Herpes is an effective treatment. Symptoms of all types of herpesvirus and related diseases

If you notice that watery pimples have formed on your beautiful lips, then this indicates that it is necessary to start treatment for herpes.

Although, based on modern medical knowledge, you will have to come to terms with the fact that only the appearance of the manifestations of the disease is eliminated, but you will not be able to completely forget about the virus. The fact is that it tends to integrate into the genetics of nerve cells, due to which changes occur in the immune system, and the corresponding type of antibodies is produced.

If the immune system is weakened, because the body lacks vitamins, when the body is hypothermic or stressed, a characteristic cold ailment begins to appear on the lips.

The treatment of herpes on the lips is selected for each sick person individually, after being examined by a doctor and passing certain tests.

Types of herpes virus

Herpes viruses today are common among people, doctors have identified some types of viruses:

  • First type. This type tends to manifest itself in the lips, mucous membranes, skin around the eyes, as well as on the genitals.
  • Second type. A viral disease of this type causes an inflammatory process on the genitals.
  • Third type. This type of virus can cause chicken pox or shingles, in this case blisters that appear in the trunk along nerves, such as in the ribs.

The manifestation of a viral disease can be identified by the state of the immune system, the type of virus and its prevalence. Basically, herpes is difficult to treat after the first infection, since in this case antibodies are not observed in the body. Recovery is hampered by the weakened immunity of the patient, the immature immune system of a sick three-year-old baby.

Very often, doctors are treated by patients with herpes, which manifested itself on the lips, caused by the first type virus. This form of the disease is common, antibodies to this variety are observed in 90% of people who have reached the age of 40.

The second type of virus is mainly encountered by a person when he starts having sex. With regard to antibodies to this disease, they are detected in the 5th part of the US population.

In Russia, it is not customary to register such diseases, so no one knows the exact figure. This form of the disease is in third place among STDs. It is said that 10% of adults living in developed countries are affected by genital herpes.

Danger and consequences of herpes viruses

The main danger of the disease, no matter what type it is, is incurability. When the virus enters the body, it tends to stay in it for life, which creates a large burden on the immune system.

If the immune system is weakened, it can cause relapses of the disease from time to time, so the body's resources are depleted, due to which the proper resistance to various pathogenic microflora (staphylococcus, E. coli) is not carried out. As a result, prostatitis, vesiculitis and other diseases may begin to develop.

It is definitely worth starting the treatment of herpes simplex on time, which manifests itself on the lips, as well as the second type virus. Otherwise, you risk earning a generalized herpes infection, which contributes to the defeat of the central nervous system, skin, mucous membranes, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract and liver. If a complication of a genital disease occurs, cancer of the uterine cervix and prostate begins to develop.

Not so often you can find herpes of the fourth type Epstein-Barr, it tends to cause oncology of the lymph nodes.

As for the fifth herpes virus, it can also be rarely found, especially pregnant women should be wary of it, since this virus can cause a cytomegalovirus infection, which is manifested by a decrease in the intelligence and motor skills of the baby. This disease is transmitted in an unknown way, many doctors claim that you can get infected from breast milk, urine, semen and saliva.

How is the disease transmitted?


You can become infected with the herpes simplex virus directly through direct contact, everyday objects, airborne droplets, if you stand next to a person who coughs, yawns and is infected with the herpes virus.

You can also get infected from a carrier who does not show external symptoms of the disease. Genital herpes can be contracted through kissing, saliva, sexual contact. Basically, the disease occurs in the acute stage, so it is enough to come into contact with the patient once to become infected.

As for the second form of the disease, it does not have the ability to be transmitted if you visit the pool, bath, use a common toilet seat, towel and common utensils.

What tests are given?

To determine the presence of the herpes virus in the body and its type, it is necessary to examine the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. If a virus has entered the body, IgM immunoglobulins are observed in the blood, after a relapse passes, IgG is detected there.

An ELISA test determines whether there are IgM and IgG in the blood, as well as the type of virus and immunoglobulins, or rather their number of immunoglobulins. All these data are necessary in order to approximately assess the state of immunity.

It is also possible to determine the type of disease using a polymerase chain reaction, in this case, the material that is being studied should be taken from the places where the rash occurs. This method helps to find the virus in the process of relapse, as well as to understand what type it is.

The disadvantage of this method is that it is necessary to comply with special requirements for sterility and support the necessary temperature indicators during the study. If all these rules are not followed, the results of this method will be useless, and the diagnosis, of course, will be incorrect.

Causes of recurrence of herpes

In order to avoid exacerbation of labial and genital herpes, you should not:

  • supercool;
  • be stressed;
  • overwork physically and psychologically;
  • perform physical activity during the menstrual cycle;
  • lead an unhealthy lifestyle during pregnancy;
  • sunbathe intensely;
  • abuse alcoholic beverages;
  • take certain medications.

Often with this disease, the patient has a fever, weakness, lymph nodes increase in size and cause pain. Joints and muscles also begin to ache. With a virus, you may also experience:

  • burning;
  • tingling;
  • itching on the lips;
  • red spots on the skin;
  • watery pimples.

After a while, the contents of the pimples begin to become cloudy, they burst and ulcers appear. Then they begin to dry out, and a crust forms. Do not touch the water bubbles and peel off the crusts with your hands. In the process of treatment, be sure to wash your hands, and also use your personal towel.


In general, the symptoms of the disease begin to pass in a week. No need to self-medicate herpes for a long time. Otherwise, you will weaken the immune system, and the risk of the appearance of tumor formations of a different nature will also increase. If the measures that you have taken have not given significant improvements, then be sure to contact the doctor again and retake the tests.

Why is herpes dangerous during pregnancy?

Every woman infected with herpes, a type 1 virus, even before pregnancy, has antibodies in her blood that tend to protect the fetus. But it is very dangerous if the first infection occurred during pregnancy.

In this case, a viral illness can pass through placental protection. And this indicates that a premature baby can be born, the fetus can get malformations, and also not survive and die right in the mother's womb, because the body reacts violently to primary infection.

If type 2 herpes worsens, doctors recommend a caesarean section. If a woman decides to give birth on her own, in order to prevent the baby from becoming infected, the virus must be neutralized with the help of medications.

Home remedies for herpes

If you decide to start treating the external manifestations of the virus on the lips or genitals, do not forget that you will not defeat the virus, since it tends to integrate into the genetics of the apparatus of nerve cells. It is impossible to completely cure the disease; from time to time it will remind you that it lives in the body.

And remember, in order to prevent infection, you should not only avoid contact with carriers of the virus, but also often take walks in the fresh air, do not forget about physical education, and always try to get only positive emotions.

If an infection has occurred, then immunity should be helped: take vitamins, try to strengthen your body, carry out a treatment course prescribed by a doctor, a rash that appears.

In the process of treating herpes on the lips, as well as during remission, the absence of symptoms, it is necessary to give up bad habits, that is, do not abuse alcoholic beverages, do not eat a lot of sweet foods.

Beef, chicken meat, fish, dairy products, citrus fruits, peaches, apples, bananas, and of course, do not forget about blackcurrants should not go out of the diet.

Make your diet varied and include foods that are rich in zinc, because this microelement quickly heals wounds. This trace element contains: brewer's yeast, mushrooms, pumpkin seeds, blueberries, nuts and oysters.

Treatment of herpes on the lips and face with the help of medications

Basically, after the sick person has been examined by a doctor and a diagnosis has been made, the doctor should prescribe the treatment. In order to eliminate itching, burning, it is necessary to resort to the use of various means.

For proper and competent treatment, do not forget about creams, gels, ointments and tablets:

  • cream Acyclovir, Valaciclovir, Oxolinic, Viru-Merz;
  • gel Allomedin, Infagel;
  • tablets Gerpevir, Remantadine, Minaker.

If the lips are treated with antiviral drugs before the rash appears, but already with a burning sensation, external manifestations can be prevented. If the rash has already appeared, then the time of their healing will be reduced.

How to treat herpes folk remedies?

Folk remedies for the treatment of herpes at home today are very popular and effective. And many people resort to natural and safe healing methods that are successfully practiced by traditional healers.

Recipes and treatments

In order to eliminate external manifestations in the lip area, it is necessary to lubricate healthy skin near the lesions, and then the focus itself. This will prevent the virus from spreading further. To lubricate the sores, you must use a cotton swab.

The external manifestation of viral herpes can be quickly eliminated with Valocordin. Some people, thanks to this drug, remove labial herpes in a few days.

Lips can be tidied up quickly and effectively alcohol tincture of propolis, it can be purchased at the pharmacy stall. Acne should be cauterized every two hours with this tincture, and after 10 minutes any fatty nourishing cream should be applied.

Aloe juice, Kalanchoe or lemon juice can eliminate the external manifestation of herpes on the lips. Take a small piece of aloe or lemon. Squeeze a couple of drops of juice onto a cotton swab and apply it to the place that is affected by the rash.

A quick remedy for the virus is Corvalol. Put a couple of drops on a cotton swab and apply to the affected area. Achieve results in three days.

Also, do not forget about a simple home remedy - this is table salt. Take some salt and put it on your lips. You can also lubricate the rash with a solution made from boiled water and salt.

Another good tool is tea tree essential oil, as well as rosemary and Eucalyptus oil. If you use fir oil, a burning sensation may appear, but it will quickly pass. Lubricate the affected areas every two hours. In the same way, you can use sea buckthorn oil, almond oil. Sea buckthorn quickly heals the skin.

From such a virus, calendula ointment can help.

In order to recover quickly, it is necessary to put cotton wool on the affected area, smeared with tincture of St. John's wort, calendula and chamomile.

Treatment of herpes on the lips with folk remedies includes herbal medicine.
A succession, wormwood, oregano and celandine are actively fighting this disease. From each herb or mixture thereof, you can prepare a decoction or tincture.


Treatment should begin with a small dose. Do not forget that some plants contain poison, so be sure to monitor your body and its reaction to a particular infusion.

For example, with an overdose of celandine, severe poisoning occurs, vomiting and an upset of the digestive organs appear. But at the same time, this natural remedy is perfectly combined with pharmaceutical preparations.


Echinacea has never been inferior to antibiotics, as its roots contain a large amount of echinacoside. This substance will not only defeat herpes, but also gonorrhea and some other infections. If you take herbal tea with echinacea, the immune system is strengthened, which means that the body becomes stronger and resists viral diseases.

If there is already a rash on the lips, then you should actively start treatment. Echinacea has an antimicrobial effect, removes inflammation and heals wounds, and the silicon contained in this plant regenerates damaged skin tissue.

If you cannot be treated with antibiotics, echinacea will be a worthy alternative to pills. After all, this magical herb does not have the ability to cause dysbacteriosis and does not negatively affect the digestive organs.

The tincture can be purchased at the pharmacy. But in order for it to be of better quality, it is better to cook it yourself.

To do this, you will need to do the following:

  1. Take 70% alcohol or regular vodka, as well as fresh echinacea flowers. Rinse and dry them.
  2. Transfer the flowers to a glass container, for example, a jar, and then fill it with an alcoholic drink. Ratio 10:1.
  3. The medicine can be taken in two weeks, it should be well infused. Leave the jar with the contents in a dark place.
  4. After two weeks, strain the tincture, and then you can start treatment.

The medicine is taken as follows: 2 teaspoons of tincture are taken in a glass of water.

Do not forget that if you use this drug excessively, insomnia may begin. It can also often cause nausea and vomiting.

Tincture of calendula

Dermatologists often advise the use of calendula for treatment. This plant has a second name - nails.

Calendula sometimes causes an allergic reaction, but has no side effects. Calendula is used to treat skin diseases, boils, vomiting and nausea.

  1. In order to make a tincture, you should take ordinary marigold flowers. They contain useful substances that have a therapeutic effect.
  2. It is necessary to take crushed calendula flowers 2 tablespoons.
  3. Fill them with 100 grams of vodka and leave the mass for two weeks.

Wipe the affected areas with this solution, and also take 20 drops orally, twice a day.

Chamomile is no less effective in fighting herpes. This plant is taken for a runny nose, toothache, gastritis, and neurosis. As a prevention of colds and viruses, you need to take chamomile tea.

  1. To prepare a fragrant and healthy drink, brew the herb in a filter bag or dried. Infuse tea for 15 minutes, you can add honey.
  2. Take dried chamomile leaves 3 tablespoons, pour boiling water over them and leave for an hour. Then the tincture is drunk or applied to the inflamed lips.
  3. Thanks to chamomile, you will relieve pain and heal herpes, as well as draw out pus.

Brewed chamomile can be mixed with propolis tincture. This remedy should be drunk 3 times a day for a tablespoon.

Liquorice root

Licorice has an anti-inflammatory effect, so it is used for infectious skin diseases. A medicine prepared from its root can help with the herpes virus. Licorice slows down aging and rejuvenates the body.

Like chamomile, licorice is used to make a tea drink.

In order to brew this tea, you need to do the following:

  1. Take vegetable raw materials 2 teaspoons in a glass of boiling water and brew tea.
  2. But just do not abuse this drink. More than three glasses are not recommended.


If you use licorice in large quantities, the body will be harmed, and poisoning can also be caused. You should not use this plant as a therapeutic drug against herpes for pregnant women, people who have kidney failure and hypertension.

To prepare the tincture you will need:

  • Pour the crushed root with boiling water and leave for two hours. The decoction that will turn out, drink during the day.


Tansy perfectly helps with headaches, with nervous and digestive disorders, and also has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels. But, despite such a number of medicinal properties, the plant is toxic. Therefore, do not take infusions of tansy in large doses.

In order to prepare a medicine, take tansy flowers, dry them.

Dried grass has bactericidal, wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties. Tansy tends to act on herpes - the virus from the inside, so it is better to use fresh grass to treat this particular ailment.

Before taking breakfast, eat a couple of flowers, in this way the treatment should last at least two weeks. During this period, you will be able to defeat herpes.

You can also prepare a decoction of dried tansy flowers:

  1. Pour two tablespoons of raw materials with boiling water and cook for 10 minutes.
  2. Let the remedy brew, and then drink a couple of sips 3 times a day.

Saturated agent can be used externally. In this case, brew a stronger drink, and then wipe the affected areas.

white wormwood

With herpes, dry wormwood is brewed and drunk instead of a tea drink.

gum resin

Gum resin helps with herpes no less effectively. And if it is used from the very first days of the disease, rashes and complications can be avoided.

  1. To obtain gum resin, you need to get uncoated paper.
  2. Roll the sheet into a cone shape and place on a flat dish. Now you should set fire to the paper and wait until the fire goes out.
  3. After combustion, resin will appear on the dish, it is also called gum balm, and it is they who should treat the affected areas of the skin.

Egg with vodka

This method is considered the best, because thanks to this method, the disease disappears for a long time and does not have the ability to develop again.

  1. Boil the eggs, cool, peel and put in a glass.
  2. Pour vodka here and send the filled glass to the refrigerator.
  3. After three days, eat the egg and drink the vodka in which it lay. If there is an unpleasant aftertaste, eat or drink something.

This treatment is carried out three times in 10 days, the result will be excellent.


Shilajit is a natural formation, dense and hard. How such a heterogeneous mass occurs is still unknown. They only know that mummy is formed from various microorganisms, plants, animals and rocks.

This product has a specific smell. You can buy a mummy in a pharmacy stall. Before using it, it must undergo special treatment.

Shilajit, which is contained in medicinal preparations, has a dark color, has softness and plasticity. It has the property that it dissolves in liquid and has a bitter taste and spicy aroma.

  • painkiller;
  • fungicidal;
  • regenerative;
  • antibacterial;
  • antispasmodic;
  • choleretic;
  • antiallergic property.

Due to the antiviral effect, the mummy is used for herpes. It can be used as an independent tool or additional, that is, combined with other tools.

In order to cure herpes, you must use:

Shilajit powder, no more than 20 grams, you can powder the affected areas.

egg wrap

Remove the film from the inside of a fresh chicken egg and apply the sticky side to the sore skin. Soon the film will dry out and wrinkle, you just moisten it and it will immediately straighten out.

If you experience pain or twitching, do not be afraid, this indicates that the method is working. The film should be changed twice a day, a new one should be applied at night.

Alternative treatment of herpes

Infusion of birch buds

An effective remedy for herpes is an infusion of birch buds. In order to prepare the infusion, do the following:

  1. Take birch buds 25 grams and fill them with 70% alcohol in a glass.
  2. Send the container with the contents to a dark place, let it infuse for two weeks.
  3. Then strain the liquid and rub the affected skin.


A good and effective remedy that helps treat herpes infection is garlic.

  1. You should take a clove of garlic, peel it and cut it into two parts.
  2. Rub the cut part on the affected area. Pay attention, do not lubricate, but rub.
  3. This procedure should be done at night.

Folk remedies for the treatment of herpes at home will help you quickly cope with the problem and defeat the disease.

The herpes disease is quite unpleasant, and so that it does not affect you, try to lead a healthy lifestyle, follow the rules of personal hygiene, strengthen your immune system and have a positive psychological attitude.

Not everyone knows what internal herpes is, what are the symptoms and treatment of this disease in children and adults. In terms of prevalence, this pathology occupies the 2nd place, second only to the flu. The herpes virus has infected several billion people. In most cases, the skin and mucous membranes are affected. With a generalized form of herpes, internal organs are involved in the process.

Development of visceral herpes

A person becomes infected through the air and through contact with a sick person with an active form of the disease. Infection occurs by sexual, vertical and contact-household methods.

When the internal organs are affected, we are talking about the visceral form of the disease. Herpes inside the body can live for years. It is impossible to completely destroy it.

With this pathology, the following organs can be affected:

  • brain;
  • liver;
  • stomach;
  • intestines;
  • lungs;
  • adrenal glands;
  • esophagus.

Sometimes the pancreas is involved in the process. The symptoms are most pronounced in weakened people. The risk group includes drug addicts and alcoholics. Often a herpes infection leads to impaired function of the organ of vision.

Brain damage

The appearance of neuralgic symptoms indicates the development of serous meningitis or encephalitis. In the first case, inflammation of the membranes of the brain occurs. This pathology proceeds benignly. Complications rarely develop. Very often, meningitis is detected in preschool children. The following symptoms are possible:

When the cranial nerves are involved in the process, visual and motor disturbances appear in the form of double vision, strabismus and paresis. Body temperature in herpetic meningitis sometimes reaches 39–40 ºC. The fever does not last long. After 3-4 days, the temperature subsides and the condition of the patients improves. The total duration of serous meningitis is about 10 days.

Patients often take a forced position lying on their side with their knees tucked in and their head thrown back. Often there are catarrhal phenomena in the form of cough and runny nose. In this case, you can mistakenly suspect SARS. Dyspeptic disorders are most often observed in children. Sometimes there are convulsions. Patients become capricious and irritable.

In infants, a large fontanel often bulges out. When lifting the baby by the armpits, he pulls the lower limbs to the stomach and bends them. Signs of herpetic meningitis include Kernig's symptom. Such patients are not able to straighten the leg straightened at the knee. With meningitis, Brudzinsky's symptoms and stiff neck muscles are determined.

The most dangerous is herpetic encephalitis (HE). It proceeds with severe intoxication, paresis and paralysis. Dementia can be a complication. Lethality reaches 30%. There are focal symptoms in the form of impaired coordination of movements, speech dysfunction and decreased sensitivity. Quite often the cerebellar syndrome develops.

Damage to the digestive organs

The herpes simplex virus can live not only on the skin. Often it affects the mucous membrane of the esophagus, stomach and intestines. Herpetic esophagitis often develops. It proceeds according to the type of catarrhal inflammation. The following clinical manifestations are observed:

  • chest pain;
  • difficulty in swallowing food;
  • belching;
  • regurgitation of food eaten;
  • increased sensitivity to cold and too hot foods and drinks;
  • hypersalivation.

Most often, esophagitis occurs in a mild form. It begins with a sudden rise in temperature and chills. Within 2 days the symptoms disappear. Burning pain behind the breastbone may be the only complaint. Sometimes herpes of the rectum is diagnosed. Bubbles form on the mucosa. They are located in groups.

If there is intestinal herpes, then the following symptoms are possible:

  • itching in the anus;
  • burning;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • fever;
  • headache;
  • soreness during bowel movements;
  • increased sensitivity of the skin in the anus;
  • enlargement of the inguinal lymph nodes.

After a while, the bubbles burst. erosion appears. They disappear without a trace. The most severe course of herpes of the intestine in the case of accession of a secondary bacterial infection. In this situation, purulent inflammation develops. With herpetic proctitis, constipation is possible. Sometimes blood is found in the stool. Disturbed by constant false urge to the toilet.

Herpes on the internal organs can proceed according to the type of gastritis. The gastric mucosa is affected. This is manifested by pain in the upper abdomen. Sometimes nausea and vomiting occur. With viral gastritis, catarrh is observed. It is focal and diffuse. Gastritis may disappear on its own after a few days.

Symptoms of herpetic pneumonia

With herpes of the internal organs, the symptoms are determined by the localization of the virus. In some cases, the lower respiratory tract is involved in the process. Herpetic pneumonia develops. Most often it develops in childhood. The disease proceeds in an acute form with severe symptoms of intoxication.

Primary pneumonia begins 1-3 days after infection of the body with viruses. With the defeat of the lungs against the background of herpes, the following symptoms are possible:

  • fever up to 39ºC;
  • cough;
  • sore throat;
  • enlargement and soreness of the lymph nodes;
  • dyspnea;
  • wheezing;
  • acrocyanosis.

Cough with pneumonia is productive. Distinguish between mild, moderate and severe inflammation. In childhood, chest pain worries. Vomiting and convulsions are possible. In severe cases, there are pronounced signs of respiratory failure. Collapse (a sharp drop in blood pressure) is possible.

Auscultation revealed wheezing of various sizes. The disease proceeds according to the type of interstitial inflammation. Perhaps the development of pleurisy. If a bacterial infection is attached, abscesses form. Sometimes empyema develops. Pulmonary herpes often proceeds hidden. Symptoms are mild.

Manifestations of herpetic sore throat

Against the background, the lymphoid tissue of the pharynx is often affected. The tonsils are involved in the process. Children are at risk. They develop pharyngitis and tonsillitis. Often, herpes of the upper respiratory tract is combined with damage to the nervous system. In children under 3 years of age, the disease is very severe. The asymptomatic period can be 1-2 weeks.

All signs of herpetic sore throat are divided into general and local. The first group includes:

  • muscle pain;
  • fever;
  • pain in the abdomen and back;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • runny nose;
  • cough;
  • enlargement of the cervical and submandibular lymph nodes.

Local signs include dysphagia and rash. In the first days, the mucous membrane of the tonsils turns red.

The palatine arches, palate and uvula are involved in the process. Small papules appear on the mucosa. They turn into bubbles no larger than 5 mm. Inside them there is a serous secret. Soon, white-gray sores appear in place of the bubbles. They can merge with each other. The sores are very painful. This makes it difficult to eat and drink water. The rash disappears within a week, and the temperature lasts 3-4 days.

Manifestations of herpetic hepatitis

Visceral herpes can proceed according to the type of hepatitis. The liver parenchyma is affected. The causative agents are herpesviruses 1 and 2 types. This problem is most often encountered by children born to infected mothers. The following signs of liver damage against the background of herpes are revealed:

  • yellowness of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • hepatomegaly;
  • ecchymosis on the skin;
  • vomit;
  • regurgitation;
  • violation of the sucking process;
  • blistering rash.

These babies are most often born prematurely. Their weight is normal. Jaundice develops in the first 3 days. Sometimes she is missing. Herpetic hepatitis is characterized by enlargement of the liver. It is of moderate density, smooth and protrudes a few centimeters from under the edge of the costal arch.

With stagnation of bile against the background of hepatitis, the color of the skin changes. They take on a greenish tint. Babies don't sleep well. Herpetic hepatitis poses a risk to the health of newborns. In extremely severe cases, consciousness is depressed and coma develops. An ultrasound revealed an increase in liver echogenicity. Hepatomegaly may persist for 1-2 months. In the absence of complications, jaundice disappears within a week.

Damage to the urinary organs

Herpes of the internal organs can affect sexual function. With an atypical course of the disease, there is a risk of developing cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, nephritis, endocervicitis, colpitis and vulvovaginitis. With inflammation of the bladder mucosa, the following symptoms are observed:

With herpetic lesions of the vagina, symptoms include burning, itching, discharge with an unpleasant odor, swelling of the labia, pulling pain in the pubic region, fever, and discomfort during intercourse. With the development of cervicitis, hyperemia of the mucosa is determined. The cervix becomes loose. Ulcerative defects of the mucosa are revealed. The smear shows atypical cells.

Herpes of the internal organs by the type of urethritis is characterized by burning, itching and pain during micturition. Sometimes the kidneys are affected. Pyelonephritis of viral etiology develops. It is characterized by dysuric phenomena and changes in urine parameters. Sometimes there is pain in the lower back on the right or left.

Principles of treatment of patients

Not everyone knows how to treat internal herpes. With the visceral form of the disease, local remedies in the form of ointments and gels will be ineffective. Systemic antiviral drugs are prescribed. With the defeat of the genital organs, vaginal suppositories can be used. The most effective drugs are Valtrex, Famvir, Acyclovir Forte and Zovirax.

Viferon candles are often used. They can be used for herpetic proctitis. Herpes of the internal organs requires oral medication in the form of tablets and capsules. Acyclovir is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age and during lactation. With caution, it is prescribed during pregnancy.

Not only antiviral drugs, but also immunomodulators allow to cure a person. They contribute to the production of specific antibodies. These include Cycloferon and Neovir. Immunostimulants are indicated for weakened people. These drugs are included in the treatment regimen for frequent recurrences of visceral herpes.

If a person has a torso affected, antiviral ointments and gels are used. Internal herpes is treated with antihistamine medications.

Apply Cetrin, Zodak or Zyrtec. NSAIDs are prescribed to eliminate pain and inflammation. With intestinal damage, eubiotics are additionally used.

Treatment depending on the localization of the virus

With herpes in the stomach, symptoms include pain. To eliminate it, NSAIDs or antispasmodics are used. With herpetic esophagitis in the acute stage, you should refrain from eating for 1-2 days. Systemic antiviral drugs are prescribed that act on the pathogen itself. If the pancreas is affected, then you need to follow a strict diet.

You can not eat fatty foods and consume. If meningitis or encephalitis is diagnosed, then the following groups of drugs are prescribed:

Peace is required. If necessary, oxygen therapy is carried out. Nootropics are used to improve metabolism in the brain. Additionally assigned. If, against the background of herpes, the lungs are affected, then hospitalization is possible. It is necessary if the patient is an infant or a weakened person. With the development of purulent complications, antibiotics may be needed. To facilitate the discharge of sputum, inhalations, expectorants and breast massage are indicated.

Often infusion therapy is performed. In hepatitis, Viferon is prescribed in combination with hepatoprotectors. Phosphogliv gives a good effect. With intestinal herpes, symptoms are an indication for antiviral therapy. To improve the promotion of feces, prokinetics are prescribed. With the defeat of the final section of the intestine, candles are used. Treatment with folk remedies is not always effective.

Prevention of visceral herpes

It is almost impossible to protect yourself from the penetration of the virus into the body. Prevention is aimed at maintaining immunity at the proper level. In order to protect yourself from this infection, you must follow the following rules:

If herpes has already developed on the skin, then it must be treated in a timely manner. This helps to prevent hematogenous spread of the virus. You can bring herpes through the hands.

During treatment, do not touch the bubbles. If the left or right side of the face is affected, you need to see a doctor. Self-medication can be harmful.

Prevention of congenital herpes of internal organs comes down to planning pregnancy, increasing immunity and treating the birth canal with drugs.

If necessary, the question of a caesarean section is raised. Thus, along with the skin, herpes can affect various organs. Encephalitis is the most dangerous, as its mortality is high.

Herpes on the body is an infectious disease that is caused by the herpes virus - one of the most common in the world, perhaps after the flu virus. The disease usually manifests itself with rashes on the skin and mucous membranes in the form of groups of small painful vesicles, but it can also affect the nervous tissue and internal organs.

There are up to eight types of herpes. The causative agent of the disease is an extremely contagious virus that is very widespread in nature and is easily transmitted from sick people to healthy people.

How can you get infected?

How is herpes transmitted to the body of a child or adult? Forms of infection (transmission of the virus) from a sick person to a healthy person depend on the type of virus:

  1. The labial (oral) virus is transmitted by kissing, sharing utensils, towels.
  2. Genital - during sexual intercourse;
  3. The chickenpox virus (Zoster) is transmitted by airborne droplets.

Different types of herpesviruses choose their localization sites. However, with low immunity, they spread more widely. Genital herpes can appear on the inner surface of the legs, on the thighs and buttocks. Oral - on the cheeks, neck, shoulders and back.

Herpes is caused by a virus. Different types of herpesviruses (Herpesviridae) are localized in different parts of the body (labial - around the mouth, genital - in the genital area, zoster - throughout the body in the form of chickenpox). The susceptibility of the body to a viral infection depends on the state of immunity. The form of the course of the disease (severe or mild), the number of rashes is also determined by immunity.

As the main such provocateurs of the disease, doctors distinguish:

  • the use of a number of drugs;
  • severe hypothermia;
  • severe overheating;
  • periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • depression;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • avitaminosis;
  • prolonged nervous overload;
  • diabetes;
  • frequent infectious diseases (influenza, acute respiratory infections, SARS);
  • age over 50 years.

With strong immunity, the virus may not appear externally, localize in the nervous tissues and be stored in a dormant (latent) state. With a weakened immune system, viral herpes forms extensive rashes on the body, causes fever. The average state of immunity allows the appearance of a rash on the body in the form of bubbles, but quickly localizes the rashes that have appeared and heals skin wounds within 10-14 days.


Specialists distinguish 8 varieties of the herpes virus, each of which has its own special features in the picture of the disease, the dynamics of the course and therapy. So, let's look at each of them in more detail:

  1. The most common are HSV-1 and HSV-2. These types of herpes on the body affect the lips (vesicles people call colds) and genitals. Type 2 herpes is called genital herpes.
  2. Type 3 herpes is familiar to doctors and patients for diseases such as chicken pox and shingles. In childhood, the body is covered with elements of chickenpox, but the symptoms of the pathology are easily stopped. Secondary infection gives a specific rash on the body. It is necessary to treat herpes zoster in a complex manner with the involvement of external antiviral agents and oral preparations (antihistamines, painkillers, vitamins).
  3. The fourth type of herpes virus (synonymous with Epstein-Barr disease) is rare, can provoke lymphogranulomatosis and mononucleosis.
  4. Type 5 herpes excites the disease "cytomegalovirus". Venereologists consider it a sexual infection, since the strain is transmitted through unprotected contact. But it is also spread through the air and through blood transfusions between an infected person and a healthy person.
  5. Herpes 6, 7 and 8 types are not fully understood. There is a hypothesis that the virus manifests itself as a sudden rash or affects the nervous system in a way that causes neurological disorders.

Bubbles of herpes simplex jump up not only on the skin. In some cases, the pathogen is localized under the nails or on the cuticle. A similar disease is called "herpetic panaritium."

Symptoms of herpes on the body

At first, an adult experiences a slight increase in body temperature, general weakness, loss of appetite, pain throughout the body, especially in the area of ​​​​future herpetic eruptions, most often along the peripheral nerves. Usually this period lasts up to four days with varying intensity of symptoms and intoxication.

The most common locations for the virus are:

  • Lip skin.
  • Skin on the face, ears and neck (herpes located in this area can be observed in athletes who are fond of those sports that require contact with other people).
  • The genital area in both sexes, in the vagina and on the labia in women.
  • Buttocks and thighs (in most cases it occurs after anal sex with a partner infected with genital herpes).
  • On the abdomen, sides, bends of the elbows and knees (here the virus is localized in people with weak immunity).
  • On the skin near the nail plates and under them.
  • Skin on the eyelids.
  • The pre-root zone of the head, in this case, a person feels severe itching and burning of the dermis at the base of the hair, and this virus also provokes profuse dandruff.

Then comes the period of rashes, when herpetiform vesicles appear on the skin along the course of the nerves. Moreover, when the herpes virus multiplies on the body, the symptoms can spread to several nerve trunks at once. The favorite localization of herpes zoster is the projection of the intercostal nerves, the trigeminal nerve on the face, sometimes there are rashes on the thighs and in the genital area. The rash resembles groups of vesicles that are located on compacted reddened skin, inside the vesicles contain serous fluid.

In places of the rash, there is a burning sensation, quite intense paroxysmal pain, aggravated at night. Sometimes the symptoms of herpes are characterized by disorders of tactile sensitivity at the sites of nerve damage - the facial, oculomotor nerves, muscles of the limbs and abdomen, and the sphincter of the bladder. As soon as the febrile temperature subsides, the symptoms of intoxication also decrease, and the general condition of the patient improves.

The severity of the course of this disease is largely determined by the state of human immunity, depends on concomitant diseases and on the localization of herpes. Symptoms that are characterized by the most intense pain and differ in the duration of the course are damage to the nerves of the head and face, when the eyelids and cornea of ​​​​the eye are affected.

How to treat herpes on the body?

To get rid of bubble rashes on the body and calm the virus for an adult, medicines of different groups will help:

  1. Painkillers. Paracetamol and Ibuprofen help relieve soreness and irritation of the skin. The body can be lubricated with topical medications such as lidocaine or acetaminophen.
  2. Antiviral - Valtrex, Zovirax, Acyclovir, Virolex. It is better to drink antiviral drugs before the appearance of pimples, when itching just begins to bother. External preparations Gerperaks, Serol, Acyclovir blisters are lubricated every 3 hours. At night, wipe the skin with an antiseptic. In advanced cases, drugs are administered as injections.
  3. The healing of burst elements is promoted by Panthenol spray and Depanthenol ointment.
  4. To prevent infection of wounds, blisters are treated with antiseptics (zinc ointment and with streptocide, Miramistin, Chlorhexidine).

Since the herpes virus is active when the immune system is weakened, it is important to strengthen the body's defenses and bring recovery closer. To improve immunity, courses of Cycloferon and Polyoxidonium are shown. Mineral complexes and vitamins E, A, C are prescribed to patients for internal use. Vitamins of group B are administered intramuscularly.

Hygiene rules

It should be noted that herpes is a contagious disease. Most often, infection occurs at the time of the formation of pimples containing serous fluid, and resembling pustules. The disease is considered safe for others after the appearance of dry crusts in places of a rash on the body. Still, you should be careful and observe bed rest until complete recovery. Do not bathe in a hot bath.

  1. To avoid the spread of the disease, all patients should have personal belongings separate from their family members. Also, until recovery, tactile contact with relatives, children and strangers should be avoided.
  2. During the progression of the disease, cosmetics (including shampoos, scrubs and gels) should not be used due to possible allergic rashes and deterioration after the spread of the rash on the body. You can wash in the shower no more than 3 times a week. If possible, it is better to refuse frequent contact with water, since the habit of washing often contributes to the “scattering” of acne throughout the body.

Until the formation of crusts on the sores, it is recommended to use only cotton underwear. When acne bursts, the serous fluid flowing out of them, upon contact with clothing, will not cause allergic reactions, irritations and pain. The natural fabric of the underwear will absorb all the liquid without causing infection.


During treatment, in order to reduce the manifestations, follow a diet that involves a high content of lysine. This is milk and dairy products: cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt (preferably unsweetened). Eat seaweed salad, it is rich in iodine. Give preference to dishes from poultry, potatoes, eggs. Don't forget fresh vegetables and fruits. Eat legumes in moderation. Additionally, take vitamins A, E and C, this will help fight the disease.

Give up fatty foods, chocolate, cocoa, nuts and seeds for a while. Replace coffee in the morning with green tea. Avoid tomatoes from vegetables.

How to prevent disease and relapse

There is no clear scheme for the prevention of herpes rash on the body. There is a vaccine used against herpes zoster, but there are a number of contraindications for its administration: allergies, pregnancy, acute respiratory disease.

Special preparations - immunomodulators, which are prescribed by an immunologist after the results of the examination and special analyzes, will help to establish the functioning of the immune system.

Based on the fact that the virus manifests itself in a weakened body, great attention should be paid to health. To strengthen your immune system, make it a habit to eat right and on time. Fitness center and gym will improve your health. Sauna and bath will also not be superfluous and will play a positive role in the prevention of herpes. No miracle drug can compete with a healthy lifestyle.

Which doctor treats herpes on the body?

The choice of a specialist should be made on the basis of exactly where herpetic eruptions are localized:

  • with a simple type on the lips, you should go to a dermatologist;
  • rashes on the genitals should be the reason for contacting a gynecologist or urologist;
  • an ordinary therapist will also be able to establish the development of herpes in front of the eyes, but the patient will certainly be referred for examination to an ophthalmologist;
  • the location of the rashes on the body in different localizations (face, neck, buttocks) - you need to go to the therapist.

It is worth saying that, taking into account the peculiarities of the development of the disease, all patients with such a diagnosis are additionally sent for a consultation with an immunologist.

How to treat herpes that suddenly appeared on the lips or other parts of the body? To get rid of this disease will help various medications sold in pharmacies. Folk medicine does not lag behind traditional medicine: in the arsenal of homeopaths and healers there are many tools that can help the patient solve his problem. In order to give a worthy rebuff to the disease, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the features of its occurrence and course.

Description of herpes of the first type

The selection of antiviral drugs for herpes for the patient should be carried out only by a doctor.

Each of the means described above has its own characteristics of use and contraindications, therefore, their use without the recommendation of a specialist can lead to a deterioration in the human condition and the occurrence of adverse reactions.

With great care, the treatment of herpes with antiviral drugs should be approached during pregnancy and lactation, the elderly and patients diagnosed with chronic diseases.

During treatment with antiviral drugs, experts often recommend that patients take vitamins C and E for one to two weeks. They will help strengthen the immune system, which plays an important role in the fight against herpes.

But trying to get rid of the manifestations of infection with the help of antibiotics is not worth it, since they do not have any effect on viruses.

Other medicines for infection

Today it is widely used to get rid of a cold on the lips. Having appeared in pharmacies relatively recently, it has become a favorite remedy for many people suffering from this disease. It contains antiviral components that inhibit the activity of herpes and accelerate the healing time of wounds.

It quickly relieves pain, burning and itching, making it easier for a person to survive a relapse of the disease. It is recommended to stick such a patch on the problem area of ​​the skin as soon as the first rashes appear on it.

The main advantage of the patch is that it isolates herpes cells, preventing them from spreading to healthy areas of the skin, and prevents infection of healthy family members.

Women can use this anti-herpetic agent under makeup: it is allowed to apply foundation, lipstick or lip gloss on top of it. You can use the patch only for herpes on the lips. For the treatment of rashes localized on the eyelids, mucous membranes or genitals, this method is not suitable.

Herpes - causes and treatment. Why is the herpes virus dangerous?

Acyclovir: choice of form and tolerability of the drug, consequences, treatment of chickenpox in adults

We treat herpes. Folk remedies or medications, which is better?

How to Treat HERPES? ✅7 Ways to Get Rid of HERPES at Home

To suppress exacerbations of genital herpes, vaginal (for women) and rectal (for men and children) suppositories are used, which have antiviral and immunostimulating effects. The most common of them are Panavir, Viferon, Genferon, Galavit. When inserted into the vagina or anus, the suppositories quickly melt under the influence of body temperature, and their main components penetrate into the surrounding tissues, blocking the activity of multiplying herpes cells and enhancing local immunity. In addition, the use of suppositories allows you to quickly relieve pain, itching and rashes on virus-affected areas of the body.

Among the latest developments of Russian scientists is the Polymodulator - a special concentrated liquid, charged with the energy of the physical vacuum and, according to its creators, contributing to the cure of almost all diseases known to mankind. The use of the Polymodulator for herpes helps to restore the body's natural defenses, as a result of which the spread of virus cells is suppressed and recurrences of the disease stop in the future. Some skeptics claim that the action of the Polymodulator is based on the placebo effect, but its creators are confident that their invention is the best cure for herpes and other diseases.

Traditional medicine recipes for herpes

Herpes can be treated not only with the achievements of modern medical science, but also with folk methods.

  1. At the first manifestations of a cold on the lips, it is recommended to lubricate it with valocordin or validol. By repeating the procedure several times a day, you can ensure that the wound dries up and heals quickly.
  2. Itchy vesicles on the lips and other parts of the body are advised by traditional healers to carefully lubricate with earwax. 2-3 procedures are enough for the active phase of the disease to recede, and the resulting wounds become covered with a crust.
  3. You can get rid of herpes simplex by lubricating the rash several times a day with freshly squeezed Kalanchoe juice.
  4. Garlic is no less effective in these cases: pass its clove through a press, place it in gauze and rub the bubbles 2-3 times a day. In this case, you need to ensure that there is no strong burning sensation at the site of inflammation.
  5. A mixture of honey and apple cider vinegar will help dry cold rashes on the lip (ingredients must be taken in equal parts). The resulting solution is recommended to lubricate the wounds 3 times a day until they disappear completely.
  6. The initial stage of herpes simplex is successfully treated with lemon balm essential oil. The agent is applied to the appeared redness every 2 hours until it disappears.

How to treat herpes? This question is asked by about nine people out of ten. The herpes virus lives in the body of almost every one of us, while for a long time it may not declare its presence in any way. Many mistakenly believe that its manifestation causes a cold. But is it really so? Let's figure out what types of herpes virus exist, whether this disease is contagious and how to overcome it.

What is this disease

Speaking of herpes, many imagine painful vesicles that spoil the appearance very much. However, the disease can manifest itself not only in this way. The clinical signs of this infection depend on the specific type of herpes virus infecting the body. Indeed, the most common herpes simplex virus type 1, but today other types of the disease are known:


common name

Where is localized

Clinical picture


Herpes simplex virus type 1

trigeminal ganglia

Oral herpes, ophthalmic herpes, encephalitis


Herpes simplex virus type 2

Ganglia of the sacroiliac joint

Genital herpes, meningoencephalitis


Varicella zoster virus (herpes zoster)

spinal roots




Leukocytes, epithelium, salivary glands, renal tubules

Cytomegaly, CNS lesions, retinitis, pneumonia, hepatitis


Human herpesvirus type 6


Sudden exanthema in infants, chronic fatigue syndrome


Human herpesvirus type 7

blood cells, saliva

Sudden exanthema


Epstein-Barr virus

B-lymphocytes, epithelium of the nasopharynx

Infectious mononucleosis,

Burkitt's lymphoma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, B-cell lymphoma


Human herpesvirus type 8


Kaposi's sarcoma, Castleman's disease

Causes of the “awakening” of the virus

As already mentioned, herpes "lives" in the bodies of many people, without declaring itself with any symptoms. But why then do people have these bubbles on their lips, skin, mucous membranes? Each of us has an idea of ​​what herpes looks like, but we will return to a detailed description of the symptoms a little later. In the meantime, let's try to determine the factors that provoke the activation of the virus. The main causes of herpes are usually attributed to:

  • hypothermia;
  • acute respiratory disease;
  • stress, serious psycho-emotional shock;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • intrauterine infection;
  • severe intoxication of the body.

What does herpes look like

Regardless of the localization of characteristic rashes, their occurrence is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • hyperemia of the affected area;
  • swelling and slight tingling;
  • itching and painful burning;
  • the appearance of small vesicles two to three days after the first clinical signs of the disease;
  • an increase in body temperature to subfebrile values ​​\u200b\u200b(with a complicated course of the disease).

After some time, the bubbles that appear open up. In place of pimples, a wound appears, which after a while becomes covered with a crust. In no case should you try to remove it - this will only aggravate the situation and prolong the course of the disease, increase the severity of herpes symptoms.

The most popular myths about the virus

This disease was known long before our era. But even today, many are mistaken when talking about herpes. Most often people mistakenly believe that:

  • The disease is not contagious. In fact, herpes is transmitted, as a rule, by airborne droplets, contact and sexual contact. The most common ways to spread the infection are during sneezing, talking, coughing, kissing, touching the rash. If a woman becomes infected with herpes during pregnancy, the infection can lead to the death of the fetus.
  • Herpetic lesions on the lips are manifestations of the common cold. Not certainly in that way. The herpes virus is an independent infection that has nothing to do with the common cold. The thing is that hypothermia can provoke the appearance of rashes against the background of a weakened immune defense of the body, which often results in the activation of the herpes virus and a cold.
  • Herpes passes along with rashes. Once an infection enters the body, it stays there forever. Despite the absence of external manifestations, a person remains a carrier of the virus.

  • The causes of herpes on the lips and genital rashes are the same. No, that's not true. On the lips, pathological vesicles are caused by a type 1 virus, and herpetic lesions of the genital organs are the result of infection with a type 2 virus. In addition, if we look again at the table, we can see that the pathogenic microflora of HHV-1 and HHV-2 are localized in different areas.
  • Herpes is a disease that affects only the skin. The virus is able to penetrate into nerve cells, integrates into them, and as soon as the immune system starts to fail, it develops rapidly. In severe cases, brain damage can occur, which can lead to death or paralysis. That is why herpes is especially dangerous during pregnancy.

Spread of infection

Now let's talk about how herpes is transmitted. It should be noted that all varieties of this virus are resistant to environmental factors. Herpes does not die at low temperatures, easily tolerates heat and feels great in water. But even if there is an infection in the environment, it is impossible to contract the disease. Infection occurs through close contact with the patient. There are three main modes of transmission of the virus:

  • Tactile contacts. Any touch to the formed pimples guarantees infection. At this stage, the pathogenic microorganism is in the active phase, therefore, it easily penetrates through damaged tissues or mucous membranes. Therefore, you can get herpes during a kiss or oral sex.
  • Airborne transmission of infection. The incubation period of the disease can last up to several months after the virus enters the body. Meanwhile, herpes will already be present in a person's saliva. Its amount is minimal, but if the interlocutor has weakened immunity, this is quite enough for infection.

  • Household way. A person whose virus is in the active stage is dangerous to others. It is enough not to wash your hands with soap after treating the affected area, so that germs spread over the surfaces of any objects that the patient touches.

Herpes on the body has a slightly different nature of origin. It is caused by the varicella zoster virus (HVV-3), which is transmitted by airborne droplets. Most often affects patients in childhood. After the illness, a person develops immunity, re-infection is excluded. However, if infection with chickenpox occurs at a more mature age, the nature of the course of the disease will be more severe.

How to treat a lip infection

Among all types of the virus, HHV-1 is the most amenable to therapy. But before treating herpes on the lips, it is important to consider some of the nuances:

  • The effectiveness of therapeutic measures will depend on how timely they were started.
  • During the treatment of rashes, it is important to exclude salty foods, spices and hot drinks from the diet.
  • Therapy requires an integrated approach. Antiseptic agents, external and systemic antiviral drugs, immunomodulators are used.

Dermatologists advise at the first manifestations of infection to treat the skin with antimicrobial solutions - "Furacilin", "Chlorhexidine" or "Miramistin" - several times during the day. After disinfecting the surface, it is necessary to apply a herpes ointment with antiviral activity. Among those available in pharmacy sales, it is worth noting:

  • "Florenal";
  • "Acyclovir";
  • "Panavir";
  • "Zovirax";
  • "Gerpevir".

The active substances of topical agents penetrate directly into the cells affected by the infection. Antiviral ointment for herpes prevents the production of DNA of the pathogen, making it impossible for its growth and reproduction. The preparations are applied to the skin or mucous membranes, rubbing lightly to ensure deep penetration of the components. After a few hours, swelling and pain become less pronounced, itching and burning disappear.

If they began to occur more and more often, therapy must be supplemented by taking pills. From herpes use:

  • "Valacyclovir";
  • "Acyclovir";
  • "Famciclovir".

The duration of treatment depends directly on the stage of the disease and the degree of complications. After complex antiviral therapy, the patient is prescribed immunomodulatory agents (Galavit, Viferon, Amiksin) to strengthen immunity and increase the body's resistance to pathogenic agents in order to prevent recurrence of the disease. If a bacterial infection joins the affected areas, the use of local antibacterial agents (Levomekol, Tetracycline Ointment) will be required.

Principles of therapy for herpes type 2 and chickenpox

Unlike the previous treatment regimen, it is not so easy to get rid of herpes in the intimate area and chicken pox. An infection of the type GVV-2 and GVV-3 is introduced into the human body for several weeks, therefore, only after the incubation period has passed and in the presence of a favorable condition, the pathogen is activated. On the body or genitals there are characteristic blistering rashes, swelling. The symptoms of herpes cannot be overcome through the use of topical preparations alone.

First of all, you will need to establish the type of virus that caused herpetic lesions on the skin and mucous membranes. For this, laboratory studies are carried out. After confirming the type of herpes, the patient is prescribed broad-spectrum antiviral agents - they are the ones that show maximum activity against known types and strains of pathogenic microflora. The same herpes pills are used as with HVCh-1 - Acyclovir, Valaciclovir, Famciclovir.

In parallel with etiotropic treatment, the patient is prescribed drugs for topical application to herpetic blisters or erosions, covered with a crust - ointments "Acyclovir", "Bonafton", "Zovirax". Before treating herpes on the genitals, it is important to pre-treat the tissues with antiseptics. This will prevent the penetration of staphylococci, streptococci, enterococci into the wound areas.

At this stage of treatment, it may be relevant to use not only drugs for herpes, but also means to eliminate general symptoms. For example, with chickenpox, patients often have a fever, weakness, and general malaise. To alleviate the patient's condition, NSAIDs ("Nise", "Nimesulide"), "Analgin", "Paracetamol", "Ibuprofen" are included in the treatment regimen.

At the end of the antiviral course, the next stage of treatment begins, aimed at restoring the body and immunity. With genital herpes and chicken pox, Lavomax is often used - a drug whose active ingredient stimulates the production of interferons. Immune cells are produced predominantly in hepatocytes and intestinal epithelium.

Therapy of the herpetic virus may also involve the use of antihistamines, which help to stop swelling and prevent the development of an allergic reaction while taking numerous medications. Among the effective antiallergic drugs, doctors note Suprastin, Pipolfen, Tavegil, Loratadin. To stabilize the psycho-emotional background of patients who often take the news about their diagnosis "Genital herpes" hard, specialists prescribe tranquilizers and antidepressants - Phenazepam, Deprim, Afobazol.

herpes vaccine

In the absence of recurrence of a viral infection for 2-3 months, the patient is offered to be vaccinated. The medicine is injected subcutaneously, and an "orange peel" is formed at the injection site. If the vaccine is not given during a period of stable remission, the likelihood of recurrence of herpes symptoms is extremely high.

However, the vaccine can bring a number of serious consequences, one of which is the development of benign and cancerous formations. That is why most patients do not want to use the herpes vaccine. It should be understood that the harm that a persistent infection can cause to the body can be much more serious than the harm from a vaccine.

Folk recipes

Treatment of herpes at home can be carried out not only with the help of medicines that the doctor will prescribe. There are many folk recipes that can also be used for herpetic lesions of the skin and mucous membranes on the body. They do not have side effects, but just in case, in order to avoid unforeseen consequences of self-medication, it is better to consult a doctor. How to treat herpes? Further about the safest and most effective means:

  • Egg. There are two popular treatment options. First: hard boil an egg, peel it, put it in a container and pour vodka over it. Put the egg with vodka in the refrigerator for three days, after which you need to eat the egg and drink vodka. Repeat the process for the next two days. The second option: using an eggshell film. It is applied to the erosion with the sticky side and held until the ulcer begins to dry out.
  • Tincture of calendula. Dry vegetable raw materials (usually take flowers) are crushed and poured into 100 ml of vodka. The remedy should be infused for 10-14 days. The finished infusion is rubbed into the wounds.
  • Celandine. Moisten a cotton sponge or gauze bandage in the freshly squeezed juice of the plant, then apply it to the sore spot. This alternative treatment for herpes is even suitable for use on the genitals. The compress is left overnight, the procedure is repeated for 5-7 days.
  • Soda. Dissolve 1 tbsp in a glass of boiled water. l. baking soda. Without letting the solution cool down much, a cotton pad is moistened in it and applied to the sore spot. A characteristic whitish film should appear on the rashes - you do not need to immediately wash it off. You should hold the plaque on the skin for a little, then rinse with warm water.

  • Essential oils. Bergamot and tea tree oils have antibacterial and antiviral properties. Therefore, their use for the treatment of herpes at home will give a positive result. Take 4-5 drops of oils and mix with 1 tsp. vodka. The resulting solution lubricates herpetic lesions on the lips, genitals. It also helps with chickenpox, but it is not recommended to use it for the treatment of children without consulting a doctor.

A few words about prevention

Based on the fact that the herpes virus is present in the predominant part of the modern population, and for a long time it may not report itself in any way, it is important to know how to prevent the development of the disease. After all, it is known that the infection is actively manifested with a weakened immune system. To prevent relapse, you need to follow simple rules:

  • Timely treat sores and other parts of the body with antiviral agents.
  • Avoid direct contact with people with herpes.
  • After each treatment of rashes, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water.
  • Apply "Miramistin" with regular sexual intercourse.
  • Maintaining immune functions with good nutrition.
  • Take immunomodulators.
  • Observe personal hygiene.