Vitrum complex of vitamins and minerals instructions. Vitrum Centuri: instructions for use

Both imported and domestic vitamin complexes imply additional intake of useful substances (vitamins and minerals) into the body. They are intended for the treatment of beriberi, to eliminate the deficiency of these substances. An additional intake of vitamins and minerals is often prescribed for increased physical, mental stress, stressful situations, chronic fatigue, various infections. They are prescribed to pregnant women, it is recommended to give to children.

One of the most effective and popular vitamin preparation is Vitrum. This remedy balances necessary for the body substances. At the same time, it activates metabolic processes in the human body. It is very popular among the people of our country. It is recommended by doctors for all vitamin deficiency conditions listed above.

How to take the Vitrum complex, what is its dosage, how to replace it, what are the side effects? I suggest you familiarize yourself with brief description this tool, which is based on the instructions from the manufacturer.

What is the composition of Vitrum?

The composition of this tool contains all the elements necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. Each dragee contains a daily dose of B vitamins, vitamin C, B5, D3, K1, vitamins A, E (pantothenic acid), as well as H (biotin) and PP (nicotinamide). The preparation contains required amount copper, potassium, magnesium, iron. Contains zinc, molybdenum, selenium, chromium. It contains enough silicon, tin, vanadium and iodine. It contains phosphorus, nickel, chlorine, and manganese. In general, if you can talk about some factory product "a storehouse of vitamins", then it's definitely about him - about Vitrum!

Does Vitrum have analogues?

If necessary, Vitrum can be replaced with other vitamin products. Its analogues such as Duovit, Menopace, Complivit are very popular with buyers. The Vitrum Beauty complex for pregnant and lactating women is very popular.

What is the use of Vitrum? What does the instruction say?

Vitrum is often prescribed to boost the immune system after and during antibiotic treatment. Assign to maintain the body during the period of chemotherapy.

Doctors recommend taking this complex to schoolchildren, students, during exams and sessions. These vitamins are useful for all people to take during physical, intellectual stress, with overwork, fatigue and weakening of the body.

The Vitrum complex is prescribed to patients during recovery, after illnesses, as well as to people who do not receive a full, healthy, balanced nutrition. For example, women who often adhere to strict diets.

What is Vitrum's dosage for use?

As the instructions indicate, it is recommended to take the drug for adults, as well as for children who are already 12 years old. Take 1 tablet (pellets) per day after meals. It is better to do this after breakfast. The course of admission is a month. Re-admission must be agreed with the doctor.

What are Vitrum side effects?

Sometimes possible allergic manifestations. This can be observed with an overdose of vitamins.

What are Vitrum's contraindications?

A drug such as Vitrum instructions for use does not recommend taking if there is intolerance or sensitivity to any of its many ingredients. Do not take it with hypervitaminosis A. You can not take this remedy in parallel with other multivitamin complexes.

Precautionary measures

Do not exceed the dosage. You need to take the recommended 1 tablet per day and no more.

It must be remembered that the composition of the drug contains calcium and iron. This makes the assimilation of tetracycline antibiotics, as well as drugs - fluoroquinol derivatives, not so effective.

Vitamin C, which is part of the drug, can increase the side effects when taking sulfanilamide complexes together. If Vitrum is taken in parallel with diuretics from the thiazide group, the risk of developing hypercalcemia increases when allowable level calcium in the body.

It should be noted that the Vitrum vitamin complex is harmless to the body (in allowable doses). It contains everything necessary for a person vitamins, minerals. It is well tolerated by the body and quickly brings the expected effect. These virtues have made this drug very popular and in demand in the pharmaceutical market of multivitamin products.

Patients who took Vitrum, in the majority, leave very good, positive reviews about the drug. They celebrate its effectiveness. After a course of taking it, the majority improved their general well-being, increased working capacity, and an improvement in the thought process appeared.

But even this useful harmless drug as Vitrum, especially its long-term use, should take place under periodic medical supervision. Be healthy!

Latin name: Vitrum Plus
ATX code: A11AA01
Active substance: Vitamins and minerals
Manufacturer: Unipharm, USA
Pharmacy leave condition: Over the counter

Vitrum Plus - complex drug, which prevents the development of hypovitaminosis and associated diseases.

Indications for use

The intake of this vitamin complex is indicated in the following cases:

  • Prevention and treatment of vitamin deficiency, minerals and macronutrients
  • Increased endurance during intense sports, excessive mental stress
  • Compensation for the lack of essential vitamins and minerals with an unbalanced diet
  • Restoration and support of the body after suffering infectious diseases.


One Vitrum Plus tablet includes:

  • Vit. A - 4400 IU
  • Vit. B1 - 1.5 mg
  • Vit. B2 - 1.7 mg
  • Beta-carotene - 600 IU
  • Vit. B6 - 2 mg
  • Vit. B12 - 6 mcg
  • Vit. C - 60 mg
  • Vit. E - 30 IU
  • Vit. D3 - 400 IU
  • Vit. K1 - 25 mcg
  • Nicotinamide - 20 mg
  • Biotin - 30 mcg
  • Pantothenic acid -10 mg
  • Folic acid - 400 mcg
  • Ca - 162 mg
  • Cr - 25 mcg
  • Cl - 36.3 mg
  • Mo - 25 mcg
  • V - 10 mcg
  • Sn - 10 mcg
  • Ni - 5 mcg
  • F - 125 mg
  • Mg - 100 mg
  • Zn - 15 mg
  • K - 40 mg
  • Fe - 18 mg
  • Mn - 2.5 mg
  • Se - 25 mcg
  • Si - 10 mcg
  • Cu - 2 mg
  • I - 150 mcg.

Additional components of the vitamin complex include:

  • Cellulose in microcrystalline form
  • Titanium dioxide
  • magnesium stearate
  • Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose
  • Triacetin
  • staeric acid
  • Sodium croscarmellose
  • Yellow and red dye.

Medicinal properties

Thanks to the effect of the vitamin-mineral complex, it is possible to normalize metabolic processes, increase the body's immune defenses.

Vit. A is an active participant in the production of proteins, fats, mucopolysaccharides, thereby maintaining the health of the eyes, skin and mucous membranes.

Beta-carotene is converted to human body in vit.A, prevents the development of CCC ailments.

Vit. D3 prevents the development of rickets in young children, as well as osteoporosis in adults.

Vit. Due to its antioxidant properties, it provides protection of cells and tissues from oxidative reactions, preventing the occurrence of atherosclerosis and other related ailments. It is also actively involved in the process of cell growth, corrects the work of the cardiovascular system, normalizes the functioning of blood vessels, as well as the muscles of the skeleton.

B-group vitamins contribute to the formation of a number of enzymes that regulate the course of metabolic processes.

Vit. C is an indispensable member carbohydrate metabolism, promotes tissue repair, normalizes the level of platelets in the blood.

K and Mg normalize hydro-lipid metabolism, and vitamins in combination with Zn, Mo and Mn correct the metabolism of proteins, minerals and nitrogen. Cu, Fe are necessary for the formation of hemoglobin, Cr and Zn contribute to the full production of sex hormones. Se increases tissue elasticity. I normalizes the sugar index, has a positive effect on the structure of epithelial and bone tissue.

Release form

Price from 432 to 1020 rubles.

Vitamins Vitrum are available in the form of oval tablets. orange color, with a light aroma, engraved with the inscription Vitrum. Inside the bottle may contain 30 or 100 tablets. The carton contains 1 vial.

Methods of reception

For adults daily dosage drug - 1 tab. Children aged 6 to 12 years are recommended to use ½ tab., Dissolved in 3/4 tbsp. water.


You can not start taking a vitamin complex with hypersensitivity to one of its components.

Precautionary measures

Should not be taken higher doses vitamins.

Cross-drug interactions

When you receive antibacterial drugs group of tetracyclines, as well as some drugs of the fluoroquinol group, a decrease in the rate of their absorption in the large intestine can be observed.

Vit.C is able to enhance adverse reactions antibacterial drugs of the sulfonamide group.

Antacids containing Al, Mg, Ca, cholestyramine reduce the absorption of Fe.

When taking diuretic drugs of the thiazide group, the likelihood of developing hypercalcemia increases.

Side effects

The components of Vitrum Plus can provoke allergic reactions, which are manifested by urticaria, swelling, redness of the skin, anaphylactic shock.


In case of an overdose, there are violations of the functioning of the digestive tract. Reception of enterosorbents is shown, symptomatic therapy is recommended.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Vitamin complex must be stored at an average temperature of 10-30 C for three years.



Marbiopharm, Russia

Price from 93 to 180 rubles.

Glutamevit is a multivitamin complex that has a metabolic and general strengthening effect. The drug is prescribed for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes to eliminate the lack of vitamins, minerals. Glutamevit is produced in the form of tablets of 30 or 60 tablets. in carton.


  • Effectively treats hypomagnesemia
  • Acceptable price
  • Strengthens immunity.


  • Not prescribed for kidney pathologies
  • Contraindicated in pregnancy, lactation
  • May cause dyspepsia.

Krka, Slovenia

Price from 105 to 184 rubles.

Duovit is a complex vitamin food supplement that regulates disorders caused by a lack of vitamins and a number of minerals. It is recommended to take Duovit with an unbalanced diet, as well as during an exacerbation of infectious, chronic diseases. A vitamin complex is produced in the form of a dragee, inside the package contains 40 pcs.


  • Low price
  • Approved for use during pregnancy
  • Recommended for children from 10 years old.


  • May cause multiple adverse reactions
  • Contraindicated in gastrointestinal ulcers
  • It is not recommended to combine reception with tetracyclines, antacids.

(calcium pantothenate), ( ascorbic acid), calcium (calcium hydrogen phosphate), phosphorus , potassium ( ), magnesium (magnesium oxide), chlorides (potassium chloride) copper (copper oxide), zinc (zinc oxide), iron (ferrous fumarate), manganese (manganese sulfate), molybdenum (sodium molybdate), iodine (), selenium (sodium selenate), tin (tin chloride), chromium (chromium chloride), nickel (nickel sulfate), silicon (colloidal silicon dioxide), vanadium (sodium metavanadate).

Also, the composition of Vitrum vitamins includes additional substances: microcrystalline cellulose , triacetin , stearic acid, magnesium stearate, croscarmellose sodium, hypromellose (hydroxypropyl ethylcellulose), dyes.

Release form

Vitrum multivitamins are available in the form of film-coated tablets. They can have a shade from whitish-peach to pronounced peach. Multivitamins may have a specific odor. Capsule-shaped tablets, on one side - engraving " VITRUM» on the other hand, a separating risk.

Sold in polyethylene bottles of 30, 60, 100, 120, 130 pieces, packed in a cardboard box.

pharmachologic effect

The action of the drug is determined by the properties of those substances that are part of it. One tablet contains a balanced daily dose of vitamins and minerals for an adult.

Multivitamins increase the body's resistance to infections, normalize its functions, and promote recovery from diseases.

In rare cases, there may be bronchospasm . Dyspeptic disorders may also appear, pain in the stomach vomit , belching . The secretion of gastric juice increases.

In some cases, there is high excitability, headaches, drowsiness. Visual disturbances may occur excessive sweating yellowish coloration of urine.

With prolonged use of the drug, hypercalciuria, hypercalcemia, irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa, a decrease in glucose tolerance, hyperglycemia , hyperuricemia , kidney dysfunction, hair loss. In more detail about possible side effects, the official website of the drug provides information. The site also informs about the frequency and likelihood of various side effects.

Instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Instructions for Vitrum must be carefully observed when taking the drug. If the doctor prescribes Vitrum vitamins, the instructions for use provide for taking tablets after meals or during meals. Vitamins Vitrum Teenagers and adults take one tablet daily. How to take the drug, and how long the treatment should continue, the doctor will tell you in detail.

This complex of vitamins and minerals is prescribed for children from the age of 12.

As a rule, the course of therapy lasts 1-2 months.


In case of an overdose, the drug may manifest allergic rashes on skin, nausea, abdominal pain, headaches. If an overdose occurs, it is necessary to induce vomiting, and then carry out symptomatic treatment.


When using Vitrum and antibiotics of the tetracycline group, as well as Vitrum and antimicrobials- derivatives fluoroquinolone slows down the absorption of the latter from the gastrointestinal tract.

Under the influence vitamin C enhances both the effect and side effects antimicrobial drugs from the group sulfonamides .

Antacids , which contain magnesium, aluminum, calcium, cholestyramine, slow down the absorption of iron.

May occur hypercalcemia if it happens simultaneous reception diuretic drugs from the group thiazides and the drug Vitrum.

Vitrum should not be taken concomitantly with other drugs that contain vitamins A And D to prevent an overdose of vitamins.

Drugs, iron, silver can impair absorption vitamin E .

Terms of sale

The drug is sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

Storage conditions

It is necessary to store the drug at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C, while the original packaging must be tightly closed. The drug should be kept away from children.

Best before date

Can be stored for 5 years.

special instructions

It is prescribed with caution to people who suffer from stomach diseases, duodenum, liver, cholelithiasis, chronic, as well as people who have been diagnosed with neoplasms.

Women who took more than 10,000 IU retinol , should plan to conceive a child no earlier than six months later, since elevated level vitamin A may cause fetal defects.

Do not use the product in parallel with other vitamin complexes.

People suffering from diseases thyroid gland, you must first consult with a specialist, since the vitamin complex contains iodine.

Vitrum does not affect the ability to drive vehicles or work with precise mechanisms.


Vitamins for men Vitrum can be replaced with other complexes, after consulting with a doctor who will select the optimal complex of vitamins for a man, woman or child.

Which is better: Centrum or Vitrum?

A drug produced in Italy, in its composition, as in the preparation Vitrum, the same amount of vitamins and minerals. Only the content of some components differs, so the doctor should choose a vitamin complex based on individual characteristics the patient's body.

Complivit or Vitrum - which is better?

Unlike Vitrum, it does not contain some vitamins and minerals. Accordingly, in some cases more preferred options it will be Vitrum due to the balance of its composition.

Which is better: Elevit or Vitrum?

Does not contain some trace elements that are in the composition of Vitrum. Therefore, sometimes when taking Elevit, it is advisable to take some more funds in addition. Elevit is prescribed to women during pregnancy.

Which is better: Supradin or Vitrum?

It contains fewer vitamins and minerals. Supradin is available in the form of dragees and soluble tablets. But you should not make a decision to replace the vitamin complex on your own.


You can use multivitamins for children who are already 12 years old.

During pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy and lactation, before taking the drug, a woman should without fail consult a doctor.

Lined up vitamin complexes Vitrum (Vitrum) includes several varieties of drugs, each of which has its own characteristics. Some of them are especially recommended for men.

They contain maximum amount nutritional components that provide maintenance male power, endurance, have a positive effect on vitality and reproductive function.

Types of vitamins:

REFERENCE. Some vitamins in the Vitrum line are suitable for men and women at the same time. When choosing a specific drug, it is important to assess the presence negative factors, age and some features of the body. In case of difficulty with the choice, you can consult with a specialist.

Pavel Burdenko, urologist, doctor of medical sciences, tells about the Urotrin vitamin complex:

"Hello, dear men! Vitamin complex for men Urotrin is excellent remedy to fight male problems: stress at work, overweight, impotence, prostatitis, premature ejaculation and many others! Remember that we have one health, and without it a man cannot be called such. So start taking care of it before it lets you down. "Urotrin" is a great helper men's health any age!"

Composition and forms of release

The line of Vitrum vitamins is available in the form of peach-coated capsules. Tablets are placed in tubes of different sizes. The composition of the drug depends on its variety. Some components are present in any Vitrum vitamin complex, but with different concentrations.

Excipients in capsules are always magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, stearic acid and croscarmellose sodium.

Composition of vitamins:


The cost of drugs from the Vitrum line depends not only on the varieties of vitamin complexes, but also on the region of their implementation. IN major cities the price may be higher. In addition, Vitrum products can be ordered through Internet resources.

When implementing this method of purchase, there may be additional costs for the delivery of the drug to a certain region.

The price of vitamins Vitrum:

  • Life (from 500 rubles);
  • Performance (from 900 rubles);
  • Memory (from 700 rubles);
  • Cardio (from 1200 rubles);
  • Iodine (from 200 rubles);
  • Centuri (from 500 rubles);
  • Osteomag (from 400 rubles);
  • Superstress (from 600 rubles).

Indications and contraindications for use

Men can take Vitrum as an addition to the treatment of existing diseases or as a prevention of deviations in the body's performance. The components that make up the drugs complement each other, thereby increasing their effectiveness and impact on vital systems.

Indications for admission:

Contraindications for taking Vitrum vitamins are the presence of individual intolerance to the components that make up the preparations and some pathologies of the performance of internal systems.

These include disease exacerbations. digestive system, peptic ulcer, kidney failure and serious abnormalities in the work of the heart or blood vessels. Vitrum is contraindicated in tuberculosis, thyrotoxicosis and thrombophlebitis.

Possible side effects

Side effects from a single or long-term use of Vitrum can occur only if there are contraindications. Data on overdose in medical practice not fixed, but it is impossible to exceed the recommended dosages. An excess of vitamins in the body can provoke a malfunction of some organs and vital systems.

Side effects may include the following conditions:

  • allergic reaction of the skin;
  • increased excitability or constant drowsiness;
  • dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • headaches and bouts of dizziness;
  • bouts of nausea or vomiting;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • disruption of the bowel movement.


Men are recommended to take Vitrum one or two tablets a day. Dosage depends on clinical picture health status. If you need to use drugs as an adjunct to the treatment of existing pathologies, you must first consult with your doctor. Capsules should be taken after meals with a small amount of water.

Reception features:

  1. if you take the capsules with meals, then the beneficial components will be absorbed into the body at a slow pace;
  2. taking the capsules on an empty stomach can cause a decrease in the effectiveness of the course of treatment.


Vitrum's analogues are multivitamin complexes with similar compositions pharmacological properties. Some of them are designed specifically for males and have the appropriate manufacturer's marks (marked "for men").

When choosing vitamins, it is important to exclude contraindications and follow the regimen indicated in the instructions.


The main source of vitamins that receives male body, are food. However, even a balanced complete diet may not always provide a full flow enough useful substances.

To replenish the supply of vitamins in the body, it is necessary to take multivitamin complexes. The Vitrum line includes many drugs, among which you can choose the best option for a man of any age.

Many have already seen that at present, without vitamin supplements, it is quite difficult to remain alert and cheerful throughout the year. This is especially true of the time when it is cold outside, and foods rich in beneficial substances, not so much. Vitamins "Vitrum" - one of the best lines of drugs designed to eliminate the state of beriberi. It contains products for both children and adults.

Universal Complex

The country of origin of the product line is the USA. For more than twenty years Unipharm pharmaceutical corporation has been producing products that are considered one of the most effective vitamin supplements on the market. Universal vitamins "Vitrum" are shown to adults.


Produced in tablet form. Its composition is shown in detail in the diagram.

When to use?

Indications for appointment are:

  • avitaminosis;
  • intense power, intellectual overload;
  • improvement of condition after serious illnesses, operations;
  • improperly organized diet.


Despite big number vitamins and minerals, the product is not shown to everyone. It should not be used for:

  • hypervitaminosis A and D;
  • belonging to age group under 18 years of age;
  • allergies to components;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

It is important to consult a doctor before using the product.

How to use?

Multivitamins are taken one tablet per day. The course of admission is determined by a specialist.


The complex costs from 477 rubles and more.

"Beauty" and "Beauty Elite"

Women's vitamins designed to maintain beauty, promote health, increase vitality. Available in capsules.


The main difference between the products lies in the available components. The components are presented in the form of a comparative table.

beauty product




Mineral constituents


Other substances



Beauty Elite

Vitamin components



Other substances

Aloe leaves

anise fruit

Ginger root extract


Chinese cinnamon extract

Turmeric root extract

nettle leaf extract


Peppermint leaf extract

Thallus kelp


Green tea leaf extract

rosemary leaf extract

Olive extract

grape seed extract

Lavender flower extract

When to use?

Considering which compounds the products contain, they are prescribed for:

  • constant power, intellectual loads;
  • the need to recover from illness, surgery;
  • improperly chosen diet.


Complexes can not be drunk when:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • allergies to ingredients.

Admission rules

The dosage of drugs is 2 tablets per day. The term of use varies from 30 to 60 days. The exact duration of the reception is determined by the specialist. At misuse observed side effects such as:

  • hives;
  • skin itching;
  • allergy.


The average price of complexes is 1250 rubles.


"" - chewable tablets intended for babies from 2 to 5 years old. The package includes from 30 to 60 dragees made in the form of figurines of representatives of the animal world.


The components are shown in a tabular form.

When to give to babies?

Multivitamins are prescribed for:

  • hypovitaminosis;
  • reduced appetite;
  • the need to improve the condition after illnesses, operations;
  • the need to preventively influence the growing organism.

When not used?

The product is not given to babies with:

  • hypervitaminosis A, D;
  • allergies;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • Wilson-Konovalov disease.

Terms of use

The instruction indicates that the complex is important to take one "gum" daily. The minimum period of use is three to four weeks. Whether it is necessary to use the complex again, the pediatrician decides. Side effects appear only with an overdose.

How much are?

The average price of the product is 360 rubles.

Vision and Vision Forte

Varieties of the line, determined to prevent the deterioration of the state of the organs of vision, their strengthening. The main difference between the drugs lies in the ingredients.


The components of the preparations are presented in the table.

When to use?

Drink products are prescribed for:

  • impaired twilight vision.
  • In addition, periodically vitamin complexes are used together with medicines contributing to the restoration of the functioning of the organs of vision.


    Do not use products if you are allergic to their components.

    How to use?

    Tablets are taken twice, daily for at least thirty days.

    How much are?

    The price of the described types of the line is 550 rubles on average.

    Multivitamins prescribed to regulate the metabolism of phosphorus and calcium particles.


    The components of the product are listed in the form of a plate.

    When are they assigned?

    • elimination of hypovitaminosis D, calcium;
    • stabilization of well-being at the time of menopause;
    • treatment of senile osteoporosis, osteomalacia;
    • prevention of osteoporosis;
    • therapy of osteopathies of metabolic origin.


    • the presence of stone formation in the urinary organs;
    • insufficient functioning of the renal system;
    • hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria;
    • belonging to the children's age group;
    • allergies to components.

    It is important to use the product with caution in sarcoidosis, pregnancy, and feeding.

    How to use?

    Maximum daily dose The complex is two tablets. The acceptance period is thirty days. The decision to reuse the product is made by the doctor.


    The tool costs from 290 to 540 rubles.

    The benefit is to stabilize the activity of the GM (brain), the central nervous system.


    Vitamin components are:

    • vitamin A;
    • vitamin D3;
    • B vitamins;
    • vitamin K;
    • vitamin C.

    Among the mineral components are potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, iron, copper, silicon, zinc, chlorine, chromium, molybdenum, manganese, lead, nickel, boron, vanadium, tin.

    When are they assigned?

    The tool is shown with:

    • neuroses;
    • decreased immunity;
    • asthenic conditions.


    Cannot be used when:

    • sleep disorders;
    • increased excitability;
    • allergies.

    How to drink?

    Many are interested in how much you need to take the remedy. One tablet is used once a day for 30 days. The decision to repeat the course of recovery can only be taken by a doctor.


    The cost of the product is on average 509 rubles (a package containing 30 dragees).

    Used as one of additional funds in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.


    The constituents are:

    • PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids);
    • vitamin E;
    • eicosapentaenoic acid;
    • docosahexaenoic acid.

    When to apply?

    The remedy is necessary for:

    • lack of tocopherol;
    • prevention of atherosclerotic diseases;
    • an increase in the amount of triglyceride fats in the blood;
    • increase in the amount of cholesterol deposits.


    The complex cannot be used when:

    • the patient has not reached the age of 12 years;
    • there is an allergy to the components;
    • there is cholecystitis, chronic pancreatitis;
    • blood clotting decreases.

    How to use?

    Patients are usually interested in how much the product can be consumed. It all depends on the purpose of its use. If this is the prevention of the development of various diseases, then for 30 days one capsule is used daily. If this is a treatment for an existing disease, then two dragees are used for 30 or more days in the morning and evening.

    What is the price?

    The average price of a product is 1000 rubles.

    A good tool for students from 12 to 18 years.


    When are they assigned?

    The tool is prescribed for:

    • the need to prevent ARI, SARS, influenza;
    • living in contaminated areas;
    • power, intellectual overloads.

    Who should not use?

    Do not prescribe to adolescents suffering from:

    • allergies to components;
    • hypervitaminosis A, D, E.

    How to use?


    The complex costs from 430 rubles.


    The complex is essential for strengthening skeletal system.


    The components of the product are calcium and vitamin D3, as well as other excipients.

    When is it important to take?

    The tool is used for:

    • lack of calcium, cholecalciferol in the elderly;
    • the need to prevent the development of osteoporotic diseases.

    The product is also suitable for breastfeeding and pregnant women. However, it is important in this case to consult with a competent specialist.

    When should the product not be used?

    Contraindications are:

    • allergy;
    • hypercalcemia;
    • hypercalciuria;
    • malfunctions of the renal system;
    • cancer that has metastasized to bone tissue;
    • belonging to the age group under 8 years.

    How do they drink?

    All experts point out that prophylactic the product is consumed one tablet daily for four weeks. In the treatment of diseases of the skeletal system, the dosage is set individually.


    The cost of the product is on average 230 rubles.

    "Kids" and "Kids Gummi"

    Considered one of the best complex vitamins suitable for children preschool age(from 3 to 7 years).


    The differences between them are shown in the table.

    When are they assigned?

    Products are assigned for:

    • hypovitaminosis;
    • reduced resistance to pathogens of infectious conditions;
    • lack of desire to eat;
    • the need to stimulate the development of preschool children.

    When is a drug harmful?

    Complexes are harmful if applied to children suffering from:

    • allergies to components;
    • hypervitaminosis A, D.

    How to use?

    Both products are taken for three to four weeks, one "gum" daily. about the need for them re-admission the doctor makes the decision.


    The price of the described products averages 450 rubles.

    - "male" product that increases overall endurance, body tone.


    The components of the tool are shown in the label.

    When are they assigned?

    The main cases when a remedy is prescribed are:

    • beriberi;
    • chronic diseases;
    • the need to stimulate the work of "male" organs;
    • normalization of the state in diseases of cardio-vascular system, organs of vision, etc.

    When not to use?

    The product is contraindicated in:

    • violations of the functioning of the renal, genitourinary systems;
    • pregnancy;
    • allergies to components.

    How to use?

    The dosage of the product is 1 tablet per day. The method of use is oral. The course is thirty days.


    On average, the product costs 450 rubles.

    It is shown to women and men who dream of becoming pregnant, as well as to those who are already carrying a child or breastfeeding him.


    The main components in the product are:

    • vitamins: A, B9, B1, B2, B12, B6, C, E, PP, D3;
    • minerals: calcium, iron, zinc.

    When to take?

    The product is used by women during pregnancy, lactation, preparation for conception. Men can also use it to activate sperm.

    When is it prohibited to use?

    Annotation in contraindications indicates:

    • hypercalcemia;
    • allergy;
    • pernicious anemia;
    • urolithiasis.

    Rules of use

    Both men and women are shown the morning intake of the product. One tablet per day is enough.

    What's the price?

    The price of tablets on average is 350 rubles.

    It is indicated to fill the lack of glandular cells, as well as vitamin compounds.


    The ingredients are listed on the label.

    When is the drug needed?

    It is important to use the complex for hypovitaminosis, anemia, heavy loads, both mental and physical.

    When not?

    The instruction prohibits the use of the product in case of allergies to its components.

    How are they appointed?

    Tablets are drunk for thirty days, one thing at a time.

    How much will it be implemented?

    You can buy the product for 697 rubles on average.

    Remedy for the elderly.


    The compounds in the composition of the product can be divided into two parts:

    • vitamin: A, B (B2, B1, B6, B5, B9, B12), C, E, D3, K1, H, PP;
    • mineral: potassium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, iodine, manganese, magnesium, calcium, iron, chromium, boron, vanadium, silicon, chloride, selenium, molybdenum, nickel.

    Who can accept?

    The drug is indicated for all elderly people. As a rule, they eat poorly, live in unfavorable ecological areas, and also suffer from congestion.

    When not to take?

    The annotation indicates that the complex is prohibited when:

    • allergies;
    • belonging to the age group under 50 years.

    Rules of use

    The product is taken one tablet daily. The course is three to four months.


    The price of the product is 507 rubles on average.

    It is an immunostimulating agent.


    The product includes a standard set of vitamins and minerals, typical for universal remedy Vitrum. It is important to note that it also contains ginseng root extract, which adds strength and health to men.

    When is it necessary?

    The product is important in the following situations:

    • the presence of asthenia, chronic fatigue syndrome;
    • the use of strong antibacterial and chemotherapeutic agents.

    When are they not assigned?

    The tool is not prescribed for:

    • nephrolithiasis;
    • sarcoidosis;
    • violations of the functioning of the genitourinary system;
    • thyrotoxicosis;
    • duodenal ulcer;
    • hypertension.

    How to drink?

    The product is used orally, one capsule for one to two months.


    The product costs from 690 rubles.

    The tool is shown to kids of preschool age and older.


    When is it important to use?

    The tool is used when immune system it is important to support the baby, to increase its working capacity.

    When not to use?

    Children are not allowed the remedy when they suffer from:

    • allergies;
    • hypervitaminosis A, D.

    How to use?

    For preschool children (from 4 to 7 years old), the complex is given twice a day for half a dragee. The dosage for older children is one tablet. The course is 30 days.