Sterilization of cats by the laparoscopic method Komsomolskaya. How is the operation

Comes around 8-9 months. Of course, not all owners of such pets are ready to spend time caring for kittens. Therefore, many cat owners today resort to a humane method of termination. reproductive function his favorite - sterilization. The most gentle method of carrying out such a procedure on this moment is laparoscopy. Sterilization of cats by this method is almost painless.

The need for surgery

Many owners of furry four-legged animals consider castration or sterilization procedures unnatural. However, being unable to fulfill its needs for procreation, the cat becomes extremely restless and can cause a lot of trouble to its owners - ruin furniture, make endless attempts to run away into the street, scream loudly, etc. In addition, unsterilized animals kept in the apartment , often develop different kind inflammation reproductive organs and even arise serious problems with health.

Sterilization will help prevent such troubles. After such an operation, the cat feels calm, does not get nervous and does not rush to the street. It cannot occur in any diseases associated with reproductive function.

How to choose a clinic

Pet owners who decide to have a laparoscopy should first of all take care of where this procedure will actually take place. This type of surgery is allowed only in a veterinary clinic. Any procedure aimed at removing the reproductive organs, even the most gentle, requires, first of all, the complete sterility of the room.

Some veterinarians suggest sterilizing a cat by laparoscopy at home. In no case should you agree to this, even if the specialist promises to reduce the price. After surgery at home, the cat may develop various complications due to infection in the wound.

Also, before carrying an animal for laparoscopy, of course, you should definitely make sure that the clinic and the veterinarians working here have a good reputation. Specialists high level always spend similar procedures exclusively in the operating room and at a fairly high cost. Among other things, the owners of the animal should definitely read, of course, reviews about the chosen clinic.


When it is possible to carry out according to this method, they have the peculiarity that animals usually tolerate them quite easily. Optimal age sterilization by this technology are considered 8-9 months. However, if necessary, this procedure can be done for older cats, including those who have already brought litters. Often, laparoscopy is prescribed even for elderly animals. In the vast majority of cases, no complications are observed in pets, even old ones who have undergone this operation.


Despite the fact that the sterilization of cats by laparoscopy is not too complicated, the animal for such an operation, like for any other, of course, must be carefully prepared. Before taking your pet to the clinic, you must:

    remove all fleas from the cat and remove ticks, if any;

    trim your pet's claws.

If blood-sucking insects are present on the cat's body during the operation, it will endure the procedure much more difficult. The animal's claws are trimmed before laparoscopy so that it cannot injure itself by combing the suture.

Having paid for the operation in the clinic, you should definitely ask the veterinarian when exactly it will be performed. This information is actually very important. 12 hours before surgical intervention Stop feeding your cat food. After anesthesia, pets in some cases may feel nauseated. If the cat remains before the procedure without food for several hours, it will not vomit in the postoperative period.

What is laparoscopy

In conventional sterilization of cats, veterinarians perform a traditional abdominal operation. After such an intervention, animals most often feel unwell and take a long time to recover. Laparoscopy - sterilization of a cat, in which it is not made long, as in abdominal surgery, and a very short one - only 1 cm - incision.

Previously, the animal, of course, is euthanized. Laparoscopy is performed, like a conventional abdominal operation, under general anesthesia. The doctor pumps carbon dioxide into a small incision made on the cat's body. Next, a small camera is pushed into the wound.

Thanks to this technique, the veterinarian gets the opportunity to see the internal organs of the cat. At the next stage, using a special tool, the doctor removes the animal's reproductive organs through an incision.

The final stage of the procedure

In the process of sterilization by laparoscopy, a cat can be cut out:

    only ovaries;

    ovaries and uterus.

In the latter case, the operation will cost, of course, more expensive. However, it is precisely such laparoscopy that experts advise doing to pets. If only the ovaries are removed from the cat, the risk of developing inflammatory diseases She still retains after sterilization. If the animal also lacks a uterus, similar problems its owners will be able to avoid 100%.

On the final stage the doctor can:

    seal the wound with medical glue;

    sew it up subcutaneously with self-absorbable sutures.

Spaying a cat: laparoscopy or abdominal surgery?

Thus, the reproductive organs are removed from the cat's body when using this modern technology through a very small incision. Compared to conventional abdominal surgery, laparoscopy therefore has the following advantages:

    Neutering according to this method, as we found out, is suitable for cats of all ages. Laparoscopy can be prescribed for almost any animal. The answer to the question of at what age cats are sterilized of this variety can be either 6 months or 15 years.

    No risk of development infectious diseases. Such problems in cats after laparoscopy almost never develop.

    No need for long term care surgical suture. The owners will most likely have to treat the wound on the body of the pet, no more than 2 times.

    Short postoperative period.

After the usual cavity sterilization, a cat is allowed to be taken from the veterinary clinic no earlier than a day later. All this time, doctors monitor the condition of the animal in order to prevent the development of any complications. After laparoscopy, the animal can be taken home within a few hours after the intervention.

Postoperative care

In the first hours after such an operation, the owners, of course, will need to monitor the condition of their pet. Since laparoscopy is usually very fast, the animal is most often anesthetized using light means. However, certain negative impact on the body of pets anesthesia has, of course, in this case.

After sterilization by laparoscopy, the cat will look lethargic and stiff for a while. Some animals in the postoperative period may even periodically fall asleep and wake up. On arrival home from the clinic, therefore, the cat should be put to rest in her favorite place. At the same time, for a couple of hours it is worth making sure that the pet does not throw back its head. If a cat suddenly vomits in this position, it may choke on vomit. All the consequences of anesthesia in a laparoscopically sterilized animal usually pass on the same day in the evening.

In most cases, a bandage is not prescribed for cats that have undergone such an operation. It will be possible to feed a pet 10-12 hours after laparoscopy. The same goes for drinking.

Care in the following days

Thus, the answer to the question of how much a cat departs from sterilization using the laparoscopy method is only a few hours. Animals recover after such a procedure, as a rule, very quickly. If home pet remains lethargic during the day, its owners should still contact the veterinarian. Laparoscopy is a gentle operation. However, even this method of removing the reproductive organs is considered much more complicated than, for example, the same castration of cats.

In any case, in order for the postoperative wound in a pet to heal as quickly as possible, its owners should:

    avoid active games with the animal for several days after laparoscopy;

    do not allow the cat to lick the seam or scratch it.

Of course, the pet, most likely, will try to “heal” the wound left on her body on her own. If persuasion does not help, and the cat licks the seam anyway, it is worth putting on a protective belt.

Sterilized by any method, including laparoscopy, animals subsequently, unfortunately, begin to show a tendency to set excess weight. Therefore, the owners of such a pet, most likely, will have to reconsider its diet. The cat will need to buy food designed specifically for sterilized quadrupeds.

If the fluffy pet is kept on natural nutrition owners will need to reduce the portions offered to her. Also, more low-calorie foods will have to be introduced into the cat's diet.

Cons of the procedure

There are many advantages to laparoscopy. The disadvantage of such an operation is most owners furry pets considers only its rather high cost. The price of cat sterilization by laparoscopy in most clinics is 4-7 thousand. In the regions, this procedure is cheaper. In Moscow, for an operation using this technique, of course, you will have to pay more money.

The need for anesthesia, of course, is also considered a disadvantage of the procedure. Unfortunately, not all cats tolerate anesthesia well. However, laparoscopy is still a more gentle operation than even, for example, the use of hormones. After all, intervention in the body of an animal in this case has to be carried out only once. Hormones should be given to the cat periodically.

What is worth knowing

Laparoscopy for cats is allowed, of course, not at all times. In no case, for example, should such an operation be performed during the period of estrus in an animal. At this time, surgery may result in severe bleeding.

Sometimes cats do laparoscopy after childbirth. In this case, such an operation is allowed only about 3 weeks after the animal stops feeding the kittens. The mammary glands of a pet must fully recover before laparoscopy.

Sometimes it happens that after 3 weeks of waiting, the cat becomes pregnant again. Animal laparoscopy early dates gestation according to the rules can be carried out. However, only a specialist can decide on the possibility of such an operative intervention in this case.

Positive feedback on the sterilization of cats by laparoscopy

Owners of furry pets have a very good opinion about laparoscopy. As most owners of cats who have undergone such an operation note, the recovery of their pets after it really goes very quickly. The cat practically does not suffer and quickly begins to lead a familiar lifestyle. It is not difficult, as noted by Internet users on specialized forums, and caring for a fluffy pet after laparoscopy.

Are there negative reviews?

The price of spaying a cat is practically the only disadvantage of laparoscopy, according to pet owners. Conventional abdominal surgery to remove the reproductive organs is cheaper.

In addition, many owners of fluffy pets consider their own to be a disadvantage of such a procedure. emotional stress. After all, laparoscopy is a surgical procedure. And while the cat lies on the table under anesthesia, and the doctor performs certain manipulations on it, many owners experience fear associated with the possibility of losing their pet.

Sterilization of dogs and cats by specialists of the Belanta clinic is carried out by the most humane and least traumatic method - endoscopic.

Endoscopic sterilization- a completely new word in surgery, in which the surgeon performs all the necessary manipulations in the abdominal cavity of the animal through tiny holes 3-5 mm long!

The operation is performed under general anesthesia and lasts about 30 minutes.

To make an appointment for laparoscopic sterilization, please call:

8 495 150-55-58

IMPORTANT! At the Belanta Clinic:

  • Sterilization of cats through a lateral incision is no longer used in our clinic.
  • Sterilization is carried out through small incisions.
  • Laparoscopic sterilization is carried out not through several small punctures, but only through 2.
  • In our clinic, after the operation, a dropper is necessarily carried out for an easier exit from anesthesia.
  • During the operation, monitoring of the state of the animal (pulse oximetry, heart monitor) is used.
  • Operations are performed under the guidance of an anesthesiologist-resuscitator. This allows you to reduce operational risks to a minimum!

ATTENTION: in pets that do not participate in mating on a regular basis, with age, the risk of mammary tumors increases greatly and inflammatory processes in the uterus, which threatens the life of the animal and requires emergency surgical intervention. As a rule, an animal with such pathologies is already weakened, which increases the risks of anesthesia.

Scheduled sterilization is carried out in clinically healthy animals and the rehabilitation process is much easier!

Endoscopic sterilization of dogs and cats has a number of undeniable advantages over traditional surgery:

  1. There is no risk of postoperative inflammation and complications, as there is no direct contact of the surgeon's gloves with the surgical field.
  2. Unique endoscopic technique makes it possible to study in detail the organs and tissues of the animal on a special monitor, which makes it possible to identify any associated pathologies.
  3. Tiny incisions cause little to no pain.
  4. Postoperative scars (there are practically none) do NOT need special treatment.

That's why endoscopic sterilization essential for most dogs large breeds, for service and chain dogs - there is no need for special bandages and collars, removal of seams, any special conditions content.

Additional Information

Several methods are used to sterilize cats:

1. Classic- is made through an incision in the skin (up to 3 cm) along the central (white) line of the abdomen, through which the uterus is taken out. A ligature based on absorbable materials is applied to all vessels. It is also possible to use a coagulator. The uterus with ovaries is removed, after which the incision is sutured with removable or non-removable sutures.

2. Through the lateral incision- the difference from the classical one lies in the choice of the location of the incision - in this case, it is located on the side. It is less traumatic, since a blunt method of tissue separation is used.

3. Through a super small incision- The operation is performed using a surgical hook. The dissection of the skin and peritoneum is carried out similarly classical method, but the size of the incision does not reach 1 cm. With the help of a hook, the ligament is picked up, after which the ovary is taken out. It is possible to remove the ovary with some part of the ligament or the uterus completely.

4. Laparoscopic method. The use of endoscopic technology makes it possible to completely remove the uterus and ovaries through several small punctures. The operation is quite complex in terms of technology, requires a highly qualified surgeon and special expensive medical equipment.

Optimal age for sterilization

Most veterinarians believe that early spaying is good for the cat. The recommended age is from 5 to 8 months, when the first signs of puberty begin to appear.

How to prepare a cat for spaying

  • 12 hours before the scheduled operation, the animal should not be fed.
  • On the day it is held, the cat should not even be given water.

Such requirements are possible manifestation side effect in the form of an urge to vomit from drugs used for anesthesia. In the case of aspiration of vomit, often develops serious condition- aspiration pneumonia.

How to care for a cat after surgery

  1. After sterilization, the cat will need a soft, warm place where they will not penetrate Sun rays, irritating eyes after anesthesia.
  2. During the day after the operation, the animal should not be disturbed.
  3. Since the cat's eyes do not close during anesthesia, to prevent the cornea from drying out, it is necessary to instill an artificial tear (a special solution for contact lenses). A simple saline solution will also work.
  4. If sutures are in place, they should be checked daily. They must be completely clean and dry.
  5. Seams are processed antiseptic solution. maybe additional use wound healing ointments.
  6. If intradermal suturing was used, it is enough to wipe them with a solution of chlorhexidine (0.05%).

Neutering of dogs

The essence of the procedure

The duration of the operation is 60-90 minutes. The choice of method of sterilization is determined by the sex of the animal.

In males, the testicles are removed by one of the recommended methods.

Operating bitches is much more difficult, since it becomes necessary to perform an abdominal operation with access to abdominal cavity. Only the ovaries or the ovaries and uterus are removed (ovariohysterectomy). The second method is considered more optimal, since the preserved uterus can later cause the development of pyometra. The duration of ovariohysterectomy is up to 60 minutes.

When is the best time to do it?

Spaying in males before the age of 6 months is not recommended, as the procedure may cause a delay in growth and development.

As for females, it is optimal to sterilize them at 4-5 months of age, before the first estrus. This will reduce the likelihood of tumors by 200 times.

Before surgery

  • Follow a 12-hour fasting diet.
  • 4 hours before the start of the operation, do not give the animal water.
  • To free the stomach and intestines from the contents a day before the operation, give the dog Vaseline oil as a laxative.
  • If fleas are found, eliminate them

After operation

  • Lay your dog down on a flat bed.
  • After recovering from anesthesia, moisten the pet's tongue and nose with water.
  • Limit the amount of liquid.
  • Choose soft food (minced meat, pate).
  • Treat the seams with antiseptics, prevent them from getting wet.
  • Put on a dog blanket or protective collar to prevent injury to wounds.
  • Take antibiotics prescribed by your doctor.

Four-legged pets bring a lot of happy moments in the life of their owners. They become real members of the family and make their owners very upset every time they get sick. Each kitten eventually becomes an adult. Accordingly, his needs are increasing. When an animal begins to ask for the street and yearns to fulfill its biological needs, this gives pet owners a lot of trouble. In this case, many decide to perform an operation that will “calm” the animal’s needs for procreation.

What is castration for?

Some pet owners believe that this procedure is unnatural and until the last moment they try to avoid it. However, over time, the animal begins to behave restlessly and nervously. In addition to the inconvenience that the cat delivers to its owner, she herself suffers from certain changes in her body. At the same time, the pet is under constant stress.

Often, animals become bald and begin to suffer from various inflammatory processes in the body. Therefore, experts recommend castration or sterilization of animals that are constantly in apartments. This is not only good for their health, but in some situations it is simply necessary.

What is better, laparoscopic cat sterilization or ordinary castration

Since the advent of a new type of procedure, this issue has tormented many owners of living creatures. Someone prefers to try more modern methods, while others are not yet ready to believe in the effectiveness of such a procedure.

Laparoscopic sterilization of a cat is a simple operation, during which the animals lose their reproductive function. This procedure consists in the fact that only the ovary or ovary together with the uterus is removed from the cat's body. Unlike standard castration, this surgical procedure does not completely cut the pet's abdomen. Instead, a small puncture is made in the peritoneum, through which part is removed. internal organs. After that, the scars heal very quickly.

During the castration process, a rather large incision is made in the abdominal cavity, which heals more quickly. long term. In this case, there is a risk that the seams may disperse, or an infection will get into them.

To date, laparoscopic sterilization of a cat is considered the most gentle and humane. If speak about possible contraindications, in this case it all depends on the specific situation.

However, regardless of biological indicators pet before performing this procedure, it is necessary to undergo a complete medical examination and exclude the possibility of certain diseases.

Which is better - sterilization or taking hormones

To date, some experts suggest not to carry out surgical intervention, but instead to influence reproductive system method of taking hormonal drugs.

Pet owners need to understand that data medications can provide Negative influence for the entire body of the animal. When a cat is in the stage of puberty (between 5 and 8 months of age), the sex hormone estrogen begins to be secreted. It is because of him that animals behave unpredictably and nervously. This condition can last for about 1-2 weeks. During this period, the animal's reproductive system undergoes restructuring, preparing for conception and pregnancy.

You need to understand that these changes in the cat's body cause her tremendous stress. If during this period you start giving your pet medical preparations, that will only exacerbate the situation. Besides, hormonal means it will be necessary to stuff a four-legged pet throughout life

Therefore, veterinarians strongly recommend not torturing the pet and performing laparoscopic sterilization of the cat. The price of this procedure is relatively high (from 4000 rubles). However, the annual intake of hormones will hit the pocket much more.

Also, experts recommend performing the operation, because it completely eliminates the production of estrogen and progesterone. In this case, the animal's body functions normally, without any jumps and changes. This is another argument in favor of spaying cats. laparoscopic method.

Preparing for the operation

AT without fail the animal is dewormed. This procedure is necessary in order to make a treatment that protects against skin blood-sucking insects. If there are fleas or ticks on the cat's body, then after the operation it will feel much worse.

It is also necessary to cut the claws of the tailed pet, as in the postoperative period it can comb the wounds. In this case, you need to get vaccinated. If the cat is elderly or predisposed to certain diseases, then in this case it may be necessary additional methods examinations.

On the eve of the operation for laparoscopic sterilization, the animal should not be given food for 12 hours, and 2-3 hours before the procedure, it should not be watered.

Operation steps

First of all, the animal is put into a state of anesthesia. Usually, modern drugs act very quickly. After that, the surgeon can proceed with the operation. In the area where the incision will be made, the hair is shaved off and the antiseptic treatment skin. Next, a puncture is performed using a thick needle, the diameter of which is 0.3 cm. In some situations, a larger instrument may be required.

At the next stage of laparoscopic cat sterilization, an internal operating space is created. To do this, carbon dioxide is supplied into the abdominal cavity of the animal. The surgeon must examine the peritoneum. After making sure that everything is in order, he proceeds to remove the reproductive organs through the punctures made.

At the final stage of the operation, the holes are processed. As a rule, it is enough to apply an antiseptic agent to the punctures and seal them with medical glue. If large holes were made, then intradermal sutures are applied in this case.

How to care for an animal after surgery

After laparoscopic spaying, cats rarely experience discomfort. According to practice, no special measures are required after such exposure. However, experts still recommend wearing a protective blanket for 7 days after surgery. It is worth noting that not all animals will readily use such attire. More than half of them are doing their best to get rid of blankets. Do not worry that the animal breaks protective fabric, since the size of the incision rarely exceeds 1 cm. In this case, there can be no question that the seams will open. With classical castration, there is no such certainty.

Possible Complications

If we talk about the period after the operation, then it all depends on how well the animals tolerate anesthesia. In this case, as after standard castration, the pet may not control urination. Therefore, in medical institution It is recommended that you bring an extra bed or adult diaper with you.

The first time after the operation, it is necessary to ensure that the cat does not throw back its head. If she starts to feel sick, she can choke on vomit.

In most modern veterinary clinics, intradermal sutures are performed, which dissolve on their own. However, this does not mean that during the rehabilitation period it is not necessary to examine the wounds of the animal. If swelling or redness appears on them, you should consult a doctor.

Benefits of the procedure

If we talk about the advantages of laparoscopic sterilization of cats, then there are a lot of them.

First of all, this procedure can be performed at almost any age of the animal. It does not matter whether the cat gave birth before or not. If a we are talking about standard castration, then most often this procedure is performed only at a young age.

After laparoscopic sterilization, the cat does not need serious care. The animal does not have to be monitored or restricted in its movements. After castration, antibiotics are usually required. They allow you to accelerate wound healing and improve the condition of the animal.

If laparoscopy was performed, then in this case, the use of these drugs is excluded. Separately, it is worth noting that after the puncture, the animals do not experience discomfort, move freely and lead a familiar lifestyle. After the incision, they are usually depressed for several days and can hardly walk.

Negative Feedback

To negative points pet owners often refer to possible reaction cats for anesthesia. However, in this case, the same applies to the standard castration. It all depends on the breed of the animal, as well as on its predisposition to cardiac pathologies. For example, Scottish fold or sphinxes are not considered the most hardy in this regard.

Also, in their reviews of laparoscopic sterilization of cats, some owners say that after the procedure, the animal became very fat. However, from similar troubles those pets who brought the standard surgical intervention.

If we talk about more serious shortcomings, then some respondents note that it is rather problematic to remove all the necessary parts of the organs of the reproductive system through miniature punctures. If fragments of the uterus and ovaries remain inside the peritoneum, then in the future this can lead to serious complications.

Sterilization of cats by laparoscopic method - price

If we talk about the cost of the procedure, then it is really higher than classical sterilization. On average, the price of this service ranges from 4 to 7 thousand rubles.

Payment directly depends on many factors. For example, some animals require more gentle anesthesia. In addition, the age of the pet and the time spent on the procedure are taken into account.

The same applies to the region where the owner of the animal lives. Sterilization of cats by laparoscopic method in Moscow is more expensive than in the outback. And this is not surprising.

If doctors have offered to have your cat spayed laparoscopically for a not very high price, you should not be happy about it. Most likely, the postoperative period is not taken into account in the calculation. In addition, only surgeons who do not have the necessary experience and qualifications usually agree to work for less money.

If the price of laparoscopic sterilization of cats is too high, this is also not an indicator of the quality of the service.

Animal age

As a general rule, pet owners tend to spay when the kitten is 8 months old. It is believed that it is at this age that animals differ good health and quickly overcome rehabilitation period. Thanks to modern methods for these operations, laparoscopy can be performed even for cats of advanced age.

However, it is worth noting that general anesthesia can be dangerous for both too young and old animals.

Sterilization after childbirth

If the cat has given birth to kittens, then surgical interventions are recommended 2-3 weeks after she stops feeding them. The mammary glands of the animal must fully recover. If during this period there was a repeated fertilization, then in the early stages of pregnancy, the operation is allowed after consultation with the doctor.

Puberty in cats occurs at the age of 7-9 months. This means that the time has come when your pet's body is ready for reproduction. And for those who do not plan to breed and adopt kittens, it is time to think about methods that prevent reproduction.

Today is the most in an efficient way is sterilization, it is safe for murka and solves a number of problems associated with hormonal changes affecting the character of the pet. Sterilization of cats by laparoscopic method is a cavityless operation, the most sparing one.

What is sterilization

The sterilization procedure itself is surgical method removal of reproductive organs. It is performed by abdominal method and laparoscopically., that is, through small incisions. The second is considered preferable, since postoperative recovery period goes much faster and easier.

Types of cat sterilization:

  • spaying. After such an operation, the cat stops estrus;
  • removal of the uterus and ovaries. It is believed that this laparoscopic operation is the most optimal with medical point. She not only solves the issue of getting rid of Murka from pregnancy, but also has a positive effect on her health. Now you can not worry about the occurrence of various inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs. Since both the uterus and ovaries have been removed, the cat is not threatened with such diseases.

Spayed cats live normal lives, just like their non-sterilized counterparts.

Optimal age for laparoscopic sterilization

How many doctors, so many opinions. This also applies to the issue of laparoscopic sterilization of cats. Some claim that such an operation can be done at any age and it is better to let the pet give birth at least once. Others, on the contrary, are categorical in this matter and insist that the owners should make a decision when the kitten reaches six months of age. That is puberty has not yet come and the cat did not experience the instinctive needs of motherhood.

In any case, it is better to consult with a veterinarian and make a joint decision.

Preparation for laparoscopic surgery

Special preparation for laparoscopic sterilization is not required. Preparing a cat for spaying comes down to a few things:

  • at least three weeks must have elapsed since the last vaccination
  • it is better to take tests in advance, if the operation is decided to be performed on a middle-aged cat, this will help to avoid problems of getting out of anesthesia, an examination by a veterinarian is mandatory. The cat at the time of laparoscopic surgery must be healthy,
  • if the pet is allowed to walk on the street, you need to carry out a procedure to clean it from worms and fleas,
  • since cat paws with sharp claws can scratch postoperative wounds Better claws cut.

Upon consultation veterinarian is obliged to warn the owner of the purr about when it is possible to feed it, and then exclude both food and water for a certain time before sterilization. It's about 12-18 hours. If you do not meet the deadline, the cat may vomit after the operation, and this is not desirable for fresh stitches.

Laparoscopic procedure

The method of surgical intervention - laparoscopy - is closed way sterilization of cats, allowing you to do the operation through small punctures.

It is carried out with the obligatory use general anesthesia. Since time passes quite quickly, therefore anesthesia is given minimal amount. Huge the advantage is minimal intervention in the body(unlike abdominal, when a large incision is made on the abdomen), hence fast recovery and no complications.

Laparoscopic sterilization, both partial and complete, is carried out by special surgical instruments to remove the ovaries and uterus using a small video camera. They are entered into abdominal region through incisions about 1 cm in size. The image from the camera is enlarged and fed to the monitor, this allows the surgeon to perform the operation by manipulating the inserted instruments.

Benefits of laparoscopic sterilization

I would like to note the obvious advantages of this method of sterilizing pets:

  • suitable for cats of any age, from a six-month-old kitten to a solid age murka, the only limitation can be a state of health,
  • since there is a large incision on the abdomen, this helps to avoid various infectious diseases that may bother you postoperative period, therefore, the course of antibiotics for prevention is more gentle,
  • sutures are performed with surgical threads, which dissolve over time, leaving no trace, their processing is reduced to only one or two times,
  • and, very importantly, laparoscopic surgery for a cat causes a minimum of problems, pain and the return to normal life is very fast.

Cat behavior after laparoscopic sterilization

After laparoscopy in a cat, behavior and lifestyle practically do not change. Unlike abdominal surgery, the recovery period takes little time and passes without any restrictions.

Because laparoscopic surgery uses general anesthesia, then natural will be drowsy and lethargic behavior, which lasts for several hours and usually disappears by the end of the day.

The owners should be more careful immediately after the operation. The effect of anesthesia can cause the cat to wake up several times and try to get up. Naturally, weakness leads to some disorientation in space, and this can threaten the pet with injuries due to falls or bumps. Take care of her, try to calm her down, caress her and put her to your favorite place to rest. Soon the effect of anesthesia will completely pass and she will not even remember the unpleasant moments.

After laparoscopy, the cat should not receive food or drink for about 10-12 hours. Your veterinarian will advise you of this. Follow strictly his advice, and your pet will get better soon, will enjoy life again.

How to care for a cat after laparoscopic surgery

As a rule, after undergoing laparoscopic sterilization, the animal recovers very quickly. Some clinics offer to leave the pet under observation for a while, most are sent home after surgery, given a few important tips. If you were offered the first option, then you should not refuse, this means that the doctor has reasons for this. Let the cat stay under medical supervision and, in which case, she will be provided with qualified assistance.

The operation of laparoscopic sterilization is much more complicated than the castration of cats. Therefore, you should not neglect the advice of a doctor. Any surgical intervention, albeit not as complicated as abdominal surgery, requires no less attention from the owner and the veterinarian.

As already noted, after undergoing anesthesia used in the laparoscopic procedure, the pet can sleep for several hours and be lethargic.

This condition is absolutely normal. By the evening she will feel better, her appetite and playful mood will appear. And by the morning next day nothing should bother her. If lethargy persists after a day, it is urgent to show Murka to a doctor.

Although the pet usually recovers quickly from laparoscopic surgery, it takes some time for the wounds to heal. In order not to violate the integrity of the seams, you need to follow a number of rules:

  • avoid too active games with the cat for several days,
  • do not let her lick the stitches, wounds, and in no case scratch them, if necessary, you can apply a bandage.

Review the pet's diet, for which you can consult a doctor. Spayed cats can quickly gain weight, leading to obesity and health problems. If you prefer to feed the cat natural food, reduce portions, watch the calorie content. There are foods specially formulated for these cats. They are optimally balanced and ideal for pets that have undergone spaying.

Is there an alternative to laparoscopic sterilization?

Veterinarians and tussock breeders are unanimous on this issue that there is no alternative to laparoscopic sterilization. It is very difficult to observe the torment of a pet several times a year. This is not only a psychological test for the whole family where the animal is kept. Not easy for the cat.

Giving special pills and drops is also not the best option. Any medicine definitely affects the work of internal organs.. Who wants to shorten the life of a pet?

How to reduce undesirable consequences after surgery to zero

Any operation is a certain risk. Therefore, laparoscopic sterilization of a cat requires careful attention to the issue of choosing a clinic and a doctor. Here are a few tips to focus on for owners who decide to spay a murka:

  • The laparoscopic sterilization procedure is not cheap, but there is no need to save money. Pay attention to the conditions under which the operation is proposed, specify what tools will be used,
  • check how qualified the doctor is in the matter of sterilization. Read the reviews, both about the clinic itself and the operating doctor, in order to know all the pros and cons of the procedure in this particular clinic. Collect for yourself a certain rating of veterinary hospitals and do not be too lazy to take your pet to the other end of the city, if it turns out to be better there,
  • never agree to a laparoscopic surgery at home. Such an intervention requires sterile conditions and materials, high-quality conduct, anesthesia and observation,
  • be sure to consult a doctor about preparing a cat for laparoscopic surgery and strictly follow all recommendations. The well-being of the pet will depend on this.

Pros and cons of sterilization

Laparoscopic sterilization of cats has no disadvantages, after it there are almost never complications.

The pluses include such moments as not just the absence of pregnancy, but also the dulling of signs of sexual activity. The cat stops asking the cat. As well as positive aspects laparoscopy are that there is a decrease in the risk of onset various diseases genital area: tumor phenomena and infectious diseases of the uterus.

Sooner or later, any cat owner thinks about the need to procreate their pet. Someone initially plans to start breeding mustachioed pets, others - 2 times a year they are forced to attach an “endless stream” of kittens, forgetting about the unfortunate animal that suffers from frequent pregnancies physically and implants the owners during estrus. If you are not a candidate for cat breeders, make your pet a laparoscopic sterilization that saves these beautiful creatures from endless torment, and you from bad mood his pet, marks all over the house and damaged things.

Neutering cats- this is surgical procedure, during which the internal genital organs are removed from the animal. The goal is to deprive the cat of the opportunity to reproduce. The most promising type of sterilization is laparoscopy, which involves minimal intervention in the cat's body.

When is the best time to spay a cat?

Experienced veterinarians say that it is best to spay cats at the age of 4-6 months, when puberty has not yet been reached. Experts recommend this particular age period because the operation is more late age will save the cat from pregnancy and estrus, but will not affect the behavior of the animal during sexual activity.

How much does cat sterilization cost and how does it work?

Speaking about how much it costs to sterilize a cat, keep in mind that the cost of the procedure includes not only the work of a doctor, but also the price of suture and dressings, anesthesia, "consumables", etc. The average cost of sterilization in Moscow is 2,500 - 4,500 rubles.


Laparoscopy refers to minimally invasive methods in surgery - aimed at treating by small incisions in the skin. The surgeon cuts the skin to a maximum of 1 cm, inserts a special instrument with a camera, a light source and surgical devices at the end (laparoscope) into the hole, and with it removes the ovaries, uterus and tubes of the animal. Then processes soft tissues appropriate medicines and sews the skin with self-absorbable threads.

The total time of the procedure for laparoscopic sterilization of cats is 30-40 minutes.

Postoperative period

To avoid unpleasant consequences about anesthesia, the cat is temporarily left in the clinic under the supervision of doctors. After the cat wakes up, it can be taken home. Here it is necessary to lay the animal with its right side on an absorbent diaper, cover it with something warm, and give it a little drink from a pipette. Then, for 5-6 hours, regularly give the cat water already in large quantities(1-2 teaspoons).

Actually, the whole care of the animal is to provide peace, warmth and thirst quenching. After 3-4 days, it is recommended to visit a veterinarian to assess the condition of the sutures. Perhaps, even before laparoscopic sterilization of a cat, you will be consulted about special medicines to be given to her for 2 weeks after the procedure. Sometimes they are not needed.

Pros and cons of spaying cats.


  • Spayed cats live longer than fertile ones.
  • The owner can forget about cat "concerts" during the mating period of animals.
  • Eliminates the need for offspring.
  • The cat will stop tickling.
  • The animal will gain a little weight, its coat and teeth will change.
  • The cat will become calmer, but just as affectionate and playful as before.
  • During sterilization, the cat's organs are removed, which are associated with numerous unpleasant diseases arising in ordinary animals after 5-6 years of age.


  • Fast weight gain, controlled by proper nutrition.
  • The operation is irreversible, so take your decision wisely.

Sterilization of cats in the veterinary clinic Kot Filimon.

In addition to laparoscopy, modern veterinary medicine uses other methods that are inferior to the first in many respects. We offer only the best for your beloved pets, therefore we practice exclusively laparoscopy. It is in our interests for the cat to recover as quickly as possible, and the more gentle the procedure, the faster this will happen.

Ask our consultants: how much does it cost to sterilize a cat. And get detailed advice on related issues, in particular, on rehabilitation after the procedure.