How to open a barbershop at home. Choosing the right place for a hairdresser

Today there are a huge number of directions for business. The field of hairdressing services is in demand today more than ever. After all, women at all times want to look chic, and men want to support. It is for this reason that the arrangement of your own hairdressing salon may well bring significant income. But to open such a business, you need to work hard. If you are ready to work day and night, then this option is right for you. So how do you open a barbershop? Let's look into this issue.

What is the difference between a hairdressing salon and a salon?

When developing a business plan, you need to decide what type of institution you want to open. It can be an economy class institution or an elite salon. Both options have their own advantages and disadvantages.

An economy class establishment offers a standard set of services. The list may include a haircut, coloring, styling, manicure, perm. These services are required by the vast majority of clients. Such an institution may well be located in a small shopping center or residential area. What does it take to open a barbershop of this class? First of all, you will need the necessary furniture and tools. In addition, the room must have warm water. The building also needs to be renovated. As for the level of staff training, it should be standard. It is unlikely that a high-class master will agree to work in such a salon. Such establishments are characterized by a stable flow of customers. They provide a permanent income to the owner of the hairdresser.

The next level is a mid-level barbershop. Masters with a high level of training already usually work here. In addition to standard procedures, hair restoration and lamination are performed here. In such an institution, it is already possible to organize a beauty parlor. Prices here will be slightly higher than in economy class hairdressing salons, but the quality of the work performed will also improve significantly. How to open a barbershop? Where to begin? To organize the work of an institution of this class, you need to buy high-quality modern equipment, as well as high-quality materials that you may need to perform various procedures. Indoors before opening, be sure to make a good repair. Particular attention should be paid to advertising signs.

Who is the main clientele of the salon of this class?

  1. People who want to look good but don't have the opportunity to attend high class
  2. Young people who want to look stylish. They do not yet have the opportunity to visit a high-class beauty salon.
  3. Middle-aged ladies who just want to take care of themselves and do not require any extraordinary services.

How to open an elite class barbershop? The main category of clients of such institutions are wealthy people who can afford to pay a tidy sum for caring for their appearance. The requirements for such a salon, respectively, are higher. It should be modern renovated using original design solutions. Masters must use the best high-end equipment. The same rule applies to cosmetics for clients. Masters in such a salon should have extensive experience and always study the latest fashion trends. To be in shape, they must constantly take refresher courses and courses. The hairdresser in such a salon should be able to fulfill any desire of the client. The main goal of an elite salon is to please the visitor as much as possible. Services such as designer haircuts, cosmetic procedures and others should be available here.


How to open a barbershop from scratch step by step? Before embarking on this type of business, it is advisable to consider all the risks that can be expected in the work. Let's deal with the most problematic moments.

  1. The biggest risk is rising prices for cosmetics. This unpleasant situation can lead to a partial loss of profit. However, you need to be prepared for such difficulties at all times. The price will rise periodically. To avoid sudden surprises, you can conclude delivery contracts in advance for a certain time. During this period, the price of materials cannot increase.
  2. Loss of regular customers. This situation is quite natural some time after the discovery. To avoid the outflow of customers and attract new ones, it is necessary to constantly monitor the quality of the services provided. Periodic promotions are also encouraged. This will help not only update the client base, but also improve the quality of work.
  3. Staff care. It is clear that a good master can open his own business or go to another salon. After him, a certain number of customers may leave. To avoid this situation, it is necessary to show a loyal attitude towards the staff. In some cases, you may have to make concessions. Employees can also be rewarded for a job well done.


Some of the services are seasonal. This has a significant impact on the amount of money earned. When the activity of visiting the salon falls, employees can be sent on vacation. During the season, if the need arises, additional staff can be hired to meet the level of demand. In this case, you can avoid additional costs.

Opening a barbershop: what needs to be done?

Consider step by step how to open a hairdresser.

You can start a business from scratch based on the following points:

  1. First you need to formalize your activities. You can register as an individual entrepreneur. Then a simplified taxation system will apply to you. For doing business today, this option is considered the most acceptable. It keeps payouts to a minimum.
  2. It is better if you have a diploma of a master hairdresser.
  3. To start a business, you need to rent a room and make repairs in it.
  4. Before starting work, you must obtain permission from the fire inspectorate and SES.

Step-by-step instruction

How to open a barbershop from scratch? There is a simple algorithm that you need to follow in order to get your own highly profitable beauty business.

  1. The first thing you need to do is decide on a location. Do not try to immediately get a room in the center. At first, you can take a small office building in
  2. Decide on the format. Make a list of services that you will provide to your clients. The main thing here is to objectively assess your own capabilities and strengths.
  3. Registration of documents. All bureaucratic issues must be approached with great care, otherwise you risk serious fines.
  4. Make a business plan and budget. This is an extremely important point. It is necessary at the initial stage to understand how much money is required to run a business. In addition, at this stage you can decide on the class of the institution.
  5. Purchase of equipment. Even to open an economy-class hairdresser, you need to purchase high-quality appliances and furniture. The environment has a strong influence on the overall impression of the hairdresser.
  6. Recruitment. It is necessary to create comfortable working conditions for the masters.
  7. Advertising campaign and promotion. You are opening a new establishment that you need to tell potential customers about. Therefore, at first, open hairdressing salons must invest in advertising. It will help you build your client base.

How to choose a room?

One of the most important aspects when opening a beauty business is the choice of premises. The key to success is the right place. Where is it profitable to open a hairdresser? If you choose a room in the city center, then you will have to lay an impressive amount for rent or purchase. This, accordingly, will force you to increase the cost of services. This state of affairs can turn off many potential customers. Therefore, if you are just starting your business, then it is better to choose a room in a residential residential area. By setting a reasonable price for services, you can quickly build up a client base. There are also a number of requirements for the office itself. The area depends on the number of jobs. According to the standards, seven square meters are allocated for each chair.

Equipment for work

How to open a barbershop? To get started, you will need to purchase a starter kit of equipment.

What does it include:

  • the necessary set of scissors for each master;
  • curling iron and hair dryer for each employee;
  • shaving accessories;
  • trimmers;
  • mirrors and combs in assortment;
  • armchairs;
  • hangers and cabinets;
  • storage space for tools.

Here is the simplest and most budget set. If you want to open an elite salon, then the equipment must be purchased in accordance with the list of services provided in it.

What documents are needed to open?

The next important step is to collect the necessary documentation. Without it, it is impossible to start your own business.

What is necessary:

  1. Registration as an individual entrepreneur, the choice of taxation system.
  2. Purchase of cash equipment. The device must be registered with the tax office.
  3. Submit a notification to Rospotrebnadzor about the opening of a hairdressing salon. This must be done before the moment when the first digit is entered on the cash register.
  4. Get permission to work in the fire department and SES. Each master must have a certificate and a sanitary book.

Where to find employees?

The next important step is recruitment. All the craftsmen you hire must have the appropriate qualifications. Recommendations and work experience are also important. The level of your entire institution will depend on these indicators. In an elite salon, craftsmen capable of performing any, even the most creative task, should work. For an economy class establishment, it will be enough to hire hairdressers who can perform simple haircuts for a moderate fee.

Advertising campaign

At the initial stage, advertising is indispensable. It is better not to save on this expense item. When opening, you can place several banners in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe salon. You should also make a beautiful sign and place an ad in a local print publication. This will help to attract potential customers and quickly achieve success.

Business planning

Is it possible to open a barbershop on a limited budget? It will be necessary to spend 5,000 rubles to create an IP. The cost of renting or acquiring ownership of the premises will depend on the area. At least 100,000 rubles should be allocated for this item of expenditure. For the purchase of equipment, you should spend 10,000 rubles on the master. It is also necessary to lay about 20 thousand in the budget for the purchase of consumables. As for advertising, at first you can use free tools. About 50 thousand rubles should be laid for bookkeeping. The master should receive approximately 40% of the daily profit. Here are the main factors to consider when writing a business plan.


In this review, we looked at how to open a hairdresser from scratch. Here, the main stages of running this type of business were highlighted, as well as the main items of expenditure. Given all the information above, you can easily start your own business. Most importantly, do not be afraid of various risks that may arise in the course of activities.

Opening a hairdressing salon as a business from scratch involves a lot of organizational and registration issues, including how much money you need to invest initially. At the same time, you will have to invest in the business financially, physically, and psychologically. You should prepare for this in advance, because the promise of “simple and fast” by many is not actually obtained by everyone, and success depends entirely on you and your determination.

Before you open your own hairdresser, you need to register yourself with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur, choosing a simplified taxation system. Thanks to the latter, tax deductions can be minimized so as not to incur large losses.

In addition to registering to open an individual entrepreneur, in order to open a hairdressing salon from scratch, you need to have certificates in your hands stating that you have completed the courses of a master hairdresser. The certificates are accompanied by a certificate from the sanitary and epidemiological station and fire supervision on compliance with the requirements and order. These documents should be obtained after the selection and organization of the premises, since the SES and fire supervision must inspect the facility, make a decision whether it meets the requirements.

The concept, type and list of services provided must be thought out in advance, thereby determining your target audience and drawing up a business plan for subsequent actions.

Decide on a category

What you need to open a hairdressing salon is first of all to decide what it will be like as a whole:

  • Economy class hairdresser - hairdressers of this type are often located in residential areas, right on the first floors of residential buildings. Repair and advertising costs are minimal, but at the same time, the workload of such establishments is about 65%;
  • A business class establishment is a shopping center or city center location. To open this, you need not just hairdressers, but stylists who can advise the client on style and fashion trends. The time load is on average 50%;
  • Premium class - not all localities have such, as the emphasis here is on exclusive service. Usually we are talking about the author's salon, in which a master with a name, the winner of some international competition or championship, works. The workload is only 30%, the prices are high, but there are regular customers.

Hairdressing salons as a business - the higher the category, the more investments in the initial stages. At the same time, there are no official requirements for a beauty salon; it can provide services not only for cutting and coloring hair, but also place a corner for nail service.

Approximate estimate for the hall

When wondering how much it costs to open an economy class hairdresser or a class higher, you should focus on the cost of equipment for work, which will be required to organize a special office. For a hairdressing salon, the following items are standardly needed (the cost is indicative):

What to buy


Price per piece

Special chairs for work

wall mirrors

Sinks with an armchair

Tool trolleys

Footrests for clients


Sushuara chairs

UV sterilizers

Professional hair dryers

Air recirculator

Hair dryer diffusers

Brushes for hair dryer


Corrugated tongs

Hair curlers

Straight scissors

Thinning scissors



Hair combs

Thermal brushing



Straight hair clips

Narrow brushes for hair coloring

Wide brushes for hair coloring

cups for paint

Peignoirs for clients


Disposable underwear

Cosmetic consumables (paint, shampoos, balms, varnishes, etc.)

Estimate for other expenses

Significant costs to start a hairdressing business also include purchasing lobby furniture where you want to make a waiting area for clients:

At the same time, it is necessary to tally up the amounts not only for the arrangement of the office and the lobby for clients and the administrator, but also the rent for the premises, the repair work that will be needed for registration, the preparation of project documents, utility bills, advertising and accountant assistance, if necessary.

The idea of ​​opening your own hairdressing salon from scratch is not something new in itself, but many people in Russia today want to have their own business. There is competition, it is rather big, but in the hairdressing business there is always a benefit, and customers will, of course, if you provide really high-quality services. What you need to open a hairdressing salon is financial ability, skills and a great desire. With a good business plan, the amount invested in beauty salons, which opened up a lot of opportunities for you, pays off with interest.

What happens in terms of costs

To open a hairdressing salon, the registration procedure for an individual entrepreneur will require about five thousand rubles. Most of all, money will be required for renting a room, depending on the region, location and area. For the purchase of equipment for one master, the costs are about twenty thousand rubles. Consumables - about twenty thousand rubles for three months, and for advertising - depending on the chosen method, it can be completely free if, for example, you promote through social networks and forums.

On the other hand, when opening a new establishment, advertising is the engine of your business. The higher the level of the salon - the more presentable and more expensive advertising. In the future, when the first regular customers appear, they will also serve as advertising, spreading rumors about your craftsmen and the quality of services.

As for accounting, this item of expenses draws about fifty thousand rubles a year. Masters salary - 40% of daily profit. When thinking about how to open your hairdresser from scratch, it is important to immediately think about how many chairs will work. If you put, for example, five or six, daily revenue can rise to 4,000 rubles per day, but it is important to consider whether everyone will be involved, and is it not better to start with two or four chairs.

You need to open a hairdressing salon when all profitability calculations are made thoroughly. With a successful scenario, hairdressing pays off in a period of six months to two years.

Consider the requirements of the SES

Being interested in how to open a hairdressing salon from scratch step by step, it is equally important to take into account all legislative requirements in advance, without which a permit for activity will not be obtained. The main document that the hairdresser needs to refer to is the Sanitary Rules and Norms, approved on May 18, 2010 by the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that in 2014, the item that regulated the size of the area for hairdressing salons was removed from these rules.

Today it is allowed to have a relatively small room, if it has separate rooms, in order to:

  • To carry out disinfection, cleaning and sterilization of the working tool, with the presence of a sink and cold, hot water;
  • Store work equipment, garbage and cut hair;
  • The staff had the opportunity to rest and dine there;
  • Sanitary unit and pantry.

If the salon uses reusable underwear (capes, towels, hats, etc.), it is obligatory to conclude an agreement with a dry-cleaner or laundry, or have a special room equipped for washing.

Moreover, sanitary standards stipulate that each master must have at least three sets of reusable tools. It follows from this that sanitary requirements also affect how much money you need to have.

Getting permissions

The most important official step on how to open hairdressing salons from scratch step by step, and how much money you need, it should be understood that in addition to drawing up a plan and organizational work, you will have to obtain a number of permits in a certain sequence. The order states that each consumer service enterprise is controlled by a sanitary and epidemiological station, fire supervision and local governments. The sequence of obtaining permits, as experience shows, directly emerges from what list needs to be prepared. Mandatory papers include:

  • Certificate of state registration of an individual entrepreneur;
  • If a legal entity is open, an order is needed by which the director of the LLC is appointed;
  • Lease agreement or other title papers for the premises;
  • Conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological station that the premises meet all requirements;
  • Permission of fire supervision;
  • Permission on behalf of the local administration.

Moreover, you should have on hand project documents indicating the connection to communication systems and concluded contracts with utility providers.

Room issue

In general, the rules regarding how to open an economy class or higher category barbershop are the same. When opening your own business niche, to implement the idea, you should take note that the optimal area of ​​\u200b\u200bone workplace is seven square meters. Of course, if we are talking about an economical option, this is a lot, and this norm is violated. But remember that since 2014 there are no restrictions and rules on the footage in the cabin. Nevertheless, neither the master nor the clients should be embarrassed, it is uncomfortable, unpresentable, both employees and visitors will leave.

Such an attitude is not a whim - all the inconveniences will certainly affect the quality of the services provided. Therefore, it is important to take this nuance into account when choosing a room, even if at first only you will work as a hairdresser.

From personal experience, it can be noted that inexpensive hairdressing salons place both the men's room and the women's room in the same room. Is it beneficial? Yes, it saves space and resources. Is it convenient? If everything is organized correctly, very even. On the other hand, keep in mind that not all women like it when a man sitting in a nearby chair watches them in the process of restoring beauty.

Orienting where to start in order to open a salon, determining the procedure, adopting the personal successful experience of other similar entrepreneurs, understanding the amount of start-up capital, in choosing a place, again, it is important to refer to the norms of the SES and the fire service. Guided by experience and rules, having decided on the flow of ideas, first you need to know that it is forbidden to place hairdressers in the basement. The water supply and sanitation system is a mandatory condition for hairdressers. The ventilation system with opening should be separate, and there should be no paper wallpaper on the walls.

What does payback depend on?

Guided by step-by-step instructions, following the conceived idea, we open a niche in the hairdresser's business without much effort from the bureaucratic side. Sole proprietors must understand that their profit in starting their own business will depend on the effort invested. By structuring your actions, finding what you can interest potential customers with, sorting out your own concept and choosing the right staff, a stable influx of customers will be ensured.

When you open your own business and do business in salons, a chain of salons, you understand from personal experience that not everything depends only on “I want” and “I can”. Your own efforts can be crossed out by other factors as soon as you open an institution with your own office. Personal initiative should take into account that the time it takes for all costs to pay off depends on:

  • How good is the location?
  • What is the level of professionalism of the masters;
  • What is their level of culture;
  • What services did you open;
  • How competent is the pricing policy;
  • How effective was the advertising campaign.

Step-by-step instructions help to properly organize your business, make it profitable, even more profitable, orientate where to start and what to pay attention to, but a large part of the hairdressers who have opened a business fail without patience and business acumen. No step-by-step guide will make your business profitable if you yourself are not constantly improving and your personal qualities are superior to the desired business attitude. Today the road is open to everyone.

A guide to opening an economy class hairdressing salon, where to start, the required equipment with an indication of the cost of the 1st workplace, the necessary staff and much more.


A hairdressing salon as a type of business has a number of undeniable advantages: it does not require large investments, is not afraid of competition, is not subject to sharp fluctuations, does not require licensing and the collection of a large amount of permits, and is quite profitable.

How to start opening a barbershop?

First of all, it is necessary to determine the scale and format of the future enterprise:

  • small establishment economy class providing low-cost hairdressing services to the population. Such institutions are designed for 1-2 working chairs and are usually located in residential areas of cities.
  • Salon, where the range of services provided is much wider, as well as cosmetic procedures and nail services. They work in a higher price category.
  • Elite, which is distinguished by a high level of service, an individual approach to the client, the presence of highly qualified craftsmen, incl. stylists and image makers. Such establishments are usually located on the central streets of the city, providing visits to customers with incomes above average.

It is worth noting that despite the fact that the potential income of prestigious hairdressing salons is quite high, they do not always have the opportunity to remain profitable (including due to expensive rent), and under certain economic conditions and market conditions, they may not be in demand at all.

According to experienced specialists, it is the creation of an economy class hairdressing salon that is the most viable business project and the most reliable object for investment.

Define the concept

A business project begins with setting a goal, which is to open an economy class establishment for 2-3 places, providing the following services:

  • haircuts - simple, model;
  • creation of styling and hairstyles;
  • implementation of hair care procedures;
  • hair coloring;
  • hair curling;
  • shaving.

At the beginning of the activity, such a basic range of services will be enough. Gradually, as it develops, it can be significantly expanded.

Registering a business

In the general case, when opening a hairdresser, you can register it as an individual entrepreneur or as a legal entity in the form of a limited liability company.

For a number of reasons, the most optimal variant of the legal form in this case is an individual entrepreneur. Why?

  • First, potential consumers of services are individuals.
  • Secondly, with approximately the same level of capabilities for LLCs and individual entrepreneurs, the degree of responsibility for the actions of an LLC is significantly higher.
  • Thirdly, the registration of an LLC is impossible without a minimum authorized capital, the preparation of constituent documents, the presence of the necessary attributes - a legal address, a current account, a round seal, etc.
  • And, finally, the IP has a fairly easy accounting and not high taxes.

In the event that several people decided to combine their efforts and finances to open a hairdressing salon, then the most suitable form would be an LLC.

As for OKVED codes, the following will suit you:

  • 93.02 - “Provision of services by hairdressers and beauty salons” - this group includes: washing hair, cutting and trimming, styling, touching up and coloring, straightening and curling hair, trimming beards, shaving, cosmetic facial massage, make-up, pedicure, manicure, etc. .
  • 52.33 - “Retail sale of cosmetics and perfumery products” and 52.13 - “Other retail sale in non-specialized stores”, if the hairdresser plans to sell cosmetic products, skin and hair care products.
  • 85.14 - “Other health protection activities” and 93.04 - “Physical and recreational activities” - are suitable for business expansion and include activities to improve the physical condition of a person and ensure comfort (tanning salons, baths, saunas, weight loss and weight loss procedures , massage rooms, etc.)

Features of taxation

It is worth noting the changes in tax legislation that entered into force on January 1, 2013 and related to the provision of hairdressing services to the population by individual entrepreneurs. From this date, they can voluntarily apply one of the following taxation systems: UTII, simplified tax system, and also switch to the PSN patent system (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 01.25.13 No. 03-11-11 / 31).

In general, taxation in the form of UTII is more profitable for hairdressing salons. However, if the estimated annual income is more than 900,000 rubles per year, it is more expedient to purchase a patent, the cost of which is calculated by the formula: Estimated annual income from a hairdresser * 6%.

Thus, for Moscow, the cost of an annual patent for hairdressing services will be equal to 54,000 rubles (Law of the City of Moscow of October 31, 2012 N 53 “On the Patent Taxation System”).

It should be noted that the PSN can be used exclusively by individual entrepreneurs, while the average number of employees in the tax period should not exceed 15 people.

Required Permissions

A hairdressing license is not required to operate. However, you will need a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for public utilities.

  • According to the current legislation (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 16, 2009 N 584), before the start of the hairdressing activity, it is necessary to submit a notice of the start of entrepreneurial activity to Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Equipment, premises, conditions of the hairdressing salon must comply with the requirements of SanPiN This is also monitored by Rospotrebnadzor.
  • The premises of the barbershop must comply with all established standards of fire supervision.
  • Hairdressers must have medical books.

It is also worth noting that it is advisable for the owners of a new hairdressing salon to undergo a voluntary certification procedure, which will confirm the safety of the services provided, their compliance with all norms and standards.

Requirements for a barbershop

The choice of the location of the institution must be approached very thoroughly, because it directly depends on how much income the hairdresser brings. The best place to open an economy class establishment is sleeping areas. When choosing a room, you should pay attention to the availability of utility and electrical networks, to its compliance with the requirements of fire supervision and SES.

The footage of the room is selected at the rate of 6-7 m2 per workplace. In addition, it is worth providing a waiting area, a bathroom and a small area for staff. Thus, 40 sq.m. will be enough to accommodate an economy class hairdresser. - an area comparable to the size of a one-room apartment. However, it should be borne in mind that it is impossible to place a hairdressing salon in residential apartments, with the exception of cases when they are transferred to non-residential stock.

When creating a technological project, it is worth calculating and planning all the necessary zones. On its basis, a project of engineering communications (electricity, water, sewerage, ventilation) is formed. And, in conclusion, they draw up a design project.

As a rule, the selected premises will have to be renovated. At the same time, you should carefully approach the choice of a construction company and pay close attention to the clauses of the contract for the implementation of repair work.

Required Equipment

Equipment for a small hairdressing salon does not require very much, but do not forget - it must be of high quality. You should choose professional equipment designed for salons: household equipment will fail, because it is not designed for significant loads.

For work you will need:

  • Equipment and appliances: hair dryers, dryers, clippers, chairs with hydraulic mechanism (according to the number of jobs), one sink equipped with a chair.
  • Tools: combs, scissors, clips, curlers, razors.
  • Interior items and furniture: cabinets, bedside tables, mirrors, a sofa, a coffee table, armchairs or several chairs for the waiting area, a hanger, a table for a computer.
  • Textile products - towels, capes, napkins, uniforms or overalls.
  • Cosmetics and consumables.
  • A computer.

Specialized companies providing services of a complete set of salons can help you choose hairdressing equipment. In addition, there are quite a few online stores where you can independently choose everything you need for your hairdressing salon - from equipment and furniture to professional cosmetics.

Check out the suppliers of equipment for beauty salons and hairdressing salons.

How much does the organization of one workplace cost?

Let's calculate the cost of a hairdresser's workplace using the example of a popular equipment supplier Image Inventor LLC:

Name Qty. Price
Sink "LENA" Frame: metal. Overall dimensions (LxWxH, mm): 1200x730x940 1 11895 rub.
Trolley 07-VIP67 Overall dimensions (LxWxH, mm): 370x310x860. 1 3100 rub.
Hairdressing chair "Alex" pneumatic Overall dimensions (LxW, mm): 600x580. Lifting mechanism: pneumatic. Base: five-arm chrome. 1 5700 rub.
Dressing table "Sapphire" Overall dimensions (HxWxD): 1740x660x300 mm. 1 3050 rub.
hairdressing tools 1 8000 rub.
Total: 31745 rubles

If we add related hairdressing products to this list, such as bowls, brushes, gloves, curlers, clips, brushes, rubber bands, etc., it turns out that the minimum cost of equipment for one hairdressing place is about 40,000 rubles.

Consumables (paints, shampoos, balms, etc.) are bought, as a rule, for 3 months of use. These costs are estimated at about 20,000 rubles.

In total, investments of about 60,000 rubles are required for the equipment of one workplace.

Personnel Requirements

For an economy class hairdresser you will need:

  1. administrator,
  2. 3-4 masters working on a floating schedule,
  3. accountant (part-time or outsourced).

There is no universal way to find a good master. You can prefer young professionals or opt for more experienced ones, while it should be borne in mind that the latter will most likely cost more. You can search for employees by ads, via the Internet and by recommendations. Of course, a good choice of specialists is an important component in deciding how to attract clients.

The salary of a master hairdresser is usually set at the rate of 20-40% of the proceeds. It is necessary to formalize labor relations with employees and remember that all employees in the hairdresser must have health books.

It is also worth considering the following feature of the business: regular customers, as a rule, want to be served by a certain master, therefore, in the event of a specialist being fired, the salon is likely to lose its customers as well.

Franchise on the subject:"The strands are in order" public hairdressing salon, investment 0.5 million rubles, payback 7 months.


A person in any situation wants to look good. And you can create a flawless image simply by making a good haircut. And this is equally true for men and women. If you have the talent and desire to make people beautiful, then this activity should be properly organized. Don't know how to open a barbershop from scratch? We offer professional advice on how to create such a business.

Reference! Today, the hairdressing salon, responding to the needs of the consumer audience, must offer an expanded list of services. That is, in addition to the hairdresser, it is desirable to organize a workplace for a beautician and a manicurist in an institution. Practice shows that 3 types of services is the minimum offer for a profitable enterprise of this kind. And it is better if this list includes 5 positions.

Tip #1 Location depends on the scale of the salon

Before you open a hairdressing salon, you need to realistically assess your financial and physical capabilities. With this in mind, a place for a hairdresser is chosen, namely:

  • It makes sense to open an institution for VIP clients in the city center with a large flow of people. It employs top-class masters, offers exclusive procedures, which explains the high cost of services.
  • Economy class hairdresser will be in demand in a residential area. The right decision is to place such an establishment in the area where the hairdresser lives, as usual, “stuffed” clients also live here. It is worth paying attention to the number of storeys of houses, the more nearby multi-apartment skyscrapers, the greater the profit.

Reference! An economy class hairdressing salon (beauty salon) can be opened on the ground floor of a residential building if there is a room with a separate entrance, removed from the housing stock. At the same time, please note that it is impossible to use the basement for these purposes, although it is suitable as an auxiliary room for storing various things (except for flammable ones).

This point, in principle, is considered simultaneously with the determination of the location of the salon. The format of the institution depends on the list of services offered:

  • Haircut - female / male.
  • Laying.
  • Performing hairstyles.
  • Coloring of hair, eyebrows, beards.

In this case, we are talking about an economy class hairdressing salon, but with an increase in demand for additional services, the offer can be expanded. For example, for a small surcharge, you can offer a visit of the master to the house, to serve the client before the anniversary or wedding.

The amount of required documentation depends on the chosen taxation system, and is also determined by the form of ownership of the service enterprise. Usually, a hairdresser is an IP. The explanation is simple: register faster, fees are lower, taxation is more profitable. You can find out what documents an IP hairdresser will need on our website, in the articles-instructions for starting a business in the field of individual entrepreneurship.

Reference! You do not need a license to open a barbershop. This also applies to the provision of manicure / pedicure services. But you still have to get permission from Rospotrebnadzor and "firefighters".

Any undertaking requires thorough calculations. In the case of a hairdresser, the expense item will consist of the following items:

  • Acquisition/rent of premises.
  • Adaptation of halls to provide quality services to customers, including the purchase of equipment and consumables.
  • Required .
  • Institution advertising.

Reference! The legislator determined that 1 hairdresser's chair should have 7 sq. m. area. Plus, you will need a place to store inventory, as well as a corner for the administrator. With this in mind, the rented premises will have to be spent in the first month: rent - 30,000 rubles, hall decoration - from 40,000 rubles, equipment - from 250,000 rubles.

Tip #5 Be Very Careful When Purchasing Equipment

It is not possible to say unequivocally how much money is needed to create the necessary material and technical base. In this situation, it would be correct to consult a specialized specialist in this field. After all, at first, a start-up enterprise can purchase most of the equipment in the secondary market. And there prices vary. But an experienced master offhand can say an approximate amount. So, it is absolutely obvious that a cash register in good working order can be bought used. As for new items, for example, a chair for equipping a hairdresser's workplace can be bought for both $200 and 2,000 greenbacks.

From the very beginning, you need to create such an environment in the salon that the client is comfortable and pleasant to be in it. The interior decoration should dispose the client so that he decides to wait for the master if he came in by chance and does not know whether to stop here or go to another hairdresser.

Tip #7 The lion's share of success depends on the staff

Usually, a practicing master working for hire thinks about the problem of where to start a business in the field of beauty salons. Having embarked on the path of independence, in any case, he will have to look for additional employees, otherwise profitability will not be achieved. At this stage, you need to show restraint and thoughtfulness in the decisions made, because, as you know, personnel decide everything. So, to recruit good specialists to the team, you can go in several ways:

  • entice from competitors;
  • advertise in specialized media and on the Internet;
  • use the services of a recruitment agency.

So, you already have an idea of ​​what stages you will have to go through in order to organize your own, maybe for a start a small hairdressing salon. But in order for this enterprise to be successful, efforts must be made to promote it. In this case, all means are good: "word of mouth", distribution of leaflets, advertising booklets in various institutions, announcements on boards - "in real life" and on Internet sites. It is necessary to convey to potential customers the location of the facility, work schedule, special promotional offers and bonuses, contacts.

The service market, like any other segment of it, is a competition. To understand all the risks and benefits, not only from the point of view of the master, but also from the point of view of the business owner, it is necessary to assess the situation with demand, prices, the presence of highly qualified professionals in the area, it is supposed to open a salon. Only armed with such information, you can join the fight for your part of the consumer audience.

Tip #10 The customer always prioritizes quality

Even for a barbershop with minimal investment, located in a modest building in a residential area or in a rural area, the quality of service should be at the forefront. The administrator must always be on top, if necessary, the list of services must be expanded, the skills of hairdressers and other salon employees must be constantly improved.

In fact, everything is not so difficult! Try, the road will be mastered by the walking one!

  • Project description
  • Recruitment
  • Description of products and services
  • marketing plan
  • Financial plan
  • Where to begin
  • What documents are needed
        • Similar business ideas:

We bring to your attention a typical business plan (feasibility study) for opening a hairdressing salon. This business plan can serve as an example for obtaining a bank loan, government support or attracting private investment. The purpose of this project is to open an economy class hairdressing salon in the city of N with a population of 400 thousand people. The main activity of the organization will be the provision of hairdressing services to the population of the city with an average and lower average income.

An example of drawing up a business plan for opening a hairdressing salon in order to attract credit funds.

Project description

The purpose of this project is to open an economy class hairdressing salon in a city with a population of 400 thousand people. The main activity of the organization will be the provision of hairdressing services to the population of the city with an average and lower average income. In the future, it is planned to create a network of economy class hairdressing salons throughout the city.

How much money does it take to open a barbershop

To implement the project, it is planned to attract own funds in the amount of 92,000 rubles and borrowed funds (bank loan) in the amount of 300,000 rubles. The total cost of the project, according to the business plan, is 392,000 rubles.

Economic indicators of the project implementation:

  • Net profit per year = 436,845 rubles;
  • Profitability of a hairdressing salon = 14%;
  • Payback of the project = 11 months.

What OKVED code to indicate when registering a hairdresser

The organizational and legal form of a hairdressing salon will be individual entrepreneurship. OKVED code: "93.02 Provision of services by hairdressers and beauty salons." As tax systems a simplified taxation system will be applied, 6% of revenue.

The initiator of the project has more than 7 years of experience in this field (master of a hairdressing salon).

Currently, practical activities have begun to implement the project:

  1. Registered individual entrepreneurship in the IFTS;
  2. A preliminary lease agreement for premises in a shopping center with an area of ​​54m2 was concluded, the cost of rent per month is 45,900 rubles (850 rubles / m2.);
  3. The interior design of the premises is being worked out. An experienced designer is working on the project;
  4. There is a preliminary agreement with the supplier of equipment for the hairdressing salon. A list of necessary equipment for organizing an economy class hairdressing salon has been developed.


The staff of the organization will consist of 6 people: the salon administrator and five professional masters.

Description of products and services

Our barbershop will be designed for people with an average and lower average income. Therefore, the prices of our salon will be significantly lower than the average price level of other hairdressing salons in our city.

The main focus will be on the number of visitors per day, with a sufficiently high quality of customer service. It is assumed that about 30 services will be provided per day.

The main services that the hairdresser will provide include:

  1. Hair cut, blow dry and shampoo. Average check - 150 rubles;
  2. Styling (everyday, wedding, solemn, etc.). Average check - 120 rubles;
  3. Highlighting. Average check - 400 rubles;
  4. Evening hairstyle. Average check - 500 rubles;
  5. Perm and hair straightening. Average check - 500 rubles;
  6. Hair coloring. The average check is 700 rubles.

The total average check for services will be 395 rubles.

In our salon, all conditions for the client will be created: a pleasant atmosphere, professional craftsmen and a wide range of services at affordable prices.

Planned working hours: from 10:00 to 19:00. Three masters will work in each shift (we recommend reading the article " How to hire an employee - step by step instructions”), the work schedule of the masters 2/2.

marketing plan

We will be located in a busy part of the city, in close proximity to large office buildings. The traffic of the shopping center, where it is planned to open a hairdresser, is about 3,500 people a day. The hairdressing salon will be located on the first floor in the line of sight for every visitor to the shopping center.

The main competitors of our organization are other salons that operate in our city. There are two main competitors that work in close proximity to our salon. We will conduct a comparative analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of these competitors:

The following activities are planned to attract regular customers:

  1. Advertising in the media (newspaper, magazines, TV, radio);
  2. Banners, banners, billboards;
  3. Distribution of leaflets, flyers, posting ads.

It is assumed that after carrying out all marketing activities to attract customers, the average attendance of the institution will be about 25 people per day, which in total will be provided with about 30 services.

How much can you earn by opening a barbershop

As indicated in the section describing the services of a hairdressing salon, the average revenue per day will be: 395 rubles. (average check) * 30 services = 11,850 rubles, respectively, the monthly revenue will be 355,500. It is assumed that 40% of the proceeds will be paid to the craftsmen.

At the same time, the average monthly revenue will decrease during the summer holidays and New Year holidays. Low revenue figures will be at the start of the business. The barbershop will reach the planned revenue indicators only on the 4th month of operation.

The total revenue for the year of work will be 3,643,900 rubles.

What equipment to choose for a beauty salon

Additional equipment and consumables include disposable tableware, cosmetic products, hairdressing carts, accessories (scissors, cars, hair dryers), etc. It is assumed that about 70 thousand rubles will be spent on additional equipment.

The salon will comply with all SES and fire safety standards. So, in accordance with sanitary standards, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises for one hairdresser should be at least 8 m2.

The total wage fund per month will be 136,463 rubles.

The services of an accountant and a cleaning lady will be involved under contracts for the provision of services for a fee. Monthly expenses for these services will be about 11,000 rubles.

Financial plan

The monthly expenses of the organization are presented in the following table:

Total fixed costs will amount to 257,301 rubles per month.

The structure of annual costs is presented in the form of a diagram:

The main expenses of the hairdressing salon will be the cost of paying wages to employees - 53% of total expenses, paying rent - 18%, as well as paying insurance contributions to non-budgetary funds for employees - 16% of the total costs of the organization.

The calculation of economic indicators is presented in the table - the forecast of income and expenses of a hairdressing salon:

The net profit of the barbershop at the end of the year will be 436,845 rubles. The profitability of a hairdressing salon, according to business plan calculations, is 14%. With such indicators, the project will pay off in 11 months.

This is a complete, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. The content of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions