What foods help you recover after childbirth? Restoring a woman’s body after childbirth

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The birth of a child, despite all the touchingness of the event, is a serious test for the female body. Although young mothers are discharged from the maternity hospital after 2-3 days, if there are no serious complications, and some even 24 hours after birth, the recovery process itself lasts much longer.

website I decided to figure out what changes the female body experiences during childbirth and how much time is actually needed for its complete recovery.


During pregnancy, subcutaneous fat in the abdominal area, which protects the baby from external influences, can increase significantly. This is facilitated by hormonal changes and poor nutrition of the expectant mother. Therefore, the condition of the abdomen in the postpartum period depends on how many extra pounds the woman gained during pregnancy.

After childbirth, the abdominal muscles contract only after 6-8 weeks; after a cesarean section, they return to normal somewhat later due to the postoperative suture. If there is no diastasis (divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles) requiring medical intervention, then the mother can start doing it 1.5-2 months after giving birth and gradually put her figure in order. If you do not neglect physical activity, the abdominal muscles are completely restored within 1-2 years.


During lactation, the breasts become larger due to the increase in lobules stretched by milk. Ligaments and muscles cannot, as before pregnancy, support breast tissue, the weight of which increases 2-3 times in the postpartum period. Against this background, breast sagging may occur - ptosis. The nipples and areolas also enlarge, their color becomes darker, the skin on the chest becomes thinner, its shade may become bluish, transparent, and a network of blood vessels can be seen. The more milk, the heavier the breasts, and in order to cope with the increased load, the breasts need some support and care.

The younger the new mother, the more elastic the tissue, and the more trained the pectoral muscles were before pregnancy, the faster the breasts will recover after lactation. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to restore the original “girlish” shape and elasticity of the skin. But if you don’t let the process take its course from the very beginning, you can achieve very good results.

Proper nutrition, taking vitamins A, B, C, gentle manual massage of the mammary glands, comfortable supportive underwear and, of course, the exercises that we have already written about will help preserve the beauty of your breasts and the elasticity of your skin.

Musculoskeletal system

During pregnancy, a woman’s musculoskeletal system experiences increased stress; the body produces the hormone relaxin, which is responsible for the elasticity of the spinal ligaments and muscles. This load leads to changes in the spine, joints of the lower extremities, pelvic bones, and back muscles. The center of gravity changes during this period, the spine shifts, which causes pain. After childbirth, there is also a sharp decrease in the level of progesterone and estrogen, due to which the metabolic rate decreases. This entails an increase in adipose tissue.

The recovery period of the musculoskeletal system after childbirth occurs gradually and takes 3-4 months. During this time, pain in the joints, aching bones, and muscle cramps may appear. Wearing a postpartum bandage helps to cope with pain in the lumbar region, as well as special exercises aimed at strengthening the back muscles. The above changes in a woman can disappear without a trace only if she initially did not have dysfunction in the musculoskeletal system. But, alas, modern girls, even from school, experience deviations from the norm, such as scoliosis, flat feet, etc.


During pregnancy and after childbirth, the uterus undergoes numerous changes. Its weight in a nulliparous woman normally ranges from 40 to 60 grams, in a woman who has given birth it reaches about 80 grams. But immediately after the birth of a child, the weight of the uterus is about 1 kg. Such changes are a consequence of muscle hypertrophy that occurs during pregnancy. The fundus of the uterus is located approximately at the level of the navel and in the first days after birth the young mother looks as if she has not yet given birth.

After separation of the placenta and birth of the placenta, the uterus is a wound surface that is restored by the 9th or 10th day. The first 3-7 days there is severe uterine bleeding, which gradually decreases, and then until 6-8 weeks after birth there is spotting - lochia. If the uterus contracts normally, then after 10 days its weight is reduced by half. 1.5−2 months after birth, the uterus is finally restored and returns to its normal weight - 50−80 grams.


The cervix also undergoes changes. Immediately after birth, it is open by 10-12 cm; by the 10th day after the birth of the baby, the cervix is ​​completely closed, and by the 21st day the external os is closed. After childbirth, the cervix forever changes its shape, becoming not conical, but cylindrical, and the external pharynx becomes slit-like.

This is a gynecological feature that is inherent in all women who have given birth and is visible only to a gynecologist. After a caesarean section, of course, there are no such changes. 3 months after birth, the cervix functions as before.

Menstrual function

The process of restoring menstrual function in a woman who has given birth is influenced by many factors. This includes how the pregnancy proceeded, complications during childbirth, the age of the woman in labor, proper and complete nutrition, the presence of any chronic diseases, adherence to sleep and rest patterns, and many other factors.

As a rule, in non-breastfeeding mothers, as well as in some breastfeeding mothers, the first menstruation (not lochia) occurs 6-8 weeks after the birth of the child, unless there are significant deviations. In women who breastfeed, the cycle may not be restored until the end of breastfeeding. This is associated with the lactation process and is not normal or pathological; the timing of the restoration of the menstrual cycle is individual for each woman.

During feeding, the hormone prolactin is produced, which stimulates milk production in a young mother, and the same hormone suppresses the formation of hormones in the ovaries, egg maturation and ovulation. Ovulation, like the cycle, resumes after breastfeeding stops, but this does not guarantee that pregnancy cannot occur during this period.


The vagina is a muscular organ that also experiences a number of changes during childbirth. Muscles stretch, elasticity and tone are lost. But this is a completely normal process in this situation. Many women are concerned about this moment; they worry that the size of the vagina will now be much larger than before childbirth, and this will negatively affect the quality of intimate life. In fact, there is no reason to worry; the vagina loses its shape only temporarily.

Within 3-4 days after birth, swelling disappears; after a couple of weeks, if there were no serious injuries or damage, abrasions and cracks will heal, and the vaginal walls will again acquire a natural pale pink tint. Only the relief of the walls will change forever - in all women who have given birth it is smoothed, while in those who have not given birth it is more pronounced. This is what creates the illusion of an increase in size of the vagina.

The recovery time for the vagina after childbirth is very conditional, on average 6-8 weeks. This process depends on possible complications and individual characteristics of the body. In any case, during the recovery period you need to refrain from intimacy so that the wounded surface of the uterus heals and does not become infected. Special Kegel exercises will help you get your vaginal muscles in shape faster: squeeze and then relax your pelvic floor muscles 15–20 times, and so on 5 times a day.

During the postpartum period, young mothers often exhibit emotional lability: attacks of causeless anxiety, fatigue, and sudden mood changes may occur. A woman experiences enormous psychological stress, constantly worries about the health and proper development of her child, lacks sleep, and constant fatigue leads to decreased psychomotor reactions.

In some, more severe cases, depression may develop. The reason for such a depressive state may be the young mother’s feeling of guilt towards her newborn baby due to lack of time, and the subconscious belief that it is the child who is the cause of the woman’s temporary insolvency, etc. In such a situation, the help of specialists is necessary, at least a consultation with a psychotherapist so that the mother can overcome this problem as quickly as possible and enjoy motherhood.

In general, a woman who has just become a mother really needs the help of family and friends, their understanding and support, regular walks in the fresh air, a nutritious, balanced diet, taking into account breastfeeding the child.

So 9 months of hope and love have passed, and you are already proudly called a mother. What's ahead? There is a whole life ahead, which consists of caring for the baby, joyful and happy moments of his development, anxiety and grief when he is sick and every second of happiness, which he is able to give free of charge. However, this article is dedicated to our young mothers who have successfully completed the birth process and want to know what will happen in the postpartum period. After all, the body of a new mother is changing, new sensations and experiences are possible. In order to know about the most common postpartum manifestations and meet them fully prepared, read the article to the end and take note of the main aspects.

The process of childbirth itself takes a lot of energy from a woman, but already after 2-3 hours after birth, the young mother’s body begins to recover. The first six to eight weeks are considered the most critical: during this period, milk arrives and changes occur in the reproductive system. So, in the postpartum period, spotting () is considered normal, which lasts up to 6 weeks, sometimes a little more. In addition, breastfeeding mothers often do not have menstruation during the breastfeeding period. For non-breastfeeding mothers, menstruation usually occurs 6-8 weeks after birth. It is recommended to resume sexual activity no earlier than 4-6 weeks after birth, especially if there are birth fissures.

In the first month after childbirth, women should not bother themselves with housework. Renewal of strength occurs gradually, so the loads must be increasing. Therefore, in the first 12 weeks you should devote time to the child, devote yourself entirely to motherhood, organize close communication with the baby, which in turn will facilitate the rapid development and improve the well-being of the young mother.

In cases where a woman has undergone a caesarean section, the recovery period requires a longer time. Therefore, you should definitely follow all the recommendations of the doctor who is observing you, follow a diet for the first three days, and also come to terms with some of the difficulties of the hygienic plan. Of course, any physical activity is excluded. A caesarean section is, after all, a surgical intervention, so take it seriously in the post-operative period. Sexual activity after a cesarean section is resumed strictly with the doctor’s permission and only after examining the woman.

Restoring your figure after childbirth

As for nutrition, be sure to include foods rich in vitamins and microelements in your menu. They will help restore strength and maintain energy throughout the day. In addition, do not forget about fortified natural teas, which will strengthen the immune system and prevent the risk of infectious diseases. For these purposes, it is recommended to use rosehip decoction and raspberry leaf tea. If constipation bothers you after childbirth, then include a couple of dried apricots in your diet. Try to eat only healthy foods so as not to harm your baby and feel healthy and full of energy.

A balanced, balanced diet, among other things, is also a necessary factor for stabilizing weight and restoring your figure after childbirth. In order to return “figure indicators” to previous norms, experts recommend reviewing your diet in favor of healthy low-calorie and low-fat foods. As always in the case of losing weight, it is advisable to significantly limit flour products and confectionery products in the diet, instead of sausage and sausages, give preference to dietary meat, eat fruits and vegetables, and dairy products in sufficient quantities. It is better to divide meals into 5 times a day, eat in small portions.

Physical activity will also help you get back into shape after childbirth, but you should start doing gymnastic exercises no earlier than a month after giving birth, but you can introduce abdominal exercises into the complex even later - after 6-8 weeks. For a speedy recovery, it is advisable to do physical activity regularly, exercising daily for 30-40 minutes. Swimming, dancing, even regular long walks with a child at a “fast pace” will provide a huge service in terms of healing, strengthening muscles, and restoring one’s figure.

A balanced diet and physical activity are the main components for restoring metabolism, on which the recovery of the mother as a whole also directly depends. In addition to these two “components,” adequate sleep is also important for normalizing metabolism, which means you should not deny yourself the pleasure of sleep when you have the opportunity. Did the baby get tired and go to sleep during the day? Lie down with him - dirty dishes or an uncleaned dining table can be removed later, but you definitely won’t have to sleep to your heart’s content for another couple of months.

Don't forget about self-care: some cosmetic procedures can contribute to the process of restoring your figure. We are talking about self-massage, which can be carried out with the use of moisturizing and anti-cellulite products. And also about peeling: both with the aim of restoring beauty and elasticity to the skin, and with the aim of restoring its shape.

Breast reconstruction after childbirth

Another “problem” place, about the shape of which a woman may be sad after childbirth, is the breast. A woman should be aware that childbirth can change the shape of her breasts even at the stage of bearing a child. And only then implement “prevention actions”: choose a comfortable and correct bra, monitor your posture and regularly perform simple exercises to strengthen your chest muscles.

In principle, the same recommendations remain relevant for the postpartum period for the purpose of breast reconstruction. Plus, some more are added to them, such as the practice of a contrast shower, massage sessions and breast skin care with the help of special creams or cosmetic oils.

A contrast shower will help improve blood flow and circulation; it would be nice, in addition to just a contrast shower session, to also arrange a chest hydromassage. Spend about 5-8 minutes on each breast, making sure that the water temperature is comfortable. After the procedure, moisturize your breast skin with natural oils. Please note that when breastfeeding, factory-made cosmetics are contraindicated, but natural homemade masks will come in handy.

2-3 times a week, massage your breasts using oils (for example, mixing almond oil, wheat germ oil and olive oil). Massage with oils is useful if stretch marks appear after childbirth, as well as to moisturize the skin and restore breast elasticity.

And, of course, don’t forget about proper nutrition and physical activity: the set of exercises must be designed in such a way that there is also room in it for exercises to strengthen and restore the breasts after childbirth.

Vaginal reconstruction after childbirth

During pregnancy and during childbirth, the vagina undergoes some changes: first, when the growing fetus in the uterus presses on the walls of the vagina, stretching it, and then when the baby passes through the birth canal. Some time after childbirth, the vagina independently returns to its previous size, however, at first, changes in its shape and vaginal dryness can cause certain “inconvenience” to the woman and her husband.

An accomplished mother can somewhat speed up the restoration of the vagina after childbirth by practicing special Kegel exercises and using special devices purchased in intimate stores, for example, vaginal balls or jade eggs.

Ideally, it is better to start using Kegel exercises even before birth - with their help you can prepare much better for the passage of the child through the birth canal. If the moment was missed during pregnancy, it’s time to start practicing Kegel exercises after childbirth. These exercises are quite simple - their main principle is the task of tensing and relaxing the muscles of the perineum. With the help of Kegel exercises, you can strengthen the vaginal muscles, quickly return the vagina to its previous shape, and eliminate the problem of partial involuntary urination, which is not uncommon for young mothers.

Recovery of the cycle after childbirth

Another important moment for a young mother after the birth of her baby is the restoration of the cycle after childbirth. During pregnancy, a woman does not have menstruation, but after the birth of a child, everything in the woman’s body - including the menstrual cycle - returns to normal.

If a mother resorts to breastfeeding her baby, she may forget about menstruation for a while: lactation is even considered one of the surest ways to prevent re-pregnancy. However, this is true for women whose children are exclusively breastfed, without supplementary feeding, and the baby is fed strictly in a certain mode: at least once every 3-4 hours, including at night. However, remember that in some cases, even if you are breastfeeding, it is possible to get pregnant already in the first cycle, so be careful and careful.

If the baby’s mother does not breastfeed for some reason, she should wait for her first menstruation approximately 6-8 weeks after birth, but complete restoration of the cycle usually occurs by the second month. For mothers whose children are mixed-fed, the restoration of the menstrual cycle is expected in about 3-4 months.

It is interesting that after childbirth, almost all women who at one time suffered from pain during menstruation, part with this very syndrome - menstruation ceases to be accompanied by pain. In addition, the duration of the menstrual cycle may also change: if before childbirth the interval between menstruation was 21 or 31 days, after childbirth the duration of the cycle is often “averaged”, amounting to 25 days.

It is important to pay attention to the duration of menstruation itself: on average, menstruation lasts 3-5 days, but too short or excessively long menstruation (from 1-2 to 7-8 days) should be a reason to consult a doctor. As well as too small or, conversely, quantitatively large volumes of menstrual blood, as well as spotting on the eve of or immediately after the end of menstruation.

In general, there are no general specific time frames for recovery of the cycle after childbirth: in each individual case, depending on many factors, recovery occurs on an individual basis. Thus, the restoration of the cycle after childbirth is influenced by the age of the woman in labor and her state of health, the course of pregnancy and possible complications during childbirth, nutrition and the mother’s adherence to sleep and rest, the psychophysiological and neuro-emotional state of the woman.

In conclusion

Often after childbirth, women report physical discomfort, bad mood, fear of responsibility, a constant desire to sleep, and causeless anxiety. All these symptoms are typical for postpartum depression. However, there is no need to be afraid. All this is treatable and quite normal for the postpartum period. First of all, moral support is required, which can be provided by friends, relatives or girlfriends who have already become mothers and have experienced similar feelings. In addition, if you are very tired, ask your relatives to help you, try to devote every free minute to rest and yourself. The fact is that many women after childbirth themselves provoke a depressive state caused by fatigue.

It is logical that from the first days of being at home, every minute is occupied, if not by the baby, then by cleaning, dinner and household chores. However, if you think sensibly, nothing bad will happen if your husband cooks the dumplings himself, your mother or friend goes for a walk with the baby instead of you, and the dishes sit in the sink for an hour longer. Namely, you will devote this hour to yourself. Just soak in the bathroom, take care of yourself, run to the hairdresser to get your hair in order, or just devote time to sleep - the choice is yours. The important thing is that with the birth of a child, you do not cease to be a woman who needs care and rest just like the rest of the household. Therefore, make it a rule to make time for yourself. In this case, you are not afraid of any depression or bad mood, but increased attention from your husband and the happy laughter of your child are guaranteed.

Recovery after childbirth is no less serious than pregnancy, preparation for childbirth and childbirth itself. Everything depends on the successful restoration of the female body - the health of the baby, the health of the mother, the opportunity to give birth again, and even peace and harmony in the family.

Childbirth, even if it is the second (and subsequent ones), inevitably has a strong impact on both the physiological and psychological state of the woman. And successful recovery after childbirth is only possible with a whole range of measures. In this case, it is necessary to take into account a huge number of factors.

During the first few days after birth, the following symptoms are most often observed:

  • bloody discharge from the genitals;
  • pain during contractions of the uterus, which indicate the return of the organ to its previous shape and size;
  • pain in the perineum;
  • difficulties with the administration of natural needs.

The first days after childbirth

Postpartum recovery of a woman’s body during the first weeks is accompanied by bloody discharge from the genitals, which strongly resembles menstruation. They are completely normal. Doctors call them the term "". Restoration of the cervix and the uterus itself after childbirth cannot be painless.

The main external difference between lochia and normal bleeding during menstruation is that lochia is observed for several weeks, and sometimes more. This uterine discharge begins immediately after childbirth. During the first 2-3 days they are very abundant; during one day a woman has to change 5-6 special pads.

What changes occur in the mammary glands? During the first few days, colostrum is released from the breast in large quantities - the very first type of mother's milk, very useful in its composition. A newborn baby needs at least a few drops of this invaluable substance.

After about 3 days, the breasts fill with regular milk. With the beginning of lactation (regular breastfeeding (BF)), the mammary glands become more sensitive.

The mother and her child receive all first aid in the maternity hospital. If the body’s recovery after childbirth proceeds normally and without deviations, then after 3-4 days in the case of a natural birth (and approximately 7-10 days after a cesarean section), the mother and baby are discharged from the maternity hospital.

Postpartum period from 4th to 14th day

If during a gynecological examination 2 months after birth, the doctor does not find any abnormalities, he may allow the woman to have intimacy with the man. In this case, the doctor must give his recommendations regarding the choice of contraception, as well as recommend drugs to improve the quality of sexual intercourse, if necessary. For example, if there is dryness, the use of lubricants may be recommended. These drugs are considered absolutely harmless.

It happens that during the first intimate contacts after childbirth, a woman experiences severe discomfort. At this time, a sensitive, gentle, loving and caring attitude on the part of the partner is very important. In more detail, how to restore libido and restore sexual desire after childbirth in ours.

After discharge from the hospital, many women face many problems. The little man requires constant attention from his mother, and she has absolutely no time left to devote even a couple of hours a day to herself. Just as a child has to become acquainted with the outside world, a woman has to re-acquaint herself with her changed body and correctly understand the needs of an organism that has experienced severe stress.

Excess weight, problems with skin and hair, mood swings and hormonal imbalances - all this a young mother will have to go through during the difficult postpartum period. How long does it take for major organs to recover after childbirth? Let's find out from the article below.

How long does it take for a woman’s body to recover after childbirth?

Recovery after childbirth can take varying lengths of time. For some women, it will take several months for full recovery, for others it will take several years.

How long will rehabilitation last? It depends on:

  • how the pregnancy went and whether it was multiple;
  • what kind of births were there;
  • how the birth went;
  • whether the woman in labor was injured during childbirth;
  • whether breastfeeding is present;
  • whether there is a history of chronic diseases;
  • whether any health problems appeared during pregnancy;
  • whether relatives help the mother take care of the child;
  • whether the young mother plunged into postpartum depression.

Each of the listed factors or their combination is directly related to the period of the postpartum recovery period. If we consider this issue from the perspective of individual organs and functions that have undergone changes over 9 months, it is more convenient to perceive the information from the table.

Organ/body function Time frame for full recovery
Uterus The uterus, which had a weight of 100 g before pregnancy, will return it after 2-3 months. Physiologically normal bleeding will stop after 8-9 weeks.
Cervix If there were no tears or cracks, no ectopia or other pathologies formed, the shape of the cervix is ​​restored to its original appearance after 3 months.
Vagina Episiotomy stitches usually dissolve in 10-14 days (see also: How long after birth do internal stitches dissolve?). The prenatal shape of the vagina may not be restored, and some women have to undergo cosmetic correction to resume a normal sex life.
Stomach Aerobics and fitness will help strengthen the muscles of a sagging belly. With diastasis, physical activity is allowed no earlier than 3 months after delivery.
Breast It is not easy to regain your former elasticity, shape and size after pregnancy and full breastfeeding. In cases where nature cannot cope with this task, plastic surgery comes to the rescue.
Menstruation For breastfeeding women, menstruation comes with the first spoonful of complementary foods for the baby, and returns to full normal after lactation ends. For mothers of artificial babies - after 3 months.

Condition of a woman after childbirth

Only a woman who has already gone through this process can understand how a woman in labor feels. In addition to the great happiness of meeting the child, a young mother may also experience not very pleasant emotions associated with the pain experienced during labor. Weakened by moral and physical stress, the body may face the formation of many previously unknown diseases, such as:

  • cystitis and pyelonephritis;
  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • diabetes.

First 3 days

The first few days after the baby is born are critical for both him and his mother. The condition of both during this period is monitored in the maternity hospital by obstetricians-gynecologists and pediatric neonatologists.

For women, the first three days are characterized by:

  1. Copious bloody discharge (lochia). Girls preparing for childbirth should remember that in the first three days the lochia will be very abundant. You should not be afraid of the large volume of bloody fluid released; this is a completely natural process. The main thing is not to forget to stock up on enough postpartum sanitary pads.
  2. Painful contractions of the uterus, which are a manifestation of the fact that it is returning to its normal size. Contraction-like sensations may occur over a couple of weeks, especially while breastfeeding.
  3. Pain in the perineal area, especially at the sutures after tears or episiotomy. Girls with perineal ruptures are strictly prohibited from sitting in the first three days after suturing.
  4. Difficulty urinating and bowel movements. If the process does not improve after three days, you must tell the doctors about this.
  5. Possible problems with the breasts - the formation of cracks in the nipples, stagnation of milk. Maternity clinics and maternity hospitals tell you how to feed your baby correctly so that there are no cracks and the milk does not stagnate in the breast.

From 4 to 14 days

If everything is fine with the child and mother, they are discharged from the maternity hospital home. By this time, lactation is already improving, the breasts are getting used to constant stimulation. Lochia changes its color from bright red to brown or pale yellow. The stitches after the episiotomy (if they were made with surgical catgut) are already completely absorbed. However, you should not forget about the rules of personal hygiene; injured tissues can become inflamed without constant care.

From two to four weeks

Between two and four weeks after giving birth, lochia may subside quickly in some women. After this, they need to make an appointment with a gynecologist for a routine examination and ultrasound of the pelvic organs. Everyone should do this, especially women who feel pain and discomfort in the vagina and abdomen.

A month after giving birth, a young mother can gradually begin to put her figure in order. She is already allowed to engage in physical activity - her body is completely ready for physical activity.

Recovering a woman after childbirth at home

A woman will only be able to get back into shape after her first or second birth at home if she has time for herself. Young mothers should not shoulder all the care of the child and the household. It is best to delegate half of your powers to one of your closest relatives, and divide the care of your newborn son or daughter in half with his father.

General tone

To restore the overall tone of the body, a young mother needs:

  • get enough sleep;
  • relax during the day with your child;
  • be in the fresh air;
  • eat well and properly;
  • drink enough fluids;
  • take a complex of vitamins for nursing mothers.

The last point should be given special attention, because often women who adhere to a special diet for a nursing mother experience an acute deficiency of beneficial vitamins and microelements. During continuous breastfeeding, you can and should take vitamin complexes for nursing mothers or continue to take suitable vitamins for pregnant women. This also applies to those whose breastfeeding for one reason or another did not work out and whose child is fed formula. A deficiency of nutrients is present in the body of every woman who has recently given birth.

Restoration of menstruation

The prolonged absence of menstruation after childbirth is called lactational amenorrhea (see also: the nature and appearance of discharge a month after childbirth). The timing of cycle recovery is influenced by many factors:

  • were there any complications during childbirth;
  • whether a caesarean section was performed (emergency or planned);
  • whether there were inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs before and after childbirth;
  • whether there is a history of chronic diseases;
  • emotional condition.

The hormone prolactin interferes with the restoration of the menstrual cycle after pregnancy. It is responsible for the production of breast milk and suppresses the maturation of eggs in the ovaries. The first regulations can come almost immediately after the end of lochia, or after the complete end of lactation.

Speaking about the duration of the menstrual cycle, it is worth noting that it will differ significantly from the prenatal one. Bleeding will be more profuse and longer throughout the days. A woman may experience more severe discomfort. There is also a possibility that a breastfed baby may become capricious near the breast in the first days of menstruation. This is explained by the fact that due to hormonal changes, milk may slightly change its taste and smell. After a couple of days, everything usually returns to normal.

Restoration of the gastrointestinal tract

The gastrointestinal tract, like other body systems, can also malfunction. Often, young mothers suffer from constipation associated with insufficient contractility of the pelvic muscles. To improve bowel function you need to:

  • take a warm shower;
  • do a light abdominal massage;
  • use laxative suppositories (in moderation);
  • eat foods rich in fiber;
  • eat small meals several times a day.

Cardiovascular system after childbirth

During pregnancy, the volume of circulating blood increases significantly. Its quantity returns to normal after 7-10 days. The increased number of platelets, which contribute to the clotting necessary for bleeding, returns to the original number 2 weeks after birth.

Particular attention is paid to the work of the cardiovascular system of women who have undergone cesarean section. The main complication for their heart and blood vessels is thromboembolism, in which blood clots form that close the lumens of blood vessels.

Hormonal background

Every woman experiences hormonal problems once a month before her period begins. Pregnant women and those who have given birth experience the influence of raging hormones every day.

Hormonal imbalance after childbirth is a common phenomenon that often does not require external interventions (for more details, see the article: hormonal imbalance after childbirth in women). However, if there are some symptoms, a woman needs to see a gynecologist-endocrinologist and take a course of medications.

Dangerous symptoms include:

  • rapid changes in weight;
  • heavy sweating;
  • hair problems - hair loss on the head or excessive hair growth on other parts of the body;
  • fatigue;
  • decreased sexual desire;
  • psycho-emotional instability.

Vaginal muscles

Kegel exercises and special devices (vaginal balls) will help restore vaginal muscles stretched by the baby’s passage through the birth canal. The main principle of the exercises is to alternately relax and tense the muscles of the vagina and perineum. Ideally, these exercises should be mastered before pregnancy; those who did not have time are allowed to begin studying them a month after discharge from the maternity hospital (after the stitches have completely healed).

Figure restoration

If a woman has not gained extra pounds during pregnancy, the problem of excess weight after childbirth may bypass her. Those who did not deny themselves anything and ate for two will have to spend many months to return to their former forms.

The figure recovers much faster if:

  • eat properly and balanced;
  • do exercises and gymnastics;
  • walk with a stroller in the fresh air;
  • drink the required amount of clean drinking water;
  • wear a special bandage that speeds up the process of restoring the tone of the abdominal muscles.

Skin, hair and nails

If during pregnancy the appearance of many women improves - the skin blooms, the hair becomes smooth and shiny, and the nails become strong, after childbirth everything can change for the worse. The period of intense hair loss and brittle nails usually occurs between 4 and 9 months of a baby’s life, especially if breastfeeding is present.

Since the child has been born, most women now want to become what they were before. However, the body and soul need time to... For 40 weeks, the entire body was programmed for pregnancy. For nine months, the child grew inside you, adapted and shaped your body in accordance with its needs, and after giving birth, the need for this disappeared.

As a matter of fact, it is quite logical that your body will now need some time for reverse restructuring. But, nevertheless, many young mothers do not believe in a successful recovery after childbirth, looking at themselves in the mirror for the first time. The belly sags, the muscles are flabby, the breasts are huge. Instead of being proud of the work the body has done, most women want to regain their usual figure as soon as possible. However, everything takes time, and it’s not for nothing that people talk about the second nine months.
Uterine recovery after childbirth, postpartum contractions and postpartum cleansing

The greatest changes in the body occur in the first days after childbirth. But for a few more months the body is rebuilt, returning to almost its original state.

The uterus probably has to go through the biggest change. Immediately after giving birth, she is still huge, like a balloon, and her weight is 1-1.5 kg. Over the course of six weeks, it shrinks to the size of a pear, and its weight drops to 50-70 g.

In order to withstand such enormous changes, the uterus needs help. The so-called postpartum contractions serve to reduce its blood supply and remove muscle fibers that have become unnecessary. Immediately after childbirth, a prolonged (approximately 5 minutes) contraction of the uterus occurs, but in most cases women do not notice this. Postpartum contractions, which occur approximately on the third day after childbirth, are felt only by those women who have already given birth before. However, there is another type of labor pains that occurs only when breastfeeding. They are caused by a hormone produced in a woman’s body during breastfeeding, which leads to a noticeable contraction of the uterus.

As a further positive effect of postpartum contractions, a gradual decrease in intrauterine bleeding can be noted. The wound surface inside the uterus secretes a special wound secretion. Postpartum cleansing, or lochia, lasts four to six weeks and contains a ton of bacteria. Therefore, hygiene is extremely important. Neither the child nor your breast should come into contact with lochia under any circumstances.

Postpartum cleansing is not menstruation - the latter is restored in women who are not breastfeeding only six to eight weeks after birth, and in breastfeeding women - even later.

After childbirth, the mother's birth canal is traumatized: the uterus is swollen or even has tears, it had to be sutured, the labia and vagina are a continuous wound. These internal injuries heal very quickly in most cases.

A much bigger problem for most women is the incision of the perineum or its rupture, which is stitched up after childbirth. Some women have no problems with this even a week after giving birth, while others, on the contrary, suffer for several more weeks.

Most women tolerate everything directly related to childbirth easily. But they suffer greatly if childbirth affects their appearance. Even taking into account the fact that immediately after childbirth they lose several kilograms of weight, since not only the child has left the body, but also the uterus has shrunk, additional blood and amniotic fluid have disappeared, the path to an ideal figure is still very far away. Eleven to twelve kilograms will disappear without problems, but other kilograms will have to work hard.

Your body has changed. The shape of the abdomen has changed, the breasts have enlarged, and ugly pregnancy stretch marks are visible on the hips, abdomen, buttocks and breasts. Such “beauty defects” are not so easy to eliminate. Pregnancy stretch marks, which initially have a bright purple color, fade over the years and acquire a pearlescent color - but in any case remain for a long time as a memory of pregnancy. Time heals all wounds.

Childbirth does not always go according to the plan destined by nature. The young mother also has a scar from her caesarean section. It is located in the so-called bikini area, that is, at the border of pubic hair. It will take some time for this scar to heal completely and its red color to fade. At first, this scar is still very sensitive if you press on it, so you should take this into account when choosing underwear and swimsuits. Let us remind you once again: if the first child is born through a caesarean section, then the second pregnancy does not necessarily end in a caesarean section. After two to three years of rest, the scar will easily withstand the load of a second pregnancy.