Fats in the diet: misconceptions and facts. unsaturated fats


List of foods rich in saturated and unsaturated fats. What products are most useful?

Fats are an integral part of the diet of each of us, providing beneficial effect on human health. Their moderate consumption helps the body to start all internal processes. Of course, not all fats are equally useful and their excess amount can lead to extra centimeters at the waist.

Fats are divided into two categories: saturated (animal) and unsaturated (plant). Their difference lies in the structure and effect on the human body. It is worth limiting the consumption of saturated fatty acids, as they affect the increase in blood cholesterol, which is fraught with the development cardiovascular disease.

What is the difference between saturated fats and unsaturated fats

The main difference lies in the chemical structure. Saturated (limiting) fatty acids consist of a single bond between carbon molecules. As for unsaturated fats, they are characterized by a double or more double carbon bond, due to which they do not undergo a combination. Their activity allows them to pass through cell membranes without forming solid compounds.

If you do not delve into scientific terminology, you can note the difference in outward signs by looking at them in natural form- at normal temperature unsaturated fats have liquid form, while the latter remain solid.

Saturated fats benefit reproductive system person, and are also important in the construction cell membranes. In addition, with their help, there is a better assimilation of certain vitamins and trace elements. Especially useful in cold weather, as they are an excellent source of energy. Daily dose consumption varies between 15-20 grams.

According to numerous studies, it has been found that a lack of fat can adversely affect the functioning of the brain by changing the brain tissue. Of course, this happens in very rare cases, but it still happens. If a person completely refuses to consume saturated fatty acids, then the cells of the body will begin to synthesize them from other foods, which will be an extra burden on the internal organs.

List of foods rich in saturated fats

A large consumption of foods rich in saturated fats inevitably leads to the development of cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, atherosclerosis, etc.). Physicians strongly recommend monitoring daily consumption fat, most which are best obtained from polyunsaturated fatty acids.

The main sources of saturated fatty acids are following products supply:

  • dairy products with high mass fraction fat - milk, cheese, butter, cream, cottage cheese, sour cream, etc. It is worth taking into account that saturated fats of milk origin can cause an allergic reaction;
  • meat products - pork, beef, poultry meat (chicken, duck, turkey), sausages, bacon, sausages;
  • confectionery - chocolate, ice cream, sweets, desserts;
  • bakery products;
  • fast food;
  • sauces.

Is not full list products that should be limited in use. People who are prone to obesity, leading a sedentary lifestyle and with high level cholesterol should limit fat intake to 10-15 grams per day.

Foods containing unsaturated fats

It is important for each person to understand which products contain more healthy fats, and in some it is less. Consider a list of foods that contain a large amount of healthy unsaturated fatty acids:

  1. Vegetable oils - play very important role in good nutrition. A rich chemical composition is necessary for the body for a full life. The most useful are olive, almond, sesame, linseed, avocado and walnut oils. The leader, of course, is olive oil. When eaten, it has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain, prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases. Enriching the body with omega-3 and omega-6, acts as a preventive measure inflammatory diseases. It is worth noting that beneficial features of this raw material will depend on the method of extraction and the degree of purification.
  2. Fish fatty varieties- This product may contain both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Greatest Benefit represents the following fish: mackerel, salmon, herring, halibut, tuna. oily fish It has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart, helps to cope with depression, and is useful in diabetes.
  3. Nuts - the benefits are due chemical composition(, vitamin A, B, E, magnesium, calcium, etc.). Almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, cashews, and walnuts are excellent sources of healthy fats. In addition, they have an antioxidant effect, improve the condition of hair, skin, nails. According to clinical research found that almonds, forest and Walnut can lower blood cholesterol, as well as enrich the body with useful lipids.
  4. Fruits, vegetables, seeds - pumpkin, avocado, sunflower seeds, olives, sesame seeds, cauliflower saturate the body with a huge amount beneficial trace elements. Due to the high content of omega-3, vitamin A, E, calcium, zinc, iron, they support the immune system, improve blood circulation, and prevent the development of plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

According to the results scientific research it was found that omega-3 acids help patients reduce the use of corticosteroids during treatment rheumatoid arthritis. Scientists have put forward another version - omega -3 reduces the risk of developing senile dementia. Very helpful given acid pregnant and lactating women. Normalizes the growth and development of the child. Much appreciated this product in bodybuilding.

The systematic intake of omega-6 will have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart. In addition to knowing which foods contain saturated and unsaturated fats, it is important to include them in your diet in the right way. When buying products, give preference to goods enriched with omega-3, since this acid has been added to milk, bread and cereal bars. Sunflower oil should be replaced with olive or flaxseed. It is useful to add ground flaxseeds to pastries, salads, homemade yogurts, etc. Include nuts in your daily diet more often.

It is important to eat only fresh fat, because overheated or insufficiently fresh fats begin to actively accumulate harmful substances that disrupt metabolism. Try to eat more foods rich in unsaturated fatty acids. Also beneficial acids can be purchased at the pharmacy as dietary supplements.

Take care of your health from childhood, because in more adulthood strengthening the body will be much more difficult.

Are you curious to know what unsaturated fatty acids are? In this article, we will talk about what they are and what benefits they bring to health.

Fats in the human body play an energy role, and are also a plastic material for building cells. They dissolve a number of vitamins and serve as a source of many biologically active substances.

Fats help increase palatability food and cause a feeling of prolonged satiety. With a lack of fats in our diet, such disorders in the state of the body as changes in the skin, vision, kidneys, weakening of immunological mechanisms, etc. can occur. Experiments conducted on animals have shown that an insufficient amount of fat in the diet helps to reduce the duration life.

Fatty or aliphatic monocarboxylic acids are present in plant and animal fats in an esterified form. They are divided into two types depending on chemical structure and bonds of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. The latter are also divided into two types - monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

Types of unsaturated fatty acids

Unsaturated fatty acids are fatty acids that contain at least, one double bond in the fatty acid chain. Depending on saturation, they are divided into two groups:

  • monounsaturated fatty acids containing one double bond;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids containing more than one double bond.

Both types of unsaturated fats are predominantly found in herbal products. These acids are considered healthier than saturated fatty acids. In fact, some of them have the ability to lower cholesterol and blood pressure, thereby reducing the risk heart disease. Linoleic acid, oleic acid, myristoleic acid, palmitoleic acid and arachidonic acid are some of them.

Foods containing monounsaturated fatty acids

  • Olive oil
  • Peanut butter
  • Sesame oil
  • rapeseed oil
  • sunflower oil
  • avocado
  • almond
  • cashew nuts
  • peanut
  • butter

Foods containing polyunsaturated fatty acids

  • Corn oil
  • Soybean oil
  • Salmon
  • sesame seeds
  • soya beans
  • sunflower seeds
  • walnuts

Benefits of Unsaturated Fatty Acids

There are several health benefits of unsaturated fatty acids. food products Those containing monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats are considered healthier than those containing saturated fatty acids. The fact is that molecules of saturated fatty acids, entering the bloodstream, tend to bind to each other, which leads to the formation of plaques in the arteries. In turn, unsaturated fats are made up of large molecules that do not build compounds in the blood. This leads to their unhindered passage through the arteries.

The main benefit of unsaturated fats is their ability to lower “bad” cholesterol and triglycerides, resulting in a lower chance of heart disease such as strokes and heart attacks. Of course, it is almost impossible to eliminate all saturated fats from the diet, but many of them can be replaced with unsaturated fats. For example, switching to olive or canola oil for cooking can greatly reduce your intake of saturated fat.

Dietary fats contain fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin A, D, and E, which are essential for maintaining good health. and E are antioxidants and help maintain immune system so that we stay healthy. They also help in blood circulation and prevent plaque formation in the arteries. Vitamin D is essential for the growth and development of bones and muscles.

Other benefits of unsaturated fatty acids:

  • have an antioxidant effect;
  • have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • reduce blood pressure;
  • reduce the risk of some cancer;
  • improve the condition of hair and skin;
  • improve blood flow (prevention of blood clots)

Important: Fats consumed in food must be fresh. The fact is that fats are very easily oxidized. In stale or overheated fats, harmful substances accumulate, which serve as irritants for the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and disrupt metabolism. AT diet food such fats are strictly prohibited. daily requirement a healthy person in fat is 80-100 grams. With dietary nutrition, the qualitative and quantitative composition of fats can change. A reduced amount of fat is recommended for pancreatitis, atherosclerosis, hepatitis, diabetes, exacerbation of enterocolitis, and obesity. When the body is depleted and during the recovery period after prolonged illness, on the contrary, it is recommended to increase daily allowance fat up to 100-120 g.


Fatty acids, which are the main component of fats, are divided into:

  • saturated;
  • unsaturated (poly and monounsaturated).

Monounsaturated fats are oleic acid found in vegetable oils and margarine.

Polyunsaturated fats:

  • linoleic (omega-6) and linolenic (omega-3) acids: found in flax seed oil, avocado, nuts, seeds and soybean oil;
  • arachidonic acid: found in red meat, poultry, egg yolks;
  • eicosapentaenoic acid: found in fish oil, plankton.

Saturated fats are found in foods of animal origin, as well as in hydrogenated vegetable oils: palm and coconut.

Their consistency depends on the type of fats: unsaturated fats in normal conditions- liquid, and saturated fats have a dense consistency, high temperature is needed for their melting (butyric and palmitic acids).


If a person eats, observing the daily balance of calories (proteins, fats and carbohydrates, in ratio), then, even without physical activity, the percentage of fat in his body is no more than 20% (this figure is different for men and women). At the same time, due to systematic overeating against the background of low physical activity, fat metabolism is disturbed, and fat begins to be deposited at lightning speed in the subcutaneous layer.

Modern medicine has experimentally concluded that saturated fats are harmful to the body, they need to be consumed in small quantities: no more than 7% of the total daily calorie intake. Excessively consumed saturated fats are dangerous because:

  • combining in the blood, they are deposited in adipose tissue and create narrowing in the arteries, and this leads directly to a stroke, heart attack, etc.;
  • slow down digestion;
  • slow down metabolic processes(which inevitably leads to obesity).

At the same time, trans fats are the record holder for harmfulness. They are not just undesirable for consumption, but simply ultra-harmful!


Trans fats were created as a long-term product, they can easily lie on store shelves for years without refrigeration, and at the same time not lose their taste, pleasant smell and attractiveness. But let this quality not deceive you: once in the human body, trans fats tightly block digestion.

The artificial surrogate, which is trans fat, cannot be digested by digestive enzymes, and by blocking the cell membrane, it does not allow other nutrients to get inside. Naturally, metabolism is disturbed, and this leads to such serious diseases as: myocardial infarction, cancer, low testosterone levels, diabetes, obesity, atherosclerosis.

  • margarines, butter with a fat content of less than 82%;
  • mayonnaise, sauces;
  • fast food products, popcorn;
  • semi-finished products;
  • dry soups, desserts, sauces;
  • chips, waffles, crackers, sweets, cakes and other confectionery products (trans fats in them are usually up to 50% total fat);
  • pastries and bread on margarine.


As already mentioned, saturated fats are oxidized at high temperatures, digestive enzymes are extremely difficult to cope with this, therefore, during the digestion of such heavy foods, a feeling of heaviness, discomfort, and drowsiness usually occurs. Approximately the same, however, more unpleasant sensations are caused by the use of trans fats.

In turn, unsaturated fats are liquid and easily digestible. Polyunsaturated fatty acids - key moment nutrition. They are a valuable material, on the basis of which many biological substances are synthesized in the body, prevent the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels, and promote digestion. At the same time, the processing of vegetable oils, for example, refining sunflower oil, negates all the benefits of polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in it.

Thus, in order to human body did not accumulate excess fat in himself, and in order to get rid of already accumulated fat, the only right option would be a diet balanced in terms of KBJU. In fact, if you follow a proper diet, consume fewer calories than you spend, you will inevitably lose weight. Well, before excluding any important element diet - think about what harm you will bring to the body.

But he also has others. important features: supplying the body with essential fatty acids (some of which are essential) and fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E. Fats form the lipid barrier of our skin, preventing moisture from evaporating and protecting skin covering from drying out. Fat helps the body use proteins and carbohydrates efficiently. Sufficient fat content is essential for good brain activity, concentration, memory.

But fat is different for fat, and the world of fat is so diverse and rich that you can get confused and confused. There are animal and vegetable fats (oils), solid and liquid, refractory and fusible.

So which fats are good for us and which ones are bad? - you ask. So the question cannot be asked. Both the harm and the benefits of fats depend only on their amount in the diet and combination. All natural fats and oils are mixtures of saturated, mono- and polyunsaturated fats. Any conditionally “healthy” fat contains a small amount of harmful fats, while any “harmful” fat contains useful ones.

Fats (otherwise triglycerides) belong to the class of lipids, and are natural organic compounds of esters of glycerol and fatty acids. But already these fatty acids are divided into: Saturated and unsaturated .

If there is at least one free carbon bond in a fatty acid molecule that is not bonded to hydrogen, it is an unsaturated acid; if there is no such bond, then it is saturated.

Saturated fatty acids in in large numbers(up to 50% of the total mass) are contained in solid animal fats. The exceptions are palm and coconut oil- despite vegetable origin, their fatty acids are saturated. Saturated acids- oil, acetic, margarine, stearic, palmitic, arachidic, etc. Palmitic acid is one of the most abundant fatty acids in animal and plant lipids. In animal fats and cottonseed oil, this acid makes up a quarter of all fatty acids. The most rich in palmitic acid (almost half of the total fatty acids) is palm oil.

Unsaturated fatty acids are found mainly in liquid vegetable oils and seafood. In many vegetable oils, their content reaches 80-90% (in sunflower, corn, linseed,). Animal fats also contain unsaturated acids, but their amount is small. Unsaturated include: palmitoleic, oleic, linoleic, linolenic arachidonic and other acids. There is also such a subtlety, unsaturated fatty acids, in the molecule of which there is one free carbon bond, are called monounsaturated, those that have two or more of these bonds are polyunsaturated.

Monounsaturated fatty acids are not indispensable, since our body is able to produce them. The most abundant of the monounsaturated fatty acids, oleic acid, is found in large quantities in olive oil, avocado oil and peanut butter. This type of acid is believed to help lower blood cholesterol levels.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-6 acid complex)
contained in sunflower oil, soybean oil, vegetable margarine.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 acid complex) . In terms of utility, they are in first place, as they have broad action on the various systems body: positively affect cardiac activity, eliminate depression, prevent aging, reduce cognitive and mental capacity with age and have a host of other useful qualities. They belong to the so-called "essential" fatty acids, which the body cannot synthesize on its own and must be supplied with food. Their main source is sea ​​fish and seafood, and the further north the fish lives, the more omega-3 acids in its fat. Similar fatty acids are found in some plants, nuts, seeds, and oils derived from them. The main one is alpha-linolenic acid. There is a lot of it in rapeseed, soybean oils, linseed and camelina oils. They should not be cooked, but should be added to salads or taken as a dietary supplement. A completely vegetable omega-3 acid cannot replace marine: only a small part of it is converted in our body into the same acids that are found in fish.

Fats we choose

Comparing the most common fat products, we can be surprised to notice that in terms of calories vegetable oils ahead and butter, and lard, and olive oil contains almost no polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Sunflower oil (omega-6 acids). The most traditional vegetable oil in our latitudes. Contains a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids, but too little omega-3 fats. This is its main disadvantage.
Total fat content - 98%
Saturated Fat - 12 g
Monounsaturated - 19 g
Polyunsaturated 69 g of which: omega-6 - 68 g; omega-3 - 1 g
Calorie content - 882 kcal

Olive oil (omega-9).
Total fat content - 98%
Saturated Fat - 16 g
Monounsaturated -73 g
Polyunsaturated - 11 g, of which: omega-6 - 10 g; omega-3 - 1 g
Calorie content - 882 kcal
The percentage of polyunsaturated acids in is small, but in it great amount oleic acid. Oleic acid is present in plant and animal cell membranes and contributes to maintaining the elasticity of arteries and skin. At high temperatures it is stable (so olive oil works well for frying). Yes, and it is absorbed better than others. Olive oil is well tolerated even by people suffering from digestive disorders, diseases of the liver and gallbladder. Moreover, such patients are even recommended to take a spoon on an empty stomach. olive oil- it has a slight choleretic effect

Linseed oil(source of omega-3 acids). An ideal source of rare in the normal diet and the most valuable omega-3 fats. used as food supplement 1 tablespoon per day.
Total fat content - 98%
Saturated Fat - 10 g
Monounsaturated - 21 g
Polyunsaturated - 69 g including: omega-6 - 16 g; omega-3 - 53 g
Calorie content - 882 kcal

Butter. Real butter contains at least 80% milk fat.
Total fat content - 82.5%
Saturated Fat - 56 g
Monounsaturated - 29 g
Polyunsaturated - 3 g
Cholesterol - 200 mg
Calorie content - 781 kcal
Contains vitamins (A, E, B1, B2, C, D, carotene) and lecithin, which lowers cholesterol levels, protects blood vessels, stimulates the immune system, and helps fight stress. Easily digestible.

Total fat content - 82%
Saturated Fat - 42 g
Monounsaturated - 44 g
Polyunsaturated - 10 g
Cholesterol - 100 mg
Calorie content - 738 kcal
Pork fat contains valuable polyunsaturated arachidonic acid, which is generally absent in vegetable oils. It is part of cell membranes, is part of the enzyme of the heart muscle, and also participates in cholesterol metabolism. Moreover, in terms of the content of unsaturated fatty acids, lard is far ahead of butter. That is why the biological activity of fat is five times higher than that of butter and beef fat.

Total fat content - 82%
Saturated Fat - 16 g
Monounsaturated - 21 g
Polyunsaturated - 41 g
Calorie content - 766 kcal
Replaces butter, does not contain cholesterol. Is different high content unsaturated fatty acids. If the margarine contains a low content of trans fats (soft margarine), which are formed in the process of partial hydrogenation (hardening) liquid oils, then its dietary qualities are good enough to replace butter with it.

The only ones unambiguously bad fats Those are trans fats! Independent research confirms the link between diets high in trans fats and ischemic disease hearts. In 1994, trans fats were found to be responsible for about 30,000 deaths from heart disease in the United States each year.

Spreads - in fact, the same margarines, but in spreads the use of hydrogenated fats is limited, and in margarine there is practically no such restriction. In addition, it matters what mixture of vegetable fats was used in the production of the spread.

So what fats and oils to choose (since you can’t do without them)? Nutritionists still have not come to consensus how much cholesterol (and it is also vital) and fatty acids should receive healthy man. So - more variety, use all the rich natural potential fats, but do not overdo it with the amount. Everything is good in moderation!

They are fats whose molecules are supersaturated with hydrogen. The main difference between saturated fats and unsaturated fats is that the former remain solid when normal temperature. Saturated fats include:

  • Animal fats (eg. interior fat, cheese, kidney fat and white fat on meat products)
  • Vegetable fats of tropical origin (for example, and)

Saturated fats in your daily diet

Saturated fats are the simplest in structure and the most unhealthy. Saturated fats tend to combine with acids in the blood and form spherical fatty compounds. In addition, they are easily deposited in fat cells and cause narrowing of the lumen of the artery. And this is fraught with such unpleasant diseases like stroke, heart attack, etc. If you are following diets and trying to get rid of excess weight consuming saturated fats can be detrimental to you. After all, they take on a solid state inside your body, slow down the metabolic process, and do not allow you to burn unnecessary calories. Daily use saturated fat leads to diseases of the cardiovascular system, obesity and all related problems. It is recommended for health not to exceed the percentage of saturated fat more than 7% of all calories consumed.

  • Fat meat
  • Confectionery
  • Fast food
  • and milk products

Of course, dairy and meat products are extremely important for the human body, however, it is better to give preference to products that do not contain such abundant amounts of saturated fats.


Not every fat is harmful to the body and human health, some fats even strengthen it, fight overweight. Not only a bodybuilder, but every person should consume vegetable oils, at least 2 g