Boric acid: treatment for humans, method of application, harm to humans, indications, recommendations. Boric acid - instructions for use

Doctors often advise rinsing sore throat solution furatsilina, soda or salt. A properly prepared solution softens the mucous membranes, kills up to seventy percent of germs and reduces pain. And with purulent it is recommended to gargle weak solution manganese.

You will need

  • furatsilin, baking soda, iodine, manganese, warm water


Buy one pack of furacilin at any pharmacy kiosk. This is, but very effective. Take a simple faceted glass or any other mug and grind one or two furacilins in it to a powder state. It is most convenient to knead the tablets with a wooden or metal crush or two deep spoons.

Pour the resulting powder hot water. It is important that the water is hot (about sixty degrees Celsius) so that the crushed tablets dissolve faster and better.

Let the furacilin solution cool down to almost room temperature (so as not to burn the already irritated oral mucosa) and insist. The solution should be warm then it will also warm up the inflamed upper part- tonsils.

It does not matter if you did not find furatsilina. Replace it with plain baking soda. Pour into a glass of warm boiled water and pour one tablespoon of soda there. Carefully move the contents of the glass and you can safely gargle your throat. Recommended during the day about twenty times.

Other ingredients (salt and iodine) can be combined together. Pour into a glass of warm boiled water, add a quarter of a teaspoon baking soda, one teaspoon of salt and drip seven drops of iodine. Frequent rinsing is also recommended.

What is boric acid for, you will learn from this article.

Where is boric acid used?

Boric acid was discovered in the first half of the 18th century. and it immediately became very popular. The chemical element It has antiseptic properties, therefore it has found its application in some industrial areas. Boric acid is a flaky, colorless powder that is odorless and can dissolve in glycerin, water, alcohol, mineral acids and salts.

Applications of boric acid:
  • Medicine

IN medical practice it is used for its antiseptic properties and is used as a non-irritating and mild disinfectant. It is produced in the form of ointments, powder, aqueous or alcoholic solutions and is used for local application.

Boric acid is effective for gum disease, inflammation of the mouth, for washing wounds and eyes. It helps to cure chronic and acute otitis media, eczema, diaper rash, skin diseases.

  • Agriculture

A chemical element is essential for the life of plants. If a boron deficiency is found in the soil, then farmers use boron microfertilizers for the soil. They increase the yield and resistance of plants to diseases, improve the quality characteristics of products.

This chemical element is the main component in the composition of lotions for oily skin. Sometimes boric acid is added to baby powder. She happens to be excellent remedy from blackheads, blackheads, freckles and pimples. In folk medicine, boric acid is used to treat barley on the eye - it is necessary to apply warm compress to the site of the disease.

10043-35-3, 11113-50-1


, Orthoboric acid

In English

Empirical formula

Group on site

Chemical grade

Preparative form

Penetration method

Action on organisms

Application methods

Click on photo to enlarge

Physicochemical characteristics

Boric acid is colorless crystals. At temperatures above 70 ° C, it loses water with the formation of first metaboric acid HBO 2 (at 107.5 ° C), then B 2 O 3 (at 160 ° C). Soluble in many organic solvents, water. In nature, the mineral sassoline; also contained in thermal waters.

Boric acid is a weak acid, displaced from salts even by carbonic acid and hydrogen sulfide.

physical characteristics

Action on harmful organisms

For the purposes of medical, sanitary and household pest control. Registered preparations based on boric acid are intended for the destruction of cockroaches and ants in residential premises, in medical and children's institutions, at enterprises Catering, in warehouses, in stores, as well as in the practice of medical pest control.

Toxicological properties and characteristics

Warm-blooded and humans. For white rats, when injected into the stomach, 50 = 3.5-4.0 g / kg. Chronic exposure dust (24.4-48.6 mg / m 3, 4 hours a day for 4 months) causes an increase in blood cholinesterase activity in rats, a decrease in urine pH, moderate leukocytosis, increased secretion amino acids. At 9.6-11 mg/m 3 the changes are less pronounced.

The substance enters the human body by inhalation in the form of vapors or aerosols.

For an adult lethal dose when through the mouth is 15-20 g, for children 4-5 g. Boric acid, used in aqueous solutions or powders, penetrates well through damaged skin (eczema, cracks, burns), while causing severe poisoning, especially in children. In the list of diseases of workers employed in the production of boric acid, the first places are occupied by diseases digestive organs and upper respiratory tract, pustular diseases skin.

Boric acid and soluble borates are almost completely rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Boron in the blood is evenly distributed between plasma and erythrocytes, quickly passing into tissues. Approximately 10% of the dose is found in soft tissues(mainly in the liver, brain and adipose tissue). In the brain, boron after boric acid remains for several days. In the liver, boron forms a complex with carbohydrates. Up to 50% of the injected amount of boric acid is found in the bones. Boron compounds are mainly released through gastrointestinal tract, and boric acid is almost completely excreted in the urine. The normal content of boron in the urine is 0.715 mg/l, in the blood - up to 0.8 mg/l. When the content of boron in the blood rises to 40 g / l and above.

Hazard classes. According to the degree of impact on the body, boric acid belongs to moderately hazardous substances (hazard class 3).


Not so long ago, boric acid was used to fight ants and cockroaches. In the literature "for housewives" one could find numerous recipes based on it for insect control, which are still used at home.


  • Sugar and borax are dissolved in hot water, jam or honey is added to the cooled solution. The bait is placed in small dishes in places where ants are usually seen. It is necessary that the bait is inaccessible to children, birds and pets;
  • mixed hot water, glycerin, borax, sugar and honey. The mixture, stirring, is heated until the borax and sugar are completely dissolved. Such bait does not dry out and does not deteriorate for several months. It is applied similarly to the first method;
  • mixed chopped meat with finely ground borax (2 tablespoons and 0.5 teaspoons). You should not increase the amount of borax, as it will act deadly on the ants after they transfer the bait to the anthill and feed the whole family with it.

Against cockroaches.

Almost in every home pharmacy During the Soviet era, boric acid could always be found. Colorless, slightly shiny powder, which is dissolved in alcohol or water. What is it?

Acidum boricum (genus Acidi borici)- latin, international language(English) - Boric acid, in Rus' it is also called orthoboric acid.

The history of the discovery and use of boric acid dates back to the 18th century.

Frenchman Dumas, shortly after the article (1865) of an English surgeon on antiseptics, was described antiseptic properties boric acid. Its plus was the absence of smell, taste and irritation of the treated surface. That is why orthoboric acid began to replace potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide and other commonly available drugs already known in medicine.

But today, the antiseptic has lost its popularity, as some rather serious contraindications for its use have been clarified. We will describe the dangers of use later.

Extraction and use of boric acid

There are not so many reserves of boron in nature. IN pure form it can be found in the composition of sassoline, hot springs, brines and mineral waters, in the processing of minerals containing boron.

Spheres of application of boric acid in everyday life, in production.

This irreplaceable substance is actively used:

  • in the manufacture of enamel products;
  • in the manufacture of some paints;
  • in the manufacture of artificial diamonds;
  • in the manufacture of glass;
  • in the manufacture of candles;
  • in the manufacture of cast iron;
  • boron-containing mixtures are used for feeding crops;
  • used for the preparation of various solutions in laboratories;
  • used to create weak acid environment when working with photography;
  • boric acid is food supplement fixed as E284;
  • 2% solution is used when alkalis get on the skin
  • used for rubbing floors for better glide;
  • used for soldering gold-containing alloys in the manufacture of jewelry;
  • used as a connecting element in the lining of furnaces in industry;
  • at nuclear power plants as a neutron absorber dissolved in the coolant;
  • for the purpose of medical, sanitary and household pest control.

Application in everyday life and medicine

In addition, recipes for the use of boron-containing agents in the fight against insects are widely known, because the effect is comparable to poisoning. There are recipes for cockroaches and red ants. Gradually accumulating in the body of an insect, a preparation containing boron disrupts digestion. Organ destruction occurs cellular level. And after 8 or 12 days leads to the death of the body.

The sterilizing effect of boron-containing preparations on the above-mentioned insects is also noted. These two directions of action of drugs enhance the effect and lead to the complete destruction of cockroaches or ants.

Consider the most common destructive recipes:

  1. To kill ants, you need to dissolve sugar and borax in boiling water. You can also add some honey. If you do not have honey, then it is best to replace it with jam or jam. After cooking, the mixture is laid out in a small bowl and placed near the cluster of ants. It is important that access to utensils be limited, as this mixture can also be dangerous for pets and children. In addition, glycerin or even minced meat can be added to the mixture. If you use minced meat, then the proportions should be as follows: two tablespoons of minced meat to half a teaspoon of borax.
  2. If necessary, the destruction of cockroaches must be used dry powder. This powder with boron is scattered in hard-to-reach places, but where cockroaches usually "sit": these are pipe shafts, near the refrigerator and the trash can. Be sure to wash these mounds in a couple of days wet rag and repeat the process a week later.
  3. IN folk recipes you can find this mixture egg yolk mixed with boric acid, the mixture is laid out on squares of cardboard so that it would be easy to remove later. This bait is left for 14-20 days.

Use it only for the treatment of adults.

The dangers of boric acid

Since boric acid has no taste, smell and irritant effect, it was considered harmless. But later, for a number of reasons, the application was limited. The fact is that only a small amount of boron is broken down in the human body. In other cases, the use of a boron-containing preparation can lead to serious poisoning. A acute poisoning affects brain cells, mucous membranes and skin. Constant contact with borax leads to damage to the blood and germ cells of the body.

It is these nuances of use that excluded boric acid from the list of safe medical products.

Its application in childhood and for pregnant women, it is an unjustified and unnecessary risk.

So, in 1881, the first fatal poisoning of a child was recorded, and already in 1905 there were twenty-two such cases.

The dangers of using boric acid for women in labor and babies were described not only by Soviet pediatricians and surgeons, but also by foreign luminaries. For example, in England, a case of convulsions was recorded in baby after using a solution of borax in glycerin for the treatment of thrush in the mother. Thus, since 1966 in Europe they began to check the presence of boric acid in the blood serum of a child admitted with incomprehensible symptoms. Among these symptoms are intestinal disorder, inflammation of the brain, combined with fever and rash.

In the territory Soviet Union this drug and other boron-containing preparations were forbidden to be used in the “Mother and Child First Aid Kit” only in 1987.

Apply boron-containing drugs for conjunctivitis, otitis media, eczema (including weeping eczema), dermatitis, pyoderma, diaper rash, colpitis; pediculosis (the presence of lice), exacerbations of neurodermatitis and psoriasis.

Dosage forms of boron

Dosage form of application of boron are diverse. Let's consider them. So:

  1. In the form of an ointment for external use. Among the ointments, which include boric acid, boric vaseline can be called, as well as, for example: Teimur paste, which is used as effective remedy to remove the smell of sweat; boron-zinc liniment is used for various diseases skin; naftalan paste is used as an antiseptic honey. means.
  2. In powder form for external use. This is the salt of boric acid, or as it is also called borax. Use it for rinsing, washing and inhalation of the upper respiratory tract. In some cases, this powder, together with other ingredients, is used for rinsing the mouth;
  3. A solution for external use is prescribed for washing eyes, wounds, rinsing cavities, for lotions or from acne. For these purposes, apply water solution from 1 to 4%, respectively, the appointment of the attending physician;
  4. Alcoholic solution for external use consists of ethyl alcohol and boric acid. It is used at a concentration of 0.5-5% as antiseptic in case of burns, ear drops, with the formation of cracks and dry skin.

Toxicological properties and side effects

For a person, boron-containing agents are not dangerous if they are used in accordance with the doctor's prescriptions. In no case should you allow the intake of boric acid or preparations with its content inside. Such drugs increase the risk of intestinal upset, the appearance of problems with the respiratory tract.

The lethal dose for an adult when boric acid enters through the digestive organs is 15-20 g. In a child, this dose is much less - 4-5 g.

Among the contraindications to the use of boron-containing drugs are hypersensitivity, impaired renal function, pregnancy, infancy(up to 1 year). Also, ointments and other drugs with boron are not prescribed for injuries. skin more than 40%.

Side effects

Side effects of the use of boric acid and other products containing boron can sometimes be nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, skin rash, headache.

In case of an overdose, exhaustion of the body, stomatitis and eczema, tissue edema, impaired menstrual cycle, anemia and seizures. In such cases, urgent medical attention is needed. The danger is that boric acid is slowly excreted from the body, which can cause irreparable harm to human health.

But, unfortunately, in spite of such dangerous readings for use, boric acid continues to be used in folk medicine, in light industry, in cosmetology. For example, it cannot do without most of detergents and bleaches.

If you still continue to use such substances, then when choosing them in the store, read the composition. You can take a slightly more expensive, but more harmless detergent. In addition, do not forget that even when using gloves, you are already allowing this substance to seep into the ground, into the water supply, and remain on your clean and “breathing” freshness underwear and clothes.

This is direct contact with your body. After all, this chemical element, along with many others, enters the cells of your body.

That is why it is not only necessary to know the danger of individual elements, but also to distinguish them in a “safe” environment, to limit their use and use in everyday life, in cosmetics.

Before use medical preparations, V without fail, you need to consult a doctor. The Internet is a storehouse of information, but it is not qualified medical worker, which can accurately determine doses and equivalent substitutions. If you have an allergy or any other reaction to a prescribed drug, the doctor will be able to provide all the necessary assistance to save your life.

But, unfortunately, boric acid remained a “home remedy”. It still continues to be used in home first aid kits instead of alcohol or ear drops. And in everyday life we ​​are faced with medicinal and cosmetic products, powders, soap, mineral waters containing boron. And few people, when buying “necessary” hygiene products, think about their effect on our body.

Therefore, it is important not only to be aware of the dangers of using such elements, but also to prevent their entry, even in small doses, into the body at the cellular level. Be carefull!

Video on the use of borax and boric acid

To date, the market pharmacological preparations is extremely wide, for this reason it can be quite difficult to find a drug that provides the necessary therapeutic effect. In this regard, from a huge list medicinal products, it is necessary to highlight a special product that allows you to implement complex treatment most diseases. This article will focus on a very simple and well-known substance that is used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology, as well as household is boric acid.

What is boric acid composed of: composition

Boric acid is pharmacological agent, which can be presented both in pure form and as a solution. In the original version, boric acid has the form of a transparent crystalline powder without any pronounced qualities, having chemical formula B(OH)3.

However, in medicinal purposes most commonly used water alcohol solution, which can be implemented in various proportions. Boric acid powder is sold in small paper bags, and the solution is in containers of different volumes, depending on the type of solvent used to create a pharmacological product.

Methods of using the drug in medicine

Boric acid is used for medicinal purposes both in the form of a solution and a powder. A particular product is used effectively not only as a topical agent, treatment of wounds, douching, but also as an oral preparation. It should be noted here that the component is well absorbed through the skin and quickly penetrates into the bloodstream, providing a complex antiseptic action. At the same time, using the drug for different purposes, you need to carefully read the instructions, since the method of using the drug in each individual case may be different. For this reason, we present a list of situations in which the use of boric acid will be most effective.

How to drip boric acid into the ear with severe pain

Despite the fact that some people doubt whether it is possible to drip boric acid into the ear, it is quite safe and very effective procedure. This remedy is used to treat ear canal infections, otitis media, and is also used for severe pain in the ear. In order for the healing process to be as effective as possible, it is necessary the right way use boric acid, in connection with which the entire therapeutic process is presented below in stages:

  • it is necessary to clean the ear canal from sulfur, for which hydrogen peroxide is used, which must be injected into each ear five drops;
  • now with a cotton swab should be removed from ear canal excess moisture, after which you can start treatment with boric acid;
  • boron solution must be held in the hand for several minutes so that the liquid acquires body temperature, and then throw back the head and enter into sore ear 3 drops of acid;
  • after instillation, you need to spend at least 10 minutes in a prone position with your head thrown back, and then invest in auricle a piece of cotton wool, which will allow you to remove excess funds;
  • during the day, it is necessary to make from three instillations as part of a weekly treatment course.

How to make a compress on the ear with otitis media

Compresses for otitis media are an integral part of the treatment, which allows you to increase blood flow to the sore ear, resulting in therapeutic effect implemented much faster. In order to carry out the procedure, you will need to prepare gauze, which must be rolled up in 4-6 layers to get a flap with a size of 10 by 10 centimeters. This gauze cloth must be soaked in boric acid diluted in alcohol, after which an incision is made in the center of the fabric lining so that the ear passes into it.

It should be remembered that a film is applied on top of the boron compress, which does not allow moisture to evaporate. From above, the two-layer construction is insulated with a towel or woolen scarf. A warming compress must be kept for half an hour as part of a four-day treatment process.

Using an eye treatment solution

Boric acid is an effective therapeutic and prophylactic agent that helps to prevent and get rid of most ophthalmic diseases of infectious and viral etymology. A particular tool is used especially often for the treatment of conjunctivitis and inflammation of the retina. To carry out the procedure, it is required to lower the face into a container with a solution, so that the eye is immersed in the liquid, after which it is necessary to blink in boric acid.

In this regard, below we offer information on how to dilute boric acid for eyewash:

  • you need to purchase boric acid in powder;
  • it is necessary to prepare boiled or distilled water;
  • for 300 milliliters of liquid, you need to put a teaspoon of dry raw materials, then mix the ingredients well and proceed to treatment.

How to use for smelly and sweaty feet

As is well known, the main cause of bad smell coming from the feet are microbes. These microorganisms settle and actively multiply in a humid environment, for example in sneakers, if they have been left wet from precipitation or sweat for a while. For this reason, in order to say goodbye to the smell of feet and shoes forever, you need to dry your sneakers and shoes well, and then put one or two sachets of boric acid into them, leaving them overnight. In the morning, the powder must be poured out of the shoe, after which it can be worn again, since boric acid will kill all microorganisms and destroy the smell.

Toe and nail fungus powder

If the skin of the feet, as well as the nail plates, is affected by the fungus, you can use a simple remedy, which, in essence, is not antifungal drug, however, provides excellent therapeutic result, namely boric acid in powder form. Boric acid is used to carry out the healing process as active substance for baths.

To carry out the procedure, you need to draw a small amount of water so that it covers all the affected areas into the pelvis, and then pour 2-3 teaspoons of the described drug into it. The contents of the container should be mixed until it is completely dissolved, after which you need to lower your legs into the bath and keep it for 20 minutes. This procedure should be done every three days until complete recovery.

Boric acid in cosmetology

Since boric acid has a number of useful properties for the body, it is used not only in the form medicinal product but also as a cosmetic care tool. This tool can be used within the framework of cosmetology for various purposes, depending on the problem. Basically, with the help of boric acid, they clean the face, disinfect, correct age-related changes, as well as therapy for dermatitis and other skin rashes.

Acne Facial Recipes

Best for caring problematic skin use in its pure form, which is not only able to reduce the amount inflammatory processes on the skin of the face, but also to cure the causes of rashes.

  1. To get started cosmetic treatment it is necessary to treat problem areas of the skin with a cotton pad soaked in a solution of boric acid before going to bed (at night).
  2. You should not carry out the procedure more than once a day, so as not to overdry the integument.
  3. It should be noted that in the first days after the use of boric alcohol, the number of rashes may increase - you should not be afraid of this, because after a week the result will be noticeable.

Boric acid for hair removal

Boric acid is used for cosmetic purposes, not only to combat acne on the face, but also for depilation. chemical agent. It was determined that boric acid has a special effect on hair follicles, depriving them of nutrition, after which, over time, the follicles begin to die. In this case, fragmentary or complete disappearance of vegetation from the treated area can be observed. Depilation is carried out in the form of a two-week course, within which the drug is applied topically every day, which allows you to get rid of hairline, but only if there is no irritation on the treated area.

Why is boric acid harmful to humans?

It must be understood that boric acid is not the most useful product for the human body, but by and large, nothing particularly terrible can happen in the process of its use. The most dangerous thing that happens from time to time as a result of the use of boric acid is poisoning. Most often, children suffer from this, and therefore it is forbidden to use the product in question in childhood. Symptoms of poisoning have a similar picture as in the classical food poisoning, but with more pronounced manifestations.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

The tool in question does not a large number contraindications, but it is better to refuse its use in the following situations:

  • ulcerative skin lesions, as well as open wounds;
  • period breastfeeding and pregnancy;
  • kidney disease;
  • increased sensitivity of the integument;
  • allergic reaction;
  • children's age up to five years, etc.

How to use the tool on the farm

On the farm, boric acid is also in great demand, since it is an effective poison from cockroaches, ants and other unwanted guests. In addition, it is an excellent antiseptic and microfertilizer, which is described in more detail below.

How to poison cockroaches with boric acid

To prepare them, you will need to mix potatoes with an egg in equal proportions, crush them, pour a tablespoon of mayonnaise into a container, or vegetable oil, as well as one teaspoon of boric acid powder. All components are thoroughly mixed, and then molded from the finished mass small balls and laid out in places of potential residence of cockroaches.

plant application

Boric acid solution is excellent tool foliar nutrition of plants.

The described composition is required to be sprayed on leaves and flowers, as a result of which flowering, fruit formation and plant life are enhanced. In order to cook necessary remedy, it is required to dissolve in ten liters warm water one gram of dry boric acid, and then proceed to weekly plant fertilization.