The average age of how long dogs live at home. How long do dogs live? Life expectancy of dogs of different breeds

Pet life span

Harsh statistics confirm that a dog's age is much shorter than a human's. It depends on many factors: features of the breed, living conditions, nutrition, and even emotional state. There is a saying that small dogs remain puppies until old age. Indeed, breeds such as chihuahuas or dachshunds live much longer than sheep dogs.

Life span of dogs different breeds is very different. The difference can be from 5 to 10 years. For example, Caucasian Shepherd can live at least 7 years, and French lapdog - 16. Choosing a pet, you should pay attention to this Special attention. There are certain statistics on the lifespan of four-legged pets.

  • bassets, Great Danes, caucasian shepherd dogs, english bulldogs from 8 to 13 years old.
  • Bolonki, Chihuahua, large poodles from 13 to 17 years.
  • Boxers, German Shepherds, Huskies, Staffordshire Terriers about 10 years old.
  • Yorkshire terriers, pugs, toy terriers for over 13 years.

Despite the fact that average duration the life of dogs is 12 years, many owners can boast of pets that have long crossed this mark and are in excellent condition. The Guinness Book of Records recorded a unique case, when a dog named Blue was only one month short of his 29th birthday. The long-liver lived in Australia and was a shepherd dog.

The reason for this long period life is served not only by proper care, but also by staying on fresh air, as well as regular physical exercise. This proves once again how important for the animal comfortable conditions content.

What determines the lifespan of dogs?

It is difficult to give a definite answer, what is the life expectancy of dogs. Reality can often compete with statistics. The life of dogs can take place in various conditions that have a direct impact on health and general state dog. In addition, there are a number of overriding factors.

  • genetic predisposition . When breeding expensive breeds of pets, inbreeding is used. At the same time, breeders pay the main attention not to the health of the offspring, but to the number and exterior, not taking into account the average term parents' lives.
  • Breed features. Behind recent decades As a result of selection, scientists have fixed in animals a considerable number of unnatural abilities that directly affect their health. Dogs with flattened muzzles often suffer from disorders in the respiratory system. Animals with bare or wrinkled skin are prone to inflammation and allergic reactions. Exceptionally large body sizes add extra stress to the heart.
  • Medium life expectancy of dogs depends on the quality of the environment, proper and timely nutrition. At home, it is much easier to provide comfortable content. Accordingly, such pets live much longer than street mongrels.

Although according to statistics small dogs live longer and those whose features are not distorted by the vigorous activity of breeders, it is in the power of each owner to surround the pet with caress and care to make him another long-liver.

It is important to remember that the resistance of a pet to illness and stress depends entirely on the psychological, physical and emotional development, which falls entirely on the shoulders of the owner.

How to determine the age of a dog?

Knowing the ratio of the life scale of a four-legged friend and a person is not enough to determine average age everyone specific dog. You can visually estimate how old a pet is by several indirect or direct signs. Primarily it is necessary to pay attention to the muscles of the animal. In old age, the dog may show signs of heaviness, it becomes inactive, the back loses its elasticity, and the stomach drops.

The lifespan affects the pet's coat. AT young age it is softer and silkier, and in the elderly it turns gray, dull, sometimes looks oily. Besides, clear sign aging is a cloudy eye condition. Over time, they lose their clarity and transparency, appear characteristic discharge. The most accurate way to determine age is by the condition of the teeth.. Starting from the age of 7, the front teeth or hooks begin to wear down, and from the age of 9 they fall out according to a certain pattern.

Is it possible to extend the life of a pet?

How many years do dogs live , largely depends not only on genetic data or breed characteristics. Each dog can take an honorable place in the Guinness Book of Records as another long-liver. To pet pleased with thunderous barking, devotion and love for as long as possible, it is necessary with from his very young age to provide proper care: monitor nutrition, ensure proper physical activity, regular walks in the fresh air.

How long do dogs live , depends on the conditions in which they were kept in their first 5 years. This leaves an imprint on how the old age of the animal will pass. The manifestation of all kinds of diseases, weakening of hearing and vision, problems with the heart, musculoskeletal system, and so on.

If the animal has reached the bar at 10 years old, it is time for him to provide special conditions existence. An elderly pet is worth see the veterinarian regularly. The sooner professional doctor reveals the presence of a disease, the greater the chance of fast treatment, no complications. The food should already be softer and easier to digest. In no case should you provoke a set excess weight. This will affect the vessels, cardiac activity, and the respiratory system.

By old age, every pet acquires a whole "bouquet" of diseases. Animals become sensitive to the weather, more prone to emotional stress. During this period, they especially need love and care, constant attention, affection. Now it remains only to thank the four-legged friend for all the happy moments presented and come to terms with the upcoming parting.

No matter how hard the loss is, having lost the first dog, you cannot deprive yourself of communication with the second, third, and so on. Many are afraid to experience the pain of separation again. However, it is worth looking into the eyes little puppy who is looking for his friend, loving owner. He needs warmth and care so much. Is it possible to deprive a baby of this joy, because his age is much shorter than ours!

Many people prefer to start purebred dogs at home and exclude the possibility of an ordinary mongrel appearing in their home. But few people thought about the fact that the latter are one of the most devoted and grateful animals. It is they who know how, like no one else, to appreciate the role of a person in their life. After all, the fate of these pets consists of many difficulties.

Often, a dog's life is cut short due to some common illness, for example,. In order for the animal to become infected, all it takes is one contact. If it has its own house, then the owners will take care of making the ward. But if the puppy lives on the street, one can only guess what will happen to him if this disease enter the baby's body.

How many years do cur dogs live?

All loving owners sooner or later thought about how long cur dogs live. After all, usually all family members are strongly attached to their pets. Pet owners want their loved ones and faithful friends as long as possible were nearby, and also pleased everyone with a cheerful look.

It is believed that the average life expectancy of dogs is 9 - 12 years. If you keep a good eye on what your mongrel eats and in what conditions it lives, then it is quite possible that your pet will live to 20.

Some experts argue that the size of the dog, as well as the genes that she received from her parents, play one of the key roles in her life expectancy. It is believed that small dogs live longer than their large relatives. From these considerations, the average age of the pet is calculated.

Do not forget that the life expectancy of a mongrel depends largely on you. A loving owner will not only monitor the health and nutrition of his puppy, but also treat him in such a way that he faithful dog stayed there as long as possible.

The dog is our close friend, whom we have known since childhood and who is almost guaranteed to be lost one day. Alas, a dog's age is shorter than a human's. Nature has not endowed our faithful friends with longevity of parrots (representatives of some breeds live up to 70 years), turtles (200 years) or at least elephants - many of them celebrate their 60th anniversary.

How many years will your dog live? When will he start to age and require extra care? You should think about these questions even when you are just choosing a puppy.

There is a saying that a small dog is a puppy until old age. It is also true because dogs small breeds keep youth longer and, accordingly, live longer. Compare data on the life expectancy of dogs of different breeds:

Dog breed Age (years)
english bulldogs 8-10
english spaniels 10-14
dogo argentino 13-15
bassets 9-11
Boxers 10-12
Bolonka 18-20
Large poodle 15-17
Dogue de Bordeaux 7-8
West Siberian Laikas 10-14
yorkshire terriers
Caucasian Shepherd Dogs 9-11
Pugs 13-15
Great Danes 7-8
german shepherds 10-14
staffordshire terriers
Rottweilers 9-12
Dachshunds 12-14
toy terriers 12-13
Chihuahua 15-17
Airedale Terriers 10-13

As a rule, dog owners determine the youth, maturity and old age of dogs by equating one year dog life to seven human years. This is not the most correct ratio, since a dog at the age of one year can give birth, and seven-year-old children of other babies, as you know, do not give birth. An American specialist in the field of dog breeding B. Foster in the book "The Life of a Dog" gives such a comparative table of a person's age and his four-legged friend:




14 months

6 months

8 months

12 months

18 months

All physiological and psychological age features your pet. In the first two years of life, the dog develops most intensively - already at the age of six months, puppies correspond to the level of physical development of five-year-old children. At the age of one year, dogs begin a "transitional period" with all the corresponding behavioral features. Another year - and your pet can be equated in terms of physical development to a 24-year-old person.

At proper care and upbringing, the dog will be formed physically and psychologically at the age of three to five years. It is this age that is the golden time for the dog and its owner. The dog is full of energy, playful, readily executes commands (of course, if he is trained in time), sometimes he amazes the owners with his quick wit and ability to catch the wishes of the owner.

And at the age of nine, a dog is considered old. Instead of running around and playing, your pet wants warmth and peace, and commands are carried out slowly and reluctantly, probably to make it clear to the owner that over the years spent together, he is fed up with such entertainment.

If your dog has celebrated its 15th birthday, you can be proud of both her and yourself. After all, it was you who provided the conditions in which your friend lived so long time. You formed for him that lifestyle (nutrition, training, emotional stress), which was the most optimal. That is why the dog lived such a long and, perhaps, happy life.

We draw attention to the fact that a relatively healthy old age awaits only the dog that in his youth received balanced diet and optimal physical activity.

Quite predictable difficulties await an elderly dog ​​- hearing is deteriorating, vision is noticeably declining. Males in old age can acquire problems of the prostate gland and the urogenital area. As you know, the services of a dentist are generally not available to dogs, so in old age they lose their teeth and begin to need soft food that does not need to be chewed or chewed.

Often such food and lack of activity lead to weight gain. This should not be allowed, because every kilogram of overweight is an additional burden on the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal system and for the entire body as a whole.

Veterinarian for old dog just as necessary as for a young puppy that has not formed an immune system. The sooner any disease inherent in animals of venerable age is detected, the more likely it is to be cured or at least ensure its stable course without any special complications.

But no matter how much you want your dog to stay with you for many, many more years, the day will come when the veterinarian will throw up his hands and say that even medicine is powerless against age and your pet's disease is incurable. Then you will have to make one of the most difficult decisions in your life - to prolong the suffering of a hopelessly ill friend or to render him the last favor and put him to sleep.

In any case, it's your decision. your pain. Your responsibility. However, you cannot change the course of life, and farewell is its inevitable component.

The longest dog life!

The Guinness Book of Records recorded the fact of the longest life expectancy of a dog. Helper shepherds named Blue (owner - Lev Ball, who lives in the Australian city of Rochester) lived 28 years and 11 months, once again confirming that being in the fresh air with constant physical activity is useful not only for people (among which most centenarians are also shepherds), but also for animals.

The dog almost always becomes almost a full member of the family. And the owners in this case are always interested in the life expectancy of dogs. After all, losing a pet for whom you become the center of the universe is very painful. Today we’ll talk about how many animals live, and what determines the duration of their life.

Choosing a puppy

If you decide to have a dog in the house, then choose not a puppy, but a breeder. Remember that babies are funny and affectionate, but not everyone is able to show off. good health. But it depends on this factor how long the dog will be your most devoted friend.

A well-chosen diet also plays a big role. High-quality feed with a balanced composition will add a couple of years to your pet happy life.

Not only a person should lead. The dog is no exception in this regard. long walks, good food increase the lifespan of your pet. Veterinary examinations will help prevent the development of many fatal diseases for the animal.

What is the life expectancy of a homeless mongrel?

Street dogs, unfortunately, die before reaching old age. Many factors contribute to this. And this is, first of all, poor nutrition because animals get food by rummaging through garbage containers.

homeless dog all year round is under the open sky, regardless of the time of year, and this also does not add health to the dog.

Dogs leading a street lifestyle get sick very often. Especially many animals die as a result of infection with distemper. This is dangerous disease, which is the cause of the death of many, are vaccinated against it.

A stray dog ​​is usually, or more correctly said, a mestizo obtained from crossing various breeds. And the average number of years lived by a mestizo depends on the breed of his parents.

Life expectancy of dogs of different breeds

When choosing a future furry family member, you need to remember that appearance is not the most important thing. purebred dogs, having the appearance closest to natural anatomy, live longer than their outwardly non-standard relatives.

But there are exceptions to all rules. So, baby chuhuahuas are real centenarians. Their life expectancy reaches 15 years. Of course, it all depends on the owner and the conditions that he will create for the dog.

A dog of the Akina Inu breed (the role of Hachiko was played by a dog of this particular breed) will delight the owner from 10 to 14 years.

Miniature toy terriers that girls love to dress up so beautifully and carry with them everywhere, as if beautiful handbag can live up to 15 years. But with proper care and good heredity, they sometimes set records, living up to 25 years.

Thoroughbred husky dogs, even at the age of 14, remain in excellent condition. physical form, and can live for a quarter of a century. But boxers have quite short life- only 10 years old.

Note to future owners

When choosing a dog, you should pay attention to the breeds that are closest to natural look. So, a flat muzzle, huge eyes or crooked paws will add unusualness to the animal, but shorten its life.

Life expectancy can also depend on such trifles as eye color. Dogs with beautiful blue eyes can be completely deaf, and during a walk the dog will not be able to hear the car approaching him. The result is death.

How to extend the life of your pet

The life expectancy of dogs depends primarily on the diet of the animal. It is necessary to feed the dog correctly, and for this it is necessary to take into account the weight, age, as well as the rhythm of his life.

As for the feed itself natural food and dry food), then you need to get advice from a veterinarian. If this is not possible, then we must remember that a sharp transition from one type of food to another is unacceptable.

Sweets, greasy and fried food dogs are completely prohibited.

Long walks can help prolong the life of your dog. After all, movement is life. In addition, the animal will always be in good shape.

For a dog, the family in which he lives automatically becomes his pack. It is important that the animal does not feel like an outcast. Let your pet take part in your life: play with it, take it with you on vacation. Psychological condition animal also plays at least important role than good food.

And of course, loving owner You need to take care of your pet's health. The dog must be led preventive examinations in veterinary clinic, vaccinate, etc.

Remember that representatives large breeds by the age of 7-8 they already become real old men. But even at this age, they love you just as much as when they were puppies. So be careful with them as well.

In general, you just need to love the animal - and then it will live a long and happy life.

To always have a faithful, sympathetic friend nearby, take a puppy for yourself. Perceive together the world learn to love. You will experience moments of delight and happiness more than once, you do not have to be afraid of the pain of loss in advance.

Yes, the age of a dog is not so long human standards, but this is not a reason to abandon the pet. The main thing is to make sure that the animal lives the time allotted to it fully and happily. Every day spent with your pet should give the owner bright memories from the knowledge that he did everything he could for a shaggy friend.

Average lifespan of dogs at home

It is impossible to apply average figures to each specific animal. Although cynologists claim that, on average, they live for about 12 years.

A variety of circumstances affect the longevity factor of dogs. We note the main points:

  1. Vitality is much dependent on the breed. Breeders for dog lovers have developed unnatural features in some breeds regarding the size or deliberate decorativeness of animals. These factors, of course, affect the greater propensity of some dogs to diseases of the respiratory, cardiovascular and immune systems.
  2. Even more important in determining how long a pet will live is the factor of heredity. If the puppy's parents have reached a respectable age, then he, too, will live a long time in this world. And this gives hope to lovers of large dogs or bulldogs: not all of them are doomed to a short existence. But if the breeder is concerned only with the number of offspring and does not take into account the degree of deterioration of the body of his pet, then the age of such a dog will be much shorter than the average indicators of its breed.
  3. The quality of life of the animal affects how long a four-legged pet lives. If the owner constantly takes care of the physical and mental health pupil, protects him from stress, provides the necessary loads, then it is really possible to increase the life of the dog for several years.

Fighting breeds, great danes live less, but huskies, hounds, dachshunds are long-lived.

You can't discount heredity. The age of the Australian Shepherd is defined as 12-18 years. But there is a case when the dog Blue lived without one month to 29 years. All his life, like his parents, he helped the shepherds in grazing cattle. Genetic predisposition, constant physical activity, being in the fresh air and the care of the owner worked wonders.

In many ways, the length of the dog's eyelid depends on the conditions of existence of the animal. If the owner knows about the predisposition of his pet to certain diseases, then he can eliminate irritants or, with the help of medications, reduce their effect on the animal's body. Constant physical activity, healthy eating they bark the hope that the dog's age will be long, regardless of the characteristics of the breed and the game of heredity.

How long do mutts live

There is a point of view that outbred dogs live longer than purebreds, that they are healthier and smarter, but this is a myth.

Firstly, the habitat of homeless dogs shortens their life span. That which is the most strong puppies survive in spite of rain, frost and cold, does not guarantee that they will live long. Constant deprivation will very soon leave its negative mark on even the strongest organism.

Secondly, mutts are much closer to their purebred kin than to independent wolves. But even if this were not so, then the average life expectancy of wolves is still the same 12 years.

Yes, some mongrels are more independent, they have less propensity for training, like purebreds. But if you pick up a purebred puppy on the street, surround him with attention, love, care, then, turning into an adult, he will not differ from noble dogs.

The only factor that can positively affect the longevity of mongrels is that natural reproduction contributes to the culling of pathologies.

How old are shepherd dogs

If you look at the averages, then shepherd dogs live a little longer than other dogs. longevity german shepherds, as a rule, is 10-14 years. Although there are cases when individual individuals reached 20 years.

But Caucasian Shepherd Dogs live up to 10 years. That is, the viability of these thoroughbred service dogs is not out of the average.

It must be remembered that shepherds - service dogs. They need to be engaged in vigorous activity in which the inclinations of each species could be fully revealed. Use some dogs in protection, others in search and rescue of people, shepherds will bring joy to others. Required loads and correct mode nutrition is the key to a long and happy life for shepherd dogs.


Average longevity of individual breeds

Factors affecting life span

Certain factors affect the life expectancy of dogs:

All these quality indicators of life are 100% dependent on the owner. From how he takes care of his pet, the animal's resistance to stress and various diseases is formed.

A balanced diet from birth lays the foundation for physical health pet for the whole future life and even old age. Feed old dog you need soft food so that there are no problems with teeth and swallowing.

In old age, animals may suffer various diseases, most often it is a deterioration in hearing, vision, malfunctions in the activity of the urinary system.

Another problem that can significantly reduce the age of any animal is overweight. Its excess adversely affects the health of the pet, affecting cardiovascular system and bone frame. It is necessary to control the weight of the animal, especially in old age.

Regular medical examinations, vaccination, timely appeal to the veterinary clinic in case of any problems - this is what will support the pet in desired form. Constant care for a pet throughout life can significantly increase its life cycle.

How long do purebred animals live

According to veterinary experts, there is a clear relationship between belonging to the breed and the years measured by the animal. It has been scientifically proven that the smaller the dog, the longer its life.

The vitality of representatives of different breeds is different. This is due to human selection activities. With the derivation of certain standards, some features are formed and fixed in dogs, most often unnatural.

The breeding of the breed is fraught with complications, which are expressed in hereditary diseases:

  1. Chihuahua. These cute little creatures are genetically prone to medial dislocations. kneecaps, elbow joints, to various dysplasias.
  2. Dachshund. Natural hunters, with a funny long body on short legs, pay with their health for such a body structure. hereditary pathology dachshunds have diseases intervertebral discs.
  3. Shar-Pei. Not only in this breed of dog, but in all pets with skin folds, entropion disease is common, which is essentially a volvulus of the eyelid.
  4. Rottweilers. Strong, brave, fearless, smart. But they are also susceptible hereditary diseases- aortic stenosis, Rottweiler leukoencephalopathy, follicular lipidosis.
  5. Pikinese. This ancient breed is distinguished by a special structure of the eyes, for which it suffers from a tendency to eversion of the eyelids, cataracts, and corneal ulcers.

Each breed has its own Achilles' heel - flat-faced dogs have problems with respiratory system, with skin without wool - often suffer from allergies, large pets are often diagnosed with diseases of the joints and bones.

Breeders allow various situations that affect the lifespan of dogs:

  • closely related crosses;
  • exclusion factor natural selection;
  • often the priority is the appearance of the offspring, and not health;
  • the life span of the progenitors of the offspring is not taken into account.

Dogs of breeds that are less subject to selection changes live the longest, medium in size, without features appearance. These are terriers, shepherds, huskies.

Great importance has a long-livers in the family. If the pet's parents have lived to a ripe old age, then he has every chance of long life. If we talk about numbers, then on average, dogs live about 12 years.

long-lived dogs

Despite the statistics and calculations, nature never ceases to amaze, the Guinness Book of Records confirms this. On its pages there is data on long-lived dogs that have survived the prescribed age by more than two times.