Boasting. Quotes, aphorisms, sayings about boasting, braggarts

To boast means to tell others without any courtesy: I am better than you.
Pierre Buast

Noise doesn't prove anything. A hen that has laid an egg sometimes cackles so loudly as if it had demolished an entire planet.
Mark Twain

If a man speaks badly about himself, don’t believe him: he’s just bragging.
Wanda Blonska

When there are no merits in adulthood, they brag about their school successes.
F. Selivanov

If people have nothing to brag about, they brag about their misfortunes.
Arturo Graf

Man is the crown of creation; and who said this?
Elbert Hubbard

He who brags to those who know him deservedly laughs at himself.

In boasters, as in gilded weapons, the inside does not match the outside.
Pythagoras of Samos

When there is nothing to be proud of in the present, they boast about yesterday’s merits.
Cicero Mark Tullius

Boastful speeches are the first sign of weakness, and those who are capable of great things keep their mouths shut.
Cicero Mark Tullius

Don't tell me: “I have famous great-grandfathers and fathers.” The faithful law commands everyone to boast in their life.
Basil the Great

William Shakespeare

Everyone says about a fool and a braggart that he is a fool and a braggart; but no one tells him this, and he dies, not knowing about himself what everyone knows.
Jean de La Bruyère

When people boast about vices, it is not a problem; moral evil arises when they boast of virtues.
Gilbert Keith Chesterton

If people have nothing to brag about, they brag about their misfortunes.
Arturo Graf

We rarely brag about what is important and necessary for us, what we value and truly love.
Lev Shestov

It is in vain that you boast about your ancestors if your descendants cannot be proud of you.
author unknown

Braggers are rarely brave, and brave people rarely boast.
author unknown

A boastful person is a laughing stock for the smart, an object of worship for fools, a tasty prey for flatterers and a slave to his own vanity.
F. Bacon

You're boasting in vain that you stayed
Honest, incorruptible and in disgrace:
Many who really weren’t for sale -
These are the ones who were not bought.
I. Guberman

It is wonderful to praise for good deeds, but to glorify for bad deeds is the work of an evil person and a deceiver.

When a smart person scolds you, it's bad, but when a stupid person praises you, it's even worse.
T. Iriarte

We are much more likely to grab something that is praised by others than something that is praiseworthy in itself.
J. Labruyère

Praiseworthy epithets do not constitute praise. Praise requires facts, and skillfully presented ones at that.
J. Labruyère

When you praise, you always praise yourself; when you blame, you always blame someone else.
F. Nietzsche

Praise and slander were accepted indifferently
And don't argue with a fool.
A. Pushkin

To boast of strength - to carry a bull on your shoulders - means to be like him.
K. Fontenelle

The common fate of all braggarts: sooner or later, but still you will certainly get into a mess.
W. Shakespeare

Anyone who constantly boasts of any of his qualities admits that he does not possess them at all.
A. Schopenhauer

To boast means to say to others without any courtesy: I am better than you.
Pierre Buast

To boast of strength - to carry a bull on your shoulders - means to be like him.
Bernard Fontenelle

Boasting is a sign of insecurity. Rudeness is a sign of powerlessness. Hoping for benefit from their manifestation is a sign of stupidity.
Stas Yankovsky

The boasting of a stupid person is sincere; the boasting of a smart person is of an evil, unsympathetic nature.
Daniil Kharms

When there is nothing to be proud of in the present, they boast about yesterday’s merits.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

It's easy to brag when you know you don't have to prove it!
Laurel Hamilton

The common fate of all boasters: whether sooner or later, you will certainly end up in trouble.
William Shakespeare

Anyone who wants to teach someone who has a high opinion of his own intelligence is wasting his time.

Noise doesn't prove anything. A hen that has laid an egg sometimes cackles so loudly as if it had demolished an entire planet.
Mark Twain

Boastful speeches are the first sign of weakness, and those who are capable of great things keep their mouths shut.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

He who speaks about his own merits is ridiculous, but he who is not aware of them is stupid.
Philip Chesterfield

Self-criticism is the most cunning way of boasting...
Chernov V.A.

In boasters, as in gilded weapons, the inside does not match the outside.

When a person boasts that he will not change his beliefs, he undertakes to walk in a straight line all the time - this is a fool, confident in his infallibility. There are no principles, but only events; there are no laws - there are circumstances; a high-flying person himself tries on events and circumstances in order to lead them.
Honore Balzac

We need two types of acquaintances: those to whom we can complain about life, and those to whom we can brag.
Logan Pearsall Smith

If a man speaks badly about himself, don’t believe him: he’s just bragging.
Wanda Blonska

A broken clock shows the correct time twice a day and, after several years, can boast of a long series of successes.
Maria-Ebner Eschenbach

When there are no merits in adulthood, they brag about their school successes.
F. Selivanov

If you want people to say good things about you, don't say good things about yourself.
Blaise Pascal

He who flaunts erudition or learning has neither one nor the other.
Ernest Hemingway

If people have nothing to brag about, they brag about their misfortunes.
Arturo Graf

He who boasts that he has made many friends has never had a single friend.
Samuel Coleridge

Man is the crown of creation; and who said this?
Elbert Hubbard

Affecting any quality, boasting about it, is admitting to yourself that you do not possess them.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Whatever your opinion about your merits, do not flaunt them in society, do not follow the example of those boastful people who try to turn the conversation in such a way that they have the opportunity to show them off. If these are genuine advantages, people will inevitably learn about them without you, and it will be much more beneficial for you.
Philip Chesterfield

A boastful person, if he has nothing to brag about, sometimes boasts about the successes of others.
Ilya Shevelev

There are people who are capable of any noble and heroic deed, but cannot resist the temptation to tell the unfortunate person about their happiness.
Mark Twain

Everyone says about a fool and a braggart that he is a fool and a braggart; but no one tells him this, and he dies, not knowing about himself what everyone knows.
Jean La Bruyère

Some scientists accumulate knowledge only to boast about it.
Georg Lichtenberg

It is not good when a person boasts, but it is even worse when he has nothing to boast about.
Ilya Shevelev

Man is the crown of creation; and who said this?
Elbert G. Hubbard

He who boasts of knowing a secret has already discovered one half of it, and will not hesitate to reveal the other.
Jean Paul

Keep your knowledge, like a watch, in your inner pocket, do not display it, as a watch does, without any reason, just to show that you have it.
Philip Chesterfield

I never cease to be amazed at how many people in our country live with someone else's mind!

You should not trust people who often wear glasses with tinted lenses.

Some people are so beautiful on the outside that you just want to kiss them... And when you listen to them, you just want to puke and run away...

Some people, like birches, bend and bend all their lives, but never break. And others, powerful and slender, like oak trees, stand straight all their lives, do not bend and bend under pressure, and then - boom! And - they broke, and they are not there.

You rarely see some people, but you quickly forget them.

There is nothing stupider than giving up and admitting defeat.

Why do people swear?! Are they really so lazy that they can’t expand their vocabulary by at least a couple of words?

Why do people who know the least know it loudest?!

Some people get smarter over the years, while others just get old.

Very often a person's weakness is his real, hidden strength.

A parody of a person does not have to be funny if the person himself is serious.

A pessimist is a person who looks at milk banks and jelly rivers and sees in them only calories and cholesterol.

Putting your hand on your heart and speaking with a clear conscience, 80% of people are born due to chance.

Progress is driven by the laziest of the laziest people in the world, looking for yet another way to make this universe as simple as possible.

Anyone can solve easy problems.

Two-faced people are so difficult to communicate with. It’s much easier to simply erase them from your life.

The happiest people don't care about everything in the world. They simply learn to make the best out of everything and notice only the good in everything. Love generously! Care from the heart! Speak softly! And leave everything else to the discretion of the Lord God.

There are three types of people: those who can count and those who cannot count.

Only stupid people do only smart things.

Only fools believe in random chance and luck.

Only weaklings are afraid of problems. Strong personalities solve them and make fortunes from them.

Only those who are not in a hurry manage to snatch the most important thing from the bustle of life and win.

A smart person often has to play dumb. To prove that he is smart.

A smart person sees a lot, speaks little and hears everything perfectly.

The success of successful people is that they never give up and always keep moving forward.

A person who provokes others to say “Weak?” is usually a weakling himself.

The crazier the leader, the easier it is for followers to believe him.

The less often a person makes mistakes, the less experience he has.

In order for other people to help you, you need to learn how to ask for help correctly.

This world is full of wonderful, diverse individuals who we should accept for who they are... even if most of them are complete idiots.

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