Viburnum flowers collection time. Collection and preparation of viburnum

» Shrubs

Of all the 140 viburnum species known to botany, most of them grow in temperate climates. Interestingly, only one of them has medicinal properties - common viburnum.

This unusually unpretentious shrub easily tolerates both heat and frost.

Kalina can grow not only as a bush, but also as a tree up to 5 meters high. Wild forms are found in mixed forests, along the banks of reservoirs, along the edges.

In the south of Russia and Ukraine, this berry shrub grows almost near every house.

When it ripens and in what month can viburnum be harvested: in the middle lane, Siberia, Moscow region, Ukraine

You can start harvesting viburnum berries as they ripen.

It depends not only on the region, but rather on the place where viburnum grows. The side of the bush facing the sun ripens at least a week earlier.

Usually, in Central Russia and the Moscow region, viburnum red acquires a characteristic color for the variety (the time has come for technical maturity) at the end of September. This does not mean at all that it urgently needs to be removed from the bush.

Do not rush to harvest: after the first frosts of October, the berries will only become tastier. Frost makes viburnum sweeter, as it destroys some of the glycosides.

North of Moscow, in Siberia, viburnum harvest time shifts to winter. It is no longer necessary to focus on the color of the berries.

After the first frost they ripen anyway, and when frozen, the viburnum is even more convenient to clean - the berries do not crumple.

Clusters can hang on branches until spring without quality loss. Birds during the winter starvation are very fond of eating the left berries - this helps them a lot.

Rules for collecting healing red berries

As soon as viburnum berries acquire a characteristic color ( deep red color without green blotches), you can start harvesting them for the winter.

A clear day must be chosen for harvesting. Brushes are cut with secateurs. Do not be afraid to cut the bush - it is only useful for him (at the same time you will rejuvenate).

Place cut bunches in one layer.. Dumped in bulk, it is almost impossible to make out later. The branches cling to each other - half of the berries will crumble.

These brushes can be immediately tied in bunches to hang in a ventilated place to dry. It is advisable to remove substandard berries immediately.

If you collect viburnum for processing, then wash it right away. On the branches, it is much easier to wash it. Lay out on a lined cloth to dry. After draining excess water, the berries are ready for processing.

Plant benefits and health benefits

Calories 100 grams fresh and dried viburnum berries, respectively, 26 and 200 kcal. But these figures do not reflect the value of red berries. They contain up to 75 mg of vitamin C, 500 mg of active phosphorus compounds, 2.5 g of carotene.

Viburnum has more common ascorbic acid than citrus fruits by 1.5 times, phosphorus salts by 3 times, iron salts by 4-5 times.

Healing red berries are rich in trace elements - Ca, Mn, K, Zn, Cu, Cr, Fe, Se, I, Co.

The most valuable thing in viburnum is viburnin. This glycoside, which gives the berries a slight bitterness, provides them with unique medicinal properties for humans.

A complex of acids (folic, valeric, including), pectins, mineral complexes, tannins, essential oils, phytoncides - such a set rightfully classifies the plant as one of the most effective means of folk and traditional medicine.

Berries are an effective immunostimulant. The natural substances of viburnum have a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels, which is used to prevent diseases of the heart and coronary vessels.

Like all red fruits, viburnum berries rich in iron compounds. Ascorbic acid improves its absorption, so viburnum processing products are indispensable for anemia.

A slight sedative effect of viburnum is due to the presence of alkaloids and alkaline acids, it helps with mild anxiety, nervous excitement. It is useful to drink viburnum tea at night.

The combination of viburnum with honey raises the body's defenses, treats colds, bronchitis, is used as an expectorant. It has a mild diuretic effect.

A special glycoside viburnin with a unique vasoconstrictive effect was found in viburnum. It is his presence that explains the high hemostatic ability of viburnum, in particular with uterine bleeding.

Fresh berry juice has a slight whitening effect on the skin. In the old days, girls used it to whiten freckles. Crushed berries were also treated for acne and age spots.

Red viburnum berry and its beneficial properties:

Harm to the human body, contraindications

In wild species of viburnum, alkaloids and glycosides are present in lethal concentrations. Even edible varieties of berries you can not uncontrollably eat handfuls.

The use of these fruits is limited for patients with high acidity of gastric juice, gout, urolithiasis.

Of particular danger is the consumption of excess viburnum for patients with low blood pressure, with serious renal pathologies, and especially a tendency to increased blood clotting - this is a direct contraindication.

Since viburnum contains a natural analogue of female sex hormones, pregnant women should use its fruits with extreme caution- Excessive consumption can cause miscarriage.

Many traditional medicine recipes advise take exactly 21 berries per serving. Let's omit the esoteric, such an amount of harm cannot bring. And small doses of a healing substance sometimes have a much stronger effect than a chemically pure drug (the principle of homeopathy).

Medicinal properties of the bark, flowers and roots

From ancient times, knowledge has been preserved that has been confirmed in modern medical practice about the beneficial properties of viburnum berries.

By the way, the flowers, bark, roots of the plant are no less useful - they are also widely used in folk medicine.

Viburnum decoctions shown in the treatment of sore throats, colds, bronchitis - a natural antibiotic is contained in these berries.

Important, that viburnum is harmless for diabetics- It has no sugar. Most of all, viburnum is valued for its hypotensive effect.

The berry cannot replace the medicines prescribed by the doctor; self-medication in case of cardiovascular diseases is unacceptable. But if you first consult with your doctor, you can prepare a very effective natural medicine.

Recipe 1. Remedy for high blood pressure:

  1. Grate the beets, squeeze out the juice and let it stand (this is important!) 40 minutes.
  2. Get juice from a glass of viburnum berries (if you first pour boiling water over it, the juice leaves much easier).
  3. Combine three components: beet juice, viburnum and honey (in equal proportions).
  4. In a water bath, the mixture is constantly stirring to cook for no more than 10 minutes.
  5. Pour into a glass dish and store at the bottom of the refrigerator.

Take this remedy only with an increase in pressure (and not regularly) 50 ml half an hour before meals. Blood pressure must be controlled, avoid overdose - the recipe is very effective!

Various blanks can be prepared from viburnum berries: jelly, juice, rub with honey or sugar, just freeze, dry.

Recipe 2. Pureed viburnum with sugar: Rinse the berries, pour over with boiling water - the berries will be easier to give the juice.

Place the sieve on a bowl with high edges. Add berries in small portions and rub with a spoon. Juice and pulp will drain into the bowl. The cake will remain - do not throw it away, you can cook delicious jelly or compote.

Sugar must be added to the resulting puree. Usually, 0.5 kg of sugar is enough for a liter of such puree. Wait until the sugar is completely dissolved, put in the refrigerator for storage.

Instead of sugar, you can add honey, you get a universal remedy for raising immunity.

Kalina, grated with sugar. Preparation for the winter:

Recipe 3. Viburnum juice: the use of viburnum juice for the treatment of allergies, hypertension, colds, neuroses, and simply to restore the body's strength after a long illness.

A bunch of viburnum (two small ones) is poured with a glass of boiling water, after about 10 minutes (when the water has cooled), the berries are kneaded, boiled water is added to a volume of 200 ml.

Take for 2 weeks 1⁄2 cup 1-2 times a day (not more often).

Recipe 4. Tea from viburnum berries: indicated for diseases of the nervous system, general weakness of the body. For such tea, the preparation “Viburnum mashed with sugar” is used.

It is enough to brew a tablespoon of the pureed mixture with a glass of boiling water, after 5-7 minutes the healing drink is ready.

Recipe 5. Viburnum tincture with honey: used to prevent colds and simply to strengthen the immune system.

For cooking you need:

  1. 500 grams of fresh berries without twigs and seeds.
  2. 200 ml of quality vodka.
  3. 500 grams of natural honey.

The berries are kneaded, mixed with vodka and honey. After about two weeks of exposure in a dark, cool place, the tincture is ready. The finished product should be taken for a long time, 20-25 ml (almost 2 tablespoons) 2-3 per day before meals.

The viburnum bush retains its decorative effect almost at any time of the year:

  • strewn with inflorescences in spring in May;
  • dense greenery with red tassels in summer;
  • yellow-red color of autumn foliage with scarlet berries;
  • red clusters of berries with snow caps in winter.

And how much benefit, besides beauty, does an ordinary bush of “common viburnum” give ... Treated with viburnum is not only effective, but also very tasty: teas, juices, puree, jelly, fruit drinks.

Almost everything can be prepared from improvised means, given the availability of viburnum berries. And no chemistry.

Common viburnum (Viburnum opulus) is a shrub of the honeysuckle family, or adox, with a grayish-brown bark and a height of 1.5 - 4 meters. The fruits are a spherical or oval red drupe with a large flattened stone. The fruits are juicy, but have an astringent, bitter taste. After the first frost, bitterness disappears or becomes less. Viburnum blooms in May - June, and its fruits ripen in August - September. This plant is called viburnum, because in late August - early September, when the berries of this shrub ripen, they very quickly turn from green to red, as if heated in the sun. That is why the name came about.

Viburnum vulgaris is found almost everywhere in our middle lane. But there are also closely related species, of which there are about 150. In addition, there are cultural forms, i.e. plant varieties. The most famous viburnum varieties ‘Snowball’, or ‘Buldonezh’, which has very large brushes, with huge snow-white flowers. But the flowers of this variety are sterile and no fruit is formed in their place; this shrub is planted only for the sake of flowers. But in the Caucasus, the Black Kalina plant is common, which has black berries, but unlike common viburnum, these berries not only have no medical significance, but are also inedible and even poisonous.

The viburnum leaf is simple and consists of one leaf blade, but this blade is dissected into three lobes. The upper part of the leaf is smooth, dark green, but the lower part is slightly pubescent and soft to the touch. White flowers of viburnum are collected in large inflorescences - a racemose umbrella. It is interesting that the extreme flowers of the inflorescence are barren, they have neither stamens nor pistils. They are larger in size and serve solely to attract insects. The fruits of viburnum are a drupe, which is brightly colored. If you take a ripe viburnum berry and look through it at the sun, you can see that it is translucent and you can easily see the bone inside. But the most interesting thing about this plant is not the fruits themselves, but what is inside them. Viburnum bone has a unique shape and is a heart. No other plant has a stone of this shape.

Viburnum berries have a unique taste and smell, thanks to which you will not confuse them with other berries. Although many people do not like the smell of these berries. It slightly resembles the smell of valerian and at the same time gives off the smell of an apple. And valerian berries smell because they contain valeric and isovaleric acids, which are also found in valerian root. Also, therefore, viburnum also has a calming property.

Viburnum vulgaris is abundantly found throughout the European territory of Russia, and in the south it is noticeably more than in the north. It is also common in the Middle and Southern Urals, the Caucasus and the south of Western Siberia. In general, the range of viburnum is confined to the steppe and forest-steppe zones. You can meet this plant mainly in humid places - these are the edges of forests, clearings, former burnt areas, valleys of rivers and streams.

Viburnum berries contain a huge amount of useful for humans, and completely unique and exceptional in their properties, substances. First of all, these are various organic acids - caffeic acid, valeric acid and quite common ascorbic acid, that is, vitamin C. The berries also contain tannins, pectin, which helps to normalize digestion. Essential oils and beta-carotene are also present here, thanks to which the berries have such a reddish tint. Another unique substance of viburnum berries is viburnin, which gives the berries bitterness and has a vasoconstrictive effect; but it is destroyed by heat treatment.

For medical purposes, berries, bark and flowers are used in viburnum vulgaris.

Berries are used in the form of decoctions, infusions, or ground with sugar or honey. They are used mainly in cases where inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, bronchitis, cough occur. It is very important that this plant is able to return a hoarse and almost lost voice. Also, viburnum berries are used for hypertension, to normalize the work of the heart and for atherosclerosis, because viburnum juice with all the substances it contains helps cleanse blood vessels.

A decoction of the bark of viburnum is used as a remedy with a very high hemostatic ability. It can help even with fairly extensive internal bleeding. It is especially important that viburnum is used for bleeding in the postpartum period. In addition, viburnum bark has a number of useful properties. It is used for headaches, insomnia, as a sedative. And with a decoction of the bark, rinse your mouth with various inflammations of the oral cavity, for example, with periodontal disease. It is best to collect viburnum bark in the spring, during the period of sap flow. Side branches are cut off, ring cuts are made on them with a knife and then transverse cuts. The bark segments are carefully removed and laid out in a dry, ventilated place to dry. The bark dries, depending on the temperature and on the humidity of the environment, from several days to a week, or even ten days. The bark is said to be ready for use when it has dried to the point where it breaks easily with the fingers. It is best to store it in a closed container without air access so that moisture does not get there.

Viburnum flowers are harvested during the flowering period, in May - June. They are torn off with whole tassels and a decoction is prepared from them. This decoction is used as an astringent, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic, and this decoction also has the property of improving appetite.

Viburnum berries, in order to stock them for the winter, can be harvested in various ways. One of the most accessible ways is drying. They are dried in the same way as any other juicy fruits, and they should not be subjected to very high heat. Drying should take place at a temperature not exceeding 50 °C.

You can also freeze the berries. To do this, viburnum is harvested together with brushes during the period of maximum ripening - this is September - October. The collected viburnum is placed in a plastic bag and placed in the freezer. With rapid cooling, all useful substances remain in the berries. At any time, you can get a brush of viburnum and make yourself tea with this berry or rub it with honey or sugar, in general, use it in the same way as fresh.

When using viburnum, there are also contraindications, although there are not many of them. For example, viburnum is not recommended for people who have increased blood clotting or a tendency to form blood clots. Also viburnum is not recommended for pregnant women.

During an autumn walk in the forest, if you meet a viburnum, do not pass by. This wonderful berry is found throughout the flat territory of Russia. You will find it both in deciduous and pine forests, along the banks of reservoirs, in shrubs, as well as in garden plots.

It is recommended to pick viburnum berries in October, just after the first frost, when it loses its bitterness. You can get rid of the bitter taste at home if you put the berries in boiling water for 6-7 minutes. In order not to damage the berries, it is better to cut them along with the stalks. Then sprinkle them with a thin layer, air dry a little, and then dry them in the oven at a temperature of 40-60 degrees. After that, the berries must be separated from the stalks and folded into a linen or paper bag. It is better to store in a cool dry place.

Kalina is considered a diabetic berry. It contains pectin and tannins, sugars, amino acids, as well as vitamins A, K, P and phytoncides that kill microbes.

Infusion of viburnum is used to treat various diseases: hypertension, atherosclerosis, colitis, peptic ulcer, colds, vasospasm. For its preparation, 20 g of fruit is ground and 250 ml of boiling water is poured. It should take 4 hours before the infusion can be filtered and consumed 2-3 times a day, 100 ml before meals. For skin rashes, the infusion is used externally.

There is another recipe for making viburnum infusion, which helps with asthma and coughs. It is necessary to crush 40 g of berries, pour them with 200 ml of hot honey and leave for 2 hours. You can take this natural medicine 1 tablespoon 4 times a day after meals.

Viburnum juice is widely used as a cosmetic product: it whitens the skin, treats acne, and also removes freckles. Its effect is enhanced in combination with sour cream. This mask can be applied to the face. 50 ml 3 times a day, viburnum juice is recommended for hypertension, tonsillitis, heart disease, liver. After squeezing, the juice is mixed with sugar in a ratio of 1:1, poured into jars and stored in a cool place. You can also cook viburnum in your own juice by putting the berries in jars by a third of the volume and falling asleep with sugar.

It should be noted that viburnum has contraindications: hypotension, pregnancy, arthritis, gout, urolithiasis, increased acidity of gastric juice.

Kalina. Juice from viburnum

For 1 kg of viburnum berries - 200 g of sugar and 200 g of water. The berries are sorted, washed, squeezed juice. The pulp is poured with water and boiled for 6-10 minutes, the broth is combined with squeezed juice, sugar is added, stirred and cooled. Juice is used as the basis for making drinks.

Natural juice from viburnum

Kalina is sorted, washed and squeezed out the juice (with a juicer). Then poured into clean bottles and stored in the refrigerator. The juice is well preserved without the addition of sugar and pasteurization. For the preparation of kissels and compotes, the concentrate is diluted to taste.

Viburnum jelly

For 1 kg of berries - 1 kg of sugar and 2 cups of water. The berries are sorted, washed and blanched in boiling water for 5 minutes. to reduce bitterness and soften the skin. The water is drained, and the berries are poured with 2 cups of warm boiled water and boiled until softened. Then rub through a sieve and mix with sugar. After this procedure, the berries are again boiled for about an hour, then laid out in sterilized jars. Store jelly in a cool place.

Morse from viburnum

Half a glass of viburnum juice is combined with 1 liter of water, adding sugar to taste. The water must be hot. Ready juice is left for 3-5 hours, served cold.

Kalina with honey

Kalina is harvested for this purpose after frost, it is better if it freezes. After thawing, the berry is rubbed through a colander, separating the skin and bones (the pulp can be used to make jelly). The resulting concentrated juice is combined with 300 g of honey. Leave in a glass or enamel bowl, stirring occasionally. A day later, put in a cold place, after pouring into sterilized jars.

Kalina in sugar syrup

For cooking, take 1 kg of viburnum berries and 1 liter of 40% sugar syrup. The berries are sorted, washed and placed in sterilized glass jars, poured with sugar syrup and pasteurized for 15-20 minutes.

Pressed viburnum.
A neighbor brought a kilogram and a half.
I washed this viburnum, dried it, picked the berries and crushed it with sugar.
In a glass saucepan with a glass jar.

This is a self-preserving berry, so I put sugar much less than in half.
And for greater safety, I poured a tablespoon of vodka into each jar. I've been conserving this all my life.

I put it in jars, took a picture, looked, looked, endured, endured, and ate everything from the smallest jar.
I love her taste.

That my heart loves her, I have long noticed for myself. In viburnum magnesium, the very thing for the heart.
And there are probably even more pectins in it than in currants, so cholesterol should be driven only this way!

In ancient times, a lot was said about red viburnum, how many songs were composed about it, and all this is due to the fact that it is very healing and useful. Those who have never seen viburnum should know that this is a shrub reaching a height of 5 meters, it belongs to the honeysuckle family. The fruits of the viburnum are small, elastic, red in color with a special incomparable taste, which, moreover, can vary depending on when the viburnum was harvested, in what month? But healers use for medicinal purposes not only the fruits of viburnum, but also the bark.

When is viburnum harvested, in what month?

When are viburnum berries harvested?

They begin to collect red viburnum at the very beginning of autumn, the fruits are cut with scissors, and then sent to the oven for drying or hung in ventilated dry rooms. After they dry, they are sorted, removing the branches, and the fruits are stored in bags.

In red viburnum, not only the fruits and bark have healing powers, its seeds are also often used. They are inside the fruits, so to get them you need to process the fruits. The seeds are separated from the pulp of the berries by hand, after which they are washed several times under running water in a sieve, and then dried in the shade, but in no case in the sun.

When should you collect viburnum bark?

The bark will be most useful when it is harvested in early spring, at the moment when the bush wakes up from its winter sleep and sap flow begins. But it is worth remembering that you should not delay collecting the bark, otherwise the leaves will quickly bloom, and the collection must be carried out before they appear on the bush. The bark is collected only from young shoots in April or early May, just at this time it is best separated, it is cut out with a knife, while not causing inconvenience to the bush. The bark must be dried in the fresh air, and then dried in the oven at a temperature not exceeding 60 degrees.

Kalina red is a shrub with a branched, but rare crown. It can grow up to 3-4 meters. Kalina loves moist soil and partial shade. The plant is found in parks and gardens. Viburnum grows on personal plots, not only decorating them, but also symbolizing a cozy family hearth.

In May, it is covered with abundant flowers, and at the end of June - with bright red berry tassels.

Kalina is a medicinal plant that is used in the treatment of many diseases. All its components have healing properties: berries, leaves, and branches. Folk and official medicine finds reasonable use for the fruits and bark of viburnum. But the most useful are, nevertheless, berries.

Why harvest viburnum

Red viburnum berries are filled with vitamin A, C, B6, E, K. There is more ascorbic acid in fruits than in lemon. How not to prepare such a useful natural remedy that can be successfully used during the season of colds and flu? If someone has signs of these ailments, viburnum will always contribute to the rapid recovery of the body, increase immunity and improve the general condition.

The plant has an effect on the body:

  • soothing and astringent;
  • anti-inflammatory and hemostatic;
  • diuretic.

Due to the fact that many biologically active substances are contained inside viburnum berries, their use has a positive effect on the work of the heart and normalizes blood pressure.

Juice and decoction of fruits are very effective for vascular sclerosis, the manifestation of edema of cardiac origin.

The bark of the plant contains a complex of substances that help to cope with such ailments and problems:

  • tuberculosis and sclerosis;
  • pathology of the liver and kidneys;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • internal bleeding;
  • cough and choking;
  • hysteria and convulsions.

The bark is also used as a sedative and anti-spasmodic. The decoction is effective for uterine bleeding in the period after childbirth, with menopause and painful menstruation.

How to pick viburnum berries

If viburnum berries are not harvested in the fall, they will overwinter well until spring. Only there is one condition: frosts should not exceed 25 degrees. The berries will not survive the strong cold - they will turn black with the onset of heat.

Kalina must be harvested after its fruits are fully ripe. Already at the end of August they are filled with sour-bitter juice.

But the most optimal period for picking berries is the one that comes after the first frost. Due to a slight frost, the fruits lose their bitter taste and become more tender.

The sequence of picking viburnum berries can be described as follows:

  • arm yourself with scissors or a small pruner;
  • prepare wide containers for fruits;
  • choose a dry and quiet autumn day;
  • carefully cut the fruit completely (together with the stalks).

In no case, during the harvesting process, it is impossible to pluck not only individual berries, but also branches of viburnum. A similar operation should be done after drying the fruit.

The collected viburnum can be dried:

  • in the air under a canopy;
  • in the attic;
  • in the dryer. The temperature for drying viburnum is 60-80 degrees.

In a natural way, the viburnum is rid of moisture by collecting it in bunches and hanging it down with berries.

After complete drying, the stalks can be separated.

How to prepare viburnum bark

The bark should be harvested in the spring before the buds open. The operation must be done carefully so as not to damage the trunk, in which sap flow has already begun.

Summer residents begin to collect viburnum in late autumn, when its berries reach maturity, contain the greatest amount of vitamins and minerals. They are widely used in folk medicine, they are used not only to strengthen the immune system, but also for diseases of the digestive system, cardiovascular and excretory systems of the body. When to collect viburnum and what to do with it so that the berries retain all their properties?

Viburnum berries are picked in late autumn immediately after the first frosts.

When to collect viburnum in the middle lane?

The collection of viburnum berries begins immediately after the first frost. It is at this time that the bitterness in the fruits becomes less, they become tastier and sweeter. If you do not rush and cut off the brush after 7-10 days, the berries will be even tastier. In addition, by the end of autumn, viburnum becomes as useful as possible, acquires healing properties.

The dates for harvesting viburnum in each region come at different times. In central Russia, berry growers begin to cut brushes from a bush in late September - early October. In the Crimea, the Krasnodar Territory, in Ukraine, they begin to harvest in November, after the first frost.

What to do with viburnum after harvest? Clusters store well in any dry, cool and well-ventilated place. Berries can be ground with sugar, dried, made into tinctures, decoctions, or taken freshly squeezed juice. According to summer residents, the infusion of viburnum berries in a thermos is very easy to prepare. It is enough to pour 15-20 grams of berries with boiling water for 12 hours and then enjoy a fragrant and healing drink.

Picking viburnum berries, timing, video:

Berry lovers want to know when to collect viburnum for storage for the winter. Its fruits are rich in biologically active substances, vitamins, microelements. Their regular use in winter gives the body everything it needs to develop strong immunity.