Day of the Baptism of Rus': the history of the holiday. The Day of the Baptism of Rus' It was the day of the Baptism of Rus'

Believing Russians annually celebrate one of the most important Orthodox holidays - the Day of the Baptism of Rus'. The date of July 28 every year is the day of memory of Prince Vladimir the Baptist of Kievan Rus. From the name it becomes clear what this holiday is dedicated to. The formation of the Orthodox faith in Kievan Rus went through several difficult stages, each of which was of great importance. The day of the baptism of Rus' has many customs and traditions, and this day is not complete without prohibitions, which should not be forgotten.

The day of the Baptism of Rus' is considered a great holiday, so the church advises to refrain from physical work and household chores. It is forbidden to do general cleaning, washing, cooking and working in the garden or garden. You can work on this day only if absolutely necessary.

It is impossible on this day to quarrel with loved ones and swear. It is forbidden to get angry, envy and experience negative emotions. This day should be spent in a festive mood. The church does not encourage the use of alcoholic beverages and noisy feasts on this day.

On the day of the holiday, July 28, 2018, the church calls on all believers to attend an all-night service. If possible, you need to visit the Volodymyr's Hill in Kyiv. Or any other place associated with the name of this prince, for example, Vladimir Cathedral.

On this day, it is customary to congratulate all people who have the name Vladimir. All believers should remember the date of their baptism and think about their connection with the Lord and the church. At home or in the temple, you need to read any prayer - on this day it will have a special meaning.

The history of the baptism of Rus' and the reign of Prince Vladimir

Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich of the Rurik dynasty was the grandson of Princess Olga. He had 2 older brothers - Yaropolk and Oleg. During military campaigns, Vladimir was expelled from Novgorod, Yaropolk, who ruled there, who came to power after the death of his father.

Then Vladimir Svyatoslavovich captured Polotsk, and in 978 he became the prince of Kyiv. At the time of the capture of Kyiv, he was a pagan and did not want to change his faith. Prince Vladimir persecuted and exterminated the few Christians on the territory of Kyiv.

In 987, he began to think about what kind of single faith to introduce in Kievan Rus. Prince Vladimir said that all people living in this territory would be baptized in the church of Constantinople.

Soon Vladimir himself was baptized, and later the Day of the Baptism of Rus' took place. Interestingly, at the time of baptism, Prince Vladimir took the name Vasily, so the church always remembers him under this name.

During his reign, Vladimir adopted many church laws, introduced the spread of literacy, and arranged dinners for the poor every Sunday. He died in 1015 in Berestovo and was buried in the Church of the Tithes in Kyiv.

Baptism of Kievan Rus and the spread of Christianity

Christians lived in Kievan Rus even before it was baptized by Prince Vladimir. Apostle Andrew brought Christianity to these lands in the 1st century. According to legend, the hills on which Kyiv now rises were blessed by him. The Apostle Andrew also erected a cross here, on the site of which today there is St. Andrew's Church.

By the end of the 1st century, the apostle Clement, who was a disciple of Peter, preached on these lands. Later he became Pope Clement, whose relics are kept in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

Historians tell about another baptism of Rus', which took place 100 years before the baptism of Vladimir. It is called "Askold" because at that time the princes Askold and Dir were baptized. Princess Olga converted to Christianity in 957.

The baptism of Vladimir differs from all the others in that it was of a mass nature and had national significance. The date of the celebration of the Day of the Baptism of Rus' coincides with the day of the death of Prince Vladimir - July 15, 1015 (July 28 according to the Julian calendar).

The Day of the Baptism of Rus' has a symbolic meaning - it unites the Slavic peoples who have adopted the Orthodox faith. Find out the history of the celebration, why it became a public holiday and how it is customary to celebrate this day

The official date of the holiday is July 28, when the Orthodox Church honors Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, nicknamed the Red Sun. He was raised by Princess Olga, baptized in Constantinople, and then he himself converted the Russian people to the Christian faith.

Why Prince Vladimir was nicknamed the Red Sun

Vladimir the Red Sun was considered an influential ruler, having begun to reign in Rus' from the age of 17. He became famous as a famous warrior and strategist. Becoming a follower of the Christian precepts, the prince entered into an alliance with the mighty power at that time - Byzantium and was able to get the support of the European ruling circles.

Vladimir received his nickname for his gracious treatment of enemies. His words "I will not execute - I am afraid of sin" served as a pretext for the abolition of the death penalty. For this, the people began to call the prince the Red Sun and wanted to stand under his command. Then Vladimir demanded that the Slavic leaders of the communities obey a single ruler, abandon polytheism and choose Christianity as their only religion.

To spread Orthodoxy, Vladimir built many churches in Rus' and, to the best of his ability, fought against pagan beliefs. In 988, he finally proclaimed Christianity the state religion of Rus', which served as an incentive for the development of the state and for integration into the European world.

How the Day of the Baptism of Rus' became a public holiday

The Day of the Baptism of Rus' has been celebrated as a public holiday since June 1, 2010. It is given the importance of an important memorable date, which influenced the unity of the Russian peoples and enriched their spiritual development.

A similar celebration on July 28 is celebrated in Ukraine and is called the Day of the Baptism of Kievan Rus-Ukraine. It is believed that it was in Kyiv that the first official celebration of this date took place in pre-revolutionary times. In 1888, the Holy Synod decided to celebrate the historic event in honor of how Prince Vladimir baptized pagans in the Dnieper with large-scale events - in addition to prayers, the construction of the Vladimir Cathedral began in Kyiv. Now this temple is considered one of the main Ukrainian shrines.

How the Day of the Baptism of Rus' is celebrated

On this day, various mass theological and social events are held to emphasize the high status of the holiday.

In Moscow, in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the Patriarch conducts a solemn service, which ends at noon with a bell ringing. Such a chime is called a blagovest, and on July 28 it will sound in 68 countries - where there are Russian Orthodox churches.

Ukraine and Belarus also widely celebrate this holiday. In Kyiv, a religious procession takes place from the Vladimir Cathedral, where people come to pray for peace together with the clergy, and in Minsk, concerts are organized for residents with the invitation of stars. Bells ring in churches all day long, and patriotic films and programs are broadcast on central TV channels. We wish you health, good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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Our country is a multinational state - that's a fact. It is not that this feature makes Russia exceptional, but nevertheless it definitely distinguishes the Russian Federation from the constellation of world powers. “How many nationalities - so many religions” - this is what the unspoken law in force on the territory of the country sounds like. The official confession is Orthodoxy, which is considered the most faithful moral teaching on the planet in all respects. But everything could have been different, and far from in our favor, because along with Orthodox Christianity, other, less loyal warrants, such as Islam, were considered. We owe the ringing of bells, the radiance of golden domes in the sun, crowned with crosses, and the lightness born in the soul by the touching singing of the church choir, we owe to Prince Vladimir, who carried out the Baptism of Rus'. On July 28, Russians remember this truly great event for the state and the Russian people.

The history of the holiday Day of the Baptism of Rus'

The holiday Day of the Baptism of Rus', dedicated to an important historical moment, has existed in the Russian Federation for three years. However, for a memorable date, this is a very short time. The birthday of the holiday at the state level was the first day of summer 2010. Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, then the current president of the Russian Federation, signed the Federal Law, the title of which read: “On Amendments to Article 11 of the Federal Law“ On the Days of Military Glory and Commemorative Dates of Russia. At first glance, it may seem that the idea of ​​establishing the Day of the Baptism of Rus', reflecting events of not only historical but also religious importance, belonged to members of the State Duma, as is usually the case in such cases.

But it wasn't quite like that. The fact is that the moment when the holiday was awarded the official status of the Day of the Baptism of Rus was preceded by an event that played the role of a provoking factor. It happened in 2008 and consisted of the following: the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church turned to the head of the Russian state Dmitry Medvedev and the president of Belarus with a corresponding proposal to include July 28 - Memorial Day of Prince Vladimir, recognized as a saint in the register of important dates. Of course, the first persons of friendly countries could not ignore this, and there was no need for that. As a result, already in mid-August 2009, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation was entrusted with a responsible task: to develop a draft federal law that would allow the Orthodox holiday of the Day of the Baptism of Rus' to be considered an official memorable date. In May 2010, through the efforts of representatives of the State Duma and the Federation Council, the law received the right to life.

Every year on July 28, thematic events are held in city squares, and solemn services are held in Orthodox churches in honor of the Day of the Baptism of Rus'.

Significance of Baptism

988 - everyone knows this date from school. It says a lot: in Rus', pagan polytheism, imbued with mystical rituals and sacrifices, has ended its existence, and a new era has begun in the history of the country's spiritual development.

The moment of acceptance by the Slavic people of baptism was recorded in the well-known chronicle, which has come down to our days: "The Tale of Bygone Years." According to an ancient historical source, the Sacrament took place in the waters of the Dnieper River under the guidance of Byzantine clergy.

Many are tormented by the question: why did Prince Vladimir choose precisely Orthodox Christianity? The answer to it is likely to disappoint someone, since the decision of the Kyiv ruler was dictated by noble goals only in part. Rus' needed to strengthen its world status, and Byzantium, or rather an alliance with it, was the most successful option for the implementation of the plan, because it was a powerful power in all respects. And just then a case arose: the Byzantine emperor urgently needed help in maintaining power and eliminating his rival, the militant Varda Foki. The prince of Kiev, according to the ruler, could render him such a service. No sooner said than done: the emperor shared his thoughts with Vladimir, and as a thank you promised to arrange his marriage with his sister Anna. They shook hands, but a small detail remained: the pagan prince had to be baptized, otherwise there would be no wedding. This is how Rus' became Orthodox.

The religious preferences of his grandmother, Princess Olga, also had a certain influence on Vladimir's choice. She, being a true Christian, at one time tried to plant Orthodoxy on the Russian land, but to no avail, because she did not receive support from her son, father Vladimir - Svyatopolk. The decoration of the Byzantine churches, the spirituality of the divine services taking place within their walls also contributed to the process of shaping the decision of the Kyiv prince. The significance of the Baptism of Rus' for our state turned out to be very positive. Thanks to Orthodoxy, art, the educational system, architecture, and literature began to develop intensively in the country. In other words, Christianity gave Rus' the direction of cultural growth.

Vladimir Yasnoe Solnyshko

The Day of the Baptism of Rus' is a great occasion to talk about St. Vladimir.

The Prince of Kiev, Equal-to-the-Apostles Saint Vladimir, is, frankly, a colorful figure in history. Initially, he ruled Veliky Novgorod, but, after 8 years, he ended up on the Kiev throne, occupied by his brother Yaropolk, thanks to his own cunning and remarkable mind. In general, before being baptized, Vladimir had nothing to do with piety and decency. Historians claim that the prince of Kiev was distinguished by an indefatigable love for fornication. In addition, Vladimir worshiped pagan gods. By order of the prince, at the very beginning of his reign, a temple was built in Kyiv, in which there were statues of six main gods revered by future Christians, including Veles, Mokosh and Perun. There is an opinion that the innovative ruler adopted the experience of the Scandinavians: he introduced human sacrifices into the “religion” of the Russians.

The prince was a conqueror by nature. The main management of his country was to strengthen and expand the borders. Vladimir could, for his unseemly deeds and addictions, earn the title of Bloodthirsty or Cruel-hearted, if Orthodoxy had not appeared so timely in the life of the Slavic people. The new religion radically changed the vicious soul, as if a person had been born again. And today we know the prince as Vladimir the Great, Vladimir the Baptist. But the most beautiful title was given to the saint by folk epics: Vladimir the Clear Sun.

The Day of the Baptism of Rus' is ideal for events dedicated to broadening one's horizons, because it falls at the end of the second month of summer. Make the most of your holiday!

We sincerely congratulate everyone on the holiday, on the Day of the Baptism of Rus'!

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The Baptism of Rus', according to historians, took place in 988 AD. e. and is associated with the name of the Kyiv prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich(c. 960-1015), who was popularly known as Vladimir the Red Sun.

Vladimir was the son Svyatoslav Igorevich And Malushi, housekeepers of his mother, the princess Olga. According to historians, he began to reign in Kyiv in 978 and came to power after an internecine war with his brothers Yaropolkom And Oleg.

In his youth, Vladimir was a pagan, participated in military campaigns, had many concubines. In Kyiv, they installed idols of pagan gods. However, at a certain moment he doubted paganism and thought about choosing another religion for Rus'.

"The choice of faith" is described in "The Tale of Bygone Years" Nestor. According to this chronicle, Muslims, Catholics, Jews came to Prince Vladimir and told the prince about their faith, but he liked the speeches of the Greek philosopher about Orthodoxy most of all.

Then the chronicles describe how Prince Vladimir undertook a military campaign against the Greek city of Korsun (Chersonese in the Crimea), demanding from the rulers of Byzantium to give him the princess as his wife. Anna.

The Byzantine emperors agreed to this, but put forward a counter demand. Anna was supposed to marry Vladimir only after he was baptized.

The Kievan prince was baptized in Chersonese by the Church of Constantinople along with his retinue. After that, the ceremony of marriage between Vladimir and Princess Anna took place.

Baptism of Vladimir. Fresco by V. M. Vasnetsov. Photo: Public Domain

At the same time, Vladimir was not the first ruler of Kievan Rus to become a Christian. His grandmother is a princess Olga converted to Christianity in 957.

Upon his return to Kyiv, Vladimir ordered the idols to be overturned, chopped and burned. He baptized the inhabitants of Kyiv in the waters of the Dnieper and Pochaina. The baptism of the people of Kiev passed peacefully, since by that time there were already many Christians among them.

However, in some other cities, such as, for example, Novgorod and Rostov, the inhabitants initially opposed baptism, since most of them were pagans. However, at a certain point they also broke with pagan customs and traditions.

Orthodoxy was the state religion in Russia until the 1917 revolution. In the USSR, atheistic views dominated, although many people were secretly baptized anyway.

At present, the Russian Federation is a secular state, which is spelled out in Article 14 of the Constitution of our country, but Orthodoxy is the most numerous religious denomination in Russia.

The Day of the Baptism of Rus' became a memorable date at the state level in 2010. Corresponding amendments were made to the Federal Law “On the Days of Military Glory and Commemorative Dates of Russia”.

Ukraine declared this day a national holiday earlier in 2008.

The Day of the Baptism of Rus' is celebrated today by millions of people around the world. There is no exact date for the Baptism of Rus', but since 2010 this holiday has been celebrated at the state level in Russia on the day of memory of St. Prince Vladimir, who baptized Rus' in 988.

This happened in Chersonese, in the Crimea.

Under the vaults of St. Vladimir's Cathedral in Chersonese, which have been prayed for centuries, there are the historical ruins of an ancient church, in which, according to legend, Prince Vladimir was baptized.

Baptism of Rus' as a historical event

988 - everyone knows this date from school. It says a lot: in Rus', pagan polytheism, imbued with mystical rituals and sacrifices, has ended its existence, and a new era has begun in the history of the country's spiritual development.

The moment of acceptance by the Slavic people of baptism was recorded in the well-known chronicle, which has come down to our days: "The Tale of Bygone Years." According to an ancient historical source, the Sacrament took place in the waters of the Dnieper River.

Many are tormented by the question: why did Prince Vladimir choose precisely Orthodox Christianity?

Vladimir Yasnoe Solnyshko

The Prince of Kiev, Equal-to-the-Apostles Saint Vladimir, is a colorful figure in history, frankly. Historians claim that the prince of Kiev was distinguished by an indefatigable love for fornication. In addition, Vladimir worshiped pagan gods. By order of the prince, at the very beginning of his reign, a temple was built in Kyiv, in which there were statues of six main gods revered by future Christians, including Veles, Mokosh and Perun.

The prince was a conqueror by nature. The main management of his country was to strengthen and expand the borders. Vladimir could, for his unseemly deeds and addictions, earn the title of Bloodthirsty or Cruel-hearted, if Orthodoxy had not appeared so timely in the life of the Slavic people. The new religion radically changed the vicious soul, as if a person had been born again.

And today we know the prince as Vladimir the Great, Vladimir the Baptist. But the most beautiful title was given to the saint by folk epics: Vladimir the Clear Sun.

The grandson of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, in his youth, Prince Vladimir was a fierce pagan, a cruel warrior, a lover of women and wine. His miraculous transformation into the holy ruler of Rus' is even more amazing from that.

The beginning of a miraculous change was the tragic episode of the death of the first Slavic martyrs for Christ. Pagan custom demanded that the ruler make a bloody sacrifice to the Slavic deity Perun after a victorious campaign against the Yotvingians. Lots were cast for a boy named John. His father Theodore refused to extradite his son, declaring his Christianity. An angry mob brutally killed the father and son, who became the first martyrs of Rus'.

Dying, the martyr Theodore said: “You don’t have gods, but trees, today you have them, and tomorrow they will rot ... God alone, who created the sky and the earth, the stars and the moon, and the sun, and man”

The bloody sacrifice made a deep impression on the prince, becoming one of the reasons for the search for a new faith.

As a wise politician, the prince understood that the savagery of paganism had outlived its age. Rampant behavior, the lack of unity of people, each tribe, each clan of which revered their deities, cannot bring the necessary power to the Slavs. The prince had already tried to rally the people by reforming paganism, urging them to believe in the idols erected on the Kiev hill. Nothing happened. Human blood did not give a solid foundation to the Kievan state. In the interests of the Fatherland and the state, it was necessary to adopt one faith, one that would unite disparate tribes into one people, and this would help to resist enemies together and earn the respect of allies. The clever prince understood this, but how, while still a pagan, was it possible to figure out which faith was true?

The rumor that the prince was dissatisfied with the pagan faith and was thinking about changing it quickly spread. Neighboring countries were interested in Rus' accepting their faith. In 986, ambassadors began to come to the prince with a proposal to accept their religion.

The first came the Volga Bulgars, who professed Islam.

“Prince,” they said, “you seem to be wise and strong, but you do not know the true law; believe in Mohammed and worship him." Having asked about their law and heard about the circumcision of babies, the ban on eating pork and drinking wine, the prince renounced Islam.

Then the Catholic Germans came and said:

“We were sent to you from the pope, who ordered to tell you: “Our faith is the true light”…” But Vladimir replied: “Go back, because our fathers did not accept this.” Indeed, back in 962, the German emperor sent a bishop and priests to Kyiv, but they were not accepted in Rus' and "barely escaped."

After that came the Khazar Jews.

They believed that since the two previous missions had failed, it meant that not only Islam, but also Christianity was rejected in Rus', therefore, Judaism remained. “Know that Christians believe in Him Whom our fathers once crucified, while we believe in the one God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.” After listening to the Jews about their law and rules of life, Vladimir asked: “Tell me, where is your homeland?” To this, the Jews honestly answered: “Our homeland is in Jerusalem, but God, angry with our fathers, scattered us to different countries, and gave our land to the power of Christians.”

Vladimir drew the correct conclusion: “If so, how do you teach others when you yourself are rejected by God? If God had been pleased with your law, He would not have scattered you into foreign lands. Or do you want us to suffer the same fate? So the Jews left.

After that, a Greek philosopher appeared in Kyiv. History has not preserved his name, but it was he who, with his speech on Orthodoxy, was able to make the strongest impression on Prince Vladimir. The philosopher told the prince about the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, about heaven and hell, about the mistakes and errors of other faiths. In conclusion, he showed a picture of the Second Coming of Christ and the Last Judgment. Struck by this picture, the Grand Duke said: "Good for those who stand to the right, and woe to those who stand to the left." The philosopher answered this: "If you want to stand on the right side, then be baptized."

And although Prince Vladimir did not make a final decision, he seriously thought about it. He knew that there were more and more Christians both in the squad and in the city, he remembered the fearlessness of Saints Theodore and John, who went to their death with the confession of Jesus Christ, he also remembered his grandmother Olga, who accepted Christian Baptism in spite of everyone. Something in the prince's soul began to lean towards Orthodoxy, but Vladimir did not yet dare to do anything and gathered the boyars and city elders for advice. It was they who advised the prince to send "kind and sensible men" to different countries, so that they could actually compare how different nations worship God.

Having visited the religious services of Muslims and Latins, the ambassadors of Prince Vladimir arrived in Constantinople, where they attended the service in the Hagia Sophia. In a literal sense, they were fascinated by the otherworldly beauty of the worship there. Orthodox priesthood had an unforgettable effect on them.

Upon their return to Kyiv, the ambassadors told Prince Vladimir: “During the service, we did not understand where we were: whether there, in heaven, or here, on earth. We are not even able to tell about the holiness and solemnity of the rites of Greek worship; but we are quite sure that God Himself is present in Greek temples along with those who pray, and that Greek worship is better than all the rest. We will never forget this holy celebration, and we can no longer serve our gods.

The boyars remarked to this: “If the Greek law were not the best, then your grandmother Princess Olga, the wisest of all people, would not have accepted it.” "Where shall we be baptized?" - asked the prince. “And this is where you wish, we will accept it there,” they answered him.

It was only necessary to wait for the right moment to accept Christianity. Such an opportunity soon presented itself.

The Byzantine Empire is a powerful ally, a state with great culture, advanced science and technology. In 987, a revolt arose in Byzantium against the legitimate emperors. In view of the mortal threat, Emperor Vasily II urgently turned to Prince Vladimir for help. The case for the unexpected rise of Rus' in the international arena turned out to be the most appropriate!

Prince Vladimir provides military assistance to Byzantium in suppressing a military rebellion in exchange for a promise of baptism and marriage to the Emperor's daughter Anna. The cunning Greeks decided to deceive the prince and hesitated to marry. In response, he captures Chersonese - the ancient Black Sea port - the basis of Greek influence in the Black Sea region. Then Emperor Basil, wishing for a peaceful outcome of the conflict, sends Anna to Chersonese, reminding her that she should marry a Christian, not a pagan.

Princess Anna arrived in Korsun accompanied by priests. Everything went to the baptism of the Grand Duke. Of course, his mind and military strength decided quite a lot. However, for a visual, obvious conviction, God Himself intervened directly in the events: Prince Vladimir went blind.

Upon learning of this, Princess Anna sent a message to him: "If you want to get well, then be baptized as soon as possible." It was then that Vladimir ordered to prepare everything necessary for Holy Baptism.

The sacrament of Baptism was performed by the bishop of Korsun with the clergy, and as soon as Vladimir plunged into the font of Baptism, he miraculously received his sight. The chronicle preserved the words that the prince symbolically uttered after Baptism: “Now I have seen the true God.” It really was an insight, not only bodily, but also spiritual. A personal meeting with the Lord took place in the secret places of the heart of St. Vladimir. From that moment begins the path of Prince Vladimir as a holy man and wholly devoted to Christ.

Many of the prince's retinue, seeing the miracle of healing that took place over him, accepted holy Baptism here, in Chersonese. The marriage of Grand Duke Vladimir and Princess Anna was also performed.

The prince returned the city of Chersonesos to Byzantium as a gift for the royal bride, and at the same time he built a temple in the city in the name of St. John the Baptist in memory of his baptism. As for the rest of the wives acquired in paganism, the prince freed them from marital duties.

Thus, after Baptism, the prince began a new life in the truest sense of the word.

Upon arrival in Kyiv, Saint Vladimir immediately baptized his sons. He was baptized and his whole house, and many boyars.

Then the Equal-to-the-Apostles prince set about eradicating paganism, ordered the overthrow of the idols, the very ones that he had set up a few years before. There was a decisive change in the heart, mind, and the whole inner world of the prince. Idols that darkened the souls of people and accepted human sacrifices were ordered to be treated in the most severe way. Some were burned, others were chopped with a sword, and the main "god" Perun was tied to the tail of a horse, dragged from the mountain down the street, beaten with clubs, and then thrown into the waters of the Dnieper. Vigilantes stood along the river and pushed the idol away from the shore: there is no return to the old lie. So Rus' said goodbye to the pagan gods.

In 988, the most massive baptism of the Slavs in the history of Rus' took place on the banks of the Dnieper. The prince announced: "If someone does not come to the river tomorrow - whether it be rich, or poor, or a beggar, or a slave, he will be my enemy." This meant that those who disagreed with the prince's will could collect their belongings and look for a new home in another state. However, the chronicler notes that the common people gladly accept the prince's will: "Hearing this, the people went with joy, rejoicing and saying: If it were not good, our prince and boyars would not accept this."

After a short time, Kievan Rus was baptized.

These events - the Baptism of Rus' and the overthrow of paganism became the beginning of a renewed Russian statehood. In the history of the state there will be many more dark pages, misfortunes, evil, but Rus' will no longer be pagan.

Having become a Christian, the holy prince Vladimir remained in the people's memory as Vladimir "Red Sun" - the best ruler of Rus'. By his example, he showed the people how to live.

Mercy to his subjects, constant alms to the poor, rich contributions to the well-being of the Holy Church, the construction of temples, the reliable protection of the state, the expansion of its borders - all this attracted the people to him.

The prince became so merciful that he imposed a ban on the death penalty for criminals. The crime rate has risen. Then the church authorities began to ask the ruler to return capital punishment in order to stop evil.

At the age of about 60 years, which by the standards of those times was considered a deep old age, Saint Prince Vladimir peacefully passed away to the Lord.

His sacred remains were laid in the tomb of the Church of the Tithes, built in honor of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos on Kiev Hill, the site of the murder of the first martyrs Theodore and his son John.

In place of the font, there is a slab of dark gray marble with a white cross, and next to it is a lectern with the inscription: “Part of the relics of the Holy Blessed Grand Duke Vladimir, transferred to the Chersonesos Monastery in the month of July, by order of the deceased Emperor Alexander II in Boza.” This most valuable relic was transferred to the cathedral from the Small House Church of the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg in 1859. The font and the lectern are protected by an openwork lattice of white marble.

Among the shrines of St. Vladimir's Cathedral are relics of 115 saints glorified in the Orthodox Church. In the altar of the Upper Church is the Korsun miraculous icon of the Mother of God.

According to legend, Prince Vladimir himself transferred this icon to Chersonesos.

On July 28, the Orthodox churches of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and other countries will be united by a wave of bell ringing, which at noon local time will begin in Kamchatka, reach Kiev, Moscow and go further towards Europe.........

"Our ancestors adopted the Christian faith, and with it a system of values, the moral strength of which is such that no historical vicissitudes can destroy it. A powerful foundation was laid, on the basis of which the body of united Russia grew. And although today we live in different countries, that spiritual foundation remains common and it unites all fraternal Slavic peoples.

The spiritual heritage is also common, in particular, the monasteries and temples that pilgrims visit, regardless of borders.

Orthodoxy is what most strongly unites White, Lesser and Great Rus'

Today is the day of the Baptism of Rus' ...
Day of Orthodoxy, the day of God's grace.
Raising hands to the sky: - Lord, save!
Through doubts in the soul ... we lay gati ...
Once ... Prince Vladimir his people
Wrapped up with faith brought from Byzantium ...
Under a scarlet mantle, warming the Slavic race,
He laid in the minds of the greatness of Russia.
During turmoil or hard times
The sounds of church bells are dearer to everyone ...
You are a commoner by blood, or a nobleman,
The pectoral cross helped ease the pain.
Rus' defenders: soldier, officer,
Only the sounds of music can be heard barely ...
Text - "... for the Tsar, for the Motherland, for the Faith ..."
Not just loud, - sacred words.
Keeping the history of that ... Kievan Rus,
We collect the true faith ... fragments ...
Already the eleventh century ... we carry the cross
God forbid, help ... Orthodox descendants ...

Vladimir Kukhar