What foods lack vitamin B2. Do you know exactly what foods contain vitamin B2? What foods contain vitamin B2


What is vitamin B2?

Vitamin B2, or riboflavin (eng. Riboflavin) is one of the most important water-soluble vitamins, a coenzyme of many biochemical processes.

Of the 70 trillion cells in our body, there is not one that could do without this vitamin. Every cell in the body is made up of at least 100,000 different parts such as receptors, enzymes, proteins, genes, transport pathways and channels, energy systems, immune bodies, and so on. It can be compared to a busy city with an organized infrastructure.

If the riboflavin molecules did not support life in a working cell, day after day, hour after hour, it would die.

The fact is that riboflavin is an important component of two enzymes that help convert carbohydrates and fats into energy.

As a result of malnutrition, two-thirds of the population in Western countries suffer from a lack of riboflavin to a greater or lesser extent. This is especially true for old and elderly people, of whom almost every second person constantly lacks riboflavin in the blood. This valuable vitamin is found primarily in milk and dairy products, meat, fish, poultry, bran and dark green leafy vegetables and salads.

Unlike thiamine (vitamin B2), riboflavin is resistant to heat and acids. But this vitamin, which is a yellowish crystals, is very sensitive to light. If a bottle of milk sits for three and a half hours in the light or in the sun, up to 70% of the riboflavin molecules in it are destroyed. When pasteurizing and condensing milk, a lot of riboflavin is also lost. If you store cheese, bread and other products in the light, then free radicals activated by ultraviolet radiation attack mainly riboflavin molecules.

What is it for:

Vitamin B2 is necessary for the formation of red blood cells, antibodies, for the regulation of growth and reproductive functions in the body. It is also essential for healthy skin, nails, hair growth, and overall overall health, including thyroid function. Sports, gymnastics, dancing, jogging, etc. will bring you much more energy if you have riboflavin-rich foods on your menu. Without a sufficient amount of riboflavin, sports and physical activity do not make sense, since there is no accumulation of muscle energy.

The most important functions:

  • Participates in carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism;
  • Participates in the synthesis of glycogen;
  • Helps absorb iron needed to make new red blood cells
  • Strengthens the immune system and defense mechanisms of the body;
  • Plays an important role in the functioning of the nervous system, helps in the treatment of such diseases as: epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease and increased anxiety;
  • It is necessary to maintain the normal state of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and intestines;
  • Regulates the function of the thyroid gland;
  • Promotes normal light and color vision, protects the retina from excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays, reduces eye fatigue, provides dark adaptation, improves visual acuity and plays an important role in preventing cataracts;
  • Helps with acne, dermatitis, eczema;
  • Accelerates the healing of damaged tissues;
  • Reduces the effects of toxins on the lungs and airways.

Why do children need it?

Riboflavin is one of the most important water-soluble vitamins for maintaining human health. And it is not surprising, because this substance is involved in many biological and chemical processes that ensure the vital activity and normal functioning of the body.

It is one of the main components in the growth and development of the child. Supports the growth and good condition of hair, nails and skin.

In children with a deficiency of this vitamin, growth retardation is possible. Small children may experience seizures.

The main manifestations are cracks and inflammation of the mucous membranes in the corners of the mouth, as well as glossitis (inflammation of the tongue - it becomes smooth, shiny, bright purple) and seborrheic dermatitis (a specific lesion of the skin with severe peeling).

Often, riboflavin deficiency is accompanied by eye symptoms: photophobia, burning sensation in the eyes, lacrimation, conjunctivitis.

Hypervitaminosis B2 is rare.

Strengthening hair:

The role of vitamin B2 for hair cannot be overestimated. Without this substance, commonly also called riboflavin, they become dull and lifeless, oily at the roots, overdried, brittle, split at the ends. The hair loses its natural moisture, quickly becomes dirty, the hair falls out and thins out.

Riboflavin is undoubtedly good for hair. It is an excellent supplier of oxygen to cells, therefore, with a sufficient amount of it in the body, the curls become light and airy.

Its ability to regulate metabolic processes allows the hair follicles to normally receive such important elements as proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In addition, vitamin B2 improves blood circulation, which increases the supply of minerals and other vitamins to skin cells.

Such a complex effect allows you to restore hair, make it obedient, soft and silky.

To achieve the best effect, it is best to use riboflavin both internally and externally. It is very easy to do this - you just need to include foods high in it in your diet and regularly make special masks, in which this vitamin will also be added.

Vitamin B2 requirement

Riboflavin is a kind of engine of the body. It relentlessly stimulates energy production in the cells of the body. If you play sports or physical labor, a large amount of riboflavin is consumed. The energy and temperament of a person depend on it.

How much riboflavin do we need?

Women need about 1.2 mg of riboflavin daily. If they are under severe stress, then they need up to 1.7 mg per day, and during pregnancy and lactation, even 2 mg or more. For men, depending on the energy consumed, 1.4-1.7 mg of riboflavin is enough, and if a person is stressed, goes in for sports or hard physical labor, then he needs up to 2.6 mg of vitamin B2 per day.

The need for this vitamin for newborns: 0.4-0.6 mg per day. For children and adolescents: 0.8-2.0 mg.

Interestingly, when free radicals interact with riboflavin, the latter literally provokes an increased activity of these deadly compounds. Where there is enough light and oxygen, riboflavin acts like a magnet on them. Therefore, riboflavin is the only one of the B vitamins that, under certain circumstances, can become toxic if taken in large quantities. A light-sensitive, nutrient can, for example, promote the development of cataracts. Therefore, it is not recommended for elderly and old people to take riboflavin tablets in addition to food.

Those who are constantly under mental or physical stress require especially high amounts of riboflavin, which promotes the release of stress hormones, such as adrenaline, from the adrenal cortex. Many people who live in a rush and have to resolve conflicts and problems sacrifice their riboflavin reserves for the constant production of stress hormones. In this case, the vitamin does not participate in cellular metabolism, and the above symptoms occur - each time in the most weakened place in the body.

Additional doses of riboflavin are also required for women during pregnancy. Without it, in a developing fetus, the metabolism in the nuclei of cells that contain hereditary information is disrupted. “In this case,” says University of Florida researcher Marianne Fordyce, “growth slows down and nerve tissue degenerates.” Dr. Bruce Mackler of the University of Washington believes that riboflavin is extremely important in preventing miscarriages.

Those who are constantly under stress need especially a lot of riboflavin, which promotes the release of stress hormones, such as adrenaline, into the bloodstream. Higher doses of riboflavin are also required for pregnant women.

Vitamin deficiency:

Lack of vitamin B2 is very insidious and can even become an indirect cause of a reduction in life expectancy. Riboflavin deficiency leads to disorders of the nervous and digestive systems, to visual impairment. With a lack of riboflavin, chronic colitis and gastritis, states of general weakness, skin diseases of various nature, depression and nervous breakdowns, and a decrease in immunity often occur. If a person's skin is unhealthy, if boils or herpes often "visit", these may be signs of a riboflavin deficiency.

Reasons for shortage:

  • Primary - lack of incoming food, excessive consumption of milk and other products containing animal proteins.
  • Secondary - malabsorption in the intestines, increased demand, impaired absorption as a result of chronic diarrhea, liver disease, chronic alcoholism or parenteral nutrition without the inclusion of sufficient doses of this vitamin.

Deficiency symptoms:


  • loss of appetite
  • weight loss
  • general weakness
  • headache
  • decreased tactile and pain sensitivity
  • pain in the eyes, impaired twilight vision
  • soreness in the corners of the mouth and on the lower lip
  • dizziness, insomnia, mental retardation
  • cracks and crusts in the corners of the mouth
  • hair loss starts
  • inflammation of the oral mucosa and tongue
  • seborrheic dermatitis of the nose, labial folds
  • skin lesions, dermatitis
  • digestive disorders
  • corneal changes, conjunctivitis, cataract
  • anemia and nervous disorders
  • growth retardation in children

A lack of riboflavin can also lead to impaired iron absorption and weaken the thyroid gland.

What foods contain vitamin B2

The most important sources of riboflavin are the liver, kidneys, tongue, milk and eggs. The best nutritional supplement is brewer's yeast, which, along with riboflavin, contains all the other B vitamins.

Strict vegetarians who refuse to eat not only meat, but also milk and eggs, should make up for the lack of riboflavin through soy products. The same applies to people who, in an effort to lose weight, eat too little. They can become dangerously deficient in vitamin B2.

Scientists advise drinking as much milk as possible, and eating only fresh whole foods containing the natural components of riboflavin.

Like thiamine, riboflavin is secreted from the food mass in the upper part of the small intestine and enters the bloodstream through its walls.

Especially rich in riboflavin (in milligrams per 100 grams):

Liver - 2.80

Liver sausage - 1.10

Almonds - 0.78

Game — 0.45

Cheese (fatty) - 0.44

Mushrooms - 0.42

Salmon - 0.37

Curd - 0.34

Trout - 0.32

Wholemeal bread with bran - 0.30

Mackerel - 0.28

Seeds (sunflower, sesame) - 0.25

Herring - 0.22

Beef - 0.20

Spinach - 0.18

Oysters - 0.16

Whole milk - 0.16

Egg, 1 piece - 0.15

Yogurt (kefir) - 0.14

Walnuts - 0.13

Soybeans - 0.11

Beans, peas - 0.10

Things to consider:

Food should not be stored open or in glass jars so that it is not exposed to constant light. Bottled milk, as well as other products packed in glass or transparent polyethylene containers, have already lost a significant proportion of riboflavin.

It is best to always buy fresh produce. In all products that have been subjected to long-term transportation or any industrial processing, the initial concentration of vitamin B2 is no longer present. Food products are best stored in opaque packaging. This is especially true for milk. Do not abuse baking soda, as it is the worst enemy of sensitive riboflavin molecules.

In all products that have been subjected to long-term transportation, the initial concentration of riboflavin is no longer present.


This vitamin can do almost no harm to the body. It rarely causes an overdose, even when ingested in large quantities. The excess is excreted in the urine, which turns into an intense orange color.

With the introduction of large doses of riboflavin into the body, isolated cases have been reported:

  • allergic reactions;
  • visual impairment;
  • violations of the kidneys;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • local itching;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • burning sensation at the site of intramuscular injection.

B vitamins play an important role in the human body. They are able to dissolve in water and regulate metabolism. Vitamin B2 is considered almost the most useful among the group of these trace elements. It depends on him how long a person will look young and beautiful. Those who consume foods with vitamin B2 often and a lot are distinguished by strong immunity, fresh, soft and supple skin.

Another name for vitamin b2 is riboflavin.

Riboflavin can quickly break down in an alkaline environment. In order for it to be absorbed well, an acidic reaction in the body is necessary. The trace element is resistant to high temperatures, so after cooking it remains in the composition of food. True, vitamin B2 is easily destroyed when exposed to direct sunlight (due to the action of ultraviolet radiation). Therefore, foods rich in riboflavin should be stored in a dark container with a closed lid.

Vitamin B2

What does the body need?

Riboflavin belongs to flavins - biologically active substances that belong to yellow pigments. They are one of the components of absolutely all living cells. The human body can produce a certain amount of this vitamin on its own (only if a person has a healthy intestinal microflora). But this amount is not enough to fill the daily need for the substance, therefore it is also worth using daily products with its content. Why does the body need riboflavin yet? It performs a large number of important functions:

  • ensures the health of nails, hair, mucous membranes and skin;
  • makes vision sharper, improves vision in the dark or in bright light;
  • contributes to the restoration of the thyroid gland, liver;
  • contributes to the stable functioning of the nervous system;
  • is one of the constituent enzymes that produce endocrine glands;
  • helps to quickly break down proteins, carbohydrates and fats in the body;
  • ensures normal metabolism in every tissue and organs in particular and the body as a whole;
  • helps hemoglobin form;
  • helps to form hormones (including the hormone ATP).

Folic acid, combined with vitamin B2, forms and removes red blood cells from the bone marrow - erythrocytes. When combined with thiamine (vitamin B1), it improves the absorption of iron by the human body, maintains its normal concentration in the blood. Therefore, very often people with a low level of hemoglobin are often prescribed iron-containing preparations in combination with B vitamins. It is especially important to take enough foods with folic acid and riboflavin during pregnancy, as anemia is most often diagnosed in women in position. Therefore, women need to eat enough foods with riboflavin every day.

The use of vitamin B2 with other vitamins

Often, multivitamin preparations contain a lot of trace elements. But do not forget that not all of them are well combined with each other: some elements, when interacting, inhibit the action of each other, while others, on the contrary, can perform new useful functions in the body.

Riboflavin should not be consumed simultaneously with several B vitamins. They should be taken separately from each other with an interval of several hours.

It is not necessary to combine vitamin B2 with ascorbic acid.

But zinc is best taken with riboflavin, as this increases its absorption in the body by increasing the rate of breakdown. Vitamins B2 and B6 are able to enhance each other's actions.

What foods contain the vitaminB2?

Sources of vitamin B2 can be very different. But it is found in small amounts in most foods. Therefore, it seems quite difficult to obtain the daily norm of a microelement only from food. For this reason, it is necessary to include some product with a high content of vitamin B2 in the daily diet. The following animal products contain the most riboflavin:

  • yeast;
  • meat;
  • liver and kidneys;
  • bird;
  • fish;
  • egg white;
  • dairy products.

Plant foods also contain riboflavin:

  • cereals;
  • wholemeal bread;
  • legumes;
  • vegetables;
  • mushrooms;
  • greens.

Where is the most vitamin B2 found?

  • baker's yeast (4 mg per 100 grams of product);
  • brewer's yeast (2.1 mg);
  • beef liver (2.3 mg);
  • pork liver (2.1 mg);
  • beef kidney (1.8 mg);
  • pig kidneys (1.7 mg);
  • almonds (0.7 mg);
  • chicken egg, hard cheese (0.5 mg).

Riboflavin is found in large quantities even in the composition of medicinal plants. With a lack of vitamin B2, doctors often advise taking decoctions of sea buckthorn, oregano, alfalfa, blackberries, rosehips, chicory, nettles, chokeberries, red clover, dandelions.

Daily intake of vitamin B2

Due to the fact that riboflavin is highly soluble in water, it is quickly excreted from the body in the urine. Therefore, every day it is necessary to replenish the body's need for this element. Most of the element is needed in childhood, during pregnancy and lactation. Men require large doses of the substance if their work is associated with high physical exertion.

Norm for children:

  • from birth to six months - 0.4 mg;
  • from six months to a year - 0.5 mg;
  • from one to three years - 0.8 mg;
  • from 3 to 6 years - 1.1 mg per day;
  • up to ten years - 1.2 mg.

In adolescence, the norm for girls and boys varies:

  • girls from 12 to 18 years old need 1.3 mg per day;
  • boys under 14 years old need 1.5 mg, from 14 to 18 years old - 1.8 mg per day.

Norm for men:

  • from 18 to 24 years old - 1.7 mg (or 2.8 mg in special cases);
  • from 25 to 50 years - 1.7 mg (or 3.8 in special cases);
  • after 50 years - 1.4 mg.

Norm for women:

  • from 18 to 24 years old - 1.3 mg (or 2.2 mg in special cases);
  • from 25 to 50 years - 1.3 mg (or 2.6 in special cases);
  • after 50 years - 1.2 mg;
  • during pregnancy - 1.6 mg;
  • during breastfeeding - 1.8 mg per day.

vitamin deficiencyB2: reasons

More and more people are being diagnosed with vitamin B2 deficiency. An acute shortage is observed in eighty percent of the population of the CIS countries and Russia. The most common cause of deficiency is malnutrition. This is especially common in people of retirement age. Many simply do not know which products contain this substance.

The most common causes of riboflavin deficiency are:

  • malnutrition, lack of meat, fish, vegetables, dairy products in the menu, the use of a large amount of refined foods and carbohydrates;
  • the presence in the diet of a large number of chemically processed foods containing artificial preservatives, dyes and additives;
  • destruction in vitamin b2 products due to improper heat treatment and storage;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, thyroid gland;
  • infection in the body;
  • great mental and physical stress;
  • stress, strong feelings;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • aging.

Riboflavin deficiency symptoms

Vitamin B2 vitamin deficiency is dangerous for the body. It can give rise to serious pathologies in the body. The main symptoms of vitamin b2 deficiency are:

  • stomatitis (cracks on the lip and corners of the mouth);
  • inflammation of the tongue (it becomes red in color);
  • decreased appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • severe fatigue, lethargy, constant weakness;
  • insomnia;
  • quick abrupt mood swings;
  • systematic headaches;
  • dizziness, fainting, tremor of the hands and feet;
  • stress, depression, complete apathy;
  • dandruff;
  • severe hair loss;
  • wounds begin to heal longer, the skin becomes less sensitive;
  • peeling of the skin all over the body, especially the skin of the lips, near the nose, genitals;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes;
  • increased tearing;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • the appearance of itching, dryness and irritation in the eyes, night blindness, photophobia, redness of the whites of the eyes;
  • weak immunity, frequent acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections.

The consequences of a lack of vitamin b2

With a lack of riboflavin, human immunity suffers in the first place. More often he has nervous breakdowns, there are stresses, tantrums and depressions. The nervous system ceases to function normally, therefore mental disorders develop. The skin will suffer more from acne, boils, wen, herpes. Gradually, vision becomes worse, the eyes begin to redden due to bursting capillaries inside it. If the situation is running, cataracts may appear. The lack of an element most strongly affects the appearance: the hair roots begin to quickly grow fat, the hair falls out strongly, cracks and wrinkles appear on the skin, it peels off, the eyelids become swollen and redden. The formation of the epithelium decreases, therefore the mucous membranes are quickly irritated, torn at any slightest impact. Wounds heal for a long time, begin to fester.

Much more harm to the body will cause a deterioration in the functioning of the body as a whole:

  • metabolism worsens;
  • there is a decline in strength;
  • there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the work of the brain is disrupted;
  • endocrine glands stop working properly;
  • anemia begins.

To prevent the occurrence of such health problems, you need to consume enough foods in riboflavin daily.

Overdose of vitamin b2

An overdose of riboflavin in the body is almost impossible. This substance is highly soluble in water, and therefore is quickly excreted from the body along with urine.

An overdose can occur in two cases:

  1. the patient at one time consumed too much of the drug with vitamin b2;
  2. a person has problems with the kidneys, and because of this, the processing of substances entering the body is impossible in full.

But there is little cause for concern - an overdose is not dangerous with serious consequences for the body. Most often, it can be identified by a very bright color of urine. At times, numbness and slight itching may be felt.

Preparations containing vitamin b2


In pharmacies, a large number of drugs containing riboflavin are presented. For preventive purposes, you can take this vitamin in tablets, in the form of chewable dragees or syrups (for children). For treatment, doctors prescribe vitamin B2 in ampoules, since vitamin injections are more effective. Riboflavin is available in its pure form or is part of multivitamin complexes. It is present in almost all multivitamin preparations.

The most popular preparations with vitamin B2:

  1. multivitamin complex "Jungle" (production - USA);
  2. multivitamin complex "Alvitil" (manufactured in France);
  3. multivitamin complex "Adivit" (manufactured in Turkey);
  4. multivitamin complex "Pikovit" (production - Slovenia);
  5. a preparation containing vitamins of group B - "Neurobeks" (Indonesia);
  6. complex of vitamins and minerals "Duovit" (Slovenia);
  7. multivitamin complex "Megadin" (Turkey);
  8. multivitamin complex "Vektrum" (Russia);
  9. BAA "Gerimaks Energy" (Korea).

The drug with vitamin B2 in tablets:

  1. "Vitamin B2" ("Teva", Poland);
  2. "Riboflavin mononucleotide 1% 1ml N10" (Russia);
  3. "Riboflavin Natures Life" (USA);
  4. "Solgar" (USA);
  5. "Riboflavin" from "Carlson Labs" (USA).

It should be borne in mind that a product containing vitamin B2, regardless of whether it costs one hundred rubles or several thousand, contains the same active substance, so there is not much point in overpaying. True, in American preparations one tablet contains a much higher concentration of the vitamin than in domestic remedies. At the same time, the instructions for taking vitamin B2 are specific for each drug, there are no universal instructions, since the dosages in the tablets are different.

Vitamin B2 in capsules from Russia is sold under the name Blagomin B2. It is difficult to find foreign analogues in pharmacies. Most of them are found in online pharmacies.

Riboflavin in both tablets and capsules is absorbed in the same way.

In capsules, vitamin B2 is produced under the brand name "Riboflavin-mononucletotide" (Russia or Belarus).

The need for riboflavin injections or medications, as well as the dosage and duration of administration, should be determined by the doctor.

Benefits of riboflavin for hair

Vitamin B2 in ampoules can significantly improve the condition and appearance of hair. If they become not as elastic as they were, faded and break badly, then they need additional nutrition.

Hair masks with vitamin B2 can correct the situation very quickly. It is best to use the vitamin both externally and internally. It is enough to add a few drops to ready-made shampoos, conditioners and hair masks.

Also, the vitamin can be used in its pure form, rubbing the liquid from one ampoule of riboflavin into the scalp immediately after washing with massage movements.

(Riboflavin) is a useful component necessary for maintaining health and beauty. Riboflavin takes an active part in biochemical reactions, the synthesis of other useful compounds.

The component is destroyed by ultraviolet rays. One of its active forms is produced in internal organs and tissues.

The human body needs a regular supply of vitamin B2. It prolongs the lifespan of red blood cells when combined with folic acid.

The number of new blood cells synthesized in the bone marrow increases. Riboflavin is involved in the absorption of iron and maintains its level in the blood.

Riboflavin deficiency

It is necessary to regularly eat foods that contain the component.

In case of insufficiency, the following manifestations are possible:

  • blurred vision;
  • disorder;
  • chronic diseases of the digestive system;
  • general weakness and irritability;
  • decrease in immunity.

With a deterioration in the condition of the skin, you should also think about adjusting the diet. The frequent appearance of herpes, boils, barley is one of the reasons for the lack of riboflavin.

Excess occurs in rare cases. Its main symptoms:

  • dizziness, weakness;
  • iron absorption disorder;
  • increased tendon reflexes.

If signs of an overdose appear, seek medical attention.

Riboflavin Properties

The benefit of vitamin B2 is to ensure full functioning. The component improves the course of metabolic processes, prevents excess sugar in the body.

Structural formula:

Together with protein compounds and phosphoric acid, the vitamin is involved in the formation of enzymes necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates. The appearance of wrinkles, cracks in the corners of the mouth, a burning sensation in the eyes - all this indicates a lack of riboflavin.

It plays a more significant role in ensuring the full functioning of the brain and nervous system. Riboflavin is involved in the restoration of damaged areas of the skin and mucous membranes. The process can be accelerated by introducing additional products containing biologically active substances into the diet.

Riboflavin does not accumulate in the human body. The component is excreted in the urine. In excess, its color becomes bright yellow.

The use of the component is practiced in medicine for the following pathologies:

  • asthenic syndrome;
  • chronic form of hepatitis;
  • enterocolitis, chronic colitis;
  • cataract, ulcerative lesions of the cornea;
  • chicken blindness.

Riboflavin supports the health of the organs of vision. It is an effective means of preventing cataracts. The component favorably affects the condition of the mucous membranes of internal organs.

Recommendations for meeting the daily requirement for vitamin B2

The daily norm of riboflavin for men is 1.6 mg, for women - 1.2 mg. Pregnant women need about 3 mg of the component per day. The compound is found in animal and vegetable products.

To satisfy the daily requirement, it is enough to consume from 50 to 100 grams of cheese or cottage cheese. To maintain the concentration of riboflavin in the body, you can drink 3 cups of curdled milk or kefir per day.

Such a diet should also be for people engaged in regular physical activity. In addition to milk and dairy products, leafy green vegetables, grains, and bakery products are rich in vitamin B2.Riboflavin is found in meat and offal.

Table of Riboflavin B2 content in various foods:

How to keep riboflavin in food?

Dairy. The softer the consistency of the cottage cheese, the more it contains vitamin B2. Storing milk in glassware helps to reduce the concentration of riboflavin in it., In bright daylight. This is due to its destruction under the action of ultraviolet rays. About 50% of vitamin B2 is lost in 2 hours of exposure to sunlight. Therefore, it is better to store milk in a dark container and a cool place.

Boiling dairy products. When pasteurized milk is boiled, the product loses its beneficial properties, namely, it loses its vitamin B2 content. When preparing milk porridge, you need to add it after the cereal has boiled in water. So the riboflavin will be preserved, and the dish will have good taste data.

Cooking.When food is boiled, more of the component remains in the water. It is recommended to cover the dishes in which food is cooked. Otherwise, useful vitamins are oxidized. The water in which the potatoes were boiled is rich in riboflavin and other B compounds.

The washing up.Some of the component is lost when vegetables are washed and stored in a refrigerator. This suggests that you should not soak plant foods and buy them in large quantities.

Defrosting. To preserve riboflavin in products, they should not be thawed. The frozen product should be immediately placed in boiling water. But if the meat is defrosted on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, it will not lose its beneficial properties.

Drying.No need to dry vegetables and fruits in the sun. When exposed to direct sunlight, most of the vitamin is lost.

The recommendations are not complicated, but effective. By adhering to them, you can save the maximum content of vitamin B2 in food. Sufficient consumption of food with its content is the best prevention of component deficiency and the path to health!

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is a necessary component to ensure the full functioning of the body. It is important to get it with food, and occasionally replenish the stocks of the necessary substance with the help of pharmaceutical preparations. To do this, you should figure out where vitamin B2 is most contained, and which vitamin complexes guarantee complete absorption of the substance.

Riboflavin is involved in every process in the body. With its lack, various failures and diseases begin. But it is quite difficult to achieve an overabundance if you do not eat meals with a high content of B2 every day.

The role of vitamin B2 in the human body:

  • important for maintaining carbohydrate and lipid metabolism;
  • children need for full growth;
  • without it, it is impossible to properly digest protein and gain muscle mass;
  • helps the process of hematopoiesis and is involved in the production of other important enzymes such as glycogen (burns sugar);
  • prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • facilitates the absorption of fats from the intestines;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • reduces eye strain and improves vision;
  • in combination with vitamin A helps maintain the beauty and health of the skin, hair, nails;
  • strengthens sleep;
  • relieves stress;
  • prevents the occurrence of mental disorders.

What foods contain the most?

Vitamin B2 is found in many vegetables and fruits. However, among the richest in riboflavin content, animal products predominate. Moreover, in red meat and offal it is more than in fish or chicken.

Record holders in the list of foods rich in vitamin B2 per 100 g:

  • brewer's and baker's yeast - from 2 to 4 mg;
  • lamb liver - 3 mg;
  • beef and pork liver - 2.18 mg;
  • chicken liver - 2.1 mg;
  • beef kidneys - 1.8 mg;
  • pork kidneys - 1.56 mg;
  • - 1 mg;
  • almonds - 0.8 mg.

It is important to consider that not all 100% of vitamins are absorbed from simple foods. Some of them are lost during heat treatment, and some - in the process of growing animals, poultry, fish, crops for mass food production.

Other Foods Rich in Vitamin B2

One way or another, vitamin B2 is part of many foods, but not all foods are rich in riboflavin in sufficient quantities. To provide the body with the necessary amount of B2, you should pay attention to additional products.

Here are more food groups with vitamin B2 content at a concentration of 0.1 to 0.5 mg per 100 g:

  1. Vegetable oils- grape seed, almond, wheat germ. It is important to use unrefined products. Butter of animal origin is also rich in the vitamin.
  2. natural juices from vegetables and fruits. Lots of B2 in grapes.
  3. nuts- , cashews, pecans, pistachios and brazil nuts.
  4. Porridges and cereals- buckwheat, rye, wheat. When choosing flour, give preference to whole grain or coarse grinding, but not the highest grade.
  5. Cabbage all varieties, and green salad and spinach rich in vitamin B2.
  6. Dried fruits- figs and dates.
  7. Dairy. 100 g of high-quality cottage cheese and hard cheese contains 1/5 of the daily dose of the vitamin. But in yogurt and kefir it is not so much.

If you follow the principles of proper nutrition, then to a greater extent you can provide your body with the necessary amount of B2.

The daily norm of vitamin B2 and the rules for assimilation by the body

For the full functioning of the body, you need to take a certain amount of vitamin per day:

  • women- 1.8 mg;
  • pregnant- 2 mg;
  • breastfeeding mothers- 2.2 mg, in some cases up to 3 mg;
  • children and newborns- from 2 mg to 10 mg;
  • men- 2 mg.

For the full assimilation of riboflavin, additional trace elements are required -, copper and. They are found in meat and offal, so liver and other meat ingredients are considered better sources of riboflavin.

The best pharmacy complexes with vitamin B2

Riboflavin is included in most multivitamin preparations, and is also available in mono-products - ampoules and tablets. They are most often prescribed for the treatment of diseases, when it is necessary to increase the dose of the enzyme tenfold. It is impossible to use such forms without the advice of a doctor.

In the optimal amount, the vitamin is contained in the complexes, Vitrum. Special male and female preparations, for example, Men's Formula or Complivit Perinatal for pregnant women, also contain the correct dosage of the enzyme.

Vitamin B2 should be present in the optimal amount in the diet of every person and especially a growing baby. To maintain the required amount of riboflavin in the body, it is not enough to be limited to animal and plant products alone. It is also important to select proven, popular vitamin complexes with vitamin B2, after consulting with your doctor first.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is one of the most important water-soluble elements for humans, an activator of biological processes. This compound is poorly soluble in alcohol and water with an elevated pH level, and is stable in an acidic environment. Riboflavin is destroyed by exposure to sunlight and alkali.

Functions of vitamin B2 in the body:

  • Increases and accelerates metabolic processes in the body;
  • Participates in protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism;
  • Necessary for the formation of blood antibodies and bodies;
  • Promotes cell growth and respiration;
  • Oxygenates the cells of the skin, nails and hair;
  • Improves vision, prevents the development of cataracts;
  • Has a positive effect on the mucous membranes of the digestive tract;
  • Accelerates the activation of pyridoxine (B6) in the body.

With the help of vitamin B2, skin diseases, sluggish healing wounds, eye diseases, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes, anemia and cirrhosis of the liver are treated and prevented.

Riboflavin was isolated from the B group of vitamins in 1933 as a heat-resistant element from a yellow-colored substance.


Vitamin B2 is found in various foods.

plant sources

  • Bread;
  • Yeast;
  • Vegetables - green leafy;
  • Cereals - oatmeal, buckwheat;
  • Legumes - green peas;
  • Cereal crops - shells and germs.

Animal sources

  • Meat;
  • By-products - kidneys, liver;
  • Fish;
  • Egg white;
  • Dairy products - cheese, milk, pressed cottage cheese, yogurt.

Daily rate

The daily requirement for riboflavin increases with age (with the exception of older age), increased physical activity, and oral contraceptive use. Alcohol contributes to the deformation of the mechanism of absorption of riboflavin, so people who abuse alcoholic beverages need an additional intake of this vitamin.

Vitamin B2 is given orally (in tablets, powders or dragees) or as injections and eye drops. The course of treatment for different age groups is a month or a half, depending on the state of the body.

For kids

  • From 0 to 6 months - 0.5 mg;
  • From 6 months to a year - 0.6 mg;
  • From one to three years - 0.9 mg;
  • From 4 to 6 years - 1.0 mg;
  • From 7 to 10 years - 1.4 mg.

For men

  • From 11 to 14 years old - 1.7 mg;
  • From 15 to 18 years - 1.8 mg;
  • From 19 to 59 years old - 1.5 mg;
  • From 60 to 74 years - 1.6 mg;
  • From 75 years and older - 1.4 mg.

For women

  • From 11 to 14 years old - 1.5 mg;
  • From 15 to 18 years - 1.5 mg;
  • From 19 to 59 years old - 1.3 mg;
  • From 60 to 74 years - 1.5 mg;
  • From 75 years and older - 1.3 mg;
  • Pregnant women - +0.3 mg;
  • Nursing - + 0.5 mg.

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Signs of shortage

A reduced content or absence of riboflavin in the body leads to the development of hyporiboflavinosis, which eventually develops into ariboflavinosis, which is characterized by damage to the skin, mucous membranes of the mouth, nervous system and organs of vision.

With a lack of vitamin B2, there are:

  • Decreased appetite and body weight;
  • General weakness and headaches;
  • Burning sensation on the skin;
  • Cutting in the eyes and impaired visibility in the dark;
  • Pain in the corners of the mouth and lower lip.

A long-term deficiency of this element in the body leads to sad consequences: acne stomatitis, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, seborrheic dermatitis of the labial folds and nose, hair loss and skin lesions, digestive disorders, conjunctivitis, mental retardation, and growth retardation.

Hypovitaminosis of this element in the body primarily affects the state of the brain tissue, as well as the absorption of iron and the state of the thyroid gland.


Vitamin B2 is consumed very quickly in the human body, as a result of which daily replenishment of this element is mandatory. To prevent the occurrence and development of diseases against the background of a lack of riboflavin, you should try to keep as much vitamin B2 in food as possible or fill the daily requirement by taking vitamin complex preparations.

A long-term deficiency of riboflavin leads to the following consequences:

  • Burning pains in the legs;
  • Keratitis and cataract;
  • Stomatitis and glossitis;
  • Anemia and muscle weakness.


An excess of riboflavin in medical practice is a rare case, and its excessive introduction into the body does not have any unpleasant consequences, except for itching, numbness and slight burning, but these symptoms quickly disappear.