How to quickly cheer yourself up if you are depressed. Ways to deal with depression

Emotional mood is an integral part of the life of any person. But often there are days when nothing pleases, negative thoughts overcome. Protracted depressed mood can lead to the development of depression. Therefore, each person should have an idea of ​​​​how to cheer up and get rid of negativity.

Reasons for bad mood

There are many reasons that can spoil the mood. In addition, the same events affect each individual differently. However, among the most common are the following:

  • The opinion of the inner circle. The emotional background of each person is directly dependent on those people who are nearby. And this is not accidental, because it is very important for each of us what relatives and friends think, and if this opinion differs from what we expect to hear, then the mood will be spoiled.
  • A calm and peaceful environment is very important for a person. Any conflict can lead to emotional condition get worse.
  • The mood can deteriorate due to the expectation of trouble. A person worries, is in a state of tension, which he cannot cope with. Such manifestations are fraught with deterioration of the emotional background.
  • Problems financial plan are also often the cause of spiritual oppression.
  • If our desires diverge from the possibilities, there is disappointment and a decline in the emotional state.
  • Poor sleep can also be the cause of a negative mood. If a similar problem in a person's life is not uncommon, then it is not far from depression.
  • Monotonous work or the need to do something that you don’t like usually leads to negative emotions and a sense of hopelessness.

Having an idea of ​​what resulted in a negative emotional state, you can find out how to quickly cheer up when it is at zero.

Express methods of correcting the situation

Interested in learning how to cheer yourself up in 5 minutes? Use proven methods that will take a little time.

  • Watch a good comedy movie or TV show.
  • Listen to your favorite upbeat music.
  • Read jokes.
  • Accept cold and hot shower wash your hair.
  • Get busy doing good deeds.
  • Just take a walk outside. Communication with nature works wonders.

The most effective ways to cheer up

According to psychologists, the mood of each person is determined by the peculiarities of thinking. We need to be optimistic about the world, and all negative points just ignore. Only the person himself is able to create for himself such conditions under which he will feel happy.

Let's learn how to cheer yourself up when things are bad. Among the most effective ways the following points are worth noting:

  1. Conversation. If they overcome negative emotions, then you do not need to stay at home alone with bad thoughts, this will only aggravate the situation. You need to talk, talk to someone close to you. This method will definitely help.
  2. Tears help someone get rid of sadness and negativity. You just need to cry.
  3. Every person has a creative beginning. You need to find what works best for you. Draw a picture, compose a poem, prepare a culinary masterpiece - such activities will help shift attention and bring real pleasure.
  4. Change. Anguish in the soul can be relieved by making changes in your appearance. Perhaps you should change your hairstyle, shade your hair a little, experiment with clothes. By the way, this advice is good not only for women, but also for men.
  5. To cheer yourself up, you can go to gym or pool. Physical exercise well "unload" the brain.
  6. Relaxing treatments will also help keep yourself in good shape. Yoga classes are suitable, giving calmness and confidence.
  7. A ten-minute meditation can restore peace of mind.
  8. Putting order in the house - good way put your thoughts in order and get rid of a bad emotional state. Try to throw out the rubbish from the house, rearrange the furniture, put things in order.
  9. Music and dancing will help to cheer everyone up. You need to choose a cheerful melody and dance.
  10. Delicious sweets will cheer you up very quickly. Such delicacies contribute to the production of endorphins - hormones of happiness. It is useful to eat bananas, citrus fruits, strawberries, nuts, dried fruits, honey. Having pampered yourself with these products, you yourself will not notice how the energy will begin to bubble up.
  11. Smile. Psychologists recommend using the “stretched smile” method in case of a bad emotional mood. You need to stand in front of the mirror and smile at your reflection. Let it be unnatural at first, but then the appropriate signals will begin to enter the brain, and the mood will become noticeably better.
  12. Do good deeds and charity. By helping others, you will be able to prioritize, distract from gloomy thoughts, and feel like a useful and meaningful person.
  13. Playing with pets cannot but charge with positive. Pet a cat that lives at home, play with a dog, and you will quietly cheer yourself up. If there are no pets, then you can go to the forest or park and watch animals and birds in their natural environment. We bet you will make a lot of discoveries!
  14. A contrast shower is a method that works flawlessly. hot and cold water is a kind of beneficial stress for the body. After the procedure, you will immediately feel refreshed and full of energy.
  15. Substitute your face sunbeams whenever possible - even in autumn or winter. The fact is that the lack of ultraviolet radiation can have a depressing effect on the human psyche. On the onset warm days Be sure to get out into nature.

Creating a positive emotional state is hard work that will definitely pay off. good health, vitality and mental balance. There are many ways to improve your mood. Everyone can find something suitable for themselves. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment, and then the world around will become brighter and kinder.

The mood of a person is a changeable and impermanent thing. Sometimes, under the influence of the most insignificant external or internal factors, our mood can change several times a day - from joyful and upbeat to sad and depressed. With all this, our mood is very important factor, which largely determines the quality of our life, which is why it is very important to know how to cheer yourself up if necessary. When we are cheerful and optimistic, then our affairs, as a rule, argue, and failures seem trifling and easily overcome. But as soon as we get a little blue and depressed, everything immediately starts to fall out of our hands, all desire to do anything disappears, and life seems like a solid black stripe.

Unfortunately, a person is not always in control of his mood. Sometimes I would like to enjoy life and have fun, but, unfortunately, negative emotions roll in waves and cover with your head for a long time, not giving the opportunity to get out of depression. Why is this happening?

Factors negatively affecting mood

Unpleasant memories Each of us has life moments that are better not to remember, so as not to spoil your mood once again and then not fight depression. Usually we diligently hide these memories in the most remote corners of our memory and try to live in the present and the future. But sometimes they still surface and make us relive the negative emotions that we once experienced. Deep self-doubt Self-confident people look to the future with optimism and have no doubt that everything will be fine for them, and therefore their mood, most often, is even and upbeat. Whereas uncertainty in one's strengths and capabilities gives rise to pessimism and depression. As a result, a person arrives at bad mood even when everything is relatively good on the outer plane. Poor general well-being No wonder there is a proverb: “In a healthy body - healthy mind". Very often, constant emotional depression, which does not allow you to get out of depression, is one of the symptoms. chronic fatigue or health problems. A streak of failures Each of us periodically happens black line bad luck, which unsettles us and lowers our mood below zero, thereby driving us into prolonged depression which is quite difficult to get rid of.

Increased touchiness Quality interpersonal relationships a person is one of the most important factors influencing his mood. And if we are too touchy, suspicious and constantly conflict with others over trifles, then where can we get a good mood from?

7 ways to deal with depression

In principle, if a person is in a good mood, and emotional depression does not visit him so often, then there is nothing to worry about. We are all living people, and each of us sometimes has mood swings.

But if a bad mood has become the usual state of a person who has fallen into depression and cannot get out of it, then here it is already necessary to sound the alarm and do something in order to correct the situation.

Here are some tips to cheer yourself up if sadness suddenly rolled over, and the world began to be perceived as if through a gray veil:

  • Meet close friends. When we feel bad and cats scratch our hearts, we all need sympathy, understanding and good advice. But who will understand us and sympathize with us, if not a close, trusted friend? A best friend is both a vest to cry on, a free psychotherapist, and a source of wise advice.
  • Try to raise your own self-esteem. Most of our psychological problems- a result of severely low self-esteem. When we do not love ourselves and do not believe in our own strength, then our mood will be appropriate. A high self-evaluation increases the psychological resistance of a person to negative influences external environment and is a source of optimism and Have a good mood, thereby helping to get out of a state of depression very quickly.
  • Take up a new, interesting thing, come up with a hobby. When a person is busy with work that brings pleasure, then he has no time to indulge in sad thoughts, and anticipation positive result from work cheers up and helps to cope with depression.
  • Drink a cup of aromatic coffee or tea. Sometimes it is enough to cheer yourself up a little with a cup of your favorite drink to feel a surge of good mood and optimism.
  • Do a good deed. When a person does good deeds and his actions are aimed not only at obtaining personal benefit, but also at bringing benefits to others, his energy improves dramatically and evens out, and therefore, his mood rises quickly and depression goes away by itself.
  • To rest good. If a bad mood is caused by banal physical and psychological overwork, then in order to cheer yourself up and get out of depression, you need to have a good and happy rest. Moreover, each person has his own favorite ways of rest and relaxation. Someone is used to relaxing on their favorite sofa in front of the TV, someone calms and relaxes reading an exciting detective story, and someone likes to relax in nature with friends.
  • Communicate more with your loved one. Nothing contributes to a good mood like love and romance. If you have a loved one who can support and reassure you in moments of bad mood, then you have nothing to worry about, and there is no reason to be sad!

Constant stresses both at home and at work, old grievances, disappointments in relationships deprive a person of all the bright colors of life. And the cold, dullness and dampness outside the window only add to the gloom. According to the World Health Organization, more than 35% of Russians are in a permanent state of depression, and, unfortunately, this figure is only increasing every year.

Someone prefers to relieve stress over a glass of something "hot" in the company of a best friend or girlfriend. Someone simply closes in on himself, not trusting anyone ... In any case, no one, except himself, will be able to understand the problem, draw conclusions and help cheer himself up. Don't procrastinate, wait for the right moment. You can start changing right now!

Common causes of mood fading

In everyone's life, there have probably been such moments when everything infuriates, everything is not right. It seems that just a little bit more and the person will simply explode with anger. They usually say about such people: “I got up on the wrong foot.” And few people will think about coming up, talking, finding out what happened and whether help is needed.

It is good if such bouts of irritation occur infrequently. But there are people who are constantly in a bad mood and they vent their anger on subordinates or loved ones. How to help a person in such a situation?

To cope with negative emotions, you need to understand the reasons for their appearance. Psychologists identify several of the most common factors that reduce mood:

  • Negative thoughts. Such a person is inclined to accept and process incoming information only in a negative aspect. He just doesn't notice positive points.
  • Inability to compromise. Often such people are “always right.” They are not accustomed to reckon with other people's opinions, so any, even the most harmless dispute, can turn into a great tragedy for them.
  • Pessimistic forecasts. “Nothing will change, everything will only get worse,” these are the thoughts of such a person.
  • Excessive demands on yourself. Such a complex is born in childhood. Strict parents constantly compare the child with their peers, make them study better than Kolya from a parallel class. Even having matured, a person still remains in a rigid framework: “I must”, “I need”. All this greatly affects one's own self-esteem, lowers mood to a minimum.
  • Own conjectures. Constant attempts to guess what others are thinking, unwillingness to check their guesses and ask directly, nothing good, except disappointment, brings such people to life.

According to a survey conducted by British students among young people from 17 to 32 years old, the leading positions in the struggle for good mood are occupied by: personal success and getting money.

More than 120,000 young people took part in the event and this is what happened:

EventNumber of people who votedPercentage
Favorite band concert13 452 10,87 %
Sweets5 604 4,53 %
A party15 578 12,59 %
Receiving the money20 009 16,18 %
Watching a good movie8 756 7,08 %
Receiving a gift13 087 10,58 %
personal success21 543 17,46 %
Date16 413 13,27 %
Academic success9 201 7,44 %

Based on the data obtained, we can conclude that the best ways to increase vitality at home are:

  • Self-realization. Everyone is unique, everyone has talents that, due to constant fuss, remain banned. Postpone everything for later: get watercolor and paper - draw a picture, build a model of your dream house, write a poem, cook some unusual dish.
  • Hobby. Undoubtedly will bring pleasure, and you will feel relief.
  • Walk. Ask yourself the question: when was the last time you were in nature? And can you afford to walk slowly along the familiar streets or take a walk in the park? Do not look for excuses, referring to permanent employment and bad weather outside the window. Close your computer, turn off your phone and go outside. A few hours of silence and tranquility will help put your thoughts in order, fill your body with vital energy.
  • Favorite movie. Go to the cinema for the premiere of a new comedy. Don't forget to grab a couple of fun buddies. Joint viewing will not only cheer you up, but will also become an occasion for further discussion of the film in a cozy cafe.
  • Dance. Favorite music combined with a crazy dance will help to throw out negative energy. Lack of voice or dance skills is not a reason for rejection. Just try it - you will definitely like it!
  • Meditation. The meditation technique is quite simple: no strangers, a relaxed state and the desire to drive all thoughts out of your head - these are the main components for a successful session of immersion in yourself.
  • Beauty salon or spa. Surprisingly, this method effective action not only for the fairer sex. Some men also like to relax in a Turkish sauna or stone therapy. Here the main rule is a good master, whom you can fully trust.
  • Communication with animals. It has long been known that pets, like no other, help relieve stress and improve mood. Go for a walk with the dog, play frisbee. Pet the cat, talk to the parrot. If there are no pets, you can go with the children to the dolphinarium, the petting zoo. So you will not only be distracted from intrusive thoughts, but also give a holiday to a child.
  • Noble act. Visit an animal shelter or Orphanage. All problems will instantly cease to seem unsolvable. With every cell of your body, you can feel the pain of abandoned pets or children left without parental affection and care. After visiting such institutions, there is an instant reassessment of values.
  • Dream. Yes, you didn't think so! This is an excellent antidepressant. Even one hour deep sleep will help you feel renewed, feel a surge of new vitality.

Video tips

The fastest way to cheer up

It is not always possible to give yourself a few hours of precious time. What to do in such a situation, how to quickly and permanently cheer yourself up?

Here are some quick but effective ways. Choose one of them and start implementing immediately!

  • Call the person who will listen. The support of loved ones is priceless. Try to surround yourself with only true, reliable friends and your mood will always be on a positive wave.
  • Physical activity. Changing the type of activity, dispersing the blood through the vessels helps to distract from current tasks and “clear” the head. Even after a five-minute warm-up, fresh ideas will come to mind, and you will be able to look at the problem from a different angle, make a decision.
  • Lunch break. Sometimes it pays to treat yourself to something delicious. This is a great mood booster. The main thing is to observe the measure and not get carried away eating sweets. This applies to women who like to "seize" stress, which adds another problem - obesity.
  • Favourite song. One press of a button can dissolve the mind in the flow of music, leaving any problems behind.
  • Dreams. Move your thoughts for a few minutes to where it is good, where you are appreciated and expected. It can be favorite places to relax or weekly gatherings with the family.
  • Mirror smile. Such an idea may seem strange, but believe me - just a couple of minutes of a sincere smile and you will not be able to contain your laughter.
  • Plan to solve the problem. Living in constant negativity and lashing out at loved ones is not the best option. Take a pen and clean paper, start writing everything down step by step possible ways solutions.

Video guide

In no case do not fall for the tricks of a bad mood - this is the most important and basic recommendation that all doctors give. Most people, as soon as they get discouraged, immediately give up and go with the flow. By no means should this be done!

At the first symptoms of a worsening mood, immediately take necessary measures. Based on your temperament, lifestyle and interests, choose the most suitable optimization option. Experts distinguish the following groups of methods:

  • Physical activity. Psychologists advise energetic natures to move more. It can be jogging, cycling, swimming.
  • Cleaning the house. An excellent method that allows you to "kill two birds with one stone." Experts believe that at the subconscious level, disorder affects a person. The mess in things prevents you from ending the confusion in your head. As the apartment is filled with cleanliness and comfort, the mood will begin to rise. Therefore, take a rag and resolutely proceed to clearing the home.
  • Notebook of success. Every day, write down ten things you did today. A great way to increase self-esteem and gain self-confidence. The lack of a good mood for many is due to the fact that they do nothing: only routine - “work-home”. Filling out the diary, you can no longer be lazy and put off things for later.
  • Words of gratitude. Thank yourself for what you did for this day, friends for any, even the most insignificant, help, life for what it is, parents for raising and educating.
  • No negative information. Stop watching TV, reading yellow press and listening to envious gossip.
  • active image life. Regular exercise activates the production of happiness hormones that lift your mood and energize you for a long time.
  • More often indulge in dreams. The cozy atmosphere within the walls of your own home will help you relax and feel calm. To do this, arrange and light candles, add a couple of drops of aromatic oil, turn on soft pleasant music, sit comfortably on your favorite sofa and just dream.
  • Take a warm bath. All of the above techniques can be applied here as well. Sea salt, essential oils fill the air with the aroma of peace and complete relaxation.
  • Read books. When choosing a work, carefully read the author and choose the one who was able to achieve something in life. Only in this case will the mind really get necessary information, which will help to cope with depression and loss of energy.

In addition, absolutely every person doctors recommend not to forget to strengthen the immune system, eat right and regularly take a complex of vitamins.

Should You Take Antidepressants?

Blues and depression can catch anyone at the most inopportune moment. autumn coming, constant stress at work, systematic clarification of relationships at home, or simply the inability to adequately realize their creative potential ... different reasons at some point, you can feel how the accumulated negativity gradually acquires enormous proportions. How to cheer yourself up if you are depressed, and life is rapidly losing its former taste? Let's look at some ways.

Perhaps among them you can find for yourself one that will help you leave depression and bad mood far behind.

Music therapy

The properties of music as a means of raising vitality have long been known. For example, the studies of the domestic scientist V.M. Bekhterev showed that listening to classical music is beneficial for the development of children. If you are in a depressed state, then any life-affirming motives are suitable as music therapy. We emphasize once again - the compositions in your track list should be of a positive nature.

Often people who have like to listen to the same sad and gloomy music. On the one hand, it reflects their state, and creates a feeling akin to empathy. But, firstly, in a state of depression, you need to be especially attentive to yourself. If sad music takes you deep into negative emotions, then it is better to stop listening to it. Secondly, only bright, positive compositions help to get rid of melancholy. If you are exposed frequent shifts mood, it is better to make a list of such compositions in advance in order to always have it at hand.

Pay attention to your needs

Often behind a depressed mood or just irritability, one or another need can stand. In this case, the emotional state will be only a signal of their presence. For example, it can be a means to disguise fear. Fear, in turn, may have its own reasons - the upcoming exam, fears for children, the situation at work. Therefore, try to determine as clearly as possible where your bad mood “grows from” and work out this reason separately.

Try writing practice with your feelings

To cheer yourself up often means getting rid of painful internal conflicts which cannot be resolved. In depression, everything is seen in black and white, and it seems that it is almost impossible to find a way out and change something.

To get rid of the endless string of thoughts and chewing on the current situation, first try to throw out the accumulated feelings and emotions on paper. This will help clear your mind, deal with negative experiences, look at yourself and the current situation from a different angle. If you like to draw, then the expression of emotions in the form of colors and images will also carry similar effect, so do not give up on this means of self-expression.

Talk to your "censor"

Each person has a peculiar inner voice that points out to him his own shortcomings, reminds him of everyday troubles and negative events in the country. Sometimes this voice becomes so active that it is no longer possible to distinguish whether the true causes of a bad mood are so significant, or whether this “censor” was simply given too much freedom.

However, fighting this inner voice is a futile exercise. A much more productive way to get rid of it is a simple conversation. If you are at home alone, it can even be performed out loud. Ask your inner censor questions. Ask him what he doesn't like this moment, what your qualities of character or life events he is dissatisfied with. Ask him to give you comments and suggestions regarding all this. But the imaginary "censor" must not be allowed to cry out. The conversation should take place in a calm intonation. After listening to the inner critic, thank him, and then tell him that he can go on his way.

Take a run

Physical activity literally helps to "burn" negative experiences. All our feelings, one way or another, remain in the body, because prolonged stress contributes to the accumulation of certain hormones. Therefore, jogging is the easiest and most affordable way for those who do not know how to cheer themselves up in a short time.

The only condition is the duration of the load: it must be at least half an hour. If you are not fit, try other types of physical activity instead of running. In any case, you will feel a significant difference in your worldview before and after classes.

Depression is enemy No. 1 of a modern civilized person. Common ways, such as hanging out in front of the TV or on social networks, alcohol or casual sex, often cause additional problems and exacerbating existing ones. To cheer yourself up, you need to turn to yourself, your needs and experiences. Use the described methods, combine them with your own developments. Then you can always give depression and blues a worthy rebuff.

If you want to boost your mood, then you need to know why you feel bad. It is human nature to be sad sometimes. However, depression is an extreme degree of bad mood. If you are suffering from depression, this serious occasion for worry. Manifestation of depression: melancholy, loss of interest in life, pessimism about everything. Sometimes in such a case, you should consult a doctor ( severe forms depression). A bad mood often negatively affects appetite, causes insomnia, and greatly reduces self-esteem.

Determine why you feel sad

What's my problem?

How will I solve this problem?

After solving this problem, will my mood improve?

Thus, you take control of your bad mood and then you need to act.

Release pent up energy

Sometimes the best medicine from a bad mood physical activity. To do this, you need to do some physical exercises, run on fresh air, or hold blows on a punching bag for several minutes. After that, you need to wash and pour cool water over. Thus, you will refresh your head, thoughts, improve blood circulation and provide a fresh look at things.

Don't dwell on the negative

You need to learn to control your mood and not dwell on the negative. Re-focus your mind away from the negativity and direct it towards goals that lead to more productive things and help you move forward.
Instead of dwelling on the negatives, take some time to think about what you are grateful for:

What am I grateful for (someone)?

Why am I grateful for this?

Gratitude can help you look at a situation from a different perspective. Maybe it will even help to find the right decision in the formed situation.

Talk about your feelings

Talking about your feelings with another person will help you see your situation more clearly. It is also more likely that you will get a different point of view on your things. This will help you to understand yourself even more deeply, your mood and further draw conclusions.

Listen to fun music

Spend some time listening to fun music. Music will help improve your mood, arrange a mini disco at home. Move, dance, listen to funny songs.

Food and mood

Poor nutrition leads to deficiency nutrients which in turn exacerbates symptoms of depression and bad mood. In a bad mood (sadness, despondency), you need to take care of balanced diet. Lack of certain substances can cause depression.

Serotonin is a substance that elevates mood, normalizes sleep, and controls some forms of depression. Vitamin B6 is essential for the synthesis of serotonin in the body. Also, a lack of vitamins B12, B 2, C, folic acid causes depression. With depression, it is necessary to replenish the reserves of iron, selenium, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids in the body.

Menu for depression

1) One banana per day plus other fruits.

2) One Brazil nut.

3) Oily fish in any form.

4) Add hot peppers to soups, main dishes.

7 ways to lift your mood

1) The basis of the diet should be carbohydrates. Eat often, but in small portions. Include fruits and vegetables on your menu. AT winter time year, eat more root crops (rutabaga, turnip, root celery).

2) Avoid cigarettes.

3) Try aromatherapy, massage, acupuncture, reflexology sessions.

4) Eat less coffee, wine and soft drinks.

5) Eliminate refined foods.

6) Have an optimistic outlook on life.

7) Exercise regularly for 30 minutes a day.

Medicinal herbs to improve mood

St. John's wort is a common herb used for moderate to mild depression. This herb enhances mood, eliminates despondency, bad dream, fatigue.
Kava is used to treat depression, anxiety, and insomnia. It also enhances libido.
Valerian - relieves anxiety, stress and heals nervous disorders. Effective in combination with St. John's wort.
Ginkgo biloba - relieves depression, helps restore emotional and mental balance. Also, this herb improves memory, contributes to concentration, normalizes blood circulation.
Green tea is different high content bioflavonoid quercetin. Bioflavonoids - antioxidants, help fight depression, and also reduce the risk of developing coronary disease hearts.

How to cheer yourself up - 21 powerful ways

Hello readers of the site In this article, I will answer the question of how to cheer yourself up and give you 21 powerful ways that are guaranteed to cheer you up. And if in the future, you will again be in a bad mood and wonder how to cheer yourself up just go back to this article. So let's get started!

How to cheer yourself up?

The first way to cheer yourself up this is your hobby. Make time for yourself and do what you love. Nothing is more satisfying than doing what you love. After some time, you will 100% cheer yourself up and feel the taste for life. This method is very powerful and always works!

The second way to cheer yourself up is to indulge in shopping. Surely you have things that you love very much, but do not often allow yourself for some reason. A bad mood is the case when pampering yourself is not something that is possible, but simply necessary.

Buy yourself a luxurious bouquet of flowers, visit a cafe and drink a cup of coffee, the price of which was unthinkable for you before, or in case of a fire, buy yourself a quality chocolate or a delicious cake. Sweet is always uplifting because it produces endorphins in the brain, and endorphins are considered the hormones of happiness. Therefore, this method also always works. So eat healthy.

The third way to cheer yourself up this is a fun song. Turn on your favorite song and sing along! Just be sure to choose a joyful composition. Sad melodies will incite even more melancholy on you.

The fourth way to cheer yourself up it's a walk. Answer me a question: how long have you been in the park? When was the last time you went out of town? And at least just walked around the modest corners of your city? It doesn't matter what time of year it is. Try to get out of the Internet, drop everything and allow yourself at least an hour of silence, in which you will surely hear yourself. Get away from the hustle and bustle of the city, give yourself a little peace, silence and unity with mother nature, and you will feel with your whole skin how vital energy returns to you again.

The fifth way to cheer yourself up these are jokes. There are a lot of funny stories on the internet right now. Just surf the internet and start reading funny jokes! Usually, after five funny jokes, the mood rises and a smile begins to appear on the face.

The sixth way to cheer yourself up it's dancing! Dancing is my favorite way to cheer myself up. In any way, in kindergarten, you danced together with the whole group "Dance of little ducks". So why don't you remember? And if you start "quack" where you need it, so it's generally wonderful! You will not only cheer yourself up, but also recharge your batteries for many days to come. Checked - it works!

The seventh way to cheer yourself up it's an action. If your bad mood has a specific reason, try to eliminate it as soon as possible. No need to wait for the moment that the problem will be solved by itself. Pull yourself together and solve it. You yourself know perfectly well that there is a way out of any situation. Tell your loved ones about your problems, ask your friends to help you, think about what you can do yourself to solve this problem. Action will restore your self-confidence, and this will cheer you up.

Eighth way to cheer yourself up it's going to the cinema or watching your favorite movie at home. Of course, you only need comedy. Watching melodramas during a bad mood is highly discouraged. But comedy is exactly what will definitely cheer you up. You can also find funny videos on the Internet with animals, children. I also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video section - positive thinking. There you will find many interesting things.

The ninth way to cheer yourself up it is to please yourself with SPA procedures. You will amuse not only your darling, but also your body by visiting a beauty salon and ordering your favorite SPA procedure, especially if you used to spare money for it. A full body spa massage, a spa manicure, a spa pedicure, as well as body wraps and various spa facial programs will help you to cheer up. Believe that by allowing yourself such a luxury, you will feel like a new person.

Tenth way to cheer yourself up this is meditation. You can learn more about meditations by visiting the Meditation and Intuition section. A ten-minute meditation will help you regain strength and get rid of stress. While meditating, imagine that you are filled with the light of joy and happiness. This is a great way to cheer yourself up.

Eleventh way to cheer yourself up this is creativity. Each of us has our own Creative skills. Try to find your talents! Try to draw a picture or write a poem, prepare a culinary exclusive - in other words, do something that will bring you pleasure, and you will certainly feel much better.

The twelfth way to cheer yourself up is to divert your attention. This method is quite simple, but sometimes too lazy to perform it. Look at an object and focus all your attention on it. Silently or aloud describe this item in full detail. I don't know about you, but this method works great!

The thirteenth way to cheer yourself up is to do something useful. I don't mean hobby. You can eliminate a bad mood if you sign up for gym, for foreign courses or any other business that will provide you with new knowledge or skills. Why am I confident in this way? Firstly, you simply won’t have time for negative thoughts, and secondly, in this way you will increase your self-esteem, which also effectively and quickly drives away a sad mood.

The fourteenth way to cheer yourself up is to change the image. Sometimes, in order to cope with depression, you just need to freshen up your image. For example, try changing your hairstyle to a more fashionable one. But this should be done with a proven master, and this is very important. And it may turn out that new look will not please you, but will exacerbate your bad mood. But a high-quality work of a hairdresser can provide you with a joyful mood for a long time and significantly raise your self-esteem.

Fifteenth way to cheer yourself up This is a game with pets. It is well known that our pets are the best at lifting our spirits. To do this, it will be enough to stroke your cat or play frisbee with your dog - and you will be in a good mood! If you do not have a pet, then go to the zoo or dolphinarium, or just go outside and feed a homeless animal. The mood from communication with animals will definitely rise.

The sixteenth way to cheer yourself up this is a dream. Yes, it's not a typo. The cause of a bad mood is often fatigue, fatigue. Sleep is the best way to recuperate. So allow yourself that luxury and go to bed. One hour of sleep per daytime days replaces four hours evening sleep. After you wake up, you will feel different - refreshed.

The seventeenth way to cheer yourself up it is doing good deeds. People who do charity work are much more satisfied with their lives. It doesn't matter how much you sacrifice for others. Scientists have found that such people are much more likely to notice and appreciate all the good things that are in their lives. So join in charitable foundations and organizations.

Eighteenth way to cheer yourself up it's a cold shower. Yes, it works flawlessly. The fact is that a cold shower is stressful for the body. That's just it beneficial stress. You will instantly feel invigorated after taking a cold shower, and your mood will increase many times over. So go ahead and with the song ... to the bathroom.

The nineteenth way to cheer yourself up it's a visualization. Visualization or daydreaming has always helped to cheer up. Surely you have goals that you want to achieve, but they are still far away. So, in order not to wait for the moment when you reach your goal, just lie down on the sofa and start imagining how you have already reached your goal. The fact is that a bad mood is sometimes associated with discontent that arose due to failure on the way to achieving the goal. For example, you were not promoted at work. In this case, you lie down on the couch and begin to imagine how you got promoted at work. After that, your mood will rise, and the next increase will be yours.

The twentieth way to cheer yourself up is to remember some pleasant moment from the past. Try to remember an event in your life that made you truly happy. This method is very similar to the previous method, only in this case you do not invent, but remember the real events that happened to you. This method will make you realize that you are not such a loser as you thought. Pleasant memories from life always cheer up.

The twenty-first way to cheer yourself up is to allow yourself to be fooled. My FAVORITE method. You just stand in front of the mirror and start making faces at yourself, making stupid noises, running around the apartment like a three-year-old child. And don't care what others think. Just start fooling around. THIS IS THE MOST POWERFUL WAY TO BOOST YOUR MOOD. And if you still find yourself a partner who will make faces with you, then ... I won’t even talk.

In fact, there are many more ways to improve your mood than what is given to you in this article. Try to find your own ways and share them with others, and you will notice that the world around you will become happier and brighter.

And at the end of the article, I suggest you right now to cheer yourself up by watching this video.

how to improve your mood how to improve your mood how to improve your mood

How to get out of depression and improve your mood?

The mood of a person is a changeable and fickle thing. Sometimes, under the influence of the most insignificant external or internal factors, our mood can change several times a day - from joyful and upbeat to sad and depressed. With all this, our mood is a very important factor that largely determines the quality of our life, which is why it is very important to know how to cheer yourself up if necessary. When we are cheerful and optimistic, then our affairs, as a rule, argue, and failures seem trifling and easily overcome. But as soon as we get a little blue and depressed, everything immediately starts to fall out of our hands, all desire to do anything disappears, and life seems like a solid black stripe.

Unfortunately, a person is not always in control of his mood. Sometimes I would like to enjoy life and have fun, but, unfortunately, negative emotions come in waves and cover my head for a long time, making it impossible to get out of depression. Why is this happening?

Factors negatively affecting mood

7 ways to deal with depression

In principle, if a person is in a good mood, and emotional depression does not visit him so often, then there is nothing to worry about. We are all living people, and each of us sometimes has mood swings.

But if a bad mood has become the usual state of a person who has fallen into depression and cannot get out of it, then here it is already necessary to sound the alarm and do something in order to correct the situation.

Here are some tips to cheer yourself up if sadness suddenly rolled over, and the world began to be perceived as if through a gray veil:

  • Meet close friends. When we feel bad and cats scratch our hearts, we all need sympathy, understanding and good advice. But who will understand us and sympathize with us, if not a close, trusted friend? A best friend is both a vest to cry on, a free psychotherapist, and a source of wise advice.
  • Try to raise your own self-esteem. Most of our psychological problems are the result of severely low self-esteem. When we do not love ourselves and do not believe in our own strength, then our mood will be appropriate. High self-esteem increases a person's psychological resistance to negative environmental influences and is a source of optimism and good mood, thereby helping to get out of depression very quickly.
  • Take up a new, interesting thing, come up with a hobby. When a person is busy with work that brings pleasure, then he has no time to indulge in sad thoughts, and the anticipation of a positive result from work cheers up and helps to cope with depression.
  • Drink a cup of aromatic coffee or tea. Sometimes it is enough to cheer yourself up a little with a cup of your favorite drink to feel a surge of good mood and optimism.
  • Do a good deed. When a person does good deeds and his actions are aimed not only at obtaining personal benefit, but also at bringing benefits to others, his energy improves dramatically and evens out, and therefore, his mood rises quickly and depression goes away by itself.
  • To rest good. If a bad mood is caused by banal physical and psychological overwork, then in order to cheer yourself up and get out of depression, you need to have a good and happy rest. Moreover, each person has his own favorite ways of rest and relaxation. Someone is used to relaxing on their favorite sofa in front of the TV, someone calms and relaxes reading an exciting detective story, and someone likes to relax in nature with friends.
  • Communicate more with your loved one. Nothing contributes to a good mood like love and romance. If you have a loved one who can support and reassure you in moments of bad mood, then you have nothing to worry about, and there is no reason to be sad!

Video: psychologist about the causes of depression

How to get out of depression and quickly cheer yourself up

Perhaps the most common problem which each of us regularly encounters is a bad mood. Unfortunately, there are enough reasons for this, and no one has yet been able to avoid a temporary decline.

In a bad mood, our energy potential is very weak, and we become unable to behave reasonably and make effective decisions.

But this does not mean at all that we should put up with it and meekly fold our paws. Although our bad mood can poison our lives, we can completely change it.

First of all, you need to want it, and be ready to perform a few simple actions. The time spent on this will eventually turn into a multiple win.

Exists a large number of great materials, which outlines a whole bunch of great ways to overcome depression. There are many excellent tips and recommendations on how best to proceed in each case.

But in order to get acquainted with all this, and even understand it, God knows how much time is needed. Most people don't need abstruse theories. What they really need is short practical advice, which can be immediately put into action. Everything else is superfluous.

And what will be discussed now is from this series. I apply for each situation the most suitable way, and this is quite enough for me to solve the problem.

Apply the "Emotional Discharge" method.

You must relieve excess tension through the emancipation of your body and the purification of your thoughts.

Give yourself at least half an hour for this, and you will be happy to watch how your mood changes, and ideas bubble up in your head with renewed vigor.

Find yourself a place where no one will see you, if there is a possibility of being misunderstood. Turn off your critical thinking for a while, stop analyzing and evaluating everything around you and most importantly yourself.

And do whatever comes to your mind. Run, jump, scream, turn on the music to the fullest and dance until you drop! Laugh for every reason and for no reason, if you so desire. Someone will come to mind to do physical exercises - do it. Forget all your great merits, age, great positions and degrees. Don't be afraid to look funny or stupid.

See how easy and easy children behave. Give yourself the opportunity to mentally return to childhood and just enjoy everything that happens. Give yourself to him without a trace.

When you get tired of everyone physical movements and you want to sit down or lie down - be sure to rest. Even if it starts to incline you to sleep, do not fight it. Perhaps it was the lack of sleep that served as a catalyst for your decadent mood.

Remember, in a bad mood, you still won't do anything outstanding. It is much better to spend some time on yourself, so that later you can catch up with renewed vigor.

Learn how to use Muscle Corset.

I first learned about this method from Mirzakarim Norbekov's book "The Fool's Experience", and my first thought that arose immediately after that was "all this is nonsense, it can't be." It can't be that such a simple, and I would even say a primitive way gives such results. I'm such a smart and well-read man, so I should prove that this is pure nonsense and bring the scammers to clean water.

Moreover, it took about five minutes for this, and even less effort was required. Just what is needed. Making it easy.

You just need to straighten your back, straighten your shoulders, raise your head high, and smile broadly. Well, tell me, what's so difficult? Right on me!

And if you are the same as me and do not like to make extra efforts, by all means take it into service. Best effect achieved when you look at yourself in the mirror. It turns out Feedback, which enhances the positive impact, and it becomes much easier to control the correct execution.

The most interesting, of course, was to observe myself, as it were, from the outside, or rather, the thoughts that swarm in my head. Already after 5-7 minutes, thoughts with a negative charge are lost by themselves, and instead of them thoughts and memories come from which it becomes more joyful.

Now we will not consider in detail the mechanism itself, how and why it works. I'll just say it's real unique technique, which is the basis of a number of trainings and the author's system of success.

Listen to motivational audio recordings regularly.

AT recent times the most popular way to get information, which everyone more people preference is to listen to various lectures and seminars recorded in audio format.

Actually, I've always thought the best source knowledge reading useful books and other printed materials. And if you're an avid reader as well, great, keep doing it.

I regularly buy various motivational literature, and in addition, I re-read those books that are already in my library. This is great, but the fact is that until recently there were no other available sources of the information I needed.

There was no alternative as such...

Now the situation is changing in better side. Gaining strength new form presentations -audio recordings in MP-3 format. There are noteworthy products and this cannot but rejoice. Compared with printed materials, they have a number of serious advantages, among which I would highlight the following.

1. You can study while relaxing by simply putting on your headphones and playing your favorite MP-3 player. At the very time when your body and eyes tired from the monitor are resting, time passes with great benefit.

When my mood plummets and nothing can be done about it, I put on a CD with motivational audio lectures and listen to it. Superb charging!

In addition to a quick mood lift and momentary positive effect, audio recordings have many hidden benefits that do not appear immediately. But I won't tell you about this. Let this be an unexpected and pleasant gift for you.

Sergey Nellin, project "Success for the Lazy"

© S. Nellin, 2007
© Published with the kind permission of the author

What foods treat depression and cheer up

There are foods that contain positive energy

Ancient people knew that plants contain not only useful material but also energy. The ancient Indian knowledge of Ayurveda says that there are foods that contain positive energy. It is they who can cure a person from depression, writes

It is up to you to believe or not to believe the ancient treatises, but science does not deny that all these spices, fruits and vegetables are useful for their vitamins, trace elements, minerals, fiber, carbohydrates, fats, proteins and various chemical compounds.


Anise contains a lot positive energy. It increases optimism, improves mood. ground anise can be added not only to dishes, but also to drinks. Star anise increases cheerfulness, eliminates overstrain and depression. Green cardamom, in addition to many useful medicinal properties eliminates depression. It can be consumed at any time of the day.


One of the most positive products. It contains a lot of vitamins that are not only beneficial for the skin and the whole organism as a whole, but also increases serotonin, which brings us a good mood. Very useful for women during critical days. Banana gives calmness and optimism, has a positive effect on thinking and emotions, and softens a tough character.


Barberry is one of the best berries for treating depression, as it greatly increases optimism. Dried or fresh barberry can be crushed and added to tea or other drinks. Use better in the morning, but maybe a little during the day.


The pear contains a lot of energy of joy, greatly increases optimism, therefore it is also excellent remedy mood enhancement.


Raspberry improves mood, gives optimism, increases cheerfulness.

Golden root

Golden root is also called Rhodiola rosea. This is a fairly strong natural remedy for depression, so it can only be used in the morning in very cold weather. large quantities- add the powder to a drink or chew a piece of the root. Pharmacy tinctures of Rhodiola are very invigorating and improve immunity. It is better not to use the golden root during the day and in the evening, as it can cause overexcitation of the nervous system.


A calming product. It is better to drink it in the evening before going to bed, or in the morning, preferably before sunrise. Milk porridge and other dishes cooked with milk are well digested during the day. Most sweetish spices, honey or sugar can be added to milk, from which the antidepressant effect will be greatly enhanced. At night it is good to drink slightly sweetened hot milk with cardamom and fennel, you can also add a little nutmeg.


Nutmeg carries the energy of positivity and passion. Considered one of the strongest natural remedies getting rid of depression. Muscat relaxes, calms the psyche, eliminates negative emotions, returns clarity of thought, gives a feeling of calm and bliss, and in large quantities - prolonged euphoria. One or two medium-sized nuts can pull a person out of a difficult crisis. But it should be borne in mind that the essential oils contained in nutmeg are not very favorable for the stomach, so you should be careful not to overdo it with the "dosage".

You can mix ground nutmeg with kefir, then the stomach will tolerate it more easily, and the taste will not be so cloying. It is better to use in the morning and in no case at night. The action of nutmeg usually reduces performance, and it is advisable not to engage in heavy physical activity; it is better to relax, relax, listen to calm music, watch a positive movie or spend time in nature. At this time, you should avoid communicating with negatively minded people, as the effect will decrease.

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