mother and the father should not be postponed. It has been repeatedly proven that antibodies are not often transmitted to a child, so a newborn cannot potentially get sick.

At the same time, doctors note that the chronic form of hepatitis received from parents, including from dad, develops in 10-11% of cases in infants. At the same time, doctors cannot accurately determine when infection occurs - during pregnancy or childbirth, or during household contacts between mother, father and child.

Factors that increase the risk of fetal infection

When a spouse has hepatitis C, is it possible to plan a pregnancy, is it possible to conceive and have healthy children? When dad is sick and mom is healthy, both of them should go to see a doctor at an antenatal clinic so that he can determine the risks and possible problems if a woman wants to get pregnant. It is the doctor who can allow or forbid a woman to give birth. He must explain to future parents the features of pregnancy if the father is sick.

Hepatitis C is not a genetic disease, so a future child should not inherit it. You can apply other technologies of conception, for example, in vitro fertilization of a woman. This type of reproduction is used if there is a high risk that hepatitis will be transmitted to the mother, and from her to the child. In this case, IVF will allow you to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby.

It is also important to remember that the infected seminal fluid of a man does not enter the female body in large quantities. Therefore, infection has a minimal risk.

When a man has been ill with hepatitis C for a long time and the treatment does not bring a lasting effect, then IVF is prescribed. In other cases, it is necessary to conceive naturally.

The risk of infection of the expectant mother and fetus is present if there are such conditions:

  1. The husband has been sick with hepatitis for a long time, so the tests show a large number of copies of the virus in the smear.
  2. The virus is present in semen and blood, including the period of development of the virus carrier.
  3. There are various mucosal injuries on the genitals, for example, various cracks, scratches, erosions.
  4. In the male body there are a variety of sexual infections, which can be pathogenic, bacterial, viral, fungal.

In the presence of at least one of these conditions, the gynecologist can prohibit a woman from pregnancy in a natural way and suggest the use of the method of in vitro fertilization. This is due to the fact that it is difficult to control or eliminate such conditions in men.

This potentially increases the risk of infection of a woman through direct sexual contact, as a result of which infection of the fetus can occur. Therefore, before having children, a gynecologist (for women) and a urologist (for men) are advised to consult with an infectious disease specialist, who helps to choose the best option for how to get pregnant safely.

Examination and threats for children

Diagnostic health tests, including testing for hepatitis, are standard for the father and mother of the unborn child.

First of all, it is worth visiting a gynecologist and a urologist to understand whether a particular couple can give birth to a child. The set of tests that parents must pass should include tests such as:

  • testing for hepatitis C and B;
  • syphilis check;
  • TORCH analysis to help detect herpes, cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis, rubella;
  • detection of urogenital infections.

The future dad undergoes a special analysis by a urologist, who must conduct a spermogram. It helps to detect the peculiarity of sperm, its concentration, quantity, mobility and structure of spermatozoa. After that, additional tests may be prescribed regarding the examination of the prostate, the presence of inflammation in it.

Both parents take a blood test for sex hormones, the biochemical composition of the blood.
Only a comprehensive examination will determine the impact of male hepatitis, whether it is possible to infect the mother, and from her, respectively, the child.

Features of the IVF procedure for hepatitis C in the father

Not many parents decide to do IVF, given that the procedure is expensive and does not always give a 100% result. But this is a way out for a man and a woman who want to become parents, and the hepatitis virus is an obstacle to the birth of a baby. Women themselves infected with this disease, as well as those who fear the influence of their husband's hepatitis, decide on this method of reproduction. This allows you to protect both the expectant mother and the child from the vertical way of transmitting a viral infection.

At the same time, one cannot be 100% sure that the virus will not enter the body of a woman. The infection is present in the seminal fluid of men or in the follicles of women who carry the virus.

How to combine hepatitis C and IVF? During IVF, germ cells are necessarily washed to be then placed in a medium where fertilization will be carried out. When the cells are fertilized, they are transferred 2 times in stages to other media. The presence of virus is null at the third wash. IVF for hepatitis C in a woman allows you to protect both the future embryo from infection with the virus, and the mother who will bear the fetus.

Consistent washing of eggs and spermatozoa, their further cultivation significantly reduces the risk of transmission of hepatitis C at the genetic level.

If IVF is not performed for some reason, then the pregnancy is carried out naturally. In this case, the father must carefully follow all the recommendations of the doctor, undergo an annual course of treatment in order to reduce the risk of infection of children and spouses. Only after that it is possible to plan the conception, which then during the entire period of pregnancy will be controlled by several doctors.


Hello, my husband is 33 years old, showed up chronic hepatitis b. PCR analysis and antibody positive. The concentration of the virus is 2 * 10 in 3 degrees. I'm 24 and all tests are negative. Noah is vaccinated, so that's the way it should be. Can I get pregnant from him naturally? I, of course, will not get sick, since there is immunity, but can hepatitis be transmitted from it to a child at conception? Somewhere on the Internet they write that there are viruses in semen, others write that only in the blood. He cannot be treated and recover before conception, since the doctor says that since the concentration is low and everything is fine with the liver, then it is not necessary to take antiviral therapy, just live with it, following a diet. It turns out a vicious circle - you can’t get pregnant before recovery, but you can’t be treated either ?! Answer please.

Consultation of an infectious disease specialist on the topic “Is it possible to get pregnant naturally if my husband has chronic hepatitis B?” is given for reference purposes only. Based on the results of the consultation, please consult a doctor, including to identify possible contraindications.