When do cats reach puberty? When can a cat be neutered?

Puberty young cat - a natural process during which an animal acquires the ability to reproduce. At a certain age, your pet begins to go into heat (estrus). From this moment on, the body is capable of fertilization. Estrus in cats is a specific physiological and psycho-emotional state during the period of sexual hunting.

Physiological factors lead to changes in the behavior and psyche of the pet during the period of sexual heat. The animal's behavioral reactions change. If you understand how estrus occurs in cats, you can avoid many unpleasant moments. Estrus is characterized by the following stages:

  • Proestrus (preparatory phase). The period lasts 1 - 3 days and is characterized by restless behavior of the animal. During proestrus, the cat does not allow the male to approach her.
  • Immediate heat (estrus). It lasts 5 - 7 days, sometimes it lasts up to 10. This period is characterized by a radical change in the behavior of the animal under the influence of sex hormones. Planned mating or spontaneous mating occurs precisely during this phase.
  • Interestrus. If fertilization occurs, then pregnancy occurs. During this period, a false pregnancy often develops if conception does not occur.
  • Anestrus (rest period). Lasts 2 - 3 months and most often occurs in the winter and summer months.

The average duration of the period of sexual heat in cats is 5 - 7 days. In rare cases, estrus can last up to 10 days. If the animal is fertilized, then pregnancy occurs, and the next estrus occurs, as a rule, 2 - 3 months after birth. Some animals are ready for mating already 2 - 3 weeks after the birth of kittens. The duration of estrus is very individual and depends on a number of factors:

  • length of daylight hours;
  • presence of a neutered cat in the room;

Competent owners of furry beauties know how estrus manifests itself in cats, and that it is impossible to mate an animal during its first estrus. Early mating leads to a halt in the development of the animal, increases the risk of complications during pregnancy and childbirth, and the birth of stillborn kittens. Breeders recommend skipping 2 - 3 heats, and only then breeding a cat with a cat.

Why is it so important to understand that the cat has already left adolescence? Of course, you shouldn’t be afraid of this, since puberty of an animal and readiness to reproduce is a completely natural process.

Special cells and follicles have formed, indicating the cat’s full readiness for fertilization and bearing cubs. The pet's behavior will begin to change as the hunt for the male begins.

Characteristic signs of estrus

The first three days are in the preparation phase, the animal is restless, but it’s too early to bring the cat, the cat won’t let him in. But for the next week, and sometimes even ten days, the female will behave unpredictably. During this period, you need to plan the mating of your matured pet with your chosen boyfriend.

First time close attention

Each breed has its own period of puberty.

  • In large and long-haired breeds The first heat begins at nine months.
  • Light cats, such as Siamese, for example, begin to walk at four months.
  • In Scots and Britons, the first heat occurs at eight months.

The size of the animal also affects the manifestation of the first desire. For example, if a cat has excess weight, then her first estrus will occur much later than that of the same individual with a low body weight. Even the lighting of the room in which the cat lives affects the appearance of estrus. Darkness has a suppressive effect on sex hormones.

Signs of puberty in a cat

Only the most “unobservant” owner can skip the estrus period. The cat actively pets, imposes its communication, and begins to roll on the floor.

By special stroking you can definitely determine the cat’s readiness for mating. If you touch the pelvic area, lightly stroking it, the animal will lower itself onto its front legs, lifting back body and tilting the tail to the side. The cat begins to rub against the furniture and the owner’s legs.

Sometimes unusual aggression and a desire to run away from home may appear. The cat must attract cats with its scent; it begins to leave it wherever possible. What about cat concerts? How can they leave anyone indifferent? Well, if the cat doesn’t see, then he certainly hears!

The female goes to the toilet more often and sometimes refuses to eat. If this happens to a cat for the first time, it experiences extreme stress. But, no matter how painful it may be for the pet and the owners themselves, the first mating must be skipped. Let the animal get stronger so that the birth takes place without complications.

Frequency of the first heat

How often do cats feel the urge to mate with the opposite sex? If the cat was not allowed to visit the cat during the period of the first desire, then the next heat may occur immediately after the end of the previous one.

After all, the essence of estrus is the possibility of mating, which should result in fertilization of the animal. This is the law of nature. If the body does not get a result, it will persistently strive for it. For a cat, the waiting process is certainly very exhausting. If the owner wants to produce offspring, the animal must be given the opportunity to fulfill its intended purpose.

If you refuse to give birth to kittens, it is better to contact a veterinarian, get advice and have an operation to sterilize your pet.

How to calm a cat

Sedatives should only be given to a cat if she has just given birth. The girl needs to regain her strength, because she has experienced so much. The first mating and its anticipation, pregnancy and the birth of babies. Nature again demands its way, but where can we get the strength?

But any medications should never be given to your pets without the advice of a veterinarian. Drugs that reduce sexual desire and stress relief, a lot. But what suits a particular beauty is something that a doctor must figure out. Self-medication is inappropriate here.

What factors determine the speed of puberty?

The speed of puberty depends on a number of determining factors that every owner should be aware of:

  1. Pet breed. Zoologists have long noted that some breeds enter puberty earlier than others. These include, for example, kittens oriental breeds: St. Petersburg sphinxes, Burmese, Thais, Siamese.
  2. Body features. Graceful felines enter puberty earlier than larger male cats. When overfeeding, for example, a cat and if he has overweight, the stage of growing up is delayed and can only occur at 1.5 - 2 years.
  3. Time of birth of the kitten. For babies born in spring or winter period, the stage of change occurs in spring or summer, and in kittens from a later litter puberty comes later.
  4. Conditions of detention and care. Pets that receive proper care and comprehensive nutrition mature faster than homeless kittens.
  5. Features of the habitat. Cats and male cats kept in a nursery, surrounded by other felines, mature earlier than pets.
  6. Genetic predisposition. If a female’s pregnancy occurs early, then it is likely that this feature can be inherited by the babies.

First heat (estrus)

Factors influencing the onset of the first heat Rationale
Breed affiliation Large and long-haired breeds (Maine Coon, Ragdoll, Siberian cat, Neva Masquerade, Norwegian Forest) mature much later than other breeds. Their first heat can begin at 9 - 16 months. If the pet belongs to light-boned breeds (Siamese, Orientals), then the first estrus can occur as early as 4 - 5 months. Popular Scottish and British breeds cats mature at 8 - 12 months
Genetics If the females in the pet’s family matured early, then the likelihood of an early onset of the first heat increases.
Pet's birth season If a cat was born in the spring months, then her first heat will come earlier than an animal born in the fall
Dimensions of the animal Individuals that are overweight and have heavy bones mature, as a rule, later than animals with optimal weight. Puberty in emaciated and physically underdeveloped females occurs much later than in cats of normal weight
Illumination The light conditions in the room influence what time cats start walking. Living in a dark place reduces and suppresses the activity of sex hormones, and sexual hunting comes much later
Feeding and maintenance conditions Complete diet, balanced according to the main nutrients, vitamins and minerals contributes normal development reproductive system. Indoor cats mature later than outdoor cats

Due to the fact that estrus is a very individual process, it is impossible to determine exactly what time a cat’s first heat begins. But knowing what breed the pet belongs to, genetic predisposition, season of birth and other factors, you can approximately determine the age of the onset of the first heat. The average cat matures at 7 - 9 months.

How to calm a cat

Features of puberty in cats.

The behavior of cats and male cats during puberty is somewhat different.

In females, this stage occurs at approximately 7-8 months. In a number of individual cases, more is possible early start– at 6 months. In long-haired and large representatives of the cat family (Persians, Men-Coons), the maturation period begins at more late age– at 9-12 months.

In cats, this period is accompanied by estrus - discharge from the genitals. Signs of approaching estrus are as follows: the cat’s desire to fawn is most clearly manifested, it rubs against the owner’s legs, rolls on the floor, and moves its tail to the side, demonstrating sexual desire. The first heat begins, as a rule, after gaining weight of 2-2.5 kg. At these moments, the females emit loud screams, take positions characteristic of mating, and roll around on the floor.

But it is worth remembering that the onset of puberty does not mean that the cat can be taken to mating. Physiologically, a female’s body at 6-10 months is not yet ready to bear and give birth to kittens.

The duration of the stage during which the cat is in active estrus period is usually no more than a week (5-7 days). It is at this point in time that the animal is able to conceive offspring. If this does not happen, the whole process comes to naught. Outdoor cats come into heat twice a year - in spring and autumn, but in well-groomed pets it can be monthly.

During sexual heat, the following changes can be noted in the female:

  1. A long, inviting and loud meow that can continue both during the day and at night.
  2. When the female is ready to reproduce, she very often takes a mating position, lowering the front part of her body, raising the back part and moving her tail to the side.
  3. The cat begins to mark its territory. This is another way to attract cats, which are very sensitive to pheromones released in urine.
  4. The female often licks herself, removing clear secretions.
  5. The cat's genitals become enlarged, she begins to sit on the tray frequently, and her gait even changes.
  6. Excessively affectionate or aggressive behavior. The animal can follow the owner, attracting attention to itself, rub against his legs, and sometimes can even show aggression towards him.
  7. The desire to run outside. During sexual heat, the cat constantly tries to jump out into the street through open door or a window.

A little later, puberty begins in cats (usually 7-8 months). This process simply cannot go unnoticed by the baby’s owner. A previously affectionate kitten becomes aggressive, attacks people for no reason, and begins to tear up furniture and walls. Attacks of such aggression can quickly give way to apathy.

Often during this period, cats experience loss of appetite.

The most important feature is that cats begin to mark their territory with secretions, which are characterized by an unpleasant, Strong smell, which is extremely difficult to get rid of. In this way, the cat tells other males that this territory and all the cats on it belong to him.

There are cases that at 4 months a cat is already ready for mating, but this is not normal, but the onset of the first heat at one year of age or older is also unacceptable. For a purebred cat, you need to decide in advance who will be its partner. Feverishly picking up any boy to satisfy your favorite - this is the approach for show cat prohibited.

What should owners do during puberty?

Every loving owner must take special care and attention to his for a pet during his puberty. Some simple tips will help both the animal and its owner make this stage as calm as possible:

Puberty is a difficult stage not only in the life of a cat, but also in the life of their owner. It requires maximum attention, love and care from the owner. In addition, we should not forget that it is quite difficult to simply “endure” heat (especially for purebred individuals). Each heat that does not end in mating weakens the animal’s body and causes harm to it.

Estrus is a period of a cat’s sexual development when external signs of positive reactions on the cat, i.e. the pet is ready to mate. When does a cat's first heat start and what should an owner do during this period?

Age of cat at first heat

  • A cat’s sexual instinct towards cats “wakes up” at about 6-8 months. If the animal has a moderate temperament, estrus may delay up to 10-11 months. From this moment we can assume that the cat is ready to mate, because from this moment the production of reproductive eggs begins. However, it is important to remember that in cats physiological maturity coincides with sexual maturity, but in cats it lags behind by about six months, i.e. It is not recommended to breed a cat for the first time until the age of 1.5 years.
  • If there is a cat nearby, then estrus may begin earlier than middle age.
  • How long does a cat's first heat last? On average from several days to two weeks. The duration is affected by the breed, health status, methods and frequency of feeding, and age.
  • Estrus can occur at any time of the year, but more often sexual activity occurs in the spring and summer.
  • The onset of estrus in a cat younger than 5 months is considered a deviation. and later 1-1.5 years.
  • On average, 1 heat occurs every 3 months, but under certain conditions physiological conditions The rut can occur monthly or once every six months. The frequency of sexual desire depends greatly on the breed - Persians or Siamese may experience heat somewhat more often than Scottish cat or, for example, the British one.
  • Muroks do not experience menopause, so estrus accompanies them throughout their entire lives. One difference is that the incidence may decrease in aging cats.

Important: if the owners’ plans do not include mating a cat to produce offspring, it is much safer to carry out sterilization to preserve the life and health of the pet! In the absence of matings and the presence of a large number of “empties” (cycles without fertilization), the risks of hormonal disruptions and serious illnesses genitals.

What happens to Murka during heat?

Estrus (scientific name is estrus) is physiologically divided into 4 periods. It is unlikely that the owner will be able to accurately distinguish one period from another, but it is quite possible to calculate a successful date for mating based on the first day of mating.

1 period

Proestrus lasts up to about 2 days. At this time, the cat’s appetite decreases, the external genitalia become slightly swollen, and slight discharge appears.

Important: the discharge must be mucous-transparent, homogeneous and without unpleasant odor. Any deviation in color, consistency or smell is a reason for an immediate visit to the veterinarian!

The cat also begins to purr and fawn, but will not allow mating if you let the cat near her.

2nd period

Estrus – already suitable for mating. The level of reproductive hormones is off the charts, estrus is in full swing, and discharge is very abundant. The purring turns into a cat scream, the cat walks with a quivering tail, and can roll on the floor, squirming.

When you stroke her back, she bends at the waist, raises her pelvis and tilts her tail to the side. It should be noted that if you do not breed a cat with a cat during this period, it will experience real physical pain as it feels. This period lasts up to a week, sometimes a little less. During this period, you cannot scold the cat and show intolerance towards its behavior!

It happens that the first heat occurs with little manifestation - this variant of the norm is also possible, the body, as it were, “learns” to react to hormonal changes. If your cat is in heat and is generally asymptomatic, you should show your pet to a specialist. There may be hormonal deficiency or another gynecological disease.

3rd period

Interestrus – goes in several directions. If mating and ovulation have occurred, then the cat begins to drive the cat away from her, even to the point of obvious aggression towards him. If the cat is not bred, the cycle may soon repeat again. If ovulation occurs, but fertilization does not occur, then the risks of developing false pregnancy.

4th period

Anestrus is a period of rest. Its duration can vary from several days to several months. In a cat that gives birth regularly, this period is longer than in those individuals in whom sexual heat is often “wasted.”

Signs of estrus in a cat

Signs of estrus cannot be confused with any other conditions:

  • the animal’s mood changes sharply - excessive affection may give way to open aggression towards someone in the household;
  • a very loud meow is periodically heard, sometimes turning into a purring cry - this is a kind of call for the cat;
  • the reaction to touching the body will depend on the mood of the cat - an affectionate one will respond willingly to stroking and caressing, an aggressive one will be irritated and bite. A particularly sensitive place on the body will be the root of the tail area (lower back);
  • the cat will obsessively and instinctively look for a way out into the street (if it is an indoor cat), the yard cat may not enter the house at all, but go on a spree;
  • Appetite may decrease or disappear altogether;
  • the cat almost constantly licks its genitals - this is the first sign of the presence of secretions specific to this period;
  • the pet may begin to mark its territory and start going to the toilet not in the litter box, but in any place convenient for it;
  • As soon as you touch the area at the root of the tail, the cat immediately falls on its front paws, raising its pelvis higher and moving its tail to the side, taking a natural mating position.

Actions of the owner at the moment of the onset of estrus in a cat

Everyone who has a cat should know what to do with her during her first heat:

  1. One way out is to give the opportunity to mate with a cat. However, pregnancy after the first heat is an excessive burden on the animal’s body, because With timely puberty, the cat’s physiological development lags behind. This can have a detrimental effect on both general health pets, and on the state of the reproductive system. A good option– neutered cat with sexual activity.
  2. If the plans do not include breeding offspring, it is necessary to wait until the end of the first estrus and 1.5-2 weeks after or 2 weeks before the next sexual cycle, carry out the sterilization operation.
  3. You cannot scold an animal and punish it for behavior that is unusual for it; it is important to understand that this is all nature and physiology, and on command a cat cannot stop meowing, excessively petting or marking territory.
  4. Distract your cat with active games - mouse toys, tassels, a banal bow on a string will help distract the animal from its condition.
  5. It is necessary to reduce feeding portions, but increase the frequency.
  6. Bathing a cat in the bath will give you several hours of silence. warm water, you can add chamomile decoction.
  7. If you keep your cat in a dimly lit room during estrus, the condition will go away a little faster.
  8. You can buy special medications at a veterinary pharmacy to calm a mustachioed pet during estrus (Cat Bayun, Anti-Stress). The name can be clarified by a veterinarian after a preliminary consultation with a description of how the rutting period proceeds. But it’s sedatives, not hormonal ones!
  9. You can artificially induce ovulation. This is possible by mating the cat with an active castrate (so that there is no fertilization) or by inserting into the vagina a suitable object that imitates the cat’s genital organ to a depth of 2-2.5 cm (for example, cotton swab or a narrow pipette). It is important to do everything carefully, observing changes in the cat’s behavior: first you need to stroke its back on the back and grab it by the withers (as a cat usually does). Then, using a rubber-gloved finger, gently stroke the vulva until the tail moves to the side and vaginal pulsation begins to be felt under the finger. Only after this should the prepared item be introduced. Sign proper stimulation the cat will meow loudly and roll out. Everything should be repeated after 12-15 minutes several more times within one hour, and then again after 12 hours. It is important to follow the rules of hygiene so as not to introduce an infection into the cat’s genitals!

If there is no heat: reasons

The absence of estrus at all is a sign that some kind of malfunction has occurred in the cat’s body. The complete or temporary absence of sexual heat is influenced by the emotional mood of the cat and illness. The most common reasons:

  • breed characteristics;
  • lack of thyroid hormones;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • "atrophy" of natural instincts, if domestic cat I have never encountered my own kind (other cats);
  • congenital absence or underdevelopment of the ovaries;
  • there is estrus, but with erased manifestations (outwardly it is practically not noticeable);
  • any pathologies of the ovaries (neoplasms, cysts);
  • hermaphroditism - instead of ovaries, the cat has underdeveloped testes.

In any case, if external signs If a cat older than one and a half years is not in heat, this is already a reason to seek advice from a veterinarian. Especially if it is a purebred animal and is bred for breeding purposes.

Question answer

Is it possible to spay a cat before her first heat?

It is important to carry out sterilization 2 weeks before estrus or 2 weeks after, i.e. at the moment of sexual rest. From the point of view of preventing mammary gland cancer, it is recommended to sterilize a cat before the first heat and no earlier than 7-8 months of age (acceptable at 6 months if the cat is large and weighs at least 3 kg). The probability of getting into the required 2 weeks before estrus and in correct age, provided that the cat has never walked yet, is approximately zero. Therefore, veterinarians most often recommend sterilizing a cat after the first heat, and not before, in order to avoid gross intrusion into work. hormonal system animal.

At what age do cats go into heat for the first time?

This depends on many factors - on average, this is a period of 6-8 (up to 10) months from birth.

How many times a year does a cat go into heat?

Usually once a quarter, but there are cases of monthly rutting or less often - once every six months.

Competent veterinary specialists strongly do not recommend the use of hormonal drugs to eliminate, delay or accelerate estrus. The “mildest” complications due to hormonal disruptions are purulent inflammatory processes in the genitals, cysts, tumors of the mammary glands, diabetes and adrenal dysfunction.

Characteristic signs of estrus in a cat indicate that the animal is ready to conceive and bear offspring.

Felines are polycyclic animals, which means that the cat’s period of readiness for fertilization occurs several times throughout the year. During 1 season, the female undergoes several sexual cycles. Most often, the mating season for females begins at the beginning of the year, in January, and ends by the end of summer or beginning of autumn. In some cases, there are females that are capable of fertilization periodically throughout the calendar year. The only period when such animals do not come into heat is the period when kittens are fed milk. A return to normal behavior occurs 1 week after the kittens are weaned from the cat.

The female's first estrus occurs, like all other mammals, after she reaches sexual maturity and is ready to breed.

Attention! Typically, sexual maturity in females occurs in the period from 7 to 10 months after birth, but physiological maturation of the female occurs in the period from 12 to 14 months.

The time of the onset of the first estrus, as well as the regularity of subsequent ones, depends on large number factors. The breed of the animal influences the time of the onset of sexual heat. In breeds bred in the East, the period of estrus occurs more often than in cats bred in other regions.

Factors influencing the female's first estrus and signs of the onset of the heat period

The main factors influencing the onset of estrus in females are:

  1. Breed.
  2. Season.
  3. Presence of a male in close proximity.
  4. Cat sizes.

Most often, a cat goes into heat three times a year. Duration different breeds lasts a different number of days, in most animals it lasts about 2 weeks. Violations of the schedule and process in females are observed in the presence of hormonal imbalance.

The main signs of the first heat in a female are the following:

  1. The females are excited.
  2. Restless behavior is observed.
  3. Contact with a cat has an exciting effect on it.

In addition, when determining the first heat of a cat, you should pay attention to Special attention for the following signs:

  1. Before the start of the hunting period, the animal's genitals enlarge, and a clear, thin discharge appears from them, which the animal can leave indoors.
  2. The process of urination becomes more frequent than in normal periods life.
  3. The females become tender and begin to rub against everything. Cats may roll around on the floor and squirm their bodies. In some cases, females may become more aggressive.
  4. In rare cases, females experience a disturbance in appetite; during this period they eat less and less frequently.
  5. The cat tries to escape from the house, using every opportunity.
  6. The female emits a plaintive meow and calls for the cat.

The cat may arch its back, lie down on the floor, and move its tail to the side.

How does estrus occur in cats?

The period of sexual heat in a cat is divided into 4 stages:

  • proestrus;
  • estrus;
  • metestrus;
  • anestrus.

Each of these stages differs in the behavior of the cat and the state of its body.

Proestrus is First stage period of sexual desire in the female. The duration of this stage can range from 1 to 4 days. This period is characterized by more or less calm behavior of the pet and a slight increase in affection. The animal's appetite remains, and in some cases may even increase. Sometimes the cat makes quiet sounds in its throat. During this period there is gradual increase external genital organs, and the formation and secretion begins clear mucus from the genitals. At this stage, the cat does not allow any other cat to approach her.

Estrus is the second stage of the sexual desire period. The duration can vary from 1 to 1.5 weeks. This period is directly the estrus itself. It is during this period that the female becomes affectionate and wriggles, begins to meow loudly, calling the cat to her. If you stroke a cat in the area of ​​the sacrum, then it, bending, takes a pose characteristic of the mating process. Optimal time for mating - from 3 to 5 days of estrus.

Metestrus is a stage of the estrus period during which the female's sexual desire decreases. The duration of this stage ranges from 3 to 12 days. If fertilization is carried out at the estrus stage, then at the metestrus stage the cat begins to show aggression towards cats. There are cases when cats develop false pregnancies. This condition is accompanied by all the signs of a true pregnancy, except that such a pregnancy cannot end in delivery. Most often, with a false pregnancy, all signs disappear 1.5 months after the cat’s estrus ends. If the female is fertilized at the previous stage, the cat will give birth 60-70 days later.

Anestrus is the 4th stage of estrus. This stage occurs if the female is not fertilized. During this period, the cat gradually calms down and returns to normal life.

How to calm a cat during heat?

When the first signs of estrus appear in a cat, if you do not plan to get offspring from a cat, you need to take some measures to calm the animal and bring it back to normal.

In order to calm the cat during this period, she should be given more attention. To do this, you should pick her up more and stroke her. In this way, it is possible to calm the animal and relieve its psychological stress.

To reduce psychological stress in an animal, you should play with it. For the game, it is better to choose a new toy that may interest the animal. While playing with a new toy, the cat will begin to jump and run around the room in which it lives, which will allow it to free itself. a large number of internal energy.

During this period, the cat should be fed less. Very often, veterinarians recommend not feeding your cat during the day, but giving it a small amount of food at night. It should be remembered that the animal must have water in the drinking bowl constantly and in the required quantity.

Attention! When signs of the female's first heat appear, she should be isolated in a separate room for several days, which will reduce her mating calls.

When isolating a cat in a separate room, one must not forget that the animal must have plenty of water; in addition, a comfortable bed should be provided for the cat.

The use of homeopathy helps some females cope with the changes occurring in their body at this time. Before using these drugs, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian so as not to harm the health of the animal.

How to solve the problem of estrus in a female cat?

As soon as a female cat reaches sexual maturity, the question immediately arises of how to solve this problem. There are several methods to solve this problem.

These methods are as follows:

  1. Carrying out an operation to sterilize an animal. The operation to sterilize an animal involves removing the female's uterus and ovaries. As a result of such surgical intervention the female's desire generally disappears, and the cat does not show signs of the onset of estrus.
  2. Mating a female with a male. The purpose of this procedure is to mate a cat with a cat during the period of estrus. After mating, the cat always calms down. However, the owner of the animal should be clearly aware that frequent pregnancies and childbirth in a female can provoke the development of serious diseases. In addition, frequent pregnancies lead to physical and emotional exhaustion in an animal.
  3. Use of hormonal drugs at the onset of sexual heat. The use of these drugs allows you to stop the onset of estrus in the animal. Such drugs can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy. They are allowed to be used 1-2 times a year. As a result of the use of hormonal drugs, disturbances in the functioning of the animal’s body may occur. Frequent use of hormone-based drugs can cause tumors of the ovaries and uterus in a cat.
  4. Use of sedatives medical supplies. Use during estrus in female lungs herbal infusions allows you to alleviate the condition of the animal. Such drugs include, for example, Kot-Bayun and Bach Drops. It should be noted that this method is not always effective.

What to do if you plan to get offspring from a female?

Owners purebred cats most often they keep females for the purpose of producing offspring both for sale and for their own pleasure. Therefore, they need to know exactly when it is time to inseminate the female. For this purpose, you need to be able to accurately determine the time of the onset of estrus in a female.

For animal breeders who do not have enough experience to determine the signs of estrus in a cat, we can recommend looking at specialized sites dedicated to cat care for photos and videos demonstrating the behavior of a female during the period of sexual heat.

Attention! If you want to get offspring from a female, you should remember that optimal timing Insemination is the first and second day after the start of the estrus period.

A female should mate with a male 2-3 times, with the interval between matings being 12-14 hours. If you comply with all these requirements, then the chance of getting offspring increases several times.

Owners of purebred cats should remember that sexual maturity in cats occurs at the age of 4 to 6 months, however early pregnancy undesirable for the animal, since the animal during this period has not reached full physiological maturity, and its body is still developing. Full physiological maturity of the female occurs a year after birth.

Signs of estrus in a cat and what should the owner do during this period? was last modified: September 2nd, 2016 by Ekaterina Efimova

Can you understand that a cat is asking for a cat if you have no experience? Don’t even doubt it – you can do it, since the “symptoms” are unambiguous.

A cat's puberty begins at about four months of age. Depending on the size, breed, quality of care and living environment, a cat can mature up to 15–18 months. The process of puberty consists of several stages.

In a newborn male kitten, it is considered normal for the testicles to not fully descend into the scrotum. The formation of the external genital organs occurs up to 4–5 months, after which a constant hormonal background begins to be established in the animal’s body.

In males, testosterone predominates in the hormonal background, which is the culprit for the pronounced manifestation of sexual heat.

As soon as the cat goes into heat, the owner notices clear behavioral changes. Let us note right away that if you do not want to deal with problems in your pet’s behavior and get kittens, a cat is better.

Important! Even if you live in the private sector, constant fights for the right to mate are dangerous for the life and health of your pet.

Remains active, retains hunting skills, but almost never leaves its own territory. After castration, the cat does not obey sexual instincts, is more focused on its own safety and becomes more affectionate towards the owner.

In addition, timely castration guarantees the absence of health problems that are typical for unneutered cats:

  • Testicular tumors.
  • Some types of oncology.

Note! Castration is a procedure for removing the testicles of a cat and the ovaries and uterus of a cat.

The active phase of male estrus begins in the spring. In the mammalian brain there is a special section - pineal gland. This gland is responsible for the production of a unique amino acid – melatonin. Melatonin is produced only at night, and its level inhibits the production of sex hormones.

In spring, when daylight hours increase, melatonin production decreases. According to the law of nature, any voids must be filled. Decreased melatonin production stimulates the cat's hypothalamus to produce additional testosterone in cats and estrogen in cats. That is why in the spring the so-called cat roars begin, when stray animals begin to scream and arrange mating games.

Signs that a cat wants a cat

How to determine that a cat wants a cat? With the onset of puberty, cats transform, becoming more courageous and strong. The growth of the skeleton, the enlargement of the skull and the acquisition of more rigid features are due to the constantly increasing level of testosterone.

The first signs of sexual heat are increased attention to smells.

Note! You may notice that the cat has begun to scratch door and window frames - this is one of the ways of leaving marks on the territory.

All domestic cats live in unnatural conditions, since they cannot mate according to the dictates of their instincts. A young, healthy, sexually mature cat can mate up to 10 times a day. That is why, even if there is one cat, all sexually mature females in the territory accessible to him will be fertilized during the period of estrus.

When a cat is locked within four walls, his sexual desire is constantly intensified. To attract females, the pet begins to scream loudly and intensify the territory.

Tags using glands that are located between the fingers and on the animal’s face are ineffective, because they are not attracted to the females’ home. Being under constant pressure hormonal levels, the cat begins to mark the territory with urine and sometimes feces.

Note! It is important not to confuse marks and ignoring the tray. When a cat marks, it approaches a vertical surface, turns its back, raises its tail, and sprays the surface with a stream of urine.

Particular attention should be paid to the smell. When a cat voids bladder in the tray, the smell of urine is strong, but not pungent. The marks are very sharp, strong smell, which is difficult to remove.

The next way a cat demonstrates its sexual activity is by leaving marks on the owner’s personal belongings. Sooner or later the pet will understand that there are females outside the home. To convey its messages to hypothetical mating partners, the cat will begin to mark the owner's shoes and belongings.

Note! It is worth considering that cats' sense of smell is much sharper than that of humans. When the windows in the home are open, and there are cats nearby that have entered into a state of sexual heat, the male senses them.

The pet will not deprive guests of “attention,” especially if they have pets. Shoes are especially at risk because they retain the smell of sweat. During the active phase, cats can become aggressive and fiercely guard the territory, especially from male animals.

Why does a neutered cat ask for a cat?

Some owners are faced with an unpleasant surprise - a neutered cat continues to call the cat and mark the territory, what is the reason?

To save yourself from problems with marks, and your pet from it, you need to castrate it before entering into active phase sexual hunting. varies from 7 to 9 months.

Note! The larger the cat, the sooner he will be neutered.

Castration before the cat begins to mark gives a greater chance of eliminating problems in the future. Urine marking is instinctive, but quickly becomes a habit. There are cases when castrated cats did not mark their territory, but imitated this process.

After castration, it takes from 3 to 12 months to balance the hormonal levels. The sooner a cat is neutered, the sooner its hormonal levels will become “even.” Depending on heredity, after the initial balancing of hormonal levels, the cat will experience:

  • Equal levels of estrogen and testosterone.
  • Predominance of testosterone.
  • Predominance of estrogen.

If a cat has a predominance of testosterone, he continues to behave in a very masculine manner: fight, mark, call the cat, etc. If estrogen outweighs, the cat becomes more affectionate, playful and flexible.

Normally, 6–12 months after castration, hormone levels will become equal, which will be expressed by the following signs:

  • The urine will lose its bright odor.
  • The cat will stop marking its territory with urine and feces.
  • The cat will more fiercely control and protect the territory from strangers.
  • For other cats, your pet will become uninteresting as a sexual object - there will be no fights with males, no screams to attract cats, etc.
  • The pet will become more playful, since energy is not spent searching for a sexual partner.
  • if his diet is not balanced.

Are there cats that do not mark even if they are not neutered? Oddly enough, yes. Some breeds of cats that are bred for professional level for decades, they inherit a special gene that deprives the male of the desire to mark territory with urine.

It is important to understand that genetic inheritance in this case is passed on from father to son. However, even if your cat's father and grandfather did not mark the territory, this does not give you (as a potential kitten owner) any guarantees.

Puberty of male cats begins at different periods life. Therefore, it is important for the owner to catch the moment when changes begin to occur in the pet’s body. So important period in the life of an animal is usually characterized by a change in behavior. Fluffy and funny kitten suddenly becomes aggressive, begins to damage furniture, and tries to attack a person. It is important for the owner of the animal to understand the reasons for the sudden change in the character of the four-legged pet and to adequately respond to the changes that occur.

What determines the speed of puberty?

There are a number of factors that can speed up or slow down the process of a kitten’s degeneration into a sexually mature individual. Cats and male cats mature faster for the following reasons:

  • Breed. It has long been noted that kittens of oriental breeds (Siamese, Thai, Sphynx) enter puberty earlier.
  • Body type. Fragile animals always mature earlier.
  • Season. If 4-6 month old A cat's maturation occurs in the spring-summer period, when it becomes quite sexually mature.
  • Conditions of detention. Pets receiving good nutrition and care, usually mature earlier than their street counterparts.
  • Environment. It has been noticed that cats kept in special nurseries surrounded by individuals of both sexes mature earlier than single animals living in city apartments.
  • Genetic predisposition. If the mother's pregnancy occurs early, this feature is most likely inherited.

There are other factors that slow down age-related changes:

  • Nutrition. If an animal constantly overeats, it stays longer in childhood and adolescence.
  • Breed. Long-haired cats and cats (Persians, British, Maine Coons) mature later than their short-haired counterparts.

Heredity should not be discounted here.

Cats growing up

A cat reaches puberty with the appearance of its first heat. This usually occurs between 5-7 months of age. It is not difficult to notice characteristic age-related changes: all you need to do is observe your pet’s behavior. In cats, the genital organs become enlarged, the animal’s gait changes, it is noted a sharp decline appetite. In addition, the tailed pet begins to show excessive cleanliness, often licks itself, sometimes marks may remain on the floor clear discharge. The cat visits the toilet more often, experiencing a constant urge to urinate.

During estrus, the animal shows by its behavior that it is ready to mate. This is manifested by excessive anxiety, inviting meowing, and the adoption of poses characteristic of mating. The character of the animal becomes unbalanced: a manifestation occurs unjustified aggression in relation to others, or the pet becomes overly affectionate. This period usually lasts up to 7 days, and signs of maturation are not always pronounced. If an animal bothers its owner with a loud, guttural meow, veterinarians recommended for pets sedatives. Such products must be used with extreme caution, strictly following the instructions for use.

Estrus in cats occurs up to 5 years of age, the frequency of their occurrence directly depends on the animal’s lifestyle and environment. For example, street animals are ready to breed no more than 2 times a year. Pets living in apartments may show signs of sexual maturity every month. If conception of offspring does not occur, the process stops on its own after some time.

If the owners of the animal do not intend to breed kittens, it is recommended to sterilize the cat. The optimal time period for the operation: 6-12 months. There is an opinion among breeders that the sterilization procedure must be carried out after the onset of puberty. It's a delusion. Removal of gonads in early age significantly reduces the risk of diseases and hormonal problems. Late operation carried out after the first heat can already harm the health of the pet.

Important! Even when entering puberty, a cat is incapable of fully reproducing offspring. Mating is recommended at the age of 14-15 months. Curious, but reproductive function cats do not depend on age: if health allows, animals can become pregnant up to 15 years!

When do cats grow up?

Males of the cat tribe become suitable for reproduction a little later. Average age Puberty occurs at 7-8 months. Unlike the maturation of cats, the maturation of cats is always clearly visible. The affectionate pet begins to frantically rush outside, becomes aggressive: it tears up furniture, attacks others for no reason. Seizures unhealthy activity may be interspersed with periods of apathy, and there is a decrease in appetite. Important Feature: cats always begin to mark their own territory with secretions that have a pungent, almost undetectable odor.