Iq in cats. Mental abilities of a cat

The CAT test (Short indicative, qualifying test, V.N. Buzin, E.F. Vanderlik) is designed to diagnose the general level intellectual abilities. CAT is an adaptation of the Vanderlik test. The CAT technique belongs to the category of tests of mental abilities (IQ), indicating the general level of intellectual development of an individual. In tests to determine IQ, an individual is presented with a series of tasks selected in such a way that an adequate sample of all the most important intellectual functions is provided for penetration into " critical points intelligence". CAT provides for the psychodiagnostics of the following parameters of intelligence: the ability to generalize and analyze, the flexibility of thinking, the speed and accuracy of perception of the material, literacy, the choice of the optimal strategy, etc.

The COT questionnaire was developed as a selection questionnaire for people applying for further education. The CAT test also allows you to get a detailed description of the formation of the subject's cognitive adaptation in the world as a whole. The CAT technique is used for preliminary selection and the distribution of personnel in industry, the army, the education system, career guidance, psychodiagnostics of learning and business qualities of the individual.

CAT test (Short orientation, selection test,with the answersV.N. Buzina, E.F. Vanderlik. Intelligence Diagnostic Questionnaire - IQ) :


You are offered several simple tasks. Get acquainted with sample tasks and the correct answers to them:

  • "Fast" is the opposite of the word:

1 - heavy, 2 - elastic, 3 - fast, 4 - light, 5 - slow. Correct answer: 5th

  • Gasoline costs 0.44 rubles per liter. How much (in kopecks) are 2.5 liters?

Correct answer: 110

  • The words miner and minor in meaning are:

1 - similar, 2 - opposite, 3 - neither similar nor opposite. Correct answer: 3rd

  • Which two of the following proverbs have the same meaning:

1 - the first pancake is lumpy, 2 - the beginning of trouble is dashing, 3 - the hut is not red in the corners, it is red with pies, 4 - not all carnival for the cat, 5 - old friend better than the new two. Correct answer: 1st and 2nd.

The test contains 50 questions, 15 minutes are given to complete the test. Answer as many questions as you can and don't waste too much time on one question. Work as quickly as possible. If you do not succeed in any task of the test, do not linger on it for too long, move on to the next one.

Stimulus material for the CAT method.

1. The eleventh month of the year is:

2. "Severe" is the opposite of the word:

1 - sharp, 2 - strict, 3 - soft, 4 - hard, 5 - stubborn.

3. Which of the following words is different from the others:

1 - certain, 2 - doubtful, 3 - confident, 4 - trust, 5 - true.

4. Answer Yes or No. The abbreviation "n.e." means: "AD" (new era)?

5. Which of the following words is different from the others:

1 - sing, 2 - call, 3 - chat, 4 - listen, 5 - speak.

6. Word "immaculate" is the opposite of the word:

1 - spotless, 2 - obscene, 3 - incorruptible,

4 - innocent, 5 - classic.

7. Which of the following words refers to the word "chew" How sense of smell And nose:

1 - sweet, 2 - tongue, 3 - smell, 4 - teeth, 5 - clean

8. How many of the following pairs of words are completely identical?

Sharp M.C. Sharp M.C.

Fielder E.H. Fielder E.N.

Connor M,G. Conner M,G.

Woesner O.W. Woerner O.W.

Soderquist P.E. Soderquist B.E.

9. "Clear" is the opposite of the word:

1 - obvious, 2 - obvious, 3 - unambiguous, 4 - distinct, 5 - dim.

10. An entrepreneur bought several used cars for $3,500 and sold them for $5,500, earning $50 per car. How many cars did he sell?

11. Words "knock" And "stock" have:

1 - similar value, 2 - opposite, 3 - neither similar nor opposite.

12. Three lemons cost 45 rubles. How much is 1.5 dozen?

13. How many of these 6 pairs of numbers are exactly the same?

14. "Close" is the opposite of:

1 - friendly, 2 - friendly, 3 - alien, 4 - native, 5 - different.

15. What number is least?

6 0,7 9 36 0,31 5

16. Arrange the words below in order to make the correct sentence. As an answer, write down the last two letters of the last word.

eat salt love life

17. Which of the five drawings below is the most different from the others?

18. Two fishermen caught 36 fish. The first caught 8 times more than the second. How many caught the second?

19. "Ascend" And "revive" have: 1 - similar meaning, 2 - opposite, 3 - neither similar nor opposite.

20. Arrange the words below in order to make a statement. If it is correct, then the answer will be P, if it is wrong - N.

overgrown with moss, the stone is gaining momentum.

21. Two of the phrases below have the same meaning, find them:

1. Keep your nose downwind.

2. An empty bag is not worth it.

3. Three doctors are no better than one.

5. Seven nannies have a child without an eye.

22. What number should stand instead of the sign "?":

73 66 59 52 45 38 ?

23. The length of day and night in September is almost the same as in:

24. Suppose the first two statements are true. Then the final will be: 1 - true, 2 - false, 3 - indefinite.

All progressive people are party members.

All progressive people occupy high posts.

Some members of the party hold major posts.

25. A train travels 75 cm in 1/4 s. If he travels at the same speed, how far will he travel in 5 seconds?

26. If we assume that the first two statements are true, then the last: 1 - true, 2 - false, 3 - indefinite.

Borya is the same age as Masha. Masha is younger than Zhenya. Borya is younger than Zhenya.

27. Five half-kilogram packs minced meat cost 2$. How many kilograms of minced meat can you buy for 80 cents?

28. spread And stretch. These words: 1 - similar in meaning, 2 - opposite, 3 - neither similar nor opposite.

29. Divide this geometric figure with a straight line into two parts so that, by adding them together, you can get a square:

30. Suppose the first two statements are true. Then the latter will be: 1 - true, 2 - false, 3 - indefinite.

Sasha greeted Masha.

Masha greeted Dasha.

Sasha did not greet Dasha.

31. Car "XXX" worth $2400 was discounted during the seasonal sale by 33 1/3%. How much did the car cost during the sale?

32. Three of the five figures must be connected in such a way that an isosceles trapezoid is obtained:

33. Dress requires 2 1/3m. fabrics. How many dresses can be made from 42 m?

34. The meanings of the following two sentences: 1 - similar, 2 - opposite, 3 - neither similar nor opposite.

Three doctors are no better than one.

The more doctors, the more diseases.

35. Increase And expand. These words are: 1 - similar, - opposite, 3 - neither similar nor opposite.

36. The meaning of two English proverbs: 1 - similar, 2 - opposite, 2 - neither similar nor opposite.

It is better to moor with two anchors.

Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

37. A grocer bought a case of oranges for $3.6. There were 12 dozen in the box. He knows that 2 dozen will go bad before he even sells all the oranges. At what price should he sell the oranges to make a profit of 1/3 of the purchase price?

38. Claim And pretentious. These words in their meaning: 1 - similar, 2 - opposite, 3 - neither similar nor opposite.

39. If a pound of potatoes cost $0.0125, how many kilograms could be bought for 50 cents?

40. One of the members of the series does not approach the others. What number would you replace it with:

1/4 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/6.

41. reflected And imaginary. These words are. 1 - similar, 2 - opposite, 3 - not similar. nor opposite,

42. How many acres is a plot 70 m long and 20 m wide?

43. The following two phrases in meaning: 1 - similar, 2 - opposite, 3 - neither similar nor opposite.

Good things are cheap, bad roads.

Good quality comes from simplicity, bad quality from complexity.

44. A soldier, shooting at a target, hit it in 12.5% ​​of cases. How many times does a soldier have to shoot to hit everything a hundred times?

45, One of the members of the series does not approach the others. What number would you put in its place:

1/4 1/6 1/8 1/9 1/12 1/14

46. ​​Three partners in JSC "XXX" decided to share the profits equally. T. invested $4,500 in the business, K. $3,500, P. $2,000. If the profit is $2,400, how much less will T get than if the profit were divided in proportion to contributions?

47. Which two of the following proverbs have a similar meaning:

1. Strike while the iron is hot.

2. One in the field is not a warrior.

3. They cut the forest, the tenacious fly.

4. Not all that glitters is gold.

5. Do not judge by appearance, but look at deeds?

48. The meaning of the following phrases: 1 - similar, 2 - opposite, 3 - neither similar nor opposite.

The forest is cut, the chips fly.

There is no big deal without loss.

49. Which of these figures is the most different from the others?

50. There are 24,000 words in a printed article. The editor decided to use two font sizes. When using the font big size 900 words fit on the page, less - 1200. The article should take 21 full pages in the magazine. How many pages should be printed in smaller font?

The key (answers) to the CAT test (Short indicative, selection test by V.N. Buzin, E.F. Vanderlik. Questionnaire for the diagnosis of intelligence - IQ)

The integral indicator of general mental abilities (IP) is calculated by the number of correctly solved tasks (1 point for each correct answer).

Correct answer

Correct answer










2 or 4






































0.48 per dozen


































3 and 5






4 and 5













Processing of results and interpretation of the test CAT (Short indicative, selection test by V.N. Buzin, E.F. Vanderlik. Questionnaire for the diagnosis of intelligence - IQ)

The higher your score on this test, the higher your current level of intellectual development, the better your abilities for further learning and cognitive activity.

It is expedient to start the analysis of the results with the determination of the level of general mental abilities. For this, the number of correctly solved problems (Ip) is correlated with the level scale.

The value of the indicator Ip is the level of general mental abilities:

13 and under - low

14-18 - below average

19-24 - medium

25-29 - above average

30 and more - high

A low result may not be reliable enough due to possible errors in compliance with the test conditions and understanding of the instructions. Therefore, a low test result according to this method can in no way be a sign of psychological professional unsuitability for any specialty. Only testing with the help of other methods can also provide reliable information about psychological contraindications to certain professions.

General mental development is determined not only through the amount of points received for the number of correctly solved problems. Qualitative Analysis The test is carried out according to the following parameters:

  • - what tasks are solved most successfully (verbal, mathematical, spatial);
  • - what are the characteristics of thinking (generalization, flexibility, inertia, etc.).

So tasks 10.13 require the development of arbitrariness, high concentration and distribution of attention.

Tasks 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 16, 19, 24, 28, 30, 43, 47, 48 determine general level awareness and development of linguistic abilities, from there characterize the quality of humanitarian education.

The level of education in the field of exact sciences is reflected in the success of performing numerical tasks to establish patterns with geometric shapes (13, 17, 22, 27, 33, 42, 44, 46, 50).

Tasks 29, 32, 49 indicate the level of spatial orientation and abstract logical thinking person.

Arithmetic Mean Test Runs for a Series age groups students:

Fifth grade students - 10.5 points,

Sixth grade students - 13 points,

7th grade students - 15 points,

Eighth grade students - 17.5 points

Students of the ninth grade - 18.5 points.

Median test scores.

Standardization group (people)

median rate

Standard off

Heads of departments, laboratories (10)

Employees of ministries and departments

Students of Moscow State University, husband. (10)

Students of Moscow State University, women. (10)

Students (specialization - electronic equipment and programming) (60)

Telecommunication engineers (140)

To successfully complete the test, a certain level of development of verbal, logical, numerical and spatial abilities is required. Verbal abilities are responsible for mastering the meaning of various words, understanding verbal analogies, performing logical operations With single words. This quality is associated with the understanding of the text, the ability to distinguish between the direct and figurative meaning of the statement, to correctly interpret it, abstracting from the meaning of a particular phrase. The degree of logical thinking indicates the ability to understand cause-and-effect relationships, search for patterns, and the ability to make correct conclusions. Numerical abilities are the ability for fast and accurate calculations, logical reasoning, possession of arithmetic skills, understanding of mathematical operations. Spatial abilities include spatial imagination, possession of geometric concepts, the ability to mentally operate with objects on a plane and in space.

It is in your power to further develop these qualities. The level of development of intellectual abilities is not a person's height and not a blood type, which are genetically set and which cannot be changed. Intellectual abilities are not only learning conditions, but also the result of previous learning. Intelligence tests measure not makings or potentials mental development, but only the level of development of skills and abilities of cognitive activity that you have formed today.

4.75 Rating 4.75 (6 votes)

IQ tests are very common these days. But they mostly concern people. Are there tests for cats?

It turns out there is. They evaluate motor coordination, ability to interact (including with people), adaptability to changes environment and socialization.

We offer you a simple IQ test for a cat. To get an objective result, do not try to force the cat to act "right." Your task is to watch the pet.

You can test adult cats and kittens over 8 weeks old.

To conduct an IQ test for a cat, you will need a pillow, a rope, a large plastic bag (with handles) and a mirror.

So let's get started.

Part 1

You will have to answer the following questions:

1. Does your cat sense changes in your mood?

  • Very often - 5 points
  • Usually yes - 3 points
  • Rarely or never - 1 point.

2. Is the cat ready to follow at least 2 commands (for example, "No" and "Come here")?

  • Very often - 5 points
  • Usually yes - 3 points
  • Rarely or never - 1 point.

3. Can the cat recognize your facial expression (fear, smile, expression of pain or anger)?

  • Very often - 5 points
  • Usually yes - 3 points
  • Rarely or never - 1 point.

4. The cat has developed own language and uses it to tell you about his desires and feelings (scream, purr, squeak, purr)?

  • Very often - 5 points
  • Usually yes - 3 points
  • Rarely or never - 1 point.

5. Does the cat follow a certain sequence when washing (for example, first washes the muzzle, then the back and hind legs, etc.)?

  • Very often - 5 points
  • Usually yes - 3 points
  • Rarely or never - 1 point.

6. Does the cat associate certain events with feelings of joy or fear (for example, a trip or a visit to the vet)?

  • Very often - 5 points
  • Usually yes - 3 points
  • Rarely or never - 1 point.

7. Does a cat have a “long” memory: does it remember places it has visited, names, and rare but favorite treats?

  • Very often - 5 points
  • Usually yes - 3 points
  • Rarely or never - 1 point.

8. Does the cat tolerate the presence of other pets, even if they approach her closer than 1 meter?

  • Very often - 5 points
  • Usually yes - 3 points
  • Rarely or never - 1 point.

9. Does the cat have a sense of time, for example, does she know the time of brushing, feeding, etc.?

  • Very often - 5 points
  • Usually yes - 3 points
  • Rarely or never - 1 point.

10. The cat uses the same paw to wash certain areas of the muzzle (for example, it washes left side muzzles)?

  • Very often - 5 points
  • Usually yes - 3 points
  • Rarely or never - 1 point.

Calculate points.

Part 2

Follow the directions exactly. You can repeat each task 3 times, and the best attempt is counted.

1. Place a large plastic bag open. Make sure the cat sees it. Then carefully observe and record the scores.

A. The cat shows curiosity, approaches the bag - 1 point

B. The cat touches the bag with its paw, whiskers, nose or other part of the body - 1 point

B. The cat looked into the bag - 2 points

G. The cat entered the bag, but immediately left - 3 points.

D. The cat entered the bag and stayed there for at least 10 seconds - 3 points.

2. Take a medium-sized pillow, twine or rope (length - 1 m). Place a pillow in front of the cat while she watches the moving rope. Then slowly pull the rope under the pillow so that it gradually disappears from one side of the pillow, but appears on the other. Calculate points.

A. The cat follows the movement of the rope with its eyes - 1 point.

B. The cat touches the rope with its paw - 1 point.

B. The cat looks at the place of the pillow where the rope disappeared - 2 points.

D. Tries to catch the end of the rope under the pillow with his paw - 2 points

D. The cat lifts the pillow with its paw to see if the rope is there - 2 points.

E. The cat looks at the pillow from the side where the rope will appear or has already appeared - 3 points.

3. You will need a portable mirror measuring approximately 60 - 120 cm. Lean it against a wall or furniture. Put your cat in front of a mirror. Watch her, count the points.

A. The cat approaches the mirror - 2 points.

B. The cat notices its reflection in the mirror - 2 points.

  • The cat often plays with its tail - minus 1 point.
  • The cat is poorly oriented in the apartment and can even get lost - minus 2 points.
  • Calculate the number of points received.

    Cat IQ Test Results

    • 82 - 88 points: your cat is a real talent
    • 75 - 81 points - your cat is very smart.
    • 69 - 74 points - your cat's mental abilities are above average.
    • Up to 68 points - your cat may be too smart or have such a high opinion of himself that he considers it beneath his dignity to play stupid games that bipeds consider as worthy tests.

    Cats are extremely smart creatures. Ethologists (who study animal behavior) have long established that murki and snow leopards can not only draw cause-and-effect relationships, think abstractly, solve complex multi-way tasks, count, but even intentionally deceive a person.

    Cat habits and oddities have long aroused people's interest. And the inherent mystery of these animals gave rise to great amount myths and prejudices, some of which we will try to debunk today.

    Myth one.
    Cats are not very smart, they are difficult to educate and train.
    These cute fluffies are very inquisitive. They are attracted by everything new, unusual and bright. If you take advantage of this feature, then you can easily teach your pet both simple household skills and complex tricks.
    In addition, stubbornness is sometimes a consequence of the high intelligence of cats: the cat perfectly understands what the owner wants from her, and repeated repetitions of tasks only annoy her.
    Raising a cat by beating is useless. She will become embittered and stop responding to the owner's attempts to teach her something new.

    Myth two.
    Meowing is the language cats use to communicate with each other.
    High level intelligence and social motivation of cats allowed them to develop a special language for communicating with the owner. Yes, yes, this is the most "meow" - only and exclusively for us.

    Between themselves, cats do not use these sounds. Recent studies by zoopsychologists at Cornell University have proven that cats know very well how to explain what they want from a person. The most interesting thing is that people very quickly begin to understand the needs of their pet.

    Myth three.
    Cats are very cunning, they always behave badly to spite their owners.
    In fact, behavior problems most often occur in stressed murks. Cats cannot stand radical changes in their territory, whether it is a move, renovation or the appearance of a new person in the house. If a cat has become unbearable, it is either sick or depressed.
    By the way, these animals are very sensitive to the psychological climate at home. Regular family scandals between owners can lead to serious illnesses, mental and intellectual disorders in cats.

    Test your pet's IQ!

    Part I. Answer the questions

    If you answer "rarely or never", your cat gets 1 point
    “usually yes” - 3 points
    "very often" - 5 points

    1. Does your cat feel your mood changes during the day?

    2. Does the cat follow at least two verbal orders, for example, “Shoot!”, “No!”?

    3. Does the cat recognize the expression on the owner's face, such as a smile, an expression of pain or fear?

    4. Has the cat developed its own language to express its feelings and desires, for example, purring, squeaking, purring, screaming?

    5. Does a cat have a certain order of washing, for example, first washes its muzzle with its paw, then licks its back and hind legs?

    6. Does the cat associate certain events with feelings of joy or pain, such as a car ride, a visit to the vet?

    7. Does a cat have a “long” memory: does it remember places it has been to before, favorite foods?

    8. Does the cat tolerate the presence of other animals, even if they come closer to her than 1 meter?

    9. Does the cat have a sense of time, for example, does she know the time of feeding, brushing, etc.?

    10. Does a cat use the same paw to wash certain areas of its face?

    Part II. Call your cat and offer her tasks

    Follow the test instructions exactly. Each task can be repeated 3 times, while choosing the highest score.

    First task

    Put in a large, open package. Make sure the cat sees the bag. Then watch and give the cat points.

    A. The cat approaches the bag with curiosity - 1 point.

    B. Any part of the body touches the bag (nose, mustache, paw, etc.) - 1 point.

    B. The cat looks into the bag - 2 points.

    D. She enters the package, then immediately leaves - 3 points.

    D. The cat enters the bag and stays there for at least 10 seconds - 3 points.

    Second task

    Take a pillow and a rope about 1 meter long. Place the pillow in front of the cat, then slowly pull the rope under it so that it gradually disappears from one side of the pillow and appears on the other.

    A. The cat follows the movement of the rope with its eyes - 1 point.

    B. Paw touches the rope - 1 point.

    B. Looks at the place of the pillow where the rope disappeared - 2 points.

    D. Tries to catch the end of the rope under the pillow with his paw - 2 points.

    D. Raises the pillow with his paw to see if there is a rope - 2 points.

    E. Looks at the pillow from the side where the rope will appear or has already appeared - 3 points.

    Third task

    Lean a mirror about 60 - 120 cm in size against the wall. Put your cat in front of a mirror. Watch her and earn points.

    A. The cat approaches the mirror - 2 points.

    B. Notices his reflection in the mirror - 2 points.

    B. Hits the mirror with his paw, plays with his own reflection - 3 points.

    Part III. Answer the questions based on your observation of the animal

    1. The cat is well oriented in the apartment: it runs to the windows and doors, if something interesting happens behind them - 5 points.

    2. The cat releases objects from the paw in accordance with its desire, but does not drop the object by accident - 5 points.

    Part IV. Answer the questions

    1. The cat sleeps or naps more time than it is awake - subtract 2 points.

    2. The cat often plays with its own tail - subtract 1 point.

    3. The cat is poorly oriented in the apartment, it can even get lost - subtract 2 points.

    Evaluation of results

    Count up total points scored in the first three parts, and subtract from it the points scored in the fourth part.

    141 or more points - your cat is brilliant
    131 - 140 points - your cat is talented and very smart
    121 - 130 points - your cat is very smart
    111 - 120 points - your cat's mental abilities are above average
    90 - 110 points - your cat's mental abilities are average
    81 - 89 points - your cat's mental abilities are slightly below average
    71 - 80 - your cat is stupid
    70 or less points - your cat has a lot of virtues, but the mind is not the main one =)

    Almost no one doubts that a cat has intelligence. These cute fluffy creatures are able to understand cause and effect, make decisions in conflicting situations, and communicate with a person.

    According to some scientists, the mental abilities of cats correspond to the level of intelligence two year old. Sometimes, watching them, you can come to the conclusion that cats understand the environment even better than our children.

    10 proofs of high intelligence of a cat

    Still doubting that a cat is a smart animal? Then pay attention to the following indisputable facts that confirm the high mental abilities of cats.

    • 1. They quickly learn to walk on the tray (unlike the same dogs that need to be walked on the street).

    • 2. Sometimes they cheat in front of the owner. For example, they quietly claw at a leather sofa while you are at work. And when you come home, behave decently and well-mannered.

    • 3. During deep sleep move their tail and paws, make funny sounds, which confirms the high brain activity.

    • 4. They treat each individual differently.

    • 5. They react quite emotionally to a change of scenery (moving, renovation, arrival of guests).

    • 6. Perform complex tricks for play and entertainment, not just for hunting.

    • 7. They come to pity and reassure the owner when he has problems and is in a bad mood.

    • 8. Develop a certain diet for themselves.

    • 9. Show capriciousness in the choice of food. Explore different tastes and smells.

    • 10. Carefully monitor the cleanliness of their fur.

    In the picture: how the cat's brain works

    Raising a cat

    Trying to teach your pet to perform interesting and unusual tricks, but he resists? In most cases, the animal understands what the owner wants from him. But the cat is an emotional and vulnerable creature, it is impossible to force it to do something through force. This will only cause a new wave of protest. A cat lends itself perfectly to education and training, but you will first have to win her trust, switch to “you”.
    Like a person, a cat can quickly turn on useful or bad habits. And in the future, it becomes almost impossible to wean it from them. Therefore, if your cat regularly began to walk past the tray, you need to urgently stop her bad behavior.

    How do cats communicate with humans?

    We all know the cat's meow. A cat uses such a language exclusively to communicate with a person in order to express his emotions, sympathies, or ask for something. In nature, this is not necessary to communicate with relatives.

    The more you talk to the cat, the more she will subsequently communicate with you. You will notice that the word "meow" can sound with a dozen different intonations and undertones, depending on the mood and intentions of the cat.

    In addition, the pet communicates with the person using various gestures. And one of the main tools of communication is the tail. So, if a cat wants to express its devotion or sincere love to its owner, its tail rises up and starts to tremble. When a pet lets in and out her claws in your clothes or hair, closes her eyes and purrs, she shows that she is experiencing bliss from your presence nearby. When a cat wants to play, it quickly wags its tail from side to side or bends low to the ground, with its ears pressed to its head and its eyes wide open.

    It is quite easy for an attentive owner to understand the behavior of a cat. However, the pet itself can easily guess the mood of the owner.

    Emotions and feelings of a cat

    The debate about who is smarter, cats or dogs, has not stopped for a long time. In fact, the IQ in dogs is slightly higher (1.2 vs. 0.9). Then why does it seem to many of us that cats are very smart and somewhat similar to humans?

    The fact is that in cats, the same parts of the brain are responsible for emotions as in humans. Therefore, they are so sensitive and changeable in mood, and also prone to mental illness(including depression). Cats are able to experience affection, love, respect, resentment, jealousy. You need to treat them very tactfully and delicately.

    Adult cats have a hard time accepting new four-legged family members, especially other cats, in the house. Therefore, if you want to have several pets in the house at once, it is better to place them together at once, preferably in young age. Then they will calmly divide the territory and your attention among themselves, take it for granted.

    Thus, if you want to get a pet at home not just for the sake of aesthetic pleasure or the desire to take care of someone, but also in order to acquire an intelligent, cheerful and devoted friend, then a cat will be the perfect choice for you. You definitely won't get bored with her.

    I The intelligence of cats

    The intelligence of cats

    Three myths about the intelligence of cats

    Cats are extremely smart creatures. Ethologists (who study animal behavior) have long established that murki and snow leopards can not only draw cause-and-effect relationships, think abstractly, solve complex multi-way tasks, count, but even intentionally deceive a person!

    Cat habits and oddities have long aroused people's interest. And the mysteriousness inherent in these animals has given rise to a huge number of myths and prejudices, some of which we will try to debunk today.


    Cats are not very smart, they are difficult to educate and train.

    These cute fluffies are very inquisitive. They are attracted by everything new, unusual and bright. If you take advantage of this feature, then you can easily teach your pet both simple household skills and complex tricks.

    In addition, stubbornness is sometimes a consequence of the high intelligence of cats: the cat perfectly understands what the owner wants from her, and repeated repetitions of tasks only annoy her.

    Raising a cat by beating is useless. She will become embittered and stop responding to the owner's attempts to teach her something new.


    Meowing is the language cats use to communicate with each other.

    The high level of intelligence and social motivation of cats allowed them to develop a special language for communicating with the owner. Yes, yes, this is the most "meow" - only and exclusively for us! Between themselves, cats do not use these sounds. Recent studies by zoopsychologists at Cornell University have proven that cats know very well how to explain what they want from a person. The most interesting thing is that people very quickly begin to understand the needs of their pet.


    Cats are very cunning, they always behave badly to spite their owners.

    In fact, behavior problems most often occur in stressed murks. Cats cannot stand radical changes in their territory, whether it is a move, renovation or the appearance of a new person in the house. If a cat has become unbearable, it is either sick or depressed.

    By the way, these animals are very sensitive to the psychological climate at home. Regular family scandals between owners can lead to serious illnesses, mental and intellectual disorders in cats.

    Check your pet's IQ

    Part I. Answer the questions

    If you answer "rarely or never", your cat gets 1 point
    “usually yes” - 3 points
    "very often" - 5 points

    1. Does your cat feel your mood changes during the day?

    2. Does the cat follow at least two verbal orders, for example, “Shoot!”, “No!”?

    3. Does the cat recognize the expression on the owner's face, such as a smile, an expression of pain or fear?

    4. Has the cat developed its own language to express its feelings and desires, for example, purring, squeaking, purring, screaming?

    5. Does a cat have a certain order of washing, for example, first washes its muzzle with its paw, then licks its back and hind legs?

    6. Does the cat associate certain events with feelings of joy or pain, such as a car ride, a visit to the vet?

    7. Does a cat have a “long” memory: does it remember places it has been to before, favorite foods?

    8. Does the cat tolerate the presence of other animals, even if they come closer to her than 1 meter?

    9. Does the cat have a sense of time, for example, does she know the time of feeding, brushing, etc.?

    10. Does a cat use the same paw to wash certain areas of its face?

    Part II. Call your cat and offer her tasks

    Follow the test instructions exactly. Each task can be repeated 3 times, while choosing the highest score.

    First task

    Put in a large, open package. Make sure the cat sees the bag. Then watch and give the cat points.

    A. The cat approaches the bag with curiosity - 1 point.

    B. Any part of the body touches the bag (nose, mustache, paw, etc.) - 1 point.

    B. The cat looks into the bag - 2 points.

    D. She enters the package, then immediately leaves - 3 points.

    D. The cat enters the bag and stays there for at least 10 seconds - 3 points.

    Second task

    Take a pillow and a rope about 1 meter long. Place the pillow in front of the cat, then slowly pull the rope under it so that it gradually disappears from one side of the pillow and appears on the other.

    A. The cat follows the movement of the rope with its eyes - 1 point.

    B. Paw touches the rope - 1 point.

    B. Looks at the place of the pillow where the rope disappeared - 2 points.

    D. Tries to catch the end of the rope under the pillow with his paw - 2 points.

    D. Raises the pillow with his paw to see if there is a rope - 2 points.

    E. Looks at the pillow from the side where the rope will appear or has already appeared - 3 points.

    Third task

    Lean a mirror about 60 - 120 cm in size against the wall. Put your cat in front of a mirror. Watch her and earn points.

    A. The cat approaches the mirror - 2 points.

    B. Notices his reflection in the mirror - 2 points.

    B. Hits the mirror with his paw, plays with his own reflection - 3 points.

    Part III. Answer the questions based on your observation of the animal

    1. The cat is well oriented in the apartment: it runs to the windows and doors, if something interesting happens behind them - 5 points.

    2. The cat releases objects from the paw in accordance with its desire, but does not drop the object by accident - 5 points.

    Part IV. Answer the questions

    1. The cat sleeps or naps more time than it is awake - subtract 2 points.

    2. The cat often plays with its own tail - subtract 1 point.

    3. The cat is poorly oriented in the apartment, it can even get lost - subtract 2 points.

    Evaluation of results

    Calculate the total number of points scored in the first three parts, and subtract from it the points scored in the fourth part.

    141 or more points- your cat is brilliant

    131 - 140 points - your cat is talented and very smart

    121 - 130 points - your cat is very smart

    111 - 120 points - your cat's mental abilities are above average

    90 - 110 points - your cat's mental abilities are average

    81 - 89 points - your cat's mental abilities are slightly below average

    71 - 80 - your cat is stupid

    70 points or less - your cat is completely stupid