Is it possible to give birth naturally after a caesarean section: all the pros and cons.

In the whirlpool of surging feelings of love and tenderness for the little creature and fatigue from everything that happened for almost 20 hours, one thought pulsated in my head like a bright spot: “I gave birth. HERSELF!!!"

My first birth was in January 2009, medical indications due to the lack of labor, an emergency was performed. Subsequently, I asked the gynecologist who observed me in the postpartum department about the possibility, to which I was told that it was quite possible. To be honest, I did not believe it and was mentally prepared for the fact that our second child would be born with the help of an operation. The second we planned in five years.

Somewhere in the middle of March 2010, my husband and I found out that we would soon become parents for the second time - the test showed the coveted two strips. I still remember the state of shock and depression that took possession of me at the moment when I saw the result of the pregnancy test: after all, so little time had passed after the first birth, I was afraid that I might simply not be able to bear the child because of the “fresh” scar on uterus. The husband, on the contrary, was very happy and began to wait for his daughter.

I went to counseling the next day. Our local doctor looked at me with great surprise when I asked: “So what, will you keep it?” I answered in the affirmative.

"I had to hear a lot about the irresponsible attitude towards own health, that there is a high risk of leaving the first child without a mother, but neither the doctor's "reprimands" nor the offers of relatives to have an abortion changed my decision to give birth.

To learn more about the challenges you may face during pregnancy after caesarean section, as well as to get the most information about natural childbirth after surgical delivery, I advanced to the vastness of the worldwide network. Of course, there was a lot of information, including quite contradictory ones: from information that subsequent births after cesarean section are possible only through surgery, to statements that natural childbirth after cesarean section is possible regardless of how previous operation was indicated.
Of course, as always, the truth is somewhere in between. After summarizing all the information I learned, I realized the following:

“The ability for a woman to give birth on her own after a caesarean section is primarily due to the technique of performing a caesarean section.

In the case when a woman was made corporal caesarean section (vertical suture) Unfortunately, natural childbirth is not possible. Fortunately, this was not my case, since my seam is horizontal in lower segment uterus, which in itself already gave a chance to give birth on their own.

What are doctors afraid of?

What are doctors afraid of, why is the problem of choosing the method of subsequent delivery for women who have undergone caesarean section so relevant? Of course, everything is due to the high probability of such a complication as uterine rupture along the scar.

According to statistics I gleaned from the worldwide web, the risk of uterine rupture along the scar is from 1% to 5% of total number women giving birth spontaneously after caesarean section. It was the rupture of the uterus that I feared. The fact is that, in connection with such an unexpected pregnancy, I did not have time to conduct a study of the scar, which could give the most reliable and full information about its consistency, and hysteroscopy during pregnancy is impossible.

"Rupture of the uterus is likely with the insolvency of the scar, which is determined not only by its thickness (less than 3.5 mm), but also by the fuzziness of the contours, the discontinuity of the scar.

Pregnancy management of women with a scar on the uterus, as it seemed to me, requires closer attention from the gynecologist. However, comparing with the management of the previous pregnancy, I did not find any striking differences. The only thing is that during the first ultrasound at 12 weeks, the doctor carefully, as far as the ultrasound diagnostic method allows, examined the scar. As it turned out, it was thin (5 mm), but at the same time it was even, with a clear contour.

Doctor's Choice

The more the term of childbirth approached, the more seriously I began to think about the possibility of giving birth on my own, about choosing a maternity hospital and a doctor. In the end, I came to the decision that I would give birth in the same maternity hospital as the first child, and without any prior arrangements with the doctors. However, my husband did not support my decision and took my word that I would go for a consultation with a familiar gynecologist in order to subsequently conclude an agreement for a service delivery.
We went to the doctor. At the very beginning of the conversation, the doctor unequivocally told me that he considered it necessary to have a second delivery by caesarean section: “There is no need to perform feats!” I can’t say that I was driven by a thirst for achievement, but I refused the services of this doctor. At that time, I did not have any indications for surgery, there were all the conditions under which delivery is possible naturally:

  1. The pregnant woman has only one wealthy scar on the uterus.
  2. The first operation was carried out according to "transient" indications - the so-called indications for surgery that first arose during the previous birth and may not necessarily appear in the next.

These include:

  • chronic intrauterine fetal hypoxia - insufficient oxygen supply to the fetus during pregnancy. Such a condition may occur different reasons, but do not repeat next pregnancy;
  • weakness of labor activity - insufficiently effective contractions that do not lead to the opening of the cervix;
  • breech presentation- the fetus is located with the pelvic end to the exit from the uterus. This position of the fetus is not in itself an indication for surgery, but is a reason for caesarean section only in conjunction with other indications and is not necessarily repeated during the next pregnancy. Other wrong positions the fetus, for example, the transverse position (in this case, the child cannot be born spontaneously) may also not be repeated during the next pregnancy;
  • large fruit (more than 4000 g);
  • premature birth(premature births are considered to occur before 36-37 weeks of pregnancy);
  • infectious diseases identified in a previous pregnancy, in particular exacerbation herpetic infection genitals, shortly before childbirth, which was the reason for the caesarean section, does not necessarily occur before the next birth.
  1. The first operation must be performed in the lower uterine segment with a transverse incision.
  2. Postoperative period should proceed without complications.
  3. The first child must be healthy.
  4. This pregnancy should proceed without complications.
  5. At ultrasound examination carried out at full-term pregnancy, there are no signs of insolvency of the scar.
  6. There must be a healthy fetus.
  7. The estimated weight of the fetus should not exceed 3800 grams.

Antenatal hospitalization

On the term, I took a referral to the hospital, because in my case, mandatory prenatal hospitalization was assumed. True, I went directly to the hospital at 39 weeks. On November 1, 2010, I went to the department of pathology of pregnant women for antenatal hospitalization, my PDR was on November 7. The doctor leading our ward turned out to be a pleasant young woman. After the examination and tests, she supported me in the desire to give birth on my own. The date of birth was determined on November 5 with the help of a stimulating gel.

On the night of November 2-3, I woke up from light contractions that did not stop until the morning, but were not very strong and did not increase. On November 3, my husband came for me and took me home for the day, which made everyone incredibly happy, especially my son. In the evening, my husband took me to the hospital, and we decided that in the afternoon next day he will come for me - he will take me for a walk. In the hospital time runs slowly, so I went to bed early, at 10 o'clock in the evening. However, around 11 I got contractions again, as on the previous night. I could not sleep and walked along the corridor.

At about three o'clock in the morning, the midwife on duty, seeing my staggering, made me count the contractions, it turned out that they were quite regular and long.

They called a doctor, the examination showed a dilatation of 1.5 fingers (in fact, it was about the same during the examination on November 1). They decided to wait and not take me to the maternity ward. However, at six in the morning, after being examined by another doctor, it turned out that the disclosure of 3 fingers, and they nevertheless sent me to give birth (my child did not wait for any stimulation and determined when he was born).

Maternity ward

AT maternity ward I got a nickname: I was called " Scar". The very process of childbirth, I think, was no different from other women in labor. The contractions, which for some reason turned out to be no less long than in the first birth, I endured stoically: I breathed, listened to music and walked along the corridor all the time. In the process of childbirth, the doctors performed the same manipulations with me as with other women in labor: CTG, examination; inspection, CTG. The only thing, the department at the first examination asked: “Are you sure you want to give birth yourself?” and, having heard an affirmative answer, she said: “Well, give birth!”

"When the attempts began, I was faint-hearted and asked to be put under the knife, to which they told me: "Let's go give birth!" I went, and somewhere in the corridor I could hear: “Go quickly, the Scar is giving birth.”

I will not describe the process itself, although I must say that in the process of expelling the fetus, several funny moments and dialogues with doctors took place. Outcome: I gave birth, myself! Contrary to all ultrasound data, the fetus turned out to be quite large (4000 g), so an episiotomy was required, otherwise I had no tears or injuries.

While my lovely baby girl was being washed-measured-weighed, I was put under intravenous anesthesia and had a manual examination of the uterus, which is a must for all women with a uterine scar who have delivered vaginally. No seam defects were found.
The postpartum period was no different.
So to speak, a postscript: today, almost four months after giving birth, I am a completely happy mother of two children.

"Comparing the feelings after childbirth through caesarean section and natural childbirth, I can definitely say that after the second birth I have a feeling of naturalness and completeness of the process.

Recovery after childbirth in the second case was faster and easier. In my example, it can be seen that the possibility of natural childbirth after a caesarean section is quite real. I hope that my story will help women who find themselves in the same situation to go through the whole pregnancy with less anxiety and initially positively tune in to childbirth.

Everything will work out for you!! Health to you and your children!

Among young mothers, you can often find the question of whether it is possible to give birth after a cesarean section. Great distribution got the misconception that if the first birth was accompanied by surgical intervention, then you can forget about the subsequent natural and independent birth of a child.

However, this is not the case, many women quite successfully endure natural childbirth after cesarean. But do not forget about some features and precautions.

From the history of the issue

In the nineteenth century medical science there was a real revolution. Antiseptics were discovered, anesthesia appeared. Doctors and obstetricians began to actively apply new knowledge for various operations, including caesarean section. With further development science, this method of childbirth has become increasingly used to save the life of not only the child, but also the mother. Medical institutions those who deal with complicated childbirth use caesarean section in about 40% of cases. It is worth noting that the invention and improvement of this method helped save more than one thousand lives.

In the twentieth century, doctors insisted that after a caesarean, a second pregnancy is possible only if the birth goes artificially. A third pregnancy was categorically forbidden because of the excessive risks to the health of the mother. Today the situation has changed.

Is it possible to plan a new pregnancy?

The dilemma "how long can you give birth after a cesarean?" remains relevant today. It is important to discuss contraception with your doctor after the first birth. Experts recommend planning subsequent pregnancies no earlier than two to three years later. During this period, a full-fledged scar will have time to form on the uterus. This is important aspect if a woman wants to become a mother for the second or even third time.

After a caesarean section, the ability to conceive a new life in a woman is restored immediately after the arrival of the first menstrual flow. However, this does not mean that the body has fully recovered and is ready to bear a new fetus.

Obstetricians and gynecologists note that a second pregnancy a couple of months after surgery is accompanied by big risks not only for the health of the mother, but also for the life of her unborn child. Therefore, in this case, doctors insist on an abortion. It is important to note that emergency pregnancy may be harmful even if it is interrupted. Any surgical intervention at a time when the scar on the uterus has not yet fully formed can jeopardize the woman's ability to continue to bear and give birth to children.

Is independent childbirth possible?

Doctors unanimously declare that natural childbirth after a caesarean section is possible only if the uterus has had time to fully recover. The suture itself heals quickly, but the tissues around it are tender and along the incision line there is still long time will remain fairly fragile. This greatly increases the maternal health risks during subsequent pregnancies.

After two to three years after the operation, it can be argued that the suture will fully form and become:

  • muscular,
  • connective tissue,
  • mixed.

Natural childbirth after cesarean is possible subject to the development of the first option. But for the second option, independent childbirth prohibited. The connective tissue suture may not withstand stretching. This is fraught with great blood loss for the expectant mother.

But you should not delay with a new pregnancy if a woman wants to become a mother for the second time. With age, tissue elasticity decreases. According to indications medical statistics, women over the age of 35 years, whose first pregnancy ended in a caesarean, a second operation is recommended according to the indications of tests and ultrasound. Thus, you have found the answer to the question of how long it takes to give birth after a cesarean.

Repeated pregnancy

Every woman in gynecological department must explain that a caesarean section does not affect the likelihood repeated pregnancy. But its offensive is an occasion to immediately turn to women's consultation and register with your doctor.

Due to the presence of a scar, examinations of the future woman in labor will be carried out more often. The doctor is obliged to prescribe additional ultrasound to assess not only the health of the child, but also the condition of the scar. The number of examinations will increase by later dates pregnancy, as well as in the presence of complications or bearing several babies at once. In the latter case, the uterus will stretch more than usual. This can negatively affect the ability of the scar to adapt to new loads.

Childbirth after surgery

Is it possible to give birth after a caesarean section? Modern discoveries allow us to answer this question in the affirmative. This became possible due to the fact that medical practice wide application received semi-synthetic and synthetic threads. Using them to sew a seam provides better recovery reproductive organs of a woman. In addition, at the present stage, during a caesarean section, an incision of the uterus is performed in lower section and not longitudinal.

Experts say that natural childbirth after cesarean is successful in 60-70% of cases. Experts from Europe and America went even further. They state that for women whose first pregnancy ended in surgery, it is desirable to have a second birth after a caesarean section by natural means.

Birth management

Do they give birth after a caesarean section? Yes! But, home births in this case are under the strictest ban. It is necessary to go to the hospital and be under the constant supervision of obstetricians. After all, natural childbirth after cesarean is a big risk for the life of the mother and child. Lack of control can lead to a rupture of the seam, and only timely qualified medical assistance can save two lives.

It is worth noting that not all maternity hospitals allow natural childbirth for women who have had a caesarean section. They are aware of the possible risk and try to minimize the chances of a negative outcome. In the event that specialists have allowed natural childbirth, they are carried out on a specifically appointed day. But here the opinions of experts are diametrically different.

The first group of doctors says that vaginal delivery after caesarean section should be induced artificial method by piercing the fetal bladder. In their opinion, this allows doctors to most reliably assess possible risks and, if necessary, perform an emergency caesarean section.

The second group of experts believes that artificially induced childbirth after caesarean may adversely affect the health of the mother. After all, it is extremely important that the birth goes naturally, this allows the cervix to expand gradually, which minimizes the chances of a scar rupture.

After such a birth, it is important that the doctor carefully assess the condition of the scar and carry out all the necessary medical manipulations for a speedy recovery.

Is there an advantage to natural childbirth?

There is an opinion that a caesarean section is worthy alternative natural childbirth. After all, this allows the mother to avoid suffering, and the child of possible birth injuries. But not everything is so simple and unambiguous.

First, a caesarean section is the most complicated operation, which can provoke a number of complications that will adversely affect the health of the mother. There is a risk of open bleeding, inflammation abdominal cavity other. Repeat caesarean section increases the chances of possible complications, because the operation will be carried out on previously injured tissues.

Secondly, scientists have long proved that natural childbirth is an integral process of a child's adaptation to environment. This first stress allows the baby to prepare for his first breath and life outside the womb. Experts have noticed that children born naturally have good health, they are less susceptible frequent colds and manifestations of allergies. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to give birth after a cesarean section is positive.

For these reasons, doctors are in no hurry to do a caesarean section. They often wait until labor begins so that the woman can "be in labor" before proceeding with surgery.

The need for a caesarean section

Indications for the operation are divided into absolute and relative. The first ones include:

  • premature detachment of the placenta;
  • anatomical features, in particular a narrow pelvis;
  • the presence of a tumor in the pelvis;
  • severe gestosis;
  • various pathologies internal organs that threaten the life of the mother.

Relative readings:

  • anomalies in childbirth (for example, frozen generic activity);
  • incorrect location of the fetus in the womb;
  • exceeding the term of bearing a child;
  • retinal detachment in the mother, which was identified and operated on during pregnancy, etc.

Indications for natural childbirth

Is it possible to give birth after a caesarean section? Yes, subject to the following:

  • after the first operation, the recovery went without complications;
  • the scar is located in the lower segment of the uterus;
  • the second pregnancy passed without any complications;
  • the placenta is located outside the scar zone;
  • the child weighs no more than 3.8 kg.

After anesthesia and antiseptics appeared in the 19th century, obstetricians began to actively practice caesarean sections. Later, with the advent of antibiotics and the improvement of surgery, cesarean section became quite frequent. medical operation. In large hospitals, where they deal with complicated childbirth, the share of these operations can reach 40-50%. Caesarean section saved many children's and maternal lives.

But the cesarean section called into question the bearing of a new pregnancy, and automatically solved the issue of a second birth: a cesarean was followed only by a cesarean. It was categorically not recommended to get pregnant for the third time: the risks are too great.

And how is it today? Is it possible to have children naturally after a caesarean section?

When can I plan a new pregnancy after caesarean?

For pregnancy after caesarean section, further planning is especially important. After the first delivery by caesarean section, it is important to take care of your health and discuss contraception with your doctor. It is necessary to carefully protect yourself from pregnancy for at least two years, so that a wealthy and full-fledged scar on the uterus can form. This is necessary if you plan to become a mom at least one more time.

The ability to conceive in women after a caesarean section returns with the arrival of the very first menstruation (and even earlier), but the ability to fully bear and give birth to a baby will depend on the state of the body. There are cases of successful bearing and birth of children conceived a few months after the caesarean section, but this is associated with a high risk.

Most favorable time for the onset of the next pregnancy, it is considered from two to three to ten years after a cesarean section.

Usually, if pregnancy after CS occurs in the first few months after delivery, doctors recommend terminating it. It is important to remember that even if you really want another child after the CS, early pregnancy after surgery can put you and your doctors in a very difficult situation. difficult situation choice. It will be dangerous both to carry a pregnancy with an immature and unformed scar, and to terminate a pregnancy. Sometimes, only medical early abortion is acceptable for up to six weeks. Instrumental interruption can generally call into question your ability to bear children. Therefore, the timing of planning the second baby after the COP should be approached very responsibly.

After the first operative delivery, the uterus should be given rest and the opportunity to restore tissue on the scar. The seam itself heals quickly enough, but the tissues around it, especially along the incision line, will be very tender and fragile for a long time, and the risks of serious complications during an early pregnancy increase dramatically.

Within two to three years from the moment of the operation, the suture is completely formed and becomes muscular, mixed or connective tissue. The first option for natural childbirth will be ideal in the future, but with a connective tissue suture, they will not be allowed to give birth on their own, such a suture will not withstand stretching. Ideally, planning should begin with a trip to the doctor and a detailed examination.

But to postpone pregnancy for long term not worth it. As we age, tissue elasticity decreases and the risk of severe course childbirth. After age 35, many pregnant women with a previous caesarean section are advised reoperation in relative terms.

Pregnancy management after caesarean section

The presence of a caesarean section in the past does not affect conception and pregnancy, it manifests itself as usual. But the appearance of the first signs of pregnancy is an occasion for immediate medical attention and registration.

If there is a scar on the uterus, the pregnant woman will be examined more often than usual, she will be on special account with the doctor, ultrasound will be performed more often to determine the state of the suture and assess the health of the baby. Especially frequent ultrasounds will be in late pregnancy, as well as when carrying a multiple or complicated pregnancy. In these situations, the walls of the uterus can stretch faster than usual, and the scar will be more difficult to adapt to the ever-increasing stress.

Is it possible to give birth naturally after a caesarean section?

Previously, in medicine, there was an unambiguous rule that after a cesarean section, repeated births can also be only through a cesarean. Fortunately, this statement has lost its relevance today. Today, in connection with the holding of the COP on modern standards, there was the possibility of natural childbirth with a scar on the uterus. This is due to the widespread introduction into practice of semi-synthetic and synthetic threads for seams, providing more full recovery. In addition, today a physiological incision of the uterus in the lower segment is used instead of a longitudinal incision. According to some experts, successful delivery after CS are possible in 60-70% of cases.

Figure 1. A corporal incision is made vertically in the upper part of the uterus. Currently, it is done in case of a threat to the life of the fetus, placenta previa and the transverse position of the fetus. After a corporal incision of the uterus, childbirth through natural birth canal impossible.

Figure 2. The lower transverse uterine incision is more physiological and is associated with less blood loss and a lower risk of postpartum infection. Subsequent births, with favorable healing, can pass through the natural birth canal.
Pictures from the site

So, in itself, the presence of a scar on the uterus after previous births is not yet an absolute indication for further caesarean sections. On the contrary, a number of expert organizations in Europe, America and Russia state that natural childbirth is even more desirable for women who have had a previous caesarean section.

But, as a rule, natural childbirth is possible only after one CS, and if there were two or more cesarean in a row, it becomes too dangerous to give birth naturally.

Birth management after caesarean section

It is necessary to give birth after a previous caesarean section only in a hospital. Childbirth at home with a scar on the uterus is a very big risk, since there is always a threat of rupture of the suture during childbirth. This is deadly for the mother and baby, and only immediate medical assistance can save them.

Aware of the potential risk, not all maternity undertake the management of natural childbirth in women who have previously given birth by caesarean section. But there are obstetric hospitals where, if indicated, natural delivery is practiced in women with a scar on the uterus.

If the issue of natural childbirth is resolved positively, they are usually carried out as planned on a certain day. Disputes among doctors on this topic do not subside, as there are two diametrically opposed opinions.

Some experts believe that planned hospitalization in maternity hospital, where a woman in labor is pierced with a fetal bladder and artificially induce childbirth. This is necessary in order for the birth to take place in daytime when the operating team is on site. Doctors say that this is necessary for the safety of the fetus and the woman in labor, in case an emergency caesarean section is needed.

Opponents of planned childbirth are convinced that it is especially important for women with a scar on the uterus that childbirth begins spontaneously and goes without medical intervention natural way. This helps prevent possible complications, the worst of which is uterine rupture along the scar. And it is the least likely with a smooth opening of the cervix and the most natural childbirth.

Such childbirth usually takes longer, they are carried out very carefully and they try not to use methods of stimulation and anesthesia. After the baby and placenta are born, the scar will be carefully assessed by hand under anesthesia.

Why is natural childbirth better than surgical?

It would seem, why should women in labor suffer if it is possible to make an incision under epidural anesthesia, also saving the baby from possible birth injuries? Why not everyone give birth without pain and effort?

But not everything is as simple as it seems. Firstly, the CS operation, which seems simple and quick to the layman, is actually a complex surgical procedure, with a high percentage of complications, some of which are quite severe, and even, in rare cases, fatal for the mother.

One of frequent complications are bleeding due to a poorly contracting uterus and inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus - endometritis. They may also develop severe complications surgeries like peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum). With repeated CS, the percentage of complications invariably increases, since this is a repeated intervention in the same place and tissue trauma. Therefore, doctors do not recommend performing a caesarean section more than twice.

Secondly, it has been proven that natural childbirth is a necessary physiological stress for the baby, allowing him to prepare for the first breath and extrauterine life. It has been proven that children born naturally are less prone to colds and allergies, adapt faster to external environment. Therefore, even with indications for a caesarean section, many doctors try to wait for the natural onset of contractions and allow the woman to “stay in childbirth”, and only before the onset of the straining period they resort to surgery.

When is a caesarean section necessary?

Indications for caesarean section can be divided into absolute and relative.

Absolute conditions include conditions when natural childbirth is impossible: placenta previa or premature detachment, anatomically narrow pelvis, tumors in the small pelvis, severe preeclampsia with a threat to life, severe pathologies of internal organs that can lead to death during childbirth.

Relative indications include difficulties in this particular pregnancy, associated with very high risk natural childbirth. These include anomalies in childbirth (for example, frozen labor activity), incorrect presentation, postmaturity, myopia in the mother, and many others.

The second birth in the future will depend on the indications for CS for the first time. At absolute readings from the side of anatomy, the second birth will also occur by operation. But if the first CS was according to relative indications, enough time has passed, and the scar is well formed, it is possible to completely resolve the issue in favor of natural childbirth.

The desire of a woman in labor or a doctor is not an indication for surgery. Therefore, if your doctor insists on a caesarean section without giving any explanation, see another doctor.

Will I be able to give birth naturally?

Your chances of natural childbirth are quite high if:
  • the first CS was performed according to relative indications;

  • postoperative recovery was uneventful;

  • the born child is healthy;

  • on the uterus one scar in the lower segment;

  • repeated pregnancy goes without complications;

  • according to ultrasound, the placenta is outside the scar zone;

  • the scar is in good condition, there is no thinning of the walls of the uterus;

  • the weight of the child is not more than 3.8 kg;

  • You are set for natural childbirth.

Photo - photobank Lori

Is it possible to give birth after a cesarean? Not only is it possible, but it may even be necessary. Everything depends on many factors. It often happens that doctors recommend trying to give birth on your own, even if you had to resort to caesarean during a previous birth.

Can I give birth on my own after a cesarean? There are no categorical contraindications for natural childbirth after a caesarean section. But it is necessary to take into account many small nuances that can play a decisive role when planning the next pregnancy. Births after caesarean section are inevitably at additional risk.

Why is it impossible to give birth again a year after a caesarean section? During surgery, a cavity incision is made in the abdominal cavity and in the body of the uterus. After the incision, a scar is inevitably formed, which takes time to heal. It must be borne in mind that during the next pregnancy, this scar may again disperse due to stretching of the peritoneal tissues. The same thing can happen during childbirth due to the contraction of the muscles of the uterus, which at this moment will be in a highly stretched position.

You need to be very careful when sexual contacts, be carefully protected so that conception does not occur. Abortion during this period is also undesirable, because. mechanical impact surgical instruments on the inner walls of the uterus can also provoke a rupture of the seam.

After a caesarean section, it is necessary to give the body a break for at least 2-3 years. Only after such a period of time, the seam can be considered fully consistent, i.e. reliably and "hermetically" healed, and all muscle tissues around him - fully restored. The scar after 2-3 years becomes elastic, it is well reduced during contractions.

But if 5 or more years have passed after, then in this case, repeated births also become unsafe. The seam at the site of the sectional incision by this time becomes too rigid, rough, difficult to stretch, and can also unexpectedly disperse during childbirth.

One caesarean was done. What in this case to expect from the next pregnancy?

If a woman had a caesarean section once, this does not mean at all that in preparation for next birth the doctor will insist on a second surgical intervention. If there are no objective indications for a second caesarean section, then doctors recommend normal delivery. Moreover, many doctors even believe that natural childbirth after caesarean is more desirable. The probability of success in this case, many estimate at least 70%.

How soon can you give birth after a caesarean? Optimal time- from 2 to 5 years.

The main arguments in favor of natural childbirth after cesarean

  1. Independent repeated childbirth is considered safer for both the woman herself and the baby. In this case, there are fewer risks to the health of the mother and child. In addition, once carried out in a natural way, childbirth makes it possible to subsequently give birth more than once.
  2. Surgical intervention, even if it is absolutely successful every time, can be applied no more than 3 times. With each subsequent operation, the risk for mother and baby increases greatly. The second consecutive caesarean section significantly reduces the possibility of natural childbirth in the future. And after the second caesarean, the possibility is practically excluded normal delivery in the third pregnancy.
  3. After natural childbirth, the restoration of the body (including the restoration reproductive function) is much faster and easier. The risk of complications is minimal. And if the second birth took place with the help of a caesarean section, then a violation becomes quite likely menstrual cycle and the development of other abnormalities. All this can negatively affect the overall health of a woman and practically nullify the possibility of another conception.
  4. Many experts believe that natural birth, which is almost always painful for the mother, creates stressful situation and for the baby. And he gets first life experience dealing with stress, which will be very necessary for him when adapting to the world around him.

And if there were two caesarean, is independent childbirth possible for the third time?

It is almost impossible to give birth after two. there can be serious complications in natural childbirth. In particular, in this case there may be:

  • fetal hypoxia;
  • rupture of the body of the uterus in one of the old sutures;
  • the beginning of the process of formation of adhesions - tugging of the intestine, which provokes the formation of constipation, adhesions on the ovaries, and all this can eventually lead to complete infertility;
  • formation of postoperative hernia.

You can try to give birth on your own during the third pregnancy, if the time interval after the second birth, carried out by caesarean section, is at least 2 and no more than 4 years. But trying to give birth on your own after two caesarean sections requires a number of other conditions, including an acceptable condition of the scar on the uterus, complete absence other contraindications for natural childbirth, absolutely normal development fetus.