Diet after stomach surgery Nutrition after removal of the stomach for cancer: what you can eat, menu after resection The first days after removal of the stomach what to eat

The diet for stomach cancer is built on the basis of strict principles, due to the severity of the malignant process. It has scientific evidence, since the right food can not only restore damaged tissue, but also slow down the growth of the tumor. Of course, nutrition alone cannot stop and cure the disease, but in combination with surgical and other therapeutic measures, the chances of recovery increase.

Principles of nutrition in stomach cancer

Faced with a malignant tumor of the digestive tract, each person must reconsider their usual diet. From now on, many dishes will have to be limited or eliminated in full, giving preference to food that will help stop the growth and division of atypical cells, thereby reducing the symptomatic manifestations of the disease and preventing metastasis and relapse. In general, you need to refuse only those products that have carcinogenic activity.

Consider in the table the general principles of the diet for cancer of the stomach.

Recommendations Description
REDUCE FOOD CONSUMPTION Portions should be small, but you can eat up to 8 times a day, trying to make approximately the same time intervals between meals.
OBSERVANCE OF THE TEMPERATURE CONDITION Food should be warm, close to body temperature. Cold and hot dishes that burn the throat are prohibited.
OPTIMAL MECHANICAL FOOD PROCESSING Any foods that a person eats must be crushed and thoroughly chewed. This reduces the burden on the digestive tract and ensures maximum absorption of essential nutrients.
PROPER COOKING All dishes are steamed, boiled or baked. When frying and smoking, carcinogenic compounds are activated, which adversely affect the gastric mucosa.
WITHDRAWAL OF IRRITANT SUBSTANCES Spices, seasonings and vinegar negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, increasing the production of digestive juices and increasing its acidity, which is dangerous in case of stomach cancer.
USE EXCLUSIVELY FRESH FOOD All dishes are recommended to be prepared immediately before eating. Keeping them is prohibited.
REDUCE SALT IN THE DIET A patient with gastrointestinal cancer is allowed no more than 5 g or a teaspoon of salt per day, if possible, it is replaced with herbs and spices.
INCREASE IN PLANT FOOD IN THE MENU Fruits and vegetables contain a large amount of fiber, which improves bowel function and saturates the body with vitamins and useful trace elements that inhibit the growth of atypical cells and have a positive effect on the state of the immune system.
REDUCING FAT IN THE DIET In the daily diet of a person suffering from stomach cancer, there should be no more than 30% of fats, while the vast majority of them are obtained from food of plant origin.

List of allowed and prohibited products

Patients with oncology of the gastrointestinal tract should know what to eat. This will help in the preparation of a therapeutic diet that will fully satisfy the needs of a weakened body for the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Of course, the diet should also correspond to the taste habits of a person. This will significantly reduce the feeling of inferiority in a cancer patient, which will necessarily arise due to the inability to consume any of the products prohibited for medical reasons.

So, what to eat with stomach cancer?

  • Soups: vegetable, dairy and cereals. All components included in them must be carefully boiled and ground.
  • Liquid cereals from easily digestible cereals.
  • Lean fish and meat. They are steamed or baked, without a crust.
  • Omelettes, soft-boiled eggs. No more than two per day.
  • Cottage cheese. You should choose fat-free, ideally home-made.
  • Vegetables and fruits. Preference is given to fruits of red, orange and yellow color. It has been proven that they contain a huge amount of carotenoids - substances that prevent the growth of malignant neoplasms.

In addition, experts advise to pay attention to food that has antitumor activity. These foods contain substances that prevent cancer. Let's look at them in the following table.

Anticancer products Description
CRUSIFLOWER VEGETABLES - SALAD, TURP, CABBAGE OF ANY VARIETIES They contain a large amount of indoles - substances that enhance the formation of glutathione peroxidase. This enzyme can prevent excessive synthesis of estrogens - hormones that provoke mutation processes in cells.
SOY AND SOY-BASED PRODUCTS Enriched with isoflavonoids and phytoestrogens, which prevent the development of cancer. Thanks to them, it is possible to avoid the progression of the malignant process against the background of the cessation of the division of cancer cells.
SEA FISH Contains a large amount of fatty acids, which inhibit the growth of pathological neoplasms.
TOMATOES Tomatoes contain lycopene, a substance with pronounced antitumor properties.
GARLIC, ONION They activate leukocytes and white blood cells, which can remove malignant structural units from the body and remove toxins.

With the help of the above products and dishes, each cancer patient is able to organize his diet in accordance with the essence of the anti-cancer diet. Through these actions, he can increase the influence of official medicine and increase the chances of recovery.

What foods can not be eaten with stomach cancer is a no less relevant question, since ignorance of it can aggravate the course of the malignant process in the body. First of all, it is important to completely exclude harmful, heavy and fatty foods, which adversely affect the process of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole. In addition, marinades, pickles, spices and acids are removed from the diet.

The general list of prohibited products is as follows:

  • red varieties of meat and fish;
  • mushrooms in any form;
  • unripe vegetables and sour fruits;
  • canned food - homemade or industrial, smoked meats;
  • meat and fish broths;
  • refined foods enriched with simple carbohydrates;
  • strong tea, coffee, sparkling water;
  • alcoholic drinks.

Persons with stomach cancer are strictly prohibited food with artificial fillers - dyes, flavors and preservatives. All of them are components with carcinogenic activity. These substances worsen the course of the pathological process in the stomach, accelerating its progression.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that products from the prohibited list must be removed from the diet of a patient with any degree of oncological process for the entire period of medical and rehabilitation procedures. It usually takes several months, sometimes more than a year. In the case of a full recovery, you need to continue to remember the importance of healthy food. Strict adherence to dietary recommendations will prevent the recurrence of oncology in a few years.

Nutrition at an early stage of the disease

Persons with stomach cancer at the initial stage of the oncological process are usually prescribed an operation, during which the tumor is removed along with a partial or complete resection of the stomach. In order for the surgical intervention to be carried out as efficiently as possible, the patient's nutrition undergoes mandatory changes before treatment.

The basis of the diet is easily digestible mashed dishes. At this stage, it is necessary to achieve normalization of digestion, optimal emptying of the intestinal tract and cleansing of the liver - products enriched with vegetable fiber will help here.

Food should be taken in small portions, while the chosen dish should be nutritious and carry a certain value. Vitamins improve the state of immunity and have a positive effect on preoperative preparation, preventing possible complications of surgical treatment. The fact is that after resection of the stomach with existing oncology, the functions of the removed organ will be taken over by the intestine, which by its origin is practically not adapted to digest food. Therefore, it must be prepared for this.

Nutrition for gastric cancer of the 3rd, 4th degree with metastases and for inoperable patients

Stomach cancer refers to oncological diseases that are rarely detected at an early stage, since most often a person does not experience initial specific symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, pain, etc. If the diagnosis is detected at the third and fourth stages or it is an inoperable its form, for example, due to the fact that the patient will not be able to undergo surgery or it is impossible for technical reasons, nutrition should comply with the following principles:

  • Food is prepared for a single meal. It is strictly forbidden to store it in the refrigerator even for one day.
  • Complete rejection of salt. It is allowed to replace it with such spices and herbs as anise, cloves, cumin, cinnamon, cilantro and dill. The choice of seasonings should be agreed with the doctor.
  • Ready meals should have the patient's body temperature.
  • The presence of large particles in food is undesirable. A homogeneous semi-liquid consistency of ready meals is recommended.
  • It is important to eat slowly, excluding the rapid swallowing of even small portions. This will help reduce the mechanical stress on the stomach. It is recommended to hold liquid food in the oral cavity for a while, since saliva also contains the necessary enzymes that begin the process of splitting consumed foods.

Overeating in the advanced stages of cancer is prohibited. A person should get up from the table with a feeling of lightness in the stomach. You can not starve and skip meals, even in the absence of appetite. If, despite the efforts made, the patient's weight continues to decrease, it is necessary to review the diet with a specialist.

Feeding a cancer patient at the last stage with metastases and the spread of the malignant process beyond the stomach is often carried out using a gastrostomy.

Nutrition after gastric resection in oncology

The diet after a gastrectomy - the complete removal of the body of the stomach or its partial resection - is in many ways similar to the general principles of nutrition for this disease. Let's list them:

  • food should be warm and freshly prepared, semi-liquid, homogeneous;
  • eat slowly, chewing thoroughly and processing food with saliva;
  • it is important to make a diet only from permitted products.

But it is also impossible not to note some differences in the diet recommended after removal of the stomach for cancer. These include:

  • meals should be done every two hours in small portions;
  • after eating, you can not immediately drink, it is advisable to wait up to 30 minutes;
  • completely remove sugar and other easily digestible carbohydrates, as well as fats from the menu;
  • if there is discomfort in the abdomen when eating, this may be due to the rapid penetration of products into the intestinal tract - in this case, it is recommended to lie down and eat lying down in the future.

Within three months after gastrectomy, it is important to adhere to these rules.

Diet after treatment

Nutrition after therapeutic measures - surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy - corresponds to the number one therapeutic diet. It includes the following principles:

  • Organization of six meals a day.
  • The use of only natural freshly prepared products.
  • Dishes should have a semi-liquid consistency, this helps to accelerate the healing process of tissues.
  • Porridges are boiled for a long time, and then wiped and diluted with a small amount of water. Mucous soups are allowed based on oatmeal or rice cereal. Vegetables and cereals in dishes are also subjected to grinding.
  • Exclude stimulating and irritating foods: spices, sour fruits and drinks, any broths, coarse cereals, etc.
  • Remove from the menu food that is digested for a long time: tough meat, mushrooms, etc.
  • Fresh bread and pastries are not allowed.
  • Increase fluid intake - compotes, jelly, rosehip decoctions, mineral and boiled water - provided there are no problems with the kidneys.

It should also be noted that a person's nutrition after gastric cancer treatment should depend on their initial weight. If the patient has a normal body weight and no metabolic pathologies, a diet with a daily calorie content of 2400 kcal is recommended.

Features of the diet for adults, children, pregnant and lactating, the elderly

Nutrition in gastric cancer has no fundamental differences in different groups of patients. Both children and adults with cancer should be provided with the most sparing nutrition with a predominance of easily digestible fortified food in the diet, covering the needs of the body, weakened by the disease.

Additionally, you should follow the individual recommendations of the attending physician, taking into account the patient's well-being and his condition at any stage of the therapeutic effect.

Menu for the week

We offer you to find out what an approximate diet for a week looks like with stomach cancer.

days Menu
MONDAY Breakfast: oatmeal on the water, tea.

Lunch: a decoction of dried fruits, crackers.

Lunch: vegetarian cabbage soup, salad, juice.

Snack: milk with cookies. Dinner: vegetables with fish, jelly.

Snack: yogurt.

TUESDAY Breakfast: an egg "in a bag", tea. Lunch: fruit.

Lunch: pea soup, steamed cutlet, fruit drink.

Afternoon snack: cheesecakes, juice.

Dinner: buckwheat with turkey, tea.

Snack: omelet.

WEDNESDAY Breakfast: cookies, kissel.

Lunch: cottage cheese casserole.

Lunch: lean borsch, pilaf with chicken, tea.

Afternoon: fruits.

Dinner: salad, steamed fish, juice.

Snack: milk with bread.


Lunch: cabbage soup, vegetable stew, tea.

Snack: yogurt, cookies.

Dinner: steamed meatballs, salad, juice.

Snack: cheesecakes.

FRIDAY Breakfast: rice pudding, juice.

Lunch: fruit.

Lunch: bean soup, salad, cabbage rolls, tea.

Afternoon snack: muesli.

Dinner: buckwheat with chicken, jelly.

Snack: milk with cookies.

SATURDAY Breakfast: scrambled eggs, compote. Lunch: berry jelly.

Lunch: lean borscht, salad, tea.

Afternoon snack: cheesecakes, milk.

Dinner: pasta and minced meat casserole, jelly.

Snack: crackers with juice.

SUNDAY Breakfast: cottage cheese pudding, juice. Lunch: fruit salad.

Lunch: milk soup, carrot cutlets, tea.

Afternoon snack: berry jelly.

Dinner: cabbage rolls, compote.

Snack: yogurt.

Recipes for various dishes

To diversify the menu of a patient suffering from gastric carcinoma, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with some recipes.

Greek cabbage. Products: 600 g of white cabbage, 2 carrots, 1 onion, 100 ml of tomato paste, ½ cup of rice, dill, salt.

Finely chop the vegetables. Sauté onions and carrots until transparent, add cabbage to the mixture and simmer until soft. After that, put salt, washed rice, a glass of water and pasta into the vegetable mass. Leave on low heat until done. Sprinkle with chopped herbs before serving.

Cheese potatoes. Products: 6 identical potatoes, 100 g of cheese, 1 tbsp. l. soy sauce.

Boil potatoes in their skins and, without peeling, put in a serving plate and season with a little soy sauce. Sprinkle cheese on top. Microwave for 5 minutes.

Oatmeal cutlets. Products: 1 cup of hercules, 100 ml of boiling water, 1 potato, 1 onion, salt.

Place the cereal in a saucepan, cover with water and leave to steam for 15 minutes. Grate raw vegetables, mix them with swollen oats, salt and form small meatballs. Tip: if the consistency of the oatmeal-vegetable mass does not allow this, you can add a chicken egg to it. Cook cutlets in a slow cooker for a couple for 8-10 minutes.

Preventive diet to prevent disease

The decisive factor that prevents the development of the oncological process is a responsible attitude to food. Scientists were able to prove the link between a healthy diet and tumor processes in the body.

It is important to exclude smoked, fatty and fried foods and long-term storage products from the diet, as they contain a large amount of nitrites, which have carcinogenic properties. Additionally, flour and confectionery products with a high starch content should be abandoned.

The basis of the daily diet should include steamed dishes, mostly lean or with poultry meat. It is advisable to drink green tea, dried fruit compote, rosehip broth, clean water at least 2 liters per day. At least twice a week you need to eat sea fish: salmon, herring, sardine and flounder. Omega acids contained in seafood improve the immune defense of the body, positively affect the state of blood vessels and digestion processes. Every day it is recommended to eat cereals, fruits and vegetables rich in fiber and vitamins.

In general terms, the principles of a preventive diet are as follows:

  • the amount of plant foods in the diet should be at least 60%;
  • Every day you need to eat at least 6 different fruits and vegetables;
  • limit the consumption of lamb, beef and pork as much as possible, preferring rabbit meat, fish and turkey;
  • it is additionally recommended to drink multivitamin complexes to strengthen immunity.

Nutrition for stomach cancer should be varied, but mechanically and chemically sparing, regardless of what stage we are talking about - 1st or 4th degree with metastases. The basis of the menu should include dishes that prevent the progression of the oncological process. If there is any doubt about the use of a particular product, it is important to consult with an oncologist in advance.

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A cancerous diagnosis of the stomach is not a sentence. Treatment for some types of cancer includes. This can lead to a number of changes in lifestyle and eating habits. A gastrectomy is the removal of part or all of the stomach. Particular attention is paid to what kind of food after removal of the stomach in cancer is assigned to the patient. The absence of the main digestive organ significantly affects the diet.

To solve the problems of the stomach, if other types of treatment do not help, removal of the organ is used in the following cases:

  • benign tumors;
  • bleeding;
  • inflammation;
  • perforation of the stomach wall;
  • polyps, or growths inside your stomach;
  • stomach cancer;
  • severe ulcer or duodenal ulcer.

With a stomach ulcer, it is necessary to maintain normal stomach acidity. Gastric juice lowers acidity if you drink cabbage juice and walk slowly after eating.

There are three main types of gastrectomy:

  • Partial resection - removal of part of the stomach. As a rule, the lower half of the stomach is removed, the remaining part is connected to the intestines.
  • Removal of the entire stomach - the esophagus is connected to the small intestine.
  • Removed as part of weight loss surgery - up to ¾ of the stomach can be removed during a gastrectomy sleeve, the remainder is pulled up and held together, creating a smaller belly and appetite.

After gastric surgery, the ability to absorb liquids and food remains. However, you will need to make a few lifestyle changes after the procedure. The diet is strictly observed after the operation.

Certain types of surgeries can also be used to treat obesity. By making the stomach smaller, it fills up more quickly. This may help you eat less. However, Obesity Surgery is performed when other options have failed. Less invasive procedures include:

  • diet;
  • an exercise;
  • treatment, blood tests, to monitor performance;
  • consultation with a nutritionist and physician.

How to prepare for surgery

Before surgery, your doctor will order blood tests and imaging tests. This ensures that you are healthy enough for the procedure. You may have to stop taking certain medications before surgery.

The patient should tell their doctor about other illnesses or pregnancy. The patient must stop smoking.

Smoking adds extra recovery time and can create more complications.

Gastrectomy risks include:

  • acid reflux;
  • diarrhea;
  • dumping syndrome with insufficient digestion;
  • incision wound infection;
  • chest infection;
  • internal bleeding;
  • leakage from the stomach;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • stomach acid seeps into the esophagus, causing scarring, narrowing of strictures;
  • blockage of the small intestine;
  • avitaminosis;
  • weight loss.

How is a resection performed?

There are two different ways to perform a gastrectomy. All of them are performed under general anesthesia. This means that you will be in deep sleep during the operation and you will not be able to feel any pain.

Open surgery – involves one large incision.

Laparoscopic surgery - uses small incisions and specialized instruments. It includes less pain and faster recovery time. These are more advanced surgeries with a lower complication rate.

After the operation, the doctor will close the incision with stitches and the wound will be bandaged. The patient will undergo a rehabilitation phase under the supervision of a nurse. After the operation, the patient may stay in the hospital for one to two weeks. During this period, tubes will pass through the nose to the stomach.

This will allow the doctor to remove any fluids produced by the stomach and help keep you feeling nauseous. The patient will be fed intravenously for three days. On the fourth day, a gradual 30-50 grams of nutrition begins after removal of the stomach in cancer with a gradual increase in portions.

Swallowing problems

Swallowing problems often occur after gastric surgery. Food usually passes very quickly into the stomach from the esophagus. Food is partially digested, so it must enter the intestines in small quantities. The stomach can hold about 2 liters of food and drink. Without a stomach, food enters the intestines almost undigested, and the intestines will only take in a small amount at a time. This means that you should eat very slowly and little by little.

Sometimes the intestines won't take in more and there will be a problem with swallowing. Your doctor may prescribe medications to help speed up the passage of food. They are usually taken before meals. When the body adapts, the problem will be partially solved on its own. But this does not mean that you will be able to eat large amounts of food.

diet therapy

The first months after the operation, a wiped diet No. R is prescribed. After returning home, you may need to adjust your eating habits. Some changes may include when the stomach is removed:

  • chew food thoroughly;
  • eat less food during the day;
  • gradual increase in portion;
  • varied fractional nutrition;
  • mashed food;
  • avoid foods high in fiber;
  • eat foods rich in calcium, iron and vitamins C and D;
  • take vitamin supplements.

Recovery after gastrectomy can take a long time. Eventually, your stomach and small intestine will gradually stretch. Then you will be able to consume more fiber, and eat more adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals.

Stomach oncology, with oncology it is better to eat crushed and jelly-like food. Proper nutrition is always difficult for any healthy person, but the diet after the removal of the stomach for cancer will be even stricter. Nausea may be a problem. A cancer patient may lose their appetite for a while and lose weight.

Weight must be maintained by good nutrition. This is not the time to restrict your diet. If you are losing weight or have problems with food, then eat whatever you want in a pureed form. Eat small meals every 2 to 3 hours until you feel better. In the future, eat 4-5 times a day.

The menu should be varied: dietary meat and fish, buckwheat, oatmeal, cottage cheese, eggs, mashed vegetables and fruit jelly, mashed soups, compotes. It is necessary to give preference to meat products: rabbit, chicken, turkey, veal, beef. Exclude: lamb, pork, semolina and millet. Food should not be oversalted.

Bread can be eaten one month after the operation. You can consult a dietitian who can give you ideas on how to deal with some of the side effects of the treatment.

If part or all of the stomach is removed, you will have to eat less food, but more often. It is recommended to stay upright after eating. Your doctor or nutritionist can help you determine your diet.

When part or all of the stomach is removed, the food that is swallowed quickly passes into the intestines, resulting in various post-eating symptoms. Some patients have problems with nausea, diarrhea, sweating and flushing after eating. This is called dumping syndrome. When part or all of the stomach is removed, the food that is swallowed quickly passes into the intestines, leading to various complications.

Sometimes people may need nutritional supplements to get the nutrients they need. Individuals may need to be fed through a tube inserted into the small intestine. It is done through a small hole in the skin on the abdomen during minor surgery to help prevent weight loss and improve nutrition. Less commonly, a tube known as a gastrostomy or G-tube may be placed in the lower abdomen.

After cancer treatment, the patient must receive a dietary table and put healthy eating habits in place.

Eating healthy and avoiding alcohol and smoking can reduce your risk from a range of cancers, as well as many other health benefits.

Informative video

Nutrition after surgery on the stomach for cancer is an integral part not only during the rehabilitation period, but also throughout the patient's life. The basic principle of the diet is that the patient should eat fractional meals at least five times a day. The menu should be developed exclusively by a nutritionist for each case on an individual basis.

How to gain weight

After removal of the stomach, patients experience difficulty maintaining a normal body weight. As a rule, weight loss is noted after gastrectomy. If there is a lack of appetite, then the person will be advised to follow certain rules that will help to gain the missing mass and return it to normal.

First of all, you need to make sure that the appearance of the food is as attractive as possible. For this dish, you can decorate with slices of lemon, tomato or various herbs.

It is noted that the increase in appetite contributes to the use of a small amount of cognac or aperitif. However, before taking alcoholic beverages, it is necessary to consult with your doctor, who will determine the possibility of taking alcoholic beverages.

Often the smells that arise during cooking become the cause of disgust from food. In such cases, you need to make sure that someone close to you prepares the food. Alternatively, you can try chilled beautifully decorated dishes.

Since appetite often changes with mood, one should try to keep it good for as long as possible. To do this, the menu should have more favorite, but at the same time allowed cooking recipes.

In order not to lose weight, you can try to change the familiar and already boring environment, for example, eat not in the kitchen, but in the room.

In some cases, in order to stimulate appetite, specialists prescribe special drugs to patients after removing part of the stomach - the hormone medroxyprogesterone or steroids in small doses.

The presence of a large amount of protein and high-calorie foods in the diet also contributes to an increase in body weight. Your doctor may prescribe the use of protein powders.

Nutrition goals

The main task of the diet in the postoperative period after resection or gastrectomy is to minimize the load on the organs of the digestive system. In addition, the patient after the operation must receive the necessary amount of vitamins, nutrients and other nutrients, which can only be provided in the case of a properly composed diet.

In addition, with proper nutrition, the severity of symptoms decreases, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract normalizes.


Nutrition after gastric resection for cancer implies compliance with a number of general simple principles.

In the first two days after the surgical intervention, intensive therapy is carried out, during which the patient is allowed to eat only through the intravenous administration of special solutions. Parenteral nutrition should be prescribed for each patient individually, while it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the organism.

In terms of duration, dietary nutrition should take at least four months. With the development of complications during this period, the diet is extended. At this time, the diet should be as complete as possible. It should consist of a large amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, however, mechanical and chemical irritants should be completely excluded.

It is necessary to move from crushed food to regular food at a slow pace. The addition of new foods should be done gradually in small doses. At the same time, it is imperative to monitor how the body will react to innovations.

Only the attending physician can prescribe a diet after removing the stomach.

When the main rehabilitation period is over, at least 300 grams of carbohydrates, 140 protein or 100 fat should be supplied to the patient's body with food. Daily calorie content - from 2800 kcal.

All dishes used are prepared exclusively in a steam bath or by boiling and stewing.

Food can be taken only when its temperature reaches no more than 55 degrees. In the case when vomiting begins after warm dishes, they are replaced with chilled ones.

Often, cancer patients begin to develop hypercalcemia - this is a pathological condition accompanied by an increase in the concentration of calcium in the body. In such situations, reduce the consumption of dairy products and increase the amount of meat and fish.

As for the drinking regime, here you need to be as careful as possible. If the kidneys are working normally, then you can drink up to two liters of fluid per day. Only one glass of water is allowed at one time.

It is necessary to eat in small portions in 5-6 doses. Experts recommend eating outdoors to increase appetite. In addition, you need to try to eat at the same time. So the digestion process will improve, which will prevent irritation of the mucous membrane.

It is important to give up snacks on the go and dry food. These habits will further harm the digestive system.

What can you eat

In the first 1-2 days, the patient is forbidden to eat at all. So that the already weakened body does not lose strength, all the nutrients are ingested through intravenous administration.

If no congestion is found on the third day, you can give the patient rosehip broth, tea or compote with a minimum sugar content.

On the fourth day, high-viscosity soups, meat chopped in a blender, low-fat cottage cheese, soft-boiled eggs are introduced into the diet.

The first seven days, one serving of food should not exceed 50 grams. Gradually the volume increases.

On the 8th day after gastrectomy, a sparing diet is prescribed, which must be followed for four months. During this period, you need to eat more fats and proteins, reduce the intake of carbohydrates.

The diet is based on mashed potatoes, mashed meat products, viscous cereals.

Dishes are cooked exclusively for steam or boiled.

On the 9th-10th day, dietary nutrition No. 0B is prescribed. It is allowed to use pureed soups, baked apples, white crackers, fermented milk drinks, vegetable and fruit purees.

After 3-4 months, in the absence of complications, the patient can switch from mashed food to regular food. The diet becomes more varied. It is allowed to eat soup with meat broth, meat and fish, buckwheat, rice, potatoes, fresh fruits. This diet must be observed for another 60-90 days.

After a complete restoration of the work of the intestines and the gastrointestinal tract, after six months, you can switch to a normal diet.

What is not allowed

After surgery for the complete or partial removal of the stomach with oncological lesions, the following products are prohibited:

  • meat and fatty fish;
  • spirits and carbonated drinks;
  • smoked meats, pickles, marinades;
  • fried and fatty foods
  • eggs, hard-boiled;
  • citrus;
  • tomatoes, cabbage, radish, beans.

You can not eat sweets, pastries and fresh bread.

sample menu

Diet food should be developed only by a specialist. The menu for the week might look like this.

BreakfastOmelet, oatmealTea with biscuits, scrambled eggsOatmeal, low fat milkSoft-boiled egg, souffléCurd with appleCottage cheese casseroleRice
DinnerSoup puree, steamed vegetablesVermicelli soup, chicken cutlet, pumpkin pureeMeat soup-puree, vegetable casseroleRice with vegetables, soup with buckwheatBeetroot, pumpkin casseroleFish soup, salad with vegetablesNoodles, pancakes from zucchini and minced meat
DinnerBoiled chicken fillet, rice porridgeBuckwheat, boiled vealMashed potatoes, hard cheesePureed vegetables, fish pateBuckwheat, chicken meatballsRagout, boiled chickenMashed potatoes, meatballs

Compote with cookies, apple mousse, soufflé, fruit jelly are allowed for a snack. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of yogurt or kefir.

In order for the recovery period to pass with minimal complications, it is important to strictly follow all the specialist's instructions regarding nutrition in the field of gastrectomy for a malignant tumor. Before introducing new products, you should consult your doctor.

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Stanislav asks:

What should be the nutrition after gastric resection for cancer?

After removal of the stomach, the principle of fractional nutrition should be observed, when food is eaten often, 5 to 6 times a day in small portions. At the same time, at one time you can not eat more than two dishes and one glass of liquid. Milk should be drunk diluted with water so as not to provoke increased bile secretion, followed by nausea and vomiting. It is also absolutely necessary to limit carbohydrate foods (flour, potatoes, cakes, pastries, sweets, chocolate, sugar, etc.) in order to avoid dumping syndrome, which is manifested by the development of post-meal sweating, weakness, palpitations, chills and cold sweats. . In addition, the minimum amount of salt should be consumed in the first two months after the operation to remove the stomach. Ready meals should be taken warm, avoiding cold and hot dishes. Also, all food intended for consumption should be soft and well chopped. The following products are completely prohibited for use with a resected stomach:

  • Black bread;

  • Baking from white flour of the highest grade;

  • Sweets (chocolate, cocoa, honey, jam, sweets, cakes, pastries, etc.);

  • Sweet drinks;

  • Sparkling water;

  • Fresh milk;

  • Ice cream;

  • Fats of animal origin (lard, fat tail, butter, fatty sour cream, etc.);

  • Fatty varieties of fish and meat (pork, duck, fatty lamb, salmon, sturgeon, herring, mackerel, etc.);

  • offal (liver, kidney, lung);

  • Any canned food (meat, fish, vegetable, fruit);

  • Smoked meats, pickles;

  • Sausages and sausages;

  • Mushrooms in any form;

  • Vegetables with coarse fiber (white cabbage, radish, turnip, bell pepper, spinach, sorrel, etc.);

  • Alcohol;

  • Strong coffee .
After removal of the stomach for cancer, the diet consists of several stages. Within 1 - 2 weeks after the operation, it is necessary to follow a strict wiped postoperative diet. Then, for 2 to 4 months, you should follow a pureed diet. After that, an unmashed diet No. 1 is prescribed for another six months, in which chemical irritants for the digestive tract are limited. If the restoration of digestive functions is successful, then a year after the operation, you can switch to a normal diet, when you can eat both cold and hot. However, the restriction on the amount of food taken at a time remains. You will also have to come to terms with the ban on the consumption of sweet, starchy and fatty foods.

So, immediately after the operation, the diet consists of mineral water, slightly sweetened jelly and weak tea. After 2 - 3 days, a rosehip broth, soup-puree from vegetables, liquid pureed cereals on water from rice or buckwheat groats, as well as steamed curd soufflé are introduced. By the 8th - 9th day after the operation, mashed potatoes, meatballs, steamed fish meatballs are introduced.

After that, for 2-4 months, a person is transferred to a pureed diet, which reduces the severity of the inflammatory process and stimulates the restoration of the normal structure of the digestive tract after surgery. All dishes are steamed or boiled and then wiped. On a pureed diet, you can eat vegetable puree soups on a decoction of cereals, low-fat broth, chicken meat, lean beef and fish (cod, pike perch, carp, pike) in chopped form. Soft-boiled eggs and steam omelettes are also allowed. Milk and sour cream can be added to ready meals as seasonings. In addition, you can eat boiled vegetables - cauliflower, zucchini, pumpkin, potatoes, carrots, broccoli, beets, kohlrabi, etc. Viscous grated porridges on the water are prepared from cereals. Vegetable and butter are used as seasoning in ready meals.

Bread should be yesterday's or lightly toasted from whole grain or bran flour. However, bread and yogurt can be consumed no earlier than a month after the operation. Fruits are best consumed processed, in the form of mousses, jelly, marshmallows, etc. You can drink fresh juices, with the exception of grape.

Then, for 8-10 months, a person is transferred to a non-mashed diet, which must be observed for a year after surgery to remove stomach cancer. In this diet, all restrictions remain the same, but dishes can be cooked not only for a couple, but also for stewing and baking. You can eat moderately cold and hot dishes. In addition, the diet menu is expanding, which includes borscht, cabbage soup and low-fat meat soup. Bread can still be eaten yesterday from rye, wheat and rye-wheat flour. Non-bread cookies (biscuits, oatmeal, etc.), various chicken dishes, lean meats and fish are also allowed. Vegetables can be consumed not only boiled, but also boiled, and raw, and stewed, and baked. During this period, it is allowed to eat fresh herbs and tomatoes seasoned with vegetable oil. With tolerance, you can drink kefir, milk, acidophilus and yogurt. Cereals, puddings, casseroles are prepared from cereals. From cold snacks, you can eat boiled sausage, sausages, caviar, mild and low-fat cheeses, lean ham, berries and fresh fruits.

Such a diet will have to be followed throughout life, adhering to restrictions on the amount of food taken at a time, as well as the use of flour, sweet and fatty foods.

Cancer in the fourth stage can still be cured! Nutrition according to Shatalova and Moerman

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In case of malignant tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, radical operations are resorted to. Nutrition after removal of the stomach (gastrectomy) has its own peculiarities. In general, it is characterized by greater frequency, fragmentation, and the predominance of easily digestible components in the diet. Enzymatic insufficiency of the gastrointestinal tract after removal of the stomach needs to be replenished. For this, special replacement preparations of enzymes and hydrochloric acid are used. But the use of these funds does not mean that the patient will be able to eat the same foods as before the operation. If the stomach is removed, the attending physician or nutritionist selects the menu for the patient.

General principles

Eating after some prohibited foods, for example, confectionery products saturated with simple carbohydrates, provokes. It manifests itself in increased heart rate, profuse sweating and general weakness.

Since in the absence of a stomach, hydrochloric acid, gastrin and other substances synthesized in its walls are not produced, the menu should be easily digestible, nutritious and fortified. Salt is practically excluded. The necessary trace elements enter the body with vegetables, fruits and cereals, so additional salting is not required. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol. The diet is important, it should be fractional, at least 6 times a day. The diet also depends on whether the stomach has been removed completely or partially.

Products after removal of the stomach

After the intervention, the first days of the patient are fed with a special probe with liquid food.

Patients without a stomach are fed in the first days after its resection parenterally or through a tube. It depends on the severity of their condition. Parenteral nutrition is the supply of essential proteins, carbohydrates and fatty acids through the infusion of special solutions through a vein. Tube feeding is carried out through a tube inserted into the oral cavity and esophagus. Food is served liquid and easily digestible. These requirements are adhered to due to the lack of enzymes synthesized by the stomach and the inability to digest complex food components without their help. After a couple of days, after conducting a control study of the state of the gastrointestinal tract, the patient is transferred to oral feeding with pureed food. Basically it's porridge and baked apples.

Further nutrition

After a few days after the operation, with the restoration of a certain functional ability of the gastrointestinal tract, you can eat vegetable soups, soft-boiled eggs, steamed omelettes, fruit and berry jellies. The main thing is to adhere to the frequency and fraction of power. The weight of one serving should not exceed 400 g. This is correct, since the remote organ can no longer perform the function of a reservoir containing a larger volume of food. Later, dairy products, dietary meat (rabbit), natural fruit juices and jelly are introduced into the diet. Milk is consumed only diluted with water. Liquids at a time should not be consumed more than 200 ml. The diet is prescribed for several months in advance.

What can't you eat?

Such patients will have to stop eating citrus fruits.

If the stomach has already been removed, it is forbidden to eat extractive foods. These include too sour and bitter dishes. For example, citrus fruits, grapes, currants, sauerkraut and red peppers will cause increased secretion in the gastrointestinal tract. The inability to neutralize acid processes with mucus and bicarbonates, previously secreted by the goblet cells of the stomach, will lead to their aggressive effect on the intestinal walls. This can be complicated by ulceration. It is undesirable to use confectionery, carbonated drinks, smoked meats, honey, strong tea and coffee, flour products, dishes with spices and legumes.