My husband sweats a lot at night. Side effect when taking medications

The human body produces sweat around the clock, in conditions of high humidity or high temperatures, the release of sweat increases. If there is a disease, one of the symptoms may be excessive sweating. This can often be seen at night. Excessive sweating at night is called nocturnal hyperhidrosis. The reasons for the appearance this phenomenon there may be a disease, in which case sweating is an accompanying symptom. And in the absence of diseases, night sweats manifest themselves on their own.

It is mainly necessary to pay attention to the ventilation of the room, bed linen, clothes in which you fall asleep, all this can affect the body's heat transfer and provoke increased sweating.

Therefore, before looking for any diseases that could provoke sweating, it is necessary to analyze the environment during sleep.

In order to understand why a person sweats in a dream, it is necessary to complete diagnostics the state of his body, assess the level of his life, the severity of work, the nature of nutrition, the situation environment. By carefully analyzing these factors, you can determine the main causes that provoke night sweats.

First of all, all provoking factors can be divided into two groups:

  1. Medical - these include those causes that are directly related to diseases, and in this case, you can get rid of sweating only with the help of medical methods.
  2. Non-medical - in this case, night sweats appear due to household factors, and lifestyle changes will help get rid of this problem.


Most often, the cause of sweating becomes a disease, while the body begins to fight it. The temperature rises and activates the immune system, inflammation factors. And in order to keep the high body temperature at a constant level and prevent overheating, as well as remove dangerous toxins from the body, sweat begins to be intensely released. Sweating at night during sleep is observed with the following diseases:

  • lung abscess;
  • endocarditis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • AIDS;
  • fungal infections;
  • pancreatitis;
  • chronic cholecystitis;
  • leukemia;
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • growth of malignant neoplasms;
  • pneumonia.

Often cause night sweat diseases of the genital organs, in which their normal performance, the synthesis of sex hormones, are disturbed.

It is because of the breach hormonal balance during the illness there is increased sweating at night.

Psychological factors

Increased sweating in the background nervous excitement belong to independent disease - idiopathic hyperhidrosis. In this case, the main cause or diseases that provoke sweating are not determined, and sweating is associated with an overexcited human psyche.

Most often, sweating in a dream is observed in people who have suffered severe stress, constantly nervous, have mental illness. Night sweats are also common depressed personalities, they need to pay special attention, and deal not only with the treatment of increased sweating, but also with depression itself. Prone to heavy sweating are people who engage in heavy mental labor, or those who often fall into stressful situations, are experiencing during work.

food and water

They are the main factors in maintaining the normal state of the body. How much a person sweats can depend on the nature of the diet. So at frequent use too spicy, salty, hot, fatty foods may experience increased sweating. It is often found that after the meal itself, excessive sweating is observed.

The amount of water drunk per day can affect the nature of sweating. So at water abuse, the body tries to get rid of its excess, while urination becomes more frequent, and the intensity of sweating also increases.

Alcohol and drugs

When drinking large doses of alcohol, severe dehydration occurs. Alcohol provokes the expansion of peripheral vessels, due to which the blood rushes to the skin, as a result, more sweat is released. The filtration of blood in the kidneys worsens, which leads to a greater release of water from the bloodstream.

Drugs have strong impact on the nervous system and the human psyche, so often when using psychoactive substances, sweating increases. If a person sweats a lot after sleep or on time, this may indicate development withdrawal syndrome.

Sleep disturbance

For normal life, a person needs to get enough sleep. In case, for some reason long time unable to sleep normally, the person develops the corresponding symptoms. This is a sign that the brain is tired and its energy reserves are depleted. Because of this, there is severe sweating, nervousness, irritability, hallucinations may appear.

Night sweats due to respiratory failure are mainly due to oxygen starvation. The body, compensating for the lack of oxygen in the body, dilates blood vessels, increasing blood flow to organs and tissues, and increases the heart rate. It's all responsible sympathetic department autonomic nervous system, which, when activated, at the same time increases sweating. Therefore, often sick people can wake up at night in a cold sweat, while feeling shortness of breath.

Hormonal background

To a greater extent, the problem relates to. Women are characterized by constant fluctuations in the level of sex hormones. At the onset of menstruation there is a surge of sex hormones, which may be accompanied by increased night sweating. During pregnancy, the body is rebuilt, all organs and glands are preparing for bearing a child. Estrogen is produced to a greater extent, which, when interacting with the hypothalamus, stimulates an increase in temperature and expansion of peripheral vessels. And in order to normalize and maintain the temperature, increased sweating begins, which helps to cool the skin.

During menopause, another restructuring of the body occurs. At the same time, there is a decrease in the level of sex hormones, which also leads to increased sweating.


The nature of sweating is significantly influenced by a person's lifestyle. While constantly in sitting position, rare sports, the use of a large amount of carbohydrates, there is an accelerated body fat gain. Because of this, the normal heat exchange of the body with external environment, to normalize it begins increased sweat production. So low physical activity become another reason why you sweat a lot at night.


First of all, it is necessary assess your lifestyle and environment during sleep. You can choose high-quality bed linen, a blanket and pillows that will better pass air and cool the body.

Desirable normalize your diet. You need to reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed, eat more protein-rich foods. It would be correct to limit the use of fatty, smoked and spicy food.

If sweating persists, it is recommended visit a therapist. He appoints everything necessary research, as well as refer you for consultations to other specialists. This will help determine the cause of excessive night sweats, and then begin effective treatment.

Sweating is a natural physiological process in the human body. Its main function is to maintain optimal body temperature and protect against overheating. This article provides information on the topic "Severe sweating: causes in men, treatment."

Hyperhidrosis - excessive sweating

Sweating gives people a lot of inconvenience, starting with the secretion of the secret itself and ending with bad smell. On the other hand, without it it is impossible to imagine normal work organism. Sweating is responsible for maintaining the required temperature, preventing overheating of the body.

If the body secretes a secret in excess quantities, doctors talk about the disease hyperhidrosis. The human body sweats constantly, even when we do not notice it. Visible secretions appear if their volume exceeds the level of evaporation by several times. This process is typical for heat and high humidity, during sports or stressful situations.

Hyperhidrosis can be generalized and spread to the whole body, as well as localized, focusing on a specific part of it. Such a disease indicates the improper functioning of the body, including metabolic disorders, infections, diabetes. Besides, profuse sweating in men may be the result of abuse alcoholic beverages, taking certain groups of drugs.

What causes bad breath?

There should not be a sharp and repulsive smell when sweating. It usually appears when bacteria begin to multiply in a humid environment. Showering twice a day and every time after sports allows you to cope with this problem. A pronounced smell of sweat can be a sign not only high level testosterone, but also indicate serious illness.

For example, urine-smelling discharge indicates kidney problems. In people with diabetes, it resembles acetone. The smell of vinegar or chlorine can indicate liver problems.

The causes of increased sweating in men can be divided into two conditional groups: domestic and medical. Let's look at each category in more detail.

Household causes of hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis is closely related to overweight body. In this case we are talking not only about the failure of the metabolism, but also about the regular psychological pressure from society. Society is constantly promoting thinness as the modern standard of the ideal figure. To a complete man one has to constantly feel uncomfortable, to be in a state of neurosis.

The wrong choice of clothing also contributes to the appearance of hyperhidrosis. Synthetic fabrics do not allow the skin to breathe, therefore, air exchange and heat regulation do not work properly, forcing the body to produce even more sweat. Experts recommend giving preference to natural materials (linen, wool, cotton) when choosing clothes.

The causes of increased sweating in men are often hidden in an unbalanced diet. Eating excessively salty or spicy foods puts additional stress on the body. If doctors have diagnosed you with hyperhidrosis, onions, coffee, hot peppers, fast food should be excluded from the diet.

Special attention must be paid to personal hygiene. Shower should be taken twice a day, and also every time after intense sports. The use of an antiperspirant is mandatory.

Medical Causes of Excessive Sweating in Men

Increased sweating of the legs

Legs are one of the most problematic areas for men. In addition to the fact that they constantly sweat, this process is usually accompanied by an unpleasant odor, causing discomfort to the owner and his environment. In this case heavy sweating in men, it is due to the individual characteristics of the body, more precisely, the level of hormones. It is useless to fight the source, but symptoms can be reduced.

First of all, experts recommend devoting more time to foot hygiene. You also need to take care of the quality of socks and the shoes themselves. Preference should be given to options made from natural materials. In leather shoes with special "breathable" insoles, the feet sweat much less. It is recommended to dry shoes and sneakers thoroughly every evening, wear socks for no more than a day.

It is important to note that insufficient foot care is often the cause of skin problems or infections that are difficult to treat.

Night sweats in men: causes

During sleep, the process of natural perspiration slows down. A person does not move, does not experience psycho-emotional stress, the body is completely calm. If at normal temperature in the room, the man sweats, it is necessary to find out the reasons for this condition. Often hyperhidrosis at night is a symptom of serious diseases.

The main causes of excessive sweating during sleep include the following: influenza, SARS, tuberculosis, VVD, thyroid disease, stroke, pathologies of the heart system, fungal infections and others. Nocturnal hyperhidrosis is often caused by mental state. Men tend to hide all experiences in themselves. That is why they more often than women have nightmares, after which they wake up literally in a “cold sweat”. In this case, it is recommended to undergo a course of treatment sedatives. Together with disorders of the nervous system, the increased sweating in men.

How to deal with hyperhidrosis?

If excessive sweating is an independent pathology, and not a symptom of the above diseases, to mitigate its manifestations modern medicine offers several treatment options:

  1. Use of antiperspirants.
  2. Drug therapy ("Bellaspon", "Bellataminal"). Medications on the basis of belladonna alkaloids reduce the secretion of sweat glands and help in the fight against hyperhidrosis, without causing dependence.
  3. Sedative drugs. Valerian, motherwort, meditation, yoga classes - all this helps to get rid of such a pathology as excessive sweating of the head in men, the causes of which are usually hidden in emotional overload.
  4. Physiotherapeutic procedures (electrophoresis, pine-salt baths).

In rare cases, Botox injections are prescribed and a laser is used. These are extreme measures, which can be resorted to only after consulting a doctor. These methods of treatment are actively promoted and used in practice today, but they have a number of contraindications.

Surgical intervention

When conservative treatment turns out to be ineffective, doctors offer their patients an operation. There are currently two types surgical intervention, relieving hyperhidrosis: curettage of the armpits and endoscopic sympathectomy. The last option is the most efficient. In this case main goal surgeons are nerve fibers through which the impulse travels to the sweat glands. They are clamped or completely eliminated, which guarantees a 100% result of treatment. The main disadvantage of this method is the appearance of a side effect in the form of "compensatory" hyperhidrosis.

Curettage of the axilla is also very effective method fight against excessive sweating. During the operation, the surgeon removes 2/3 of the glands, so the secretion is significantly reduced.

Help of traditional medicine

Often the causes of increased sweating in men are hidden in the individual characteristics of the body. If hyperhidrosis is constantly present in your life, you can use folk remedies to eliminate this problem. For example, take a weekly bath with birch buds or oak bark. The substances contained in these plants allow you to regulate the work of the sweat glands. Also helps with strong odors Apple vinegar, if periodically wipe their skin. Normal baby soap when applied evenly in the armpits, it prevents copious excretion secret.


From the materials of this article, now you know what hyperhidrosis in men can be associated with, how to deal with it effectively. Excessive secret allocation is not always the norm. You should not start the problem, considering excess sweat as a common thing. Hyperhidrosis can and should be fought. You should start by observing the basic rules of personal hygiene, including daily showers and the use of deodorant. It is equally important to review your diet, get tested for hormones and be more selective in matters of nutrition.

I sweat during sleep - causes, treatment.

You have two questions. Why do I sweat so much at night? Should I go to the doctor? Moderate sweating during sleep normal phenomenon if the room is warm and the blanket is too thick. But if the bedroom is not at all hot, and the sweat literally pours like water, and this happens regularly, then it is better not to postpone a visit to the doctor. Profuse night sweats often accompany various diseases: from common cold to deadly diseases. Therefore, if you sweat during sleep, then you should play it safe and undergo an examination.

Severe sweating in a dream occurs with the flu, SARS, taking antipyretic drugs. This condition is familiar to everyone without exception and is the norm.

Sweating at night can be associated with antihypertensive drugs, any antidepressants, heart drugs with nitroglycerin.

Infectious diseases are another cause of profuse night sweats. This phenomenon is typical for tuberculosis, but can also occur with osteomyelitis (bone damage), endocarditis (inflammation of the heart valves), hepatitis, AIDS.

Endocrine diseases are often accompanied by sweating during sleep. This happens when there is a malfunction. thyroid gland, namely, its increase. Patients with diabetes experience severe sweating. In addition, night sweats are associated with insulin intake and lower blood sugar levels. Hormonal changes in female body during menopause leads to heavy sweating at night.

Almost everyone can say about themselves: during sleep I sweat, when I experience stress, anxiety and insomnia.

Increased selection sweat in a dream is typical for oncological diseases affecting the lymphatic system.

Often nocturnal hyperhidrosis occurs with stroke, abscesses, cardiac, neurological, intestinal diseases.

Abundant sweat at night can be caused not only by diseases, but also by eating fatty, spicy, salty foods, alcohol, and hot drinks before going to bed. In order to avoid sweating, you should not engage in intense physical labor and take a hot shower at night.

What can I do to stop sweating at night? If sweat is associated with diseases, then, unequivocally, it is to be examined and treated in medical institution. If the reason for nightly dousing with sweat is menopause, then you need to contact a gynecologist for a course of hormone therapy.

There is such a thing as idiopathic hyperhidrosis, that is, during sleep I sweat without visible reasons. In this case, you need to take the following measures: ventilate the bedroom well, do not engage in tedious activities and do not eat immediately before going to bed, take cool shower, if possible, sleep with the windows open.

Traditional medicine, as always, gives a lot of advice to help get rid of this. unpleasant phenomenon. If I sweat during sleep, then I will try to use the following simple recipes.

Table vinegar helps with sweat. It is mixed with water (to a part of vinegar - two parts of water) and wipe problem areas before going to bed.

The people used horsetail for sweating. To do this, a decoction of horsetail was mixed with vodka in a ratio of one to ten and insisted for several days, wiped sweating areas at night.

Peppermint is another remedy for hyperhidrosis. Pour boiling water over the grass, leave for an hour, make lotions or baths.

Recipe with oak bark. Pour the bark (one hundred grams) with water (one liter), boil for ten minutes, let cool and apply to problem areas.

In order not to sweat and calm the nerves, you need to take a bath with chamomile and sea salt at night.

A proven remedy for sweat is clary sage. Sage is poured with boiling water and insisted for an hour and a half (for three tablespoons of sage - two glasses of water), filtered and lotions are made. Sage can be mixed with yarrow equally, pour the resulting mixture with boiling water (two tablespoons of grass - half a liter of water), insist until cool, then use for baths or compresses.

Instead of a washcloth, take a two-layer gauze, put it in oat flakes and salt (two tablespoons each), take a shower with such a washcloth daily without soap.

Why do people sweat? This question has long been of interest to physiologists and doctors. If the amount of sweat produced by the human body is small, then this condition is rarely a concern. Much more unpleasant if sweating occurs at night, sweat is produced in large quantities and has a specific smell.

Excessive night sweats can have a number of causes

Sweating at night is associated with a number of problems that occur in the morning. You need to have time to take a shower in order not to feel comfortable when communicating with colleagues, friends, change bedding, buy a new, more effective antiperspirant. Why does heavy sweating occur at night? Is this normal, or is it a sign of illness?

Development mechanism

Normally, a person sweats all the time. This is defensive reaction body, helping him get rid of the excess heat that the body produces. If body temperature rises, and this can cause damage to vital organs, the brain sends an impulse to sweat glands and they produce a lot of sweat. Evaporating, it cools the body and at the same time removes harmful substances and slag.

The amount of sweat allocated by a person in the norm can be 500 ml per day. But some people have increased sweating various parts body (head, palms) and at a certain time (during the day, with emotional outbursts). The secretion of sweat is regulated by the sympathetic nervous system, which is active during the day. Rules the night parasympathetic system and nervus vagus, therefore, very heavy night sweats that do not go away may be a symptom of the disease.

Physiological causes of sweating

Not always increased sweat formation (hyperhidrosis) during a night's sleep is a disease, there are reasons why people sweat at night, feeling completely healthy:

  • primary hyperhidrosis. It is hereditary. It is sometimes called idiopathic because it is difficult to understand why a person develops night sweats. Usually its development is associated with emotional arousal, stress.
  • hygiene problems. Very warm blanket fever in the room, synthetic underwear that does not absorb moisture - can cause sweating during sleep.

A blanket that is too warm can cause increased night sweats.

  • Medications. Increased sweating at night occurs when taking certain medications that have this side effect.
  • Overweight. It is not always a sign of illness, not everyone has to be slender as a reed. Normal weight is considered to be at which a person feels good. But overweight cause the formation of fatty folds that make it difficult for sweat to evaporate from the skin.

Some sleeping pills and antidepressants can cause you to sweat more at night.

Excessive sweating as a symptom of the disease

There is a group of diseases pathological conditions, in which sweating at night can be a sign of illness:

  • Sleep disorders. Insomnia can be caused by physiological factors, but sometimes it is accompanied by fear, nightmares - this happens with mental, cardiovascular and other diseases. Increased production of adrenaline in such a situation causes excessive night sweating.
  • Sleep apnea syndrome. Its main symptom is snoring in a dream, with periodic breath holdings. This is very dangerous state which can lead to death. Violation of oxygen supply causes a reaction from the body. The pressure rises, the pulse quickens and sweating increases.
  • infectious diseases. Infections cause inflammatory processes in organs and tissues, they are accompanied by fever and sweating. It can be: viral and bacterial infections, diseases of organs and systems (endocarditis, osteomyelitis, AIDS, tuberculosis). It is night sweats that often prompts you to see a doctor for tuberculosis.

Increased night sweats can be observed with tuberculosis

  • Endocrine pathologies. Excess or lack of hormones can also cause sweating. It occurs against the background of hypoglycemia in diabetes mellitus, in diseases of the thyroid gland, the hormones of which increase metabolic processes and heat generation in other pathological conditions.
  • Malignant tumors. Night sweats may be a sign of malignancy ( carcinoid syndrome, pheochromacetoma);
  • Diseases of the kidneys. Excess water in the body, with pathologies of the kidneys, is excreted with sweat.

Sweating in women

Pregnant women often complain: “I sweat a lot at night,” this is due to a change in the hormonal background of the body. endocrine organs pregnant work in special treatment, metabolic processes are activated, more heat is released, and therefore the body tries to get rid of it with the help of sweat. Hormonal changes cause excessive sweating at night in women before menstruation.

Such a problem can also be observed during menopause, at which time a woman's body is being restructured. Therefore, they complain of hot flashes, increased sweating. It can be solved by prescribing replacement therapy hormonal means, but this should be done only if such a state interferes normal life female patients.

Excessive sweating in women can be observed with menopause

Sweating in children

Why does a baby sweat when he sleeps? In young children, heavy sweating during sleep is more often the norm. It is associated with sleep phases, the duration of which in babies differs from the sleep structure of adults. Teenagers sweat at night in the transition period, or because of experiences, vivid emotions. If a child has a restless night's sleep and gets out of bed sweaty, then you need to ask if he has problems with peers at school or in the yard.

Increased sweat formation, especially in the area of ​​​​the child's head - a sign of rickets! You need to see a doctor.

With rickets, the back of the head sweats more in the child, the hair in this area falls out. You can also distinguish sweating with rickets by other symptoms of the disease: the child does not sleep well, is irritable, the muscles are flabby, the stomach is flattened, it resembles the belly of a frog, etc. Treatment of rickets will help reduce sweating.

Treatment Methods

Many cosmetics, which allow you to reduce severe sweating, but not the underlying disease that caused it. Treatment of severe sweating should begin with identifying the cause. There is different methods able to help.

Medical therapy

It is carried out after examination of the patient, and is aimed at treating the underlying disease. Depending on the diagnosis, antibiotics, antiviral, hormonal, psychotropic substances are prescribed. Sleep disorders are treated with sleeping pills and antidepressants.

A good effect is obtained by the combination of drug therapy with folk remedies if they are not contraindicated in the underlying disease.

Folk methods

From folk methods to reduce sweating, you need to highlight Herb tea from mint leaves, sage, oregano. It is very calming and relieves stress. Decoctions of sage and yarrow can be taken during the day or at bedtime. For rubdowns prepare a decoction of oak bark Or use apple cider vinegar.

If sweating at night is not associated with a disease, then it can be cured in conventional ways:

  • The room temperature during sleep should be maintained at 15-20 degrees Celsius.
  • Bed linen should be clean, with a pleasant smell, the blanket is not too heavy and warm. You can use bags of fragrant herbs, they help to relax and relieve stress.
  • Pajamas and underwear, it is better to choose from natural fabrics, they do not cause irritation and absorb moisture well.
  • Before going to bed, a bath with soothing decoctions is useful medicinal herbs(chamomile, streak) or warm shower to end cool water to narrow the pores of the sweat glands.

Regular cold and hot shower will reduce excessive sweating

  • It is necessary to establish a diet, exclude spicy and sour dishes, tonic drinks (tea, coffee), alcohol.

Prevention of sweating includes comfortable conditions sleep, healthy lifestyle, exclusion bad habits and timely treatment underlying disease.

We must not forget that night sweats almost always indicate some problems in the human body that may be associated with external factors. If they are excluded, and sweating does not decrease and continues for a month, then you need to consult a doctor and look for true reason.

If you suffer from such an ailment as night sweats, do not rush to the doctor. In some cases, there are no internal diseases. And it is quite possible to cope with sweating at night during sleep on your own.

Hyperhidrosis can develop anywhere there are sweat glands. Depending on the prevalence of the process, there are:

  • General hyperhidrosis - manifested by heavy sweating all over the body, including armpits, inguinal folds, torso, back and head;
  • Local hyperhidrosis - characterized by sweating of the head.

In addition, depending on the cause of development, increased sweating can be:

  • Primary - caused by individual characteristics and most often associated with emotional mood;
  • Secondary - occurs when the main cause (disease) is present in the body, against which head sweating occurs.

Provoking factors

In order to eliminate heavy sweating at night, it is necessary to understand the reasons why it appeared at all. Think about what provoking factors may be in your case:

  • Too warm blanket and bedding. Even in the cold of winter, a blanket can be too warm and cause heavy sweating at night. Be careful when purchasing this bedding. Especially if you choose a cheap model filled with artificial materials. Let's say with a synthetic winterizer. Sweating at night can also be triggered by sheets made from terry cloth. Their artificial fibers sometimes negatively affect the thermoregulation of the body. And even at a cool temperature in the room, a person can wake up in a sweat;
  • "Wrong" night clothes. If you say, “I sweat a lot in my sleep,” think about what you wear to bed. Even things made of silk and satin can cause heavy sweating at night. Try wearing pajamas made from cotton or other natural fabrics and see how your body reacts to it;
  • Bedroom temperature. With heavy sweating during sleep, think about it, is it possible that the temperature in the room is excessively high? The norm is plus 20 degrees Celsius. In addition, the room must be regularly ventilated. If you do not open the window or windows from time to time, your skin will begin to “suffocate”, its pores will become clogged. As a result, you will get not only profuse sweating. But also other skin health problems;
  • Wrong diet and alcohol. If you often consume spicy/spicy foods, strong alcohol, chocolate, coffee, carbonated drinks, especially before going to bed, you risk sweating at night. Such products cause the walls of blood vessels to expand, which causes increased blood flow in them, in order to cool the blood, the body begins to sweat during sleep.

Diseases and internal malfunctions of the body

If night sweats haunt a person constantly, you need to visit a specialist. In many cases, sweating during sleep, after elimination of all external factors, indicates that a failure has occurred in the body, some kind of disease is present.

Sweating during sleep can be quite normal process body thermoregulation. Thanks to a thin layer of sweat that is on the epidermis, human blood is cooled. The blood maintains the necessary healthy temperature of 36 degrees, entering the dense network of capillaries. But if there is some kind of failure in the body system, then the sweat glands can begin to produce more actively.

Most of infectious diseases accompanies such a phenomenon as fever. When you have a fever, sweating during sleep is a natural reaction. defensive forces for illness and a sign that the immune system is fighting bacteria. It is important to find out what caused this condition, because a large number of diseases: from mild cold to tuberculosis and AIDS, may manifest themselves profuse sweating.

If night sweats have led a person to a medical specialist, then the patient is usually referred for a procedure such as a “lung x-ray”. Since profuse sweating can indicate the development of tuberculosis.

Also, excessive sweating sometimes indicates malignant neoplasm (pheochromocytoma, lymphoma and other dangerous formations). The thermoregulatory system gives the wrong signals to cells, hence hyperhidrosis. At the same time, hyperhidrosis that occurs at night can disturb for many years and no longer manifest itself. Of all malignant processes, most often sweating is accompanied by lymphogranulomatosis or other types of lymphomas.

If a person sweats a lot in a dream, then this may indicate hormonal disruptions, metabolic disorders and pathology. endocrine system. Most often, a person sweats at night if he has a thyroid disorder (thyrotoxicosis) or diabetes. Moreover, diabetes can cause the case when only the head sweats.

People who suffer from:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • Orchiectomies;
  • Hyperthyroidism.

One of the reasons why a person sweats at night is the pathology of the cardiovascular and respiratory system. tachycardia, hypertension, sleep apnea and atherosclerosis may be accompanied by excessive sweating.

Night sweats also cause a disturbed psycho-emotional state of a person. The sleeper may suffer from an illness due to stress and anxiety, severe overwork. Adrenaline, which increased in the blood, but did not have time to be used up during the day, is excreted by the skin with droplets of sweat. More serious disorders in the functioning of the nervous system and psyche can also cause a violation of thermoregulation and increased sweating during sleep. Such pathologies include depression, hysteria, nervous exhaustion and even schizophrenia.

Autoimmune diseases. On the background various diseases, which are based on a violation of the immune response with the development of autoimmune reactions, nocturnal hyperhidrosis may develop. Such diseases include rheumatic diseases: acute rheumatic fever, temporal aortooarteritis and systemic: multiple sclerosis.

Sleep apnea syndrome - in this case, increased sweating will be associated with a short-term cessation of breathing and the release of adrenaline into the bloodstream.

Reception of some medicinal product(these include antipyretics, anti-inflammatory, cytostatics) can also cause night sweats.

When ladies complain, saying "I sweat at night", it is usually due to physiological and hormonal disorders. Read about in a separate article. Without going into details, the reason lies in hormonal changes, in the body, estrogen and progesterone levels fluctuate significantly. As a response, the brain begins to influence thermoregulation. If the cause of nighttime restlessness is hormone problems, then there is nothing to worry about. Sleep will improve by itself, night sweats will go away without the intervention of a doctor.

Ways to fight

All methods of dealing with the disease can be divided into several groups:

  • Folk remedies;
  • medical methods;
  • Cosmetic compositions and methods.

Before choosing one or another option, you need to understand the causes of excessive sweating at night. And also eliminate provoking factors. If you sweat heavily and constantly, then an appointment with a doctor is a must for you. If you are not sick with any diseases, then follow a few rules and recommendations to cope with profuse sweating:

  • Take a warm bath before going to bed. Your body gets rid of unwanted moisture through enlarged pores. After warm, turn on lightly warm water, and the pores will decrease;
  • Don't skip relaxing baths. Take them also in the evenings. Add medicinal herbs;
  • Think about your diet. Do not eat spicy foods in the evening. Your dinner should not be dense, but as light as possible. Also, before going to bed, you do not need to drink alcohol;
  • Prepare a decoction of sage. Drink it for two weeks daily, one glass. The course is allowed to be repeated in a few days. Sage is able to calm your nervous system and reduce sweating;
  • In case of severe sweating, before going to bed, rub your body with a decoction of oak bark or apple cider vinegar;
  • Choose a good antiperspirant deodorant that has the ability to shrink pores and safely normalize the activity of the sweat glands. With the help of a high-quality composition, sweat can be reduced by 95%. In addition, sprays are much more convenient to use. But your body can get used to deodorants, the composition can clog pores. And that means provoking the development of problems.

Modern cosmetology offers own ways solutions. Thanks to several injections with special preparations, the skin will not sweat at all, sweating at night will disappear. Injections can be placed in the armpits, palms and other parts of the body. The procedure is almost painless and very inexpensive. Depending on the individual features a person, the positive effect can last for five to six months. Moreover, you will be spared from sweating not only at night. But even in hot seasons and with strong physical activity.

List of used literature:

  • Zepelin H. Normal age related changes in sleep // Sleep Disorders: Basic and Clinical Research / ed. by M. Chase, E. D. Weitzman. - New York: SP Medical, 1983.
  • Foldvary-Schaefer N., Grigg-Damberger M. Sleep and epilepsy: what we know, don't know, and need to know. // J Clin Neurophysiol. - 2006
  • Poluektov M.G. (ed.) Somnology and sleep medicine. National leadership in memory of A.N. Wayne and Ya.I. Levina M.: "Medforum", 2016.