The benefits and harms of vegetarianism: scientific research, statistics, doctors' opinions. Myths and realities of vegetarianism: harm or benefit

First you need to figure out who can be called vegetarians. These are people who have given up food of animal origin, but at the same time, depending on the type of diet, they may have eggs or milk in their diet. They should not be confused with vegans (who eat no animal foods at all, including dairy and eggs) and raw foodists (who eat only fruits, vegetables, herbs, and nuts without heat treatment). There is one more popular destination- pescatarianism, adherents of which do not eat meat, but include fish in their diet. By the way, according to research, it is pescatarianism that is the most correct type of diet, which can reduce the risk of developing cancer.

About the benefits

There are many celebrities among the fans of this nutrition system - not only actors and musicians, but also athletes! For example, actor and basketball player John Sully gave up meat long ago, as did track and field star Edwin Moses and famous boxer Mike Tyson. Mike became a vegetarian in 2010, after which he lost 45 kg and noted that he feels much better. These illustrative examples refute the assumption that without animal protein it is impossible to be energetic and play sports.

So, what are the advantages of giving up animal products:

  • weight loss
  • Conscious attitude to yourself, the ability to listen to your body
  • Skin Condition Improvements
  • Lightness in the body
  • A sense of accomplishment towards the planet


Some also point out that special diet helped them get rid of serious illnesses. However, there is no scientific evidence for this yet. Perhaps vegetarianism really is a kind of detox for the body. In addition, controlling your own nutrition leads to a more conscious lifestyle in general: sports, early rises, walks and other bonuses will quickly catch up with vegetarianism.

What are the disadvantages of vegetarianism

Perhaps even more has been written about this than about the benefits. Of course, this system has its downsides.

  • First, you will have to cook a lot more. When you eat meat, it's easy enough to make chicken breast with a side dish - dinner is ready. But one side dish will not fill you up, so vegetarians have to regularly be inventive. This can be a particular problem when traveling: it is not always possible to quickly find delicious food that does not contain animal products.
  • Secondly, many doctors talk about the direct harm of vegetarianism to the body. Many adherents of this system are deficient in iron, which leads to low level hemoglobin in the blood, hair loss, fatigue and other problems.
  • Thirdly, in addition to the lack of iron, most vegetarians suffer from a deficiency of zinc, vitamin D and B12, which is bad for the nervous and hematopoietic systems.

Harm of vegetarianism for women

You can often find arguments about the dangers of vegetarianism for women, especially during pregnancy. Some ignorant people are afraid that a vegetarian, in principle, cannot give birth to a healthy child, which, of course, is not true. There are many girls who not only were vegetarians from birth, but were able to give birth to healthy children themselves. It is only important to control your diet so that it is balanced, and if necessary, take additional vitamins and minerals.

Should I switch to such a diet? You decide. At least you can try - this will allow you to listen to your body and understand what you really need.

In the press and on television, stories regularly appear on the reverent topic: “So, to eat meat or not?”
To eat or not - let's try to figure it out in the article.

World Health Organization statistics: every seventh inhabitant of our planet is a vegetarian.

And there are more and more of them. The world is gradually divided into those who eat meat and those who do not eat meat. Vegetarians and meat eaters have great amount arguments in favor of their chosen food system. And the truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle.

This article is an overview of the main pros and cons of vegetarianism and meat-eating. At the very beginning of the conversation, it is worth noting that each human body is individual and what is acceptable for one person may be similar to death for another.

In addition, the default assumption is that the diet of meat eaters and vegetarians consists of organic food. Arguments about the dangers of pesticides (in vegetables) and growth hormones (in meat) are not considered in the article.

Background. Origins of vegetarianism

Conscious rejection of food of animal origin has a thousand-year history and was originally associated with religious fasts. It is generally accepted that giving up meat is the first step on the path to spiritual enlightenment. For these reasons, monks exclude food of animal origin from the diet, and many religions practice religious fasting.

Interesting fact. The average number of fast days in Orthodox calendar- 180-200 out of 365 days a year. Impressive?

But fasting is a rejection of meat, milk and dairy products, eggs. The fasting menu is very close to the vegan menu (veganism is the strictest form of vegetarianism). Nevertheless, both meat-eating days and meat-eating weeks are accepted in Orthodoxy.

But it was not Orthodoxy that gave impetus to the development of vegetarianism. It is believed that in the Buddhist monasteries of India and China, religious fasts have the longest practice. The spread of Eastern religions has become the reason for such an unprecedented popularity of the vegetarian food system.

Started vegetarianism fundamental principle Buddhism - ahimsa - a way of life that reduces world evil. Ahimsa can be formulated as follows: "Do no harm to the living."

This includes avoiding not only red animal meat, but also white poultry meat, as well as fish and seafood. Vegans voluntarily abstain from all animal products, including honey and eggs.

However, there is one "but". Ahimsa involves refusing to eat the meat of living creatures specially killed for food, and not meat in general. That is, there is no categorical prohibition on eating animal products in Buddhism. Only some religious movements of Buddhism (for example, Zen Buddhist monasticism) are completely vegan.

Modern vegetarianism in most cases is a tribute to a fashionable trend, far from religious beliefs. And a person who claims to be a vegetarian does not always understand what he is talking about.

In addition to vegetarianism, there are several other food systems based on the conscious rejection of certain products

What are the benefits of vegetarianism for the body? Arguments of vegetarians and counterarguments of meat-eaters

Despite the worldwide popularity of all forms of vegetarianism, official medicine recognizes the transition to food exclusively plant origin only as an element unloading power and does not recommend giving up eating meat completely. The main argument - "distortions" in the diet can lead to poor health

According to nutritionists, “correct”, i.e. balanced, an adult's plate should look like this


Meat and food of animal origin occupy an important place in the human diet and serve as a source of healthy protein (protein).

This statement causes a storm of emotions among "experienced" vegetarians. Their argument is extremely simple: a person can get the necessary proteins from plant foods.

reference Information. The daily intake of protein is about 1 g of protein per 1 kg of human weight and depends on the age, height, body mass index and level of physical activity of the person.

The more physical activity receives the body more protein he needs.

But if for consumption daily allowance It is enough for an adult to eat 300-400 g of meat, then plant products will have to be consumed in kilograms.

Important: in order to animal protein passed all the stages necessary for its processing and removal from the body, it needs water. The ratio of protein and water should be 1:42. Meat eaters need to drink clean water!

Important: vegetable protein"preserved" in the seed. That is why it is preferable to eat sprouted grains, in which the protein is in a more digestible form.

In addition, the structure of plant proteins differs from those of animal origin, which affects their biological value for the human body.

The absorption of consumed proteins is:

100% - chicken egg (without yolk)
95% - chicken egg (with yolk)
90% - fermented milk
83% - fresh milk
79% - chicken
76% - beef
76% - fish
75% - cottage cheese
74% - soy
65% - beans, peas
63% - buckwheat
57% - peanuts
52% - wheat

Interesting fact. Among people who prefer vegetarianism, there are many who have low or zero acidity of the stomach. It is really difficult for their bodies to digest meat food.


Vegetarian Argument: Consumption of meat and animal products increases the amount of toxins in the body.

  • speed up the aging process
  • negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and other vital systems
  • badly affect the work of the brain and nervous system, etc.

In addition to food sources of toxins are

  • air
  • helminths, pathogenic bacteria and viruses
  • unfavorable environment

The main toxin that is synthesized by the human body through the consumption of fish, liver and meat is uric acid. Exceeding the norm uric acid in the body can provoke the deposition of uric acid salts in the joints and cause gout

But plant foods, such as peas, lentils, peanuts, sunflower seeds, or buckwheat, can also be a source of uric acid.

Thermal stability

Vegetarians claim that giving up meat has an amazing effect on the body's ability to quickly adapt to low temperatures. However, this has not been confirmed by any medical research. The body's ability to tolerate low temperatures, most likely does not depend on whether meat is present in the diet or not.

Endurance and heart

Numerous studies prove that the heart of vegetarians is more enduring. At the same time, the lack of certain trace elements and vitamins of precisely "animal" origin

  • gland
  • omega-3 fatty acids
    vitamin B12
  • zinc

worsens the general condition of the heart.

The body can get iron and other trace elements from plant foods, but the "meat" option is preferable because it has a structure that is absorbed by the human body almost completely.

Vitamin B12, which is found only in meat, the human body can synthesize on its own, but only if it is available. healthy microflora intestines.


"We age more slowly!" say vegetarians. And there is a certain amount of truth in this remark.

Plant foods are rich in antioxidants. These substances neutralize the action of free radicals, which can slow down the aging of the body at the cellular level.

The aging of the body is also associated with the gradual loss of collagen. Collagen max. suitable for man structurally, it can only be found in animal products. Fragmentation of collagen leads to loss of elasticity in the skin, blood vessel walls, etc.

Interesting fact. More "young" collagen is observed in those whose diet consists of low-calorie foods


There is an opinion that meat-eaters are more prone to violence, are often irritable and aggressive. Is it so?

The most unbalanced and very blood character, known for his hysterical speeches - Adolf Hitler. He loved animals very much, especially his two german shepherds, and often quoted: "The more I get to know people, the more I love dogs." Some biographers claim that the great Fuhrer was a vegetarian. Trembling love for our smaller brothers did not prevent Hitler from becoming one of the bloodiest leaders in world history.

Let's go back to the present. German scientists Thomas Bronische and Jurgen Brunner from the Max-Planck-Institut für Psychiatrie /Institute for Psychiatry of the Max Planck Society (Germany) argue that cholesterol, which is so rich in meat, improves mood. Vegetable products practically do not contain this substance. Lack of cholesterol leads to impulsive, often aggressive behavior causes depression.

This is what it looks like overall picture pros and cons of vegetarianism. But male and female body differ in their physiology. How does vegetarianism affect men and women?

The Health Benefits of Vegetarianism for Men

We are talking about vegetarianism, so we will give animal protein to meat eaters. The main source of protein, so necessary for men, adherents of vegetarianism call soy.

Soy is a product that at the beginning of the twentieth century was credited with a simply magical effect on the body of women, thanks to high content female phytoestrogens:

  • genistein
  • Daidzein
  • glycitein (accumulates in sprouts)

The male body also produces estrogens. So, they are necessary for the health of men?

Answer: "Yes!" But with a small caveat. With age, the amount of estrogen in male body begins to predominate (even without the use of soy).

It leads to:

  • decrease in testosterone production
  • upward change in weight. Men begin to gain weight female type(remember Indian men with rounded shapes even at a young age)
  • depression
    deterioration of stress resistance
  • sexual dysfunction

It would be unfair to put all the responsibility for hormones solely on soy.

Phytoestrogens also contains

  • such loved by men beer (hence "beer tummies")
  • leguminous plants

The photo below shows products that have a beneficial effect on the reproductive function of the male body.

As you can see, there is also an abundance of animal products.

However, vegetarianism is good for men. American researchers from Loma Linda University / Loma Linda University (USA) believe that it is vegetarianism that can protect men from prostate cancer, and in its most rigid form (without milk and eggs).

Scientists made such a conclusion after conducting a survey of 26,000 volunteers aged 30+ and analyzing their diet. Vegans were 30% less likely to get prostate cancer than other volunteers.

The Health Benefits of Vegetarianism for Women

The female body has a more subtle “tuning”. Maybe that's why women are more likely to switch to a vegetarian menu. However, this transition is not always beneficial for a woman.

Her health directly depends on the health of the reproductive system in general and the ovaries in particular. In addition, the female body must:

  • conceive
  • endure
  • give birth to a healthy baby

  • There are also products of animal origin and it is quite possible to replace them with vegetables and fruits. But doctors all over the world are urged to abandon strict vegetarianism for the period of conception and bearing a baby (up to his birth).
  • The baby's body will take everything it needs from the mother's body - this is how nature works. But what will happen to the body of a woman carrying a child? After all, ahead of her is the hardest, taking away a lot of strength, work - childbirth.
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits cannot be the basis of a nursing mother's diet. Moreover, many products, even after heat treatment, cannot be consumed by a woman during lactation.
  • That is why, mom's menu should be carefully thought out and well balanced. Gynecologists and pediatricians recommend including food of animal origin in a woman's diet during this period.
  • And this is not about meat. Its absence can be compensated by the presence in the diet
  • high-quality dairy and sour-milk products

The main thing is to listen to your body and understand its signals.

Important: Women in interesting position or breastfeeding mothers are exempted from observing religious fasts, since the health of the child has always been a priority for all cultures and religions.

What is the relationship between hair health and vegetarianism?

  • Protein is the main resource for building a new cell. In fact, a person consists of protein and water. Proteins are necessary for the normal functioning of all systems of the human body.
  • A proven fact: as soon as the body feels a deficiency of any substance, it blocks the saturation of some organs for the normal functioning of other, more important ones.
  • So, with a lack of protein, the priority for survival becomes the heart and internal organs, skeleton, etc. Hair, nails, skin are the first in protein blockade
  • Many vegetarians who have not balanced their diet note not only deterioration general condition hair, but also their loss. In some cases, a deficiency of protein and other trace elements, combined with stress, leads to alopecia (baldness)

The basis of the diet for healthy hair should be following products

Benefits of Vegetarianism for Skin

  • The skin also needs protein, or rather, collagen. It is this structural protein that is responsible for the normal functioning of connective tissues and skin. Vegetarians are confident that collagen can be synthesized from plants. Alas, collagen is a product of animal origin and it is impossible to synthesize it from plants.
  • A substance that manufacturers call vegetable collagen is a vegetable protein containing collagen-like fragments in its structure. The raw material for the production of such “collagen” is wheat proteins, and it is quite well absorbed by the skin, moisturizing it.
  • The production of "vegetable collagen" is very expensive and difficult. Cosmetics based on "vegetable collagen" are not included in the "economy class" price category

Among the products that the skin is very fond of, there are equally products of plant and animal origin.

And yet, if the skin is prone to acne, dermatologists recommend that you stop consuming fatty heavy foods. Vegetarianism, of course, starts the process of natural cleansing in the body, which favorably affects the condition of the skin.

Getting rid of acne on a vegetarian diet

If the protuberance age is long gone, and acne on the face is still present, then the body needs to be cleansed from the inside.

The first in line for cleansing is the intestines. It is a vegetarian diet containing a large amount of dietary fiber that is able to restore the natural microflora of our body.

But in the list of products that help cleanse the body, there are always dairy products, often the basis for the diet of those who cleanse their body

Another organ that requires attention and periodic cleansing is the liver. Good dermatologist be sure to check the condition of the patient's liver before starting the fight against acne. Since acne is a consequence, and the cause should be sought deep inside a person.
The liver, as an organ of the digestive system, loves a vegetarian menu very much, and even if you are a convinced meat eater, refuse vegetarian unloading days not worth it. Especially if your skin is far from ideal.

The effect of vegetarianism on the joints

Any unbalanced nutrition system negatively affects the human body. Keyword"unbalanced". If mistakes were made in the basic diet during the transition to vegetarianism, then health problems, including those with joints, will appear sooner or later.

Joints need collagen, especially “aging” joints. In addition to protein, joints need easily digestible calcium and iron. All this can provide products of animal origin.

However, the joints really do not like excess weight. This is where vegetarianism can really help.

Vegetarian weight loss. How does vegetarianism affect weight?

So, you can lose weight on a vegetarian menu, but you can also gain weight! Why? Because a balanced diet involves a clear distribution of the amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats consumed. As soon as the balance is disturbed, problems arise.

But a balanced vegetarian diet is very a good option to control body weight. That is why vegetarianism is considered the right choice for those with type II diabetes.

Vegetarianism and diabetes

Vegetarianism in this case

  • allows you to control blood sugar levels
  • promotes weight loss
  • allows you to go to more healthy system food
  • reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease
  • decreases cholesterol levels
  • improves kidney function, so that the body stops losing protein

The menu must be balanced!
The transition to a vegetarian diet should be under the supervision of a doctor!
You need to change the food system slowly!

Brain function and vegetarianism

There are a lot of talented people among vegetarians.

Leonardo da Vinci
Lev Tolstoy
Jean Jacques Rousseau
Albert Einstein
Thomas Edison
Nikolai Drozdov

These names serve as proof that vegetarianism, at least, does not interfere with the work of the brain.

And if we take into account the opinion of all those who practice meditation and try to penetrate into higher matters, then vegetarianism becomes one of the conditions for knowing the secrets of the Universe.

The main thing is that vegetarianism does not become violence against your own body and brings it the maximum benefit.

Scientists have not yet been able to answer the question why for some representatives human race the transition to a vegetarian diet is completely natural and painless, while for others it causes stress and health problems.

Disputes about vegetarianism have been going on for more than forty years and there is no clear answer about the benefits or harms of this food system.

But remembering the calendar Orthodox posts, it should be noted that even staunch meat-eaters must become vegetarians from time to time.

Video: VEGETARIANITY IS OUR FUTURE? Carnivores or herbivores? useful or harmful | main element

AT recent times Vegetarianism is very controversial. Someone cites as an example the famous geniuses of the past and the stars of our time, who for many years prefer vegetable food animal and feel great. Others are armed with the results of scientific research, which are endlessly carried out by various associations and academies, in order to find out how this lifestyle still affects the human body. There is no single point of view - you can only get acquainted with the facts, compare data and draw your own conclusions.

Scientific research

Not only ordinary people all over the world, but also scientists are trying to understand what vegetarianism is for a person - danger or salvation, a regular diet or a complete nutrition system. To resolve this dilemma, various scientific studies are carried out, the results of which are announced at symposiums and conferences. They can also be found on the official websites of those associations and academies where all this is carried out.

In particular, scientists tried to obtain objective data on the benefits and harms of vegetarianism during such major studies, how:

  • 1970 - famous Chinese study"China Study" (second name - "China - Cornell - Oxford", "China - Cornell - Oxford Project"): came to the conclusion about the undoubted benefits of vegetarianism, as it reduces the risk of cancer;
  • 1999 / 2004-2005 - study by the "Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine" (USA): promotes weight loss and reduces the risk of developing diabetes;
  • 2000 - Loma Linda University (USA); reduced risk of prostate cancer in men;
  • 2002 - EPIC-Oxford study (England): no effect on life expectancy;
  • 2012 - Adventist Health Study-2 (covering 10 countries): increases life expectancy.

The problem is that the results of different studies are sometimes very contradictory. The American Dietetic Association came to the same conclusion, British physicians revealed something completely opposite. That is why all these data are constantly confirmed, refuted, criticized - and the search continues.

Doctors' opinions are also divided. Most of them adhere to the point of view that vegetarianism is useful and harmful at the same time. Having followed a strict diet without milk and eggs for many years, the consequences in terms of health are definitely inevitable. But people who have not given up on protein foods of animal origin completely feel great and got rid of many diseases.

And now let's try to summarize the data of these studies and still draw certain conclusions.


First, let's look at stubborn statistics. For many years in different countries information was collected about what vegetarians most often get sick with, and what diseases bypass them. Based on this, an interesting diagnostic map emerged.

Reduced risk of disease (benefit):

  • stomach cancer;
  • liver cancer;
  • bowel cancer;
  • breast cancer in women;
  • ovarian cancer;
  • prostate cancer - by 30%;
  • colorectal cancer - by 18%;
  • heart attack;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes mellitus - by 50%;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • ischemia - by 24%;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • cataracts - by 30%;
  • kidney stones - by 31%;
  • diverticulosis - by 31%.

Increased risk of disease (harm):

  • anemia;
  • iron deficiency;
  • tuberculosis (with the refusal of eggs and milk).

What conclusions about the dangers and benefits of vegetarianism can be drawn from these statistics? The list of diseases that are reduced by meat-free diets is much larger than those that are at increased risk. This should please adherents of this lifestyle.

But here you need to consider how such information is collected. First, they cover far from the entire population, so the data cannot be considered complete. Secondly, they most often do not take into account such nuances as varieties of this system, and this is very important. The benefits of conventional vegetarianism are much higher than veganism, since the first involves a more balanced diet, and the second has too many prohibitions, which leads to irreversible health consequences.


Now consider what are the benefits of vegetarianism, according to various studies.

For weight loss:

  • weight control;
  • weight loss;
  • the ability to reduce the daily calorie content of food, since vegetarian dishes are mostly low-calorie and do not contain fat;
  • prevention .

For skin and hair:

  • Vegetarians don't really know what it is. acne and acne;
  • complexion is even and beautiful;
  • oily skin type among vegetarians is a rarity;
  • aging processes are slowed down, which means that wrinkles appear much later;
  • at balanced diet hair becomes thicker and stops falling out, thanks to a large number flavonoids and vitamins in fruits and vegetables.

For general health:

  • saturation of the body with vitamins and microelements, the absence of carcinogens;
  • lowering cholesterol in the blood;
  • increased energy;
  • improving well-being;
  • strengthening immunity, reducing the number of colds;
  • increase in life expectancy;
  • getting rid of puffiness, as there is little salt in dishes;
  • for men - reduced risk of prostate cancer, with proper diet- improvement of erection;
  • for women - reduction of breast and ovarian cancer, normalization of the monthly cycle.

The American Dietetic Association and the Academy of Pediatrics believe that a well-formulated vegetarian diet is good even for teenagers. Such a system of nutrition reinforces healthy eating habits, which then pass into adulthood. Vegetarian children are leaner and more patient than their peers. The safest method for the younger generation is lacto-ovo vegetarianism.

After such information, there is no doubt about the health benefits of vegetarianism. However, here it is worth making a small but very significant reservation. All this can only be expected if only meat and fish are missing from the diet, while dairy products and eggs remain. With more stringent prohibitions and strict menus, such miracles should not be expected, but there will be plenty of harm from such nutrition.


The harm of vegetarianism is primarily associated with a deficiency of nutrients that are present in meat, but in plant foods they are either not at all, or they are negligible there. This leads to those backfire for which this way of life is so criticized. The lack of a certain range of vitamins and nutrients is especially acute among pure vegans. Therefore, all the complications described below are observed primarily in them.

In some cases, vegetarianism can lead to a lack of substances such as B2, B12, D, iron, iodine, calcium, amino acids. However, with proper menu planning, disadvantages can be reduced. How - read below.


Protein deficiency causes serious damage to the body. It leads to problems such as:

  • avitaminosis;
  • anemia;
  • pale skin;
  • hair loss;
  • headache;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • for adolescents during puberty is fraught with delayed physical development;
  • exhaustion of the nervous system;
  • kwashiorkor;
  • marasmus;
  • slow wound healing;
  • reproductive dysfunction (equally in men and women);
  • uneven nails;
  • general weakness;
  • edema;
  • liver failure;
  • weight loss;
  • sleep difficulties.

To avoid protein deficiency, vegetarians should include as many foods as possible in their diet, such as:

  • quinoa;
  • dairy;
  • eggs.

Lacto-ovo-vegetarianism practically does not face such a problem.


Iron from plant foods is less bioavailable than from meat. In addition, its absorption is actively suppressed by other products of a vegetarian diet. If you do not solve this problem, you may experience:

  • pallor and dry skin;
  • headache;
  • dizziness and fainting;
  • for women during pregnancy - this is fraught with fetal pathologies;
  • shortness of breath, increased heart rate;
  • low hemoglobin;
  • sleep problems;
  • weight loss;
  • decrease in working capacity;
  • the production of hormones, bone marrow decreases;
  • the functionality of the thyroid gland worsens;
  • memory impairment, slow learning;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • frequent colds.

Foods to avoid iron deficiency in a vegetarian menu:

  • broccoli;
  • raisin;
  • molasses;
  • cashew nuts;
  • salad;
  • hemp seeds;
  • seeds;
  • tempe;
  • tomato juice;
  • beans;
  • whole grain bread;
  • black beans;
  • lentils;
  • spinach.

The main harm of vegetarianism is that iron deficiency leads to anemia. The result is problems with teeth (crumble), bones (lose mobility, start joint pain), thyroid gland, fragility and delamination of nails, hair loss, gastrointestinal diseases, decreased performance, menstrual disorders in women.


Animal Protein Enhances Zinc Absorption human body but this is not the case for vegetarians. The consequences are not entirely pleasant:

  • inflammation of the mucous membranes;
  • for pregnant women, a diet poor in zinc is increased risk miscarriage prolonged labor or postpartum hemorrhage;
  • for children, it is dangerously delayed neuropsychic and physical development;
  • for women, a deficiency of this trace element can result in secondary infertility;
  • for men, a lack of zinc is fraught with problems with potency: sexual weakness, premature ejaculation;
  • eye diseases;
  • the skin becomes dry, wrinkles, rashes, redness, peeling appear;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • depression and lethargy;
  • loss of appetite and sleep;
  • dryness and brittleness of nails and hair;
  • deterioration of memory and concentration;
  • frequent illnesses.

What to do? Zinc absorption can be improved by eating soaked and sprouted legumes, grains, and seeds daily, as well as leavened bread.


Those vegetarians who consume milk and eggs do not know what a lack of calcium in the body is. But vegans may face serious consequences, since they are sorely lacking this nutrient:

  • pain in the bones and muscles;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • osteoporosis;
  • increased bleeding;
  • constant irritability, fatigue, sleep problems;
  • problems with teeth;
  • dryness and brittleness of hair, nails.

To reduce the risk of developing such conditions and diseases, it is necessary to include in the diet as many foods as possible, such as:

  • green leafy vegetables (broccoli, Beijing or curly cabbage);
  • molasses;
  • soya beans;
  • bean curd;
  • tempe;
  • figs.

In this regard, harm is expected only from veganism.

Essential fatty acids

The undoubted benefit of a vegetarian diet is that it is rich in fatty acids omega-6, and the harm is in the lack of omega-3 fatty acids. In the absence of eggs and algae in the diet, the body is deficient in eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids. Effects:

  • pain in joints, muscles, tendons;
  • fatigue, weakness;
  • delay mental development in preschoolers;
  • constipation;
  • prolonged depression, apathy;
  • fragility and hair loss;
  • slow wound healing;
  • dandruff;
  • increase in pressure;
  • vision problems;
  • decreased immunity;
  • rash, itching, peeling on the skin;
  • deterioration of attention, memory.

To avoid such dangerous consequences, the diet should include walnuts, rapeseed, hemp and soybean oils.

Vitamin A

Animal products contain ready-made and active vitamin A. There is very little of it in plant foods, so vegetarians often suffer from hypovitaminosis A. What causes:

  • for children - developmental delay, growth retardation, decreased intellectual capabilities;
  • for women - secondary infertility, problems with carrying a pregnancy;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • dandruff, hair loss;
  • destruction of the shell of the eyeball;
  • decreased libido;
  • drowsiness;
  • dry skin, wrinkles;
  • deterioration of tooth enamel;
  • frequent illnesses.

To fix it, you need to cash in on products such as:

  • avocado;
  • sweet potato;
  • broccoli;
  • melon;
  • potato;
  • Sweet pepper;
  • peaches;
  • liver;
  • cream;
  • cottage cheese;
  • pumpkin;
  • egg yolks.

If you make the right menu, lack of vitamin A can be avoided even within the framework of vegetarianism.

Vitamin D

Plant foods are not a source of vitamin D. It is very low in eggs and dairy products. Accordingly, vegetarians may face the following problems with its deficiency:

  • pain in the joints;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • headache;
  • sleep disorders;
  • increased fatigue;
  • weight loss
  • problems with teeth;
  • loss of appetite;
  • blurred vision;
  • emotional instability, nervousness, sharp drops mood, tearfulness, aggressiveness, irritability.

To prevent this, you need to be in the sun as often as possible, take vitamin supplements separately and include champignons in the menu.

Vitamin B12

Vegetation does not contain vitamin B12, so vegans definitely don't get it. It is present in milk and eggs. So the problem of scarcity affects only those who adhere to the maximum strict diet. The most severe consequences:

  • anemia;
  • pallor, weakness, chronic fatigue, fatigue;
  • dizziness;
  • for women - menstrual irregularities;
  • for nursing mothers - slowing down the development of the child (mental and physical);
  • iron deficiency;
  • neurological disorders: numbness in the joints, difficulty concentrating, stiffness in the limbs, decreased pain threshold;
  • dyspnea;
  • weakening of the bones;
  • during pregnancy - fetal pathology;
  • mental disorders: schizophrenia, irritability, nervousness, depression, hallucinations, psychosis;
  • tachycardia;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • memory deterioration.

Ordinary vegetarians can live comfortably by eating eggs and dairy regularly. But vegans need an extra vitamin supplement.

What is vegetarianism for the human body: salvation from many diseases or a slow kill due to deficiency various substances that are found only in meat? Studies are ongoing, and their data are sometimes so contradictory that they do not allow any specific conclusions to be drawn. There are too many factors to consider in order to predict the end result of such a lifestyle: health characteristics, the presence of dairy products and eggs in the diet, hereditary diseases etc. If you compose a menu competently, without fanaticism, you can not be afraid of any complications and harmful consequences.

Good afternoon, Dear friends! I, Ekaterina Kalmykova, am with you again! Today we will discuss whether it is worth drastically changing food habits. In particular, "leave" in vegetarianism.

What is it and what is it eaten with? How dangerous are such food "perversions"? Let's answer the question together: "Vegetarianism - harm or benefit?"

The roots of the term "vegetarianism" should be sought in the English vegetable, which translates as both vegetable, vegetable, and vegetable. There is another "echo" - this is the Latin vegetus, meaning "peppy, lively." But in fact, this is the refusal to eat meat and other products of animal origin.

Before delving into the subtleties, what is more in vegetarianism: harm or benefit - let's see how different it is. Someone considers it necessary to strictly exclude all animal food from the diet. Others carry out the "cutting" sparingly, partially. Each of the groups sums up a certain ideological justification for its choice.

But now we will not delve into the subtleties of the psychology of this phenomenon. Let's just figure out how physiological it is.

So, what are the main types of this food system?

  • Strict refusal of any food of animal origin - veganism;
  • Only plant foods and without heat treatment - raw food diet;
  • Admission to the menu of honey, eggs and dairy products - lacto-ovo vegetarianism;
  • Nutrition, the basis of which are sprouted cereals and legumes - sproutarianism;
  • Eating all foods except red meat.

There are also other shades of this phenomenon, different combinations of individual “permissible” food groups.

Benefits of avoiding animal foods

If you approach the matter philosophically, then any phenomenon in the world has a light and a dark side. Let's evaluate the merits of vegetarianism of any kind, which even official medicine recognizes:

  • Grains, fruits and vegetables, for the most part, are low in calories. This is helpful for maintaining weight;
  • This menu has a lot of fiber, which has a beneficial effect on bowel function, on metabolic processes generally;
  • Useful for people prone to diabetes and a number of other diseases, as it maintains optimal levels of sugar and cholesterol;
  • Helps the body cleanse itself of toxins;
  • It rejuvenates the body as a whole, having a positive effect on blood vessels, as well as on the skin.

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But most importantly positive quality vegetarianism is his philosophy. This is a different attitude to the world: more holistic, thoughtful and careful.

Harm of vegetarianism

The disadvantages of this power system are not less. Especially when people choose the most severe restrictions. Indeed, each type of menu component has its own characteristics, its own nuances of composition. By depriving the body of some elements, we make food not only monotonous, “boring”, but also poor. nutrients. Distortions are created in the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and this is the foundation of a healthy diet.

For a normal metabolism, the harmony of these nutrients, combined with an abundance of vitamins and trace elements, is simply necessary.

Unfortunately, plant foods are not able to fully compensate for the loss of a number of substances that are present in abundance in animal counterparts. It is especially important to remember this for beginners, those who are just switching to vegetarianism and sometimes sin in extremes, do not take into account the characteristics of their own body.

Consider some of the "harmful" features of this power system.

Protein - basic construction material our fabrics. Without it, the muscles will not function at full strength, they will gradually atrophy. It is believed that it is in abundance in legumes, in a number of cereals and some other plants. But the problem is not even general content squirrel. Just its vegetable forms are much worse absorbed by the body. For example, from millet we are able to utilize only 45% of the proteins contained in it, from buckwheat - 60%, potato protein "takes root" by a maximum of 65%. But animal protein is absorbed almost completely.

The second almost indispensable element - vitamin B12. In herbal products, it is rare and in small doses. Unless sea kale can partly compensate for its deficiency. But this vitamin vital for the nervous system to work "like a clock".

Calcium . This trace element is an invaluable component of the health of the skeleton, nails and hair. It is also found in leafy vegetables, but the "milk" source is much richer and more productive.

Iron in enough present in meat and fish products. But from greens, cereals, legumes, we can “absorb” only seven% of this useful element.

Who is contraindicated

Before rushing headlong into the “pool” of vegetarianism, you should definitely consult with your doctor. He will tell you how to start, and in general, whether it is worth abandoning the usual food algorithm. After all, there are absolute contraindications for this system.

Vegetarianism can cause irreparable harm to health if a person suffers from diseases such as osteoporosis, anemia, joint problems, and reduced vision. It is strongly not recommended to part with animal food and those who have recently been ill are in the recovery stage. Children, pregnant and lactating mothers, people whose immunity is weakened are at serious risk.

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Long-term observations show that people who have chosen this way of life often suffer from disorders of the nervous system. This is partly due to the deficiency of certain nutritional components. But there is another problem: not everyone around perceives such features tolerantly. Vegetarians have to take a "defensive" position, and not everyone has enough mental strength and psycho-emotional mobility to resist public opinion.

And one more nuance: such a diet is a rather expensive pleasure.

Looking for the golden mean

Historically, it so happened that a person ate both meat, and fish, and crop products. And our digestive system is tuned accordingly - for this mixed diet.

If a person, for purely personal reasons, has chosen vegetarianism, well, this is his decision, it is worthy of respect. Especially if it is not a "fashionable" fad, not an emotional imitative impulse, and even more so not a show.

Such a decision must be made consciously. The transition to vegetarianism must be made less painful, especially at the beginning. As we have already found out, first of all, consultation with a specialist is necessary in order to cut off possible contraindications.

If you have colitis, pancreatitis, acute or other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, be sure to be treated first. Otherwise, the consequences may be irreversible. Absolutely no change eating behavior at the moment of stress.

But also in calm state, without serious problems with health, this should be done gradually, carefully. Refuse first from red meat, then from its other types, then exclude fish and milk. Or maybe it’s still worth stopping at some intermediate, compromise option. In any case, try to ensure the maximum variety of food within the framework of your chosen system.

The lack of vitamins, especially D and B12, calcium and other trace elements, will have to be compensated with vitamin-mineral complexes. Be sure to control your condition, if you feel worse, consult a doctor and make an informed decision to adjust your diet.

That's all the main thing that I wanted to convey to you on this topic.

The decision is yours, but do not forget: the choice is also a responsibility! Be healthy!

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However, some young ladies put an end to meat not for moral reasons, but succumbing to fashion trends. Natalie Portman, Olivia Wilde, Alicia Silverstone, Julia Roberts, Drew Barrymore, Liv Tyler - these actresses long ago gave up animal food and still look stunning. It is not surprising that many girls draw a parallel between the amazing appearance stars and their eating habits. However, at the same time, fans forget that whole teams of nutritionists and doctors work for actresses, who make sure that the daily diet of celebrities meets all the principles. healthy eating. If you do not have such support behind your back, do not rush into vegetarianism, as if into a pool, with your head. It, like meat eating, has not only pluses, but also minuses.

Man is a predator

Eat meat naturally. Our ancestors were not vegetarian. AT ice Age there was almost no vegetable food, and animal carcasses helped people not to die of hunger. Now vegetables and fruits are available at any time of the year, regardless of the vagaries of nature, but nutritionists are in no hurry to cross meat out of the food pyramid - the basis of a balanced diet.

Pros: irreplaceable product

Meat contains a number of amino acids that enter the body only with food. According to the observations of doctors, steak lovers rarely complain about fragile bones and problems with the central nervous system. This is because red meat contains loading dose vitamin D and the entire group of vitamins B. In addition, beef, pork and lamb are rich in phosphorus, potassium, zinc, iodine and iron. Despite the fact that the last element is present in vegetables and fruits by an order of magnitude more, it is almost not absorbed from plants. Therefore, every second vegetarian is iron deficient. And this is fraught with a lot of problems, ranging from hair loss and ending with sharp decline hemoglobin level in the blood. However, meat is valued not only for vitamins, minerals and protein. It contains special substances that have a very necessary property for the body. They enhance the secretion of digestive juices, facilitate the process of digestion of food and facilitate work. gastrointestinal tract. But keep in mind that only natural meat has such qualities. There is almost no benefit in semi-finished products, but there are plenty of extra calories and fat.

Cons: hormones and extra weight

There is an opinion that cholesterol levels go off scale in meat, and this is fraught with malfunctions of the thyroid gland, liver problems and the risk of atherosclerosis. In fact, everything is not so scary. To avoid these troubles, it is enough to cut off all the fat, do not fry the meat in lard and do not fill it with mayonnaise. It's something else to be afraid of.

To prevent the animals from getting sick and quickly gaining weight, they are often pumped with antibiotics, tranquilizers and growth hormones. Unfortunately, these harmful substances do not disappear anywhere even after heat treatment and enter the human body. Adrenaline and cortisol, hormones that are produced in the animal's body at the time of slaughter, also rush there. Perhaps it is for this reason that meat eaters often suffer from stress and experience problems with weight, because excess amount cortisol - main reason the appearance of wrinkles in the waist area. But what is really scary is that by eating the meat of an animal of the opposite sex, you can pump up foreign hormones and disorient your own hormonal system. However, these troubles are easy to avoid if you buy organic meat and do not get too carried away with it.

With or without fish

If you still decide to become a vegetarian, you should decide which one - non-strict or strict. The first are of two types. The so-called lacto-vegetarianism, in addition to plants, allows the consumption of milk and dairy products, and in ovolacto-vegetarianism, it is also allowed to eat eggs. The most loyal adherents of this trend on weekends and holidays allow themselves to feast on fish, seafood and poultry meat. As for the strict anti-meat eaters - vegans, they exclude animal products from their diet and everyday life, citing the fact that they cannot be obtained without the exploitation of animals. The vegan menu is quite limited. It contains only plant foods, and often it is consumed without cooking or cooked at a temperature not higher than 18º.

Non-Strict Vegetarians: An Ethical Question

A balanced diet is unthinkable without animal proteins. In principle, high-protein products are interchangeable, so the meat gap formed in the menu can be “patched” with cottage cheese, milk and eggs without much loss. This is exactly what lacto- and ovolacto-vegetarians do. However, it must be borne in mind that the lack of well-absorbed "meat" iron by milk and herbal products cannot be replenished. This task is only possible for fish and birds. Therefore, non-strict vegetarians, who at least occasionally feast on fish and seafood, are in a more advantageous position. There is a lot of selenium in marine reptiles, which keeps you in good shape blood vessels. And the fish is rich in omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which regulate blood cholesterol levels, strengthen the immune system and serve as an excellent prevention of cancer.

Non-strict vegetarians are proponents of mixed food and get almost everything for balanced nutrition. If there is no meat in the diet, but there is fish and poultry, then such a system has no disadvantages. But in this case, an ethical question remains unresolved, which is important for most vegetarians. It turns out that they do not support the slaughter of cows, pigs and lambs, but they have nothing against catching fish.

Vegans: a blow to the organs

Lots of vegan diets vegetable fiber, and it perfectly stimulates intestinal motility and maintains an optimal balance of its microflora. In addition, vegetables and fruits contain a huge amount of phytoncides - biologically active substances, which kill harmful bacteria and suppress the processes of decay in the intestines. Vegans rarely suffer from cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, and kidney stones and gallbladder. Experts say that the reason lies in the property of plant foods to remove from the body not only “bad” cholesterol, but also toxins accumulated over the years. And finally, do not forget that in such products there are a lot of healthy carbohydrates, which are good source energy.

Olga Budina:

I gave up meat when I found out I was expecting a baby. At that moment, I realized that from now on I am responsible for the health of my unborn son. However, the moral side of the issue is not alien to me: I look into the eyes of animals and cannot eat them. Naturally, meat contains not only harmful, but also useful components, such as protein. However, beef and pork are not the only source of this substance. It is also found in legumes.

Nadezhda Babkina:

Since I gave up meat, it has become easier for me to live. First, the body feels light. Secondly, the load on the digestive organs decreases, because meat is a heavy product. Thirdly, even the complexion is getting better. And all useful material I take from fish. And in general, the vegetarian menu can hardly be called inferior. I think no one will argue with the fact that vegetables, cereals and nuts contain a lot of vitamins.

Valeriy Meladze:

Most people refuse meat not because they love animals. They think it's extremely harmful product: a source of cholesterol, hormones ... This is true, but only on condition that we are talking about dishes such as meat in French. Naturally, if you constantly eat pork drenched in mayonnaise, you can say goodbye to health. But a steak made from excellent meat has never hurt anyone.

Expert opinion

Dmitry Krylov, therapist:

If you decide to join the ranks of vegetarians, be sure to undergo a comprehensive therapeutic and gastroenterological examination. Abrupt change nutrition systems can provoke a number of diseases and exacerbate existing ones. The transition to plant foods is undesirable for those who are engaged in heavy physical labor, suffers from anemia, has problems with the pancreas and thyroid gland, inflammatory diseases intestines and gastritis. And such a diet is absolutely contraindicated for children, pregnant and lactating women.