Headache can be a sign of serious illness. Other song lyrics: Bojalar

Unfortunately, among us there is hardly a lucky person who would not encounter such an ailment in his life as headache. The bulk of people periodically face this problem, which not everyone can cope with. And most often, in order to get rid of this ailment, we begin to stuff ourselves with various painkillers, which in the end, although they save us from excruciating suffering, still do not solve the problem itself. In this article, we decided to tell you about what causes a headache, as well as what to do if you have a severe headache.

Why does my head hurt?

Of course, this question was asked by everyone who at least once encountered this ailment. It seems that the person has no health problems, and he feels good, but the piercing pain still comes from somewhere. A headache can manifest itself in a variety of areas - this is the temples, and the back of the head, and the forehead. In addition, muscles, nerves, eyes, as well as any places where sensitive receptors are located, can hurt.

By itself, pain occurs when those same receptors are subjected to any mechanical, chemical or thermal effects. More severe headaches are manifested in the case of expansion or narrowing of the vessels, which are located either inside or outside the skull. To understand true reason your headache, you should pay attention to the factors accompanying it - these may be severe dizziness, nausea or fever body. Ultimately, it is thanks to these symptoms that it becomes possible to “calculate” any specific disease that provokes a headache.

Causes of a headache

In fact, there are a great many causes of headaches; this ailment can be associated with changes in the weather, as well as with very serious diseases. Next, we will talk about the most common causes of headaches.

    High blood pressure is the most common cause of headache caused by vasospasm. In this case pain syndrome appears when jump lower pressure about 25-30 percent of its original value.

    Migraine is a disease in which headaches manifest themselves as severely as possible. To date, scientists cannot fully explain what initially causes the occurrence of this disease, however, it has been established that the causative agent of pain syndrome is hormonal disbalance in the body. That is why migraine is considered to be women's diseases, since it is in women that the hormonal background often changes, for example, due to lactation or pregnancy. However, various stresses, diets or insomnia can also be attributed to the causes of migraines. One of the most common symptoms of a migraine is extreme sensitivity to light.

    Hypothermia or drinking alcohol can also provoke a headache, however, oddly enough, these symptoms are more susceptible to the male population, for which this species headache and was nicknamed "male". cluster syndrome is official name of this disease. The pain is pronounced, paroxysmal, which can last for several weeks. The advanced stage of this disease can lead to a pituitary tumor. In addition to the headache itself, cluster syndrome symptoms also include choking during sleep, nasal congestion, and watery eyes.

    A disease such as cervical osteochondrosis is also one of the most common causes of headaches. With this disease, the head can hurt every day for a long time. In addition, as on an increasing basis, new symptoms of this disease will gradually be added - nausea and vomiting, a slight increase in body temperature, an increase in blood pressure and profuse sweating.

    There are also separate category persons who often suffer from headaches, namely, pregnant women. And the thing is, during the bearing of a child female body works for two; it is because of the double load that women in position quite often suffer from debilitating headaches. However, you should not worry: the pain syndrome experienced by the expectant mother does not affect the fetus itself.

    Intracranial pressure is also the cause of severe headaches. And this ailment manifests itself due to a change in this very pressure, both in the direction of decrease and increase. Changes in intracranial pressure may be due to internal hematomas head or due to tumors formed. In addition to headache, drowsiness, nausea and dizziness are also present. Visual impairment is another sign intracranial pressure.

Of course, not all of the above are listed. existing reasons contributing to headache. So, for example, headaches can be the result of a disease such as meningitis, in which the brain becomes inflamed. Also, pain spasms can be caused by previously received head injuries. Overdose, poisoning - all this can also provoke a headache. It is necessary to be extremely careful when taking various medical preparations: always pay attention to them side effects. Also, severe headaches can be caused by ordinary stress, magnetic storms, or simply changes in weather conditions.

How to get rid of a headache:

    exists today great amount medicines that have proven themselves in the fight against severe headaches. The most common among these drugs are well known to everyone - these are paracetamol, no-shpa, nurofen, analgin, citramon, but there are also tablets that are more powerful in their action: spazgan and spazmalgon.

Just in case, in your home first aid kit There should always be several medications available to help you manage your headache. However, do not rush to resort to their help: with their frequent use, there is a risk of getting used to these drugs, which in the future will force you to constantly increase the dose, and, as we all know, taking drugs negatively affects internal organs especially on the liver.

    if the headache is weak, then you should not resort to taking medications; You can also deal with it in manual ways. For example, it is recommended to take cold and hot shower, after which you should just lie down in a calm atmosphere in a ventilated room. In order to eliminate pain in certain areas, you can apply on the areas of the head that are bothering you. cold compress: for this you can use ice cubes wrapped in a towel.

    if your headache is associated with high blood pressure, then you should take some medicine relieving spasms. Next, you need to tie a tight bandage around your head and lie down on high pillows for about 15 minutes. It will not be superfluous to make a hot foot bath. All these procedures will help relieve spasms, as well as contribute to the outflow of blood.

    and in no case do not engage in excessive self-medication. If your headache attacks are regular, you should not resort to the help of pills, you should contact a neurologist, who will prescribe the best treatment for you.

When to See a Doctor

    numbness of the arm, difficulty moving the tongue, blurry vision and lack of coordination - if you have these symptoms after a headache, you should immediately call ambulance, since all of the above are signs of a stroke!

    if the headache appears even with minor physical exertion.

    if the headache does not subside continuously for several days in a row.

    there are several more symptoms, accompanied by a severe headache and talking about a possible terrible disease. If you feel different odors that do not really exist, and if your favorite foods are now disgusting to you, you should immediately contact a specialist, because these symptoms may be signs of diseases such as epilepsy or a brain tumor.

Headache prevention

We all know that prevention is easier than cure, which is why there are several simple rules which can help prevent headaches. And one of the simplest and most well-known rule is to keep healthy lifestyle life. Daily physical activity in the form of exercise, sports, refusal bad habits and proper nutrition- and there is a guarantee of a healthy body.

Another important rule- control over your sleep. It is very important to make sure that your body rests the amount of time it needs to recover. Experts recommend going to bed and getting up at about the same time - so your chances of getting enough sleep increase significantly. It is also necessary to take care of a comfortable pillow - this will help in the future to avoid such an unpleasant problem as cervical osteochondrosis. Well, in order not to suffer from insomnia, doctors recommend taking a walk before going to bed. fresh air within half an hour.

You also need to pay special attention to your diet: the more fresh fruits and vegetables on your menu, the better. But it is best to refuse fried and smoked. It is also recommended to give up sugary carbonated drinks. Frequent use caffeine should also be excluded - it is this product that provokes an increase in blood pressure.

Folk methods of treatment

    To get rid of a headache, you can do it on painful areas acupressure heads. Alternatively, massage the earlobes for a minute.

    Known since ancient times next way to help relieve headaches: cabbage or grape twisted leaves should be applied to the affected area.

    Relaxation, yoga, spa treatments are great helpers in the fight against headaches.

    Sometimes the bowel is the cause of the headache; in this case, two or three days of fasting are recommended - this measure helps to cleanse it.

    Propolis tincture also helps to get rid of the disease: 4 teaspoons should be mixed with alcohol. The dose of taking such a “medicine” is 45 drops on bread.

Why does the head hurt? There can be many sources of pain. In some cases, these are stress, lack of sleep and excessive workload, in others - problems with blood vessels. When the head hurts and "presses on the eyes", the cause may be high blood pressure. There are also physical sources. feeling unwell- for example, when the head hurts in the temples, the cause may be heavy earrings or a tight hoop on the hair. In addition, headache is a signal serious illnesses such as meningitis or a brain tumor. That is why it is important to listen to your feelings, and if it seems that your head hurts all the time, do not put off going to the therapist.

If your head hurts all the time: causes

Before going to the doctor, you can try to determine the cause yourself, paying attention to these factors:

  • Headache in the neck. Most often, osteochondrosis and other problems with the cervical spine are to blame. In addition, there is such a disease as "cervical migraine".
  • Headache and nausea. This can be both a symptom of SARS and other ailments, such as meningitis. If nausea and headache are accompanied by discomfort in the back of the head, when it is impossible to tilt the chin to the chest, go to the hospital without delay, as these are the first signs of meningitis.
  • Headache in the temples. There is such an expression "knocking in the temples." If it is familiar to you firsthand and you often experience this, with a high probability the reason lies in vascular disease. Such problems often occur before menstruation.
  • Headache and eyes hurt. Maybe you're wearing new contact lenses? Incorrectly fitting glasses or lenses, as well as eye diseases, can cause pain in the forehead and around the eye sockets.
  • Headache and fever. Most likely, you caught a cold. And discomfort signal the onset of the disease, to which a runny nose and sore throat may soon be added.
  • Headache in forehead. When the pain accumulates in one part, whether it is the forehead or just the right or left side, it is quite possible that it is a migraine. Migraines are considered a typical female ailment and, moreover, are often inherited. A migraine attack can last 4-5 hours and recur several times a month.
  • Headache in the back of the head. First, it could be hypertension. And secondly, the so-called "tension headache", which occurs against the background of stress and worries. These unpleasant sensations due to a large psychological or mental load can be repeated almost every day in the late afternoon.
  • Headache after a blow. In the event of any injury, headaches due to a concussion are quite possible, so if you hit hard or had an accident, be sure to go to the hospital.

What to do if your head hurts

It all depends, of course, on the cause. While you are waiting for test results, you can try to relieve discomfort with cool forehead compresses, herbal teas (such as chamomile), and head and neck massages, including using a comb. As a preventive measure, swimming and walking in the fresh air are also recommended. Try cutting back on coffee - caffeine triggers migraines. In addition, headaches sometimes occur against the background of intolerance to certain products, including just caffeine, as well as beer.

Unfortunately, even reduced stress and correct image life does not always help to cope with this insidious problem. For example, migraines are not treated herbal teas and massage. Therefore, do not postpone a visit to a specialist.

It is as if a spark pierces the whiskey with lightning, an invisible hand squeezes the back of the head and forehead ... Perhaps these symptoms are familiar to all people, because sooner or later everyone experiences pain in the head. It can be a short-term pain, or it can be long-term, not ceasing for hours or even days. More than half of humanity is faced with it constantly.

Headache symptoms are familiar to each of us.

Headache is the most common among all others. This may be a sign of an infectious or other disease, a reaction to irritants external environment, such as stress, weather changes, magnetic storms, and so on, and may be the cause of a serious illness, such as a brain tumor.

This article contains a selection possible causes headaches, classification, consequences, methods of treatment, and most importantly - the prevention of this frequent phenomenon, which so annoys many people.

General description of the disease

Why does the head hurt? This question worries everyone who has ever experienced it. No less interesting is what hurts in the head. As you know, the brain is in the head. Therefore, many inhabitants believe that he hurts.

However, in nervous tissue no brain pain receptors. Simply put, the skull, blood vessels, muscles, nerves, eyes, subcutaneous tissue, mucous and nasal sinuses, it is there that sensitive receptors are located.

Pain occurs if they are affected by chemical, mechanical or thermal stimuli.

Any area can hurt:

  • back of the head;
  • whiskey;
  • top of the head.

Severe pain can occur due to the expansion or narrowing of blood vessels located inside or outside the skull, as well as due to changes in intracranial pressure. In general, there are 200 types of headaches, the causes of which are different. However, in reality there are many more forms of headache.

It happens that nausea, fever, dizziness are connected to the headache. Whether or not these symptoms are present depends on the diagnosis and origin of the pain.

Headache classification

Headache can be primary or secondary. What is the difference?

Primary headache is a disease.
Secondary is a sign that accompanies another disease (hypertension, osteochondrosis).

By the way, the most common primary headache.

Secondary headache appears as a sign of any disease

Here are the main signs of a secondary headache (a symptom of another disease).

  • Firstly, if the pain is secondary, then symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections, hypertension join it. With hypertension, a headache may occur after a bath.
  • Secondly, the secondary headache appears suddenly and goes away as the underlying disease is treated. Another sign of a secondary headache is a disorder of coordination, speech, convulsions, and so on.

Despite all kinds of research in the field of medicine, doctors still do not know exact reason the occurrence of such pain. However, there are four main theories.

  • According to one of them, in the scalp are located blood vessels. If they stretch the arteries, pain occurs, since sensitive receptors are nearby.
  • According to the second theory, the pain is due to compression of the muscles of the head and neck.
  • According to the third version, a headache appears due to a change in the access of oxygen, which occurs due to the passage of a wave of low electricity through the surface of the brain.
  • According to the fourth version, a chemical imbalance occurs in the cells.

According to the manifestations of a headache is:

  • pressing;
  • migraine;
  • cluster.

An interesting take on such pain in ancient Indian medicine. In India, it is believed that depending on the painful area, you can find out which organs are sick. Let's talk briefly about this non-standard approach for us.

The eye area is responsible for the stomach: discomfort in the eye socket indicates gastritis, above the eyebrows - inflammation in the stomach, headache in the forehead - an ulcer. If the pain bothers in the area above the forehead, the person may have problems with the intestines. Pain in the crown of the head indicates a problem with the kidneys. Headache in the back of the head indicates problems with the urinary tract. If the head hurts in the temples - about the cranial nerves.

The distribution of headaches is also interesting based on the temperament of a person. So, a headache in the temples, as well as on the top of the head, is more characteristic of sanguine and choleric people. If the head hurts in the forehead, then most likely the patient is phlegmatic. But if the back of the head hurts, this indicates a melancholy temperament. As you know, a pure type of temperament is a rarity, therefore, as a rule, pains are combined throughout the entire head area.

If the head hurts in children

Although headache is more common in adults, it is still difficult and unpleasant symptom children are also affected. Especially teenagers, as they have hormonal changes.

Several factors can cause headaches in children, including:

It is especially worth noting that children can even cause a headache braces.

Basically, in children, such pain is not threatening and is easier to bear. However, if such symptoms as weakness, impaired coordination, speech join, an urgent consultation with a specialist and even hospitalization is needed.

Causes and symptoms of different types of headaches

Symptoms of pain in the head are different. They depend on the cause of its occurrence: hormonal changes, post-traumatic stress syndrome, exposure to temperature or chemical substances Also, a headache can be a sign of another illness.

It is believed that the type of headache depends on the temperament of the person.


Migraine refers to the so-called primary headache, which means it is a disease. It feels like a throbbing pain with a migraine, it occurs in one half, and can cover the entire head. Occurs most often in the morning. The strength of the pain can be simply unbearable, it can haunt you for several hours, or maybe even three days.

Migraine attacks can occur every month. If you feel sick and have a headache, it could be a migraine. It happens that vomiting is connected to such symptoms, the patient cannot tolerate light, noise.

Sadly, doctors still cannot pinpoint exactly why migraines occur. Due to hormonal disruptions, there is a malfunction in the brain stem, which is very active in people prone to migraines.

It is not known whether this is true or not, but in principle it explains why migraine is a disease of women. Indeed, in the weaker sex, hormonal disruptions are more common, it can be during pregnancy, menstruation, and also during lactation.

On the other hand, migraines can occur as a result of stress, insomnia, diet, smell, and even bright light. In addition, migraine hereditary disease.

Interesting fact: migraine was described by ancient healers. Pain, similar to a flash of lightning, is described in ancient Babylonian treatises.

Tension headache.

The name eloquently repeats: a headache occurs due to strong tension. It can be emotional as well as muscular. To emotional stress include stress, strong excitations, depression and so on. To muscle - overload of the muscles of the neck.

A tension headache can be felt for several hours. It is dull, pressing, covers the entire head. Sometimes it gets worse after physical activity. There are also short-term, but frequent headaches that occur throughout the week.

Headache caused by cervical osteochondrosis.

If the patient has cervical osteochondrosis, he may experience a debilitating headache. Sometimes this is the only complaint of the patient. This is a secondary headache, which means it is a consequence of the disease, in our case, osteochondrosis. Pressure and swelling spinal nerves leads to the fact that the head hurts in the back of the head, as a rule. Sometimes painful sensations are possible in the temples, and even over the entire surface of the head.

Headache in cervical osteochondrosis appears suddenly, patients often complain that they constantly have a headache. The attack can last up to ten hours. Pain gets worse after sudden movements head.

Nausea and headache are a sure sign of osteochondrosis. However, it is worth noting that vomiting with such pain does not bring relief, the body temperature rises insignificantly.

Patients have a headache every day, and the symptoms are on the rise. Sometimes a headache with cervical osteochondrosis is called "cervical migraine syndrome." This is because the symptoms are similar to those of a migraine.

The consequence of osteochondrosis can be diencephalic syndrome - when in certain parts of the brain there is a violation of blood circulation. The patient's blood pressure rises, the skin turns pale, he sweats. In this case, the headache appears due to a mechanical effect on pain receptors.

Headache during pregnancy.

Women are said to be more prone to headaches. There are many explanations for this, one of which is the change hormonal background. Very often the head hurts during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. This is experienced by about 20% of women in the position.

The cause of such a headache may be hidden in infectious diseases, VVD, hypertension and hypotension, osteochondrosis and other diseases.

Headache in pregnancy is caused by hormonal changes

During pregnancy, the body is rearranged, it works for two. This is the cause of the headache after the third month of pregnancy. Most pregnancy headaches are migraines and the aforementioned tension headache.

Among good points: headache during interesting position"does not pose any threat to the fetus, but expectant mother can really ruin the day.

Among external factors headache symptoms during pregnancy:

  • insomnia;
  • caffeine intake;
  • cold food;
  • fatigue;
  • allergy;
  • diet;
  • inadequate water intake.

Consequences of trauma. Frequent headaches can be the result of a head injury. They can bother for many years after the injury. Among other signs post-traumatic syndrome- dizziness, anxiety, distraction.


If the pain appears rarely and passes quickly, there is no reason for concern. But if she worries for a long time, an examination by a specialist, a neuropathologist, is necessary.

In fact, it is quite difficult to determine the nature of a headache, despite the fact that today in modern world many diagnostic methods. it Long procces, because there are quite a few forms of headache, in addition, it can occur both by itself and be a symptom of another disease. Let us list the main research methods.

The most accurate picture of the state of the human brain is given by magnetic resonance imaging, the so-called MRI. With its help, a specialist sees the brain, education in it, and so on.

  • circulatory disorders, misdevelopment brain allows you to identify CT scan(CT).
  • Magnetic resonance angiography allows you to see what condition the vessels are in.
  • The diagnostic method using blood pressure monitoring detects hypertension, even if it occurs in latent form.
  • An x-ray of the cervical region of the spine will show the condition of the vertebrae, osteochondrosis of which can lead to headaches.
  • A blood test will show the presence of a bacterial or viral infection, will indicate inflammation.
  • Also, to determine the cause of the headache, an examination by an ophthalmologist is also necessary, which will indicate possible changes in the fundus.

Sometimes for correct diagnosis disease requires examinations and other specialists.

A blood test may be needed to pinpoint the exact cause of the headache.

During the examination, the neuropathologist will ask questions about the nature of headaches, their frequency, what events preceded the onset of pain, diet, and so on. All this will help the specialist, along with clinical and laboratory research, to accurately determine the cause of the headache, the disease and treatment methods.

Methods of treatment

What to do if your head hurts? There are many ways to treat. The choice depends on what causes the disease.

Today there are a lot of pills for headaches. Among them are well-known and well-established drugs:

  • analgin;
  • paracetamol;
  • no-shpa;
  • citramon;
  • nurofen.

At the same time, there are more powerful pills:

  • spasmalgon;
  • spazgan.

These drugs have already become classics. Triptans help many with migraines. The medicine "Mig" is suitable for many. In general, the drugs used for migraine are divided into those that relieve pain and prevent its occurrence.

But do not rush to take pills at the slightest manifestation of pain. After all, all drugs in one way or another negatively affect the internal organs of a person. In addition, some drugs are addictive, and you will have to increase the dose each time.

For a mild headache, you need to lie down in a quiet, ventilated room, take a hot shower, make cold compresses on the area where it hurts (you can use dry ice or ice cubes wrapped in a towel), rubbing with vinegar. Head massage, strong tea can also help.

Do not smoke or drink alcohol, as this will only aggravate the headache.

Sometimes you can take painkillers. But if the pain occurs frequently or lasts a very long time, contact a neurologist. He will appoint adequate treatment. In some cases, you even need surgical intervention.


Acupressure will help to cope with a headache. To get started, you need to relax, take comfortable posture, clothing should be loose and not restrict the mobility of the head and neck.

First you need to relax your head with strokes (about five minutes), and then proceed to direct action on the reflex points.

To relax, gently stroke the surface of the head, the direction of movement is from bottom to top to the crown, then back. Place your fingers on the top of your head, massage your head towards your ears and neck. Then - from the top of the head to the back of the head, and at the very end - from the top of the head to the forehead. severe pain can be relieved by continuous tapping with fingertips over the entire surface of the head.

Acupressure is great for headaches

There are many points on the head, pressing on which you can relieve pain. For example, if the head hurts in the forehead, you need to press on a certain point. To find it, put four fingers over the eyebrow line, mentally draw a line from the nose up, at the intersection of imaginary lines and this point is located, it is, as it were, in a recess, when you press on it, you feel a slight pain. Massage this point.

With a headache in the temples, you need to gently massage the point located one finger up from the hairline. Massage of this point helps with migraines.

You can press your fingers on the surface of the head, paying special attention to the bulges and depressions. If you feel when pressed sharp pain, which means that this point needs to be massaged in a circular motion.

The positive effect of the treatment gives a massage of the corners of the eyes. You also need to properly stretch the neck, shoulders, base of the skull. This massage is especially helpful for headaches in cervical osteochondrosis. Of course, it is better to have acupressure performed by a specialist. And remember, if headaches occur constantly, you definitely need to consult a neurologist.

Music for headaches.

An unusual, but very pleasant and creative way to treat headaches is music. Music for headaches is called:

  • "Polonaise" by Mikhail Oginsky;
  • "Hungarian Rhapsody" by Franz Liszt;
  • "Fidelio" by Ludwig van Beethoven;
  • "Spring Song" by Felix Mendelssohn.

In general, the classics have a positive effect on a person and can even relieve pain. In some countries, there are audio CDs for sale with a selection of music that relieves migraine pain. Such music should be listened to for half an hour a day, it can relax tension, relieve spasm and distract from pain. Thus, music is a pleasant remedy for pain.



Many are tormented by the question: how to get rid of a headache? However, it is much easier to carry out preventive actions than to treat the disease. How to prevent a headache? Recipe for success - active image life. Drinking enough water also has a positive effect.

Daily exercise, jogging, swimming have a beneficial effect on the body. Vitamin B2 can be taken to prevent migraines. They are rich in spinach, eggs, broccoli and nuts. But the consumption of caffeine should be reduced.

Limit your coffee intake if you want to avoid headaches

Analyze the quality of sleep and rest. Learn to relax, haste will not save, but health can be significantly spoiled. Remember healthy good sleep gives the body strength, and the brain brings rest. Take care of a comfortable pillow and bed. Do not forget about fresh air, its lack provokes headaches.

Special attention- diet. More fresh vegetables, fruits, regular intake food will minimize the possibility of headaches. It is better to refuse smoked meats, fast food and other "harmful" foods. This will keep the figure, prevent the occurrence of headaches and have a positive effect on the body.

If you suffer from headaches, then you should refuse or at least reduce the consumption of cheeses, mustard, pork, bananas, legumes, nuts and even chocolate. Make sure to include in your diet enough gland.

At the same time, try to avoid stress, and also give up bad habits as soon as possible. After all, they are common causes occurrence of headaches.

Folk methods of treatment

There are a lot of folk remedies for headaches. Let's talk about some of them. However, remember that unusual headaches can be a sign of various serious diseases, so consulting a doctor is a necessary measure.

Cabbage leaf - a time-tested way to deal with headaches

1. You can apply compressed grape and cabbage leaves on the painful places. Compresses from circles of raw potatoes and onions also help.
2. sedative effect provide and herbal teas. Valerian, linden, mint, sage - all these herbs will help in the treatment of pain.
3. An excellent folk remedy for this disease is essential oils. One or two drops of lavender, peppermint or rosemary oil on a pillow will guarantee you beautiful dream and rest. Oil can also be rubbed into whiskey.
4. If you are worried about a tension headache, then yoga, relaxation, spa treatments and other procedures that have a relaxing effect on the body will help get rid of it.
5. Try to relieve a headache by lowering your legs into the pelvis with hot water, while wrapping the head with cold wet towel.
6. Folk remedy headache treatment eat amber. Wearing a necklace made from this stone helps to reduce pain.
7. Known for his healing power and bell ringing. He is able to relieve many pains, including the head.
8. Spasms of cerebral vessels can relieve feverfew. The pharmacy has tablets and tinctures, but you can also use fresh sheets.
9. Seasonings will also help to cope with diseases of the head. So, rosemary will reduce the pain that has arisen due to stress.
10. Masks from circles fresh cucumber before the eyes will help to effectively get rid of the headache that arose as a symptom of hypertension.
11. Relaxation folk method: you need to put one hand on the back of your head, and the other on solar plexus, close your eyes and think about pleasant things for twenty minutes. A prayer or a mantra will also help. This will help take your mind off pain.
12. Apply fresh lemon peel to the temple. Over time, a spot forms there, and the pain subsides.
13. Salt compress: moisten a woolen cloth in a solution of a tablespoon of salt poured into half a liter of water, put on the lower back and wrap. The course of treatment is a week.
14. Propolis tincture: dissolve 4 teaspoons of propolis in one hundred grams of alcohol. Reception dose: 40 drops on bread.
15. A three-day fast and an enema helps to cleanse the intestines, which is sometimes the cause of headaches.
16. Infusion of St. John's wort: pour two teaspoons of herb with a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Consume 100 grams twice a day.
17. If your head hurts in the back of the head, you can use the following folk method: Lean your forehead against the window pane.
18. A cut onion applied to the temples can relieve pain.
19. Orange medicine - orange. Mix half a kilogram of crushed oranges with ½ cup of chopped horseradish roots. Add a kilo of sugar and a liter of white wine. Boil the mixture in a water bath. Dosage: 60 grams two hours after eating.
20. Active massage of the earlobes for a minute.

Headache is an unpleasant irritant of a person's well-being. It can signal serious illnesses. Don't ignore pain. If it occurs frequently or feels unusual, see your doctor.

Well, in general, let nothing ever violate your life plans. May your head and mind always be clear. Remember, being healthy is great...

Why does the head hurt? There can be many sources of pain. In some cases, these are stress, lack of sleep and excessive workload, in others - problems with blood vessels. When the head hurts and "presses on the eyes", the cause may be high blood pressure. There are also physical sources of poor health - for example, when the head hurts in the temples, heavy earrings or a tight hoop on the hair can be the cause. In addition, a headache can be a signal of serious diseases, such as meningitis or a brain tumor. That is why it is important to listen to your feelings, and if it seems that your head hurts all the time, do not put off going to the therapist.

If your head hurts all the time: causes

Before going to the doctor, you can try to determine the cause yourself, paying attention to these factors:

  • Headache in the neck. Most often, osteochondrosis and other problems with the cervical spine are to blame. In addition, there is such a disease as "cervical migraine".
  • Headache and nausea. This can be both a symptom of SARS and other ailments, such as meningitis. If nausea and headache are accompanied by discomfort in the back of the head, when it is impossible to tilt the chin to the chest, go to the hospital without delay, as these are the first signs of meningitis.
  • Headache in the temples. There is such an expression "knocking in the temples." If it is familiar to you firsthand and you often experience it, with a high probability the reason lies in vascular diseases. Such problems often occur before menstruation.
  • Headache and eyes hurt. Maybe you are wearing new contact lenses? Incorrectly fitting glasses or lenses, as well as eye diseases, can cause pain in the forehead and around the eye sockets.
  • Headache and fever. Most likely, you caught a cold. And unpleasant sensations signal the onset of the disease, to which a runny nose and sore throat may soon be added.
  • Headache in forehead. When the pain accumulates in one part, whether it is the forehead or just the right or left side, it is quite possible that it is a migraine. Migraines are considered a typical female ailment and, moreover, are often inherited. A migraine attack can last 4-5 hours and recur several times a month.
  • Headache in the back of the head. First, it could be hypertension. And secondly, the so-called "tension headache", which occurs against the background of stress and worries. These unpleasant sensations due to a large psychological or mental load can be repeated almost every day in the late afternoon.
  • Headache after a blow. In the event of any injury, headaches due to a concussion are quite possible, so if you hit hard or had an accident, be sure to go to the hospital.

What to do if your head hurts

It all depends, of course, on the cause. While you are waiting for test results, you can try to relieve discomfort with cool forehead compresses, herbal teas (such as chamomile), and head and neck massages, including using a comb. As a preventive measure, swimming and walking in the fresh air are also recommended. Try cutting back on coffee - caffeine triggers migraines. In addition, headaches sometimes occur against the background of intolerance to certain products, including just caffeine, as well as beer.

Unfortunately, even stress reduction and proper lifestyle do not always help to cope with this insidious problem. For example, migraines are not treated with herbal teas and massage. Therefore, do not postpone a visit to a specialist.

Words, lyrics and translation of the song - Bojalar - My head hurts My heart is on fire My leg hurts Apparently still drunk

I have a headache
My heart is on fire
My leg hurts
Apparently still drunk

I have a headache
My heart is on fire
My soul hurts
I seem to be in love

Vodka 2 liters
I got high until the morning
Hangover nausea
And darkness is everywhere

Raised a toast for you
I wish you a strong healthy
But your strength to the end
Where have you lost now?

I have a headache
My heart is on fire
My leg hurts
Apparently still drunk

I have a headache
My heart is on fire
My soul hurts
I seem to be in love

If you love me
I will stop drinking and smoking
Let's walk every day
And let's start living beautifully
Why keep drinking
When you are very drunk
Forty degree alcohol
In the head gives harmful pain

I have a headache
My heart is on fire
My leg hurts
Apparently still drunk

I have a headache
My heart is on fire
My soul hurts
I seem to be in love

It hurts everywhere
Where is Dr. Aibolit
Instead of helping
Beloved is also silent

It hurts everywhere
Where is Dr. Aibolit
Instead of helping
Beloved is also silent

I have a headache
My heart is on fire
My leg hurts
Apparently still drunk

I have a headache
My heart is on fire
My soul hurts
I seem to be in love.

Song featured on this page Bojalar - My head hurts My heart is on fire My leg hurts Apparently still drunk.mp3 available for download for educational, non-commercial purposes.

All audio materials on this site belong to their rightful owners. A free demo download for users is provided for informational purposes only.
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Bojalar - My Head Hurts Lyrics SongMeanings

You already bored me, you know!
Every day is the same!
Hey! Be silent!

I will scream!
Do not scream!
You shut up!
Everything! I'm leaving you!


I have a headache! My heart is on fire.

I have a headache! My heart is on fire.
My leg hurts, apparently still drunk.
I have a headache! My heart is on fire.
My soul hurts, I think I'm in love.

I have a headache! My heart is on fire.
My leg hurts, apparently still drunk.
I have a headache! My heart is on fire.
My soul hurts, I think I'm in love.

It hurts everywhere
Where is the doctor ai hurts
Instead of helping
Beloved is also silent
Taken from the site

It hurts all over me. Where is Dr. Aibolit?
Instead of helping, the beloved is also silent.

I have a headache! My heart is on fire.
My leg hurts, apparently still drunk.
I have a headache! My heart is on fire.
My soul hurts, I think I'm in love.

Tell friends:
Other song lyrics: Bojalar
Bojalar - My head hurts (edit)

You already bored me, you know!
Every day is the same!
Hey! Be silent!
I will not be silent. Do not shout at me!
I will scream!
Do not scream!
You shut up!
Everything! I'm leaving you!

I have a headache! My heart is on fire.
My leg hurts, apparently still drunk.
I have a headache! My heart is on fire.
My soul hurts, I think I'm in love.

Vodka - 2 liters, I got high until the morning.
Hangover nausea and darkness everywhere.
Raised a toast for you good health wished.
But your strength to the end, where have you lost it now?

I have a headache! My heart is on fire.
My leg hurts, apparently still drunk.
I have a headache! My heart is on fire.
My soul hurts, I think I'm in love.

If you love me, I will stop: drinking, smoking.
We will walk every day, and we will begin to live beautifully.
Why keep drinking when you're so drunk on you?
Forty degrees of alcohol - in the head gives harmful pain!

I have a headache! My heart is on fire.
My leg hurts, apparently still drunk.
I have a headache! My heart is on fire.
My soul hurts, I think I'm in love.

It hurts everywhere
Where is the doctor ai hurts
Instead of helping
Beloved is also silent
Taken from the site
It hurts all over me. Where is Dr. Aibolit?
Instead of helping, the beloved is also silent.
It hurts all over me. Where is Dr. Aibolit?
Instead of helping, the beloved is also silent.

I have a headache! My heart is on fire.
My leg hurts, apparently still drunk.
I have a headache! My heart is on fire.
My soul hurts, I think I'm in love.


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Bojalar - My Head Hurts Lyrics SongMeanings

  • Lyrics
  • Bojalar
  • I have a headache
I have a headache
My heart is on fire
My leg hurts
Apparently still drunk

I have a headache
My heart is on fire
My soul hurts
I seem to be in love

Vodka 2 liters
I got high until the morning
Nausea from pahmelia
And darkness is everywhere

Raised a toast to you
Strongly healthy wished
But your strength to the end
Where have you lost now?

I have a headache
My heart is on fire
My leg hurts
Apparently still drunk

I have a headache
My heart is on fire
My soul hurts
I seem to be in love

If you love me
Stop drinking and smoking
Let's walk every day
And let's start living beautifully
Why go on for the fight
When you are very drunk
Forty degree alcohol
Head give hurtful pain

I have a headache
My heart is on fire
My leg hurts
Apparently still drunk

I have a headache
My heart is on fire
My soul hurts
I seem to be in love

It hurts everywhere
Where is the doctor ai hurts
Instead of helping
Beloved is also silent

It hurts everywhere
Where is the doctor ai hurts
Instead of helping
Beloved is also silent

I have a headache
My heart is on fire
My leg hurts
Apparently still drunk

I have a headache
My heart is on fire
My soul hurts
I seem to be in love.
Other Bojalar song lyrics

Other titles for this text
  • Bojalar - My head hurts
  • Bojalar guruhi - My head hurts
  • Bojalar - Headache
  • Bg - I have a headache
  • Bojalar guruhi - My head hurts
  • Bozhalar - My head hurts
  • a - I have a headache
  • Bojalar - My head hurts, my soul hurts
  • #9733; Bojalar - my head hurts #9733;
  • Bojalar - My head hurts, my heart is on fire
  • Dun#39;ya - My head hurts
  • I have a headache - l
  • Bombaa - My head hurts
  • Unknown - I have a headache
  • Bojalar - My head hurts! (BassBosted by Emil)
  • Bojalar
  • Bomba.Fm™ ✌ © - My head hurts

Sources: http://mp3-pesnja.com/song/bojalar+%D1%83+%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%8F+%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0 %BE%D0%B2%D0%B0+%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%82+%D1%83+%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1 %8F+%D1%81%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B4%D1%86%D0%B0+%D0%B3%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%82+%D1% 83+%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%8F+%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%B0+%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B8 %D1%82+%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%BE+%D0%B2%D1%81%D0%B5+%D0%B5%D1%89% D0%B5+%D0%BF%D1%8C%D1%8F%D0%BD, http://playvk.com/song/Bojalar/%D0%A3+%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1 %8F+%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0+%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%82/, http: //song5.ru/text/bojalar-%D1%83-%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%8F-%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0 %B2%D0%B0-%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%82