A woman has sharp pain under her left armpit. Why does my armpit hurt? Pain radiating to the armpit and lupus

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In anatomy, the armpit, or axillary fossa, is the area human body, which is located between the chest and shoulder joint. On the anterior side it is limited by the pectoralis major muscle, and on the posterior side by the latissimus dorsi muscle. The armpit contains many fat and sweat glands.


Pain in the armpit can have several causes:
  • injuries;
  • post-operative pain;
  • mastalgia;
  • breast tumors;
  • allergy;
  • lymphadenopathy;
  • lymphadenitis;
  • hidradenitis;
  • atheroma;
  • furuncle;
  • pyoderma;
  • pathology of cardio-vascular system.

Nagging pain in the armpit due to traumatic injuries

Any sudden or extremely forceful movements of the hand can lead to the appearance of pain in the armpit area. Most often the cause of such pain serves to stretch the muscles and ligaments of the shoulder joint.

This can happen if you reach out strongly or very sharply, for example, to a handrail in public transport, when lifting weights, etc. In addition, even night sleep V uncomfortable position with his arm thrown back.

Pain in such a situation is usually not very pronounced, but constant. The pain intensifies with movements in the shoulder joint, sometimes somewhat limiting the freedom of movement in it.

Post-operative chest and armpit pain

The occurrence of armpit pain can often occur in women who have undergone breast surgery. During surgery in this area, damage to the nerves surrounding the gland inevitably occurs. This results in a temporary loss of sensation in the area chest, as well as referred pain in the armpit, which spreads there along the way nerve fibers.

After surgery painful sensations can sometimes bother the patient quite long time. For several days after surgery, the pain is usually acute. In such cases, the woman is sometimes even prescribed strong painkillers. After some time, the intensity of pain in the chest and armpit decreases, but itching and numbness of the skin may occur. At normal course During the postoperative period, discomfort should soon disappear.

In addition, pain in the armpit can be caused by installed surgical wound drainages.

Cyclic aching pain in the armpit in women

Cyclically occurring armpit pain in women is called mastalgia. Most often, such pain appears in the final periods of the menstrual cycle. Patients note their occurrence several days before the onset of menstruation, and with their onset the pain gradually subsides or disappears altogether.

In such cases, the pain in the armpit is secondary, radiating from the chest area. These painful sensations are associated with the fact that lumps may form in the mammary gland before menstruation. If this occurs in the upper or outer lobes of the mammary glands, then pain from the area of ​​the lumps can radiate to the armpit, on the same side of the body. Although most often this phenomenon is bilateral in nature, and is caused by disturbances in the outflow of lymph, the cause of which is precisely the engorgement of the mammary glands before menstruation.

Rarely, enlarged lymph nodes may be observed. axillary region, but in most cases this does not bring significant inconvenience to the patient. Such enlarged lymph nodes are usually soft, single and painless.

Mastalgia pain can vary in nature and intensity. Usually it is aching and not very pronounced. Only in rare cases are the pain so severe that a woman has difficulty moving her arms.

Risk factors for breast cancer:

  • first birth after 30 years;
  • absence of pregnancy and childbirth in the patient’s life;
  • smoking, especially if this habit appeared at a young age;
  • family history of tumor diseases in blood relatives;
  • early onset of menstruation (before 12 years);
  • late onset of menopause (after 55 years);
  • previous cancer of the female genital organs;
  • history of breast trauma;
  • continuous use hormonal drugs for the purpose of treatment or contraception for more than 10 years;
  • alcohol abuse.
In some cases, the occurrence of a tumor in the chest area may also be indicated by pain occurring in the armpit or slightly below it. A lump may also appear in the armpit, which does not disappear during the menstrual cycle.

In addition, the following symptoms are characteristic of tumor diseases of the breast:

  • nipple retraction;
  • identification of tumor-like formations or compactions in the tissue of one or both mammary glands;
  • change in color or texture skin breasts (lemon peel);
  • discharge from the nipple of any nature, not related to breastfeeding or pregnancy;
  • the appearance of erosions, crusts, scales or ulcerations in the area of ​​the nipple or areola;
  • causeless deformation, swelling, reduction or increase in the size of the mammary gland;
  • enlarged supraclavicular or axillary lymph nodes.

Pain in the armpits due to allergies

The appearance of painful sensations in the armpits may be associated with individual intolerance to some of the components included in antiperspirants. For example, deodorants containing aluminum or zinc compounds may cause armpit pain.

Pain under the right or left armpit due to lymphadenopathy

Lymphadenopathies are conditions that are manifested by an increase in lymph nodes. It must be remembered that lymphadenopathy is not separate disease, but a symptom complex, the development of which is associated with some other pathology.

The main symptom of lymphadenopathy is an increase in the size of the lymph nodes. It can affect only one area of ​​the human body, or it can be generalized. In addition, additional symptoms may occur:

  • night sweats;
  • prolonged, but not too strong increase in body temperature;
  • liver enlargement;
  • enlarged spleen;
  • common infections of the upper respiratory tract(tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, etc.).
The occurrence of lymphadenopathy in the armpits is associated with diseases such as:
  • malignant diseases of the neck and head;
  • nonspecific infectious lesions;
  • cat scratch disease;
  • mammary cancer;
  • presence of silicone breast implants;

In most cases, the normal size of a lymph node is considered if its diameter does not exceed 1 cm. When rapid increase As the size of the lymph node increases, its capsule stretches. This is what causes pain. Pain is also observed with the development of inflammatory processes with suppuration. In addition, it can appear with hemorrhages in a necrotic lymph node due to malignant lesions.

Pain in the right and left armpit with lymphadenitis

Inflammation of the lymph nodes caused by infectious lesions is called lymphadenitis. Most often, this disease affects the axillary and inguinal nodes.

The onset of this pathology is associated with enlargement, hardening and the appearance of pain in the corresponding nodes. They remain mobile, not fused to the skin or to each other. Further, as inflammation progresses, a monolithic, dense and very painful complex of inflamed lymph nodes forms in the affected axillary area. The skin over it becomes stiff, red and hot. Subsequently, the skin becomes thinner and acquires a cherry color. Over time (as the abscess matures), fluctuations in the inflamed area appear, and then the pus breaks out. Then the abscess gradually clears, all the symptoms of the disease subside, and recovery occurs.

In addition, the following general symptoms are also characteristic of lymphadenitis:

  • fever;
  • increased sweating;
  • general malaise.
In some cases, infection can cause chronic lymphadenitis. It is manifested by the formation of slightly painful enlarged lymph nodes, which scar over time and gradually turn into hard nodules.

Pain in the armpits due to hidradenitis

Hidradenitis is a process of purulent inflammation in sweat glands, which are abundantly located in the armpits. Pathogen of this disease most often become staphylococci. The disease hidradenitis is typical for adults, as in children sweat glands in the armpits are not yet functioning.

The onset of the pathological process is gradual. In the area of ​​inflammation, there is a feeling of itching, swelling and increasing pain. Then a very painful swelling forms in the armpit, dense to the touch, ranging in diameter from several millimeters to 2 centimeters. Gradually its size increases, as well as the intensity of pain. The skin at the site of the lesion takes on a purplish-red hue. The center of the swelling gradually softens, and a cone-shaped protrusion forms on it. Subsequently, the abscess is opened with the release of purulent contents. The development cycle of an individual abscess is 10-15 days. After the pus drains, a retracted scar forms at the site of inflammation.

Often, neighboring sweat glands are also involved in the inflammatory process. In this case, a very painful, large, inflamed area forms in the armpit, the skin over which becomes red and lumpy. With successive lesions of more and more sweat glands, the disease drags on for a month or more. In addition, it has a high chance of recurrence.

In addition to pain in the armpit, hidradenitis is also accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • general intoxication of the body;
  • severe weakness and fatigue;
  • increased body temperature;
  • headache.


Atheroma or cyst sebaceous gland is a tumor-like formation that occurs as a result of blockage of the ducts sebaceous glands.

A sign of atheroma is a superficially located dense elastic mobile formation with clear contours. The skin over this formation cannot be folded. Pain in the armpit develops when the atheroma that is located in this area suppurates. Pain is also accompanied by swelling, an increase in both local and general temperature, and the appearance of fluctuations in this formation. When suppuration occurs, the atheroma can break out on its own. In this case, pus with sebum-like contents is released.

Starting from a small spherical formation, a sebaceous gland cyst, if opened independently, can turn into an ulcer. The second option for its development is encystation by a dense connective capsule and the formation of a hard, spherical, painless tumor. In fairly rare cases, atheroma can give rise to a malignant neoplasm.

Pain in the armpit due to a boil

A boil is an acute purulent inflammatory process in the hair follicle and the surrounding connective tissue. The reason for the development of this pathology is the ingress of pyogenic bacteria, mainly Staphylococcus aureus.

The following reasons contribute to the occurrence of a boil:

  • contamination and microtrauma of the skin (often due to careless shaving);
  • increased sweating and sebum secretion;
  • unhealthy diet;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • drop in immune activity, etc.
The formation of a boil begins with the appearance on the skin of single elements of a painful rash against a background of redness, with a purulent point in the center (the so-called core of the boil). After the necrotic tissue and pus are rejected, healing occurs with the formation of a scar. Appearance multiple boils on different stages development of the process is called furunculosis. Concomitant purulent-necrotic inflammation of the skin, subcutaneous fatty tissue and sebaceous glands located around the hair follicles leads to the formation of a carbuncle.

Pain in the armpits with pyoderma

Pyoderma is a purulent lesion of skin cells that occurs as a result of the introduction of pyogenic bacteria into it. Most often, the causative agents of pyoderma are staphylococci and/or streptococci.

Factors predisposing to the development of pyoderma are:

  • minor injuries (pricks, cuts, scratches);
  • skin pollution;
  • hypothermia or overheating;
  • dysfunction of internal organs;
  • damage to the central nervous system;
  • metabolic pathologies;
  • high individual sensitivity to pathogens of pyogenic infections.
The clinical manifestations of pyoderma will depend on the localization of the process, its depth and the size of the lesion. If inflammation involves the armpits, then redness of the skin is observed in them. In the center of the area of ​​inflammation, a yellow dot is often noticeable, which can periodically produce scant purulent discharge. There is also soreness and sometimes slight itching at the site of the lesion. The general condition of the patient, as a rule, is not changed and remains normal temperature bodies.

In children, pyoderma is somewhat more pronounced. This is due to the fact that the child unconsciously scratches the places where pustules form. Due to this, the infection spreads to other areas of the body.

Pain in the left armpit due to cardiovascular diseases

Cardiac ischemia

IHD (coronary heart disease) is a pathology that is caused by disturbances in the activity of the heart muscle due to damage to the vessels that supply it with oxygen.

Pain in coronary heart disease is more often observed in the sternum and is associated with increased physical activity or stressful situations. In some cases, such pain radiates to the armpit on the left side.

Also characteristic symptoms at coronary disease hearts serve:

  • weakness;
  • interruptions in heart function;
  • forced sitting position of the patient;

Myocardial infarction

Armpit pain may also be caused by acute pathology heart - myocardial infarction. This condition is accompanied by the appearance of severe pain, which is mainly localized behind the sternum. But in some cases they can spread to the abdomen, neck, shoulder blade or left armpit. Sometimes such pain in the armpit radiates into the arm, right down to the fingertips. Therefore, if you experience constant pain in your left arm, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a cardiologist as soon as possible in order to exclude cardiac pathology.

In addition to pain, myocardial infarction also manifests itself:

  • severe pallor of the skin;
  • a feeling of compression and heaviness in the chest;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath;
  • development of dizziness, and sometimes loss of consciousness.
The difference between angina attacks during coronary heart disease and pain during myocardial infarction is that in the latter case they do not go away even after taking nitroglycerin.

What to do if you have armpit pain?

If you are concerned about pain in the armpit, then it is better not to engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication. But you shouldn’t endure such pain either. If such symptoms occur, it is best to immediately contact a surgeon or oncologist to conduct an examination, determine the cause of the pain and prescribe adequate therapy.

Which doctor should I contact if I have armpit pain?

Pain in the armpit can be caused by various causative factors, therefore, when they appear, it is necessary to consult doctors of various specialties. Understand which specialty doctor you should contact in each specific case, it is possible by the symptoms accompanying pain in the armpit, since they are the ones that suggest the pathology that caused this unpleasant sensation.

If pain in the armpit appears against the background of sudden and strong movements of the arm, and it arose after the person stretched hard, lifted weights, slept with the arm thrown back in an uncomfortable position, etc., then they are most likely caused by muscle strain and shoulder joint ligaments. In such a situation, the pain intensifies or occurs with any movements that involve shoulder joint, and the painful sensation limits freedom of movement. If there is a suspicion that pain in the armpit is caused by a sprain of the muscles and ligaments of the shoulder joint, then you should contact traumatologist-orthopedist (make an appointment). If for some reason it is impossible to get to a traumatologist, then you should contact surgeon (make an appointment).

If pain in the armpit occurs as a result of previous surgery on the mammary glands, shoulder joint, or in areas close to the armpit, then it is caused by these surgical interventions. Postoperative pain occurs due to the fact that during surgical intervention nerves are damaged. Such pains usually go away some time after the operation, and in their place remain itching and numbness of the skin, which also subsequently disappear without a trace. But in some cases, even a long time after the operation, pain in the armpit may periodically occur, and in such situations it is necessary to consult a surgeon and neurologist (make an appointment) simultaneously.

If pain in one or both armpits appears periodically in women, and they occur a few days before menstruation, and disappear after the start of menstruation, then they are called mastalgia, and are actually a form of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). The pain can have varying intensity (weak, moderate, so strong that it is difficult to move your arms) and character (pulling, stabbing, etc.). Accordingly, if such pain occurs, women should contact gynecologist (make an appointment) or a surgeon. If possible, it is also advisable to contact phlebologist (make an appointment) or lymphologist (make an appointment) who are involved in the diagnosis and treatment of lymph flow disorders. But since doctors of these specialties are accepted only in large medical centers or private clinics, it is actually very difficult to get an appointment with them, as a result of which it is recommended to contact doctors of broader specialties - gynecologists and surgeons, who can also treat lymph stagnation. If, in addition to pain in the armpit, there are also lumps in the mammary gland, then you should also seek advice from mammologist (make an appointment).

If a woman is bothered by pain in the armpit or slightly lower, which is constantly present, and does not appear and disappear in accordance with the menstrual cycle, and may be combined with a lump in the armpit, nipple retraction, lemon-peel skin on the chest, discharge from the nipples , the presence of lumps or visible formations in the mammary glands, erosions, crusts or scales in the area of ​​the nipple and/or areola, deformation, swelling or changes in the size of the mammary gland, then you should contact oncologist (make an appointment), since such symptoms indicate malignant neoplasm breasts

If pain in the armpits appears due to the use of deodorants containing aluminum or zinc compounds, then you should contact Allergist (make an appointment), since in this case an allergic reaction to the components of the cosmetic product is most likely.

If pain in the armpit is combined with the appearance of visible, dense and enlarged lymph nodes, the skin over which is red and hot or pus is visible through it, and there may also be chills, fever, headaches, sweating and general weakness, then we're talking about about lymphadenitis, which means you should contact a surgeon. If necessary, the surgeon can refer a person for consultation with an oncologist if he suspects the presence of a malignant neoplasm.

If the pain in the armpit is caused by a boil (painful red protrusion with a white dot in the center - a purulent core) or a painful purplish-red swelling with a cone-shaped protrusion (hidradenitis), then you should contact a surgeon, since the treatment of purulent-inflammatory processes is within the scope of his professional competence.

If pain in the armpit occurs as a result of inflammation of a dense, elastic, mobile formation in the armpit, which becomes red, swollen, swollen and very painful, although previously it was completely painless, then you should contact a surgeon, since in such a situation it is necessary to remove the inflamed atheroma .

If pain in the armpit is combined with redness and itching of the skin and the presence of a yellow dot in the middle of the red spot, from which pus is periodically released, then you should contact Dermatologist (make an appointment), since it is this specialist who diagnoses and treats pyoderma.

If a person feels that he has pain behind the sternum or in the heart, which radiates to the left armpit, often occurs after stress or physical activity, is combined with weakness, shortness of breath, swelling of the legs and a feeling of interruptions in the functioning of the heart, then one should contact Cardiologist (make an appointment), since such symptoms indicate coronary heart disease. If the pain in the heart, radiating to the left armpit, is very strong, combined with dizziness, headache, shortness of breath, severe pallor and is not relieved by taking nitroglycerin, then you should urgently call " Ambulance" and be hospitalized in the hospital, since in this case we are talking about myocardial infarction.

If the pain in the armpit is associated with enlarged but not inflamed lymph nodes, which have become clearly visible in the form of protrusions under the unchanged, normal color of the skin, then you should contact infectious disease doctor (make an appointment) or an oncologist, since symptoms of lymphadenopathy can be caused by infectious diseases or malignant tumors. You should contact an infectious disease specialist if, in addition to pain and enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit, there is prolonged low-grade fever(not higher than 37.5 o C), heavy sweating at night, the liver or spleen is enlarged and upper respiratory tract infections (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, etc.) often occur. In other cases of lymphadenitis, you need to consult an oncologist.

What tests can a doctor prescribe for armpit pain?

Since pain in the armpit can be caused by various diseases and conditions, the doctor, if present, prescribes different lists of tests and examinations, the specific list of which is determined by the accompanying symptoms, which make it possible to suspect the pathology that provoked the appearance of this unpleasant symptom. Below we will look at what tests and examinations a doctor can prescribe if you suspect various diseases, causing pain in the armpit.

When pain in the armpit is caused by a sprain of the ligaments and muscles of the shoulder joint (the pain appeared after a sharp and strong movement of the arm, the pain intensifies with movement and limits freedom of movement in the joint), the doctor may prescribe the following tests and examinations:

  • General blood analysis ;
  • Ultrasound of the shoulder joint (make an appointment) and surrounding ligaments and muscles;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (sign up);
  • Arthroscopy of the shoulder joint (make an appointment);
  • X-ray of the shoulder joint (make an appointment).
In practice, most often the doctor limits himself to general inspection area of ​​injury and prescribing a blood test and ultrasound of the shoulder joint, since these manipulations in the vast majority of cases make it possible to diagnose sprained ligaments and muscles. Other studies, such as magnetic resonance imaging, arthroscopy or fluoroscopy, are prescribed only in cases where ultrasound and examination cannot accurately confirm a sprain and muscle sprain and there is a suspicion of a more serious injury to the shoulder joint, for example, a fracture, dislocation etc.

When armpit pain is associated with past surgery, the doctor will usually first order an ultrasound of the shoulder joint and the soft tissue of the armpit to see if there is any scarring or deformity from surgery. If the doctor suspects a more serious injury to the shoulder joint, then arthroscopy, radiography and magnetic resonance imaging are prescribed.

When in women pain in one or both armpits appears a few days before menstruation and subsides or disappears completely after the onset of menstruation, is combined with engorgement and enlargement of the mammary glands, pain or lumps in the chest, and is of varying nature and intensity, the doctor suspects mastalgia as a form premenstrual syndrome(PMS), and may prescribe the following tests and examinations:

  • General blood analysis;
  • Blood test for the concentration of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4);
  • Blood test for the concentration of estradiol, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), testosterone;
  • Blood test for tumor marker concentrations (sign up)(carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), beta-2 microglobulin, HE-4, CA-72-4, CA 15-3, CA-125, CA-19-9, tissue polypeptide antigen (TPA), tumor-M2- pyruvate kinase (PK-M2));
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands (sign up);
  • Mammography (sign up).
In practice, doctors often do not prescribe tests at all, since the diagnosis of PMS is made based on the characteristic complaints and symptoms that a woman has. Most often, doctors prescribe only general analysis blood and analysis of hormone concentrations thyroid gland(sign up), since the pathology of this organ can provoke a violation of the outflow of lymph and, as a result, pain in the armpits and mammary glands before menstruation. However, if the mammary glands become very engorged, the pain in the armpits is also very intense, the doctor usually prescribes a mammogram, ultrasound of the mammary glands and a blood test for tumor markers to exclude possible tumor processes in the breast tissue. At the same time, the main tumor markers for breast cancer are CA 15-3 and tissue polypeptide antigen, and all the others are auxiliary. Tests for the concentration of sex hormones in the blood (estradiol, FSH, LH, testosterone) are usually prescribed only when the doctor and patient want to be examined in detail and try to find out whether PMS is associated with hormonal imbalance.

When women are bothered by pain in the armpit or slightly lower, present constantly, and not appearing and disappearing in accordance with the cycle and, possibly, combined with a lump in the armpit, nipple retraction, lemon-peel skin on the chest, discharge from the nipples, the presence of lumps or visible formations in the mammary glands, erosions, crusts or scales in the area of ​​the nipple and/or areola, deformation, swelling or changes in the size of the mammary gland, the doctor suspects breast cancer and prescribes the following tests and examinations:

  • Mammography;
  • Magnetic resonance or computed tomography;
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands;
  • Blood test for the concentration of tumor markers (carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), beta-2 microglobulin, HE-4, CA-72-4, CA 15-3, CA-125, CA-19-9, tissue polypeptide antigen (TPA) , tumor-M2-pyruvate kinase (PK-M2));
  • Biopsy (sign up) tissues of a suspicious detected neoplasm with subsequent histological examination;
  • Cytological examination of nipple discharge.
In practice, doctors, as a rule, prescribe mammography and ultrasound of the mammary glands if breast cancer is suspected, since these research methods turn out to be the most informative, simple and inexpensive, while at the same time allowing the tumor to be detected in the vast majority of cases. If there is discharge from the nipples, then they are sent for histological examination, which consists of studying biological material under a microscope. And if the nipple discharge contains tumor cells, then the diagnosis of breast cancer is considered accurate.

Magnetic resonance and CT scan are less informative compared to mammography, and therefore, given the high cost of such studies, they are prescribed extremely rarely if breast cancer is suspected.

After the results of breast ultrasound and mammography reveal a tumor, the doctor will prescribe a biopsy, during which tissue is taken from the tumor area for further study under a microscope. If the doctor sees tumor cells in the collected tissues, a diagnosis of breast cancer is made and a decision is made on treatment tactics.

In addition, after identifying a tumor based on ultrasound and mammography results, the doctor may prescribe tests for tumor markers. This is done in order to know the level of these substances in the blood before starting treatment and then, during therapy, periodically re-determine the concentration of tumor markers in order to assess the effectiveness of the treatment.

When pain in the armpits appears due to the use of deodorants, which indicates an allergy, the doctor may prescribe a general blood test and a blood test for the concentration of immunoglobulin E. A general blood test is necessary to assess the general condition of a person, and the concentration of immunoglobulin E will allow one to judge whether the true allergy is present. in a person or just a banal irritation with pseudo-allergic inflammation. Indeed, in case of a true allergy, it is necessary to take antihistamines and be mentally prepared for the fact that an allergic reaction to other substances may occur. And in case of a pseudo-allergic reaction, for a complete cure it is enough to simply stop using the irritating agent.

When pain in the armpit occurs against the background of protrusion of dense and enlarged lymph nodes covered with red hot skin, combined with chills, fever, headaches, sweating and general weakness, the doctor prescribes the following tests and examinations:

  • General blood analysis;
  • Ultrasound of lymph nodes (sign up) and tissues of the axillary region;
  • Computer or magnetic resonance imaging of the affected nodes;
  • Dopplerography of lymphatic vessels;
  • X-ray contrast lymphography;
  • Biopsy of an inflamed lymph node.
As a rule, doctors first prescribe a general blood test and ultrasound of the affected lymph nodes and tissues of the axillary region, since these studies allow one to assess the condition of the affected organs and understand whether lymphadenitis is caused by serious diseases or not. If there is no suspicion of any serious illness, then other studies for lymphadenitis are not carried out. But if the doctor suspects any serious disease that provoked lymphadenitis (for example, tuberculosis, syphilis, malignant tumors etc.), then he prescribes other examinations from the list above.

When pain in the armpit is caused by a boil, the doctor can only prescribe a general blood test to assess the condition of the body, and then remove it surgically.

When pain in the armpit is associated with the appearance of a painful purplish-red swelling with a cone-shaped protrusion, the doctor suspects hidradenitis and prescribes only a general blood test and a blood sugar test, after which he opens the abscess surgically. After opening the abscess, its contents are sent to bacteriological laboratory for the purpose of performing a culture to identify the pathogen that provoked suppuration of the sweat gland. Blood tests in such a situation are necessary to assess the general condition of the body and subsequent decisions the question of what antibiotics a person should take.

When pain in the armpit is associated with inflammation of a dense, elastic, mobile and previously not painful seal in the armpit, the doctor suspects atheroma, and in this case can only prescribe a general blood test and ultrasound, which are usually sufficient to diagnose the disease. After an ultrasound and blood test, a surgical removal atheroma followed by histological examination of the pathological formation. Histology is necessary to exclude that the tumor is malignant or is a metastasis.

When pain in the armpit occurs against the background of redness and itching of the skin with the presence of a yellow dot in the area of ​​redness from which pus is released, the doctor usually does not prescribe any special tests or examinations, since the diagnosis is based on the characteristic clinical picture. To assess the general condition of the body, general and biochemical analysis blood, as well as a blood sugar test.

When the pain radiates to the armpit, and the main focus of the pain is behind the sternum in the region of the heart, is combined with shortness of breath, weakness, swelling of the legs and a feeling of interruptions in the functioning of the heart, and occurs in attacks (especially after physical activity or stress), the doctor prescribes the following tests and examinations :

  • General blood analysis;
  • Biochemical blood test (glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, lipoproteins high density, low density lipoproteins, atherogenic index, AST, ALT);
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG) (sign up);
  • 24-hour Holter ECG monitoring (sign up);
  • Functional stress tests ( bicycle ergometry (sign up), treadmill, dobutamine test, dipyridamole test, transesophageal electrical stimulation of the heart);
  • Scintigraphy;
  • Echocardiography (Echo-CG) (sign up);
  • Coronary angiography (sign up).
In practice, first of all, a general and biochemical blood test, an electrocardiogram, daily monitoring Holter ECG and functional stress tests, since these studies are usually sufficient to diagnose coronary heart disease. Further, if the disease is severe or it is necessary to clarify the degree of its severity, the doctor may prescribe other examinations from the list above.
, diseases cat scratches, brucellosis;
  • Mantoux test, or Diaskintest (sign up), or quantiferon test (sign up);
  • Ultrasound of the liver (sign up) and spleen;
  • Ultrasound of the axillary region;
  • Biopsy of enlarged lymph nodes.
  • In practice, first of all, the doctor prescribes a general blood and urine test, a biochemical blood test and Ultrasound of the spleen (sign up), liver and axillary region. If the results of these tests reveal an inflammatory process, then additional blood tests are prescribed for rheumatic factor and circulating immune complexes, a blood test for syphilis, HIV, for the presence of antibodies or infectious agents, as well as a Mantoux test to identify a specific infection, which caused lymphadenitis. The Mantoux test can be replaced by the more modern and accurate Diaskintest or Quantiferon test.

    Pain in the armpit area can signal the presence of a wide variety of ailments. Sometimes it can be a simple sprain, and in some cases pain is a very unpleasant symptom, indicating the beginning of very serious and negative processes.

    Structural features

    The armpit or axillary fossa is usually called the part of the human body that is located between the shoulder joints and the chest. It is in this place that there are a large number of sweat and sebaceous glands, hair follicles. Here are the lymph nodes that perform protective functions, if viruses or bacteria try to break into the human body system.

    Painful sensations vary different character, which could be:

    • constant;
    • periodic;
    • spicy;
    • cutting;
    • dull, pulling;
    • itchy;
    • accompanied by allergic reactions on the skin.

    Purely female character of axillary pain

    Quite often, women experience armpit pain. young. They are not associated with any pathologies, are cyclical in nature and are directly related to hormonal changes. The glands harden and begin to ache a few days before the start of menstruation, and then go away during or after the next menstrual cycle. In medicine this condition is called “ mastalgia».

    Very often, the pain is bilateral and is associated with disturbances in the outflow of lymph. The characteristics of such pain are quite different - they can be aching and not very sharp. Quite rarely, such painful sensations differ in strength and frequency, although in isolated cases women may find it difficult to lift their upper limbs.

    In other cases, mastalgic pain is a concern due to hormonal imbalances. In older women, they occur due to taking hormonal drugs.

    Another common case is the period after resection of part of the mammary gland. Pain in the armpits occurs due to injury to nerve endings. They can cause inconvenience for another month to 4 months after the operation.

    Another fairly common cause of armpit pain in women is malignant formations in the chest. Initially, the disease is virtually asymptomatic and is often discovered only during routine diagnostics. Pain occurs in the armpit or slightly lower, and a small lump may also appear that does not disappear throughout the entire period of menstruation. Other external manifestations include:

    • enlarged lymph nodes;
    • enlargement of the mammary glands;
    • change appearance skin of the chest, etc.
    Underarm pain may appear during pregnancy or lactation. Such conditions can be explained by swelling female breast, because she is preparing for future feeding. In some cases, such pain is girdling in nature - simultaneously in the chest and both armpits. The discomfort may increase while wearing a bra or when trying to stretch your arms up.

    If during palpation a “pebble” is clearly felt in one of the armpits, then a consultation with a mammologist is necessary in this case.

    Underarm pain can also be caused by various dermatological ailments, such as psoriasis. Such pain is almost always accompanied by the appearance of characteristic redness on the skin, which may be covered with white scales.

    Other, more often female, causes of axillary pain include the development of allergic reactions. They can develop as a result of frequent and not always correctly performed depilations, a dirty razor, or an incorrectly selected deodorant.

    Sometimes such reactions can be provoked by wearing underwear that is too tight and, moreover, not made from natural fabrics. The pain is usually accompanied by swelling, redness and a small rash at the site of the lesion. When scratching or ignoring this problem, the risk of developing infectious processes increases sharply.

    Male reasons

    Men are also often prone to armpit pain. If we talk about their sexual character, then the characteristic distinctive feature is increased sweating in the male body. This creates a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms in the armpit area, which subsequently provoke various ailments.

    Very often, hyperhidrosis can develop as a result of vegetative-vascular dystonia or problems with the thyroid gland.

    Other reasons include intoxication male body, for example, with alcohol abuse.

    Statistically, men are more likely to experience various injuries while playing sports or performing physical work. Various stretches and careless movements can also cause pain. varying intensity.

    Pain in the left or right armpit can be caused by various injuries or diseases of the spine, for example, osteochondrosis.

    Urgently see a cardiologist!

    Pain in the left armpit is a rather unpleasant symptom that may indicate the development of very serious illnesses. For example, pain in the left armpit can be caused by coronary heart disease. Pain begins behind the sternum and may increase with physical activity or if the person is nervous. In addition to pain, such conditions are aggravated by:
    • general weakness;
    • shortness of breath;
    • swelling in the lower extremities;
    • unclear functioning of the heart.
    Another reason is a possible myocardial infarction. Very intense pain, in addition to the sternum, shoulder blade, and neck, can radiate strongly under the left armpit. Their intensity is sometimes so high that a person feels pain even on his fingertips. Other accompanying symptoms may also support this diagnosis:
    • severe paleness of the skin;
    • dyspnea;
    • dizziness and fainting;
    • heaviness in the chest area.

    Lymph node pathologies

    To the most common reasons axillary pain refers to various pathological processes in the lymph nodes.

    Lymphadenopathy called enlarged lymph nodes, which are symptom complexes. Lymph nodes can become inflamed if there is:

    • tuberculosis;
    • rubella;
    • brucellosis;
    • nonspecific infectious lesions;
    • lymphomas;
    • silicone breast implants.
    In this case, axillary pain is accompanied by:
    • sudden weight loss;
    • increased sweating, especially at night;
    • increased body temperature;
    • enlarged spleen.
    Lymphadenitis called infectious lesions of the lymph nodes. First, the lymph node enlarges without losing its mobility. As the disease progresses, the lymph node becomes more and more dense, and the skin becomes red and hot. When the abscess ripens, its contents burst out, and the disease subsides. In addition, the patient may experience:
    • chills;
    • headache;
    • general loss of strength and malaise;
    • increased sweating.

    Other common ailments

    Pain of varying intensity, which increases when pressed, and is also accompanied by external manifestations, can provoke a number of other diseases.

    Hidradenitis or purulent inflammation of the sweat glands of the armpits. As a rule, the disease is caused by staphylococci. The disease is typical only for adult patients, since in children the sweat glands in this area are still inactive. The onset of the disease is characterized by:

    • itching;
    • swelling;
    • gradual increase in pain.
    In the axillary region, the visual process of formation of a dense swelling to the touch begins. As it increases, so does the pain. The skin in the localized areas becomes purplish-red. The period of development of each abscess is on average from 10 to 15 days. When the abscess opens and the contents come out, a scar forms in its place. Such conditions are also characterized by:
    • increased body temperature;
    • general intoxication of the body;
    • severe fatigue;
    • headaches.
    Furuncle. The reason for its appearance is often the negative activity of a number of bacteria, often Staphylococcus aureus. In this case, inflammatory processes are observed in the hair follicle, as well as in the tissues that connect it.

    Patients develop a rash, redness and a purulent point, i.e. the core of the boil. If such occurrence is multiple, we are talking about furunculosis. Subsequent healing is accompanied by scar formation. The main risks of this disease include:

    • improper and unbalanced diet;
    • increased sweating;
    • incorrect approach to personal hygiene;
    • metabolic disease;
    • reduced immunity.
    Pyoderma called a purulent lesion skin cells staphylococci or streptococci. This disease can manifest itself in different ways. There is clear redness visible under the armpits. In the center of the inflammation there is a yellowish point, from which a little pus is released from time to time. The pain may be accompanied by itching. In adult patients, body temperature does not increase, general state also remains unchanged.

    Children are more susceptible to this disease. They become moody, restless, and often scratch the affected areas. In this case, the risk of further spread of infection increases significantly.

    Atheroma, which is also called a sebaceous gland cyst, is a formation in the form of a tumor, which is caused by blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands. The formation, dense to the touch, has clear contours. The skin above it does not lend itself to folding. Suppuration of atheroma provokes painful sensations. Swelling occurs, and the general temperature also rises. If the atheroma breaks through, pus with greasy masses comes out.

    Pain in the area armpit are not always as harmless as they might seem. Therefore, it makes sense to study the reasons why such sensations appear.

    Why does my armpit hurt?

    Pain in the armpit occurs for many reasons. There may be consequences various injuries or manifestations of neoplasms in the chest area. Pain may also appear during development pathological processes in the lymph nodes.

    Moreover, even problems of the cardiovascular system can cause pain in the armpits. There are many possible reasons for this condition:



    Postoperative pain;





    Mastalgia, etc.

    Postoperative pain

    Often, those women who have undergone breast surgery experience pain in the armpit when pressed. This is explained by the fact that during surgery in this area, the nerves that surround the gland itself can be damaged. The result of such damage is a temporary loss of sensation in the chest and referred pain in the armpit. Their distribution occurs along the nerve fibers going to the hand.

    It is important to understand that pain after surgery may remain for a long period of time. But in the first days the armpit hurts especially badly. To normalize the patient’s condition, doctors often prescribe strong painkillers.

    Over time, the intensity of the sensations decreases. But even when the chest and armpit do not hurt, itching and numbness of the skin may be felt. If the operation was done correctly, then after some time the unpleasant sensations will completely disappear.

    Consequences of injuries

    Unpleasant and painful symptoms in the armpit area can be the result of sudden movements and physical overload. In most cases, armpit pain is due to sprained ligaments and muscles of the shoulder joint.

    Such violations occur when people reach for the handrail too sharply in transport, as well as after lifting heavy objects, etc. Even an uncomfortable posture during sleep can cause pain in the armpit. In such situations, the discomfort is moderate, but does not go away for a long time. When the shoulder joint is loaded or moved, the pain may intensify.

    Impact of the menstrual cycle

    Sometimes, a few days before the menstrual cycle, women develop lumps in the outer or upper lobes mammary glands. As a result, the armpit hurts on one side, and sometimes on both. This phenomenon can be defined as mastalgia.

    It is worth noting that in this state pain can manifest itself in different ways: sometimes it is difficult for a woman to move her hands, in other cases the sensations are sharp, and sometimes the feeling of pain is aching. Such symptoms can be felt throughout the entire reproductive period and even increase with age.

    If a woman does not take hormonal medications, then during menopause the pain will go away, otherwise significant discomfort may remain.

    Allergic reaction

    One answer to the question: “Why does my armpit hurt?” - this is the effect of allergies on a woman’s body. In this case, the type of discomfort is close to itching. Skin irritation itself occurs for reasons such as depilation, skin contamination, increased sweating, improper deodorant, and shaving.

    As for the external signs of an allergic reaction, they look like swelling with redness. A small rash may appear. To neutralize pain in the armpit area, you need to isolate the skin from exposure to the allergen and consult a doctor to prescribe antihistamines.

    Influence of oncological factors

    One of the reasons why your armpit hurts is breast cancer. The peculiarity of this disease is that it can occur without visible symptoms for several months. Often this type of tumor is detected through routine mammography before pain occurs. But if breast cancer is not diagnosed on time, lumps may develop. In this case, the chest and armpit hurt.

    Breast trauma, family history, obesity, hypertension, diabetes, as well as using oral contraceptives for more than 10 years.

    Lymph node pathologies

    Diseases of the lymph nodes located in the armpit area are conventionally divided into two categories: lymphadenitis and lymphadenopathy.

    If we talk about lymphadenitis, it should be noted that this is an infectious disease of the lymph node. In this case, not only does the armpit hurt when pressed, but the lymph node itself becomes dense, and the skin turns red. The temperature of the skin increases significantly.

    In this condition, the patient may experience chills and fever. Significant sweating and headaches may also occur. In most cases, there is general weakness. Pain and accompanying symptoms disappear when the abscess matures and its contents burst out.

    As for lymphadenopathy, in this case we are talking about enlarged lymph nodes, which is a symptom of another disease. This can be rubella, melanoma, tuberculosis, lymphoma, various neoplasms, as well as infectious lesions of a nonspecific nature. In this case, the right or left armpit hurts, depending on the location of the symptom.

    In addition to pain in the armpits, with this condition the patient experiences weight loss, an enlarged spleen or liver, and the appearance of night sweats and temperature rise.

    Pain due to cardiovascular diseases

    There are two serious pathologies that can lead to armpit pain in both men and women. We are talking about myocardial infarction and coronary heart disease.

    With such diseases, the left armpit hurts. But the main sensations are localized in the area behind the sternum. With ischemia, in addition to severe discomfort, swelling may be present lower limbs, weakness and shortness of breath characteristic of this condition.

    If the cause of pain is myocardial infarction, then symptoms such as severe pallor, heaviness in the chest, shortness of breath, dizziness and even loss of consciousness may appear. In case of coronary artery disease, symptoms can be relieved with glycerin, but in the case of a heart attack, this strategy is ineffective.


    The essence of this disease comes down to purulent inflammation of the sweat glands in the armpit area. This problem occurs only in adults. The first stages of the development of the disease lead to the appearance of symptoms such as swelling and itching. Over time, pain is felt in the armpit, where an abscess subsequently forms.

    Associated symptoms of this disease are weakness, headaches, fever, and intoxication.

    The cause of pain in the armpit area can also be a boil, which is purulent inflammation hair follicle and connective tissue surrounding it. This problem first manifests itself through redness and rash. Later a purulent point forms.

    It is worth paying attention to atheroma. This is a sebaceous cyst. Its appearance is caused by blockage of the ducts. During the course of the disease, an abscess forms, causing pain in the armpit area. In some cases, the pus breaks out on its own, but sometimes this does not happen, and the atheroma turns into a spherical tumor.

    As a result, it is worth paying attention to the fact that there are more than enough reasons why pain in the armpit occurs, and some of them are life-threatening. Therefore, at the first symptoms, you should consult a doctor and get diagnosed.

    Why does my armpit hurt? The reasons may be associated with the following pathologies:

    1. Injuries suffered and received.
    2. Presence of atheroma.
    3. The appearance of a boil.
    4. Hidradenitis or lymphadenitis.
    5. Postoperative pain.
    6. Mastalgia.
    7. Pyoderma.
    8. Development of an allergic reaction.
    9. Lymphadenopathy.
    10. The appearance of a tumor in the breast.
    11. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.

    Often armpit pain is the result of an injury. However, any movements of a sudden nature or carried out with great effort can also provoke the appearance of the symptom. In this case, we are talking about spraining the ligaments and muscles that are located in the shoulder joint.

    This can happen if you lift heavy objects or move your hand suddenly. However, pain can occur even during sleep, when a person lies in an uncomfortable position. The pain in such a situation is not very pronounced and begins to increase with movement. As a result, the patient has discomfort when performing actions; such pain only limits the patient’s freedom of action.

    The situation with previous operations is different. In this case, the armpit may hurt after surgical intervention, which was aimed at the mammary gland. Radical methods lead to inevitable damage to the nerves that are concentrated near the gland. As a result, the patient loses sensitivity in the chest area for some time. However, pain is reflected in the armpit, since the signal goes there.

    Pain in the armpit may last for a long time. For several days after the intervention, the pain is acute. To reduce the severity of symptoms, doctors prescribe pain medications. After some time, the intensity of pain symptoms decreases. Although the pain begins to subside, other reactions may occur. There is a burning sensation, itching or numbness. If the postoperative period proceeds normally, then such manifestations will soon disappear.

    2 Clinical picture

    An unpleasant sign under the armpit appears in women in a number of cases. This also applies to cancerous tumors affecting the mammary glands. However, in the early stages the neoplasms do not manifest themselves, so the patient does not feel any unpleasant symptoms.

    In addition, pain under the armpit may occur in the following cases:

    1. Presence of diabetes mellitus.
    2. Development of obesity.
    3. Alcohol abuse.
    4. Breast injuries.
    5. Long-term use of hormonal drugs for contraception or treatment.
    6. Development of hypertension.
    7. Smoking, especially at a young age.
    8. Cancerous tumors of the genital organs.
    9. Presence of tumor diseases in the family.
    10. Lack of childbirth and pregnancy.
    11. Late onset of menopause - after 55 years.
    12. Early menstruation - up to 12 years.
    13. First birth after 30 years.

    In some cases, tumors that appear lead to pain on the right or left, not only in the armpit. Localization of unpleasant symptoms can also be observed just below the armpit area. In addition, there is a possibility of small lumps appearing, which will persist throughout the entire menstrual cycle.

    If the cause of the pain is associated with a tumor, then the patient will experience other symptoms. Thus, the structure of the breast skin and color may change. There are compactions in the tissues of the glands, which can be easily diagnosed by palpation. At the same time, nipple retraction is observed. Discharge from the nipple may appear. They are not related to the process of feeding the child and pregnancy, so they should immediately alert you.

    The formation of edema and various deformations occurs. The mammary gland may increase or decrease in size. Scales, crusts or other erosions appear in the area of ​​the areola or juice. The patient has an enlargement of the lymph nodes, which are located in the supraclavicular and axillary region.

    There is also a type of pain in the armpit area - mastalgia. It is cyclical in nature and appears during the completion of the menstrual cycle. Some time before the onset of menstruation, women begin to feel pain in the armpit. When menstruation arrives, the symptom gradually decreases in intensity. Until it disappears completely.

    3 Lymphadenopathy

    The presented disease is associated with a condition in which there is an increase in the size of the lymph nodes. This condition is not a separate disease, but signals the presence of pathology and its development. If signs appear, you should seek medical help.

    The main sign of pathology is an increase in the size of the lymph nodes. This is either single or generalized. The patient feels weight loss, and diagnostics will confirm this. At night, the patient's sweating increases. Body temperature rises for a long time, but it does not always reach high values. There is an enlargement of the spleen and liver, which is detected during appropriate diagnostics. The patient may often develop diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

    Lymphadenopathy may indicate various diseases. These include the following diseases:

    1. Malignant diseases of the head and neck.
    2. Mammary cancer.
    3. Brucellosis.
    4. Rubella.
    5. Lymphoma.
    6. Tuberculosis.
    7. Infections of the lesion of nonspecific type
    8. Melanoma.

    4 Lymphadenitis

    If the lymph nodes become inflamed due to the development of an infection, then this disease is called lymphadenitis. Quite often, nodes in the groin and armpit area are affected. As in the previous case, the disease begins with an increase in nodes, and an unpleasant sensation occurs in the form of pain. As the disease develops, the nature of the seals changes. They become a monolithic complex that contains several nodes with inflammatory process.

    The integument of the skin undergoes changes, which manifests itself in their immobility. The skin tone changes and becomes red. Subsequently, thinning of the skin is observed, and the abscess matures. A breakthrough of pus occurs, but the abscess is cleared. As a result, the symptoms of the disease disappear over time, and the pain in the armpit stops.

    In addition to the listed symptoms, other signs are also characteristic of lymphadenitis. The patient develops fever and headache, there is a general feeling of malaise and increased sweating. The patient often suffers from chills.

    If an infection enters the affected area, the disease progresses to chronic stage. Enlarged nodes appear, which slightly hurt. After some time, they become scarred and become hard nodules.

    5 Hidradenitis

    Hidradenitis is associated with an inflammatory process in the sweat glands. A large number of Such glands are located in the armpit, so it hurts under the armpit, this may indicate hidradenitis. For accurate diagnosis you need to contact a specialist.

    The disease begins gradually. Swelling and itching appear in the inflamed area. After some time, pain appears. There is an increase in swelling, which is quite painful. For this reason, the armpit hurts when you press it. The swelling can reach 2 cm, but small formations occur. After some time, the size gradually increases, which manifests itself in increased pain.

    In the center of the formation, softening of the skin is observed, and a protrusion forms. The abscess is subsequently opened, which leads to a natural result - the release of the contents in the form of pus. After the discharge of pus, a small, retracted scar forms. The formation cycle of each abscess is 10-15 days.

    The nearby glands that are responsible for sweating may also be affected. As a result, the area of ​​inflammation becomes extensive, and the armpit begins to hurt more severely. If other sweat glands are affected, the disease can last for several months. At the same time, there remains a chance of relapse of the disease after recovery.

    Pain in the armpit is not the only symptom. The patient develops a headache, fever and fatigue. The patient experiences weakness, and the body suffers from general intoxication. In this case, you should see a doctor immediately, especially if you have severe pain.

    Thus, if it starts to hurt under the arm, you need to visit a medical facility.

    It’s not uncommon for women to experience pain in the armpit right before their period. The reason is justified, because with the advent of the menstrual cycle, the endocrine and nervous system, while the lymph nodes are involved in the process. If, as the menstrual cycle progresses, the pain gradually subsides, then mastalgia can be suspected, although the provoking factors may be different when they appear unpleasant symptoms armpit pain before menstruation. It is important for women to know them, learn to understand and recognize them in time, when it is no longer possible to postpone diagnosis and urgently need to consult a doctor.


    Usually, causes of PMS secondary ones, which is why it is precisely before menstruation that they begin to manifest themselves more strongly. Soreness radiates to the chest and armpit, the mammary glands swell and thicken, forming a compaction in the upper part of the outer lobes of the uterine glands. The main triggers of pain before menstruation:

    • impaired lymphatic drainage, leading to enlargement (hardening) of the lymph nodes with pain radiating to the armpit;
    • mastalgia with the appearance of hardening, swelling of the mammary glands;
    • hormonal imbalance, which often occurs before the onset of menstrual periods or against the background of undosed use of hormonal medications;
    • mastopathy or inflammation of the lymph nodes with the appearance aching pain progressively, inability to move your arm;
    • previous abortion;
    • gynecological diseases;
    • endocrine system failure;
    • sudden weight loss;
    • unhealthy diet, strict diet;
    • oncology, which provokes the development of a tumor in the breast;
    • excessive load on the area under the armpits located in the area of ​​the mammary glands.

    Maybe the lymph node under the arm hurts just before menstruation due to individual characteristics body. But if unpleasant signs have become constant and intrusive, then it’s probably time to visit a mammologist and get examined.

    It is the cancerous tumor that proceeds almost unnoticed at the initial stage. As it develops, the lymph node under the arm hurts and swells. On palpation, a slight compaction is felt. This may be in the armpit area or slightly lower. However, with oncology, other symptoms are obvious: nipple retraction, hyperemic skin around the circumference, discharge serous fluid, increase in the size of the mammary glands. This can no longer be tolerated. It is necessary to undergo an ultrasound.

    Read also 🗓Can your stomach swell before your period?

    IMPORTANT! It is extremely important for all women over the age of 35 to undergo mammography, which makes it possible to detect cancer at an early stage.

    Pain under the armpit during menstrual periods

    With the onset of menstruation, many women experience a hormonal surge. The influence of hormones leads to pain in the armpits and enlarged lymph nodes. Symptoms may persist for another 1-2 days during menstruation, but then should disappear completely. It happens that swelling and swelling of the glandular tissue, chest pain become protracted, the reason for which is hormonal perturbation. But the phenomenon is quite acceptable if menstrual cycle women have no other additional unpleasant factors.

    The armpit often hurts before menstruation and radiates to the groin due to unstable hormonal levels, although as the critical days arrive, the condition of the lymph nodes should return to normal. The phenomenon is similar to PMS, but in this case progesterone progresses, leading to enlarged lobules, swelling of the mammary glands, and increased sensitivity in the armpits. This is due to increased pressure on nerve roots in places of passage lymphatic ducts and connections to the collarbone. Nerve endings lead to the expansion of the lobules, which begin to give off aching, annoying pain in the armpits.

    Less common, but painful in critical days indicates kidney disease, leading to the accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space. The mammary glands swell, the lymph nodes under the arms ache, which is easy to detect on your own. In any case, you need to consult a specialist.

    Doctors' opinion

    If the lymph nodes under the arms hurt before menstruation, then it is important to identify the true causes. They are different:

    • inflammation of the sebaceous and sweat glands;
    • atheroma;
    • lymphadenitis;
    • furunculosis;
    • allergy;
    • hidradenitis;
    • mastalgia;
    • cardiovascular pathology;
    • injury to the milk ducts;
    • cardiac ischemia with stabbing pain in the sternum, swelling of the lower extremities, weakness, malaise, shortness of breath.

    Doctors do not advise self-diagnosis and self-medication. The best option– visit a doctor (oncologist, therapist, surgeon). Although many women get used to such sensations, they do not turn to doctors, preferring to endure their critical days and then return to a measured life. Of course, there is no reason to worry if the pain before menstruation is not very pronounced and gradually goes away. But if the problem has led to severe swelling due to inflammation of the lymph nodes, then this can be extremely dangerous; you should definitely contact a specialist. This obvious signs tumor development, when there is a strong thickening on the chest in morning hours, swelling of the lymph node area. It is simply impossible to determine cancer on your own at the initial stage due to its practically asymptomatic course.