Water protein fat kilocalorie content. The ABCs of nutrition: proteins, saturated and unsaturated fats, simple and complex carbohydrates

Without protein in the diet, the body cannot function properly, since the cells of the body are entirely composed of it. At its core, protein is construction material and without him there will be no normal height muscles (this fact is especially important for the growing and developing body of a child), and the body will not be able to renew itself, since this process requires protein supplied with food.

Beef Features

It is worth remembering that the quality of the product depends on various factors: the age of the cow, the type of feed and the sex of the animal. Even when choosing a separate carcass of a cow or a bull, the meat in it will be different. In the part where the animal has the most strong muscles, the meat will be the toughest. The most nutritious parts are the dorsal and thoracic parts, obtained from immature animals. If the beef is of high quality, it will have pink color, fibrous structure and pleasant smell, while there will be practically no fat and film in it. All this does not affect the amount of protein in meat, but its absorption by the body depends on these factors.

Functions of proteins in the body

It is not necessary to delve into the study of chemistry and memorize formulas to find out why the human body cannot function normally without certain useful substances. In addition to the renewal of the body and muscle growth, for which the protein content in the body’s cells is responsible, it helps to absorb elements such as various minerals, fats and carbohydrates that enter the body during digestion of food.

After the food product is digested, it is, as it were, put into reserve, which the body then uses as material for building muscle and bone tissue. Protein, among other things, performs a protective function. This is blood clotting, wound healing, the body’s fight against viruses and toxins that have entered it. Thus, health and the immune system are directly dependent on how and what people eat.

What is animal protein?

Proteins are macronutrients essential for human body. Twenty percent of the total weight of the human heart and liver is protein. Another ten percent of brain tissue is also made up of protein. Health can be greatly affected not only by the quantity of a useful substance, but also by its quality. Plant proteins contained in cereals, nuts and legumes are undoubtedly useful and necessary, but it is worth remembering that a plant and an animal organism have many differences, which plays a leading role.

Products obtained from animals have a fiber structure, since meat is muscle tissue. Using in food muscle tissue another being, we feed our own.

Important! Animal proteins can be divided into complete and incomplete. The former are more beneficial for the body, since they contain all the amino acids necessary for a person.

What is beef protein?

It is obtained after processing the meat - removing fat and cholesterol from the beef. This protein is quickly digestible and, in addition to amino acids, contains creatine. To ensure that nutrients are better absorbed, you should consume beef in the morning, as well as before or after sports training.

Is beef a carbohydrate?

Beef contains practically no carbohydrates, but it is rich various types vitamins (A, B1, B2, C, B16, B5 and B6). The absence of carbohydrates in meat allows it to be eaten by small children, pregnant or lactating women, as well as people suffering from diabetes mellitus. But it is worth remembering that for any type of product you have different people Allergy is possible (including to proteins in beef).

Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a blood test before consuming the product (this is especially true for children who are just starting to introduce meat into their diet).


It is believed that in terms of its biological value, beef meat comes first before fish and milk. Biological value shows the amount of protein that the body can absorb when consuming a particular product. The higher this amount, the more valuable and healthy the food will be, since the influx of nutrients allows cells to quickly build and repair the body.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the benefits of beef protein for the stomach and intestines. For people facing the problem of lactose intolerance, such meat will be an ideal option, which will not cause bloating and internal organs will not experience discomfort.

How much protein is found in different types of meat?

Beef prepared in different ways, for example, fried, boiled, unprocessed, has different amounts of protein, which is so necessary to maintain the health of the body. How the food is prepared determines how well it will be absorbed. necessary for the body substance. Heat treatment, such as frying or boiling, changes the structure of the protein, but this does not affect its chemical composition, which looks like this:

  • raw meat - 19.13 g per 100 g of meat and 191.30 g per 1 kg;
  • boiled meat - 23.24 g per 100 g and 232.40 g per 1 kg;
  • grilled meat;
  • steamed meat.

When comparing the amount of protein in 100 grams of beef, we can conclude that this type of meat is a leader in comparison with others.

Calorie content

You should not eat meat if it has a significant layer of yellow fat on it. Since this means that the animal from which it was obtained was already old. It will take about 3 hours to cook such beef, which means it is difficult to calculate the amount of protein, since the protein is simply destroyed during prolonged heat treatment. Meat from young cows contains the least amount of calories. 100 g of such food contains about 187 kcal.

Since this is a relatively small amount of calories, even obese people can consume this product.

Daily intake

Usually, general norm The amount of protein in the body per day is 0.8 per kg of human body weight, but this may not be enough if we take into account the individual needs and development of individual people. Increase quantity daily norm The beneficial substance in the body is lost in older people, since their body produces less protein on its own. When playing sports, the norm should also increase to 1.2 g per kilogram of weight in order to maintain quality life.

For those losing weight, it will also be useful to eat foods high in proteins, since their abundance in the body helps get rid of excess weight, while observing the norm of 1.6 g per 1 kg of weight, a person will not lose his muscle mass even when losing weight.

Rules of use

The most correct thing is to consume meat within a few days or hours from the moment the animal is slaughtered. However, if a person does not live in rural areas and does not have his own household, he has no choice but to go to the store. In addition, meat should be consumed in certain proportions, otherwise, instead of benefit, it can cause significant harm to the body (increased cholesterol in the blood, kidney damage).

The intake of proteins and other nutrients is different for each person. It is best to consult with specialists and doctors, find out if you are allergic to certain foods, find out how many nutrients your body requires, and adhere to an individual nutrition schedule and menu. Meat is easily absorbed by the body, while being a source of many useful elements, and one of the many advantages of its use is the simplicity and variety of dishes that can be prepared, from the most basic and quick to culinary masterpieces that are not ashamed to serve to guests.

ABOUT beneficial properties beef, watch the video below.

To maintain a slim figure, increase muscle mass, develop strength, an optimal supply of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is necessary. To determine which food products contain them, in what proportion to consume them, how to take into account their compatibility and calorie content, the appropriate tables are used.

Protein products

A protein molecule consists of carbon (about half), as well as phosphorus, iron, sulfur, hydrogen, and oxygen.

The body builds cells from protein. IN digestive system protein products are broken down into amino acids, which enter cells with the blood and are used for construction or provide energy.

Protein supplied with food does not accumulate in the body - it is either absorbed or excreted.

Eggs, dairy products, beef, pork, rabbit, poultry, fish, seafood (caviar, crabs, shellfish) are rich in proteins. There is a lot of vegetable protein in soybeans, lentils, legumes, and mushrooms.

Protein in salted, smoked or canned fish is less digestible and absorbed.

Protein chicken eggs almost completely absorbed, but this product quite high in calories.

The body digests dairy and egg white, a little slower - fish and meat, relatively slow - vegetable. Protein foods are digested in an acidic environment. Freezing and thawing reduce the benefits of protein by almost half.

Protein foods stimulate the body's synthesis of growth hormone, which suppresses excess glucose consumption.

Plants produce amino acids, the primary natural proteins. The animal's body breaks down the plant in the digestive system into amino acids, from which it forms animal proteins.

Plant proteins are necessary for the human body.

Some scientists believe that consuming animal proteins clogs the cellular protoplasm, disrupting its original structure, which causes disease and aging. In addition, up to 70% of the energy contained in it is spent on digesting animal protein.

The daily protein intake is 80-100g (based on 1-1.5g of protein per 1kg of body weight). When 1g of protein is burned, 4kcal is released. With an excessive intake of protein products, the liver and kidneys suffer.

This rule is controversial. Some researchers believe that 60g of protein per day is enough for an adult, 25g for the elderly. A child needs three times more protein than an elderly person, i.e. 75

Academician Amosov N.M. To replenish essential amino acids, I consumed a little milk and meat (50g).

The World Health Organization has established standards: a man weighing 65 kg needs from 37 to 62 g of protein every day, a woman weighing 55 kg needs 29-48 g.

The body does not accumulate protein; it burns it to avoid being converted into toxic substances(ptomaine). Forced utilization (digestion) of excess protein requires energy, which may no longer be enough to absorb carbohydrates or fat, so they are stored in an undigested form, which leads to obesity and increased stress on the heart.

Protein releases half as much energy as carbohydrates.

A certain amount of protein is produced by the intestinal microflora, using nitrogen dissolved in digestive juices.

A lot of protein contains common and affordable product- sunflower seeds.

Some researchers deny that eating meat is necessary for muscle strength. They believe that meat has only a stimulating effect, which they mistakenly take as evidence of its significant nutritional value. In fact, consuming animal protein reduces endurance and performance.

Meat takes longer to digest in the body than other foods, which many also consider a sign of its high nutritional value. In reality, the internal organs do a tremendous amount of work. There are a lot of harmful substances in the blood, including uric acid, which causes gout to develop.

When eating animal protein, it contains harmful substances annoying nervous system, and their salts are vessels. In meat-eaters, neurasthenia, vascular, heart and blood diseases are common; they look older than their biological age.

Foods containing carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are quickly absorbed, are necessary for metabolism, are part of DNA and RNA, hormones, cell structures, and regulate metabolism. When digested, carbohydrate foods turn into water, carbon dioxide, glucose, and starch. Energy is released, which is especially necessary for the brain and muscles.

There are simple and complex carbohydrates:

  • simple: glucose, sucrose.
  • complex: starch, glycogen, which includes fiber.

Glucose and fructose quickly increase blood sugar levels. Glucose is a source of energy for nerve tissue, heart, and muscles. Fructose is the sweetest, participates in metabolic processes or converted to glucose. Glucose and fructose contain fruits, berries, and honey.

Dietary fiber is necessary for bowel movements; it binds harmful substances. Vegetables, fruits, and bread made from flour contain fiber. coarse, as well as buckwheat, pearl barley, and oatmeal.

Grains and legumes are products with which the body receives not only vegetable protein, but also carbohydrates.

A lot of useful stuff in the shell of the grains. Therefore, for example, there is less benefit in semolina, although it is well digested. Rice is rich in protein and starch, but low in fiber. Oatmeal is high in protein and fat.

Wholemeal bread, as well as rye bread, is healthier, although it is less digestible than white bread.

In children's and adolescence more carbohydrates are required. Excess consumption of foods containing carbohydrates blocks the supply of vitamins and minerals; metabolic products accumulate in the body and are difficult to eliminate.

To reduce the risk of obesity, it is better to consume carbohydrates with greens, fruits, and vegetables.

Unlike proteins, carbohydrates require alkaline environment. When burned, 1g of carbohydrates provides 4Kcal of energy.

It is believed that approximately 3/5 of carbohydrates should come from grains (cereals), 1/5 from sugar and sugar-containing products, 1/10 from potatoes and other root vegetables, 1/10 from fruits and vegetables.

Carbohydrates cover approximately half of the body's daily energy expenditure; up to 400-500g are needed every day.

Table 2. Carbohydrate content in some foods
Products (100 g)Calorie content (kcal)Carbohydrate content, g
Rice372 73
Plain flour350 80
Nuts, dried fruits368 65
White bread233 50
Boiled pasta117 25
Cream cake440 67,5
Shortbread cookies504 65
Milk ice cream167 25
Milk and dairy products
Fruit kefir52 17,5
Whole milk powder without sugar158 12,5
Kefir52 5
Meat and meat products
Fried beef sausage265 15
Fried pork sausage318 12,5
Fish and seafood
Fried shrimp316 30
Cod fried in oil199 7,5
Flounder fried in breadcrumbs228 7,5
Green pepper raw15 20
Boiled potatoes80 17,5
Boiled beets44 10
Boiled beans48 7,5
Boiled carrots19 5
Raisin246 65
Dried dates248 62,5
Prunes161 40
Fresh bananas79 20
Grape61 15
Fresh cherries47 12,5
Fresh apples37 10
Fresh peaches37 10
Pears41 10
Fresh apricots28 7,5
Fresh oranges35 7,5
Fresh tangerines34 7,5
Fresh grapefruit22 5
Hazelnuts380 7,5
Almond565 5
Walnuts525 5
Sugar and jam
White sugar394 100
Honey288 77,5
Marmalade261 70
Lollipops327 87,5
Iris430 70
Milk chocolate529 60
Alcoholic drinks
Alcohol 70%222 35
Vermouth dry118 25
Red wine68 20
Dry white wine66 20
Beer32 10

Excessive intake of foods rich in carbohydrates leads to obesity.

At reverse process– restricting the diet (diet, fasting) – the body first uses up sugar reserves from the liver, then from the muscles, and only then from the adipose tissue.

Starch from potatoes is absorbed better than from cereals - thin layer under the skin of young potatoes contains an enzyme that accelerates the digestion of plant starch. Therefore, it is healthier to eat baked potatoes “in their jackets”.

Fiber is the membranes and fibers of plants. The body does not completely digest fiber; it uses it to form feces. Eating foods with fiber slows down the absorption of carbohydrates and removes excess cholesterol.

Table 3. Carbohydrate (fiber) content in foods
Product (100 g)Fiber content, g
Dried mushrooms20
Raisins (3/4 cup)5
Apples with peel4,7
Dried apricots3,5
Dried apricots3,5
Bran bread2,1
Bread (wheat1,2
Pearl barley1

Fatty foods

Getting the right amount of fat is just as important as consuming carbohydrates and proteins. Both excess and lack of lipids (lipos (lat.) - fat) are harmful to the body.

With fatty foods, the body has the opportunity to create a layer of fat, which reduces heat loss. Lipids protect tissues from damage from falls. They are involved in the formation of cells, nerve pathways, connective tissue.

Foods rich in fat also provide the body with polyunsaturated omega fatty acids. To cover their daily needs, it is enough to consume 25-30 ml of vegetable oils daily.

Cholesterol is necessary for cells, as well as for the synthesis of hormones and vitamin D. To avoid the development of atherosclerosis, it is enough to consume 0.3–0.5 g of cholesterol per day. Foods rich in cholesterol include eggs, cheeses, fatty varieties fish.

A deficiency of fatty foods worsens the condition of hair and skin, weakens the immune system, and makes digestion worse. fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, K.

Every day you should receive 1g of fat per 1g of protein, approximately 80-85g. For a more accurate calculation, it is assumed that the proportion of fat to cover daily energy costs should be 25-30%.

For example, if the body consumes 3000 kcal per day, then 750 kcal should be covered by fatty foods. Considering that when 1g of fat is burned, 9Kcal of energy is released, the daily share in this case will be 750 / 9 = 83g.

Animal fats should make up 70%, vegetable fats – 30% of the daily diet.

Most useful butter And lard. Vegetable oils It is better to use unrefined ones, for example: sunflower, corn, olive, flaxseed, use them only for seasoning cold dishes.

Table 4. Fat content in some foods
Product (100 g)Fat content, g
Vegetable oils99,9
Sunflower seeds52
Pork is fatty49
Smoked sausage44
Boiled sausage23
Rabbit meat13
Chicken egg12
Sturgeon caviar granular10
Chicken meat9
Pink salmon7

All sorts of harmful substances accumulate in the fatty tissue of an animal. With food products containing animal fat, they end up in the human body. Therefore, you should not eat bird skin or lard rinds.

It is better to replace animal fats with foods rich in vegetable fat, nuts, and seeds. It is worth limiting the consumption of pork chops, fried meat, jellied meat, fried potatoes, broths from fatty fish, fatty cheeses and cottage cheese, ice cream, whipped cream.

Frying in fat is especially harmful, so it is better to cook in a non-stick pan. To reduce contact of fat with food, use dishes with cells at the bottom.

How to eat healthy

You need to sit down at the table with feeling, distinguishing it from appetite. As a rule, your favorite foods trigger your appetite. A truly hungry body is ready to eat any product.

After eating protein foods, you should not take liquids or other types of food for 3 hours, after carbohydrate foods – 2 hours, after vegetables, fruits – for half an hour. The time interval is necessary for the accumulation of gastric juice.

Vegetable protein, fats and carbohydrates contain nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruits.

To absorb refined sugar sold in stores, the body spends a lot of vitamins C, group B, and calcium.

Carbohydrates from fresh vegetables and fruits that have not been subjected to heat treatment provide the body with maximum energy and are quickly absorbed.

Cereals contain too few essential amino acids, vitamins A, B, and C. Such an unbalanced composition forces the body to consume large quantities protein food (animal protein), which in turn leads to overeating.

It is useful to eat a little bread made from wholemeal flour, as well as bran.

When cooking, cereals, rice, and potatoes are boiled, which results in the formation of mucus in the body. Over time, it covers the walls of the stomach and intestines, which contaminates blood vessels, disrupts the function of the liver, kidneys, heart and other internal organs, making the body less resistant to various diseases.

Cereal-based products are healthier to eat with fresh vegetables, herbs, and seaweed. Sprouted wheat is useful.

Bread contains almost no vitamins and microelements. To process cereal starch, the body spends 10 times more time than to digest potato starch. Therefore, before the age of two, you should not feed your child any starchy foods.

Foods such as beans, lentils, beans rich in protein increase education uric acid. Eating them with bread disrupts the acid-base balance in the body.

Fermented milk products contain fats and protein; they are best consumed as a separate product or with vegetables.

Use boiled eggs preferable to meat.

It is better to replace sugar with honey, dried fruits, and fruits.

Natural, uncooked food is preferred - vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, fruits. The fewer ingredients in a dish, the better. Variety forces you to eat more and makes digestion difficult.

Vegetable salads made from cabbage, celery, cucumbers, radishes, tomatoes, and parsley are healthy. It is enough to mix 2-3 types of vegetables and eat them without salt, vinegar, or mayonnaise.

It is better to add fats to ready-made dishes, as they impair the absorption of proteins and create fermentation.

Proteins are healthier to eat with grains or vegetables.

It is better to replace table salt with sea salt. Or use gammasio to add salt to food: 1 part sea ​​salt mix with 12 parts of sesame or flaxseed ground in a coffee grinder.

The basis of each meal should be fresh vegetables.

It is better to eat fruits separately, since in combination with other foods they cause fermentation in the intestines.

It is believed that 25% of the daily allowance should be for breakfast, 50% for lunch, 25% for dinner, which should be completed at least two hours before bedtime.

Half of your daily calories (50%) from food should come from foods containing carbohydrates. They quickly provide the body with energy, vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber, which creates a significant volume in the stomach and, as a result, a rapid onset of a feeling of fullness.

Proteins supplied with food provide energy after the combustion of fats, their share in daily ration should be 20%.

Fats account for the remaining 30%. Vegetable and Omega-3 fats are preferable; they are contained in fish. It is better to avoid animal fats.

When losing weight, the body should receive at least 1000 kcal. To maintain body weight, 1500 kcal is enough. The norm is considered to be an intake of 2500-3500 kcal.

Table 5. Content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates in food products
Product (100 g)Energy value (kcal)Proteins (g)Fat (g)Carbohydrates (g)
Cereals, legumes, nuts
loaf235 7,7 3,02 53,33
Peas298 20,5 2,04 64,01
Buckwheat335 12,6 3,26 54,3
Pasta337 10,4 1,13 79,4
Oat groats303 11 6,1 49,94
Pearl barley320 9,3 1,13 67,5
Rice330 7 1 73,2
Hazelnut707 16,1 66,9 9,9
Full fat kefir56 2,8 6,2 6,61
Milk61 3,2 3,6 5,16
Condensed milk320 7,2 8,5 56
Cream 10%118 2,8 10 4,8
Creamy ice cream179 3,3 10 20,18
Sour cream294 2,4 30 3,18
Cheeses352 26 26,8 0
Fat cottage cheese232 14 18 2,85
Low-fat cottage cheese88 18 0,6 1,85
Fatty foods
Mayonnaise624 2,8 97 2,6
Margarine743 0,3 82 1
Vegetable oil899 0 99,9 0
Butter748 0,5 82,5 0,8
Fruits and vegetables, herbs
Apricots41 0,9 0,1 10,8
Oranges40 0,9 0,3 10,3
Watermelon38 0,7 0,2 7,9
Bananas91 1,5 0 21
Grape65 0,6 0,2 16,8
Cherry46 0,8 0 10,3
Polka dots73 5 0,2 13,8
Porcini mushrooms23 3,7 1,7 3,4
Pear49 0,4 0,3 10,9
Melon38 0,6 0 10,3
Raisin262 1,8 0 66
Sauerkraut19 1,8 0 3,2
Cabbage27 1,8 0,1 6,8
Potato80 2 0,4 18,1
Cranberry26 0,5 0 3,8
Carrot34 1,3 0,1 9,3
cucumbers14 0,8 0,1 3,8
Pepper27 1,3 0 7,2
Peaches43 0,9 0,1 11,3
Tomatoes23 1,1 0,2 5
Radish21 1,2 0,1 3,8
Salad17 1,5 0,2 3,1
Beet42 1,5 0,1 12,8
Pumpkin25 1 0,1 5,9
Apples45 0,4 0,4 11,8
Meat fish
Mutton209 15,6 16,3 0
Boiled sausage "Doctorskaya"257 12,8 22,2 1,5
Beef218 18,5 16 0
Squid110 18 4,2 0
Chicken141 18,2 18,4 0,7
Rabbit meat183 21,1 15 0
Pork is fatty491 11,7 33,3 0
Horse mackerel114 18,5 4,5 0
Chicken egg157 12,7 11,5 0,7
Modified: 10/02/2018

When it comes to proper nutrition, everyone begins to unanimously repeat about consuming certain amounts of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but not everyone can immediately determine what foods contain the same proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and in what quantities should they be consumed? To systematize all your knowledge that you already possess to some extent, I will highlight several key aspects and call them foods containing proteins, fats and carbohydrates in large quantities per 100 grams. In terms of composition, each product from a certain category (be it proteins, fats or carbohydrates) will be the richest in useful substance, the category in which this product is located. I will also highlight good products containing proteins, fats and carbohydrates and bad when we talk about right and balanced diet. So, let's begin.


Carbohydrates should make up 40-50% of your total caloric intake if you are not losing weight, but maintaining your weight at a normal level, and 30-40% if you are in the process of losing weight. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for your body. The more active your life, the more carbohydrate products should be present in your diet. But there is one BUT...

While carbohydrates do a good job and provide you with the energy you need to work, exercise, and even relax, they are also quite insidious. , you need to consume it correctly, namely: at a certain time of day, in certain quantities and in certain products. Too many restrictions, you say. But it won’t work out any other way with carbohydrates, since neglecting these rules will entail:

1) their excess, and this will subsequently lead to excessive fat storage and the appearance of extra pounds on the scales;

2) their deficiency, which manifests itself in feeling unwell, loss of strength, lethargy and depression, drowsiness and fatigue even at the beginning of the day.

A certain time of day means that it is best to consume in the first half of the day (before 2 o'clock in the afternoon).

Amount means: consume at least 30% and no more than 50% carbohydrates of your total caloric intake.

And a list certain products I present below. It indicates some productshigh in carbohydrates per 100 g of product.

Foods containing carbohydrates

It should be remembered that you should give preference foods containing complex carbohydrates. They are absorbed slowly by your body and do not cause sharp increase blood sugar and the release of the hormone insulin, which is the main “fat store” in the body.

Below I give examples of “good” complex carbohydrates that should prevail in your daily menu, and “bad” fast carbohydrates, which you should, if possible, avoid altogether or at least not consume frequently.

We seem to have figured out carbohydrates. The most important thing you need to remember:

  1. Carbohydrates should make up 40-45% (for weight maintenance) or 20-30% (for weight loss) of your total caloric intake.
  2. Your menu should be dominated by foods containing complex carbohydrates(porridge, wholemeal bread, durum wheat pasta, etc.)
  3. Minimize your intake of “bad” carbohydrates and foods containing fast carbohydrates(some fruits, sweet drinks and juices, cereals instant cooking, sugar, etc.)
  4. Consume carbohydrates in the morning.


Protein is the main building material for your muscles and a source of essential amino acids, so proteins should make up 40-45% of the total calorie content of your diet if you are not losing weight, but maintaining your weight at normal, and 45-50% if you are in the process of losing weight or .

In this table you can familiarize yourself with the products that have increased content protein per 100 g.

Products containing protein

Proteins are divided into two types: animal and plant origin. Your diet should include foods containing protein both types. But you should know that animal proteins are complete, they have high degree absorption and rich amino acid composition. While proteins of plant origin, on the contrary, are not completely absorbed by our body and have a poor amino acid composition.

Below are products containing protein of animal and plant origin.

Remember that a person needs to consume 1.5-3.5 g of protein per 1 kg of weight (a smaller amount will lead to its deficiency, and the body will be forced to compensate for it from your muscles and organs). This figure can reach a higher value (5-6 g), but this is if you have hard training with iron and your goal is to gain weight. Otherwise, your body does not need such a larger amount of protein, since an excess of protein has a bad effect on the liver and kidneys, overloading them with its breakdown products, and also leads to the accumulation of ketone bodies, which can cause intoxication of the entire body. Therefore, using foods containing protein in large quantities, you need to remember that everything is good in moderation. Proteins are your help in creating beautiful body with sculpted muscles, but only if you adhere to the following rules:

  1. Eat proteins from both animal and plant sources, but choose more products containing protein animal origin (eggs, fish, cottage cheese, chicken, beef, etc.)
  2. Eat the right amount of protein based on your workouts, weight, and calorie intake. The average amount of protein is 2 g per 1 kg of weight.
  3. The evening meal should be mostly protein. Try to use foods containing protein and steamed, either boiled or baked in the oven.


Fats are another source of energy, but more powerful than carbohydrates. Internal fat together with subcutaneous fat, which we all hate so much and want to get rid of, actually have a number of very important functions in our body:

- fats are the main source of energy during illness and famine, when the supply of nutrients to the body is reduced or not received at all;

- fats help our blood vessels remain elastic, and nutrients easily flow through them to all cells and tissues of our body;

— fats are responsible for the condition of hair, nails and skin (this is especially important for us girls);

- fats are involved in the synthesis of hormones and are responsible for normal menstrual cycle in girls;

- fats improve the taste of food, etc.

Products containing fats must be present in your daily diet.

Average amount of fat necessary for a person is 1 g per 1 kg of weight. This is approximately 25-30% of the total calorie content of your diet, both for those losing weight and for those not losing weight.

Products containing fats

Speaking of fats, you should know what to eat saturated fats And unsaturated fats. The first category is healthy (good) fats, consuming them in moderation helps the body burn fat! And the second category is harmful (bad) fats; consumption of such fats leads to the accumulation of cholesterol and atherosclerosis.

Below I provide list of products containing good and bad fats.

So, let's sum it up with fats:

  1. Products containing fats it is possible and even necessary! As a percentage of fat, our body should receive 20-30%, in grams - about 1 g per 1 kg (if you lose weight, it can be reduced to 0.8 g).
  2. Consume foods containing healthy unsaturated fats(vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, fatty varieties of sea fish).
  3. Try to avoid eating fatty foods in the evening.

Well, we figured it out, what foods contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates and in what quantities. Now you know that foods containing carbohydrates, it is better to consume in the first half of the day; foods containing protein, are important for the growth and recovery of your muscles; A foods containing fats, are responsible for normal condition nails, hair and skin. All this should not be forgotten and taken into account when drawing up your menu for the day.

Your coach, Janelia Skripnik, was with you!

I wish you, dear girls, to eat right and always stay healthy and slim!


What are fats, proteins and carbohydrates? What products contain them? the greatest number. Nutrition tips.

Practice shows that when proper organization diet, namely when taking into account calorie content, the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, it is easier to solve problems of any complexity. With proper nutrition management, you can combat overweight, dial muscle mass, “dry out” and restore lost health.

The main problem of many people is simple laziness, which does not allow them to look at the table of protein, fat and carbohydrate content in foods, where all the information is available - the volume of each element per 100 grams and the total calorie content. The only question is what benefits does each of the nutritional components bring and how to correctly “read” the BZHU table. Let's look at these questions in more detail.

Protein in foods: functions and types

Man is a protein organism, the cells of which are formed thanks to protein. Muscles, skin, internal organs - all this consists of amino acids. In addition, protein is the basis for the production of hormones and enzymes. Scientists have proven that most of amino acids are synthesized internal organs(such elements are called replaceable). But there is another category - essential amino acids, which come only from food.

A lack of protein products in the diet leads to a number of health problems - weakening immune system, skin diseases, growth problems in children and so on.

It is important to know that there are two types of protein - plant and animal.

The main representatives of animal protein include fish, eggs, meat and dairy products. They contain a full complex of amino acids, without which the body is not able to develop. The advantage of animal products is that they contain more protein.

But there are also disadvantages. If the body is oversaturated with such food, an overabundance is possible, which leads to a load on the kidneys and liver, and also contributes to the “washing out” of calcium from bone tissue. In addition, “animal” products may contain elements dangerous to the body, including:

  • hormones;
  • saturated fats;
  • antibiotics;
  • cholesterol.

Content vegetable protein in the diet is no less important. The advantages of these products include their rich composition, the presence of minerals and vitamins, and rapid digestibility. Unlike the “competitors” discussed above, there are no harmful components here.

It is impossible not to note a number of disadvantages. The main one is a weak amino acid composition. Exceptions are soybeans, tofu cheese, soybeans. But it is worth remembering that soy is a supplier of phytoestrogens, so it is advisable to limit its intake. Also, plant sources often contain a small percentage of protein, or the required element is combined with fats and carbohydrates, which are often not needed during weight loss.

Below is a list of foods high in protein (per 100 g):

  • lamb – 16.1 g;
  • beef – 18.9 g;
  • goose – 29.3 g;
  • turkey – 21.6 g;
  • chicken – 20.8 g;
  • pork – 16.4 g;
  • egg powder – 43.8 g;
  • red caviar – 31.5 g;
  • black caviar – 35.9 g;
  • halibut – 18.9 g;
  • boiled crayfish – 20.2 g;
  • Dutch cheese – 26.8 g;
  • cottage cheese – 18 g;
  • peas – 23 g;
  • buckwheat – 12.6 g.

The full table is presented below:

Fats in foods: functions, types

There is a false misconception that it is better to completely exclude fats from the diet (especially during weight loss). But that's not true. Scientists have proven that they are:

  • provide the greatest amount of energy;
  • supply elements important for the functioning of the body;
  • help with the absorption of vitamins.

Research has shown that not all fats are created equal. Specifically, they fall into two categories:

  1. Vegetable. Pros: the presence of unsaturated (healthy) fatty acids (for example, Omega-3) and the absence bad cholesterol. Moreover, filling the diet with such products helps remove cholesterol and prevent the development of atherosclerosis. After entering the body, vegetable fats are easily broken down and absorbed in the stomach, normalizing the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Despite the high calorie content of such foods, you should not exclude them from the diet (even during a diet). Few people know, but only those body fat, which are formed from excess carbohydrates. As for the deficiency of unsaturated fats, it is dangerous for health. In this case, the first “blow” is taken by the skin. The main sources are oil (linseed, sesame, sunflower), olives, avocado, nuts.
  2. Animals- elements that usually contain saturated acids and high cholesterol. It is worth noting that fatty acids obtained from meat, after entering the body, are difficult to digest, do not oxidize and are not susceptible to the action of enzymes. As for dairy products, they are more attractive from this position. Fats from such foods are better absorbed and easier to eliminate from the body.

But you shouldn’t concentrate on just one type. The diet should contain both plant and animal sources. The optimal ratio is 2 to 1.

The harm of animal fats is as follows:

  • increased risk of cardiovascular diseases;
  • increased blood cholesterol levels, which increases the risk of atherosclerosis;
  • danger of occurrence malignant tumor colon, prostate and pancreas.

Let us highlight the main sources of such an important element for the body (per 100 g):

  • fruit dragee – 10.2 g;
  • halva – 29 g;
  • dark chocolate – 35.3 g;
  • puff pastry with cream – 39 g;
  • almond trade – 36 g;
  • cream crackers – 10.6 g;
  • soybean – 17.3 g;
  • fatty pork – 49 g;
  • beef udder – 14 g;
  • boiled sausage – 20-28 g;
  • raw smoked sausage – 40-48 g;
  • lamb fat – 99.7 g;
  • Russian cheese – 30 g;
  • dry yolk – 52 g.

Also see the table:

Carbohydrates in foods: functions, types

Carbohydrates are another source of nutrition that you can’t imagine without. complete diet. A deficiency of the element leads to disruptions in metabolic processes, and an excess leads to the accumulation of excess fat.

Their main action is as follows:

  • supply of glucose to the body, without which it is impossible normal operation muscles;
  • providing tissues and organs with such elements as folic acid, niacin, riboflavin and thiamine;
  • assistance in cell identification;
  • the formation of genetic material that is contained in every cell of the body.

Excessive intake of carbohydrates is a step towards a jump in glucose, which leads to an increase in insulin levels and subsequent deposition of fat in problem areas of the body. Despite the fact that carbohydrates are the main culprits in gaining excess weight, their presence in the diet is mandatory.

Deficiency leads to the following problems:

  • decreased glycogen levels in the liver and disruption of its function;
  • disruptions in protein metabolism, which is expressed in the use of fats to compensate for the current shortage;
  • drowsiness, increased risk of loss of consciousness.

All carbohydrates are divided into two categories:

  1. Simple. Their feature is rapid splitting in organism. Their reception ensures sudden jump sugar in blood plasma. In addition, such elements are particularly flexible and soluble. They are divided into monosaccharides and disaccharides. The former include fructose, glucose and galactose, and the latter – lactose, maltose and sucrose.
  2. Complex. main feature These elements are the presence of a large volume of sugar molecules that are not able to dissolve in water. However, they are not so sweet. The main polysaccharides are insulin, glycogen, starch and cellulose.

Ideally, to fill your diet, you need to choose complex carbohydrates that contain in legumes, vegetables and cereals. And you should give up simple ones (flour, sugar and other sweets).

Below is a list of foods that are among the leaders in carbohydrate content:

  • condensed milk with sugar – 55.8 g;
  • Results

    Proper preparation of a diet is an art that should be mastered by everyone who is worried about their health and has big goals in sports. All that is required is to have a table of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in front of you, try to formulate the menu correctly (taking into account the tasks) and be “flexible” in your diet.

The calorie content of bread and its chemical composition depend on the type and extraction of flour used for baking. The more flour particles contain the outer layer of grain, the more valuable this product is from the point of view of human nutrition and reduced calorie content.

Calorie content of bread per 100 g of product

  • whole grain rye – 196 kcal;
  • mixed wheat and rye – 226 kcal;
  • wheat – 248 kcal;
  • from wholemeal flour – 204 kcal;
  • wheat buns – 237 kcal;
  • wholemeal rolls – 229 kcal.

Coarse grinds have the lowest calorie content because they are rich in fiber and have a high water content. Bread made from rye flour has an especially low calorie content due to high content fiber. This product does not burden digestive tract and prevents food from accumulating in it.

Bread contains more than 30 components. It contains everything necessary for energy, body formation and regulation of body functions:

  • proteins serve as building blocks for our body,
  • carbohydrates and fats are the main source of energy,
  • minerals have many functions in the construction of the body and the metabolic processes taking place in it,
  • dietary fiber absorbs substances harmful to health and contributes to the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • vitamins are necessary for normal exchange substances.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates in bread

Proteins in bread

Since bread contains an average of 4.5-8% protein, its consumption can satisfy 20-25% of the daily protein requirement. The proteins that are presented in this product contain on average about 33% of essential amino acids - lysine, arginine, tryptophan, isoleucine and methionine. Rye bread is poorer in proteins compared to wheat bread, but this protein has a higher biological value.

The nutritional value of grain proteins is listed in the following order (from highest to lowest):

oats > rye > barley > wheat > corn

To increase the biological value of proteins in bread, milk and dairy products are added to some of its types. They increase the calcium content and add valuable animal protein, which supplements the missing amino acids. Currently bakery products often include milk or whey powder.

It should be noted that too big time baking reduces the biological value of proteins in bread. During baking, between sugars and amino acids occurs chemical reaction, as a result, compounds are synthesized that give a pleasant taste to baked goods, but at the same time losses of lysine and arginine occur, sometimes reaching up to 90%.

Some people are sensitive to the grain protein called gluten, which may be needed on our website.


Depending on the type of bread, the carbohydrate content ranges from 40 to 50 g per 100 g of product. A wholemeal product is low in carbohydrates, unlike white wheat bread and rolls. Among carbohydrates, starch predominates, which binds the water contained in the dough during baking. However, part of the starch (3-20%) is not hydrolyzed by enzymes and enters the colon undigested. Whether starch is more or less resistant to enzymatic degradation depends on the size and type of its granules and its compounds with other substances.

Only a small part of bread carbohydrates (2-4%) contains low sugars. molecular weight, among which sucrose and glucose predominate. These sugars, unlike polysaccharides, are very easily soluble in water, quickly pass through the gastrointestinal mucosa and are easily absorbed by the human body.


Wheat and rye contain 1.5-2% fat, half of which is in the endosperm and half in the germ. Bread contains less fat (1.0-1.8 g per 100 g), with the exception of recipes that call for the addition of butter. Rye flour contains less energy substances than wheat flour. Although the bread has quite low content fat is a very valuable component in which essential fatty acids predominate.

Increased fat content is considered undesirable, but oil seeds such as flax, sunflower, sesame or wheat germ are sometimes added to baked goods. If the addition of these seeds is 10% relative to the amount of flour, then the fat content in the bread increases by 2-3 times. Adding oilseeds enriches baked goods with very important nutrients, including unsaturated ones fatty acids necessary for the proper functioning of the human body.


They perform many functions in the human body and therefore must be constantly replenished through food. Bread supplies the body with iron, copper, zinc and magnesium in amounts approximately equal to 23-30% of daily requirement, as well as manganese - up to 60%. This amount could be even higher if it were not for the loss of these elements during the cooking process of flour, which reaches 50-90%. Overwhelming majority useful minerals in the grain is contained in its outer part, so a whole grain product is healthier. For example, wholemeal flour contains 1.8% of these components, and premium wheat flour only 0.5%.

When consuming about 0.5 kg of bread per day, your body will receive from one to several percent of required quantity calcium, and about 50% of the required phosphorus.

Dietary fiber

Nutritionists recommend eating 30-40 grams of fiber per day, while the average daily diet contains only 15 grams. The main source of fiber in our diet is grain products, especially bread.

Wheat grain contains approximately 20% less fiber than rye grain. Products made from whole grain flour are richer in fiber. Fiber content in rye bread from wholemeal flour can be more than 7%, while in white it is about 3%, and in wheat-rye – 4%. Therefore, you may find ours useful, especially if you are on a diet.

It has long been known that increased consumption of fruits and vegetables protects a person from the occurrence and development of gastrointestinal diseases and atherosclerosis. Eating whole grains also has a positive effect on the prevention of these diseases.


Cereal products are especially rich in vitamins. They contain fairly large amounts of vitamin B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), PP ( a nicotinic acid) and vitamin E (tocopherol). These vitamins are concentrated in the outer layers of the grain, that is, in the shell, which turns into bran during flour production. Therefore, the highest grades of flour contain only 20-30% of the B vitamins of the amount that was originally contained in the grain. Vitamin content, as well as minerals and other active ingredients in rye flour above.

It should be noted that the vitamin content of bread depends not only on the type of flour, but also on the baking time and temperature. If used long time baking, for example, in the production of black bread, then vitamin B1 can be almost completely destroyed. IN normal conditions, the loss of vitamin B1 during baking can be about 70% in the crust, 25% in the wholemeal crumb, and up to 19% in the white crumb.

Daily consumption of wholemeal bread wheat flour in an amount of 500-600 g can completely satisfy the need human body in vitamin B1 and PP and 50% in vitamin B2.

Currently, they also produce baked goods enriched with vitamins, as well as other types of healthy bread.