Frequent contractions of Braxton Hicks. How to recognize Braxton Hicks contractions: sensations and symptoms, from how many weeks in the first and second pregnancy

Even before the onset of labor, before real contractions, pregnant women may have false contractions, which are called Braxton-Hicks contractions. They can occur as early as the second trimester, although they most often occur in the third trimester of a pregnancy.

Intermittent contractions of the uterus are characteristic of such contractions, but they are not at all evidence of any violations. The body of a woman in such a peculiar way is prepared for real childbirth.

Feelings during Braxton Hicks contractions

These contractions of Braxton-Hicks are described as intermittent short contractions in the abdomen. Usually such contractions are not accompanied by pain and they are irregular. Between such contractions the interval does not decrease, and when walking their frequency does not increase, their intensity and duration also remain the same. Note that the intensity increases only with the onset of labor pains.

Description of labor pains

Almost every woman's labor pains are different. However, they may be accompanied by a dull pain in the lower abdomen or back, a feeling of discomfort, and pressure is felt in the pelvic area. Also, some women may experience pain in the hips and sides. Some women compare their feelings during labor pains with severe pain during menstruation, while others say that their pain rolls, as if in waves, as happens with diarrhea.

How to recognize real labor pains?

To determine whether real labor is starting, you need to ask yourself a few questions:

At the beginning of labor pains, you should immediately contact an obstetrician-gynecologist. Even if there is no certainty about the nature of the contractions, the doctor should still be contacted.

The signs that indicate the onset of labor are listed below:

  • contractions that cause dull pain in the lower abdomen or discomfort when the muscles of the uterus contract - occur every 10 minutes, or they occur more than 5 per hour;
  • colic, which is similar to menstrual colic;
  • regular contractions in the lower abdomen or back;
  • some pressure in the vaginal or pelvic area;
  • fluid leakage;
  • bleeding;
  • symptoms like diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.

Nothing needs to be done when Braxton-Hicks contractions come on, except when they cause obvious discomfort.

When false contractions are painful enough, you should try:

  • just take a walk, as Braxton-Hicks contractions very often change position or after a walk they can pass;
  • relax;
  • rest, try to sleep;
  • take a small snack;
  • drink water, herbal tea or juice;
  • have someone give the pregnant woman a massage.

Worried about the pain on the sides of the abdomen - labor begins?

Probably not. Sharp, even slightly shooting pain in the abdomen in any side (the so-called pain of the round ligaments), which passes into the groin, may indicate that the ligaments are simply stretched, supporting the growing uterus.

Discomfort in the sides will help alleviate the following:

  • movement, change of position;
  • drinking fluids that you need to drink in sufficient quantities and at least 6-8 glasses of water, milk or juice per day;
  • relaxation.

When is it necessary to see a doctor?

Very often, because of such a "false alarm" it is embarrassing for pregnant women to disturb their obstetrician-gynecologist. A doctor who sees a pregnant woman can answer all her questions at any time, and he will also help distinguish labor pains from false ones. No need to be afraid to disturb the gynecologist if the slightest doubt arises. And the doctor will ask a few questions for the pregnant woman, the answers to which will help him determine the type of contractions. If you have any doubts about the condition of the pregnant woman, it is better to trust the professional experience of the doctor.

It is necessary to consult a doctor if a pregnant woman notices any of the changes described below:

  • vaginal bleeding;
  • for at least an hour with an interval of 5 minutes, strong contractions occur;
  • a feeling of the presence of moisture or a prolonged outflow of liquid, a waste of water (the liquid begins to pour out sharply in a stream);
  • there is a noticeable change in the child's movement or less than 10 movements of the child are noticed every 2 hours;
  • contractions become so strong that they are very hard to endure;
  • if the pregnant woman is not at the 37th week of pregnancy, then any signs of contractions.

Video: Braxton Hicks training bouts.

Training (or false) contractions, named after the English gynecologist John Braxton-Hicks. These are short-term (1-2 minutes), irregular, usually painless uterine contractions. As a rule, they begin to be felt in the second half of pregnancy, after the 20th week, and a few weeks before the expected date of birth, their frequency and intensity may increase. Thus, the uterus and cervix, contracting, prepare for the upcoming birth. Toward the end of pregnancy, Braxton-Hicks contractions can be mistaken for labor, but they do not cause the cervix to dilate, but are only harbingers of childbirth.

How to distinguish training contractions from generic contractions?

The strength, duration and frequency of labor pains gradually increase. They come on regularly, at approximately the same time intervals, for example, they repeat several times after 20 minutes, last for 30 seconds (this can be checked by recording the beginning and end of the contraction). At the same time, the intervals between such regular contractions are gradually reduced, and their duration increases: for example, contractions begin to repeat once every 20 minutes, and last 40 seconds, then once every 15 minutes, etc. Braxton-Hicks training contractions occur irregularly, with different time intervals: for example, a contraction 10 minutes after the previous one, then the next contraction an hour later, then 20 minutes later. Contractions that open the cervix are usually much more painful than Braxton-Hicks contractions and do not improve with a change in body position or a warm shower.

Can there be no training bouts?

Yes, not all women feel pronounced training contractions, this is normal. But in any case, the muscles of the uterus during pregnancy will tighten, come into tone. Smooth muscles need such “training” so that when labor begins, the uterus can contract and push the baby out.

Are practice fights dangerous?

In rare cases, training contractions can be strong and frequent, last a long time, and cause discomfort - this is a reason to see a doctor. Also dangerous symptoms are the frequency of contractions more than 4 times within an hour, or the presence of spotting.

How to alleviate the condition during training bouts?

Braxton Hicks contractions can become more frequent or intensify with any load, physical stress, fatigue. Rest, relaxation or simply a change in body position will help reduce discomfort. For strong training contractions, deep, rhythmic breathing can help.

Why do Braxton Hicks contractions occur?

Other names for these fights are "training" or "false". Throughout pregnancy, periodic spontaneous contractions of the uterine muscles prepare it for childbirth so that it can fulfill its function of expelling the fetus. A week or two before the expected date of birth, they can become stronger - in combination with other precursors (the stomach drops, the mucous plug leaves, pain in the lower back, etc.), this indicates that the woman's body is preparing for childbirth.

While carrying a baby, a woman gets acquainted with medical terminology, Latin names and diagnoses. She does not always understand what is written in the results of ultrasound or medical prescriptions. For example, not all women know what it is. So, let's figure out what they mean, how the expectant mother should behave when they occur.

Briefly about Braxton Hicks contractions

Training contractions were first described by a doctor from England, John Braxton-Hicks. This was back in the 19th century, and since then this type of fight has been named after him.

What does this medical term mean? This is the name of contractions of the muscles of the uterus of the expectant mother, which do not lead to its disclosure and childbirth, respectively. Not all women meet with this phenomenon, but you need to know about this possibility.

Training contractions usually appear after the 20th week of pregnancy and do not at all mean an abnormal pregnancy. So the main thing when they come is not to panic, to behave calmly and know that this is just a “training”. No wonder they are so named!

Symptoms and causes of training contractions

The expectant mother can learn about training contractions by the tension of the muscles of the uterus from time to time. This tension is like seizures. And they last 30-60 seconds. Typically, Braxton Hicks contractions do not cause much discomfort. They are irregular, more characteristic of the upper uterus, lower abdomen and groin. Such contractions are irregular and concentrated in one zone and do not radiate back pain, as is usually the case with real contractions. A feature of these marriages is that they gradually disappear on their own.

What can cause such contractions? There are several reasons. For example, the activity of the mother and her physical activity, the movements of the baby in the womb and the nervousness of the pregnant woman, and the dehydration of her body, the filling of the bladder and orgasm. Sometimes Braxton Hicks contractions can even be provoked by touching the abdomen.

That is why some situations that cause contractions can be avoided, and some simply not allowed.

Breathing during Braxton Hicks contractions

Doctors do not agree on Braxton-Hicks contractions. Some consider such contractions to be a kind of training to prepare a woman for childbirth, while others believe that this is just a natural state that characterizes the maturation of the uterus.

This phenomenon makes it possible to practice breathing exercises, which are taught to pregnant women in preparation courses for childbirth. Here is some of them:

  1. Breath saving. At the contraction, a cleansing and slow exhalation should occur, then a full deep breath.
  2. Dog breathing. Shallow and rapid breathing, as dogs breathe in heat. It is useful during a fight. But if you breathe like this for more than 30 seconds, you may feel dizzy.
  3. Slow and deep inhalation through the nose and a sharp, short exhalation through the mouth.

How to behave during the onset of training bouts?

In addition to knowing breathing exercises, the expectant mother should avoid situations that provoke the onset of these contractions. If they started, then you can try to walk slowly or take a warm shower. Warm water relieves muscle spasm. You should change the position of the body if the contractions occurred in a supine position. Take a comfortable position. Indeed, one of the reasons may be the tension of the uterus due to the uncomfortable posture of the woman.

Go to the toilet, empty your bladder. You can drink a little.

Breathing exercises help to increase the supply of oxygen to the fetus.

If Braxton Hicks contractions occurred while walking, doing homework, then rest and relaxation would be appropriate. You can lie down, close your eyes and just breathe slowly through your nose.

Such measures help to relieve discomfort in a pregnant woman. The main thing is calmness and the ability to relax.

But there are cases when a woman still needs to see a doctor with such contractions. These are bloody or watery discharge from the vagina, discharge of water, and a decrease in the active movement of the fetus.

This usually happens over a long period of time. If at least one of the above symptoms complements training contractions, then you should immediately contact your doctor.

Specially for Elena TOLOCHIK

The expectant mother learns a lot of new things while waiting for the child. For example, about 90% of women did not hear about Braxton-Hicks contractions during pregnancy until this period. Experts believe that training contractions increase blood flow to the uterus and placenta, as well as help in transporting oxygen to the fetus. Some doctors believe that they help the body prepare for childbirth. In the past few weeks, false contractions have helped the baby to adopt the correct position and move closer to the woman's birth canal.


Braxton-Hicks training contractions are painless, irregular uterine contractions, although some women still report some discomfort during them. These contractions do not become more intense and do not increase in interval, because they are false, not labor.

Duration: in most cases no more than 30 seconds, but can last up to 2 minutes.

Frequency: in very rare cases more than 4 times per hour, in 98% - less than 4 times.

Feel: during the fight, you will see and feel how the stomach turns to stone, but there should be no pain.

Some women even see the position of the baby in those seconds when the stomach becomes hard.

When do Braxton Hicks contractions start?

Training contractions can begin as early as the 6th week of pregnancy, but a woman does not feel them until the 2nd or 3rd trimester. This is due to the size of the uterus: the larger it is, the more visible its contractions. All women experience Braxton Hicks contractions, but not all feel them. Some expectant mothers may worry about them in the last weeks, while others already in the first.

This is not dangerous? What to do during fights?

False contractions are a normal part of pregnancy and should not be a cause for concern for a woman. At the same time, not feeling them is also normal, because this does not mean that they are not there.

To avoid discomfort, try the following:

  • change position or activity. If you're sitting, try standing up and walking around or doing some light exercise. If your stomach turns to stone, and you are currently lying, then the best position will be - the left side.
  • a warm bath helps to relax and relieve tension.
  • drink a glass of water and try to control the minimum amount of liquid per day. Braxton Hicks contractions are often caused by dehydration.
  • go to the toilet in a small way at the slightest need. A full bladder can also cause the uterus to contract unnecessarily.

If you read the description and are worried that you are not experiencing training contractions, then it is advisable to call your doctor or an ambulance for advice. If contractions are accompanied by vaginal bleeding, lower back pain, diarrhea, or unusual discharge, see your doctor as soon as possible.

Braxton-Hicks contractions, training uterine contractions, occur in almost all expectant mothers. But someone has it more often, someone less often, someone has it already at 20 weeks of pregnancy, and someone has it at the end of the third trimester of pregnancy. Both options are the norm. But it is very important to be able to distinguish Braxton-Hicks training contractions from the onset of labor, especially premature ones.

What is this phenomenon and why does it occur? The main thing to always remember is that the uterus is a muscular organ, therefore contractions are characteristic of it in any case. False contractions of Braxton-Hicks appear at more than 20 weeks of gestation, but more often in the third trimester. With this phenomenon, a woman can feel the uterus - she strains so much. But this tension lasts a matter of seconds, therefore it does not bring any physical discomfort and, most importantly, does not contribute to the onset of labor activity - it does not provoke shortening and opening of the cervix. You need to start worrying if there are (a sign of placental abruption) or copious watery discharge from the vagina (possibly water is leaking). Too frequent, and most importantly regular, which cause pain, should alert. With such symptoms, you should consult a doctor. Especially if the gestational age is less than 38 weeks, that is, the baby is still born early.

If the doctor does not see any deviations in your condition, the cervix is ​​normal, it is still not and you can relax. However, to avoid unnecessary worries, you should remember the situations in which you experience uterine contractions and avoid them if possible. For example, often Braxton-Hicks contractions cause unpleasant sensations when the bladder is full, so do not forget about emptying it regularly. Sexual relations can provoke contractions, so some doctors recommend limiting intimate life in the last weeks of pregnancy. But everything is individual. Riding in public transport also does not have a good effect on the condition of the expectant mother.

But knowing which Braxton-Hicks contractions have symptoms is not all. You need to know how to get rid of them if they cause discomfort. It is not at all necessary to drink No-shpu or use Papaverine suppositories, since training contractions are short-lived. It is enough to lie down on the left side for a while, take a warm bath, get distracted. But if this does not help, and there were more than 4 episodes of contractions in an hour, it is better to see a gynecologist.

It is natural that towards the end of pregnancy you think: how to understand that childbirth is starting? And even more questions may arise if in the second or third trimester you feel contractions, which then go away on their own, while they do not lead to the onset of labor. These contractions are called Braxton-Hicks contractions, and this is one of the ways to prepare for childbirth, in which part of the muscles of the uterus contract, preparing the body for the birth process.

What are Braxton Hicks contractions?

Braxton Hicks contractions (named after the doctor who first identified them) are also known as practice contractions. These are not real, that is, contractions leading to childbirth, but they, like real ones, are caused by contraction of the muscles of the uterus. If you know what Braxton Hicks contractions feel like, it may be easier for you to spot the onset of contractions before labor. During false contractions, there is a feeling of strong compression of the abdomen, and they can also resemble familiar menstrual cramps.

With Braxton Hicks contractions, it is not necessary to take any measures. Often they disappear on their own if you go for a walk, relax or change your position. Like the sensations themselves, the ways that can help are individual.

Braxton Hicks contractions and labor pains

If you have not yet planned to give birth in time, then you will probably worry that you are starting. And in the future, it is also not clear whether you are experiencing Braxton-Hicks contractions again or, finally, this is what you are waiting for.

To figure out what's what, read about and learn how to distinguish Braxton-Hicks contractions from them:

  • False contractions are irregular and the pauses between them are not reduced. A good way to check is to note the length of the contractions and the breaks between them.
  • False contractions are weak and do not increase, and if at first they are strong, then they become weaker. However, as labor approaches, stronger and more regular Braxton Hicks contractions may occur.
  • Training contractions stop if you walk, lie down or change your posture.
  • Discomfort from contractions felt in front of the abdomen(Real contractions often start in the back and move to the front of the abdomen.)

How long do Braxton Hicks contractions last? Typically, contractions last from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. As a rule, they occur either in the afternoon or evening, or after strenuous physical activity. Call your doctor if you are unsure what is happening to you or if you notice any of the following:

  • Contractions continue even if you move.
  • Contractions come regularly, and over time become more frequent and intensify.
  • Vaginal bleeding.
  • Weak or strong discharge of fluid from the vagina. And here you will have a question: are Braxton-Hicks contractions painful? Although false contractions are considered completely normal, Braxton Hicks contractions can be painful. So if you are really in a lot of pain, check with your doctor.

When do Braxton Hicks contractions start?

Usually such contractions can be felt in, although someone sometimes has them in. Braxton Hicks contractions may start even earlier if this is not your first pregnancy.

Braxton Hicks contractions are certainly uncomfortable, but they are a completely normal part of pregnancy. After all, they help your body prepare for the day of the actual birth. And to feel even more confident, read about what to expect immediately after the birth of a child.

Pregnancy is an interesting situation. Not only because it is customary to call it that, but also in fact. It is interesting for the most part because no matter what research scientists do, no matter how they try to systematize all the changes, sensations, indicators, possible pathologies, they still don’t get much. Pregnancy for each woman proceeds purely individually, while it may differ not only from its course with a friend, neighbor and other young ladies. The first pregnancy of a woman may not be like the second, the second - the third, and so on (if you really love children).

One of the most questionable moments of any pregnancy is Braxton-Hicks contractions. In different women, they appear at different times, because of them they are sent for preservation, someone even gave birth to two, but did not feel this phenomenon. Yes, and they call them differently - and Braxton-Hicks, and training, and false, and simply abbreviated "training." Therefore, both doctors and young mothers have more questions about these contractions than unambiguous and specific answers.

So, what are training contractions during pregnancy, what sensations can a woman experience with them? When are they harmless and when are they dangerous? When they begin, what factors contribute to them, how to alleviate their condition at these moments? We will try to give more or less comprehensive answers to all questions.

For the first time a similar phenomenon in pregnant women was described by Dr. John Braxton Hicks. at the end of the nineteenth century. No one could describe such peculiar spasms better than him, therefore in the literature everything related to the mechanism of occurrence and purpose of such contractions is marked with the phrase “it is customary to consider”.

By themselves, “training” is a contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus, which does not lead to the opening of its cervix. And… everything. This is the most accurate definition.

The nature of this phenomenon in pregnant women is not completely clear. Their appearance is associated with increased excitability of the uterus. It is "commonly believed" that Mother Nature provided them for several purposes:

  • Training of the uterine muscles. Your uterus has a great job to do - to expel the fetus. In a size/weight ratio, push a load with 2 times your weight for 100 meters. If you are physically unprepared, at the end of the distance you will at least feel bad, if you push at all. So is the mother. That's why he trains.
  • Ensuring the correct presentation of the fetus. The ideal is the head presentation of the baby during childbirth. Some experts believe that with such contractions, the uterus, as it were, directs the child to the desired position, moving it closer to the birth canal.
  • Facilitation of the birth process. This applies to the case when the uterus contracts shortly before the birth itself. Scientists believe that with such false contractions, she shortens and softens her neck to facilitate the entire upcoming event.
  • supply of oxygen to the placenta. Contractions lead to an increase in blood flow, enriching the placenta and the baby with oxygen.

Regarding the question of how long (from what week) these same training bouts begin, doctors are more or less specific. You can expect their appearance already from. But there are women who may not feel them at all until childbirth. And all these are variants of the norm.

Braxton Hicks training contractions: symptoms and sensations

Despite the dubious nature of such a phenomenon, in the symptoms and what sensations a woman experiences, both future mothers themselves and doctors are unambiguous. The main symptoms of Braxton Hicks contractions include:

  • pulling sensations in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • the ability to feel the uterus at such moments;
  • stony belly;
  • duration from a few seconds to 2-3 minutes;
  • multiplicity up to 4 times per hour in 98% of cases.

Describing the sensations with a similar phenomenon, women agree in several aspects:

  • discomfort is felt in the abdomen;
  • the abdomen becomes hard, as if stretched;
  • the lower back and lower abdomen are pulled as if during menstruation, but it does not hurt;
  • the feeling of tightness is concentrated in a more or less specific point.

How long training bouts last depends on the specific case. For some women, this kind of spasm goes away after 30-60 seconds, for others it lasts for several minutes. The intensity of sensations is also different.- for some, this is a slight temporary discomfort, for others - a noticeable contraction of the uterus. Someone feels the whole gamut of symptoms several times a day, someone several times an hour. And someone does not know at all what kind of trouble it is, since they have never felt them during the entire pregnancy. It all depends solely on your body.

How to distinguish practice contractions from real ones

In fact, the line between false and real contractions is quite fragile, especially if your period has "passed" over 38 weeks. But she is. Having figured out how to understand whether these are training fights or not, you will save a lot of nerve cells for yourself and your loved ones.

To be completely clear, Here is a comparison table:

Criterion Braxton Hicks contractionsReal labor pains
Frequency It does not exist as such, they are irregularRegular, the interval is from 15 to 20 minutes, gradually decreasing to 3-4.
Character Feeling uncomfortable without increasing intensitySignificantly increases the intensity of all sensations, including pain
Changes in frequency and character during movement When you change the type of activity or body position - subsideThere are no changes after changing the type of activity
Localization of sensations In the lower abdomen and lower backStarts in the lower abdomen and lower back, spreading to the front of the abdomen

If uterine cramps are irregular, almost painless and disappear with a change in activity, these are Braxton-Hicks contractions, you should not worry.

What to do during training bouts

Some women do not feel such contractions at all, for others it is a slight discomfort. But there are mothers for whom this phenomenon overshadows the entire pregnancy - the intensity of all the sensations described is so strong. Exists several methods to alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman women at times like this.

General Tips:

  1. Change your body position. If you were lying - sit down, if you were sitting - get up. Sometimes a simple change of position causes the uterus to relax.
  2. Change your activity. If you were doing household chores, sit down (or rather lie down on your left side) and rest. If the contractions are caught during the rest - this is an excellent reason for a relaxing walk.
  3. Take a warm shower or bath. Warm water relaxes the muscles, including smooth ones, the uterus will calm down and you will feel better.

  1. Drink a glass of water, compote, tea or juice. Dehydration of the body may well provoke extra contractions.
  2. eat. An empty stomach can also cause an increase in smooth muscle tone.
  3. Go to the toilet a little. An empty bladder will not "touch" the uterus and it will stop contracting.
  4. Do not be nervous. The general stress of the body also affects, if the contractions “covered” you during stress, try to be distracted and calm down as much as possible.

Only with the permission of the gynecologist leading you! If such uterine contractions are very intense, you can take antispasmodics. But only after consulting with your specialist, the main thing in this matter is not to harm yourself and the baby.

Breathing exercises

In addition to general advice, many mothers and doctors agree that a number of breathing exercises are very, very effective in calming the uterus. Proper breathing relaxes the whole body, affecting the contracting smooth muscles. Here are the most effective exercises:

  • Economical breathing. Take a slow full exhalation at the contraction, then a slow deep breath. Repeat the procedure at the end of the spasm.

  • shallow breathing. During the fight, breathe quickly, quickly and shallowly, like a dog in the heat. Despite the duration of the contraction of the uterus, do not exercise for more than 30 seconds - with it, less oxygen enters the body, you may just feel dizzy.
  • Breath on the candle. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose, exhale sharply and briefly through your mouth, as if blowing out a candle. This exercise can replace the previous one if the spasm lasts longer than half a minute.

Practicing such breathing exercises, you will not only alleviate your condition, but also get used to breathing in such a way when you feel tension in the lower abdomen that makes the longest part of childbirth much easier- dilatation of the cervix. It is this set of breathing exercises that will allow you to “experience” real contractions, from which the birth process itself begins.

Training contractions before childbirth

Braxton Hicks contractions are often confused with premonitory contractions. And although none of them lead to the opening of the cervix, there is still a difference. The first difference is how long before the birth such training contractions begin. They can appear with and periodically remind of themselves until the birth itself.

The main thing their difference from Braxton-Hicks contractions is purely anatomical - mainly the back of the uterus is reduced, therefore, the sensations are exactly the same as during menstruation, but with a certain frequency and are somewhat stronger, up to soreness. Such phenomena can be serial, have their own intervals, in no way connected with external factors.

Even those who did not feel “training” can feel such spasms. They mean that the day when your baby is born is not far off. From now on, you should be much more attentive to your well-being.

When to see a doctor

In any case, you should consult a doctor. He will advise you on any such phenomena, give private recommendations. But there are situations when you need to urgently go to the antenatal clinic or to the maternity hospital:

  • too painful training contractions;
  • an increase in intensity and a reduction in the time between spasms;
  • bleeding from the vagina;
  • direct bleeding;
  • prolonged leakage of fluid from the vagina;
  • a sharp outflow of fluid (drainage of water);
  • a noticeable change in the activity of the baby.

All this can serve as a reason to prescribe a preserving therapy, since otherwise, early abortions are possible at a later date. In this particular issue, it is better to disturb the doctor once again, but be sure of your health and the successful course of pregnancy.

Training fights: when they start and how they feel - video

In this video, a mom shares her personal experience of experiencing Braxton-Hicks contractions during her first pregnancy. She talks in detail about when they started with her, what feelings she experienced at the same time, asks topical questions for many primiparous mothers.

Braxton Hicks contractions are a controversial phenomenon. Everyone has them, but not everyone feels them. And for those who feel, it is not always a minor discomfort, and sometimes a whole problem. Science it is not known for certain why they are laid down by nature, all theories about their functions do not have a clear justification. But they are there, you need to know about them, you don’t need to be afraid of them. Just like you don’t need to be afraid of the possible complications associated with them, you just need to act - contact a gynecologist.

If you experienced a similar phenomenon during pregnancy, describe your feelings in the comments. Each woman feels them in her own way, such an experience will greatly help those who are faced with training fights for the first time. And let them not cause you any inconvenience, or even not be felt at all before the third trimester of pregnancy!

Contractions of the smooth muscles of the uterus that appear in late pregnancy are often interpreted by women as prenatal contractions. However, often this does not happen a few days or weeks before the expected moment of birth, but earlier. Why is this happening? How many weeks do Braxton-Higgs contractions start, what does a woman experience?

Despite the fact that false tension in the abdomen is considered to be the readiness of the body for childbirth, which means that it always occurs a few days or weeks before this long-awaited moment, training contractions begin in women much earlier - even in the first trimester of pregnancy. However, their intensity is so low that most expectant mothers hardly notice what is happening, especially since there are much more unpleasant nuances in this period: pulling pains, toxicosis, etc.

Read also:

False contractions become more distinct at the 20th week of pregnancy, and they become a real signal for the possible proximity of childbirth only at 36-40 weeks. True, this is relevant only for a period flowing according to all the rules, without reasons for its premature end.

  • The most important thing is not to be afraid of Braxton-Higgs contractions, even if they turned out to be very obvious already at an early date. The contractions of the smooth muscles of the uterus are still not strong enough to open its neck, so nothing threatens the fetus. On the contrary, experts believe that such a process, due to increased blood circulation, supplies an additional portion of oxygen and nutrients, and therefore is of considerable benefit to the child.

Such contractions cannot speak of pathologies if they go correctly: i.e. are short-term, have no "schedule" and are not accompanied by acute pain. Not all women experience discomfort at the time of uterine contractions, but even if he actively manifests himself, the pain will be pulling, soft.

However, if spotting on linen is noticed, or dense mucus has appeared, pain in the lower back increases, pressure in the lower abdomen increases, the child stops moving, and the contractions themselves become very frequent (more than 4 per minute), you should immediately consult a doctor . In the later stages, this may precede childbirth, in the early stages it may be a threat of miscarriage.

As mentioned above, someone does not notice training contractions at all, and someone experiences obvious discomfort due to sharp spasms, but it is still very difficult to confuse this process with real prenatal uterine contractions. The degree of pain is incommensurable, and, in addition, in the latter case, water and a mucous plug leave, which cannot happen with Braxton-Higgs contractions.

  • The main "marker" of training contractions is their irregularity. If prenatal usually represent a minute of pain and 4-5 minutes. rest, then a few minutes of discomfort are possible here, after which everything subsides completely. Sometimes it is enough to observe the body for 10-15 minutes to understand whether it is preparing for childbirth, or simply does not allow the expectant mother to relax.
  • More than 6 compressions in 60 min. during training fights should not be. In addition, the increase in discomfort over time also does not occur: on the contrary, they weaken. For some women, even an interval of 6-8 hours is possible.
  • At the time of Braxton-Higgs contractions, the uterus is in great tension, and if you try to probe it, it will feel very hard. At the same time, there is a feeling of spasm in the lower abdomen or even the groin, but it never goes to the back and pelvic area.

It should be noted that uterine contractions can also be triggered by external factors, which makes them more pronounced and sometimes more painful: excessive physical activity when the body is not prepared for it, severe stress, a full bladder, or even fetal mobility. It is noteworthy that the medical restriction of the sexual life of a pregnant woman also comes from this problem: muscle contractions that occur at the time of orgasm can provoke false contractions of the expectant mother. Most of these situations are best avoided, if only in order not to cause a deterioration in well-being, but it is impossible to completely protect yourself from uterine contractions, so the question arises of how to act at such moments.

Doctors advise not to panic and not to be tormented by the thought of the threat of pregnancy, especially if there are no symptoms listed earlier (discharge on underwear, increased pain and a feeling of heaviness in the lumbar region), but to use the “turned up moment” wisely: it’s not in vain that Braxton contractions are Higgs was called training. This is a great way to test yourself and your existing knowledge about the behavior at the time of childbirth, long before it occurs.

  • Controlling your breathing is the most important nuance that can greatly facilitate the process following the end of your pregnancy. At the time of the contraction, exhale very slowly, squeezing out all the air from the lungs, and immediately after it, draw them in with a new portion of air. You can also take frequent breaths and exhalations at the time of active uterine contraction, with your mouth slightly open, but longer than 3-3.5 minutes. it is undesirable to breathe like this, because it can make you dizzy. Some doctors advise to invert method 1: exhale sharply and through the mouth, and breathe in through the nose and very slowly.
  • If the contractions are painful, you can take a warm bath or stand under a warm shower, but remember that the water temperature should not exceed 37 degrees. Uterine tension can also be removed by changing your posture if you are in a sitting or horizontal position.
  • Some women benefit from relaxing to soothing music or through distraction with a book, movie, crafts, etc. It is important to find something to your liking that will allow you not to notice the discomfort.
  • In some cases, physical activity can also be useful, however, this depends on the individual organism. If before pregnancy and in the early stages you were actively involved in sports, it makes sense to do some exercises, but not loading the abdominal area. For the rest of the women, a simple walk at a slow rhythmic pace is enough.

“I read here in generic stories about the tone of the uterus, I became interested, because I had never met such a term before. Well, I am a meticulous person, in matters that interest me, besides, a little bit of a doctor, I wanted to get to the bottom of the truth, what kind of animal it is and how it is painted. In the process of shoveling Russian-language resources, I discovered that almost all women in Russia (and other Slavic countries) are given this "diagnosis" (!!!). I went further, what kind of diagnosis is such that you can’t go to any mom’s forum, all pregnant women talk about it, questions like “I’m horrified, what should I do, my gynecologist diagnosed “the uterus is in good shape”, “the uterus is in good shape, in the clinic they prescribed noshpa, papaverine ... blah blah ". In particular, we read the answer of Dr. Komarovsky, I will give it here: Recall from the course of school anatomy: muscles are striated (skeletal) and smooth. The first ones contract in a controlled manner - i.e. we give this they are set in motion by the effort of their own brains.Smooth muscles are controlled by hormones.We can not influence either the muscles of the bronchi, or the muscles of the intestines, or the UTERUS - entirely a muscular organ and entirely from smooth muscles - as a symbol of the biological uncontrollability of a woman (which is a plus, but not a minus). A smooth muscle can be relaxed and contracted. The strength of the contraction is different, it depends on the intensity of the contraction itself, and on the number of contracting fibers. Yes, everything is clear. Muscles contract as they should about. When interviewing a pregnant woman, the doctor deliberately fixes her attention on complaints indicating the contractile activity of the uterus, and during a gynecological examination, she pays attention to the symptoms (he is taught this at the institute) that make it possible to determine the intensity of contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus, this is embedded in the concept of uterine tone. If the tone is increased (the same phrase “the uterus is in good shape”), then the level of hormones that cause uterine contractions is increased. A further increase in the amount of these hormones can lead to the onset of labor. Hence the recommendations and treatment, etc. Well, yes, it is shrinking, but what else should she do, then smooth muscles, especially in a pregnant state. I still do not understand why this is considered as a symptom that needs to be TREATED ... And the constant contraction of any muscle leads to the depletion of its (muscle) energy resources. If a pregnant woman's uterus is actively contracting during orgasm, and the rest of the time it “behaves” calmly, then this is really training, and such training can be welcomed in every possible way, and if it is constantly in good shape, then this is no longer good. So after all, a workout? .. Or a symptom that needs to be treated. :))))) With the last sentence in bold, I do not quite agree, the uterus can and should contract, not only during orgasm, but when she wants, physiology, sir ... Oksanchik (Aksana) can you ever do this you will read it and somehow also comment, first-hand info, after all, since your work profile is appropriate ..; 0)))) Let's look at what this mysterious “uterus in good shape” is from Western experts. I’ll make a reservation right away, there is no such concept as “the uterus is in good shape”, but there is the concept of Braxton Hicks contraction - a natural process that is NOT treated here. No way. And they don't put them in the hospital for preservation, no ma'am. In this topic I will try to cover this topic widely, trying to anticipate possible questions, so be patient, I won’t be able to write right away, well, and Rome wasn’t built overnight. Braxton Hicks contractions (Fake labor pains or training contractions) Once upon a time a very long time ago, namely in 1823 (I myself saw it in the wonderful Wikipedia resource, here, since I didn’t know such personal information about the doctor, but since I’m writing about Braxton hicks fights, I can't help but tell about the person who first described them), in the city of Rye, Sussex, a wonderful man was born, named John Braxton Hicks. He studied at school like all children, and then, in 1841, entered the medical school at Guys Hospital. He proved to be an excellent doctor who specialized in obstetrics. It was this doctor who first described uterine contractions that did not end in childbirth, namely what is now called "Braxton Hicks contractions." In the future, I will use the abbreviation BH (braxton hicks) to describe all processes. So, what are Braxton Hicks contractions (actually it's good that I undertook to write about this, since I now and in my studies have to repeat this hehe). No matter what your pregnancy is, you could already feel them, erratic (occasionally occurring) uterine contractions. In some women, HD appears very early, around the 6th week of pregnancy, although not necessarily, everything is purely individual as always, most women do not feel them at such an early date, but from about the 2nd or 3rd trimester you will feel like from time to time in the uterus contraction/reduction/contraction will appear (choose the most appropriate word). First of all, you will be scared, oh, how, why, I give birth? ?? Absolutely not. These are exactly the same BHs that we will talk about here. The brain sends signals to your body to prepare for childbirth, in response, the body responds by contracting the smooth muscles of the uterus, thus preparing it for the upcoming process of childbirth, which will end with the birth of your child. In practice, these are painless contractions, although for some women they bring some discomfort. They last 1-2 minutes and, as I wrote above, they happen randomly, that is, not regularly. By the way, looking ahead, I’ll say that many women come to the hospital to give birth with BH, in the last trimester they are felt more often and some confuse them with real childbirth. And why are they needed, these BH ??? Well, let's see, really, why do we need them. Firstly, their most important role is to prepare your uterus for childbirth, you know how athletes train before competitions, and it’s the same here ... BH helps make the cervix softer and trains all the muscles that will be involved in the birth process. Believe it or not, but if we didn’t have these preparatory contractions, the birth would be much more difficult and painful (those who have already given birth will understand and shudder, right? :)). Irina Vaynerman Administrator When HD starts: I already wrote about this above, sometimes they start early, but usually in the second trimester, in women who have given birth, they are felt more pronounced, stronger and appear earlier than in those who have not given birth. As an example, I cite myself, in this pregnancy (2nd pregnancy), I felt the first HD at about 10 weeks, now at 16 weeks I can feel them when I put my hand on the lower abdomen. In the 3rd trimester, they will begin to appear much more often and more pronounced, especially when you are already approaching your EDD. It is these contractions that women sometimes mistake for labor, but if you distinguish the difference between labor and training, then you may prevent yourself from a useless trip to the hospital. they think it’s IT, but in fact it’s just BH. ... As a result, the medical staff, after the examination, poisons the woman home, to wait for real contractions .; 0))) Usually they give detailed instructions on how to distinguish training from real contractions (I will talk about this write below). What sensations to expect from BH? What I feel? This is very individual for every woman. Some women do not react at all to them, when some feel certain inconveniences and discomforts. Usually women describe them not as painful, but as causing discomfort. I will make a reservation, in the last trimester, when the intensity of HD increases, you may feel quite strong discomfort and, possibly, pain, but for each woman in different ways. I describe myself - if I feel how BH rolls, I put my hand on the lower abdomen (since we are now 16 weeks old, the uterus has not yet reached the level of the navel), and immediately I feel how the uterus literally turns to stone, tenses ... after which it gradually relaxes, as if "softens" literally at my fingertips. This is due to the contraction of smooth muscle. BH continues for literally minutes. What can cause HD? Physical activity (stress) or high tension Intimate relationships Dehydration (drink plenty of water, girls, during pregnancy! This will prevent constipation and allow your skin to be more elastic (if the skin is more elastic, this may help prevent severe stretch marks (although they and a genetic phenomenon) Also, water helps to flush out toxins from the body, and believe it or not, it will prevent swelling.That's right, we fight water with water (edema) Touching the abdomen Moving the baby inside the uterus (turning, etc.) Here we come to one of the most important subsections. How to distinguish BH (training contractions) from real labor pains? What if I don’t understand this BH again or am I already giving birth?? I will try to describe in detail what you need to remember if, when it’s time to give birth, you are not sure ... The peculiarity of labor pains is that they do not lose their intensity, but rather gain it, as the cervix begins to open more and more. very unobtrusively, they gradually become “hmm ..” ... and so on, when the intensity of pain reaches “oO!!”; 0) BH calm down if you change the level of activity, lie down, change position, etc. a certain pattern, just as they appear, so they disappear, that is, the frequency of their appearance cannot be determined. Real labor pains, having begun, reduce (gradually) the interval between them. It gets shorter and shorter... first, say, 1 hour... then 30 minutes... When the interval reaches 3-5 minutes between contractions, and they do not reduce their intensity, during this period we take our prepared bag with everything we need and go to the hospital to give birth .; 0) RULE, labor contractions are longer, more frequent, more intense. As I said, BH does not have a specific pattern, they will appear and disappear in the same way. Real fights will have a certain system (certain time intervals, etc.). BUT, I will say, do not play doctor, if you have not yet reached 37 weeks of pregnancy and notice that you have about 4 contractions per hour, contact your doctor or midwife, as this may also be a sign of preterm labor. HD usually starts in front, the abdomen. Labor pains begin from the back, approximately the lumbar region and, like a hoop, begin to wrap around you, moving to the stomach. ONE OF THE MAIN DIFFERENCES. Well, of course, the level of pain. The pain of real labor pains is incomparable to HD. What to do? How to relieve discomfort? Drink some water, because sometimes it is dehydration that can provoke them. Small steps to the toilet, a full bladder also triggers HD Breathe rhythmically and deeply Change position or activity level Take a warm bath or shower WHEN TO CALL OR GO TO THE DOCTOR OR MIDWISE: If you are not yet 37 weeks old and your contractions have become regular , rhythmic, intense, painful Pain similar to menstruation and more than 4 contractions per hour, even if they are painless Any bleeding Discharge (mucous, pinkish, bloody) Increased pressure in the abdominal cavity, feeling as if the baby is pressing down Lower back pain, especially if it's new to you After 37 weeks, the doctor should call if the contractions are regular (60 seconds long, 5 minutes between them), or if your doctor advises you something else. Materials were used from my books on obstetrics,