Why do you dream about a Beautiful Girl? Why do you dream about a beautiful woman?

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Seeing a Girl in a dream

Seeing a lot of girls in your house is good news.

For men, seeing a nice-looking girl in a dream means big expenses.

Kissing her is a sign of unexpected and joyful events that will surprise you.

A very young girl with a fresh blush on her face, which you dreamed of, means that you are about to have a pleasant meeting with a nice person, which will significantly improve your mood.

An ugly girl you dreamed of foreshadows a disruption in the normal and calm course of your affairs or way of life. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows obstacles in business.

A sick girl in a dream is a harbinger of bad news from a loved one. Perhaps someone close to you will get sick, which will greatly upset you.

A dancing girl of a pleasant appearance in a dream means a love date or good news.

Buying or catching a girl in a dream is a sign of promotion; for a prisoner - release; for a sick person - recovery; for a rich person - benefit.

A sad girl (or crying) in your dream means discord between lovers or partners.

For a mother to see a blossoming young girl in her dream, the dream foretells receiving good news from her children.

For a woman, being a girl in a dream is a harbinger of a pleasant pastime, which may be fraught with consequences for her, which will not slow down on her reputation.

For a man, such a dream is a sign of ill health.

For people of creative professions - a surge of inspiration.

See interpretation: lady, freak.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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What does the dream Girl mean?

Seeing healthy and beautiful girls in a dream predicts pleasant prospects and domestic joys.

If a girl is thin and pale, this means that a sick person will appear in your family.

If a man sees himself as a girl in a dream, this is a bad sign for his mental health. But such a dream foreshadows a career as a theater actor for a gifted young man.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a Girl in a dream

A girl in a man’s or boy’s dream is a symbol of his sexual fantasies and desires.

For a woman or girl, she symbolizes a sexual competitor, a rival.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Book

Meaning of dreams Girl

Girl - pretty - big expenses - kiss - joyful surprise - young - infatuation - crying - They will cheat on you - dancing - happiness in love - rural - you will have healthy children - young, beautiful - joy, success in love - ugly - trouble, deception, betrayal in love.

Interpretation of dreams from Kananita's Dream Book

What does a Girl mean in a dream?

Girl - seeing a girl in a dream is a joy, for those who are married - troubles. “When a woman dreams of a girl, the woman becomes a widow.”

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

Meaning of sleep Girl

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for women

Interpretation of sleep Girl

When you see a girl in a dream, you need to be prepared for something amazing to happen in life, bringing with it a lot of joy.

If you see a girl combing her hair in a dream, someone in your family will soon get married. If you dreamed that you were combing your own hair, you will soon receive an expensive gift.

If you dreamed of a girl sledding, this portends separation from your loved one. A girl walking through a blooming spring garden promises prosperity, success in personal and social life, and abundance.

Seeing a girl laying out napkins on the table in a dream means that you will become a target for the machinations of gossips and deceivers.

If you dreamed of a girl with rapidly growing hair, this means that your dream will never come true. However, such a dream may foretell the receipt of small amounts of money, as well as the appearance of a rather stupid person on your way who will “put a spoke in your wheels.”

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for women

What does a Girl predict in a dream?

If you see yourself in the company of a girl, the dream foreshadows failure in some important matter for you.

Unfulfilled promises made to loved ones will upset your affairs and add worries to your already difficult life.

If you see attractive girls, you will probably be disappointed in your lifelong friend, rush in search of adventure and suffer a financial crisis.

To see a girl pale as a shadow in a dream - a sick person will appear in your family.

If you see yourself as a girl in a dream, this is an omen of problems and the associated nervous crisis. But for a single man to see himself as a girl is very favorable. Such a dream predicts a career related to acting talents.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of men

What does it mean to see a girl in a dream

If you dream of a healthy and beautiful girl, this means that success in love and happiness awaits you. A thin and pale girl, on the contrary, foreshadows the illness of a loved one.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Girl

In a dream, paying envious attention to pretty young girls dressed in the latest fashion and arousing the admiration of all passing men - in reality you are developing a complex, considering yourself somehow flawed and inferior, and it is completely in vain to do so.

Seeing thin or, on the contrary, overweight girls foreshadows an illness during which completely unexpected ideas will come to your mind, applying which in practice you will achieve unprecedented success.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

What does a Girl's dream predict?

Seeing healthy, beautiful girls in a dream foretells pleasant prospects and domestic joys. If a girl is thin and pale, this means that someone in your family will get sick. If a man sees himself as a girl in a dream, this is a bad sign for his mental health. But for a gifted young man, such a dream may foretell a career as a theater actor.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

In a dream to see a Girl

A beautiful or ugly new activity, business, success or failure for men. For women, the nature of love relationships is herself.

Interpretation of dreams from the Wanderer's Dream Book

Dream prediction Girl

Seeing a cheerful and joyful girl in a dream means love, joy and success. Seeing a frowning and angry girl means hearing some bad and disturbing news.

Whoever sees a modest, decently dressed girl in a dream will receive joyful news from where he did not expect to receive it.

To see a careless, indecently dressed girl in a dream means to hear good news, which can cause indecent acts.

A thin and emaciated girl means anxiety and possibly poverty.

If a man sees a naked girl, he will face failure in trading matters, but if he is sure that she is a virgin, then he will be more successful than ever in all trading matters.

If in a dream a girl turns into an old woman, then this means an improvement in her standard of living.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

Why do you dream about a girl?

Pleasant prospects in love await you. Sleep is especially favorable for single men.

Imagine the girl's face, try to remember it. Call her by name (come up with a name if she didn’t name it herself in the dream).

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Seeing a Girl in a dream

Seeing a healthy and beautiful girl in a dream means pleasant prospects and domestic joys.

If the girl is pale and thin, someone in your family will get sick.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

What does the dream Girl mean?

Young girls in a dream: - a harbinger of the awakening of some new feelings.

Old people have dreams of a sick girl: a sign that your new feelings will cause you pain and difficult experiences.

For a man to see himself as a young girl in a dream: this is a warning that in the near future he may feel unusual softness and indecision in himself. Often such a dream encourages you not to give in to weakness and show character.

Interpretation of dreams from

Seeing a lot of girls in your house is good news.

For men, seeing a nice-looking girl in a dream means big expenses.

Kissing her is a sign of unexpected and joyful events that will surprise you.

A very young girl with a fresh blush on her face, which you dreamed of, means that you are about to have a pleasant meeting with a nice person, which will significantly improve your mood.

An ugly girl you dreamed of foreshadows a disruption in the normal and calm course of your affairs or way of life. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows obstacles in business.

A sick girl in a dream is a harbinger of bad news from a loved one. Perhaps someone close to you will get sick, which will greatly upset you.

A dancing girl of a pleasant appearance in a dream means a love date or good news.

Buying or catching a girl in a dream is a sign of promotion; for a prisoner - release; for a sick person - recovery; for a rich person - benefit.

A sad girl (or crying) in your dream means discord between lovers or partners.

For a mother to see a blossoming young girl in her dream, the dream foretells receiving good news from her children.

For a woman, being a girl in a dream is a harbinger of a pleasant pastime, which may be fraught with consequences for her, which will not slow down on her reputation.

For a man, such a dream is a sign of ill health.

For people of creative professions - a surge of inspiration.

See interpretation: lady, freak.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Girl

If you see yourself in the company of a girl, the dream foreshadows failure in some important matter for you.

Unfulfilled promises made to loved ones will upset your affairs and add worries to your already difficult life.

If you see attractive girls, you will probably be disappointed in your lifelong friend, rush in search of adventure and suffer a financial crisis.

To see a girl pale as a shadow in a dream - a sick person will appear in your family.

If you see yourself as a girl in a dream, this is an omen of problems and the associated nervous crisis. But for a single man to see himself as a girl is very favorable. Such a dream predicts a career related to acting talents.

Interpretation of dreams from

Girl in a dream- A girl running in a dream is considered a sign that big changes await you in the near future. The girls' fight indicates that you cannot find peace for your soul.
Diseases can visit you or your loved ones.
In some cases, a thin and pale girl in a dream foreshadows the illness of one of the relatives.
Your girlfriend in the arms of another can mean either fear of this event, if your love is mutual, or hopelessness of your situation, if the girl does not love you.
Seeing a sick girl in a dream- to illness.
Seeing a cheerful girl in a dream- to joy, sad or crying - to despondency.
Seeing a girl combing her hair in a dream means that someone in your family will soon get married.
Seeing a girl combing her hair in a dream- perhaps a celebration, a joyful event, a marriage of one of your close relatives.
Seeing beauties in a dream foretells pleasant prospects and good luck.
Seeing a young girl combing her long hair in a dream speaks of an upcoming wedding in your family.
Seeing an unfamiliar girl in a dream- to new plans.
Seeing a dancing girl in a dream means that a love date or a pleasant surprise awaits you.
A girl in a dream is almost always a symbol of success, joy, implementation of plans and a pleasant pastime.
A girl in a dream, as a rule, symbolizes truly amazing changes that will bring with them a lot of joy and good luck, and of course inspiration.
A beautiful, elegant, cheerful girl dreams of a change in weather, a meeting with friends, good news.
Girls dancing together, or walking in the same clothes, predict spiritual harmony for you, leading to success.
Girls who dream that they are being courted can begin to prepare for an imminent wedding.
For a man to see a girl in a dream often means that something amazing will happen in his life, bringing happiness and joy.
A dream where you saw a pale, unhealthy girl is considered bad - expect illness in the family.
If you dreamed of an absolutely healthy and pretty girl, then such a dream promises you great prospects in the near future, which will concern primarily your family.
If you dreamed of a dirty girl in a sloppy dress, she says that in reality you will commit a bad act that will tarnish your reputation and lead to shame and disgrace.
If you dreamed of a girl in a white dress, it means good luck; if you dreamed of a girl in a black dress, it means illness.
If you dreamed of another girl, then the interpretation of the dream can be very diverse.
If you dreamed of your beloved girl, then most often this means happiness in marriage. Much in the interpretation of a dream depends on how exactly you saw your beloved.
If you dreamed about a lot of girls, it means that you will soon receive a reward for your efforts. Talking to a girl in a dream means caring about a loved one.
If you dream of a group of beautiful girls- profit, wealth, and peace in your soul await you.
If in a dream your relationship was cloudless and directed towards each other, it means that everything in life is the same.
If in a dream you see a beautiful young girl- this portends fun and home joys, prosperity and happiness.
If in a dream you see a beautiful dancing girl, then soon you will have a love date, which can develop into a stormy romantic relationship.
If in a dream you give a ring to your girlfriend, then this is a sign that you have decided to join your destiny with her in real life.
If in a dream you see a girl with pale hair and very thin, then such a dream seems to warn you that trouble will happen in your family in the near future, namely the illness of one of your relatives.
If a girl kissed you in a dream- expect a joyful surprise.
If in a dream a girl rejects your gifts, this may mean that you understand her commercialism, but in reality you try not to think about it. Thus, having seen your beloved girl in a dream, you need to seriously analyze your relationship the next morning.
If in a dream a girl was combing her hair, then it makes sense for your family to expect a wedding.
If in a dream an unfamiliar girl is sledding, you should watch your actions and words, otherwise separation from your loved one may occur.
A guy dreams of a dancing girl when in reality everything is going well for the young man, but it can become even better if he makes every effort to conquer all the desired heights, be it an unapproachable beauty or a high position.
If a beautiful, well-groomed, friendly girl appears in a dream, it means success, good prospects, profitable agreements, and good news await you.
If you saw her crying, it means she is cheating on you or is going to cheat on you.
If you see another girl with your boyfriend, it means that in real life there is a girl who has her eyes on him and strives to win his heart, and your lover may soon begin to move away from you. But it is in your power to keep him close and preserve your love.
If you see your beloved girl pale and thin, it means that someone in your family will soon get sick.
If you see a girl whose hair grows quickly, then be prepared for the fact that your dream will not come true. However, a dream can also indicate the receipt of a small sum of money and the appearance of a person on the road bringing nothing but trouble with him.
If a girl is pale, sickly, thin or sad, you should be wary.
If a girl sees in a dream that she is being courted, then this almost always foreshadows a wedding.
If a girl sees herself in a dream, and she is being courted, she will soon get married.
If the girl was angry, left you, or was busy with herself, not paying attention to you, then, apparently, there was a crack in your relationship with her.
If an adult woman dreams of a girl, it means that in reality she often remembers the past and misses it. Sometimes such a dream symbolizes the loss of a husband.
If a girl dreams of a man and, in addition, in the dream she has the feeling that it is he himself who is the girl, then this is a very bad sign, which first of all indicates that he has problems with his health emotionally, as well as with the development of the spiritual sphere. this dream means that soon he will need to show gentleness, which was not at all characteristic of him before. However, this dream has a completely different meaning if it is dreamed by a man who is a theater actor, musician, or even a circus performer by profession. In this case, the dream means a good future in the chosen profession and, accordingly, nothing else but good luck can bring a person.
If a girl dreams of another girl, this does not bode well. Usually this dream is a harbinger of failures, quarrels and illnesses.
If the girls in your dream are dressed in strange, flashy outfits, your thoughts are in real chaos, it is very difficult to bring them into harmony.
If another crowd of girls drives away at least one of the fighting ones, know that you will soon find peace.
If he likes this girl, it means that he lacks variety in his personal life, and his other half pays too much attention to himself.
The image of a girl in a dream symbolizes surprise, surprises, which are of a positive nature.
If the ring is broken- your relationship is broken.
If the company in your dream consists of women of different ages, your spiritual development is one-sided, you should pay more attention to it.
If a man feels like a girl in a dream, then this indicates problems associated with spiritual development.
If a man is a dancer, singer, or artist by profession, then such a dream promises a successful career.
If a man dreams of marrying a girl, this means that his free life is coming to an end.
If a man dreams that he is a girl, it means that he is unsure of himself. He should change, otherwise he may become an object of gossip.
If she danced, rejoiced, smiled, then happiness in love awaits you.
If they fight- there will also be no peace in your soul or surroundings.
If a guy sees a drunk girl in a dream, then he should think that the time has come to improve his own health, change his lifestyle and start taking what is happening around him more seriously.
If you dreamed about your beloved girl, then this image has no symbolic meaning. It must be understood in its literal meaning. Such a dream most often denotes a desired or expected event.
If you dream that your beloved girl is offended by you, it means that you subconsciously feel guilty towards her for some words or actions that in reality were not perceived by you as offensive.
If a man has a girlfriend in real life, and in a dream he sees another girl with whom he communicates as a friend, it means that unpleasant gossip may soon be spread about him.
If a girl in a dream has your item in her hands, it means that soon you may have a rival.
Lying with a girl in a dream- to trouble.
A beloved girl who walks through a blooming garden dreams of goodness and success, abundance. In a dream, contemplating a girl laying out napkins on the table means intrigues from gossips.
A dead girl dreams of bad luck.
A man who sees himself in a dream as a girl should take care of his health, including psychological health. Avoid stress and conflict situations.
A man dreams of a girl as a sign of pleasant impressions.
An ugly girl who visits your dream promises problems in business, obstacles on the path to success.
An unkempt girl dreams of troubles or losses.
A naked girl appears to a guy in a dream if he experiences dissatisfaction in sexual relationships, doubts the sincerity of his partner’s feelings in reality, or suffers from loneliness.
A very beautiful girl dreams of good luck, joy.
Crying girl- discord, quarrels between loved ones.
Catching or buying a girl in a dream promises a promotion, career growth or salary increase, for a prisoner - release, and for a sick person - a quick release from illness.
Kiss the girl- to unexpected and surprising events.
At the same time, the state of this crowd- harmony or disharmony is the harmony or disorder in your inner world at the moment.
Drunk girls in a dream indicate that in real life you are trying in vain to penetrate some secrets.
Combing the hair of your beloved girl in a dream means receiving an expensive gift.
Combing your hair yourself in a dream means receiving a valuable gift or an expensive surprise.
A dream about a sloppy girl, sick or thin, predicts bad deeds and troubles that will happen to you.
The dream will tell you what your relationship really is like. Remember how you felt in the dream, how you behaved, how the girl behaved.
A dream in which you are walking with unfamiliar girls foreshadows discord in the family.
A dream in which girls are running in panic suggests that an important, turning point will soon come in your life.
A dream where you saw a drunk girl means that you will reveal someone else’s secret in vain.
A dream where you see a girl walking through a blooming garden is a harbinger of success in personal and social life, prosperity and abundance.
A dream where you see a healthy and beautiful girl foreshadows family joys and bright prospects.
Gossip with a girl- to disappointment.
A girl dancing in a dream promises you love, which will bring harmony into your life.
A dancing girl portends mutual love and peace in the family.
A crowd of girls and women in a dream symbolizes different states of your soul in interaction with the outside world.
Seeing a nice girl in a dream- to joy.
See a girl sledding- to separation from a loved one.
A thin and pale girl in a dream is not a good sign. This is a sign of illness in one of your close relatives.
Kissing a girl in a dream- to joy.
Kissing your beloved girl in a dream means that a joyful surprise awaits you.
Kissing a girl in a dream foreshadows unexpected good news.
Often a dream where you saw a girl is a sign that you will soon receive great wealth.
Often it is also a projection of a real situation or indicates the true motives of the partners’ behavior.

Sometimes it may seem that dreams are easy to interpret - to do this, the dreamer just needs to look into the dream book and find the right word.

However, not everything is always so fast - and in this way you can sometimes get incorrect, erroneous answers. If you use dream books and want to find out the answers to your dreams, be careful.

Moreover, some dreams are not so simple - obvious and unambiguous signs and symbols, like some objects or natural phenomena, are easier to interpret. But people who visit dreams are not so easy to understand - and one image can have several connotations and meanings.

How to interpret what a girl is dreaming about - an ambiguous, changeable and mysterious image, like the young ladies themselves? If a girl visited your night dreams, do not rush to draw conclusions - this is not an easy dream.

On the one hand, the dream book states, the girl is a symbol of the beautiful, pure and bright. But, in addition, it can mean the feminine side of a person’s soul. Yes, yes, and we are talking about men and young people who have such a dream.

The female half of the soul, or “anima,” is in every person. And this does not make a man feminine or weak, but only gives him intuition, a strong subconscious and sensuality. A girlish image in dreams can vividly personify this part of the personality, and speak volumes.

For example, if the girl in your dreams is weak, sick or angry, the higher powers are probably hinting to you that you should be softer, pay more attention to the spiritual and emotional sphere, open up to people and learn to care.

Also, some dreams with the participation of beautiful people can promise and foreshadow certain events, and here it is important what she was like. In dreams she can be close or unfamiliar, sad or cheerful, beautiful or tired, pregnant or in a white wedding dress...

And it’s not at all difficult to understand why you dream about a girl you like - it’s just a continuation of dreams and fantasies about her. Before interpreting the “girl’s” dream, let’s sort out the options, which may be as follows:

  • I just dreamed of some unfamiliar girl, like a spatial image.
  • Lots of girls in dreams.
  • A familiar person.
  • I dream of an unfamiliar young lady.
  • Girlfriend in a dream.
  • The one you like.
  • Beloved or bride.
  • The guy dreamed about his ex-girlfriend.
  • A very beautiful young lady in her dreams.
  • A crowd of beautiful girls in a dream.
  • She dances or sings.
  • Kiss a girl.
  • Beautiful young lady in a white dress.
  • Dreaming of a pregnant woman.
  • Smiling, cheerful unknown girl.

All these dreams have a lot of meanings and hidden, important meanings. To understand reliably why you dream of an ex-girlfriend, a stranger or a loved one, pregnant or fabulously beautiful, you should not rush.

The meaning of a “girl’s” dream can change, be adjusted or supplemented by various factors - if a woman or a guy has a dream, as well as the days of the week - from Saturday to Sunday, or on other nights that are significant for dreams. It is worth considering a lot of factors at the same time.

Why did she dream?

The first step is to most reliably remember the girl’s appearance - what she was like, what she looked like. Then - what she did, and, besides this, what emotions the dreamer, that is, you, had in the dream.

The emotional coloring of a dream is incredibly important; it can significantly influence the interpretation of the dream. Positive and joyful emotions experienced in a dream give any interpretation a positive connotation.

And, on the contrary, if you experienced anxiety or fear, then the positive interpretation should be adjusted and a certain negative aspect taken into account.

1. First of all, I’m curious about the dream of a girl who simply appeared as some kind of image, vision, ghost, without any special signs or bright features, who did nothing.

Such a dream promises a joyful and pleasant surprise, especially for a man or a guy, and for a woman it foretells a pleasant surprise and joy. In this form, the girl acts as a harbinger of positive experiences and good events.

2. Why a whole crowd of girls dreams, the dream book answers this way: this means that the dreamer has some kind of internal conflict in his soul. This may be the opposition of different, contradictory desires, or the struggle of certain aspirations with conscience or the voice of reason. Be smart and make the right decision.

3. Let's see what a girl we know dreams about - a friend, an employee, a neighbor, and so on. This means that in reality you yourself do not spend time thinking about this person, and she appeared unexpectedly and for no apparent reason. Why?

This obviously indicates some kind of internal connection between you and her, and perhaps in her person you will find a reliable friend or valuable assistant. Think, take a closer look at this person, it’s not for nothing that you dream about her!

Or do you still secretly have some fantasies about her? This means that the dream simply confirms this and continues your subconscious desires.

4. As the dream book says, a girl unfamiliar to the dreamer is precisely that feminine, intuitive, sensual part of the soul. What was it like and what emotions did it evoke?

If you are negative, and you yourself were not in bloom, obviously, you should think about the spiritual, subtle side of your character, be more attentive, and cultivate sensitivity in yourself.

5. Dreaming about a friend usually means joy and fun. Especially if the dream took place either on Friday night, and even more so from Saturday to Sunday. Then rest assured that you will have a very joyful and emotional time.

6. Why do you dream about the one you like? Such dreams are not surprising. They hint that the dreamer should be more active and not wait! Nothing will happen on its own, except perhaps you will miss the chance. Take action!

7. It’s especially important why you dream about your ex-girlfriend - why doesn’t she leave you in your dreams? P such a dream may not be associated with this person, but only be a symbol of the past to which the dreamer is too attached.

When trying to explain why your ex-girlfriend is dreaming, think about whether you are living too much in past events, maybe you should let go of the past and live today?

8. It’s curious why your beloved girl, bride, chosen one dreams. As the dream book says, a beloved girl in a dream, especially from Saturday to Sunday, as well as on Friday, the day of Venus, symbolizes a strong connection between you. This is a good dream, your union is successful.

9. A dream in which a girl is very beautiful, in an elegant dress, well-groomed means unexpected joy, great luck and profit. From Saturday to Sunday, a beautiful girl can portend great happiness and the fulfillment of an old dream.

10. A pregnant woman is a symbol of plans and ideas that are destined to come true. If the pregnant girl was also beautiful and smiled in her sleep, it means that complete success and recognition awaits you.

11. A girl who dreams of wearing a white dress is a good symbol, foreshadowing great joy and ease in business and relationships. In addition, a young lady in white, seen from Saturday to Sunday, portends complete happiness in love.

12. In dreams, a dancing girl means harmony in the dreamer’s soul, tranquility, a happy life and pure love.

13. A smiling and cheerful young lady promises you not only joy, but also the support of higher powers.

14. Many beautiful girls in dreams are a good sign that foretells wealth and a noble position for the dreamer.

15. If a guy sees himself kissing a girl in his dreams, this portends him a joyful surprise. For a woman, such a dream most likely promises conflict and squabbles - it is better to avoid this.

The girl is an interesting and limitless symbol to decipher. Take into account all the factors - what she was like and what she did, whether she appeared from Saturday to Sunday, or on other significant nights for dreams, whether you felt joy and lightness, or anxiety and fear during the dream. By combining all these factors, like pieces of a mosaic, you will get the full picture! Author: Vasilina Serova

The most ordinary girl in a dream is a rather curious character. Its appearance may signify upcoming changes and reflect the state of the dreamer himself. Full interpretation usually depends on additional plot details. Popular dream books using specific examples will help you understand why the dreaming girl is dreaming.

Decoding according to Miller's dream book

Did you dream of a beautiful and apparently healthy girl? Expect profitable prospects and joy in your home. If a pale and skinny girl appeared in a dream, then, on the contrary, a period of difficulties and illnesses is coming.

Why does a man dream that he has become a girl? This is a sign of moral degradation, but for a gifted guy, the vision means that he has every chance of making a career as an actor.

Interpretation according to Medea's dream book

Why does a mature woman dream about a young girl? The dream book believes that this person is the personification of the dreamer’s past, and also shows her state of mind at the current moment. In a man’s dream, a young girl symbolizes his sensuality, dreams, and desire to express emotions.

Did you dream about a beautiful girl? Expect good luck, prosperity and prosperity. But seeing a dirty and poorly dressed girl is much worse. This is a reflection of bad deeds and intentions, as well as a symbol of a wasted soul.

What does the dream book of the Winter spouses think?

What does a young girl dream about most often? The dream book considers it a symbol of the awakening of new feelings and bright spiritual impulses. For older dreamers, the girl promises a second youth, a revival of forgotten feelings or lost hope. Did you dream about a sick girl? The future will bring you heartache and a lot of suffering.

If a man is lucky enough to see himself as a pretty girl, then a situation is coming in which he will show unusual gentleness and tolerance. Sometimes this is an indication of excessive indecisiveness and excessive delicacy.

Dream book answer for the whole family

Did you dream about a girl? Be prepared for truly incredible and even inexplicable events to happen in life. But they will bring exclusively positive emotions and changes.

Why do you dream of a girl who combs her luxurious long hair in a dream? The dream book advises: get ready for some fun soon, someone in the house is getting married. Sometimes the plot hints at receiving an unusual, but strictly pleasant gift.

If a girl’s hair lengthens before her eyes at night, then, alas, her wish will never come true. The Dream Interpretation also believes that such a plot predicts making a small profit or communicating with a very stupid and dull person.

In a dream, did an unfamiliar girl ride a sled? Alas, separation from your loved one is coming. Seeing a girl walking in a park or a blooming garden in a dream means that you are destined for a period of well-being and prosperity. But if in a dream a beauty was laying out napkins or arranging dishes, then be afraid of gossip and intrigue.

Interprets the dream book from A to Z

Why do you dream of a pretty girl, dressed in the latest fashion, whom you are terribly jealous of in a dream? The dream book considers vision to be a manifestation of an inferiority complex. Moreover, this feeling is completely unfounded. Stop being a victim and accept yourself without looking back.

Seeing an ugly fat or, on the contrary, thin, ugly and poorly dressed girl means that you will soon get sick. However, the dream book believes that during an illness absolutely incredible ideas will come to mind. If after recovery you decide to implement them, you will achieve unprecedented results.

The dream book of the 21st century answers

Why is the girl dreaming? In a dream, she warns of gossip and rumors. If many maidens appeared in a dream, then you will become rich and live in luxury and contentment. Did you dream that the girls were fighting with each other? The dream book considers this a sign of mental imbalance. Seeing a girl running away means that serious changes are coming. You have to make a truly fateful decision.

Did you see a naked girl? Your expectations are in vain. If she had long hair, then you will know real happiness. Seeing a disheveled girl can mean trouble, and seeing a completely bald girl can mean hostility and neglect.

Did a girl appear in a dream without makeup and poorly dressed? You will hear blatant flattery. Why do you dream about a girl who happened to kiss? In reality, you will win a game or lottery. Taking a girl in your arms is bad: get ready for a loud quarrel. Did you dream that you gave up your seat on a transport to a charming person? In reality, beware of deception. You could fall into someone's cunning trap and be seriously injured.

If a man dreams that he is lying between two beauties, then his health will improve, and a bright streak will come in his affairs. Communication with a pregnant girl always promises a revival of hope and a real miracle. But being in a dream only among young women means that you will become the object of malicious gossip and slander.

Interpretation according to the Wanderer's dream book

Why do you dream about a completely unfamiliar girl? The interpretation of the dream is entirely based on her external data and behavior. For a man, a girl is considered a reflection of the state of his affairs, the ability to realize his idea, and also indicates the makings of intuition.

For a woman, a girl in a dream means her subconscious or personifies the dreamer herself in the past, less often hints at the appearance of a rival or feelings of envy.

Did you dream about a completely naked girl? For a man, the dream book promises a deterioration in affairs, for a woman - a feeling of complete helplessness. If a pregnant girl appears in a dream, then get ready for troubles and delays. Seeing a beauty in mourning is the worst thing. This is a harbinger of separation, great misfortune and even death.

Why do blonde and brunette girls dream?

Did you dream about a blue-eyed brunette? You will have to voluntarily give up the fight, despite excellent opportunities for victory. Did a girl with brown hair come in a dream? Do not give in to flattery and persuasion.

Why does a red-haired girl dream? Be prepared for difficulties and anxiety. A blonde appeared in a dream? In the near future you will be able to realize your talents. Seeing a black-haired and black-eyed beauty is worse. In real life, you risk making a fatal mistake. This is also a sign of fatal passion.

A blonde with long hair promises a long period of prosperity or a successful trip. Seeing a brunette with a short haircut can mean short-term success and difficulties to come after it.

Why does the girl you like show up at night?

If you dreamed of a friend you like in the real world, then you are simply thinking too much about her, which is why the subconscious gives you what you want in a dream.

Did you dream that you were marrying a girl you like? In reality, she will remain indifferent to you. This is also evidenced by a vision in which he happened to say goodbye to the girl he liked. But if you experienced a bright feeling when saying goodbye, then in reality you will soon find true love.

What does it mean if in a dream the girl you like marries someone else? In reality, you will experience jealousy that will destroy you from the inside. A meaningless walk together through a beautiful landscape, on the contrary, gives hope for a relationship.

I dreamed about a girl of easy virtue, a prostitute

Why do you dream about a girl of easy virtue? In a dream, a prostitute symbolizes the stereotype that everything can be bought with money. If the current general decoding is valid, then it makes no sense to interpret the dream further.

Did you dream that you were in the company of a moth? Stupid antics and childishness will cause ridicule from others. If a young woman dreams of a girl of easy virtue, then she will twirl her chosen one as she pleases. But one day, she risks losing him.

For a married lady, the character predicts quarrels and suspicions of infidelity. For a man, a girl of easy virtue means his desire for an easy life without obligations.

What does a dream girl mean in a dream?

Did you dream about the girl of your dreams? If you act according to your goal, then your old dream will come true. Did you manage to meet the girl of your dreams in your dream? Rest assured, in the dream world you met your soul or some light forces.

Usually such visions are accompanied by pleasant sensations that do not disappear even after awakening. Why do you dream if you happen to meet a fatal beauty in the night? Most likely, this was a collision with an unfriendly creature who wanted to feed on your energy or even subjugate it.

I saw an unfamiliar girl

A stranger in a dream can be identified with the dreamer himself without reference to gender. This is how insecurity, stupid behavior or limitations manifest themselves.

Why do you still dream about an unfamiliar girl? Soon you will experience hitherto unknown feelings or sensations. A character's appearance can tell whether they will be good or bad. If a terribly scary and even ugly girl appears in a dream, then unpleasant events are coming for which you are not prepared.

What does a homewrecker, rival girl symbolize?

Did you dream of a rival in love? You pay too little attention to your chosen one and risk losing him completely. If a homewrecker brazenly took your loved one away from you in a dream, then you have lost control of the situation. To return to the original position, a lot of effort will have to be made.

If you managed to get around the homewrecker girl, then all you have to do is strain a little and victory is in your pocket. If a businessman dreams of a competitor in the form of a young charming girl, then he has practically no chance of winning. Women who dreamed of a homewrecker should take their current relationships especially seriously.

Why does a girl in a wedding dress appear in a dream?

Why do you dream of a girl in a wedding dress? Most often it appears before illness. For a woman, the dreaming bride is a symbol of her dreams. For men, this is a sign of inner uncertainty and unexpressed femininity. A girl in a wedding dress warns about participating in a noisy public event. But if the wedding dress was dirty or torn, then separation from your loved one will inevitably occur.

Girl in a red dress, underwear

Why do you dream about a girl in a red dress? In a dream, this is a sign of an important acquaintance or visit. However, this same image can warn of a dangerous relationship or vicious passion. Did you dream about a girl in red? Get ready for a big scandal. What does it mean if a girl shows up in her underwear? Beware, they will try to seduce you, and the interpretation is relevant for all dreamers. The fact is that temptation can concern not only the romantic side, but also other areas of life.

What does a girl in a dream mean for a woman or a man?

Why does a man dream about a girl, regardless of her external characteristics? In a dream, this is an omen of everything new: projects, activities, relationships, ideals, etc. In addition, the young girl personifies a guardian angel in men's visions.

For a woman, an unknown girl and her behavior is a reflection of the current romantic relationship, the personification of herself or a competitor. If a married lady dreamed of an unfamiliar girl, then there is a chance that she will become a widow.

Why else does a girl dream? For a family man, it is considered a sign of imminent joy and pleasant troubles. In the dream of a lonely male dreamer, a girl is associated with his sexual fantasies.

Girl in a dream - how to interpret

Why do you dream about an unfamiliar girl? In dreams, it symbolizes plans and ideas, as well as the possibilities of their implementation. The state and appearance of a person indicates the current spiritual development, and one’s own actions give a description of the true feelings and intentions of the dreamer himself.

  • pretty - big expenses
  • very beautiful - you will receive a gift, perhaps from fate
  • ugly - devotion of loved ones
  • young – light hobby, new activity, reckless actions
  • rural - strong offspring
  • urban – ill-considered actions, mistakes
  • wild - failure of the enterprise, lack of money, risky moves
  • dirty, disheveled - selfish goals, failures
  • a clean, neatly dressed girl - wealth, bright thoughts
  • kind, happy - fantastic luck, approval/blessing of higher powers
  • angry, aggressive - betrayal, collapse of hope, spiritual discomfort
  • cunning, insidious – imposed priorities, following other people’s ideas, deception
  • submissive, humble - spiritual transformation is coming
  • in dirt, sewage - conflicts, bad luck, failure
  • in the blood - illness, base instincts, vicious passions
  • wet – excessive impressionability, daydreaming
  • beaten, torn to pieces - you are committing violence against yourself, acting under pressure
  • random companion - satisfaction, temporary difficulties in business
  • pregnant - miracle, joy, surprise, surprise
  • with a child - family happiness, well-being
  • black-haired - danger, slander
  • blonde - hope, dream come true
  • redhead - inconstancy, short-lived love
  • girl with long hair - road, luck, health
  • with short ones - bad luck, short-term success
  • in a man's outfit - passion, satisfaction
  • under the veil - death, misfortune
  • with a beard - surprise, surprise, miracle
  • many girls - disappointment, gossip
  • crying - betrayal, discontent, stupid act
  • calls for help - subconscious pangs of conscience, repentance
  • laughs - joy, fantastic luck
  • dancing - happiness in love
  • praying – good times, positive changes
  • runs away - false judgments, dangerous priorities
  • follows you - the right path, the right choice
  • meet on the road - a good day
  • it’s unclear to see, only outlines are minor misunderstandings
  • looking back at a girl on the street is deception, betrayal of friends
  • kissing - a pleasant surprise, reconciliation
  • hugging - friendship, luck, decent income
  • having sex is deception, false illusions
  • undress - revelation, revelation of a secret
  • rape - unreasonable conduct of business
  • carry in your arms - getting a loan, big money loans
  • propose to a girl - prosperity, prosperity
  • get married - new love is coming, dramatic changes
  • kidnap – sadness, tears, disappointment
  • drive away - losses, need for help, inability to control oneself
  • to fall asleep - good deeds, right deeds
  • talking is a waste of time, a choice
  • quarrel - loud scandal
  • persuade - a deal with conscience
  • pester - new acquaintance
  • giving money is self-deception
  • giving a ring - long-term relationship, possibly marriage
  • beat - bad intentions, mistakes
  • pin down - changes in family life
  • hit by a car - betrayal, mortal danger
  • kill - a scam, obtaining income illegally, death of the soul

Did you dream about a girl playing with children? This is an indication that you are at the peak of your development. The same plot predicts imminent changes of a fateful nature.