The cat always has a dry nose. The color of the cat's nose has changed

What should be the normal nose of a cat or a cat? This question, one way or another, is faced by everyone who has sheltered a mustachioed miracle in the house. If a cat has not only a warm, but also a dry nose, does this mean that she is unwell? Or is it not a status indicator at all? Here it is important to take into account the fact that the dry organ of the cat's sense of smell in itself does not yet declare a 100% disease, although in combination with a number of certain signs, such an assumption takes place. So do not panic, but you will have to understand the intricacies - the first and important, by the way, rule.

Slightly cold and slightly slippery nose - normal condition for healthy pet. He often licks it, and the nose itself is covered with a specific secret that protects against environmental influences. For the cat family, the nose is a compass and a barometer. With its help, they catch smells, determine the direction of the air, the state of things, and simply orient themselves in space. And constant humidity is required for its normal functioning and sensitivity.

The cat has a warm nose - a variant of the norm

There are a number of reasons why the nose is dry and hot at the same time, but the animal is healthy and feels great. So why does a cat warm nose? And when is it a variant of the norm?

If the cat slept for a long time and just woke up after, his nose is quite warm. Many breeders have experienced this more than once. The reason for this phenomenon is quite simple: in a dream, the beast cannot constantly lick its lips. After a certain time, everything will return to normal, you just have to wait. This means that there is no need to worry. If the cat ran around tirelessly, like crazy, jumped, ran, played, or spent a lot of time in the sun in summer or near a heat source, such as a radiator, in winter, the nose could also dry out. We'll have to wait for a state of rest, and only then draw conclusions. When the room, on the contrary, is quite cold, the cat also does not burn with the desire to lick. And her nose will remain dry, but not warm. This is also normal and should not be cause for concern. Variants of the norm that provoke dryness of the nasal organ include dry air in the room, a state of stress or nervous strain. Then the condition of the pet requires observation. If after a while the balance is not restored, take the necessary measures.

How to measure temperature

But if the cat has hot ears and a warm and dry nose, then it is urgent to measure the body temperature. It's not at all difficult to do this. The cat has a warm nose - what to do? .
In adult animals normal performance range from 38 to 39 degrees, in kittens - a degree and a half higher. In hairless breeds and pregnant individuals, another half degree can be added to the norm. Everything above already requires immediate adjustment.

You can measure the temperature in three ways: ear, rectal and non-contact. Thermometers are used both mercury and electronic. The rectal method requires special skills from the measuring person. If only because the beast will have to be securely fixed, and then introduced into anus vaseline-lubricated thermometer. It takes time to get results. Not every cat will allow such manipulations with him. Although, as practice shows, only healthy individuals fight. A sick animal seems to understand that they are trying to help him, and therefore he tries not to interfere with the owner.

An ear thermometer is applied to inside ear while also holding the pet. But with a contactless device, everything is much simpler. It is enough just to bring it to the animal and hold it near the body for several minutes. Of course, with this method, a small error is likely, but you can turn a blind eye to it, given the simplicity and hassle-free measurement.

When a dry nose becomes a sign of illness

If along with the temperature appear concomitant signs ailments such as swelling or redness of the eyes, rapid heartbeat, unsteady gait, unnatural prolonged sleep, apathy, shortness of breath, skin rashes, inactivity, refusal to contact, diarrhea or foam from the mouth, or no appetite at all - these are signs that directly indicate the onset of the disease. In this case, you should immediately contact your veterinarian, and not self-medicate.

It is possible that the pet:

  • bacterial or viral infection;
  • cold;
  • indigestion;
  • poisoning;
  • dehydration;
  • nasal injuries;
  • inflammatory processes;

How can you help your beloved pet?

How to alleviate the condition of the beast in home environment? Firstly, under no circumstances should it be treated with human methods: ordinary paracetamol or any pharmacy antipyretic from the nearest pharmacy is contraindicated for caudates. Because they are not adapted for animals and can lead to the most unpredictable consequences, up to fatality. You can not try to lubricate the nose with ointments or just wet it. It is important to water the cat a little cool water spray from time to time or wipe with a damp cloth. An ice pack can be applied to the abdomen to temporarily reduce fever. Only a veterinarian can determine the cause of the fever. Respectively, necessary drugs and only he can prescribe treatment. So go to veterinary clinic should not be postponed.

Now it is clear to many: the cat has a warm and dry nose - this does not mean at all that she has a fever. Otherwise, the problem must be solved immediately.

Many of us cannot imagine life without our smaller brothers. At one point, our pets from just cats, cats and dogs turn into full-fledged family members. And if suddenly they get sick, the whole world becomes unkind to us, we worry, we think what to do to alleviate the suffering of a pet. Let's talk today about the nose of our household, as an indicator of the disease.

The nose is the organ through which the cat breathes and smells. If we consider anatomical structure spout in a simplified form, then it represents two nasal entrances - this is, in its own way, like ours, people, nostrils. They are separated from each other by thin cartilage.

If we continue our cognitive journey deeper into the animal's nose, we will find ourselves in a twisting labyrinth. Here, the cat starts the mechanism of selection and further processing of the aroma that interested her.

If the smell is not interesting to the animal, it no longer enters the organ. All this is very reminiscent of the work of a filter, after passing through which the odor molecules begin to act on certain cells, the function of which is to transmit information directly to olfactory center brain. This is where the final scent recognition takes place.

You have probably heard more than once that the cat's sense of smell is several times better than the human sense of smell, all this is due to the presence of a large number receptors in the animal's small nose.

What is a healthy nose

A healthy nose is, first of all, cold and slightly wet nose hic, perhaps it may even seem slightly slippery to you.

And it’s also worth considering that after certain activities, for example, active games or sweet sleep, the cat’s nose can be hot. Don't be scared, this is also normal manifestation healthy nose.

sore nose

But if your pet has been found the following signs it is best to contact a specialist immediately:

  • general malaise;
  • blanching of the nose;
  • very cold nose;
  • the color of the olfactory organ has changed (white, blue, red, yellowish);
  • hot and dry nose.

A pale and very cold nose are signs indicating such possible diseases, how:

  • systemic diseases;
  • hypothermia;
  • decrease in body temperature;
  • lack of appetite and as a result of this, the cat does not eat.

A white nose indicates a malfunction circulatory system animal.

The blue nose signals:

  • possible heart disease;
  • oxygen starvation.

A reddish and inflamed nose indicates the possible presence of:

  • all kinds of infections;
  • mechanical irritation.

How to treat dry nose

If your pet has dry and hot nose First of all, it is necessary to measure the temperature of the animal. This is done using a mercury or electronic thermometer placed in the anus of the animal. Normally, the temperature of cats varies from 38-39 degrees.

Do not self-medicate, it is best to contact specialists who will accurately diagnose and teach you how to properly treat the animal.

A dry nose is not necessarily an indicator of fever. So, for example, during hot weather, a kitten has a dry and warm nose, so if you watch the animal, you will see how it constantly licks its nose, thereby moisturizing it.

Why do cats clean their noses so thoroughly?

The presence of dirt on the cat's nose contributes to sharp decline cat's sense of smell.

Just imagine, if a person clamps both nostrils, what will happen? So in a cat, the nose is a multifunctional organ that provides full life animal. That is why we often observe how our pet cleans its olfactory apparatus with special diligence.

The color of the cat's nose has changed

If you notice a similar change in your pet, think about the age of your cat. So, for example, at old cat or a cat nose color change is normal.

Darkening of the nose in color-point cats is also considered normal; for them, such a change is typical when it gets cold outside. In cats of light tones, the nose turns pale when the temperature changes.

If your cat or cat is in the prime of life and her nose color has changed, it is best to consult a doctor.

Precautionary measures

Once again, I would like to remind you that the sense of smell in cats is fifteen times better than in humans.

Therefore, be extremely careful when using strong chemicals, as well as when applying, for example, perfume. Do it away from our smaller brothers.

Remember, the health of cats is in our hands.

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For obvious reasons, a dry nose in a cat is a concern for the owner. It is generally accepted that a healthy animal has a wet and cold nose, but this is far from always the case. Let's figure out how to distinguish between symptoms and normal variants. If your pet's condition is causing concern, it is better to take him to the doctor, but if you notice dryness of the cat's nose from time to time, you need to find out the reasons.

What to do to identify the disease? There are many methods, but none of them is based only on the moisture or dryness of the nose, so you should not panic in advance. You don't have to worry about your pet's health if most time his nose is wet and cold, but sometimes it dries up.

Note! The cat's nose may be hot and moist. This is explained by the fact that pets tend to lick their lips, including to moisturize the mucous membranes.

Let us immediately determine that a cold nose, like its humidity, is not a guarantee that the pet is healthy. To understand the reasons for the changes, you need to understand a little about the structural features of the nose of cats.

At adult cat, like a kitten, the nose is responsible for breathing and smelling. Hypothetically, a cat can breathe through its mouth, but full oxygen saturation in this case is impossible. Moreover, a cat that breathes through its mouth emits more loud sounds, which excludes the success of the hunt. Natural selection designed so that animals congenital pathologies nose or respiratory ailments, most often, die. If a wild cat there can be two causes of death - an infection or a virus, but more often hunger.

It is not entirely correct to say that the sense of smell is a vital "function of the nose", but it is partly true. A cat without a sense of smell is guaranteed to die in wild nature, because it will not be able to track down and catch prey.

You can write a lot about the structure of the cat's nose, this organ is so thin and versatile. If we don't go into details, The structure of the nose can be described as follows:

  • The outer part is the lobe and two nostrils.
  • The middle part is the nasal sinuses, separated by a cartilaginous septum.
  • The inside is a so-called labyrinth dotted with receptors that are irritated on contact with certain chemicals.

It's interesting that in the labyrinth there is a selection of necessary and unnecessary odors. If a cat sniffs, then all the receptors are excited. If the cat simply breathes through its nose, and the surrounding aroma is not particularly interested in it, the receptors are in a dormant state and the smell “does not pass” beyond the labyrinth.

When a cat sniffs the air, it is partially filtered in the sinuses. Irritated receptors create an electrical impulse that follows the nerve endings. By nerve fibers the impulse gets to the neurons of the brain, which process the information and give the return “command”. The signal received from neurons is sent to certain part brain responsible for smell. To put it very simply, this is how the air that the cat inhales turns into the smell that it feels.

A cat's sense of smell is stronger than a human's. Scientists give different numbers, some claim that cats are superior to humans (in the power of smell) by 7 times, while others say that by 14. In any case, it is difficult to measure the difference in this power ... or impossible, so we can only rely on theory. The cat smells even when sleeping, and all information is perceived as clearly as when awake. The only period when a cat's sense of smell does not work is during REM sleep, or REM.

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This superiority is explained by the number of olfactory receptors. If we compare the noses of a cat and a person, it is obvious that in a cat it is smaller, but there are more olfactory receptors in it. It is logical that a cat can catch even a scent that is barely perceptible to humans. It is known that tetrapods can smell prey that is at a distance of 150-200 meters and all this happens thanks to the air that carries the odor molecules.

Against the background of uniqueness and sensitivity, the cat's nose is very sensitive and fragile. Great amount nerve endings leads to any, even a very minor injury to the nose, is very painful for the animal.

It's time to figure out why wet and cold is considered healthy, but With. Inner surface The nostrils are lined with mucous membranes that constantly secrete lubricating fluids. In addition, the cat often licks its nose, which is also a moisturizing factor.

Few people know, but the secrets secreted by the mucous membranes literally attract odor molecules and hold them. When a cat sniffs, the mucous membranes work actively, and the nose is moistened. As soon as the cat has satisfied its interest, it licks its nose, thereby eliminating the secrets of the mucous membranes. Thus, the quadruped manages to maintain sensitivity, that is, not to allow smells to mix.

The temperature of the skin of the nose depends on the basal body temperature and blood pressure.. If the cat is very active, its pressure increases, which leads to an increase in the temperature of the nose. It should be understood that immediately under the skin of the lobe lies a very thick vascular network, which has the temperature of the blood. That is, if the pet is sick or its temperature has changed for other reasons, the nose will become hotter or colder.

Do not worry if the temperature of the cat's nose changes slightly during the day, this is normal, you can say, naturally. In almost all tetrapods, in the evening or during the period of activity, basal body temperature body increases by 0.5–1°. At rest or drowsiness, if the cat is not lying under a blanket, on a radiator, or in a ball, the nose may become slightly colder. This is explained natural slowdown in metabolism.

Dry nose - causes and effects

The owner who does not have veterinary education, it will be extremely difficult to determine the type of disease by dryness or moisture in the nose. Moreover, a qualified veterinarian will not rely on only one symptom in the diagnosis. If you want to understand what is happening to an animal, you need to capture and analyze clinical picture generally. We advise you to write down the noticed changes, if you do not figure it out yourself, your summary will serve as an anamnesis for diagnosis.

If you have no experience in keeping and treating animals, it is better not to risk it! If you feel unwell, contact your veterinarian. Perhaps your fears will be in vain, but it is better not to joke with the health of your pet. Over time, you will gain experience, will intuitively distinguish the mood and condition of your pet, but until this happens, be reasonable and contact professionals.

What to do if you suspect your pet is unwell but can't take him to the clinic? You can call the veterinarian and consult if the doctor does not see anything critical in the cat's condition, you will be required to follow the recommendations. Against the background of the prescribed treatment or observation, it is necessary to provide the animal with maximum comfort. For example, if a cat has a cold or has suffered from, a few days of rest and care will be the best medicine.

Important! Never use medicines from your first aid kit without a prescription from a veterinarian. Many of the "habitual" drugs that alleviate your condition during an illness can kill a cat.

Let's take a look at the reasons nose healthy cat may get dry. Naturally, this list is not complete, but it contains common, sometimes obvious, reasons:

  • A cat's nose can be dry and hot during sleep or immediately after waking up (within 30-40 minutes) - this is the norm.
  • If you notice that your pet's nose becomes dry and hot after playing or physical activity, no need to worry. Changes occur against the background of an increase in body temperature and blood pressure.
  • Hot weather, dry air, a poorly ventilated room - all three factors negatively affect the functioning of the mucous membranes of the nose.
  • A pet can have a very hot and dry nose if she sleeps next to or on heaters. Many owners have noticed this addiction in their pet, it is due to the conservation of energy. When a cat is very warm, she spends less useful substances to warm up your body.
  • Cats with a phlegmatic or melancholic nature can often have a dry nose, and this is normal. The less activity a cat shows, the slower its metabolism, therefore, the mucous membranes work with less activity. By the way, when the nose is dry, it will seem a little warmer than usual. This is due to the physical laws of liquid evaporation. When the nose dries, the area covered with moisture cools. If the nose is dry, there is nothing to cool it with.

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If you suspect your cat is unhealthy but rely only on the hot and dry nose rule, do yourself and your pet a favor and take a temperature check. The normal basal temperature of a cat's body is 1–2° higher than that of a human, that is, for you, a cat will a priori seem hot. If for some reason your blood pressure has decreased or your hands are frozen, the cat's nose may seem very hot, but (!) these are just your feelings. In questions that can be easily and unmistakably checked, it is better to rely on surveys, and not on intuition.

Are you experiencing any other symptoms other than dry nose? If the answer is no and low activity the work of the mucous membranes is not associated with external factors, it is likely that the reason is in poor health. However, do not panic, it is better to watch your pet during the day. The vital activity of the organism is provided by a multitude of synchronously operating systems. If one system goes out of its usual rhythm, the whole organism suffers.

Example: the cat overate, she began to have indigestion, the intestinal microflora suffered, the metabolism slowed down, the water-salt exchange decreased activity of the mucous membranes. All these violations will be eliminated without your intervention within 8 hours.

During the follow-up period, if your pet is really sick, symptoms are likely to appear:

  • An elevated temperature indicates an excited immune system, that is, a bacterial or viral infection.
  • If a cat has watery eyes, a dry throat and a dry nose, the reason may be either in the development of a virus or reaction, or in dry air. Analyze carefully environment if everything is ok, contact your veterinarian.
  • Appeared or, against the background of elevated temperature - clear sign viral or bacterial infection.
  • , her coat became dull and tousled - obvious dehydration, in which the disruption of the mucous membranes is quite expected.
  • The cat hides, does not make contact, eats poorly, tries to sleep more in the background normal temperature bodies - think about what could excite the pet, this behavior is typical if the cat is under stress.
  • The pet became irritable, active, began to eat more, the temperature is normal or slightly elevated - see if the cat sleeps and if it sleeps, then for how long. Hyperactivity against the background of irritability indicates, which is often caused by lack of sleep.
  • If, when measuring the temperature, you find an indicator above 39.5 °, do not pull, contact the veterinary clinic or bring down the temperature of the cat, following the recommendations of the doctor.

Very often the cause of concern for owners of cats and cats is hot dry pet nose . It is believed that the dryness of the organ of smell certainly indicates the presence of a pet disease. However, is this true?

Should a cat's nose be wet or dry?

A slightly moist nose is an indicator healthy well-being cats.

In normal healthy condition the cat's nose should be slightly damp and cold due to the fact that a certain secret of its mucous membrane constantly appears on the surface of the olfactory organ, and also because the animal often licks it.

What does a hot and dry nose mean (reasons)?

The temperature of a cat's body is different from that of a human. a couple of degrees higher . This fact can be misleading to the owner, and by touching the cat's nose and ears, a false alarm occurs.


Often, a cat's nose is dry on time or immediately after sleep.

However, false dryness and an increase in temperature may be present for several more reasons, finding which, you should not panic:

  • the animal is sleeping;
  • cat only after sleep;
  • long lying in the sun or near the stove or fireplace;
  • excessive heat in the house.

Such reasons are called domestic. As a rule, they are not associated with pathologies, and you should not worry. You should give the pet time to move away from sleep, place it in a cooler place and after some time check again.


Binge eating - common cause dry nose in cats.

Pathological causes of dry and hot nose and ears may be due to overeating, sedentary lifestyle, the presence of inflammatory processes, .

Signs of diseases and treatment

Checking the cat's nose.

by the most an alarming symptom in the presence of a dry and hot nose, along with hot ears, the lethargy of the animal, apathy, constant sleepiness, fast fatiguability, loss of appetite.

Must listen pet's pulse. If diseases are present, it will be accelerated. In this case, deep breathing is observed, possibly.

The dilation of the pupils in a pet, along with an increase in body temperature, is an alarm signal of a cat's illness.

Depending on the affected disease, it may manifest itself:

At warning signs it is necessary to try to examine the mucous membrane of the animal.

Should be explored fullness Bladder to rule out pathologies genitourinary system. Carefully look at the animal's excrement for an uncharacteristic consistency, impurities, worms. And also examine the urine for the presence of blood, mucus, changes in color and smell.

Establishing diagnosis

Starting treatment for a pet, you should make sure that the diagnosis is correct.

Most frequent pathologies associated with an increase in temperature of an inflammatory nature. When stomatitis is diagnosed, treatment should begin immediately. The affected oral cavity is recommended to be treated with disinfectants. To do this, it is permissible to use a solution baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, a weak solution of potassium permanganate, furacilin.

You can moisturize with douches. Wounds and ulcers lubricate Lugol's solution with glycerin, methylene blue. With multiple lesions, the use of antibiotics is indicated - oxytetracycline, erythromycin. For general support and accelerate healing - vitamins.

Discharge from the nose

If concomitant symptoms are nasal discharge and established diagnosis rhinitis, first aid will be flushing warm water, removal of dried crusts. Medical treatment prescribed by a veterinarian.

Therapy of diseases of the digestive system

When diseases occur digestive tract in a cat, the veterinarian will also be able to draw up effective scheme treatment.

Therapy of diseases digestive system will depend on the specific pathology. The general purpose will be the use of a course of antibiotics to avoid complications in the form of other infections, anti-inflammatory drugs.

Treatment aimed at eliminating symptoms: antiemetics, antispasmodics, painkillers,. Mandatory use of a sparing or starvation diet, depending on the disease.

Availability accompanying symptoms in the form of difficult urination indicates the development of pathologies of the pet's genitourinary system.

Each owner should have No-shpa in the first-aid kit in case of emergency.

With blockage of the urinary canals, therapy will consist of the following components:

  • antispasmodics - no-shpa, atropine sulfate, papaverine;
  • sedatives - rovatin, sodium bromide;
  • analgesics - analgin, aspirin, paracetamol;
  • disinfectants for the genitourinary system - biseptol, bearberry decoction;
  • diet.

At severe course- catheterization.


Schematic representation of urocystitis.

Not less than dangerous disease may be urocystitis. First aid - warmth and peace. At elevated temperature it is strictly forbidden to warm the groin and stomach of a cat.

The next step in treatment is a diet in the form of vegetables, cereals, broths, free access to drink.

Drugs used for urocystitis: antibiotics, sulfanilamide, analgesics, antispasmodics. In severe cases - washing the bladder through catheterization.

cat cold

Often, dryness of the nose is explained, but the danger from such a disease should not be discounted.

A sluggish animal is a sponge that absorbs various side infections so colds need to be treated.

  1. You should immediately provide the cat with a calm, dry and warm place.
  2. get drunk warm drink, can be heated milk.
  3. Warm compresses and heating pads only in the absence of temperature.
  4. To improve blood flow in the superficial skin vessels, you can apply a light massage of the entire body of the animal.
  5. Treatment is symptomatic. If lacrimation is observed, it is acceptable to use antiseptics, for washing the eyes - potassium permanganate or furatsilin.

Novocaine solution with adrenaline, ethacridine, tannin, solution boric acid, zinc sulfate. Assign nasal drops in the form of a solution of methanol with fish oil. In parallel, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, vitamins are used.

Is a kitten's dry nose normal?

Why does a kitten have a dry nose? Is this normal or a sign of illness? When to worry and what can cause dry nose in cats.

Normally, a cat's nose is cool and moist. This is due to the fact that the cat often licks it, in addition, the nasal mucosa secretes a moisturizing liquid, which has protective properties. A dry nose in a kitten can be a sign of illness, but there is no need to worry about this ahead of time.

When not to worry

A warm nose in a cat can be for purely physiological reasons:

  • in a dream;
  • immediately after sleep;
  • in a hot room;
  • with a sedentary lifestyle.

In these cases, with an increase in the activity of the pet, its nose is moistened.

Worse, if a kitten has a dry nose is a symptom of the disease. Then the dryness of the mucosa is noted constantly, regardless of the mobility of the cat and external conditions.

Dry nose as a sign of illness

If the cat has a hot nose and ears, be sure to measure his temperature. Normally, in adult cats, it should be in the range of 37.7–39.4 ° C (average 38.6 ° C). An increase in body temperature indicates infectious disease. Often the disease is accompanied by other signs - lethargy, refusal to feed, increased thirst. Sometimes the only symptom of an incipient disease is that the cat "cooks". Do not ignore this behavior, as any infection is easier to treat in the beginning.

A bad sign is dryness of the nose in combination with mucous or purulent secretions from the nostrils and eyes, hardening in the form of crusts. They are characteristic of acute viral diseases feline - rhinotracheitis, calcivirus infection, panleukopenia (distemper of cats). Remember that cats are not people, they do not get colds and mild acute respiratory infections. Any discharge from the nose is a reason to seek veterinary care.

An increase in body temperature occurs when the animal overheats - thermal or sunstroke. The cat is lethargic, her heartbeat is rapid, superficial. Take the animal into the shade, moisten the nose, ears and paw pads cold water provide peace and fresh air.

A dry and warm nose in a kitten may be due to dehydration due to vomiting or diarrhea. In this case, you will need solutions that replenish fluid in the body. If the kitten drinks well and does not feel sick, then you can give them inside, and in the case of incessant vomiting, you need to give injections or put a dropper.

The cat's ear itches and she shakes her head at the same time - what could be the problem? - about this in the article.