How to help the body produce progesterone. Low progesterone - the main symptoms, methods to increase hormone levels naturally

Progesterone is important hormone for women of all ages.

It affects the ability to conceive and bear a fetus, the formation of libido, the regularity menstrual cycle, the occurrence of premenstrual syndrome, the course of the menopause.

Reduced levels of the hormone cause in women sharp drops mood, change in behavior, which negatively affects the people around them. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to increase progesterone in women, and by what symptoms to recognize a decrease in its level.

Progesterone is produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands. Most of The hormone is synthesized in the ovaries by the corpus luteum. This happens in the luteal phase in this way: a mature egg leaves the ovary, the follicle ruptures, forms corpus luteum production of progesterone takes place.

The level of the hormone is detected by a blood test. Each period of the menstrual cycle has its own hormone rate. The study is best done in the luteal phase, when the level of the hormone is maximum.

Except clinical trial blood exists certain symptoms to detect low progesterone levels.

Not enough progesterone in female body leads to menstrual irregularities. The production of corticosteroid hormones by the adrenal glands, which affect the health of a woman, largely depends on it.

The following symptoms may indicate a low level of progesterone:

  • increase or decrease in body temperature;
  • headaches, dizziness, fainting;
  • dryness in the vagina;
  • menstrual pain;
  • bleeding between menstrual cycles;
  • irritability, depression, aggressiveness;
  • the appearance of excess hair on the body;
  • hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands;
  • decrease in skin elasticity;
  • decreased libido;
  • a sharp weight gain;
  • swelling;
  • pain in the mammary glands;
  • increased sweating;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • hair loss;
  • insomnia;
  • fatigue, weakness.

Symptoms of a decrease in progesterone levels are not specific. Therefore, they are not always paid attention to, and this is fraught with serious consequences.

Hormone deficiency contributes to the disruption of the menstrual cycle, the occurrence of dysfunctional uterine bleeding, cystic formations ovaries, mammary glands, uterine fibroids.

If a woman notices signs of reduced level progesterone, you should consult a gynecologist.

Reasons for lowering the hormone

There are many reasons for a decrease in the concentration of progesterone in the blood.

With full ovulation, a decrease in the level of the hormone can cause:

  • taking antibiotics, oral contraceptives;
  • prolonged and intense stress;
  • emotional experiences;
  • excessive alcohol consumption, smoking;
  • a sharp change in weight;
  • low-calorie diets;
  • hereditary diseases.

The result of a decrease in progesterone caused by one or more listed reasons, there will be a general deterioration in the condition of the woman.

Knowing the reasons that contribute to the decrease in progesterone, you can try to avoid this.

You can find a table of changes in the level of progesterone in pregnant women by week at the link:. And also talk about the main causes of changes in hormone levels.

How to Increase Progesterone Levels in Women Naturally

Pregnant women are the most worried about the level of the hormone progesterone. This is due to the fact that the hormone affects the changes that occur in the body of the expectant mother and the development of the fetus.

During pregnancy, it is desirable to avoid taking medications if possible, so it is important to know how to increase progesterone. naturally.

To increase progesterone, women need to follow the basic rules:

  • compliance with sleep and rest;
  • balanced diet, rich in protein, zinc, vitamins B and E;
  • sports;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • obesity treatment;
  • use of contraceptive methods recommended by a gynecologist;
  • hiking outdoors.

If the level of progesterone is slightly reduced, products that increase progesterone in women will help raise it:

  • White cabbage;
  • broccoli;
  • carrot;
  • potato;
  • peas;
  • asparagus;
  • spinach;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • beans;
  • raspberry;
  • raisin;
  • figs;
  • dried apricots;
  • pears;
  • apples;
  • persimmon;

attention to own health and timely appeal in medical institution help women maintain progesterone at the required level.

Increasing folk remedies

Consider how to increase progesterone folk remedies.

Women are often advocates traditional medicine. They try to get by without medicines created chemically.

Doctors are not opponents of folk remedies and recognize their benefits under certain conditions.

Non-traditional treatments can increase the effectiveness of medical therapy recommended by a doctor if used with his consent. Also, when using folk remedies, a placebo effect can work. Statistics say that this happens in 20% of cases of taking a harmless but useless drug, especially among women with functional impairment.

With the permission of the doctor, you can take remedies made from herbs and berries according to simple recipes:

  1. Pour a glass of boiling water over one tablespoon of chopped prutnyak, leave for several hours.
  2. Pour a tablespoon of finely chopped dried raspberry leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for one hour.
  3. Brew rose hips, raspberries, red and white currants, black currant leaves with boiling water. When cool, add honey.

When using folk remedies, you need to remember the precautions:

  1. If used at the same time various recipes traditional medicine and drugs recommended by the doctor, you can increase progesterone excessively.
  2. Before taking herbs, you need to familiarize yourself with the existing contraindications.
  3. The same herb different influence on different people.
  4. Plants with progestogenic activity should be used in the second half of the monthly cycle.

Folk remedies can be used only after consulting a doctor.

Maintaining normal hormone levels great importance for a woman's health throughout her life, starting from puberty.

A low level of the hormone may indicate the presence of serious pathologies in the body. Progesterone deficiency requires professional treatment.

It is possible to increase the level of the hormone with folk remedies only if there is medical supervision. This will help avoid dangerous consequences.

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Progesterone is a steroid-type hormone that is synthesized by the ovaries and adrenal cortex.

Progesterone is considered the original female sex hormone responsible for puberty, pregnancy and lactation. Lack of progesterone in the body can lead to serious problems with reproductive health.

That is why many women are wondering - what foods contain progesterone and is it possible to increase its level with nutrition?

Why is it so important to monitor the level of progesterone in the body and what is its main role? This hormone performs extremely important functions:

  • regulates the menstrual cycle, prevents PMS.
  • progesterone normalizes the process of ovulation.
  • prepares the uterus for the upcoming conception and pregnancy.
  • activates the accumulation of fat, which is necessary for a normal pregnancy.
  • progesterone is responsible for the secure attachment of the fetus to uterine wall and prevents miscarriage.
  • contributes to the increase in the uterus in size as the fetus grows.
  • ensures the process of lactation after childbirth.
  • reduces the likelihood of developing mastopathy.

Hormonal medications can be taken to increase progesterone levels in the body, but they have many side effects. That is why many women try to normalize hormonal background with help non-traditional methods, including food.

And in this article, everything about progesterone - how it is produced and what it affects. And also what to do if there is a deviation in the concentration of the hormone up or down.

Products containing progesterone

The natural way to increase the level of progesterone in the body is to use various products containing progesterone. These foods include fresh fruits, vegetables, berries and medicinal herbs.

For effective increase progesterone is recommended to use sweet Bulgarian and red hot pepper, beans, peas and other legumes, lettuce, asparagus, spinach, carrots, as well as any kind of cabbage - white, cauliflower, kohlrabi or broccoli.

These products contain a large number of vitamins A, E, C, as well as zinc, which stimulate the production of progesterone.

It is recommended to make various salads from vegetables and generously season them with vegetable oils - olive, sunflower, soybean or corn are best. The oils contain vegetable fats necessary for the synthesis of progesterone.

The daily diet must contain seasonal berries, fruits and dried fruits - raspberries, currants, rose hips, figs, dried apricots, raisins, persimmons, apples and pears. From exotic fruits, it is recommended to use citrus fruits, as well as avocados. It is the avocado, which contains more than 20 beneficial vitamins, amino acids and trace elements, stimulates an increase in progesterone in the body.

Olives, walnuts, peanuts, almonds, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds - they contain fats plant origin that stimulate the production of sex hormones in the female body.

Food can not only increase, but also lower the level of progesterone in the body. These products include mint tea and any drinks containing natural mint, red rowan berries, carrot seeds.

Foods that increase progesterone in women

Women seeking to increase the level of progesterone in the body should build their daily menu on dishes and products that contain natural progesterone.

It is also necessary to include in the diet vegetables, fruits and other foods that activate the production of the hormone progesterone.

We list some of them:

  1. Cottage cheese with a high percentage of fat, cheese, sour cream, milk, and other fermented milk products.
  2. Various types of meat - chicken, rabbit, pork.
  3. The synthesis of progesterone is stimulated by cholesterol, so be sure to eat cholesterol-containing foods - fatty varieties fish, beef, lamb, kidneys, beef liver, brains, chicken and quail eggs.
  4. Between meals, you can snack on seeds - both pumpkin and sunflower seeds, walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts.
  5. Sea fish - tuna, salmon, river fish it is best to choose silver carp, red and black caviar, seafood.
  6. Starch-containing foods effectively stimulate the production of progesterone in the female body. Therefore, the menu must include potatoes in any form - boiled, baked, as well as rice.
  7. Baking, any flour products from wheat flour help increase the level of sex hormones. But with such products you need to be extremely careful, because apart from elevated progesterone You can easily put on extra pounds.
  8. An excellent alternative to starchy or flour products can become vegetables that contain progesterone - these are tomatoes, leeks, cauliflower, Jerusalem artichoke, corn, pumpkin and squash, radish, legumes.

Progesterone deficiency can be caused due to improper drinking regime. It is necessary to consume at least 2-2.5 liters of pure non-carbonated water per day. It is also recommended to drink a decoction of wild rose, herbal teas and infusions.

What herbs contain the hormone?

Some medicinal plants contain special components that produce the hormone progesterone. Such medicinal plants contains special substances called phytohormones. They got this name due to the amazing similarity of structures with female sex hormones. Phytohormones are able to quickly and effectively regulate the hormonal background in the female body, increasing progesterone levels and lowering estrogen levels.

To healing herbs with progestogenic action include raspberry leaves, common cuff, goose cinquefoil, wild yam, meadow backache, prutnyak.

One of the most popular and effective herbs to normalize the hormonal balance in the female body are considered upland uterus(ortilia lopsided) and a red brush.

These medicinal plants are taken in the form of infusions, decoctions, alcohol tinctures.

Infusion of the upland uterus - 2 tablespoons of pre-chopped herb ortilia lopsided must be poured into 400 ml hot water, then leave to infuse for an hour. After this, the infusion should be filtered and taken 400 ml per day, dividing daily allowance for 4 doses.

A decoction of the upland uterus - 2 tablespoons of a carefully crushed plant is poured into 2 glasses warm water, after which the product is put on a slow fire and boiled for 15 minutes. After the broth has cooled, it should be taken in a tablespoon 3-4 times a day, before meals.

Alcohol tincture from a red brush - pour 1 liter of vodka and 100 g of dry or fresh grass into a glass container. After that, the tincture should be left for 30 days in a dry and dark place, after which it is ready for use. The drug is used 40 drops, three times a day, before meals.

An effective remedy for increasing progesterone in the female body is dry or fresh leaves raspberries.

To prepare the product, a tablespoon of raspberry leaves, crushed with a blender or meat grinder, must be poured with a glass of boiling water and let the product brew for an hour.

Raspberry leaves can be used alone or in combination with other ingredients such as wild yam.

For preparation, raspberry leaves are mixed with wild yam in equal proportions, after which 2 tablespoons of the resulting mixture are poured into 400 ml of hot water. The remedy is infused for 2 hours, after which it is used 3-4 times a tablespoon throughout the day.

The concentration of progesterone in the blood in women is not constant, as it depends on the phase of the cycle, the use of oral contraceptives, pregnancy, menopause and pathologies. How to increase / decrease the level of the hormone and what foods that increase progesterone can be consumed, read our article.

There are many factors that contribute to the decrease in sex hormone. Most often, these pathologies genitourinary system drug use, including contraceptives. Can affect the decline in progesterone malnutrition, stress. If you notice that you have become irritable, you have a chronic type of fatigue and sudden mood swings, then you should contact the clinic for a blood test. Besides, characteristic symptoms low progesterone will become excess weight, headaches, swelling of the mammary glands.

The role of progesterone

Progesterone is a hormone that belongs to the group of neurohormones. It influences reproductive function and sexual development. The functions of progesterone are as follows:

  1. Responsible for the production of sperm and the male steroid called testosterone.
  2. Responsible for harmony. If its concentration in the blood is lowered, then this leads to excess weight.
  3. It is progesterone that affects the course of the second half of menstruation, the ability to conceive a child. It thickens the walls of the uterus and relaxes it.
  4. Affects the development of the placenta and the preservation of pregnancy until delivery.

Progesterone Boosting Products

To balance the hormonal background in a woman's body, you need to follow a properly composed diet. essence rational nutrition in the required ratio of the concentration of proteins, fat and carbohydrate food, sufficient fluid intake.

What foods increase progesterone in women:

  • beans, lentils, peas;
  • nut;
  • milk products;
  • lean meats (chicken and turkey fillet, young veal, rabbit meat), as well as liver;
  • chicken and quail egg (mostly yolk);
  • oatmeal, whole grains, flaxseed;
  • avocado, black, raspberry and green olives.

These products do not contain progesterone. When used, it is possible to stimulate the body's own hormone synthesis. Cholesterol is needed to activate this process. For this reason, it is important to add egg and meat dishes to the diet, as well as foods rich in vitamin E and P - potatoes, rose hips, fruits and fish.

Do not eat products in plastic packaging. According to studies, this capacity leads to the fact that xenoestrogens penetrate the food, which inhibit the production of progesterone. Plastic containers are made using bisphenol. This substance is concentrated in the body, subsequently has an estrogen-like effect, leading to infertility, disruption of the menstruation cycle.

To protect the body from harmful effects bisphenol, do not place food in the microwave using a plastic container. It is necessary to replace plastic dishes with glass, steel or ceramic.

It is possible to increase the concentration of progesterone only on the condition that, in addition to taking these products, a man or woman avoids stress, excessive psycho-emotional and physical activity get as much positive feedback as possible.

Increasing the hormone folk remedies

You can increase the concentration of progesterone by using herbal infusions. They contain or stimulate the synthesis of the hormone in the body. Among the most effective are

  • ordinary rod;
  • ordinary cuff;
  • plantain;
  • wild yam;
  • raspberry;
  • vitex sacred;
  • goose cinquefoil;
  • meadow shot.

It is necessary to take them from the 15th to the 25th day of the cycle. If the decoctions were properly prepared and the dosage was observed, then the concentration of progesterone will increase.

Popular Recipes

  1. Take 40 g of raspberry leaves, pour 200 ml of them hot water. Wait 1 hour. Filter the cooled broth, and then consume it throughout the day in small portions.
  2. In an equal amount send to the container raspberry leaves and wild yam. And it is best to use dry raspberry leaves. Then take 20 g of raw materials and add 200 ml of boiling water. Wait 203 hours, cool, filter, and then take 20 ml throughout the day 3 times.
  3. Plantain seeds - 10 g, combine with 20 g of the cuff. Pour all 200 ml of boiling water. Infuse for 2 hours, filter and sue. Take during the day 3 times in small sips.
  4. Take 40 g of prutnyak berries, chop them first. Add 400 ml hot water. Wait 3 hours. Consume throughout the day in small sips. Taking this infusion, you need to understand that you need to drink it in the second half of the cycle, starting from the 15th day. Total days will be 10.
  5. To increase the concentration of progesterone, you can use the tincture. You need to take 100 g of a red brush and 1 liter of vodka. Wait 30 days, while storing the tincture will be in a place where daylight does not penetrate. Take the finished product 40 drops before meals throughout the day 3 times. Before use, the composition should be diluted with water.
  6. Even our grandmothers actively used the properties of astragalus root in the treatment of various female diseases. It turns out that when it is used, it is possible to influence the active production of progesterone. From this product you need to prepare a tincture. It can be obtained on water or on vodka. For the first case, you need to take 20 g of the main component, chop finely and add 400 ml of boiling water. Pour the mixture into a thermos and wait 40 minutes. Take 1/3 cup after meals. In total for a day to use on 3 times. If you decide to create a tincture based on vodka, then you need to take 40 g of astragalus root, chop and add 2 cups of vodka. Wait 10 days, while placing the container in a dark place. Use the finished product in the amount of 10-20 drops. Accurate dosage can only be prescribed by the attending physician. Take 2-3 times during the day.

Possible contraindications

Don't be naive to think that every herb and product contains progesterone. All these recipes directly affect the level of the hormone. With certain pathologies, it is forbidden to take certain herbs. There are also a number of medications that do not allow them to be taken together with medicinal plants. For this reason, it is necessary to agree on everything with the doctor. The same herb can affect two people differently.

Products to increase progesterone during pregnancy

When the doctor has diagnosed - a lack of a hormone and there is a threat of miscarriage, then you need to know the products that increase progesterone during pregnancy. Most often these are those products that contain starch, fatty proteins and acids. The diet should include the following types products:

  • potatoes and rice;
  • poultry meat, fish, eggs;
  • avocados, olives, raw nuts;
  • seeds, seeds;
  • vegetable oils.

progesterone lowering products

When the level of the hormone exceeds the required dosage, it is fraught with negative consequences for the body. In this case, it is necessary to exclude from the diet foods that increase the product. So now it’s worth choosing decoctions from mountain ash, carrot juice, Mint tea.

If symptoms of low progesterone were detected, then the woman should immediately contact a specialist and undergo necessary examination, get tested. Only then can the doctor prescribe effective therapy Most often, treatment involves the use of such drugs:

  • Duphaston,
  • Crinon-gel,
  • Ingestoy or Endometrin.

In addition to dieting and taking medications, the doctor may also prescribe decoctions, infusions that will lower progesterone levels. The main thing is to observe their dosage and rules of administration.

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There are two main ways to increase . This is substitution hormone therapy and natural increase active substance . The rate of progesterone in the blood of women must be monitored. It affects the maturation of germ cells, conception, normal flow pregnancy.

Causes of low progesterone

All causes of progesterone deficiency are divided into external and physiological:

Irrational nutrition with an imbalance of vitamins and mineralsPathologies of pregnancy (anomalies in the development of the fetus, placental insufficiency, impaired blood flow)
chronic stressUterine bleeding due to hormonal failure
Overweight Infectious diseases of the genital organs
Mental disordersMalignant tumors
alcohol abuse, drugs, smokingkidney failure
Hereditary pathologiesOvarian dysfunction
Bad ecologyMalfunctions of the hypothalamic-pituitary system
taking antibiotics, hormonal contraceptives and other drugsDysfunction thyroid gland
Too much estrogenFollicle persistence (hyperestrogenism);

Boost progesterone with drugs

When a low level of the hormone is detected, it is prescribed drug therapy or the secretion of progesterone is activated naturally.

Medications for hormone replacement therapy

In the presence of physiological reasons hormone deficiency, hormone therapy is prescribed or the pathology that causes secretion failure is eliminated.

Underproduction progesterone leads to infertility, increases the risk of miscarriages, fetal abnormalities. In some cases, an increase in the level of the hormone is carried out using drugs. They are presented in different pharmacological forms- tablets, capsules, injection solutions, suppositories, creams, gels.

Popular drugs include Natural progesterone, Utrozhestan, Injesta, Duphaston and others. popular medicines on the plant-based- Cyclodynon, Mastodinon. Only a doctor prescribes hormone replacement therapy. Self-medication leads to severe side effects and dangerous complications.

Preparations with progesterone
natural progesterone

(Solution for intramuscular injection)

Ovarian dysfunction, threatened miscarriage early dates pregnancy

(Capsules for internal and intravaginal administration)

Infertility, prevention of miscarriage, menopause, premature menopause, ovarian dysfunction, premenstrual syndrome(PMS), fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary glands


Normalization of the menstrual cycle, elimination of PMS, the threat of miscarriage in the early stages

(Gel for vaginal administration)


(Solution for intravenous and intramuscular injections)

Amenorrhea (absence of menstruation), dysfunctional uterine bleeding, infertility, miscarriage
Herbal preparations

(Pills, drops)

PMS, increased chance of conception, regulation of the menstrual cycle

(Pills, drops)

pregnancy planning, menopause

Preparations with progesterone have a number of contraindications.

These include:

Increase progesterone naturally

Methods of natural increase in the hormone are aimed at enhancing the secretory activity of the body. This is facilitated by a change in nutrition (diet), the use of traditional medicine, lifestyle correction. Natural remedies, as opposed to synthetic ones, support healthy hormonal balance and have no side effects.

Some medicines can reduce the hormone (interfering factor):
Ampicillin, carbamazepine, cyproterone, danazol, epostane, estriol, goserelin, leupromide, oral contraceptives, phenytoin, pravastatin, prostaglandin E2. Stopping the intake leads to the restoration of progesterone levels.

Ways to increase progesterone levels naturally:

  • Limit those that increase the amount of estrogen. This group includes legumes, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds and oils from them. A significant increase in estrogen concentration causes a decrease in progesterone levels Therefore, you need to maintain the balance of these hormones.
  • Eat foods that activate the synthesis of progesterone in the body. For this, it is necessary vitamin C and cholesterol. The menu should include veal, rabbit meat, turkey fillet, chicken, egg yolk. In sufficient quantity in the diet should be vegetables, fruits, cereals, nuts, dairy products.
  • Increase your intake of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). This substance is necessary to maintain normal level progesterone. Vitamin B6 has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver, which utilizes estrogens. Sources of pyridoxine - walnuts, veal, beef, poultry, seafood. Also bananas, spinach, potatoes, whole grains.
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol) has a positive effect on the synthesis of homon in large quantities. Use its pharmacy form.
  • Include foods rich in magnesium and zinc in your diet. There are a lot of these trace elements in pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, wheat bran, dark chocolate, and peanuts. Protein foods include beef, turkey, rabbit, and seafood.
  • Avoid using herbs. These are black cohosh, angelica, hops, licorice, alfalfa, red clover.
  • An increase in the level of progesterone and a decrease in estrogen are promoted by folk remedies based on prutnyak, wild yam and others. medicinal herbs.
  • Contribute to the active secretion of the hormone peony, cuff, boron uterus.
  • Overweight and low progesterone. Get rid of extra pounds, treat obesity.
  • Reducing stress - necessary condition for the secretion of progesterone. In conditions of chronic nervous tension the body has an additional need for cortisol. Under stress, it is additionally produced from progesterone.
  • Quit smoking. Nicotine inhibits the secretion of the hormone by the ovaries, substances that are contained in cigarette smoke damage progesterone receptors.
  • News healthy lifestyle life.
  • Limit the intake of xenoestrogens. They enter the body from environment and food. Their action is similar to estrogen. Xenoestrogens are found in varnishes, paints, plastics, and cosmetics. They contain exhaust gases, industrial pollution, pesticides, meat of chickens grown with the use of hormones.

Methods for increasing progesterone during pregnancy

During pregnancy, there is a natural increase in the level of the hormone. The lack of an active substance negatively affects general condition women and fetal development.

You can increase the concentration of the hormone with the help of diet food. The menu should include foods rich in magnesium, zinc, vitamins C, B6, E. Traditional medicine recipes for increasing hormone levels are not suitable for everyone. They can only be used with a doctor's prescription.

Low progesterone levels should be treated by a qualified medical care. Data-driven laboratory analysis blood, individual features the patient, the state of the body the doctor will prescribe best option hormonal correction.

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There are two main sex hormones in a woman's body - estrogen and progesterone. Generally, if the level of one of these hormones rises, the levels of the other decrease.

The balance of estrogen and progesterone in a woman's body is extremely important for her health. Low level progesterone and excess estrogen can contribute to many psychological and physical illnesses. This imbalance of hormones can lead to menstrual irregularities, infertility, increased risk miscarriage, pronounced PMS symptoms depression, thyroid dysfunction, fibrocystic mastopathy, weight gain and menstrual irregularities.

There are 2 ways to increase progesterone levels:

I. Hormone replacement therapy- taking progesterone medications. However, their use may cause side effects: increased blood clotting with the formation of blood clots, as well as impaired liver function up to the formation of stones and the development of hepatitis. However, in some situations, the use of such drugs is justified.

II. natural methods. These methods are designed to increase one's own progesterone levels through changes in diet, lifestyle, and the use of natural remedies that have a progesterone-like effect and are found in a number of foods and herbs. Unlike synthetic, natural remedies maintain a healthy hormonal balance and have no side effects.

Natural ways to increase progesterone levels and maintain proper hormonal balance in the body.

  1. Limit your intake of foods that can increase estrogen levels: legumes, especially soy products, flax seeds, beans, lentils, peas, pumpkin and sesame seeds, and vegetable oils of them.
  2. Eat foods that stimulate the production of your own progesterone in the body.
    To stimulate the synthesis of hormones, cholesterol and vitamin C are primarily needed. Therefore, it is important to eat meat dishes (chicken, turkey, veal, rabbit), egg yolk, vegetables and fruits, nuts, dairy products, whole grain cereals.
    Also take extra vitamin C!
    Studies have shown that taking 750 mg of vitamin C daily for six months can significantly increase progesterone synthesis.
  3. Avoid herbs that can increase estrogen levels:
    Cimicifuga (syn. Black cohosh, Black cohosh), Angelica (syn. Angelica, Angelica, Dong Qua), Hop, Licorice, Red clover, Raspberry leaf, Alfalfa.
  4. Increase your intake of vitamin B6, which is required to maintain optimal progesterone levels. Vitamin B is also essential for the liver, where estrogen is utilized.
    Sources of Vitamin B6: walnuts, whole grains, lean red meat, poultry, seafood, bananas, spinach, beans, potatoes.
  5. Eat foods containing Zinc and Magnesium:
    Sources of Zinc: pumpkin, sunflower and sesame seeds, peanut, beef, beef liver and tongue, turkey and rabbit meat, egg yolk, shellfish, crab, dark chocolate, wheat bran.
    Sources of Magnesium: wheat bran, sunflower, pumpkin, flax, sesame seeds, pine and walnuts, buckwheat, chocolate; cocoa powder, sprouted wheat seeds, dark green leafy vegetables, whole grains.
  6. Control your stress levels.
    Stress can significantly lower progesterone levels in the body. Under chronic stress, the adrenal glands cannot produce enough of the “fight or flight” hormone cortisol. In this case, the body converts progesterone into cortisol.
  7. Consume herbs that stimulate progesterone production and reduce estrogen and prolactin levels:
    - Vitex (syn. Abraham's tree, Prutnyak, Agnus-castus, Chasteberry)
    - Wild yam (Diosctrea).
  8. Use a cream containing natural progesterone.
    It is made from wild yam, the root of which contains the substance diosgenin, which can be converted to progesterone with a simple laboratory process. Natural progesterone has the same molecular structure as that synthesized in the human body.
    For premenopausal women, the recommended dose of cream is 15-24 mg/day starting on day 12 of the cycle from last application on the 26th day of the cycle.
  9. Do not smoke so as not to damage progesterone receptors. In addition, the nicotine in cigarettes suppresses the production of progesterone in the ovaries.
  10. Limit exposure to xenoestrogens. These chemical substances mimic the action of estrogens, which are produced by the body. They come from the environment and from food. In this case, the level of estrogens in the body rises and the synthesis of progesterone is suppressed.
    Xenoestrogens enter the body through plastics, varnishes, paints, soaps, cosmetics, furniture, pesticides, industrial pollution, exhaust fumes, chicken grown on hormones.

Important! If you are diagnosed with estrogen dominance or progesterone deficiency, the first step is to check the condition of your liver. With violations of its function, the metabolism of estrogen is disturbed. If estrogen is not inactivated, its level rises, creating hormonal imbalance and dominance over progesterone.