Vega vascular dystonia symptoms. Vascular dystonia: treatment


Vegetovascular dystonia(VSD) is a symptom complex consisting of various and very heterogeneous manifestations on the part of any organs and systems, caused by a violation of the functioning of the autonomic nervous system.

General characteristics and essence of vegetovascular dystonia

The term "dystonia" reflects an imbalance between the regulatory mechanisms of the parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system. Since the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system are responsible for maintaining the constancy of the internal environment of the body, that is, for the normal functioning of all organs and systems, reducing or increasing the heartbeat, the amount respiratory movements, urination, defecation, and regulate numerous other functions in accordance with the needs of the current moment, then an imbalance in their work causes heterogeneous symptoms that mimic a variety of pathologies.

In fact, the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia are associated with a violation of regulatory functions and well-coordinated interaction between the two parts of the autonomic nervous system, and not with the pathology of any internal organ. This means that a person has subjective complaints about the malfunction of various organs that mimic the disease, but in fact there is no pathology, since the clinical symptoms are associated with an imbalance of the nervous system.

Thus, the receptors of the autonomic nervous system, located in all internal organs and tissues of the body, constantly record the values ​​​​of blood pressure, heart rate, heat transfer, the width of the airway lumen, the activity of the digestive organs, the rate of formation and excretion of urine, etc. In addition, the autonomic nervous system regulates the production of adrenaline and insulin.

The receptors record the current parameters of the functioning of organs and systems, and transmit them to the spinal cord, at the level of which automated processing is performed. After processing, the spinal cord corrects the parameters of the organ or system so that it is optimal at the current time, and sends the appropriate signal to the receptors located in the tissues. Every second, billions of signals from various organs and tissues are processed in the spinal cord and the necessary commands are sent to correct the functioning of an organ or system. The autonomic nervous system can be compared to the autonomic electronic system control of any complex machine or process, which every second analyzes the parameters of work and issues the necessary, programmed commands.

To illustrate the work of the autonomic nervous system, consider a simple example. The person ate, resulting in a certain amount of food in the stomach. The receptors of the stomach reacted to its appearance and sent a corresponding signal to the spinal cord, which analyzed it and gave the command to produce gastric juice to digest the incoming nutrients.

That is, the autonomic nervous system ensures the normal and well-coordinated work of internal organs by implementing reflexes and options programmed at the level of the spinal cord. Due to the existence of the autonomic nervous system, a person does not need to think that after eating, the production of gastric juice should be turned on, and during exercise, increase the heart rate, expand the bronchi and breathe more often, etc. It is the autonomic nervous system that ensures our comfortable existence without constant thoughts about what blood pressure should be done at a given time, how much to expand the bronchi, how much gastric juice to throw out, at what speed to move the food bolus through the intestines, at what angle to put the foot, at what angle turn arm etc.

The programmed flow of physiological processes allows a person to think, engage in creativity, explore the world and perform other actions without paying attention to the processes of life. Thus, the importance of the autonomic nervous system cannot be underestimated. It is quite clear that any violation or failure in its work will entail an imbalance and improper functioning of various internal organs and systems, which will be accompanied by a variety of clinical symptoms. For example, an increase in blood pressure in vegetovascular dystonia is not a symptom of hypertension, but reflects an imbalance in the autonomic nervous system. Vegetovascular dystonia can develop with various somatic, mental or nervous diseases.

Thus, vegetovascular dystonia is not an independent disease, but complex syndrome, which is part of the total clinical picture various psycho-emotional, somatic, neurological or mental illness. That is why, if a person is suspected of having vegetative-vascular dystonia, a comprehensive examination is necessary, which will reveal not only syndromic manifestations, but also the underlying disease that caused their appearance. At the same time, the doctor should assess the severity of autonomic disorders.

The course of vegetovascular dystonia

The autonomic nervous system is divided into two divisions - sympathetic and parasympathetic. Normally, both systems balance each other, since the sympathetic one increases the tone of blood vessels, activates nervous and muscular work, but inhibits digestion and urination, while the parasympathetic, on the contrary, reduces efficiency, attention and memory, reduces vascular tone, etc. It can be conditionally said that the sympathetic nervous system has an activating effect on the body, which is necessary for successfully overcoming a stressful situation. And the parasympathetic autonomic nervous system, on the contrary, has an inhibitory effect on the functions of the body necessary to overcome stress. Normally, both systems balance each other, restraining the excessive influence of each. With vegetovascular dystonia, the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems is disturbed, which can be manifested by polymorphic symptoms from various organs and systems.

Manifestations of vegetovascular dystonia can be permanent or periodic. With constant manifestations, a person is worried about certain clinical symptoms every day, but its intensity does not increase or decrease, which reflects the neurological nature of the disorders, which is not characteristic of a somatic disease that tends to progress or, on the contrary, regress. Periodic manifestations of vegetovascular dystonia are the so-called vegetative crises, which, depending on the predominant component of clinical symptoms, can be of a completely different nature, for example, a panic attack, fainting, bouts of increased pressure, etc.

The main component of the pathogenesis of vegetovascular dystonia, which determines the course of the syndrome, is a violation of the tone of blood vessels in all organs and systems. It is because of the huge role of vascular tone in the development of pathology that it was called "vegetovascular dystonia". Violation of the tone of blood vessels develops due to an imbalance in the regulatory functions of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system. After all, the sympathetic nervous system constricts blood vessels, and the parasympathetic, on the contrary, expands them. An imbalance between the influences of the sympathetic and parasympathetic leads to unstable vascular tone, which causes jumps in blood pressure and other manifestations.

In modern clinical practice There are three types of VSD:
1. VSD of a constitutional nature;
2. VSD during periods of hormonal changes;
3. VVD against the background of organic lesions of the central nervous system.

VSD of a constitutional nature (in children)

VSD of a constitutional nature is VSD in children, since the syndrome manifests itself at an early age and is characterized by instability of the normal parameters of the body's functioning. The child often changes skin color, he is worried about sweating, pain and dyskinesia of the digestive tract, he is prone to causeless episodes of fever, does not tolerate physical and mental stress, and also reacts sharply to changes in the weather (weather sensitive). Very often constitutional variants of VVD are hereditary.

VSD during periods of hormonal changes

VSD during periods of hormonal changes in the body often develop in adolescents due to the lack of functions of the autonomic nervous system, which simply does not keep up with rapid growth organs and systems of the child. The manifestations of this variant of the VVD are similar to those in the constitutional form.

VVD in organic lesions of the central nervous system

VVD in organic lesions of the central nervous system develops when the structure of the deep parts of the brain, such as the brainstem, hypothalamus, limbic system, etc., is disturbed. Depending on which part of the brain is affected, a person may experience certain symptoms. For example, when damaged medulla oblongata a person is disturbed by periodic crises that occur in the form of dizziness, headache and fainting. When the hypothalamus is affected, a person is disturbed by a violation of feelings of hunger, satiety, thirst, sexual desire, desire to sleep, etc. When the limbic system is affected, a person suffers from epilepsy. It is important to understand that the VSD against the background of an organic lesion of the central nervous system is not identical to the manifestations of neuroinfections (for example, tick-borne encephalitis), craniocerebral trauma, psychological trauma, etc. In VSD, there is only an imbalance in the regulatory activity of the autonomic nervous system and there are no endocrine diseases characteristic of CNS injuries and infections. - exchange and metabolic disorders, as well as disorders of sleep and wakefulness.

VSD types

With VVD in the picture of clinical symptoms, subjective sensations prevail over objective data. It means that morphological changes in organs characteristic of various diseases are absent, but symptoms from the cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine, digestive and respiratory systems are present. This means that a person has only functional disorders associated with dysregulation of the nervous system and accompanied by clinical symptoms. The symptoms are most pronounced during crises.

All symptoms characteristic of VVD can be combined into the following large groups:
1. Weakness, fatigue, lethargy, especially strong in the morning;
2. Discomfort or pain in the heart area;
3. Feeling short of breath and associated deep breaths;
4. Anxiety, sleep disturbances, restlessness, irritability, focusing on your illness;
5. Headaches and dizziness;
6. excessive sweating;
7. Instability of pressure and vascular tone.

All of the above symptoms are largely due to vascular tone. Therefore, depending on which particular vascular tone prevails in this particular person, the following types of IRR are distinguished:

  • Hypertensive type;
  • hypotensive type;
  • mixed type;
  • Cardiac type.

IRR for hypertensive type

IRR of the hypertensive type is characterized by excessive vascular tone and high blood pressure of more than 140/90 mm Hg. At the same time, a person is worried about headaches, palpitations, fatigue and a feeling of heat. On the chest in the region of the heart, the skin becomes very sensitive. If the IRR of the hypertensive type is not controlled, then it can develop into hypertension. The appearance of numerous signs of vascular disorders is characteristic, such as redness of the face and neck, "marble" color of the skin, cold hands and feet, etc. In addition, episodes of sudden, causeless fluctuations in body temperature, when it either rises or falls, are characteristic of the VVD of the hypertensive type. Excessive sweating may appear on some parts of the body.

VSD by hypotonic type

In this case, the symptoms of vascular insufficiency predominate in a person, since vascular tone is significantly reduced. Blood pressure drops to less than 100/60 mm Hg. Art., as a result of which a person is worried about weakness, fatigue, dizziness and fainting during the transition from horizontal to vertical position. Fainting is usually anticipated by dizziness, weakness, dimming or mist in the eyes. Sharp jumps in blood pressure are also characteristic. The appearance of numerous signs of vascular disorders is characteristic, such as redness or cyanosis of the face and neck, "marble" color of the skin, cold hands and feet, etc. In addition, a person may be disturbed by an increase or decrease in temperature without apparent reason and excessive sweating.

VSD of mixed type

VVD of a mixed type proceeds against the background of an unstable vascular tone, which alternately rises or falls. That is why the leading symptom of VVD of a mixed type are jumps in blood pressure. Otherwise, a person may be disturbed by the symptoms and VVD of the hypertonic and hypotonic type.

VSD by cardiac type

VVD by cardiac type is diagnosed if a person is mainly concerned about pain in the heart different nature, expression and localization. The pain can be sharp, stabbing and burning, inaccurately localized, as if blurred throughout the heart. Often a person has a feeling of interruptions in the heartbeat. Against the background of a rather strong subjective severity of such symptoms, there are no objective data to suspect heart pathology. Symptoms usually appear during periods of stress and hormonal changes in the body (pregnancy, adolescence, menopause, etc.). Subjective sensations and complaints may periodically disappear and then reappear, and their characteristic feature is the absence of progression, and therefore the general condition of a person does not worsen.

Causes of VVD

Currently, the causes of VVD have not been established, since the disorder can be formed under the influence of diverse factors. Because of this, doctors and scientists identify risk factors, in the presence of which the likelihood of developing VVD becomes maximum. The risk factors for VSD include the following:
  • Features of the human constitution (VVD is hereditary and manifests itself from early childhood);
  • Emotional, mental or physical overload at any age;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • Abrupt change in habitual parameters environment, for example, moving to another climatic or time zone, a radical change in the type of work, etc.;
  • Disorders of the endocrine system (for example, diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis, hypothyroidism, pheochromocytoma);
  • Violations of the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • Disorders of the sexual sphere;
  • Violation of the normal functioning of the spine (cervical osteochondrosis or subluxation of the first cervical vertebra);
  • Chronic or very powerful single stress;
  • Neurosis;
  • The period of hormonal changes in the body (for example, adolescence, pregnancy, menopause, etc.);
  • Excessive alcohol consumption;
  • Severe chronic infections;
  • Effects traumatic injuries various organs;
  • Consequences of severe infections;
  • Allergic diseases;
  • Chronic medical conditions (eg. hypertonic disease, ischemic heart disease, gastric ulcer, bronchial asthma, pancreatitis, colitis, etc.);
  • Age-related changes in the work of the endocrine system.

VVD - symptoms and signs

The clinical manifestations of VVD are polymorphic, and therefore the whole complex of heterogeneous and diverse symptoms is combined into the following syndromes:
1. Syndrome gastrointestinal disorders;
2. Syndrome of cardiovascular disorders;
3. Syndrome respiratory disorders;
4. Violations of the genitourinary functions;
5. Violations of thermoregulation;
6. Sweating disorders;
7. Musculoskeletal disorders;
8. Salivation disorders;
9. Lacrimal disorders;
10. Emotional disorders.

Syndrome of cardiovascular disorders

The syndrome of cardiovascular disorders in VVD is characterized by the presence of various subjective feelings that occur against the background of impaired functioning of the heart and blood vessels. So, quite often there is pain in the heart, which are aching, stabbing, burning, pressing, squeezing, pulsating or sipping in nature. In addition to pain, a person may simply complain of a feeling of discomfort in the nipple of the left breast. Pain and discomfort are poorly localized and do not have a clear boundary. The pain can spread to the left arm, shoulder, hypochondrium, under the shoulder blade, under the armpit, in the lower back or in the right side of the chest. With VSD, pain never radiates to the jaw and teeth.

Pain in the region of the heart is in no way associated with physical activity, does not decrease when taking nitroglycerin, and continues for a different period of time. It helps to eliminate pain in the heart with VSD taking Validol or sedatives (for example, tinctures of valerian, motherwort, etc.).

Pain in the region of the heart with VVD is often accompanied by a feeling of lack of air, its poor passage into the lungs, a coma in the throat, a feeling of "goosebumps" on the skin of the tip of the nose, tongue and extremities. Also, pain in the region of the heart is often combined with disturbing mental disorders or phobias.

The second most common cardiovascular symptom in VVD is a heart rhythm disturbance. A person develops a rapid heartbeat (tachycardia), jumps in blood pressure begin and vascular reactions appear, such as pallor or redness of the skin, cyanosis of the lips and mucous membranes, hot flashes, chilliness, cold feet and hands. Tachycardia is perceived as strong blows hearts on the chest. During a rapid heartbeat, a person also has weakness, dizziness, a feeling of lack of air and a fear of death.

Jumps in blood pressure are present in a third of people suffering from VVD. Moreover, it is pressure lability that is one of the most characteristic and specific signs of VVD. Pressure during VVD can be increased, decreased, normal or unstable. The strongest fluctuations in pressure are observed with an emotionally expressed reaction of a person to something or someone. Increased pressure with VVD can provoke headaches, pain in the heart or spine. With reduced pressure against the background of VVD, migraine headaches are noted, often combined with dizziness, gait instability, palpitations and a feeling of lack of air. A sudden drop in blood pressure can cause fainting.

Syndrome of respiratory disorders

The syndrome of respiratory disorders in VVD is also called Da Costa syndrome, effort syndrome, psychophysiological respiratory reactions, or irritable heart syndrome. The most characteristic manifestations of this syndrome are spasms in the pharynx, forearms, hands, shins and feet. Spasm in the limbs is felt in the form of a chill-like trembling. A spasm in the throat leads to a feeling of lack of air, nasal congestion, coma in the throat, etc. Sometimes there may be a cough without sputum, yawning, sniffing and deep breaths taken regularly. With a spasm of the throat and limbs, a person often develops a headache, fainting and pre-syncope phenomena, such as severe weakness, a veil before the eyes, noise in the head, a feeling of unreality of what is happening, palpitations, strong intestinal motility, belching and nausea.

Gastrointestinal Disorder Syndrome

The syndrome of gastrointestinal disorders in VVD manifests itself in the form of loss of appetite, as well as impaired motility of the intestines, esophagus and stomach. A person is concerned about psychogenic nausea, abdominal pain, heaviness in the stomach, increased peristalsis, belching with air, flatulence, alternating constipation and diarrhea.

Other symptoms and signs of VVD

Genitourinary disorders with VSD, as a rule, they are represented by impotence, reduced libido, poor erection, vaginismus, or lack of orgasms. Relatively rarely, a person develops frequent imperative urination against the background of the absence of pathology of the urinary organs.

Thermoregulation disorders with VVD, they are manifested by increased or decreased body temperature, as well as chill-like trembling. An increase in body temperature can be periodic or constant, when subfebrile condition lasts for several weeks, months or even years in a row. This temperature does not decrease when taking Aspirin, but normalizes at night or in a state of complete rest.

A decrease in body temperature leads to general weakness, low blood pressure and excessive sweating. Chill-like trembling is similar to that of a fever, but develops against a background normal temperature body.

Sweating disorders presented excessive sweating(hyperhidrosis), which may be intermittent or permanent. Increased sweating occurs with stress, emotional or physical stress.

Salivation disorders proceed as dry mouth or excess saliva. Salivation disorders can be intermittent or permanent.

Lacrimal disorders may occur in the form of dry eyes or watery eyes. Excessive lacrimation often develops when exposed to low temperatures and wind on the eyes, with allergic diseases or while eating. Dry eyes develop less frequently compared to lacrimation.

Psycho-emotional disorders with VVD they are characterized by anxiety, anxiety, irritability, increased fatigue, low performance, internal tension, bad mood, tearfulness and fears.

Pain with VSD may be of any nature and duration. Most often, a person is bothered by headaches, pain in the joints, muscles, in the abdomen and in the region of the heart. The pain is nonspecific, not having a clear localization and spreading to nearby organs and tissues. The pain is constant, meaning it does not get worse over time.
Dizziness and headache in VVD noted very often.

Sensations in the legs and arms with VVD are represented by violations of sensitivity (a feeling of running "goosebumps"), strong trembling, excessive sweating emotional stress and constant coldness of the skin.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis - video

VVD attack

VVD attacks can be represented by sympathoadrenal crises, since they are caused by a sharp release of a large amount of adrenaline into the systemic circulation. An attack of VVD begins abruptly, suddenly. A person suddenly has a heartbeat, high blood pressure, pale skin, increased body temperature and chills develop. During an attack, a person has a pronounced strong fear. After the crisis stands out a large number of light urine and severe weakness develops, up to trembling in the legs and the inability to move normally. In the period after the crisis, a sharp decrease in blood pressure is possible.

In addition, an attack of VVD can occur in the form of a vagoinsular crisis. It is characterized by the appearance of a sharp faint, which is preceded by short-term pre-syncope phenomena (for example, darkening in the eyes, noise in the head, severe weakness, a feeling of unreality of what is happening). Also, during an attack, a person may experience a sharp and strong pain in the abdomen, an imperative desire to empty the bowels, increased motility of the digestive tract, decreased pressure, bradycardia, increased sweating, as well as a feeling of heat, nausea, melancholy and pronounced fear.

In rare cases, mixed attacks of VVD are recorded, which have polymorphic symptoms, characteristic of both vagoinsular and sympathoadrenal forms of the crisis. Most often, with a mixed attack, a person suddenly experiences shortness of breath, palpitations, chest pain, choking, severe dizziness, unsteady gait, a sense of unreality of what is happening, as well as a pronounced fear of death and insanity.

VSD and panic attack

A panic attack is manifested by symptoms similar to those during an attack of VVD. Moreover, the pathogenetic nature of VVD and a panic attack is exactly the same, since in both cases, at the time of their development, a large amount of adrenaline, norepinephrine and acetylcholine is released into the blood. Therefore, many patients suffering from panic attacks are diagnosed with vegetovascular dystonia. However, VSD and a panic attack are various states that require a completely different approach to therapy. So, to eliminate panic attacks, a person needs qualified psychotherapeutic assistance, and for the treatment of VSD, various medications are needed.

Since VSD and panic attacks are easily confused, many doctors do not distinguish between these conditions. Moreover, many medical practitioners in the CIS countries do not know about such a disease as a panic attack, and therefore they are never diagnosed. And when symptoms of a panic attack are detected, because of their similarity with a vegetative crisis, a diagnosis of VVD is made. Then, having made a diagnosis of VVD, a person is prescribed drugs that reduce pressure, stop headache, discomfort in the region of the heart, etc.

Meanwhile, with a panic attack, no medication is needed, a person only needs the help of a psychologist. Normalization of the psychological state will lead to a decrease in pressure, relief of headaches and heart pain, as well as a reduction and gradual complete disappearance of panic attacks. Remember that a panic attack is a neurosis, and VVD is an imbalance in the regulatory effects of various parts of the peripheral nervous system.

VVD - principles of treatment

Treatment of VVD should be comprehensive, aimed at simultaneously eliminating the underlying disease and stopping painful symptoms that significantly worsen the quality of human life. In the course of treatment, an impact on the mechanisms of psycho-emotional regulation of a person's state is necessarily carried out.

If a person suffering from VVD has any neurotic disorders, then in complex treatment should include psychotherapyproduced using various techniques, for example, hypnosis, autogenic training and others. In addition, it is recommended to widely use non-drug methods that allow normalizing the psycho-emotional sphere, as well as strengthening normal stereotypes nervous activity. Currently, the following non-drug methods are used to treat VVD:

  • Physiotherapy;
  • Breathing exercises ;
  • Moderate physical activity in a comfortable atmosphere;
  • Acupuncture;
  • Balneotherapy;
  • Phototherapy.
In addition to psychotherapy and non-drug methods, drugs that normalize mental activity and a person’s condition are necessarily used to treat VVD. Depending on the severity and type of symptoms, the following psychopharmacological agents are used for VVD:
1. Anxiolytic drugs (for example, Relanium, Tranxen, Mezapam, Alprazolam);
2. Sedative drugs(for example, Stressplant, Novopassit, Persen).

For pain in the region of the heart, severe tachycardia, as well as unstable blood pressure, drugs from the group of beta-blockers, such as Propranolol, Atenolol, etc., are used. In addition, Verapamil, Valocordin, valerian tincture, pepper patch or mustard plaster are widely used to relieve pain in the heart.

If the pain syndrome of any localization (in the heart, in the abdomen, in the muscles, in the joints, etc.) stubbornly refrains from treatment, then short courses of tricyclic or serotonergic antidepressants are used to stop it, for example, Clomipramine, Imipramine, Amitriptyline, Cipramil, Prozac, Coaxil, etc.

If a person suffers from constipation against the background of VVD, then the diet should be designed in such a way that it contains a lot of fiber, fresh vegetables and fruits, lean meat and fish. It is also necessary to give up alcohol and smoking, exercise daily and take osmotic laxatives as needed, such as lactulose solution (Duphalac, Normaze, etc.) or macrogols (Lavacol, Tranzipeg, Fortrans, etc.). If you are prone to diarrhea, on the contrary, you should limit the amount of fiber in the diet and avoid any medications or foods that can improve bowel movements. If necessary, antidiarrheal drugs based on loperamide (Imodium, Lopedium, etc.) or sorbents (Smecta, Filtrum, Polyphepan, etc.) can be used.

To treat excessive sweating, it is necessary to treat the skin with solutions of potassium permanganate, formalin, glutaraldehyde or tannic acid. At elevated body temperature, Pyrroxan or Phentolamine is prescribed in standard dosages.

In order to eliminate venous insufficiency, you can use the drugs Vasoket, Venoplant and Detralex. These remedies eliminate heaviness and noise in the head, as well as a throbbing or bursting headache. Drugs that eliminate the effects of venous insufficiency must be taken for a long time - for 1 to 2 months in standard dosages.

To eliminate dizziness against a background of high blood pressure, it is recommended to take drugs that improve cerebral circulation, for example, Cavinton, Oxybral, Vinpocetine, Sermion, Nicerium, Nootropil, etc. If a person is worried about headaches against a background of low blood pressure, then it is recommended to take drugs to eliminate these symptoms, containing ginkgo biloba extract, for example, Ginkofar, Memoplant, etc.

For quick relief of dizziness and noise in the head, it is necessary to take Betaserc.

Thus, the range of drugs used to treat VVD is quite wide. This is due to the fact that, along with the treatment of the underlying disease, it is necessary to carry out effective symptomatic therapy aimed at stopping the painful manifestations of VVD.

Breathing exercise for vegetative-vascular dystonia - video

VVD - alternative treatment

To folk treatment VVD include regular exercise, quality rest and the intake of decoctions and infusions of herbs that have a calming, antispasmodic, analgesic and antidepressant effect. Moderate physical activity perfectly trains muscles and blood vessels, reducing painful symptoms and VVD crises. However, any physical activity during VVD should be soft and smooth, jumping and exercises associated with sharp and jerky movements are strictly prohibited. Quality rest also has high efficiency in the treatment of VSD. The most favorable is periodic sanatorium rest within the climatic zone in which a person lives permanently. This means that a resident of Siberia does not need to go to the Sochi sanatorium for the treatment of VVD, since it is necessary to choose a medical institution located nearby.

In addition, as part of the complex therapy of VVD, you can take decoctions and infusions. medicinal herbs that can normalize mood, relieve anxiety and relieve mental stress. Currently, the following medicinal herbs are considered the most effective for the treatment of VVD:

  • Melissa in the form of teas;
  • St. John's wort in the form combination drug Novo-Passit;
  • Hops in the form of infusion;
  • Hawthorn tincture;
  • Mint in the form of teas;
  • Valerian.
For hypertonic VSD, it is recommended to use herbs that have a sedative effect, for example, hawthorn, raunatin, mint, valerian, etc. For hypotonic VSD, it is recommended to use herbs that improve performance and have a tonic and adaptive effect, for example, ginseng, eleutherococcus, Chinese lemongrass.

Which doctor should I contact with vegetovascular dystonia?

Vegetovascular dystonia refers to nervous disease, and therefore, if there is suspicion of this pathology need to contact neurologist (make an appointment). It is the neurologist who is the main specialist in the treatment of vegetovascular dystonia. However, depending on the person's symptoms, the neurologist may refer the patient for a consultation with other doctorswho are competent to treat the organ from which disturbing symptoms are observed. Therefore, often the treatment of vegetovascular dystonia is carried out collectively by doctors of several specialties. Most often, patients with vegetovascular dystonia are observed by neurologists in collaboration with cardiologists (make an appointment).

What tests and examinations can a doctor prescribe for vegetovascular dystonia?

Since vegetative-vascular dystonia is manifested by a variety of symptoms from various organs, then, first of all, the doctor prescribes the following laboratory tests to evaluate general condition organism and detection of possible organic diseases:
  • General blood test (sign up);
  • Urinalysis ; make an appointment) .
The above tests allow you to identify organic pathology, if any, and start a targeted examination to identify a specific disease. But if the tests are normal (which is observed with vegetovascular dystonia), then this is indirect evidence that the person suffers from dystonia. In this case, the doctor prescribes various instrumental examinations to further confirm vegetovascular dystonia.

Vegetovascular dystonia is a kind of diagnosis of exclusion, that is, it is set only when the organs from which there are symptoms are not found pathological changes. And this means that in order to confirm dystonia, it is necessary to examine by instrumental methods all organs from which there are clinical symptoms. Thus, it is obvious that the doctor builds a further (after analysis) examination based on the symptoms described by the patient.

Thus, when a syndrome of respiratory and cardiovascular disorders prevails in a person against the background of vegetovascular dystonia (pain in the heart, heart rhythm disturbance, palpitations, increase or decrease in blood pressure, dizziness, headaches, feeling of lack of air, cramps in the throat, congestion nose, cough without sputum, noise in the head, hot flashes, cold feet and hands, chilliness, etc.), then the doctor prescribes the following instrumental examinations to detect pathological changes in the heart, lungs and blood vessels:

  • Blood pressure measurement (enroll);
  • Listening to the lungs and heart sounds with a stethophonendoscope (sign up);
  • Electrocardiography (sign up);
  • Echocardiography (ultrasound of the heart)
    If vegetovascular dystonia is manifested mainly by a syndrome of gastrointestinal disorders (spastic abdominal pain, flatulence, belching, rumbling, alternating diarrhea and constipation, etc.), then the doctor prescribes the following tests and examinations to identify or exclude pathological changes in the digestive organs tract:
    • Scatological analysis of feces;
    • Analysis of feces for occult blood;
    • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs (make an appointment);
    • Fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy (make an appointment);
    • Colonoscopy (make an appointment) or sigmoidoscopy (make an appointment).
    If the results of the above examinations do not provide data in favor of the pathology of the digestive tract, then the doctor makes a diagnosis of vegetovascular dystonia. But if the pathology is detected, then the symptomatology is already due to the VVD, but to a very specific disease.

    When the VVD is manifested by a violation of the genitourinary functions (reduced libido, vaginismus, sluggish erection, lack of orgasm, imperative urination, etc.) - the doctor prescribes Ultrasound of the pelvic organs (make an appointment), gynecological examination (make an appointment) in women through the vagina and urological - in men through the anus, a coverject test in men, cystoscopy (make an appointment), urography (make an appointment), as well as tests for sexual infections (sign up), swab from the urethra (enroll) and vagina.

    If VVD is manifested by chills, increased or decreased body temperature, sweating, then the doctor usually confines himself to a general blood test, which allows you to identify or exclude an infectious and inflammatory process in the body, which in most cases is the cause of excessive sweating, chills and abnormal temperature. However, to exclude a possible other pathology that can provoke these symptoms, the doctor may prescribe Ultrasound of the thyroid gland (performs ophthalmoscopy, biomicroscopy, measurement of intraocular pressure (make an appointment), definition of sharpness (sign up) and fields of view (sign up), West test, fluorescein instillation test, prescribes allergic skin tests (make an appointment), microscopy of smears-imprints from the conjunctiva.

    Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

VSD does not count independent disease, but rather a set of signs - symptoms of other pathological processes.

As far as classification is concerned, consensus does not exist.

But depending on the transformations of the cardiovascular system and pressure, the IRR is divided into these types:

  1. normotensive(cardiac cardiac) type. It is manifested by pain in the heart and a violation of the heart rhythm.
  2. hypertensive type. It manifests itself in increased pressure, regardless of the state (stress or rest).
  3. hypotensive type. Characterized reduced pressure with weakness and a tendency to faint.

Depending on the predominant activity sympathetic or parasympathetic department of the autonomic nervous system, there are: sympathicotonic, parasympathicotonic and mixed types of VSD.

By the nature of the flow it can be: permanent (signs are constantly present, more often with hereditary inclinations), paroxysmal (vegetative seizures) or latent (hidden).

Causes of the disease

To the main causes of VVD relate:

  • hereditary tendency;
  • endocrine changes in the body, the most striking example is hormonal changes during puberty;
  • diseases of the endocrine system (thyroid gland, adrenal glands, gonads);
  • stress, distress;
  • organic lesions of the brain (trauma, tumor processes, strokes).

Symptoms characteristic of VVD


  • fast fatiguability;
  • feeling of anxiety with rapid heartbeat;
  • feeling of tightness in the chest;
  • heartache;
  • disorders of the intestines and gastrointestinal tract;
  • increased sweating;
  • rises in temperature, which are difficult to explain, a feeling of a lump in the throat;
  • decreased motivation;
  • shortness of breath, numbness of hands and feet;
  • paresthesia, a feeling of "crawling", meteosensitivity.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia exhausts the patient. Often, doctors write off VVD complaints for gastritis, diabetes, hypertension, asthma, thyroid dysfunction.

Vegetovascular dystonia is a dysfunction of the nervous system, which is characterized by a general deterioration in the patient's well-being. Classified as out...

Diagnostic methods

Diagnose VVD difficult, since there is no equipment or tests that can make such a diagnosis. This disease can only be identified by the sum of the symptoms.

First of all, when diagnosing vegetative-vascular dystonia, it is important to exclude purely somatic, neurological, and endocrine diseases.

The state of the nervous system is determined based on the autonomic tone, reactivity and provision of activity.

These components are evaluated based on on the patient's complaints, ECG data and cardiointervalography. In the diagnosis of VVD, an important role is played by EEG, EchoEG, REG, rheovasography, which allows assessing the functional state of the central nervous system, identifying changes in cerebral and peripheral vessels, and intracranial hypertension.

In case of rhythm and conduction disturbances, changes in the ST segment on the ECG, the necessary pharmacological tests, Holter ECG monitoring, etc. are performed. In case of vegetative-vascular dystonia, consultations of a neurologist, ENT doctor, oculist, endocrinologist, and in some cases, a psychiatrist are necessary.

Since VVD is not a nosological form of the disease, but the result of dysfunction of brain structures, lesions of the endocrine glands, internal organs, etc., in the first place when making a diagnosis put etiological factor (if detected), which contributes to targeted therapy.

Differential diagnosis makes it possible to exclude diseases that have symptoms similar to vegetative-vascular dystonia. In the presence of cardiac complaints, with changes in the heart, it is necessary to exclude rheumatism, which has sufficiently characteristic diagnostic signs.

In this case, signs of dysplasia should be taken into account connective tissue, the clinical manifestations of which together resemble not only rheumatic heart disease, but also congenital heart defects, non-rheumatic carditis.

If elevated blood pressure is detected, it is necessary to exclude the presence of primary and symptomatic arterial hypertension.

Respiratory disorders(shortness of breath, asthma attacks) that occur during crises in children with VVD are often differentiated from bronchial asthma.

In the presence of febrile reactions, it is necessary to exclude an acute infectious disease, sepsis, infective endocarditis, as well as oncological pathology. In the presence of psychovegetative symptoms, it is important to exclude mental disorders.

Treatment of VVD of various forms

Treatment for vegetative-vascular dystonia should be comprehensive, long-term, taking into account the characteristics of vegetative disorders and their etiology.

Preference is given to non-drug methods. They include normalization of the daily routine, elimination of physical inactivity, dosed physical activity, limitation of emotional influences (TV shows, computer games), individual and family psychological correction and a regular and balanced diet.

What does it show and is it possible to independently decipher the results of the study.

From a headache, the drug Betaserk will help, instructions for use for which, the pros and cons of the drug and other interesting information are in our material.

Treatment Goals

aim VVD treatment is to overcome internal discomfort, improve the overall health and quality of life of the patient. Thus, it is possible not only to eliminate the root causes of the disease, but also to prevent relapses.

Lifestyle Features

The question of how to cure vegetative vascular dystonia is not worth it until the patient completely changes his lifestyle.

There are several provisions:

  • proper nutrition;
  • sports;
  • exclusion of smoking and alcohol;
  • reduction in the amount of stress.

Diet for vegetative-vascular dystonia, as a rule, not assigned: the patient can eat whatever he wants, as long as it does not harm other organs.

Avoiding alcohol is especially important in the treatment of VVD.

Physical activity is very important, as it helps to regulate the activity of blood vessels at the muscle level and releases stress.

Physiotherapy, massage

Treatment of VVD for hypotonic, hypertonic, mixed and other types should be started with such procedures: acupuncture, water procedures, physiotherapy (laser puncture, magnetopuncture, vacuum therapy, electrical stimulation), therapeutic massage.

A very effective method of therapy is considered massage. This procedure performs several functions at once: tones blood vessels and relieves nervous tension.

Medical treatment

In the treatment of VSD drugs are prescribed to correct the functioning of the autonomic nervous system and drugs aimed at eliminating symptoms from organs and systems.

To improve memory processes, reduce the excitability of the nervous system, it is advisable to take this amino acid improves metabolism in the brain, as a result of which the astheno-neurotic component of dystonia is noticeably reduced. In addition, the use of nootropics with a sedative effect is justified.

If tachyarrhythmia occurs with vegetative vascular dystonia, then treatment is indicated potassium preparations, barboval, corvalol, corvaldin.

Homeopaths for the treatment of VVD, cardio-gran, pumpan, cralonin, neurochel, etc. can be prescribed. These drugs have a sedative, vasodilating and antispasmodic effect.

With an increase in blood pressure and tachycardia, reserpine and β-blockers can be used.

Often dystonia is accompanied by neuroses. tranquilizers help reduce anxiety, fear, tension, normalize sleep, a number of them have an anticonvulsant effect.

In addition, they have a vegetotropic property, have a positive effect on functional extrasystoles and cardialgia, arterial pressure lability.

Used for sleep disorders sleeping pills, however, they should be taken for a short time, since hypnotics cannot provide physiological rest.

Herbs for VVD

If medications for the treatment of VVD did not help, you can use folk remedies medicine:

  1. Adonis spring(spring adonis). Raw materials - grass (stems, leaves, flowers) and unripe fruits. The herb contains the cardiac glycosides cymarin, adonitoxin, flavone glycoside, adonivernite, several other cardiac glycosides, saponins, adonite alcohol, phytosterol, and mineral salts. Therapeutic effect: excites and regulates the activity of the heart, dilates the blood vessels of the heart and kidneys, enhances heart contractions, equalizes the rhythm of the heart and eliminates congestion. The plant is poisonous, use with caution only as directed by a doctor.
  2. Anise ordinary. Raw materials - mature fruits (seeds). Contain fatty oil and ethereal, including anethole, methylsalvicol, acetaldehyde. It has an expectorant, stimulating intestinal activity, carminative and sedative effect, lowers blood pressure, temperature, helps to overcome depression with stress.
  3. orange sweet. Raw materials - fruits, fruit peel, flowers. It is used for fears, nervous tension, depression, decreased appetite, febrile conditions, hypertension, atherosclerosis, liver diseases, obesity, hypertension, gout, scurvy, as well as for excessively heavy menstruation and others. uterine bleeding, taken to calm the nervous system.

How to treat VVD by different types

Consider two main types of VSD

hypertonic type

Hypertensive type of dystonia characterized by high blood pressure and an increase in heart rate. This causes headaches and heartbeat, pulsation of vessels in the periphery.

At the same time, vascular hypertonicity increases the risk of stroke in elderly patients. This means that the hyperkinetic type of dystonia can lead to hypertension. Therefore, the treatment of VVD according to the hypertensive type of treatment is also preventive.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia of the brain (cerebral form) needs pharmacological treatment. The following pharmacological groups are used for therapy drugs:

  • beta-blockers (sotalol, metoprolol, bisoprolol, atenolol);
  • ACE inhibitors (enalapril, berlipril, lisinopril);
  • calcium channel blockers (amlodipine, diltiazem, nifedipine);
  • sedatives (tinctures of hawthorn, corvalol, sedavit);
  • vitamin complexes and antioxidants;
  • antiarrhythmics as indicated.

These drugs correct the work of the heart, cut the heart rate.

Treatment of VVD by hypotonic type

Few remedies have been developed for the treatment of the hypokinetic type of dystonia, because the pathology is not so common. However, this form also needs treatment. The following are shown for use. drugs:

  • m-anticholinergics (atropine);
  • methylxanthines (eufillin, theophylline);
  • vitamins and antioxidants;
  • coffee, strong tea twice a day, green tea(due to caffeine).

In the question of how to cure vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypotonic type, it is difficult to find a solution, this form of the disease often proceeds benignly.

Especially rarely is it necessary to treat such a pathology as vegetative-vascular dystonia in adolescents and children, as well as pregnant women.

Things to Remember

Vegetative dystonia - it's a syndrome, for the effective treatment of which it is necessary to find out exactly the root cause of its occurrence.

The final statement about the presence of vegetative dystonia syndrome with manifestations of the cardiovascular, gastroenteric, thermoregulatory or respiratory systems is made only after the exclusion of organ pathology from these systems.

Disease prevention

Prevention of VVD in adults, first of all, is to normalize daily activities, giving up bad habits and mastering self-regulation skills. An important role in the timely prevention of various kinds of hormonal disorders.

Those who have noticed at least once a year manifestations of VVD should carry out treatment and prevention courses(acupuncture, exercise therapy, massage, herbal medicine, classes in psychological support groups).

The objective of prevention is to prevent exacerbations and improve the patient's well-being.

VVD is dangerous due to the complexity of diagnosis. It is often installed at advanced stages, when medical treatment is already needed. That is why it is so important to self-prevention ailment.

Video: How to cure vegetative vascular dystonia

How to alleviate the condition with VSD. It is enough just to master your body - play sports, be able to relax, eat right. As well as specific exercises from a professional.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD), if not directly, then indirectly affects almost 80% of the total adult population of the Earth. And even children (25%) are prone to this pathology. These are WHO statistics. Since the pathology concerns the nervous system, and women are more emotional than men, it is the female half that is more susceptible to this scourge.

As a rule, pathology can be detected already in childhood. Pronounced symptoms appear at the most active age from 20 to 40 years. If a person has received a diagnosis of VSD, most often you can say goodbye to the usual rhythm of life. Moreover, if you do not pay attention to the situation, then as a result you can expect the development of coronary heart disease, or ulcers or diabetes, and you can not do without hypertension.

Note that for a long time in the medical community they argued about the status of VVD - is it a disease or not. In some cases, it was proposed to use the name neurocirculatory dystonia in the case of VVD, which turned out to be not quite the right interpretation. Ultimately, we agreed that we were dealing with a functional disorder.

In order to understand the development and course of the processes of vascular dystonia, accompanied by a violation of the functions of different parts of the autonomic nervous system, it is necessary to understand what it is and what it is responsible for.

autonomic nervous system

ANS, aka Autonomic Nervous System main regulator all processes that exist in the body. It is only thanks to it that homeostasis is maintained - the optimal constancy of the human internal environment and the stability of the main physiological functions:

  • Breath.
  • Circulation.
  • Digestion.
  • Selection.
  • Thermoregulation.
  • exchange processes.
  • Reproduction.

Also, an equally important task of the autonomic nervous system, the adaptive-trophic function, is singled out as a separate process. Thanks to this ability, the metabolism in the body is able to adapt to changing environmental conditions.

Why does the violation of the activity of the autonomous system entail the richest symptoms?

Since this department is dependent on the higher departments of the nervous system, a close connection is observed between the vegetative and somatic parts.

All human nerves contain vegetative conductors. The main morphological units of all parts of the nervous system are:

  • Nerve cell - neuron - morphological unit.
  • The reflex arc is a functional unit.

Thanks to the interaction of neurons and reflex arcs, the activity of the whole organism is ensured. And since all nerves contain a vegetative component in their composition, therefore, the symptoms in case of damage to the autonomic nervous system are very diverse.

For reference. Surprisingly, when the autonomic nervous system is affected, clinical manifestations can often change completely in the opposite direction. This effect arises from which part is more involved in the pathological process.

Classification of the autonomic nervous system

  • Sympathetic part.
  • parasympathetic part.

All activity of the autonomic nervous system is regulated by the limbic-reticular complex of the brain - part of the limbic system, which controls such processes in the body as:

  • Physiological.
  • Psychological.

The limbic-reticular complex is a complex structure that is responsible for the following functions:

  • Initial perception and processing of the whole state of the organism.
  • The influence of external and internal factors on the internal environment of a person.
  • Formation of needs from the most primitive to the most complex.
  • Biological motivations.
  • The development of emotions.
  • Management and control of all interactions of the autonomic and visceral nervous systems, which ultimately ensures the complete regulation of homeostasis.

Failure in the limbic system causes irritation of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves, which leads to the development of certain symptoms and syndromes.

In addition, the regulation of autonomic reactions is carried out by the hypothalamus, which is also responsible for the balanced functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems.

Thus, in case of failure at any level of the autonomic nervous system, a condition called vegetative-vascular dystonia occurs.

What is vegetative-vascular dystonia (vegetative dysfunction)

There is a lot of information on the Internet that VVD is not a disease, that it is the same as neurocirculatory dystonia, and a lot of other information, which, unfortunately, is only 10% reliable.

Attention. As a separate nosological unit, i.e., a disease, VVD has not been singled out due to the variety of its manifestations. According to ICD 10, the G 90 code includes 6 separate diseases from G90.0 to G 90.9, the main symptom of which is a violation of autonomic functions.

It is wrong to combine VSD with neurocirculatory dystonia, since NCD is limited only by a violation of the processes of regulation of vascular tone and heart activity, while VVD can involve any body system. In addition, the ICD 10 code for neurocirculatory dystonia is completely different - F 45.3.

Important! Currently, it is considered most correct that vegetative-vascular dystonia is a multicomplex functional disorder, the cause of which is an imbalance of regulatory mechanisms.

Depending on the type of pathological disorders, VVD manifests itself in several of its main varieties.


The main parameter for separating the types of VVD is the predominance of violations:

  • Sympathetic department.
  • Parasympathetic department.

Depending on which part of the nervous system is most susceptible to the pathological process, vegetative-vascular dystonia can be:

  • Vagotonic (parasympathicotonic).
  • Sympathicotonic.
  • Mixed.

According to the etiological factor:

  • Primary - due to constitutional violations.
  • Secondary - occurs due to various pathologies.

By the volume of involvement of various organs and systems:

  • Generalized.
  • Systemic.
  • Local.

By the nature of the course of the disease:

  • Hidden.
  • Paroxysmal.
  • Constant.

According to the severity of symptoms:

  • Light flow.
  • Medium severity.
  • Heavy.

Since VVD is characterized by the presence of seizures, these are:

  • Sympathoadrenal.
  • Vagoinsular.
  • Mixed.

Classification according to the type of syndromes such as cardiac, hypertonic, hypotonic and mixed is more typical for neurocirculatory dystonia, since, as mentioned above, NCD is limited to the region of the heart and blood vessels.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia has its own symptoms and syndromes that can manifest themselves in any organ and system. Therefore, the most important are:

  • Respiratory syndrome, or disruption of the respiratory system.
  • Syndrome of disorders of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Disorders of the digestive tract.
  • Change in the activity of the excretory system.
  • Violation of thermoregulation.
  • Sweating pathology.
  • Changes in the musculoskeletal system.
  • Impaired salivation and lacrimation.
  • Disorders of the emotional sphere.
  • Asthenia.

With the help of classification, knowing the causes and mechanisms of the development of the disease, it is possible to correctly manage the disease, and, accordingly, to achieve positive treatment results.

Causes and development

However, the following are generally accepted:

  • Nervous tension, prolonged stressful condition, emotional and physical exhaustion.
  • Heredity.
  • Features of the structure of the body.
  • Change in hormonal background.
  • Sleep disturbances, chronic sleep deprivation.
  • Pathology of the endocrine system.
  • Bad habits.
  • Diseases and injuries of the spinal column, especially the cervical spine.
  • Traumatic brain injury.
  • bad and/or not balanced diet.
  • Lack of vitamins.
  • Obesity.
  • Weak physical activity, sedentary lifestyle.
  • Various infectious diseases.
  • Diseases of the central nervous system.
  • Mental disorders.
  • Sudden changes in habitual living conditions.
  • Allergy.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia and its development is not just a complex process, but unpredictable. There are no clear criteria, since there is such a thing as the threshold of human susceptibility to various stimuli.

Important. Someone will react with a severe crisis to the slightest signal that has entered the nervous system, and someone, thanks to compensatory and defense mechanisms long time will not feel the existing changes in the body.

So talk about phased development such a phenomenon as vegetative-vascular dystonia does not make sense due to the uniqueness of its departments in each person.

The symptomatology of the pathological process depends on the totality of all these causes.


Despite the variety of forms of the disease, there are common manifestations that can be with all types of dystonia:

  • Drops in blood pressure.
  • Pain in the region of the heart, up to a complete imitation of a heart attack.
  • Arrhythmias in various manifestations often associated with coldness, sweating and weakness of the limbs.
  • Inability to sleep without taking any remedy.
  • Transient headaches.
  • Deterioration of memory processes.
  • Loss of vision and hearing.
  • Causeless weakness, fatigue.
  • Nervousness.
  • Alternating diarrhea and constipation, nausea, often accompanied by vomiting.
  • Intolerance to heat and cold.
  • Panic and fear for no reason.

The main criteria for determining the type and form of VSD in modern medicine are only those clinical manifestations that are characterized by the predominance of the sympathetic, parasympathetic nervous system or their combination, as well as the nature of panic attacks (crises):

  1. The course of the disease with a predominance of sympathoadrenal symptoms can occur with small bursts, but is often characterized by the appearance of sympathoadrenal crises, which are manifested by the intensification and sharpness of the main manifestations. It develops in the case of the predominance of sympathetic NS. This form is characterized by:
    • Headache.
    • Increase in blood pressure.
    • Pain in the region of the heart, behind the sternum, radiating to the left shoulder blade, arm, collarbone and lower jaw.
    • Rhythm disturbances from mild tachycardia to blockades and pronounced extrasystoles.
    • Visual impairment and tinnitus.
    • Trembling of fingers, hands.
    • Constant nervous tension and expectation of something bad.
    • The appearance of sudden incomprehensible anxiety.
    • Periodic discoordination of movements.
    • Nausea.
    • Panic attacks.
    • Disorders of memory, attention, deterioration of habitual activities.
    • The development of a sympathetic-adrenal crisis.

    A sympathetic-adrenal crisis, also known as a panic attack, in many cases can be completely identical to a hypertensive crisis, a heart attack, and some types of stroke. In this case, the leading symptoms are:

    • The rise in blood pressure to high numbers, sometimes sudden, for no apparent reason.
    • Tachycardia.
    • Pain in the region of the heart of a different nature.
    • Excitability, nervous tension, fear.
    • Frequent urination.
    • Numbness, weakness of arms and legs.
    • Dry mouth.
    • Sometimes severe hyperthermia up to 40C.
  2. The course of the disease with a predominance of vagoinsular symptoms also proceeds differently with the development of vagoinsular crises. It manifests itself with the predominance of pathological processes of the parasympathetic nervous system. This form is characterized by:
    • Various breathing disorders - difficult for patients to do deep breath, breathing in many cases is frequent, intermittent, there is a fear of suffocation.
    • Low blood pressure.
    • Transient cramps of the arms, especially of the legs, which often occur at night.
    • Arrhythmias.
    • Headache.
    • Fainting states.
    • Frequent diarrhea, heartburn.
    • Constant freezing of hands and feet, regardless of the weather.
    • Frequent mood swings.
    • Panic attacks.
    • Constant fatigue, irritation.
    • Tendency to depression.

    The development of a vagoinsular crisis (panic attack) is determined by suddenness, a rapid increase in the severity of symptoms, which is further aggravated by the fear of death. In this condition, the following manifestations are characteristic:

    • Sudden weakness.
    • Decreased blood pressure and heart rate.
    • Strong salivation.
    • Panic attacks.
    • Pain in the abdomen in various places, often accompanied by the development of diarrhea.
    • Nausea.
    • Dizziness.
    • Hunger.
    • Weakness, depression.
    • Pallor.
    • Wet, cold hands and feet.
    • Increased tactile sensitivity.
    • Bloating and increased intestinal motility.
    • There may be asthma attacks.
  3. Mixed flow, which is determined by a combination of the two above forms. The attacks that occur with this form are accompanied by a sharp onset of trembling fingers, chills, instant visual impairment with the appearance of "flies" before the eyes, noise, ringing in the ears, difficult or, conversely, fast, confused speech.

The main forms of flow described above are not the only ones. Vegetative-vascular dystonia is also characterized by such less frequent manifestations, which are separated into separate types of seizures:

  • Hysteroid-like, or fainting-tetanic - accompanied by different symptoms, but hallmarks are pseudoconvulsions and loss of consciousness, as well as high blood pressure, rapid heart rate, sweating, trembling. It is interesting that with this type of crisis, no matter how hysterical the patient is, when he faints, traumatization never occurs.
  • Vestibulopathic - there are pressure drops, strong discoordination of movements, dizziness with nausea and vomiting.
  • Cluster, or migraine-like - the strongest paroxysmal headaches.

Such a variety of manifestations requires careful diagnosis in order to determine further tactics for managing the patient.


  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Stroke.
  • Heart attack.
  • Hypoglycemia/hyperglycemia.
  • Acute coronary syndrome.
  • Addison's disease.
  • Hypertonic disease.
  • Pheochromocytoma.
  • Acute surgical diseases of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis.
  • Tetany.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Mental disorders.
  • Connective tissue diseases.
  • Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

For this, the following types of diagnostics are used:

  • Collection of anamnesis.
  • Examination of blood and urine.
  • MRI, CT.
  • Assessment on a scale of panic attacks, depression.

And only after a thorough diagnosis and diagnosis can proceed to treatment.

VVD treatment

Therapy of vegetative-vascular dystonia is a long, often lifelong process. Treatment is complex, using various methods:

  • Restoration of the daily routine and nutrition with enough vitamins, minerals, trace elements.
  • Physical activity - especially indicated for sympathoadrenal predominance, since physical labor contributes to the breakdown of adrenaline.
  • Depending on the condition - various massages, swimming, etc.
  • Psychotherapy.
  • Taking medications that only a doctor should prescribe. In no case should you take drugs on your own, about which you heard, saw, read somewhere. As mentioned above, the VSD imitates a large number serious illnesses therefore, in order to avoid deterioration of one's own condition, all appointments are made only by a doctor.
  • The period of rehabilitation and recovery.

For reference. Modern doctors more and more recommend in the case of VVD to work on yourself. Auto-training is one of the key parameters for improving the quality of life, helping many to give up drugs and lead a normal life. Working on yourself and understanding what is happening with the body and why, show excellent results all over the world.

Vegetovascular dystonia (VVD) is a disease that involves the entire body in the pathological process. Most often bad influence from the autonomic nervous system receive peripheral nerves, as well as the cardiovascular system. It is necessary to treat the disease without fail, since in a neglected form it will have serious consequences on all organs. In addition, medical care will help the patient get rid of the unpleasant manifestations of the disease. In the international classification of diseases ICD-10, VVD has the code G24.

What provokes the disease?

Vegetovascular dystonia in children may occur due to heredity or a mismatch in rates physical development neurohormonal apparatus.

Vegetovascular dystonia in adults occurs for the following reasons:

  • exhaustion of the body due to past infectious diseases of an acute or chronic nature, as well as intoxication;
  • poor sleep, inability to sleep, early awakening;
  • fatigue in chronic form, depressed mood, ;
  • inconsistent and unbalanced nutrition;
  • frequent physical work or physical inactivity;
  • hormonal failure in the body;
  • change in climatic conditions or time zone.

The presented factors against the background of reduced adaptability of the body negatively affect the peripheral nervous system and contribute to the imbalance of its performance. Such processes cause the activation of production biologically. active ingredients and metabolic disorders in the tissues of the heart and blood vessels. As a result, even a normal load causes an inadequate reaction in them.

How to recognize the disease?

Before making a diagnosis of "vegetative dystonia syndrome", a number of difficulties arise, since the disease has a large number of symptoms. Today, doctors are aware of 150 symptoms of the disease, designated by ICD-10 as G24. For this reason, many patients, unaware of vegetovascular dystonia, are treated by completely different specialists and do not observe the desired result.

Often, signs of vegetovascular dystonia are disguised as other pathologies. Therefore, recognizing the underlying ailment can be problematic. For these purposes, a council of doctors is often convened and, on the basis of a common opinion, a verdict is passed. But how to determine that you have vegetovascular dystonia? There are a number of manifestations that can put you on the right path to a diagnosis:

  • dizziness;
  • frequent feelings of anxiety and panic for no reason;
  • persistent insomnia;
  • paroxysmal headaches;
  • trembling in the hands or throughout the body;
  • frequent trips to the toilet;
  • constant fear;
  • fast or slow heartbeat;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • labored breathing;
  • influx of heat to the head;
  • feeling of weakness and weakness;
  • feeling of nausea and vomiting;
  • fainting state.

The presented signs indicate that the patient has developed sympathicotonia. VSD is characterized by symptoms such as increased sweating, redness of the face, dizziness, weakness, nausea, and low blood pressure.

Signs characteristic of vegetovascular dystonia can be very diverse. According to its main manifestations, the disease is divided into two types: hypotonic and hypertonic type. There is another form of pathology - according to the mixed type. There are cases when a patient has symptoms characteristic of hypertonic and hypotonic dystonia. Often, a disease of a mixed type turns into an ailment of hypertensive.

Most often, the patient is affected by mixed crises, so they are diagnosed with vegetovascular dystonia of a mixed type. What is their essence? It's just that the patient is visited by a combination of several symptoms at the same time. It is very important during this period to understand whether the symptoms of mixed-type vegetovascular dystonia pose a danger to life.

Some patients have such symptoms of mixed-type vegetovascular dystonia as:

  • rise in blood pressure;
  • pain in the region of the heart;
  • pallor of the skin of the face;
  • rise in temperature.


Such a disease can be classified according to syndromes into the following types:

  • cardialgic;
  • tachycardic;
  • bradycardic;
  • arrhythmic.


The presented syndrome of vegetative dystonia can disturb the patient in the form of pain in the region of the heart, which is acute or stabbing in nature. Pain can occur both at rest and during physical work. Cardialgia can have a long and aching character. This syndrome is diagnosed most often in people suffering from vegetovascular dystonia.


Vegetovascular dystonia in children most often manifests itself in the form of tachycardia syndrome. It is characterized by an increase in the number of contractions of the heart muscle. This condition manifests itself in the form of a tachycardiac crisis, as a result of which a specific exacerbation is treated, and not in general.


The presented syndrome is most often found in people suffering from VVD of a mixed type. This disease causes fainting, dizziness in people. All these symptoms visit the patient during physical exertion. The hallmark of this syndrome is cold extremities.

Neurocirculatory dystonia of hypertonic type is the most common manifestation of bradycardia syndrome. There is neurocirculatory vegetovascular dystonia of the hypertensive type in children and adolescents. The main manifestations are irritability, unstable emotional state.

Therapeutic activities

Treatment of VVD, both in the mixed type and in the hypertonic type, is carried out with one goal - to eliminate all painful and unpleasant symptoms. Appoint effective treatment can only be done by a doctor after a thorough examination. In addition to taking medication, effective treatment for VVD may include diet, exercise, and traditional methods.


How to treat vegetovascular dystonia with drugs? It is allowed to treat such a disease with the help of antidepressants and tranquilizers. The doctor prescribes drugs for VVD based on the general symptoms of the patient:

  • unstable pressure can be normalized with antihypertensive drugs;
  • violation of blood flow in the veins - doctors prescribe drugs such as Detralex, Vasoket;
  • dizziness will help eliminate drugs such as Cavinton, Betaserk, Sermion.

Treatment of VVD should include drugs in combination with herbal infusions(chamomile, valerian). They possess sedative effect and help to overcome the main symptoms of the disease. An excellent result is achieved if the disease is treated with glycerin. Its action is aimed at regulating metabolism, lowering emotions, raising intellectual performance.

With VVD, treatment includes a drug such as Mexidol. It perfectly improves the blood supply to the brain, blood microcirculation. The dosage of the drug and the course of therapy is determined taking into account individual characteristics.


Medications are not the only treatment for VSD. Here it is very important to adhere to some recommendations in nutrition. If the diagnosis suggests dystonia of the hypertensive type, then it is necessary to reduce salt intake, and replenish your diet with products to reduce vascular tone. Such food involves the use of cottage cheese, legumes, fish, cheese.

Nutrition for VVD should be saturated with phosphorus, magnesium, and iron. It is these components that play an important role in the process of hematopoiesis. Be sure to consume foods rich in vitamins B and C.

Therapy in pregnant women

Vegetovascular dystonia during pregnancy requires special attention. A woman should be more often in the fresh air and eat right. All the symptoms described earlier persist, but during pregnancy, the treatment of the disease involves the use of those drugs that contain only natural ingredients. Most often, the doctor prescribes taking herbal decoctions, massage of the collar zone, which will eliminate dizziness and pain in the head. Distribute all duties so as not to overload your body, take care of comfortable and quality sleep.


Treatment of VVD with folk remedies also gives its positive effect. Most often, doctors prescribe drugs in combination with non-traditional methods. But such therapy should be carried out only after the approval of the doctor. Treatment with folk remedies involves the following recipes:

  1. Prepare dried apricots - 0.2 kg, raisins, dried figs. Cut all ingredients into pieces. Place them in a bowl and add the walnut kernels. Mix everything and put in a cold place. The finished composition should be consumed every day in the amount of a tablespoon. You can drink the mixture with kefir. If you give medicine to small patients, then its amount should not exceed a teaspoon. The duration of therapy is 30 days. After rest 7 days and continue again.
  2. Therapy with folk remedies can be carried out with the help of such a remedy: take 2 parts of echinacea flowers and dry root of radiola rosea. Grind them and add one part of the hop cones. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over everything. Wait 15 minutes, dissolve 2 dessert spoons of honey, and then divide the product into 3 parts. The course of therapy is 4 weeks.
  3. Therapy with folk remedies may involve the use of valerian tincture of 30 drops. They must be diluted in 50 ml of water.

Taking the presented funds home cooking, you won’t be able to get rid of vegetovascular dystonia forever, but you will be able to strengthen your immunity and eliminate the unpleasant manifestations of the disease.

Preventive actions

The basis of prevention is maintaining a healthy lifestyle. What does this concept include? It's very simple: walk more often in the fresh air, play sports, avoid stressful situations. Even if the disease has arisen due to a hereditary predisposition, following the recommendations presented, each person will be able to overcome the disease.

Requires careful attention quality sleep, try to go to bed early to start your new day in a good mood. Be sure to take walks. They will help strengthen immune functions and normalize overall well-being.

Vegetovascular dystonia is a disease that today very often affects adults and children. The symptomatology of the disease disrupts the normal rhythm of people's lives and causes discomfort. Only effective therapy, compiled by an experienced doctor, will help defeat the disease and make it possible to live a full life.

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Vegetovascular dystonia (VSD) is included in the list of the most common human diseases. VVD symptoms are found in almost 50% of adults and children, and only a small part of them turn to doctors for help in a timely manner.

Developing vegetative-vascular dystonia due to disturbances in the normal functioning of the autonomic nervous system responsible for functioning bloodstream and internal organs.

Back to classic symptoms vegetative-vascular dystonia include: a sudden feeling of lack of air and a coma in the throat, rapid pulse, spasmodic increase and decrease in blood pressure, pain in the localization of the heart, abdominal cramps, hot flashes, sweating.

Treatment of the disease includes: psychotherapy, the use of sedatives, antidepressants, herbal medicine , lifestyle changes , conflict resolution and stress management .

What is VSD?

Vegetovascular dystonia in any of its many manifestations is a disorder and dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. The patient makes a lot of complaints that relate to different systems and organs. At the same time, the whole complex of observed symptoms occurs at any time without visible provoking factors and causes panic fear in a person up to the fear of sudden death. These attacks are called "panic attacks". It is with such exacerbations of the disease that ambulance doctors have to deal with. But at the same time vegetative-vascular dystonia is not a life-threatening disease and is not capable of leading to serious complications.

However, in the absence of a potential threat to life, the IRR can greatly reduce performance and worsen the quality of life in general, contribute to progression some serious pathologies.

Causes of VSD

Reasons leading to development vegetative-vascular dystonia, extremely many . Physicians constantly reveal the new and new factors provoking a disease .

one . Acute and chronic infectious processes, which are the trigger in the development of the first symptoms of dystonia. With any infection, the body is in a state of stress, because the disease itself brings certain suffering. Fear of a new infection is formed. After recovery, a person becomes overly attentive to the slightest changes in his state of health and finds non-existent symptoms.

2. The state of chronic stress, overwork, inadequate nutrition, which can drastically reduce the body's defenses. And this is a direct path to the emergence of new infections. Constant stress and overwork destabilize human nervous system. Adaptive mechanisms are wasted, and when a person encounters a real infection, there is no strength to fight it.

3 . Sedentary lifestyle and prolonged work in a sitting position. Often the symptoms of VVD are preceded by hard work with documents or at the computer.

four . Hormonal changes very often underlie VVD in adolescents, as well as in women after childbirth or when menopause approaches.

5 . Bad habits ( smoking and alcohol) can provoke the first symptoms of VVD, especially in young people.

6. personality traits and numerous psychological diseases are the main causes of VSD. It has been scientifically proven that suspicious or impressionable people, especially young people. Protracted depression can be masked under VVD. Unfortunately, people with a persistent character also suffer from VVD. But they also aggravate their condition by not complaining and experiencing everything within themselves.

Somatoform disorder - the main characteristic of VVD

A somatoform disorder is a condition when a patient has many subjective complaints and symptoms (discomfort, pain, malaise), but at the same time, a comprehensive examination with constant monitoring does not reveal any serious pathologies of the internal organs.

Somatoform disorder arises due to transformation problems mental plan and conflicts sick in bodily complaints . At this themselves Patientsnot feel available in them certain psychological problemsand essence his disease see in physical ailments.

A typical VSD victim is young, very impressionable and a restless person, prone to rapid and abrupt changes of urgency, distrustful of doctors' opinions, but often seeking medical attention. Such people constantly study medical books in search of a diagnosis, and then come to the doctor and say that they are ill with this or that disease. Patients describe their feelings colorfully , in detail and emotionally . In search of the cause of their condition, patients willingly go to all sorts of complex examinations, but remain frustrated when they don't find anything serious. Due to the presence of a huge number of the most diverse symptoms, which are often similar to manifestations of serious diseases, people with somatoform disorder, when their condition worsens, call an ambulance or urgently visit a doctor.

VVD symptoms

The autonomic nervous system coordinates the activity of almost all systems and organs of the body, therefore, its violation physiological functioning can be expressed in a wide variety of symptoms.

Today there are several forms vegetative-vascular dystonia which have characteristic constellations of symptoms, more or less permanent, relating to functioning one or another system of the body and similar in course to certain diseases.

1 . cardialgic type of VSD, which characterized the appearance of pain discomfort in the region of the heart. The pains can be aching , dull , last for a long time . Stitching, piercing pains can also be felt. In addition to heart pain, there is a fear of death, anxiety, difficulty breathing normally, an increase in blood pressure, or an increase in heart rate. The main difference from the signs of angina pectoris or myocardial infarction - pain is more lengthy and have no connection with the load, and are not stopped by taking nitroglycerin.

2 . Tachycardial type VVD, which is manifested by increased heart rate ( tachycardia). Patients feel fast and strong heartbeats, feel the knocking of the pulse in the temporal region and the pulsation of the cervical vessels, a rush of blood to the face, fear of death and general anxiety.

3 . Hypertensive type of VVD , manifested by episodes of high blood pressure for a short time . At the same time, the pressure increase is almost never more than 170/95 mm. RT . Art.

four . Visceral type of VVD, which characterized work disorder digestive systems in the form of irritable bowel syndrome (flatulence, feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, pain, constipation and diarrhea, rumbling).

5 . The hypotonic type of VVD is manifested by episodes of a decrease in blood pressure to 90/60 mm. RT . st and below. Hypotension is accompanied by weakness, darkening of the eyes, headache, dizziness, cold hands and feet , excessive sweating of the extremities .

6. The respiratory type of VVD is characterized by the inability of the patient to take a deep breath, which forces him to yawn. There is a lump in the throat and perspiration, there is a constant dry cough and pain discomfort in the chest ( aching or stabbing pain), which is especially felt when inhaling.

7. Asthenic type VVD, characterized decline performance patient , decreased resistance to all kinds of stress , increased fatigue . Patients are constantly in a depressing state of severe fatigue, weakness, there is a slight increase in temperature up to 37.5 C, a small trembling of the hands appears.

eight . A mixed form of VVD, in which the symptoms of all varieties of the disease are combined.

Vegetative crises (≈panic attacks) are acute, sudden attacks that greatly frighten patients. Seizures begin after stress, fear, or for no apparent reason (they are also observed at night in a dream). Very often, an attack attacks while the patient is in a closed room, in public places.

Diagnosis of vegetovascular dystonia

All patients with suspected VSD are subject to a detailed examination by a therapist. staging diagnosis VSD possible only after one hundred percent exceptions all diseases, which may leak With similar symptoms.

At such, simple on the the first sight, tactics diagnostics on the practice arises weight difficulties. Sick categorically not agree With topics, what heavy diseases, alleged them, not diagnosed doctors. They are seek absolutely unjustified deep surveys and tests, change doctors, carry out parallel research in several clinics. Naturally, what patient account for early or late to accept diagnosis VSD, to learn to live With this problem and fight With her manifestations.

Modern methods of VSD treatment

Treatment vegetative-vascular dystonia It has complex an approach. Held it therapists, cardiologists, neuropathologists, psychiatrists, in some cases - with the participation of endocrinologists. Allocate several important directions, application which helps much improve condition sick or get well.

1 . elimination the reasons VSD and psychotherapy. elimination root causes, brought to disease, is most important and difficult stage treatment VSD.

Often sick With VSD able on one's own name terms and the reasons, defiant at them seizures diseases (family Problems, personal failures, stress and overwork).

Sick With VSD should understand, what this disease not is dangerous disease and never not will lead to serious complications or consequences. Awareness each sick good quality available manifestations VSD, how independent, So and in process treatment, is most main stage psychotherapy disease. Sick, aware reason his illness, relate to specific manifestations disease without fear and may fast suppress seizures VSD.

If a a patient not maybe on one's own come to thoughts, what his condition not dangerous for life, recommended conducting course psychotherapy, visit programs on autorelaxation and classes yoga.

2 . Healthy image life and hygiene labor process. At many sick part symptoms and even seizures VSD arise after tense working days. AT such cases optimal means prevention exacerbations VSD is strict and permanent compliance hygiene labor. To example, working per computer, necessary be interrupted on the relaxation, warm up, walk, breathe fresh air. Each hour work must end 10 -15 minutes recreation.

Everyone without exceptions recommended regularly study calm and safe types sports, which include control breathing: swimming, run jogging, yoga.

3 . Medical treatment VSD. Treatment vegetative-vascular dystonia drugs helps adjust normal work vegetative nervous systems. For treatment are used the following groups medical funds: sedatives vegetable drugs, tranquilizers, antidepressants, adaptogens, vitamins.

Definition type, dosage and duration reception drug held treating doctor. Should understand, what one only medical treatment few, even the most expensive and quality drugs not may help without tricks psychotherapy and compliance healthy image life.

4 . Physiotherapy in treatment VSD. At VSD shown application next physiotherapy: electrophoresis, water procedures, acupuncture, massage, which very effective, how addition to medical treatment and psychotherapy.

Prevention of VVD

Correct, balanced food and compliance healthy image lifebattered tips, but for of people With VSD these recommendations acquire paramount meaning. Even if human It has hereditary predisposition to this disease, at him there is all chances stay healthy, if will be be respected healthy image life, full-fledged dream and healthy food diet. Regular on foot walks and jogging on the fresh air strengthen how immunity, So and cardiac muscle.


important moment, defining success all therapeutic events, is strong a wish most sick get rid of from illness. Skeptical customized Patients in eventually not experiencing improvements, a if positive dynamics and there is, symptoms all equals are returning.

Health human depends only from n his mostgolden the words, having direct attitude to problem vegetative-vascular dystonia!