How long does a standard chihuahua live. How long do chihuahuas live at home? The oldest dog in the world

Miniature Chihuahuas give the impression of being extremely fragile creatures, but at the same time they have a reputation for longevity. There is an opinion that small dogs live longer than large ones. Is this really true and how long do chihuahuas live?

How long do chihuahuas live?

The average life expectancy of this breed is about 12-15 years. This is more than large dogs. In addition, with a combination of genetic predisposition and favorable conditions, the life span of this baby can reach two decades.

The age to which a pet will live at home depends primarily on the attitude of the owners towards it. An active life and proper nutrition is the key to the health and longevity of any pet.

Small dogs often have problems with being overweight. Too much food can shorten your pet's lifespan by as much as 5 years, which is quite a lot even at the maximum possible twenty. But a mini copy is unlikely to live up to such a period.

At what age does a mini dog become old?

In the case of Chihuahuas, dogs are considered to be older than eight years of age. Although even after this age, a small pet can live the same number of years. It is after the age of eight that special attention should be paid to diet, walks, visits to the veterinarian and other aspects of caring for an adult pet.

The most famous long-lived Chihuahua was named Megabyte. It is officially confirmed that his life span was 20 years and 265 days. Among unofficial information, there are data on dogs that have reached the age of 21 and even 22 years old. Even if this is true, such indicators are rare. It is much more likely that the Chihuahua will not catch its anniversary at 20 years old.

To find out and determine the age of a dog by human standards, you can use the following table:

How to prolong the life of a pet?

In order for a Chihuahua to live to a ripe old age, you must:

  1. Walk with your pet. Long walks in the fresh air will significantly prolong the youth of the Chihuahua. In this case, you should not constantly carry your pet in your arms.
  2. Make the right diet for the puppy. Representatives of this breed are recommended an increased protein content in the feed.
  3. Take good care of your dog.

Not only are they rightfully recognized as the smallest among dwarf dogs, but also the longest-lived. It is believed that The life expectancy of a Chihuahua is, subject to quality care, at least 15-16 years., and some of these babies are even able to cross the 20-year milestone. How to determine how long a miniature pet will live? Let's try to find the answer to this question, which is certainly of interest to any owner of a Chihuahua.

What affects the life expectancy of a chihuahua

As we found out, Chihuahuas live for at least 15 years under favorable living conditions, when they are protected from dangers and pitied. But even for caring Chihuahua owners, they may not even cross the 10-year threshold. Consider what factors affect the life span of these slender dogs:
  1. Genetics. To determine what the life expectancy of a particular Chihuahua dog will be, sometimes it is enough to look at its parents. The mother dog had a bunch of serious illnesses and died early? There is a possibility that her children will not live long either;
  2. Health status. In general, Chihuahuas are not sickly dogs, however, representatives of the breed often have heart ailments, problems with the skeletal system, vision, and breathing. Moreover, they are not always inherited. Naturally, the more ailments, the less the animal will live;
  3. The number of pregnancies in bitches. Those Chihuahua girls who give birth often, unfortunately, have a short age, sometimes they live up to a maximum of 8-10 years. By the way, those Chihuahuas who are simply kept at home during estrus, not allowing them to meet with a male, do not differ in long life. They also do not live so long due to hormonal and gynecological problems;
  4. Atmosphere at home. Chihuahuas are dogs with a fairly stable psyche. But if the owner treats the dog of this breed not affectionately enough (shouts, or even hits), spends little time with his pet, is away from home for a long time, then the Chihuahua can lose his nerve. That is, the more stress, the shorter the life span;
  5. Nutrition. Often the owners rush from one extreme to another. Some overfeed their dogs, others pour low-quality, poor-nutrient food into the bowl. The more incorrect the diet of a chihuahua, the worse the level of health, and hence the shorter the period of stay on Earth;
  6. Accommodations. It is clear that no one will keep such fragile dogs on the street, but there is a difference in which apartment the animal lives. A pet from a warm and draught-free apartment may be in better health than one who spends his days in a damp and cold house, whose walls are dotted with mold;
  7. Reasonable exercise. Owners of long-lived dogs unanimously claim that their pets lead (or led) a fairly active lifestyle. Naturally, a chihuahua does not need to be loaded like, for example,. But one should not consider them as home toys, constantly carrying them under the armpit. The less movement, the weaker the bones and muscles, the worse the heart works, the weight grows faster, it becomes harder to breathe;
  8. Place of residence. Unfortunately, fresh air, which is so scarce in megacities, is becoming a real luxury for both dogs and people. If we compare a rural (village) dog with the one that lives in a large city, then the former will have better health due to long walks in fresh, rather than polluted air;
  9. The weight category of the dog. The breed standard states that the weight of a Chihuahua should be 1.5 - 3 kg. But there are also so-called mini chihuahuas, whose weight often does not exceed 1 kilo. As a rule, these crumbs have a number of serious diseases caused by a weak skeleton, improperly formed internal organs. And sometimes mini-dogs live for a very short time, delighting their owners for about 5-7 years;
  10. Possibility of an accident. Chihuahuas, even in adulthood, are extremely small, let alone puppies. You can easily not notice them in the apartment at night, press down, sitting on the sofa, where the dog crouched. If there are kids in the house, it can be difficult for them to explain that such a fragile pet cannot be squeezed (tossed, wrapped, etc.). That is, the owner himself can shorten the age of a pet (albeit unconsciously), by injuring him.

Why Chihuahuas Live Longer Than Big Dogs

So, how many Chihuahuas live on average, we found out. But why these flimsy-looking animals can live as long as 15-20 years, and healthy dogs are sometimes considered old as early as 8-10 years old? The fact is that, firstly, the body wears out more likely. They move more intensively, spend more energy, performing the tasks of the owner. Secondly, big dogs sometimes die in fights, participating in fights with other dogs. And chihuahuas are more likely to play the role of pets, and domestic ones. Thirdly, in giant breed dogs, the short lifespan is genetically determined. It is believed that the aging of the body in them begins earlier than in. That's why a 12-year-old Chihuahua can still be playful and agile, while a mastiff of the same age will lie more on a cozy bed.

By the way, Chihuahuas and not only live for more than 15 years. Toy terriers, and, and, and are also considered centenarians. That is, those dogs whose weight ranges from 2 to 5 kg. But the Chihuahua still has the palm.

Those who decide to take a dog into their home begin to worry about a lot of questions, ranging from when and what vaccinations should be done, how the dog will get along with children, and many others.

One of the questions is what is the life expectancy of the chosen pet, or how long do Chihuahuas live. In fact, in a short time the dog becomes a full member of the family, and his loss will bring a lot of grief.

The dog breed came to Europe from Central America. By the way, its name coincides with the name of the largest state of Mexico, the historical homeland of these cute dogs.

  • Techichi dogs are considered to be distant ancestors of modern Chihuahuas. The breed was popular with local residents as early as one and a half thousand years before the beginning of our era.

There are many breeders in Central America today who do business selling these dogs to tourists from the US, China, Russia and the European Union.

The reason for the appearance of the Chihuahua was the Spanish conquistadors, who brought their pets to the mainland under the name - dogs.

  • The Spanish aliens were engaged in catching ship rats, which annoyed the sailors.

The fruit of crossing techichi and Chinese crested dogs and became a chihuahua. These dogs, which have a calm and docile nature, have gained popularity. The breed standard was developed and adopted in 1923.

Appearance Features

There is no description of the "correct" color in the accepted standard. Chihuahuas are small. At the same time, males have a denser kind of square body, girls are more stretched.

Dogs of this breed have a wide chest with rounded ribs.

The paws of the Chihuahua are straight, with small oval paws. Dogs of this breed have large, warm and dark eyes. She has a relatively small tail, it can be curved or slightly twisted into a half ring.

Subtleties of character

Dogs of this breed love to hide. She can crawl under pillows or ottomans. But the owner must know that this is not a fright, this is just a feature of her character. Chihuahuas have good stamina and are capable of covering long distances on a walk.

The dog is in good health. Long-haired Chihuahuas are calm and docile, unlike short-haired ones, who lead an active lifestyle and are wayward.

  • By the way, dogs of this breed do not always understand children and any movement of a child, it can be perceived as aggression.

How long will a Chihuahua live and what does it depend on?

Experience says that the average life expectancy of these cute dogs, at home, is about 12 - 15 years. There are also those who live up to 20 years. In comparison with a person, this is no less than 100 years.

How long a Chihuahua lives - it largely depends on the owner. The owner must provide appropriate care, measured nutrition and measured physical activity.

  • This will guarantee that these cute dogs will live long and active lives.

Why do you need to know how many years dogs of this breed live - in order to understand the measure of your responsibility for its fate.

The fact is that many take a dog into the house for children or lonely elderly people.

But, children grow up and lose interest in pets, it becomes difficult for older people to care for pets, before you take a Chihuahua into your home, you need to think about who can provide care for her for 10 - 12 years.

When does a Chihuahua get old?

Dogs, like people, go through the following stages of life:
childhood; youth; maturity; old age.

Cynologists believe that a dog under the age of five months is considered a child. In the second six months of life, the dog goes through the difficulties of adolescence.

  • In the second year, the dog reaches puberty. The second year of life falls on the dog's youth, and from two to eight years - the period of maturity.

Everything is individual, and a dog that has lived to this age can remain active and lively, or it can have a wide range of diseases and only a few teeth. The health status of a dog, the aging process, and much more is determined by lifestyle, proper care and of course genetics.

How to choose a puppy

Before you buy a puppy, you need to know a few simple rules.

  • First you need to find out how long his parents lived. What diseases they suffered from, it is important to know the diseases that can be inherited.

The appearance of the puppy's parents can also tell a lot. It must be understood that if they do not look the best, then most likely they cannot be attributed to long-livers.

Especially if they are overweight, such individuals live a few (3 - 5) years less. If the father does not have all the teeth, then this defect will be passed on to the descendants, as well as many others.

The main thing, of course, is the condition of the puppy. If he has a good appetite, his mouth is full of healthy teeth, then there is a high probability that the chosen dog will live a long life. And its content will not cause many worries either in childhood or in old age.

It depends on how many years a Chihuahua lives. It would not be superfluous to inquire about his pedigree, fixed on paper, and a list of vaccinations already done and only to be done.

Chihuahua Lifespan - Mini

According to experts, the smaller the dog, the longer it lives, but this does not apply to dogs of the mini category, that is, weighing about 1.5 - 2 kg. Their life span is about the same as that of their larger counterparts.

Dogs weighing about 1 kg live less. In fact, these are sick dogs and their life expectancy is 5-7 years. Even if the health of such a baby is in perfect condition, there is always a risk of injuring him, which negatively affects his health.

All varieties of Chihuahuas are dwarf dog breeds, which, according to statistics, are long-lived. Their lifespan directly depends on care, feeding, the psychological atmosphere in the house and a competent approach to breeding when it comes to breeding work.

The smaller the dog, the more attention it requires. The Cynological Federation distinguishes several types of Chihuahua, among which mini and standard are very popular. Knowing the breed characteristics and subtleties of care will help keep your pet healthy and make the most of its life resource.

The effect of housing conditions on the life expectancy of a chihuahua

The main advantages of keeping small dogs are the convenience of their transportation and moderate food costs. Their rather high life expectancy increases their rating as pets preferred for keeping in an apartment. But in order for the dog to live a full and long life, efforts must be made.

Despite the outward fragility and vulnerability, nature has endowed representatives of this breed with good health and endurance. Chihuahuas have genetic predispositions for certain diseases that need to be addressed in order to avoid problems.

On average, Chihuahuas live 15-17 years, but for smaller varieties of dogs of this breed, there are certain risks that reduce the lifespan.

Variety "standard"

The "standard" category includes Chihuahuas weighing from 1.5 to 3 kg. With proper care and feeding, these dogs live 14-15 years, but some individuals delight owners with a longer lifespan. There are cases when standard Chihuahuas lived up to 20 years.

The temperament of these dogs, their innate courage, natural curiosity and high mental abilities make it possible to teach the Chihuahua general rules of behavior and communication skills. Such a load is important for the health of the dog and affects the life expectancy.

Mini type

Chihuahuas weighing from 500 g to 1.8 kg are considered miniature. Such dogs live much less than their larger relatives - up to 10 years. Disease predispositions are the same for all Chihuahuas, but miniature breeds are at risk of death from injuries of varying severity due to careless handling.

Chihuahuas of all varieties have the same requirements for caring and feeding, but a mini-pet needs more careful supervision, including:

  1. 1. Careful handling, based on the knowledge of the predisposition of animals to diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Mini-dogs should not jump from a height, stand on their hind legs for a long time. Chihuahuas are very small, it happens that they fall under the feet of the owners, and this leads to injuries and even death of dogs.
  2. 2. Preparing younger family members for the appearance of a dog in the house. Children need to be explained that a chihuahua is a fragile creature and requires a careful attitude that does not allow rough games and carrying a puppy in her arms.

Miniature Chihuahuas are more prone to colds: this factor should be taken into account and protected from hypothermia.

The pink dream of our childhood is a shaggy pet for joint leisure, which at the same time becomes a devoted friend. Nothing prevents it from being performed in youth or maturity.

Chihuahuas are the best candidates for this. They are smart, fast learners, able to understand human emotions.

I would like to be in their company as long as possible, so the question of their life expectancy is relevant.

In contact with


How are they growing up?

It is generally accepted that their age range is comparable to ours in proportions of 1:7. Then a one-year-old baby, in terms of intellectual abilities and physical data, would be equated with a first-grader. In fact, the development of the dog is a little different than that of people.

This conclusion was made by American scientists as a result of many years of research into the behavior of dogs. They put together a comparison table showing the approximate number of years in terms of our life cycle. It turns out that:

  • A two-month-old baby corresponds to a 14-month-old baby.
  • At 1 year old, this is a teenager of 13-14 years old.
  • At 5 years old, this is a forty-year-old person.
  • After 10 years, a miniature creation is equal to pensioners from 65.
  • 16 years - a deep old age - 89 years.

They mature earlier than their counterparts. By 10-12 months, psychological and physiological maturation ends. Also, up to this point, the muscles and skeleton are strengthened. Growth stops at about 6-7 months. After that, they no longer increase in size, except perhaps due to weight.

How many years do they live?

Any owner dreams of a long contact with his pet. In a number of cases, a pattern works to increase the duration of the life path with a decrease in the size of the animal. But this doesn't apply to everyone.

miniature version

The super minis barely reach a weight of one kg. They have lower viability, high susceptibility to injuries and pathologies. They are burdened with various health problems.

It is unlikely that they can be recorded as centenarians. On average, it is 10-12 years if they have a special diet and competent content. Ordinary - in the range of 1.5-1.8 kg, they live perfectly at home until the fifteen-year milestone.

Average representatives

These include individuals weighing up to 3 kg. They delight with their presence for about 15-17 years. Sometimes there are pleasant exceptions to the rule - 20 years of being in a family with people. At the same time, not only living conditions affect longevity.

Much depends on genetics. However, an overfed paunch that can barely move its limbs is less likely to go "retired". Obesity takes up to 5 years allotted time, so it makes sense not to abuse harmful delicacies.

What to do to keep a sneeze alive for a long time?

You will form the first impression of this after you get to know the offspring. When visiting a breeder, be careful. Take a closer look at all the crumbs, choose from them the most nimble tomboy.

Take a closer look at the environment in which the cubs are kept. If there are no pungent odors in the room, there is space for games, this is a favorable environment for puppies. Then you can safely choose.

In the future, there is no need for long workouts to keep fit. It is enough to make sure that the four-legged comrade systematically moves, is on the street. You can not keep him all day on a leash or on handles. Movement within reasonable limits is only good. Ensure proper nutrition with the obligatory presence of protein in the menu.

Breed features

Those with whom handled with care. With small dimensions, energy consumption is high, so take the trouble to establish high-quality feeding for a gentle creation. Variety in the diet with small portions is the best option. Preferably veal, boiled lean fish, low-fat cottage cheese.

Even the tailed inhabitant of your house has a special fontanel on the crown of his head, like a baby. In this place, the cranial bones do not close. Only with us it overgrows over time, but with him it is far from always. This requires careful handling of the dog's head so that there are no injuries through negligence.

The slightest mistake increases the risk of serious harm. Therefore, you should not leave the Chihuahua alone with preschoolers, so that they do not injure him in the process of common fun or with close hugs.

What are they sick with?

Basically, they have strong immunity. Only with improper care or deviations in selection work do acquired or develop hereditary ailments bother. The fragility of the skeletal system also affects. So sometimes dislocations or fractures are hard to avoid.

If you want to be sure that your pupil will be healthy, take a genetic test. In rare cases, females have difficult childbirth. This is another weakness of theirs.

Get ready for the replenishment in the family in advance, see the vet to warn of a possible threat. In general, their vulnerabilities can be divided into several groups.

Defects associated with vision

They arise due to the fact that the eyeball is large, convex - this form contributes to the drying of the mucous membrane, which leads to its inflammation. Then the poor fellow sees poorly or runs the risk of going blind. There is also the possibility of developing glaucoma. Certain symptoms point to it:

  • redness of the eyes with frequent blinking;
  • pallor of the cornea;
  • itching, desire to scratch eyelids with a paw;
  • the presence of secretions;
  • the presence of ulcers.

To avoid complications, contact a specialist immediately.


Thin and tiny paws, combined with the complex structure of the joints at the knees, often cause injuries as a result of high jumps, a sharp fall, excessive load, or due to excess body weight. Then the doggie can dislocate the leg. Visually, this is manifested in lameness, tightening of the paws. This is accompanied by pain, discomfort during movement.

Malfunctions of the respiratory system

Characteristic for small or elderly individuals, as well as in the case of irregular physical activity. Sometimes it is a congenital pathology that occurs with a defect in cartilage tissue. Then wheezing appears, breathing quickens, asthma attacks occur, the animal coughs.

Preventive measures

Any deviations are easier to prevent than to treat. Good care is a guarantee of excellent well-being. Try to monitor the behavior and appearance of your ward. The loss of interest in food for more than a day, the rise in temperature, diarrhea, mucus from the nose, and profuse thirst are always alarming. This is a good reason to come for a consultation.

To avoid any problem situations, consider the following recommendations:

  • Because of your sensitivity to frost and hypothermia in inclement weather, only wear tight, waterproof overalls to avoid catching a cold or bronchitis.
  • Do not allow jumping from a closet or from a table, do not let him run for a long time or rely only on his hind legs. This is dangerous for the bones because they are easy to break or dislocate.
  • Stick to the routine. Sports should be normalized - its lack or excess is the first step to weakening muscle tone and heart problems.
  • Eat right, don't overdo the treats.
  • Watch your mouth. Brush your teeth, massage your gums, periodically introduce solid food into the menu.
  • Do not forget about deworming - once a quarter and about the annual vaccination.
  • Inspect the body, ears after each walk so that there are no ticks or thorns.
  • With natural feeding, vitamin supplements are required in accordance with the needs and characteristics of the four-legged comrade.
  • Get a medical check-up once a year.