How to help animals in winter? How to help birds and homeless animals survive the winter Poster on the topic of how to help animals in winter.

Decreased immunity, increased drowsiness, lack of vitamins - these phenomena are typical for many of our smaller brothers during the cold season. How to help animals in winter? This question is asked not only by dog ​​or cat owners. If your son found a stray animal on the street and brought it into the house, you should also know how you can help animals in winter.

Caring for homeless animals

Every day you can see a dirty, frozen and hungry cat or dog warming themselves on a hatch or pipe of a heating main. Often such a “gift” is brought home by a child from a walk.

You don't have to be a veterinarian to know how to help animals in winter. In this situation, it would be useful to take care of own health and family health.

It is necessary to examine the animal. Signs of the disease may be:

  • damage to skin or fur;
  • bald spots;
  • discharge from the eyes and ears;
  • bloated belly.

If this occurs, then a trip to the clinic cannot be avoided.

Symptoms such as lethargy, loose stool, sneezing, require a detailed examination. Often stray animals have a fungus, the presence of which can only be determined by a doctor. It would be useful to measure the temperature, which in a healthy individual is 38-39 degrees. How to help animals in winter if a cat or dog has a high or low temperature? You definitely need to go to the clinic. Reduced temperature may indicate exhaustion.

Fleas will definitely be found on the animal. For such cases, veterinary pharmacies have a variety of products that quickly and efficiently solve the problem. As a rule, these are sprays that are sprayed onto the animal’s withers, or special impregnated collars.

How to help animals in winter if they are homeless? Of course, shelter. However, this is not always possible. Means, best option- start looking for an owner for a cat or dog. Submit an ad in the media with an offer to give it to good hands, contact your friends who live in the private sector.

Do you suspect that the animal has escaped from its owner? Look through the advertisements in the newspaper. While walking on the street, pay attention to the notice boards, perhaps someone is looking for their pet.

As a last resort, you can place the animal in a shelter that specializes in finding owners. Under no circumstances should you let your dog or cat go outside again. The animal will lose the chance to find its owner and after a while it will end up in the same deplorable state.

Give a helping hand

How to help animals in winter, since it is impossible to warm them all? Most The best way- feed. Think about it, buying chicken bones or small fish will not hurt your family budget, but can save someone's life.

“You are responsible for those you have tamed...”

If you want to start pet, the question of how to help animals in winter must be studied in advance.

Your pet will demand good nutrition and vitamins. Heating in apartments and houses leads to the fact that animals begin to shed heavily. Regular walks and balanced diet can ease this unpleasant process. Vitamin A, biotin, taurine and saturated fatty acid- excellent prevention of vitamin deficiency.

After walking, be sure to wash the animal’s paws, since the sidewalk sprinkles contain a chemical reagent that can cause burns.

With the onset of cold weather, domestic hamsters, chinchillas and Guinea pigs start stocking up on food. Regular inspection and cleaning of the cage will keep your pets clean. In winter, sprouted grains, vitamins and herbs are added to the food of rodents.

Even the fish in winter period require increased attention. This is due to decreased daylight hours and colder temperatures. A decrease in room temperature by 5-7 degrees can kill the fish, and lack of lighting makes them lethargic.

In cold weather, poultry shed heavily, refuse to eat, and do not tolerate lack of lighting well. Include minerals, amino acids, and multivitamins in your birds' diet, and place the cage close to the lamp.

In reptiles, a complex restructuring of the entire body occurs during the winter. Turtles and frogs, lizards and snakes all hibernate, slow down their metabolism, virtually stop eating and reduce their mobility. To prepare such a pet for hibernation, it is necessary to gradually reduce the daylight hours in the terrarium, bringing it to 4 hours a day. During this period, turtles are fed once every four to five days, lizards and snakes - once a month.

How to help animals and birds in winter

If the winter is not snowy or frosty, birds that are sedentary and winter in the forests are able to take care of themselves. When particularly difficult problems arise weather, they need to be fed: a third daily ration This is salvation for the bird.

Nomadic birds not accustomed to feeders, such as the bullfinch, thrush, goldfinch, bunting, fly in search of their main food. These are the fruits of trees and shrubs, weeds. Helping such birds in winter is simple: do not completely collect the fruits from the trees in the fall, leave the berries on the branches.

There is an opinion that city birds are able to feed themselves in the cold. This is wrong. In winter, when there is no natural food, junk food is not the best option. And here, by the way, there will be feeders, wooden or plastic, placed in parks, squares and just in the yard.

What foods should you not give to birds?

Salty food is dangerous, since the peculiarity of the excretory system in birds is such that excess salt causes poisoning in them. Fried foods are strictly prohibited, since such products change the structure of the birds’ liver. Black bread causes bloating and fermentation. Cleaned millet or grain should not be given either; oxidation of fats on the surface of the grains leads to the birds getting sick.

Feeding wild forest animals

Gamekeepers know best how to help wild animals in winter. For deer and roe deer, forest and meadow hay, grain, silage, root crops, and acorns are placed in the feeder. Hang branches from trees such as willow, aspen, and birch. They are harvested from May to June. Wormwood is added to each such broom.

Moose ignore feeders, so feed for them is piled up. Deer are also fed with branches of deciduous trees. The favorite delicacy of wild boars is roots and acorns. During the cold season, food is under snow and ice. How do people help animals in winter? Potatoes and corn cobs are poured in one place in the fall, then the animals get used to the feeding place. Elks, roe deer and deer need mineral nutrition. In case of shortage table salt the animal loses strength, its metabolism deteriorates, and its horns and fur grow poorly. Salt licks are made for them in a stump by cutting out a funnel.

As you can see, helping animals during the cold season is not at all difficult.

Animals spend the winter in different ways. Many of them have to endure numerous inconveniences. Animals' lives will become easier if people help them. Sometimes a person can even save their life.


photo: Paul Stokes

Of course, we can say that helping animals is the concern of large organizations or governments. However, in winter, everyone can help save animals without significant costs. food, water and shelter in winter are important for all living things. The destruction of hedges, forests, drainage of swamps and ponds, and the “cultivation” of the landscape make it difficult for animals and birds to survive in winter. Therefore, animals willingly seek food and shelter in gardens. In very harsh winters, feeding birds is likely to give them a chance to survive.


Birds are easy to feed because they do not need expensive food. Once you have started feeding your birds, this must be done throughout the winter as they become dependent on feeding. The importance of winter feeding of birds is being reassessed, especially in cities. It may even turn into getting rid of any waste, the consumption of which does not harm the least demanding passerine species.

photo: Daryl L. Hunter

In the case of blackbirds and house sparrows, regular feeding causes excessive reproduction of these species. Hanging feeders provide birds with safety, so many small passerines enjoy visiting them. Nuts of all kinds, raisins, berries, fresh coconut are the best treats for most types of birds. Many species love fruit or live insects.

It is necessary to ensure the availability of fresh water, especially if natural springs frozen. You can fill a flat bowl with water and place it on the ground. The pond in the garden can be at least partially cleared of ice. Badgers, foxes, hares, rabbits and roe deer are accustomed to feeding in gardens. You can tell by the tracks in the snow that a fox has visited the garbage heap. Squirrels also readily come to bird feeders in search of tasty treats.


You can help animals by not only providing them with food and water. The compost heap is a favorite wintering place for hedgehogs and snakes. Firewood or rocks attract newts, frogs and many insects. Large nest boxes hanging in trees provide a convenient resting place for owls and other birds. Booths under the roof provide shelter bats. All these “shelters” need to be hung and arranged at a sufficiently large distance from each other. If they are nearby, there will be no people willing to settle.

Winter is just around the corner! This is very beautiful time years can claim the lives of many animals because they often cannot find appropriate place to spend the winter. People have the opportunity to use various objects in the modern and civilized world. A cozy and warm home, a cup of tea and your favorite music will help you spend the winter better and more comfortable. Most animals have no way to survive the cold winter normally. They live in the hope of receiving help from us.

Unfortunately, only compassionate pensioners or activists from various animal rescue associations feed and care for the animals. Young and busy people find charity pointless and unnecessary. They are often not interested in animals because they cannot profit from it. What a pity that society has established new priorities and cruel ones, but wise people They also remember that both bad and good things tend to come back. Parents should be role models for their children. They should teach their children to love animals.

According to statistics, thousands of animals die during the winter. The most common causes of death of animals are hunger and cold. I don't want to lecture you about the injustices in life. I just want people to understand that without our support, many animals are doomed to suffer and die painfully. It's time to turn our remorse and ideas into concrete actions to save animal lives. Here are some ways to help animals in winter time.

1. Join or support charities.

Today there are many charities that dedicate all their time, money and energy to help animals survive in this harsh world. Caring people united by a common goal to shelter and protect as many animals as possible. The most difficult thing in their activities is to find money and other useful resources, since these organizations are not funded by the government. They must also involve other people and sponsors in order to raise money for animal feed.

If you have some free time and are mentally prepared to look homeless animals in the eyes, then you should join a charity organization. Surely, this mental activity will help you experience the full range of positive emotions, because saving lives is a wonderful thing. Those who do not have time to join a charity organization can help financial assistance by sending money to a bank account. Plus, you can help the organization with everything necessary medications and products. If you do not prefer to cooperate with charitable organizations, you can use different tactics.

2. One animal - one life.

Without a doubt, you meet many stray animals on your way to work or school. You may develop a liking for a cute kitten or puppy. This little creature is always happy to see you. Your positivity makes your mood better. Now it's your turn to do a good deed. Try to protect these animals from severe frosts this winter.

The first thing you should do is feed them every day, because regular and substantial nutrition is critical. Satisfactory nutrition helps the body of a small creature to withstand even very coldy. Many dogs and cats cannot withstand severe frosts. They have virtually no chance of survival. Use your skillful hands and imagination to build a small warm box for stray animals to survive. Ask your friends to help you build a shelter. This shelter will protect the animal from wind, rain and snow.

Moreover, such small acts of kindness will bring life and hope to many animals from all over the world. My friend, a talented needlewoman. She spends all her free time embroidering warm vests for dogs and cats. At the end of autumn, she sends beautiful clothes self made to different animal shelters.

3. Use social networks.

Not long ago I met a disabled person. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that her main hobby and activity was rescuing animals. This young and beautiful girl uses the Internet as an effective tool to save animals from suffering. Her volunteer work gives stray or abandoned animals a second chance to find a new and caring family. She collaborates with various charitable organizations to draw public attention to the problem of homeless animals. She adds photos and information about animals to various forums and social networks. I think such people are just angels.

It should also be taken into account that the use social networks- this is a great opportunity to find good people, which will support your plans and charitable goals. Let all people know about what happens to homeless animals. Invite your friends to join a charity group.

4. Take the animal into your home.

Are you ready to take responsibility for the life of at least one stray animal this winter? I hope so. This miracle will quickly get used to your home and become a new member of the family. He will love you with all his heart and bring tenderness, sincerity, protection and harmony to your family. If you are afraid for possible consequences, you can pick up the animal and take it to your local animal shelter. These steps are extremely important as you give your pet a chance to stay warm during the cold winter months. I'm sure the animals won't cause you too much trouble.

5. Spend time with them.

Hey people! Don't be so cruel and callous to animals. We are not obligated to donate time and money for charitable foundations for the protection of animals, but if we completely lose our moral values, then our children and future generations will suffer from the sins of their ancestors. Nowadays, it is so difficult to find the right words that can melt the ice in the hearts of those who are still indifferent to the suffering of weak and defenseless animals.

6. Feed the birds.

Birds also need our help. It's not that difficult to feed the birds in your garden, on your balcony or even on your windowsill. Don't forget about warm water for them. They cannot say “thank you” and they may not show any signs of love. But they certainly appreciate you and you will be happy to see them every day and love them as your pets.

This is not just an article, it is a call to every reader. This winter promises to be cold and snowy. If people decide to take on the seasonal problem of animals, then this winter will only bring positive emotions both people and animals. We still have time to build more feeders and warm shelters to protect animals from the vagaries of the weather.

IN modern conditions More and more animals are falling under the wheels of cars and trains, and under the tracks of tractors. In a number of countries, cars are a more serious mortality factor for animals than, for example, predators. Moose, wild boars, foxes, badgers, hedgehogs, stoats, and moles are killed under the wheels and crashed into car radiators. At night, caught in the light from the headlights, the animal tries to run, but, being blinded and frightened, it sees only an illuminated track and two dark walls along it. This scares him very much. The driver should slow down in such a situation and switch the high beam to low beam. It’s even better if the driver gives a signal, then the animal will not die, but will be saved. But often drivers are in no hurry to do this, and the frightened animal rushes along the road, exhausted with all its strength.

Sometimes animals die from lightning strikes, fall into swamps, or drown in ponds. There are other misfortunes. Male deer, for example, can meet their end by tightly locking their antlers while fighting. Birds of prey sometimes have ingrown twigs or thorns sticking out of their bodies. There are hares with a leg that is broken and then healed. Most often these are wounded animals whose bones have been broken by a pellet, but a hare could also break a leg if it fell while running quickly.

If animals are in trouble, people should help them. During rapid snow melting, it is necessary to monitor the water level around the clock. A river, even a small one, can sometimes overflow its banks in one night, flooding the floodplain and forested riverine terraces. In such a situation, you urgently need to get into boats, stock up on nets, boxes, baskets, nets, ropes and rush to help animals caught in the spill.

Zaitsev, foxes, raccoon dogs, badgers, goats and roe deer, sometimes you have to take it straight out of the water. But more often they seek salvation on various islands, ice floes, and floating objects. They set up a net on the island and drive the animals into it. Then they are placed in boxes and baskets and taken to the shore. If the island is small, then you need to swim to it calmly and carefully, otherwise you can scare the animals, and they will begin to jump into the water and swim away. A fox, badger, and roe deer can swim for a long time, but a hare rarely swims more than 300-500 m. They must be caught first, and those who have swum away from the island must be collected in the boat. The captured animals are fed on the shore, given the opportunity to dry out, come to their senses, and released. When the hollow waters subside, the animals return to their habitual places.

After a flood, small lakes that gradually dry up remain in river valleys. These are traps for juvenile fish; to save them, it is necessary to lay channels to the river bed, and, if necessary, transport the fry with buckets of water.

During agricultural work, animals, of course, hear the roar of units moving across the field and feel danger.

In order for the animals to leave the field in advance, agricultural machines should start working not from the edge, but from the middle of the paddock, not from the forest, beam, ravine, but from the road, where the animal will not run anyway.

In order to encourage hidden animals to run away, combines, mowers, reapers, and other units should be equipped with various scaring devices - mechanical, electrical, light, noise. In some cases, before harvesting or haymaking, schoolchildren - activists of the conservation society - could comb the field and drive animals out of its boundaries nature.

Prevention of poisoning of game by pesticides and fertilizers comes down to strict adherence to recommendations for their dosage and storage. If the appropriate requirements are met, most chemicals used in agriculture and forestry are not dangerous for animals.

Urgent winter work- clearing snow and feeding troughs, sheds, salt licks, ensuring free access to feeding areas. The fact that it is time to feed the animals can be judged by the depth of the snow cover and the number of indirect signs. Thus, when there is a shortage of winter food, the elk intensively eats birch trees, gnaws the bark of spruce trees, and gnaws aspen trees clean. The roe deer begins to damage trees up to one and a half meters high, break and eat their tops, large quantities consume tertiary foods - alder, honeysuckle, linden, birch.

Immediately after heavy snowfalls, workers hunting farms and forest rangers drive around assigned areas, look for animals in distress, and make sure that their individual groups are not left without food. If necessary, food is delivered or brought directly to the discovered animals, and later, when they are stronger, they are driven to feeding areas.

There are winters with little snow, but frosty. In such weather, brushwood, corn stalks, and straw are laid out at the feeders so that the animals can lie on them. During severe frosts, it is necessary to make ice holes on rivers and lakes to prevent fish from dying.

In places animals entering the track to prevent their death, install appropriate road signs, limiting the speed of transport.

Animals need not only organic, but also mineral substances. It is the latter that is often lacking in their food ration, especially sodium, which plants are poor in, but it is needed, first of all, for the growth of the body, for normal exchange substances. Without sodium (sodium salt), do not expect beautiful horns, proper health, good wool, strong offspring, or milk from the female.

In winter, it will be more difficult to digest rough plant food. Sodium salt promotes appetite and affects the animal’s immunity. Its presence in the body is associated with normal operation all cells and tissues in the body, salt and water balances. A decrease in salt concentration in the blood, lymph, and tissues affects nervous system. Lack of salt in the body is formed due to its intense loss during sweating in hot weather. Deficiency in the body minerals, “mineral hunger,” forces animals to make long and sometimes unsafe journeys, despite the fact that all other living conditions are quite favorable. To compensate for sodium deficiency, animals lick rock salt (or feed salt, as opposed to table salt used by humans, but this is the same thing Chemical substance). Deer and elk lick up to 10 g of salt each day. Rock salt laid out in salt licks - trays of various shapes, hollowed out in logs, trunks, stumps or knocked down from boards. Salt should be in them all year round.

Of course, animals need other mineral elements - calcium, phosphorus, silicon, magnesium, copper.

It is recommended to add crushed chalk, ground or burnt bones, feed lime, and pine-vitamin flour to the salt placed in salt licks. They also add it for the purpose of disease prevention. medications and microelements.

And one last thing. You cannot take wild animals from the forest. But what if one of them, wounded, for example, had to be kept at home for some time? Such animals are first released into special enclosures (a large area of ​​forest fenced with a net) until they become wild again and only then can they be released.

Decreased immunity, increased drowsiness, lack of vitamins - these phenomena are typical for many of our smaller brothers during the cold season. How to help animals in winter? This question is asked not only by dog ​​or cat owners. If your son found a stray animal on the street and brought it into the house, you should also know how you can help animals in winter.

Caring for homeless animals

Every day you can see a dirty, frozen and hungry cat or dog warming themselves on a hatch or pipe of a heating main. Often such a “gift” is brought home by a child from a walk.

You don't have to be a veterinarian to know how to help animals in winter. In this situation, it would be useful to take care of your own health and the health of your family.

It is necessary to examine the animal. Signs of the disease may be:

  • damage to skin or fur;
  • bald spots;
  • discharge from the eyes and ears;
  • bloated belly.

If this occurs, then a trip to the clinic cannot be avoided.

Symptoms such as lethargy, loose stools, and sneezing require a detailed examination. Often stray animals have a fungus, the presence of which can only be determined by a doctor. It would be useful to measure the temperature, which in a healthy individual is 38-39 degrees. How to help animals in winter if a cat or dog has a high or low temperature? You definitely need to go to the clinic. A low temperature may indicate exhaustion.

Fleas will definitely be found on the animal. For such cases, we have a variety of tools that quickly and efficiently solve the problem. As a rule, these are sprays that are sprayed onto the animal’s withers, or special impregnated collars.

How to help animals in winter if they are homeless? Of course, shelter. However, this is not always possible. This means that the best option is to start looking for an owner for a cat or dog. Submit an ad in the media with an offer to give it to good hands, contact your friends who live in the private sector.

Do you suspect that the animal has escaped from its owner? Look through the advertisements in the newspaper. While walking on the street, pay attention to the notice boards, perhaps someone is looking for their pet.

As a last resort, you can place the animal in a shelter that specializes in finding owners. Under no circumstances should you let your dog or cat go outside again. The animal will lose the chance to find its owner and after a while it will end up in the same deplorable state.

Give a helping hand

How to help animals in winter, since it is impossible to warm them all? The best way is to feed. Think about it, buying chicken bones or small fish will not hit the family budget, but it can save someone’s life.

“You are responsible for those you have tamed...”

If you want to have a pet, the question of how to help animals in winter must be studied in advance.

Your pet will require proper nutrition and vitamins. Heating in apartments and houses leads to the fact that animals begin to shed heavily. Regular walks and a balanced diet can ease this unpleasant process. Vitamin A, biotin, taurine and saturated fatty acids are an excellent prevention of vitamin deficiency.

After walking, be sure to wash the animal’s paws, since the sidewalk sprinkles contain a chemical reagent that can cause burns.

With the onset of cold weather, pet hamsters, chinchillas and guinea pigs begin to stock up on food. Regular inspection and cleaning of the cage will keep your pets clean. In winter, sprouted grains, vitamins and herbs are added to the food of rodents.

Even fish require increased attention in winter. This is due to decreased daylight hours and colder temperatures. A decrease in room temperature by 5-7 degrees can kill the fish, and lack of lighting makes them lethargic.

In cold weather, poultry shed heavily, refuse to eat, and do not tolerate lack of lighting well. Include minerals, amino acids, and multivitamins in your birds' diet, and place the cage close to the lamp.

In reptiles, a complex restructuring of the entire body occurs during the winter. Turtles and frogs, lizards and snakes all hibernate, slow down their metabolism, virtually stop eating and reduce their mobility. To prepare such a pet for hibernation, it is necessary to gradually reduce the daylight hours in the terrarium, bringing it to 4 hours a day. During this period, turtles are fed once every four to five days, lizards and snakes - once a month.

How to help animals and birds in winter

If the winter is not snowy or frosty, birds that are sedentary and winter in the forests are able to take care of themselves. When particularly difficult weather conditions arise, they need to be fed: a third of the daily ration for birds is already salvation.

Nomadic birds not accustomed to feeders, such as the bullfinch, thrush, goldfinch, bunting, fly in search of their main food. These are the fruits of trees and shrubs, weeds. Helping such birds in winter is simple: do not completely collect the fruits from the trees in the fall, leave the berries on the branches.

There is an opinion that city birds are able to feed themselves in the cold. This is wrong. In winter, when there is no natural food, junk food is not the best option. And here, by the way, there will be feeders, wooden or plastic, placed in parks, squares and just in the yard.

What foods should you not give to birds?

Salty food is dangerous, since the peculiarity of the excretory system in birds is such that excess salt causes poisoning in them. Fried foods are strictly prohibited, since such products change the structure of the birds’ liver. Black bread causes bloating and fermentation. Cleaned millet or grain should not be given either; oxidation of fats on the surface of the grains leads to the birds getting sick.

Feeding wild forest animals

Gamekeepers know best how to help wild animals in winter. For deer and roe deer, forest and meadow hay, grain, silage, root crops, and acorns are placed in the feeder. Hang branches from trees such as willow, aspen, and birch. They are harvested from May to June. Wormwood is added to each such broom.

Moose ignore feeders, so feed for them is piled up. Deer are also fed with branches of deciduous trees. The favorite delicacy of wild boars is roots and acorns. During the cold season, food is under snow and ice. How do people help animals in winter? Potatoes and corn cobs are poured in one place in the fall, then the animals get used to the feeding place. Elks, roe deer and deer need mineral nutrition. With a deficiency of table salt, the animal loses strength, its metabolism deteriorates, and its horns and hair grow poorly. Salt licks are made for them in a stump by cutting out a funnel.

As you can see, helping animals during the cold season is not at all difficult.